THE DAILY EVENING TELKGH AFII FIIIEADELPU I A , WEDNESDAY, FEBKUABY Hi, lb70. rrawa axjr.iMAii'sr. t"li Affairs). Snmnel Weinberg wo arrrmtoii on a war Tant y tho ngntit of tne Society for tho Fre vrntionof Crnclty to Animaln, charged with allowing fourteen bend of beef cattle to stand in ulnflh and water from threo to fivo Inchon in depth for several days, before butchering; they having to lay do,vn in filth and water. The acetified was held yesterday in $!")) to answer at court by Alderman ilibburd. The improvement of North Broad atroet, delayed during tue pant year by tho con struction of tho sewer botween Somerset and Ontario KtreetH,' in to bo commenced at an early day, and it is expected that the street will be open to travel as far as Gorman town avenue tho coming summer. The construc tion of the bridge over the Heading Railroad, now authorized, will open this street to Fisher's lane. Tho work completed has cost the city $ 7r,7(M),l)5 for grading, enrbing, etc. A stated meeting and display of the Horticultural Society was held last evening, in their hall, on Broad stroet, above Spruce, Mr. V. L. SchiriTer, presiding, and A. II. Harrison acting ns Secretary. Tho display was fully equal to any previous monthly ex hibition, and in the floral department was unusually fine, comprising forty new varieties of seedling American "Colons, " twelve new varieties of geraniums, forty plants of pan sios, thirty-six varieties of camelias, besides cut-flowers, hanging-baskets, table deBigns, etc. At a meeting of the Mercantile Library Company held last evening, a proposition made at tho previous meeting to keep the library open until 11 o'clock P. M., and also to keep the library open on Sunday, came up, and both questions gave rise to considerable discuRKion. The motion to keep the library open till 11 o'clock P. M. was not agreed to, but it was decided to keep the library open on Sunday from 2 o'clock nntil 8 o'clock F. M. A resolution was offered by Mr. John B. English, to the effect that the Board of Direc tors have authority to raise the annual sub ecription to four dollars, which was adopted. The receipts into the City Treasury during 18f.9 from committing magistrates on account of fines and penalties amounted to $4525 "7."). The following shows the amonnt paid by each magistrate: Samuel Lutz, $174; J. P. Thomp son, $8;i; J. C. Tittermary, $ 230; C. M. Car penter, frJJHi; Lewis Godbou, $480: John Swift, $37; S. P. Jenes, $10U; V. S. Toland, tl4-7.r; J. A. Massey, $370; C. E. Pancoast, $477; A. T. Eggleton, $280; "NVm. E. Hoins, $197; P. llood, 427T.O; O. L. Ramsdell, $83; William Keill, $341T.O; J. S. Bonsall, $70; Thomas Dallas, $288; T, Stearne. $14050; "NVilson Kerr, $S'50; T. Eandell, $07; A. Mor row, $183. The committee to commemorate the adoption of the fifteenth amendment have agreed to report the following programme: That Post No. 27, G. A. K., composed of Pennsylvania soldiers of the late war. open the exercises of the day at sunrise, by firing a salute of 100 guns. That it be recommended that all places of business be closed after 9 o'clock A. M. That tho churches be opened for religious services, appropriate to the oc casion, at 10 o'clock A. M. That all organi zations, military or civic, desiring to parade, assemble on Broad street at 1 o clock P. M. That a grand mass meeting be organized at 7 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of giving expression to our sentiments. That the exer cises of the day be closed by grand festivities to commence at 10 h o'clock. The annual assay of coin was continued at the United States Mint yesterday. Domeatlc Affairs. Gold closed yesterday at 119j. The Internal Revenue receipts yesterday were $205,979. The National Ilotel, of Washington, was damaced bv fire yesterday. The Franking Abolition bill was further discussed m the Senate yesterday. Governor-General Sir John Young opened the New Dominion Parliament yesterday. Hon. Garrett Davis yesterday made a speech in the Senate which it will cost over .12C00 to mint in the Globe. It is suggested that Commissioner Delano be made a Cabinet omcer, and ms .Depart ment made a separate Bureau. In the Legislature yesterday the murder bill, designed to cover Schoeppe's case, was vassed over the Governor s veto. General John Siddell was murdered while eating his dinner, on board the steamer St, Marys, near Monroe, La., on Monday. A bill (riving women the suffrage has massed the lower branch of the Minnesota Legislature, and will probably be concurred in by the benate. The Reconstruction Committee will re Bort. in lieu of the Senate Disabilities bill, one of their own, embracing about three thou sand names. The National House of Representatives considered the contested election case of Van Wvck vs. Greene yesterday. A vote will be taken to-day, giving the seat to Van Wyck The investigation into the management of the State funds was continued at Harris burg yesterday. Treasurer Mackey handed in a statement of the Treasury balances on the 3d of May. 1809. Admiral Forter has written a letter to the Navy Committee against giving positive rank t the start corps, 'ine wavy Uommit tee will consult the country's interests by dis regarding the Admiral s letter. Foreign Affair. Eugenie is quite ill. The Prince Impo rial has fully recovered. Paris journals regard the King of Prus feia's speech as menacing. La Liberie, of Paris, thinks that the re tirement of King Louis, of Bavaria, may be come of national importance in uermany, A report that the protest of Austria and other Catholic powers against the Fapal - Syllabus has beon sent to Rome is confirmed , . The Armenians have decided not to re cognize the authority of their Patriarch, on the Ground that ho is too feeble to resist the encroachments of tho Pone. The Trench Opposition claim to repre. gent the majority of the country, and the assertion of this claim gave rise to ft lively debate in the Corps Legislator yesterday. The Northern I'nclllc Railroad Croand Broken "iiti uimurru itieu HI t) ru. ' The following despatches have been re eeived: . Duxuth, Minn., I eb. 15, 1870. To George V.. Suryent, care of Messrs. Jay Cooke fc Co. Atw iuia; uicbu mo ijjauLiu en terprise is commenced. Ground broke on the Northern Pacific Railroad to-day. . Large force at work. Everything is moving. Geo. C. Stoke, Cashier. Dai.lkhof St. Louis River, Minn., Feb. 15 1H70. To George Smith, President Northern Pacific Railroad, New York: Ground broke on Northern Pacific Railroad to-day. One hundred men at work. Hnrrah for the great enterprise! I have six parties of engineers in the field, and shall push the work vigor to0b)y Ira Spaui.dino, Enginser iu Charge. r-'T. Fail, Minn., Feb. 15. Tho breaking ground for the Northern Pacific lUilroivl oo curn d to-duy at noon, nonr Dalles, on the St. Louis river. A large concourse of people v re present. Colonel J. B. Culver, of Dulnth, had the honor of shoveling the first earth, and Colo red Hiram Hayes, of Superior, Wisoonsiu, wheeled it away amid the cheers of the spec tators. Speeches were made by General Spanlding and several others. '1 he shovel, pick and whoelbarrow have been ordered to bo sent to Jay Cooke, Esq., as mementoes of the great enterprise, with which his name will be hereafter remembered. SEW YORK. NomethlnB About !! Dnnseraus C'lnn.r. fthe Metropolis. Jpjileton's Journal for February 19 con tains an interesting article by Mr. Charles L. Brace on "The 'Dangerous Classes' of New York," from which we clip the following ex tracts: Certain small districts can be found in our metropolis with the unhappy fame of con taining more human beings packed to the square yard, and stained with more acts of blood and riot, within a given period, than is true of any other equal space of earth in the civilized world. There are houses, well known to sanitary boards and tho police, where fever has taken perennial lease, and will obey no legal summons to quit; where cholera, if a single germ-seed of it floats anywhere in American atmosphere, at once ripens a black harvest; where murder has stained every floor of its gloomy stories, and vice skulks or riots from one year's end to the other. Such houses are never reformed. The only hope for tbem is the march of street improvements, which will utterly sweep them away. One of the remarkable and hopeful things about New York, to a close observer of its "dangerous classes," is that they do not tend to become fixed and inherited, as in Euro pean cities. The nnivorsal tnrmoil of Ame rican life, the upturning of everything, the searching character of its great forces, such as religion, education, and self-respect, which reach down, directly or indirectly, to the lowest strata all these causes seem continu ally to disintegrate the American poor and criminal classes; and even more in the cities than in the villages. The same families do not remain here long in the same houses, or the same quarters. The husband leaves the wife, and the wife the husband; tho children abandon the disagreeable home, or are caught up and trained by the various charitable and educational associations; some member of the family is continually rising to opu lence or respectability. The families of the paupers and beggars and criminals are con stantly being broken up. But, though the crime and pauperism of New York are not so deeply stamped in the blood of the population as in European cities, they are even more dungerous. The intensity of the American temperament is felt in every fibre of theso children of poverty and vice. Their crimes have the unrestrained and sanguinary character of a race accustomed to overcome all obstacles. They rifle a bank, where English thieves pick a pocket; they murder, where European proktaires cudgel or fight with fists; in a riot, they begin what seems abont to be the sacking of a city, where English rioters would merely batter police men or smash lamps. The ' dangerous classes" of New York are mainly American born, but tho children of Irish and German immigrants. They are as ignorant as London flash-men or costermongers. They are far more brutal than the peasantry from whom they descend, and they are mueh banded together in associations, such as "Dead Rabbit," "Flue-ugly," and various target companies. They are our enants perdus. grown up to young manhood. A murder of an unoffend ing old man, like Mr. Rogers, is nothing to tnem. lliey are ready tor any onense or crime, however degraded or bloody. New York has never experienced the full effect of the nurture of these youthful rnfhans as she will one day. They showed their hand only slightly at tue riots during the war. At pre sent, they are like the athletes and gladiators of the Roman demagogues. They are the "roughs" who sustain the ward politicians, ana mgnten nonest voters. They can re peat" to an unlimited extent, and serve their employers. They live on lipanem et cir. censes," or City Hall places and pot-houses where they have full credit. If an nnfortu nate time should come when our city dema gogues could no longer help to support this host of ruffians, and alt business were de pressed, and capital seemed selfish and in different, these young men could raise such a folloM ing in our thronged eastern quarters, with some cry like "Bread or Blood!" as would shake the city with alarm to its foundations and might crimson our streets with the blood of civil strife. The young ruffians of New York are mainly tne products of accident. Among a million people, such as compose the population of this city and its suburbs, there will always be a great number of misfortunes; fathers die and leave their children unprovided for; parents drink, and abuse their little ones, and they float away on the currents of the street; stepmothers or stepfathers drive out, by neglect or ill-treatment, their sons from the home. One cause which is a fruitful source of criminals among the working-class, is their Mile respect for marriage. All the neglect and bad education and evil example of a poor class tend to form others, who grow up to swell the ranks of ruffians and criminals. So, at length, a great multi tude of ignorant, untrained, passionate, irre ligious boys and young men are formed, who become "tne dangerous class or our city, They form the "Nineteenth street gangs." the young burglars and murderers, the garro- ters and rioters, the thieves and Hash-men, the "repeaters" and ruffians, so well known to all who know this metropolis. Incidentals. Iowa has given about one-fifth of its area to aid railroads. An Ohio journal prints the names of its delinquent subscribers upside down, as a hint that they ought to settle up. Professor Woodman, who has for a lonz time been at the head of the Scientific Depart ment of Dartmouth Collofre, is dangerously ill. The New Mexican Legislature has framed a constitution to be submitted to popular vote on the first Monday in October. A Western paper which recently eopled a passage from the "Pickwick Papers" from an other, credited it to that paper. Central City, Oal., Is proud of its public schools, and asserts that many a man graduates from Yale without belnir as thorough in arith metic as were some ot their recent graduates. A gentleman who bad lost a diamond ring in Moutreal fourteen years ago recovered it on 1'rldav lost. Siiad from tho Chesapeake and the Totoinae have uiade their appearance lu Baltimore, and are hawked through tho streets at lllty cents pur pair. A Fcrvant girl got up In her uleop In Con cord, N. 11., on Thursday ni'hr, and her move ments awakening her miHtrer-s, the latter thought tmrglnrf were around, and vigorously blow a tin horn to attrart the attention of the police. Tho !'lrl wan awnkened by the sound, anil Imagining it to be (tubrlpl'n last tramp, very promptly fainted away. Tableau. Waile Hampton has resided tho presidency of the Cllixens' Saving Bank of Boiith Carolina, a his private butdnesa doc not allow him to give proper attention to Its duties. A Cincinnati paper crnelly denies the trnth of Ihe story that a jealous wife In that city re cently poured kcrotcne oil over her husband, and then applied a match to his clothing. Ono ot the Eastern Governors assured tho Lrgit-lature In a late mexftnge that "capital, like water, would always reek its highest level." It was probably a slip of the pen. A Minnesota editor feelingly says that he dislikes to tee an old man with one foot In the grave and the other on the brink, tottering along in a beastly state ot lutoxicalion, stumbling every now and then over nnsecn obstacle, and then blaming the slippery sidewalks for his misfortunes. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine A'eu ete First rage. ALMANAC TOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. Srn Risks ceSiMooN Risks e-2d Bin bits 6-3ttllliou Watkk 1W PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. C. McCammon. 1 r. Pairs. W'KTMKHii.T.. V rnuwrrrji n nut Month. Okukuk N. Allkn, ) MOVEMENTS Off OCK4N HTEAMSUH'S. I FOR AMERICA. Bmldt Bremen New York Jan. 80 'ella London New York Jan. 29 It of Cork. ...Liverpool. ..New York v. B...Tan. 29 Tarifa Liverpool... New York v. B..Kel). 1 Minnesota Liverpool. . .New York l''el. 2 v. or iiaiiiuiorc .Liverpool... New YorK lrei. 8 Peruvian Liverpool. . .Portland Feb. 3 tun icuitoi'E. Westphalia New York...llambnrg Feb. 18 Java Now York. ..Liverpool Keb. 16 Manhattan New Y'ork. ..Liverpool Kel. 10 Siberia New Y'ork... Liverpool Feb. 17 C'.of Baltimore. New York... Liverpool Feb. 19 Anplla. New York... Glasgow Feb. 19 Helvetia New Y'ork. ..Uverpool Feb. 19 Dorian New Y'ork. . .Bremen Feb. 19 Villo de Paris ..New York... Havre Feb. 19 rityoiN.ork..New York. ..Liverpool Feb. 22 Minnesota New York. ..Liverpool. Feb. 2: (ella New York... London Feb. 26 Columbia New Yorx. ..Glasgow Feb. 20 City cf Paris ...New Y'ork. ..Liverpool Feb. 2 Idaho New Y'ork. ..Liverpool Mar. a C. of Brooklyn..Ncw York... Liverpool Mar. 5 City of Boston.. New York. . .Liverpool Mar. 8 COASTWISE. DOMESTIC. ETC. Prometheus... .Philadelphia. Charleston Feb. IT Morro Castle. . .New York. ..Havana Feb. IT Juniata Philadelphia. Now Orleans... Feb. 19 uniieu OHiies..iMew lorn. ...New uncaus...l'eb. l Wyoming Philadelphia. Savannah Feb. 19 Alaska New York...Aspinwall Feb. 19 Geo. Cromwell.New Y'ork... New Orleans... Feb. 19 Pioneer Philadelphia. Wilmington ....Feb. 21 Columbia New Y' ork... Havana via NasFeb. 24 Eagle New Y'ork. .. New Orleans... Mar. S Alalia are forwarded o ever steamer In the recru- lar lines. Tho steamers for or from Liverpool call at Oueeustown, except the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or from tho Conti nent call at Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Ship Ladoga, Wliley, Corn for orders, Worknian.fcL'o. Bieanicr I'lamouu siaic, wood, Baltimore, A, u roves. Jr. Sclir Illondel, Chapman, Boston via Newcastle, Del., I). Cooper. Sclir W. t Garrison, Adam?, Charleston, S. Lath- nury l.o. Schr J. V. Fisko, Chase, Boston via Newcastle, Del., - li. cooper. Schr Abby II. Brown, Brown, Newcastle, Del. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. StcamKhip Wyoming, Teal, 70 hours from Savan- nuii, with cotton, rice, etc., to Philadelphia and honthern Mall StcamKhip Co. Passengers T. M. Oliult and wife, Mrs. Oirult, Mrs. S. A. Mendeuliall, M Iks Ella Mendenhall. Master II. L. Meiuteuhall. N. II. Mepic, v, J. BtoKes, jj. uampoell, Daniel imney, Elliott Hopkins. John Ryan. J. Y. Grain 8. W. Miller. Jr., R. W. Roberts, J. W. Rutherford and wife, A.IJ. Jones and wife, O. Mead and wife, K H. Bennett, C Wlltbank and wife. OH' the Brundvwlno Lltrhc. pusHcd steamship Juniata, from New Orleans via Havana, navinir in tow a uiMamed narKcntinn (nro- ljubiv me Jonn v linamson, irom .Liverpool): also, a large biiKiisn Dai k, oounu up, ai aucnor ueiow Mar cus HOOK. Schr Ahbv Allen. Pendleton. 2 davs from New York, with mdse. to order vessel to Lennox &, Bur gess. MEMORANDA. Ship Westmoreland, Letournuu, from New Orleans xor .Bremen, was spoken Jan. , on tne Kddvstone. Steamship Roman, Baker, hence, at Boston 14th murani. I'. 8. steamer Seminole, from Key West, arrived at Portsmouth evening of 14th Inst., and anchored at quarantine. She was ordered there In cousu- iience of having yellow fever on board. Barkentine Jobu wiiliuniBon, Robertson, from Liv erpool Kith Nov. and Holyhead 28th Dec. for Phila delphia, was spoken 13tli Inst, lat 87 so. lonir. 74 08. by the steamship United States, at New York, with loss of rudder and most of her sails : wanted to be towed to Delaware Breakwater; could not do It, the steamer's engines being disabled. Brig Rlchstag, Blohn, for Philadelphia, cleared at xiinuuiore iiu iubi. Brlir Cascatello, Carlisle, at Holmes' Hole, reports: Feb. 10, lat. 87 40, long. 73 80, saw a barkentine to the leeward with signal ol distress nvlntr: tho wind at the time blowing a gale from W.NW., and a high sea running, itau aowu to ner ana tounu ner to be tne John W llllamson, of Lelth, with rudder gone. Ran by her three times to ascertain her wauts ; found they wanted ropes and provisions, and as we were short ourselves could render no assistance; did not want to be taken otr. Brig Carrie Wright, Jordan, for Philadelphia, pnt dbck to ArunmHuii tnm uu., ii'ttKj. Schr Stampede, Stratum, from Mayaguez for Phi ladelphia, was spoken Wh ult. lat. 83 80. loner. 69 40. . Schr Fly, Carter, hence lor Providence, passed Hell Cute 14th inst. Schr Wm. B. Mann, Rr.gers, at Georgetown, S. C, 6th inHt. from New York. Schr A. U. Cain, Simpson, hence, at Portland 13th Instant. Schr IT. W. McCIOBSon, Hubbard, hence, at Fall River I2tn insi. Schr Mary D. Ireland, Ireland, at Wilmington, N. 1 n Vi Inat frnm Kuw Vnrlr. Sc hr Nellie Benedict, Ellis, forPhlladelphla,cleared at New Haven. Schr J. 11. Gallagher, Boyle, hence, at Richmond 1.1th Inst. Schr Burning Bush, BJonse, for Philadelphia, cleared at Baltimore 14th insU Schrs R. A. Ford, Carpenter, and Adella, Trafton, hence, at St. John. N. 11.. 14th Inst. fithr Alice B., Alley, at Portland 11th lust, from ronton, to load for Philadelphia. MISCELLANY. Schr Willie Mowe. before reported ashore at Town- scod's Inlet, N. J., arrived at New York 14th Inst. In tow of steamer Rescue. OOOP8 FOR THE LADIES. nUAIVD OPENINU OF VJI griuna fasiiioxs IN Imported Paper Patterns, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1870. 1 he old ertabliahed and only reliable Paper Pattern Dre and Cloak Making Einporitum. Dreasea made to fit with ease and eleganee in 84 hoori noUoe. MRS. M. A. BINDER'S reoent visit to Paris enables ber toreoelve Faabiona, Trimming! and Fanoy Good! auiwrior to anything in this eountry. New In deaign. Moderate in prioe. A perfect ayetem of Dreaa Cutting taught. Cutting, Baatlng, Pinking. Faabion Booka and Uottering Machines for aalr. Bete ot Patterna for Merc haute and Dress Makers now ready, at MRS. M. A, CINDER'S, HOI, 27. "W. Corner Eleventh and Chesnnt. Carefully noti the Dame and number, to avoid being d.veiTed S .tutni o ,NE DOLLAR GOODS FOR 95 CENTS FINANOIAL.. IV 13 W JL, O .A. IV. City of Allegheny Six Per Cents, FREE OP CTATS3 TAX. We are offering limited amount of this Loan At 90 Per Cent, and Accrued Interest. The interest Is payable Brat days of Jannarr and Joly, in Philadelphia, FREE OF STATE TAX. We recommend them as an unquestionable se curity for Investment. The debt of Allegheny City being comparatively mall, the security offered Is equal to that of the City of Philadelphia, the difference In price making them a very desirable and cheap security. WIT. PAINTER & CO., Hankers and Dealers In3oTcrn ment Mecurltles, No. 36 South THIRD Street, 1 86 8m PHILADELPHIA. JjANUIN O II O IJ H 12 OF JAY COOKE 6c CO., Hoa. 119 and 114 8. TlIIItI St., PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In Government Securities Old 6-20e Wanted In Exchange for New. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted, Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE. STOCKS bought and sold on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved for ladies. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance In the National Life Insurance Company of the United States, Full Information given at our office. 1 1 8m JOHN 8. RU8HTON & CO., Ro. 60 BOOTH THIRD STREET. JANUARY COUPONS WANTED. CITY WARRANTS 1 6 8m BOUGHT AMD SOLD. E L L I O T T DUNN, BANKERS, No. 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURI TIES, GOLD BILLS, ETC. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ON THE UNION BANK OF LONDON. ISSUE TRAVELLERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, available throughout Europe, Will collect all Coupons and Interest free of charge for parties making their financial arrangements with us. se; pa 8. PETERSON A CO., STOCK BROKERS, Io. 30 Woutli 'I II I EE I Street. ADVANCES MADE ON GOOD COLLATERAL PAPER. Most complete facilities for Collecting Maturing Country Obligations at low cost. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 1 86 T) im; X li L & CO., No. 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Amerloan and IToreljj-u IBSUB DRAFTS AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREXUT available on presentation In any part of Europe. Travellers can make all their financial arrange ments through us, aDd we will collect their Interest and dividends without charge. DlUIEL, WlHTUKOF & CO.DhEXIL, BASJB8 CO., New York. I Paris. (31 FINANOIAL.. IT It Ot'KKH KK RI,R $n , o , o o o Louisville and Nashville Railroad First Mortgage Sevens AX 7 i And Accrued Inteiest from October 1 LENGTH OF ROAD 390 MILKS. THB ROAD 18 OOMPf KTKD AND FULLY EQUIP FED AT AH AOTUAL OOST OK OVKK 510,000,000, ARD HAS PAID FROM 1 TO 8 PER CENT. D1VI DFKDS Oil ITS BTO0K FOB TUE PAST EIOU TEARS. The llondn are Coupons of $1000 Eacli, -with It Ik lit of Kegis. tratlon. S 1 ,200,000 of lb. Bond, hm ben mid alrnikdj (on ptrtjr UkiD (500,(00 at permanent lnTmtmeut), and w hT bat (1,000,000 on bud, which w oflar to In res ton a A I IUST.CI.4HN SECURITY. DREXEL & CO., Wo. 34 Koutli TII1EII Stroet, 7tMp . PHILADELPHIA. CITY WARRANTS Bought and Sold. DE HA YEN & BEO., No. 40 South THIRD Street. 6 lit PHIXADftLFHlA. QLKNDUWITVU, 1AY1S fe CO., No. 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET, rniLADELrniA. GlENDINNING, DAYIS & AMORY, Ro. 17 WALTj STREET, HEW YORK. BANKERS AND BROKERS. Buying and selling Stocss, Bonds, and Gold on Commission a Specialty. Philadelphia house connected by telegraphic with the Stock Boards and Gold Room of New York, (lu B. K. JAMIS0H & CO., SUCCESSORS TO r. JT. KFJJiY ate CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Gold, Silver, and Government Bonds, At Closest Market Rates, N. W. Cor. THIED and CHESNUT Sts. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Philadelphia Stock Boards, etc. etc, IMS QITY WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. T. YERKE8. Jr.. A CO. NO. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BACKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Successors to Bmitb, Randolph A Co. Every branch ef the bnainess will bare prompt attention as heretofore. Quotations of Stocks, CJoTernmenU, and Gold eon. stantly received frem Mew Tork bypriixut wir, from oar friend., gdmnnd D. Randolph A Co. waTTts. h n n n n TO TUB VORKINU CLASH. We are now pre pared to furninu all classes with oonatant employ ment at homo, the whole of the time or for the apare nioniente. Baainees new. Unlit,, and protttable. Persons of either aez eaaily earn from aoo. to $a per evening, aud a roportional sum by devotiog their whole time to the msinuxe. lioya and gir s earn nearly as muoh aa men. That all who aee thia notice may send their address, and teutthe boaiueaa, we make thia unarallled otfer: J o anch aa are not well satiatied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sain. ?le, which will do to commence work on, and a eopy of he iVotjr'a Literary ConijHinum one of the largest and beat family newapapera publihed all sent free by mail. Reader, if vou want permanent, prohtable work.adilreiis K. i). A LLKM A CO., Auuata. Alaine. I W am QROOE RESAN P PROVIB IQN8. ICIIAEL MEAGHER & CO., No. 823 South SIXTEENTH Street, Wholesale and Hetall Dealers in PROVISIONS, OYRTKR8 AND TEBRAPIN8. fitanler's Katra Canned tlOHN. - " PKAUlIEfl. Maryland Canned TOM ATOh.ll. Kitra Canned ASPAKAUUB. Hit 17 ANTON A 9t c TTI A II O t E 18 VolJTH VVIIAUV'KJI. Philadelphia. No4AW PRATT Street, Baltimore. We are prepared to .hip every description of I relcht to Pbilaiiel,..ia; cw York. WiliniUKton. and intermeddle points it h promptnese and doapatcu. Canal boats and bleani'tuas tuinubed at the aboitest notice. i AMUSEMENTS. A MRU J CAN ACADEMY , OF, MUSIC I nprccpdcnlcd aocomi and triumphant rotors la I I'lledeil'hin o' tti cli bnvlfrt l'Ali M'A liOHA KWOI.1HH OPERA. C.Smirjk CO., I Froprietor. a.d Director. !'. DE VIVO, Uufliness Manager. II. JACKHOIV. BtajrS Maoasf r. THIS (W!WrHUy) HVRIINO, Kub. IB. illbe irinrni.l the hifctiif snocenfttnl liukiicur.l Opera ol thfl prr.nuii lirilliant aeuaon, JMuatrt'a atanowleuKed masterwnrk, THE MARRIAGE OF 1'IUAKO, I'l'lAld), KHiAKO, Ritli it. fin nmmintmm and excellent emit, (mbrioins: W'n.e PAKKl'A HOSA, Mint rtcxe llraoi, Mr. .-Me Sfgnin, All.. Ntocktou, Mew. Uampbill, Jurance. Nniilhlnn,, Hull. 8..nln. eUi To-morrow (THUltrMM V). rtKNEFlT OF MR, CASTLE, ILTKuVATOIIK. Frl.. flnlv f im. . Itk'u I.- d ir t enn fvr r MATIKKK BA1 L'KDA V-ll'MK fAKKf. KuSA 1?I Baturday KiHht-f ARK W KM, PER KOTIM ANCW Aclnnfi.lnn. Ill DhmhJ W ..... K. i.. ... , . t, Irolo, tdc. Amphitheatre. 'JSn. iuini'lor, Wo. Wrif 'beannt. dtmot,. JAfcT DAYS ()!' TIIU 66 TVino Muses." Tho alien. ail.ibKlon will BOON nit nrrtnv.rt k. pnblic. Upro daily Irr.m 8 A. M. until 6 P. W. Admission 25 eenta I Season TiekeU 60 eeota A Vrlome Joat lned (elnlh and gold), eontalnlnff ntne plmtoRraiiha of "I he Wnara," aud portrait of tbeartMi. 43 ou. bnt fre by mail. . UlUt CARLCG' GALLERIES, No. 81C CHESNUT STREET, I00KIEG 0LAS3 WAIIER00M3. LAURA KEENE'S OHKKNTTT RTRKKT TUFATRK. BmrineatS. TUMI. I' I thfl DIptiiiirutHhrd ArtiaU). in.his celrbrntod cl aracter of BADGER, in Boucicault'l great Ucnrntional Drama, THK STKKKTS OF NF.W YORK, with New Scenery, a (iplenrlid 'aet, and Mr. ROI.MIt HOWAHI) and General GRANT, Jr., who are eiiKiued sxpreaaly for tue piece. MATIINKK HATUKDAY, 8Mf RTHKRTH OK NKW YORK. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS (Wedneadar) KVFNfNO. Feb IK. I.AhT NIGHT OS' H.DVVTN ADAMH in bis celobrated character of , KNOCU ARDKN, In Madame Julie de Marguerites' Domestic Drama, in tire acta, founded on Tennyson's beautiful Poem of that niime.aa originally produced by him at Booth's Theatre, HKVKNTY AM...nH...l.l.(. V. i .. I I T a . and Cbaracteriatio Coatumes, etc in ornei to aerommoiiHte tumiiiea, a MATINKK will be siven in RA'1D1DAY AFTKKNOON at 2 o'clock. M K8. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET TUKATRK. Uu ina V tn H KKV1VAL OK LITTLE EM'LT. 1 Mn AnM.An.tinM. AnK. Monday, Tneaday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, t.n i'i.w i. u i v Mrs. JOHN ERF.W as .' Martha ,. . airea ny (tie full Company. Friday A, K. BHAbY'H nlnht. Katurduji On'y Little Em'ly Matinee. Saturday nlRht Benefit of B. HKMPLK. T;oX'8 AMERICAN THEATRE. J1 WAi.NUT Street, above Kiahth. Irnmenpo aucceaa ot the versatile artiets, B1IKRIDAN and MACK. First week nf J. 0, BUDWORTII, the areat Dutcl Comedian dian. OriKinal Kketehea, Hon, and Dunces. ' VK.RY KVKNINU TWO ORK.AT BALLKT8. DUPHEZ ft IiENEDlCT'8 OPERA HOUSE BRVKNTH 8t.,belcw Arch (late Theatre Oomiane THIS KVFNINU. DCPHKZ A BKNKDIOTTJ Oirantio Minetrela Introduce, First time ljurlcrqne Opera, Peper-Koaey-Oh. F.npaftement and Virnt Appenrauce of the Immense Fa vorite Comedian, Mr. Hunter Dnnaherty. 1 H fit Admission, bit cents. Parquette, 76 eta. Gallery, 26 ctA. IV EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, X ELEVENTH Ktreet, above Ohosnut. THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROH8 A DIXEY'H MINSTRELS, the great Star Tronpo of the world, in their unequalled F'iHIOPlAN KOIHEK.S, BEAUTIFUL KALLaDS, SONGS, OPERATIC SELECTIONS, and LAUGHABLE BURLESQUES EVERY EVKNINO o.o J- L- CARNOBOS8, Manager. JR. F. SIMPEON, Treasurer. .16 era VALEK'S (LATE MILLER'S) WIN TED GA ) DKN, Noe. 720. 723, 724. and 726 VINE Street THE GRAND ORCHESTRION, form or ly the propeite otitic GRAND LUKE OF HA DKN, puronased at expense by JACOB V A T.RR, of Una ony, in combination with HAMKH'H ORCHEhTllA and Miae NKLLlhl ANDERSON, will perform EVERY AFTKHNOON and EVENING at. the above-mentioned place. Admiynion free. 1 19tf TEMPLE OF WONDERS, ASSEMBLY BUILD INGfi. . SIGNOR BLITZ EVEliY KVENINO. at 7V, and MATINEE on WED. NtTbDAY and SATURDAY at S. Admlaaion. 2octa. Reserved Beats. 60 ete. 1 10 SENTZ AND HASSLER'8MATINEEsZ Mlf lCAI, FUND HALL, 1MS9-70, .very BATU 1 DAY AFIE'.RNOON at 8 o'clock. Wl PATENTS. 8. OFFICES FOR PBOOURINQ Patents in the United States and Fo reign Countries, FORREST BUILDINGS, HO 8. FOUUTII St., Pliilada., AD MARBLE BUILDINGS, KETKKTU Street, uliove V, (Opposite U. 8. Patent Offloe), WA8ULNQTON. D. O. U. HOWSON, SoUcitor of Patent. O. UOWSON, Attorney at-Law. Commnnications to be adoreased to the Principal Offices, Philadelphia. 1 lUmwsHm PATENT OFFIC E 8, N. W. Corner FOURTH and CFIESN0T, (Entrance on FOURTH Street), rnAi.Tcis d. rASTonius, BOUCITOB OF PATENTS. ' ' Patents procured for Inventions In the United Suites aud Foreign Countries, and all ui nous re lating to the same promptly transacted. Call or send for circulars on Patents. Open till o'clock everj evening. 8 6 Hiuth pTT e ranr o f f i c'es . T7. Corner F0UKTH and WAIMUT PHILADEU'HIA. FEES LKtiS THAN ANT OTHER HELIABL AGENCY. Send for pauphle on Patents. 8 4 thstut CHARLES IL EVAN8. STAfE RIGHTS KOK SALE. 8TATI RiKbtn of a valuable Invention inat patented, and fo the SLICING, CL 'J TING, and CUlVpINO of dried beet eabbsae. etc., are hereby cltered for aaie. It is an articU of erai. value to pioprietor. of botola and reetaurantii, CFFIOK. COOPER roiW ; HOFFMAN. CUTLERY, ETC. jODGERS & WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET- KNIVES, Pearl and Stag handles, and beautiful liniah; R.deera', and Wade A Butcher'. Razora, audtlieenle b rated I.eoou'trs Razor; Indies' gclaitora, in oaseu, u( Ui. finest quality; Rodger.' Table Cm lory, Carver, aud Forks, Rar.or Ktrnpa, C'mk urewa, Kt.. Far ini.lrimit-iia, to assu-t tho baiius, of th. umbt approved comtrufti.iu, at P. -MADKU1 'S, ISO Ne. 115TFATII Ftiei.. twilnvi CI...SIMM, TCENT.'h FURNISHING OOCJ.;. A TlTfT 8 V IO Tt li M K It-' ' iHi SHIRT MANfl'-'i'.Tt.iHV. AKl) GENTLEMEN Fl iR S I? II t .w iw PiatPtt'.'lLV FITTING nhUi - .M Citvdir i'r.-o ffeiunin-ti'iii'. nt ryr Mio't u All .U.l nrffl.-v-' v Glt'DS to CtiU viir.m v .T ' lNt!UEM'Kh A ., na so. :! c ussier stcci.