THE DAILY -EVENiMO TELEHIIAI'H PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. MARCH 2C, 1870. PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON (SUNDATS BXCBFTBD), AT THE EVENING TELEQRAPII BUILDING, No. 108 8. THIRD STREET, rniLADELpniA. . SATURDAY, MARCH 2fl, 1870. C5" The Evening Telegraph, from its original establishment, has been in the receipt of telegraphic news from the New York Associated Press, which consists of the Tribune, Times, Herald, World, Sun, Journal of Commerce, Evening Post, Commercial Advertiser, and Evening Ex press, The success which has attended our enterprise is, in itself, a sufficient evi dence of the freshness, fullness, and relia bility of the news which wc have received from this source. We have now entered into a special contract by which The Evening Telegraph has the exclusive use of the news furnished in the afternoon by the Associated Tress to iti own mem bers, the North American, Inquirer, Led get", Press, Age and German Democrat, of this city, and the leading journals of the East, North, West and South ; and hereafter The Telegraph will be the only evening paper published in this city in which the afternoon despatches of the Associated Press will appear. ' TELE ARMY BILL. Genebax Sherman has written a letter to Senator Wilson, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, on the sub ject of the Army bill passed rocontly by the House of Representatives, in which he criti cises some of its most prominent features with considerable severity. The reasons urged by General Sherman against the bill are certainly weighty, and will commend themselves to that spirit of" just ice in the people of the United States that ought to bo the governing motive in considering a ques tion of this kind. The pretext for the pas sage of the bill was economy, and the pro posed saving to the Government is to be accomplished by reducing the number of officers in the higher grades, by abolishing some of these grades, and by reducing the pay and allowances of the general officers. As an offset to this, the pay of some of the lower grades is increased; and General Sher man contends that instead of a saving being effected, this will increase the expenses over $400,000. The object of the bill is certainly a good one, and a saving ought to be effected by reduoing the army expenses if it can pos sibly be done without injustice. But the officers of the army have rights in this matter that, for the good of the country, cannot be set aside, except under ciroutnstanoes of argent neoessity, such as do not exist in this instance. The effieacy and discipline of the army cannot be maintained unless the officers are assured of their positions; and, granting that there are more officers now than the exigencies of the service during a period of profound peace demand, the country can bet ter afford to pay the expense thau to do a gross act of injustice by throwing the:n over. Young men who enter the army give up their opportunities for advancement in civil life: they qualify themselves for a pro fession that requires talents, energy, and u large proportion of the highest mental ami physical endowments, and they aree to take their chances of slow pro inn 'ion, Bin ill pay, and hard work, holding themselves iu readiness to perform whatever duty is re quired of them. The Government, for its part, enters into a plainly understood con tract with them to retain thorn in its service during life or good behavior, and to advauco them to the highest honors of thoir profes sion as opportunity may offer or their ser vices merit. How . well the officers of the army have fulfilled their obligations every body knows, and it is but a poor reward that is offered to them in this bill, by which rniny of them will be turned adrift when incapa citated for any civil employmsnt, and re duced to poverty by a niggardly policy that is no credit to its authors. The ar.-uy o:lhers should receive the cordial sympathy and sup port of the entire public in this matter, and we hope sinoerely that the pressure of pnblo opinion will induce the Sen it e to re move the most obnoxious features of the bill. The fact is that in this, as in many other instances, our Congressmen commence to re trench at the wrong end. While the House of Representatives is willing to save money by a rank injustice to a class of men who are the most honest and efficient of the Government employes, it is in no haste to reorganize our civil service and to do away with the disgraceful bartering of offices that is bringing our wholo system of government into discredit. It is in no haste to reduce the number or the salaries of the hungry crowd of office-holders and bangirs-on who every year draw millions of dollars from the Treasury without giving any adequate return by their services. But these men have political influence, and the offioers of the army have not. The conse quence is that the latter must suffer, while the former are privileged to get all they can and keep all they can get without serious fear of any interference with their perquisites. The Army bill is a direct violation of faith on the part of the Government towards the officers of the army, and with the many op. rtunities for retrenchment and reform that presented by the civil service, it will be a 'lit to Congress and the country if the manes it in its present shape. '-hat the order recently iHsued by the Rus 'ent for the introduction of the Russian the Roman Catholic liturgy has pro different result to that which had hin The object of this measure was to spread the Russian language in Poland; but It la nllrprrd thnt IthM hitherto only served to Incresw the rininlior of converts to the Roman rati Rl'iti In Russia, The Kxchang Gait fi of S Toiers biirir, In an artlnle on this subjoct, says that "to translate Roman Catholicism Into tbo language of orthodox Russia only nerve to bring the R tnau Catholic religion Into a dangerous competition wUh the Russian fulth. Tho Introduction of theRuislun language Into Cathnlio churches will not mate the Catholic Poles less Catholic or leas PoliHh th in they are; It will become a most powerful weapon for Hie Latlno-Pollsh propaganda." A very remarkable collection of re'.ira, says an English journal, contained In a Roman church dedi cated to St. Augustine, has been not Iced In the papers lately. A little while ago an article on relic ap peared In a Roman Catholic periodical railed the Month, and It was there explained that very great pains, whatever Inciediilous Protestants may say to the contrary, are always taken by tho ecclesiastical authorities of Rome in tho authentication of relics. A saint's bone or a piece of the true cross must always bo able to show Its written titlo-deods. It must never be established In any place of honor, or receive the homago of the faithful, without having been first Identified by documents which Invest it with an authenticity beyond reproach. Rearing this In mind, the relics of the Church of ft. Augustine cannot fail to Inspire a feeling of reverence which few tarred remains have ever yet produced. The fortunate monks of the convent to which that church licloogs rejoice In tho possession of nothing lens than a wlug of the Archangel Gabriel. They keep It In a glass cose as if It were a stuffed bird, and tempt favored enthusiasts, to whom they exhloit It occa sionally, by offering to toll a feather for an adequate confederation. They are also the proud possessors of the cord with which Judas Iscari it hanged him self, tho corah of the cock, which crowed when Peter denied his Master, and the beard of the late lamented patriarch Noah. A Roman Cathollo priest from Hungary, attracted to Rome by the CEcumenlcal Council, who gave the first account of these relics In a German paper, seems to have been rather stag gered by the large demands made upon his faith. RELIGIOUS NOTIOE3. rtr HALL YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, No. 1210 OHKdNTJT Htre.t. The Monthly Mfleting of the Annotation will be held neit MuMA Y KVKMNU ts o'clock. Adonta by Rev. J. U. KUCI.KbTON. Huhject, "Wunihiy on tlio Continent of fturope." Kpocial report from the Devotion! Committee on the proposed work for the coming minuter. Discussion upua tbi report. Vocal mI Instrnnontal Mosio nndorthe dlreotion of K. M. BKUGK, Ray. Ton puolic are invited THE TWELFTH YEAR'S OPENING hermon before the Young People's Asssociation of the 'I AKKUMAtiLK BalT'.-.T (JHUHOH, will be preaunnd by tho Pantor, Knv. GKOUt.K A. frtl.IV,, t i.ijh t liuich, CllKSNUT street, wast of Eighteenth, on Sunday F.Teoing. Mured 17. at 7 v, o'olock. Theme -"Clod's Von nsul to Hia Temple Builders." tfouog people espo claUy ii.viletl. fi&j- THE FIHST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WASHINGTON OQUARK. Kor. Kill4 HAHNkrt, Kmoritus Paxior, will preaob To-morrow at ' liov.' HERRIOK JOHNSON, D. D., Pastor, will preach at 7,'ii P. M. 'I ho oruination of Kldeis will take place after the morning service. BfeW- WEST SPRUCE STREET CnURCII, 8E- VENTKENTH nod BPnUUE 8treets.-Rov. Dr. flKACKY, of the Mothodist Church, will preaiin on the "Aditaioii VVoik in Incin." To-mortow at I0 A. M , nni tboKtv. W. P. HKl'I'.Lt, D.O., mormon to ohildmn and youth, on "The Wonilerlul," at 8g f. At. The obildreu will intr rnri rtrite a new lessou on "Jesus Christ." t&r FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF LU- THKKBAUM UNOU8H LUTUKRANOUUROH, TWKl.Kl 11 and OXFORD. Rev. N. M. PRICK, Pa, tor. in.1 A- M., Introductory Sermon "Who May French 7" "H, Anniversary bermon "Facta." fcimg ing b the cbilditn. Come. sgy- SEVENTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BHOAD Street and PHNN Sooare.-Rev. HKHRY O. Mn;OOK, Paetor, will preach lo-iborrow, 3tn lust., at UJv A. M. and aX P. M. Hxrvioe every evening during the week at U before 8 o'olock. $ aar walnut street Presbyterian CUUMUII, WALNUT street, above Thirty-ninth, V'eit Philadelphia. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. BKNTO.V, of llount lebanon, Hria. will address the aunday School in the church to.inorrow afternoon, at S o'otook. The rublio are cordially invited to attend. 1ST WEST ARCH STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. He. A. A. WILLI'S, D. ., will preach to morrow at li ki A. M., and Rev. (KOR K UaNa BOA RUM AN, I.D., 7hP. M. Congregational Reunion on Monday Evening, 3Su Instant.. ry- CLINTON STREET CHURCH, TENTH Street, below Sonice.-Rev. Dr. NEVIN will preach To-morrow at lu A. M., and Rev. FRANK L. KUlilllNa at P. M. KuhjAct for evoninff -"The Human Face." AU cotdially invitd. ngr Ii;KV. TIIOMA8 II. STOCKTON WII.I, PtlKM'H AT TRINITY UNIO MtciKION HAM., I' I.KVKN'I'ii Street, above Uirurd aveuuo, on To-morrow tititlj A. Maud "U P. M. r&sr A MEETING IN BEHALF OF THE IIOMKI OR UTTI.K WANHKRhRS will be held inth ItAPI'lST CHURCH, corner FHfl'H and RUT TON WOO u, To .morrow, 27tU instant, at 4 P. M. bintf iiiK by the Little Wandi rera. NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SIXTH Btre. above Green. Kov. .IOSKPH t V.VWi, D.D.. at lo.Si A. M. and TVi P. 1. Sermon in the KvvninK in behalf of the Home Missionary Society, Fbiluui'lphia. ffir" 1!EV. GEORGE W. MACLAUGHLTN, the new Psstorof tho l!ROAI STRKKT MKTHO- DIM' KPlsCOPAL CUURCU. HROADand CHRIS- HAN Siroets. will ureavU la the church To-tnorroir ilornitK and Kvouipg. 8T. CLEMENT'S CHURCH, TtVEN TIK'IU and CHICRRY Street.-Darinf lnt. service ami serinuu every Wednesday and Mnnduy even- i nd Choral sun ice. Heats tree, bervioo To-morrow cvcninn at 7) o'clock 8oH Bfiy" SPRINO GARDEN BAPTIST CHURCH, TIRTKK'TH Street, above Wallace, Rev. L. P. HORN MKROKIt, Pastor. Ptvuchin To-morrow at lM A. M. and 1. P. Al. Sabbath School at 9 P. M. Bfiw- ALEXANDER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, N1NKTKKNTH ami QRKEN Street. Preaohtnir To-mormw at ltl)t o'clock A. M. and 1 .h. by Rev. Dr. KNOX. tST CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, T.OCUST Street, attove Fifteenth, Rev. Dr. HUM. PHRhY, Pastor. Set viees at lu4 A. M. and ?V P. M. gy TRINITY M. E. CHURCH, EIGHTH Street, above Race. The newly appointed Paat ir, Rrv. II. A. CLKVKLAND, will preach on Sunday neit, at lug A. M. and IX P. M. All re cordially invited. Ogy REV. C. WADS WORTH, D. D.. Pssior. will preach Tomorrow, in the THIRD RKFOHMKD CHURCH, TENTH and F1LBKKT Street. Serviecs at 10 A. M. and 7s P M tST SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 8PRUCK STRKKT, below Sixth.-Rev. J. P. CON F FY, Pastor elect, will preach To-morrow, 27th In. M. nt, at lu4 o'clock A. M. and IK o'clock P. M. SPECIAL NOTIOES. OPENING O V GENTS FUUNISIIINO GtfODS FOR Bl'KIMi. NECK-TIES. "Milton," "Derby," "Newport," "Dumas," "Tabular," "Yale," "Ribbon," "Prince," nnrl SCARFS. "Klcho." "Opera," "Windsors," "Roman," "Ducape," "Haralhea," "Ottoman," Tartan," and A dozen other styles. "Stocks" of all sizes. MI7.1.A1IS. "Boulevard," "Cable." "Burllngame," ".ttpier, "i-aritirun. miuk iihubii, "t'arrote," "Negligee," "Byron," "Dickens," "Vau Dyke," "Ixion," And others, manr of them entirely new! Gloves. Dress Kids, KejDler'8, KngllBh Calf, Lisle and Linen, Klngwood and Doe, Neapolitan, Dogskin and Tan Deer, Etc. Kto. Etc. Etc naif Hose, All the (Jl(lkf8;' Vnderwear, V hnK" n'aSei 1W?, Braces, J C lu outrta. The Finest Assortment of the above goods to be iouna in tne city win u, , MONDAY, M AKCn 88, JOHN WANAMAKEH'S FINEST CLOTHING KST A BLiaiTMENT, No. 818 and m CUESNUT Street. Gentleiuea who wlih to post themselves are In Tiled to examine these new goods. 6PEOIAL. NOTIOES. JlfaT ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, HO. 1036 CIIK8NUT STRKKT. - I SHERIDAN'S HIDE, THE ORRATRST BATTLK PAINTING OFTHK AOK, ' BY T. BUCHANAN URAD, , (Author of the Poem.) , 1 FOURTH WKKK OF THR RXHIB1TION. THB l'UMORB INt.'RK A8INM. 04I.l.RRlS THRONOKU DAY AND KVKNINO. OVK.R W.COO VISITORS. The point chosen by tho Artist for the Illustration of the subject is where " W it h loam and with dost h black oharvror wa f ref i Hr the flash of h re, and tn red noetnls' play. lie seemed to the whole a real army to say : '1 have brousbt yon Hirridan all the way From Winchester down to save toe day!' ' CHhOMOM, In site uW tnnbea, Dow ready. Prise, flO. Admission, 26 cents; Including the snUre valuable oolleo tlon of the Academy. . . . (S I Openfrom 9 A. M. to P. M.. and from 7M to 10 P. M. BST SPECIAL NOTICEON AND AFTER THURSDAY, March 94, Iho l'HII. ADKI.PlU A IX)OAL TKLKURAP1I (City Department of tho Western Union Telegraph) will receive, transmit, and delivor, within half a mile of any Station, mesaajrei for 10 cents. This order includos Oermantown. Frankford, Manayunk, West Philadelphia, Hestonville, Mantua, ete. Speolal ar ransements will b mad with mannfacttirer and others. If desirable. HKNRY DKNTLKY, 8 24 .It THIRD and CHKSNUT Street. tST THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF TH8 PHILADKLPHIA, C1KRM A NTOeN A ND NOR RIRTOWN RAILROAD COM PANT have this day de clared a dividend of HVK PKR CK.MT. on the Capital Stock, payable, clear of tax, on and after the tlrst of April next. 'I he transfer books of the oompany will be closed on the 19th instant, and rpmnln closed until the first of pril. A. DOUOHKRTY, Treasurer. Marh in, 1870. a ta;it BjST OFFICE OF TnE WESTMORELAND OOAI, COMPANY, No. 880 S. THIRD Street, corner of Willing' Alloy. . . PHnjtnKi.rina, Maroh 16, 1R70. The Annnl Mertlngnf the Htockholdor of the WKST MORK.LAND COAL COMPANY will be bold at the office of the Company on WEDNESDAY, April 6, 170, at 12 o'clock M., when an olnotion will be held for eleven Director to serve during the ensuing year. " II. JACKSON, S 16 17t tiecrttrT. ftcw- MAMMOTH OOLD AND SILVER M1NINO COMPANY OK COLORADO. Tho Annual Meotin of the Stockholders will bo hold TUK.-DA Y, April 6 at 12 o'clock noon, at No. "0 WAL NUT Street, wbrn an election will be held lor five direc tors for th ensuing yt nr. 82U2t MIOHARL NISBKT. Seoretary. ttW) A MEETING OF THE STOCK- boldersof tho NATION AL RAILWAY COM PAN Y lll be held tit the Orureof the Company in the city of Phila delphia on SATURDAY, April , l7il,at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of elect ing a President and Hoard of Di rector. U 24 13t y- FIFTEENTH WARD-WATER! WATER! A meetins of tho ci'mens of the Fifteenth Ward will re held on bATURDA Y KVKNItG. at 8 o'clock, at theN. Jt. corner W ft brand O'MTKH Street, fer the puiposeof taking such aotion a will seouro themasuoi cieticy of water. 3 2(21 TREGO'S TEABERRY TOOTH WASH. It 1 tbo most pleasant, cheapest and best dontifric extan t. Warranted tree ironi ir jnrinns ingredient. It Preserves und Whitens tne Tfoth! Invicorates nnd Soothes the Corns! Purinet and Perfutues the Hreatu! Prevent Accuioula:innof 'J'artar! Cleanses and Purines Artincial Teeth! Is a Superior Article for Children! Sold by all druggicta and dpn'ista A. M WILSON. Drturcist, Proprietor, 8 8 1Um Cor. NtNT'l NO viLWRkT bts.. PhiUdelphia. j- WARD ALE G. MCALLISTER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. No.2l BROADWAY, Mew York HEADQUARTERS FOR EXTRACTING no Pain. Dr. F. R. THOMAS, formerlr operator at the Colton Dental Rooms, devote hie entire practice to the S sinless exUaotion of teeth. Offloe. No. 911 WALNUT treet. 1 264 nSf- QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, MJV w anv nj a v a-i a wi CAPITAL, ,OOU,000 SAB1NB, ALLEN A DULLWS, Agent. 2 FIFTH and WALNUT Street. OLOTHINQ. At the Head of the Heap ! The anallty and style of the Clothfnir keot bv ROCK b ILL & WILSON not only entttte them to the appellation cf " SUPERIOR, But so much more excellent are they than the Clothes made by any other h'iue for the Philadel phia market, that a Pltliuneipnians, ami all the people who deal at Philadelphia, acknowledge them to be FAR BUTTER THAN ANYBODY ELMO'S BEST. ROCBH1LL A WILSON, THK PUBUO OLO TUBUS, Are also the PrBLIC BKW EK ACTtRS, For they contribute to the ii K)l LOOKS, theSoDNl) HEALTH, and the HOOIAL KMJOYMENT of the I'UUUU. Rare attraction for S-RING. BIr Inoucement for SPUING. Low price for SPR1NU. Immense Btock for SPRING. Monstrous preparations for SPRING. Tome and see the variety! Ketdy-uiade ! or made to order ! GREAT BROWN HALL, 603 and 60S CHJESNTJT Street. ROCKHILL & WILSON, PHILADELPHIA. SOAP. Carbolic Acid Soaps, Manufactured by James Buchan & Co. NEW YORK. Carbolic Toilet Soap. t'nrbolie Hut It Soap. Carbolic Medicinal Soup. Curbolic Nharlno; Noap, These Soaps are made from the choicest ingre dients, ttud are oifcri'd as a very superior arMcle. They are to a great degree preventive oi lnfMCtious dlfieurioB, valuable la alt cutuueoua ail'uctlous, pre vent scalding, chahi g, and sore-head In lufuuU. They eep the skin sort aui smooth For tho bato they have peculiarly refreshing qualities, CARBOLIC LAUNDRY SOAP. This Is a pure article, containing no excess of alkali, which In many of the soaps now sold is so de structive to clothing. UoHpiui.s, asylums, prisons, vesseia, hotels, renanranta, boardlug-houses, and prl'hte families will find this soap invaluable for washing dishes and keeping sinks free from gretse. Bedding and clothing used by the alcR, even from the most Infectious diseases, as smalt-pox, virulent fevers, etc, are completely disinfected by Its use. CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAP, For washing horses, cattle, pigs, dogs, etc., to rid of and pvetect them from vermiu, and la indispensable to every stock-raiser and owner. It will positively destroy all Insect lUe on cattle, and core mange, cratches, and sores of all kinds, ALSO, CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR, CARBOLIC SOFT SoAP, CRKSxXlC OINTMENT. CKESTLIO SIIEEP DIP. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 3 IB tuthslm WHOLESALE AGENTS, JOIirj WYE T II 6L PRO. WANTS. m wanted. A HANDSOME DWELLING, ON BPBUCB, WALNUT, OE OUB8NUT, WEST Of BROAD. Frio not ovtr fli i0. Dixeot Box No. 1097, Phil. Post Ollloe. : f IEPPAE1D, Ml EIAESL1H Respectfully announce to their friends and tho public, tho commencement to-day of an i i 1 EXTENSIVE SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT 'SALE NEW Linens and Much Be THI8 SPEOIAIt SALE COW3IST3 OF AN IMPORTATION OP LINEN GOOD ?, FROM THE CELEBRATED MAWrj r ACTURERS OF SAXONY, BELGIUM, FRANCE, AND GREAT BRITAIN, SOLD a O US IN LIQUIDATION, FOR CABII, AT NEARLY SO FEB CENT. BELOW 1 IIXIR ACTUAL COST, AND COMPRISES THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF 1IRST CLASS LINENS EVER OFFERED AT RETAIL. THE SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS AND BARGAINS ARE 25 PIECES, jjJJJARNSLBY, Ttry hettry and W1DB 8-4 TABLE DIAPER ARD SAX8E, beglnnrtg at Ue low price of 68 eenta, an op 40 P1KCBrnJ1AAXC,BELGlAN, and HANDSPUN 8-4 WIDE TABLE LINENS, celebrated for great UwaUUlt, keglnnlng lOlowaaSTjtf oeita, 86 PIECBg1Aa18J'JNcmdTABLE LINESS, of an Improved make, pemarkable for tne vmttr and fineness of the Flax, and for great durability, 100 SAXONY, BELGIUM, and FRENCH TABLE CLOTHS, X, I, 8. 4, and jarda long. 800 DOZENS S and X SCOTCH DAMASK and SPOT NAPKINS, beginning wit a good quality at Bt-M per dozen. T10 DoZENS EXTRA LARGE H and 8AXONY, BELGIAN and FRENCH nEAVT and FINE UCHJBLB DAMASK NAPKINS. The most dtmble 4 costly gooua which are mane, beginning at the very low price of 13-00 per doaen, and running op to SIS 60, for a quality previously sold at tttt-M. 6 EOZENS IXTRA LARGE DITTO, 7-8 and 4-4, for waiters, trays, etc, 18 PIECES, 460 YARDS SAXONY PILLOW LINEN, 6.4 and 60 Inches wide, at T5 and 6Ttf cents, 45 PIECE8,81B0 YARDS BEST nEAVY FRENCH and PCOTCH HUCKABACKS, PLAID GLASS LINENS, DIAPERS, BIRD'3-EYS and FANCY TOWEL INbS, of beautiful patterns, and ery finest qualities. 26 PIECES, 1260 YARDS FINE FRENCH LINEN t MEETING, grass bleached aadi best make at 81-26 pot yard, former price t-9fc ALSO, 1600 DOZENS ELEGANT FRENCH LINEN CAMBRIC HEMSTITCHED and CORDED BORDER HAND KERCHIEFS, for Ladle and Gentlemen. 75 PIECES FINE MAKE FRENCH LINEN, designed for Ladles and Gentlemen's wear, and beginning at 3T cents. 104 ENGLISH 11-4 MARSEILLES QUILTS, beginnl ig at 8-6 each. Samples of the entire let will be kept open on our counters until all are sold. Ever y article will be guaranteed to be as represented, secure rel2gC&dra ' tM Hot,' BoarmD8 n". fcnmer R essences, will find this an excellent opportunity to SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEK & ARRISON, I 16 ESt 17IIIIM Gentlemen's and Boys' Wear, Of the mos t elegant styles and qualities, manufactured in and im ported into this country. Bought for cash and will be sold at the very lowest prices. steinway & sons' jCEORCE A. AUDENRIED, Grand, Square, and Upright Pianos. Geneial B eduction in Prices in accord ance with the Decline in the Premium on Gold. STEINWAT A SONS manufacture also an ntlral atn trie of instrument termed th SCHOOL PIANO, Precisely the same la else, leal, interior meohsnUm, sod workmanship as their hlsbest prioed 7-ootare Pianos, in a perfeotlj plain yet exeeedinslr exterior ease, whloa are offered to those who desire to poeseas a first -c la. 'Hleinwaj Piano, ret ar. limited In means, at Tory low prices. Special sttenUon Is also called to BTEIH WAT A SOWS new PATENT UPBiaHX PIANOS, With Doable Iron Frame. Patent Resonator, Tabular Metal Frame Action, etc, whioh are matchless In Tone nd Touoh, and nnrlTalled in durability. Krerjf piano t orte la worranlsd for ttre years, CHARLES DLASIU8, BOLK AGENT FOB THB 8AXI OP BTEINWAY A BOHS' WOBLD-RKNOWNHD PIANO FORTK8. WARKEOM8, Wo. IOOO CUESNUT Street, U P FHILADKLFaiA PA. Ko. 1008 CHESNUT STREET, OF LINER! GOODS, AND Housekeeping ow the Actual Cost of Importation. No. 1008 GRAND OPENING. T IVo, 34 toutli SECOND Street. SPRING STYLES FOR HIlll3Jli:i AND DEALER, PEEPAKED 1I0NEYBE00K COAL, PIER 23, FOOT OF CALLOVVHILL STREET. AND COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE ROOMS, ZUo. 421 WAtrJUT Street. GnilF.U'M TAIILW-A USE YVI. 1NVKNTIOW. Krr family should hare one 1 b,! wspspers inoaroiiy. Every hou.kBper with that Table cwnpels bis U l Mervb.nt to give lull ton. Hare every Goal Dealer to know that your ooal bins are measured by Gaibar's Table, and the miihi 'WT been aecured by ita aatbar, 8. X UARBKBj who he ex pended money, time, and labor in preparing It. Thi Table meeu a great want in the oominunity, and it speaks lor itself to thouaends who hare tried it. Oopiee of it ma be had of A. OAKUKR A SO., Anthracite Hall r.?. f,,. i ililiirn KB. N. K mimmr TH1K TltM I'H I Diu.nnnn. " "p.rc5ouie MnTthrongh th Port Offio to any ad dress in the I inited State on the receipt of oents. th price of toe Table. Dry Goods. CHESNUT STREET, CO., REAL. E8TATE AT AUCTION. ORPHANS' COURT Penltlre S ale by Thomas fc8ouc MARCH 89, Without I liult or Reserve, to Close an Bstate, HOUSE No. tZ South TENTH Street, 19 by 100 feet. Particulars and Keys st Anotion Store. S It'ip r 0. 139 end Hi S. rOUBTH Street,