HE D AIL Y EVENINTELEGRAPll- PHILADELPHIA, TUESD A Y, MAY 17, 1870. LITXJTXATTJXITJ. REYIEWOE NEW BOOKS. From Forter & Ooates we have received "Lothair," by tha Right Honorable B. Dis raeli. Published by D. Appleton & Co. This work is the literary sensation of the season in England, and it will undoubtedly attract muoh attention on this side of the Atlantio on ac count of its distinguished author. We make this announcement of its publication, and will refer to it at greater length hereafter. T. B. Feterson A Brothers send us "The Christmas Guest," a collection of stories by Sirs. E. D. E. N. Southworth and her sister, Sirs. Frances Ilenshaw Baden. With one exception, these tales are the work of Mrs. . Baden, who appears to have a considerable proportion of his sister's ability as a writer of fiction. From the American Tract Society we hare received "Dora's Mistako" and "Lucy "Woodrille's Temptation," a couple of cleverly written religious stories for young people that are well adapted for presents or for San-day-school libraries. From T. Ell wood Zell, Nos. 17 and 19 South Sixth street, we have received num bers 21, 22, 23, and 24 of "Zell's Popular Encyclopedia," which bring the work down to the title "Frigate Bird." These numbers contain, in addition to a great variety of other matter, elaborate and carefully pre pared papers on "Egypt," "Electricity," "English Language and Literature," "Ethics," "Fortification," "George Fox," "France," "Freemasonry," "French Language and Lite rature," and "Friends." Under this last title are three separate papers, which give the history and peculiar religious views of the Quakers from different points of view. They together make an impartial and very, com plete sketch of this important religious body, and supply a great amount of valuable infor mation on a subject of much interest. This work gives in a condensed shape all the most important features of the large encyclope dias, while it is published at a price that places it within the reach of those who have not the means to purchase many books. From the Central News Company, No. 05 Chesnut street, we have received the latest numbers of London Society, the Corn- 7iiU Magazine, Temple Bar, andlft the Tear Hound. The Teclinologist for May has an excel lent variety of praotical and scientific articles on engineering, manufacturing, building, and kindred subjects. , King's Musical Leaves is the title of a new musical and literary monthly, the first number of which promises well. It consists of sixteen large pages, devoted to literature, musio and romance, and at the low price of one dollar per annum it certainly offers a great deal for a little money. Published by B. P. King, Philadelphia. From Chicago we have received the first number of the' Art Review. Published by E. H. Trafton. This publication is intended for the popularization of art, and it is ap parently in the hands of live men, who are de termined to make it a success in all respects. The Stow Pavement. The following correspondence in reference to the Stow pavement will be read with Interest by such of our citizens as are interested in the beauty of our streets: Offici or thb Citizens' Association fob thi Improvement of Roads and Streets, Philadelphia, May 7, 1870. Dear Sir: A por tion of the Committee on Construction of the association witnessed the experiment made by you, at their request, on Thursday, April 21, when you removed and replaced a part of "The 8iow foundationpavement' laid by your company in October last in front of the Custom House, on Chesnut street. I carefully examined the spot twelve days after the experiment, and cannot see that the repaved poi lion is in the least displaced, with reference to the rest of the pavetnept, under the heavy traffic to which it is subjected. The operation of relaying was certainly very successful. The blocks came up in good condi tion, showing no signs of irregular wear, and the wedges which had been driven between them were not broken or blunted. In relaying there appeared to be no difficulty In bringing the gravel bed to a proper surface, or in replacing the blocks firmly In their beds, at the proper level. The experiment showed conclusively that ' there is no difficulty in taking up your pave ment for tbe purpose of introducing gas or water, or of refilling or surfacing up any depres sion which may occur from settlement of the bed: that the blocks may be replaced as firmly as they are at first fixed; and that the gravel under those blocks which were removed showed that the wedges had consolidated it laterally under the blocks, as you claim that it does. I will also say that the whole pavement is in very good condition, showing no signs of une qual settling or displacement. Yours, reepectfullyt F airman Rogers, Chairman of Committee on Construction. Gen. H. 8. Lansing, Stow Foundation Pave ment, No. 119 8. Fourth street, Philadelphia. QENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. pATENT BHOULD.KB-SBAH BH1RT MANUFACTORY, ISO GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, FKHFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWEE 8 made from measurement at very short notice. All other articles of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS la full variety. WINCHESTER A CO., lit No. T06 CHESNUT Street FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE r" J. WAT-HOW At ROW I " " ' IKS flOf the UU Una Of IV ABB A WATSO FIRE AND BXTBGLAB-PBOOV safe axons HO. 53 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, I8U A turn doors abovs ObMont st,, PhiUl MEDICAL.. EW DISCOVERT ELIXIR J. F. BKR- NARD TONI 6THENIQU K. ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, Th. HTtnl observations mad. by the beat phyeioians of th. Faoulte d. Paris hav. prowl that the siuknaesas xUioff from Impoveriabaeent i the blood or unuai ox haustion. via. : Ajjomu. Obiorosie, Bmpathisma, Phthisic, Diabetes, Albumlnerie, Boorbot, eto eto., are radially cured with tho KL1JCIR J. F. BKRMaW GeneralDepot-A. BKRNARD.No. 61 OBDAR Btreet, Is Ivor, tor ilebyjU jy pooUblo druggist 1 tnthej Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory. JOHN T. BAILEY, N. B. Cer. WATER and MARKET Sti ROPB AND TWIN, BAGS end BAGGING, for Grain X Lour. ouoer rnospuateoi uuie, uum isuai, n-io, 1 rg uu euu.ll - U nt i UluB oonstettUi OH AAttU. AO. WOOL tA0E4. CORDAGE, ETO. WEAVER & CO., ROPG 9IA1HIJFACTURER8 AND snip iiaii.i:us. No. 9 North WATER Street and No. 83 North WHARVES, Philadelphia. ROPE AT LOWEST BOSTON AND NEW YORK PRICKS. 41 CORDAGE. Manilla, Siial and Tarred Cordage At Lowest New York Price, and Fr.lt-b.ta. EDWIN II. FITLKR Sk CO., Factory. TENTH Bt. tad GKRMANTOWH Atmo. 6 tore. No. 3 V. WATER Bt and S3 N. DELAWARE Aeenw SHIPPING. ..gjfjfgfr LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP LINE FOB NEW Y O 11 1 sr. now receiving freight at 0 cent, prr 100 pounda. 9 cents per toot, or 1-9 cent per gallon, ship Anl Ian. INSURANCE M OF 1 PER CENT. Kxtre ratea An mall iimVi.u Ivm, natJ.. attjl No receipt or bill of lading signed for leaa than SO oents. Th. Lin. won id oall attention of merchant, generally to the fact that hereafter th. regular ahippera by thia Una will b. charged only 10 cenU per 100 lbs., or 4 oanU par foot, daring th. winter seasons. For farther particulars apply to JOHN F. OHL, W PIER IB. NORTH WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA AND SOTrTHICRrVr iMAIL 8TEAM8HIP OOMPANvn sur.n. LAK LINKS. QUEEN STREET WHARF. Th. AOHILLF8 will anil, for NEW ORLEANS, di ret, on THURSDAY, May i, at 8 A. M. The YAZOO will Rail from NEW ORLEANS, via HA V A N A , on , M ay . Tbe TONAWaNDA will Rail for SAVANNAH on BATURDAY, May 21, at 8 A. M. on oZ&tYS!!1'0.. " from SAVANNAH on SATURDAY, May 81. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. O., on FRIDAY, May 20, at 6 A. M. ' Through bills of lading aigned, and passage tiokata aold to all points Month and West. PILLS OF LADING SIC1NED AT QUEEN STBEKT WHABF. or ireigni or passage, appiy to JAMES, General Avanf No. 130 Bonth THIRD StrMt. PHILADELPHIA AND CHARLES TON STEAMSHIP LINK. This Una is now composed of th. following first class Steamships, sailing from PIER 17, below Spruoe Btreet. on THURSDAY ot each week at 4 P. M. :- et, ASHLAND, 81X1 tons, Capt. Crowell. J. W. EVKRMAN, 6V3 tona.Oapt. Hinckley. PROMETHEUS, 600 tons, Oapt. Oray. MAY, 18711. Prometheus, Thursday. May 5. J. W. Kverman, Thursday, May 18. Prometheus, Thursday, Mar It. J. W. Kverman, Thursday, May 26. Through bills of lading given to Columbia, S. O., t.e in terior ot Georgia, and all points South and Southwest. Freights forwarded with promptness and despatch. Rates aa low as by any other route. Insurance one half per cent., affected at the office in nrst-claaa companies no ireigut received nor bills ol lading signed after 8 P. M. on day of aailing. SUTJDEH Ac ADAMS, Agents, No. 8 UOOK Btreet, Or to WILLIAM P. OLYDK OO. No. 19 8. WHARVES. WM. A. COURTEN A Y. A gent in Charleston. 5 i tf FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. Inman linn of Mail fitnimanu.,. pointed to sail as follows; City of Cork, Tia Halifax, Tuesday, May 17, 1 P. M. Oity of London, Saturday. May 21, at 10 A.M. City of Paris, Saturday, May 28, 1 P. M. City of Baltimore, na Halifax, Tuesday, May 31, 1 P.M. City of Brooklyn, Saturday, Jane 4, A. M. And eaoh eaooMding Saturday and altarnat. Tuesday from Pier 46, North Riv.r. RATES OF PASSAGB. BT THB Kalt, STXAKKB SAHJNO KVKBT gATDBDAT, Pavabla in OoM. Pavabla in Onrrano. FIBbT CABIN .....$100 I STEERAGE $31 jo jonaon 1U6 to ixmaon 40 To Paris 116 To Paris if vaBuox BT TJECB XuBSDAT "T'"i via "J"I, FIRST CABIN. Payable In Gold. LiTerpool... , Halifax BTRRUas. Payabl. in Uurrenoy. Llyerpool , (He Halifax , U St. John'a, N. F I M b Branch StwkmsT..I ..fSO Bt. John's, N. F., I 4c py crancn Dteamar....) raasengera also forward, to ttaTre, rtamborg, ureman, to , at reduced ratea. Tick.U can be bonght h.r. at modarat. rates by persons wishing to send for their friends. n n a or rurtner paxtlooiars app'y, uramwwi umoH JOHN O. DALE, Agent, no. is Droaaway. N. x. IX A KAIII.K. A.n Or to 46 CDONNEIX A FAULK. Agents. No. 408 CHESNUT StrMt. PhUadalphia. ifff PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND, UItLL- .n NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE, THKOUGH FREIGHT AIR LINK TO TUB SOUTH .AND "VVKBT INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED RATES FOR 1870. Steamers leave every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 12 o'olock noon, from FIRST WHARF above MAR KET Street. RETURNING, leave RICHMOND MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and SA TURDAYS. N. Bills of Lading signed after 13 o'olock on aailing THROUGH RATES to all points in North and South Carolina, via Seaboard Air Lin. Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee, and th. West, via Virginia and Tennessee Air Line and Richmond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUTONOE. and taken at LOWER RATKH THAN AN OTHER LINE. No charga for commission, drayaga, or any expense of transfer. bteamahipa insure at lowest ratea. Freight received daily. k tate Room accommodations for passengers. WILLIAM P. OLYDK A CO., No. 12 8. WHARVKSand Pier I N. WHaRVKS. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Riohmond and City Point. T. P. OKuWKLL A CO., Agents at Norfolk. 6U ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. iHKli V. NERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMSHIPS BttTWEKN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLING AT BRKST. Th. splendid new vessels on this favorite route forth. Continent will sail from Pier No. 60, North rivar, .vary Saturday. price OF PASSAGE in sold (including wine), in goia unci BBJfeT OR HAVRE, First Cabin $140 I Second Cabin $35 TO PARIS, (Including railway tickets, furnished on board), First Cabin $146 1 Second Cabin $36 These steamers do not carry steerage passengers. Medical ati endanc free of charge. American travellers going to or returning from th. con tinent of Europe, by taking tbe steamers of this line avoid unnecessary risks from transit by English railways and crossing th. channel, be ides saving time, trouble, and expense. GEOKUK MACKENZIE, Agent, Na. 68 BROADWAY, New York. For passage in Philadelphia apply at Adams Express Company, to H. L. LEAF, 1874 No. 820 CHESNUT Street. FOR NEW YORK, via Delaware and Rarltan Canal. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COM P ANY i i.m KLaum Propellers of the line will nommiuD, IoaI. ingoo tbe 8th instant, leaving daily as uaual. THROUGH IN TWENTY FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the lines going out of New York North, East, or West, free of commission. Freights received at low rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A On., Agents, No. 12 South DELAWARE Avenue. JAMES HAND, Agent. . . No. Hi) WALL Street, New York. 1 45 . fT? fc. FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELA- LflTt j "are and Raritan Canal. IT i iiiwm4 SWIFl'SUKK TRANSPORTATION COM PANY DEBPATCH AND 6WIFTSURE LINES, Leaving daily at 12 M. and 6 P. M. The ateam prepellers of this company will commence ceding on the hth of March. Through in twenty-four hours. Goods forwarded to any point free of commissions. Freights taken on accommodating terms. Apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD A CO., Agents, M No. la South DELAWARE Avene.. VW.W VVDDfOa T TTD nv la. IlimnHij. tf 1 .... . . i Kr.ulA T mmnrtp. C, via Chasapeak. and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria from the most direct f... I.Dn..hinr. Kn.ttl L.' : 1 1 r i : 1 1 T i 1 ton, and the fcouthwest. Steamers leave rogularlT .very Saturday at noon from the first wharf above Market street. Freight received daily- No-"Northa4 South WHARVKS. HYDE A TYLER, Agenu at Georgetown: M. FLDR1DGE A CO.. Agents at Alexandria. 1 DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE STEAM TOWBOAT OOMPAN Y.-Harges towed between Philadelphia. Baltiumra n Uo Crace. Delaware City, and intermediate poinli. WILLIAM r. uk, a CO., Agents. Captain JOHN LAUGHLIN, Superintendent. OUue, No, U fevulU WUivoa, I'luUiolpLua, 4 11$ REFRIGERATOR 8 REFRIGERATORS. IS. B. IT ARSON & CO., Self-Vcatilating- XLefrig-erators, The cheapest and most reliable In the market, and Will keen MEATS, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, MILK, and BU1TLR LONGER, DRIER, and COLDER, VITH LESS ICE, Than any other Refrigerators In ose. Wholesale and Retail, at the Old Stand, 4 30 lmrp No. 220 DOCK Street, Helow Wnlnut. YT -ALL REFRIOERATOR8 -V-Li ALWAYS RELIABLE. The subscriber guarantees the make and finish of his SUPERIOR REFRIGERATOR equal in every respeot to his former makes. Tb. thousands sold and now in ns. testify to their superior qualifications. For sal. wholesale ana retail at th. Manufactory, No. 80S OHEKriY Street, abov Third. Also, W. F. NICKEL'S Patent Combination ale, beer, and liqnor cooler and refrigerator. 8 MthstnSfit GEORGE W. NICKELS. IQfc.. 1 870. 1 870. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. ESTABLISHED 1932. , INCORPORATED 13C4. OKKICS No. 435 WALMUT St., PhiladespMa. OFFICES AND BRANCH DEPOTS: NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD and MAS TEH Street. RIDGE ROAD and WILLOW Street. WILLOW STREET WHARF, Delaware Avenue. TWENT T-SECOND and HAMILTON Streets. NINTH Street and WASHINGTON Avenue. PINE STREET WHARF, SchuylML No. 1358 MAIN Street, Germ an town. No. Si North SECOND Street, Camden, N. J., and CAPE MAY, Ne w Jersey. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In and Shippers of Eastern Ice. Send our orders to any of tho above oaices. "For prices, see cards. " 8 8 lm 'CARPENTER ICE COMPANY. Ho. 717 WILLOW Street. GOOD BOSTON ICE AT MARKET RATES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHAS. S. CARPENTER, JOHN GLENDENINQ JOS. M. TRUMAN, Jr., 5 T stuthlm JOHN B. CARPENTER, WM. E. FRAZER pENN ICE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1863. OFFICES, S. W. Corner FOURTH and LIBRARY, No. 408 North TWENTY-FIRST Street. Shipping Depot, 8PRUOK STREET WHARF, Sohuvl kill Rivar. CHAS. J. WOLBERT, President. 8300trp CHAS. B. BEES. Superintendent. ROOFING. READY ROOFIN O This BoofJiui is adapted to all buildlnc. It can be applied to V STEEP OB FLAT ROOFS at one-half the expense of tin. It Is readily pnt on eld Shincl. Roofs without removing th. shingles, thus avoid ins the damaging of oeilings and furniture while under. going repairs. (No gravel need.) PRESERVE YOUR TIN ROOFS WITH WELTOW ELASTIC FAINT. I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roofs at she notice. Also, FAINT FOR SALE by th. barrator gallon th. b.st and oheapeat in the market. . W. A. WELTON, 1 17j No. 711 N. NINTH Btreet .above Coatee TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR3. W. are prepared to furnish English imported ASP HaLTIU ROOF1NU FELT in quantities to suit. This roofing was uaed to cover tho Paris Exhibition in 1867. MERCHANT A CO., f 5 13 lm Nos. S17 and 619 MINOR Street DRUGS, PAINTS, ETO. JgQIIERT SnOEMAUER fc CO., If. E. Corner FOURTH and RACE St., . PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Manafactnrers of WHITE LEAD AND COLORED PAINTS, POTTY, VARNISHE8, ETC. AGENTS FOR THB CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINO FAINTS. ' Dealers and consumers supplied at lowest prices for cash. issJ PATENTS. N s. OFFICES FOB PROCURINQ Patents in the United States and Fo reign Countries, FORREST BUILDINGS, 119 t. FOURTH St., IMiIIada., AND MARBLE BUILDINGS. SKVJEIVTU Street, above F, (Opposite U. 8. Patent Office), WASHINGTON, D. O. H. HOWSON, Solioitorof Patent. O. HOWSON, Attorney-at-Lew. Communications to be addressed to tho Principal Offloea Philadelphia. lo mws STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. 8TATE Rights of a valuable Invention just patented, and for the SLICING, CUTTING, andOHlFPLNGof dried beef, cabbage, etc., are hereby offered for eale. It is an artiole of great value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and it should be introduced into every family. b ( AT(l RIGHTS for sale. Mar) el can be seen at TELEGRAPH OF ICE, COOPER'S POINT, N. J. 87tf MUNDY A HOFFMAN. rpo ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. PLANS X and specifications for the construction of a POLICE STATION HOUSE, to be erected upon the site of the present Station House In the Fifth Police District, on Fifteenth street, above Locust street. In the cltv ot Philadelphia, are hereby requested and Invited from some competent architects, to be sub mitted to tbe Committee on Police of Councils on or before MONDAY, May 83, lito. The several plans and specifications will be duly considered bv said committee, and If any one of the number shall be selected and adopted by the said committee, and approved by Councils, lc will be paid for, but for those not selected no compensation u to be given. Any Information as to dimensions or particulars will be furnished upon application to ST. CLAIR A. MULUOLLAND, Chief ol Police, at the office of the Mayor. Such plans and specifications may be left with, or mailed to, the undersigned at bis office, No. sis DOCK Street. HENRY HUHN, Chairman Committee on Police. Philadelphia, May 12, 1870. o la thstu I JIAVE ABANDONED THE OLD method of packing bodies la too, and having a t PATENT CORPSE-PRESERVING GASKET, which Is entirely new, and which has proven a perfect suec.es, I desire to oall the attention of the public to th. asms. guaroafse Mat aU eodM will be kept in a dry and perfect state of preservation for an indefinite period 4 801m JOSEPH A. MARKLE. Undertaker, 8. W. corner SEVENTH and BUTTONWQOD St. COTTON BALL DUCK AND CANVAS of ail numbers and brands. Tent, Awning. Trunk and Wagon-oover Duck. AUo, Paper MaduTaotarare' lrier telte, from thirty to savaBtrnig i.h Paaiina, gQllng, bail Iwibo. etc .."" " H JOHN W. XTRRMAN. na.UCHUkvOU8ix.eUUw fcbocss. FINANCIAL. QEVEN PER CENT. First Mortgage Bonds OF THI Danville, Ilaxleton, and Wilkes barre Railroad Company, At 85 and Accrued Zntcrest Clear of all Taxes. a INTEREST PAYABLE APRIL AND OCTOBER. Persons wishing to make Investments are Invited to examine the merits of these BONDS. Pamphlets supplied and lull information given by Sterling & Wildman, FINANCIAL AGENTS, No. 110 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 4 IB tf PHILADELPHIA. Government Bonds and other Securities taken In zchange for the above at best market rates. WE OFFER FOR SALE THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THB SOUTHERN PENNSYLVANIA IRON AND RAILROAD COMPANY. These Bonds ran THIRTY TEARS, and pay SEVEN FIR CENT, interest in gold, clear of aU taxes, payable at th. First national Bank in Philadelphia. Th. amount of Bonds issued is 8043,000, and are secured by a First Mortgage on real estate, railroad, and franchises of the Company th. f om.r of which coat two hnndred thousand dollars, whioh has bean paid for from Btock subscriptions, and after th. railroad is finished, so that th. products of th. mines ean b. brought to market, it is estimated to ba worth 8 1,000,000. Tb. Railroad connects with the Cumberland Valley Railroad about four miles below Ohambarsbnrg, and runs through a section of tho most fsrtils part of tho Cumber land Valley. . W. sell them at 95 and accrued interest from March L For further particulars apply to C. T. YERKE8, Jr., A CO., BANKERS, KO 3 SOUTH THIRD .STREET, fj PHTTi A DKT.PHI A. JayCooke&G. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND WASHINGTON, BANKERS 1KB Dealers in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. Pamphlets and fall information given at oar offlce, No. 114 8. THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. 41 8m E LLIOTT D U If If, BANKERS No. 109 80UTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURI TIES, GOLD BILLS, ETC DRAW BILLS OP EXCHANGE AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS OP CREDIT ON THE UNION BANK 07 LONDON. ISSUE TRAVELLERS' LETTERS 07 CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, available throagaoat Europe. Will collect all Coupons and Interest free of chares for parties making their Anclai arrangement with ns. ' sac; QLITCDIIVHIISG, DAVIS &. CO., No. 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GLENDINNING, DAVIS & AMORT, No. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORE, BANKERS. AND BROKERS. Receive deposits subject to check, allow Interest on standing and temporary balances, and execute orders promptly for the purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD, In either city. Direct telegraph communication from Philadelphia bouse to New York. it F R 8 E, Williamiport City 6 Per Cent Bonds, FREE OF ALL TAXES. Alio, Philadelphia and Daiby Railroad 7 Per Cent Bonds, Coupons payable by the Chesnut and Walnut Streets Railway Company. These Bonds will be sold at a price which wll make them a very desirable Investment, P. 8. PETERSON & CO., No. 39 SOUTn THIRD STREET, m PHILADELPHIA. FINANCIAL. Wilmington and Reading RAXLXIOAD Seven Per Cent. Bonds. FREE OP TAXES. We are ofTerlnsr S200.000 of the Second Blortgrjig-e Ho nils ot tltlo Company AT 82J AND ACOitUED INTEREST. Foa the convenience of Investors these Bonds are Issued In denominations or 91000s, ftSOOs, and lOOs. The money Is required for the purchase of addl tlonal Rolling Stock and the full equipment of the Road. The receipts of the Company on the one-half of the Road now being operated from Coatesvllle to Wil mington are about TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS per month, which will be more than DOUBLED with the opening of the other half, over widen the large Coa Trade of the Road must come. Only SIX MILES are now required to complete the Road to Blrdsboro, which will be Onlshed by the middle of the month. WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, No. 36 South THIRD Street, BP PHILADELPHIA. LE1IIG1I CONVERTIBLE 6 Per Cent. First Mortgage Gold loan, Free From nil Taxes, W. offer for sal. $1,750,000 of th. Lehigh Goal and Nart Ration Company's new First Mortaf e Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds, free fua all taxes, interest du. March and Sap Umber, at NXNXlTir (90) And interest in currency added to date of purchas. Thes. bonds srs of a mortgage loan of $2,000,000, dated October 6, 18(59. They har. twenty -five (85) years to ran, and are convertible into stock at par antU 1879. Principal and Interest payable In gold. They are secured by a first mortgage on 6600 acres of ooal lands in th. Wyoming Valley, near Wilkesbarre, at present producing at th. rat. of 900,000 tons of ooal per annum, With works in progress which contemplate a large increase at an early period, and also upon valuable Real Estate in this oity. A sinking fnnd of ten cents per ton npon all coal taken from the mines for five years, and of fifteen eents per ton thereafter, is established, and Th. Fidelity Insnranc, Trust and Safe Doposit t ompany, tb. Trustees under th. mortgage, colleot these sums and Invest them ia thes. Bonds, agreeably to th. provisions of ths Trust. For fall particulars, copies of th. mortgage, etc., apply to O. A H, BORIS, W. H. NBWBOLD. SON A AERTSEIf J AT OOOKE A OO.. DRKXKL A OO., E. W. CLARK A OO. S U lm SILVER On hand and FOR 8ALC In amounts and sizes to SUIT. DE HA YEN & BKO., No. 40 South THIRD Qtreet. iu B. K. JAMISON & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO P. F. KELLY & CO, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver and Government Bonds At Closest Market Bates, ' N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT 8t. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, eto. etc. aw S I TL V E FOR SALE. C. T. YERKES, Jr., 4 CO ; BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 20 South THIRD Street, f FHILADgLFHIA. D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Wo. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, aooesaors to 8mith. B adolph AOs. Kvery branoh of ths easiness will hers prompt attention as hereto! or. Quotations of Stocks. Governments, and Gold soav stantly reeeived from Sew Fork byva were, from eat friends. Edmnnd D Bandolph A Oo STEAMBOAT LINES. FOR CHE8TER, UOOK, AND WILMINGTON -The eteamer 8. M. 1 EL TON leaves CliKHNUT hi rlKKT WH AkW l lu A. M. and 60 Y. M. i leavea WILMINGTON at oO A. ai and li so P. M. Pare to WiUuinKtoo. 15 cents . KiounJo. Ticket, 45 eents. Clieetet or iiiftjfc 10 eeutat jLivexaiualitkvW.UCBala, 1 6 La AUO HON SALES,? M THOMAS A BOVS HHR im awn is' B. FOURTH BTRJLKT. ' " ' FtVutor's r!e, No. 1.109 Walnntstront BUPFRIOR WALNUT AND MAHOIUNY FlTRIff. 1 UHK, Kronen flat. Mantel and Pier Mirro4, vert nne Knraines, Grand Aotlon Piano-Porte, K!ni tjiiian Marble Ktat.arv, real Bronze t ignn and Oandl) tsranones, bnisseln and other Carpets, eto. ,. On Wednrsdsv morninir, Ja2JJ9, '? olook No- 19l Walnot street, br STifl - 0.'O'. the entire superior fnrnitnre, br cata-IZZLtLT- fUZ"1 w'nJlt nd mahoa-anjr parlor furniture. fSItTXVLlJ hoKonv erand action 7 ootava !i.T V?. Uh,fkerinf,-. Krenon piste msntei and nier Tl:h -Snf,wBnftrB, tatuariwi--Th. (luardian ASL!"2 lJl,.1""i " bronse Hnve and candle tranches;, very fine enKravinir"Tl,e Konr Keasons ;" nanrtkome mantel ornaments; ranse maliosanv tahlea lax;e mshoranBlt1elK)ar(i, French elate mirror and It lisn marble top; fine oluna and ft-lamwere; flne nlated ware; mshnirnnr and walnut chamber furniture- tins curled hair mattress: tine bed and table linen- I ma nncany wardrobes: mahogany bookoaae: Brum'sls and other carpets; cooking utensils; superior ref rigor tor t0- 6 16 It Pxtensive Rale at tbe A not inn Rooms. SUPFRIOK HoUSKHOLD FURN1TURK. MIRRORS . FIBK-PROOK 8AKK8, OARPKTS, KTO. On Thursday Moralns;, Msy 19,' at I o'olock, at the auction rooms, by eata If Riie, a Inrse assortment of auperior parlor, cuemeer, librsrr, aed dinins room and chamber furniture; mantel and pier mirrors, bddin. fine .Nankin china ware, fine cot-Klaus ware fireproof safe, by Evens A Watson ; rotriire rators, stoves, fine carpets, ate, .to. ilTit BUNTINO, DURBOROW ft CO., AUCTIOM KKR8, Nos. SSa and sSs MARKET Street, eoniM al Bank street. Baooeasors to John B. Myers A Op. LARGE BALK OF BRITISH, FRFJJCn, GERM AS! AND DOMK8T10 BRT GOODS. n Thursday momins;, may 1?, at 10 o'olock, on fonr month.' credit. 1 11 ft LAROK SAT.K OF OABPFTINGS. Ron Hurra STT?rNGrBToCHE0K Aoroa58SK On Friday Horning, May 80. at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, abont na pieces insrain, Venetian, list, hemp, cottage, and rac carpetings, Ganton mattings, eto. $ 14 5t LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURoV PKAN DRY GOODS. . M On Monday Morning, May 83, at 10 o'olock. on four months' credit. t I7 6t SCOTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION O0MM1B81OB SALESROOMS. ' ... B. BOOTT, Jr., Anotloneer, No. 1117 OHKBMUT StrMt! (Uirard KowX Sale at No. 1809 Chesnut atreet, .n Wednesday Morning, 10 0 clock. thewarerooms of M. Deglnther. No. latin Cheenut street, will be sold at publio sale, thi entire stock of hand made furniture, to close the business. J he sale is peremptory, and the stock will positively b void without the least reserve, as Mr. Deginther is retir lafife stock 0118(110(1 10 d'SDOa of the balanoe of hi. Oatalogues ready Monday A. M., and can be had on a. plication at the wareroems of Mr. Deginther, or at the othce of the auctioneer, B. SOOTT, Jr., No. 1117 Ohee. nut street. SU6t ' GRAND SPRING SALE OF" FTNR NE VT ANB SU PKRIOM FURNITORK. U BARLOW'S MANUFAOTURB TRIUMPHANT. $1SIMI IMMENSE STOCK. HO0S Three floors crowded with elegant goods. No ooumxrt make, bnt tbe best err manufacture, from makers af writ known reputation. TWO DAYfc' BALK. . . On Thursday and Friday, Ma 19 and W at 10 A. M. and 1H P. M., each day, wilt be ottered at public sale, at our warerooms, the largest and most elegant stock of fine furniture ever offered at suction in this city. The variety is immense, and com prises every new article in tbe furniture line, and each and every article sold aooompanied by a written guar antee. 1 his sale is made to supply tbe enormous demand for our goods, and is tbe last ohanoa that will be offered to get good furniture at yonr own price. Bale positive snd without any reservation. Our entire building will be illuminated each evening till tale, and open for examination of stock, with catalogues. 6 17 it STILL ANOTHER GREAT FURNITURE 8ALH. we have received instructions from Messrs. RICH MOND A CO., of No. 46 H. Beoond atreet. owing to s dissolution of tbe long established firm to offer at publio sale their enormous stock of fin. Furniture, amounting to $50,000. , , ' UD On Wednesday and Thursday, May 5 and 26, at lo o'olock A. M. eaoh day. Particulars hereafter. 5 17 gt MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas A Sons.) Ho. 704 OxiKSMbT StrMt. rear entranoe front Minor. Sale at the Auction Rooms, No. 704 Ohesnut street ELEGANT WALNUT AND PLU8H PARLOR SUITS. Handsome Oiled Walnut Chamber Suits, F.legant Rose wood Piano-Fortea, Fine French Plate Pier and Oval M irrors. Handsome Walnut and Oak Dining-room Fur niture, Fine Mattresses, Feather Beds, Handsome Vel vet, Brussela and Ingrain Oarpeta, Superior Fire-proof bates, Fine Oil Paintinga, Kto. On Wednesday Morning, May 18th, at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, No 704 Chesnnt street, by catalogue, a large assortment of desi rable Household Furniture, etc. 5 Id at 8sle at No 204ft Arch street. VERY SUPERIOR WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FURWt- T URK, ine Brussels and Other Carpets, Fine SDrimr and Hair Mattresses. Oil Cloths, etc. Pnn ... On Thursday Morning, May 19. at 10 o'clock, at No 2(40 A roh street, by eata logue, tb. entire Household Furniture, eto. 6 l0 8t IMPORTANT SALE OF FIWK FUANITURlt AND UPHOLSTERY. Preparatory to putting up a new front and otherwise! improving his store, Mr. JOnN M. GARDNER, . . No. 1318 Chesnnt street, will (in order to make room tor these improvements) OFFER AT PUBLIC SALE, On Monday Morning, the7 o'olock, at his Warerooms, a aelection of FINEST CABINET FURNITURE A UPHOLSTERY ever offered at auction in this city. The styles are the neweat and choicest. The quality and finish cannot be excelled. ' To verify these fantt it ia only necessary for parties in tending to purchase to call and examine the Stock. THE ASSORTMENT embraces drawing room and parlor suits, with coverings of the richest brooatelles, satins, satin damasks, plushes, silks, and terries; a variety of the most elaborate cham ber, dining-room, library, and hall suites. . , ... .AN OPPORTUNITY fnth Uls to tbM dsii,oaa of "nreha. HIGHEST ORDWR OF CABINET WORK AT AUCTION PRICKS which may never ooonr again. The furniture will be ready for examination two days previous to sale, with catalogues. lo lit LSK' AUCTIONEER LARGE SPECIAL AND PEREMPTORY SALE or PARIS SILK FANS, On Wednesdsy, May In, 1870, By order of Messrs. RICHARDS, DE PRIES A OO . New York. u 3t BY BARRITT & CO., AUCTIONEER! OA8H AUCTION HOUSE. mail No. S30 M A RK.KT Btreet, corner of Bank street. Cash advanced on consignments withoat extra charts. LA RGB SALR OF OARPETINGS, FIVE HTTNDR KD ROLL8 W H ITK.RKI) CHECK. AND FANCY (JAN TON MATTINGS, KTO. ' AXIUY OAN- , cu ... On Friday Morning, May 20. at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about Stt Pieces ingrain, Venetian, list, heiap, oottage, and ra rpHOMAS BIRCH ft SON, AUCTIONEERS TVi?. V "anooiun MriKUrJ a NTS, Ha 1110 OHEb&UT Street, rear entrance No. 1107 Banaom street. IMPORTANT SALE OF FIRST-CLASS CABINET FURNITURE. Ne. 1307 Chesnut street J. Penny will mak. his first grsad spring sal. of sip, riur Cabi.et Ware and Uphol.tMry, On Wedaesdsy Moreing, May 18th, at 10 .'clock, at his wareroouu, No. 130? Ches nut street. The etock ooneistsof - Hxciuisite parlor suits of the best styles. RiehanS elegant chamber suit. . Buperb library, aittiag room, and dining-room suits. Rntirelyof his own uisnn'acture. Tbe fnrniiur. is now ready for examination, with cata logues. it SEVENTH CONTINTIATION SALE OF A VALTJA. iuTOGBAlidiKTO.0 00Ifil8' CUaiOSlTIES. . . " Thursday Afternoon, AtUie'cIopk. et the Auction Btere. No. 1110 Ohesnut street, aeoond story, a valuable colleotien of coies. aato. irapbs, eto., being a portion of th. collection of Professor loetreville Wilson Diukesea. Catalxues now ready at the Auotion Store. 6 17 It J A. MCCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER HO. iai OHESNUT STRXKT. PareAttai stln.lna - . . . . tar.,iooWln77 nouaeia,nr. J51?ira , r!?,tnr th Aeotlon Roma. NOJ I21 OHESNUT Straeet. every Monday and Tbnraday. For particulars see ftilie jidgm-T - (1 1 ... . .wwgi tnrmqpm pnvase , TN LOUISVILLE, k r W. 61080a AKDCBSOX. H. a STU0XX. AUCTIONEERS 1 N lT OOMM ISION MXBOOABT&; Y filtliMTir J V BaalBssAsl BslMwlar : 1 A akaMai! sulssel Skwjal. UTeljr for OflMth. onsisnzneau olie!td for ftaeuon or pnrai taioi. ILaAaTIl laY A, vs a! ... 1 i KutlJS. alhfaSsSl unii KblIa Thurld.7: " " ' regular aootlon aales or ary 'gopaa, oiouung. eaiptv. Botiens, .to., .very Wednesday and Thursday, i 1 & STOVES, RANOE8, ETO. TnOMSON'8 LONDON KITCHENER or EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, hotels. e publio Institutions, in TWENTY D1KFEHK1T LlVkB A liu.. PhliadelDhls Wni.ua 11. . .. naoes. Portable Uaatera, Low-down Uratea, FiraboarA Btovaa. K.Lh Ikiiiera, blew hole PUiee. Huilors. tiuukix Biivvesevx sv nr as 1 ni'Mbim,