The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 16, 1870, FIFTH EDITION, Page 9, Image 9

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Rowley 8 B varieties 19
Rudolph 8 A paper 4
Rue F J fc Co -white
(roods A
Rulon J W fc Bona
dye stuffs 8
Bnmpp C variety 14
Rnsaell G W jewelry 13
Russel fc Erwln Mfg
Oo hardware 1
Russell fc Landls drugs 0
Kusseii st Londis pat
Sank J R fc Co tob
Saunders J fcM fcCo
Schandeln J cloth
Bchaffner, Zeiglcr fc Co
Schenck J n pat med
Schloss t fc Co furn
Schoenfeld M notions
Schoenerman P clo
Schmidt K T muslo
Schrtver J N fc Co fish
Schwarz A fnrs 13
Schwarzwelder A con 14
Scofleld 8 Felling
Scott 8 S fc I o d g'da
Scott A Co carpets
Scott & Day hware
Hcull D jr fc Bro wool
See Brothers produce 14
Seeger, Rowland &Co
drops 8
Seeger C cabas 14
Seeds T M hats 14
Sellers Bros wire 6
Sellers fc Kern tob IS
Selser fc Bro fruit . 8
Semmon J tobacco 14
Server T A & Son paper o
Severln O W too 13
Sharp J fc Son gro 12
Sharpless J M & Co
dye stuffs ' 8
Shanlelgh M 8 & Co
white goods ' 8
Sheble fc Fisher forks 8
Sheridan F pictures 12
Shipley A B fc Son hw 7
Shnbert J fc Co music 14
8huffN C d goods lo
Shultz fc Else shoes S
SUberman 8 & Co not 7
Sinclair, Trlmblefc Co
grocers , 8
Sisom W L agt flnd'gs 12
Slter, Price fc Co d gds A
Sleeper B 11 & Co drug- I
gists sund 19
Small W B commls ' 14
Smith W fc Co pro 11
Smith A H fc Sons shoe 9
Smith J J silks 10
Smith 8 C liquor 12
Smith fc Co findings . 8
Smith & Iszard tob 12
Smith, English & Co
books 8
Snowden E china 11
Snydei, Harris fcBas-
sett clothes 8
Snyder fc Co oil ' 14
Snyder & Bros terra-c 14
Solomon B L fc Sons
upholstering goods 12
Somers H 8 salt 9
Sorver R D tobacco 14
Sowder J W shoes 8
Sowder B K variety 10
Southwood W var 14
Sowers W H hware 6
Sprawl J T & Co yarn 10
Staake J anted hau 8
Steam Generator Mfg
Co generators 10
8teel, DeWaehle fc
Fithian llq . 9
Steinmetz D hware 10
Steel E T & Co cloth 8
Stern & Bro clotoiug 8
Sternberger L & 8 clo 7
Stewart & Parker pro 10
Smedley Bros hats 6
Stone fc Davis oil 12
Stone E G & Co hw 4
Stouffer, Myers & Hick
man notions . 8
Straus, Son & Hoch-
ttader notions 8
Stretch, Bennett & Co
drugs 7
Stretch, Bennett & Co
pat med 3
Stelwagen J paper 12
Stroup J fc Co iish 2
Strnhar fc Bro fur'ng 10
Stotesbnry J M sadl'ry 6
Smart C wool . 12
Susman J oil cloth 7
Setter & Wilier shoes 4
Sweisfort W W tob 14
Taggert KR&Ci not 2
Tax 18 K W aquaria 14
Taylor, Gibson & Wil
son trimmings 10
Thacher fc Co Bhoes 6
Thomas B twine 12
Thomas B A chemicals 8
Thomas W B fc Co
men's furnishing 6
Thompson L toys 14
Thornton J needles 8
Thornton E C & Co llq 12
Thudium C A var , 12
Terry A J & Co not
Tllaen A & Co shoes 10
Torrence G H & Co
corks and sponges 9
Townsend R V shoes 7
Trimble & Barrlck dgs 8
. roth fc Nell cloth 7
Trotter N & Co tin A
Trnefltt J O A Co d gl 9
Trunlck II C fc Co d gd 2
Tryon E KJr & Co gns 8
Tully J fc Son drugs 10
Usilton fc Michael pro
duce 14
Valk Wm drugs 10
Vance J M & Co bardw 1
Vanzandt fc Pollock oil 11
Van Schalk B A tobao 8
Vendlg 8 shirts 10
Viniard W C fc Co not's 14
Wagner fc Stewart va
riety 10
Walborn R C fc Co fur-
Dishing A 13
WalkerMfc Sons wire 13
Walker Wm H wool 10
Walter V W tin 14
Walton D J frames 14
Walton fc Zug liquor 12
Walker W produce 11
Wardle, Keed & Co
grocers 6
Wardln R B tin 14
Warren C V.Jr & Co
paper 10
Watson fcJanney silks 8
Watson fc Do Young
notions 0
Watson. Harper & Kel-
fon wire 14
Watt F H tracks 10
Weaver & l'ennock
pipe 14
Weaver fc Co rope' 14
Weaver fc Sprankle
gro and liquor 10
Webster. Paxson A Co
dry goods 4
well Leon liquor 10
Well T fc Co notions 7
Weinman fc Winters
toys 10
Wethenll S P fc G D ir
drags J 7
Wetherlll G D fc Co
drugs 2
Wetberlll A Bro drugs 1
Wetherlll fc Bro Pat
med 9
West. Sonthwortn fc
Co shoes 10
West J Vflsh 12
Wevmer J W stoves 14
Wheeler W F skirts 11
Whitaker Wm M. iron 8
White R T yarn 8
White fc Pechin varl'ty 4
Williams D glasses 14
Williams A Coons not'ns 8
Williams B J fc Sons
blinds. 13
Williams C B fc Co
drv goods A
Williams J cot's goods 10
Williamson Jas liquor 10
WUson Hawkswortn)
viimnn fc Co ( Walter V
Kwim hardware 1 7
Wilson fc Jones cbem 10
Wilson 1) K produce 11
Wilson fc Bro produce 11
Winebrenner, McWU-
Uams fc Co shoes 14
Winters A Young silk 14
Wise John W jam 13
Wolfe, Mayer A Co
Wolfe A Bro clothing 14
Wood. Marsh A Hay
ward dry goods B
Woodruff A Bro prod 9
W ood ru ti c LfcCo toba 10
Woodward Bro A Co
tobacco 9
Wcodward James S's
Sons cotton 4
Worsley Thos soap 10
Wright J K qneensw ID
Wright fcSlddell drugs 10
Wright fc SiddeU pat
med 8
WrlghtAW fc Co drugs 12
Wright A W fc Co pat
med 4
Tonng, Smith, Field fc
Co notions A
Zeuner 11 P A Co Silks 6
Sixth Ward.
From Vine to Arch, and
Seventh to the Del
Atktason A Co shirts 14
Alterans Ac albums 14
Asch M M fars 14
Albert O F lnstrum'ts 14
Artmaa A Trachier va
riety , 7
Artman A DiUenger va
riety 7
Aronhefmer L variety 14
Allebach M B watches 14
Anderson W A Co llq 19
Amos C T stoves 14
Abells 8 variety ' 14
Annear J blacking 14
Allen J produce 10
Atwood, Rank A Co
Ash 8
Armstrong, Wllklns A
Co variety 8
Asch J M furs 14
Barton O variety 14
Brewer C chairs 14
Bronson A Husk oils Id
Baltic II A A Co blkg 14
Butcner W A Soe prov 1
Boyd N rags 14
Barr? Jos liquors 12
BoothroydA Ooates cot 11
Brar A Bueckman
corks 14
BaumL millinery 14
Butler A McCarty
watches 8
Boggs G P f arnltnre 14
Ben uett W R shoes 14
Brandt C groeerles 14
Kaner J W tobac 14
Bender 8 A A variety 14
BuBh J variety m 14
Beates A Miller 4ln p m
drugs 6
Baaton A Son J grocery
nnd liquors 10
Barton 8 A Co grocery
and liquors 8
Bronson A Bills variety 14
Baton A Bro tobac 12
Blaoon A oo oil cloths 3
Brooks A Stevenson
caps 10
B"yd A White carpets 8
Bayersdorfer A Co pa-
per 13
Bochorck A, Frankel
liquors . 12
Broobonockfc Frankel 12
Bruner D grocer 6
Bentley A Son hard- i
ware 14
Bellerjean J A Co
lamps 14
Bellerjean J brushes 14
Baker EGA Jewelry 14
Bambnrger A Kllerman i
liquors 12
Brach J tobao 14
Babb A Danes tobac 14
Brown A drugs 14
Bartlett A bhepherd
grecery 14
Bergholz H J nmbrel 14
Burton H A paper 14
Buttersdorf C N varletyl4
Brock J variety 14
Boyle J produce 14
Bachmau G U variety 14
Bachman J grocer 14
Butter worth J 8 va
riety 14
Bamberger H A Co teas 7
Bash M furs 14
Blatter A Co hardware 14
Buchanan, Bean A '
Stevenson drugs 7
Baldwin A Co W oils 12
Beam A Co oils 12
Burgln A Sons glass 7:
Boorse, Burrows A Co !
lamps . 7
Bailey O M oil cloths 8
Borbeck P variety 12
Bancroft A Bache no
tions 7
Brecht A F wines 12
Boerlcke F B dings 14
Berger G A caps 14
Bucsman A Co variety 14
Boudwln M tobao 14
Beecher A Sberman
harness 14
BiHhop P A Son hats 14
iiennett w u waicnes 14
Buch W confection 14
Bishop 8 8 mdse 14
Buzby.Waln A Comdsel2
Bailey A B A Co prod 11
Becht K A T flour 7
Barker B A I grocery 8
BummW A Son salt 7
Broadhead A Greer
produce 14
Berger A Bats brooms 7
Bumm A Bro feed 10
Byrne M liquors 12
Bettlker, Clarke A Co
produce 5
Barnhart A Co prod 14
Carwen J C A Co prod 10
Clausen Jos prod 12
Carson D grocery 14
Clocke H drugs 14
Clarry T grocery 14
Carson A A J trunks 14
Cramer A Small drugs 13
Clausen C II prod 13
Coulston J D grocery 7
Colbnrn A H spices 1
Canby A Bro variety 14
Corbin 8 T straw goods 7
Coffee grocery 14
Colladay J o variety 14
Crolt 8 variety 14
Cresson W watches 13
Commlnga C H feed 6
Collins 8-J A Bon car
riages 14
Coxe 8 prod 7
Crowell A Nicholson
produce S
Cotterell A Ayeres
produce 4
Christian A Co grocery
and liquors 8
Crowell C salt 10
Champion A Souder
produce 10
Comley T A I flour 8
Catdwell A Swing prod 7
Chester L I coal 13
Cooper A Rogers prod 7
cooke J J a uo grocery 9
Collins A Robb prov 1
Chester J K tobao 14
Clingore, Lewis A Co
provisions 12
Coze A Taylor liquors 12
Courtney J A mdse 14
Croft 8 confeo , 10
Cox, wwteuian A Coxe
stoves 8
Carbon Stove A Co .
stoves 13
Coray W R liquors 10
Cotter A Son J shoes 14
Clayton P F boots 10
Cooke B J clocks 10
Chlpman A White var 10
Corinth F W hats 10
Cressman J tobao 10
Chambers W I nmbrel 14
Cartwright 8 rags 14
Cotter J A Co vailety is
Clothier J W books 14
Creutzberg J H variety 14
Custis W variety 14
Devlne W shades 14
Dunbar A Co stoves 12
Devlin P dry goods 14
Davis G hats 14
Daley J tobaeco 12
Descuamp A Delaney
shoes 14
Dorey D variety 14
De Wolfe 8 II clothing 14
Dodd G A Son car'ge 14
Duncannon lroa Co
iron 8
Davidson M tobao 14
Daley J J grocery 14
Damal B hau 14
Dusoulrs u G tobac 14
Dunbar A Co shoes 14
D'Anoona A furs 14
Dennison D rags 14
Derbyshire A U mdse 14
Denny W fruit 12
Deip W 8 tobao 14
Degenhart 11 confee 14
Drevdoppel W grocery 14
Duffy P grocery 14
Duffy M A J bottlers 14
Dlney A Co vaMety 1
Deas J J variety 14
Euglehart C M watch H
Kngard 8 watches 14
Elntiteln M clothing 13
juiibteinJ watches 14
Eberbach G variety 14
Elsenhower J shoes 14
1 ppleshelroor J r lath 9
t i sland A Son leath 9
Elsler J G Variety , 14
K Ilea G A Co soap 19
Fggellrg H tobao 14
Elenl rg W clothing 19
Elsoro M watches 14
Evans V A son cast'gs 14
Bxtlne M con fee 14
Evans CM drugs 14
Evan W A Co dry goods 8
Etting & Bro Iron 8
English H 11 grocerylH
and liquors 19
Earn T oil 18
Engiert L tobao 14
Foerlng & Co stoves 19
Fisher & Brother groo 10
Firth clotmng 14
Fripfcmnth & Bro tobac 8
Focht D & Co grocery A
Fort H E hardware 9
Tuchle A M & Co tobac 11
Frliik M 8 mdse 14
Frank & Stretch china 10
Fingg 8 O hardware 7
Fenner L P tobac 14
FeJton.'Kau & Sibley
paint 4
Frltsch & Grelb cloth 14
Fleeshmen T tobac 14
Furman D olothlng 14
Flanagan E J variety 14
Tenner W W variety 14
Falls F stoves 14
Forner & Stall llqnors 12
Fisher, Landeil & Hu-
ber variety 10
Fling O millinery 14
Fobes & Psge gas fit 14
Frambes E T shoes 1 1
Folsom B F mdse 10
Flick G L stoves 14
Fitzgerald L grocery 14
freuger C grocery 14
Guggenheim & DreUus
epices 8
Gough J waste is
Gayer A J furs 14
GoUhitone 8 bats 14
Gilfry& Co variety 14
Grim L B tobao 12
Garrat A fish 4
Gladding J & J prov 10
Graver W S splcf s 8
( A J liquors 12
GUI J R Fhocs . 14
Gustlne P P furniture 13
Grelbdling J furniture 14
Gladding C F prov 14
GrelnbaumA variety 14
Gladding 8 tin 14
Grossman & Eraglcr
fnrnlture 14
Gibson, Rockafellow &
Co liquors 8
Gelger H & Co grocery 9
Grange & Roiherhau-
ser cblna 10
Grove & Shoemaker
hardware 5
Gorges M variety 7
GasMU . & Greslmer .;
paper 7
Geprge L varlotv 14
Gabel.i oiler & Foelker
cblna 10
Goebcl & Held caps 14
Greiner J F var 14
Grove Wm H cases 14
Glenn & Manning sew-
log machines 14
Green H W blinds 14
Graham & Son T groc 13
Gebenbeck A tobao 14
Geach E variety 14
Graham J C variety 7
GUI J flour 14
Grove Bro oils 8
Glenn J K raps 14
Gilbert B B min watersU
Harris M millinery . 14
Hess Bros leather - 11
Heft C liquors 10
Hubbard, McClarey & :
Brown grocery 8
Herzog & btone groc 14
Hopper B O watches 14
Hayes G S & Co straw
goods 13
Herbert L tobao 12
Hunt E P variety ' 14
Bortelch tobao 14
Harned L M shades 14
Holtz M canes 14
Uersberg & Bro jewel 19
H art M variety 14
Haworth J variety 13
Harmer & Mlddleton
produce 14
nochHR tobao 14
Hi mer A Poole brass 14
Holmes T 8 A Co lant 14
Horn & Ellis hardware 14
H aehnlen L paint s 19
Benne A F variety 14
Hoover J E Ink 14 1
V ellstern M variety 14 I
Hangar J grocery 14
Henry H 8 A Co rags 12
Holtz C provision 14
Hassenford U safes 14
Hammitt T M brass 14
Baiiowell A Myers var 14
H el wig W H shoes 14
Harris M R grocery 8
Holly A Lee variety 9
Hurlbut A Co oil 10
Hughes J grocery 14
Hughes J dry goods 14
Horstman A Sons fring B
H ard w Ig P grocery . 14
Halfman G hardware 14
Harding A Bro flsh 7
Holloway O oils 7
Hill FC mdse 4
Hulme A Ealn grain 10
Halgh 8 yarns 13
Hsy A Bidesdale rags 14
Heibroner A Bro cloth 13
Hansburv A Shlnn con 14
Hersch B Bhoes 14
Buddy 11 liquors 9
Haddens, Jenkins A
McGlnnis bard ware 5
Iljde A Son stoves 12
James, Kent A 8 an tee
dry goods F
Jenks W J drugs 11
Jenkins G W confeo 10
J JsHieson A Co var 18
Jordan A Bro grocery 8
Johns A Mpplncott var 8
Jacobs 8 W carriages 14
Jackson C clothing 14
Jones C 8 provision 6
Karl Z variety 14
K ieswetter A grocery 12
Klen m A Co perfuw 14
Keller C grocery 14
Seller C confeo 14
Katz A Campbell con 12
KatzGconleo 14
Kenchen J grocery 14
Keystone Varnish Wks
Varnish 10
KellyTiags 14
Kirkpatrlck A Klnsey
1 at her 3
Klnchner J A hdware 14
Kurt s O confeo 14
Kirk WT grocery 5
King Wm oils 7
Kelly J F variety 14
Bennedy A Co hardw 8
Kelly Jos grocery 14
Kneesbaw, Little A Co
drugs 14
Kanb A Frymler china 6
Kirkpatrlck A Co flour 7
Kennedy, Stairs A Co
Ilbh 1
Kcods, Schwartz A Co
provision 8
Koller A Bitting prov 7
E night A Sons fish 3
BlsUer Wra tobac 14
Koons & Buff prod 12
Klrby A Lazabee prod 13
KnipeJmdse 14
Kennedy A Bro watch 14
Keeley M shoes 14
Kampan A Schneider
clothing 14
Kelly M J liquors 10
King W llq and gro 12
Keely M shoes 14
Kohn II clothing 14
KelmGDBhdw 2
Kaupman in lllrich
clothiDg 14
Koens A lildgwsy gro 4
Kohn, Arnold A Ko'.h-
chlld clothing 14
Knaus F variety 12
Kohler W F bats 10
Kryder A Co liquors 10
Kirk W & Co gro 6
Kerrigan P rags 14
Kuhu M liquors 12
KeimerM millinery 14
Keyser L clothing 14
Koller J G books 8
Kirk SLA Sou groc
and liquors 7
Kruger A watches 14
KoibLyarn 14
Kupperscbmldt 3 con
fectionery 14
Levin U fish 7
Landeil B A A E G
oils 0
Leiper & Mitchell ce
ment 14
Larkln A Co prod 14
Lancaster T B feed 1 8
Lang A Benheimer llq i
Lambert T prov 14
Lei brant A McDowell
Iron castings 1
Leopold A Bro clothg 12
LeupoldJ clothing 14
Lefferman L D vrty 18
Lelphelmer 8 clothg 14
Lauber J tobacco 14
Llnderman T confeo 34
Lentz J 8 liquors 10
Leob A Bro leather 12
1-ewald P variety 12
Llnderman F leather 14
Lucas J A Co paints 7
Lines T J 14
Lackman J tobacco 14
Levey .T tobacco 14
Levey J skirts 14
Little W fc Co hdw 14
Lynck W tobacco 14
Laurent & Maronoonf 14
Leupold T clothing 14
Lewis Dvar'ety , 14
Murphv W fish 6
MlchteT fc Loch prod 13
Moore L J tobacco 6
Mayer J liquors 12
M ogridge E fc Co yeast 1 4
Martin T J liquors 13
Myers O W machy 14
Mason J S & Oo black
ing 14
Medulla II A fc Son
rags 14
Miller fc Withers pro
visions 10
Miller & Bro furniture 12
Miller L notions ' 14
Muhr & Son watches 14
Mayer E shoes 14
Morrison E W fc Son
shoes 13
Myers D clothing 12
M'oManus T liquors 12
Miller fc Derr dry gds 7
Micke, Bodder fc (Jo
dry goods ,8
Marple O II liquors 10
Miller & Bro liquors
and oils 7
Mayer & Morgan llq 12
Maas fc Mayer cloth 14
Melker J shoes 14
Magee Geo & Son
metals 14
Mitton P llqnors 12
Monroe G shoes 14
Midnight, Fleck & Co
yarns 5
Metzgar S variety 14
Myers S W coal . 14
Miller F A spices 14
McIIugh W C variety 14
UTairpA T V t Sinn .
, n a
Moore W II furnshg 14 ',
Montgomery W C pat
ent medicine 8
Morris fc Haines stovs 14
McNutt melodeons 14
Mllligan J fc O china 14
Murphy & Broom
variety ,14
Myers & Co groo 7
Mlllett F fc Co fruit 10
McGrath O waste 10
Mabury W H variety 14
Mustln J notions . 5
Miller J clothing 14
Myers C G rags 14
MUlett E G spices 7
Magee J II d goods 14
Malser C L variety 14
Miller T F tobacco 14
McAllister T teas 14
Martin L A confee 14
McCabe J J grocer 14
Munkenbeck w tob 1 14
McGrath J grocer 14
Merrill J grocer 14
Meirill J grocer 14
McCambrldge & Fry
variety 7
McWUllams W prod 12
Myers S cloth 14
McGovern T groo 14
Murphy fc Son hdw 14
NevUfc Son prod 14
Norney E It , fc Co
fruit 14
Nobllt J H bedding 14
Kunes E clothing 14
Nolan B C d goods 13
Naphys G O fc Son
provisions 6
Norton J rags 14
Newhall, Borle & Co
sugar 10
O'Neil J rags 14
Oberholzer L drugs 10
O Oaliaghan F O lthr 14
Oldach fc Mlrgonthal-
ler books 12
O'Brian P grocer 14
O'Brlan D tobacco 14
Cgden E H hardware 5
Cat & tson copper 14
Faille P watches 14
Potts H T iron 9
Porter C B & Co hdw 10
Puccini fc Bro fruit 14
Paine R books 12
Pratt R N leather S
Parke, File fc Co va
riety 8
Pecora White Lead Co
white lead 8
Plumley G W boxes 14
Penn Soap Works
soan ' 14
Parker T perfumery 14
pavonanous e fc u
variety 14
Peters G L & W L
stoves IS
Faul H O variety 14
PancoaRt & Co stoves 14
Pharo E A fc Co prod 10
Prettyman F prod 12
Perot J S fc EL prod 6
Prentice fc Fltler mer
chandise T
Parker A J liquors 12
Pappemheimer L tob 14
Patton J W fc Son
leather 9
Perot F hops
Pinto T J tobacco 14
Prlchard Bros prod 7
Pendleton fc Co pre? 5
Falne E W fc Co 6
Pfeifer J iron 14
Pratt E soapstone 14
Kuhicara fc Co fruit 12
Roberts fc Bro prod 19
lthlnsteln fc Strouse
liquors 13
Roberts A O iron 10
Rogers T shoes 14
Reinstrom J fc Son
liquors 12
Rosenthal J clothing 14
Rid g way O W tob 13
ReiKkey J furs 12
Rank W H tob 14
Rosenwig E caps 14
Roberts fc Phillips
hardware T
Robinson R M & Co
lrlnees 10
Roberts G II hdw 6
Rothschild S shoes 14
Ryan J leather 14
Rumpp C F variety 14
Komcr M d goods 14
Rand A Perkins stovs 13
Kusbchman A tob 14
Ruschman T tob 14
Riddle K mini waters 14
Ray D P leather 12
Ruth fc Greiner lthr 7
Relnhold J tobacco 9
Ralston fc Pendergost
leather 14
Ruschman F tobacco 14
Ruckaber B furs 14
Rltter J K cfothlng 14
Relst J variety 14
Reckless fc Lawrence
mdse 14
Reckless S T oils 14
Reiskey R furs 14
Rouse G J fc Co va
riety 4
Roman M flowers 14
Rosenbauiu M furs 14
Runschke J T tob 10
Rhorman J H variety 14
Stearley Geo prod 13
Swlnker J w fc Co
produce IB
Smith W J fc Co flour
and liquors 10
Springs, Osborue fc Co
mde 10
Ehubert fc Cottlngham
variety 14
Snyder fc Uarkloson
produce 14
Sellers fc Brodder pro 10
Stewart T oils 12
Stout J W fc Co frutt 13
Sleigh J rags 14
Steever fc Potts Iron 7
Stern S clothlug 13
Phedden J no clothg 14
Singer A shoes 14
Salt fc Mesr china 7
Staufrer J K watches 19
8haw J II tobao 19
Snyder B G fc Go carp 10
Sharp and Thompson
stoves 7
Steppacher & Arnold
clothing . 10
Schloos J tobac 14
Shaffer J variety 14
Seiberilng, Smith fc Co
grocer T
Rchwerln E clothing 10
Sterling fc Went RhoeS 14
Stewart J B glass 18
Smith C II machinery W
Sayen fc Paret leath 7
Shields fc Bro hdwre 8
Stsrk II grocer . ' 7
Schwerin M clothg 10
Snyder Wm hdwre 7
Slate Jno J shoes 7
Simon J II rags 1 14
Shaw M A china 14
Super V Coleman hats 14
Smith fc Shoemaker '
drugs 8
Serl'erllnfc Fritz bags 12
Soule S tobac 14
Schrack C & Co dgs 8
Smith J N rags , 18
Schultz W variety 14
Schwartz C tobao 14
Schercr J L liquors 12
Shoemaker R fc Co
drugs ,2
Shoemaker B II glass 8
Stoppelwoith II conf 14
SncllPfnrnlt il4
Steel W W stoves 14
Smith G clothing ' 1 14
Sen nr man fc Bro jew
elry ' 14
Forp E C shoes ' 14
Smith J S prod ' 13
Scott Jno llq 12
Stortz M variety ' , 14
Schmidt L watches 14
Stannert F C variety 14
Shaffer A M soap 14
Stelner J C fc Co tob 9
Schurch S stationery 14
Shea D liquors 12
Schultz J pat med 8
Sausscr fc Wagner ;
shoes 14
Stoops fc CuBhman
s machines' 14
Swank M J tobac . . ' 14
Scherzer A pianos . 14
Shoyer G furs 12
Stevenson & Porter
liquors '12
Stewart fc Marks gro 7
Troth fc Engle grain 10
Thompson . fc ' Bumm
grocers . 8
Thomas L fc Co flout 11
Taylor Jno G mdse , 14
Tournay L seed . 1 14
Tryon E K guns 12
Trembey E D furnit 14
Tolbert G H drags 14
Thum C D brush 14
Teller A Bro tobao .; , 8
Tllgle H & Co furs 8
Tomson P C spices 1
Tyler & Smith leath 12
Thcstle & Muller shoe 14
Thompson A M varletu
Trlpple Jno shoes . 14
Thierry A glass ' 14
Thomas&Twinlng dgs 12
Transue A Davis paper 13
Thatcher C caps ' 14
Thomas J 8 groc 10
Tomklnsvn A 8 china 6
Taylor N G & Co hdwe A
UpnoffW confee 14
Understadt L grocer 14
Vcitz P shoes 14
Ulberoth, Bergstresser
& Co flsh 10
Volght'G W & Son
glass . ' . 13
Vandyke W variety , 14
Vetterleln & Co tobao 1
Vogel M clothing 14
Vogel Ghats 14
Walton C W ; & 1 Co
caps . ' ; 14
.Woodslde & Stadeger
liquors 11
Walters R fc A varlet 14
Walters T bottler 14
Wood A fc Co iron 8
Weaver & Splnke gro 8
Whitehead E Toils 11
Wild & Nealmdse 9
Waterall W paints 7
Whitehall, Tatum &
Co glass ' 1
Ward & Co tobac lo
WUson W & Son silver
ware 12
Wlsler J U chairs 14
Weaver II M tobac 14
Weeks & Cote paints 10
Well T fc Co variety 8
Welnsteln & Bro
dry goods 10
Warner W E & Co
4th P M drugs ' 10
Widmer C A leath 9
Wertz 8 A liquors - 10
Wanner fc Klein china 6
Walker fc Bro clothg 14
Weber, Rudy fc Co
fruit ,12
Wilt fc Gale tobao 13
Wlltberger A drugs 10
Wlsbart L Q C p med 3d
Wood J & Bros Iron 8
White, Hentz A Co llq 8
Wurflein A guns 14
Williams M W varlet 14
Weyman II A variety 14
Waterman,Son fc Hope
grocers 1
Wslnwrlght fc Co gro 8
Weyman II A varie 14
Ward II straw goods . 7
WUson fc Stewart
produce . 14
Wilson T flour 14
Weikel & Smith spices 8
Wlldey R cotton . 13
Woodbrlrige J harness 14
Worrell II spices 6
Watson Bres crackers 14
Watson fc Clarke phos 11
Woodward T W tobao 14
Watson F fc D wood 14
Watson Thos & Sons
mdse . 12
W artman fc Sower tob 7
Wernle & Yost prod 10
Wayne fc Derr flsh 11
Whitney & Carpenter
prod 9
Teager J C fc Co bats 7
Young U sewing ma 14
Younker J confeo 14
Young G feed 14
Zimmerman Y lustra 14
Zalss F matches 7
Zelgler fc Smith dgs 1
ZehnderG F flour 7
Peventh. Ward.
Adams Jas dry goods 14
Adger R furniture . 14
Adger R M furniture 14
Allen Robt furniture 14
Allen Wm P grocer 14
Alexander Samuel
variety 14
Aldricb M M dry goods 14
Anderson J dry goods 14
Anderson A Dunlap gr 10
Andrews W mead 14
Angeroth C furniture 14
Appleton N B grocer 14
Appleton CbasM paperu
Ardlnm Robt grocer 14
Armbulst M R confeo 14
Ash George W trim 14
Atkinson T cages 14
Backenhelmer 8 cloth 14
Balrd W U tobacco 14
Ball Elwood drugs 14
Ball Elwood pat med 4
Pardsley Wm tobaeco 14
Bardsley Wm tobacco 14
Bardsley A Hall hardw 12
Barker Daniel liquor 12
Barr Jas books 14
arr Wm U uphols 14
Bartley H grocer 14
Baxh M C varieties 14
Beamish John bats 14
BeniKon Jos paper
hangings 14
Berkley Kate clothing 14
Ba8 Thos G tobacco 14
Bobb Peter tobacco 14
Bollng Thos 11 grocer 14
Blakiston 11 R coal 14
Brady C M trimmings 14
Brandon Robt grocer 14
Branson A Bro coal 9
Bradley M tobacco 14
Brady II dry goods 18
Brines J 8 shoes 14
Breudel Joseph cOnf 14
Brandt Wm notions 14
Brearlck Pat shoes 14
Brice Jas B gro A llq 19
Bridge Hannah variety 14
BrOby Hani grocer 14
Brown D grocer 18
Brown Jas grocer 14
Brown L shoes 14
Brown M shoes 1 14
Brown Morris tobacco 14
Brown Thos tobaoco 14
Bnnday W A shoes 14
Bnlst Jf Jrharlware 14
Bunting A 8 confeo 14
Bunting Wm liquor 12
Burke Mrs M d goods 13
Birnbaum Chas H conf 14
Burns Jas gro and llq 12
Burrlchter C shoes 14
Burt A Lord conf 14
Byrnes Thomas prov 14
Cahlll Thos shoes 14
Campbell D dry goods 14
Campbell John grocer 14
Campbell Jos tobacco 14
Campbell Wm tobacco 14
Cannon John d goods 14
Canning B dry goods 14
Carey Mlchl groceries
' and liquors 13
Carmlchacl 8 shoes 14
Cannon Mich tobacco 14
Carroll Mrs millinery 14
Carteret E W variety 14
Casey M millinery 14
Casey 8 A millinery 14
Cavanagh J provisions 14
Charlton 3 A trim 14
Cliff Mrs E varieties 14
Clift J 8 dry goods 13
ClIftA Wllilamsgroo 10
Clementson James D
dry goods 14
Collin Kate trimmings 14
Collins J P varieties 14
Connor ITamll shoes 14
Connor J T liquor 19
Cooper 3 W frames 14
Connor Geo E grocer ' 14
Cook E R grocer 14
Cook Wra rags 14
Cooke Wm variety 14
Corvln Bern millinery 14
Costello Kate china 14
Cotter John dry goods 14
Cox Fanny dry goods 14
Coyle Anna d goods 14
Craig Chris liquors 1
Craig J groc and llq 12
Craig Saml dry goods 14
Crevin Leonard china 14
Cromie Chas grocer -14
Cromle R W A Brother
grocer 13
Crother Jere dry goods 14
Cunny Ed grocer 14
Dal ton Morris grocer 14
Daly D U dry goods 14
Davidhelser M tobac 14
Davis A grocer 14
Davis D A tobacco '14
Davis H T tobacco 14
Devlne Ed notions 14
Dexter A 81monety conf 12
Dlehl Peter confection 14
Dolby E confectionery 14
Donaghy Henry flour 14
Donagy A Watt coal 14
Donnelly Jos liquor 18
DonneUy M groceries 14
Donohua B liquor 12
Dornan Geo W grocer 13
Dougherty B findings 14
Dougherty C mUllnery 14
Dougherty F varieties 14
Dougherty M A grocer 14
Dougherty M A grocer 14
Dougherty W provls 13
Dougherty W d goods 13
Doyle William china 14
Duddy M K confee 14
Durham J A Bro flour 6
Eddy II C drugs 14
Eddy U C patent med 4
Ennls A Co furniture 14
Elfllne G confectionery 14
Fagen Stephen grocer 12
Fenton Joseph frames 14
Ferguson M J varieties 14
Fielding Jas 8 tobacco 14
Fetter II II tobaceo 14
Fifleld J B M variety , 14
Flnnegan J stationery 14
Fisk Mrs R C varieties 14'
Fltes Peter L tobacco 14
Fitzpatrick Cath mill'y 14
Fletcher Wm tobacco 14
Flood Simon grocer . 14
Foster Bent drugs 14
Foster Ben pat med 4
Foster Jas furniture ': 14
Fortescne John tob 14
Fowler Louis grocerlesH
Fox Peter P drugs 14
Fox Peter P pat med 4
Frazler Alex shoes 14
French F P varieties 14
Fawkes Mrs Maria varU
Fulton Jane groceries 14
Fury Michael varieties 14
Galbraith D dry goods 14
Gallagher Wra G gro 14
Gardner Eliza liquor 12
Garrett P C A J B cot
ton goods - 8
Garrety E grocer 14
Gans John grocer 14
Geipee Fredfe prov 14
George J H variety 14
George Wm dry goods 14
Getty Wm J variety 14
Gibson Thos liquor 12
GUlesple Jas grocer 14
GUmore Jas w grocer 14
Godfrey M grocer 14
Goodwin Sarah grocer 14
Goodyear 3 drugs 14
Goodyear J pat med 1 4
Goold Rich dry geods 14
Gormely Put variety 14
Gluck L dry goods 14
Graham John shoes 14
Gray Marg trimmings 14
Gray 8 W gro and llq 10
Gray WmH liquor 12
Grafton C A tobacco 14
Greensmith F jewelry 14
Greer A McCrelght dry
goods 3
Green J F shoes 14
Griffin Wm grocer 14
Grave J E drugs 14
Grove J E pat med 4
Gladlng A GoUly var 14
Gulnan M liquor 12
Guy David grocer 14
Hagerty R J liquor 12
Haley James grocer 14
Halligan Pat varieties 14
Hallowell II R conf 14
Hamilton John grocer 19
Hardrlck O F tobacco 14
Hawley A A Co perf 10
Hawthorne J K prov 14
Hay A mUllnery , 14
Hazel Jos findings ' 14
Hein Eugene furniture 14
Helns Lewis 8 pipe 14
Henaker C tobacco 14
Henderson Wm shoes 14
Hlbbard J T conf . 14
II ell born M dry goods 14
Hirst V grocer 14
Hltschler J J produce 12
lloeke Charles shoes 14
Hoffman D E liquor 13
HoKlorn 11 varieties 14
Hols Jacob grocer 14
Holt E tobacco 14
Hook Jargaret trim 14
llopson W hats 13
Horn Henry tobacco 14
Hoffman Wm trim 14
Jtughes v dry goods 13
Hughes 3 B cot yarn 3
iiunipnreys M C trim 14
Hunter II trimmings 14
Jack Robt hardware 14
Jackson K erocer 11
Jackson Wm J grocer 14
Jautzen 8 C furniture 14
Jasner Isaac clothing 14
Johnson W grocer 14
Jones Jas tobacco 14
KeeiurJ o tobacco 14
Keeler J 8 tobacco 14
Keenan Jas shoes ' 14
Keeuan Jas shoes 14
Keenan John shoes 13
Keenan John liquor 12
Keenan Menard fur 14
Kell John tobaceo 14
Kelly P grocer 14
Kelly P A carpet 14
Kelly John fruit 14
Kelly Jf J millinery 14
Kemp provisions 13
Kerns ami grocer 14
Keys R drus 14
Keys R pat med 4
Kill Fred tobacco 14
Klrlin Pat milk 14
Kirk Jos tobacco ' 14
Kllpatrick Jf A 8 trim 14
King W J milliner j 14
Klauder Fred couf 14
Kllue Jos A liquor 19
Kliug V bard ware 14
Knickerbocker Ice and
Coal Co ice and coal 14
Kohler II qaeensware 1'
Krespaeb. P A tobacco 14
Kreiu E U conf U
Krewson G grocer 14
Lamb W W drugs 14
Lamb W W pat med 4
Lainmerty A grocer 14
I anghrsn T grocer 14
1 aws J N dry goods 19
lewis It Jeweller 14
Llebaux J B showi 14
I iebermann L tobacco 14
Llngg A Bro jewelers 14
Long Wm grocer 18
I-owery J 8 A Son coal 10
Lynch Kate millinery 14
Lynn Jfary millinery 14
l.yoiiB r iKnions 14
McAdooWplpe 14
McAleer J millinery 14
McArdle John hats 14
McAvoy L dry goods 14
McCandless S J qnecnsl4
McCanriless 8 J nlrtn 11
McCandless II A Son
grocers 10
JcCandlesa W II gro 14
McCaffrey II grocers 14
(McCaffrey C notions 14
McCarthy JftrlmmlngsU
McCartney E prov 14
McCartney Melll liquori2
JfcCauley M shoes 14
JfcConnell D grocer 14
jfcConnell 8 confee 14
McCormlck U A dry
goods ' 14
McCormlck R grocer 10
McCrosslns P millinery 14
McCullongh M grocer 14
McCullnm DR tebaccoU
McElwee J plumber 14
McFadden C grocer 13
McFarland Wm shoes 14
McGettlgan M shoes 14
McGorman J grocer 14
McGlllln John cloth 14
McGrath M grocer 14
McGulgan F liquor 12
McGuIre J shoes 14
McllenryP blinds 14
Mclver R grocer 14
McKee F variety ' 14
McKenna J variety 14
McKlbben J C shoes 14
McKnlght J shoes 14
McKnlght R shoes 14
McMahonP liquor 13
McMannus P grocer .' 14
McMulliu j grocer 10
McMullin J A W gro 10
McNary R furniture 14
McNee J tobacco - 14
McNeff Agnes notions 12
Mcl'herson W Bhoes 14
McQualde Henry prov 10
McSwIggin E d goods 14
Macaulay W tobacco 14
Macdonald jcoal - 10
Mack C provisions 12
Maher E liquor 12
Manlove Wm E tea 24
March T grooer . ' 14
Marshall J D shoes 14
Marshall A confeo 14
Martinort C shoes 1 14
Martin A dry goods 14
Mason F A E trim 14
Mason John grocer 14
Matthews R paper 14
Maws G grocer " ; 14
May A Sons liqnor 13
Mellon Tqueensware 14
Menah A dry goods 14
Merrylces Jas tin 14
M eyerie F dry goods 14
MeysCT shoes - 14
Midgley Wm variety 14
Miller A Laskey coal 13
Miller T confeo 1 14
Miller Jf trimmings 14
Milne C J cotton goods! 4
Montague P grocer 14
Montelth J drv goods 13
Montgomery R prov 14
Monroe J furniture - 14
Mooney J liquor . . 13
Jfooney J liquor 19
Jfoore J B drugs 14
Jfoore J B pat med ' 4
ZOoreJohn erocer ' 18
Jforrel) WHO Bhoes 14
Jorrls II tobac co . 14
Jorris j provisions 14
Kulholland D liquor , 13
Julholland T prov ;. 14
Jfullen Domenic tea 14
Jurphy Pat shoes 14
Murphy J 8 worsted 14
Murphy Ann grocer 14
Murray T grocer i 14
Morrow j shoes 'mi , 14
Myers Conrad prov , . 14
Myers Henry grocer 14
Myers John tobacco 14
Nagle John grocer . , 14
Naulty C varieties 14
Neelv Thos drv soods 13
Neely Thos grocer i . 14
Neel J E tobacco 14
Newmeyer 8 shoes 14
Nicholson G B grooer 14
Nlckerson Ed ranges 14
Norris H dry goods 14
O'Brien L stoves 13
OBrien T stoves 14
O'Brien M grocer . 14
O'Donnell 0 prv . : 14
O'Hara E grocer 14
O'Hara R dry goods 14
Ogden B stoves ; . 14
Ottmer Peter confeo , 12
Owrld W3 tobacco , 14
Palmer G confeo 14
Park M m R tea .13
Parker H'm grocer 13
Fartenhelmer H'm dry
goods ... . 14
Patterson J grocer . 14
Patterson V grocer : 13
Paulln G W cblna 14
Pearson C R Ulmmlngsl4
Peon H aste ; Horks
Fennell 3 II tobacco 14
Pepper F A millinery 14
Perry James tobacco 14
Pbarazyn II frames 14
Philadelphia Cord and .
; Kindling . (f ood . Co
wood 1 v 1
Phillips J shoes . v. 14
Phillips 8 M liquor 1 12
Polf reyman M crocker 14
Poll B confectionery 10
Preston W f urnltare 14
Price M trimmings . 14
Proctor W 3 drugs 14
Proctor W3 pat med 4
Purdv R grooer - 14
Pyle Thos grocer 14
Oulnn E notions 14
Ouln Michael grocer 14
hafferty J provisions 14
Ralston A grocer 14
Rauck N drurs 14
Rauck N patent med 4
Reaney P grocer , 14
Reed S Shoes 14
Reld D shoes : . , 14
Kennels M confeo . 14
Rice Mary liquor 9
Rich W provisions 14
Robb A confectionery 14
Robb M varieties 14
Roberts M tobacco 14
Robinson J dry goods 14
Robinson M II milllnerl4
Rockaf ellar J skirts ,1
Roe A confectionery 14
Kneller G tobacco 13
Koeen John confeo 14
Rogers C U mllliuery 14
Rohlnng C confeo 14
Rose BF provisions 1 10
Rose W W provisions 13
RosensUln R milliner 14
Rosenweig H trim : 14
RoungJ hardware 14
Rowe M millinery 14
Russel T grocer 14
Russel Alex grocer 10
Ryan H'm tobacco 14
RvanR confeo . 14
Bcheldel M confeo . 14
Schlmpf J grocer 14
Siboolman C F grocer 11
Scliotch N furniture 14
Schmith 8 confeo 14
8chuler C confeo 14
8cotb 8 cotton goods 8
Sbauds II cblBa 14
Shaw Jos copfeo 1
Shaw A Son coal 11
Bhannon M dry goods 14
Sharp OP confeo 14
Sbeehan M J triromlngl4
Stiepley Joshua shoes 14
bbermer J A pipe 13
Sherry John coal 18
Bhlnn J T drugs 13
Bblnn J T pat med 4
Shipps 8 furniture 14
BlmousA W confeo 14
Simons G G hay and
feed ' 11
Simpson's T Sons dry
Sksy John liquor 13
Skeflmgton A d goods 14
Blavln T 8 coulee; 14
Blevln M varieiy 14
Blevln Thomas grocer 14
levin Jor-n liquor 13
Slean John P trunks 14
Stuart P groc and liq 13
BmithAlex grocer 14
tniltb Alex provisions 14
Smith C J paper 14
Smith 3 C shoes 14
Smith Sarah varieties 14
Smith 3 qneensware 14
Smith 8 D tobacco 14
Spear Mary trimmings 14
Speers H A M millinery 14
Spertng A Sons d goods 0
Stark Cath varieties 14
Stein John liquor 13
Stehr E tobacco 14
Stevenson J grocer 19
Stewart II grocer 14
Stewart IPC 13
Stewart John grocer 14
Strouse B ml'linery 14
Stnll J D A Bro drugs 14
Stull J D A Bro pat med 4
Sendmeyer U grocery '
and liqnor 19
8ulllvan J grocer 14
Snttili J grocer 14
SwanL W grocer 14
TaggJT dry goods 19
Taylor T fnrnlture 14
Thomas E drugs 13
Thomas E pat med 4
Thomas J M drugs 14
Thomas J M pat med 4
Thompson A d goods 14
Thompson M variety 14
Thompson W grocer 14
Thompson A Bower
grocer 14
Tolman J P confeo 14
Tracy A Co worsted 8
Van Horn A M variety 14
Vallette L confeo It
Vauelslauden B shoes 14
VUhmann W tobacco 14
Vincent 8 tobacco 14
Vornhold J II confeo 14
Walters G K flour 14
Ward A varieties ' 14
Warner 8 H drngs 14
Warren, Kirk A Co
paper 14
Washer C shoes . 14
Weber J drugs 14
Weber J patent med 4
Welsh E confectioner 14
Wels Anna varieties 14
West 8 C shoes 14
Wetherly W U drugs 14
Wetherly W II pat med 4
White G W dry goods 13
White J C trimmings 14
White JT drugs 14
White J T patent med 4
Weeks 8 Jewelry 14
Welt G confectionery 14
Wagner W provisions 14
Whlpp G varieties 14
Welnback H confee 14
Wiley J H tobacco ' 14
Wilks William shoes 14
Williams D tobacco ' 14
Williams A Iredell
grocers 10
Williams W notions 14
Williams Jesse coal 8
IHlson F grocer li
mnslow 8 B furniture 14
Woodruff A Vpham
provisions 10
Woodward E millinery 14
Worthing ton A Morrow
pipe 14
Wotherspoon Wvarle 14
Wright Isaac shoes ' 14
Wunder J K dry goods 14
Wylle Wm dry goods 14
Young F dry goods 14
Adair E P plated ware 14
Adams A A Co marble 6
Adams A Jlilett varie
ties 14
Aguero Mariano tobao 14
Alexander 11 C liquor 19
Allen George millinery 8
American Buttonhole .
A O. 8. Sewing Mach
. Co sewing machines 1
American Sunday-Sch
Union books 9
Amer'n Tract Society
books 10
Anderson Chas II tob 14
Andre G A Co muslo 10
Arnold A Baker gas
fixtures 8
Arthur R A Bro coal 13
Ashmead D books 9
Ashworth B books ' 1 14
Bagala Lewis groo " 14
Bailey A Co Jewelry 1
Balrd John stone 14
Baglot A varieties 14
Baker J W coal 13
Baker II W tobacco 12
Baratet M A corsets 14
Barker II A Bro stone 3
Barron J P notions 14
Bascom Warley f urni 1 4
Bell C A tobacco 14
Benkert O A Son shoe 10
Bernardy P 8 variet's 14
Berry John W tobao 14
Besson A Son dry gd's 8
Blair Daniel grocer 14
Blair Daniel prov 14
Blair n C's Sons drugs 13
Blair II C's Sons p med 3
Blair's Sons H C drugs 14
Blair's Sons H C p med 4
Blair W E grocer 14
Blanks L oonfeo 14
Blasius Chas pianos 1 9
Blasius W pianos 14
Bloomer Hen liquor 13
Boner W H A Co mus 10
Borhek E A Son optio 13
Bowker W H tobacco 14
Boyd J 8 tobacco 14
BradleyAO'NeU ho far 14
Bradley T F confeo 14
Bratton Eliza fan gd's 14
Brltton J A varieties 14
Broadbent A Phillips
pictures ' 14
Brooks A Driver prov 9
Brown W T tobacco 14
Brown W 8 Jewelry . 14
Brown George grocer 14
Bryan A uprichoid L.
pipe etc .14
Bunting 8 S drugs : ' 14
Bunting 8 8 pat med 4
Burns A confeo - 14
Barns John dry g'ds 10.
Burnham A Co cans 19
Burdsall J prov 10
Butler II F rurntsh'g 14
Butier Peter groo 14
Caldwell J E A CO jew 1
Campbell A Co 8 drug 14
Campbell A Co 8 p med 4
Campbell J books 10
Campbell J A all ware 14
Campbell W P mantll 12
Carmony A J cravats 11
Carter C C varieties 13
Carr M M dry goods 14
Carrlngton, De Zonche
A Co curtains 10
Casselberry J R d g'ds 3
Challen U books .. 19
Chambers W J nmb 14
Chatham J groo 13
C'heseman J E mchs 14
Chrlstmaun II variety 13
Chrlstmann B variety 14
Cbeever J E tobacoo 14
Clare James liquor 13
Clare James liquor 12
Clark M A trimmings 14
Clarke E B groc A lio 6
Clay James confeo 14
CHckerman Mrs L M
embroideries 14
Clinton E A Co brush 10
Clocker W conreo 14
Cloud G W A Bro gro 13
Cochran W G pianos 14
Cogley Mrs M J lullltn 19
Collins M upholstery 14
Colter W M confeo 14
Cornman G W W tob 14
Corry John gro A llq 10
Covert W IIP papers 14
Crawford A E dry g'ds 14
Cromtiarger P notion 14
Dare C P trimmings 14
Darragh A Donnelly
millinery 14
Davis O F sew mach 9
Davis A Co varlet 14
Davison J K & Co jew 8
De Bulst JOE varlet 12
Deitz W II pipe 14
Dexter J W confeo 14
Dtuan T grocer : 14
Dixon I jewelry 14
Dixon T 8 A Sons fur .
naces 13
Dolan, Shields A Co
stone 14
Donahue M perfura 14
Donnell W L gro A llq '0
Donohue J tobaoco 14
Dougherty C upholst 14
Doughty John grocer 14
Douot A WUilams uph 14
Downing J R books 14
Dreer Henry A seeds 8
Druck F A Co varlet 14
Duffy John canes etc 14
Duncan 8 A variet 14
Dunn Dennis liquor 13
Immpby M grocer 14
DuttonWJU pianos 10
Earle 3 II A Co plctl 5
Earie J V II A Co fancy
1 goods 19
Eisenlohr W tobacco 14
Elliott E notions 14
mtonbead W B Jewel 14
Riwell Evan confeo 14
Engel Theo tobao 14
Kno G A silverware 14
Enos. Richardson A Co
Jewelry 8
EnsingerG W lumber T
Eshelmann JA furnish 11
Evans T B feed 10 1
Swing D 8 sew mach 5
Eyre Mrs C A mU'y 14
Fales O stone 10
Felix I) A Co tobao 14
Fewkes T grocer 14
Finn J C A 80ns paper
hangings 19
Fisher Henry tobao 14
Fit zgerald D grocer 14
HahertyJ tobao 14
Flint Llda dry goods 14
Foy M J confeo 14
Foy Rose varieties 14
Frank F L varieties 14
Franklin H C varieties 14
Freed ley JK AM stone 8
Fryer G day goods 7
Gallagher J T Jewel 19
Gardner J M f nrnlt 9 '
Garber A A Son coal 14
Gay Geo china 9
GavMNAEH Mm'g12
Gebble Go books 19
Gehmon Mrs M II var 14
Gernrlg J H lnstrum'ts 14
Getze A pianos 12
Gilbert M clothing 14
GUmore J frames J4
Gleeson Pat tobac ' 14
Goodwin A Cutler var 8
Graham R T confeo 14
Granger C varieties 14
Gray W stone '8
Creole E stone 12
Griflln J groceries 14
ropengeiser J L Jew 14
Grover A Baker s ma 8
Gunsalus R confeo 14
HatleighJM dry g'ds A
Hagey Jconfeo 13
HallJL tobao 14
Hamilton A 8 sew ma 10
Hamilton 8 tobao 14
Hamilton T books 14
Harbert, Davis A Co
lumber 4
Hare A Feeny liquor 13
Uartat F A furnishing 14
Harley J Jeweler 18
Harris Eliza flowers 14
Harrison 8 A tiles 8
Hartman J grcerles 14
Harvey E F jeweler 14
Hayden Mrs J cloth 'g 14
Headrlch II G sad'y 10
Heaney 8 A mlllin'y 14
Hecht A Bro notions 13
Helmbold II T drugs 9
Helmbold L V cut'l'y 14
Ueineman A A Co fur
nishing H
Htrsh Leon variety 8
Hollingsbead C V no's 13
Holt AW confeo . 14
Holt Beth Jewelry 14
Homer. Colladav A Co
dry goods A
Horsfall J B grocer 14
Howell, Finn A Co pap 6
Howe C A J corsets 14
Hoyt FA A Bro cloth'g 10
Hoyt A Bedloe tobao 13
Hubbell O 8 drugs 10
Hubbe'.l O 8 pat med 4
Hughes E confeo ' 13
Hunt Maria varieties 14
Hunter Marg trlm'gs 14
HutchlBson J dry g'ds 14
lander Aug J jr var 13
Idler W variety 14
Jacobs T LA Co furn'g 13
Janentzky A Co artist
- materials 8
Jaubert Mary Avar 14
Joaohin Ed tobacco 14
Johnson R P varieties 14
Johnson 8 J clothing 13
Johnson J W pipe 14
Jones C H dry goods 6
Jones D 8 drugs 14
Jones D 8 pat med 4
Jones A furniture 14
Jollivet J variety 18
Jouvln E perfumery 14
Kelley O E dry gd's 13
Kelly A A variety 13
Kernn M T gro A llq 12
Kerr J K A Bro china 8
Kerr D liquor 12
Klehl J dry goods 13
Klmes J B mantillas 14
Klntrslev J B A Co con
fectionery . 10
Klrby W K furniture 14
Kline 1 w oooks 14
Knight Reeve L A Co
carpets 4
Knight W D drngs 14
Knight W n pat med 4
Knoppel F confeo 14
Knhn J confeo 14
Ladomns L A Co Jewel 8
Lai and e J dry goods 13
Lauer M tobacco - 14
Lauman A Hammlll llq 10
Lea H C books 8
Leak J F cancel sta'ps 14
Le Bontilller Bros d gd 1
' Lee R trusses ' 12
Lee A Walker pianos 8
Llebrlck, HUllbraBd A
Wolf locks 13
Lehman J A jeweler 14
Lemalstre J confeo 14
Leneer A Spencer drgs 14
Lenher A bpencer pat
. med ' 4
Lentz II W varieties 14
Leopold John tobacco 14
LevicK R rubber 8
Long Peter B tobacoo 14
Lucy Jas grocer 14
Lutz J furniture 10
Maclean Geo books 13
MacmenemyM furnish 14
Madeira P lnstrum'ts 14
Magliocco A variety 14
Mslone Peter grocer 14
Maloy A Cooper d g'ds 13
Mansfield B trlm'gs 13
Mansfield 8 variety 14
Martlen A books 9
Martin TG variety ' 14
Martin A Qnayle var 13
Maxwell JGfc Bon tr 4
Meagher M A Co prov T
Meany Thos prov ' 14
Mennewlsch II confeo 14
M lcbaells A Levin tob 10
MlchaelisALevlntob 14
Miles GWrnll y gd's 19
Miller J P furnlsh g 14
MUlikenG dry goods 8
Miskey, Merrill A
Tbsckara gas fix 8
Mitchell A Fletcher
gro and llq 9
Montgomery Mrs J
dry goods 14
Moon II Wnpholst 14
Mooney J liquor 19
Moore FL stationery 19
Moore J R tobacoo 14
Morris P grocer 14
MoseleyAdrugS 14
Moseley A pat med ' 4
Moulton A books 14
Morwita Maria zephyr 14
MulllkenR confeo 14
Monday J grocer 14
Mundsy R A trlm'gs 14
Murphy M books 14
Mustln J notions 11
Myers A Clayton trim 19
McAllister WY spec's 8
McArdle M liquor 19
McCalla T II gro A llq 18
McCann B grocer 14
McCarranan J tobacco 18
McCarthy J gro A llq 19
McCarty E A M A var 14
McCary Cath varieties 14
McCauley R books 19
McClure 8 prov 13
McConnell J liquor 13
McCully 8 Lprov 14
McFadden NeU llq 13
McFetrlch A Brown
pipe 19
McGar.ey J grocer 14
Mcusry Maria varlet 14
McGee Lqueensware 14
McGlnley K gro A llq 18
McGough J gro A liq 19
McGowan M A china 14
McGrath 11 books 14
McUutn M A baskets 14
Mcintosh H agt books 10
Mclntyre A Bro d g'ds 14
McKenna J grocer 14
McLean II gro 14
McLean A Kendall car 10
McLaughlin J liquor 12
McMahon A Mclntyre
dry goods 14
McMullin H varieties 14
McNamee J tobacco 14
McNeill J confee 14
MoVangn k Duncan
dry goods 14
Nagle, Cook Swing
paper hang 10
Nash A Bro prov - is
Netts V tobacco 14
New nam 11 B tobacco 14
Nicholas O C dry g'ds 19
Northoup LT A Co llq 19
Oak ford 8 hats - 14
Oak ford C's 80ns hats 19
Off Bernard grocer 19
Off w B nrov 1
Ogelsby W P pipe 14
Oliver P G drugs 14
Oliver r 0 pat men
Orne J D sew mach 13
Orne J F A E B carp A
Orr i dry goods 14
On ram G w drugs 14
onrara G W pat med ' 4
O'Donnell M llouor 19
O'Meara W grooer 14
O'Neill J stoves 14
Patton M J tobacco 14
Patton T R gro A liq
raiiou w tx wan pap 12
Patton W H nnholst 14
Pawling J H tobaoco 13
raysant a Lare furn 14
Peck A Co drnirs la
Peck fc Co pat med 4
Penas C confeo 14
Panna Bible 80 books 14
Penn Coal fc Ice Co
coal fc ice 10
Perot F malt 10
Peterson fc Carpenter
sew mach - 8
Pffreath W confeo 14
Phelan fc Bucknell
lumber 7
Phlla Watch Co watch 10
Pone fc Vlguers varlet 14
Portaa D confeo 13
Porter & Uoates book
Prager O tobacco . 14
Presby Book store 12
Price C J books 12
Prince S F stone ' 8
Prot Epls Book storo 10
Purnell S clothing 14
Queen J W fc Co speo 8
Quigley J liquor 12
Radford W II gas pipe 14
Raffcrty r prov 14
Ranaler F dry g'ds , 14
Reeves M tobacoo 14
RelllyM varlet -14
Rement F A books 14
Remicfc G Jewel 19
Rentoul W S books 14
Rich O O groo 10
Rtconard K prov 14
Bobbins, Clark fc Bid
die Jewel 8
Robinson S P jewel 14
Rogers A H sUverware 8
Rogers A H trim i .14
Salles E varlet 14
Sanders fc Porter prov 14
Sauter O F notions 14
Sauter G frames .14
Sayle J varlet 14
Schenck J B varlet . 14
Schiller Mrs A var 14
Schuenemann F conf 14
Schwarz G A toys . 6
Scollln M & S A notl 14
Scott J T furnishing 14
Scott J W & Co f ur'g 10
Scully E J.'groo 13
Settle G prov 10
Sbeppard, Van Ilarltn-
gen fc Arrison d g'ds 8
Sherer S & H varlet 14
Sheser J confee 1 - 14
Shoemaker fc Co cloth lo
Slmes S F drugs 14
Simes S F pat med 4
Simpson D M varlet , 14
Simpson F V varlet 14
SlngerMani Co s mach 1
SkayJfeed 14
Skelly A E & R trim 14
Siemmer O mlllin'y 14
Smith G F upholstery 14
Smith H H grocer 14
Smythe S K silver 14
Speller O II plct 14
SpeUburger E varlt 14
Stanley G B jewel 14
Stanton M Jdr goods 12
Steel J queensware 12
Stettin A provisions 14
Stewart A K notions 8
Stokes C fc Co cloth. 10
Steddard & Crawford
silver 10
Strasser A tobao 14
Stratton fc Bro pipe 14
Mrs Sunderland conf 14
Sweeny R liquors 12
Tatem A drugs 14
Tatem A pat med 4
Taylor H H uphol 14
Teufel J J cutlery 14
Thayer G blinds- 14
Thompson fc Bro gro 12
Thornton J frames 14
Theuret O provisions 14
Thomas J II books - 13
Tlbbltts JL shades . 14
Turner fc Co books 9
Turner W K sliverw 14
Tyson L fc R L var 14
Van BeU II fc A C liq 2
Van Zandt A L conf 8
Vogel O W laces . 10
Vollmar G furniture 14
Wagner G F tooao 14
Wall G confeo , 14
Walllser O fringes , 14
Walton M O trim 14
Ward J D fc Co coal 13
Ward fc MoKeeyer pa
: per hangings 13
Wanamaker J cloth A
Warne Bro fc Co watch 6
Waugh II grocer ' 14
Webb J K gro and llq 10
Wenderoth, Taylor fc
1 Brown pictures 8
Weyl fc Rosenheim
! straw goods 8
Wbitaker fc Co plct 14
White S S dental 0
Wiley fc Bro tobao 13
WUson fc SteUwagon
jewelers 10
Winchester & Co furg 11
Winner fc Co art mat 14
Wirz a II lnstrumts 14
WomrathAK fcF K
: furs 4
Woods W n fc Co
' beds 14
Wood D trim 13
Woodward C R var 14
Wrigglns fc Co Jewel 10
Wood N II wood . 10
Wright W M fc Bro
pipe : 14
Wyeth fc Bro drugs 12
Wyeth fc Bro P med 8
Moth Ward.'
Chesnut to Market and
Seventh to Schuylkill.
Allison Jas clothing 13
AshmeaJ Geo drugs 13
Ashton G II drugs 10
Alexander E clothing Ii
Anderson Wm variety 14
Aohesoa A Rothaker
flour 10
Ashton A Cannon lum
ber 10
Agnew A English man
. tiltas 10
Albright clothing 14
Allen W J furniture 10
Arnold W A variety ' 13
AustlnAObdyke vartyl9
Abertson A Co variety 14
Alexander A T man'lsl4
Alexander C II man'ls 14
Babb T variety 14
Bachelor Bros tobacco 14
Baker M L variety 14
Berry W D tobacco 13
Binder M A variety 7
Birdsall J II confeo 14
Black A Son gro A llq 12
Buddy L variety 14
Black R gro A liq 13
Bailey A McDonald
marble 14
Brown A provision 14
Brown M K trimmings 14
Bowyer A Co dental 14
Brown A Gallagher
liquors 13
Brennan 3 Jewelry 14
Bodlne F A J glaf s 10
Brown W A Co cltbg 12
Baker J C A Co drgs 9
Baeder A Adauuion
variety 5
Bocklus Bros saddlery 14
Burt E variety 14
Buckalew A Water
man scales 19
Burk W E flour
Beck A Bro tobacco 13
Bryan Malqueen A Co
confeo 13
Bulst R A Son seed 8
Brown T G shoes 18
It .-own 3 K shoes 13
Bullock C K variety 12
Boyd U A Co groceries 7
Prown B M clothing 1 18
Buckley J variety 14
Pishing 8 shoes 14
Blsbing S shoes 14
Barton W groceries 13
Barr T tobacco 14
Brown W L fruit 14
Bird A Dllks toys 18
Blake J A A Co prod 10
Bower R 8 drugs 14
Bell 8 grocrrles 14
Bruner A Wann lumber 10
Burns F dry goods 14
Balsbaugh A Co flour 10
Bellwoar F variety 14
Borland D variety 14
Banff John tobacco 14
Bennett A Col vUle dry
goods 13
UewaldD clothing 14
Crawford A Co glue la
Campion Bros&Frank-
lln variety
Cadmus 3 F shoes 10
Cooper A Conard dry
goods 8
Cadmus J A F shoes 14
Clark A Cavanagh cloth
ing 14
Clark 3 8 stoves 13
Cheatham Jas tobso 11
Coombea J F A Son
leather 10
Cope P produce 14
Clark Jw umbrellas 14
Chance 3 CA Co dry fl
goods ,
CummlngsACo variety
Cams W hau
Church Joseph shoes
Cook man A Baugh
Cook J A Co coal 1
Collins A Co coal 1
Coffey P shoes 1 1
Callahan P confeo 1
Caryl W H variety 1 10
Carey. Lincoln A Co
Carpenter WAF cloth 14
Cummlskey E books 18
Conrad Bros variety 18
Crew B J drugs 14
Comber A Co stone 14
Costlgan W II feed 14
Clark W P shoes 14
Cabale L perfumery 14
Clark A A Co variety 14
Cuthbert A teas 13
Cramer Jas pictures 13
Cant er J H variety 14
DeWoir 8 H clothing 13
Doll John toys 10
Dorman A M sadd ery 13
DeCray A ptanos 14
Donovan & Case hats 13
Dickson James stoves 14
Devlne J gro and liq 8
Donahue T shoes 14
Donagby & Watt coal 13
Dunwoody EACo flour 8
Deacon H R lumber 13
Dougherty K O dr gdl 14
DeYoung J variety 13
Donnelly J P variety 14
Dubosq & Son jewelry 14
Dreka L variety 18
Dillon J H min water 14
Destlver C books 18
Deglnther M Jurn '14
DUtzerWU clothing 14
Dick J seeds 14
Dressier F J Jewelry 14
Dixon H variety 13
Dickson M E Jewelry 14
DeMorat O B pictures 14
Door, SonACo variety 14
Doyle P books 14
Dorsav A clothing 14
Ettlnger& Tuck clthg 13
Ellis C Son & Co drugs 8
Evans G W pictures 14
Elsman H B variety 14
Enterllne E shoes 14
Ktnelr, Mltz&Co shoes 14
Estlack T drugs 14
Englehart O tobacco 14
Esler G tobacco 13
Edmnndson J clothing 14
Elliott J cigars 14
Eberhart F variety 14
Evans T variety 14
Fries, Malseed &TJaw-
kins dry goods 8
Franklin E shoes 18
FUley H plated ware 14
Fleishman D variety 14
Fullaway J V paper 13
Flemmlng C dry goods 14
Fairbanks & Ewlng
scales 10
Ferris E variety 4
Farrel & Herring safes 8
Fontenau&Salle perf 'y 14
French II W plaster 14
Fearon J O tobacco 14
Flnelll N tobacco 14
Farr G V clothing 14
Ford F confectionery 14
Fryer H b fringe 14
Fisher & Bruce tobao 14
Fleishman & Frank
variety 14
Flint W books 14
Grigg R J clothing . 13
Grubb J C & Co guns 8
Green & McBnde gro 14
Grace R guns 14
Godshalk EHiCo
carpets 6
Griffith T furnishing 18
Granello F olothlng 14
Gould J E pianos 10
Grant G variety 14
Gnmpert Bros tobacco 14
GoffRWP variety 14
GreU & Bros pat med 4
Hlncbman H flour 4
Hoover J books 4
Helnman A variety 13
Haines & Grelb conf 10
Hicks W H clothing 18
HiU 8 stoves fo
Hanker A variety 14
Hagaman & Co plctrs 14
Hartell & Co tea s 14
Hansen A Bro drngs 18
Hunslcker Bros lumb 10
Hugbes&Mullen cltbg 14
Hopkins W T variety 7
Haseltine C F pictures 10
Henkels Geo J furatre 10
Hum J W pictures 14
Howell John G drugs 14
Hoepfner C variety 14
HamniU & Co books 13
Houghton Geo confeo 14
HutchlnsJC variety 13
Harrison J mantillas 14
Isaacs E clothing 14
Ivies H&Co mantillas 10
Juel Joseph dry gds 14
Jones JB feed 14
Johnson P variety 14
Jacoby F drugs 14
Jones & Temple hats 14
Jones Bro A Co books 10
Jackson G W variety 14
Klernsn Jos variety ' 14
Klly Kbats - 14
Kleine D A Bro clthg 13
Kneass A Co saddlery 14
Know lea Levi A Co
flour - 7
Katz E clothing 14
Knoppell D confeo 14
Klnkade A Vorbees
stoves Js
Kleine J shoes ' 14
Kessler G F variety 14
Kershaw J variety 13
Kelly J variety 14
Kline C tobacco 14
Kennedy X & Bro
variety. T
Kretzmar E Jewelry 6
Keyser E clothing 14
Krause G drugs ' 13
Kirk R M provisions 14
Kelley J C Jewelry 14
Keeler F 8 pictures 14
Lees Jno tobacco 12
'Locke C A Co liquors 9
Lor ue F hats 14
Lewis H R furniture 13
Levey A clothing 18
1 ewls G W furniture 10
Lodor J A bats 14
Lyons A M picture 14
Logue F hats 14
Lowenthal E clothing 14
I ewls H R variety 14
LetDI clothlnst 14
S L.J neb A Son coal 13
Lejambre A II turn 12
Lacey W confeo 14
Laud J tobacco 14
La vis D paper 14
Lsbey A Devlne tobao 14
Lemalstre P confeo 14
Ladd E O variety IS
Lauty J A Co d goods 10
Lukens L variety J
Maul RF hats '
si oyer A Bro saddlery 10
M attack A Bon clothg 12
McEwen J clothing 12'
Manigle EM stoves 13
MclutireP clothing 14
MUlisG W furniture 13
Mohoney J variety 13
Macky 8 fionr and liq 4
mjers ir doming j
jncrnuomy u a goods 14
Moore A Hnnn miner 14
McManns B clothing 1 .
Morris, Wheeler A Co U
Iron T
MeissnerCF variety 14.
McGrath M varietv t 14
McPhlllomy D d goods 14 .
McDevlt A variety 14.
MahoodJtln 19.
Morris W variety 14.
McLaughlin M shoes 14
McFeetors J shoes 14
Maxwell M F d goods 14
mo liugh A Guineas
llqnors 13
MoCall A A N shoes 14
McConnel A d goods 14
McGlttlgan AC groc 14
Machter A Steel coal 18
Moloney O P coal 12
Maloney M shoes 14
McCready J tobacco 14.
McGee B liquors .13
Machettte E V flour 14
Maher B clothing 14
McFarland T shoes 14
McGuIre J liquors 13
McGlnley P liquors 12
Marxen A Witte china 10
Marvin A Co safes lo
Mead A Robblns ill W 10
McGrath J B clothing 14
Mason A Co stationery 13
lYLilllgan A Carnahan
clothing TO
Mclntyre A Bro var 13
McGrath H books 13.
Myers A dry goods B
Malsel C clothing 14
Macauley W H tobao 14
MyerL books 14
Minor A Carter var 14
MilnerSI variety 14
Mudge A Williams pro 14
McGoldricK T grecer 14
Myers P I confeo 14
Mclntyre I W tobacco 14
McConachy N china 14
McGee R M bedding 14
.mcLieoa j saaniery j
McCaffrey J pictures it
Mageod A Son variety II
Nlcholl R variety Lr
Nlckerson R 8 bats 14
Oakford 3 A Son hats 14 .
O'Bryan J T variety 14 .
Ogden 8 variety 14.
Park AM shoes v 13
PfeUl A Bro hats '13
Philada Paint Manu
facturing Co paint 13' .
Prentzell C flour g
Paddock O H grocer ' 14.
Pooljohn ribbons 14
Percy I shoes 14
Pue II A dry goods 10
Pagel J clothing 14'
Peoples 8 variety 14
Patton Jas liquors Vi'
Patton Jas liquors la'
Patterson A Lippln- '
. cott lumber 10
Presbyterian Board of
Publication books 10
Pulllnger W F tobacco 14
Phelps A Co Pianos 10
Penny A Co furniture 14'
Parson J A Co shoes 14
Phelan A Backnal lum 10
Parnel J W lumber 10
Pennock Bros flour 14
Pesoa D dry goods 14'
Perkins A Co d goods 4
Parrott F W variety 14'
Peek George variety 14
Pearce W H variety 14'
Oulnn C dry goods 14 ,
Heavey O tobacco 14
Rollen J F shoes 14'
Stagers T H clothing 13'
Shirley A Koon shoes 12'
Sloan J P clothing 13'
Sick, Kamerer A Co
furniture 10
Simon H trunks ' is'
Sheppard A Co brush's 14
Sleeper S umbrellas 14'
Seldenberg L variety 14'
Solllday A Co tobacco 14'
Slmes W F A Son drgs 10
Sonneborn J G carp's 10 '
Spear Jas stoves 10'
Schultz B Jewelry 14
Stewart W confeo 14'
SmlthCRA Son Jew- '
elry 14
Btradley J drugs 12'
Shaw H shoes 14'
Shugrue J bats 14 '
Stewart John liquors 10'
Saunders J W shoes 18 '
Scott A Manquet coal 12 '.
Shannon Brags 14.
Strodlck H confeo 14
Saunders E W variety 14
Sellers N A Co flour 10 .
Sanborn C watches 14 :
Smith G tobacco 14
Slmes J W Jr drugs 9 :
Shevlln G liquors 13 :
Strain D liquors 13 :
Sharpies O L d goods 13 -Sabater
M tobacco - 13 .
Stone John dry goods . 4 .
Stead T W tobacco 18 .
Schomaber fc Co plan 10 .
Steel R T millinery 14 :
Stuart D W paper 13 :
Steel E G d goods 14 :
Souder H variety 14 '
Seeley Q B variety 14 V
Savter R fc Bro confee 14 .
Smith fc Penrose var 1 . .
Stltz Jno clothing 1
Southwick J A d gds 1 )
Sibley fc Stoops sewm 1
Snowden fc Bro cutty l r
Smith fc Riley d goods 8
Sejfert fc McManus iron 4 :
Richards 8 glass 8 I
Ray Wm clothing 13
Raines L clothing 13 :
Ramson J W liquors 10
Rice T shoes 14
Rlngold W 8 d goods 10 -Richardet
J millinery 14 ,
Rafferty J books 14 .
Rosenthal II clothing 14 :
Roundtree J variety 14
Rotbermal D coal 13 :
Rickey, Sharp A Co
dry goods 4 .
Rlchelderf er J L cloth 14
Rogers W D carriages 14
Rellly Jas liquors 13 ;
Reckaf us A Grelb conf 13 .
Italney H flowers 14 .
Risk A Musson drugs 14 .
Roberts C paper 14
Rogers L O varietur 14
Richard A variety 14 '
Reavey C tobacco 14 '
Rollin I F shoes 14
Troemner H scales 13 '
Turner R H variety 14 '
Taylor R china la
Tracey M clothing 1 '
Twaddell A Bro variety i '
TwaddeU A Bro shoes 14
Tyndale A MltcheU cnl 8 '
Tllley A J variety 14 '
TaltW variety 14'
Taylor A B drugs 14 '
I'pham 8 C vanaty 13 '
Vandervorde M variety 14 '
Weston C variety 12 '
Willis M F clothing 13 '
WUilams J 8 hardw 9'
Walton C J hats ' 13 '
Wilson A M shoes 14-
Walton R 8 hats . ' 13.
Wade A Armstrong va
: rlety , 8'
WUilams C stoves 10
Wbal y 8 A Co liquors 10''
Whitman C F oonfeo 14 '
Williams M A d goods 14
Walker A dry goods 1
Wiegand Geo tobacco 14
Williams 8 hats 14
Wiimarth L C lumber 12
Westhoff C variety 14
Walraven I E curtains
Wlttig R A Co variety 13
Warner W H variety 14
Warden A B watches 13
Whitney T J sowing
machines 10
Watson O W carrisges 14.
Weed Sewing Micbine .
Company sin la
WrlnUt W II variety 14
Weaver G H 0 ufec 14
WUson A Eeaolmore
paper . H
W llliams Q plants ' 14
Wray W 3 tobacco 14
Yarnall A II drugs 10
Yarnail E A coil 13
Young J L hats 14
Zeb nder Joh n con fo 14
Zehnder Jacob coafoo 14
Market 10 Arch anl
Seventh to Schuylkill.
Akera W J chin 12
Archambiult V E dry
gOOUi 11