'IT Alliilra. The inqucot in tlie WiliUms homicide caeo Las been coulluiiud until Monday ucxt. James I'lillllpn, twi'nty-eltit years of ni;o, living at No. 25'jO Jirown Btruut, was killed yu tcrduy tttlernoon liy a travel bank falling on him, at Twenty-flfili nntl Drown etreets. The I'oroiiiT wu nolilied. - Fraud". Keveor wai arraljjnid before Aider mnn H. it. Sinlili ycbterday morning upon the cliitrco of libel, in cauinjr to bo publ'.Sll'jU I'J iiio of tho morn lug; vpd'i tu aJvoi U.-c.r.onl, wliicli Mm. Fraiii-us liilMmck, wlio keeps a bcnt'dinx-lionce nt No. UO.i ("hard street, nlleijes was. Iw-crted by him In order to injure her eliar uetcr mid luifineps. There was testimony to the effect tint t tbu obnoxious ndverliseineut was left nt the counter of tbu newspaper ollico by de-fei-'dmt, Keyset" was held to ball lu the sum of $800. Mr. Miebuel Maloney, residing ftt No. MO I'cnn tttutt, uppeared before Recorder (iiviu yesterday, and made oath that eonie weeks since he ordered one Nancy Grace out of his house, und falling to co ho pushed her into the entry, lie tlicu returned to the room, and subsequently bis wife, Ellen Malouey, and Nancy Grace opened tho door aud throw a quantity of boiling coffee into his face. Michael has been in tho hospital for treatment ever sluce tho oc currence, and lias only partially recovered from the cfieets of the burns. Jlis lace Is dreadfully dii-linured. On those representations a warrant ivim lt-sucd for tlio arrest of both the above named parties on the charge specified. At the annual meeting of tho Society of the filli Army Corps held yesterday tho old oillcers were re-elected as follows: Mnjor-Gewral William B. Franklin, President; 51 jor-Geuerul H. G. SVright, First Vlce-Tres'i-U:it ; Major-General Getty. Second Yiee-I'reai-dciit; Major-General John Newton, Third Vicc I'rcHdeni; General Joseph Jackson, Recording Stcielary; Major Harry Masters, Corresponding Secretary; Colonel Samuel Truc-tdell, Treasurer; General Neill, and Colonels Latta und Ellmaker, Kxeeutive Committee. A Cavalry Corps Association was organized at the ContimcBUl Hotel yesterday, and the fol lowing oillcers were elected: President, Major General Alfred Plcasonton; Vice-President, General Fitzbugh; Captain Mitchell declined the petition of Secretary, when Major Whitehead was elected; Treasurer, Captaiu Corson; His torian of the Association, Major K. P. Pease. Domestic Affair. Gold closed yesterday at Vi. Mr. Barry, of Mississippi, wus admitted to his Ffat in tho House yesterday. Two robbers murdered a farmer and his wife near Colcua, ill., on the night of the 5th instant. 1 errv Cotton, who was to have been hanged nt Galveston yestordav for murder, committed vnk'ldc early in tue morning by taking mor iihinc. Air. A. A. Bradley, colored, has withdrawn his application lor admission to the United Stales Supreme Court Har. Governor Senior, of Tennessee, is in Wash ington, to tell the Reconstruction Committee what he knows about tho political troubles in his State, anil to suggest a remedy. Dr. I. T. Hayes, the Arctic explorer, has been requested to appear before committees of the ScDutu and House, to give them his views upon the projected expedition to tho Polar seas. Henry A. Wise appeared in the United States frupremo Court, and in order to be heard in the cause he represented he took tho oath of ulleglance. iorclKn Allium. Tranquillity Is said to be restored in Spain. Montpensier is under arrest at .Madrid, aud is to bo tried lor snooting t'rinee lienry. F.ngland is preparing for elaborate scientific observations ot the next eclipse of tho suu. The Chinese Embassy, after visiting Brus sels, Paris. Madrid, Lisbon, und Florence, will return to China in duly. Scott Russell, the engineer, believes in the feasibility and predicts tho early commencement of tho Daricn Canal. It was reported that after rcturniug from the review yesterday Napoleon had a long faint ing lit. It seems, "however, that he did not attend the review at all. W E W-TT O II II I S M 5. From Our Own Correspondent. New York, April 9, 1870. Cntlcialrur Polnon. Dr. Chandler, Chemist to the Board of Health, lias just completed Borne experiments upon sub stances used for dyeing the hair and whitening the complexion. It is a- sort of therapeutic dilettantism to engage his attention; but just at present owing, let cs hope, to the exceptional health of the city tho board has nothing more important to absorb its attention. The experi ments of Dr. Chandler proye precisely what has been prcved over and oyer again, to wit: that the foundation of almost all dyes for the hair is lead, and that people who use those con taining it do so at great risk. When you see hair which the age and habits of the owner inform you ought by right to be grey, you may feel pretty certain that she is a slow suicide. So likewise with the complexion. Dr. Chandler has proved, 'and announces it as a new and start ling fact never before made public, that lead is one of the principal ingredients of articles used for beautifying the complexion, particK larly for whitening It. An interesting pillor is synonymous with palsy and paralysis. Tho "leaden" hue of death may be said to bj truth fully descriptive in a double stnse. If the doctors are to be believed, lead In cosmetics brings down as many victims in proportion as bullets do on the field. The feminine toilet table conceals the undertakers'; the bloom of youth trembles in the neighborhood of the gloom of death, and email aud lotions only provide masks underneath which poison eats its way. Kundny Drink. It seems that, after all, we arc not to have our Sunday beer. Lager anl liquor-selling, generally, upon the Sabbath are not to be for us. Already saloons i and restaurants had com menced to open their bars, but the attitude of Genet will cause them to collapse again like a suddenly closed fan. The "Ileralil" und IHIhh Thompson. The lltrald has bueu publishing scandal about Miss Lydia Thompson one day, and contradict lug It In cards from Miss Lydia Thompson the next. Between rehearsals, bitter reviews from some newspapers, dead silence from others, and an euormous newspaper correspondence press ing upon her, this youug lady has quite enough to do and to bear. The wonder Is that she does aud bears it so well. Managerial ItciiilnUi-nnrpH. There is a certain manager known to New York as not altogether disconnected with the success of Italian opera in this city, who, al though In tho possession of plenty of menus, yet ullows a Binall debt, contracted under pecu liar circumstances, to remain unpaid. I ho circumstances are no peculiar as to warrant tho telling. Some years ago this manager was at tacked by the He raid in a very virulent manner, but wiih an Intensity for which the uewspaper thought it had abundaut cause. At any rate it pitched into him right and left, and, as the saying Ih, did not leave him a leg to stand upon. Tbu noor man was at his wits' end. He did not know what to do. His season had been success' lul so far, and promised to continue so, but what of that so long as his enemy had so splen did an opportunity to blackguard him, while ho bad nouo of replying JNeiiner money nor ap iilaute nor the eulogy of other journals could rnnipi Mute bini for the attack of this relentless fne. So lute one night, when the opera was over, und tho tinori and prime ilonne were pal taking of one of thoso jolly little sup pers which aro always enjoyed bo much when tho reason is propitious, Mr. Doldrum bethought him of a newspaper that wonld be friendly to him, and print fome sort of a reply that would shut the lkrald up. Somehow or other he did not get in town until it was so lato a9 to bo very early; one of Uio?c cnrly hour, Jr. fact, wucalhg printers licglu (o go houle, (Viiil nlght-odltofJ wonder whether it is almost time for them to go. However, late n It was, Doldrum burst lu upon a managing editor whom ho found just ready to depart. To him he explained his caso, and Im plored him for the lovo of heaven, to eay nothing of Italian opera, to print a refutation In tho morning's paper. Tho managing editor told him that It was Impossible, that tho typos hud left, that the forms were locked up, etc. etc., giving him a dozen reasons that would have satisfied anybody not laboring under Italian opera on the brain. But Doldrum had made up his mind that if the tiling were possible it should bo done 8o ho burst into tears, wrung his hands, and exclaimed: "Wo is me; I nm undone!" This melted the managing editor. He raised Doldrum, lent him a clean pocket-handkerchief to wipe his eyes with, sent tho printer's devil out to all the neighboring public houses to collect tho scattered typos (who had to be paid extra), and had the article set up and printed in that day's paper! Doldrum was converted to the highest pinnacle of earthly bliss, told the managing editor to scud up the bill In the course of the day, and promised him a box at the opera forever. Tho managing edi tor thought ho knew human nature, and opined that an honett heart beat in Doldrum's bosom. So lie sent up the bill next day. I say ho sent up the bill next day. That bill was sent up every week regularly for several years, and has never been paid to this day. The I'irirrnth Ainenilnirnt. Thousands of people were detained for hours yesterday in consequence of the dusky proces sion of new-made voters parading In tho streets. Black and brown belles of every variety of shade and tint were out riding in barouches and fill ing the street cars. You might almost have thought that New York was populated by colored people, with a few white ones sprinkled in by way of contrast. And those colored people were remarkably jubilant, and the white folks generally were much more tolerant, more sym pathetic, than could have been expected, and seemed to agree that the day ought to be considered us a sort of colored Fourth of July. Still it did occur to a large quantity f business men, and others who were retarded in their pur suits, that no procession ought to be allowed to interfere to such an extent w ith the transaction of public business. Ail the crs on the west side of the town going north and south were detained lor nn unseasonable tune, and tho pa tience of passengers who had no particular fancy for the show was seriously tested. Am Baiia. Jn fSlCAl, UHAJUTIt'. The City Auiiianinrnt.. Attiie Ciiepnut the "Bioplastic" Troupe and the Laurl pantomimists will give their last performances this afternoon aud evening. un Monday .Mrs. J.A.Uatesand ner burlesque combination will appear lu The Field of tlw Cloth of Uold. AT toe walnut .nr. on am rail w.ii appear tnis attcrnoon as wool, in tue drama ot Tlie Ilidrfi n liana, and this evening as "ilose and 'fcolon Shingle. The performance this evening will conclude with the drama of The J'eep Show Man. On Monday .Mrs. W alcot will have a benefit. At thb Arcjj the drama of Frou-Frou will be repeated this evening. AT TUB ELEVENTH KTJtEET UTERA HOUSE a first-rate Saturday night bill is announced. At Dtjprez & Benedict s Opera Housb an entertaining variety of songs, dances, and burlesques will be clven this Venice:. - Hiqnor blitz, jr... win cive an exuibition 01 magic at the Assembly Building this evening. 1HE SENTZ-11AS8LBR UKCIJEBTRA Will give matinee to-day at Musical Fund Hall for the benefit of Colonel Robert w. Renshaw. Ole Bull will give a grand concert at the Academy ot Music on Tuesday evenlnir next assisted by Miss Hattie Safford, Mr. William Mncdonala, and Mr. Edward Hoffman. The sale of scats begins at Gould s music store to-day. 1 HE J: ANOKAMA OP "1HE rILGKIM Will be exhibited this afternoon and evening at Concert Hall. James E. Murdoch, E3q., will read at the Memorial Church, Broad and Master streets, on Monday evenlnir. Senator KEVF.r.8 will lecture at iiorticuitnrai Hall on Thursday evening next. Subject, "The Press." MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS. The Obneqntes at Troy Yeaterdny. preparations for thb funeral. Troy, April 8. With cloudless sky and genial warmth pervading the atmosphere, the day here is all tnat could be desired ior tne public demon stration. Dunne the past lew days tho prcpara tions for the funeral of Major-General Thomas have been conducted by the Common Council committee, consisting or Aldermen rrentico, Don, and Wager, and Citizen s Committee, of which ex-Mayor McCombie is chairman. General McDowell arrived on Wednesday night and assumed direct charge of the arrange ments; and yesterday uiternoou uencrai isuer man also arrived and exercised supervisory authority over the preliminary preparations National representatives and our citizens alike determined Unit notning suouid bo icit undone that could In any manner contribute to the honor of a fallen chieftain. Troops from New York harbor and vicinity, detailed by General 51cDowell as an escort, arrived here on the Yandcrbilt shortly after seven o'clock this morning, incy remained on tne boat until tne hour assigned lor the iormlug ot the procession These troops comprised six companies, as fol lows: Two companies of Engineers from YVil lett s roint, one hundred men eaeu: one com ranv of 1st Artillery; four companies of 1st United States Artillery, and two companies of General Service Infantry. the services. Bt. Paul's Church, where the exercises took place, was draped with American Hags bordered with crape, and emblems of grief met the eye in every part of the editice. Bishop Donne read tne service, ana rroiessor uay presided at tne organ. Tho musical portion of tho exercises consisted of tho hymn "Brief is Life, and solo, "1 Kuow that my Redeemer Llveth," from tho oratorio of the Messiah. Tho procession then formed in the following order and marched to solemn music to tho cemetery: Ofllciatlng clergy, body pall-bearers; Major- ienerals Meade, Roseeraus, tieholieid, Hooker, Granger, Newton, Ha.cn; Brigadier-General Muekay, President of tho United States, Secretary of War, General of tho Army, two bands of music, committee of tho Senate of the United States, committee of the House of Representatives, Troops of Nutlonul Guards, N. Y. and inde pendent military organizations; escortcomposed of two companies of engineers from Fort Schuy ler, and three companies from Fort Columbus, the last numbering fifty men each. president grant and others. President Grant, accompanied by Gonerals Dent uud Porter, Secretaries Belknap and Robeson, Postmaster-General Creswell, and the Congressional delegation, arrived in the morn ing train from New York. President Grant, Scnntor Fcnton, nnd Generals Dent and Porter aie guests of Mr. Francis, of tho Troy Timet. Secretary Belknap is stopping with Commo dore Prince, the Postmaster-General is with S. B. Snxton, and Secretary Robeson I nt tho 'Jroy House. General Schollold, Roberts, Lowe, 5lcKeo. Barrett, Pitcher, Fullerton, Fos ter, Rice, Do Pcystor, Barnuin, Taylor, Abbott, Miirsliiill, Italne, Newton, and Granger are at the Troy House. lion. Horace Capron, Commissioner of Agri culture, E. V. Smulloy, Clerk of .Military Coin U'ittcc of the House of Representatives, A. B. UiiiUrv.ord, of Uocton Custom House, and Dr. J. C. McKoo, of tho United SUtea Army, are also at tho Troy House. Lieutenant Wllhird, v ho accompanied tho remains of tho deceased Genet ol from Son Francisco to Troy, is a gu6st ot tne .Mansion tioufe. HU8INKHS BL'81'l'N DEP. A lartre number of stores on Main street were losed during tho moving of the procession. The rooms ot tuo loung Mens Association were losed from 11 to 8 o clock, and business sns icnded from 11 until 2 o'clock. The post olllee nnd other public offices were also closed until alter the tunerai. lne city wears a sombre iook; public and private buildings wear the emblems of mourning; the streets aro filled with people, and all the morning martial men marched to and ro to the beating ot mulllcd drums, taking t:ieir places in the line of tho funeral cortege. THOSE PRESENT. The President, Secretary of tho Treasury, Secretary of War, Attorney-General, Postmaster- enerai, t.cncrai enerman, congressional dele gation, representatives oi tno army oi tuo United States, tho Governor and Legislature of this State, citizens and dignitaries of all ranks of life, are present to testify tho nation's sense of tho irreparable loss it has sustained in tlie death of tho roan who is to-day consigned with so much solemnity to the grave. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Mews tee First Pcuie. ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. 8lN RlPES B-3UM0ON RISKS V33 Si!N Sets 0-:i3iUkhi Watkk s-n PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Gkohoe L. HrzBY, ) OiKOKOE N. Tatiiam, COMMITTEE OF THE Month. 1). C. McCAMMOK, j COMMITTER ON ARBITRATION. John O. James. Ueo. L. Buzby, E. A. Bonder, win. w. rani, i nomas u. uuicspie. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Diamond State, Wood, Baltimore, A. urnves, .ir. r.rlg Lew is l.'lai k, l'.artlett, Port Spuln, Knight & MlllH. Sclir '. F. Young, Richardson, Matan.as, Warren & uregg. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Stenmshfp Saxon, Sears, 48 hours from Boston, whh niilse, and passengers to II. Winsor & Co. In side the 4 'apes early jesterday morning, saw ship Cast lne, for Antwerp, hound out; oil' Itrandywlne J.i!iit, snip winnniea, lor Antwerp, bound our,; lielow Mm Duoy on tlio Jtrown, ship Julia dir.) from Liverpool ; shove Bran-lywlne, ships Theoliald, from Liverpool ; ltoyai i narne, iroin no. ; and DarK ueeau (llr.) from do., und a Kritlsh hrtg unknown; below i.eiigu LiKiit, uniisii snip Andrew iovetr, irom Ar- drns.su n, and a l!iltlnh liark unknown; below lioin- imv hook, snip l eniaur, irom Liverpool, in tow. eoniintr up; ship Aurora, from Ardrossan, ami four deeply loaded schooners; above Uombay Hook, brig iza, irom H9ua, ami sour ieiiie starr, irom ronee; ell l.istnn's, a lirltlsh brin unknown; above Reedy Jslaini, lirinsn britf uraneli, from I'lenlwejroH; sehrs Z. Halliway ('.' lien Halldav. from Pensacola) : Thos. Clyde, from Trinidad ; Mary Viineleaf, and several others unknown ; above rsew i usile, sehrs b. r. M. T'lsker, from savannah ; Annie Aiurciuc, Sarah lirucn. Steamer D. I'tley, Davis, 24 hour3 from New Y'ork, with mdse. to W. M. Ilaird t'o. Steamer S. C. Walker, Sherin, 24 hours from New York, with muse, to vv. m. Hand vo. Steamer Taeony, Nichols, 24 houri from New York, wun in a He. u w. jvi. liiiiru & w, Pal. bark Kngenla, Uenfante, TSd iys from Palermo, wirn rruit. to iiuiieu on. RrlK Kliza Henrietta, Dahnis, 14 days from Satrna, with sugar to (ieo. C. Carson & Co. Encouutered very heavy weather the entire passage. Brig K. A. Bernard, Reed, U0 days from Matanzas, wnn moiusses 10 oonu jtiuson &, co. vessel to sou- der & Adams. Schr C. W. May. Kimmey, 22 days from Trinidad. with sugar to S. & Y. Welsh. Have had bad weather north oi lat. 32. Schr Win. U. Thomas. Winsmoro, 16 days from Cienfaegos, with sugar to (ieo. C. Carson Co. Schr M. A. Folsom, Rose, 12 days from Matan.as, with molasses to Thos. Wattson 4 Sons vessel to Warren & Gregg. Schr A. E. Derrtckson, Tunnell, from brig Man lius. ashore at Clarke's Point, with 71 hhds. and 9 boxes sugar to liaueu a son. Schr Eliza A. West, Evans, from brig Manllns. ashore at Clarke's Point, with 65 hhds. and 9 boxes sugar to uaiieit a con. Correspondence of The, Fveninq Telegraph. EASTON & McMAUON'S BULLETIN. New York Office, April 8. Seven barges leave in tow to-nignt ior uaitimore, light. Baltimohk Branch Office, April 8. The follow log barges leave in tow to-night, eastward : l aseadilla. G. II. Stewart. U. C. Batteries. U. L. Wllgus, II. Campbell, F. E. (Jrecmnan, and San Jacinto, an wun coal ior .ewi one Joseph Lord, with coal, for Philadelphia. Flour City, with phosphato, for NewarK. N. J. Philadelphia Branch Office, April 9 Barge J. E. Dunham, with coal for Baltimore, left lost even ing. L. D. Cummings, with chalk, left for New York to-uay. L,. c. c. MEMORANDA. Ship Bazaar, Jellerson, hence, was going np to New Orleans 2d lnst. Ship Thomas Harward, Strickland, cleared at New Orleans 2d insr. ior Havre, wit n a ion Dales couon.etc. Steamship Whirlwind, Sherman, hence, at Provi dence ctn lust. Steamship J. W. Everman, Hinckley, hence, at Richmond P. M. Uth lnst., and sailed again A. M. 7th to return. Bark Ella Moore, Marsters, hence, remained at Antwerp 24th ult. for New xorK soon. Bark Isaac R. Davis, Hand, hence, at Zaza 20th ult. Brig Dominion, White, hence for Halifax, at Port land til h lnst. Brig Kate Foster, Flckett, for Philadelphia, at sagua 10 anys since. Schr Challenge, from Searsport for Philadelphia, at I'ort and Gtli lnst. Schr F. R. Baird, Ireland, for Philadelphia, at Sagua 10 (lavs since. bchrE. F.'cabada, stover, from Mobile, at Sagua VI days since ior i-iniaueipiiiii. Schr A. E. Sulford, Powell, for Philadelphia, sailed from Fail lover Olh insr. Schr T. B. Colton, Robinson, hence, at Galveston 1st lnst. fechr (Joddess. Kellry, hence, at Boston Oth Inst, Schr Chalons, TlioniHS, f roin Searsport forPhila- de nil a. ul Boottlbuv anil un. fcrhr ceorge S. Adams, Baker, for Philadelphia, cleared at Portland 4iu msi. NOTICE TOMARINER8. All tho Iron cuu and nun buoys which were taken up in November last, ami substituted by spar buoys for Hie winrer, III i.oiik 'smuu buiiimi hiiu inniuanes, will be replaced during this mouth in their proper positions. Tho French Covernment has given notice that from the Kith dav of March, ls;o, tl.e following alter ation would be made iu the green light on the South Mule of the nori of Algiers, lor the purpose of Indl- eiitlnir tlie nrogress of extension of the North Mole. The light will be obscured from the direction of ttii red Hilit on ilie North Molo, to the Belle Buoy at the extremity of the Mole in the course of con struction, or through an angle or about au degrees. Directions Vessels approaching the port from the northward should, alter sighting the red light on the North Mole, steer south, keeping, at tho leust, a (iniirter of a mile to. the eastward of the red light until the green light of the South Mole Is seen, in order to clear the extremity of the Mole In construc tion, and then steer In between the lights. In pass ing in, the green light will be briefly obscured lu the direction as anovejiwiiii. QENT.'b FURNISHINQ QOODS. DAT K N T BUOUTjDBK-SKAM BHHtT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ST0E3. PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWKb 3 nA,.nrumiirif nt trrit" uh flirt vi rt ism All other article oi GENTLEMEN S DHBSS UWJUB m laU WINCHESTER CO., U t No. T06 CHESNUT Btrewt I rt 12 H T A X I U U V, ARMS, MONOGRAMS, ILLUMINATING, KTO. PHFKA, 1033 OUKNNUT Streat, Uard Kugrtvtr and bUtioner. PIANOS. GRAND OPENING. RARE CHANCE, fi THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS TO THS PUBLIC IT "WlioleNiilo Iiices, (FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY), TUB DECKER BROS., , PIANOS. KRANICH, BACH CO. They are Inferior to none, and In some respecta superior to STIZIX WAY'S. WILLI AH BLASIUS, (LATE AGENT FOR STEINWAY'S,) No. 1008 CHESNUT Street, Next door to my former place. 4 21m CHARLES BLASIUS, BOLE AGENT FOll THE SALE OF STEINWAY SONS' "World-Eenowned Fiano. (Agent for Steinwaj & Bona since lt6.) WARKROOM3, Wo. 100O CUUSXlTr Street, 19 tNp PHILADELPHIA. ALBRECHT, BIHKK8 A SCHMIDT, HANUr'CTURKHI OF FIRSTULAKS PIANO-FORTES. Full gnu. ran tee nnd moderate price.. WARKKOOM8. No. 610 AROH Strml SOAP. Carbolic Acid Soaps, Manufactured by James Buchan & Co. NEW YORK. Carbolic Toilet Soap. Carbolic Hal It Soag. Carbolic !l1elicinal Soap. Carbolic Shaving Soap, These 8oaps are made from the choicest Inirre' dlcuts, and are ottered as a very superior article. The? aro to a ereot decree preventive 01 Infections dlHciiBcs, valuable lu all cutaneous directions, pro- vent seaming, ciiuurf?, ana aore-ncaa in lniuuw. They keep the skin solt and smooth. For the bate, they have peculiarly refreshing qualities. CARBOLIC LAUNDRY SOAP. This Is a pnre article, containing no excess of alkali, which In many of the soups now sold Is so de structive to clothlnK. Hospitals, asylums, prisons, vessels, hotels, restaurants, boarding-houses, and private families will find this soap Invaluable for washing dishes and keeping sinks free from grease. Meaning ana ciouudk usea dv me bick, even irom the most Infectious diseaHes, as small-pox. -virulent fevers, etc, are completely auinrected by its use. CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAP, For washing horses, cattle, pics, dogs, etc., to rid of and protect them from vermin, and Is indispensable to every stock-raiser and owner. It will positively deBtrov an insect nie on cauie, ana care mange, BcraicucB, ana Borea 01 on &inua. ALSO, CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR, CARBOLIC SOFT SOAP, CRESYLJC OINTMENT, CRE3YLIC SHEEP DIP FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 8 16 tothslm WHOLESALE AGENTS, JOHN WYETIX & Z2RO. UPHOLSTERY COOPS, ETO. NOBLIT, BROWN, NOBLIT & CO., Nos.222 and 218 S. SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA, Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers hi Upholstery Goods, Car Trimmings. Cabinet Makers' and Undertakers' Finding!. Swiss and Nottingham Curtains, Hair Seating, Curled Hair Bedding, ETC. ETO., 3l8tm5p Wholesale and Retail. CARRIAGES. C AR11IAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, CAIHIIAGS BUILDER, ORIGINAL AND ONLY Manufacturer of the Celebrated ROGERS CARRIAGES, lOOU nml lOll CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. New and elegant styles of Carriages constantly produced. 8 82 tuthaSmrp D EINO AND SOOURINO. T O N 1' " HI O T T K T, tl RLKVlt DK PARIS, FRKNOH BTKAM UYKINCJ AND BOOTJRINa, On an--kind of wwnnj Apparel, for ljamee, uenw, ana CbiUlruD. Patent aitratna lor btretuhiug FauUl tnm onetotWeliMihea. M . ,, . L M FfcUdelpnia PAPER HANQINQS. T OOK I LOOK ! ! LOOK 1 1 1 WALL PAPERS J-i and Linen Window Bhadee Mum factored, the ehenpeet in the ait, at JOlifibTON'ri Depot. No. Il4 BfKlNG GAKDKN btreet, below Kleretitk. lifBAeM, Ne lul i'KDKBAIi iUMk OaaMtan. Maw Jmes, Mt AGRICULTURAL.. C LANDRKTH'S EXTRA KARLY PF.AS, m.k. a pine an. I roliublo evor. l'.ir khIo br 1. I.AtVimKI'lt A SD, K. 21 and 2.1Soiilh 61 X I H Mlrcet. FOTR.-Kfivrly llfijr tra'S ac" (1W IU for prwliMHW- rln lniKini .K. i Ho Into II, ( !. I.amlret'i, Introiliiced and riAin.il the almvo IVa. ami llim to iliiyll. rmntlnn on eiulii4 In rnrlinc-ia, vriKiiirtivounw, noi4 Knuiiral (tnod (liiiilit'n cmnliiriHii. 'Ihrrn hnv mru i(( nt, an might have bnen exiicoled, num-mt. niiurlona anl dnn.rate Tnrii"ti, tnrinnd "Kxira Karly;1' tUrfor, all peroona wbn have occasion to purchase bate need to be on thir nard. It' Q BUIST'S WARrTnTED HARDEN 2),8FKIiH. Tbe Neods we i tier arm excliiil'oly tiiose o( Dur own growth, and will bfi found far superior to thoe anifrBlll sold by dealort. Market Rardonera and priTt,e families, towlmm rclUble secda are of tlie utmost lin- AHRTCULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND m n ttiM Tnnl a Plnnv.. n r-ni.i. tns, Koed 8owers. Cliurns, ('anlnn and Finld Kellers, Lawn Mowers, KaHroad and Garden Wheelbarrows; Har. rttraw, and Fodder Cnltera, all at. reduced prions. Call and examine oar atock KOIIKKT llljis'l , ,1b., Or.f.lf WAKKIUIUHK, S 17 Ira Woe. P23 and M4 MAKKKT Htreet. r THE PHILADELPHIA. LAWN MOWER. X This fa thn most Improved hand marhlna made. and ia just t he article needed by all who bare grass to out. It can lie npnratoa ny a luiiy wiiiiout; laiiRUe. fries and every Mower warranted. Snjii by nr. ivi nuin i , uif.. 81 .K.D WAR KlifMISK, 3171m Kns.K2andJ4MAKKKTKtrnet C7t APPLE, PEAR, CHERRY, AND PEACH, -ri Dwarf and Standard, inhenrina order; Shade Trees Murirol. Kverirreens for Lawns. Ileduoa. etc. Address, J. PKRKINS, iMOORF.STOWN. N. J. 4 H MEDICAL. rpnE UKIVBltSITr MEDICINES ARE THE FAVORITE PRESCRIPTIONS or TUB New York Medical University. Rnlinble Remedies of a hiffh Soientifio cbaraoter.de. eianed for tho cure ot nil diaeuses. PlittrAltf.i oikiuiJjV nuuununit iu lull LAVVH Of MeUlUAL, UUI'-Tlim til. The tlniversitv Medtcinus are prenarvd in oonaonnnoe with tbe views ot a number of distinguished living Ameri. can Pliysicinns, who believe tbat tbe time ia come when educated rrysicians siioum arise ana mine a decisive etlort to overthrow the hoallhlestroyinK system ef Onack ery prevailing in every town and city, and substitute ISCIKM'IFIU RKKPONKIBLF RKMF.DIALS, la place of the worthless or dangerous Patent Medicines Hooding tbeoountry. I twee remedies are preparea ny ine newiy nisooverea Chcminal process of Pro'etsor Scott, te'mnd BTKAM ULTRA'l ION, by whioh the entire Activo Prineiple of any herb, drag, or chemical ia thoroughly oxtracte.1, and ita curative properties inoeased a hundred fold over tho e mado in the ordinary manner. They are standard, most ot the ingredients constituting thrra bavina been used by the physicians of tbe Univer sity, in tneir private praotioe, lor more Mian twenty yeare. Although but recently bronght before the publio in their present form as FIRFBluK RKMKDIKrt. they aro rapidly aupcneding tbe old poisons. Patent Modioines and IN'auacons Drupe. They are taken in email doses. 1'ney are pleaKant to the tasie. Tlicir erltts are almost instantaneous. Trior are batnileeit to all Wo have do one flURR ALL for all diseases, but regular py.tem of Kcmeeiea tor each distinct class of malndies. , , , Alist ofotir Fotnediea and a valuable Medical Book stiH free to anv address. PUILADKLPHIA BRANCH: Corner of KKVKNTKENXU and OUHSNUT Btreots. ADV1CH FREK. aslmrp JOSEPH O. HARROLD. TVTEW DISCOVERY. F.LIXIR J. F. BER- 1 NARD TONISTHKNfOUK. ANTI-DYSPF.PTIO. 1 he snvnrul observations made by the best Physicians of tho I'acuite de Paris have proved that the sicknesses arising from Itupovorisla-eont of the blood or norvaus ex haustion, viz. : Aliinm, Olalorosis, byinpathisme, Phthisic. Diabetes, Allmmineria, Bcorbut, etc.. etc., are radically cured with the F.LIXIR J. F. BKIUMARD, . . ,n . . iiviiMi ult xt ct nirm u : . . M or. Foe aalo by all respectable druggists. 8 1 tuthaj LEGAL. NOTICES. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED X RTATKS FOR THK KAHTKRN DISTRICT OF PKNN8YLVANIA.-1BOMA8 W. hrVKKNKV, of Reading, in tbe County of Berks, and State of Pennsyl vania, in the said Distriot, a Bankrupt, who formerly carried on bnsiness in Philadelphia, Pa.t under tbe firm name of T. W, Sweeney, Jr., said firm being composed of himself and R. Ilollmitn und Ixaao Walls, both of Miners vilie. Pa., having petitioned for hia discharge, a mooting of creditors will be held on the 12tb day of April, A. f). 1H7U at 2 o'clock P. M., beforo Register H. M AL TZHHKUKB, at hisotlice, No. 4riN. (SIXTH Btreet, Reading, Pa., that tho examination of the said bankrupt may be rluished, and an; business of meetings required by Boot ions 37or'M of the act of Congress transacted. 1'he Register will certify whether the Bankrupt baa conformed to uis duty. A bearing will also be bad on WKDNKSDAY, the27tn day of April, A. 1). 1HTU. before tho Court at Philadelphia, at lu o'clock A. M., when and wnere parties in interest may snow cause against tne aiscnarge. .. ii. . nwi v mntrii ini'D 5"7r) Judge of tbe said District Court, and the seal J thereof, at Philadelphia, the litb. day of March, ' O. R. FOX, Clerk. Attest H. MAl-TZTiKnoBR, Register. 4 I t27 TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY; JL AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Katnte of ROBERT U. McLKOD. dooeaaed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, set tie, and admat the account of Till M AS O. MoLKOD and JOHN J. BARTHOLOMEW, Kxecutor of the estate of RO BERT Mi'LHOD, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in tne nanaa oi tne accountant, wiu UIWW I.UO lf.f M.D IUIOIOTIW.1UI vv uutiniwa ua i' pointment, on TUUHSDAY, April 7. l7(l, at 4 o'clock P.M., at hia office. No. Utj South SIXTH Street (second story;, in tne CUT oi rDiiaaeipuia. EGBERT K. NICHOLS, 3 31 thstuBt Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITr X AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAME8 HICK, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adinst the account of MaRY RICE. Administratrix of JAMES KICK.deoeaaed, and to report distribution of the balance in tbe hands of tbe accountant, will meet the parties Interested, for tbe purpose of hia appointment, on TUESDAY. April 19, 1H70. at 11 o'clock A. M., a hia office, No. 131 Hi. FIFTH Street, in the oity of PhHadel- pnia. i LuniuDi PROPOSALS. FFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH J 8. W. OORNER SIXTH AND HANSOM 8TS. PROPOSALS FOR STREET CLEAN I NU. Pealod Proposala will be received at the OFFIOK of the BOARD OF HEALTH until U o'clock noon, on the 19th day of April, 1H7U. for cleaning and keeping thoroughly clean at alltimes.from tbe date of eoutract toitbe 31st day ot Decemue r. levi, au tne pavea streets, aueys, courts, inlets, market houses, gutters, gutters under railroad crossings, gutters of unpaved streets, and ad othor publio highways, and tbe immediate removal of all filth and dirt tuxrefrom, after the same baa been oollected together. Also, the removal of ashes, and the collection and burial ef all dead animals in tbe built-np portion of the city lying nortu oi AHegnany avenue. Known as BriaesDurg aoil nan mora, anu termea ine l wentietn aistriot. F'scb bid muht be accompanied with a certificate from the City Solicitor tbat security has been entered at tbo l.nw Department in the sum of five bundrod dollars (6MI), in compliance with an ordinance of Counoilsap proved May 1, IMiO. The Board reserves tbe right to reject any and all hide. Warranta for the payment of said contracts wilt be drawn in conformity with section live of the act of Assem bly approved March 18, 18oH. Fnvelopes enclosing proposals must be endorsed "Pro posals for Street loaning." v KL1AB WARD, M. D , President. Char. B. BAnnF.TT, Saoretary. i tj lot COVERNMENT SALES. s ALE OF A NAVY VESSEL. Navy Dkpartmknt. BCKK CONSTKUCTION ANO KKTAIIt, Washington, I). C, April 0, is; SiO.j The Navy Depiirtment will oiler for salo at PI BLIC AUCTION, at the Inltod BtatPh Naw Yard, Brooklyn, on the Wd day of April, lts70, at 12 o'clock, M., the live-oak frame, eopper-faatened screw uteamor 6KMINOLE, of W'O tons, old measurement. The vessel and her Inventory can bo examined at any time on application to the Commandant of the Yard, one-half of tlie whole amount ( tlie purchase money must le deposited at the time of adjudica tion, and the balance within live (5) days thereafter, nml the vesBel must be removed Iroin the Nuvy Yard within two () weeks from the day of gale. The (iovernment reserves the right tr withdraw the vessel from sale for any purchaser who will pay the appraised value, with au Increase of ten (10) per centum theieto. 4 6 tutlisilt CLOTHS. O ASSIMERE3. ETO. Q L O T H HOUSE. J d M E 8 & HU DER, No. 11 Nortli RI3COIl Street, Sign ot the Gulden Lamb, Areaw receiving a large and splendid assortment of new stylei of FANCY CASSIMEUES And standard makes of DOESKINS, CLOTIH and COATINGS, SSSmwi AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AMUSEMENTS. TAURA KKKM K'S LAST iH RBNUK TO NKiHT OF Tul oKR MAN IUOPLABTIU THOUPR KH Lack i family ok pantomimists. PRISMATIC FOUNTAINS. C2S3B Tableaux vivanih, and PROFKHSOK BCHMIDT AN PUPIM. MONDAY MR8 JA M KS A. OATRH COMHAUr. ,yiKLU OF T1IK PLOT It OF OOLU. WALNUT STREET THKATRltTI , . THIS (Batnrday) RVKNINO, April o, lat Bight of tha celetirated eccentric comedian. , . MR. F. 8. (JIIANFRAU. By desire A. N. Baker'a drama, entitled MOSK; OR. A OLANCJK AT NKW YORK. ,r?"e ; MR. F. H. (JIIANFRAU Xo commence with the cnnile drama of a i Bl, , H01.0N bliINil.K. Solon Bhlngle.... Mr. F. 8. CHANKRAU 1o conolude with the domestic drama of THK PF.KP.HHOW MAN. MATJF'KT,P.1S 8nrday) AFI'MKNOON at J o'clock. When will be piesanted THK HIDDKN H AND. MRS. JOHN DREW8 ARCH STREET THKATRK. Retrlna M tot. . FROU FROU AT TI1K AROH. MONDAY, AND KVRRY K.VKNINO, Mr. AuRastin Daly'a lucoeaafol comedy from the French, entitled FROU-FROU, With every Hcene, Costnme, and Appointment. Haw MRS. JOHN DKltW aeUlLBKRlK. Aided by the full Company. Meats aeenred sii dsya In advance. FOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE. WALNUT Htreet, above Eia-hth, ' KVFRY F.VKNINO, world rem.wnd Gymnasts, the I AHIil II1M1TIIIDQ LUAIut.. n.T.i. ..V!? AltKF MARTPH W'ARHFN, ROBERT bVtLFR AR PANTOMIME TKOUPK-The heal. SI lists in the world, in "Dodging for a Wife," "I Re. velrie jnirm i-miHiiniuo, anu ivinan aiacaire." Mad He Ua DUPBEZ A BENEDICT'S OPERA IIOUSH. BEVKNTH Bt., below Arch flt Theatre Oomlona J CONTINUED BKII LIANT BUl'OK.SS. THIS EVVNINn. DUPHK?! A BENEDICT'S (iHi ANTIC MINdTREIJs OFFER A (JRKAT SENSATION BI1L, Tlrst Time Dougherty's HunKey and Dory. t list Time Buriewpie Paris Milliner. V EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE. Xl ELEVENTH (Street, above Chesnnt. THE FAMILY KKSOHT. rtAPtVnt,'41UU X 11IV DVtU in.' l.T-T. TTT O the great Utar 'I roupe of the world, in their uneanalled KltilOPIAN SOIllKKR, Dr.at l iri ii nai.ijAo, bonus. OPKRATIO BKLKOTIONS, and LAl'fiH ABLK BURLEBtlUES EVERY RVKNINO w J. L. OAKNOBOB8, Manager. R. F. SIMPSON, Treasurer. Uto o L E BULL RKBPEOTFCLLY ANNOUNCES ONE OkANIl IlllPJilkHI' At the AO A DEM Y OK MI'siO, Philadelphia, TUESDA Y EVKN1KU, April Li, afistcd by the following srtists; hubs HA! l ie, ISA r I'OKD, The favorite Soprsno. Mr. WILLIAM MAODONALD, The popular Tenor. Mr. EDWARD HoFEM AN. . . , The distinguished Pianist and Composer. Admission, $1. Family Circle, ft) cents. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. Sale of tickets begins at ('oulu'sMnsio Store. on Saturday Morning, April 9, 1870, from H A. M. to 6 P. M. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Con. cert begins at 8. . . AIJCX. BULL, Business Manager. J. JAY WATBOW, Ageat. 4 tt TEMPLE OF WONDERS. ASSEMBLY BUILD INO. SIONOR BLITZ. .Trt, SPUYNX. SPHYNX. BPHYNX. M AGIO, VENTRILOQUISM, and OANAKIES. EVERY RVKNINO at 7K. WEDNESDAY And SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 8. VALER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER OA RDFN, Nos. m, 7-J2. 734. and 7M VINE Street. THE (.RAND ORCHESTRION, formerly the proper Of the GRAND DI KE OF BADEN, purchased at great expenso by JACOB VALKR. of thia oity, in combination with I LAMER'S ORCHESTRA and Miss NELLIH ANDERSON, will perform EVERY AETKJhVNOOS and EVENING at tbe above mentioned place. Admission free. 1 13tf CENTZ AND HA88LER'S MATINEES O MUSICAL FUND HALU 1S68-70. every SATUR. DAY AFTERNOON at 8j o'clock. lu 1 FOR SALE. FOR SALE BY ORDER OF THE Orphans' Court, at the t-tii.AUf,i.t riiA KAUU ANUK. BY M. THOMAS SONS. ON TUESDAY, April U. 1H70, The three-story brick DWELLING HOU8E, No. SH4 Spruce street; rooms large and airy. Lot 24 feet 8 inches front by 140 feet deep to a street. Large yard and liable on the rear. To beaold subject to a mortgage of $7000. May be seen any time prior to tbe day of eale; 4 2 sws3t WEST PHILADELPHIA FOR SALE or to Rent. NO. 4118 SPRUOK Street, aer hanrt. some brown stone front Residence, Mansard roof, sido yum, an raoueru conveniences, in perfect oruor. Imme diate possession. No. 41 IU PINE Street-Double Mansion, built of dressed grey stone, side yard, every convenience, in perfect order Posaeasion May 1. O. J. FELL A BRO., 4 8 smwlm No. 120 8, FRONT Street. m CHESTNUT HILL. FOR SALE, A -aaaL country-seat of 6 acres (near the depot, with fine view) ; atone mansion, with heater, range, gaa, and water ; gardener's boose and stable; green-hooso ,and grapery (in bearing); ice house (tilled); fruit, flower, and vegeta ble gardens well stocked. Apply from 9 to 12. J. K. MITCHELL, 8 31 thstu6t No. 810 YORK Avenue. CHESNUT HILL. FOR SALE, OR Exchange for a oity residence, one nf t.hn meat leairable places on tbe Hill Mansion, with healer, num. water, grapery, green-bouse, ioe-bouse. Near tbe Depot. with a fine view, bend for description. J. K. MITCHELL, 4lai4184t No. 810 YORK Avenue. MERCHANTVILLE. N. J. BUILDING sites for sale, five minutes' walk from Welwood tuition. THIRTY MINUTES lawJM FRONT AND MARKET STREETS, Philadelphia. Address J. W. TORREY, JlWlm No. 1H7 CHESNUT Street. Philadelphia. TO RENT. H TO RENT DURING SUMMER (WEST Philadelphia), A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE, With large Grounds, Stable, etc. Inquire No. 1008 CHESNUT Street, 4 8tbb2t Second Stoiy. COUNTRY RESIDENCES TO RENT In Holmesburg, Twenty-third ward, about eight miles from the city-Three COTTAGE HOUSES, with Brown-atone Fronts, Frenoh Roof, Parlor, Dining oom, and two Kitchens on first floor, large Yard, all tho modern improvements; accessible several times a day by Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. Apply to CHARLES H. MAKSON, 4 2 81 No. 31 N. SIXTH Street. TO LET THE STORE PROPERTY NO. 72a Obeannt street, twenty five feet front, on ban dred and forty-Ova feet deep to Bennett street. Back buildings Ova stories high. Possession May 1, 1870. Ad dress THOMAS S. EL ETO HER. 18 lOtf Delanoo. N. J. FOR RENT A LARGE STORE AND !Sl Dwelling, No. 1218 Ridge avenue, newly fitted np wall all modern conveniences. Apply to L U. PKHJK, No. 64 N. SEVENTH Srreet. Slotf REAL. ESTATE ACENT. FRED. SYLVESTER. EEAL ESTATE B It O EE It, no. 208 South FOIJKTII Street, 8 8 !n PHILADELPHIA. UMBRELLAS. r UMBRELLAS! UMBRELLAS! AT GOLD J Prices, if the PUBLIC will pay in COLD. Ever varie'yit Umbrellas Silk, Alpaca, Gingham, and Cut ton timbre lias, made to wear (no auction trash), but well made tor use, at HINCKLEY'S Oid Stand, No. m VINE Street. iEstabl'shed forty years ago. 8 30 12t QOLONNADE HOTEL, FIFTEENTH AND CHESNUT STS., BNTIBELY HEW AND HANDSOMELY FUR NISHHD, is now ready for permanent or transient goeata. No. loot) of HOI EL FRONT STORK TO LET ver low to a responsible party. 4