riiU DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1870. PUBLISHED EVERT AFTEBNO ON (SUWDATS BXCBPTID), AT THE EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDING, No. 108 8. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The Price is three cents per copy double sheet), or eighteen cent per week, payable to the carrier by whom served. Tlie subscription price by mail is Fine Dollars per annum, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents for tioo months, invariably in advance for the time ordered. SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1870. Cm" In Accordance with onr usual custom, no paper will be issued from this office on Monday next, the anniversary of our national birthday. THE INCOME TAX INIQ UITY. The rejoicing over the defeat of the income tax was somewhat premature, as that irre sponsible and uncertain body, the Senate of the United States, last night reconsidered its vote of a few days ago, abolishing the tax, and decided to continue it for two years, at 2 A per cent., on all incomes oyer $L'000. This reversal of the former decision of the ftenate was brought about by a piece of mean trickery, the motion to reconsider having been made at a late hour and in the absence of a great many Senators who were known to be opposed to the continuance of the tax. The reason assigned for this sction was that, in order to raise the necessary revenue, either incomes or gross receipts must be taxed, and that it was preferable to impose the burden upon the former. Any one acquainted even in the most superficial wan ner with the financial condition of the Gov ernment knows perfectly well that neither of these taxes are required, as without them the receipts of the Government will be far in excess of its legitimate expenses. It is sim ply an outrage that an inquisitorial tax that was originally imposed under peouliar circum stances, that made the patriotio people of the country willing to submit to anything so that the Rebellion could be crushed, should be continued after it has expired by limita tion, and after the very plain and emphatic expression of public opinion with regard to it. The only people in this country who can be 8 aid to be in favor of the income tax are Western and Southern farmers whs have no cash incomes worth speaking about, and yet who are often possessed of far greater wealth than the clerks and others who live on salaries in the Eastern States, who are forced to bear the burden of the tax. The corn-growers think that by continuing the income tax they will be able to shift a portion at least of the burden that properly belongs to them upon the bhonlders of others, and it is to gratify thU mean and selfish spirit that so many of the Congressmen from the West and South have advocated this unjust and iniquitous measure with such persistence. As has been asserted again and again, however, the amount of the tax is not what is objected to, and we would equally oppose the imposition of one-tenth of one per cent, as we would ten per cent., if it required the tax-payer to make a formal and detailed state meat of his most private affairs for the benefit of anybody whom curiosity or impertinence might induce to inspect his returns and pub lish them to the world. The only hope now is that the President will interpose his veto, but as he is committed to Secretary Bout well's policy of paying off the public debt as rapidly as possible, it is scarcely to be ex pected that he will interfere, especially as a veto would have the effect of sending the bill back to Congress at the very fag-end of the session, when its reconsideration and recon struction would produce a great deal of con fusion. There is no help for it, therefore, but to swallow the bitter pill with as good a grace as possible, and to .wait patiently until a favorable opportunity offers for making the advocates of the tax in Congress feel the weight of public opinion in such manner that they will learn which are the masters, the people or their representatives. The following was the vote on June 24 to strike out the income tax sections; TEAS, Fenton, Ferry, Fowler, Gilbert, Ilam'lton (M'l.), Harris. Abbott, Ames, Aut-loDy, Harard, Buckingham, ameron, I arpeater, t'asser'y, cole, Conkiiug, orut-tt, Pomeroy, Hooertson, Sinlsbury, COll, Stewart, Sumner, Thurman, Trumbull, Vlckers, Wilson, Yate3 i4. Johnson, Keiiogg, McCreery, McDonald, Oaborn, NAY8. ttoretnan, Howell, iSchuns, Brownlow, Morrill (Me.), Sherman, C !iaail:er, MorrlU (VL), . Nprague, Drake, Morton, ' Titayer, iiamiiu, Pratt, Warner, liarian, Ramsey, ,. WMey, r Howard, , Rice, Williams 23. ' ilowt, Hobs, ;( . - The vote yesterday to strike out was as fol lows: TB4S. ' Hay a r J. t a.iser f, torbett, ft-titou, t.i.bort, Hamilton (Mil.), Karris, .Unston, Kellogg, Scott, Lewis, Stewart, ' McCreery, 'Stockton, McDonald, (Sumuor. . Osborn, 'A. a. Tburinan, Pomeroy, Trumbull, Robertson, ickers 2'.'. 1 NAYS. Abbott, Howell, ;So.hurz, Anthony, !MorrlU(Me. Snermau, ('handier, iMorrtll (Vt ), Spencer, ('ragm, I Patterson, , Tipton, Diake, Pool, jWarner, liimuui-, ,1'ratt, ;Wiliev. Hamlin, jRauisey, .William. Har.au, IKice, I Wilson Wi. Howe, I Hobs, I By the above it will be seen that Abbott cf North Carolina and Anthony of Rhode Island, who orginally voted against the tax, deserted their colors yesterday and joined the forces of the enemy. With their assist ance, and in the absence of a large number of the Senators who would doubtless have voted yesterday as they did a week ago, an outrage was perpetrated that a large portion of the people of the country will be slow to forget. MOUNT VEIJNON. 5 Sove of the American scientists contend, as in duty bound, that this continent is decidedly more ancient than that of the Old World, and that long before Adam delved and Eve span, gigantic sloths browsed in onr forests and mighty mastodons made the earth tremble. But, be this as it may, Europe, Asia, and Africa, as the homes of historic mankind, have nevertheless a decided advantage over us in the way of shrines, relics, and antiqui ties. All the people we read and care about who lived more than four centuries ago played their parts on the stage of action on the other side of the Atlantic, and our Aztecs, Toltecs, and more barbarous aborigines sink into utter insignificance, as objects of present interest, when compared with either the Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks, the Israelites, the Adrians, the Hindoos, or the Chinese. We can manage sometimes, how ever, to awaken a moderate degree of inte rest in the early colonists, and Pilgrim Rock may. be fairly backed against any other stone of its size, weight, and historic age, as a cen tral point of fuss and fustian. Pennsylvania has a monument, too, to mark the site of Penn's famous treaty with the Indians, but it receives comparatively little attention or veneration, and we must come down to the Revolutionary era before we can get up a respectable de gree of enthusiasm of a truly national char acter. For the leading spirit of tha t great epoch the American people cherish a degree of reverential regard that has rarely or never been paralleled, and the feeling is quite as strong as that which in earlier and ruder ages led to the investment of favorite heroes with divine honors. But even this powerful feeling has not secured the universal success of the varied schemes for heaping posthumous honors upon the Father of his Country. The people, generous to a fault in their contribu tions to all live projects of practical impor tance, have made but niggardly advances for marble mementoes, and their action in this respect is rather to be commendod than con demned. They did invest, however, under the inspiring strains of, Edward Everett's elo quence, rather heavily in Mount Vernon stock, but the subsequent history and present condition of that enterprise are scarcely of a character to incite other similar operations. A great deal more money was given for the pro perty than it was worth as a farm, and the present management appears topossess neither means nor capacity to keep the estate iu order. An annual couucil of the vice-regents was recently held which a. gashing corres pondent assures us was attended by a goodly array of matrons, embracing as muc'i beauty, elegance, and intellect as was possessed by the noble Lee, Cnstis, and Fairfax dumes who graced the halls of Mount Vernon in the days of Washington, and the necessity of a "great effort" to redeem the estate from desolation was vigorously discussed. We are told that the present revenues are derived exclusively from "the receipts of the boat, and from sell ing fruit, vegetables, and milk," and as the buildings are falling into decay, as the cellar is always partly full of water, as there is no safeguard against fire, as the fenders, hearths, and mantel-pieces have been mutilated by relic-hunters, and as nearly all the rooms are unfurnished, there are abundant opportuni ties to expend a much larger sum than the regent and vice-regents now obtain from boat fares, peas, and potatoes. A great and liberal public would probably have no objection to contribute all that may be ne cessary to put Mount Vernon on a proper footing, but the ambition of those who have already tolerated so much decay does not appear to be bounded by repairs and furni ture. They are anxious to go into the relic business, and if they once fairly embark in it, an endless catalogue of objects which patri otic citizens are anxious to sell will be un earthed. Already we are told that Mrs. Washington Vkeys and medicine chest are "in the possession of a Virginia family, who will consent to part with them for a con sideration," and in due season some of her bonnets and frocks may be thrown upon the market. If the demand should become active, there is no telling how many treasures will be manufactured for the occasion. The relic business is intermingled with so much humbug in all ages and all countries, that no limits can be fixed to the folly and credulity of its dupes. In Spain two veritable heads of the same saint are exhibited in towns not more than foity miles distant from each other; there are tons of nails and wood exhibited as portions of the true cross, and enough thorns to fill a hay wagon. If the people begin to pay extrava gant prices for old housekeepers' keys and medicine chests, every imaginable antique article of household furniture and wear ing apparel can speedily be made to pass muster as part and parcel of the Washington establishment, and a new branch of com merce may be created in the Old Dominion only second in importance to that already established by the relic-sellers of Rome. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. IrSF" I'NION SERVICES. DURING JULY AND August the CEN'JRAL PHKSBYTERIAN CIU'ltCH, ElOHTn and CHERRY Streets, will unit with the THIKU REFORMED CHUKCH, TliNTH and FILBERT Streets. Rev. A. KEE1), 1 1).. will preach to-morrow (Sabbath) morning at V V. o Iock. In the Central Church, and in the even ing, at S o'clock, In the Third Reformed Church. if WAYNE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Rnv. S.P.LINN (pastor elect) will preach at AYNK HALL. Radnor, to-morrow (Sabbath), at 10V o'clock A. M., the Sabbath-school commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. lu the eveuing, at hi before o'clock, Hpccml sermon to young men. subject, ''The suttdiDing poorer of an approving consci ence UN (OX SERVICES. WFST ARCH STREET aud h EVENTS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES will oihin tcjrether during July anl August. Rev. Dr. WILL ITS will preach to-tnoirow in West Arch Street ('lunch at t)k A. M., and in Seventh Pinsoy. lei urn Church, Hroua, above Cbesuut, at 8 P. M. i iSf NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, " SIXTH Street, above (1 KKE.. Preaching to morrow (cabbalh) bv Pastor, Rev. B. I. A(iNEW. at 10V o'clock mortiiug, ui.d s evening. Strangers alwajs welcome. tfy U ERTM ANTOWN SECOND PRESBYTERIAN dU liCH, Tl LPEHOCKhN and G It KEN Streets. Kev. RORfcKT DAVIDSON', 1). !)., formerly of New Pmiif wtck, will preach to iuorraw at HK,' A. M. aud S P. M. - RELIGIOUS NOTIOES. ARCH STREET M. K. CHURCH, BROAD, below Arch. rreaeblna; Sunday, at 10 A. !., by Rev. W. I GRaY', and at 8 P. I. by Rev. C. H. PAYNE, D. D. Strangers Invited. . TRINITY M. K. CHURCH, EIGHTH, above Race. The Rev. H. A. CLEVELAND, pastor, will preach to morrow morning at 10, even ing at 8. Strangers Invited. togy THE REV. SAMUEL P. LINNWILL BE installed as pastor of tne Wayne Prorbttertan Church, by the Presbytery of Chester, on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, July f, at Wayne Hall, Radnor, Dela ware county. The public are Invited. vy- PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SERVICE w every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. In hall southwest corner of GIRAKD Avenue and SIXTU Street. ; tfiy- ST. CLEMENT'S CIIURCn, TWENTIETH and CHERRY Streets. Service (Choral) and sermon to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. At this service the seats will be free. T8 8M jgy NORTH U. P. CHURCH. MASTER STREET, above Fifteenth Rev. W. 8. OWENS at 10)tf A. M. Children's church at 8tf P. M. No evening Btrvice. SPEOIAL NOTIOES. Ftyr additional Speia1 heHrtu th tnrtd Pw'l. AT COOL JOHN coo;. WA NAM ACRE'S, coot. Nos. 9H lUd coo;. cnSSN'UT COOL Street. T COOL H COOL COOL COOL COOL wsw- PROCLAMATION" OF THE MAYOR, Office or thk Mayor 4 OF THE CITV OF PHlI.Anm.J'HIA, July 1, lso. NOTICE is hereby given that the police force have been instructed to rigidly enforce the ordinance prohibiting the firing of crackers, squibs, chasers, rockets, and other fireworks, and the firing off of guns, pistols, and other firearms on the coming 4th iUBtant. Parents, guardians, and others, the heads of fami lies, are earnestly requested to co-operate with the officers in this respect, so that the good order and quiet of the city may be maintained, and casualty by fii e in a great measure avoided. By order of the Mayor. ST. CLAIR A. M ULHOLLAND, 7 1 2t Chief of Police. THE FOURTH OE JULY WILL BE CELE brated bv tne Friends of Tmnperance by a Pub.ic Meeting in INDEPENDENCE SQUARE on MONDAY' AFTERNOON at 8X o'clock. Addresses will be made by Hon. Samnel C. Pomeroy or Kuusas, ex-Governor James Pollock, Rev. J. L Withrow, Rev. H. A. Cleveland, and others. Professor Kuftis Adams will recite a poem written for the occasion by John Hlckey. To conclude bv Colonel Wm. H. Maurice reciting the Declaration of Independence from memory. Hasslcr'j celebrated Band has been engaged for the occasion. It jgy- 8TEINWAY & SONS' GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. CHARLES BLASIUS, BOLE AGENT FOR THE SALE OF TOE . WOULD-RENOWNED PIANOS, AT THE OLD WAREROOMS. (4 I5tf4p . No. 1006 CnESNUT STREET. 1ST PIANOS t PIANOS i ! PIANOS!!! Preparatory to tearing out and enlarging bia rooms, 100 PIANOS, new and old, will be old astonishingly low for one month. J. K. GOULD, No. m CUESNUT Street. RTECK A OO.'S. HAINES BROS,' and other PIANOS ONLY AT GOULD'S. MASON A HAMLIN ORGANS world-renowned, ' ' ONLY AT GOULD'S. 66 thstu ginrp POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA., July 1, 1870. MONDAY, July 4, this office will close at 10-30 A. M. : 7-80 A. M. delivery and 4 P. M. collection wilt be made by carriers. it HENRY II. BINGHAM, Postmaster. tST HARPER'S HAIR DYE THE ONLY harmless and reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect. Uhanges red, rustT, or gray hair, whiskers, or moustache instantly to a glossy black or natural brown, without injuring the hair or ataining the skin, leaving the hair soft snd beautiful. (July 60 cents tors lurge box. O AI.I.KNDKR, THIRD and WALNUT; JOHNSON, 1IOIXOWAY OOWDKN, No. o2 AKOH Street -.TRENWITH. No. 614 CHKKWUT Street: YAR NKLL, UrTKKNTH and MIKKK'f (Streets; BROWN, llil 11 and Gil ESN U'A Sti ; and ell Druggist. .631 U 4i jSP- OFFICE OW THE 8CHOMAKER PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 11(3 CHEbNUT Street, Philadelphia, Jaly 1, IsjIO. The Board of Directors have tnis day declared a cmi-annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock out of the net earnings of the Compauy, clear of State tax, payable on demand. It ol H. W. GRAY, Treasurer. FURNITURt. PURCHASERS OF COTTAGE CHAHHEll SUITS i And the various sty lea of BEDSTEADS, I ' BUREAUS. WASHSTANDS, WARDROBES, ETC., Finished In imitation of Walnut, Maple, or other "bard woods,' and now generally known aa "Imi tation" or "Painted" Furniture, are hereby informed that every article of our manufacture la STAMPED WITH OUR INITIALS AND TRADE MARE, And those who wish to obtain goods of onr make (there being, at the present time, numerous imita tions in the market), should invariably ask the dealer of whom they are purchasing to exhibit our stamp on the goods, and take no other, no matter what re presentations may be made concerning them. ICILDURN & GATES. Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, No. C19 MARKET STREET, 7 2 fcluwOittip PHILADELPHIA, PA. SEWINQ MACHINES. . ip II B WHEELER & WILSON 8EWIIQ iriAClIINE, For Bale on Easy Terms. NO. 114 CITESNUT STREET. 4 mwsi PHILADELPHIA. OLOTHINQ. The Pleasure of the New Clothes. We take a pleasant sort of a pride In going to hunt, or fish, or ride. Or taking a summer day's, repose la the lightest and thinnest and best of clothes, Spending with pleasure Our summer leisure J n c'othe "to measure" PROM GKEAT BROWN HALL, They 're aU we're wishUT For going a fishing'; Beyond competition Is GREAT BROWN HALL. Excellent variety of Excellent stvles of Excellent Summer Clothing. Clothing for long Journeys, Clothing for summer Jaunts, Clothing for horseback rides. Clothing for the sea shore, Clothing for the mountains. Clothing for railroad pilgrimages, Clothing for steam woat voyages, clothing for staying at home. All these sorts of clothing, and every other desir able sort that ever was made, for any purposes whatsoever, 3Mow on Exhibition and Sale AT Till GREAT MtOWN HALL 603 and 605 CHESNUT STREET. $to $io $io ALL WOOL CHEVIOT 8UIT6 MAD i: TO O II D E li. S10 $10 10 Good Fit Guaranteed. . EVANS & LEACH, No. C28 MARKET STREET. 810 $10 $10 618 8tuthlm4p JMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY. An entire suit of Clothing (coat, pants, and vest) can be bought for fc-uo at EXCELSlOtt HALL, S. E. corner SECOND and MARKET Streets, Phila delphia. Our f 6 00 Snlta Our l 00 Suit Our $4-00 Suits Eclipse all others Eclipse alt others Eciipse all others For elegance For elegance For elegance And cheapness. EDWARDS A LAWRENCE. And cheapness. And cheapness. Aof?. Notwithstanding the immense business we have done this spring, we still have thousands of dollara' worth of RBADY-MaDE UbOTUINi, rang, lng from the above figures op to the finest fabrics, w hich we are selling off at REDUCED PRICES. EDWARDS & LAWRENCE, EXCELSIOR CLOTHING HALL. S. E. corner SECOND and MARKET Streets, C.ioct Philadelphia. WESTON & BROTHER, TAILORS, S W. Corner NINTH and ABCH Sts. PHILADELPHIA. A fall assortment of the most approved styles for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, NOW IN STORK. A SUPERIOR GARMENT AT A REASONABLE PRICE. 4 1 Smrp CHARLES STOKES, No. 634 CUE SHUT Street. CLOTHIER. LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK OF GOODS FOR ' CUSTOMER WORK. 1 ALSO, 6 87tf FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING. LOST. S LOST A SMALL BROWN SPANIEL SiSli&DOG got aboard of the Warner on Friday aiteruoon on its down trip to Philadelphia. The Dog bad on a brass collar, marked 'D. Scatter good, Reverlv." If left at the Engraving Office, No. 400 CHESNl'T Street, or with Clerk on the Warner, the Under will be suitably rewarded. it IOST-6N GIRARD AVENUE, BETWE'V J SECOND and FRONT Streets, a certtflcate of f KM) City Sixes, No. 20,11 Park Loan, in the name of MATTHEW LoNU. The Under will be rewarded by Waving the same at No, m N. FIFTH Street. P. 8. All persons are forbid negotiating the above, payment of the interest and transfer having been stopped at the City Treasurer's Ornoe. It LEQAL NOTIOES. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TnE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOSEPH CHARLES ANTOlNE MORLOT. The Auditor appointed , by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of THOMAS D. NANCREDE, Administrator of Joseph Charles An tolne M or lot, deceased, and to report distribution of- tie balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment on WEDNESDAY, July 13, 1ST0, at 11 o'clock A. M., at his ortlce. No. 118 8. THIRD Street, seconu story, in the city of Philadelphia. T a a til th5t KG UK AT NICHOLS, Auditor. IN THE COURT OK COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA In the matter ef the Petitlouof ABBIE C. HALSSY, praying to be decreed aVi? hule trader. Now, June 25, IsIO, on reading and tiling said petition, and ou motion of K. K. NICHOLS, tne Court appointed the undersigned Exainluer to take testimony and fixed July 0, 1370, at 11 o'clock A. M., for a hearing. Tha uudemigued will take the teim juonv under his appointment, July 8, at 11 o'clock, A. M, at OilUe No. 1 IS S. SIXTH Street. JosEr-H AHKAMS, 7 '.' sr Examiner. Or REDUCED PRICES COOPER C COWARD ARE SELLING SEASONABLE THINGS, J QUIETLY, AT MOST ATTRACTIVE LOW PRICESJ 1 M CENT ORGANDIES REDUCED from 60 cents. Koc. for fine real French Lawns. , 12Xc Lawns reduced from SOc. II ERNANIES. 25c Ulack English 8lc square-mesh Hcrnanl; was Bsc Nc good square-mesh Hcrnanl. Fine Hcrnanies, all re.duoed In price. RENADINES. Black Grounds, Bilk Figured. All the Prices way Down. Large Stock, Low to Finest Grades. G LADIES' 8UIT8. 3 Linen Suits, best bargain yet. suits for the street or travelling. Linen ParepaS, ready-made White Victoria Lawn Suits. Ladles' Suits made to order. Cloaks, Shawls, Waterproofs, etc. Llama Laces closing cheap. 1ATHINO ROUES. Improved Flannel Robes, for Ladles. Improved Serge Robes, lor Ladles. Improved Bathing Holies, for Gentlemen. Bathlug Caps. Robe made to order. WHITK PIQUES ' 25c. White Piques, a fresh case. Fine Dress Piques of every style. White Dress Mnslius. Prices al- at the lowest notch. LINEN DRILLS AND HUCJK. wnlte Lluen Drills and Duck. Brown Linen Drills and Duck. White Vesting, Masollles. Turkish White Towels for VeBtH. puoco LTate lYnen7for 8UITS. . v ButT Colored Linen, for Suits. Flax-colored Uicn, for Suits. Buff, Blue, Pink and Green Percales. POYH' CLOTHING IrEPARTMENT. I Boys' Suits for $3. Boys' Suits for $4. Boys' buits ior$r.. Boys' Suits lor . Boys' Suits for IT. Bays' Stilts forts. Boys' Suits for $9. f 10, 112, fl3. We are aall v told by our customers -we have the best shapes, the best and most attractive stock they see. The prices are very low. COOPER & E. Cornei' NintU DRY QOOOS. NOVELTIES K SEA SIDE COVERINGS JUST RECEIVED, 13iiect from Fai'is. SEVERAL CASES OF ZEPHYR aOODS, Very TJew and Attractive. HOMER, COLLftDAY & CO., Nos. 1412 aud 1414 CHESNUT Street, It ABOVE BROAD. FOR 30 DAYS. BARGAINS UNPARALLELED. Demonstration Extraordinary OUR STOCK MUST EE SOLD. BLACK LACE POINTES. BLACK LACE SACQUES. BLACK LACE ROTUNDES. JAPANESE SILKS AND MOIIAIKS. FRENCH LAWNS, PEKCALES AND CHINTZES. BLACK HERNANIES AND GRENADINES. STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS in great va riety. Our stock being very heavy, we have put prices down REGARDLESS OF COST TO INSURE RAPID SALES AND A THOROUGH CLEARING OUT OF STOCK. JOSEPH H. THORN LEY, K0BTHEA8T C0BNEK EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN &f., 1 3 tnstut PHILADELPHIA. Jtr R S. R. DILLON. NOS. tSZ AND 331 SOUTH STREET. Lsdisa and Misses Orsp, Gimp, Hair PamsU and Strsw Round snd Pyrsuiid Hats; Ribbons, Sslins. Bilks. Valvsta and Vsitslesns, Grspss, est tiers, Howtrs, Frillies, Sub Ribbons, Ornsmenls, MoarniDg Millinery Orsps Vsils, sto. 1 4 FOR DRESS GOODS. fM.Ji Grenadine : was Sir. COWARD, and. IMarkot Streets FINANCIAL., C O U P O T s, TtlE COUPONS OF THE Second IVXortgage Bonds o- Wilmington and Reading R.R. Co., i Due July 1, Will be paid on presentation at the Banking House of WM. PAINTER A CO., No. 36 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. T2tf "WM. S. HILLES, Treasurer. J) It K X E L fc CO., No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Amoricau and Foroicru. BANIERS, ISSUE DRAFTS AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OP ChEDIT available on presentation In any part of Europe. 1 ravellers can make all their financial arrange ments tnrongh us, and we will collect their Interest and dividends without charge. Dkeiel, Wikthbop & Co.,IDrixbl, Hsrjks & Co., New Yort. I Parts. f3 r II 12 Lehigh Valley Railroad Company Will, until August 1 next, pay on" at Far and Accrued interest, Any of their FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, doe la 1S73, on presentation at their Office, No. 303 WAL NUT Street. I.. ClIAMllRllLJLsLir, TREASURER. Jane 23, 1S70. 6 871mlp HOSIERY. COOK & BROTHER, TRADE MARK. Retailers of Hosiery Goods, Exclusively of their own Importation, No. 63 North EIGHTH Street, 4 12 tusamip PHILADELPHIA.