8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEQRAPfl PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAI 1G, 1870. CITY 1HTBLL1UBWCE. Loo At. )Pifl awd Ekm.-Fanny Allen and Mary trot at Point Breese tliln afu-rnnon. The Athletic and tMjmplo ii. B. O., Of WMhlng VOD, D. C, play this afternoon. Over ten thousand people passed Into Fatrmonnt Park yesterday. what la the consideration which induces the nigh Constables to Tinlt the suburban districts and order down frame buildings that cannot by a a; pos sibility do harm T Representative Elliott has consented to accept a renonilnatlon. So has Jonason, of the Eighth dis trict. . The Fifth Leclslatlre district, heretofore Demo cratio. will return a KepublUan next winter by rea son of the nefrro vote. The Third Senatorial district will, In all proba bility, be so apportioned next winter as to leave Henseey out In the cold. Summer resiliences are being pat In order for occupancy on the 1st of June. The LejrlRlativc Junk nhon Association on North Seventh street is now doin a lively business. Char ters and acts of incorporation are selling well. Philadelphia had but four member In the late Legislature who could consume over thiriy seconds in a speech Davis. Elliott, Johnson, and Miller. Humor has it that exHepresentatlve Davis Is to take charge of the Washington House In this city. There Is talk of the Reading Railroad Company running an early train from Norrlstown. If so, ft would induce many of our citizens to locate on the stream made famous by Tom Moore. Philadelphia will be well represented In the various purses offered by the Trenton Trotting A a sociation. ' Base Dall is In as much favor as ever. Our detectives, at ltast a large majority of them, are not competent for the business of the oillce. Select Councilman McCall is In favor of free public baths. Alexander Ail aire has an Idea that he would make a good Congressman. The legislative Jobs, however, have been so excellent, that our people desire that he shall remain at home wltn them. Washington correspondents of Philadelphia newspapers are being well taken care of by our Con gressmen, with a view to re-election. Policeman Max has never been In prison since his arrest. The summer time table of the North Pennsyl vania Railroad goes Into effect to-day. Sukdat Amcskmbnt. We fear that the people of Manayunk are deteriorating in virtue, and are fast falling from the high position they once occupied of being the most moral community in the State. Years ago the Sabbath day was strictly observed, but now, with the beer-shops and groggeries in full blast, the contrary Is the case. The following Is a sample of the manner in which some of the residents keep the day holy : Late In the afternoon of yester day an Intoxicated chap named Edward McQrattan commenced raising a row, which was speedily "nipped In the bud" by Officer Welsh, who arrested McGrattan. On the way to the station-house two of the prisoner's companions, named Richard Carden and William Hare, assaulted the officer and attempted to rescue the prisoner. Welsh managed to hold him until assistance arrived, when the would-be rescuers were also taken into custody. Arrived at the station-house, McGrattan made a ter rific assault upon Lieutenant Kelley, and threatened to annihilate him. The Lieutenant, who Is an old soldier and a man of nerve, soon gave McGrattan to understand that he could play no pranks on him, and Immediately locked him In a cell. Alderman 1 hompson gave the trio a hearing, and held each in i0U bail to answer. Delinquent Tax-payers John L. Hill, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, has issued an order In which he notifies all citizens who may be in debt to the city of Philadelphia for taxes that, unless the same be paid at his office, or to the Deputy Collector of the ward, on or before the 1st day of July, 1870, he will, In pursuance of the act of Assembly creating the position, file liens against the real estate on which such taxes have been assessed, and proceed to have the same sold, and that- in further pursuance of eaid act, and under such proceedings, all proper costs and the penalties Imposed by law will be levied and collected from the proceeds of such Bales. A Rural Home. On the 21st lnst.W. C. Kent. Esq., will offer at public sale his very elegant country seat, known as "Benchwood, situate at the Jenklntown Station, on the North Penn sylvania Railroad. Elegant etone mansion, otllC, ttuu coacu-uGuse. out-bulldlngs, afid 25, acres. Grounds beautifully Jaid out. The fur-' niture, stock, and farming utensils can be pur chased at a valuation. Full particulars and a photograph may be seen at the rooms of the auctioneer. Mew. Thomas & Sons, Nos. 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. The Troubles ok a Policeman. Some people labor under the Impression that a policeman's life is one of ease, the position almost a sinecure, and the drawing of his salary the principal duty performed. That such Is not the case the following will, we think, clearly demonstrate. Last evening an intoxi cated Individual named John Madder collected a crowd in the neighborhood of Sixth and Chesnut streets by his drunken antics. Ottlcer Degan, to disperse the assemblage, arrested John, but not without considerable resistance. During the straggle John bit the officer In the arm, severing one of the muscles thereof. The officer managed, despite the Injury, to convey John to the station house, whence he was sent to Moyamenslng to ex ercise his molars on "hard tack." ftcilALB Burglars To-day we are called upoa to chronicle a somewhat unusual ease, In the shape of an an attempted burglary by females. Last sight Mary Flood and Eilen Troutt attempted to enter a house at Seventh and Alaska streets by climbing through a window, with the intention of theft. One of Daniel's disciples saw a hoop-skirt hanging out of the aperture, and approaching, cap tured Mary. Ellen then appeared, and endeavored to convince the officer that no wrong had been done. The result was the arrest of Ellen and the commitment of both to Moyamenslng by Alderman BonsaU. An Etesore. Of late several attempts have been made to destroy the portion ot Pollock's Mills, Twenty-fourth and Spruce streets, that was left uninjured by a former fire. Yesterday afternoon Btill another attempt was made. Tho fact of the matter Is that the ruins have become an eyesore to the residents of the locality, aud they desire their removal. We understand that the liuiluing inspec tors will have the walls pulled down In a few days. The Infected District The Alaska street dis trict has been thoroughly cleansed, and workmen are still engaged in keeping it in as pure a condition as is possible. But two cases of relapsing fever have been reported to-day, and both have been removed to the Municipal Hospital. One case a female was taken from the County Prison this morning. Of all the numerous cases which occurred last week, but six proved fatal. This proves that while the disease is a strongly Infectious one, it is net very dangerous. Tumbled. About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the eastern wall of the Carpenter Company's ice house, situated on the Schuylkill, near Engel k Wolf s Farm, fell in with a crash that alarmed the whole nelghiMrhood. The Harbor police visited the place, and finding the northern wall insecure, pulled t down. This has been a peculiarly unlucky build lue. borne time ago the roof fell in and two men were killed. Fortunately no one was Injured by this attcr occurrence. Board or Surveys The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board ot Surveys was held at their rooms, fifth street, below Walnut, to day at noon. Petitions were received asking for a sewer on Prime street, between Third and Msyamenslng avenue, and asking for the widening of Merchant street. The committee to whom was referred the remon strance against the construction of a sewer on Franklin street reported in iavor oi as-feet sewer. Adjourned. Chicxenb. Samuel McAllister, whose eDlcnrean tanta la considerably developed, on Saturdav nliht fnade a raid upon the hen-roost of oue Tyson, a resident of Frankford road. Samuel desired some anrinir chickens, but an old Shanghai raised such a din that Samuel was detected, arrested, and sent to prison. Coal Oil. The hubbub amongst the firemen about 1180 last P. M. was occasioned by the ex ploding of a coal-oil lamp in the dwelling No. 43l Kid ge avenue. The damage done was trifling. Nevertheless some ignorant policeman aroused the whole Fire Department Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. This morning the (.rand Encampment L O. O. F. assembled at the hall Klx hand Haines streets. Grand Patriarch 8. N. Foster presided. The meeting is with closed doors. During the day the vote for officers for the ensuing year will be counted and announced. Military. The GlrardCollege Cadets, Captain Oliver, known as Company , Philadelphia City Guards, will make a trip to Media on Wednesday morning. On that day its connection with the militia ceases. Marine. The magniiicent and commodious canal boat Mary, lying in the Schnylklll, at Baln bridge street wharf, was burned to the water's ed je About S o'clock this inorulng. The cause of the hre or the loss Is not known. J? 1 II 12 HTATIOIVLU V, ABM8. MONOGRAMS, ILLUMINATING, KTO. Card Jtapavw aad Stations THIRD EDITION AFFAIRS AT THE CAPITAL Tho New Revenue Bill. Reduction of Thirty Millions. TO-DAY'S CAD LI. JflNQWa. French ministerial Changes. Etc., Rtc, Etc., Etc., Etc. FROM WASHUfOTOJi. TnrUoi Military iUenanrea. Sjxcial Despatch to the Evening Telcgraoh. Washington, May 16. The Senate bill giv ing the Southern States that went into rebel lion their quota of arms and ordnance under the act of Congreps was agreed upon to-day by the House Military Committee. Also, the bill authorizing the Secretary of War to take charge of the Gettysburg and Antletam National Ceme teries, and a joint resolution to repair the sol diers' cemeteries at Harper's Ferry. The Senate Military Committee has agreed to a bill allowing a company of scouts who served in the Western army fifty thousand dollars. This will be made a test case for a large number of such claims. The Delaware Bridge. The House has passed a bill declaring a bridge across the Delaware, from Philadelphia to Cam den, a post route. The Tie w Interonl Revenue BUI. The Committee of Ways and Means, after nearly three days' continuous session, has agreed upon an Internal Revenue bill and will report the reduction part to-day, leaving the adminis trative portion and the part regarding the tax on spirits, tobacco, cigars, etc., to be reported hereafter. The amount of redaction proposed by the bill is about thirty-five millions, and differs very materially from the Senate bill. The income tax is fixed at five per cent., fifteen hundred dol lars exempt. The tax on sales, gross receipts, and all licenses, except for theatres, is repealed; also, schedule "A," which includes carriages, watches, sliver, etc. The committee will now proceed at once with the consideration of the Funding bill, and will have it ready to report as soon as it ean be considered by the House. Mr. Boutwell was at the Capitol to-day, in conference with both houses on financial and revenue matters. The Equalization mt Bounties. The Committee on Military Affairs have agreed to report for passage a bill equalizing soldiers' bounties, at the rate of eight and one-third dol lars per month, which is substantially the same as the bills passed for the same purpose in both the Thhty-nlnth and Fortieth Congress, but upon which the Senate refused to act. ftenefal Amnesty. Mr. Cox, of New York, offered a resolution directing the Committee on Reconstruction to report forthwith a bill for general amnesty. On the demand for the previous question, 51 voted in the affirmative and 71 in tho negative. In order to put the members upon the record, Mr. Randall moved to lay the resolution on the table, as otherwise it would have gone over under the rule. Only thirteen Republicans voted for the pre vious question, and eight of these were from the South. The other five were Halo of Maine, Fitch of Nevada, Bingham of Ohio, Winans ot Ohio, and Farnsworth of Illinois. Hon. ltichard J. Ilaldeinan, of Harrisburg, who was married last week to Senator Cameron's daughter, made his appear ance in the House to-day, and was warmly con gratulated, nis bride is here with aim. More Conscience nieney. pwpatefc te the Associated Frew, Washington, May 16. A Catholic l'rlest at Alton, 111., sends to the Secretary a check for 1700, and requests that a receipt be sent to the Right Rev. P. J. Balkes, Roman Catholic Bishop of Alton. The writer also requests that no questions be asked concerning the money. It belongs to the United States, and all he can say is that an old soldier at Mount Sterling, 111., for- wards it as conscience money, which he says belongs to the Quartermaster's Department. Tbo Steuben Celebration. Secretary Boutwoll to-day gives leave to all German cterks in the department to absent themselves from duty from 2 o'clock, that they may attend the celebration of the laying the corner-sioce ot the Steuben Monument at the Schutzen Park in this city, and similar leave has been given in the other department. Special Treasury Aceata. Since the passage of the act limiting the num ber of special Treasury-agents, approved on May 12, a number of changes have been made by Secretary Boutwell, thoroughly organizing the special agent list in order to conform with the law. Hereafter each agent will be pre sented with a certificate of his appointment under the seal of the Department, which certifi cate will be surrendered at the expiration of his term of office. Under the law a new system of special agents district has been established in Texas under the supervision of Agent Henry S. Martin, the head quarters of which is to be at Brownsville, TeAa, and the Department intends putting forth every effort to break up the illicit trade along the Klo Grande. Defrauding the Uevenue. Supervisor Foulke reports to Commissioner Delano the seizure of the manufactory of Walter Crumpler in the First District of California for alleged violation of the law in not having the proper stamps affixed. Supervisor Perry reports the seizure of Groot & Scarlet's distillery and rectifying house at Charlotte, N. C. Naval Orders. Lieutenant William II. Emery has been or dered to the Practice squadron. The following assistant paymasters have been ordered to duty, viz.: Joseph T. Addicks, ai- slstant to the paymaster at Philadelphia Navy Yard; Cary K. Saunders, as assistant to the pay master ot the Receiving 8hlD at Philadelphia; Lucius B. Hurd, as assistant to the Inspector of Provisions and Clothing at Philadelphia; Charles II. Barrlett, as assistant to the Inspector of Pro visions and ciotniag at the Boston Navy Yard; W. W. Barry, as asslrtant to the paymaster of the New York Navy Yard; Joseph A. King, as axbibtaut to the pay master at the Naval Academy FROM THE WEST. The Flro at In I'rosse-I.oae of Life. New Yokk, May 16. Specials from La Croeee eay that five live were loit at the fire there on Saturday night. FROM EUROPE. Snppoaea Featana Arrenled. London, May 16 Considerable excitement has been created here by the arrest yesterday of fifty persons who had Jnt arrived from Birming ham by railroad. The prisoners had revolvers concealed on their persons and were plentifully supplied with money. They are supposed to be Fenians. The authorities are taking further measures to prevent any disorder. The French Cabinet. Paris, May 16. The Journal Offlciel of this morning contains a decree announcing the no mination of the Duke de Grammont as Minister of Foreign Affairs; Jacques Philippe Mege, at present Deputy in the Corps Leglslatif for Puy de Dome, as Minister of Public Instruction; and Charles Ignase Pleichon, also Deputy in the Corps Lcgislatif for the Department of the Nord, as Minister of Public Works, vice Marquis de Talhouet. FROM THE DOMIJflOJf. Fire at Toronto. Toronto, May 16. The sash and blind fac tory of Messrs. McBlair was burned Saturday night; together with a large quantity of lumber. Loss, 20,000; insurance $4000. Troops for Red Klver. Two companies of troops left this morning en route for Red River. The gunboat Rescue will be sent to St. Mary's river immediately as a precaution against possible Fenian attacks. A Lieutenant-Governor Appointed. Ottawa, May 16. Hon. M. Kerny, Reclver Gcneral and President of the Council, has been appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia during the temporary absence of General Doole. FROM DELAWARE. Republican Hlate Convention. Wilmington, May 16. The call for the Re publican State Convention to nominate candi dates for Governor and Congressmen has been lEsued, naming June 9 as the lime, at Dover. The call severely criticises the present State administration, and indicates numerous and pronounced reforms. T17EDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS, VT of solid 18 karat fina gold. QUALITY WAR RANTED. A full assortment of sizes always on hand. FARR A BKOTHKR, Makers, 826 wfmt No. 824 OHKHWUT Street, below fourth. rHE GREAT WEDDING CARD DEPOT. COPYING PRESSES, COPYING BOOKS. 800 pages tl-oo I coo pages ft -co 700 pages f i-oo 1000 paxes (.2 69 Copying Brushes that will wet 100 leaves without dipping In water. Holt's New Cancelling Machines, 13-00. Author ized by the Treasury Department. Plain and Ornamental Printing. Croquet, 16 kinds, from 14 per set up. R. HOSKINS & CO., No. 913 AUCII (Street. sows CARRIAGES. BREWSTER & CO,, OF BROOKE STREET; WAREROOMS, FIFTH A V.E rjiJ E, CORNER OF FOURTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK. ELEGANT CARRIAGES, la all the Fashionable Varieties EXCLUSIVELY OP OUR OWN MANUFACTURE AND IN ALL RESPECTS - EQUAL TO THOBE BUILT TO THE ORDER OF OUR MOST VALUED CCS ' T0MEK8, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 4 0 wfu)20t WATCHES. C. & A. PEQUIGNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH CASES, AND DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN WATCHES, No. 608 CHESNUT Street. MANUFACTORY, No. S3 South FIFTH Street roofing. READY ROOFING This Hoeflns U adapted to all boildbxa. It cant appUM to ,l0 vl . onnvm at on .-half th. expense of tia. It i readily pat on old Bhincl. Hoof, without remonus th. eriinxlue, tbaa aroid tiS th. dainaKina of oeiiiBK. and furniture while ander- PKKBJciiVJt YOCR TIN ROOFS WITH WILTOIT KI.A8TIO PALNT. I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roof, at ah. notice. Alao, PAINT fOR SAUK bf th. barrel or gaUoa th. beat and cheapest in th. market. WKLTON, 1 17? Re. Til N. NINTH Btroot'-abov Ooatia, fyo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS X W. are prepared to furnish Knlih imported .llbU.l'rKI Ullilk'IVIl BUT in quantities to suit This rootiug waa need to cover th. -ar iLxUiumon in isw. MERCHANT A OO.. 6 13 lm Noa. 617 and eWMINORStreet. DRUGS, PAINTS, ITO. 13 OII12UT 8IIOKIUAIliU Ac CO., N. E. Corner FOURTH and RACE St.., PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Manufacturers oi WHITE LEAD AND COLORED PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, ETC. AGENTS FOR TUB CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at lowest prioes for cash. " " MATS AND CAPS. r, WiRRfTRTOVa Tf PROVE! VENTI I. I . 4 ..n.miina n.a Um.tm fnatSOted). lO ell the improved fashions of th. aeaaon. UtifcaN UT ht est a 1 a..vi .ji.l: I 1 1 U rod QOLONNADE HOTEL FIFTEENTH AND CHESNUT UTS., INTIHltl.Y KWMT Inn ins nri irr V FUR MHliK is now ready for permanent or transient gaesU BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of aU number and brands. Tent. Awninc, 1 and Wairon-oover back. A 1m, Ppr fclaaufaot . Tnal laotarers Drier leiie, irum uurir w seventy-ai mimes. ' PaaUna. Jleltina-. Hail Twine, eta. m r--tj l.iiv V WVOflW Xo.lv CSOHyUBwrt(Oii4 A2I HAIUROAP LINES.; READTNO It AILROAU-(JURAT TntTW KLINE Irom Philadelphia, to th. interior or I'enn tylranla, the Schut lk ill, Rutqnehanna, t lumber, land, and Wyoming ValUys, the North, North W.tl, ana lu.i.nu tm. Of rarienrer Trains, May 16, mo. Leavlnir the Uomnan v'i Depot at Thirteenth and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia, at the following nourr MOFN1WQ ACCOMMODATION. At. 7'80 A. M. for Readlne and all Intermediate station, and Al'entown. heturnlnir, leaves Read Ing ai 8-84 p.M.j arrives m Philadelphia at a6 l'.M. At 8'1S A. W. for Keadioer. Lebanon. Ilarrlsburar. Pottsvllle. t'liiearove. Tamamia. Sunburv. Wil- llamrport, tlrolra, Rocbe'ter, Niagara Falls, Bur falo, Wilknbarre, Flttctoo, York, Carlisle, Cham Dertburpr, Haperstown, etc. The 7 80 a. M.ti.in connects at KrJUINt with East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, etc., and tho I IS A. M. train connects with the Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburir, eta.; at PORTl'I-mrON with CatawtsRA Railroad trains fur William, port, Lock llaren, Elralra; eto.t at HAKKISHURO with Northern Central, Cumber land Valley, and Schuylkill and Suquehana trains lor Northumberland, Wllllam&poit, York, JLam bersburg, rinegrove, etc. i r.KHUUN mi'KESS. Leaves Philadelphia at a-31 P. M. for Readtnsr. Pottsvllle, Marrieburg, etc. connecting with Read lng and Columbia Hall road trains Columbia, etc. l'OTTSTOWN ACCOMMODATION. Leaves rot tit own at 6 V6 a.m.. s'oDPlnar at In termediate station: arrive In Philadelphia at 8 0 A. M. Reiurbinir, leaves Philadelphia at 4 00 P. Mj arrives In 1'ottVovsn at 6-16 P. M. KUAliliNU AND POTTS V1LLE AOCOalMODA TION. Leave Potts vllle at 6 40 A. M. and 4-30 P. M.. and Reading at T 80 A.M. and SS6 P.M., stopping at all way Rtstion: arrive in Philadelphia at 10 20 A. M. ana 9 26 P. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6-15 P. M.; ar rives In Reading at 766 V. M., aud at Pottsville at 40 P. M. Wornlrar Exrrrps trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8 10 A. M., and Pottsville at 9 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 1 P. M. Afternoon Exprers trains leave Hank-burg at 3 60 P. M., and Pottsville at 3-40 p. AL, arriving at Philadelphia at 7w r. at. HarriHburg Accommodation leaves Reading: at 7 16 A. M. and Hatrlsburg at 410 P. M. Conaeot Ing at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation louth at 6 86 P. At., arriving in Philadelphia at 9 6 P.M. . Market train, with a rasseeger ear attached, leaves Philadelphia at 13-30 toon, for Reading and all way station; lea res Pottsville at 6-40 A. M., connecting at Reading v?lth accommodation train for Philadelphia and all way stations. All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. Sunday trains leave rottsvme at 8 a. on., ana Philadelphia at 816 P.M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8 A. M.j returning from Reading at 4-36 P. M. CHESTER V ALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downlnartown and Intermediate points take the 7-30 A. M., 13-30, and 4-00 P. AI. trains from Philadelphia. Returning from Down lugtown at 6 20 A. M., 13 46, and 6'16 P. M. Pa epen iters tor Sohwenksville take 7-80 A. M . 13-80, and 4 00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, re turning from Soawenksvllle at 8-06 A. M., 13 46 noon, anu i-io jr. m. stage lines tor various points In Perklomen Valley connect with trains at Ool legeville and Schwenksvllle. Parseoiters for Mount Ploasant and intermediate points take the jao A.M. and 4-00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from MU Pleasant at 7-00 and 1100 A.M. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND THE WEST. Leave New York at s-00 A. M. and 6 00 P. M.. pafFlug Reading at 1-46 and 10 06 P. M., and con necting at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad Express trains for Plttcburg, Chicago, Wllllamsport, Elnilra, Balti more, eio. Returning Express train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburg at 6-86 A. M. and 11 26 A. M., passing Reading at 7-33 A. M. and l-i7 P. M., arriving at New York 13 06 noon (and 6-00 P. M. Sleeping cars aooompany these trains through between Jersey Olty anu . Pittsburg without change. A Alan tram irom ixew xora- leaves juarngbarg at 8-10 A. M. and 3 60 P. M. Mail train for Harris burg leaves New York at 13 M. Trains leave Pottivlile at e-80 and 11-30 A. M.. and 1-60 P. M., returning from Tamaqua at 886 A. Hl - vwl MA . . I A mj X TVT SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL- KOAU. Trains leave Auburn at 8-61 A. M. for Plnetrrova and Harrisburg and at 12-06 noon for Plneirrove. Tremont, and Brookslde, returning from Harris burg at 8 40 p. ju., irom uroousiue at a a p. m.. and from Tremont at 6 26 A. M, and 6 06 P. M. TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the prlnolpal points In the North and West ana canauaB. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Readlnsr and. Intermediate stations, good for one dy only, and sold by Morning Accommodation Market Train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains, at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for one day only, are sold at Pottsville and intermediate stations by Reading and Pottsville and Pottetown Accommodation Trains, at reduced ratei. The following tickets are obtainable only at the office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 327 H. Fourth street. Ihlladelphla, or of O. A, Nloolls, General Superintendent, Reading. ' COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 36 per cent, discount, between any points desired, for families and firms. MILE AOS TICKETS. Good for 3000 miles, be tween all points, at 4700 each, for families and nrm. .... , ntr nwK. v, . n . V f DJ-.AOIJI- llUAaio. rur uus, tnv, tumo, sine, or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates. (1LKUUYMKN residing- on the line of the road will be famished with cards entitling themselves and wives to tickets at hall fare. EXUURSIUN TICKETS iroin rmiaaeipiua to principal stations, good for Saturdav, Sunday, ana Jnonaay, ai reaucei ittres, v us uw vuiy bi the Tioket Office, at Thirteenth and Uallowhill streets. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THE SHORT MIDDLE ROUTE TO THE LEHIGH AND WYOMING VALLEYS, NORTH- EKN PENNSYLVANIA, SOUIU.Eltn( AND IN TERIOR NEW YORK, BU if PALO, OORRY, ROCHESTER, THE GREAT LAKES, AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA. SUMMER ArlKANULMIuNr, Takes eflect May 10, 1870. Sixteen Daily Trains leave Passenger Depot, corner of Berks and American streets (Sundays excepted), as tollows: 7 oo A. M. (Accommodation) for Fort Washing ton. At 7 36 A. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Allen town, Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre, WilliamBport, Mahanoy City, Uazleton, Pittston. Towanda, Wa. verley, and in connection with the fcRlE KAIL WAY for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, C leve land, Chicago, San i'rancisoo, and all points in the Great West. 8 36 A. M. (Accommodation) for Doylestown. 9 46 A. M, (hxpres) for Betiil.hem Eayton, Al lentown. Aiaurh Chunk, Williamsport, Wilkes barre, Pittston, Scranton.Hackettsown,Sohool.y's Mountain, and N. J. Central and Morris and husex feailreads. 11 a. M. (Aecommodatlon) for Fort Washington. 1-16, 3 30, and 6-i0 P. M., for Ablnnton. 1-46 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, Al lentown, Mauoh tihunk, Mahanoy City, Wllkes barre, Pittston, and uaueion. 3 So P. M. f Accommodation) for Doylestown. At 8 2o p. M. (Bethlehem Acoommodation) for Bethlehem, Eabton, Allentown, Uoplay, and Mauoh Chunk. 4-14 P. M. (Mall) for DovleHown. 6 00 P. M. for Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, anu Mauoh chunk. 6 20 P. M. (Accommodation) for Lansdale. 800 and 11 30 P. M. (Accommodation) tor Fort Wsshlneton. The Filth and Sixth streets, Second and Third streets, and Onion Llies Olty Cats run to the upoi. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA FROM Bethlehem at 8 66, and 10 86 A. M.; 2 16, 6 06, and s zo r. ai. Doylestown at 8 25 A M., 4 40 and T 06 P. M. Lansdale at 7-80 A. M. ort Washington at 20 and 11-34 A. M., 310 and vte r. hi. Ablngton at 2 86, 4 (6, and 46 P. M. ON SUDaYS. FhiladelpHa for Bethlehem at 0 33 A. M. Philadelphia tor Imtlentown at 3 tO P. M. Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 8 39 A. M. ana 7-ou r, ai. doylestown for Philadelphia at 6 -3 J A. M. Bothleheir for Philadelphia at 4 00 P. M. port Washington for Philadelphia at 9-30 A. M n.l R-10 P. M. Tickets sold and baggsge cheeked through to principal points at Mann's North Pennsylvania Hiifgag. Express timce, no. loss xmu siroei. May lo, 1870. ELLIS OLARjC Agent rNE DOLLAR UOODS FOR 95 CENTS, IIIEUSE THE OAViS THE EEFlliCElFlATOlR RE LINED WITH WHITE METAL. FREEZES WATER INTO SOLID ICE. KEEPS MEATS, POULTRY, PROVISIONS and FRUIT, from 30 to 60 days. The Temperature can be regulated to either above or below the Freezlner point. Co and see it in operation. The cold dry air maintained in the "DAVIS" REFRIGERATOR with such an astonishing smal I quantity of ICE used, stamps it Champion of the World; SPECIAL Hotel Keepers, Provision, Fruit, Fish Dealers and others,, who are Interested In a business that requires a LARGE: REFRIGERATOR, are particularly requested to examine the different sizes and styles under the "DAVIS PATENT," that we are now makings Satisfaction SOLE EDWARD J. Great IlOUSE-FUXtlVlSIIIIVO STORE, !No. 915 MARKET STREET. SUCCESS. THE REFRIGERATOR NOTICE. Guaranteed. DEPOT: WILLI A MS, Central