THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1870. 7 MUSICAL. AHI DRAMATIC. The Oltf AmiiMinntit At Tint Academy or MuhiO tho rarepa-Uiwa troupe will appear this evening in Mozart's opera of The Marrinje of Figaro. To-morrow cvnin Mr. Oastlo will benefit, when II Trooalore will be given. ll.lVO At tub Ciiesnut The. Streetsof Nmn York will b repeated this evening, with Mr. Frank Mayo as "Badger." At tiir Walnut Mr. Edwin Adams will ap pear Uiis evening In tlie role of Knoch Arlm. At tiir Arch Little Em'ly will bo performed tills evening. On Friday next Mr. A. E. Brady will have a complimentary benefit, when he will porsonato Major Wellington do Hoots. " At Duprez & Benedict's Opkka Hoitsb an attrnctlvo programme of Ellilopiau comloall tics will bo presented this evening. At tub Ki.bvf.nth Street Oiera House a variety of amusing biirlesqnce and other altrac tlous will ho given this evening. Signor Bi.itz and his son will p;lve perform ances of manic this afternoon and evening at tho Assembly Building. A Conckrt in aid of the German Hospital will bo given to-morrow evening at tho German Theatre, under tho direction of Mr. F. Tiodo uiaan. A number of favorite artists have volun teered, and a fino performance may be ex acted. OT1 ITKJIJ. OLornrwa CJtOTHINfl Clothino Ulothino liKTTKU MaOB IIkttkb Ou r MiKTTKK I'lTTISrt At Toweb Hall At Towm Haj.i, Than Amitwiieiik Km. Hkvwutt A Do., No. 618 Mabket bTiir.i:r. JKWELBT. Mr. 'William W. Oaaatdy, No. 13 8. Neoond street, bu the larejeet and moat attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in the cily. Purchaser oaa rely upon obtaining a real, pnra article, furnished at a prioe which oanoot be equalled. He aim baa a large (took of American Western Watobea in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to bla atora ia eur to remit in plan are and profit. Dnt FEET. The moat effectual way of an aiding one's health ia to keep tbe feet dry, and that can only be don by the uae of India Rubber Onrehoea, and aa the inole- ment season is upon ua, we would ad viae oar readers to buy none but the beat quality, which ean only be had at UoODIFAB'a Headquarters, No. 8UB Obeannt street, south Aide, Philadelphia, ISDF.rEKDEHCX SQUARE Desecrate that hallowed around! Forbear, Degenerate aona of worthy aims ; hare ye no honor Loft Ia patriotism dead? tbe apirita of thoao Noble men who dedicated that spot to Liberty and the people, will rise and Scornfully drive ye, aa the Holy One drove From the sacred temple the worshippora of Mammon. Prices for Fine Fashionable Clothing the same as before the war at Charles Stokes', No. 634 Chkbnut Street. Mr. HASELTnnt's last balk of Ohronoa takes place this evening. 600 having been disposed of, 400 remain to be sold. Fnoes have btoa ve-y low for the quality. No person should miss this opportunity. Uallkt, Davis 4 Oo.'s Orchestral Grand Pianos beat everything in the shape of pianos, and are vorv properly called the king of pianos. Go and bear them at No. 937 Gheanut street. Before purchasing, call and examine the Parham New Family Hewing Machine. Salesroom No. 7U4 Oheannt Street. Every machine warranted. Rubbfr Overshoes akd Boots for Men. Women, and Children, can be had at retail at the very lowest prices. Goodyear's manufacture, old stand, No. 3U6 Gbeanut street, lower side. Bale op Srr.vnit -plated Ware at Boon's, No. 1117 Oheannt street (fjir-rd How). Manufactured by George II. Becbtel, No. 7 Id Arch street Warranted the very beat. MONTHLY, Parham Sowing Machines sold on easy monthly instalment at No. 7U4 Oheannt street, Eikoer's Family. Sewing Machines, Ten dollars cash. Balance in monthly instalment. O. F. Davis, No. 810 Ohesnat street. Piles. Dr. W. A. MoOandlees, No. 1936 Spring Garden street, gives bis entire time to tbe permanent cur of Pile. Best city reference given. Parham New Family Sewing Machines on terms to suit all, at No. 704 Oheanut street. CLOTHING FOR PHILADELPHIANS. CLOTHING FOR CAMDENITES. CLOTHING FOR MANAYUNKER8. CLOTHING FOR GERMANTOWNERS. CLOTniNG FOR LANC AST BRIANS. CLOTHING FOR UARRISBURGERS. CLOTHING FOR JERSEYMEN. CLOTHING FOR PENNSYLVANIA. CLOTHING FOR DELAWARIANS. CLOTHING FOR STRANGERS. 4 CLOTHING FOR FRIENDS. CLOTHING FOR EVERYBODY. CLOTHING FOR FULL-GROWN MEN. CLOTHING FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN. CLOTHING FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE. CLOTHING FOR LESS MONEY THAN ELSE WHERE. CLOTHING, FOR STYLE UNSURPASSED. CLOTHING, FOR CHEAPNESS UNEQUALLED. WANAMAKER A BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E. Corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Stratton Acxley. At St. John's Church (Epis copal), Marysville, Cal., on tho morning of February 3, lbio, by Rev. A. A. McAllister, Cornelius A. Stratton to Addis A., daughter of Lyman Ackley, Ol lHiiiuruin. Walton Zane. On January 19, 18T0, at his resl rlenee, No. 1880 N. Twelfth street, by the Rev. J. Walker Jackson, Mr. Frank It. Walton to Miss 80FUIA Zane, only daughter of Andrew Zane, Sr., j-iq., all of this city. mi2i. Bnc Walter. Suddenly, on tho evening of the 12th instant, David Buck w alter, in the 62d year of The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 634 N. Seventh street, on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. psTnlap. On tho 16th instant, Mr. James Duklat, 0PJT'i 44 years. J'i he relatives and friends of tho family are respect- JtVMV lnvltea to atiouu ma muerai, iruiu mo - . . i.. I..u. 11 .. u . ...... ut lln.nhi lenee of his mother-in law, Mrs. Maigaret Murphy, No. 1002 Beach street, above Noma, on Kruiay aicer Doon at o'clock. To proceed to Franklin Ceme tery. Kino. On the 14th instant, Francis Kino, in the CStli year of his age. The relatives and friends are particularly invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 1S2S Walnut street, on Thursday afternoon, at 8 PRiKan.KT. On Tuesday, February IB, 1870, Samuel Priestley, in tho both year of his ae. Funeral from his late residence, illh Street Sta tion, Oeruiantown, on Friday, the 18tli instant, at U o'clock A. M. . Tatixjr. On tho 14th instant, Charles Taylor, In the etrth year of his age. The relatives and male friends are respectfully ln Alted to attend his funeral, from his late residence. No 811 Jacoby street, on Thursday morning next at Jitfj'elock. to proceed to Moaument Cemetery. FOUKTII EDITION WASSIZIOTO IJ. Cut an Recognition Tha Sale of Cadet ehipa Naval Orders Reorgani zation of the Navy Pro ceedings in Congress To-day. 13 u n o p a. Tiie Irish. Beform Bill Cruelties to Fenian Prisoners Moatpsnsier and Prim The Situation in Paris Further Rioting, which is Suppressed by the Police. FROM EUROPE. IrUh Land Kf-lernt Bill. By the Angle-American Cable. London, Feb. 16. Tho Telegraph (Liberal) In reviewing the dobatos In the House of Com mons last evening, on tho occasion of the in troduction of the Irish Land Reform bill, ex presses reat satisfaction with the proceedings. The writer thinks tho real union of Oroat Bri tlan and Ireland may be dated from last night, and that the new bill is perfect and invulnerable in all points. Cruel tire to Fenian Prisoners. The Standard (Conservative) to-day urges in quiry into tho alleged cruelties on Fonian pri soners. Tho (Kcnmnnlcal Council. Rome, Feb. 16. Another session of tho Coun cil was held yesterday, when six of tho fathers took part in tho discussion. It was announced to tho Council that tho Bishops of Antwerp, Mechlin, and Salerno bad received the title of primate. Eight bishops received permission to return to their dioeescs. The Felon RebchajnlT. Paris, Feb. 16. All tho great powers of Eu rope sustain Russia in the demand upon Switz erland for tho surrender of tho felon Robchajeff. jflontpenaier and Prim. Madrid, Feb. 10. General Prim yesterday ofllcially assured tho Cortes that the recent visit of Montpcnslcr was not on political matters. The n In Purls. Paris, Feb. 10. Seven journals of this city have been officially warned this week. Last evening great crowds of people assembled at a reunion In tho Ruo St. Martin, Bollovllle, which was suppressed by the police without disorder. Another prosecution has been commenced agaiust La Marsellaise for violation of the prens law. FROM WASHINGTON. Cuban Itccoffnitlon. SpeMal Despatch to The Evening Telegraph, Washington, Feb. 10. General Banks offered a resolution to-day, authorizing and instructing the President to maintain a strict neutrality be tween the people of Cuba and tho kingdom of Spain so long as tho contest now in progress in Cuba shall continue. It also renders luopera tlve all laws of tho United States contrary to that intent of this resolution. Hale of Cadetahlps. The Military Committee examined a couple of witnesses from Pennsylvania relative to the sale of cadotships. Tnelr evidence amounts to nothing, as It was entirely of tho hearsay order. lteorgnnlxBilnn of the Navy. Despatch to the Aoeiated Frees. Wasuinoton, Feb. 16. The House Com mittco on Naval Affairs to-day had under con sideration a bill tor the reorganization of the navy, and discussed the question of positive and relative rank without coming to a conclusion Naval Orders. Lieutenant-Commander George T. Wilde has been ordered to ordnance duty at the Boston Navy Yard, and Ensign Thomas II. Dubois to the Frolic. Lieutenant-Commander F. E. Chad wick bos been detached from the Tuscarora and granted sick leave. Ensign JoBoph II. Stickney has been detached from the receiving ship Ohio and ordered to the Congress. Second Assistant Engineers Charles II. Greenleaf andJamos II. Chasmar are dotached from the Mohican . aud placed on waiting ordors. The NaTT Complement Fnllr Reached. Washington, Feb. 18, Tho complement of men for tho navy allowed by law, viz., eight thousand tlve hundred men, having beon reached, the depart ment has directed that enlistment shall cease. The ellect of this order will be to detain the Colorado, which is destined to relieve the Delaware on the Asiatic station, and to keep the men attached to tho luttcr vessel over the term of their enlistment, for which, however, they will receive one-fourth addi tional pay. The department has nrged upon Con gress the necessity of allowing an additional number of men to meet this contingency, but no action has been taken aud hence tho Congress, the Colorado, and other vessels cannot sail. In any emergency that might arise, the department is powerless to sup ply a single vessel to meet It. COIV It ESS. Nenate. Continued rom the Third JSdition. Mr. Thayer suggested to the Senator from Ver mont (Mr. Edmunds) to Introduce a bill to provide for the different classes of disabled soldiers referred to, but to penult tills particular class who had lost liuibB to bo now provided for. Air. Sherman remarked that wo wero now paying per annum for pensions, aud that If $15 was to be given to every disabled soldier, the aggre gate ot the Increased pensions would be largely swollen. Mr. Kdmunds modified his motion to a slmnlo proposition to strike out the third section, allowing payment in money of the value of a limb to all those entitled to receive limbs. He said that the objection that tills bill was a species of piecemeal legislation which would diNturb the present carefully gradu ated sralo of equality between soldiers UiU'urently disabled. riouse. Cimtinved from tlte Third Edition, Mr, Culloiii also reported back a petition of citi zens of Massachusetts, that that State be remanded to a territorial condition on account of its State rights heresies in 1813. (Laughter.) Referred to the Reconstruction Committee. Mr. Dyer, from the same committee, reported a bill to redeiine a portion of the boundary line be tween Nebraska and Dakota. Passed. Mr. Porueroy, from thujsame committee, reportad a bill setting aside the net proceeds of the Internal Revenue In Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming lor 1870-1-2, for tho erection of Capitol buildings la tuoae Territories, not to exceed J 4ft OC0 in each. Mr. Davis (N. Y.) made the point of order that the bill made an appropriation and must bo first con- sldered In committee oi me Whole. , The Speaker sustained the point of order, and the bill was referred to the Committee of tho Whole. Mr. Cullom also, from the same committee, re ported back adversely the bill providing Territorial Government for Alaska. Laid on tho table. Mr. ( ullom, from the same committee, reported the bill to aid in the executloa of the laws in Utah, so as to prevent and punish polygamy. During the reading of the bill tho mutuliig hour expired and tho bill went over till to-morrow. Mr. Banks, Chairman of the Oramittee on Foreign A flairs, introduced the following joint resolution, which was read and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs: Joint resolutions in relation to tho contest bet ween the people of Cuba and the Government of Spain. ileolvd by tlte Henate ami House of Xttretentutive in Confrene OAnrmhM, That tho Prrld(mt or me I7nlt'd Mate I and hereby Is antliorl7,pd and in- Btrncted to declare and maintain a strictly Impartial neutrality on tho part of tho Government or me United Mtatas in ennteat now rxlfltinir between the people of Cuba and the povernrnent of tho King dom of Spain ; and bo It further Jietnlvfti. That all sets or parts of acts, and ail pro visions of tho statute approved tho 2.h of April, ISIS, entitled "An act lu addition to the set for th Sunlshmentof certain crimes against the United tntfa anil tn rntiil thA a'.tit tliort'ln mentioned. which are or may be construed to bo In conflict with the faithful exi cntlon of tho object and purpose of the foregoing resolution, shall oo and horeby are do clftrori to be in regard to the existing contest between the people of Cuba and the Government of Hpaln, and so long as that contest shall contiuue, inopera tive. nnU and void. , . Th llniia- thon at half.naat 1 nVinctc. resumed the consideration of the Groone-Vaa Wyok (contested election case. OITY ORDINANCES. N ORDINANCE For tho better regulating of tho Conveyance of Prisoners in the Police Vans, cto. Section 1. Tho Select and Common Councils of tho City of llilladelphia do ordain. That the Polloo vans ana otner vehicles nsed lor tne carryinu; ui prisoners to and from the several prisons shall bo so arranged that the malos and females may be separated therein. Section a. That It shall not bo lawful for any proprietor, driver, or any other person, to carry prisoners in sncn vans or vehicles in any ium" whereby males and females shall be securod to gether in any apartment thereof. recuon a. in at it snail not no lawrni ior iuo drivers of prison vans, or any other persons, to furnish any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors to any prisoner or prisoners whllo under charge in such vebiclo. Section 4. Any person violating the provisions of the second section of this ordlnanno shall be fined for every such offense the sum of ten dollars, and any person violating the provisions of the third section of this ordinance shall be fined for every such olfensn the snra of twenty-live dollars, which said penalties shall be sued for as debts of a like amount are by law recoverable. JAJI.ln w Annan, President of Common Council. Attest John Eckstein, Clerk of Common Council. SAMUEL W. CATTELL, President of Select Council. Approved this fifteenth dav of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy (A. D. 1870). IIANIKL) Nl. r w.V, 8 17 2t Mayor of Philadelphia. KESOLUTION Of Request to the State Legislature. Resolved, By the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, That tho Legislature bo requested to euaot a law to exempt membors of Select and Common Councils from service as jurors in any of the courts or this city ana county. lAMiia w au n r. iv, President of Common Council. Attest John Eckstein, Clerk of Common Council. SAMUEL W. CATTELL, President of Select Council. Approved this fifteenth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seveuty (A. D. 1870). i r.Lt Jri . rvA, 8 17 It Mayor or Philadelphia. RE SOLI' I" I O N Of Request to the Legislature. Resolved, By the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, that the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania be requested not to pass tho act Riving the City Sewerage Utilization Company the power asked for, as it would be a monopoly that would be an infringement on the rights of our citizens. LOUIS WAGNER, President oi Common Council. Attest Abraham Stewart, Assistant Clerk or Common Council. SAMUEL W. CATTELL, President of Select Council. Approved this fifteenth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy (A. I). 1870). DANIEL M. FOX, 8 IT It Mayor of Philadelphia. WATOHE6. 1124 CHESNUT STREET. American, Swiss and English WATCHES AT CLARK & BIDDLE'S, Special Agents in Philadelphia for WATCIIESf Made Dy E. Howard Co., Boston. 1 12 wfm OOAL. JULsi VUAL11I WU11S ADO, STOVK $6 80 PER TON LARGE NUT $5 50 PER TON ALSO, SUPERIOR BRAVER MEADOW LEHIGH. STOVE $7'26 PKR TOR NUT 7 PER TON Dolivered to any par of the city. MITCHKLIVH COAT, DEPOT, 12222m Corner of NINTH and GIKARD Avenue. riutcrvAL E, bell. BEWSON NEATH l'KKCITAL V.. IJKLL. &. CO., DEALERS Of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, DEPOT : tto. 1326 North NINTH Street, 1 7 Wont Bide, below Master, Branch Office. No. 407 RICHMOND Street. H. T A G CART, COAL DEALER. COAL OF THE BEST QUALITY, PREPARED EX PRESSLY FOR FAMILY .UBE. 1208, 1210 and 1212 WASHINGTON AV., la 1 8m Between Twelfth and Thirteenth street. piRE LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILI FAMILY, FACTORY. AND BITUMINOUS GOALS. Larfte stock always on band. Southeast corner TUD3TKKNTH and WILLOW Street 1318 4m W. W.,A O. P, HAINF.8. NEW PUB LIGATION 8. ALL. THE NEW BOOKS ' For sal at Wholesale Prioe by POHTKR 4 OOAT KS, Pnblishera and Bookaellors, No. bal CUESNUX bTRKET. Our New and Elegant OATjIjRRy Ia now open with the finest collection of PAINTINGS, OUKOMOB and KNOKAVINUS in the oity. 3mwfrp HAT8 AND OAPS. TTT WARBURTON'B IMPROVED VENTI- aUUtedandasy-flttin Dreea Hat (patented), in a (Datenteaj, in si ii-i. unproved raamone oi th Qxt door to the Post OfBoa. OrtiUUtUT Street UlSro THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RELIN qniehed the Ilea tin- ol Boildins by Steam or Wator, it will be continued by WILLIAM H. WI8TAR, . , . lately auperintondina that department of their btunnes, whom they recommend to their riend . . Nov. la. Uti. MORRIS, TA8KEB A CO. V 1 STAR & DOULTON. No. 227 BOTJT1I FIFTH STREET. HEATING BY STEAM OR HOT WATER. PLANS OF FIFE CUT TO ORDER. LAUNDRIES AND CULINARY APPARATUS FITTED TJP. 11 3 SntfP HELMBOLD'8 PREPARA1 IONS. H. T. HELMOOLD'G Concentrated Fluid Extract Eacho. TUB GREAT DIUBKTIO. The proprietor trusts that his remedies, from tne fact of their being advertised, may not be classed aa patent medicines. BUCHU, In one form or other, has been preseuted by every educated physician for more than TWO IIUNDRKD YEARS. II. T. HELM BOLD claims a superior mode or ex tracting Its vlrtnes. Tho experiments were mado while ongagod In the DRUG business In the olty of Philadelphia 19 years ago, prompted by the alarming Increaso of dlso&ses of tho Bladder, Kidneys, Oravol and Urinary Organs existing in both sexes. These diseases were attracting as much attention as dis eases of the Liver or any other organ of tbe body. Upon the sound and healthy condition of these organs, the nervous system and liver wero Involved, and the happiness of the entire human family de pended. The Bnohn, acting favorably upon both Liver and Kidneys, to prepare it so that It would retain Its strength and active principle was his aim. It must not be made as housekeepers make tea, by boiling. It U a delicate leaf, aud its aotlve principle wonld bo destroyed by such a process. It must bo prepared in VACUO, and of the long leaf, fresh and carefully selected. THE SUPERIORITY OF MY MODE OF PRE PARATION ACKNOWLEDGED. I now ship to tho point (CAPE OF OOOD HOPE) whero the leaves are gathered, largo quantities of MY FLUID EXTRACT. THE ARTICLE STANDS PRE-EMINENT, AND IS KNOWN IN ALL TARTS OF THE WORLD. The first and most Important object was to offer to the aflllctcd a remedy that was perfectly safe, and could be taken by adults children. Ignorant per sons, who pay no attention to dose, direction, or ad vice, might reason, "That if a teaspoonful taken occasionally did good, two. wonld do better, and perhaps a bottle would cure In a day." Many have broken down their health by dlsslpa tiou, and on this principle, but they had been ymre in doing so. What I would have understood is that no injury ean arise from its use. It Is as Bare as any article of food, but patlonts must not expect any medicine to rebuild a wrecked or shattered constitution In a few days, and perhaps with a single bottle. Notwithstanding the number of years I have beon engaged in business, there may be those located at a distance that may not be aware of all tho facts, and would like to be satisfied on all the points. Having been educated a druggist, I append the fol lowing: FROM THE LARGEST MANUFACTURING CHE MIST IN THE WORLD. "I am acquainted with Mr. IL T. HelmloId. He occupied the drncr store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others nad not been equally bo oerore mm. l nave leen favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WILLIAM WKIGHTMAN, "Firm of Powers & Welcrhtman. "Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia, November 15, 1854." I propose to give evidence that this remedy Is not a Patent Medicine. The objection which generally lies against all discoveries and Inventions in medi cine is "Vbtcffy." If somebody should discover a remedy to prolong lire, or an infallible euro for cholera or consumption, what a monster wonld he bo to withhold his knowledge ! We have yet to learn from what chapter or verse in Scripture to quote, "that men may not heal others of their fclUne-men of any disease." Nor have we asked Piefarirks, Affected Prudes, or, In short, men who are possessed of every kind of sense but common sense, and all kinds of opinions but their ou-iu The Buchu is a good thing It has hundreds of thousands of living witnesses to attest its virtuo and commend It, It Is the prejudice of bigots and the envy of "Quacks." We offer the following evidence: SEE JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. SEE REMARKS MADE BY DR. EPHRAIM MC DOWELL, A CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN, AND MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SUR GEONS, IRELAND, AND PUBLISHED IN THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE KING AND QUEEN'S JOURNAL. SEE MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL REVIEW, PUB LISHED BY BENJAMIN TRAVERS, FELLOW OF ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, LONDON. SEE PROF. DEW EES' VALUABLE WORKS ON THE PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. SEE REMARKS MADE BY THE LATE CELE BRATED DR. PUYSICK, PHILADELPHIA. i And most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. See medical properties contained in Dispensatory of the United States, of which the following is a cor rect copy: ' BUCHU. Its odor is strong, diffusive, and some what aroma'lo, its taste is bitterish, and analogous to that of mint. It la given chiefly in complaints of the urinary organs, such as gravel, chronic catarrh of the bladder and urethra, diseases of the pros tate gland, and retention or the incontinence of urine, from a loss of tone In the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, cutaneous affections, and dropsy. TESTIMONY. . CURE OF GRAVEL OF FIVE YEARS' STANDING STONE PASSED AND TO BE SEEN. Savannah, Tenn., May 14, 1869. Dr. n. T. IIelmbld: Dear Sir: We Introduced your "Fluid Extract Buchu" In this country about eight months ago, and are happy to state that it Is meeting with universal favor. We wish to Inform you of one Instance (umong niany) whero your "Buchu" has worked wonders. A man in our country named J. B. Estell had been suffering about live years with gravel. About six weeks ago ho bought of us one bottle of your "Buchu." and before he was through with oue bottle he passed a gravel that weighs eight grains, , which we now have on exhibition lu our drug store, lie says that ho will never be without the "Buchu" in his house again. Your preparations are gaining favor every day. Very respectfully yours, etc., ECCLES A 11INKLK, Druggists. CURE OF BLADDER AND KIDNEY AFFECTION OF LONG STANDING STONE PASSED AND TO BE SEEN. Wkstport, Conn., Sept. 8, 1809. U. T. Ilehnbold. Iisti.: Dear mih:I commenced taking your "Extractor Buchu" about two weeks since for an affection of tho bladder and kidneys. I have suffered by spells very much for a few days pnau But yesterday relief came through the effect of your "Buchu." A stone passed (rom my bladder about the size of a large pea, and I now feel perfectly well and entirely tree from the pain that 1 have suffered with "so hard." I attribute iiiv cure to vour medicine entirely, and would re commend all persons similarly affected to try It. I have great faith in its curative powers. Yours truly, . THOMAS J. BEJNN1CTT. RBFERS TO Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, Westport, Conn. j. L. u. cannon, 'Druggist, westport, uouu. H. B. WHEKLKK, Esq., Westport, Conn. BRADLEY HULL, Esq., Westport, Conn. Dr. WAKKM AN. Keadinir. Coun. B. W. R. ROBINSON, Wholesale Druggist, New xorx city. ' And many others if necessary. CURB OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER AFFECTION OF A PATIENT SEVENTY-EIGHT YEARS OF AGE. TnANKS TO MR. HELMBOLD. fiiHiHn. Penn.. March 81. 1869. Editor "Cosmopolite" I desire as an unsoli cited tribute to the merits of nelmbold's Buchu, and for the benefit of those similarly afflicted as myself, to sav that after consulting many eminent physi cians, and trying nearly all the best advertised leine- . ... . t . . .. .. .1 , .. .... w ... .- . uilm, in tno vain nopo m uuuiuh vuc huiu aia vated kidney and bladder diseases, from which I have suffered excessively tor many years, good for tune tluallv suggested to mo Helmbold's Buchu. which I commenced using with little faith, and no apparent beneficial results, for about a mouth. At the expiration of that time, however, I thought I commenced to experience slight relief. whUti en couraged me to persevere in its use, and now, at the expiration of four months, although I am an Infirm old man, nearly 78 years ot uge, aud consequently medicines cannot bo expect to favorably affeot me as tlicr otherwise would, I have found such unspeak able relief srid permanent benefit from Mr. llelm lold'svnlonile discovery, that I feel I ought to ptitv. ll It record the fact, as an acknowledgment to bins and a vnluablo suggestion to thopulilln. Yours re spectfully, I). M. LA KEN. Mr. Laren refers to the following gontlomea: Colonel DAN. KICK. Otrard. Penn. CHAS. STOW, Esq., Guard, 1'enn, editor Cosmo- txxtrr. UhORGE IT. CUTLER, Olrard, Pean., attorney. K. I. Iiuiun, . .:,., n.wi uny, Captain D. W. UUTCULNMON, Girard, Pens., at torney. DAVID OLIN, Olrard, Penn., merchant. . DAV1I) K. DAY, Girard, Ponn., merchant C. F. KOOKWK1.L, Olrard, Ponn., merchant. B. U. ELY, Olrard, Ponn., druggist. A PERMANENT CURB OF GRAVEL OF TWELVE YKAKH' STANDING STONE PASSED AND TO BE SEEN. BrRNHioB, Conn., Deo. US 1869. Dr. TIflmhalA : Dkak him it Is with much pleasure that I write you npon facts respecting myself. I do not know hardly how to express mjself. I have been for the last ten or twelve years the greatest sufferer man could be and live; but more sometimes than others. Tho complaint was the "kidneys" and "bladder." I have been sometimes from twelve to fourteen hours. and wanted to make water every minute, and could not. Have consulted doctors, both In Massachusetts and this State, and taken pills, I may say by the quart, also liquored medicines, but found no relief from any, and got worse the last six months. I was so that 1 could scarcely get alniut. I could not rest night or day. It would soon have been "all up" with me, if I hod not seen yonr advertisement in the Berkshire mrir, headed "Kidneys." I read it through, and thought I would try lu I purchased a bottle, but, mind you, had not much faith In it. Why should I, when I had been trying so many things and cost mo so muchT Weil, I began taking It, and before I had taken the first bottle I felt bad; but I finished it and get another. Hy tno time I took naif of the second I still got worse (apparently.) When I walked It seemed as If my right kidney was falling from Its place, and I felt really bad. I felt so before I had finished the second, that I had made np my mind it was of no use trying any more and all this time the "Buchu" was doing Its work, but I did not know It: so 1 gave it up and went to Hartford on Saturday to one of the best doctors in tho olty. He said it was the neck of the bladder, and I should bave to undergo an operation. He gave me medicine, and I went home quite downhearted. On Sunday I was unable to go to church- I bad not taken any of his medloluo, but on my return coniinueu using me "hucih," aud in the aiternoon it hud the desired effect. I cannot tell you all, but this is a true story of my case, and you are welcome to make such use of my name as you think proper. I am pretty well known lu Berkshire ; also In Connecticut. The advertise ment saved me. Why not publish moreT Tha Springfield Republican is a wide-spread paper. If any one wishes to see this wonder they can do so. I could write all day, but think I have said enough this time, so l remain your ever weu-wianer. EDWARD L. HOWARD., Paper Mnker, Burusidc, Hartford county, Conn. REFERS to I Dr. MACK, Burnslde, Conn. Dr. WRIGHT, Morth Lee, Mass. Dr. IIOLKUM, North Lee, Mass. Dr. ADAMS, Htook'bridge, Mass. Dr. SCOTT, North Manchester, Conn. Dr. JAQUEH, Buckland Corners, Coun. Dr. BEARSFORD, llartiord, Conn. All of whom treated me for the disease. DR KEYSF.R is a physician of over thirty years' experience, and a graduate of the Jetlersou Medical College, and of the university oi Medicine ana surgery, oi nil- ladclphla. Jfr. II. T. llrtmbold: Dear Sir: In reirard to the question asked mo to my opinion about Buchu, 1 would say that I havt used and sold the article iu various forms for the past thirty years. I do not think there Is any form or nronaratlon of It I have not used, or known to be used, in the various diseases where such medicate agent would be ludicated. You are aware, as well as myself, that it litis been extensively employed in the various diseases ot the bladder and kidneys, and tne reputation it nas acquired, iu my Judgment, is warranted by the facta. 1 havo seen and used, as before stated, every form of Buchu the powdered leaves, tincture, fluid ex tracts and I am not cognizant of any preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. Twelve years'expe rience ought, I thuik, to give me the right to iuiLte of its merits; and. without prejudice or partiality, I give yours precedence over an omers. i VHiim vnur itiicnu ior ita enecijt on nacienut. i have cured with It, and seen cured with it, more dis eases of the bladder and kidneys than I have ever seen cured with any other Buch'i or any other pro prietary couiH)unu oi wnaiever name. uospectiuuy yours, eic. GKO. IT. KETSER. M. D.. No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburg, Penn. ADO. 11, lbCa A CASE OF TWENTY YEARS' STANDING. Philadelphia, Pa., June 85, 18C7. Dear Mr: l have been a sufferer ror upwards of twenty years with gravel, madder, and kidney affoc tlons, during which time I have used various medi cal preparations, and been under tne treatment oi the most eminent physicians, experiencing but little renci. Having seen your preparations extensively adver Used, 1 consulted my family physician In regard to UHJiic vour jtxiraci inicuu. l uid tins because i naa usea au sinasor adver tised remedies and had found them worthless, and some quite injurious; lu fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies liercaiter unless I knew ol the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that It Was composed of bnchu, cubebs, and lumper berries, ii occurrea 10 me ana my pny sician as an excellent commnation, and, with his advice, after an examination of the article and con sulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try it, l commeucen to use it auoui eignt mourns ago, at which time I was confined to my room. - From tbe first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using It three weeks was able to walk out. I felt much like writing to vou a run statement oi my case at tne time, nut rhin rr t mv ItiimvMrantont' Tnfrvhf Anlv Ka tnmnniioHw hlllup,! AJ tUipiUIVMn-UD un'iv wuij uv uliiiuibij. and therefore concluded to dtfer, and see If It would effect a perfect cure, knowing that it would be of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. l am now ame to report mat a care is euectea after using the remedy for five months. l nave not used any now ior tnree montns, ana feel as well in all respect as I ever did. your Ducnu being devoid oi any unpleasant taste and odor, a Dice tonic and invlgorator of the system, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in such affections. si. moduli jiiin. Shonld any one doubt Mr. McCorralck's statement, be refers to the following gentlemen: Hon. WM. lilGLEH, ex-uovernoror Pennsylvania. Horn THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. KNOX, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. BliAC'K, Philadelphia. Hon. 1. R. PORTER, ex-Governorof Pennsylvania. lion. ELLIS LKWIS, Philadelphia. Hon. R. C. GR1ER, Philadelphia. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD. Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. PORTER, Philadelphia. Hon. JOHN BlGLKlt, ex-Governor of California. Hon. E. BANKS, Washington, D. C. And many others, if necessary. New York State Vol. Institute,) Corner of Bin av. ami 761 h st., Ceutral Park, f A Home and School for the Sons of Deceased Sol- uicrs. I Dr. II. T. nelmbold: Two bottles only or the package or your valuable Buchu presented to the Institute have been used by the children, and with perlect success. In the case ot our little Lieutenant A. J., his pride is no longer mortified, and he is free from tbe dally morning anathemas of the chambermaid who has charge of his bedding. 1 leei that a knowledge or the result of our use of your Buchu with the- children under our charge may save many a Superintendent and Matron of Boarding Schools aud Asylums a great amount of annoyance ; and many a poor child suf fering more from weakness than from habit, may be spared punishment that is (not knowing It as a weakness instead or a bad naoit) most uujnstiy in flicted upon them. Thauking you on behalf of the children, and hoping others may be alike benefited, I am respectfully yours, r ' Colonol YOUNG. General Sup't and Director. June 10, 1SC6. Great Salt Lake City, Utah. Jan..818w. Mr. if. T. UelmboU: - ' Dar Sim : Your communication requesting out terms for advertising was duly received, but from a tireiudloo I had formed against advertising "cures Xor secret diseases," It was Toft unanswered. During n accidental conversation in a drug store the other evening, my mind was chauged on the character of your Buchu. It was theu highly commended for other diseases by two physicians present. Inclosed please find our rates of advertising;. Yours, eto, r 7 1. H. II. STEMIOUSR. Editor and Proprietor of Daily and Semi-weekly ttUjraah. ONE ntlNDRED DOLLARS WOULD BR OITRH FOR A BOTTLE, IF NBCKdttAKY. RAHWAT. N. J.. Dec a. ISM. IT. T. tlehnhnld, Keij.: Dear Hih: I take great pleasure In sending vnti a Certilh ale. In addition to the many you have rewlree! rmm orrcrtng humanity. I can scarcely end laa- gna sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt gratification at the wonderful cure your "Uiiohu" has effected. For four years 1 have suffered b -yond de scription. All my friends (with myself) came to the conclusion that my case was incurable. Accident placed your advertisement In my band. I com menced taking your "ftuohu." I followed the d I mo tion, Bjin to my utter asumisnmcni, nertre i turn taken seven bottles of yonr valuable medic, ne (I would give tlOO a bottle, if I could not get It at any other price), I am entirely cured. I most earnes.1 recommend It to all those suffering from disease. 1 have told many persons to take your valuable medi cine, and they are doing so with great Buucess. Airy luiorniauon my reiinw-oitizens may require will he freely given by the subscriber at his rosldenoe, Na. 78 Milton avenue, Railway, N. J. ii. in. ntatcwAn, Councilman Third Ward, City of Railway. Rahwat. N. J.. Deo. a ISM. We, the undersigned, are widl ncnuaintivi wit a ir JH. Freeman, of Rahway, and know that he kaa been a long time suffering, in the worst passible form, for the past four years, and that he has boea entirely cured by the use of ''Helmbold's Buchu." I. W. nATAUK, eX-MSJor. FRANK LA BAU, President of Counefl. WM. RIOHARDS, Clerk of Coiincu. A. BANTA, Councilman, W. J. BROWN, Councilman. J. H. 8. MKK10K, Councilman. ' LEWIS IIOKF, Councilman. J. B. STRYKEK, Merchant. C'itt Hall, Mayor's Ovncw. 1 Rahwat, N. J., Deo. 6, l6. This will certify that I am personally acnuaintoal with U. M. Freeman, and am cognizant of the facta as set iorth in the above statemeut, and the several persons wnose signatures are hereunto attacned are all known to me. JOHN F. WHITNEY, Mayor of Rahway. N. . A CASE OF INFLAMMATION OF KIDNEYS AND GRAVEL. ' : i From MonoAN, Feazkl ft CO, Gi.a.hoow. Missouri. February 5. IriCA. t Mr. II. T. Iletmbold: , , Dear Sir: About two years aoro I was troubled. with both Inflammation of the Kidneys and Gravel, vneui rewirwii in ecvurai remedies, vriinooi otv. livlng auy benefit whatever: and. seelnir vour Ex tract liucuo advertised, I procured a few bottles and used them. The result was a complete enre la a short time. 1 regard your Extract Bui'ho to be decidedly the best remedy extant for any and ait diseases ol tho Kidneys, and I am quite conndeat that It will do all you claim for it. You may publish tins u you desire to uo so. yours respectruiir, ' EDWIN M. FEAZBL. United Statbs Hohittai,, i Salisbury, N. C, March 10, ldC&f II. T. Iletmbold, Esq., Philadelphia, JVnn,- Dear Sir: I wish you to Bond mo one dozen t your Sarsaparllla Extract, and half a dozen of your Rose-wash. Allow me to say that your preparations are very satisfactory, not only to tbe practitioner, but also to the patient, and 1 shall endeavor to bruig thorn into universal use In this part of tho country. Please forward these medicines aitaia. as before. C. 0. 1)., per express. I am, sir, Very respectrully yours, ere, M. F. A. HOFFMAN, Surgeon in charge of Hospital. CERTIFICATE OF A DISTINGUISHED MII- WIFK. Philadelphia. Aug. 13. IS69. Mr. HelmboltU Sir : 1 have used your Extract Buchu with maar of my patients, and can speak of it in the highest terms in every case, ana consider it a vaiuaaie remedy, and oue that should be la the bauds of every midwife. Very truly yours, 1 ' REBECCA STANTON, M. D. CURS OF NERVOU8 PROSTRATION AND DC CLUNK OF A YOUNG LADY. D. T. Belmbold: I have been giving your Extract Buchu to mf daughter, who has been unable to sleep,, very ner vous, loss of appetite, general debility, aud rapidly falling Into decline In fact, consumption was talkem of. 1 was recou mended to use your "liuchu" by a highly respectable lady er this place, who had givea it to her son with complete success. My daughter had been troubled for a long time. I purchased oae bottle some eight weeks since, which lasted one week, and from which she received great benefit, and Induced me to purchase one-balf dozen bottles, as I had tried many other remedies, and my family physician, to no avail. - It Is now more than twa weeks since she has taken the last bottle, and I an happy to inform you of its complete success. Very truly yon rs, GEO. M. MARSHALL, Germantown, Pa. Feb. 12, 1S09. GREAT CURE OF DIABETES OF A ',ADT. FIFTY DOLLARS A BOTTL1 . New York, FeU.'G, 1870. Deav Dr. Eelmbold: - Dbab Sir: For tbe past eight months I have lecu Btiueruifj from Diabete. I have consulted several of our leading physicians, butbuvo failed to receive the slightest benefit from their costly medicines. Four months ago I saw your advertisement lot tho "Herald." I was persuaded by a friend who had been benefitted by your would-rknowjckui Bucbu. I purchased a bottlo, took the con tents, and was so relieved that I continued the USe Of it. THK DlAIIETES UA3 ENTIHKLV I18 AITEAHED AFTER USING IT FOB THREE MONTHS. I WOULD GIVE 50 A BOTTLE if I COUld not get it ut any other prluo. I most earnestly recommend it to all . those suffering from this disease. 81ueere!y yours, Anna E. Stocohton, No. 183 West Twenty-seventh, street. SPEEDY RELIEF FROM KIDNEY AFFEC TION OCCASIONED BY. ACCIDENT. New York, Feb. 1., 1870. Dr. If. T. llelmbuld: Dear Sib: On tho 23d of August last, I re ceived severe Internal and external injuries, occasioned by au accident on a Philadelphia railroad car. On mv arrival in 'ew York, 1 waa attended by Dr. VrIL80N, of East Fifty-fifth, street, and another physician, whose name I da not dow remember. After my wounds were dresfed. I suffered for (3) three days intense agony from internal injuries, which affected ray kidneys. I can sav that after takiu? but three doses of YOL'R "EXTRACT BUCIIU, I folt greatly relieved. I used tho balance of tha bottle, and 'am happy to state that since that time I have experienced no further difliculty. Very truly yours. P. II. KEARNEY, No. 848 Third avenue. I respectfully refer to either of the following gentlemen: ROBERT B. ROOSEVELT, Esq., Editor o Citizen and Hound Table. B. F. CURTIS, Esq., No. 102 Greenwich avenue. MORRIS 1'llILLIfS, E.sq., Editor of Uoma Journal. Hon. M. CONNOLLY, Register of City. Messrs. I'ETTKNGILL & BATES, Propriotora of Hearth and Uome,. I. N. HUDSON, Esq., No. 41 Park Row. Hon. NELSON J. WATERBUKY. Hon. JAMES E. COULTER. Aud many others, if necessary. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, established on wards of eighteen years, prepared by U.T. HELM BOLD, DniKglst, No. otw Broadway. New York, aud No. 104 S. Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price, I1-8S per bottle, or six bottles for u bU, delivered ta any address. Sold by druggists everywhere. None are genuine unless done up in steel-engraved wrapper, with fao-imile of my chemical warehouse, and sigued U. T. UELMBVU), lHlsw4t.