THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAF1I PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY JUNE 8, 1870. 3 riEWS BUIVIIVIAIIY. City ArTnlr. Yesterday morning Detectives Cobb, Miller, and Fletcher recovered jewelry, wearing sppnrel, eto., rained at $iK), which were Btolen from tfie honse of Mrs. Sophia Nelson, No. 1T24 Master street, on the 17th of May last. The property was found stowed nway in a Loupo in the lower part of the city. The thief is now in prison in Trenton, N. J., having been arrested on another charge. ltevenue Detective Brooks and others Lave seized the contents of the rectifying bouse of Edward Armstrong, at Twelfth and Honth street 8, including some twenty-eight barrels of whisky. The allegation npon which the seizure in based is the receipt and rectification of contraband spirits, and not making in his books the entries required by law. The following cases were admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday: Frank Harris, aged '211 years, residing in Camden, leg fractured by a car on the Camden and Amboy Railroad; Fred. W. Klepper, aged 150, residing at No. 83-4 Orchard street, two toes cut off with an axe while working on a raft at Laurel street wharf; Mary O. lligga, aged I) years, residing at No. G18 Lombard street, arm fractured by a fall from the second story window of her residence; George W. Huston, aged 15 years, residing at Front and Christian streets, attacked with convulsions, but aftfrflrd recovered. DoineHtlo Alfmr.. Gold closed yesterday at 1 13 J. Assistant Attorney-General Field has ro bigned. , Further murders by Indians are reported from the Tlains. Colored people voted in San Francisco yesterday for the first time. The Oregon elections passed off quietly. Grover is probably elected Governor. The Bank bill is likely to meet with very lively opposition to-day in the House. The Senate Finance Committee has agreed to report a bill to repeal the tax on ross receipts. In the U. S. 8enate yesterday, after the close of our report the Indian appropriation bill was considered until adjournment. In the House Mr. Garfield's $95,000,000 Banking and Currency bill was debated until adjournment. - Foreign Affair. Apprehensions of a short cotton crop in India have been quieted by rains. A political movement has just been dis covered and suppressed at Leghorn. The breach in the party of the Left, in the Corps Legislatif, is complete. General Melinet has been re-elected Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France. MURDER AND SUICIDE. A shocking tragedy occurred at half-past 9 o'clock last evening at the residence of Mr. Howard A. Holloway, No. 1308 South Ninth street, below Wharton. Amelia McLaughlin, eged about twenty-six years, employed as a domestic in the family, was shot in the breast and instantly killed by a young man named William Stratton, a gas-fitter, who re sided at No, 013 Federal etreet. It seems that Stratton, who occasionally got drunk, was in the habit of visiting Amelia at the re sidence of Mr. Holloway for several months, but his conduct was of such a character that he was forbid coming to the house. On a recent occasion ho struck Amelia and black ened both her eyes. Last evening he went to the house, and as cended to the second story, and there had an interview with Amelia. Mr. Holloway was seated at or standing near the front door. Amelia came down stairs and requested him to "let Stratton go away in peace," and then returned up stairs where he was. Presently the reports of a pistol were heard. Lieutenant Smith, of the Seventh district, was promptly at the scene, and upon entering the second btory front room he discovered Stratton gasping for breath, lying on the floor by the front of a lounge, a Beven-shooter near his right hand. Amelia, who had evidently fallen from the lounge upon the end of which she had been sitting, was in a half reclining posi tion in the corner of the room; the bosom of her outside dress was on lire. Lieutenant Smith immediately drew her out from the corner and extinguished the fire. She was dead.- Dr. Edward Guth was sent for, but when he arrived the man was dead. Amelia had been out in the afternoon, but whether in Stratton's compapy could not be definitely stated by any person present. The family in which she lived speak in excellent terms as to her character. She had lived there about two years. Lieutenant Smith took possession of the pistol with which this tragedy was committed. It is apparently a sew weapon, or one that had been but little used. Upon An examination of the body of Amelia two wounds were discovered in her breast. Stratton shot himself in the right temple. XV S W-T O K HIS ZVZ S. From Our Own CorrtsvorulenL Nsw York, June 8, 1870. Allii M.ntez Again. The young lady who calls herself the daugh ter of Lola Monter and the King of Bavaria has been exciting a good deal of attention. For the past two years she has been residing at the Astor House, where it is pleasant to learn she was able io defray expenses that could not have been very email. However, so that she paid her bills and conducted herself with passable propriety, the gentlemen conducting that classic establishment found no fault and expressed themselves satisfied. A day or two ago, however, on a bill being presented, the young lady expressed herself out of funds tem porarily and requested a short "wait" Then she is said to have gone up to her apartment and had a fit, In which condition she was dis covered by one of the attendants of the hotel. The attentions to which Miss Montez, or Princess Editha, has been subject of late from the Soroals are quite euough to give her or any ordinary woman an epileptic attack. The young lady originally set out with the design of lecturing on the wrongs of her mother, "the Countess of Lanasieiui." vvnetuer sue was rint or wrong in thinking that the public would be interested in her view of the matter is a question aside from the subject now in hand. It is certain that tUe Sorosls and some of the fragments of the Woman's Suf frage Association got around the poor thing, and talked her into attempting a lecture on' "Woman's Rights, upon which she was not at all posted. To the improvisation she was thus compelled to make she attributes her failure. The sympathies of the reader will be awakened when he learns that the unhappy young woman is subject to epileptic attacks. Upon her belog found in one of these seizures in her apart ment she was conveyed to police headquarters, that being considered by the Stetsons a sovereign remedy for diseases of that nature when the Invalid has no money. Fortunately for the rrinccfs Edltlia, however, a Indy-boarder at the hotel, who took an unwual interest in her, offered to take her back, watch over, and guard her and, what is more, de fray her expenses until a council of physicians should decide in her case. The affair has created quite a discussion la the news papers among those who knew the late Counters of Landsfeldt. As bearing upon this subject, the reader may possibly remember a smll book published some years ago entitled the "Story of a Penitent," and purporting to give, through the medium of Dr. Hawks, of the Episcopal Church, a "true story" of the last hours of Lola's life. This little book is both effective and affecting in a religious sense. The trouble is that I have heard the truth of the account denied in tolo by those who profess to have the fullest knowledge with respect to it. I have been told by one of Lola's most iatimale acquaintances that she died in extreme destitution, forsaken by professed friends, and writhing under extreme ajrony of soul, and that her last words, instead of a humbly-expressed hope of forgiveness, were well, perhaps it is best not to write what they were, but to throw the veil of charity over every unkind report whose truth we cannot abso lutely prove, and to hope, as I do, that her peace was made on the same terms ot infinite loving-kindness on which other slnren before this have been made welcome and at home on the other side of Jordan. 1 1 or nee at the Ilolliiiren. Bismarck, whose physician ordered him re pose, thought of coming to the united btates in order to get it. Deluded man ! By such an in tention he proved very plainly that he little understood the American institution of . inter viewing. To this torture Mr. Greeley has re cently been subjected From his trip to Nassau he returned quite ill with intermittent fever, and, instead of proceeding to his suburban home to practise what he knew about farming, he took rooms at the Hoffman, arrayed himself in a flannel dressing-gown, and tried hard to ex ercise patience and stop swearing. The diffi culty has been Increased and rendered almost insuperable from the fact that the newspaper reporters have flocked around the door of his bedroom, for' it is so seldom they have an op portunity of interviewing one of them selves, so to speak, that when the oppor tunity offers their assiduity knows no bounds. But in Mr. Greeley they find a hard task. He is said to be an extremely difficult case to interview. In the first place, it is next to impossible to gain admission to his presence; and in the second, the only way by which he can be made to say anything worth putng in a paper is to betray him into a momentary fit of spleen. Then, indeed, his shrill soprano whine makes itself heard to some effect, and he exhausts an entire thesaurus of blasphemy of all the choice synonyms by which anathemas can be expressed. ' As a sick man, he is far from sweet. Were I a nurse he would not be my favorite patient. Weston's Walk. In spite of the fact that the hundred miles were bo accurately portioned off for Mr. Wes ton, he has plenty of detractors who are fond of saying that he never walked that distance in twenty-one hours, and that they can prove it. If there is anything that Mr. Weston is to be particularly admired for, it is that he takes pains to keep himself apart from the pedestrian beats who seek notoriety at any cost. As yet he has not taken the trouble to reply to his detrac tors. Probably he Is too busy arranging how to dispose in the most prudent manner of the $1600. His present business of pedestrianism h much more lucrative than his former one. Some years ago, when he used to live at the Savory House, near the Park House, Beekman street, he was a poor book peddler. Hi dally tramps were then wearisome enough, I ween, and he had no suspicion that he would ever become a champion walkist. Wanting Public Money. Mr. Fisk gives us music for the million on Sunday evenings at his Grand Opera House, and a number of equally charitable people pro pose erecting baths lor the million at various eligible points throughout this oity. Apropos of this intention and of the design of the city authorities to aid them in the matter, a member of the Common Council arose yesterday, and in an elaborate speech announced it as his opinion that for the city to bear any portion of the expense of publie baths was a shameful waste of public money. That member is evidently not of the opinion that cleanliness is next to godliness. In spite of his denunciations, the bath-houses are going up, and this summer the as yet unwashed, majorities of Gotham expect to become cuticularly clean. Axi Baba. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional ilarin Xeu$ m first Pag. ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THI8 DAT. Bun Risks 4-29;Moon Skts..... 1-29 bCN bfcTtt 7 -ill I HIGH WATS a 'U PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE, John O. Jambs. - i - c. B. Dbrbokow, y COMHirrKS op thk Month. T. L. Gillbspib, J MOYKMKNTS OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. FOR AMERICA. Tripoli ....Liverpool. ..New York V. B.May 21 England Liverpool... New York May 25 Dacian Glasgow.... New York May U3 Nebraska Liverpool... New York May 25 c.of Wasu ton.. Liverpool... New York May iki Virginia Liverpool... New York May 8T America Havre New York .' M ay 2i Anglia Glasgow. ... New lors May 2S Java Liverpool... New York May 25 C. Of Dublin.. . . .Liverpool. . .New York May 23 FOR EUROPE. Colorado New York... Liverpool June 8 Iowa. New York... Glasgow June 8 8 8 0 9 China New York... Liverpool June Palmyra...... New York... Liverpool. June Abyssinia new York... Liverpool. June Hanover .New York. ..Bremen June C. of Brussels. .New York Mile lie Paris.. New York Liverpool Jaae 11 .Havre June 11 Parana New York,.. London. June 11 Weser ....New York, ..Bremen June It Cambria New York... Glasgow June 11 France New York... Liverpool. Juue 11 C. of Antwerp..Nw York... Liverpool June 14 Nebraska New York.. .Liverpool June 15 Java ....New Yorx... Liverpool. Jane 15 Tripoli New York. . .Liverpool June 15 America rew iun...nreujen dune xa C. of Washten.New York. ..Liverpool. ...... .June 1 C.of London. .New York... Liverpool June 85 COAST W lb JS. UUMKSTIC. ETC. J.W. Everman.Pniladelphla. Charleston Jane 10 Wyoming Philadelphia, savannah Juue 11 Geo.Crom well. New York. ..New Orleans. ..June 11 Fah-Kee. New York. ..Bermuda June 14 Yueoo. Philadelphla.New Orleans... June 18 Maila are forwarded bv every steamer in ine regu lar lines. The steamers for or from Liverpool call at Oueeustown. excent the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or from the ConU- pent call at Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Fanlta, Freeman, New York, John F. OhL bieamer u. u uaw. ller. Baltimore. A. uroves, jr. Br. brtg Cairo, Vance, Wilmington, N. C, C. 0. Van norn. Schr Abble Dunn, Fountain. Salem. Warren Gregg. Schr V. Sharp, Sharp, Boston, J. Rommel, Jr. A Bro. Schr E. A. Cumiulugs, Whirlow, Washington, D. C, weld, ruagie tu, Schr N. Holmes, Dixon, Wickford, L Audenrled & Co. Schr C'has. Cooper, Paxson, Nantucket, . do. lir Electa Bailey, Smith, Boston, do. Schr Rhody Shannon, DUks, Buxton. do. Schr 8. A. Boice, Vales, Cambridge, John C. Scott fc. Sons. Schr o. H. Tolly, Goslee, Jackson, N. C, via Balti more, loas. uamitiii a. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Wyoming, Teal, TO hours from Savan nnn, wlt.h cotton, rice, et;., to Philadelphia and Southern Mull Steamnhlp Co. Passengers Miss Annie Ely, Mr. Goodwin, Mrs. Quartirman, Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Kate Peters, Miss !. E. Roger, Mrs. Ilanp and child, urs. C.C. Perry, Mrs. Thog. Malorv, Mrs. Harry Pennington, Mr. II. V ebb and wifn, Dr. E. R. Mayer, Messrs. J. Morpan, B. Donman, W. U. Peters, S. Nandnr, B. P. McGraln, Hugh McLane. K. Le Stronger, M. Kannaqght, Thos. Marling, II. Hlg gins, D. Taylor, Wm. Dully, WTm. Schledt, F. Mous ler, M. Rose, John Kane. Steamer Taconv, Nichols, ?4 hours from New York, With mdse. to W. M. Balrd A Co. Correpontlrm't of The Frtninn Telmraoh. ' EA8TON A McMAHON'S BULLETIN. Nbw York Omen, June 7 Four barges leave in tow to-night, for Baltimore, light. Bil.TiMORg Branch Orrioa, June 7. The follow, itig barges leave in tow to-night, with coal, for New York: N. Bottsford, M. K. Hannlgan, Flvlng Fish, Estella, A. Toms, and N. Chllds. L. S. U. (By TelrtrapK) Lwkp, Del., Jnne 7 By steaintng America At the Brown, ships Royal Charlie anil Astronnm; at the ixige, bar came wrignt, tqb bark .uas nie lay at New castle last night; at the Shears, ship British America and bark Columbia. The fleet reported for the last few days 1 still In the harbor; also, two small tugboats, nnknown. Wind light from SE. Thermometer, 60. MEMORANDA. Ship Coromandel, Calhoun, for Philadelphia, en tered out at Liverpool 24ih ult. Ship .'. C. lioynton, Wavcott, hence, at Deal 24th ult., and sailed 2Mh lor Antwerp. Steamship Tonawanda, Barrett, hence, at Savan nah yesterday. Steamship I'romctheus, Gray, hence, at Charleston yesterday. Steamship Empire, Hunter, for Philadelphia,8allcd from Iitchmond cth Inst. Bark Lizzie Fox, Clark, hence, at Corunna 10th ultimo. Bark William, Cole, hence, in Dunkirk Roads 25th ultimo. Bark Vlngolf, Olsen, hence for Cronstadt, in the Sound. J-.lsinore, aist nit. Bark Tropic Bird, Letteney, for Phlladelphia,salled irom Liverpool zotn tut. Bark Mollis, Herding, for Philadelphia, cleared at Liverpool 23d ult. Bark Mary Cook, Farfor, for Philadelphia, entered out at Liverpool sad ult. Bark Everhard Dellus, Herboth, hence for Bremen, oit uunceness 23i nit. Bark Carrie Wyman, McGllvery, at Havana 3lst UI5., for north of.Hatteras. Bark A bote N. Franklin, Uolbrook, at Naples 20th mi., irem new 10m. Bark R. G. W. Dodge, from Fayal for St. John, N. B., was spoken lath May. lat. 41 N., long. 28 W. so reported. The R. G. W. D. was at Fayal 2d May, la distress. Britrs Frontier, Morgan; Edith, Putnam; and Ida Ij. Kay, nay, lor rnnaueipnia, cleared aicsi. jonn, N. B., 4th Inst. Scbr Gon Rock, Burgess, hence, at Salem 4th Inst. Schr I'alos. Shackford, hence, a', ssaiem otn mat. Scbr Julia A. Garrison, Smith, hence, at Boston Cth lnt t. Schr S. S. Lee, Springer, hence, at Providence 6th instant. . Hchr Sarah Clark, GrlfTln, from Fall River for Phi ladelphia, sailed from Newport P. M. 3d inst. Schr Heiiry Allen, Tateni, hence, at Newport P. M. 4th Inst. Schr Lebannah, Delay, from Providence for Phi- lane nh a or New York, at isewport r. m. 4tn inst. Schr T. T. Tasker, Allen, cleared at Georgetown, D. C. 4th inst for Providence. Schr Mary Rtlev, Riley, from Rockport for Phila delphia, sailed from Holmes' Hole A. M. Sd inst. Schr Stephen Morris. Seaman, from Boston for Georgetown, l). u, saiiea irom iioimcs' iioie a. m. 3d fnit. Schr Henry Russell, Mehaffey, from Portland, Conn., for rnnadeipma, at mw xork eta inst. NOTICE TO MARINER8. The Daboll Fog Signal at Execution nocks being out or order, one or Andersons patent rog Trum pets, large size, will be used as a fog signal until re pairs are made, and at all times in future, when ne cessary, captains of vessels are cautioned to listen ror the rog trumpet wnen tney ao nos near ine regu lar signal. New Yoik. June 4 A new Buoy has been placed to mark Spear's Ledge, on trie tout n west sine or Kockiana uaroor, If.inu hoorlnir ,1 fnllnu'l . Wtkflt. hntlQA At fill! WArf. S. bv e WE., abont hi mile. Eastern end of railroad wharf, w. y, S., IX miles. .To be left on the port nana going in. DRY GOODS. arnnp kill tail UlVllbj No. 828 ARCH STREET ADD . No. 1128 CHESNUT Street PLAIN LINENS FOR 8UIT8. FLAX COLORED LINENS, 25 cents. FINE GREY LINBNS. CHOCOLATE LINBNS. PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS. NEW PRINTED LINENS. EMBROIDERED INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS. at fl-oo each, including every letter of tne alphabet. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND GENTS HANDKERCHIEFS. 8 21 mwf GEORGE FRYER, No. 01O CU12SIVUT Street, Invites attention to hia ELEGANT STOCK OF Black and Taney Silks, UNSURPASSED BY ANY IN THE CITY, AND SELLING AT LOW PRICES. M R B. R. D I L L ON. ROS. 821 AND 981 SOUTH STREET. LadLa and MiMM Onp. Gimp, Hair and Straw Bound wad Pyramid HaU; Ribbons. Satin., Silks, Velvata and Valr.Uans, GrapM, Faatben, Flow.n, FraniM, Saab Ribbona, OrnamenU, Mooraiac Millinery, Orap. Veils, .to. T EMOVAL, MRS. E. HENRY. MANUFAO XX torer of LadiM Cloaks and Mantillas, undine; her late tooaiien. No. IS North Eighth street, inadequate for her larsaly inoreaaed basinets, has removed to the vi nnlN'r M) KPAOKHia WaRKKOOM. atk ha Southeast corner ox NINTH and AKUU Streets, where lie now otters, in addition to her stock of Oloaki and Mantillas, a cnoio Laioioe 01 ralaier (miwn, iot Points and Saoqaea. s & ami NEW PUBLICATIONS. NOTICE. The first volume of Zill's Encyclopedia Is now complete and bound. Sub crlptlons taken either for bound volumes or In numbers. Parties thinking of subscribing had better send in their names at once, as the 'price of the work will unquestionably be advanced to non-subscribers. T.ELUVOOUZULL, 6 4 swim - PUBLISHER. Nos. II and 19 B. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. QENTVS FURNI8HINQ OOOD8. PATENT 8IIOULDE11-8KAM A ; - SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND, GENTLEMEN 8 FURNISHING 8TORA PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made from measuremeut at Tery snort notice. Ail otiier articles of -GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS in full v&nety. WINCHESTER A CO.. It No. 1(4 CHESNUT Street. INSURANOh. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1836. Orac southeast corner of THIRD and WALNUT Cfvnnll Phlla.lnlnKI. MAIM MP. IVSUTU iKIitTO On Teasels, Cargo and Freight to aU parts of tbfl i"nt r a frn iWtp iionva jn goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to all parts of the Union. Merchandise generally; on Stores, Dwellings, Houbcs, etc. ASSETS OF THE COMPANI November 1, 18fl. 1.00,000 United States Five Fer Cent. Loan, ten-forties HH.OOO-OO 100,000 United States Six Percent. Loan (lawful money) 10T.TBO-O0 M,000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan, 1881 80,000-00 900,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Fer Cent Loan ilS.BSOtlO 900,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from tax) 900,928 -08 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 09,000 00 90,010 Pennsylvania Railroad First mortgage six Per cent. Bonds 95,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Se 450-00 cond mortgage Six per Cent, Bonds 93,620-00 95,000 Western Pennsylvania Rail road Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad guarantee) 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per 90,000-00 Cent. Loan 16,000 DO i,uw elate or Tennessee six Per Cent. Loan 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 250 shares stock 6,000 North Penney lvanja Rail road Company, 100 shares stock 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Com pany, 80 shares stock 940,900 Loans on Bond and Mort gage, first liens on Cltv 4,370-00 14,000-00 9,900-00 i 1,500-00 Properties 940,9001)0 11,231,400 Par. Market value, 11,255,270-00 COSt. 91.21fi.S29-91. Real Estate Bills Receivable for Insurances made.. 923,700-75 Balances due at Ao-finen: Premiums on Marine Policies, Accrued i imprest, ana oiner debts dae the com pany 65,097-90 9,740-90 169,29111 Stoek, Scrip, etc., of Sundry Corpora tions, 14706. Estimated value Cash In Bank 1168,318-88 Cash in Drawer 979-96 1,863,100-04 nimrrTnm Thomas C. Hand, , Samuel E. Stokes, John C. DavlH. William (4. Hnnltntv Edmund A. Nnnrior Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob Rlegel, Jacob P. Jones, Jamea R MnFnrlAnd. Theophllus Paulding, James Traqualr, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., 'antes C. Hand, William C. Ludwlg, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcuvaln, J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Plttaburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg josepn ii. seal, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor, Genrta W. Ftornadon Wtillpm fl. Rnnuton. THOMAS c HAND, President, .TriitM n tiiviu 7i i,..m.. HENRY LTLBURNi Secretar' HENRY BALL Assistant Secretary. 1 1 HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Policies Issued on all the Ordinary Plant, AT LOW KATES OF PREMIUM, With full participation In the Profits. All Policies Non-Forieitalle. Ful Cash Surrender Indorsed on Each Policy. NO RESTRICTIONS AS TO TRAVEL OR RESI. The form of policy adopted is a plain and simple eon. tract, precise and deumte in its terms, and free from uuuiffuuui wumtiou ua restrictions. Bpecial attention is called to the IIOXli:ST IiLAlD plan this Company, offering the combined advantages OF TUX T3uil(litit? -tVKNOciittiou . and or JLilfe IiiHurauoo. I2very I'ollcy Holder (Secures a House ot ills Own. Descriptive Pamphlets, with Rates, furniahad an Ktinll (WUVU KU HIV OFFICE, N. W. corner Seventh and Chesnut St. PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM M. SEYFERT, President. LAURENCE MYERS, Vice-Presidents R. W. DORPHLEY, Secretary. V. HAYES AONEW. M. D., WILLIAM L. HIRST Medical Director. Counsel. DIBEOTOaS. I Win. B. Reaney, Edward Samuel, H. P. Muirfaeid. Wm. M. Bejfert, Lanrenoe Myers. J. M. Myers, Wm. 8. McManus, I Clayton MoMichaeL 496m 1829. CHARTR PERPETUAL. frantlii Fire line Con Ot PHILADELPHIA. Office, Nos. 435 and 437 CHESNUT St. Assets Jan. I v '70. $2.825.73 1 a67 CAPITAL- t00,000-00 AUGKuau and riuuiiuAitt..y,jB,78Vtfl INCOME FOB 1810, LOSSES PAID IH 1S6Y. IBB1U.UUU. Losses paid since 1829 over $5,500,000 Peroetnal and Temporary Polioios on Liberal Terms The Company also issues policies npon the Hants of all kinds of Buildings. Ground Rents, and Mortgages, lbs ' tt-an iixxn" das no uuru iau utuLLot. DIRECTORS. Alfred G. Baker. bamael Grant, George W. Richards, liiu Lea. Thomas Sparkat William S. Grant Thomas 8. Kilib, GnetATna H Konson. George k ales. ALFRED a. HAKJtK. Praaidens. GKORGB KALES, Vioa-Preaidoct. JAMES W. MoALLlSTKR. georetary. THEODORE M. RKGER. Assistant Secretary. 1 19Q F AME INSURANCE COMPANY Jo. 809 CHESNUT Street INCORPORATED 18S6. CHARTER PERPETUAL, CAPITAL tJuO.000. FIRE INSURANCE KXCLUSIVELY. Insnrancagainst Loss or Damans by Fire either by Par p.toaJ or Temporary rouciea. DIRECTORS. Charles Riobardson. , Robert P. earoe. William U.Khawn. John Keesler, Jr., Edward B. Ornt, Charles Stokes, John W. Evennaa, Mordeoai busby. William M. KeyierU John . Smith, Naiiian 111 lies. Georis A, West, CHARLES RICHARDSON, President. . WILLIAM U. RUAWN, WnxiAm L RLAKCHaao, Secretary. 1 ZSi ryilE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. OP X PH 1 LA UKLrnlS. Oljjc. K. w. corner or ruun i nsna hilbu j Btreetg nan inounapuci bauluoi v r. 1. i . PERPETUAL AND TKHM POLICIES ItiSUED. CASH Capital (paid UP in foil).. $,UU0'00 Casta AsssiSi 1, in al,Jtia A p. Rstchford Starr, j. Ldvingsron KrriDcaf James (Z Claghorn. -Wm.GTBoalton, , . Charles W heeler. Nslbro CTasier, John M. Atwood, George H. Stuart, Thomas ii- John tl- urowu, uamec ss. Asruteo. vtw If RATOHFORD STARK. Pra.idBt. THOMAS H. MONTCiOAtftkY, VwvPreaidit. ALFA. W. w IB! t K, neoretaP JACOB E. PETERSON. AaiMT Sew rta INSURANCE. INSURANCE COMPANI NORTH AMERICA. JairOaBT 1, 1870. Charter Perpetual Incorporated 1704. CAPITA I S300,OOC Asj-KTM 8M,?s:!.5M Imra pnld .lore orannliatloB... .8:1,000,000 Receipt, of Premiums, 1 SI. . . . I ,0 1 ,S:IT4 S Interest fre iBTeatanente, 0. I14,09(i'74 tt-4,10H,3.-tl-l ...8l,0:3,;iS4i-S4 UnM paid, 16. Ntntement ef the Aete. First Mortgagee on Oity Property $706,460 United Slates Government and other Loan Bonds.....' 1.123,644 Railroad, Bank and Oanal Stocks 45.7i Cash in Bank and Offlcs S47.H30 Loans en Collateral Security 82,656 Notes Receivable, mostly Marine Premiums... B2i,M4 Accrued Interest 90,367 Premiums in course of transmissien.. ., . B5.108 Unsettled Marine Premiums llRi.Wt Real Estate, Office ol Company Philadelphia.. 8U.0U0 8'A,YS3,3!1 DIRECTORS. . Arthur H. Francis R. Oops, Edward 1L Trotter, Edward 8. Clarke, T. Obarlton Henry, Alfred D, Jessup, Ioaia O. Madeira, Charlee W. Uuahman. Clement A. Grieoom, William Brockie. bamnel W. Jo tee, Jofcn A. Bros n, Charles 'i trior , Ambrose White, William Welsh, S. Morris Wain, John Mason, George L. Harrison, ARTHUR G. OOFFIW, President. CHARLES PLATT, Vioe-Presidsnt. Matthias Mabis, Secretary. O. H. Reeves, Assistant Secretary. 8 ANDES Insurance Company, CITJCIlMriilTI. Capital Stock SI, 000,000 CORPORATORS AND COMMISSIONERS. Robert Buchanan, Joseph C. Bauer, A. D. Bnllock, Samuel M. Murphy, HA. V. Post, Robert Mitchell. Augustus Wessel, Alexander Long, C. W. Moulton. Alfred Galther, J. B. BENNBrT, Chairman of Committee on Organization. Books are now open In this city, for subscriptions to a limited amount of the Stock at the office of the undersigned, where all information may be obtained. I3XJY & WOODS, AGENTS, No. 300 WALNUT Street, S 1 12trp PHILADELPHIA. F IRE ASSOCIATION. INCORPORATED MARCH 37, 1830. OFFICE, HO. 84 NORTH FIFTH STREET INSURE BUILD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, From Loss by Fire (in the Oity of Philadelphia only). A8KETIS JANUARY 1, 1S70, 8L,37J,r J4'43. TRUSTEES. WM. H. HAMILTON. CHARLES F. BOWER, JKbSU L1GHTFOOT, nnn'n Kumruiuirb JOHN OARROW, GEORGE I. VOUNQ, JOiS. R. LYNDALL, PltlUR ARViBRU.SrfiR, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, pkl'KR WILLIAMSON, I1A TT EV. TBi 1 It Eva Tf 'J JOSEPH B. BCHELL. WM. H. HAMILTON, President SAMUEL SPARHAWK, Vioo-President. WILLIAM f. BUTLER Secretary. 164 QUARTER PERPETUAL, ASSISTS $200,000. MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OP OERMANTOWN. OFFICE, No. 4S29 MAIN STREET. Take rinks In Philadelphia. Montgomery, and Books connues, on tut most favorable terms, upon dwellings, Barns, Merchaudtse, Formture, Farming Implements, Hay, Grain, btraw, eto. eto. DLKKOTUU3. Spencer Roberts, John btalmian, Albert A shmead, Josepn Uandsbury, V illiam Ashmead, M. D., Nicholas Rittenhouse, Natnan L. Jones. James F. Langstroth. Charles Weiss, Joseph Bonoher, Charles Millm&n. Abram itei, Obarles U. Stokes. SPENOKR ROBERTS, President. CHARLES H. ETOEES, Secretary and Treasurer. WM. H.LEHM AN, Assistant Beoretary. 6 88 smir&n ASBURY LIFE INSURANCE CO. NBU OZXH. LEMUEL BANGS, President. OEOKUI5 liL.L.iUTT, vice-rres tanaBec'y. EMOlt McCLINTOOK, Actaary. PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGENCY, JAMF8 M. LONOACRE, Manager. II. C. WOOD, JK., ssi. 17., Moaicai examiner. Office, 302 WALNUT St., Philadelphia. REV. 8. TOWERS, Special Agent. . i ' JAMES If. LONG ACRE, General Agent, B 83 mwfiy No. 80a WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. incorporated loo uuarter .01 f.iuM No. 610 WALNUT btreet, opposite Independence Square. Ihia company, lavorauiy aoowa mi iui winnianny rur ever torty yearn, oonUnuea to ins are sgainat loss or dam age by lire on Public or Private Suildings, either perma nently or for .limited time. Also on Fnrniture, Stock, of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. 'i heir Capital, together with a large Bnrpla. Fund, is Invented in the most careful manner, which enablee them to otter to ths insured an undoubted security lath. eaa. OfioS. , . . ,wHIL Daniel Smitli, Jr., , Thoma. Smith, lsaao Harlehurst, 1 TJ?'7.1"', .. Thomaa Robins, I J- Giliingbam Fall, John D.v.r.ux. J anioi Haddock, if. DANIEL SMITH, J a.. President. . WM. O. OROWELL, Secretary. . ' Itl JMPEKIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., lAinuun, ' ESTABLISHED 1803. Pald-np Capital and Aocomnlatad Funds, S8,0 00,000 IN GOLD, , PREVOST & nERUING, Agenta, 45 No. 107 S. THIRD Bueet, Philadelphia. CHA8. M. PRKVQ8T OlUa P. HERRING J. T. XASTOM. 1. M'MlHOf. M c 91 A 11 O IV, E KBrrrirre and commission mkhcbaats. No. i OOKN'UKH SLIP, New York, ! Nu,U BUU itt wnsavcB, ruiuuuupus, ' No. 46 W. PRATT Street, Baltimore. W. are prepared to ship every description ef Freight to Philadelphia, New York, Wilmington, and intermediate points with promptoeae and despatch. Canal RoaU and Bteam-ings f sunishedat the shorteet notiosv A LEX AND ER O. CATTELL A CO. J. PKOOUOK OOMMISKION MKROHANTS. No. X NORTH WHARVES ' Ha JT NORTH vATER BTREET, PHILADELPHIA. ' l AUXaXCU fl.Ti ti . KUIAB OAXXKUe AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FNOMRH OPERA SEASON. CABOLINB RIOHINGR BKRNARU Directress, rtr.n rsr 1 1 jr MR. AlHJ. R. PKNNOTFR, WEDft KSD A Y KVKNINf.. June 8, BOHKMIAN GIRL. First appearance In Philadelphia of MIK8 F.MMA HOWSON. THURSDAY FVKlvlNtl. June 9, COM PLI MFNT4RY RMKHT Tendered to MR. HKNRY DRAYTON Ily MRS. C. R. BERNARD. rrr,.r. HUGH KNOTS. FRIIMY Orsnd Compliment sry Bonsflt to MR. CAKOLINK Rich I NUS- tfKRN ARD. l.L'RUNK. Itoi sheets now anon t. Rnn..'. Nn 11m nkumit rami and st the endsmy. spi-Ton ests, 1 ; hamilT Clrc'e. M eents. SS XVTALNUT 8T. TH EATRB BEGINS AT 8. THIS tWadnonriMi KVRNIwn I.-. NINTH NIGHT of the World renowned t omedian. MR. JOSRPI1 JKKFKRHON. . . In bis exquisitely hrntitiful imnontonation of RIP VAN WIN KLK, in Dion Boucicanlt.'s srxnt drama entitled Rl P V A N V IN KLK; OK, I HK KIjKKP Or TVVKNTY iKAKS. Received nightly by lr(te snd brilliant Kiidinncoswith K I KtJSlASIIU APPI.AUSK. RIP VAf WINKI K IOSFPH .1 EFFRRflO?! MATINEE on BATCH HAY A FTKHNOON at a o'clock. iDairs seenrea six days in advance. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH 8T. THEATRE. EVERY EVENING DURING THR WKFK the original, world-renowned IlKVARi 8 Miniti KMJ), BRYANT'S MINTRKL8, FROM BRYANT'S OPFRA HOIIKK. ItKWVffllir Under the immediate direction and personal supervision of the eminent Comi-dii, ii. MR. DAN B H Y A NT, ' MR DAN KRTANT. who will positively appear every evening in his Inimitable F.rinnnances. fi 7 ryt c HE8NUT STREET THEATRE. JOHN STETSON..... ....... Lessee and Manager. ia.-M- v r.u OF THE GRKAT STAR TROUPE. .,Minatrjlsy, Rallnt. Faroe, and Burlewine. THURSDAY EVF.MNG, Jan. i. First Grand Tssf Hrl 1 1 of Ofminiinv A It K M 11 o r-.hamninna ?! .pnN'',l,,ia preparatory to tiieir Grand Champion xnn wnn me momgomery i.ignt tiuards of Mo on. H Ht "I PENNSYLVANIA POLYTECHNIC AND A ANATOMICAL MUSEUM, No. lat CHESNUT Street, three doors above Twelfth, the most complete collection of objects, illustrating Physiology, Pathology, Nstnral History, eto. Illustrative Lectures every evening. Open 8 A. M. to ID P. M. 6 a 3m 4 VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GA KPEN, Nos. 72ii, 723, 724, and 726 VINE Street. THE GKAND ORCHESTRION, formerly the property of the GKAND DUKE OK BADEN, purchased at great expense by JACOB VALER, of this city, In combination with FLaMER'S ORCHESTRA and Miss NELLIH) ANDERSON, will perform EVERY AFTERNOON and EV KN I NG at the above-mentioned place. Admission free. 1 1 13tf THE FINE ARTSi C. F. HASELTINE'S GALLERIES, . No. 1125 CHESNUT STREET. LOOKING-GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CHROMOS, PHOTO 3 RAPE S, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, ETC. BTO A large Invoice of Autotypes and SwIbb Panorama 'ust received. lliorp L O O K I N C-G LASSES, Every Novelty in style, at very low prices. OIL PAINTINGS. ENGRAVINGS, OHROMOS, ETO. ETO. . A large selection. PICTURE FRAMES, a prominent Department, with revised very lene prices. . RUSTIC FRAMES, EASELS. PORCELAINS. ROGERS' GROUPS, Jole Agency. GALLERY OE PAINTINGS, free to the public JAMES S EAELE & SONS, No. 816 CHESNUT STREET, , 18 PHILADELPHIA' FOR SALE. FOR SALE No. 383 S. FOURTH Street, abov. Spruce, a superior DWELLING- HOUSE. 'i feet front, every modern convenience, in com. plote order; early possession; convenient to PostOlfiuo and to Exchange and Insurance Companies. D. T. PRATT, : 630HUt No. 108 S. FOURTH Btreet. . TO RENTs TO LET THE STORE PROPERTY NO. TSS Ohesnnl street, twenty-Dv. feet front, on. boa drad and forty firs feet deep to Bsnnstt street, Bank buildings Bv. stories high. Possession May t, 1870. Ad dress THOMAS 8. FLETCHER, III lot! Delanoo, N. J. 8TORE 10 RENT FIXTURE8 FOR SALE No. 9 N. SECOND Street. Good stand for Dry Good, or Hat Apply on premises to 6112t KEIM A RIDDLE. fFS TO RENT A PARTLY FURNISHED liiliil MANSION, with about eight acre, of Land, inolud iug Lawn, and Fruit and Vegetable Garden, in fullculti vation, ready for use, known as Auburn Hill, on the old tront street road, one mile this side of Frankford, Applvto GEOKGR U ASHMEAD, " 6t No. 333 WALN UT Street. STORES TO RE N T, POSSESSION JULY L TEa first floor and cellar of two Mew Stores, on NINTH Bi,.t .hnt. Arflh. A Iho. the seaond and third fliwn. each S6 by 60 feet, witn separate entrance. Apply to t, 11.1,1a wi ii. ri&uwxv. 6S6t No. 817 WALNUT Street. GERMANTOW N TO RENT. A WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE on walnut lane, west ot ureen stre.1, win p. rentea lot the summer to a desirable tenant. Apply t B6t to wiLLian a. nauun, No. 817 WALflUT street. M FURNISHED HOUSE, NO.1701 WALNUT,toletb? 8. DAVIS PAGE. 6 81 w.wBt ' No. m WALNUT Street. CLOTHS, OA8SIMERE3. ETOs O L OTH HOUSE. JAMES ft HUDER, No. 11 North SECOND Street. Sign of the Golden Lamb, Aie w receiving a large and splendid assortment oi new atviea ui FANCY CASSIMERE8 ' ' And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTHS and COATINGS, I88mwi AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ROOFINO. READY ROOFIN O This Roofing U adapted to aU buildinga. It oaa b appUsd M BXEEP OR FLAT ROOFS at one-half th. wpena. of tin. It Is i-eadily pat 00 oJdl Shingle Roofs without removing the shingles, thus .void lng Uie damagmg of ceilings ana faraitar.wfail.udss I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roof, at abA ' notice. Also, PAIN T FOR SALE bf th. barrel or gallon th. best god oheapeet in th. market WELTON 1 I 17 Ks. Til N. NINTH Btreet Above Ooatca, A V. H 91 1 T II afc CO. TIN, COPPER, AND IRON ROOFERS, ...... No. 1624 SOUTH Street and No. 931 RIDGE Avenue. Patentees of the SPIRAL EXPANSIVE CONDUCTOR SPOUT. This spout has by a two yean' trial proved to b. . success, having put up soma 600 stack s, every one ol which ha. given entire aatiafaction. It is a spiral coil, thus dispensing with th. upright seam, which invariably break, first in th. spout. W. guarantee it to b. firm, more durable, to bear mora freezing, and oost less thaa any other good spout. Roofing and Guttering at reason, able prices. Old Roofs Repaired and Painted, t 81 liq "I LATENT PREPARED" A8PIIALTIC ROOF 1 IMG Patented May, 187U. This Felt i. already coatwl f-r ImiuMlikt. use. Has a stony surface, sjtiictt renders it uuinilsiumable. ... ,. Will stand hot climates. " Mr'KOH ANT A OO.. Importers, 113 Im Noe. 17 and 6h MLnOH bue.t.