8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAP1I PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 187Q. CITY inTIlLLlUlSIICE, IRON SHIP BUILDING. The Delaware mm n. Hlr far thrlr rianotrartlsa !' Opinion af Admiral Parter. At the late session of the Legislature a bill wu paused Incorporating the International Steamship Company, which still remains in the possession of Governor Geary. Tho object of this corporation was the constrnctlon of an Im mense ship-yard on the Delaware for the build ing of Iron ships. Quite a number of these yards have already been established in the vi cinity of Chester. There is still room for twice as many moro, and there is no reason why the Delaware should not become to the United States what the Clyde is to Great Britain. On that river the Clyde several such establish ments employ each five or six thousand men, and some of these have been built at a cost of a million pounds sterling. It Is such works that have made England the great ship-bnilding mart of the world, and will continue nntll we rival them to give her the commercial supre macy to which we are entitled by our position, resources, and national power. The opinion of Admiral Porter was asked as to the location, and in reply he forwarded the following communication: Washington, April IB, 1870. Vy Dear Friend : 1 have Just read the letter of Mr. Ambrose Thomp son, President of tne International Steamship Com pany, on the subject of iron ship building. I think his plan Is feasible, though there seems no reason why a company of that kiul should gr to such ex -pense In making what he calls "defensible docks." The Delaware Is the most defensible river in the world. In twenty-four hours, with half the iron clads we have In Philadelphia, it could be made Im possible for aiy fleet to pass. Chester, or the banks of the river above Chester, Is tho very best location in the I'nited States for the works proposed, as there Is much deep water. It is near the Iron and coal regions, and adjacent to a large city, without being subject to its onerous taxation. Itesides this, the ice does not run lnt Chester, but generally keeps the other side of the river. All jou want are docks, and wooden ones, en oh as would tout not over 1400,000 each. Thvre is going to be an Immense business done In the next ten years in Iron ships. Our Government is awakening to the necessity of rasciilng our com merce from the hands of the English, and must necessarily from year to year grant liberal draw backs and subsidies until we cm stand on onr legs again. Yours, very truly, David D. Poktsr. Locai, Odds and Ends. How many insu rance and banking company charters have been disposed of at the legislative junk shop on South Fourth Btrcet ? A fresh lot of the country Representatives came to town yesterday, and, judging by their condition towards evening, they must have reaped a harvest during tho day. Ex-State Treasurer Mackcv, who has been In the city for a few days, left for his home in Pittsburg last night. Legislator Stokes carries the Tenth ward in his pocket. At least so he thinks, but the chances are he'll know differently on Tuesday, June 14. Council looks as though he felt uncomfort able under the terrible load which he is carrying. Our Assistant Quartermaster-General will awake some morning to find that a bonfire has been made of the frame buHdlDgs attached to the Gray's Ferry Arsenal. The darkest street in Philadelphia after night is North Brond street. That portion of the city west of the Schuyl kill looks charming. The City Fathers should look after the con dition of the roadway on the Darby road. Ihe Northern Homo Anniversary comes off at the Academy of Music this evening, com mencing at a quarter to 8 precisely. The house will be crowded. Smith, of the Twenty-second, poor fellow! bag lost several pounds since Johnny Hill gained the victory. Our city lathers meet again to-day. We oppose we shall hear "something" relative to the "caboose" adjoining tho Mayor's edicc. William 8. Stokley is working earnestly for the Mayoralty. So is General Wagner. M. Hall Stanton is also buBy. Query Why are Mr. Stanton and the "Squire" so often seen together ? Lieutenant Pritcliard luxuriates in idleness, whilst an honest ollicer pines in a dungeon through the stupidity of the olllcial. Mayor Fox should act at once. The citizens ot the Twenty-second ward are tired of the laborious services of Hong, Harmer, Taylor, Keyser fc Co., and intend making a radical change. Good ! Joehua 8pering wants to go to the Legisla ture from the Eighui district. Every day brings to the surface some new special officer. Would his Honor bo jroud enough to let the public know just how many of these abolished sinecures exist ? Detective Maguire (!) believes in rotation in office that is, rotation out of the Tax into the Police Department. Query How many of tha Police bill assessments did he pay ? The trot yesterday, at Suffolk, between Rockett and Belle, was a one sided affair in favor of Belle. Isa'ah Weir, who considers the speech made by Fred. Doiiglass, on the 2tia inst., as an ema nation of infidelity, challenges that gentleman te a debate on the subject. The eighteenth anniversary of the Northern Dome for Friendless Children and tidier' Orphans' Institute will be celebrated at the Academy this evening, the exercises commenc ing at a quarter to 8 o'clock precisely. The total amount contributed la aid of the Richmond sufferers thus far U $ $374-25. The people of Germantown think more of Marshall C. llong as a carriage trimmer than a legislative one. The Penrose Ferry Bridge will not Jaeia order until October. Excellent butter was purchased yesterday lor GO cents per pound. Alexander Adalre is a first-class carpenter, but be would make about a fiftieth-rate Con gressman. - Sam Josephs is a constant attendant at the Mayor's office. Hasn't Sam been squared with yet on the Police bill ? A certain turnkey a few days ago charged several prisoners 75 cents each for breakfast, pocketed the cab, and charged the meals to the city. To the victors belong the spoil ! Who is the intoxicated police lieutenant that was disarmed of his revolver by an ex-policeman whilst flourishing it at broad and lUce eirvr.1 iui rjuuoay r CailowhlU street from Ninth to Tenth is being repaired, i. e.. the coble stones are being torn up and relaid on the same bed. What became of tbe &500 bonds of the In ternational Steamship Company which were floating around llarrisbnrg? Did our Kepreaeu tatives receive any, and, if so, for what? It is said that X. Y. C. D. A. B.'L. Gallagher, esqnlre to the Mayor, is soon to oppear in sock and buskin as "Uriah Heap" in a new dramati zation of David Copperjield. John Campbell says that bygones should be bygones, and desire to Chase away all mon keyish ideas. How have the mighty fallen I Equality. Yesterday afternoon a German named August Kasey accosted a ne;ro at Third and Green streets, and invited him to take a drink. Mr. Dark refused, saying he didu't drink with no Dutch trash. Tuis incensed August, and he administered to the colored brother a tearful beating. Lieutenant Brurein, who witnessed the whole affair, then took August Into eustody, and Alderman Toland com mitted hinv to answer. . Cruiltt to Animals. John McCully was arrested this viormng at the inxtance f tbe Society for the rrveution of Cruelty to Animals, for driving a mule na large raw sore upoa its eboulder. Mwi, fined 1 10 and costs and keld in 1500 ball for tuture good behavior by Alderman 8. P. Jones, William Singheiaer is the owner of the mule, y Robbebt 8ome time ,esterday morning a thief effected an entrance U tne boU. No. 703 Walnut street by climbing a .QCe i tn9 rear and forcing open a back shut,,.. jje eecured Jor his labor 13 in five-cent pie., ttU(j a iot c( lgars. Cornbr-Tounoinq. The police f tae Twelfth district yesterday arrested ilx cmer loungers, all of whom were Huud IjAU,, "jnoYE oxr A Pallrsnsna ahawa HI" AatliarUy mm T. i f.rrrs It Illegally-A Resectable Cltlcea lae Baflsrcr. Liut evening at about twenty minutes of 8 o'clock Mr. J. Crawlard Dawes, secretary and treasurer of the Sprnce and Pine Streets Rail road Company left his home in company, with his wife for tbe purpose of paying a visit to a sick lady friend. Tho friend resided on Piue street, between 11th and 12th, at whose house Mr. Dawes leit his wife and went to the house of another friend to transact some business, Intending to return In the latter part of the evening. By twenty minutes after 9 the business was transacted, which being too soon to call for his wire, Mr. Da was walked to 'tenth and Spruce to look after the cars of his line, lie took his stand upon the curbstone on Hprnce street, between Ninth and Acorn alley, to watch the cars. He had stood long enough for two cars to pass and for another oue to come into sight, when a policeman, with red hair and Irish brogue, stepped up and told him to move on or he would oe arrested. Mr. Dawes said that he had business there, and wonld not move on, and stated why he stood there. Some words passed between the parties, after which the gentleman expressed his willingness to be ar rested if any charge could be brought against him, and offered to go with the ollicer either to the station, the Mayor's ofllce, or the Lleuteaaut's house, oa Tenth street. The ollicer started to go with him to the Mayor's office, but on reaching Ninth street said that he had bnslness and couldn't go. Mr. Dawes then waited for another car, when the policeman again came up and said that he had been insulted by the language tsat had been used. Mr. Dawes said tha'. he was still ready to go before the Mayor, or any other proper person, whereupon the oftlcersald. "Why, you mum consider yourself of considerable Importance;"' to which the gentleman replied that he was just as good a citizen as the ofilcer. On receiving this reply the officer seized Mr. Dawes bv the coat and dragged him to the sta tion house, on Fifteenth street, where he charged him with Interfering with the duties of an officer, had him searched, and put in a dirty cell with two drunken men and two others who were In a moat filthy condition. It so happened that one of the employes of the road had seen Mr. Dawes arrested on (Spruce street, and had rushed on to an alderman and procured a paper, for which he paid $.), with which lie caused the prisoner to be set at liberty on a promise of ap pearing st a hearing this morning. The policeman, who when asked for his number on the previous nlpht had said that he had no number, but that he was a sergeant and his name was Major, appeared at the hearing and swore that he had cleared Acorn alley of some women, and had ordered Mr. Dawes away also, when he was answered with such impu dence that he wns compelled to arrest him. The alderman said that 1400 bail would be required for good behavior, but on the case being more fully ex plained by Mr. Dawes said that he would receive his own recognizance. Mr. Dawes a responsible gentleman, and vouches for this entire statement over his own signature. lie says that the policeman was very rnde throughout, and was undoubtedly drunk. He states that he railed to see Mayor l'ox this morning la relation to the matter, in rompany with the President of tha road, but could not obtain access to him on account of IiIh bting engaged with politicians. Undor these circumstances, be takes this course of making the matter public, thinking that something should be done to prevent unoffending citizens from becoming liable to insult and great Inconvenience at the hands of policemen. THE FEYKU DISTRICT. The Frntilenpfl SUM tit It. Work-Tae Board of llrullh Cleaa.InK Ihe Uixtriet. The relapsing fever, which has created such consternation in the Bedford street section of the citT, is still under full headway, but the Board of Health are now fully aroused, and are hard at work renovating tho infected district. Gangs of men are now at work, part of them being engaged in whitewashing, and others in cleaning out the filthy cellars which have been used for lodging purposes, and have become the nests of the fever. The accumulation of filth in these wretched abodes is perfectly frightful to con template, and when one gets a sight of it, the presence of a deadly fever ceases to cause sur prise. Tho whole neighborhood needs a tho rough cleantiug, and lias long needed it, even without the lnceutive of tho relapsing fever. Williams, the inspector of the Board of Health, who has been ou duty in this dibtrict, has been supplanted by Mr. Martin, a change that was verv desirable, and prctnices to be productive of much benefit. The inspector and the medical staff of the Board of Health make their headquarters at the Mission House, No. 019 Bedford street, where they can be consulted by nil who ate Interested. Yesterday sixteen persons strickon down by the fever were removed to the Smallpox Hos pital, and about the same number to-day. The ambulance makes three trips daily, starting from the Mission House, where application for transportation can be made to the Key. J. D. Long. Recorder's Cask. Before Recorder Glvin this morning were arraigned Charles C. Rhodes, Edw. Lyons, and A. V. Parsons on tho charge ot conspiring to cheat aud defraud Mrs. 8. A. Geronon of property amounting in value to $45,000. J. Watrner Germon beinp sworn, Mid that in 1863 ?' a. Cermnn wtti mads tha ownor of tbe property No. . :15 North Brod strei t, but, owing to umt defect in the title, Mm. Uerraon did not obtain possession for tome months. 8ubseuent she erected two houses on Oxford street tor tbe sum of a'.ttmo. In lt4 Lvons and h e partner obtained a jndsmtnt against me for IRll.OOtl. Mrs. Oormon boutrtit tbe prupei t on Hroad street subject to a mortgage of $500S, which vjiortfrags was held by -the Reliance lnsti rnnee Company. In the July term ef tbe Hupreino Court I biouKht suit airamst Messrs. Rhodes fc fcoitlm. charging them with conspiracy, whiuh auil is ai ill pending; I met Mr. Knodes some dajs aitorwar Is, arrl he approached nie with clenched fists, and told me that I bad cheated my creditors out of a Urge su-n of lueney, and that I had pat my property ia my wifx's name, that my wife never bad any money, ant that he would "fix" me. ' A judgment for debt was ordered aist the property. Witness then want en and details 1 a number of his bui n s transactions, showing tba dimcultiss be enooun tered. Mrs. Germon testified that she was the ewnor af the property in gannl ion, and tQat sbe hid been dispossessed of it and ererylhiug else, except her (ranks and chiliiran. Tbe interest on the mortgage was promptly pid, and no demand waa made for tbe payment of the principal ; when witness heard of the obtainar.ee ft tbe judgments sbe Visited Mr. loas aud ottered to pay biia the ..). aaying that tbe money was in bank and could he obtained in one half boor. sir. I.yoas treat d her Tery unceremoniously and stated that be intended forcing tne sale in order to obtain bis olabn against Mr. Uermnn, aayiug taat be bad bought tbe mortgage for that purpose. J be matter was carried out, anil witness turned out of her property when she wsa confined to her bed with sidieess, end throngta it her dao?htT in law was prema turely delivered of a dead-bora infant, and was alsi turned oat. Mrs. Ueruon went on and detailed as te hew she bsd been treated by Messrs. Rhodes Lynns, ana Parsons, and averred that no overtures at all would be aooepted by Mr. Lyons. Tbe oeuneei tor the prosecution ab tndonad the case as to Jndge Parsons, and Messrs. Lyons and ivnvuee were ueiu in aiihvw nan eacn te answer. Ikcbkbiirism. For some days past work men have been engaged in preparing for the building of the obnoxious railroad leading from Morris & Tasker's foundry to Washington street. At feixth and Tasker streets they have erected a wooden thanty in wnicn to store their tools. About last midnight some one set fire to the frame eye-sore and It was soon destroyed. Tbe residents of the neighborhood, being opposed to the railroad, enucKiea wuu acngnt. Bneak TniErS Testerday one Chas. McAnany entered a carpenter shop at Fifth and Noble Ktrtets and stole therefrom a lot of tools and silver-plated hinges, wulch he deposed of to a junk dealer m ar hy. Officer Kngle being in formed of the affair, arretted Charles at Fifth and Button wood streets, lie will have a hearing to-day at the Central Blatlon. 8tgkb Fighting. Yesterday afternoon a number of lads congregated iu the neighborhood of Eighth and South ftreets, aud indulged in a stone fight. James Woodland, a youth whose parents reside at Kightb and B.ilnbrldge streets, who acted ss one of the ringleaders, was ar rested, and Alderman Collins sent him to prison. Fockdmno About balf-past 9 o'clock last evenli'if. Ufnter Metirann fouud on tne rteps or No. 554 N. Eighteenth street a basket containing a mule infant, apparently but a few days old. Around its neck was bung a nursing-bottle, and in th basket was a lot of clothing suitable for an intaui. ine 111114 stranger wai sent to est. Vincent s Home. Insam A colored man named Miller, a re- S'dnt ot r rank lord, ou luesday was seized with a rudden fit of insanity and commenced ruining a divturbance, finally threatening to cut Lis throat. A number of citizens secured aud bound Liui; ho was then haudud over to tbe po- Carii.bpsness. It is olten a matter of won derment to ns that robberies are net of more frequent occurrence. Scarce a night passes but that our careless store and housekeepers extend open invitations to thieves. Last night the police of the fifth district fonnd the store door No. 253 South Tenth street open, and also the Eleventh street entrance to the residence southwest corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. The police of the Twelfth district fclso found five doors open. Had any of these places been robbed, of course the police would have been severely censured. Close Drittno Reserve Officer McCarty yesterday arrested oho James " Harvey, at Eighth and Market streets, for a violation of the law relat.. to close driving. Alderman Beitler imposed tbe usual fine. 8igned. The Mayor this afternoon slnrned tbe Bill approving the sureties of John L. Hill, Col lector of Delinquent Taxes. CONSUL S1IEPARD, Tbe Reported Ane1niit!on of the American Cunsnl at Ycddw, Japan. A telegram received from London a few days since announced that a rumor was in circula tion to the effect that tho American Consul at Yeddo, Japan, had bcea killed by the natives. Tbe Buffalo Commercial of May 2, referring to the subject, says: The gentleman alluded to Is Charles O. Shenard, ol this city, formerly Clerk to the Hoard of Nlag.ira Frontier Police Commissioners, an estimable young man, ana ne nnusual ability for his years. Nothing beyond the despatch alluded to is known in regard to this painful rumor, and some time will probably elapse before authentic information Is re ceived. The following extract from a letter written by Mr. Skepard to a friend in this city, bearing date Ye-Ho, March 80, and received four days since, goes tonnnvi that trouble wss apprehended at Yeddo, and alHO, we are pained to admit, ta strengthen tbe proba bility of the trnth of tbe report concerning the mur der of the I'nited (Hates Consul : "Thrre is going to be a 'row,' a war In Japan, and nntil that Is srttled, there is, and will be, a prostra tion of business. There are lots of 'Japs' who like foreigners, and live or six times as many that hate them, and would, If they dared, cut, them Into mince meat. We don't stir out lately without a revolver and a guard, and In case of a row, the guard Is not worth a son. A notice was stnek on my door only a week ago, telling me to 'piggy-piggy' that means, 'get out go;' bni I have not gone yet. It has not been so until within the last two months. There are only nine Americans in Yeddo, aud only twenty-five foreigners a) together." A NEGRO CANNIBAL. He Torarlonsly Attnrbn a White) fflnn and then Trlesllls Kanfta on a Policeman. A nrgro by the name of John Jackson was this morning arraigned before Justice Blxby, at the Yorkville Police Court, charged with "chewing up" portions of the persons of Roundsman Alcott, of the Nineteenth precinct, and Christian lilese, f No. 121 West Forty-sixth street. It appeared that the prison er, who Is a terrible looking brute, much deformed and very small, with a .arge woolly pate that would stand any amount of knocking, and large, rolling white eyes, got got slightly drunk yesterday afternoon, and consequently neglected his usual duties that ef minding Kiese's horse. Hlese spoke to him rather roughly, when the little monster sud denly tnrned npon him, and, catching him around the legs, he gave him a jerk that put bm on the flat of his back. Jackson then began to bite him wher ever he could, nntil Roundsman Alcott came to the rescne. While the officer and Jacksoa were on the way to the station house he threw tbe officer In tbe same manner as Klcse, and succeeded in getting away. Alcott wsb upon hlslers. however, la an instant, and pursued Jackson, whom be soon over took. In niakiRg his escape from the officer he bit him in the hand severely. The little cannibal was held to answer. A'. Y. Herald to-day. OBITUARY. Rim. John Itronghnm. Mrs. John I?rougham. nr.e Miss Annctto Hawley Nelson, died In New York on TneBday nlht, the twenly-slxth anniversary of her wedding d;iy. She was the second daughter of Captain Nelson of the lirltisb Navy, and was born In Madrid, where her father was 8tatlond at the close of the Peninsular war. Her eldest sister married Mr. Edmund Glover, son of the celebrated actress, and is now mana geress of the Theatre Royal, (llasgow. Miss Annette Nelson, soon after her father's death, studied for the stage under the tuition of Mrs. Hartley, and made her debut In the comedy of the Country Girl, with decided success. After the death ef her first hUBhand, Mr. Hodges, she married Mr. John Brougham. She was an estimable lady, and leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss. LEGAL irJTELUQHrJCH. Prlnon Canea. Court of Quarter SfStfions Judge reirc. Trison cases are yet before the Court Howard Jones, alias Charles Cunningham. pleaded guilty to a charge of entering the residence of Mary McHowell, No. 1143 Houtb Seventh street. He lived in the house adjoining, ami at night broke through the partition and went into Mrs. McDowell's bed room, bnt stole nothing. He left behind him a book, watch and chain, by which it was discovered that he was the guilty party. Adeline Williams, a yeung colored woman, pleaded polity to a charge of the larceny of f 2ft from Eliza beth Derry, colored. The prisoner went to Mrs. Kerry poor and friendless, and was given a home, Dut after remaining two weeks with her she stole this money from Mrs. Henry 's bureau, and saying she was going to church, went out but never re turned. Alter a search of several weeks she was found on Friday last, and then owned up. ; Theobald Mackling pleaded guilty to the charge of assault aud battery upon his wife, and carrying a concealed deadly weapon. He beat the lady with a loaded plHtol because she could not borrow five dol lars ior mm. Antbonr Hoffecker wss convicted of stealing a quantity of clothing from Mr. Richard ritrrnv. It was proved ibal on the 2tst of April tbe prisoner, during the absence ot Mr. Fitxrot, went into bis residence. No. HI Walnut street, wrapped up a large lot of cluthing and started off, and was only observed l7 tbe ladies of tbe house as be was passing out. Information being immediately sent to tbe a tective omce, sir (.olio set suoui to una tue prisoner, and stumbled upon him in Third street, near Spruce, he s ill carrying tbe bundle. He told tbe detective that the articles be bad were wasn ciotnes lor nis sister, ana of fered to go about all day ia susroh of that sister, but lbs detective refused to follow him, and therefore took him into custody. Tbe clothing found ia tbe bundle was iden tified by Mr. FiUroy and his family as their propert. TDK N. Y. MONEY MARKET YESTERDAY. Frm the if, 7. Uerald. "The denial of the stories aiserttnsr the exclusion of American securities from the Htock Exchanges In Prussia, and the dulness and decline Iu foreign ex cbsuge, which, In the absence of a demand, yielded to WJ14 for prime banners' sixty days sterling, ana to lOUT, for sight bills, led to a weak gold market, the price eventually drooping to 114,,, without any pressure to sell. The market reactei with the more buoyant tone to speculation at the close of business, and closed firm at 1M . "The decline in gold was followed by a yielding in the prices of (iovernment securities, and the 7s at oue time touched ua V. The market improved with the subsequent advance in prices at the Stock Ex change, aud closed steady. "The activity In money arising out ef the demand incidental to settlements at the 1st of May appears to be disappearing, for the rate on call was easier to-day, aild Blx per cent was rather the exceptional figure In new transactions oa stocks. Tbe Oovera lnriit dealers were fully sup plied at four to Ave per cent. The market for commercial paper was with out essential change, but if anything easier." piH13 8TATIOillt ARMS, MONOGBAMS, ILLUMINATING. ETA DREKA, 1U33 OHK8NUT Street, Oard Engraver an nUtiooar. rpUE GREAT WEDDING CARD DEPOT. COPYING PRESSES. COPY1NQ BOOKS. BOO pages Steal coo pages $10 7l0 paRes t'4-0u 10(0 pages I M Copying Brushes that will wet 10U leaves without dtnnluir In water. Holt's New Cancelling Machines. 19 00. Author- used by the 1 reasury liepartiueut. Pliu and Ornamental Printing. Croquet, 18 kinds, from f per set up. R. HO8KIN8 & CO., Pi: 013 AUCII Htreet. raws CANCER PLANT 18 A BLOOU PURIFIER. CANCER PLANT IS A BLOOD PUBIFIsB. CA N C E R PLANT IBiB LOOP PURIFIER. CANCER PLANT 13 A Bl)OD PURIKIKR. A N C E R PLANT IS A HWQa TVHITIXA. 4 H i9 Til IBP EDIT1 ON AFFAIRS AT THE CAPITAL. Dclawaro "White THen." TO-DAY'S CABLE NEWS. Arrest of Bank Bobbers. Utc, I2tc, IHc, Etc., fete. FJiOM WASmjVGTOJV. CnatomK Receipts. 7tpfeA f the AnxxrUUd Yut WsHhinotoh, May 6. The following are the cus toms receipts for the week ending May 8: Boston. A-,K Ns Tork, 2,t)l,000; 1'hiladelphla, $242Tl 648; haltimnre, 234,71l; New Orleans, to April 13 1 12H,38; fcaa Francisco, to April S3, 1133.6M. Total. 3,817,M0. ' Internal Tax Bill. Sjteiaf Vtspatc Zh soum Tf learavK WAwnNoroi., Mv,-The Henate Finance Com mittee ban nearly completed lta consideration or tho internal Tax bill, and will be ready to report as soo as ;ae llonse bill comes up. Tha Parnffunr InTestlcrntlon. The Foreign Affairs Committee at their meeting to-day defeated a resolution for a majority rcpor in the I'arsguay investigation, censsring Adra ral Davis far receiving Bliss and Mastermaa as prisoners. tteorjrta Affairs. The 8cnate Judiciary Committee has sumraened a number of newspaper men in the Georgia investiga tion, who, It Is alleged, got money to advocate the case of Ilullock. The Louse will probably oecupy a day in considering the business on the Speaker's table, as many or the members interested in the tariff have gone home. C O IV Ult 13 8 8. FOUTV-KIKST TKIOI-NKCO.N1 Hennte. WBtinoTON, May 5.-Mr. Kiimnnds, from the Commit, tee on Tensions, reported the Knn.te bill so grant a ten eion to Jlrs. Lincoln, with a recommendaticn that it be in definitely postponed. Tne bill was accompanied with a report, which was ordered to be printed. Mr. Wilson, from the Mibtary Committee, reported with amendments a bill relative to the buildings used for mill, tary purposes In New York. Mr. Prate, from the Naval Committee, tenorted a snb stttote for the bill to promote tha scouring of ethoient sea. men for the navy. Mr. Vickers. from tbe Committee on Commerce, reported adversely tbe bill to regulaio importation ot immigrants under labor contracts. Mr. beuiehnry introduced a land grant bill to enabls ths Junction and lireskwater Railrsad Company to oonstruct pier in Delaware Kay, near Lewes. Referred. 'Ihe Honse resolution for final adjournment on Jnlv4 was taken up. The motion to refer to the Finance Coni nitteewas negatived. Yeas, 19; nays.&tj. The resolution waa discussed without action nntil the expiration of ths morning hour, when tbe Usage Indian land bill came up in oraer. Mr. Morrill (Maino) moved to pass ever present and all prtororders to take up ths Legislative, aUecutivo. and Jodioial Appropriation bill. Mr. Kdmunda made an ineffectual effort to got up ths bill to entoroe the fifteenth amendment. Mr. Howe argued that tbe franking bill shonld take pre cedence, and several Senators insisted npon adhering to an alleged understanding on a previous day to take un tho bill of Mr. Morrill. House. The Honse met at 11 o'clock. Mr. Van Wyck introduced s bill appropriating Stoo uoe for tue improvement of the harbor at Rondout. 11 ad son river, N. Y. Referred. Mr. Paine, from tbe Committee on Elections, reported a bill regulating tbe compensation in esses of oontested elections. Recommitted. It provides that no money shall be paid either as mileage or ooinponsation to the sittiag member or contestant while t he contest is peudinir and undecided and alter it is decided the mileage and compensation are to be paid to the person to wliem the seat is awarded. Ths person agaiaat whom the claim ia decided is only to be allowed an amount to cover his actual expenses m prosocuting or defending his right ts Ue aoat. Tbe act is nt to apply to the 41ht Congress. Mr. Stokes reported a bill for the relief of Captain David beatty's company of Independent Scouts, of Ton neesee. Passed. Mr. Hooper, of Utah, introduced a bill granting land to aid ia the reclamation of desert lands in U tab. Re ferred. 1 be House then went to ths bnslness of the monism hour, belug the bill to regulate tbe civil service. nir. reiers preeniea as an argument against the bill let tor from a I'nited Ktatas cripple, in tiovernineot em- piojuieni. in waningLon, pieaaing tm class as sgainbt the provisions of ihohill. the claims of his After speeches sgsinst the bill by Meusrs. Nihlark Mnr. rill, of Maine, and Maynard. Mr. Kelsey (N. V.) moved to lay ths bill on the tablo. Negatived-Yeas,43; nsys, 104. Mr, Jenckes rose to close tbs debate and gave notice that be would move to recommit tbe bill and amendments to tbe Committee on the Civil Service. He yielded Dart of bis time to Mr. Ronton, who denounced the bill as im polilio snd impracticable, and to Mr. Keller, who an nounced bis adhesion to what appeared to be an unpopu lar measure in tbs House. Mr Jenckes said be was not disappointed at the re eeption which the bill bad expeheuced. Us believed that if 228 men were drawn by lot from among the people of tbs United States, there would be fewer found among them opposed to this measure than were to be found among the members of tho House. The oouosition armta from the very delects ef tbe present system. One object of tbe tii l wss to save tbe Government tbe meney that now goes into the pockets of thievs,and their associates and confeaerates. In reply to tbe objection of Mr. Maynard that this bill removed power further from the people, he asked what chance the people had now to gain admission to the minnr omcesr Whoever gsined sn appointment now. except iuivukh political or unHoai imiueuce.' AS to vne ODjec tinn made bv Mr. Peters, that it was imnossibln ti r.,r.,r,r the public offices in New York, he said that if the (iovern ment could not 00 tnat, tt etiouia abdicate its duties. He admitted that one of the great forces of corruption was in New York, but because it was great, ths greater was the duty to grapple with it. The Government lost millions every month by the mis conduct of tbe publio officers ia flew York. Us ridi culed tbe constitutional argument of Mr, Uiagham, and tkougbt that he found goed reason for tbe ouposition of Messrs Peters snd Benton ia tbs faot that ths Hulas of Maine and New Hampshire had as many employes iu the 1 reaaury Department as eighteen other States. Mr. Peters remarked that be bad but one appointee in ths Treasury Department. All appointments charged te his district wars made oa the recommendation of his pre- Mr. Kls remarked that there was but ons appointee fr.ro bis district. Mr. Jenckes, in concluding bis remarks, said that if anything bettor than the bill were presented, be would bs willing to take it. If not, he hosed ths House would try this bill. Mr. Kls asked whether there were mors defections among Government empleyes than there wars among ths clergy or any otkerelassof men Mr. Jenckes replied that there were ten to one hun dred ef those detections never beard of Clerks sailed constantly out of the great custom bouses with public money ia their pockets and wars i.sver prosecute!. He appealed front the people te tneir representatives sn tbia ouastion. and asid that the people bad spoken in favor ef the measwre by tbe almost unanimous voice of the press. bebenca said He Had watonea iae great ability and latient labor with which the gentleiusn from Rhode land had prosecited his parpoee, and he thanked bin for that labor. Having ns time ts present any arguments on tne general subject of the proiKisition, be wished to ssv that tbe eentltmsn could hardly put tbe bill in an saape so long as its principle waa preserved ; that he (Mr. rtcnencai wouia sui give n uis uoan; luupuri as tue ini tiation of a salutary and much-needed reform. Mr. Jenckes moved that ths bill and amendments bs recommitted. Amendments wers offered by Mr. Arneu, providing that tbe bill shall apply without distinction of sex ; by Mr. Lougbbrirlge, looking to the equal proportion of otlices among tbe rttatee: and by Mr. O'Nuill, to strike out the payment of fees fur the examination snd certifi cate. Tbe bill and amendments were than recommitted snd ordered to be printed. Mr. link, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, made s report on ti e matter of tbe Paraguay investigation and gave notice that bs would call it up for autisn as soon as possible. Mr. Wood presented ths views of ths minority ss pre pared by Mr. Bwann. .... . . Mr. Willard stated that bs coincided with some of the resolutions reported both by the maturity and the minor ity, but he did not think there was anything in the reoord calling for any action by the Honse. The Honse tkea went to business ou the Speaker table, snd disposed tnereof aa follows: Senate sssendineal to the Honse bill for ths relief of Otiarles St. Dele A Co. Oononrred in. Senate amsndssent to tee House bill to eonttrm the. title sf Wilbam M. Osrvey to a certain tract el land Conserves in. Sowatsamrndmenttoths Honae bill limiting ths ap pointment ot certain emoers of tbs Treasury Department. L'encnrrsd in. .... .......... , Senate bill to establish aa additional Uad district ia Kansas. Passed. .., . , beasts bill authorising the Paciflo Railroad Company to issue iu bonds for the eoastroeUsn of its road, aud to as sure the same by mortgage. . . . Mr. Vf heeler moved to put ths bill on its passage, and addressed Rouse ia explanation and advocacy of it. FJIOM THE WEST. ' a Faasral af a Dlsttacalshsd pltlaaa. CrecwuATi, May e. The foaeral of Adam W. Itlddls occurred at Triutty Methodist Episcopal Church this morning , and was largely attended. The Clnvlaaatl Pioneers, members of tks bar, Odd Fel lows, and many others were In attendance. lh9f Clara cmctalo. Fatal Aacldeal. Ckarles Herrmann fell from tha third story of the Mangold Ilouae last night. reclvTug tPjur.Vk) Tf&U'lt wtU Dtvaaall result la ala teaia. FROM JVEW IOBK. Tne MrFarlnnd Trial. NrwTobk, May t Powstd NlnhsUna was ths first wit peso. He rectified that immediately after the shoaling Rirhardsnn gave him (witness) tae pistol, which bs after wards gavs to James Henry Kmwne. Mr. Mason testified that MrKarland formerly lived la his aeose: never saw him drank. lease U. Reed, journalist, who published the Interview bad with Mr, Greeley, swore tbst as nsed the earns lan guage ia bis report that Mr. Greeley did; that he often sottenea Mr. Greeley's langnags and oaths. Oa cross ex amination as eaidhswrnts it ior ths Pay's Dmwn; bs was net the proprietor of that journal ; he wished bs was. Kitzaagh Lsfllow, recalled -I has1 a conversation with Mctarlaed ; 1 told him I wonld be able to get eoeae arti cles ia the ri snd Horn Journal if he had sent me s tirket for ths reading at Rteiaway Hall given by Mrs. MoKarland . be said be did not wish any of his friends to know of tt, aad regretted that sbe should leave ths sanotityof her borne ;ne also said he did not consent to ber going sn the stage, bnt at the earnest re'ineet of some ef her friends MoKarland brongbt me an axtiole which I retnnebed and gave to him ; it wss afterwards published la the AiHraiioMai Monthly. Mr. Graham bere explained that after Mrs. MoFarland left tbs prisoner, he determined, first, to become a great lawyer, tben to make his mark in literature, that hs may win back his wife by showing ber what sbs had lost. He bronght this article to the witness with thisin view. Jndgs Davia objected to having ths witness stats what tbe article was, unless it could be produced. Witness I changed the artiolea of MoKarland, aad pnt thra in lbs shape they now are : I remember the prisoner showing ni a letter from Mrs. Cslbona wit oontdste-.bat that appeared to be wntten in 1HH7: Mcfarland in reading tbst letter came to the letters "J. R. Y." and remarked at the time, "that means John Russell Young." Judge Davis wss about to eross-examine tbe witness en family matters, snd ssid hs conld prove thst be ran sway toKaaxaa with anotber woman, and that a fellow feeling made him kind ; bnt tbe Court would not permit it. Tbe Court thea took a recess. Htsxist Unat&ttans tT TeletTapn 9 P. IM. Glendtnnlng, Davis A Co. report through their Mew Tork house the following: N. T. Cent. A Hud R ! Paclflo Mall Steam. . . 43 Con. Stock Wvrwestern Union Tele 82' do. scrip S4, Toledo A Wabash. R. 64 N. T. A frie Kali. . 84 MIL A St. Paul K.com 6.1 Ph. and Kea. R 102f MIL St. Paul Rpref. 78,' Mich. South. A NLR. 88 V Adams Express s:iy Cle. and PitUR. 1061 Wells, Kargo AC).... IT ChLandN. W.com.. 81 United States U CliU and N. W. pref . . 91 li Tennessee 6s, new. My; Chi. and R.LR 12S;Oold 114, Pitts. T, W. A CDL H. 94 1 Market strong. New Yark Produce Iflnrket. Wnr Yorx, May B. Cotton dull; sales "no bales middling uplands at 23 Vc. Flour State ami Western less active and scarcely so Arm. State, It-SOtae: Ohio, IO-7M6 30; Western, 6 CS; Southern quiet at IW9-90. Wheat dull and drooping Corn more active and firmer ; new mixed Western. HI6C113. Oats arm; Western. 62' 6oc Deef quiet. Pork lower; mess, 29ai29'2S. I.ard quiet; steam, I6j4l6.xc. Whisky nominal attl6w;l-10C. FROM jYEWm ENGLAND. The I.I ma Bank If obbery Reooverv af e Plunder. Rock land, May 6 Charles II. Brooks and John Stevens, two New York professionals, engaged In the Lime Bank robbery, who were taken aut of the city yesterday morning by Keyser aad Black, were arrested last night and brought here. Keyser had left them, wttn their plunder, at a place In the woods, and promised to meet them with a team at 8 o'clock last night and take them to a place of safety. After his arrest he consented to guide the ofllcers to tbe place of rendezvous and secure his confede rates. A strong posse accordingly started with htm and arrested them wltbont resistance. All or nearly all of the stolen property was recovered with the robbers. E. a MeAlIieter, policeman and night watchman, was arrested last night, and Black was alsi taken Into custody this morning. All the parties to the robbery except E. E. Hand, who was allowed to escape the ofllcers In Portland, are new In custody. FROM EUROPE. The Plat Aaalust Napsleon. Takib, May 5. Tho Journal OJlcM of this morning contains a decree convoking the High Conrt of Jus tice for the trial of those persons recently arrested for Implication In the plot against the lire of the Emperor. Long before the Issuance of this decree M. Emlle Olllvler demonstrated beyond a doubt the existence of a revolutionary party having for Its aim the esta blishment of a democratio and social republic, the members of which are resorting to systematic vindi cations, outrageous calumnies, outbreaks, and assas sinations to accomplish their purpose. This Afternoon's Quotations. London, May 6 l-se P. M. American securi ties quiet. Railways qn let. Illinois Central, 111 v. Liverpool, May 5 1-30 P. M Pork firm. Lard quiet. Havre, May 0. Cotton opened declining and irregular. On the spot I3uf., and afloat vntr Paris, May 6. The Bourse opened firm. Rentes, 11. B6C Antwerp, May 6. Petroleum opened quiet and steady at &3tf. ftlilp News. Qurknrtown, May B The Cltv of Manchester, from New York for Liverpool, arrived this forenoon. FROM DELAWARE. A4' White Man's" Conventlen. Wilmimjton, May 5. A convention called to orga nize a white man's party In this State, Independent ol the Democratic party, meets at Dover to-day. A small delegation, all Democrats, Is In attendance irom ibis city. Baltlmars Praduea iVIarkal. Baltimore, May 6. Cotton dull at 22 VC Flour quiet but firm; Howard street sunerflue, vs5 5; do. extra, $5-T(a6f0; do. family, fs-ftOtai -7ft; City Mills supemne, 5-25(d6: do. extra, I5-7fto46-76: d . family, $6-7fS(9-75; Western'supertlne, 5-12sV6t) ; uo. extra, irrtWiS; uo. fanny, o-2otiS'io. wneat dull; Maryland, fl-60l; Pennsylvania, tl'4V 10. Corn firm ; white,l-13ftM5; yellow, $V-ll-14. Oats Arm at 63(a) S5o. Rye Brra at 11-05. Mens pork firm at 2-75aio. Bacon firm; rib sides, 10VAI7; clear do., 17 ; shoulders, 13jtfe. Hams, taWlc. Lard firm at n.vc Whisky dull at lt-ool-06. The summer residence of the late ex-President Pierce, at Hampton Beach, N. II., was sold at anctlon last week for t4975. REFRIGERATORS. gECOND SEASON 1 TRIUMPH! TRIUMPH!! TRIUMPH!!! TUT. IAVIS REFRIGERATOR, Btill Exoslsior! Its Merits Wonderful! Its construction unlike any other! Competition dis- tsncsd!) UoruperiBoii invited:!! rue euiioesa oi "ine Wavis ' xtelngerstor last ssasoa was nn narHUd. far the year 1870 we bare ths Maes' article of ths kind sver otfxred. Our mnufo- tory is tbs largest ol the kind in tbe city, t iug used exclusively tor building onr Hefrigeiator. 1'bousands O' ''The Davis" Kelrigwrators have bf en sold throughout tbe United rtatss giving universal sai isf action. By its peculiar constrau tion and suieutiho principle, the moisture is frozen, therab) causing tue sir to be very cold, perfectly dry, snd ever puis ThisMasia wa are lining them wuh tbe n.w patent bsrd medsllien meial, surpassing in beauty and adaptability any materist we have heret'xors Uoed for ibat pu' Iose. It is void ol all oHeneivo smells, free iroin any liability to rust, can be polished lik silver, aud alwaya retains Ita bright and lm.uti'ul lap- Darnce. t aa eold. nrv air niainta'neo in ''Tha Davtl Muiriannt.tr." with tl aaLoaixtliog smsA quantity nf ioe u-ed, stamps it OUAM- riUM ur tub nuuLU. SOLE DEPOT, EDWARD J. WILLIAMS' Central House-furniahing Store, 915 MARKET Street. J. 8. WOKMAN A CO., Manufacturers and Proprietors. 4 7thstu4msp poiNT inti:i:zi: pakh. FRIDAY, 4 MAT 6. MATCH 20. Mile heats, aest 8 la 6, to wagons. Good day aad track. 3. U. Petit names a. m. Lady Ligbtfoot. R. P. Stetson names b. m. Ida. Admission, fl. It mrT 1)MT to vnTt HATH' TIT P If a m J J l nail 1 KJ 1 1 W ' - -, . - n easy at lorrveuaie, a nieiy s""."!""!'. wuu siuunds. tirn-r lan hEgsjMlsUUua. JU rr Jt tOttAJf ftUUAJU. It FOURTH EDITION LATEST NEYS BY . CABLE. Tlio Criisis in Ai'tinco. The Plot Against Napoleon. Tho Situation Explained. Ete. Etc. Etc. Etc., Etc, FROM EUROPE. What Napolean Wants. Paris, May 6. The SUcle to-day explains the situa tion as follows: The Government asks for an un qualified approval or the past, and carte blanche for tbe future. Alls Tattl's Farnlnsrs. The earnings of Adelina Taut for the past seaeon have heen 1,000,000 francs, to say nothing" or tha presents she has received. The Marquis of Caux, her hnsband, has just contributed 1500 francs to tha fund of the Plebiscitary Committee. (juatave Flenrens. It Is reported that the Government has demanded of England the extradition of Gustave Flcurcns, on account or bis complicity In the plot against the Em peror's life. The "Tlmr an Woman's Klghts. London, May B. The Times, or this morning, de plores the woman's rights movement in the Home of Commons last evening, and does not believe the women of England are at all in sympathy with It, Archbishop Keorlrk. Loudon, May C A Brussels despatch says that ArcbblBhop Kenrlck has gone to Naples to finish his protest against Papal Infallibility. Dupanloup 's reply to Archbishop Spauldlng, on the matter of infallibility, will soon be published. The Jntaltblllty Debate. The Pope has urged that discussion on the inrall blllty question be closed before Ascension Day. The committee on that subject in the (Ecumenical Council has promised to present a revised schema Immediately. One-tenth of the bishops present, In cluding Germans and Hungarians, voted against the schema of a smaller catechism. Tha French Crisis. Paris, May B. Traces of the conspiracy have been discovered at Marseilles. There Is much agitation at Bezlcrs, and troops are constantly arriving there. It auk of France. The bullion in the Bank of franco has decreased 6,300,000 francs Bince last Thursday. This Alirrnooa'a Unotntlsns. Parts, May 6. The Bourse closed quiet. Rentes. Ut. 7tc. Antwirp. May . retrolenm closed firm. London, May 6 o p. M. consols, 9t for money, and 04 X for account. 5-20s of 1862, 88; of 1865, old, 88; and of 167, 90; 10-408, hf. Erie, 18.; Illinois Central. 112; Atlantic and Great Western, S8. Liverpool, May 6 B P. M. Cotton steady; up lands, 10,d. ; Orleans, HHnWl. Hales to-day 10 ooo bah s, including 2000 for export and specula tion. Lard quiet at 64s. Naval stores Orm. London, May 6 BP.M Calcutta Linseed firmer at 61s. Linseed Oil heavy. FROM JVE WJENQLAND. The Pari fir) Rallrond. Boston, May 6 The ofllcers of tho Union Paclflo Railroad Company in this city state that there Is no truth whatever lu the rumor that the trains will stop running, under any circumstances whatever. Mysterious UleaptieHrnnce. Concord, N. II., May 6. Ittaao H. Jones. Trea surer of tht State Ueform School at Manchester, hue mysteriously disappeared. Ills accounts are straight. KhlD Newa. Nrw York, May 6. Arrived, steamship Australia, from Glasgow. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Reported by De Haven 4 Bro., No. 40 8. Third street. BETWEEN BOARDS. fnnoOLeh R 6s aoosh Read.is.sBAI. 61 f.'iuocity as, Nerv.102 IGOO do lUUK 800 do.. Is. 830. 809 do.R5wnl. loo do. ...Am. 61 61Vf 3loo do ls.in-ji; 80 Bh West lik.... 73 87 sh Penua.opg&l (',' 10 de..oig.Vt. fa-i SshCsm A Am K.1'20 6 sh Ch A Del Stk. 41 19 sh F A M B1C...111 8 sh Phlla Bk 167 100 sh Reading R... 61 100 tlo blO.61- I 'Si 200 do 61 K iso do ..rjf.Vln. 61-81 loo do..souwn. eiv 100 do 810.61 '44 1000 do.ls.s60wn. 61 it loo do...rgAln. 61 x 100 do 810. 61-44 sue lo..rull.ls eijtf 800 do is. eijtf 600 do lid. 61 60d.baf30.. Bl? 61 61 H 61 IfO 8C0 400 do. swnJfcl. do.ls.sSAIn. dols.sswnAI. SECOND BOARD. 1100 City 6s, New.lOJ to sh Read R.ls.s30.61 '31 8100 do. loo do 61 100 do. Monday. 61 1600 do.Monday.ls.61'44 100 Sh Ph A B K-b30 28 V 20 sh 7td Nat Bk... 89 S000BunAE7s.... 110O0 Leh gold L.ls. 20shLeh V R 69 do Is, 86sbCam A AR. vv 94 657.' 6S7 120 Wisconsin thinks it will be entitled to eight Representatives in Congress nnder the new ap portionment law. It now has six. FOR 1 HE LADIES. HERNANIES, EVEEY WIDTH AND QUALITY, A Specialty. PERKINS & CO., 9 South rJHYTH Street, S IT thstu9m4p PHILADELPHIA. BOOTS AND SHOE 13ARTLETT, No. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STliEET, Ever thankful for the patronage extende4 heretofore, and desirous of lurther favors, begs announce his bPitlNU HTYLES OF BOOTS and" SHOES for Genu' and Boys' wear. A large assortment or CUSroM-MsDB GOODS, made on his improved Lasts, which are unrivalled for comfort and beauty, enables hhn to furnish a ready lis at all times. 1 is fhatoDSl HIANQ8. ALBBJKCHT. BIKKKo SCHMIDT, F1R8T-OLAS8 PlAMt)KTKS. Foil snsMaatss and modsrats prissa, t ii W A KkttOGUS. WoslO ABOHtotat piNC APPLES BANANAS. LARGE LOT, FINE ORDER, JUST RECEIVED, PER STEAMER. (EOItUE W. ItOYKII, No. 138 8. DELAWARE AVENUE. 6 St A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PONGEE r I Psraaois, aU oolorsd linings. Ths latsat stylus A ' f fa'saols and hun rmirMls, st HINUK. "t XJtX'BtidMaad.tls.M. YLBUlaW SKUar ike, and they trausierrca law 10 me aioumouso