Til) Daily evening telegraph Philadelphia, Saturday, march ii), im. 5 rx s w.v o n n i a m s. Prof Our Own Corrnrfxmdfnt. New York, March 19, 1870. The Porlm Bull thnt wag given on Thursday evening was almost as brilliant a display as has ever taken place In this city. A frood many llebrew patricians wore present, but they were unavoidably mixed up with some of the elements of the canaille. Towards half-past 2 In the morning some con sternation was created by the dUeovcry that one of tho maskers, a man In tho disguise of a French waltinr-mald, had gained access to the ladles' dre8Plng-roora. The respectable female relatives of the floor-managers grew pale with anger at this Irregularity, and the offender was remonstrated with, lie expressed contrition, and proved that his penitence was practical by gathering his skirts around Mm and leaving the ball-room, shaking tho dust oil his feet, or more literally, the chalk off his gaiters. Tho floor managers, by-the-by, prided themselves upon the elegant yet simple style with which tho entertainment was conducted. At supper, for Instance, the usual French gibberish wVth which comostlblos are baptized la the bills of fare was discarded. It was enough for the guests to bo in masquerade, without the "goodies" being disguised. The delicacies of the season and I am glad to say that this ball differed from the French ones in the fact of there being no female indellcaclos of the season to eat them were printed In plain English. Some of the viands were peculiar to the Jewish table, and had quite as much indi viduality about them as dishes characteristic of Protestantism have. Our Relations with Npnln. Since Zoe, the "Cuban sylph," has vanished from the footlights of New York, our relations with Spain havo become Bomc what complicated and. bid fair to grow more so. For instance, next Wednesday weok, a company of "real" Andaluslan dancers are to appear at Tammany the defunct Tammany from whose boards the secular blondes and the Sabbatic George Francis Train were swept at one fell swoop. Professor Klsley, the same repHtabillty who imported All-Right, and led the Japanese jugglers through the country, has been taking his pick from the theatres of Madrid, Seville, Granada, and Malaga, and has got together some of the best men-dancers and womun-dancers in all Spain. Professor Rlsley's love for the people of New York in particular, and the United States In general. Is represented to be so great that he rejected with contumoly the offers made him by managers at Paris and London, preferring to plump his troupe down at once upon American shores. "Will bruncttism frown down blondlsm? Who knows? The brunettes open at Tammany on the 30ti; the blondes commence at Niblo s on the ensiing 4th of April. I should not be sur prised if, after all, blondlsm has seen its best nights ii this country for the present. Apropos of the d:but of tlie Andaluslan ballet, the price of Spansh mackerel hus gone up, and Castile soap is ibe fuvorlto saponaceous deodorizer of .young New York. The brunette regime will probably be succeeded in its turn by an auburn haired en of beauties cast in the Lady Don mould llished and ardent-tempered beauties, whose verj ghosts would walk about In flesh-colored tights if they had a chauce.and who squeeze all that is pisslonate out of life into their tropic natures, and breathe it forth again in the rhymed nonsense of burlesque. Slurried Editor. There is no good in an editor being married unless he makes use of his wife. Some of the editors of struggling weekly papers here do so in a very practical and charming manner. For instance, In most of the New York weeklies there is a fashion department, which is usually presided over by a lady equally fluent of speech and pen, who, however, has to both talk and write up to tho handle. These elaborate de scriptions of the rarest modes which your wife reads with so supreme an expression of bliss transfiguring her features, are all written by ladles who devote their lives to the work, and aecordingly do It very well Indeed. Some of them are ladies, and some of them are women. Some of them glide through their business du ties concealed uuder the dlsgutBe of a now de nlumf.. and with their mission never for atl instant suspected by the weary dry-goods clerks who noia up lor weir mspecuon article after article of lace and silk. Some of them, whose maiden or whoso married names are too prosaic to suit the purpose, adopt a fic titious name tor tno very purpose ot obtaining notoriety, and while transacting their work for their papers, put ever so manyironsln the fire for themselves, now we euuor wno nrst put to practical use the Idea of making his wife trans act this business did an eminently good stroke of business for himself. He need pay her no salary; the lady would, of course, be faithful to his interests; and, besides, there could be no possible objection as thero would be in other cases to her havinr as many irons in the fire for herself as she chose. Consequently the New York weekly editor's wife has found her sphere. It is that of fashion editress to her husband's newspaper, and appropriates of as many per quisites as fall in her way. Air. Wilkes' Story. There was an unusual rush yesterday to se cure copies of the just Issued edition of Wilkes' Spirit of tlie Times. Every one was naturally anxious to hear Mr. Wilkes' version of the caning which all the dally newspapers agreed that he had received from the hands of Major W. W. Lcland, whom he had grossly scanda lized in his paper. To tell the truth, Mr. Wilkes makes so extremely weak an explanation of what is popularly believed to have happened, and calls his antagonist such dreadfully coarse names, that sympathy with hiia is entirely re moved from tho breast of every reader who does not share in the honor of being his personal friend. "Where the Woodbine Twlneth'" It will probably not be long ere Mr. Flak has the opportunity of repeating this and similar successful gags. For the present, however, he has made his last appearance iu court as a funny man, a witty witness who dared to jest before the judge, and regale with original badinage the bench and hut. It often happens, in scenes iu court, as represented upon the stage, that a wit ness is needed who understands the exigencies of the occasion sufficiently to be funny aud keep the house on the "go" without becoming coarse. Mr. Flsk has found that be would answer admi rably for this business, to which perhaps he may come some day when he shall have speculated ftwuv his wife s private fortune of two millions. his own of ten. lost the confidence and support of J. Gould, and ceased to fluctuate between Erie on the one band and houri on the other. In 6uch parts as "Where the Woodbine Twineth," 1 like him better than Ledingwell, Sam 1 temple, or the ioir-naireu uwen i awcett. ali ua.ua.. The Growth of the American Piano Trade, Notwithstanding the unusual and general depres elon of trade, the total amount of sales In 1809 is fully equal to the buslnes8of the preceding year, and It Is a noticeable fact that, In the Instance of several of the largest manufacturers, a large increase of business Is exhibited. It will be seou that by the revenue statistics of twenty-six firms given below, tliev are residents of New York, Bostou, aud Balti more, and that the aggregate total of their sales amounts to t5.248,&77. Besides those given In tabular form there are a number of Biuall tlnus In the three titles named, and also several In Philadelphia, A-u.nnv. Buffalo. Indianapolis, tit. Louis, and even Han Francisco, which will Increase the total amount r annual rjroduction and sales of pianos In the United States to fully 86,000 lnstrnraents, netting Z.r iion o dollar (17,000,000). New York, the Empire City of the Union, possesses In the woria-rameu mumiuun uiuuiuwij i V... utuinumv Af Hons, not onlr the most exten J..ui.t.iiuiimntintha United States, but beyond i doubt the largest In the world, a shown in the Tact of this firm returning, as made and sold during lh war 1809. nt less than 9200 pianos, for the aggre- .1 r, hundred and tine tlwxuaiul Jour S Ll ixtu.thres dollar (IU05,43). Boston. .r.j Tiiih. in the establishment wri chickcrlng. P0BsesBe the second largest Piano manufactory In the United States, while Balti more nas trie miru, in mat oi Messrs, Hnaoe uo. Slelnwav A Sons New York.. $l,o. 408 etiU:kTine ft Sons... Wm. Knale ft Co.... Haines Brother Win. P. Emerson , . .ltoston. . 822,41)3 ..Baltimore.. ..New York.. ..Boston ..New York.. ..New York.. ...Boston RS3,M 1 SS7,0nl 2.I2.T79 821,444 ii07,B!S5 17&.049 151,000 149,4X4 141.BS9 14S.B00 131,90 119,413 1 IH.WK) 104.6A1 SS.S'iH 87,470 80,178 69,308 62,9-tO M.B31 67.IWT 44.903 44,000 44,628 Albert Weiwr Josi ph l Hale naiit it, Davis ft Do.. (!. F. Llahte A Co.... ..New l ork. . Urncst oaliler New York. II. V. Millor Huston Oeo. Btecke A Co New York.. llnllctt A Cumsten Boston J. W Vpse Boston I'ecker Brothers New York.. Ilazelton Brothers Now York. . Grovesten, Fuller A Co New York, Pteir Brothers Baltimore. .. Marshall A Mlttauer. New York... New York... New York... New York... J. A C. Flslior Lintlcmann A Sons.. Haven, Bacon A Co.. C'alcnberg A Vaupol. ...New York... Gaehle A Co Kaltlmoro, Central Piano Company New York.. nraniun, uaun tio nev xoric. Total.. $5,248,077 Daily Star. CITY lTUItlS. CLOTHING Cloth mo Ci-otbino Cioiuiwa Bfttkb Madi Brtteb Out Bsttxb Frrrwa At Towkh Hatx At Towfb Haix Tram Avywbkhs KtR. HKWwrrr A Oo., So. 618 Ma&ket stbeH. GEORGE A. AUDESIRIED, DIAI.KB IN PREPARED IIOKETBROOK COAL, PIER S3, FOOT OF OALLOWHILL STREET, AMD COMMERCIAL EXOUAKOB BOOMS, No. 421 WALNUT Btreot. Real Bannockuuiivs fob Buits. - . . Black and wblte mixed, Greoa and white mixed, Brown and white mixed, , new color, olive nobby and plain. t The largest assortment on the street - ' now open at Charles Stokes', No. 834 Chesnut street.' Price red wed. Mb. William W. Oabsidt, the Jewellor at No. 19 S. Second street, haa one ot the largest and most attractive stocks ot all kinds of Jewelry and Silverware in the city. He has also on hand a large assortment of fine American Western Watches. This entire valuable stdok is now being sold out below cost, preparatory to removal. Those who purchase at this store at the present time are oertain to get the worth of their money. DRY Fear. The most effectual way of guarding one's health is to keep the feet dry, and that can only be done by the nse of India Rubber Ovvrshoes, and aa the inole ment season is npon ns, we wonld advise oar readers to buy none bnt the best quality, which can only be had at Ooodheab'1 Headquarters, No. 808 Ohesnnt street, south side, Philadelphia, A Lost Art RF.vrvun. It is said that the Roman ladies cmhrowned their faded hair with a transparent fluid, but the secret of such a composition was unknown to any mo dern chemist until Phalon discovered and produced his Vitalia, or Salvation for the Haul Sold by all drug gists and fancy goods dealers. Valuable Stoiie No. 613CoMMF.nrE Street. Messrs Thomas A Sons will sell at public salo, March 29th, the valuable four-story brick store, No. 5l3Commeroo Btroot, well and substantially built, iron front and modern conve niences. Sold by order of the Orphans' Court ; estate of William W. Knight, deceased. Without ant tain, in a harmless way, by the nse of laughing gis (their own inveution), the Colton Dental As sociation have for many years devoted their whole atten tion to extracting teeth. Practice makes perfect. Go to. headquarters. Office, No. 787 Walnut street. Thb sai.K of Paintings, last evening, at Soott'S Art Gallery, No. 1117 Chesnut street, the collection of J. E. McOlees, was very low. The balance of the catalogue will be diSDosed of this evening without reserve. Do not fail to attend this sale. We pay strict attention to Carpets, making np, and put ting down old and new ones, with a guarantee of low prices. ALBEBTSON A Co.. No. 1435 Chesnut street. . BmoEB's Family Bewtoq Maohotu, Ten dollar eaah. Balance in monthly Instalments, O. F. Davis. No. 810 Ohesnnt street. RUBBZB. Ovr B SHOES AND Boon for Men, Women, and Children, can be bad at retail at the very lowest prioes. Goodyear's manufacture, old stand. No, 808 Ohesnnt street, lower aide. Spech. Payments at Oak Haix. Specie Payments at Oak Hall. 8. K. comer SIXTH, hpooie Payments at Oak Hall, and MAKK.K r Streets. Specie Payments at Oak Hail, (Monday UOKKIKtt, Specie Payment at Oak liall,J Maroh 7, 1S70. fF" We commence paving Specie to day in change, instead of frac tional currunoy, in ail our Hales Departments. WANAMAKER a brown, OAK HALL. THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Onr reason for it.") We do not wakt any dull times, and Our reason for it. ( so that people need not wait for Gold Our reason for it. to go down, we at once make the loss. Our reason for It.' aca ... E r Aajusi our prices 10 epeuis uaais, Itf and will sell either Men's or Hoys' B Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Iff Goods the same as if Gold was not tW at a premium. WANAMAKER A BROWN, OAK HALL, SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Onr Hope.') To largely inorease our trade. Many have Our nope. I postponed meir purcnasea expecting uroiti w Our Hope . go down, and put oil buying even though Our Hope.' they need the artiules. This then is the op- lion unity dubiihu. u buhj c,u uuy uiiw iuai as cheap as ever they will be able. We ex pect to increase our trade, and be repaid the temporary loss, besides, by our example, belp to bring back the good old times before the war began. WANAMAKER A BROWN, RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTH and MARKET Streets, Postscript. Though our sales last year exceeded I ff Postscript. ( any former year, we mean to increase 5 if Postscript, f them still by our enlarged facili-1ST- Postscript. tie. I tf" Clothing than in any bouse this side I If of the Atlantic Ocean, well made, of I tf good material, and handsomely cut, fWandet prices lower thun any time tW since lWil. WANAMAKER A BROWN, THE CLOTHIERS, Wno ocenpy the whole Block, BLXTU Street, from Muiket to Mino. iii:i. Benxktt. On the lBth instant, Mrs. Mart Mon. bok Bknmrtt. in the Uth year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, on juouuay, Murrh til. The. remains will leave her late residence. No. V63 8. Eleventh street, at 10 o'clock A. M., and the funeral services will be conducted at the Old Brick M. E. Church, late Kensington, at llx o clock, Interment at Laurel Ulll Cemetery. Keixkh. On the 18th Instant, Aihm, only child of Ltithtr P. and Sallie Knepley Keller, aRed 8 months. Funeral on Monduy afternoon at 8 o'clock, from his parents' residence. No. m n. Foorin sireei. I.FiiiiAN. On the loth Instant, Margaret, wife ol William U. Lehman, in the 46th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family, also Rose of Sharon Lodge, No. 8, Masonio Ladles, and Hiram Temple, No. 16, of the Masonic Tie, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. Jrora the residence of her husband. Main street. CUesnut Hill, on Sun day, the soth instant, at 1 o'clock P. M., without iur ther notice. Preston. At Kohrnburpr, Columbia county, Pa., Mrs. Carolimm t., Wf 0f James L. Preston, and """ni'wr oi uie late isaao auu auu j.uacuo, lain ui iuui uuj. Wardlb. on Thursday, the 17th instant, Richard C. Wardlb. Tke relatives and male friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his mother, No. 16i Hpring Garden street, on V nday, me iHt Instant, at 10 o'clock. lWrjjwr.-)n the Iflth Instant, TniODORI WnJSOH, In the Mth year of his agn. 1 he relatives and friends or tno family, and aisi Empire Lodgo, No. 104, 1. O. of O. F.. are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. iwifl Arch street, on Saturday afternoon, the mth Instant, at 8 o'clock. t5J tW AT A MKETINO OF THR BOARD OF Di ll hC'TOKS of the Commonwealth National Hank, held this day, the following preamble and resolutions wereanani monsiy aopia : ....... . Whereas, v e nave neara wiin me asepem regret or tne aVerase of mir valupd friend and fallow director, THE l DORK WILKON, Esq., therefore lionlcil Thnt in all our associations with him haais. played the qualifications of an honest man, an enterpris ing merchant, and a thorough gentleman, Henolved. That we sinnereiv ooaaoie wun nis Dereavea family, an J that, we will pay every proper tribute to his memory and character. ' Hwolve4, Tba' the Hoard of Directors of the Common, wealth National Bank, of wnich lfl was an ornament and an honor, will attend his funeral in a body. Kenolved, That a oony of these resolntions, duly attested bf theottio.rsof the Bank, be presented to the family of tbe deceased. t-onn-f mt. uuriM.n, Attt . rresiaent. H. O. Yotroo, Cashier. Philadelphia, March IS, 1H70. l QARPETINQS. C A R P E T I N C S, OIL CLOTIIN, MATTIHUS, UUCiS, IUIJKT8, Htnlr and Hall Carpetlnfrs, IN GREAT VARIETY. PRICES ALL REDUCED. R. L. KNIGHT A SON, No. 1222 CILESNUT STREET, 8 6 8tutH3m PHILADELPHIA. C A RPETINC8. We are now opening a full line of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND T X I 3V OF ALL GRADES, M A. G S, Which we are offering at greatly reduced prioes from last season. LEED0M, SHAW & STEWART, Wo. GS5 MARKET Street, 8 24 thstu3m PHILADELPHIA. RCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. CARPETINGS. New Styles at the Reduced . Hates. BRUSSELS, 3-PLYS, INGRAIN, AND VENETIAN At SS per cent, lower than last season's prices. JOSEPH BLACKMORE, No. 832 ARCH STREET, 3 19 2mrp Below Ninth, South Side. FURNITURE, ETO. QHARLE8 E. CLARK. BEDDING AND Cottage ITiiriaitiire, No. 11 North ELEVENTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. Hair and Husk Mattresses, Feather ' Beds, Bolsters and Pillows. BHST QUALITY OF SPRING MATTRESSES. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washstands, Chairs, Towel Racks, Rocking Ohaiis, etc Few Cushions, Feathers and Down. Comfortables and Blankets. 13 16 tntha2m TUCKER'S SPRINGS AND HOWE'S COTS. AVE RILL BARLOW, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In CATJU-XT FURNITURE, FACTORY, 1126 and 1123 CHARLOTTE Street. Warerooms, No. 1117 CHESNUT St., PHILADELPHIA, Furniture at private sale, at manufacturers' prices. Auction Sales every Tuesday at 10 A. M. Consignments solicited frnm flrst-class manufac turers and dealers. All goods warranted. 8 8lmrp a. houtt, jr., Auctioneer. yyiLLIAM FAR SON'S Improved Patent sola uea Makes a handsome Sofa and comfortable lied, with (Sprina Mattress attached. Those wihbion to economize room tbould cull and eiamine them at the extensive brat- class i urnuure v arorooms ui No. 2'2H S. SECOND Street. A Wn. WILLIAM FARSON'S PATKNT KXTKN8ION- TAbl.K FAST-UMNO. Kvery table should have them on Tuy boia tue leaves nriuiy vogoiuur u punw about the room. a l'.'amv,am UPHOLSTERY GOODS, ETO. NOBLIT, BROWN, NOBLIT & CO., Nos. 222 and 218 S. SECOND Street, I PHILADELPHIA, Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in Upholstery Goods. Car Trimmings, Cabite" Makers' and Undertakers' Finding!. Swiss ar.d Nottingham Curtains, Hair Seating, Curled Hair Beddiner, ETO. ETO., 3 18 SmSp Wholesale and Retail. GROCERIES. ETO. 1809. TABRASTED GENUINE OLD Government Java Coffee, Roantetl every day. at 40 cent per pound, at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South SECOND St., S IT UutuJ BELOW 0UESNUT BTKEET. DRY GOODS. JOHN BURNS, HOI SE-FUHSIsniNQ DRY GOODS AND IMPOR TER OF HOSIERY, Nos, 845 and 84T 8. ELEVENTH Street, Above Spruce. . . Frcm Recent Importer' Sale, Linens as Cheap as Muslins. Job lots Rlobardson's yard wide Family Linens, the greatest bargains evor offered. Heavy Linen Sheoting. 3V yards wide, 75o. Fitra Heavy Linen Hheeting, JX yards wide, St. Linen Sheeting, SV to I yards wide, 90o. to $1-87. One case 6-4 Pillow Linen, fine, Mo., worth Wo. 'Real Barnsley Damaak Table Linen, Sl-SS. Oenaine Barnsley Table Damask, il'60 to 13-87. Damask Napkins, all linen, SL'St to finest imported. Heavy Loom Towels, size 1x40 inches, tUo. WHITE PIQUES, aS. 3 It 37 43. SO, TO 90c. The eelebraand London Oord Piqne, too. i Double-width Frenoh Maslln, 600., auc.,p. Large Plaid Nainiook for evening dresses. Tucked Nainsook for skirts and children's dresses. Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, new styles. IIANDKERCIIIEFS. One ease Ladies' Hemstitched All Linen Handkerchiefs, 12,, 16, 18, 30, B, 2So a real bargain, SPRING HOSIERY. Just arrived per steamer Olty ot Washington. Ladies' genuine Balbriggan Hose, 70o. up. Genu' genuine Balbriggan Hose, 40o., 46o., up. Ladies' extra-leng English Hose, Wo. up. Children's extra-long English Hose, 40c. np. Ladies' Qanr.e Merino Vesta, regular made, 75o. np. ' Children's Oanze Msrino Vests, regular made, Wo., up. I OenU' best English X Hose, 85o. per pair, $4 per dozen. . . It Second Special Announcement. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., No. 920 CHESNUT STREET. Ilavlngbeen successful la disposing; of a large portion of the stock: to the public at aa Immense sacrifice of tne ORIGINAL COST, We are now determined to sell the balance at a still greater reduction. BALANCE OP 'TROCTOU" STOCK MHST BE SOLD. Borne of the leading kinds of goods la this stock now on nuna are as louows: KID GLOVES. FURS IN SETS OR SEPARATE, HOSIERY. DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, CORSETS, WHITE, SCARLET, AND BLUE CLOTHS, BLACK CLOTHS, GOOD SIDE-BAND CASS1MERES, 62VC. ENGLISH 4-4 WATERPROOFS, Mc. 6-4 WATERPROOFS, 75c. PURE MOHAIR BLACK ALPACAS, ArtniiS AT lftf-t0. WHITE VELVET CORAM, SOLANS PLAID CLOAK I NOS, $20. HOYS' L1NRV WKAR, BLACK nERNANIS, 25c. STRIPED ORENADINES. 10c. BLACK SILKS AT ONE-THIRD THEIR COST, FANCY MI.KS AT 1ULK U It l-fiiorS. REMNANTS OF DUES'' OOODS NEARLY ALL GONE, I.ONO AND HOUA KK HilOCnE SHAWLS. BALANCE OF TIIE BLANKETS CLOSING OUT jicjIKm LKirr, WHITE LACK POINTS, RO- TLNDES, AND SACO.UES. BLACK LACK DO. DO. PROCTOR'S, 8 15 tuths 8t5 No. 920 CHESNUT Street. 7-4 LOOM TABLE LINEN AT CEKTS. Best goods ever sold at the price. , HEAVY LOOM TOWELLING, V. 16 CENTS PER YARD. Very desirable. FINE GRADES OF TABLE LINENS AT LOW PRICES, Towels, Pillow-Case Linens, and Sheetings, I Napkins i FROM LATE AUCTION 8 ALES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. ISO, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, 819 8t Above Willow. w E HAVE RECEIVED AN INVOICE OF OUR CELEBRATED BOMBAZiNE FINISH ALPACAS. The same make of goods is not kept by any other house. PERKINS & CO., 9 South rJZPITH Street, S 17 thBtuSnUp FHILADKLPHLA. f R CAT BARGAINS IN 13 lade Hillcs. 8PECIAL BAnOIN IW BLACK BILK 8. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN JAPANESE 81LK8. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN JAPANESE SILKS. SPKTtlAL BARGAINS IN IRISH POPLINS. RPHOIAL BARGAINS IN IRISH POPLIMS. THE ENTIRE BTO0K HARKED DOWN TO GOLD AT PAR- specie Girt n Out In Clian-je. GEO. D. WISHAM, Io. 7 Worth EIGHTH Street, S 19 stuth 13t PHILADELPHIA. NEW PUBLIOATION8. A FRIL MAGAZINES I NEW BOOKS! 1. At TURNER'S Cheap Bookstore, No. 8K8 OUESNUT Street, eaa be bad all tbe Magazlnei for April. TURNER A OO., Book-ellsrs and Publishers, No. 08 CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia Binding dose in all styles, an! Subscriptions taken for any Magazine, Appleton's Journal, eto. It WANTS. TT7ANTFT1 AT ONCE-A MAN WHO 13 VV ready to invest in a business where he ean make per aay, uau v w FOR BALE. FOR BALK. AT CHESNUT HILL, A very desirable Residence, near depot and chirrohea. jtilnr. ntn nv.mnm. lihrnrv. and two Kitonens. Dine Tteil. rooms, bath-room, dressing rooms, water-closets, and larce store rooms, pantries, etc Hot and cold water, gas, fur oaoe, ete. Terms to suit pnrchasor pUohiWt mwfral2t No. 418 WALNUT Street MKRCIIANTVILLE, N. J. BUILDING il sltee for sale, five minutes' walk from Welwood ilation. THIRTY MINUTES FROM FRONT AND MARKET HTKKKT8, . Philadelphia. Addrws J. W. TORRKT, i jo Im Nojin OH F8 NUT Jit reet, Philadelphia TO RENT. TO LET TIIE STORE PROPERTT NO. fan Ohesnnt street, twenty five feet front, one boa dred and forty-five feet deep to Bennett street. Back buildings five stories) high. Poseesaioa May L 1870. Ad dreae ' THOMAS B. FLRTOHEB, U lot! Delanoo. W. J. TO LET THE THREE-8TORT BRICK Dwelling, No. 666 North Twelfth street, above aoa. Three etory doable back buildiugs. wit a all modern conveniences eomplete. Rent, 8800, Inquire on prcmlsee. . l7tl FOR RENT A LARGE STORE AND Dwelling, No. 1318 Ridge avenue, newly fitted np with all modern oonvenieaoee. Apply to L O. PRIUK, No. 64 K. bKYKHiH prreet. mu M ERCANTILE LIBRARY, TENTH ABOVE moilating twenty persons. I mat REAL. ESTATE AOENT. FRED. SYLVESTER, RE AL ESTATE BROKER, Ifo. SOS South FOURTH Street, 88 8n PHILADELPHIA. " AORIOULTURAL. - GARDEN, FLOWER, AND FIELD Seeds, Extra Early, Dan O'Ronrke, Carter's Firs1 Crop, Champion of England, Eugenie, and Blue Impe rial Peas. For sale b, HACKER. WKTHERILL A CO., No. 805 MARKET Street. g ONION SETS, ASPARAU8 ROOTS, jf Rhubarb Roots, Grafting Wax, Mushroom Spawn, Early hose, Karly Mohawk, and Peach 11 low Potatoes. HAUKKK, WKTHRKII.I. A !., No. 80i MARKET Street. ft EARLY YORK, WINNINGSTADT, 2L Flat Dutoh, Drumhead, and other varieties of llab. Cage, Seeds, Tomatoes, Kkk Plant, Pepper, Lettuce, Radish Heeds, etc. .. ,.,,.., . . nAuacn, nr.inr.hiui, vu., 819stufHt No. 8D6 MARK h'T Street. J BUIST'8 GARDEN MANUAL AND Zf A T.MAN AD (or 1h7ll contains one hundred and twenty panes of nsotnl information to country residents, tnstriDuleu graiunousiy inmi , , 8171m Nos. 922 and W4 MVKKKT St.. above Ninth. BUIST'S WARRANTED GARDEN iiZ 8F.KDS. Market (iardeners or Private Families who desiro the most improved Seeds should purchase their supplies at Dnlnunm. DUini is "(linvnuunn, 8 17 lm Nos. 903 uud M ARKKT St.. above Ninth. AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS AND , GARDEN TOOLS. Ploughs, Harrows, 'ultiva. tirs. Seed Sowers. Churns. Harden and Meld miinrs, Lawn Mowers, Railroad and Oariien Wheelbarrows; Hav, Straw, and Fodder Cuttors, all at reduced prices. OaU and exumine our stock UOKRKT BUIST, .In., 8 17 lm Nos. i22 and W4 MARKET Street TIIE PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWER. aniris inut. the nrtii'le npndnd bvall who have srass to out. It can be operated by a lady without latigue. Price $8, and every Mower warranted. Sold by ftun..ai i vj i ' i i tin.. 8KKD WAREHOUSK, 8171m Nos. 922 and M4 MARKKT Street. VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS, . FRKBH AND (IKKUINJ.-OtawMd Olov.rSewt onion Aaparairas and KnauarD noots, muiutwni Kiiawn. Karlv fotatoes. t ruit Tret's, uraoe vines, straw- berry. Raspberry, Blackberry, Currant Plants of the beat varieties DHKKK o UAHUKH USLKHUAK lor 1H7U, WIU list oi prices, etc, can bo had on application aft 1 17 thswelt No. 714 CHKSNUT btreet. THE FINE ARTS. II THE NINE MUSES Have Been Retained on Exhibition AT EARLE8V GALLERIES, . No. 816 CUESNUT STREET, 8 S 18t FOR A FEW DATS LONGER. Qm F. H A 8EL TINE'S ; Galleries, ot tlie Arts, . No. 1125 CHESNUT STREET. TIIE AUTOTYPES AND LAN I S CAPES lllOrpl HAVB 1RRIVRD. N EW CHROMO S. JAMKS S. KARLK A SONS, No. 816 OH KB NUT 8THKKT. Are In constant receiut of lur numbers of NKW KNUHAV1NU AMU WlllUMUa, , A fiti ,,f whlnh &ra a. follows Little Kva after J. O. Brown. Innocence after J. ii. itrown. WIit Don't He Come? (comuunion) at tor J. U. Itrown. GuriHtnias Memories.. after A.J. 11. Way. Tlie First 1-en.un in Musio after Lonriuhon. l ast Asleep after Airs. Anderson. Wida Aw&ka after Mrs. Anderson. Tbe Queen of tbe Woods after J. G. Brown. Little rso-reep aiiru. u. crown. Family rioene in Pompeii after Uooinans, Dotty Dimule after Mrs. Murray. The Monastery in Winter after Jaoohien. A Wet ribeet and a Flowing bua at tor us Ha. Kiinsat on tbe Coast after le Haas. Tbe Launch of the Life boat after K. Mor.u. Yo Semite Valley after Thomas HtlL The Birth place of Whittler after Thomae IlilL The largoat eelieolion in tne country at we very iuwwi prices. " BOOTS AND SHOES. BARTLETT, No. S3 SOUTH SIXTn STKEET, Ever thankful for the patronage extended heretofore, aud desirous of iurther favors, begs announce his SPRXNQ STYLES OP BOOTS and SHOES for Gents' and Boys' wear. A large assortment of CUSrOM-MADt? GOODS, made on bis Improved Lasts, which are unrivalled for comfort and beauty, enables him to furalsh a ready fit at all times. 113tustoD8X p CHA8. EICHEL, Fashionable Boot and Shoe MANUFACTURER, Io. SOI North KICJIITII Street, 8 19 Imrp First Stoiw aboBottenwood 8t.LPhiUida CUTLERY, ETO. JJODGERS & WOSTENUOLM'S POCKET KKITES, Pearl and Stag bandies, and beantlf ul finish i Rodgers', and Wade A Butcher's Raiors, and tbe oele brated Leooaltre Razor t Ladies' Beissora, in eaaes, of the finest quality ; Rodgera' Table Cutlery, Carvers and Forks, Razor Strops, Cork Sorews, Eto, Ear Instruments, to ftasiet tbe bearing, of tbe moat approved oonatrootioo, at P. MADEIRA'S, 1 Ml Ne. IU TENTH SUeet, below Uheenut. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFB TESTIMOIIY Ifl FAVOR or MARVIN'S PATENT CHROME-IRON SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFE, FOR SALE BY MARVIN & CO., 721 CHESTNUT Street (MASONIC HALL), FHILADELTniA. VlKltr.AND. N. J.. .Til It M. 1flft Xrr. Marvin Co., phila. Gbnti.rmrn: I have waited over six months fr the development of yonr Bphorloal Chrome-Iroa Safes, and In the meantime have suoceeded In drift ing every specimen or metal presented to me by taa other makers upon which they rely for security against burelars ; bnt from the tests I have made oei the 20-lnch ball (your No. 8 Spheiioal) I purchased ft yon, I am satlsfled that no steel drill oau out It, anal as for sledges and wedges, I think its shape utterly precludes any successful attack with therm. I wife, further say that I have been assisted In my testa by vnune ciaiuiuig tu ue eapena,aua 1 nave ouereei twentv-flve dollars to any person that would drill the ball, preferring it should be drilled for pay. ramer man oy tne ourgiar lor piunaer. They gara It np. You are at liberty to refer to me at any uma in relation to said sale, and I shall be happy to im part any information In my possession te aay aa Inquiring. l ours truly 4. vuuaa. Dims 8aviho9 Fund, Slatinuton. Pa.. March 18. 1889. M'ahti. Marvin Co., J'hila. Dkar Sikh: The Spherical Safe I purchased fron, yon (your sice No. 8) arrived a few days ago and la now in the bank. I can work the combination loTk with eo.se, as its movements work line a charm. It anoros me pieafinre to Announce its giving universal satisfaction to all the directors. I enclose my check , Yours truly, A. J. SCnNACKENBERQ. City Bahk. i . Harribbuko, Pa., June 8, 1369. MfKTS. Marvin &' Co., i'hila, ' (tKnti.emkn : The Spherical Safe (No. 4) whloh wa purchased from you gives entire satisfaction. Wa use it for the storage of our own Bonds and for valuable special deposit. We have entire confi dence in Its ability to reslBt any attack that burglars) may make on It. The combination look Is tke smoothest working piece of mechanism of the kind that we have ever used. Very respectfully. i JOHN. A. LIULKK, Caanlor. First National Bank or York, York, Pa. June 14, 1369. ' Mtm. Marvin A- Co., Phila. Okntlkmkn: The Spherical Safe (No, 4) was dnlr re'elvcd and subjected to su..h tests as we required, and we are glad to say that It withsttod all the ast-aults made upon It. It is now In use in our Bank vault. Respectfully, D. . SMALL, President.' From thk Y'ork Dkmocratic Prfus, York, June 4, 13t9. A ItoKOt.AB PhoovSapk. The Fimt National Bank on Tuesday placed In their Vault one of MAKV1N tt ' CO. '8 CHROME IKON SPHERICAL KURQLAR PROOF SAFES, which was purchased from their agent, Mr. Uervy Herman, formerly of this plaoe. Tbe safe was sold to the Bank subject to such tests as the Directors saw fit to put it to. They Invited machinists and others to try their hand at safe breaking and boring. The Bank employed Major XpU'y, one of the best machinists In this section of the country, to "drill the safe, if possible." Tha Major, with the assistance of bis son, spent several hours In preparing bis drills and tools, and having secured a strong leverage, went to work and after entirely using up his drills, and hardly making as impression on the safe, gave his opinion that drilling through, inside of .two weeks, was out of the ques tion. ' The safe was then attacked with heavy sledges. Messrs. Small, DUlmeyer it Co. were called npon for three of their best Blachmiith Striker, who wera furnished with heavy sledges. ' After plaolng tha safe la the middle of the sidewalk, they commenoed whacking away In regular forgo style, dealing blows that were heard for squares,but with no effect on tha safe. It may be Imagined with what strength they dealt their blows, when they were sufllcient to crack their iledge and render them useless. The trial created quite an excitement and all were satisfied that a BUlWLAU-PiiOOF SAFE HAD AT LAST BEEN FOUND. Banking Housii of J. B. Nkwtok A Co., Emporium, Pa,, June 95, 1869. Mcfsrn. Martin if- Co., J'hila. Dear mkh: We enclose draft on the Untoa National Bank In payment of Spherical Safe size No. 4. The President of the Lock Haven National Bank: iitid Moore, Simpson A Co., Bankers, of Lock Haven, were here yesterday and examined the safe. They were well pleased with it, and said they wonld each purchase one. Yours, very truly, J. B. NEWTON A CO., Bankers. STBornsBCKO, Pa., Feb, 8, 18T0, Mttiir. Marvin Co., I'hila, Ukntlkmkn : The safe you sent me (No. 4 folding door tire-proof with No. 1 fclpherlral inside) arrived saiely, and I should have uo tilled you of the fact sooner, but have delayed until I could have It tested. This was done yesterday, and the result was entirely satisfactory. An experienced blacksmith with the hardest cold chisel he could make failed to make the slightest imprrsaion on the Spherical Hare. The operation was witnessed by a number of gentlemen, all of whom seemed entirely convinced that the little ball was Invulnerable. Yours truly, TUOMAS A. BELL, Banker. Fadmkrs' Dkpohit Nation il Bank, Pittsbuku, February 4, 1370, Mear. Marvin & Co. Gbntijcmkn: We have had the two Spherical Safes which you furnished ns (size No. 8) tested, and. we take pleasure In informing vou of tho result. We bad two experienced workmen from James Marshall A C'o.'s foundry and machine shop with -good sledges and drills. The Sufes were placed la our Banking room, and ' the men pounded away oa them (maklug a great deal more noise than any bur glars would dare to do) until we were completely satisfied that the Safea could not be broken by Bledges. We then tried to drill them, and not succeeding In getting a drill fastened to work at the top, we placed one of tbe Safes between two brick walls, where tha men worked at It without making any impression on anything but the paint. It affords ns pleasure t state to you that we feel that our funds are perfectly secure w hen lnBlde your safes. Yery respectfully. F. L. STEPHENSON, Cashier. Besides the above, we can refer to hundreds of persons, sclentlOo men, experts, Iron founders machinists and others, who have critically examined ourSPERICAL SAFE, and willingly give It a prefer rence over Safes of any other manufacture. PLEASE CALL AUD EXAMINE THE SPJJERI CAL 8AFES. MARVIN & CO. 721 CHESTNUT Street (Masonic Hall), PHILADELPHIA. 868 BROADWAY, New York, and 108 BANK Street, Cleveland, Ohio. 1 18 sStOp AND FOB BALE BY OUR AGENTS IN THB PEINCIPAL CITIES THROUGHOUT TUB UNITED STATES.