THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1870 7 US 33 w-x o n n Z Q M o. Frim Our Oun OorreevonaenL Nbw York. Jane SO, 1870. The Public Hatha. By the time this letter Is laid before the readers of Tn Evening Telegraph, several hundred of the laboring classes of New York will have made a first use of the public baths. These are two In number, and have been erected by the Board of Tublic Works, which entered Into a contruct with Dr. Bernard Kelly for that purpose. They have been built at the foot of Fifth street, East river, and nt the foot of Thirteenth street, North river. As yet accom modation has been made for only two huudrcd people, but by the time a few weeks have elapsed probably a dozen more houses will be run np. It is almost unnecessary to say they are a great success. That may be taken for granted. The poor man Is not necessarily a clean man, when great dlflicultios beset the way of his becoming so. But the dlllicullies that he has hitherto had to struggle with if he strug gled at all have vanished, and there is no excuse for his not obtaining that propinquity to godliness which soap and water are said to con fer. To be sure, we have not yet .attained the perfection of Roman luxury, and it is scarcely probable that the ruins of New York a thousand years hence (when a series of earthquakes shall have knocked the Battery up to Harlem) will contain any such imposing architectural relics as thoso which remain at the present day of the baths of Caracalla, Titus, or Diocletian. His tory tells us that Borne of these old swimming schools united the advantages of a library to those of a natatoriurn. Perhaps It is not too much to say that this might come to pas in time with us, and that in process of another Benson the champion working-man will be seen floating on his back and 'reading the j i trail I, me loan ui wuicu, uunus; the period of the bath, shall be included in the three cents charged for towels. The baths are to be kept open until the end of September. The time for men will be from five In the morning until ten at night on Tuesdays, Thrrsdays, and Saturdays, and from five In the morning until noon on Sundays. The time for women will be from five in the morning .m . a -xr 3 11. .1 -t t r ... it. t T !!,. , ! until nine ai mgnt on juonaays, eaucsuaye, icket. unii tiionn-n ucKCLB are tree. vet inev mnv lie refused in certain cases for motives of health ind morality, according as circumstances may nictate. Feminine bathers are expected to wear bathing-dresses; masculine have the inestimable privilege of macerating themselves in puris nntu ralihus. The other regulations are strict without being puerile. Visitors and lookers-on who do sot bathe are not admitted except by express Itipulation, and no bather is allowed to remain Jn longer than twenty minutes. Of course some things must at first be expected to go wrong, Mid unless the police discipline is rigorous various disorders will crop out which will have a tendency to make the better classes of work people, especially the women, sensitive about attending public bath-houses to which so much publicity is attached. For every Godiva there Is a Peeping Tom,for every Susannah a brace of wicked Elders, and for every Madame Uriah a David upon the housetop. Cloning (Illicit. A chance has taken place in the plans of almost every one of the theatres which meant to keep open all summer. Booth's and the Olyin pie v hich solemnly persisted in announcing that it the distractions of the solstice 6hut their doors on Saturday night, reopening only upon Monday, the Fourth. Wallack's is the only first-class theatre that draws, and that therefore will not suspend until the autumn Even Mr. Daly, who intended to run on until the middle or laBt of July, is announcing the last nights of Fernande. On Tuesday evening, for instance, there were just two hundred and fif teen people visible in the house, including the actors, the 'eupes," the orchestra, the door keeper, and the audience. This kind of thing is managerially depressing, you uuderstand. When the public goes back on itself, and refuses to give countenance to what it has hitherto do lighted in, the only thing that remains to be !rmr I In shut nnn'n rirtnr no-ulnst it. Hire and 1 hoitHtlcIt. The importation of Chiuese shoemakers into Massaehuectts, and the engagement in this city of a few Chinese as servants, have stimulated an interest in the daily habits of life of such of the Celestials as live and move and have their being in the midst of us. Thoae who are inte rested in the subject of Chinese domestic labor, more especially, will hear with pleasure that for Dearlv a year gratuitous instruction has been given to as many eaters of rice and wielders of cbopbticKS as desire to become acquainted with English. Of the number thus instructed several have already been hired out as servants at wages varying from $20 to $25 per month. Before beiug thus rescued, eo to epeak, their industry was solely exerted in the manufacture of cigars, and their capacity foi pleasure in the smoking of opium and the caresses of wives not remarkable for "oneness" of conjugal sentiment. Who knows but that this American touch laid upon the Chinaman's head has sufficient magic in it to raise him up forever? When he cooks the food we eat and manufactures the shoes we wear, and does both satisfactorily, he has done a good deal towards rpiiHprinir himself lndisoensabla and immortal. Sand therefore towards putting himself upon a higher plane than he has walked upon since the I days of Confucius. At Ik. 1,1 I. a. 1aml..J ki .. n 117a,... HnM I WU " H7 '"III (HI LUU mj a, TT Am Yorker. I chose I could give the name of a litciary r gentleman, residing at present in this city, with I whom arrangements for the completion of y 'Edwin Drood" are pending. The arrangements are in contemplation by a well-known American Xfirm, who thus acknowledge the talented J litterateur's aptitude at imitating the style of the dead novelist. Ali Baua. THE YKEELAKD DRAMA. Trial aid Conviction ol Caroline Vreeland lor Attempted Murder Sine U Seut to the mate 1'rlaon lor Four Year. Yesnrday, in the General Sessions, before Re. corder Uackett, Caroline E. Vreeland was tried upon an indictment lor a felonious assault and bat tery unon hobert Schroeder. committed In an ex. anilnaiion room in the Tombs Police Court on the 10th of this mouth, it will be remembered that at the time of the assault an examlnatiuu was pending before Justice Lniwllng, in which Miss Ada Myers (the daughter of Mrs Vreeland) brought a charge against iur. rcnroeuer. I pon tne uay m quemiuu me pemuuB concerned Intliia case were In a room takluar tentluionv. Mr. Schroeder. by order of Judge Dowilug. baviuif-been taken from tne room ; wra. reeianu rusned lu with a three stabs, cutting his coat in three diuerent places, Inn Inflicting no wounds. Some geutleman said to her, "What are ynu about witb that knife?" ami she said, "I got it, and I mean to do It." She struck htm as It somewhere about the neck, but the knife at-emed to go down upon his back. 1.1. A' i 11 1 1. 1 n V IIauia Yrnnu.l fiV 1 rfl VrAolan1 made an eiu tlve opening, stating that he woubi Show, by a number of witnesses, that the accused wa lrrenpoubiuie lor ner acta, auu mm me criminal conduct of Sehroeder (wuoae absence he coui niHiitfii unon In severe terms) In relation to her daughter so frenzied Iter as to make her Insane at the time of the assault. Witnesses were examined for both sidps. necorder Uackett delivered an elaborate and re markably clear chaw, and the Jury retired at twenty mlnulcs past live to deliberate on their ver dict. At six o'clock they returned to the court-room and the foreman rendered the verdict, which was "Guilty of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon with intent to do oodlly harm," coupled with a recommendation to mercy. Mr. Fellows moved for sentence, and Mrs. vree- land. on betnu asked what she hafl to sny why Judg ment snouid not ne pronounced, nam tnni sue wan Innocent of the chante. and that she had auother diiuphter besides Ada, both of whom were depend- ltux upon ner for support, mio nopeu me necoracr would tie lenient with her. Recorder Dackett said that he believed there was not n woman In this city who could surpass her In Liinticss. Ill Honor continued to remark that he had in tended to impose the highest penalty the law would permit htm to do should th" Jury have cativlcted her of the nmtn charge. He would renpect their recom mendation and take a year off the sentence. She was sent to the State Prison for four years. X. llciahi to-day. l'. FREE AMERICA. Npnln to be Driven from the Antilles. Panama. June 17. The news from the interior is of ihc highest importance as aitectlug struggling i:uba. Sav what may the opponents of this country and they are many and there Is much to condemn still it must be admitted that Columbia 1ms played and Ib playing a noble part in respect to Cuba, for which country throoehut the entire republic there is exhibited ex- traotdlnary s.tmpatliy. In the Senate, at Bogota, Scnor Carios Holguln has proposed that a solemn compact tie formed between the llispano-Ameriean republican governments, whose object should be the liberation of the f pa 'i lh Antilles, Cuba and Porto Rico: that tne president or tne united states oi Colombia should be authorized to propose this to the other republics, and that when It is formed Spain should be informed that Latin America considers the day has arrived when Spanish dominion should cease In the Antilles, and the attempt should be made to in duce her to retire her forces and leave those islands to eovern themselves as they may wish. Friendly relations to be established with the mother country In case she "lends herself willinftiy to these ideas of her ancient children," and, in case or refusal, that all relations with Spain should cease; that all the Spanish -American republics declare themselves in attitude of war, and shut all their ports against her, nor admit a bpaniard to the South American continent, and sign an obligation to work incessantly, by all means within their reach, to drive out by force the Span iards from the Antilles ; and tnat in caseoi reiusai, ns before mentioned, the Executive be authorized to make and declare war. in conjunction with the other American republics, and to make any expendi ture which, in Its judgment, the execution of the present law demands. The bill embodying this pro position was entnusiasticany passed iy a large majority. a. l. norui vorrenponaeni. Incidentals. A Democratic State Convention is called to be bold In Montgomery, Alabama, September 1, the declared object of which is to frame an in dictment and arraign the corrupt ouicc-nolaers before an indignant ana outraged people. "Where there s a will tneres a wayi" Cook "Please m, 1 wishes to give warning iMittress (surprised) "Why, what s the matter?" Cook "The fact is. mum, I'm going to act married!" MiBtress "Why, cook, I did not know you were engaged!" Cook "Which 1 bam not azactly engaged as yet, mum; but 1 ieel nivselt to be ot that nrnrv dlSDOsltlon as 1 could love hany man, mum. Punch. A voung lady, Mixs Anna is. btarbird, of Portland, Me , has just made her successful (Mmt in a grand concert at Florence, under the direction ot the l'Uiinarmonic society ot that city. She has been a pupil of the celebrated roa'stro Vannucini for only a little over four months, and has now appeared before the musi cal public, by whom she was received in the most Haltering o.anner. Chicago tells this ot Boston: A young lady, of one of the most aristocratic families of the American Athens, went to her physician with a complaint that her ears were too large, and, under htr instructions, caretuily removed a delicate crescent of pink gristle about an inch and a half long from each protuberant. He fewed up the wound, and the maiden, pre viously all forlorn, was delighted to behold two 'pretty ears," small, gracetul, and genteely tight to ner neaa. i lie action oi tne i ennessee legislature in relniinn to railroad bonds is Indorsed bv the conservative press of the State. Thus the Chat tanooga Times fays: "We are glad to see that the sober second thought of the House of Rep resentatives has enabled them to respond, by a two-thirds majority, to the wishes of the people in opposition to anvtulng like repudiation, the bill passed in relation to the Mineral Home Rail road bonds is free from all objectionable fea tures, and protects the rights of the bondholders ns well as of the btate. RAILROAD LINES. AY EST JERSEY RAILROADS. COMMENCING THURSDAY, JUNE 80.1870. Lave Philadelphia, foot of Market street (upper ferrv). at 8-Ou A. in., Man tor unci me ton, saiem, vineiand. lamviiie, Bweaesuoro, ana intermediate stations. li to A. JVI. Juan and Express tor uape May. 11 46 A. M . Woo dburv Accommodation. 8 16 P. M., Accommodation lor Cape May, Mill- vllle. Vineiand, and way stations below Ulassboro. 8-so P. m .fassenxer tor undue ton. Salein. Swedesboro, atd Intermediate stations. 4 oo p. ssi.. J- a st nxpress, lor (jape may only. 6 46 P. M., Passenger tor Swedesboro and Clay. ton. stopping at all stations on signal. i;omnjuiauon iicaeis at reouceu rates Between Philadelphia and all stations. Cat e May Season Tickets, good for four months iroin oate oi purciiase, ou. Annual i K'Kets, iuo. 'MA.V. .AfaWAB . 1amlAM A II J 1 1 A A. stopping at all stations between Olassboro and ri.lKUl aI Chill IC.TOB VAUIUDU UW1J W W V A. iU.l t ape May, and 12 o'clock noon for bwedesboro, Suiem. and ltridgeton. treiuht received in Philadelphia at second covered wharf below Walnut street. Freight delivery at No. 'ti S. Delaware avenue. 8 16 WM. J. SEWULL, Superintendent. ART EXHIBITION. O x iiti;i: IaXiiiimtion. AT CIIABLES F. IIASELT1NES ART GALLERY No. 1135 OHK3NUT Street, Braun'a famous Autotype (of Paris), comprising Paintings, Drawings, Frescoes, btatunry ot the galleries of Paris, Vlunna, Florenca, Rome, Milan, Basle, bane-Weimar, etc, etc., amounting to 6000 diverse subjects. Also, 800 diverse views of European scenery and antiquities. Particular attention is called to "Moses," by Michel Annelo, as never before exhibited; the new series of Paintings by Carlo Dolci, Carloni, Saivi, Uuido Reni, eto. ; the whole collection of Rousseau's Landscapes ; and the Rembrandt Collection of the Gallery of UasseL 11 lOrp BOOT8 AND SHOES. BARTLETT, FINE CUSTOM-MADE B.OOT8 AND SHOES. Made on car improved Lasts, Insuring Comfort lieaoty and Durability. No. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 1 18 ULBtaD31 ABO VB ClI ESNC f. HIANQ8. ALBRECHT, BIKK.KB BOHMIDT, MANurAonraEM o riRBT-OLAHa P1AMO-VORTBS. Full niruLtt and modir.u orioaa. . MiklUMjuk. ha. IU ABOH Stnm. PAPER HANGINGS, E I O. LOOK! LOOK1! LOOK!!! WALL PAPERS and Lioen Window Bhadea Maoaraotored, tbe cheapest D tha citt, at JOUPiSl'ON'a Dwlmj. No. litia tiPKINO OAtiHIN Street, below Klevenlh. braouh, No. avT t kuhual btroot. uaxnaao. mum j tt. O NE DOLLAR GOOD8 F03 95 CENTS, lIlanDSJ llUVPO.aaucnr.41a I RAILROAD LINES. IENNSYLYANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. nx A 1 l o r . ill., o u x i , i L'ii a. 101 v. The trams ol the Pennsylvania central Railroad leave the Depet, at THIRTY-FIRST and MAR. KKT Streets, which Is reached directly ty the Mar ket street cars, the last ear connecting; witn eacu train leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes before Its departure. The Cbesnut and Walnut streets oars run within ene square of the Depot. Sleeping-car tickets can ne nad on application at the Ticket Office, N. W. corner Ninth and Okee- nut streets, and at the Depot. ptrs or the union Transier company win can for and tVllver baggage at the depet. orders left at No. 001 chesnut street, or No. 116 Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LBAVB DKFOT. Mail Train 8 00 A M. Paoll Accommodation . . 12 60 and 710 I'. M. Fast Line , li.30 p. M. 1100 A. M. , 2 30 P. M. 4-10 P. M. , 630 P.M. 8 00 P. M. , loao p. m. Erie Express . . . Harrlsliurg Accommodation . Lancaster Accommodation I'arkeKbnrg Train ... Cincinnati Express . . Erie Mall and rittshurg Express wav happen arer . li -ao p. M. Erie Mall leaves oany, except Sunday, running on Saturday night to Wllliamsport only. On Sun day night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock. Pittsburg Express, leaving on Saturday night, runs only to Harrlsburg. Cincinnati txprecs leaves uaiiy. ah oiner trains dally except Sunday. '1 ne western Accommodation i ram runs nany, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be pro cured and baggage delivered by 6 P. M. at No. 116 Market street. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves Philadelphia at 849 A. M.j arrives at Paoil at 9-40 A. M. Sunday Train IS o. 8 leaves Philadelphia at 640 P.M.: ar rives at Paoli at T-40 P. M. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves Paoll at 6-60 A.. M.i arrives at Philadelphia at 8'lu A. M. Sunday Train No. 3 leavos Paoll at 4 60 P. M.; arrives at Philadelphia at 10 P. M. TRAINS AERIVB AT DBTOT. Cincinnati Express . . . . 8 10 A. M. Philadelphia Express . 6-30 A.M. Erie MaA 6 30 A.M. Paoll Accommodat'n . 8 20 A. M. and e-40 P. M. Parkesburg Train 900 A.M. East Line and liullalo Express . . 8 35 A. IU. Jancnster Train .... .11-65 A.M. Erie Express 6-40 f. M. Lock Haven and Elmlra Express . 9 40 P. M. Pacitlo Express 13-23 P. M. Iiarrisburg Accommodation . . 8 40 P. M. For turther information apply to JOHN F. VANLKKR, Jr., Ticket Agont. No. 901 CHESNUT Street. FRANCIS FUNK. Ticket Agent. No. 116 MAKKET Street. SAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket Agont at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume anv risk for Rairu-aure. except for Wearlna Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Uun urea .Dollars in value. Ail uaggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. A. J. J ASS4 1 1, 4 29 General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. TVTOKTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD i THE SHORT MIDDI.E ROUTE TO THE EKHIOH AND W YOMINtf VALLKYS, NORTH- li.r!JN 1ft IN IN BILV AM J A, tjUlllrilKW AM) IN TERIOR NEW YORK, UUfc'FAt.O, OORRY, ROCHESTER, THE QKEAT LAKES, AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA. SUMMER AKKANOEM ENT. Takes eiloct May 16, 1870. Sixteen Daily Trains leave Passenger Depot. corner of lierks and American streets (Sundays excepted), as follows: 7'uu a. iu. i Accommodation) ior ton wasmng- ton. AtT-86 A.M. (Exprossl.for Bethlehem, Easton, Al len town, Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre, Williams port, Mahanoy City, Hazleton, Pittston, Towauda, Waverley, and lu connection with the toRlE K Al jj- WAY lor tsullalo, Niagara rails, Bochester, Clove, land, Chicago, San Franclsoo, ana all points in the Great West. 8 .5 A. M. (Accommodation) for Doylestown. 9 46 A. M, (ivxpress) for Bethlehem. Eacton. Al len town, Mnucti Chunk, Williams port, Wilkosoarre, Pittston, Scranton. Hackettstown, Sohooley's MountaiR, and N. J. Central and Morris and Essex Bailroads. 11 a. iu. (Accommodation) tor t ort Washington. 1 16, 3 80, and 6-UOP. M., for Ablngton. t.AL'O TV I 1.'. n n t.-m U.,l,.V..ln CAAtAM A 1 lectown. Mauch Chunk, Mahanoy City, Wllkes barre. Pittston. and Hazleton. 2 80 r. M. (Accommodation) lor uoyiestown. At 8-2o P. M. (Bethlehem Acooinmodatlon) for Bethlehem, Easton, AUentown, Coplay, and Mauch Chunk. 4-16 P. M. (Mall) for Doylestown. 6-00 P. IU. for Bethlehem. Easton. Allentown. and Mauch Chunk. 6 20 P. m. (Accommodation) for Lansdale. 8-00 and li ao 1'. M. (Accommodation) for Fort Washington. The t utu ana sixin streets, second ana rmra Btreets, and Union Lines City cats run to the Depot. 1 XVAllNo Altxll V . in 1'lllL.AUJiL.r II 1 A tltU.U. Bethlehem at 8 66, and 10'Sa A. M.; 'i 16, 6 05, and 8 26 P. M. Doylestown at 8 26 A. M., 4 ) and 7 05 P. M. JL.anedale at 7-30 A. M. ort Washington at 9 20 and 11-20 A. M., 3-10 and 9-46 P. M. Ablngton at 2 86, 4 56, and s 46 v. M. ON SUNDAYS. Fhlkidelpbla for Bethlehem at 9 30 A. M. Philadelphia ior Doylestown at 2 00 P. M. Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 8 30 A. Itf. and7-tK)P. M. Loylestown for Philadelphia at 6-30 A. m. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 00 P. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 9-30 A. M. and 8-10 P. M. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to principal points at Mann's North Pennsylvania Buugage Express Office, No. lu6 S. Fifth streeU May lo, 1870. ..1,1x1 a vjIaA iia., Agent. IJHII-ADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND NOR K1STOWN RAILROAD. TIME TAULJt. On and after MONDAY, Tune 6, 1870. FWR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7. 8, 9-u5, 10, 11, 13 A. M.. 1, a, lA, X, 4, X, -C6, 6, , BX, 7, 8, 9, 10 06, Al, 12 P. M. Leave uermantown o, o oo, 7j, b, b-20, , 10, 11, 12 A. M., 1, 2, 8, 4, 43., 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 P. M. The 8-2u down train, and b?. aud 6V up trains. will not stop on the Germantown Branch. urn biumuax'"!. Leave Philadelphia at 9U A. M., 'i. 4-0t. f, and 10 P. M. .Leave uermantown at oi a. in... 1, o, o, ana w;4 P. M. . C11HMMUT M1L.L, HA1LUIMU. Leave Philadelphia 6, 8, 10, and 12 A. M., 2, 8, 63i.,7, 9, and 11 P. M l.tave tuesnut mu 1 iu, o. w-u, ana 1140 a. m.. 1-40, 3-40, 6-40, 6-40, 8 40, and 10 40 P. M. Leave Philadelphia at tlA A. M.. 2 and I P. M. Leave Chesnnt UU1 at 7 60 A. HI., 12-40, 6 40, and 9-26 P. M. Passengers taking the 0-66, 9 a. M., and p. M. trains from Germantown will make close connec tions with the trains for New York at Intersection Station. FOR CONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 0, 7X. . and 11 05 A. M., IX, 8, 4, 0, oi, B UO, iu, auu 11,14 r. Leave Nenistown b'A, 6-26, 7, ni, 8-60, and 11 A. M.,lH,8,M;,andP.M: Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 2'4, 4, and 7U P. M. Leave Norrutown 7 A. M., 1, and 9 P. M. FOR MANAVUNK. Leave Philadelphia 0, 1, 9, and 11-06 A. SI., 8, y4, 6, 6V, oV, 8 06, 10, anu 11' P. M. Leave JVlanayunk 6, 6-66, 7j, 8 10, 9 20, and llj A. M., 2, 8)4, 6, 6, 8X, and 10 P. M. OlT SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 1, 4, and Vi P. M. Leave Manayunk 1 A. M , IX, V and 9;, P. M. PLYMOUTH RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6 P. M. Leave Plymouth 6 A. M. The 1 A. M. train from Norrlstown will not stop at M ogee's, Potts Landing, Domino, or Schur's Lane. The 6 P. M. train from Philadelphia will stop only atSchoolLane, Wicsinotuing, Idanayuak, Green Tree, and Conshohocken. Passenuers taking the 7. 9u6 A. M. and 6U P. M. trains from Ninth and Green streets will make olose connections with the trains for New York at in tersection Station. The i A. M. and i P. M. trains from New York connect with the 1 and 8 P.M. trains from Ger man town to Ninth and Green streets. 6 20 W. B. WILSON, General Snp't. TnE PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN TRAL RAILROAD CO. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA leave PORT DEPOSIT at 9-25 A. M. and 4-23 P. M., on arrival of trains from Baltimore. OXFORD at 6-08 A. M., 10 B6 A. M., and 6-80 P. M. CBADD'8 ltRD at 7 -26 A. M., 18-OOM., 1-SJO P. Id., 4-45 P. M., and 6-49 P.M. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel ouIt as baggage, and the company wui not bo re- anoiuiibia for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars unlet a special contract la made for the game, u.aui nuuu, i a Cv&eral ttupv-rlnteudcnt. RAILROAD LINES. 1Q7A FOR NEW YORK THE CAMDEN IO I If and Amboy and Philadelphia and Tren. ton Railroad Comi snleg' Hues fro'Jtt Philadelphia to New York and Way Places. rKOM WAlMt T HTRKET W?ARV. At 8-30 A. M., Accoramo'lation, and 2 P. M., Ex press, via Camden and Am boy, aid at B A. M., Ex- Crens Mail, and 8 80 P. M., Accommodation, via amden and .lersev Oily. At 0 P. M.. tor Amboy and Intermediate stations. At 6-80 A. M., 3 and 3-30 P. M. for r reehold. At! p. M. for Lorg Branch and points on New Jertey Southern Rallrod. At and 10 A.M., 13 .'.I., a, 8-30, and P. M. for Trenton. At 6 8". 8, and 10 A. M., 12 M., 2, 8-80, 6, 6. 8, and 1180 i M. for Bordaatcwn, Florence, Bur lington, Beverly, Dulanco and Hlverton. At 630 and 1) A.M., 12 M., 8-30. A, 6, 8, and 11-80 p. M. tor EOgevater, Riverside, Rlverton, Slid Palmyra. At 6-30 and 10 A. M., 12 M., 6, 8, 8, and 11-30 P. M. for Fish Houce. Thell R0P. M. line leaves from Market Street Ferry (upper side). 1KOM KCNRlKOTOjr TlvPOr. At 7-30 A. M., 2 30, 8 30, and 6, J. M. for Trenton and Bristol, and at 10 46 a. M. and 6 P. M. for Bristol At 7-80 A.M., 2-3", and 6 P. M. for Morrlsvllle and Tullytown. At 7 30 and 10-45 A. M., 2-30, 6, aud 6 P. M. for Schenck's. Eddington, Cornwells, Torreddalo, and Holtresburg Junction. At 7 A JVI., 1230, 615, and 7al P.M. for Bustle ton, Holroeoburg, atid Holme-bur Junction. At 7 ant! lo-4 A. M.,12H0. 2-3'j, 6 16, 6. and 7-30 P. M. for Tacony, Wlssinomng, Brldosburg, and Frankford. FROM WIST TPHILflTJifi rptA DEPOT, Via Connecting Kailroad. At 7 ai-d 9-30 A. M., 12 46, 6 46, and H P. M., New tork Express Lines, and at.ll 30 P. JVI., Emigrant Line, via .lersey City. At 7 and 9 S A. M. 12 46. 6 46. and 12 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol. At 12 P. M. -night) for Morrlsvllle, Tullytown, Schenck's, Eddinutcn, Cornweils, Torrefldalo, Ho'neshurg Junction, Tacony, Wlsslnomlrg, Brldesbnrg, Hnd Franklord. The 9-30 A. M., 6-45 and 13 P. M. Llcos will run daily. All others Snudays excepted. Sunday Lines leave at 12 M. -.noon), 6 40 P. JVI., and 13 night. BELVIDERB DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES FROM KkNblfcOTON OSfOr. At 7 80 A.M. for N lagan Falls, HufiTalo, Dun kirk, Eimini, Ithaca, Owegn, Koci'ester, HiD"ham ton, OLwego, Syracuse, Great Bond, Mofitrose, WLktsbarre, Schooley's Mountain, etc. At 7 80 A. M. ard So0 P. M. lor Scranton, fetroudBburg, water itap, ijeividore, t-a'ton, unva- bertvllle, Klemington, elo The 8 30 P. M Line connects direct with tbo train loavicat Kuton for Mauch Chunk, All- ntown. fcoltilohem. etc. At 6 P. M. lrom Kenslntou )oi ot, lor LamborU ville and Intermediate stations. CAMA.-ENAND BURLINGTON UOVNTY AND PEMBERKJN AND HlGHTSroWN RAll.- ROADS. FROM MABKKT PTRB2T KKBHV (fPPBIl SIOK). At 7 and 10 A. M., 1, 216, 0-8O, 6, and 6 80 P. M., and on Thursday and Saturday nlKhts at 11-31 P. M. for MetchantgvMle, Moorestown, Hartlord, Masonvllie, Hainesport, and Mouct Holly. At 7 A. M., 2 16 and 6 30 P. M. for Luoilarton and Med ford. A 1 7 and 10 A. M., 1, 1 30, and 6 P. M. for Smith vlllo, Ewansvllle, Vlucentown, Birmingham, and Pemterton. At 7 and JO A. M.. 1 and 8 30 P. M. forLewltown, Wrljihtstown, Cookstotvn, New Egypt, and Hor nerftown. At 7 A. m., 1 and 3-30 P. M. for Cream Ridge, lm- laystewn, Shnron, utid Hlght;,town. June 16, 1870. WM. H. GATS-STER, Agent. 1)HILAfELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RA1LKOAD. TIMETABLE. COMMEN'Olr-G MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1870. Trains will leave Depot, corner of Broad street and Washington avenue, as follows: Way Mall Train atS-30 A M. (Sundays exoeptod), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Connecting at Wilmington with Delaware Kailroad Line, at Clayton with Smyrna Branch Railroad BLd Maryland and Delaware Railroad, at liar rlngton with Junction and Breakwater Railroad, at Seaford with Dorchester and Delaware Rail road, at Delmar with Eastern Shore Railroad, and at Salisbury with Wlcoiaioo and Pocomoke Rail road. Express Train at 11-45 A. M. (Sundays exooptod), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wil mington, Perryvllle, and llavre-do-Urace. Con nects at Wilmington with train for New Castlo. Express Train at 4 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore aud Washington, stopping at Chester. Thurlow, Lin wood, Clay mont, Wilmington, New port, Stanton, r-'evaik, Elkton. North Etst, Charlestowrt, Perry vllls, Ravo-de-Grace, Aber deen, Perry man's, Edge wood, Magnolia, Chase's and steu.Rier'8 hun. Night Kxprets at 1180 P. it. (I'ally). for Baltl more and Washington, stopping at Chester, iin wood, Clayniont, Wilm'iugton, Newark, Elktoa, North East, Perryvllle, liavre-do-Graos, 1'erry man's, and Magnolia. Passengers for Fortress Monroe aud Norfolk will take the 11-46 A. M. tram. WILMlNGiON TRAINS. Stopping at al stations between Philadelphia and vvilniiuuioii. Leave Philadelphia at 1163 A. M., 2-80, 6-00, ant 7-00 P. M. Hie 6-uo P. M. train connecis with Delv ware Kailroad ior Han-lngcon and Intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington 6-45 snd 8-10 A. M., 2-00, 4 00, and 7-16 P. IU. 'J he 810 A. M. train will tot stop between Chester and Fuiladelphla. The 715 P. M. train from Wilmington runs Ually; all other ac commodation trair e sunts ye excepted. 1'ralns leaving Wilmington at 6-46 A. M. and 4-00 P. M. will connect ac Lamokln J unction with the 7-C0 A. M. and 4 80 P. H. trams for Baltimore Cen tal Railroad. From Baltimore to Philadelphia. Leave Balti more 7-5 A.M., Way laall, u 00 A. M., Express; 2 85 P- M., Exptess; 725 P. JVI., Express. SUNDAY ThAIN FItOM BaLTIMORB. Leaves Baltimore ut 725 P. M., st'ipping at Mag nolia. Perry'8, Aberdeen, navre-le4ruce, Per ryvllle, Charleutown. North East, Klktun, rJowark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Lln wood, and Chester. On Sundays, leave Philadelphia for West Grove and intermediate stations at b U0 A. M..; returning, leit West Grove at 8-66 IU. Throuuh tickets to all nvtiits West. South, and Southwest may be procuied at ticket olfle. No. 2S Cbesnut street, under Continertal Hotel, where also State Rooms and Bevths in Sleeping Cars can be secured during the Cay. Persons purchasing tlcketB at this ottice can lave baggage checked at their residence by the I alon Traiisfer Company. K. F. KLNNKY, our iirluteou1 exit. T)H1LADELPHIA AND EIUB RAILROAD, SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and alter Mc-NDAY, May lo, is'O, the trains on the Piiiiaueipiiia ttn' i.rle ttailroad run as lollows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia: wasrw ARTJ. MAIL TRAIN leaves Phl'adelphla 10 20 P. M. " W illiuiuKport 8 00 A. M. arrives at Eile - 7 40 P.M. ERIE EXPRESS Kmveg PhiladelpUla lo 60 a. M. " WLlifoiBport 815P.M. ' arrives ht Erie 7-25 A.M. ELM1RA B'.AIL leaved Philadelphia . 7-b0 A. M. Wllliamsport 6-00 P. M. " arrives at Lop It Haven 7-20 P. JVL BALD EAGLE MAIL leaves Williams- port . - 1 30 P. M. " " " anivei at icok liavau . 2 45 P.M. IAPTW4ED, MAIL TRAIN loaves Erie ... 8 60 A. M. " Wllilamfport 9 '..6 P. M. " arrives at Philadelphia 620 A. JVL ERIE EXPRESS leaves jirte . . . 9 00 P. M. ' " Wllllamjport 816 A. M. " airlvesatPhlladtlphla 6 30 P. M. EI-KIRA MAIL leaves Wllllim port 9 46 A. ' arrives ac Phlia. olphla 9 50 P. IM. BUFFALO KXP. leaves W UUamsport 12 25 A. M. Uarrliburg 6 21 A.M. " arrives at Philadelphia 9 25 A. M. BALD EAGLE MAIL leaves L. Havea 11 3 A. M. " " arr. Wllliamip t 12 60 P. JVI. BALD EAGLE EX. le ives Lock liaveu V db P. M. " " arr. WliiUu,sport 10 60 P. M. Express Mall and Accorumodatlju, east and west, eonnect at Curry, aud all wet bjuml traiig and Mail ami Accommodation eait at lrvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Superintendent. THE PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN. TRAL RAILROAD. CHANUE I F HOURS. On and after MONDAY, April 4, 170, trains wlU rnn as follows: LEAVE PlllLADELPnTA.. from depot of P., W. 1 li. K li. Company, corner Broad street aud Wash, lngton avenue For PORT DEPOSiT at 1 A. M. and 4-30 P. M. For OXFORD, at T A. M., 4-3'J P. M. and 7 P. W. For CHADD'S FORD AND C'MESTKR CREEK R. R. at 1 A. M., 10 A. JtL, 8 SO P. 4 '3o P. XL, aud 1 P. M. Train leaving Phlladelph'.a at 7 . M. counectB at Port Deposit v.ith train for Pali more. Traiua leaving Philadelphia tt 1 J A. M. ant 4-30 P. M., leaving Oxford at 6 05 a. NT. auil U-aviug Port Dt pobit at 9-i6 A. M., t'Oiinect 9t ('ha-ld'a Ford Ju:i Uou With WILMUSUTON A P.EADING IL IL 4 8 HAILROAD L.INE8. READING KAILROAD-O RE ATTRtfNKLlN from Philftde'phl to the interior of Penn rylvanla, the Schuylkill. Susquehanna, Cumber, land, and Wyoming Valleys, the North, North wott, and the Camd&s. SPRING ARRANGEMENT Of Partteoger l'ralnt, May 1ft, 1870. Leaving the Company's lepot at Thirteenth and Callowhlll streets, Philadelphia, at the following hours: MORNING ACOtJMMODATIDN. At. 7-80 A. M. for Reading and all Intermediate stations, and Allentown. Returning, leaves Re fl ing at 6 86P.M.: arrlveBin Phliadelphlaat9-25 P.M. MORNING EXPRESS. At 8-16 A. M. for Reading, Lebanon, Uarrlsburg, Pottpvllle, I'lcegrove, Tamaqns Sunbury, Wll liampport, Elmlra, Rnchefter, Niagara Flls, Buf falo, WiUesbarre, Pittston, Yors, Carlisle, Ohnn bersburg, Hagerstown, eto. The 7-80 A. M.ttaln connects at READING with East J'ennsylvanla Railroad trains for Allentown, etc., nn tiie 8-15 A. M. train connects with the Lebanon Valley train tor Harrtsburg, ets.; at POUT CI INl'ON with Catawlssa R-llroad tralnn for Wllllatrx.port, Lock Haven, Elmlra; etc.: at iiAtihiucjtu witn Northern uentrai, uumber land Valley, and Schuylkill and Susquenana trains lor Northumberland, wllliamsport, York, Cham bersburg, l'lnegrove, etc. AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Philadelphia at 8-3 P. M. for Reading, Pottavllle, HarrUsburg, etc.; connooilng with Head ing and Columbia Kailroad wains iur Columbia, etc. TOTTSTOWN ACCOMiVtODATDiN. Leaves Pottstown at 625 A.M., stopping at in termediate stations: arrives in 1 htladnlphU at 8 0 A.M. Returning, leaves J hiladolphla at 4 00 P. M.; arrives in Pottstown at 6-16 P. M. REAL ING AND POTTsVILLE ACUOMMODA TION. Leave Pottsvllle at 6 40 A. M. and 4-20 P. M., and Reading at 7 80 A. M aud 35 P. M., stopping at all way stations; arrive In Philadelphia at 10-20 A. M. ana 9 26 P.M. RoturRlng, leaves Philadelphia at 6-15 P. M.; ar rives in Reading at 7-66 P. M., and at Pottsville at 9 40 P. M. Morning Express trains for Philadelphia leave Harnsburg at 8 10 A. 11., aad Pottsville at fl A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 1 P. M. ARernonn Express trains leave Harils-burg at 2-60 P. M., and Pottsville at 2-60 P. M., arriving at Philadelphia at 7-on P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7 16 A. M. and llairisburg at 4-10 P. M. Connect ing at Lending with Afternoon Accommodation fouth at 6-fc6 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9 -5 P. M. Market train, with a r asseeger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12-30 noon, for Heading and all way stations; leaes 1'o'tsvlhe at 6-40 A. M., cornet-ting at Reading with accommodation train lor Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8 A. M.. and Philadelphia at 816 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8 A. JVL; returning from Reading t 4".6 P. M. The.-e trains outiLeet both ways with Sunday trains on Perkiomon and Colebrookdale Railroads. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers ior Duwulngtown and Intermediate points take the 7-80 A. Id., 12-30, and 4-00 P. tl. trains from Philadelphia. Returning from Down ingtown at 6 20 A. M., 12 45. and 6-lb P. M. pekkiomkn railroad. I'ssscngers for Schweuktiville take 730 A. M., 12 30. and 6 15 P. M. trains Irora Philadelphia, re turning from Sciiwenksville at 45 and 8-05 A. M., 12 45 noon, and 4-15 P. M. Stage lines for various pclnts In Perklomen Valley connect with trains at Collogevllle and Schwenksvllle. COLEBROOKDALE RAILROAD. Pnffcrgors for Mount Pleasant and Intermediate points take the 780 A. M. and 4-00 P. M. trains lrom Philadelphia, returning lrom Mt. Pleasant at 7-m and 11 00 A. M. NEW YOKE. EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND THE WEST. Leave New York at w oo A. M. and 6 00 P. M., parsing Reading at 1-45 and 10-05 P.M., and Con ner ting at Harrlt-'burg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central hailroad Express trains for I itttburg, Chicago, Willlamspert, Elmlra, Balti more, eto. Returning Express- train leaves Iiarrisburg on arrival rf Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburg at 6-86 A. M. and 8-60 A. to., passing Heading at 723 A. M. and 10-40 A. M., arriving at New York 12 06 noon aud 8-bO P. M. Sleeping cars accompany these trains through botween Jersey City and Pittsburg without change. A Mail train lor New York leaves Harrtsburg at 8-10 A. M. and 2 60 P. M. Mall train for Harris, burg leaves New York at 12 M. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 6-bO and 11-30 A. M., and -60 P. M., returning from Tamaqua at 886 A. HT n ,1 1 .JA a,1 lUlU 1 SCHUYLKILL AND SUSO.UEHANNA RAIL- KOA1J. Trains leave Auburn at tl 65 A. M. for Plnegrove and Harrlbburv, and at 12-06 noon for Plnegrove. Trcmont, and Brooksldo, returning from Iiarris burg at 8 4o P. M., from Brookslde at 3 46 P. M. and from Trer-ut at 6 26 a. M. and 6 06 P. M. TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada?. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and intermediate stations, good for one dwy only, and sola by Morning Accommodation Mantel Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains, at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for one day only, are sold at Pottsville and intermediate stations by Reading and Pottsville and Pottstown Accommodation Trains, at reduced rate. The loltowlng tickets are obtainable only at the office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 fc. Fourth street, Philadelphia, or 01 G. A. Moolls, Geueral bupenntonuent, jioaoirig. COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 26 per cent discount, between any points desired, for families and firms. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for 20oO miles, bo tween all points, at $.7oo each, ior lamiaes and tints. SEASON TICKETS For one, two. three, six. nine, or twelve months, lor holders only, to all poir-ts, at reduced rates. CLEhOYMEN residing on the line of the road will be furnished with ca'cs entitling themselves and wives to ticket at hali fare. EXCURMON TICKE'lS from Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, at reduced fares, to be Lad only at the Hcket Omce, at Thirteenth and Callowhlll Streets FKLJGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points lrom the Company's new freight depot. Broad and Willow streets. MaILS close at the I Llladelphia Post Utflee for all places on tne road and us nraucnes at 0 a. ai. aril ior the principal stations only at 2 16 P. M. FREIGHT TRAINS leave Philadelphia dally at 4-36 A. M.. 1280 noon, 6 and 7-16 P.M., for Reading. Lebanon, Iiarrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and points beyond. BAGGAGE. Dungan's Express will oollect linage lor all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot Orders cun Le leit at No. 225 S. FOUlt I'll Street or at the Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALUJW. HlLLStteets. -IT T EST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL- f RtAllMPANl. On and alter MONDAY, April 4, 1S70, trains whl leave from the Depot, THIRTY-FIRST and CUES- NUT. as loUoas: ' FROM PHILADELPHIA. rt 45 A.M.. for B. C. JuiiL-Uou, stops at all stations. 7-lftA.M., for West Chester, slops at all atatioua west f Media (except Greenwood), connecting at B. C. Junction for Oxford, Kennett, Port Deposit, aud stations on tue r. ana it. u. it. 9-40 A. M. for West Chester btopa at all stations. 11 -c0 A. M. for B. C. Junction stops at all stations. 8-30 P. M. for West e hester stops al aii stations, a-is P. M. for B. V. Junction stops at all stations. 4-43 P. M. for West Chester stopa at all stations west of Media (exceot Greenwood), counecuug-al u. u, Junction for oxford, Kenuett, Port Deposit, and li HiHtioiiH on the P. A B. C. R. R. B-80 P. M. for B. C. Junction, ThiH train commences ruuning on and after June 1, lsiO, stopping at all Btatlons. t'tf P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 11-80 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. " FOR PHILADELPHIA. 6-.B A. M. from B. C. Juuctiou atops at all stations, s 80 A. M. from West Chester stops at ail atatlous. T-40 A. M. from West Chester atops at all stations be- taeen V. C. and Media (exceot Ureeuwood). COQ nectlng at B. C. Junction for oxford, Kennett, J 'ort Deposit, ana ail stations on tne i a a. c. ii. it. R-iK A. M. from B. C. Junction stops at all stations. iiiihi a. M. from West Chester stops at all stations, l-oo P. M. from B. C. Junctiou 8tns at all stations. 16 P. M. lrom " est t nesier bwib at au aiauoiia. 4 ts P. M. from W eat Chester stops at all stations. connecting at li. c. junction ior uxioro, h.ennett Port Deposit, and all stations on the P. it B. C. It R. efi 1. M. from W est Cheater stops at all stations. con nectlng at B. C. Junction with P. 4 B. C. R. R. o-fin v. M. from B. C. Junction. This train cotn niences running on and alter June 1st, IbJO, stop- pmgataiisiauor., ,NuA 8 A. M. for West Chester stops at all stations, con Lecting at li. C uuiu-iiou wuu r. a. u. v. n. n. J-?0 P. M. for West tMieatej- stops at all atatjoua. 4 id A. M. from Wtst Cheater aupa at aif aiaiioas, 7Y..i 1 Vi. from Wtst stops at all stations. counettiDZ at 15. C. Junction with P. A B. O. K. R. W. U. WHEELER bup t. AUO flON 8ALE8, M THOMAS k 8ON8. S. POURTn STREET. NOS. 139 AND 141 Jxecuiors Rale Estate of Elizabeth 8harp, de ceased, No. 41 N. Twelfth street. UANDMiME WALNUT, MAIIOUANY, AND OAK UpMTIRE, ELEGANT PIANO-FOKTK, FIG M!h PLATE PI BR MIRROK, SUPERIOR MAHOGANY UIOH OASRCIACK, HANDSOMK Pt I SSEI.S, lNORMN, aNDOTHER CARPETS, CHINA AND OLaSSWARK, ETC. On Friday Morning, July 1, at 10 o'clock, hv catalogue, at No. 41 N. 1 weirth street, below Arch street, the entire House bold Furniture, comprising Handsome Waluut J'arlor ai d Chamber Furniture, Elegant 7-ootav iano Forte, made by Hazleton Brothers, New York ; fr'iperlor Oak ninlna-rncni Furni-nre, 8 superior Malioitiiiy Secretary Bookcases, Mahogany Ward robe, Flue French J'late Pier Mirror, superior Mahorany High Case Clock, Fine Hair Mattresses, rcathir Reds, Bedding, Handsome Brussels ami titer carpets, China and oiastware, Refrigerator, Kudu n I'tensiis, -tc. iay be examinrd on the morning of sale at 8 o'cii ok. e 29 2t ri'IU MAS BIRCH SON. AUCTIONEERS A TsT 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 1110 CIIKS- M T Street; rear entrance No. liui Hansom street. CARD We Invite special attention to ourverr a ce naie, at the Auction Store, to-morrow morning. t iiimencltig at 9 o'clock, as tt comprises over toot) ls of puper.wr new aud second hand furniture of every description, from families declining house keeping and some of our best cabinet-makers; also, a iHrge number of mirrors, paintings, carpets, re frigerators, etc., which will bo sold to uake room for new consignments. it Bale at No. 11 10 Chcsnut street. ELEOANT WALNUT AND PLUSH PARLOR SUITS, Handsome Oiled Walnut Chamber Suits, 8 Rosewood Piano-fortes, French Plate Mantel and Pier Mirrors, Chamber Glasses, Velvet, Brussels, and Ingrain Carpets; Spring, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses; Oak and Walnut Dining-room FumttU'e, 15 New and Second-hand Refrigerators, Paintings, Engravings, China, Glassware, etc. On Friday Morning, At 9 o'clock, at No. lUOChesnut street, will bo sold, a laipe assortment of furniture for parlor, library, Blttlnp-room, dining-room, and kitchen. Abo, mantel and pier mirrors; 3 rosewood pianos; paintings; engravings, etc. SWU.MMIANU FURNITURE. Also, the entire furniture of a dwelilnir removed to the B'.ore. 16 REFRIGERATORS. Also, 15 new and Booond-hand refrigerators. GUNNING SKIFF AND SAILS. At 12 o'clock will be sold, at No. lUOChesnut st reet, a strong new flat-bottom gunning skin about in icei mng, painted witite; also, tne sails and spars. Now at Washington street wharf. Terms cash at sale, as soon as sold. 6 29 2t A1SO, GILT FRAME MANTEL AND ITER MIRRORS. To be sold at 1 f o'clock. 2 mantel mirrors, plate Jioxsc do. do. do. 60X.W. do. do. do. pier do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 62X40. 60X40. 46X32. 116X2S. do. small size. FINE GIL PAINTINGS. Also, 40 fine oil paintings, by Trotter and otaers. to be sold Immediately after the mirrors. it 1 ARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Salesmen for JVI. Thomas & Sons.) No. 7U4 Chesnutst., rear entrance lrom Minor. TBE CENTRAL EXPRESS CO.'S AUCTION SALE OF lfiOO UNCLAIMED PACKAGES Commences On Friday Morning, July 1, at 10 o'clock, continuing until 3 o'clock. and commencing at 7M o'clock in the evening; concluding on SATURDAY MORNING at 19 o'clock. 6 29 2t CONCERT HaLL AUCTION ROOMS, No. 1219 CIlESNUT Street. T. A. MtCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER. Personal attention given to sales of household fur niture at dwellings. Public sales of furniture at the Auction Rooms, N o. 1219 Chesnut street, every Monday and Thurs day. For particulars see "Public Ledger." N. B. A superior class of furniture at private sale, BY BARRITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS. CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET Street, corner of Batik street. Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge 11 24 BUNTING, PURROROW & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 232 and 234 MAP KKT street, corner of Bank street, bnccessors to John B. Myers A Co. O S E P H PENNEY AUCTIONEER, No. 1307 CHESNUT i-TREET. 6 23tf N LOUISVILLE, KY GEORGE W. ANPFUBON. H. O. BTUOKI. TllOWAS ANDKR80N GO. (Kfttablinhed iH2ti). AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LOUI8VILLK, KY. BnaiiieM -trictiy Commiaaion. All motion tales exoh lively tor cash. ConaigBmenta solicited for auction or private aale. Keg-alar auction aalea of boota, hoes, and bate even Tburaday. K-KQlar auction aalaa of dry icoorie, clothing, oarpete nntiona, etc., every W adBeeday and i'unraday. 13 1M 6m RAILROAD LINES. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. SHORTEST ROUTE TO THE SEA SUORE. THROUGH IN IV HOURS. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO ATLANTIC CITY. On and after SATURDAY, July , lsio, train, will leave VINE STREET FhRRY as follows: Special ixcursiou (when engaged) 6 IS A. M. Mall 8-00 A. M. Freight (with passenger car) 9 45 A. M. Express (through in IV hours) 3-30 P. M. Atlantic Accommodation 415 P. JL Returning leave Atlantic Special Excursion 5 89 P. M. Mall 4-35 P. M- Irelght (with passenger car) 110 A. M. Express (through In 14' hours) 7-84 A. M. Atluntlc Accommodation 6-06 A. M. An extra Express Train (through in IV hours) will leave Vine Street Ferry every Saturday, at a P. M. Returning, leave Atlantic City. Monday, 9 40 A.M. LOCAL TRAINS LEAVE For Haddouneld. 10-15 A. M., a P. M. and 8 P. M. Fr r Atco and Intermediate stations, 10-15 A. M. and 0 P. JYL Returning, leave Haddonfleld at 7-15 A. M., 1 P. M., and 3 P. M. Atco, at 6122 A. M.Iand 18-15, noon. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Vine Street Ferry at 8O0 A. HL " Atlantic City at 4 85 P. M. The Union Transfer Company, o. 828 Chesnut Street (Continental Hotel!, aud No. 116 Market street, will call for baggage aud check to destina tion. Additional ticket otllces have been located at No. 828 Cbesnut street and No. 110 Market street for tha sale of through tickets only. J'aSHtgers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not be re sponsible for an amount exceeding onu hundre.1 dollars, unless a special contruct is made for the same. D. 11. MUNDY, 6 28 Agent. TV7EW JERSEY SOUTHERN RAILROAD LINE. IN NEW ROUTE BE'iWEEN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA MA LONG BRANCH. An ACCOMMODATION T'KAIF in tho morning and AN EXPRESS TRAIN In tha Afternooon from each end of the route. THE EXPRESS TRAIN will be furnished with SPLENDID PALACE CARS. NO CHANGE Of CARS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND SANDY nOOIC ASK FOR TICKETS VIA PEMUERTON AND LONG BRANCH. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, July 4, 1S70, trains will run as follows: LEAVE NEW YORK, from Pier No. 28 NORTH River, foot of Murray street, at 0-45 A. M. Accommodation and 4 30 P. M. Ex- Prt88 LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. from foot of WALNUT StreeL at 7-00 A. M. Accom- ouatloii and 80 P. M. Express. The NARK AG AN SET IT STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S Magnificent Steamers "Plymouth Rock" aud "Jesse Bojt" have been fitted up expressly for this business. the former with vtutivalUd acewiitailatiomi, and will make the connection between New York and Sandy Rook. avengers by this route can be served with BREAKFAST or DINNER on the EUROPEAN PLAN m a mylr vnsurpaiued by any lfutel in Amerioa. Fare between Philadelphia ami New Vbrk 3-oo 4. W Long Branch... 8-85 For particulars as to connections for TOM'S BJVER, Rt BANK, and all way stations, see tho "Traveller"" and "Arpletou a Guides." C. L. KIMBALL, 0 27 Superintendent. YOI1N FARNUM & CO., COMMIS3ICYN MER- t i chanta and(Mannfctiur of OodbsUw Tiokin, eU. No. 4 CiilUsMJT bwaat. PtuUdeiyui. lwt-ui