THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPIi PHILADELPHIA, TIIURSDAf, AI'ML 21, 1870. THE MAY MAGAZINES. ATLANTIC" From Turner A Co. we ha receded the May number of The Atlantic. Tbe conductors ef this periodical have a stupid plan of not printing the names of their contributors in the talile of contents. Instead they send to the newspapers little ttlips containing the names for publication in their notices, thereby showing that there is no intention to keep the matter private. Sometimes these slips reach s and sometimes they do not, and ire are consequently only able semi occasionally to announce the writers of the artioles when we refer to the magazine. There may be some profound policy in this way of doing business, but to tho average understanding it certainly has a rldioulous aspect. The table of contents of the May number of T7u Atlantic is as follows, and we append the names of the writers to several of the poetical contributions on the strength of statements made in some of the Boston papers, but without guaranteeing their cor reotness: "Joseph and His Friend, "V; "Lost Art;" "Signs and Show-cases in New York;" 'The Channel Islands;" "My Secretaryship;" "May Grown a-Cold," by William Morris; "The English Governess at the Siamese Court," II; "The Lauson Tragedy," II; "A May-time Pastoral," by Bayard Taylor; "Among tho Isles of Shoals," IV; "The Legend of Jubal," by George Eliot; "A Week at Duluth;" "AspTomonte," by J. W. Parsons; "Our Money Problem;" "The Duel of the Spanish Bourbons;" "Ke views and Literary Notices." From an interesting paper on "The Chan Bel Islands" we take the following: Very beautiful, if very dangerous, aro the rocks about these islands; and nowhere in England is there such an iron-bound coast, such treacherous shoals, suoh rapid currents. Nowhere, either, is there more enchanting love liness. On a calm day, when the sea, lying like a lake over the sand, is of the oolor of a beryl, over the bidden rocks like lapis-lazuli, vahile the lofty cliffs are golden with gorse and purple with heather, and the rooks, towering out of the sea above high-water mark, are gold and green and crimson and orange, where the lichens fleck the old gray stone with broad dashes of oolor, nothing can exceed the seductive sweetness of the shel tered bays and coves. They might be all parts of the island of Calypso, or the outworks of Armida's Garden. Tou may Bit there, listen inrr to the tender ripple of the waves, and weave old-world poems, till yon lose all memory of historic time; and you seem to live in the days when the gods dwelt on Mount Olym pus, and their eons and their daughters lived among men in suoh favored spots as these. But in the wild weather, when the fierce Atlantic storms come tearing through sea and aky, and the waves dash up against the jagged cliffs aa if they would grind them peak by peak to powder, and pour in turbulent cas cades over the intervening rocks, making the earth vibrate aa they thunder against her old granite bulwarks, then yon see a fullness and majesty of the storner powers of nature that may satisfy the most craving. Inland, both in Jersey and Guernsey, and in Sark too, the deep leafy Devonshire-like lanes, with their arching framework of foliage for every point of the view, the luxuriant growth of ferns, the wilderness of wild flowers, the numerous pioturesque little bits of architecture, though nothing more stately than a well-trimmed cottage poroh, a mossy wall, an ivy-covered penthouse to protect a spring or well, an anoient gateway, proud though decayed, make the home scenery as beautiful in its own way as the bolder and grander coast; so that literally there is no thing more complete, though much that is larger than the Channel Islands, if studied thoroughly with the eye of an artist and the love of a naturalist. 1 The most pieturesqne things are to be found in Sark, "the gem of the Channel Islands," as the guide-books not inaptly call it; and of these the three erevx, known as the Creux da Derrible (tulgice Terrible) and the Little Crew in Greater Sark, and the Pot in Little Sark, Coupee, the Guliot Caves and Les Boa tiques, also caves, are the most notable, These creux are funnel-shaped abysses which open at the top far inland, and are connected br a subterranean way with the sea; so that when the tide comes in, the waters rush up this narrow funnel with a foroe and violence that make it more like an aqueous volcano than anything else to whioh I can liken it. If the tide is high and the sea stormy, the scene is Ueyond measure appalling. The waters surge and swell and roar in their rapid rise with a noue like imprisoned thunder; the earth be neath your feet quivers with the passionate tumult of the waters within; and if you have nerve enough to lean over the unprotected month and look into the boiling maelstrom, where a moment's giddiness or the treachery of the root yon group for support weuld be your death, yon may see there what Edgar Poe could alone describe, and what you will never forget, and, perhaps, not care to see gain. This is the contribution of William Morris, author of "The Earthly Paradise :" MAY GROWN A COLD. O certainly, no montk tbls Is but May! iSweet earth and aky, wet birds ot happy iionjf, Do make the bappr now, and thou art .trout;, And many a War thy lovo shall wlp away And sake tbe dark night m.rrler than the dar Straighten the crooked paths and right the wron;:, And tangle bits an that it tarry leng. uo cry aloud the hope tb Heavens do lay ! Nay, what is tils? and wherefore Unr?eret thou? Why sayest thou tbe eky Is bard aa atone? Why sayeat thou the thraiuua sod and moan? Wby aayeat thou the east teara bloom aurt bougu.' Why seem tbe eons ot man so hopeless bow? Tby love Is gone, poor wreteh, thou art alone! We quote the following from Mr. Bayard Taylor's "May-time Pastoral :" jle. that will, let him backward let the Dream or his fancy, Bo to evoke a dream from the ruined world or his boyhood 1 is easy! Yomter, lapped in the folds of the uplunilH, Bickers the brook, to warmer hollows southerly crieping, Where the veronlua'i eyes are blue, the buttercup - brightens, Where the aaemenci blush, the coils of rem are unrolling Hour by hour, and over them gather the sprinkles of shadow. There nball 1 lie and daagle tuy naked feet In the water, Watching the sleepy bndi as one after one they awaken, Koeking a leison la each, a brookahle primrose or Wordsworth w Me la the lap of May, aa a babe that lovetu the cradle, 1 whom her eye iusptrei, whom the breath of her ' uuiilon areus ? Say, inall I stray with bended bead to look for her When'wlthotherwiugitliautue coveted lift of the yr!ain borne, at tier nil; tad tUn pearly tbjsaei art) parted Uuder uiy nlirut: lUe gUmmaUuf edg or the plaaet, receding", Konnrta to the apieudhfrr sun and ripen to glory or color. Veering at will, I view rrom a crcHt tr tho J uncled Antilles Sparkling, limitless billow of greenness, falling and flowing Into fringes of palm and the foam of the blossoming court Cratereri Inlei In the offing, milky blnrs of the coral Keya, and rant, beyond, the purple arc or the ocean: Or, in the funning furnace-winds of the tenantlMS ' Pampas, near the great leaves clash, the shiver and hiss of , the reed-boedn. Thus for the crowded fulness or lire I leave Its be ginnings, Not content to reel the sting ef an exquisite promise Ever renewed and accepted, and ever freiuly for gotten. Turner A Co. also send us tbe May num bers of Putnam't Magazine, The Ualaxy, Our Young Folk, and The Eclectic. The last named is made up of excellent selections from the best foreign periodicals, and it also contains an interesting sketch and a portrait of Dr. Samuel Irenmus Prime. From the same house we have received The Transatlantic for May 3. An Omaha rrlarrf ae. From th Omaha Jitpublican. "Good afternoon, sir," said the Judge, by way of introduction. "How d' do, Squire," was the response. "What can I do for you to-day, my friend ?' was the next question. "I I I would like to get a a a mar riage license, if you please, Judge." The Judge was taken considerably by sur prise; but as it is not unusual for aged couples to unite their destinies and enter upon the decline of life together, there was nothing particularly strange about the matter, after all. "Your name, if yon please." "JohnB n, sir." "Your age?' "Sixty-nine." "What is the name of the woman yoa de sire to marry ?" "Mittie S 1." "And her age ?" "She she she is is seventeen !" "Good Lord I" was the irrepressible excla mation of the Judge. The bystanders opened wide their eyes and gazed with astonishment upon the strange visitor, in view of his remarkable mission, and remarks were made which the venerable bridegroom expeotant, it is probable, did not relish, but could not reasonably take offense at. The proper papers were made out, the fee was paid, and the white-haired visitor de- Earted, with a smile lurking in the corners of is mouth, and a twinkle in the little grey eye, which denoted that his heart was light, even if his years were almost the allotted threescore and ten. The ceremony, it is pro bable, if it has not already taken place, will be performed to-day; at least he has got "the papers," and ean "tie up" to the child of his choice just as soon as he and she ohooses to do so. We congratulate them. May their joys be many, and their "responsibilities" numerous. May they, in fine, so live as to embody in their marital relations the sentiment so beau tifully expressed in the poet's definition of love Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one. It will add much to the romance of this event to state that the bridegoom has grand children much older than his bride of to-day, and great grandchildren who are old enough to appreciate the novelty of the situation. "She Would and Site Wouldn't." A few days ago we published Mr. Theodore Tilton's card, calling upon friends of woman suffrage to furnish him with their names. Concerning the result of the invitation, the last Independent Bays: The repomes to this call have been multitudi nous beyond cur expectation. The very first mail brought a basketful of letters, and every succeeding post has repeated this bonntiful supply. One pecu liarity of these letters Is tbe correct English In which they are exprened, showing the evident Intelligence and cultivation of the writers." Per eontrm, there comes to ns (also in good English), from Teoria, the following remon strance, said to have been signed by 1000 women of Peoria, and printed for general cir culation and signature: l ne oneeriignea, women oi me county oi fearing that a small minority of oar countrywomen, by their boldness and misdirected zeal, may succeed In carrying a measure which we believe to be preju dicial to tbe highest Interests of oar sex, U not in direct opposition to both divine and natural lawi, and understanding that petitions urging the omis sion of the word 'ataia' from the constitution whioh you are engaged In preparing, have been presented to yonr honorable body, we feel it our duty to enter onr solemn protest, and declare that we are analter bly opposed to any action, upon yonr part, which hall confer npon the women of the State of Illinois the right of suffrage. And we also declare that we are opposed to any aetien upon the part of Congress looking to a like result through an amendment of the Federal Constitution. All of which Is respect fully submitted to your honorable body." Ho it appears that the agitation of the suffrage question has produced one marked effect; it has waked the women np to take sides on the question. Demoniacal Possessions. James Free man Clarke declares his belief in the reality of demoniacal possessions, and that they exist at the present day in tbe form of modern spi ritualism. We find the following extract in the Christian Leader: "I have myself known, personally or by credible testimony, of at least half a doen instances of persons who, after having allowed themselves to be come spiritual mediums, seem at last to have been taken possession of by a low and un clean order of spirits. And the best way of rescuing them when they were too far gone to help themselves, was to have other persons possessing greater spiritual force to do what Jesus did, namely, order the spirit to go away. I believe that in eertain places and periods the nervous condition of men is such that the lower order of ghosts may get a con trol over them, and that when Jesus came it was just such a time and place as this." EcrCATIOM IN &EMI-B AB11AK0U8 CoU.NHtrXrt. "The adherents to the old belief as to the civilizing influence of British intercourse," says the Pali Mall (,'azette, "have reoontly received several severe shocks. Not only does it appear, upon trustworthy authority, that the 'heini-barbarons,' as we are told to call them, people of Japan have for many hun dred years been in the enjoyment of a com plete system of primary education, by means of which every member ef tbe popmution is instructed; but even in wholly barbarous Chinese Tartary, we learn from Mr. Shaw's paper, read last week at the ltoyal Geographi cal Society, that every street in the numerous cities with which the country is dotted con tains its primary school, where rows of tur- baned boys may be seen daily at their first lessons in resiling andjwritiug." PATENTS. STATE RIGHTS FOR 8ALE. 8TATE Higbts of a valuabl. Invention Just patented, and for the bLlUiNU, Ol'Vi'lNO, aud CHIPPING of dried bef. cabbage, etc., ar hereby offered for title. It lean article of treat value t proprietor of botuhi aud restaurants, endit abouid be iutroduceJ iuto every fnuity . STATU kMiliTH torfctle. Model oau be seen at TKLKGUAPti I, Hit HUM)Y4 UUtl'MAY FlNANOIAL. jAYC00KE3;(p. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YOHK, AND WASHINGTON, B A N K E I t, B AND Dealers in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. Pamphlets and full information given at oar offlce, IVo. 1 11 H.TIIIItI3 Street, PHILADELPHIA. 41Bm QEVEM PER CENT. First Mortgage Bonds of rax Danville, Ilazleton, and Wilkes barre Kailroad Company, At 82 and Accrued Interest. Clear of all Taxe. INTEREST PAYABLE APRIL AND OCTOBER. Persons wishing to make Investments are Invited (fl examine the merits of these BONDS. Pamphlets supplied and full information given by Sterling & Wildman, FINANCIAL AGENTS, No. 110 SOUTH THIRD STltEET, 4 13 tf PHILADELPHIA. Government Bonds and other Securities taken in exchange for the above at best market rates. D. C. WHARTON SMITH CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Buooeoor to Smith, B adolph A Oo. Every branch of the boaineei will have prompt attention ae heretofore. Quotation of Btooka, Govenmenta, and Gold eon. sUntbr received from Hew York by-pvieof. wars, tram oat trionds. Edmund P. Randolph ft Oo. pa 8. PETERSON A CO.. STOCK BROKERS. Wo. 99 South TUIRD Street. ADVANCES MADS ON GOOD COLLATERAL PAPER, Most complete facilities for Collecting Maturing Co on try Obligations at low cost, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 1 16? n B E X E L A CO. No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, American and ITorelcn BANIfERS, ISSUE DRAFTS AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT available on presentation la any pert of Europe. Travellers can make all thetr financial arrange menu through ns, and we will collect their interest and dividends without charge. DaIXIL,WDITHB0r ACO.,DElXIL,HABJS a Co, New York. I rarta. til E L L 1 O T T I U If W, BANKERS Wo. 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURI TIES, GOLD BILLS, ETC. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS Olf CREDIT ON THE UNION BANK OV LONDON. ISSUE TRAVELLERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, available throughout Europe. WU1 collect all Coupons and Interest free of charge for parties making their financial arrangements with na 4 I '."V ID FOR SALE. C. T. YERKES. Jr., & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No, 20 South THI7D Stroet, 4S: PHILADELPHIA. MNANOIAC WM. PAINTER & CO., BANKERS, No. 36 South THIRD Street. Government Sccnrities BOUGHT AND SOLD. Gold, Stocks, and Bonds BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Southern and Western Col lections, AND ALL OTHER TOINTS, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ACCOUNTS RECEIVED, AND INTEREST AL LOWED ON DAILT BALANCES. 1 8G3tn A LEGAL INVESTMENT FOR TRUSTEES, EXECUTORS, ETC. THE UNDERSIGNED;OFFER FOR SALE A. Limited Amount OP TBS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO.'S GENERAL MORTGAGE SIX PER CENT. BONDS, At 921 and Interest added to Date of Purchase- These Bonds are Conpon or Registered Interest on the former payable January and July 1; on the latter, April and October 1. All free from State tax, and issued In sums of II y an Act of the L.eKlslature of the Common wealth of Pennsyla aula approved April 1. 1870. these Honda are made a legal Investment for Xruatees. Execu tors, and Administrators. For farther particulars apply to Jay Cooke & Co., E. W. Clark & Co., Drexel & Co., C. & II. Borie, W. H. NewboW. Son & Aertsen. SILVER On hand and FOR SALE In amounts and sizes to SUIT. DE HA YEN & BEO., No. 40 South THIRD Street. I HI PHILADELPHIA. WE OFFER FOR SALE THE FIKST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TI1K SOUTHERN PENNSYLVANIA IRON AND RAILROAD COMPANY. These Bonds ran THIRTY YK4.R8, and pay SEVEN PBR CKNT. Interest in gold, clear of all tu.a, payabl. at the Firat National Bank in Philadelphia. Tbe amount ot Bond, issued la ('43,000, and ar. aeenred by a First Mortgsg on real estate, railroad, and franchises of th. Uompanr th. former of which coat two hundred thousand dollars, whioh hat bean paid for from Block subscriptions, and after th. railroad i. finished, so that tb. produot. of th. mine, ean b. brought to market, It is estimated to b. worth l,00U,00O. lh. Kailroad oonoeoU with th. Oomb.rl.nd Valley Railroad about four mile, below Obambarsbarg, and ran. tbrouKh a section of th. moat f.rtile part of th. Clumber land Valley. W. aell them at nd accrued interest from Maroh L For further particulars apply to C. T. YERKE8, Jr., A CO., i BANKERS, HO. 20 HOUTH THIRD .STKEET, SSVU , PHTTAnwr pfny , FINANCIAL.. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. $1,000,000 First Mortgage Binkias Fund 7 Per Cent. GOLD UOPDH or mi Freckerickiburg and Oordontyille Rail road Company, of Virginia. Principal and Interest Payable In Coin, Free of U. S. Government Tax. The road I. aixtr two mile Ion, eonoMtinc t rederlckl rar, via Oraojte Uonrt liouaa, with JbarlotimTiil.,wtilab la the paint of junottoo of the Cheapen k . and Ohio Kail road to the Ohio rtrer, and the eitenaioa of the Oranv. and Alexandria Railroad to Lrncbharg. It form. th. thotteet connecting link in tb. eiMvm ot roeda leadin. to th. entire Mouth, Bonlhwwt, and Want, to th. Faoiflo Ooean. It paanea tbrnngb a rich aeotion of the Shenandoah Valley, the local traftloof which alone will aupport th. road, and it must command an atmndant ahar. of thronrti trade, from th. fact of ita hem a riflOKf CUT TO tiuk!watkr OK TUK l-OTOMAO AT TI B rAHTMHHT INLAND POINT WHKRK DKKP WATRRKIB HKAVY SHIPPING CAN KIC KOUNO ON WHOLK LRNOTH OK TUB ATLANTIC OOA8T From Charlotteerill. to tidewater by thie rout, the die. tanoe ail) mile. lea than via Alexandria; M mile. lea. than via Richmond and Weet Point; LH mile, leaa than Tia Norfolk. Th. mortjrujre I. limited to per mil. of completed and equipped road (the eatimated ooat of the road to tb. Company, furniahed and eiinipped, will .xoeed :i,000 per niile. time iinn tbe bondholder, an onuanai mnrrln, the bonded debt of tb. outer Virginia roada beina from C'JO uul to 3U,IM per mile) and ta tanned to ' TUK; Jj AKMHRS' LOAN AND TRUST OOMPAMT Ok' MW YORK, AH TRTJHTF.K8 iOK THK BONDHOLDKRS. and th. aectirlty la tint-class in .Terr reenect. A bINKINU FUND la alio nroTiaed. whioh will redno. th. prinoipal of th. debt TWO-TH1KD3 of it. eutir. amount in adrano. of tbe maturity of th. bonded We bar. inreetigatad th. adrantagM of thia Railroad and tb. merit, of th. enterprise, and confidently reoom. mead thee, bond to anr customer, and th. public JiBAKK BKOTUKKH, Banker. No. 16 Broad atreot. New York. A limited nnmbar of th. Bonde(isanad in denomination, of CMOand $lU0) are offered at and interest from November 1, in currency, and at thia price are the CUKAPKS'r GOLD INTKRKST rt FARING 8K0URI T1KS IN THK MARK.KT. Map. and Pamphlet, whioh explain aatisfactorllr erery qneation that can poasibly be raieed by a party seeking . safe and pronUbl. Invoetm.nt, will b. furnished on appli cation. SAMUEL WORK. BANKER, Wo. 35 Month TUIBD Street. PHILADELPHIA. SUmth G UGH! DlIVNIXtt. DAVIS fc CO., No. 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GLEND1NNING, DAVIS & AMORY, No. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Receive deposits subject to check, allow Interest on standing and temporary balances, and exeoate orders promptly for tbe purchase and sole of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD, In either city. Direct telegraph communication from Philadelphia noose to New Tort l a B. E. JAMISON & CO.. BCCCfiiwoBswi J ' ; BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, 8ilver, and Government Bond At Clotteat 9Iarlf et Kate. N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESHUT Sti. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc, a :mt SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES. rpiIE PHILADELPHIA TRUST 8AFI2 ItEPOSIT AND INSURANCE COMPANY, OrriCK AND BUBOLAR PnOOr VAULT! IN THE PHILADELPHIA BANK BUILDING, No. ta CUK8NUT STREET. CAP I T A L. 1500,000." For RiTT-XTrrrHS of Oovtrnvkkt Bonds and other SEccRtfrrea, Family Puatk,, and other Valo ahum, ondar apeotal goarantoe, at th. lowoat ratea. Tb. Company alao offer for Rent at rated Tanrinjt from 16 to 876 per annum, th. renter alon. holding tb. key, SMALL SAVK8 IN THE BURGLAR PROOF VAULTS affording abaolnt. Skouuitx againat Vltut, Tfljurr, BUJk ULASX, and AuoiDKMT. All fMnoiary obligation., anch aa Trust, GlnARDiAN SutwH, KxKcirroRkHifa, .to., will b. undertaken and faithfully diauhargod. Circular., giving full d.taili, forwarded on application DIRECTORS. , Thoma. Roblna, j.njamin n. uotnagya, AOKtiatna tleaton, K Katohford fritarr lianiul lladdouk, Kdward Y. Towum'uu, John D. Taylor, Lewie R. Aahburat, J. I.iviiiKstiin Kmugor, K. P. ftluCallaxb, Kdwin M. Lewis, I .in I., f Jlmjrhnrn. IIOU. "ill. n, rurtvr. Ol'KKJKRS. yrf.fmLHWIS R, ASM HURST. Vin YW-J. LIVlfiUSTON KRRTNGFR. -Secretary ttn4 Trrlftrer It. P. Mf OU l.LA (. 1 1. ,iriW-HlGUAKO L. A8UHUUKT. a I into ra FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFH R r.1 L. FARREL, HERRING & CO HAVE REMOVED FROM Ho. O20 CIIi:SIJ'I' Street TO IJo. HOT' CIH-f-'INTJT St.. PHILADELPHIA. Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes (WITH DRY FILLING.) BKRRINQ. FAHREL A SHERMAN, New York. HERRING A CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARREL A CO., New Orleans, t U J. WATSON & SON, Of th. Ut firm of EVANS A WATSON. 1 MJ j FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF ' HATE 8 TOR 15 KO, (3 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, lUi Af.f AritKObenitrt.,rWVt ' m J AUOriON BALES,! M THOMAS BON8, N08. 189 AND II & FOURTH BTKKKT. Ba! No. S.1S Booth Tweniy flrsf afreet. PUPR,OK WALNUT PARLOR, II NINO ROOM, AMM IUMIIKH KURN1TURK, French flat Ora FierMirror, t in. nglish Braes.1. and other Uar- pet., .to. . On Friday Morning, April n. at lOo'olock, at No KM Sonth Twenf.y flmt atreet, abnr. Pine street, by ratalnarne, the superior for nitnre, cmori.tng suit of walnnt drawin room fnrnitvre, with erimeon rep.; walnnt eentreand bouqnet tables, fine marble tops; tine French plat oral pier mir ror, walnut frame ; I lulls ana lao. and reps oartaias; flne enKraTincs'. mahncany extension table; oiled walnnt bef. let. fin. Italian marble top and mirror back j I ani. wal nut ohambar furniture; i walnut wardrobe ; tin. hair ?! ""."?"' TO,'osny aecretary and bnokoaee; fine KnKlih UruwU and other oarp.t kitchen, .tensi)., tu- 40St Freantor. Porrmptory Rnlsx Wnrnard Magnire. HOUSEHOLD rURNlTLKK, OARPFT.atTO. . .... ... On Satordsy Morning. menlown road and Lanrel .treat, eompriaing Windsor atm chairs, bar room tables, household furniture, supe rior mahogany high case .look, feather beds, lutir mV tressrs, china and gins war., ate. Also 00 gallons cider Tinegar. 4 It M SCOTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION OOMMIflSiON 8ALK8ROOMB. . .....,SPV,iTJ J'-, ooMon(wr, No. U1J OHKBNUT Street, (Oirard Kowl.' Fnrnitar. aale. .very Tuesday and Friday morning at 1 O clock. ParticnUr attention paid to Out-door Bale, at Bio rat. rata. a tt CRFAT SnOOFRS OK B ARLOW'S PtJRLTO ft A T.Fff ;,;i'llKiOK MaW ANO ilRST-ULASi t UkLXl. FIFTKKWTHSALK. . On friday Morning, April 23, at 10 o'clock, will b. cold, by catalog., another superb and snagniQcent .took of superior new furniture, comprising all kind, and styles of parlor, chamber and library furniture in great variety, hat racks, tageree, toilet stands, easy chair, musio stands and eeaele, piano Moots, wardrobes, bnffets in oak and walnnt. parlor table, ((treat variety), ladies' work tables, loangea. mattresses, mirrors, .to., etc. All goods warranted aa represented, or no aale. Uooda sold at thia eatahlnhrarat ar. aeoompanied by a written gnaraatee to be the bast manufactured in th. city, and all from oelebrated maker. The publio are invited to call and examine onr large and legant .took before baying elsewhere, end not to con found thi. ..perior assortment with th. usual auortoa goods. The great orowda who attend and buy at tlieee aales is a sufficient evidence of the merit of th. good, .old. Purchaser, can bar. their furniture packed am tb. premise and shipped to any part of tu. Uuited Btatsa, CiataJogtiee ready Thursday afternoon. 4 u it Bale No WO Aroh rtreet. OKO. O. RKTJTK AUFf S TH1HD ANNUAL BPRINO. BALK OK tKKNt'l fLATK MANTK.L AND PIKK K'.'Si.Wf0 ' ER GLA8BK8, BOUWUKT TA IsLKo, . C Mond.y Morning, 95th Instant, at iu o'clock, without tb. least r. FOREIGN AND AMRRIOAN PAINTINGS. vin aionaay avenlng, iith Inst., at V before 8 o'clock, the unrarpaseed collec tion, embracing works of art by th. following art lata : Oarl Habn.r, O. M. Webb, U. Heraog, Jerome Thompson, Clias. A. Bommar, R. D. Lewis, Ueorge Karl. J. Wainwrigbt, H. Von Senext, 1. o. renmmore, vv . v. v, aauington, A. ueriaon. KonlnKU. tt. ISeakniann, H. vaasbarg, l7B. Thomas, O. Banm, O. Kronberger, 0, Egbert. J. Montigny, U. Navisr, auaou.rf. su w FBAMKD 0HROMO8, RNORATINGS, ETO. .On Tuesday Kvening, SiHh Inst., at H before 8 o'olock. a Urge oolleotion ot tha laUst ohromes, etigravinga, .to. Sal. positive. (lilt Mr. B. 8CDTT, JB. PHIH5ELPHIA, April 18, 187S. Dear Kir : Having, after twenty nin. mar of nnoMmx labor, com. to th. conclusion to retire from bueineee, do now purpose to dispose of at publio auction my entir STOCK OF FURNO URK, which I desire yon to sell wiuT out the leant resnrve.on WKDNKSDAY and THURSDAY. April 27th and il)tb. I think it quit, uuneoeesary for ma to speak about th. qnalitvof tha good. I produoe; only to aay that my work is all band-made and guaranteed tha best no machinery being used in tb. establishment and will b. found upon examination to apeak for itself. Tha stock will be on exhibition at ray wararooma, No. VtM C'hesnut street, three day previous to tbe aale. Respectfully your., M. DKUINTHRR. P. S. I would particularly call tha attention of th. pub lio to th. above. 14 Ig Vi) B. BOOTT, Ja. M No. PEREMPTORY BALE OF A COLLECTION OF ilNB MODERN OIL PAINTINGS. . On Thursday Morning and Evening, ' - - At th. Auction Room., No. 7u4 Oheaaut atreet, withoat reserve, a Oolleotion ot Oil PainUngs, plriting aubiaota. by popular artlata. ( , ,., ti . I " OF ELKOAtfT DIAsifONDB, WATCH K8 OF K V KRY D kSORI PT16N. SOUO SILVER TEA RKT AND OrUER GOODS . ,. . . On Friday Morning, April 19. at 10 .' th. aactioai room, Ne. 704 Chernut atreet. The catalogue embraces a Valuable Oel leotion of tin. Diamond Jewelry, incloding-Rlant cluster end aolitair. pine and eardrops; (pair verTfl. ar drops ; 10 valuable solitaire and cluster n.irs : .Ucank eight .ton. pi ; .legant twenty-nv .ton. pin; aolitair ring, weigh. over 1 karat: aoUtaire ring, 1& karat :soU taire ring, over 1 karat, sad other diamonds; 80 emerald, ruby, aolitair. and oth.r ring. A fin. ooUeotto of? VV etches, including genuine JorgeoM watch) fin. quar ter second levar watah ; 7 American lover watohos, in gold case. ; 6. tem winder watches; 46 English and AmerToast levers; stem winder L'Kplne, Cooper, Johnson, and other watcb.s, in gold and silver hunting oaae and open faca eases; S3 tin. gold obaina, of various descriptions ; solid diver tea set, weigh. 173Konnoee; handsome set of eesls ailver spoon, and fork.; ft elegant plated waiters; opara glasses, .to. , . , FINE GOLD PENS. ' Also, abont 100 fin. gold pens, with holder, belag tb balance of th. .tockof a manufacturer. May be seen THIS AFTERMOON at 8 o'olock. i BUNTING, DURBOKOW A CO., AUCTIOM KK.R8, No. t3S and S3 MARKET Street, oornaw al BankatrMk Bnooaaaorato JohnB.Myar.AOa. LARGK BALK OF CABPETINGS, 800 ROLLR On Friday Morning, April 23, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about 300 piece, ingrain. Venetian, list, hemp, cottage, and rag rarpetinKa, 6tH) roll red check and white mat ting, ate. . 4 16 at LARGE BALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER TJ. ROPEAN DRY GOODS, -On Monday Morning, A pril 33, on four month' credit, at 10 o'olock. . 4 18 f tfl SALE OF 8000 OASES BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, ETO.. Oa Tuesday Morning, ' April K at 10 o'clock, on fouriiuonths' credit. 4 80 St THOMAS BIRCH SON. AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. Ills) OUEhNUT Strt.t, rsar entrance No. 1107 Saneom atroat.. Bale at No. ll'OOhesnnt street. ' ' "' ELEGANT FIRST-CLASS CAH1NKT KUBNITTTRW, WALNUT AND GILT VUHN1TUKK, DkHJKEB Piano Forte, tin. Carpets. French-plat. Mirror., Sewing Muchines, bpriog and Hair Mattreaees, Silver-plated W ar., Etc. On Friday Morning, At (o'clock, at tha Auction Htora. No. 1110 Chsewnt stroet, will be sold an invoice of ttrst-ciaa. Cabinet Furni ture, eompriaing antique parlor suits, in pluab and terry; ono splendid walnut and gilt snit; parlor furniture, la green plush; elegant walnut sideboard, with Tenneaaea and while marble top.; chamber suits of various strle ; wardrobes; bookcases; tables, etc, made by aom.of our best cabinetmakers, 4HUft SUPERIOR PIANO-FORTES. On 1 riaay. A pril OB, at 1 o'olock, at the Auotion Store, will b. said : One.lrwant tirst- class Piauo-forte. made by Decker A E ria. One elegant first rlasa Piano forte, mad. by Rrutrsea. Also, several old Piuaos, two Parlor Orgs., .to. FINK PLANTS. On Friday, April 22, a) 1 o'clock, will be sold, by order of Kxeen tor, au invoice of lino plants. LA mm MIRRORS. Alao, several l"Me matcl and pier Mirror. Also, s.veral fin. Sewing Machines. It L1PPINCOTT. SON & CO., AUC"riONEik, No. irW MARK.ET Street. On Monday, - April 26, at lo o'clock, on four months' credit. -LAUGH bl'KClAL SALE OH llkio OAHK.S BOOTS, SUOKS. AND STRAW HATS. 4i4t BY BARIUTT & CO., AUCTIONEER! OA HH AUCTION HOUSE, I1MI fio. VM) MARKET Street, corner of Bank street. Cash advanced on oonsignaienta without extra oharg,. T. a. McClelland, auctioneer. No. 1319 CHESNUT STREET. ; ' , Personal attention given to aale. of Bouuhold Fural ture at dwellinga. - Public sales of Furnitnr. at the Auction Rooms, NO, 121H tUI SNUT Straeet, .very Monday and Tbundar. ' For part'uulsrs so Jific Ltdnf- . .11 1 N. if. A snperior claas of Fum'tur. at privaUaal. I N LOUISVILU 'KY. w. (irx.iion ANrrnww. t h-o. STugst., THOMAS ANDERSON t OO. (Kablinlied iKiri). AUCTIONEERS AJ,D .i'V,1 J. ' MERCHANTS. I.OUISV ILLK, KY. Business itrictbOuiumissien, AU auotion aale. .sola. 'co'ns'ignuj"in5 solioit.d for taction or privet, sale. KeKuiar auuiua aalea of boot, shoes, and bat rrf Thursday. : - - , . , ' , . Regular auction sales of dry 'goods, olothing, carpets notions, U-. every Wednesday aud'lburattjr. U lytiaa PAPER MANQINQ8. 1 OOK! LOOK!! LOOK!!! WALL FAFERi I J .ud Linsn Window Hbsdes MaonfautureJ. the . . . . 1 1 II . ' I -1 , . I I . - k! . I 1 I '1 lir-hlNi) UAULKN Strxet. beiow Klneatli. Bra.tfta. N. j4l ttit-iSAI.8V. t'aaileo, N.a Jeteey.j Hi