flK DAiLY EVKKlftft TELEGllAPH PHILADELPHIA. THUHSDAY, MARCH 31, 1870. w n vo.tt o r n i n m s. From Our Own Cbrrtt"Minfc Nbw York, March 31, 1870. Youn Mr. Brnnrtt is this evening to be dinod at Delmonico's by the Now York Yacht Club. Considering what a bis? newspaper roau ho Id tUo son of, he figures loss la jouruulistic mention than any other editor in the country. At this evening' dinner ho will be associated with men after hi own heart, and he will show to advantage. It Is when the ladles are around that his blushes thicken and his brilliancy thins. Importuned as ho Is by wealthy and fashionable mammas to enter soci ety, and fitted for it as ho lu many respects Is by his various accomplishments, for Instance, and tho brilliancy und thoroughness of his edu cation he is allllctcd In tho presence of a petti coat with a mauvais honte which no amount of eelf-dlsclpllnlnff has enabled him to overcome. And now that he Is nearer thirty than any othor ago, I fear ho la too old, even with the brazen ing results of fresh European experiences before him, to become the unrulllcablo Adonis his friends would like him to bo. The Homnnca of the KoMrum Is found lu the big Incomes whkh successful lecturesses are said to derive from It the leo turesref understand, not, as a rule, tho lecturers. Hiss Kato Field, for instance, Insists that she made ten thousand dollars last year; and I pre sume Miss Olive Logan places her earnings in that direction at an equally high figure. Conse quently the rostrum bids fair to become next eoason a greater resort than ever for women. I know of at least a dozen in this city of New York who have never yet made their appear ance in public, but who, misled by the flattery of friends, practise elocution and calisthenics by the hour together. I must do the majority of them the justice to say that they are young, pretty, and interesting looking, and that they will probably make tho business pay, not from any inherent merit, but because It is the fashion now-a-days to run after Women who Dare. A Broken Nlnetren-itlllllonalre. Miss Ellen Gray is the name of the young lady who a couple of months ago was tho subject of a card from the British Consul stating that she was not the heiress to nineteen million dollars, as had been asserted, and that no instalment of five million dollars had ever been received at the consulate for her. By whomsoever the story was invented, the fact appears to bo that Miss Gray has a brother who was not troubled with a great deal of money, and who made a strictly business use of tho report that his sister was in such luck. Upon the streugt! of that report he borrowed a cool two thousand hero, an eight-hundred-dollar-slice there, and managed to make himself comfortable on tho credulity of whoever wus willing to lend, In expectation of being so spleudidly reimbursed by the Bister of a niueteen-millioiialre. Like a sensible worldling, he surrounded himself with those large and little luxuries of which purple And fine linen stand as the synecdoche, and lived beautifully upon his "expectations." The time camo when the hollow nature of those expecta tions was made manifest, -and it became patent to the world that Miss Gray was a broken nine-teen-milllonaire. Nobody that ought to appears to know anything about those nineteen millions, and Mr. Gray's creditors are wondering how they could have lent so much on the strength of so little. The only thing about him flavoring of richness Is the richness of the stories that are told about him. Lydla Thompson is endeavoring to deprecate the storm which she fears awaits her next Monday night, upon her rentree at Niblo's, by publishing a long card in yesterday's World, the only largo dally that will fcrint these effusions. So far as the public is concerned she has nothing to fear, for every seat is taken for that evening and several evenings to come. Somebody has said that it is the "mag netism of her presence" that carries joy to tho bosom of an audience. If "magnetism of pre sence" is a synonym for legs, I have no doubt that is the case. Miss Thompson's trouble will bo, not with the general public, but with that comparatively small bevy in which the news papers of New York are contained. To them she has committed the unpardonable crime of horsewhipping a newspaper man, and I hardly think they will be disposed to think any tbo more lightly of her conduct because, uuder great provocation, she merely did what she was legally advised to. i Illegal Love. If woman tho magician ! could only roll two men into one ia some such way us the prestidigitateur does with the rabbits, how happy it would be for all parties! So probably Mrs. Kuhl thought in a dim sort of wuy when a good-looking German. Cherubluo, LeuUo by name, came to live with her husband. At any rate, Mr. Kuhl discovered that if his wife and Cherubino had not broken the seventh com mandment between them, they had mashed it considerably, so as to put it all out of shape. The result was that Cuerubiuo had to "get up and git." Mrs. Kuhl, however, got up with him, and after having been taken back once or twice by the husband, acknowledged in open court that she would not tell which of the two she pre ferred. Truly a tantalizing position for Virtue to be placed in ! Troubles ol limine Owners. It is sometimes a fearful tblug to own a house, particularly if you wish to dispose of it. A certain ludy who resides on Fiftieth street, in this city, became tired of the pleasures and palaces of that neighborhood, and made np her mind to find a homo or make ono somewhere else. In passing along Fifty-fifth street she saw a vacant and eligible house, one of whose windows presented to view a pi icard bearing the name Fetrlch or Fatwretch, or something similarly sounding. Thereupon she ordered the coachman to drive to Mr. Fatwretch's office, where she was informed Unit Mr. Fatwretch was not in, but that Mr. Fatwretch's confidential clerk teas, and would bo happy to wait upon her. The confidential clerk turned out to be very obliging and well-informed, took, at her invitation, a seat on the box with the coachman, and was driven to various houses owned by Mr. Fatwretch, the confidential clerk meanwhile expatiating on the advantages of each. None of them suited, however, and tho lady returned disconsolately home. Tho confidential clerk, however, was bound to make money, if money was to be made upon it, so bo presently called on his own account upon a Mr. John Sexton, who had houses to Bell ou Forty-eighth street, iliw he advised of the lady's desires and inten tions, and informed him that he was authorized to negotiate. Mr. Sexton referred the matter to the lady's husband, and was by him Informed of the pretentious character of tho claims of the confidential clerk. Mr. Sexton thereupon treated with Mr. Corregan, a duly-authorized agent, atd the exchange of tho two houses was effected. Upon this Mr. Fatwretch's confidential clerk bad the impudence -as is the way with confidential clerks to bring a suit against Sexton. Of course Judgment was given in Srxton's fuvor, bit the annoyance given to the ldy In question points a moral to house o wnt re. Ali Hada. LOST MEAUKKS. The DlHiuipra of Ten Year. During tbo ten years which ended with tho year 1M7, the following disasters to steamers of over 1000 tons burden occurred: BCIIEW PROPELLERS. Fnmtit. Totttmit City of HiHHgew l.iuo K M. l.t-vtls 1,12(1 1'Hiiicvr I.t'iin City of Pittsburg... 1.2M1 UlllfKOW 1,745 Civile 1.V00 Surah Sands 1,M) Indian l,7ii Anitlo Saxon. l,T4 Alma l.Mio New York !i,lM Le I.yonnals.... l,t20 Tempest l.noo Argr 2,81ft Ani-trla 8,4iirt Jura 2.:i!4 Oriental l.ftfi'J City of New York. . 2,rxio Alleghany 1.K40 AphrwOlte 1,08 North America. I.eaa Scotland 8,8i3 KplumiB 1,4ns J!nm tost. Imt at Hca. 1OHt at sea. list ut sea. Horned at, sea. llurned at sea, 18C3. Lost at sea. Hurried ut sea. stranded, in.'.9. Lost, Caps linen, 1S"3. Lost In Red Sea, 1WH. Lost at sea, 1WS. Lost at sea, 1857. 1Kf7, never heard Of. Wrecked, 1UM. Hurried at sea, 1853. Wrecked. 1H04. Lost, Hatteras, 1802. Lost at sea, 1864. Stranded, I86f. Wrecked, 186. Foundered at sea, ISM. Wrecked, Sandy Uouk. Lost at sea, 1806. S3 propellers 8t,8V6 Tonnage. 6(1 smaller nropcl'rs. 27,471 79 propellers 67,2i0 SIDB-WIIKKL Same. Tnnttngc, Crescent city 1,211(1 Brother Jonathan... 1,830 I.onlniana 1,000 North America 1,800 Wlntleld Scott 1,160 I'acltlc 2,880 Cherokee 1,000 illaWarley 1,2m Arctic 2,8f0 Franklin 2,500 Northern 1,)50 Tennessee 1,850 Humboldt 2,000 Cltyol Glasgow..... 1,320 tioidwi (Jute M.1U0 Roanoke 1,070 independence.... 1,020 Cortex 1,150 hiack wan lor 1,556 Texas. 1,360 Perseverance 1,020 Central America.... 2 2110 America l.twii Sun Francisco 2,25 Jewess 1,850 Tennessee 1,150 Yankee Marie 2,00(1 Charles Morgan 1,215 Knoxvllle 1.350 Granada 1,130 1 oiiiiuouvt eallti 2.MI0 Slelllil 1,400 (iulveston 1,000 Opelotibiis 1,0110 Mississippi 1,400 Dutilel clister 1,070 AfflP'W .lnllliHOU... 1,000 Fire Cracker. 1,m )m- M11OK 1,25 Foil Keln 2,o!3 Evening Star, l.fllT (.omei, luile ,OM) Vera Cruz 1,;::S8 Orientals 1,(00 4 fidewh"! steam'rsoviso 41 smaller siriewheel 24.834 Tonnage lost. 8TIAMKKS. Hnic bnt. Stranded, 1806. Lost In I'acltlc Humeri at sea. Lost at sea. Lost In Pacific. Never heard from. Burned at sea. Lost at sea. 1803. Lost by collision. Lost by collision. Foundered at sea, I960. Burned at sea. Lost at sea. LoHt at sea. llurned at sea, 1S03. Burned by pirates. Lost at sea. Burned la china Sea. btruurieri, 1858. Burned. Lost at sea, 1 .". Lost at sea, 1858. Lust ar, geo, 1858. L'mt nt sea, 1858. Lost at sea, 1853. Lost ut sea, 1805. Lost, ut sea, I860. Destroyed, 1802. Burned. Lost In Pacific, 1800. Burned, 1805. Lost at sea, 1S02. Destroveri, 1802. CollisiMll, ISO. Foundered In China Sea. Lost nt sea, fGfl. Wrecked, 1800. Wrecked Chin Roa, Y,4. Burned China Sea, 18i4. Burned, 1805. Found at Bea, 1SCC Wrecked, luA Wrecked, ISRO. Lost So. America, 1S0B. Tonnage. Tonnage. so sidewh'i steam "rs. 93,114 Tonnage. iKoi fl Answers to Catechisms. If there are those who think that the edu cation of youth may be better conducted when confided to religious rather than secular n'tthods of instruction, they may And some thing to shake their views in the following extract frcm a report furnished by tho Rev. W. IL Urook field, M. A., uu inspector of Na tional Schools appointed by the British Gov ernment: '1 propose to Introduce two answers, copied ver batim Hum two i hllriivn'H flute-, on whtuh niey had written, ut a sghool inspection, la reply to two most populur uuii siiiipie quotHum in tho Church Cate chism. These were tvo children of average Intelli gence, of ubiiut eleven years each, who did tlielr uiitbinetic and rending tolerably well: who wrote something pretty legible, intelligible, and seu. sible, about nn omnibus and about a steamboat, and after the Irksome (and what lrksomeness It must have been!), the weury, tho reiterated drilling of lour or Uve years, hulf an hour a (lay in day-school and Sunday school, produced such answers as the following to the two quesfons: 'What Is thy duty towards God?' and 'Wnat Is thy duty towards thy neighbor?' The nrst answer Is, 'My duty toads God is to bleed In lilm to ferlng aud to loaf witliold jour arts, witholri my mine, witliold my sold, and with my Bcruih to worship and to give thinks to put in.v old UHr.lt in him to call upon htm to ouner Uls olil inline uud his world aud to save htm truly all the !uys of my life's eud.' The second is, 'My duty touts my Naiiera to love him as thyself, and to do all nit u us 1 wed thou ahull do aud to me to love, ouner, aud suke my farther and Mother to onuer and lo bay the queen and all that are pet In a forty u.der iier to suit myself to all my guoiiess, t.uulit-s, sportiul pHstureB, and masters to oiighlfii nijsiif lordly aud every to all my betters to hut. no body by would uor deed, to be trew in Jesi lu ail my deelius to beer no malls nor ated in your arts to keep my auds from pecken and steel mv tnrn from evil speak and lawlng and slanders not to civil uor demir othermaiis good, but to lern laiiei trewly to git inyown leaving, aud to do my ilutv lu that stale If life, auri to each it his please G 'd to all men.' 'I will add another,' says Mr. Brook lli:l'i, 'less illiterate, but indicating precisely the same class cf error copied from the slate of anlu teli'gciii boy, in a school, under a very a'llo master, In tie parish of an active clergyman. It la an an swer to the question 'What did your godfathers auri tod in others then do fur you?' 'Thev rilri rrorni and voal three thlncs in my name; first, that I should pernounce of the (level and all his walks, pumps, and valitles of this wicked world, and all the sinful larsts of tne flesh,' " etc. Moreover, the report sots forth that these instances are not exceptional, but illustrate a kind of ignorance "deplorably extensive." FINANOIAL.. WE. OFFER FOrS SALE THE FIKST M0 IMC! AGE OF TO 8 SOUTHERN PENNSYLVANIA IRON AND RAILROAD COMPANY. Theue Bonds ran THIRTY YKAR8, and pj BRVRN FUR CENT. intereHt in gold, clear of nil tuts, puble at the tint Aatlouat Bank iu Puilaciul n. Tti a amount of Bunria itiuud ia Mii ,(00, and are secured by a First Mortjraxa on rel sata, rtilroad, and franchises of rhe Couipuny, tha lorinerof whico cost two hundred thousand dollars, whion has bean paid for from Brock subsoriprion, and aftor klie railroad ia fiaisned. so that the produotsof tlia minus can be brought to market, it is es iniat d to be wort a 1,010,000. 'Iho iiallroud couneula with tua Cumberland Valley Railroad about lour mile bxlow ubamhersbaift, and runs tbroQKb a section ot the must ferlile part of the Camber land Valley. We sell tbem at and aocrued interest from March 1. For f urvhor lunicaluri upp'y to C. T. YERKE8, Jr., CO., BANKERS, RO. 20 SOUTH THIRD STItEET, B 8fKf PHILAiMSLFHIA. COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all DDEntwrt h n il hr&nda. T.nL. limln. 'IVunb and Wr.fon-ooKtr lluck. a loo. Paper Manulaotarera' im rui:, irom tinny to Berenty-eu tnooea, sriu rauuua, wmiuiimii iwwe, ei. No. U HUfcOU Street (Ulty btoreA FINANOIAL. THE UNDERSIGNED Offer For Sale $2,000,000 OF TUB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RR. CO. GENERAL MORTGAGE Six Per Cent. Bonds At 92$ and Interest added to Sate of Purchase. All free from State tax, and issued in Bums of f 1000. Tlieae Bonds are Coupon and Registered Interest on the former payable January and July 1; on the latter, April and Oetohtr. The nouiln aecured by this mortir(re are Issued to WISTAK MOKKlSand JUKI All BACON, Trustees, who cannot, under its provisions, deliver to the Company, at any time, an amount of bonds exceed Iiir the full-paid capital stock of the Company limited to :tft,()(MI,0lH). Enough of these bonds are withheld to pay off all existing Hens upon the property of the Company, to meet which at maturity It now holds ample means Independently of the bonds to be reserved by the Trustees for that purpose, making the bonds prac tically a FIKST MOKTUAGK npon ail its railways, their equipment, real en tat e, etc. etc. The gross revenue of the Pennsylvania Railroad In 1869 was $17,2fi0,811, or nearly twenty-eight per cent, of the capital and debts of the Company at the end of that year. Since 1867 the dividends to the Stockholders have averaged nearly eleven and one-half per cent, per annum after paying Interest on lt bonds and pass ing annually a large amount to the credit ot con struction account. The security npon which the bonds are based Is, therefore, of the most ample character, and places them on a par with the very best National securities. For further particulars apply to Jay Cooke & Co., E. W. Clark & Co., Drexel & Co., C. & II. Borie, "198w W. II. Ncwbold, Son & Aertsen. NBW 3L. O -A. IV. City of Allegheny Six Per Cents, TREE OS1 STATXS TA2 We are offering a limited mount of this Loa At 90 Per Cent, and Accrued Interest. The interest la payable Orst days of January and Jnly, in Philadelphia, FREB CP HTATI TAX We recommend them as an unquestionable se enrlty for Investment. The debt of Allegheny City being comparatively mall, the security offered is equal to that of the City of Philadelphia, the difference In price making them a Tery desirable and cheap security. WEE. PAINTER & CO., Dankers and Dealers In tiorern. nient Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, 1 M8m PHILADELPHIA. S I L "V 512 JEt FOR SALE. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 20 South THIRD Street, 4 8 PHILADELPHIA. p, 8. PETERSON & CO., BTOCK BROKERS, Wo. 39 South THIRD Street. ADVANCES MADE ON GOOD COLLATERAL PAPER. Host complete faculties for Collecting Maturing Country Obligations at low cost INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 1 W QIJGXDirVNlXa, DAVIS & CO., No. 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GLENDINNING, DAVIS & AM, No. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Receive deposits subject to check, allow Interest on standing and temporary balances, aud execute orders promptly for the purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD, In either city. Direct telegraph communluaUon from Philadelphia house to New lort 1 8 FINANOIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., miLADELrniA, NEW YORK, AND WASHINGTON, BANKERS Dealer in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Brokers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. RELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST MENT. Pamphlets and full Information given at oar office, INo. 1 l.l 8.TIIIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. U 1 8m CITY WARRANTS Bought and Sold. DE HA YEN & BK0., No. 40 South THIRD Street. us PHILADELPHIA. E LLIOTT U I If, BANKERS No. 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURI TIES, GOLD BILLS, ETC DRAW BILLS OP EXCHANGE AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ON THE UNION BANK OF LONDON. ISSUE TRAV2LLER8' LETTERS OF CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, available throughout Europe. Will collect all Coupons and Interest free of charge for parties making their financial arrangements With US. 486 D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Bacoesaors to Smith, B mdolph A Go. Every branch at th business will hare prompt attention as hereto or. Qnotations- of Stocks, Governments, and Gold eon. sUntlj received from New Tork bryHwUo wr, from out friend. Edmund D. Rudolph Oo. B. K. JAMISON & CO., SUCCESSORS TO P. IT. KFJjLY & CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver, and Government Bond At Closest market Kates, N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT SU. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Philadelphia btonfc Boards, eta, eta JOHN 8. RU8HTON ft CO.. No. 60 SOUTH THIRD STREET. MAKCH C0UP0H8 WANTED. CITY W AKRANT8 16 8m BOUGHT AND SOLD. j) it i; x li l co. No. 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET, i AmorloHu aud If oroig-n ISSUE DRAFTS AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CkiiDIT available on presentation In any part of Europe. Travellers cau niaae all tneir financial arrange, meuts through us, and we will collect their Interest and dividends without charge. DllHIIL, WlMTHKOP & CO., iDaKXKL, HABJSS ft CO, New York. I Parts. tBl j MEDICAL. ' "VTEW DISCOVERY. F.LIXIR J. F. BER- A NARD TONI HTHENiyUK. ANTI-DY8PKPMO. 'I be sovurul observations made by the best physicians of tlie 1 acullu da I'm is have proved that the siuknxuee arming from iuipoveriaunentof th. blood or nervous ex. liauHtion, vis. : Aroaa, Citioroais. tiyiupattiUme, l'liUilsii). Diabetes, Alhuiuineria, ttoorbnt, .to., eto., era radically cured with th. Kl.IXIU J. F. BERNARD, timoral Pepot-A. BERNARD, No. 61 CEDAR Street. M tooc. iiK sale by all iwpecUble druggutu, 8 1 tuliiej FINANOIAL.. THE X$OIVlJS or thi CMcap, Danville and Ttncenuss RAILROAD CO. TJTON EXAMINATION WILL BE FOUND TO Btt The Cheapest and the Best "Set Offered to tho Fublic. Tni8 WlXIi BE BORNE OCT BZ The rich country the Road traverses, with ita agricultural and mineral re sources; The cash subscribed to the Capital Stock; The excellence of the 65 miles already built, and its full equipment; The plans completed and money ex pended for vigorous finishing of the Line in the Spring; The excessive earnings to accrue from the completion of the whole line; The ample Sinlring.Fund for the cer tain redemption of the Bonds; The very liberal interest, running over a term of 40 years; The security afforded by Registry; The mortgage covering the entire Road, Equipment, Franchises, and all Property, present and future indeed the security of twice the amount of Bonds issued; The low currency price they are now offered at. All this is verified in detail in the complete Pamphlet, which can be had of us. We ENOW these Bonds to be good, and we know the character and capacity of the Com pany's estimates can be implicitly relied upon to give these Bonds the highest standard. We therefore freely and folly recommend them. W. BAILEY LArJG 2l CO.. MERCHANTS, No. 54 CLIFF Street, New York, Agents for the sale of the Bonds. We have these Bonds at 95 and ACCRUED INTEREST, and heartily recommend them to our friends and the public. DE HAVEN & BR0., No. 40 South THIRD Street. 8 5 stnthlnup PHILADELPHIA. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. $1,000,000 First Mortgage Sinking Fund 7 Per Cent. GOLD II O N D 8 OF TUB Frederick tburg and Gordon sville Kail road Company, of Virginia. Principal and Interest Payable in Coin. Free of TJ. S. Government Tax The road Is sixty-two miles Ions;, oonnectintr h rederloks bnrn, via Oranpe Court House, with Uhitrlu iei-nlle,which is the pointer junction of the Oh. sapeakt and Unio Rail road to tbo till 10 river, and the exten.i on of the Orange and Alexandria Kailroad to Lynchburg. It forms the shortest connecting link in the system of roads leading to the entire buuth, ttouthwost. and West, to the l'acitio Ocean. It pasties tbrnugb a lioh seotion of the Shenandoah Val ley, tbe local traltioof which alone will support the road, and it must command an abundant share ot throueb trade, from tbe fact of its being a KHORt" CUT TO T1PKWATKK ON THE POTOMAC AT THK FARTHFST INLAND POINT WHKRK DKKP WATKHHiR HEAVY SHIPPING CAN BK FOUND ON WHOLE LKNOTH OF THK ATLANTIC COAST. From Charlottesville to tidewuter by this route the dis tance is 4(1 miles less than via Alexandria; tid miles loss than via Richmond and West Point; I'U mile, luas than viu Norfolk. Tbe mortgage is limited to $16,XK) per mile of completed and equipped road (the estimated cost of the road to the Company, furnished and equipped, will exceed ao.ii0 por mile, thus giving the bondholders an unusual margin, the bonded debt of tbe other Virginia roads being from tio.uuu to $3o,04l Per mile) and is Issued to THK FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. AS TRUST K US FUR THK BONDHOLDERS, and tbe eenrity is first-class in every respect. A MNKINU FUND iB also provided, which will roduoe the principal of tbe debt TWO-THIRDS of it. entire amount in advance of the maturity of the bonds. We have investigated tbe advantage, of this Railroad and tbe merit, of tb. enterprise, and confidently recom mend the, bond, to our customers and the public DRAKK KROTHKRh, Hankers, No. 16 Broad street. New York. A limited nnmber of the Bonds(issued in denomination, of ;(iand $10010 are offered at ttJJtf and interest from November 1. in currency, .rid at tbis priie are tho CHEAPEST GOLD INTEREST BEARING SKOURI T1K8 IN THK MARKET, Map. and PampblotH, which explain satisfactorily every question ibat can possibly be raised by a party seeking a safe and profitable investment, will b. furnished on appli cation, SAMUEL WORK, BANKER, No. 25 South Till It I Street, . PHILADELPHIA, 8Umth SAFE DEPOSIT OOMPANIES. rpiIB PHILADELPHIA TRUST SAFI2 DEPONIT AND INWUUANCE COMPANY, OFFICX AND BDBQLAB PnOOr VAULTS IN THE PHILADELPHIA BANK BUILDING, No. 4i!l GHEbNUT STREET. O A P I iTl, ?500,000. For 8AR-Kn:prNa of Government Bond and other BECUBiTiEh, Family Plate, Jkwklry. and other Valu ables, under special guarantee, at th. lowest rates. Th. Company also offer for Rent at rates varying from (16 to 7t per annum, tbe renter alone holding the key, SMALL SAFES IN THK BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS affording absolute Skoubity against Fibs, Thjutt, Boa ttLABX, and Auouuufi. All fiduciary obligations, mob. as Tbhst., GtTARDiAN surps, KxKcuTOUttUirs, etc., will b. undertaken and faitkiully discharged. Ciroulara, giving full details, forwarded on application DIRECTORS. Thomas Robins. l.ujamia i. uomegya, Augustus ilea too, F. Ratchtord Starr Daniel Haddock. Edward Y. Towuaand, John D.Taylor, Lewis R. As lib u rat, J. Livingston F.rnuger, R, P. McCullagh, Kdwin M. Lewis, i ... i. rii-.i.nM, lion- Vth1- ' uiwi OFFICKR8. VrtS-J. UVINUSl'ON ERRINOFR. Brrrrmru and jyefurerlK,, P. Met UL.LAGH. &fMMC-R10UARD L. ASHHU RST. a I mth 6m JET GOODS, NEWE8T BTILEa DIXON'i r o. 81 B. JUUUTU Sim UUn 8 BEWINQ MACHINES, THE AMERICAN Combination Button-Hole AND SEYI1TO MACHINE Is now admitted to be far gnpnrlor to nil others u Family Machine. The BiMPLlom, KASB and CKRTAINTY with which It opurnt.-n, a well as tho uniform eacelltmoe of Us work, throughout the en tire range of sewing, In Matching;, 1 1 em mini;, relling, I'm-kiitg-, Cording;, ltrulIin((, tiiililnu;, sUnllierliiK and fete-wing: ou, (KerscuiiilHs, JCmltroUlerlitf; on the i:tee, it ml Km lleniitllul Jin tlonIlole und F.yo let Hole Work, Place It nnqneatlonnbly far tn advance of any other similar Invent Ion. This Is the only new fnnilly machine that embodies any Subetantlal Improvement upon the many old machines In the markot. It Certainly has no Equal. It Is also admirably adapted to manufacturing pur poses on all kimis of fabrics. Call and see it operate and get samples of the worlr. We have also for sale onr "PLAIN AMBTRICAN a beautiful family machine, at a Reduced Price. This machine does all that Is done on the Comblna tlon except the Overseamlng and Button-hole work Oflice and Bnlewrooms, No. 1318 CIIKaNUT ST., 18T thstnSmrp PHILADELPHIA. PATE. NTS. ' P A E N T 8. OFFICES FOR PROOURINQ Patents in the United States and Ft reign Countries, FORREST BUILDINGS, 119 H. l Ol ltlll St., l'lillada., AID MARBLE BUILDINGS, 8KVC:iTIl Street, above F, (Opposite U. 8. Patent Offloa), WASHINGTON, D. a H. HOWSON, Solicitor of Patent O. UOWSON, Attorney-at-Uw. Oommnnlcations to be addressed to tb. Principal Offloesv Philadelpbia. I lu mwa3m PATENT OFFICES, N. W. Corner FOURTH and CUES NUT, (Entrance on FOURTH Street), FKAZICIS D. FASTOB.ZUS, SOLICITOR OP PATENTS. Patents procured for Inventions In the United. States and Foreign Countries, aud all business re luting to the same promptly transacted. Call or sen for circulars on Pateuts. Open till 9 o'clock every evening. S S smtn PATENT OFFICES. N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT PHILADELPHIA. KE38 LESS THAN ANY OTHER KKLIAPl E AGKNCY. Send for pamphle on Patents. 8 4 thstni CHARLES H. KVAJjS. STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. STATZ Rifthts of a vuluablo Inventinn just pttented, and for tbe SLICING, CU'I'TIM, and UHIt'fl.so or dried beef, cabbage, etc., are berebv utlcred tor sale. It is an article) of sreut value to propiietora of totels anil restaurants, ana it should be mlioiluoed into every unruly. r-TATte RlOH'l'S lortale. Model can be scon at 'i'liiLiK GRAPH Ol h ICE, COOPKR'S POIAT, N. J. 627t MUNDY & UOFFM AN. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE R 1.1 Lm FARREL, HEREIWG & CO HAVE REMOVED FROM No, a CIIUN.MJX Htree TO No. 807 CHESNUT St. PHILADELPHIA. Fire and Burglar-Proof Saf (WITH DRY FILLING.) HERRING, FARREL 3c SHERMAN, New York HERRING & CO., Chicago. HERRING, FAKREL fc CO., New Orleans. S 9tf tttfi J- WATSON & SON, rj. fTij 3ot th. UUflrmof EVANS A W ATSON. IlfflJ FLUE AND BUKGLAB-PBOOF SAFE STOKE NO. 63 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, IBU A few doors abov. Onesnat St., Filial FURNITURE. RICHMOND & COay, FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE WAR EROJMS No. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET. VAST SIDE, ABOVE OHESNu. ueti philaklphia J LLIAM FA Rio ITS Improved Patent SofaBed Makes a handsome Sofa and eomfortle Bed, with SprinK Mattress attached. Ibos. wisbfc to .ounomiiso' room Miould call and examine them at u exteuaiv. UraU elaaa Fuinitur. Warerooiin of 7 No. ti'iS M. HKfNI street. Also. WILLIAM FARSON'8 PATlfl' EXTENSION TAiiLIt FABTENINO. Every tablf hould have them on. TIit bold tb. learus Urmly tofber when pulled abont tb. room. f 3 IVemw&n PAPER MANOflQS. LOOK I LOOK 1 1 LOOK I ! WALL FAPJEK3 and Line" Window Shade Manufactured, th. obeapeet in tb. city, at JOUNbPN'H Depot, Na luu SFKINU GARDEN StrMt, bekJ.leenUi. blanch, Na SltT Jfc ILU&MLL bUMt, Caoidso, f Juaer. Msf.