Till. DAILY JBVENiyg TELEGRAPH PUIlXdELPIILV, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1870. 8 Tnit TROPOfiKn Alumni association of tub Jefferson Medical, Ooi.lkob An adjourned meeting of graduates of the Jefferson Medical College, lor tbe purpose cl forming an Alumni Association, was held this morning at 12 o'clock, In tbe lower lectnre-room of the college bnlld ln;;, Dr. Hatfield In the chair, and Dr. Mears fieoretary. The committee appointed last Satur day ta draft a constitution and by-laws pre sented their report, which was read and re ceived, and was considered Item by Item. After making a few nnimportant alterations, the report was unanimously adopted as a whole. On motion the Chair appointed a committee t five to nominate permanent oillcers. The committee consisted of Dr. William 8. Knight, Dr. J. C. Norris, Dr. J. K. Bnrden, Dr. Joseph A. McFerran, Dr. J. Ewing Mears. During the absence of the committee the mem ken present subscribed to the constitution, and temporary treasurer was appointed, who re ceived tbe ones. , . The committee announced the following nomi nations: r President Professor 8. D. Gross, M. D., Vice-Presidents Drs. Nathan L. ITatflold, Washington L. Atloe, Ell wood Wilson, and Ad dinell llewson. Treasurer Professor B. Howard Rand. Recording Secretary Dr. J. Ewing Mears. Corresponding Secretary Dr. Richard J. Dun Ellson. Executive Committee Professor EUerslie Wallace, Drs. 8. Wier Mitchell, A. C. Bournon vllle, Richard J. Levis, J. M. Da Costa, John H. Brlnton, William Goodell, Professor J. Aitken Meigs, Drs. William L. Knight. 8. W. dross, R. M. Girvln, T. II. Bache, William U. Pancoast, J. C. Norris, F. F. Maury, William Thomson, W. W. Keen, William B. Atkinson, G. R. Morehead, W. II. Ford, T. II. Andrews, Jesse K. Burden, R. M. Townsend, O. II. Allls, K. N. Hatfield. a . Tbe nominations were agreed to, and the ccntleincn were unanimously elected to their respective olllces. The meeting then adjourned. The annual meeting of this association will hereafter be on the anniversary day, or the day immediately previous to the annual commence ment of the college. Local Odds and Ends. John Cochran, Esq., of the Fifth ward, will address his Democratic fellow-citizens to-night at Ninth and Arch Btrects. .... Charles P. Clarke has been appointed by the Governor of New Jersey, and confirmed by the Senate, a commissioner of deeds for that State. Senator Naglo, the participant In the diffi culty at HarrlBburg, is a quiet, reserved, gen manly young man, but one that will not meekly bear an insult. Last evening Caledonian Lodge, No. 700, I. O. of O. F., the charter of which was granted by. the Grand Lodge in the early part of the week, was constituted in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Locust street, above Eleventh. N. G., Alexan der White; V. G.. Henry Hatheway; Secretary, William B. Smith; Treasurer, William Taylor. The Schuylkill Navy are exhibiting mre activity this season than they have for years. A number of regattas are proposed, and lively times may be looked for. Would U not be well for our clergymen to nnite in offering prayer for the safety of the City of Boston to-morrow? Scripturo tells us that the prayers of the righteous availeth much. Judge Kerr, although a bachelor and a stern Magistrate, has a heart that melts in kindness towards children, as was shown in a case before him yesterday. We passed no less than eight hand-organs this morning, all playing "Shoo fly, don't bod- der me." We doubt not but that the residents wound heartily re-echoed the sentiment. It is stated that the Vigilant Engine Com pany will house their new steamer on the day that the Perseverance starts irom nuitaio. Aid Wanted to Rebuild a Cuuncii. An anoeal is now being earnestly made to the pub lie for aid towards the completion of the parish church at Fairfax Court House, Va. During the late war this church, together with that at Centreville. was entirely destroyed, wmie tue financial ability of the congregation was hope lessly impaired. With many self-sacrificing efforts, and out of the deep poverty which no ne unfamiliar with this desolated region can even remotely conceive, the allllcted people are Striving to re-erect this house of God. It is neither finished nor furnished, and it can only become so by the gifts of outside friends. It ia desired to complete it by the coming Easter Mr. James B. Weaver, No. 719 Spruce street, is authorized to receive contributions, and his efforts, besides being prompted by the Rev. AV M. Dance, Rector of Fairfax, are endorsed by the following parish clergy ot rnuacicipuia Rev. Thomas F. Davies, St. Peter's: Rev. Wil liam Rudder, D. 1)., 8t. Stephen's; Rev. W. F. Paddock, D. D., 8t. Andrew's; Rev. M. A. Da "Wolfe Howe, D. D., St. Luke's; Rev. Henry J. Morton, D. D., St. James. Row in k Bagnio Yesterday afternoon .Thomas Boston and Terry Hackenstein entered low den known as the Neptune House, No. 1 1031 Locust street, and soon raised a row with ' some of the female Inmates. A battle followed, ' during which spittoons, glasses, stove-plates, etc., flew thick and fast. Terry at length re ceived a blow on the side of the head, which felled him like an ox, and the battle then ended. The police now arriving, Terry and Thomas were taken into custody and marched to the Fifth District station House,where Terry's head was stitched. Subsequently a detail of police Visited No. 1031, and arrested all the inmates, consisting of Annie Davis, proprietress, Annie Reins, Carrie Martin, and Maggie Norton. Alderman Morrow committed the crew to Moya . mensing. i An ImpostOu. A follow is now going the rounds of the city professing to be a teacher of writing and an ornamental sign-painter. Ills mode of operation Is to engage board In some house, stating that he has just obtained a job of work, aud giving as security for bis board a worthless check on the Commercial National Bank. Next day ho borrows a few dollars lor ecesfary expenses, and then leaves. He is about forty years of age, stout build, and wears a light moustache and goatee. Hand him over to the police. False Alarm. About a quarter-past 1 o'clock this morning some scoundrel attempted to create ' a false alarm of Are by striking the box at Girard avenue and Broad street, and not suc ceeding, revenged himself by tearing the box to pieces. All good citizens should be on the look out for these rascals, as there Is a penalty of $500 and two years' imprisonment for anyone caught tampering with the boxes, one-half of which sum goes to the informer. Accidental Siiootino About 10 o'clock i this morning Henry Bel ford, aged thirteen years, was accidentally shot in the hip by a boy named Fields, whilst he was plaving with a pistol at Thirty-second and Hamilton streets. The Injured lad was removed to his parent's . residence, Hamilton street, above Forty-second. . The wound Is not a serious one. .- Theft op a Watch Thomas Hardy is the name of a character who has been hold in six . hundred dollars ball by Alderman Dougherty to answer for the theft of a sliver watch from one ' Henry O'Neill, at a firemen's ball a few nights since. Thomas was arrestod yesterday at Third ' and Shippen streets. ' " The "Stab" Couhse op Lectures On Monday Mr. John (J. Saxo will appear .it the Academy of Maslo as tho next, lecturer In this course, and will discourse uikio "French Folks - at Home." after which he will recite his poems of "The Proud Mlsi MeBrlde" and "The Pross." Slight Fire About 1-40 o'clock this morn ing the coufectlonery store of C. II. Rausch, No. 1331 Ridge avenue, was slightly damaged by Are. Vagrancy The Third District Station House last night accommodated 13J lodgers, uiobt of them females. False personation. Aa Kaallnhmaa Playing a Doteetlv. Betore United States Commissioner rhlillps at noon to-day an Englishman namea Jawara Ihompeon had a hearing upon the charge of personating an Internal revenue officer. ine eviuence eucivcu o ma luuuno. lliium wilt testified 1 am a member of the firm of Wilt A Oale, dealers In tobacco, No. 140 Nort.n Third street; toe defendant came Into my place in the early part or the week ana asKea ior a nve cnni cl?ar; he returned on Wednesday ana asicea lor Air. W ill or Mr. uaie; na miu hhi wo iuiii m o ui cigars without stamps, and he was a detective offi cer, and It was his business to look after these tiling; ne miownurmiy nruu liiai i wuuui w appear before the United Mates Marshal the next day ; I sam in hi wan ine proper piace w uhciuo mo minor, whereupon he said. "Never mind. I will be up to-morrow ;" me prisoner in-n leu; yesterday ne came back rnin and asked if 1 would be In at three o'clock ; I said I would ; 1 then asked him If he was a detedlve. and he refused to reply; I asked for nil authority, whereunon he tried to net out of the store and I sent for a policeman and had him arrested ; at the police station the defendant called me one side and said 1 had better settle the matter; he refused to tell ine Ids object In representing that he was an officer. Tvtpr Rdlpa sworn T am the special Assistant Aimonnnrof the Find District of Pennsylvania; do not know the defendant : ne had no authority under me, and never had ; I know all the special oftloera engaged In the Keveaue Department. John C I'ldireon Hworn Am Assistant Assessor, First district, Tenth division; don't know the de fendant; If he was a revenue omoer in that district I would know it. The prisoner said that ho did not nse the word "detective," but said he was deteotlng frauds on the Government. Th rase was continued until Tuesday next. defendant bcinir required to enter ball in the sum of tlOOO. Waterfalls. A terrible din and hubbub was created in the neighborhood of Second and Market streets, about one o'clock to-day, by the break nir out of a flre in tho watcrtall manufac tory ot J. D. Oppcnhclmcr, fourth story of the building No. 223 Market street. As nsual tho whole Fire Department was on hand and ready to drown the whole vicinity with water, but through tho exertions of Chief Engineer Downey and Assistant Engineer Sweeney this was pre vented. The fro was confined to the room in which it orieinated. entailing a loss for Mr. Oppcnhclmcr of about 500, which is fully in sured in the Manhattan of New York. The third story is occupied as a cigar manu factory by William Lichter, who loses slightly by water. The second floor is occupied by Messrs. Craw ford & Buckley, jobbers In domestic and foreign dry goods. They lose a trille by water. The first floor is the tobacco establishment of Messrs. Hemphill, Chandler &, Co. They are not damnced. The building is owned. bywiinam 8. Hemphill. The origin of the fire Is not known, bnt it is supposed that some of the hair switches Ignited irom toe ennnney nue. Serious Accident. Yesterday afternoon Patrick Bovle. a driver of an ash cart, fell from the same at Sixteenth and Chesnut streets, and striking his head on the curbstone produced concussion of the brain. Ho was removed to his residence, Twenty-fourth and Locust streets. Pistol Practice. Between two and three o'clock this morning a row occurred between a lot of sailors on Oak street, between Noble and Green streets, during the prog-ess of which several pistol shots wcro fired. No arrests were ade - OrEN Houses. Tho following places were found open by the police during last night: No. 121 S. Seventh, No. 507 S. Second, No. 414 8. Fifth. Nos. 40(5, 009. and 611 Walnut streets. Where are the thieve?? GAB-riFE. Two iuvenllcs, named John Ster ling and Brook Hague, were yesterday captured in an unoccupied house at Fifth and Pearce streets, whilst about removing some eas-pipes. Alderman Devltt scut the lads to Moyamensing. Burglary. Jnst night tho cigar store oi a Mr. Brell, No. 255J4 S. Broad street, was entered through a back window and robbed of $ 10 In cash, and pipes, cigars, and tobacco to the amount of $150; Tub GRAnAM-MoosEY Legislative Con test The taking of testimony in the case of Graham vs. Mooney has ended and the commit tee will make their report on luesaay next. WILKES ASD LELAND. PartlenlarN ot inn Ijixte All'rny Wilkes Htruck frara Beblud lnillstluct Hints ot Terrible Keprlxnli. From Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. The simple facts of that incident were as fol lows: We were waiKing aown Broadway on Tuesday last, about A o clock r. il., with our overcoat and undercoat both tightly buttoned, and our gloves buttoned on our hands. When near Pearl street, we were suddenly struck from behind, on the back of the head, with the hook of a light bamboo cane. We turned Instantly and saw the rascal Leland, endeavoring to deal another blow, and, closing with him. snapped his cane in two. We then stepped backward to the doorway f a store to get position, and while doing so threw open our overcoat. Leland, seeing us still embarrassed with our nndercoat and gloves, made another ru6h, but struck ineffectually with tho pieces of the cane. He then quickly retreated, and, being surrounded by a treat number of peome. sue ceeded in making bis escape. It was at an hour when there is a mob within every twenty feet of sidewalk on uroaaway, ana, not oelnfrhurtatall. we did not think it became us to press outward tnrougu ine erowa, ana 10 run aiior mm, and so the Major got away. The Major was in great luck greater pi ooaoiy man he will ever be in again, for when we next raeet him ho will cross the street. One thing we are frank to say, that we do not believe the fellow ever meditated the assault nay, we are quite sure he never would have made it had he met us face to face. He was probably frenzied with liquor, and, seeing a chance to get in a blow by stealth, he delivered it, and soon after ran a way, trembling at his own temerity. When tho crowd had dispersed, we went along to our business. remained down town till about 5 o'clock, and In the evening dined with a party of ladles and gentlemen at tho Westmoreland Hotel. On the way home we met Judge Dowliug and some other friends, wuo, like tue party at dinner. failed to notice any ot thone terrible hurts and marks which LelaDd was about that time de tailing to reporters of tho morning press. It was simply for the reason that those pretended wounds teemed to oe me cniei oy ot the re porters that we confined ourselves, In the short note we wrote to tho press on tue toUowin!r day. to the denial of that enjoyable fact. Tho whole aflrov was the work of a minute, and we will take this opportunity to say that there was no policeman who saw any part of it. One came afterwards and politely offered us his ser vices, but we declined. We have no further re marks to make upon this affair at present. It will doubtless aaord satlslaction to many ras cals whom wo have been obliged to castigate, at one time or another, but it will give no satisfac tion to the Major. The Major knows that he will have to settle: nnd, whatever he may say. he feels very uneasy under the consciousness that ho will not get away witu mo sngui oongation he has placed us under. As lor our otiier one Tnipn. let them take their fill now and at the Maior'a flask. It is the only opportunity that he or they will ever have to smile together over a supposea aavantage. G1 UEAX gOIJTIIUUIV HIAlIi KOUTK. miTv in mir. MimTn m mv. ........T...1 mi. OH IF I I V H Am T.ANTA. AIJiUB'A. MONTOOMKRY. MOBILH, MAOON, KKJHMOND, WKIJKN, WILMINGTON, (JHAHI.KK'lliN. KAVANNAll. and all Drinoiual Dotot tSOUTUand bOUTHVVKBT. tioket I or .uvle, bmtw&K obckd throada to daaUutloa. and all mlimuttuoa urntd i 721 OHEBNUT 8trMt, m Muinio lllill. O. RENTON THUMPHIIN. I 1 21 U Uso. Ant for FbiUdalphU. 1 KOBEKT 8. LBAGUB A CO., NOTARIES PUB LIC, COMMISSION KKS, ETC. Depositions and Acknowledgment taken for any State or TerrV on of the Unite State 0 FIFTH EDITION I the very latest news. A Great Forgery at Baltimore. The New York Collectorship. FROM IJALTIM ORE. n.n Forcery Cut. Baltimore, March 19. About eight months lnce two Englishmen arrived In this city and engaged in the produce commission business, one of them calling himself A. Cumminfort, at No. 79 South street, and the other John Mitchell, No. 43 Second street. In a short time they gained the confidence of merchants, and appear ances indicated they were doing a thriving business. Last Saturday night they suddenly disap peared, having victimized several parties in the city, among them a Jeweller on Baltimore street, of tOOO, and leaving an unpaid hotel bill of $350. Information has been received that these men have arrived In New York, and on Wednesday last called upon Charles Unger & Co., No. 86 Exchange place, New York, with forged letters of recommendation irom an agent ot unger . Co. In this city, stating they desired to purchase $41,500 In United States bonds. Tho bonds were handed to Cumminfort, for which he gave Unger & Co. a certified check for $ 43,989. After receiving the bonds they remained In the office of Unger & Co. for a few momenta and then left, since which time they have not been seen. When the certified check was presented at a bank, the certification was declared to be spu rious. It Is also stated that Cumminfort and Mitchell, on the same day, succeeded In obtain ing f-9500 from two other brokers on Wall street, and attempted to negotiate a draft for $46,000 with another broker, bnt the last at tempt was unsuccessful. FROM NEW YORK. The Collectorahtp Investigation. New York, March 19. An investigation into the affairs of Collector Bailey's office in Cedar street Is being conducted by experts, nndcr the superintendence of Colonel AVhlteley, United States Detective, but so far no defalcation has been discovered. There is not tho remotest doubt that Bailey has decamped. The Post says it is now established by investi gation, and admitted by the friends of Bailey, that he is a defaulter to a large amount. The exact amount of the defalcation has not been ascertained, but it is believed to amount to number of thousands of dollars. GENERALITIES. A AlTHterloua Assault and Robbery. Mr. Joseph A. Jackson, tho proprietor of a loan cilice at No. 5 Amity street. New York, was the vlu- tlm yesterday ot a very mysterious assault and rob- nerv. it appears tnat eariv in tne afternoon a ciurs in the employ or Mr. Jackson received a note pur porting to come from a friend In the lower part of tne city, requesting nim to can anu see mm at once on urgent business. Tbe clerk obtained leave of absence from Mr. Jackson, and went down town, anil on arriving at the place appointed by his friend was astonished to learn that the latter had not sent him the note which he bad received and that the signature was a forgery. Fearing that something was wrong, the clerk hurried back to the oftlce, and on entering the place found his employer staggering about the office, bleeding profusely from a wound on the side of the head. Mr. Jackson could not give any connected account of the manner In which he was assaulted, but. as his breast-pin and watch are missing, it is supposed that he was as saulted by some thieves while he was sitting In a chair in his office and struck senseless by a blow on me neaa wun a emu or some oilier uuu instrument. Elopement In Newark. Alvah Rose, a Newarkcr. residing at No. 143 Mal- uerry street, nas lately disappeared simultaneously with the disappearance of two ladles, Mrs. Uese and jurB. ioya, ana ine gnssip-mougers assert tnat ne has eloped with one or both of the Inconstant wives. Itose has until recently resided in the family of Oese, with whom he has been on the most Intimate terns. A few days ago he went, In company with Oese, to Paterson, and while there he gave his companion the "slip," and returned to Newark, When, on the following day, Oese returned U his home, he found his wife and one child missing, another child being left with the wife's mother. Mrs. Oese had taken her trunks, which it was ascertained, had been checked to Philadelphia. Telegrams were sent after the missing pair, and it was supposed that when they are caught Mrs. Lloyd, another friend of Rose s. would be found in their company. On Wednesday the police of Pittsburg found the eloping party, and telegraphed that fact to Mr. Oese. who, on the day following, arrived in tnat city, when, alter a oner interview, at tne Mayors office, ne reclaimed nis wife. Meeting Hose on his departure from the of- nee, ne expressed nis indignation by quietly Knock ing him down. Mrs. Lloyd still remains with the fascinating Itose. THE NEW YOUK MONEY MARKET. From the K. T. Herald. "The markets to-day were unsettled and heavy, excepting for gold, which was steady. "The extreme fluctuations were from lll;rtJtl2.V, with the bulk of business at 112. Tbe Uold Kootn Is beginning to grow wearv of the Funding bill agitation, and is becoming daily less sensitive to the Washington telegrams. The yielding to the lower llgures was due to the weakening of rates in the foreign exchange market. With gold at 1114 It Is easy to see that the market is slowly passing Into the control of speculators who are able to advance the runulHlte margin, which is hardly able to be obli terated except by a very close approacn oi goiu io liar. In tho afternoon tho nrioe reacted from 112V to 112 on the announcement that the Hanking und Currency Committee would report a special Fund ing bin, or at least a substitute, restoring ine ica- tures of foreign agencies, ami requiring no exchange of bonds bv the national bankn. ! "Tiio rate on cull ranged from iour 10 uvo per cent., with tho latter as the prevailing ngure on stocks, and the latter on tlovernmeut collaterals. home houses paid as nigh as six per cent, even on choice securities, where tho lenders were willing to advuuee the full market value of the collaterals nleilLred. The iomr In the rate on call com bat 1 tho tendency to llnnneHs In the rates of commercial paper, and prices show less strength at the quota- nous 01 ine piisi low weens. i roin m ness at bank to-day a not unfavorable statement Is looked ior to-morrow atternoon." New York KlutT mid Hi ook Markets. Nw York, March 19. Stocks unsettled. Money easy at 6m 6 per oent. Gold, 112jtf. me-iweunas, 1RAU. ivinnun IliQlz. tin 1L1 Alt . 103 idO. ISoD. da, 109 i do. do. j new, 107: da 186T, NM,; An. ikjiq ma. ln-ma idm- Virginia As. new. 71X: Missouri s, l; Canton Company, 61; Cum- Deriand preferred, 26 : Consolidated new tral and Hudson Klver, 96; Brie, tHi Keaaiug. ir;, Adams Express, 60.; Michigan Central, Utf; micnigan Bouitiern, bom uiiuom wu.i, niAvuiimA nttiihnn, Q7L (mioago and KOCK Island. 118! Hitunurir and Fort Wayue, 194 ; West ern Union Telegraph, 82. "I? I N 13 STATIONEBY, ARMS. MONOGRAMS, ILLUMINATING, ETO. DREKA, 1033 OUE8NUT Street, Otrd Engraver and BUtloner. yi:iit3 an pAitr ir imvi- , TATIOXS ENGRAVED IN THE LATEST STYLE. WALLET8. GOLD FENS, ! WRITING DE8K8. KNIVES, ' CARD CASES, FOUOS, ETO. J. LINEBD, BTATIONKR AND OARD ENGRAVER, No. 921 SPUING GARDEN STREET, I17wu( FHILADELPlil THIRD EDITION THE VEXED NAVAL QUESTION. The English Educational B 11. Debate in House of Commons. The Proceedings of Congreis To-day. Death of a New York Journalist. The Latest Market Reports. FROM WAbllWGTOJY. AnirrloAa TnB"e. Special Denpatch to The Evening TtUgrapK WAsnmaTO'i. March . A delegation of steamship men from New York, Boston, and tho South was before the select committee on the decline of American tonnage to-day, advocating tho Mediterranean and Oriental steamship bill. Among those present wore W. A. Webb and Hiram Walbridge, of New York; Mr. Bryant, of Boston; Mr. Avery, of the Brunswick and Atlanta Railroad. 8everal arguments were made show ing the necessity of the measure, and nrglng the speedy action of Congress. Th Man uomingn Treaty is receiving more attention from Senators since the President bos manifested so great an in terest in its behalf. Whatever may be said of its merits one fact Is well known to Senators, namely, that the strongest advocates of annexa tion are persons who have bought np at a low figure evidences of indebtedness against San Domingo, mentioned In the treaty of annexa tion of the island. These evidences will be at par, and there Is good reason to believe that there are several millions more than is supposed. Whether Grant is aware of these facts is not known, but Senators are, nnd the treaty will receive some rough handling, whether it is con sidered In executive or open session. Ijlne and Htaff. The Committee on JNaval Aflalrs had a meet ing to-day on the bill for the reorganization of the navy. Iho vexed quostlon of line and staff was discussed for some time without produciug any result. Tarlll Hprecben. Members who came to tho House to-day with tariff speeches in their pocket, expected a full meeting of the House. When they saw how few were present they refused to deliver their speeches. Hereafter Saturday's session will probably be devoted to general business instead of buncombe speech-making. The FunriliiK Bill. The Committee on Ways aud Means is hard at work on tho funding bill. It is expected the committee will Tcport on Tuosday next. The indications are that the suggestions of Mr, Boutwell concerning tho bill will bo adopted, especially as the committeo find that ho is sus tained by the President and prominent finan ciers all over tho country. FROM THE WEST. Democratic Caucus Action. St. Louis, March 19. The Democratic mem bers of the Legislature, in caucus last night at Jefferson City, adopted a resolution declaring it inexpedient to call a State Convention to nomi nate candidates for State officers at the general election next November. IHInHOiirt LegNlntlon. The House Committeo on Registration will report a bill to-day providing various amend mcnts to the registration law, including one for the registration of oil men without regard to race or color. The Senate yesterday passed a bill of con demnation of property contiguous to the ap preaches to the bridge at this point. It pro vides that f500,000 be borne by the city and 200,000 by the county of St. Louis; also, that the proposition be submitted to a' vote of the people. The joint special committee to investigate the management of the penitentiary for 1807-8 sub mitted mnjority and minority reports to the House yesterday. The former states that they reopened the investigation, afforded the parties Implicated every opportunity for defense, and after a long and patient hearing they have reached the same conclusion they reported at the opening of the session, viz.: The manage ment of the penitentiary during the period spe cified was of the most reckless character, highly detrimental to the interest of tho parties most implicated. Ex-Auditor Thompson, ex-warden Swilt, and nearly ollthe officers near the person ofjthe Gov ernor, and several other officers, are charged with receiving work or supplies from the prison which was not charged to them or otherwise accounted for. The committee recommend that legal 6tcps bo taken to compel tho delinquent ofliccrs then in power to pay for libor, sup plies, etc., unaccounted for, and demand that such wanton violation of official faith shall not be passed over in silence. The minority report dissents irom these views and fully vindicates the ex-Auditor Thompson and ex-Auditor Swift. Both reports were ordered to bo printed. FROM MEW YORK. Hook Publisher' Convention. New Yoke. March 19 Tho convention of school book publishers of the United States, after sessions occupying threo days, adjourned lust nicht. A Board of Trade was organized. with the following officers for the ensuing year: William 11. Appieton, rrosiueni; omun esnei- don, Vice-President; doun u. names, secre tary; C. C. Woolworth, ireosurer, all of New York. Executive Committee Robert 8. Davis, Bos ton; Charles Serlbner, New Xork; A. II. Eng lish, Pittsburg. Arbitration Committee J. A. Harper, New York; Henry Jonson, New York; T. M. Brewer, Boston; S. A. Potter, Philadelphia; O. J. Wil son, Cincinnati. The retail prices for all school books are to be Aw d by the respective publishers, from which a maximum discount has been fixed by the board, and tbe terms of tale to be cash In thirty days. All agents and commission accounts are to be withdrawn on or before July 1. The action of the Convention was harmonious, and the regulations were unanimously agreed to. Death of a JournulUt. George Waktmun, an editor of the World, died to-day of pneumonia, aged thirty years. Fatal Aeclaent. Captain Phillips, of the schooner Ann Eliza beth, fell down the hold and was killed to-day. FROM EUROPE. The EnalUb Rdaeatlonal mil. By the Anglo-American Coot. London, March 19. In the House of Com mons, last evening, after some nnlmoortant business, the Educational bill was again taken np, and Mr. Vernon Harcourt supported an amendment suggested by John Bright, namely, that the basis of tho bill shall be religious equality. Without this its provisions were un just, ne objected to relegating the sectarian controversy to vestries. The schools In the rural districts were sure to be monopolized by the Church, and Parliament, to prevent this, should settle the queetion on a basis of religious eqnallty. Mr. Mundolla, member for Sheffield, spoke in favor of the bill, taking the ground that the merely permissive clauses should bo made com pulsory. Mr. Hoare, member for Southampton, de manded the withdrawal of the religious clause of the bill Jacob Bright, member for Manchester, spoke in favor of the bill, claiming that it provided a school for every child, and made attendance compulsory. The debate was continued until the adjourn ment at an early honr In the morning. Mr. Temple favored the project for religious teaching, and Mr. Beresford Hope, member for Cambridge University, thought the plan hea thenish. Mr. Richard, member for Merthyr Tydvll, charged the Government with underrating tho religions sense of the people, and Messrs. Bal ley, of Herefordshire, and Fawcett, of Brighton, opposed tho bill on general principles Mr. Dilke, of Chelsea, favored tho Bright amendment and Mr. Gladstone deprecated it, as having a tendency to sunder tho Liberal party, He vindicated the bill in a long speech, and elo quently appealed to both parties to support the measure. He reviewed and analyzed the argu ments made against it, and showed that it was not an Imperial measure, and that it was non partisan in its character. After speeches by Hardy and others in sup port of the bill, Bright's amendment was with drawn, and the bill was rend a second time, after which the Houec adjourned. The Honduras Railway Contract. London, March 19. The contract for the construction of the Honduras Railway was signed here on Thursday, and the work is to be begun within a year. Ibe Itannn Council. Rome, March 19. There will be a meeting of the G-kumenical Council to-day, In order tbat the Pope may pronounce a Mass for the late Count Montnlembeit. Tbe Coining Boat Race. London, March 19 Among sporting men the odds are against tho Cambridge crew In tho coming race with tho Oxfords. Air. Burllnunnic. Beiu-in, March 19. King William yesterday received the eldest son of the late Mr. Burlin game. HMn Nfwi. Qukenstown, March 19. Steamship Russia, from New York, arrived this morning. l)llreMpd Vessel Spoken at Sea. Liverpool, March 19. A vessol arrived here to-day which reports having spoken the barque Neptune, oh March 13, with her cargo shifted, nnd it bad been found necessary to throw a large part of it overboard. This was probably the barque Neptune, Captain Gittens, from New York, January 20, for Queeustown, although the Neptune, Captain Edwards, from Savannah, February 12, for Cork, is still at sea. FROM NEW ENGLAND. Fire In iHalne. Bangor, March 19. The wooden block at the west end of Kenduskoag bridge was damaged to the extent of $80,000 by lire this morning. Tho following losses are reported: Dresser & Son, clothing, $4000, insured for $2000; J. II. Flagg, boots and shoes, $7000, insured for $000; Tim othy Hurley and James Hurley, insured each for $3000, which was their losses; Bugbee & Co., $10,000, fully insured; J. E. Chapman, loss about $1000; insured; S. W. Sawyer, saloon, insured for $4000. Open Libraries on Sundays. Boston, March 19. Tho bill to open public libraries on Sunday has been refused a third reading in the Senate by a vote of 19 to 10. FROM THE WEST. Fire and Huppoited Incendiarism. Louisville, Ky., March 19. Last night a fire was discovered in the second story of Hay den Brothers' dry goods store, Market street, between Fourth and Fifth. The goods, coun ters, and shelving on the first floor, where the fire did not reach, were found to be saturated with benzine. The stock was valued at $00,000; the loss is between $15,000 and $20,000. Tbe insurance Is reported at between $40,000 and $50,000. Michael Haydcn, one of the proprie tors, was committed to jail, but afterwards released on $2000 ball. The other partners are absent from the city. New York I'roiluee Market. New Yobk, March 19 Cotton steady, and soe bales middling upland sold at U3XC. Flour State aud Western dull, and prices favor buyers. Coru scarce and a shade better; new mixed Western, Ul4 V8c, ; New .lersi-y, f 101. Oats advanced le. aud In active speculative demand ; State, 60i,02ct. ; vVestnrn, rsio m in store and ailwut. Hrnf qulut. Pork stenMy. New niehH, f'20. Lurd dull ; steam, in tierces, 14 14c. Wiilslty quiet at US v. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE! SALES. Reported by De Havon A Bro., No. 40 S. Third Street. BETWEEN BOARDS. t500 Le trold 1...C. 09 100 sh ReadR..b30. 47'i KMK do 881 80 OO S10.4T-SI d0.lg...Sfii.4781 do.swn&t.t7'61 do..ls.bl0. 48 do. Bwn.tl.47'61 do... Is. bOQ. 43 do.. sftAln. 47 81 do ..18.1)30. 47Ti do ..rgln.4T-8l d0....sSAl.47'81 do 830. 44 do 47;i (Jo.lB. .b.Vtlll. 48 do. .IS. b60. 48V stuuinty m, m.is.iux nuu HOOOPalst mt,.... s oo IKMiO Head R 7a ..W4)tf 100 11000 U rU0-49cp..10f,Jj 100 4IW0 U S b-'ii), fi. J.V .17 ? 860 f:i(K) do . .email. 107V loo 7M) do. cp.cp.iosx " tftOO do cp 109V 100 lt8 sh Penna K.-ls. MX 100 4 do f)6i V90 too sli O O A A K. I)0 42 1 00 800 sll Itcadtll;..sl0. 4778' 800 4K) dn..,ls.sl0.47-8l 400 ioo do wo. 47?; i SECOND BOARD. -i sli Plnl A E R... rT 100 Hll Letl N..ab0. Bl)rf loo do.i0d.sarao tMWICtty 63. New. 102 lioo do ..oid.ioojtf lllf)0 Letl R s..ls. UOtf 802 sli Penna K..ls. tojtf n:i. (JHr mdMHttml Dtmtht tAfth pan.) Babchoft. On the 19th Instant, Stacy B. Bar Cwokt, In the 76th year of his bro. Due notice will be nlvwn "f the funeral. f SOLDIERS IN JTJKED. SOLDIER8 DISCHARGED on account of Rupture or any other Injury re ceived In the line of duty, can obtain 200 bounty and a pension, by applying to ROBERT a LEAGUE A CO., No. 138 8. SEVENTH! ir ) (, ynll information glTen free of charge. r-pBERE 18 NOW OVER $5,000,000 PRIZE MONET X unclaimed in the United States Treasury, pnrsons wuo have been In the Naval service of United States, their heirs or representatives, ihoul moke an Immediate inquiry npen the nbJecUt ( t 130 S. SEVENTH Street. f 30 FOURTH EDITION TZZZ3 J. AT 2-ST Tho Absconding Collector, Convicted, of Murder, News from the Dominion. Etc., Etc., i Etc., Etc., Etc. FROM WASHINGTON. Washixoton, March 10, The New York Cllectr,klp. DetpatcX to the Anoeiated Preti. The report received here of the disappearance of Collector Bailey, of New York, created tome excitement in Treasury circles. Intimations were received yesterday by Acting Commis sioner Douglass that Mr. Bailey had disappeared, bit no particulars reached the offlce here. Mr. DouRlass at once, however, telegraphed to Su pervisor Dutcher to take charge of the offlce and Second Deputy Pamell was sent to New York last night, and reports are expected from these oillcers by to-morrow's mall of all circumstances connected with tho departure of Mr. Bailey, and the condition of the busi ness of the otllce. . . Home. Commissioner Delano, who has been absent from Wasbln-rton for some time, was tele graphed to by Mr. Douglass yesterday that it was important ho should be here to-day, and ho accordingly left Philadelphia in the noon train and arrived here last night. He is now engaged with Secretary Boutwell conccrnlug this matter. Bailey's dis trict will be at once turned over to Collector Tleasonton, of the Fourth district. The rnmor is prevalent that Commissioner Delano had re signed his ofllec, but upon inquiry at the Inter nal Revenue otllce It is found that nothing of. the kind has occurred. Nlrboln,' Trial. The trial of Albert Nicholas, colored, indicted for tho murder of his wife and mother-in-law, was concluded to-day, J. E. Snodgrass,. late of. New York, couneel for the defense, making the closing argument, setting up the plea of In sanity. The jury was mixed, white and colored,, and entered a verdict of guilty. Tho court room during tho trial was crowded with auditors, two thirds of them being colored. FROM TIL IS DOMINION. rrotrrtion or (he finherlrn. Halifax, March 19. In the Assembly yester day Mr. Kirk presented a petition from fisher men, merchants, aud inhabitants of Cape Cause complaining of the encroachments of American fishermen, and asking the government.to bring the facts contained in the petition to the notice of the Dominion authorities and urge the adop tion of measures for protecting the fisheries by armed vessels. Fnrtlitinkf! at Kt. John. St. John, N. B., March 19 A Blngulnr phe nomenon occurred at the commencement of the storm yesterday morning. A rumbling noise was beard and immediately afterwards a portion of the bottom of the harbor on tho Carlton side snnk bodily; to where before at low tide was beach is now twenty feet of water. Some of the wharves were destroyed and' lumber carried adrift. 4'oinmercinl Affair. Ottawa, March 19. On Monday next, Sir A. T. Gait will niovo the following amendment 4o Mr. Huntington's resolution, that an address be presented to his Excellency the Governor-Gene-ralirepresentlng that the increasing productions of the Dominion demand a more extensive market and nioro unrestricted Interchange of commodities with other countries, that great advantages would result from placing the Gov ernment of the Dominion In communication with all the British Possessions and foreign States which might be willing to negotiate for commercial arrangements tending to this result; that It is expedient to obtain from tbe Imperial Government all necessary powers to enable tho Government of the Dominion to enter into direct communication for such purposes with the Bri tish Possessions and foreign States, and that In all cases such proposed commercial arrange ments shall be subject to the approval of her Majesty. , , FROM TUESOVTIl. Tbe Richmond Inibrollo. BicnMOND, Va., March 19. At daylight this morning, when Gaboon's police were being sta tioned, the Ellison police weut around and gob bled them all np, and they proceeded to arrest all of Cahoon'i police to be fonnd on the streets, stripping off their badges and disarming them. Those of the Cahoon force who were not caught took refuge in tho station house. At noon the Second Police Station surrendered to Ellison's police. Early this morning the United States Marshal served a notice on Mayor Ellison, the Chlof of Police, and City Council, that Cahoon would move, before Judge Underwood, of the United States Court, on Wednesday next, for an injunction to restrain him from acting aa Mayor. Cahoon bold a court this morning, as also did Mayor Ellison. There has been no disturbance to-day. Cahoon's force Is reducoft to about thirty men, shut np in a station house, and Elli son's force, of about two hundred and fifty, have posi-etsion of tbe city. ' IMPORTANT TO ALL INTERESTED . THE arrears of Pensions must be applied for within live years after the death or discharge of a soldier, sailor, or marine. Those who fall to apply lose v per year. There are thousands in our midst, widows, dependent fathers and mothers, and orphan children, who are entitled, bnt who have not yet applied for a pension. All who think they are entttlad should at once call on Messrs. ROBERT 8. LEAGUE A CO. No. IMS South SEVENTH Street who will promptly obtain their pensions, or cheerfully Rive any Infor mation, free of charge. Remember that the five years' limit allowed by law la fast drawing to close. T SO TMPORTANT TO EUROPEAN AND CUBAN An TOURISTS Passport, prepared in conformity with the new requirements of the Stat Department, can be procured In twenty-four hours on applica tion made, either In person or by letter, only at tbe OUlclal Passport bureau, No. 138 8. SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, ROBERT 8. LEAGUE A CO. Also, official lint of all Ministers, Diplomat! Agents, Consuls, and Consular ArouU of th United Stau-s, who they are, where they are froml and where tbe; are located, t nrnlohed free of charge to applicant 1 80 LAND WARRANTS PROMPTLY ROCURED, PURCHASED, TRANSFERRED, LOCATED AND SOLD. Apply to ROBERT S. LEAGUE A CO., NO. 135 8. SEVENTH Street T B0 (J