THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1870. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON (SCHDATS BXCSFUD), AT TI1E EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDING, No. 108 8. TniRD STREET, . PHILADELPHIA. The Trice to three cent per copy (double theet), or eighteen cents per xeeek, payable to the carrier by whom terved. The eubucription price by mail Mne DoUars per annum, or One Dollar ana Fifty Centt for two montht, invariably in advance for the time ordered. TUESDAY, MAT 17, 1870. POSTPONEMENT OF THE TARIFF BILL. The Honse of Representatives yesterday de cided to postpone all prior orders until the Appropriation billa are disposed of, and this movement will prevent the consideration of the new Tariff bill for some weeks, and pro bably render its passage at the present session impossible. This action is not a fair indication of the opinion of the House on the Tariff bill, for, although the postponement was opposed by the mass of the earnest friends of protec tion, it was favored by a number of members who are decidedly hostile to free trade, and who were influenced by a desire to hasten the con sideration of measures of immediate practical importance. It is always extremely difficult, and under nearly all circumstances impos sible, to thoroughly revise a tariff, and to secure a consideration, in detail, of the thou sands of items upon which impost duties are levied. The attempts to complete this one rous task necessarily consume months of time, to the neglect of other press ing business, and . it is not surprising that the tax on the patience of overwearied members and the eager desire to discuss such pressing subjects as the appro priation bills and the reduction of internal revenueaties produced the result recorded in yesbrtday's Congressional proceedings. The wisdom of any attempt to tear a whole tariff bill to pieces and to reconstruct it, item by item, is at best questionable; and in nine cases out of ten, it would be' far better for the Committee of Ways and Cleans to begin by proposing a few partial amendments of prime importance similar to those which usually conclude Con gressional labors on this subject. A thou sand fears and hopes and an infinite number of derangements of business are always excited by serious efforts to ensure a general change of the tariff, and much distress and depression are frequently caused by these fruitless agita tions. Above all other things, stability is essential to the development and prosperity of diversified industry, and no interest de pendent upon the regulation of the tariff can be stable when every item it contains is liable to be changed at any session. The present Congress, however, has labored so long over the Tariff bill, and it has mas tered so many of its details, that it required, to induce the suspension of its labors on this subject, the powerful combination of motives involved in a confession of Mr. Sohenck, on the one hand, that he did not suppose his bill would become a law at this session, and a statement of Mr. Dawes, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, that if seven appropriation bills were not considered speedily the Government would be without money after the 30th of June. A strong additional incentive to postponement was furnished by the fact that a bill to reduce in ternal taxation was reported yesterday, and the rejoioings with which it was received by the members show how anxious they are id respond to the earnest demands of their constituents for relief in this quarter. The sums realized from the tax on spirits and tobacco are so large that nearly all other forms of internal taxation can speedily be dispensed with, and if Congress acts promptly on this bill, taking special care to either abolish the income tax altogether or to destroy all its' specially odious features, the people will cheerfully submit to a postpone ment of the revision of the tariff. THE ELECTION IN NEW YORK. An election for a Chief Justice and six Asso ciate Justices of the Court of Appeals is progressing in New York State to-day, as well as elections for Aldermen and Assistant Aldermen and certain local judicial positions in New York city. The Timet remarked yes terday that "the most notable feature of the election to be held to-morrow is the apparent apathy which exists throughout the State," and from the tone of our exchanges, we judge that this observation is correct. Judicial elections seldom serve to thoroughly arouse the people, and disreputable as a great por tion of the judiciary of New York has be come, that State is no exception to the gene ral rule. The eleotion in the State at large ia held under the judiciary amendment to the Constitution which was ratified last fall, at the same time that the revised Constitution as a whole was rejected by the people. The election is to be conducted in a somewhat peculiar manner, devised for the purpose of preventing either of the great political par ties from obtaining entire control of the oourt of last resort. The Chief Justice is to be Toted for by every elector, but for the posi tions of Associate Justioe, eaoh eleotor is to cast his vote for four candidates only, and the six who receive the largest number of votes are to be declared elected. Whichever party, . therefore, carries tne btate, the opposite : party is bound to be represented on the bench ' of the Court of Appeals by at least two judges a just and wholesome regulation under any Circumstances, whioh has caused both parties . to put up some of their ablest men. The two tickets stand as follows: FOB CHIXF JUSTICE. RsnubHca. VnatrrmUti, ' Hoary R. Seldea. ' - ' Sanford E. Church. F0.AB8OATS JUBTH-BS, Charles Mason, Charles Andrews, Charles J. Kolger, Rotiert S. HaJu. William F. Allen, Martin Orover, Kufua W. Peckham, Charles A. Kspsllo. The journals of each party have conceded . speetable" if nothing more, which is con ceding a great deal in New York. Judge Selden, who heads the Republican ticket, has already served a full term on the bench of the Supreme Court and of the Oourt of Appeals, with honor and credit. , He booame associated with the Hepublican party at its formation, but previous to that was a Demo crat of free-soil proclivities. Gifted with a high order of judicial capacity, and of un questioned private worth and personal in-1 t-grily, the people of the State will be exceedingly well served if he should be suc cessful. - Mr. Folger, one of the Republican candidates for Associate Justice, has already served upon the bench, has been elaoted three times to the State Senate a poor re commendation, we imagine and left the Senate to acoept the position of Sub Treasurer of the United States in New York city, to which position he was appointed a few months ago by Pre sident Grant, as the successor of General Butterfield, who was so completely undone by the great gold conspiracy of last Septem ber. Mr. Hale, one of his colleagues upon the ticket, has also served upon the bench for a period of eight years, and has been a Repre sentative in Congress; while the other two candidates for Associate Justice are men of high standing in their profession. Mr. Church, who heads the Democratic ticket, has long been prominent as a politician and office-seeker much more prominent, it is feared, than is desirable in a judioial candi date, unless, indeed, his nomination and pos sible election is a neat device of the Tammany Sachems to kill him off for the time being, and put him out of the way for an indefinite period. Mr. Allen, who follows him on the Democratic ticket, is at present Comptroller of the State, and has also served upon the bench, doing himself credit in both positions, despite the fact that he has been very much of a politician. Messrs. Peokham and Grover have both had experience in a judicial capa city, but Mr. Rapallo as yet has had the opportunity only of proving himself to be a very fair lawyer. The result of the election is a matter of grave doubt. During the past few years the vote in the State has stood as follows: lXr, Jttp. 1864 President ...868,733 1365 Secretary of 8tate,30l,oss l see Governor 366,8 in 1867 Kecretary of State.826,099 1868 President 419,883 Governor 411,368 1869 Secretary of State.810,738 Dtm. 861.1H4 873.19S 862.62S 878,029 429,883 439,301 830,974 ifnl. 6.749R 87.857K 1S.789R 47,9301) 10,0tM)l 27,9 ten S0.241D In case there should a full rote, this the Republican would give a poor show for candidates, even after allowance is made for about 0000 extra colored votes which will now be polled for the first time in conse quence of the property qualification being done away with by the fifteenth amendment. But the vote will not be a full one, and per sons who are desirous of staking their money on the result can wager it on either side with as much safety as on the other. The elections in New York city, as a matter of course, will be as one-Bided as the handle of a jug. . There are but two tickets in the field that of Tammany Hall and that of the Republicans, the latter with no show for success whatever, although it is made up of such names as William . Dodge, Henry Clews, and William M. Vermilye for alder men, while the Tammany ticket teems with the worn-out political hacks who have never had any other trade but that of politics. The registration of voters shows that 2379 colored persons have put in a claim for the ballot under the amendment, but, unlike the case in this city, their unanimous support will ac complish but little towards swamping out the Democracy. ANOTHER INDIAN RAID. The warm spring sun which restores anima tion to the venomous rattlesnakes of the plains is equally certain to incite the savage Cbeyennes to murderous expeditions, and to ead to wanton slaughter of white pioneers similar to that recorded in the late despatches from Denver and St. Louis. Treaties with these fiends are of no more efficacy than com pacts with wolves. If the old tradition that they are an independent people, to be dealt with as foreign nations, is to be kept up, they deserve the most severe and sanguinary punishment ' that the army or the assailed citizens can inflict for the violation of their treaty obligations and their merciless forays. If they are to be regarded as wards or sub jects ef the Government, every marauding savage warrior richly deserves death for the murders and murderous outrages in which he has participated. Both theories lead to the same conclusion, that Cavalry Sheridan can not too soon commence a decisive and de structive campaign against the misoreants who, by making murder the chief end of their lives, have forfeited all claim to mercy. I1IJKICAL. JLftU OllAIrlAXIC. The CUT Anaitntiu. At tub Walnut the drama of Kot Guilty was plajed lust evening to a fair audience, and the great battle scene and other incidents were ap plauded with quite as much enthusiasm as they were a lew monms ago when tne piece was originally produced. A'oJ Guilty, Independently of its incidental attractions, ia an interesting piece, with an exciting plot and a variety of vigorously sketched characters. The battle scene is in Its way the best piece of sensation alism tbat has been seen in this city for a Ionic time, ana aunouga u i not a i ways easy to re vive tke interest In a drama of this kind after it has once been withdrawn from the stage, there is no reason why Xol Guilty should not obtain a tecond lease of popularity and run for the balance of tbe season. At the Ahch Mr. Joseph K. Emmett will personate "Fritz" this evening. At th Eleventh Btkbbt Opera Hodsi an entertaining performance of minstrelsy will be given this evening. Th PiNOkiiii o "The Pilqkim" is ia Its last week at Concert Hall. This is a very in teresting exhibition, and those who have not attended should do so at once. Thk Pennstlvavia Polytechnic and Ana tomical Museum Is now open with a fine collection of curiosities at No. 1305 Chesnut street. The Jefferson Gibls' Grammas School will give a grand musical entertainment at the Academy of Music on Wednesday, May 25. The proceeds will be devoted to the purchase of a biano for tbe school. The Sixth Concert of the West Philadel phia Choral Society will be given at Musical tundUall on Thursday evening next. A hue programme will be presented. SPECIAL. NOTIOE8. par PARTY COLORS. LIGHT KID Q LOVES FOR QENTLKMKXf. A FRESH AND MOST BEAUTIFUL ASSORT. MKNT AT ' y Ko. 81S sad B30 OHESNUT Street. , V ll CLOTHING A iir lU BOTS. A BOYS' J E OLOTHINO. J No. 811 juid 890 OHESNUT Street. iS, OUR READY-MADE CLOTHING is as One as CUSTOM WORK. ELEGANT SPRING GOODS OF UNEQUALLED STYLISHNESS AND BEAUTY. iw-OFFICK OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF I'AIRMOUNT PARK. Philadelphia, May 4, 1370. PARK CARRIAGE 8KRVIOK. TARIKK OK RATKtt. 1. Far single trip to George's Hill, one per- on 3D eeats. S. For a round trip to George's Hill and re turn SO cents. . For a single trip to Belmont Msnsion, br war of Oeorge llill (irAm road it torn pU'rd) 40 eenta. 4. For a round trip to Belmont Mansion, and re- tarn 60 cents. PasKengers bare tbe privilege to par for tbe round trip and leae tickets for their return trip from George's Uill or Belmont Mansion, which mar be used on any dev. 5. Tickets, good for any dar or trip, can be obtained at tbe following prices: For five round trips to George' Hill $i"00 For fire round trip to Belmont Mansion il 60 6. Carriage are provided, in addition to those inakinaj tbe regular trips, winch can be engaged by the boor, at tbe following rales: When nsed by one person, per hour, or less time- SI '50 When used by two persons, per hour, or leu time I '75 and 25 eenta lor eaoh additional person who msy originally engage the carriage. No vacant seat in a earrings tbus engaged sbaU be used by any one not of tbe anginal party, except by their express consent. Published for tbe information of tbe public, by order of tbe Committee on Superintendence of Police. DAVID F. FOLEY, S 8 fsto8t Secretary Park Ooiumisson. ggy STEINWAT dc S O N S' GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. CHARLES BLASIUS, SOLE AOEKT FOR THE 8AXE OF THE WORLD-RENOWNED PIANOS, AT TBE OLD WAREROOMS, . No. 1006 CHESNUT STREET. (Agent for Steinway A Sons since 1854.) ' 4 15tf4p f- PIANOS ! PIANOS I ! . PIANOS ! ! ! Preparatory to tearing out and enlarging his rooms, 100 PIANOS. new and old, will be sold astonishingly low for on month. J. E. GOULD, No. 923 CHESNUT Street . STHCK ACiO.'S, HAINES BROS.' and other PIANOS ONLY AT GOULD'S. MASON A HAMLIN ORGANS world-renowned, ONLY AT GOULD'S. tb thstu Imrp ggr PENNSYLVANIA KAJLLKUAJJ COM PANY, TKEABU KICK'S UEfAKIMKBT. Philadelphia, Pa., May S, 1870. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Tbe Board of Directors bare this day declared a semi. annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the Capital Stack of the Company, elear of National and Stat Taxes, payable in cash on and after May 30, 1870. Blank Power of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be bad at the Office of tbe Company, No. 238 South Third street. Tbe Office will be opened at 8 A. M. and closed at 3 P. M. from May 80 to June 3, foe tbe payment of Dividends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, f 4 60t Treasurer. BRANCH OFFICE, CONTINENTAL IMPROVEMENT UOMrAHi. Pittsbdbo, April 30, 1870. A meeting of the Stockholder of the Continental Im provement Company will be held in the Branch Office of tbe Company, in the city of PittsbuxgKcorner of PENN nd TENTH Streets), on TUESDAY, May 17, at 13 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors to serve for the current year, and until their successor are duly elected and qualified. And also for the purpose of considering and noting upon the provi sions of tha Supplement to tbe Charter of said Company, approved Twenty-fourth day of March, 18701 W. B. SHELBY, 6314t Secretary. NOTICE A SPECIAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA, HER- MANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COM PANY wiU be held in Room No. 84, PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, on THURSDAY, the Otb day of Jane next, at 13 o'clock M., for tbe consideration of an act of tbe General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to authorize the Philadelphia, German. town, and Norriatewn Railroad Company to increase it Capital Stock," approved tb XSta day of March, 1870. By order of tbe Beard ot Manager. 5 a te A. K. DOUGHERTY, Secretary. THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS having been injured by the recent storm, tb Ex hibition of tb Life-sited Painting of SHERIDAN'S HIDE is postponed for a few day. 10 UST TI1E ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder of the CLARION RIVER AND SPRING CREEK OIL COMPANY will be held at HORTICULTURAL HALL, BROAD Street, on WED NVbDAY RVENIHG, the adth inet at 8 o'cluok. (6HlHt t-W- C. SAUNDERS' COLLEGE, W. PHI LA, Lectures, MONDAY EVENINGS. 4 351m4p POLITICAL. ff THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE REPUBLICAN INVINOIBLES will b held at tb ASSEMBLY BUILDING, Southwest corner of Tenth and Chesnut streets, on TUESDAY EVENING, Msy 17, 1870, at S o'clock, to elect an Kxeoutive Com mittee to serve the ensuing year. All aotiv member of tbe organization are invited to participate. By order of the Executive Committee. HENRY O. HAWKINS, Secretary. Philadelphia, May 10, 1870. 14 r iron siieotf i sro, F. T. WALTON, SUBJECT TO THK DECISION OF THE RBPUB LI CAN CON YgNTION. r HATS AND OAP8. rf. WARBURTON'S IMPROVED VENTI- iaiea ana ntting Drees lists (patented), in all uie iDproveu lasuion oi in swmou, CHEbN UT Street next dou to tb Poet Oftoe " VHJkBi"'mirpt $20,000, $15,000, flO.000, AND 8EVE- rw suiua oi aaoou to loan a ?FS f?&&tl?.'Pn'' 8i Custom mooay . n 14tt OLOTHINO. QOACiirarars coats. QF FISH Blue, Browr, or Grey Cloth. jMPLK for protection, lodtorensabie fr comfort, QUT with reference to comfort, a well m beaatr. JJANDSOMKLY trimmed and flniabed In One style. MADE to order at short notice, or ready, and on hand. JgLEQ AKT assortment for the drlrer on the box. NONE BO GOOD or bo cheap as at ROCKHILL & WILSON'S. gPRlKG Style of t't achmen'i Coals now ready. QOATS FOR TILS COACHMEN. QPPORTUNITY now for great Spring Bargains. BUNDANCE of erery description of new style. rpRT OUR TEN DOLLAR SUITS !!!!!!!!!! TOCK all reduced In price to suit everybody, GREAT BROWN IULL. 603 and 605 CHESNUT STREET. WESTON & BROTHER, TAILORS, B W. Corner NINTH and ARCH Sti. PHILADELPHIA. A full assortment of the most approved styles for 8PIUNG AND SUMMER WEAR, NOW IN 8TORS. A SUPERIOR GARMENT AT A REASONABLE PRICK. 4 1 Smrp THE FINE ARTS. C. F. HASELTINE'S GALLERIES, No. 1125 OHESNUT STREET. LOOKING-GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CHROMOS, PHOTO 3RAPHS, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, ETC. ETC. A large invoice of Autotypes and Swiss Panoramas 'ust received. 11 10 rp L O O K I N C-CLASSE 8, Evry Novelty in stjle, at very low price. OIL PAIBT1NG8. ENGRAVINGS, OHROMOS, ETO. ETO., 'A Urge selection. PICTURE FRAMES, a prominent Department, with revised rry tow price. BU8TI0 FRAMES, EASELS, PORCELAINS. RIMJERS' GROUPS, Sole Acency. GALLERY iiV PAINTINGS, fre to the publio. JAMES 8 EABLE & SONS, No. 810 OHESNUT STREET, 6 IS PHILADELPHIA. FOR BALE. FOR SALE. VERY DESIRABLE COUNTRY SEAT AT HOLME8BURG. PA.. containing 86 acre. of which are handsomely laid out in lawn and garden, and 34 acre in pasture, that can be cut up into building lot. The whole property front on the road leading to the Railroad Station, which is distant only five minutes' walk. House 40 by 40 feet, three stone high, piaaza on three idea, back kitchen; all with all the modern conveniences. htone stable and oarrUge-house, 30 by 3d feet; stable yard and chicken-house; convenient to the souoola, churches, and stores ; communication almost hourly. For rice and terms, whioh will be aooommodating, apply to le. S3 North WATER Street. 6 III suthsot ft. FOR SALE THE HANDSOME THREE- fbTSuiisre. AddIv to WM. KOSSKLL ALLEN. Nb. 334 WALNUT Street. 14 Sf GERMANTOW N FOR SALE, A . Modern Villa, 14 rooms. Near Depot. Terms easy. uiAni.n.n a. aiuft.119, 6 3 16t No. 4323 MAIN Street, Germantown. TO RENT. TO RENT, FURNISHED A DE SIRABLE MEDIUM-SIZED HOUSE; central Iocs )ion ; modern convenience. Address "W. H. C." Box 166? Philadelphia Poet Office. SStfip G TO LET THE STORE PROPERTY NO. T31 Ohesnnt street, twenty-five feet front, on baa dred and forty -five feet deep to Bennett street. Back boildinaa fir stories high. Possession Mar L, 1370. Ad dress THOMAS 8. FX ETCHER, 11 lot! Delano, It. J. fr STORE TO LET. ON THE FIRST OF Joly the More Property, No. 87 8. SECOND Street, 2t foot bt lU). The upper rooms, 2d by W, could be altered to allow a private entrance from riecond street, and by subletting would materially reduce the rent. Address J- B- OKIE. HtJ COMMERCIAL ROOMS, Puilada. fr TO LET TO ONE OR TWO GENTLE MliMKN LOIX.KRS, in a small family, without chii; dren, a pleasant FRONT ROOM, comfortably furnished, in a desirable tlooality, use of bath, with hot aad cold water. AddreM, with reference, J. M. B., Kvrninu Tkijubahu Othue. 6 13 4t TO LET A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, with all tha modsra coaveoienoe. on LOO UST Avenue, nsir Willow avanue.Mermantown. three minute walk from Church Lane Station. Immediate possession. Apply tO DUUI I'IUII, tnstu bt' No. 38 North THIRD Street. fPJ GERMANTOWN A FURNISHED COT -fci!i tage to rent for six months. Within five minutes of deSot. tore i, CHARLES H. STOKES, 6 8l6t So. 4829 MAIN Street, German town. (iV. KM A NT OWN SEVERAL COT. litages to rent and for nal. . rn .lit A T T wa n ownrf Bva 68 I6t ' Ko. 482 MAIN btreet, (.eruiDtown, WANTS. AN TED MEN TO SELL THE Eichardion-McFarland Tragedy. . A PULL AND IMPARTIAL ACCOUNT, Containing all the Suppressed Evidence, tne Inter cepted Love Letters, New and Interesting Informa tion, the Spicy Lstters of Mrs. La Calhoun. Also, His. McKarlaad's celebrated Letter la Vindication of herself and her friends. THE BOOK IS SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. 1 Prioe (3 cents. Oar nsaal liberal discount to agents and all who buy to sell again. Apply to, or address BARCLAY CO., lt Wo. 618 ARCH Street. iV0 nnn wanted.-a partner in a Sy sVfUVf staple and profitable business, partly COLONNADE HOTEL, FIFTEENTH AND CHESNUT BTS ENTIRKLT RXW AND HANDSOMELY FUR N13UX is now i4j (Tr permaaeat or transient rts INStJRANO&e AMERICAN Llfo Insurance Company OF I'll 1 LlLI Ik I.PIllA. Organized 1850. Income 1869, $1,187,186-44 BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Hon. Jama Polook, Xl Governor of Pennsylvania, Direo . tor of U.B. Mint. J -Kir" Th (mi son. President PeonsylTanla Railroad, &33 8. Third street. George Nugent, Gentleman, residence), OermanUrsm. Albert O. h olerts, Ri-Preeident Fourth Nat. Bank. Philip B. Mingle, Seed Merohant, lot Market trU Hon. Alex. a. Uattell, U. B. Senator. Iseso Harlehuret, Attorney at Law. 60S Walnut street. U M. Whilldin, Merohsnt, ft) and & South front street. Henry K. Bennett, Merchant, 7 Hooth Fourth street, George W. Hill, Ex Preeident Seventh Nat. Bank. James L. Clsghorn.President Commercial Nat. Bank. John Wanamaker, Oak Hail Clothing liotu,13 and 830 Oh eenut street. TUm AMERICAN issue poUoles en all deelrabl plans at low rates, and for security and promptness la writing Iosms is unsurpassed by any Company in th United States. S. E. Cer. F0TTBTH and WALNUT SU ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary. Rs liable man wanted as Agent. 4 1 18 ft tnthalotrs MOURNING DRY QOOOS. fOUBflTIIVU DRY GOODg FOR 91 AY SALES. HATE LATELY RKOE1TED. Black Hernaaia, all width and qualities. M oents t S3 71; English Urenauincs. s cent: bilk Urenadines, etc Lyen Oros Grain Black Bilks, ot the bent makes only, frointituto a. j Black Alpacss.37 to 74 cents; Clous Mohairs, 620 to t6; Australian Crapes, 60 to 7i cents. MoiiairTamisss or (reach Alpacas, 6Si)o. to $1. Black Ground and Whit Ground English and Freaoh Lawns. Jaoeneta and trrgandiee, 8" to W cents. Plain Black Lawn, Organdie and ITrench Jaconet. Black Thibet. Hernani, Craps Marete, aad Barege Square Shawl; Hernani Points. Second Mournlnc Drone Goods and Grey Mixed Poplins, from l cent to $1 is; yard-wide Black and Whit Eng lish Chintzes. Blsck English Bombarines: Black Silk Oballin; All wool Mouaselines, Tamises. batiste, Parlsiennes, etc. Blck English Crapes and Crape Veils; Jouvin's and Oonrvoisier's Kid Ulnves: bilk Glovee; Ribbon; Parasol and Sun Umbrellas: Hurtled hkirta. And all other Good requisite for Mourning attire. Mourning Dry Goods House, No. 918 CHESNUT Street, 6 13 tlitu3trp PHILADELPHIA. FURNITURE. YOU ! WILL NOT FIND THE V 1 Uott om of Pricus IN FURNITURE AND TELE GREATEST VARIETY OP STYLES UNTIL YOU HAVE VISITED THE GREAT FURNITURE Emporium OP RXCUBXOKD & CO., No. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, (East Side), 51T6trp PHILADELPHIA. GREAT SALE OF FURNITURE AT IIENKELS', THIRTEENTH and CHESNUT Sts. $100,000 WORTH Af AUCTION' PRICES. All Warranted as First-class Goods. CEO. J. HENKEL8. C 14 stnthlmrp UPHOLS fERY QOOD8. ETO. NOBUT, BROWN, NOBLIT & CO., Uoi.222 and 218 S. SECOND Street PHILADELPHIA. Importers, Manufacturers and aaier Upholstery Goods, Car Trimmings, Cabinet Makers' and Undertaken' Fin din gi, Swiss acd Nottingham Curtains, Hair Seating, Curled Hair Eeddinsr ETO, ETC., lUSmfiv Wholesale and Retail. OUTLERY, ETO. pODGERS & WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET KHIVES. Pearl and 8ta- handles, and bean Ufa! Onlahl SodAW. and Wad Batcher's Bason, aadth cele brated Leeooitr Razor; Ladies' Scissors, In cases, of t&S finest quality Rodcer Tabl Outlsry, Carver and Forks, Raaor Strops, Cork Screws, Xts. Ear Instruments, ts aasiat lbs haannc, oi the roost approved oonstrnotion, at P. MADEIRA'S, SO Ho. m TEHTU Street, below OhaannL THE VATICAN, Ito. 101 CIIESNUT Street. Oardea Vaae. slaasioal design. Urde Vase at all prioWT Garden Vaas at i to. Oardea Vase at ii uu. Vsee a 411. Vases at OS. Oardea Vase, at So 00. Oardea Vase at 7tW. Oardea Vase at SVt. Oardea Vasee at 10 00. Oardea fitatnar. Flower Pots, and Hanina Vases in areat varietr. A oeoorstion adds to the natural beauttee of tb cards or lawn and at so lttthj oinsese as a few Vases rilled With nuwnm- plan la. 4 SI) Is TOIIN FARNUM A CO., COMMISSION MErI 1 1 chant and MknofriAtntsira at D$mmmtamM. tSnkinm GROCERIES, ETO. Q RIP PEN A MADOOCK. IVo. IIS Hon tit THIRD Street. Are pleased to call tbe Attention of families ts tks follow ins; articles whioh in quality, cannot be excelled: BUTLER'S riSAD RICK. NBWBOLD'S JERHBT HAMS. STOKK3' JERSEY HAMS. MARYLAND HAMS. AVI8' DIAMOND IIAM8. WESTPHALIA HAMS. SUGAR-CURED DRIED BEEP sad TO NQ 7 II 3, for summer use. HEW CROP TEAS. YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWOKU, IMPERIAL, OOLONG, CBULAN, BOUCHOSa, JAPAN, and ENGLISH BREAKFAST. COFFEES. LIBERIA, EA9T INDIA, MOCHA, OLD GOVERN MKNT JAVA, JAMAICA. WASHED, CA RACCA8, MARACAlltO, LAG U AYR A, EtO. Etc These are all selected with care, and can be offare.1 with the strongest guarantee for their pirlty and quality. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, made strictly from the best quality of Southern White Wheat, and as tine ss sny In this country. fc.To families sboat rmoTln(j tothe conntrr, we oiTr large stock of Faucy Groirtee from which to select their snppllea. Their orders will be oarefuliy packed and delivered free or charge to anv of the denots la the citv. All goods warrant. I and sold In the an. broken pocksge at the lowest wholesale pries. CXUFPEXg a. XVI ad dock, Dealers and Importers in Fine Groceries, Wo. IIS S. Till II I Street. 5 lstuthgt PHILADBLPHI OOODS FOR THE LADIES. yL HAVE RECEIVBD ANOTHER INVOICE OF THK WOOL HERNAIMIES. PERKINS & CO., 9 South lVZXwfTXZ Street, IT thstn3m4p PHILADELPHIA. HOSIERY. G00K & BROTHER, TRADEMARK. Retailers of Hosiery Goods, Exclusively of their own Importation, No. 53 North EIGHTH Street, 4 19 tng3m4p PHILADELPHIA. OAS FIXTURES. 821 CHERRY STRE CORNELIUS & SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF CAS FIXTURES. Etc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SALESROOMS 821 CHERRY Street, PHILADELPHIA. . WE HAVE NO 8TO"a OR SALESROOM ON CHESNUT STREET. ft71mp CORNELIUS A SONS. FINANCIAL.. J) B K I B L fc CO. No. 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET. American and ITorelfirn OsJVIiGEIRH, ISSUE DKAFTH AND CIKOULAK LETTBUti OF CREDIT available on preaentauoa in any part of Europe. Travellers oan make all their f-rmnclal arrange, menu through ns, and we will collect uiolr Interest and dividends wit hoot charge. DaXXIL, WDfTBKOP A CO Ohuil, Hajubs Co. Wew YorL. . Paris. fjl WASHING MACHINES. OIS E TIIOXJHVIV D. Only Three Months in the Market. THE JLUSQ WASXZX3XL IN USE BUT THREE MONTHS. 1000 OP THEM HAVE BEEN SOLD. IT WILL DO YOUB WASHING BETTER AND MOBS: ECONOMICAL AND IN LESS TIME THAN ANY OTHEB MACHINE. 8 0 thstutmrp SOLD WHOLESALE AND BET AIL BY J. H. COYLE & CO., No. 516 MARKET STREET. REAL. ESTATE AGENT. )ANIEL Ma FOX & SON, Conveyancer and Real Estate Agent, No. 640 N. FIFTH 8T.. Philadelphia. Principal Acencr for Oottace aad Lots at OAPE MAY aad ATLANTIC) PITY. 4 14 n4g FRED. SYLVESTER. REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. SOS Sottih roUITTU Street, Mfrp PHILADELPHIA. FERTILIZERS. JjAKMER3 AND TRUCKERS, USK BAUGH'S BAWBOMK PHOSPHATE. Th best manure for all orop. BAUCH A SONS, Maaafactursra, 1 1 tuf it rp Wo. 80 S. DKLAVf ABE Aeaue. B AUGU'S RAWBONE PHQ8PIIATE, $416 A BAG. AUo pure GROUND KAW BONKS, for sal BAUOU A HONS. Maauaotarer. N. V S. DKLAVTASS Are. Htoir