THK DAILY EVENING TELKGKAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAKOU 20, 1870. now utile mxrr cave out ALL lilUUT. BY FRANK B. STOCKTON. There were ouco two little fuiriox. vry iiiiall outs (of thit kind are jmt litf enough to rule upon iniUurlliafi,), wlio were named Inty Mid Minly. luly wa a Loy, and Miuty wan a girl fairy, and thoy were both, gunirully (jreitt fritudu with eiioli other, and very liuppy. One clay hey weut out into the woods to nee whether the honeynuokltn were out jut. TlieHe Ho worn are great favorites With the fuirieH, and the honey from one of them in enough for a fairy's mipper, which, lon't amount to much, you know. Well, these two little things went wandering away, over so fur, until they oiuuo to a brook that was bubbling and nulling along juntas fast as it eould go. There was a little br.iach of a tree ljiDir across it, and Iuty thought that thoy could cross on it; little Mmty was afraid, but hhe allowed herself to be coaxed. io they both walked over the water ou the branch, and they both (dipped, of coarse, and pop into the brook they went. Poor little Miuty was carried away by the, rushing water, and (the was so frightened and so nearly drowned that she could not call out, nor did whe see anything of Inty. Every minute she expected loniuk beneath the waves, aud when slio paired near a little reed or a blade of grass on the shore, she would grasp at it, but they all broke off, or else she could not reach them. At length she came to a lilv growing by the Lrookside, which had a large bud on the top of a long stalk. There had been a ntorin the night before, aDd the lily hail been eo bent down by the heavy rain that the bud now lay iu the water. As she came near this, Mmty clutched at it, and this time she held ou tiglit, aud the srift brook could not carry her any further. Bat she was in the water yet, and ho chilled aud wet that she thought every minute she would be obliged to let go aud be drowned, lint the sun, which had been under the clouds nearly all the morning, now came out warm and bright, and the lily-stalk straightened itself up as the sun shone ou it, and it lifted little Mmty out of the water, and high up into the air. Now, everything was go bright and botuitii'nl in the' warm summer air the bud thought it might as well open, and eo it did. Then Miuty, she got inside and took off her wet clothes and hung them over the side to drj', aud cuddled her little white self all up iu the bottom of the flower until they wove roady to put on. When she had dressed herself again, there came a bumble bee looking in. He di 1 not see Minty, who hid herself behind a petal, but in ha cam, and took all tho yellow btutf he could find to carry home and make honey out of it. Minty wasn't afraid of Liin, because, he had a white spot on his head, aud that is the kind th it never hting. So whun he turned to go Minty jwt got on his back behind his wings, and away they weut, up into the sweet-smelling air. Tho old bumble-bee went along very well for a little while, aud then he began to think that his honey-hags were unusually heavy, and tio ho looked around, and there wris a fairy ! lie didn't say a word, and poor Minty, who was afraid ho would make her get off before she got home, was very glad to see that he kept straight on, all the same as if she hadn't been there. Minty never wont so far from homo by herself, aud she didn't know but that there might be other dreadful brooks to cross, and what would she do tliun if the bee should put her down? She kntv. )m would take her near home, for she . had leimmbered his face very well, as soon as he im nuinto the lily. Hi same was Briar, and ho lived in an old I04 near where Minty's home was. But the oil bee did not go straight to his log. lie stopped over a long fenoe-rail that lay by the side of a wall, and buzzed about there for some minutes. At length he found what he was looking for, and eo he came down close to the log, where a colony of bees used to live, And which was full of round holes that they Lad bored, about big enough to put your little linger in, and when he got just over one of these round boles he let dova the lower part of his back (where there in a hinge, you know), and poor Minty slipped off and went straight into the hole iu the fence-rail. Then old Briar be sat down over the hole and commenced buzzing just as loud as be could. Directly there came to him ever so many other bees, and he told them what had happened. "You see," said he, "this sort of thing has got to be stopped, or we shall have them riding on behind nt 11 the time. It isn't as if we were the idle butterflies, and fit for nothing else than to carry these fairies about wherever they waut to go. I move we make an example of this one." Make an example of poor little Minty, in deed! who had never done saoh a thing be fore, and would never have done it again had they told her they didn't like it. But they did make an example of her; for they seut for a mean old mud-wasp, named Wire, to plaster up the hole, and he just went to work aud plastered it up, and there was poor little Minty shut up in the rail. As for Inty, he fell on a spatterdock and didn't get wet at nil, but he didn't see where Minty went, and he was in a terrible way. lie .ran all around the edge of the spatter dock, but he couldn't gt oil", aud 1 don't know what would have become of him (for ho conlt'.n't swim) if a turtle, who kept a ferry a little way above, had not heard his cries, nud pnttiDg off, paddled down to him, and taking him aboard carried him to shore. There Inty called his friends, and they searched nil along the shore for Minty, but they could see no sign of her anywhere. So thoy thought that the current must have carried her a gojl way down, and as they wished to go as fast as possible after her, hoping she might have floated on something, they chartered the tur tle, and getting on board us quickly as possi ble, were soon paddling swiftly down the ktrenm. The turtle, whose name was Come, had a different name for his bIioII. He called it the "Three Geese," becanso he actually thought thnt it was as big as three geese, whereas really it was much smaller than one. But even very good people are often very vain about what is all their own. They went down the brook at a rapid rate, and as the ferry boat was flat-bottomed and bad no keel, thy could co over the falls and even clumnuil over little rocks sometimes, although evry bodv on deck had to take care then that they didn't get jolted off. But although the whole of them, as well as as tho turtlo himself (who was both pilot and engineer), looked all over the water and ai, along me snore, tuoy cmui see nothing of Minty, and concluded she luust have sunk to the bottom. If they had known fibe was safe in the lily that they mused, how happv thev would all been As they were about to give up the search in 1....nnir thev were rinilmi hv a dwarf about a foot high, who was sitting on the shore eating apple-seeds, lie wanted to know wtiat mey were after, so they told him. The dwarf, who was called Limberlock, on account of his long, looso bnh told them tbey had better oome ashore, "Ml perhaps he could do soiuethiug forthrm. Ho Corno, he steered into a little cove, and they all got off and listened to what Limb. Hock had to n.iy. He told them that he had s en a lot of bumblebees and a wasp very ciiictully fdiiittii.g up a fairy iu a fenuo rail, lie would Lave inte rfered, but suppo ting it hs h)1 li(;lit, pt-rhxps a sentence of the fnirioi the tin-elvt-H, lin concluded it would be better for him to tnind bis own business. But ns it might have been liMlo Minty, he would try and show 1 1, tin where it hsppened. Accordingly, he led the wny and all the fairies followed, slid even old (Jorno, the turtle, got his boat ashore and came after the rest, although a fcood wny behind. When the' dwarf reached the old wall be saw a good many fence-rails ljing about, and he eould not tell whioh was the prip r one. He saw a wasp, whom he re cognized as Wire, engaged in plastering up a Muni r of holes, evidently to mislead any one ho should come to look for Miuty. do the dwarf bestt-pped up softly and gave the waip a ship with his hat that settled him. At the noise this ninde a bumblebee stuck his head out of anoiher hole. It was Briar. The dwarf knew him in a minute, aud seized him by the head before he could draw back. He carried him to where the fairies were soratoh- ing at the plaster over various holes, and cHlling all the time to Minty, aud told him thst it he did not immediately point out the hole where the little fairy was he would stint cze him to death. So old Briar had to do it; and the plaster eame off that hole quick enough, I tell jon. But Minty did not come out. She was frightened, and thonght that whoever was scratching above there must be a wai-p or a bee; so she sat trembling at the very bottom of the hole. A cousin of hers named Cutety, who was vt ry sensible, and who was sure that she was alive when the dwarf saw her, dropped in, pro 1 osrd that they should all sing some song that she would hear, and which would assure her that her friends were near. So they all stood in a half-circle the dwarf, the fairies, the turtle, aud even the old bumblebee, who began to be ashamed of what he hud done snd tht-y ssiig: ' Inty, Minty, Cutety, Corae, Aiple-8eeils ami briar thorn, W ire, Urlur, Llmlierlock, Three geese In a flock, O, U, T, Out conies she." And out she came M. Humbert, the Swiss Minister at Jeddo, has lately published some aixusing details of the domestic life of the Japanese. In Japan lrsrringe is the universal habit. Almost the only exceptions are to be found in the case of Oi llain monast ic orders And among the ladies in attendance upon the Empress. Men marry ut about twenty and women at fifteen years of age, but except in the Buddhist sects the act is marked by no religious ceremony. Among the presents displayed is always to be Men a flouble-lipped vase. At a given in lrei.i one 01 tne DrMesuiuids advances, lilJh it with aki, aud presents it alternately to tl v bridegroom and bride until the goblet is implied. Under this symbol the idea is con vejtd that together the husband and wife must diiiik the cup of conjugal life to the dregs whether it be filled with ambrosia or with gi ll. Japanese mothers have greater autho rity over their children than their fathers, nil d the rights of women are so far recog nized iu the country that a woman has wielded the septre of the Mikados. But to return to the home life. The law of the country in Hsts that each child shall be daily exposed to the air without clothes and with its head shaved, and in spite of both rain aud sun. Liming infancy the child's ordinary playmates are a I at, short-legged dog, aud fatter tail less cat. Instruction is never forced upon either parents or children; it is supposed to lecoineoeiid itself naturally by its own in tiiuwic merits; and every man and woman throughout the empire is able to read, write, and cipher. The thirtieth day after birth every citizen receives his first name; on at taining his majority he takes a second; a third on his marriage; a fourth on being in vested with any public function, which he changes upon attainiug each higher grade, sud so ou to the name given to him after his death. The lust is engraved on his tomb, and he is by it known to all succeeding gene ral ici;. GOVERNMENT SALES. IATON ROUGE ARSENAL. LOUISIANA. AJ Baton Kouuk, La. Iu compliance with instructions from the Neoia- taij of V r there will lie a Public Auctiou hold at this ArM iiul, commencing on the jfBtli 01 April, 1870, uiiil contlniiiiiK until the following described Ord nance uut Uroiittiice stores will lie sold. Tube tllv,red at BATON ROUOB AKSENAL, La, 4'J lironze I annou, weighliiK Atiout 13 tons. itM c uki iron e'annon, wuitfhtuir about fiuu tons, vu S.(eel t amioii, wt lulling" aUout 4 tons, t-i o 'I'oi.h 01 hhot and bnell. VM 'l'onn Ol J H'l. ltd Toiih ol tic rap Iron (wrought and cast), is Aruller.v Carriages and their Limbers, ft Travelling Korgpg and tlmir Limners. 6 Duller U agouH aud their J Imburs. 611 .-el.t Double llaniem (urllliery). Uiii FauliiiH and Tarpaulins. lUi.tx u l'oiu.ilH t'owder, of various kinds. .thj e avail. v Minniea. b,oeu Siaihiie blHiikets (red and gray), i w v aterlng bridles. V:.n ( 111b linolcH. 4' 0 Ivofce hugs, is Iron blocks (quadruple, treble, and double). 1H Lilting Jacks. 2,iiii Trace (lor wheel aud lead horses), lii.ei 11 Poiindb lloihc tsiioca, lr.oui " l'.ar iron, ii.tuu " MuloMhoca " Hoiho Mine Nulla. B,((0 " harness Leather. 4b Sides Hridle Leather. '.i, 1 11 I'i 111. (In r-Ji'pnig 1 apcr. ::il I'm table Ki lyi B. l-.ft l ei t Leather Helling. 'iVi Keet Rubber Helling. 1 (, 1,0 l ixMl'K boxes. Also, a largo asortmeut of articles for Tlorse Hiiipiuciit, as well ax niucKNiiiltlis, Carpenters, b.iiieiciK, Tumi m, and Armorers lools of the moat t l'i VI d bltrriJS. To he delivered at S'OKT JACKSON, La. i'. ( tist Lou ( aunou, weighing about 250 tuns. U- toiiri of Shot and Mluil. vn ti ns of roiiglit lion (Hcrap). U lens ol l abt Lou (scrup). To be delivered at ioUT ST. PHILIP, La. !!4 Cum Iron I uniion, weighing about 100 tuua. s Ions of Miot ami t-liell fi tons of Vi relight p Iron. 6 tons of 1'ant bcrap lrou. To ti.Mli livered ut KORT PIKE, La. 1 ircti.c ( mitn'ii, welching uliouttfoo pounds. IU iot lion I uiiiioii, weiKtilutC about 111 tons. it 'idiib ol Miul mid .-hi. II. To be ih-Hvered at SHIP ISLAND, Miss. 4M l'ouiulB or Kliot aud Biiell, wetghlug about 10,((0 pound. 'I H:JI8 CASH Ten per cent, on the d iv of sale, bi o i Im ri ioaiiMtci' hen the propi-rty In delivered. 'Il.niv iIiijh wl 1 Im allowed for the reuiovul of hu j (iidhunce. All f tlier stores will be required to in- r'uiuv-d wl'liln teu ltt8 from the clone of bbl"'. 1'HHoiiH dt-hliltiK cataioiigcH of the article to he noli i cm n iiii on ilit-iu by application eitlu r In per hi.ii i i l y IrtbT to tut: I'liiel ol Ordnance, U. ti. A., Y i.i-Illusion, Li. (J., or at this ArHeiml. J. W. TOI1D, Major Ord. Dep't. II. 8. V., Chief of Ord. I)i p't of La., R ii ot C(iiiniK. liatou ltoujfe Arsemd, La. CAM UK L HMJTH & CO., No. 4 8. 8KVENTH htrt, 8TKAM AND OA8 FITTKItH AND PI I MI-UKS, Tnl, rit.tiucn.uid BrMiWork uansUutl CO nnnn f II wnrk Dinnint If ttnilMl to. Jlimd 1'nlio lor llwiiaWii LoU Inrnlcbed. U FINANCIAL UNDERSIGNED Offer For Sale $2,000,000 OK THB PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RR. CO. GENERAL MORTGAGE Six Per Cent. Bonds At 92 and Interest added to Date of Purchase Aii free from State tax, and Issued In sums of $1000. These Bnnrtfl are Coupon and Registered Interest on the former payable January ami July l; ou the latter, April and October. 1 lie rxmilH omMireii hv this mortfrAtre are Uannil tn W1STAR MOKKI8and JoSIAH HACOX, Trustees, mo can doi, unner us prnvimous, uenver to ine onipaiiy, at an,v time, an amount of hondt exceed ing the full-paid capital stock ol the Company limited to :if,ew,0oo. Enough of these bonds are withhold to pay off all exlsrli g iicuh upon the property of the Company, to meet wmcn at uiaturiry it now minis ample meant liKleueudeiitlv of the bonds to be reserved bv the Trustees for that purpose, making the bonds prac tically a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Its railways, their equipment, real estate, etc. etc. i ne gross revenue or tne rennsyivania jtauroaa In 18W W8S $i",no,811, or nearly twenty-eight per ent, of the capital and debts of tne Company at the cud of thut yeiir. Since 1857 the dividends to the Stockholders have averaged nearly eleven and one-half per cent, per annum after paying interest on its Dondfl and pass ing annually a large amount to tho credit of con-Btru-tlou account. The security upon which the bonds are based in. therefore, of the most ample character, and places them on a par with the very best National securities. t or farmer particulars apply to Jay Cooko & Co., E. W. Clark & Co., Prexel & Co., C. & II. Borie, W. H. Ncwbold, Son & Aertsen. NEW LOAN. City of Allegheny Six Per Cents, FXiZSXS OF STATE TA2 We are offering a limited moant of tola Loa At SO Per Cent, and Accrued Interest. The Interest 1b payable first daya of January and July, in Philadelphia, FKEK CP STATU TAX WereoommeDd them aa an unquestionable se curity for investment. The debt of Allegheny City being comparatively small, the Recurlty offered Is equal to that of the City of Philadelphia, the difference In price making them a very desirablo and cheap aecorlty. WI, PAINTER & CO., Hankers and Iealer In Oorern ment Securities, No. 36 South THIRD Street, 1 26 8m PHILADELPHIA. B A. It K I W HOUSE or JAY COOKE & CO., No. 119 and 114 8, THIRD St., PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In Government Securities. Old 6-sos Wanted In Exchange for New. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE, on Commission. STOCKS tonght and sold Special ladles. business accommodations reserved for We will receive applications for Polloles of Life Insurance In tne National Life Insurance Company of the United States. Full Information given at our otneo. 1 1 8m S X Xj "V 13 U FOR SALE. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CO., BANKE113 AND BltOKEBS, No. 20 South THIRD Street, 4 21 PHILADELPHIA. FINANCIAL.. or TO! Chicago, Danville aci Ytanes XIAILZIOAD CO. CrON EXAMINATION WILL BE FOUND TO OB The Cheapest and the Best Yet Offered to tho Public. THIS WILL BE BORNE OCT BY The rich country the Road traverses, with ite agricultural and mineral re sources; The cash subscribed to the Capital Stock; The excellence of the 65 miles already built, and its full equipment; The plans completed and money ex pended for vigorous finishing of the Line in the Spring; The excessive earnings to accrue from the completion of the whole line; The ample Sinking Fund for the cer tain redemption of the Bonds; The very liberal interest, running over a term of 40 years; The security afforded by Registry; The Mortgage covering the entire Road, Equipment, Franchises, and all Property, present and future Indeed the security of twice the amount of Bonds issued; The low currency price they are now offered at. All this is verified in detail in the complete Pamphlet, which can be had of us. We KNOW these Bonds to be good, and we know the character and capacity of the Com pany's estimates can be implicitly relied upon to give these Bonds the highest standard. We therefore freely and fully recommend them. W. BAILEY LANG & CO., MERCHANTS, Ho. 54 CLIFF Street, Hew York, Agents for the sale of the Bonds, We have these Bonds at 95 and ACCRUED INTEREST, and heartily recommend them to our friends and the public. DE HAVEN & BRO., No. 40 South THIRD Street. BSstuthlmip PniL&DKLPIIIA. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. C 1000,000 Fir.t Mortgage Per Cent. Sinking Fund 7 GOLD BONDS OF TBI Fredericksburg and Gordonsville Sail- road Company, of Virginia. Principal and Interest Payable In Coin, Free of U. S. Government Tax. Tha road ia alxtr-two miles Ions, oonneotins Ifredarioka bam, via Oranpe Cuurt House, mtb Uharlo i-nlle,whioh la tue poini oi junouoo or iuuuHpsiieaa iraio Kail roaii to tbe Obio rirer. and tbe enon.ioo of the Oranire and Alexandria nauroaa to i.jocuuurR. it torma tue atioiti'ft oonnectiDK link in tne ayatern ot roads loading to tbe entire rioutb, twnibwest. and Wwit, to tbe Ptcitio OofRn. It pauses through a liun aeoiion of the Shenandoah Val ley, the local tratlioof whion alone will support the road, and it niunt command an abundant snare ol throutrh trudn. fiom tbe fact of ita being a SHOKl' OUT TO TllHVVATiK UK TMK nilOMtU AT 111 K VAH'IHKST INLAND POINT WHKRK DKKP WATKH H'S HKAYI BHimUH IIAN fllUNU ON WHOIK LKNtlTH OK THK ATLANTI) OOAST. 1'rutn (jiisrinitKaviiin tn tiaewater vj tins route tne ois-j.n.-M Im 411 milha lesa than via Alexandria: Kfi uiiIms Ihu than via rtiubmond and West Point; 124 miles leas than vin Worloia. Tim mnrisBS is nraitea to hio.wu per mile OI oomDletea and tquiper rad (the alimaied nost of the road to tbe C' ni any, lumishnd and equipped, will exoeed ;tU(KI0 per milo, thus (rivitid the bondhol'ieraan nnoaual margin, the bended debt ot the other Virginia roads being from 42u,0Uu tO Rl.OtU Per HIIIBJ.UU IB ihudh iu THE 1' ARM r Kb' LOAN ANI TRUST OOHPANV THK BOMUMOLUKRA. .nrl thn arrnritv is iiist-olacain ever? resueot. A bINKINU I'UNU is alio pmviiioil, whioh will rednee the principal ot tee dent i wu iniKus or ua entire aiM'Unt III BUf.uv. w iu. ' J mw v kjtvp invHMtitfuted the advantaorMa of tins Railraad and tneuioruaor ids mwi prise, inn nonnuvuiiy reoom tutnd these bonds to our rn tomets ana tne puniio. VrtAivr. D rvi. i a nnn, nanaors. No. IB Broad street. Mew Vorlr. A limitnd nnmborot the Bondsliuued in denominations of trim and nm-W'isre onerea at ana intereat irom WdTetnlitT 1. in currency, anu ar inis pn e are tue OHKAPfcbT UM1 INTHHKNT BH: A KING BEOURI- l r.n ii i nr. nnnivni. Maps and Pamphlets, whioh explain eatiifacUrity every nituf inn inut can uossiiiiy oe raiaea Dts oartr aeeaiag a sut- and prontable investment, will lurmauea on apil. oatton. SAMUEL WORK. BANKER, 85 South TIUII1 Street, PUILADKLPHIA. 8 Minth JOHN 8. RU8HTON & CO.. No. 60 SOUTH THIRD STREET. MAKCH COUPONS WANTED. CITY WAltllANTH 1 6 Bill BOUGHT AND SOLD. D it K X IS O. No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Amorloiiu nud JToroin BANKERH, lSSTJB DRAFTS AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT available on presentation In any part of K.irop. TTavnlieri can maka all their financial arrange, rtenu lhrough us, and we will oolleot their Interest and dltidmids Mhimt cnarga Dkkisj, winthhois;Co.,Dbuili Babjiu Co. Mfw Vora. I Prt. t3l FIN AN Ol AL. CITY WARRANTS Bought and Sold. DE HA YEN & BM No. 40 South THIRD fttroot. rHILADELPQlJ, E LLIOTT BANKERS Ho. 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ' DBALEK8 IN ALL GOVERNMENT 8KCURI- TIES, UOLD BILLS, ETC DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ON THE UNION BANK OF LONDON. ISSUE TRAVELLERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, available throughout Europe. Will collect all Coupon! and Interest free of cn&rgt for parties making their financial arnuurementa with ua. 4MC 0. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Ko. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET. BoooMaora to Smith. B adolph t Oo, Ktsit bnnca ut the boiiiiMi will hav prompt atUatloa u baratolor. Qnotatloo of Btoeki. UoreramanU, and Gold ei tantbr reoeiTed from Kaw York brprim Wirt, boa eat friends. Kdmood tl. BandolDh Ua 8. PETERSON ft CO., 8TOCK BROKERS, No. 30 Soutb THIRD Street. ADVANCES HADE ON GOOD PAPER. COLLATERAL Host complete facilities' for Collecting Maturing Country Obligations at low coat. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 1 W G Lisivuirvnirvti., iavis Ac co., No. 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GLENDINN1NG, DAVIS & AMORT, Ko. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. BANKERS AND BROKERS. Receive deposits subject to check, allow Interest on standing and temporary balances, and execute orders promptly for the purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONUS and GOLD, In either city. Direct telegraph communication from Philadelphia house to New York. 1 a B. K. JAMISON & CO., SUCCESSORS TO r JP. KELLY & CO, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Geld, Silver, and Government Bond At Clone Market Itates, N. W. Cor. TEIBD and CHESNUT SU. Special attention (riven to COMMISSION ORDERS tn New York and Philadelphia Stork Boards, eto, etc. 5 SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANIES. T MIK rillLADELPIIIA TKUST NAFI'i li:iONlT AND INNL'UANCB CO.MPANV, OFFICE AND BUKULiB PnOOr VAULTS IN TUK PHILADELPHIA BANK BUILDING, Mo. 421 CHKbNUT KTKKKT. O A P I t"aL, $500,000. For Safk-kkkpino of Oovbhnmrnt Bonds and other BK(TUlTir, Family Platk, Jkwklbt, and other VALO AULAB, under special guarantee, at the lowoet rates. The Cnmnanv also offer for Rent at rates varying from 616 to 76 per annum, tbe renter alone holding the key. BM ALL SAFES IN THK BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS affording absolute SkoukitI against Flint. Tnarr, Bua OLAbV.and A coin ANT. All fiduciary obllgatlone. auoh aa Tbcsth, OnARDlAW RHii'H, Kin UTOhhHim, eto., wiu d. unueruuten ana faithlully diaoharged. Oiroulars, giving full details, forwarded on application DIRECTORS. Thomas Robins, Lewia R. Aahhurat, rienjamin d. uomegya. Augustus lieatou. J. Livingston Krringer, F, Ratchford titarr, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Kdward Y. Townsend, .llin II Tawln K. r. ftieuuuugu, Kdwln M. Lewia. Jainea L. Ulaghorn, Hon. Wm. A. Porter. urritjitrin. PreiVle(-LRVIS R, AHHHUR3T. FierYrid.U-J. LIVINOKI'ON KRRINOKR, firrre'ury urn rrMunirirr-Il. P. Mot ULLAOH. Mi'irt'or R IOH A KD I.. ASHHUUST. H l mth 8m LOST, K( REWARD. LOST ON FRIDAY OR rTrU SATURDAY, lHthorlWhof March,. PO0KKT liOOK, containing about eighty hve or ninety dollars ia money, and notea of hand, aa follows; ... (Ine for ltiO0, drawn bv Samuel and tlnarlea Lamb, ' One for ibao, drawn by Ttiom.s Pierce, One for $4UU, drawn by William Stiliiuan, One lor JilOO, drawn by Marshall Atmoie, and several others. Nenie of David S. Nawbold, the owner, waa en the pocket-book. Return the aaine to CHAR I F:K H. Willi K.OHioeof The Kvea ing Telegraph, No. IMS. THIRD Street, between tho hours of In and receive reward. 8 22tutLat ADO f ION SALES." THD1AH A feONtt, NtiS. 1SU AND 141 B. HIK1U MliRKT. Bsls t tha ( ctitral (katin Park, Fifteenth and W.' irtAMf r.miiMNCH, riA0r'ivr.(s and wxtkr. i iri-f, ir r i i i ti.hi(;iiaii8, SlOVRS. blCNJil. Km Minilir Mornina, day, A pi II r?Iwni.l'l,l!if."'.'.t .W- cm mr Twelfth and Jefferana sa. S J Ot. K AhV ilXI'liKKN OF , PKoVloIu Bl'Otti . , " 1'teinlav M'iruing, a'arcna.'. ai i rfwiiv .ri , MM.H .i T.i.ft. ardjdlrraon t ri, .in..ucli an 1 Hnnnn. aigeireairacli. luarblo tnp meat table, marblctop , r balance st ales, three cuuuUr acalaa. rul,,r winr i kct. barki'ts, ilo. " Also, birgi aign, 1 he tixtttrra were made to order. I i u lut a abort time. SAI.F OK FPAt. KSrATK AMI T()I!KS Varb iai. at l'Jo'oioi k. noon, at the Kni... 'm i I (IM MFIIUK. No 51T-Va:uil.le r-lore. IKN'I II, No (Hi (Hoiitbl-.vioilern Ksdence (.HuL NI) KKNlH-4- an I i Ha a yenr. M'.' Ml. tior. l'Jnnd 14(Ma.h)H Hiirlt Stores. KVNT CO.. Holwiin-n ract,7-'ii Acres. 'I At-'KMt, Nos li ai. li 2m and I(i8 New Dwellings. WAI.lAi K. No. Ilia-M.Hiem heaidence. HUM'1 1KM11, N -. Iti (IS.mth)-Modern Mesirtenoe. MAN H'HIKi' (erninntown Klegsnt Residence. 1MICK, No. VS., Valu bio Hoiel. ATUU, CAMDKN COUNTY. N. J. Uountrr Plana. 10 act as. Vitxbarea Varmonl tirntrnl Vailroad Co. b absres Ntentinviiln and Indiana Hnllmad, Common. 9abnrea Homestead Liln Inuranoo Ou. la' al airs r e-nn ii Ni.ln mil I ai.k. K'.fnO hi l-ujlkill Navif;ati'n liit and Car Loan, 18A3. 1 ahnre Pi ui II eeff tara. Mi al ana Vi es m Ni tu ral Pank. 1 alare Aci.rirnij ol Fine Arta 41) aharea t iimrrr'iil National Rank. tl 0 atiaiea Curt ral Tranapi rlnl ion Co 8S5 3t NUtharrs Amrioau Kutiou Holo Machine Co. 7(lt) I amdeu anil Atun'ic U. K., int. parable ia fold. 5n sliaroa c.nllii rn Tranaportation (Jo. ( 'staler nos anw leady. BITNT1KO, DURBOKOW & CO., ALCTlON-M-FS, 'c,2'aod2.f4MAKKFT Ntreet. oornsr e Ur.nk street- Ercceeaora to .lohn B. Myers Oo. LAKOK PAIK K l'UKNCH ANP OT11ER ED KOT'KAN DI(Y G(HDS, On Monday Morning, March Zf, at 10 o'clock, on lour montha' credit, 8 23 M SALK OF 2(100 CASKS BOOTS, BHOK8, 11 AT 8, RTO., ' in inesdsy morning, March 39, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. S S3 5t LAKOK BAI.F OF BR'TlhH. FRK1VOH, UKRMAN AND DOM er lie HRV (iUUDH, On Thuraday morning, March 31, at IU o'clock, on lour mom us' oredit, S3SM LAROF KAI.F, OF OARPKTINOS. WH1TK. RED CIIKCK, AND KAM,Y MATTINGS, Kl'O. tn Friday morning, April 1, at 11 o'clock, on tnur months' credit, about 3t4i piee a ingrain, Venetian, list, hemp, ootiaiie, ani raff ca'peiings. Canton mat tings, o.l cloths, eto. 8 '19 5t MARTIN BROTHERS. AUCTIONEERS. (lately Suliwiiiiti for M. 'lliomaa A Bona.) Ko. 71)4 UllKSNU'i' Btreet. rear entrance from Minn. Bnle No. IW9 N Fifteenth street. HAM1ROMK KliMDKM F. AND El.KUANT FITR MTURF. KI.F.OANTl.Y OARVK1) W A ,N UT I)"AWIN1 BOOIM, lAKl.OK, ANK CHAWRhR FUKMTI'HK; TWO HnV(U!ll PIANO FOItri'S, LARUK A M KLK. OA eT FKKMll-Pl.ATK MIRIIOHS, HIOll VKT VKTAND KMil.lHH HKT'HSIii.4 f'ARPETS, OT7T CLAShWAHK, II VNOSOMa, FHKN0U CHINA, J.AIK Cl'UTAlNh. Kill. OnTuesilny Morning, April B. at 10 o'clm k, at No. hVi .M. Fifteenth et-eet, at ove Oxford street, by catnlogun, the entire Furniture, iiii luciivg Very eh gnnt cuved walnut drawing room furniture, eon red in rich green ilnh ; hip and elegant et free. F rnch p ate mirror backs; huuilrome ntfntr. table; fine French plate mantel and pier mirrors, in rioh gilt frames; very elegant 7'n-ootave roaowoeu a-iasre grnd piero forte ; rosewood boudoir pianoforte; elegant walnut chamber furniture; ladies' oleunt firea nif t.iblo; eseriUivre ; hundsorno wardrobes; mantel clocks and mar nieeta; elegant oak cining-ronm furniture; large buffet iot board ; rich cut glnawaie; hanrieome Fro. ch china; laee curtains: fine spring and curled Lair raattreses; feather beds; rich ano elegant velvet s.d Knglih Brua aelscarpf'ta; fine KnLdiah nil cloths; eook'ng utensils, eto. HAMDSOMK MODFRV REsIDENOK. Tmmediatcly previous o tne rale of furmturA, a 10 o'cl-tk .reieely. II AKIISOMP MOPItkN TrfRKK. KM li Y liHIOK RKS DKNOK, Three-story lonhle Rack rltiildinga and Lot of Omnnd. 1.1 feet A inohea front, 100 feet deep, situate No. tHOfl FT. Fifteenth si reel, nbove Ox i ord street. The boose is ia elegant order. $S Wmay remnin if reired. The Residence and Furniture will b. open for examine, tion on the day previous to sale. 8 2ti8t Rase at No. I North Sixteenth street. HANDSOWK. WALNUT PAULO II FURNTTURR, Fiiiprrior ( linmlier ord Dining Konra Furniture, Pose wood Pinno-Forte, il Hanaininie Framed Fench Plate Mantel Mirrors, I". no Plate't Ware, Olassware, Fine Hair Mattresses, Hnndsome Velvet Carpets, eto. On Tueaday Morning. Stith instant, at 10 o'clock, at No. 81 North Sixteenth street, by catalogue, tbe entire superior Furniture, etc. eto. SM2t KXTF.NSIVK PEREMPTORY SALE TO THK I H A OK. STaTIONKPY. BLANKVtORaT, PAPERS, K" F.NVKLOPFh.Pena. Pencils, Fancy Ooods. Photograph Albums, Cutlery, leather Goods, Pocket bo. ks. Wall 1'i'l'cr.. Miscelluneous and Toy Hooks, etc., will be Bold at Public hale, without reserve or limitation, for Caalt, con.n eauing On Thursday Morning, March BI. at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms. No. 704 Clw niil street, a large and well assorted collection of rie s.rnble guoils, including a fall line of stationery of every debcriition, an exteusivo assortment of blank work, Iiufere, etivelopeH. pens, pencils, photograph albums, uatter goods, preket-bneks, cutlery, bookbinders' reiards, Whll listers, sUtea, inks. etc. There is also include,! ia the sale the entire stock of Diamond A; Oo., rntiring from but-mere. ' MlhCHlXARKIHJS Bill) KINK TOY BOOKS, FlltllUUKil'H AI.HUMN, KT'. I Alrn. MiFcllunrous Bonks, a larse and excellant assort ment of hne 'lov Hooks. Knulish and Ameriuan: a lull line H i hotograi h Albums, Bibles, etc. I stiiiogues reaiiy tnree usys previous to sale. S 3 tit THOMAS RIKCH fe SON. AUCTIONEERS 1 AND OOMMlStilON MERCHANTS, No. lll CHESJnUT Stn vt, rear entrance No, 11U7 tsansom street. Kale at No. Ml Wallace Btreet. HOITSKHOI D F'UKNI'I lR K, MAMiSitMK PAR- I iR. OHAMRFK, AND DI N INO-KOOM FTTRN7. Tl K K, BKUeHhLS AND OTHER UARPEI S, KUSK- Vit OD PIANO -FORTES, FT , On Tuesday Morning, Msrch!i, at 10 o'clock, at No. salt) Wallace street, will be o.d tbe lurnitute of a family declining housekeeping, ten iiriKHjt Flegant rosewood 7-octave pleno-forte, Pru-mols and other carpets, walnut pur lor suit, in hair cloth, walnut side lion ill nod flinngri im furniture, sitting-room lumi. turo in reps, library tuble, wnlnut niruiture ot four ohnm beis, fine Fair m.-iltrers, cbinu, Rlars, and plated ware, kiti lien lurnilure, etc. l'atlocUf s wilt be ready for delivery at the auoiion stole i n Fridsy. An y te examined early on morning of sale. 8 SC3t Fale at No. 11 if) rhesnut street LAPCF. PALE K F INE Da.MaKK TA BL"! LINEN, FlIFhTINO. PILLOW t ' A SK 1,'NK. TilWKbl.lVO, FKFNf H A ND KNGLlslI BrIDCiUI LTS, HOSIKU V, Ilfl. FTC. On Monday, Tuesday, Wedncsdny. and Thursday, Mnr.ha-i, SP, So. und ill. Commencing at 10 o'clock, at tn auction store. No. 1110 CberLut strot, will be sold, . large Stock of Eplonaid Lirens (orhonnkerptrr. ... ... Tim aeotmont comprises: Linen bandkerrbiers, dolien, napkins, table cloths, towels, quilts, alair linen, abeering. oatuurk elotha, gbiss towelling, crash, piano and tuble over-, bootch and btrduy. dialler. Turkey red, Barnsley and loom dutnak, huckaback, ladios1 and genta' he, pillaw caee linen, etc 8 8i4t 1 be goi ds will be open tor examination on Monday. CI OTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION k? COMMIBblOM SALFhHOOMS. B. SCOTT, Jr., Anctlonoer, No. 1117 CHKbNUT Btreet, (Girard Row). Furniture sales every 1 uraday and Friday morning at IS 'l '."inculnr attention paid to Out-door Sales at mode, rule rales. SHo A. BARLOW'S UGHTH SALE OF MAGNIFICENT FURNITURE. On Tueedny Morning, At 1(1 nVloi'k, the ui-uhI great variety of sunsrlor furni ture will be olltrud in sll styles, consisting of par'ur and cbsn'ber suits, wure robes, mirrors, tables, ohiihs. lounges, ole. Hold without, reserve. All goods warranted, and good, pai ked and shipped to any part of tbe United Riatea. 'I be public are invited to call and examine the eleeant atotk. 8S(ia T. a. McClelland, auctioneer, KO. 12l CHESNUT STREET. Fereonal attention given to (ales of Household Fural Tubcl" sof Fnrnltnre at tbe A. ol Ion Rooms, Bo, 121H i 111 eN I I Streeet. every Monday and Ihuredsy.;. ,1' u N. If.- snueritrvlsasof F-ornitur. at privatejale T ITPINCOTT, SON 4 CO., AUCTIONEERS, 3 No. Sail MARKET Btreet. 1JY BARRITT & CO., AUCTIONKEK8 K bakCabu auoiion'hoube. in mi No. StSU M AKKET ritreet, corner of Bank street. 1 1, Jb sitredeonsianmenU without axtr. cbarge. T N h O V I 8VI L L E, K Y. niniiuw ANVKIISON. H. 0. STTJOST. W. 00Y10MAH AWPERBOTil A OO. (Established lr-i). AVCT ONKER8 ""lKY MERCHANTS. 1'usinrsasliiolly Oummiaaion. All auction sales eiclu- ous'ig'emenis solicited for auction or private sales. b.Hii.r suction aalea ol boots, shots, and bats everw T'liM!ar auction salaof diy goods, ololhiog, eiirpta, n.AUi t.ttc., tvuiy fteuued aud rbursduy. 13 !" . vu iviifiiii'iy minnini, warcb 1R70, nt lo o'clun-k, nt thu Ontml gkr.Mr 1 V. ";. f Kiftrtnfh und Wnllrvro ntn-eu, will h nnnn". inn inn, aiie nil nn IV I I'll 'We 1 ff " - . a(VVU iu mit uv HIUUIDU VMM VI Vliur" ft I II r- 1 25 it