THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. JULY 2; i870; 5 ILLINOIS. The C'sm-rlruf tnnl I'.lrrilen Tn-itny Maine of FuiKMinrntnl t hnnffr 1'rapoaeil.. To-day an election 18 bclnp held In Illinois on t'ue question of adopting or rejecting the new constitution framed by the convention recently in pension. Some of lae proposed changes in the fundamental law of tlieJand aro of more than ordinary impoitance, as will be seen from the following summary: THE Kll.h OF KltiHTS. The Hill of Rights provides, in addition to the pre sent bill, tbat no person shall be denied a ay civil or political rights on account of his religious opinions ; tn it grand juries may be abolished v law, and that no irrevocable grant or special privileges shall be passed by the Legislature. - . EI.IfllBILITY. No pet son convicted of bribery, perjury, or other Infamous crime is eligible to any otllce oi profit or trust in the Mate. The present constitution con tains no provision npon the subject. .Members or the Legislature are reguired to swear ttiat they have not paid any bribe to secure their election, and that tney will not take or accept any gift or bribe for any vote or influence, they may give or withhold for any oillcial act. The present constitution is silent upon the subject. ArroKTioN.MEier. The Legislative and Senatorial districts are to be apportioned according to population, nnd all coun ties having three-tilths of a ratio are entitled to at least one representative. Provision is male agaiost grrrymnviiermii. No such provisions in the present Constitution. , AIM'ROrKIATIOKS. No appropriation is permitted lu any private law, and bilia making appropriations fur t ho pay of any oitice shall not contain any other provision. There Is no provision on this subject In the present Consti tution. No money can be drawn from the State Treasury except in pursuu nee of law : and no money ullowed" to te diverted when onee appropriated. This is to prevent the practice of, tlte Legislature In making appropriations by law, and then diverting the monev to some other obteot by resolution on which the yeas and nays aro not taken. BELKASB OF l'EBTS PUB THE STATIC. Tlte Legislature shall not release or extinguish the Indebtedness, liability, or obligation of any corpora tion or individual to thf state or to any municipal corporation therein. Tills is a new provision, in tended to provide against an existing abuse. K.XTKA COMI'BNSATION. The Legislature is forbidden to grant or authorize extra compensation, fee, or allowance to any public officer, agent, or contractor, alter service has been rendered on u contract made. There is no existing provision on the subject lOANING STATE CREDIT. The State shall not loan its credit, nor in any manner become responsible for the debts or liabili ties of corporations or Individuals. No such provi sion in the present Constitution. EXTENDING TERM OP OlrlCK. No law shall be passei' extending the term of any public otllcer after his election or appointment. No sirailiar existing provision. MINORITV REPRESENTATION. The State is divided Into Senatorial District, with a provision that each District elect one Senator and three Representatives. Kach voter is to be entitled to as many votes as there are Representatives to be t'hoBen; and he may divide his votes among candi dates as he may se-5 lit; that is, he may east the the three ballots for one person, or may divide his votes among the several candidates. This provision is new, and is to lie submitted separately. SPECIAL LEGISLATION PHOllllllTEn. Twenty-three classes of subjects are enumerated upon which the General Assembly mav not legis late, and to still further abridge special legislation it is provided that no special law shall be enacted in cases where a general law can apply. Some of the above provision are of the most desirable character, and it would bo well if the people of this State could have an oppor tunity for voting npon similar propositions, especially those ailectlng legislation. Alto pether, the proposed new constitution appears to be an admirable one; and, jndin? from the voice of tbo press, which seems, without dis tinction of party, to bo almost unanimous in its favor, it is reasonably certain that It will bo adopted. tii itujis. Fntihe Linen Suits fob Fivb Dollars. Entire Linen Suits for Five Dollars. Kutlre Linen Suits for Five Dollars. Alpaca Sacks. Drap d'Kte Sacks. l inen Dusters. White Duck Pants. Fancy Linen Pants. W hite Duck VcsU. Wbite Marseilles Vests. Fancy Linen Vests. Drap d'Ete Vests. All kinds of Summer (.nothing bet er in Cat, Make, and Fit than any other stock of Keady-Made Cloth ing In Philadelphia, and sold at prices Guaranteed Lower than any other. Half way Bennett fc. Co., between Tower Hall, Fifth and SSi.vtu streets. MS Market Street. Pkeskkvk the Health, and Comtokt ok your Children by using Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge for the removal or "Worms, the restoration of the ap petite, debility or the stomach and digestive organs, and in all cases where a general tonic is needed. This old-estaiiiif hed remedy will be found sure and sure in its action, pleasant to the taste, and a most useful auxiliary in maintaining the general health. Sold everywhere. Small size, r,; cents; double size, wi cents per bottle. A Hint to those Purchasers or Clothing who desire to Save Two Dollars. There are some houses that are making a great noise about offering Cheviot Suits for Twelve Dollars, and think they are ottering very cheap at that. We are selling the very same goods, the only difference being that ours are much better cut and trimmed, made for Ten Dollars. We Invite the public to examine and satisfy them selves of this fad. ItocKHii.L & Wilson, Nos. C03 and 605 Chesnut street. A MENAGE to th. Ladies. It is not necessary to coat the faded fibres with filth, or to sum the skin, in order to renew In yonr blanching ringlets the lustrous hue of their prime. I'hai.on's Vitalia, or Saltation for the Hair, as clear and transparent a fluid as that which sparkles in yonr cologne bottles, effects tne change more satisfactorily than any other preparation in tho world. Mr. William W. Cas-sidy, laie jeweller at No. 28 Soath Second street, has one of the largest and most attractive stocks or all kinds of Jewelry and Silver ware in the city. He has also on hand aline assort ment of line American Western Watches. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are certain to get the worth of their money. Many, Many Years. Mrs. AVinslows soothing f Svrcp for children teething has stood the test of many years, and never known to fail. It Is perfectly reliable and hurmless. It regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic and griping in the bowels, softens the gums.reduces inflammation, and allays all pain. Perfectly safe in all cases, as millions oi mothers can testify. Noun is invited to the pleasant excursions up the river on the Fourth of July in the tine steamers John A. Warner, from Chesnut street wharf, and the Edwin Forrest, from Arch street.- The Warner leaves at " A. M. and a o'clock P. M. ; the Forrest at h A. M. and 2X P. M. Fiw who have Ever Tried the American Ilorsi, Boston, are tempted to leave that pattern hotel for any other. I' riurrv Kwuttva Uirnlx'Fl. Tan dollars oaah. tlanca la monthly instalments. O. F. Davis. No. 810 Oheanut sUmI NfW Style Picxrar. Ths German Chromos made by A. K. P. Trabk, No. 4U N. Eighth street. Tney must be aeen to bs admired. iriAitltiEn. Donn Doank. on the Roth ultimo. b the Rev. T. A. Fernley, Paxtor of Eleventh Street M. E. Church, Mr. Lewis K. Dunn to Miss Mast Jam doanb, both of this city. iii:i. Coleman. June 80, Cironoi Harri? Ch.kman. aged nine mouths, only child of George D.. and Net tie Coleman. Funeral on Sunday. July 8. at 4 o'clock P. M.. from their residence, No. vmos Spring Garden street. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend. Mills. On the 2d instant. Mr. John Mills, aged C9 years. The relatives and friends of the family, also Mount Mortal! Lodge, No. ls. A. Y. M., are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 1C1'2 Alder street, on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Vernon Cemetery. Richards. Suddenly, on the With ultimo. Mr. Launc'Klot Richards, youngest son of the late James and Ann Kicnarus, in the 48th year or his age. The relatives nnd friends of the family ar respect fnllv Invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence. No. 1310 xliitchlnson street, above Thomp son, on Sunday morning at lo o'clock, without fur ther notice. To proceed to Mount Moriah Ceme tery. Thompson On the smh ultimo. Mary 3- second daughter of Ambrose W. Thompson. Townphnd. On the ?.oth ultimo. Mrs. Mary, re lict of James Townsend, aged 67 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, No. I'fts N. Second street, on Sunday after noon at 3 o clock, r imerai services to be held at the Second ISaptist Church. To proceed to Gienwood Cemetery. Elt. on Sixth-day afternoon, the 1st Inst anL at her residence. No. tit N. Nineteenth street, Ann L., winow oi v iiunm i.iy, in tne svut year oi has age. Her relatives and friends are Invitod to attend the funeral, from Plymouth Meeting House, Montgo mery county, on First-day, the 3d Instant, at 4 o'clock P. M. TO SUMMER TOURISTS. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. NEW ANi ATTRACTIVE ROUTE 10 H SUMMER TOURISTS TO Northern Pennsylvania, Interior New York, Buffalo, Rochester, Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes and the West. Also to Wiillamsport, Wllkesbarre, Scracton, Hchoo- ley's Mountain, Allentown, Manch Chunk, and all points in the Lehigh, Wy oming and Susquehanna Valleys. Novelty, Comfort, Speed and Fine Scenery are the aiiracuons oi ims route. The attention of Summer Tourists is asked to tills new and attractive route, nassinz through tlte varied scenery of the Lehigh, Wyoming and busquehauna valleys, o'lering uomrortaoie cars. Excellent Hotels and Rapid Transit to the numerous points of interest namea aoove. FIVE DAILY THROUGH TRAINS At 7-35 A. M., tMB A. M., 1'45 P. M., Jt-20 P. M. and 5W1'. m. (Sundays excepted), FROM PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER STATION, Corner of BERES and AMERICAN Streets. Tickets for BUFFALO. ROCHESTER. NIAGARA FA1 L8 and the WEST may be obtained at Otllce, No. SU CUJtSNCJT Street. ELLIS CURE, General Agent. Tickets sold and Baceace checked through to principal points at MANN S NORTH PENNSYLVA NIA BAGGAGE EXPRESS OFFICE, No. 105 South j: if Tit mi ecu una COPARTNERSHIPS. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXISTING between HECTOR TYNDALE, E. P. MIT- c li hi. I., and janes t. h ulc, under tnestvie or TYNDALE, MITCHELL &. WOLF, is this day dis solved oy ine ueatn oi dames -r. won. IIKUTOK 1 I M DALE. E. P. MITCHELL, Surviving partners. Philadelphia, June SO, 1870. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a partnership, HAROLD TYNDALE being admitted to the firm, which win hereafter be known as TYNDALE. MITCHELL U CO., and as hereto fore will be engaged in importing ana dealing in China, Class, and Earthenware, No. 707 CHESNUT btreet, iMiuaueinnia. uelttuk tiimjjaj,k. E. P. MITCHELL, HAROLD TYNDALE. Philadelphia, July 1, 1370. 7 1 2t NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION THE COPART nership heretofore existing between JAMES W. BOYD and SAMUEL R. EVANS, under the Arm of BOYD A- EVANS, Note Brokers, is this day dis solved by mntual consent. Any business of the firm will be settled by either partner. SAMUEL R. EVANS WILL CONTINUE THE business at No. SI S. THIRD Street. JAMES W. BOYD will continue the business at No. IS S. THIRD Street. JAMKS W. BOYD. Philadelphia, June SO, 1870. S. R. EVANS. 1 1 St" "TOTIC E. THE COPARTNERSHIP OF THE JL undersigned, under the Firm of THOMPSON, CLARKE A YOUNG, is this day dissolved. Either partner will sign in liquidation. R. N. THOMPSON, EDWA.RI) 8. CLARKE, JAMES T. YOUNG. Philadelphia, July 1, 1S70. 7 1 Ot INSURANCE. PROVIDENT Life and Trust Co. of iiui.aii:i.iiiia, Office-No. Ill South FOURTH Street. Organized to promote Life Insurance among mem bers of the SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Good risks of any denomination solicited. Policies already issued exceeding xi 3ii i.i.i s or DOLLARS. This is a PHILADELPHIA COMPANY, and en titled to the special confidence of the community. PERFECT SECURITY. LOW RATES. SMALL EXPENSES. PURELY' MUTUAL LOW RATE OF MORTALITY. , These conditions enable a company to give advan tages which cannot be surpassed. Policies issued on the Non-Forfeiture Plan. Statistics show that the average mortality of Friends is nearly 25 per cent less than that of the general population. 2 12 eos55p A LOW RATE OF MORTALITY HAKES CHEAP INSURANCE IN A MUTUAL COMPANY. EDUCATIONAL.. I.DGEHILL, MERCHANTV1LLE, N. J., WILL BE -'opened for SUMMER BOARDERS from Jnly 1 to September IB, 1S70. The House is new and pleasantly located, with plenty of shade. Rooms large and airy, a number of them communicating, and with first-class board. A few families can be accommodated by applying early. For particulars call on or address REV. T. W. CATTELL, 7 1 Mercbantvllle, N. J, C ROQUET IN GRBAT VARIETY. Rock Manle Crotmet only 13f0. Four.QUlres of Paper and four packs of Envelopes, stamped, la a neat double box, only 100; by mil, One (0lre of Paper and one pack of Envelopes, StUUiPC'tl, OUl) M CeUlS. J. LlKllllU, Stationer and Card Engraver, C S'.wstu 9mi No. fePUlNU UArtDEttf blieet, NEW PUBLICATIONS. KEW B0OK8 OF THE SEASON, FtltLISHKD FT HARPER ft BROTHERS. New York. 1 tlfSent bp Maf!, iottyt prrjHiUI, U anp pnrl of the I'nifed .Vftf, on rtrtipt 0 the price. ROBERTSON'S SERMONS. Sermons preached at Brighton bj the late Rev. Fkbdkku k W. Rorkrt son, the Incumbent of T-lnliy cbapeL New Edition. With Portrait on Steel. Complete in One Volume. Crown 8vo, CUtb, $2 -00, THE HISTORY OK HORTENSF, Daughter of Jose- pnine, vueen 01 iiouanti, Mother 01 rsapKieon 111. By John S. C. Abbott, Anthor of "Che Fn nch Revolution," ''History of Napoleon Bonaparte," etc. With Engravings, lfinn. Cloth, tl no. Vni- form f ith AOl'titt' lllwtrat'd UinUineH. BAZAR BOOK OF DBCORUM. The Care of the Prson, Manners, Etiquette, and Ceremonials. l6mo, Toned Paper, Cloth, Beveled Edges, $lm CHRISTIANITY AND GREEK PHILOSOPHY; or, tne Keiation oetween spontaneous and Reflective Thought in Greece and the Positive Teaching of ( hrlt and Ills ApostleB. By B. F. ('ockkh, D. I)., Professor of Moial and Mental Philosophy la the University of Michigan. Crown 8vo., Cloth, THK LIFE OF COUNT BISMARCK, Private and Political. VUtn Descriptive Notices or his An cestry. By Dr. Gkorok Ukskriel. Translated and Edited, with an Introduction, Explanatory Notes, and Appendices, bv Kknneth K. H. Mac kknzis, F S. A., F. A. S. L. With upward of l0 Illustrations, svo., Clotti, I3-O0. MEMOIR OF THE REV. JOHN SCUDDER, M. D., 1 nirtv-siX lears .Missionary in India. Hv Rev. .1. B. Watkrbuky, D. D. With Portrait of Dr. Scud der. 12ino, Cloth, W&. SELF-HELP; with Illustrations ol Character, Con- duct, and Perseverance. Ky Samvki, Smii.ks, au thor of "The Llle of the Stephensons," 'History of the Huguenots," etc. A Revised and Enlargod Edition. I'Jino, Cloth, $1-00. niSTORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. Bv John W. Dhai-kk, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Che mistry and Physiology in the University of New Y ork. In Three Vols. 8vo, Cloth, la-M) per vol. THE ANDES AND THE AMAZON: or. Across the Continent of South America. By .1 amks Ohton, M. A., Professor of Natural History in Va3sar Col lege, Poughkeepsie, N. Y"., and Corresponding Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. With a New Map of Equatorial America and numerous Illustrations. Crown Svo, Cloth, J'i . TENNYSON'S COMPLETE POEMS. With numer ous Illustrations nnd Three Characteristic Por traits. New Edition, containing several Poenis not hitherto included in the collected editions of his writings, and with the Idyls of the King arranged in the order indicated by the author, iotn Thou sand. 8vo., Paper, 50 cents; Cloth, tL FRESH NOVELS, rCSI.ISHEO BV HARPER & BROTHERS, Mew York. STERN NECESSITY. By F. W. BoniNSON. AHthor of "Poor Humanity," "Mattte: a Stray, ' "For Her Sake,'' "Carry's confession," "No Man's triend," etc. 8vo, Paper, 60 cents. GWENDOLINE'S HARVEST. By the author of "Canyon's Year," "One of the Family," "Found Dead," "A Beggar on Horseback," etc. 8vo. paper, 25 cents. PUT YOURSELF IN HIS PLACE. By KKADK, antnor or "iiaro uasn," "uniiitn Gaunt," etc. etc. From the author's early sheets, HARPER'S OCTAVO EDITION of "Put Y'our self in His Place." With all tlin Illustrations, including the characteristic Vignettes not to b found in any other American edition. Paper, 7S cents; bound in cloth, $1-25. HARPER'S DUODECIMO EDITION of "Put Yourself in His Place." Uniform with the Boston Household Edition of Charles Reade's Novels, and bound In green-niorocco Eng lish cloth, to match that edition. Illustrated. Price, SL El?" A 11 Harvey Kditiong of "J'ut VmirMelf in iria Place" art I Uuntrated. THE VICAR OF BULLHAMPTON. By Anthony Tkoi.i.oce, Author of "The Bertrams," "Castle Richmond." "Framley Parsonage," '-Orley Farm," "Small House at Allitigton," etc. With illustra tions. 8vo, Paper, $l-2!; Cloth, 81-75. MISS VAN KORTLAND. A Novel of American So ciety. By the Author of "My Daughter Elinor." 8vo, Paper, tl. BENEATH THE WHEELS. By the Author of "Olive Yarcoe," etc. 8vo, Paper, 50 cents. BAFFLED ; or, Michael Brand's Wrong. BvJitlia Goddard, Author of "Joyce Dormer's Story," "The Search for the Gral," etc. Illustrated. Svo, Paper, 75 cents. TOM BROWN S SCHOOL DAY'S. Bv AN Oi.D Boy. New Edition. With numerous Illustrations by Arthur Hughes and Sidney Prior Hall. Svo., Paper, 60 cents. Author of "Barbara's History," "Half a Million of Money," "Ai lss uarew, " etc etc. illustrated, bvo., paper, 75 cents. A BRAVE LADY. By the Author of "John nallfax, Gentleman," etc. With Illustrations. 8vo., Paper, 11-00; Cloth, 110. n JU8TKEADY, WITHPKOFU8E ILLUSTRATIONS AND ENTERTAINING CONTESTS, THE JULY PARTS OF TBE SUNDAY MAGAZINE. GOOD WORDS FOR THE YOUNG, AND GOOD WORDS, For sale by all Periodical Dealers. For Prospec tus, Club Rates, etc., address the Publishers, J. B. LIPriNCOTT A CO., 71 St ' PHILADELPHIA. ORGANS. CHURCH AND CHAPEL ORGANS, Warranted Unexcelled and Hatis- factery to 1'urcliawers, ' COSTING FROM $650 TO SiOUO EACH. With good Seoad'had Orgnns for sale, an i Oream of lay size boilt to ordw by WM. R. D. SIMMONS & CO., No. ISO CHARLES Street, Boston, Ma,. St. Stephen1! Episoopil Church, and the Third Ra- foimad Church. Tenth btreet, Philadelphia, contain Or gasajof our recent make. 6 11 e'imrp MEDIOAL. DR. VAN DYJCK'S TONIC AND PURIFYINQ BITTERS Is every ir here ack no wlotlged to sta nd unequalled ami unrivalled as a Tonic and Purifying Remedy. It is the only remedy in the world that will positively and permanently core Dyspepcla. It Is a pnre Tonic, composed of the concentrated juices prepared with a true knowledge and conception of tne requirement oi me ouuittu ajraieiu. duiu vy ttu oruggists. Boienetor. 6 26 12mrp No. lOSti RACE Street. CUTLERY) ETC. JODGERS A WOSTENHOLM'S POU1UET KNIVKS, Pearl and BU handle, and beanUfal finish Bodcere. and Wade A Butcher's Kaxon, andthecelav b rated Ieooaltre Raxeri Ladiae Btiiaeora, la caaee, el the fineet qnaliti Rodger Table Cutlery. Carvers and Forks, Baaor Btropa, Cork Sorewa, Kte. Ear lnatrnmente, to aaaiat the heaving. 1 ot tie meet approved 00 nit ruction, at P. MADEIRA'S. Mo. 1U TENTH Street, below Obeenai MEDIOAL. FHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Bheuaatlsm SpecUlly Treated Thirty Sevan Tears. Chronic Rheumatism, $lC00paid. Inflammatory Ubeumatism, $2)t)0 paid. Neuralgia in the Head, JIKK'O paid. Articular Rheumatism, 1000 paid. RUenmatiam in Kidneys, $:i)(X) paid. The above amounts will be panl to any person producing any medicine. InternaL External, Vegetable or Minora!, hat can bring forward as many living, genuine, permanent cures aa DIt. TITLER S VEGE TABLE RHEUMATIC REMEDY, the pre scription of one of Philadelphia's oldest regu lar physicians and professors. It is positively the only standard specific before the public, being composed 01 pure and Harmless vegeta ble ingredients solely, containing no minerals, poisonous vegetables, or injurious drugs. It is warranted, under oath, to have permanently cured ninety-five in every hundred case? treated in tho past four yeare, a result un paralleled in tne annals of medicine. To pro tect snflerera against imposition, deception, quacks, and injurious nostrums prepared by nnhkiltui, uneducated, and unsoientmc hands, a printed legal form of guarantee, containing name of patient and exact stated quantity to cure, properly signed and sealed, will be given to every patient desiring it, without extra charge, and in case of failure to cure the money refunded. All sufferers should ex amine the plan of guarantee, which insures a positive cure, or costs nothing for the trial., The safety of this offer, made by Dr. Fitler. ' is insured to him only by the merit and in fallible curative power of this remedy. Names and referenced of incurable cases, where the money paid has been refunded in full, given at Dr. Fitler s onice, where the diploma of Dr. Fitler, received from the University of Pennsylvania A. D. 1833, is subject topublio inspection, with the diploma from the Medi cal Institute, 1833, and the additional vouch ers of his professional skill as a Physician and Professor of Chemistry, together with letters and testimonials of leading physicians, cler gymen, judges, senators, bankers, merchants, etc. etc. Dr. Fitter's Vegetable Rbeumatio Remedy cured H. A. Droer. Wo. 714 Chesnut street: also lion. Judse Lee. of Claniden, with 17.1MJ others. Dr. FiUr's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cored David G. Walton, M. !., Seven! b Btreet, below Race, lie recom mends the remedy highly. Dr. Filler h Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured the Rev John HtocKoa, Onmdi-n, N. J.; a vory severe case. Dr. Fitler'e Uthce, No. 2K 8. Fourth street. Dr. Fitter's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured Hn. (1. Boyd, No. HUH 8. Fi'th ; also Airs. Simmons, No. 337 Dillwyn street. Never failed. Dr. Fitter's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured Hon. William li. Elliott, No. t4 N. Seventh. Endorses and recommends it. Preparea No. 89 8. Fourth street. Dr. Fitter's Vegetable Rheumatio Remedy cured Hon. Alderman Comly, Twenty-third ward, Franltford. It is the only specitic ever discovered. Dr. Fit ler's Vegetable Rheumatio Remedy cured Mrs Lontz, No. I'M 8, Kighth street : also Mrs. Biohardson, No. IffiS 8. Fourth street. Dr. Fitler'e Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured of Rheumatism the wile of Rev. Mr. baggs, Falls of Schuyl kill a seveie oase. Dr. Fitter's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured A. J. Oolton, No. 110H N. Third. A chronic case; tried every thing without benefit. Dr. Fitter's Vegetable Rbeumatio Remedy cured A. K. Milton, M. D., a celebrated Raitiuiore physician, consi. dered a hopeless case. Dr. Fitter's Vegetablo Rheumatio Remedy cured Theo dore Davisoon, who resides No. 136 N. Eighth street; also Samuel Cohen, No. 24u N. Eighth. Dt. Fitler'B Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy cured the witeof Rev. Mr. Uavia, Hightstown, N. J. A wonderful, unexpected cure. DR. FITLER'S VEGETABLE RHEUMATIO RE MEDY is warranted, under solemn oath, to have permanently. curea mnctv nve vases in every nunarea treatea. ANOTHER CURE BY WRITTEN GUARANTEE. Mr. Shock, No. 1034 Columbia avenue, cured of Rheu tnatisin by Dr. Fitter's remedy. No care, no pay. A NEW CURE AND A GREAT CURE. William Weyland, No. 1433 Brinton street, (Seventeenth ward, cured ot Rheumatism by Dr. Fitter's remedy. A CURE. FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS. James Hinas, Forty-first and Market rtreota, W. P., cured of Rheumatism by Dr. Fitter's remedy. A GREAT OURE.-GO AND CONSULT HER. Mrs. K. C. Barton, corner Clinton and Henry streets, Camden, of Rheumatism, by Dr, Fitler'e remedy. A GREAT CURE OF RHEUMATISM. John Weckerly, No. HIS Buttonwood street, cured by Dr. 1 it ler's Rheumatio Remedy. No cure, no pay. NEURALGIA. A remarkable core. K. Griffith, No. 700 Kessler street, a very severe chronic case, cured by Dr. Fitter's Remedy, No. -8 b. Fourth street. STUBBORN FACTS-RHEUMATISM CURES. Griffin Saively. No. 229 George street. Sixteenth wrd, cured by Dr. 1'itler's ltemedy. RHEUMATISM. (.FORGE ELLIOTT cured, Frankford ; considers it wonderful remedy. RHEUMATISM. Mrn. BACON cied. No. ftiH MARKET Strcot, Camdm, by Dr. FITLER, No. !tt 8. FOURl'U htrr-t. i RHEUMATISM. Mr. SHOCK cured, No. 1U34 COLUMBIA Avemte, by written guarantee RHEUMATISM. 8. ( ZIMMERMAN cured, No. 1748 MARSHALL, by Dr. Fli LEU'S Remedy. Dr. Fitter's Rheumatic Remedy has the following ad vantages: First It is purely vegetable, and warranted not to con tain mercury, uoldiicuiu, minerals, metals, or auytlung in jurious to the system. Second H is prepared from the original prescription of Doctor Joseph f. rilier, a gralnat f the University of Pennsylvania, and now one of our oldest piaeusing pujki cians. Third He baa made these diseases his specialty, and spent a lifetime in preparing oor iolallible remedy. Fourth A limited stated quantity is warranted in every case, and it it iaiis to cure tiie money is reiunuea. Medical advice to Rbeumatio sufferers given daily, from 11 until 4, without charge. No other disease prescribed for. Advice sent ty man wituoui cnarge. lepot ana Oir.ce No. 2 S. FOURTH Street. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Sutterers from these painful complaints have only them selves to blame if they permit theiv frames to be tortured, when a sovereign cure like Dr. Fitter's wonderful Rheu matic Remedy is within such easy reach of even the humblest in the land. As to its curative properties in rbemnatism, gout, and neuralgia, no one, who is not wil fully blind, can entertain the shadow of doubt. Thou sands of the worst cases known to the medical faculty have been cured by it, and hundreds of the certificates given in its favor are from judges, lawyers, physicians, merchants, tradesmen, etc, in our very midst, who are livine- evidences of its miraculous power. It is sold every where, an d rheumatic and neuralgic sufferers owe it to themtu1'' waea tiial of I virtues, . we FIFTH SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE JSuIn: IVoav X7itlij- IiiniiLjunttel--Irices Reduced. In Order to reduce onr Isrge Stock Of Parasols. Hsnrmprchlofn, Shirt Front., Corwts, White Goods, inuMqaiiu rtcv, omrrru kiubuuh, ana KID GLOVES. Largsst assortment ia the city. We endeavor to keep a run assortment during all seasons of the year. Kid Gloves, tlto. Kid Gloves, 11-30. Kid Cbtl dren s Kid Gloves; Gents' Kid Gloves; all A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, Imrorters or and Sole Agents for the Bartley and La Belle Kid Cloven, No. 23 North EIGHTH Street.. W." T. SN0D CLOTH D HAVE REMOVED TO NORTHWEST CORNER NINTH AND MARKET STREETS, July 1, EXCURSIONS. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. BI'liCIAL IVOTlCli:. CAPB MAY EXCURSION TICKETS sold SAT URDAY, Tnly 2, are good to return TUESDAY, July 5. 7 1 2t W. J. SEWELL, Superintendent. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSiaN mn riA-OTi tvtatt SV WAAdh M AVASMSSdSia ' BY STEAMER ARUOIVSMITH, On Saturday, July 2, from Arch Street Wharf, at 9 A. M, Return on Monday from Cape May at s A. it Fare for the Excursion, Including carriage hire 13-00 To return by Railroad on Monday. 4-00 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS. Excursion Tickets will be issued by this Company from Philadelphia cn July 2, 8, and 4, to BETHLE HEM, DOYLESTOWN, QUAKERTOWN, SELLERS VILLE, EASTON, ALLENTOWN,- and MAUCH CHUNK, good to return until July inclusive. Also to WILLIAMSrORT, WLLKESBARRE, and 8CRAN T3S, good to return for two week.v See time table In another coLunn. ELLIS CLARK, AGENT. t ::o 4t FOURTH OF JULY AT TB SEA. SHORE, VIA CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD TO ATLANTIC CITY. Trains leave VINE STREET FERRY on SATUR DAY at 8-00 A. M., 8-00, 8-30, and 4-15 1'. M. On SUNDAY at 8-00 A. M. MONDAY, 8-00 A. M. and 3-30 and 4-15 P. M. The 2-00 and 3-33 P. IVL trains RUN THROUGH IN B.OUR8. Excursion tickets, good from Saturday morning, July 2, until Tuesday morning, July 5, inclusive, 1300. To prevent crowding at the ticket otllce at Vine Street Ferry, tickets have been placed on sale at No 623 CHESNUT Street. 6 24 8t D. H. MUNDY, Agent. pOR CAPE MAY. On and after THURSDAY, June SO, the steamer ARROWSMITH will leave ARCH STREET WIIARB1 for CAPE MAY on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS at 9 A. M. Returning, will leave CAPE MAY on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS at 8 A. M., stopping each way at Chester and New Castle. Fare, $3-96, Including carriage hUv. Servants, tl'60, " " Children, fl'20, " " " Horses, carriages, and freight", taken at reasonable rates. The ARROWSMITH is a flae, commodious steamer, and is fitted with every requisite for the safety and comfort of passengers. . GEO. H. HUDDELL, C. TAGGART, 6 29 lot m wftf No. 62 N. DELAWARE Avenue. T17KST JERSEY RAILROAD J COMPANY. V NOTUK. The WEST JERSEY KAILKOID COMPANY will run au excursion to CAl'U MAY. July 4th, last lioat leaving JMarket street wharf (upper slile) at 6 A. M. Keturnlug, leaves ape May at 6 P. M. Ess. cursion laie, f .'. WILLIAM J. NKWKLl., It Superintemleut. Fans. Emhr-1f.iMp. Toa nnrula nnqlerv. nirri Piques, French Muslins, Plaid Muslins, TarUtau. Gloves', 11 - 46. Kid Gloves, n-so. Kid Gloves, kinds of Kid Gloves. a w GRASS & CO;, EALERS, 1870. EXCURSIONS. CAMDEN AND AMDOY AKD PHILADELPHIA. AND TRENTON EAILR0ADS. Fourth of July Excursion for Iffew "York. excursion licuetn, i lor ti.e 1 I it i mi UVHUU JLI'ap. I Will be Bold from Philadelphia far all tralus of si. 3d and 4th JULY, Good to return from New York July4, e anl 6, by i any 01 tne trains except New York and Wasli- t lngton Through Lines. W. H. CATZMER, 71 2t AGENT. GRANDEST FOURTH OF JULY Excursions. The greatest Revolutionary Relic in existence is the old English man ol-war Augusta, sunk in the Delaware In 17T6. Thia frigate has been raised, and is now on exhibition at Gloucester Point, N. J., with her equipment of war, consisting of cannon, swords, guns, shot, captain's . quadrant, anil other relics, Included In which are tallow candles in a perfect state of preservation, after lying at the bottom of the Delaware river nearly 100 years. At the time of her capture, General Howe, with the brltlsh army, had possession of. Philadelphia. This frigate was coming to his assist ance with supplies, when a well-directed shet from Fort MIrilin caused her to sink, with all onboard. Extra steamers, with first-clasa accommodations, plenty of ice-water, etc., will U-ave South street wharf every few miouteffdurlng the day. N. B. The wood of this ship, making splendid, canes, can be had on board. it DAILY EXCURSIONS UP THE DELA ware to Beverly, Burlington, and- Bris tol, touching at Riverton, Tosresdale, and Andalu sia, by the splendid steamboat JOHN A. WARNER, leaving CHESNUT Street "W harf at S o'clock P. M. Returning, leaves Bristol at 4 P. SL, and arrives In Philadelphia about 6 P. M.. Morning trip down from Bristol at 6-65 A. M. Evening trip up from Philadel phia at 6 P. M. On Sundays leave Philadelphia at i P. M. Excursion tickets 40 cents. Eaoh way 85 cents. it SUNDAY EXCURSIONS BY THE splendid steamboat JOHN A.WARNER. Leaving CHESNUT Street Wharf at IX o'clock. and Megargee's Wharf, Kensington, at 8 o'clock: P. M., foe Beverly, Burlington, and Bristol, touching at Riverton and Andalusia. Returning leaves Bris tol at 4 o'clock P. arriving at Philadelphia about 6 o'clock. Morning trip down from Bristol at 815 A. M. Evening trip up from, Philadelphia at & o'clock P. M. Far Excursion 40 cents. Each way 80 cents. ' It s-lw STEAMER EDWIN FORREST, for Trenton, will leave as follows: Arch ttrtet viharf. Leewt South Trenton. Sat'dav, Jnly i, 2M P. M. I 8atUar, July 8, tf P. M'ay.Ju. 4,8,' j' AM..KPM M'ay.Ju 4,9 A M,X P. M, Tu'day, July 6, 0 A. M. Tu day, July 6, lojtf A. M. Touching at Tacony, Torresdale, Beverly, Bur lington, Brurtol, Florence, Robbins' Wharf, White nilL Far to Trenton, 40 cents. All other places, each way, 25; Excursion, 10; Excursion to Trenton, 60 cents. t SUNDAY EXCURSION. THE Steamer EDWIN FORREST will leave Arch street Wharf, Kumfcy, July 3d, at 8 o'clockA. M., touching at Magargee's Wharf, above Poplar street, Brldesburg, Tacony, Andalusia, Beverly, Bur lington, Bristol, Vlorence, Robblna' wharf and White Hill, near Bordentown. Returning, leaves White Hill at 4-45, Bristol, 5-45, Burlington at 0 o'clock P.M. Fare each way, 95 cents. Fare for Excursion, 40 cents. It DAILY FIRST-CLASH EXCURSION'S OAJiiiE.NS at ULOLChSi jK iinT. Always a breeze blowing. Take or scud tb family. ISteaiuers with everv accommodation. (Ice water, eta) Leave SOUTH Street every few minutes. i i0 lm 4p HOTEU5. COLONNADE HOTEL. FIFTEENTH AND CHESNUT ST3., WNTTSELF HEW AND UANDSOMRLT FUB , IJjUEU is no rsad for psrnunsat or tcausieat ikmi