THE DAILY EVENING TKLEGKAHI PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FKBRIUHY 10, 1870. 3 MEWS flUrOZVXAA7. t!lt Affair. William WUlmlro.lihe lad who wns run over on the Washington Avenue Railroad on Tues day, died at the Pennsylvania Hospital yes terday. Cold and stormy m last night was, a babo only a few day old was left on a door step on fifth street, below Spruce. It was Ukcn to the Union Street Station. George Richardson, thirty yers old, re aiding at Tenth and Montgomery avenue, fell yesterday from the front platform of a car on woich be was driving, and tbo wheel passing ever his hand, crushed it In a dredful manner. Daniel Nawn, twenty-nine years old, residing atNo. 1809 Khoadcs street, bad one of his hands caught In a cog-wheel yesterday, at Baldwin's locomotive works, and badly luenrated. Both sufferers were admitted Into the Pennsylvania Hospital. The lw requires that whenever the removal of the remains of deceased persons Is desired fr6m one cemetery to another, a permit for that purpose shall first be seenred from the Board of Health. Accordingly, 1357 permits of this na ture were limned by the board last year, realizing to the city 678-50. A meeting of the sub-corn nilttee from Finance, Board of Revision, Law and Retrench ment and Reform Committees met last evening to consider by what means the outstanding taxes may be most promptly collected. Various plans were suggested and freely discussed, and a com mittee of three was Anally appointed to prepare a bill giving to Councils power to enforco the payment of outstanding taxes. A post-mortem examination made by Dr Bhapleigh of the body of the unknown man who died on Sunday morning, in a cell of the Third District Station-house, establishes the fact that the deceased came to his death fro the effects of congestion of the lungs. No traces of liquor were discovered during the examination, which proves conclnslvely that the man was not drunk when picked up In the street. A meeting of the Philadelphia Produce As sociation was held at the rooms, on Delaware . avenue, yesterday afternoon, President Detwiler in the chair. The Secretary reported that since last meeting two arrest bad been made for sell ing goods without a license. Several proposi tions for membership were submitted, and were referred. The proposed amendment to the Con stitution, Increasing the annual assessment of the dues of members, was considered, and finally was laid over until the next meeting. The semi-annual meeting of the High School Alumni was held last evenlug, when the follow ing officers were elected: President E. II. D. Fraley. Board of Managers John D. Watson, J. Hopper, George W. Mears, John II. Walls, D. W. Howard, D. W. Sellers, W. B. Atkinson, A. B, Smith, A. P. Colcsberry, F. F. Christine, R. R. Ellis, B. W. James, George F. Render, B. F. Abbott, John J. Weaver, Charles J. Lister, T. V. "William, W. F. Church, William Nicholson, Charles J. McCleary, Jas. A. Connor, R. L. Wright, Jr., B. F. Houseman, C. C. Taylor, T. F. Jenkins, Win. N. Meeks, John M. Riding, W. 8. Ferguson. Domestic Affair. Gold closed yesterday at 120. Nevada last year produced $13,815,000 of treasure. Three more volumes of the Roll of Honor have been published. Snow to the depth of thirty inches has fallen at Huntingdon, in this State. The Postmaster General made a number of chancres in post otllces in this States yesterday. The House, yesterday, refused to adjourn for the purpose of attending McMullin's Rich mond vlc-nic. A bill was Introduced in the Senate yester day to increase tne numoer oi judges oi me Supreme and Circuit Courts. A further discussion took place in the Senate yesterday, on the House Census bill, which was finally laid on the table. The Senate bill, extending the jurisdiction of aldermen to $300 suits, was reported negatively in the House at Harrisbug yesterday. After a lengthy discussion, the proposition to form an independent temperance party was defeated in the State Convention at llarrlsburg yesterday, by a large majority. It is proposed that the colored people shall celebrate the ratification of the fifteenth amend ment by assembling for prayer and thanksgiving ou the official announcement being made. Yesterday the House Committee com menced an investigation of the alleged sales of cadetships. One witness testified that a member of the last House sold a naval appointment for $800. A bill enabling parties losing money by f rambling or lotteries to recover the amount with nterest, by proceedings within six years, was favorably reported in the House, at Harris burg, yesterday. Governor Jewell and the other State officers, save the Lieutenant-Governor, for which position Morris Tyler is put forward, were renominated by the Connecticut Republican State Convention yesterday. Governor Walker, In a message to tke Vir ginia Legislature yesterday, referred to the diffi culty of finding Judges not disqualified by the fourteenth amendment, and recommended a petition to Congress for a general removal of cLsbllltles. Very little progress is being made with the Investigation into the management of the State Treasury. Yesterday the committee met, and Mr. Mackey not being ready with certain papers previously ordered, after some wrangling ad journed nntll Tuesday. Mr. Davis presented In the House yesterday a bill to prevent the erection of public buildings on Independence Square, and Mr. Hong another, providing for the appointment of a Commissioner to see to the erection of the necessary court and municipal buildings on Penn Square; also, for an assessment to defray their cost. The Philadel phia delegation propose that the people shall fix the site by a vote next October. Foreign Affair. A bill Is promised by the English Govern ment enabling aliens to acquire and hold lands. Cork complains of loss of prestige by the transfer of all the foreign malls save one to Channel ports. Dr. Dolllnfccr is everywhere denounced by the Ultramontanes for his letter against Papal Infallibility. THE PARIS MOTS. Tllf CITT TRANO.UIL. Pakis, Feb. 98 P. M. The city is now tran quil. A strong police force Is patrolling the streets. Many of the workshops were closed to-lay. DISTURBiKCBS AT MARSEILLES. k rnwd of several hundred persons Fathered in Marseilles last night and biased, and in other ways lnsmlted the police and gens d'armes. They were summoned to disperse but refused to do so. Thn notice then charred noon them and made a large number of arrests. After an examination of the prisoners this morning, only thirty were remanded to prison. ARREST Or "MABSHILLAISE" EDITORS STOP' PAGE OF TUB PAPER. Paris, F. 9, via Loudon All the editors of the Marsr Maine have been arrested. The prin ter of the paper, M. Valeu, refuse! to put it to press. FCRTH1R OUTBUEAKS IN PARIS. ' Paris. Feb. 9 Noon. The mornlncr lournals nave the following details of the disturbances which occurred List night. There had been much excitement ainonit the dcodIo durinsr the day, which culminated about midnight in a new . nibreak. ItABRICADES NEAR TUB PALAIS ROYAL. Tbcso were not confined to one locality, nor were thev on the scene of those va- terday at La Vlllctte and Belleville, but nearer the centre of the city and only a few sauarea from the Palais Rovale. new and stronger barri cades were thrown up and tenaciously defended. TUB POLJCB REPULSED SOLDIERS CARRY TUB JIARRIOADEB. The police attacked several of them, but were julclJy driven off. Tbe military force was then brouuht Into requisition, which, as on the day previous, carried all the barricades without tiring on the crowd. VNIVll.LINQNRKS TO VSB FIREARMS. There seems to be hesitation on the part of both the troops and rioters to resort to the use of firearms. ORPF.nS TO TUB POLICK. 8trong detachments of pollco have been placed on all the Boulevards, with orders to forcibly disperse all crowds. ARRESTS. Hundreds of rioters have been arrested. KILLED AND WOUNDED. Svernl were wounded, mainly In conflicts with the police, and it Is reported that some were killed. THB "M ARSEILXA l8En did not appear to-day, and all its editors are under arrest for aiding the rioters. One of the editors, M. Raspall, was also arrested for the same offense. THE MINISTERS remained at the police headquarters all night. KIT BURXS. Ill KM nt Dedicated na a Home far Fallen VVtMrn. The haunt at 273 Water St., N. Y., known as "Kit Bnrns' Rat Pit," which has been hired by Rev. William H. Boole of Mrs. Burnt, who owns the property, for a mission and a home for the reform of abandoned women, was on Tuesday dedicated to that purpose with religious services and appropriate addresses. The large room on the first floor, which was formerly a bar-room and is now to be devoted to dally prayer meet ings and other religious gatherings, was crowded with people, many of them ladles, who desired to exhibit their interest and sympathy in the benevolent enterprise. A great many of the denizens of that region gathered about the en trance, and Kit and his companions, who still occupy the adjoining premises, freely expressed their disgust for the whole proceedings. The exercises were opened with singing and prayer, after which Bishop Janes, of tho Me thodist Episcopal Church, made an address. He said that there was an interest attached to the occasion beyond its mere novelty. It was pro- Eosed to recover and reform these nnfortunate elngs, not only by ministering to their physical wants, or by the force of moral suasion, but by the power and influence of religion. It was not a hopeful field of labor, but it was Christ's field, and the most solemn obligation rested npon His followers to devote themselves to its work. It was said that not one in a thousand of these women could be permanently reclaimed, but that made it none the less a duty to do all that can be done to rescue them from their degrada tion. Some of the degraded ones had given pro mise, In their early years, of great beauty of character and all the virtues which adorn the life of woman, but ttey had been robbed and cheated of the heritage by villains who, per chance, move in the best circles of society, and receive no condemnation for their fonl deeds. A terrible day of reckoning awaited them, but in the meantime their poor victims, whose very sensitiveness and delicacy had prevented them from facing society and avoiding utter ruin, de serve our deepest pity and tcixli'rcst sympathy. Rev. Stephen 11. Tyng said t' ; his was his second visit to this place. At :t car ago he had preached in tho yard in the rear of the building, and had become convinced that the movement which was begun for the regenera tion of Water street was no transitory excite ment. He had no confidence, he said, in bene volence which springs from a sense of duty. To be effective it must Bprlng from an intense love of Christ, and a consequent desire to benefit all wno need our aid, regarded as ills representa tives. Personal influence is what was needed. Men could be saved only through men, and what these poor women wanted was' the presence of lympatnizing nearts ana tne aid ana encourage ment of Christian men and women. Mr. Woodruff then arose and said that he knew of no way of at once carrying into effect the exhortations which had been given except by giving $5 to the cause, and asking nineteen other persons to give a like amount, to mane up 9iuu to assist Mr. uooie in beginning nis good work, i he sum was very soon made up, and one gentleman having given (30 this was taken as a basis ior a second wiuu, wnicn was soon completed, and then a general collection was taken np, resulting in an addition of about (50 to tho funds already given. Dally prayer meet ings, from 13 to l i'. m., are to ue neia at we Mission, and evening meetings will soon be la augurated. II Alt DING'S EDITIONS OP TEE JIOLY. BIBLE. FAMILY, PULPIT, AND PHOTOGRAPH BIBLES, ron WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. ALSO, PRESENTATION BIBLES FOB CHURCHES, CLERGYMEN, SOCIETIES AND TEACHERS, ETC. New and superb assortment, bound In Rlon Levant Turkey Morocco, Paneled and Ornamental Designs, equal to the London and Oxford editions, at leas than half their prices. No, 828 CHESNUT Street. 8TBENGTH, BEAUTY, CHEAPNESS COMBINED I t HARDING'S PATENT CHAIN-BACK rnoTO a RArn albums. For Wedding, Holiday, or Birthday Presents, these Albums are particularly adapted. The book trade and dealers in fancy artlolcs will find the most extensive assortment of Photograph. Albums in the country, and superior to any Hereto fore made. For great strength, durability, and cheapness, Harding's Patent Chain-bock Albums are unrivaled. Purchasers will find It greatly to their advantage to examine these new lines of goods be fore making up their orders for stock. Also, a large and splendid assortment of new styles ui rnotogrepa Aiuume uiauu ui uio unuu ninmnor, No. IM CHSSNUT Street, Philadelphia. 117 J I n C W O R K. GALVANIZED and Painted WIRE GUARDS, store rronU and windows, for factory and warehoas windows, for churches and cellar windows. IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for b&loonles, offloe cemetery and garden fence, j Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Jullden and Carpenters. All orders filled with promptnei and work guaranteed. i ROBERT WOOD A 00 atutnem No. UM KIDQB Avenue Phil c O R N E X 0 n A. N G BAG MAHUKAOTOBT, JOHN T. BAILEY, H. K. corner of M A RKKT m.4 WATER Btmt PhiUdalphia. DEALFR IN BAUH AND BAGGL5 a Of every deeoription, fur Drain, Floor, Salt, SPr P f Ulna, Boa Iree an4 small GXTKH V SAOti emuUntljoa bAi(L MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Varini Hrt Vye. ALMANAC FOR rilHADELPUIA-THIfl DAY. Si'it Risks Sl'N bKTH 7llMOON 1UH1W t"13 e-wlllioii Watkk t it PHILADELPHIA BOAKD OF TRADE. D. T. MrfAMMON. 1 J. PRICB YVBTHKK1LL, COMMITTEE OP TUB MONTH. UKOROB N. ALIJ1N, j MOVKMLNTH OK (H:KAN JvTRASHIIIPS. F(U AMERICA. Atalanta. Tendon New York Jan. IB Hmldt Hrrmcn New York Jan. SO lows i Ulasgow.... New York Jan. si Hlbnria.... Liverpool... New York v B..Jan. 2ft HelvHIa Liverpool... New York Jan. M Manhattan Liverpool. ..New York Jan. 26 Prussian IJverpool. ..Portland Jan. ST C.of Washton.. IJverpool... New York Jan. 8T AnRlla (ilasgow.... New York Jan. 88 vme derarla... Ureal New York Jan. w Westphalia Havre Now York Jan. 89 ella London New York Jak. 89 Java Liverpool... New York Jan. 89 Donau Southampton. ..New York Feb. 1 Tarlfa Liverpool. . .New York v. B..Kcb. 1 VOH KIIHOI'K. Tripoli.... New York... IJverpool Feb. M coi vtasQ'ion.New York... Liverpool Ken. is Kheln New York. ..Bremen Fob. 18 Pennsylvania.. .New York . . . Liverpool. Feb. 19 Atalanta New York... London. Feh. 18 Iowa New Yor. ..wibhrow Feb. 18 Manhattan New York... Liverpool Feb. IS V. of IlalUniore.New York . . .Liverpool Feb. 19 AnRlla. New York... (llaMRow Feb. 19 l ityol N.York.. New York. ..Liverpool Feb. 88 t'clla New York... Iiondon Feb. 80 COAHTWINK. IXIMKSTK!. KTC FBRle New York... Havana Fab. 10 HbermaD New York. ..New Orleans. ..Feb. 18 Tonawanda.... Philadelphia. Savannah Feb. 18 rromeineuB....rnnaleiphla.('nariesion..... ren. u Morro Castle... New York. ..Havana Feb. IT Juniata Phlladelphla.Ncw Orleans . . . Feb. 19 I'nlted Htatcs..New York. ..New Orleans. ..Feb. 19 Columbia New York... Havana via NanFeb. 84 Malls are forwarded hv even steamer In the regu lar lines. The steamers for or from Liverpool call at iueenstown, except the Canadian Una, which call at ionnonierry. me steameis lor or iroin tne uonu nent call at Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. StAoratlhlffc A rlna tL'ilnn lt..nn II U'innAI Ar f rt N. O. bark Htatwroad Brock. Nicolaysen, Gibraltar ior oruers, l,, westergaam a co. Br. bark J. L. Wick wire, Murray, Antwerp, C. C.Van num. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Schr John M. Fluke. Chime. 4 days from rrovlnce- wwn, iat)8., Willi nsn w u. . croweu co. seur Biomlcii, Chapman, 4 days from I'rovince town, with nan to C. 8. Crowell A Co. MEMOHANDA. Steamship James 8. Green. Vance, at Norfolk 7th Inst and sailed for Richmond. Steamer Centipede. Bec.ket. from Boston for Phtla- ueipnia, at isew lork yesterday. una veieran. nnow. nence. ai winraitar un in hi. Schr 8. V. W. Simmons. Williams, hence, at Charleston 6th Inst. Friday. 4th lnst.. experienced a severe gale from NE. toN.NK.: vas obliged to cut away bulwarks to rree oer; started rorward house. Schr Annie, Adanm, sailed from Richmond 7th lnst. for Chlckahomlny, to load for Philadelphia. Schr Curtis Tllton, Hughes, cleared at New York 8th lnst. for Santa Cruz. Schr Bt A L. Marts, Marta. from Savannah for Bos ton, returned to Savannah 7th lnst. with loss of mainsail and boat In a terriilc Kale. Schr Kmma H. Shaw, Shaw, sailed from Charles ton hui lnst., ior a nortnern port. Schr Thomas Booz, Somers, went to sea from WIN mliiRton. N. C. 7th InM.. for New York. Schr Uov. Burton, Steelman, cleared at Baltimore 8th lnst. for Charleston. Schr John Stockham, race, for Philadelphia. cleared at New Haven 7tU lnst. Schr D. S. Mcrshon. Ayres, hence, at Fall River 6th lnst. Schr WatauRa, Monroe, cleared at Savannah yes- leraay ior piewDern, n. j. Schr Millard Fillmore, from Portland tor Cuba. with a cargo of snooks, went ashore during the storm of Tuesday night near Plymouth. The crew are safe, and the vessel will be got on if she gets prompt assistance. Schr Eliza Tike, Larkln, from Charleston for rhl- luuuipiiitt owi inn, isBBuuio uuar mc juimn fiou, and will probably be lost. 1 1.1 l I 1 : V. I .... I .. nu,.,.Hn HAn I . 0 .. Schr Ida s. biirpronB, Crockett, cleared at George town, H. c, xa inBi. ior jnanimque. senr VTankiin a., lunriow, irom rsewiounaiana for Philadelphia, at Gloucester 7th lnst. Schr Mary Stow, Rankin, for Philadelphia, cleared at New lork yesteruay. LUMBER. 1870 SPRUCE JOIST. BPRUCE JOIST. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. 1870 -I QTA SEASONED CLEAR FINE, -4 QA 10 ( U SEASONED CLEAR PINK. 10 I U CHOICK PATTKKH PUNK. SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. RED CEDAR. 1870 FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1870 1 Q T A WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. -I Q pyrt 10 U WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 10 I U WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1870 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER, -t QwA TJNDERTA KERS' LUMBER. 10 U WALNUT AND PINE. 1870 SEASONED POPLAR. 4Q7A SEASONED CHERRY. lO I ) AStU WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1870 CIGAR BOX MAKERS' CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 1870 SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS, KXja BAU liUYV. -IOTA CAROLINA SCANTLING, 1 QTA 10 U CAROLINA H. T. BULLS. 10 I U i QTA CEDAR SHINGLES. 1 DWA 10 IV CYPRESS SHINGLES. 10 I U KAUIJL BHtrillltK CO., 1H No. 8600 SOUTH Street. TA1EL PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES JL 1 (JOMMUIX J-l.A-VK. Alilu TlUUJlLNJECHBiUi, 1 COMMON HOARDS. I and 2 BIDU FENCE BOARDS. WH1TK PINK FLOORING BOARDS. YFLI.OW AND SAP PINK frLOORLNUU. 1 and HKMtoOK JOIST, ALL SIZES. PT.AKTKS.1NU LATH A SPECIALTY. Together with a general aMortment of Buildinc Lumbal foreeielowforciiL T. W. SMALTZ, 11 U4 6m FIFTEENTH and BTILKb Street UMBBR UNDER ALWAYS DRY. .o v i a Walnut, White Pine, Yellow pine, Sprnoe, Hem lock, Shingles, etc, always on hand at low rates. WATSON GILUNGHAM, 9i Na 9V4 RICHMOND Street, 18th ward. m n K PRINCIPAL DEPOT X FOB THE lltl Of REVENUE ST A MPS, Na 804 CHESNUT STREET. CENTRAL OFFICE, No. 106 S. FIFTH STREET (Two doors below Chesnut street), ESTABLISHED 1881, The sale of Revenue Stamps is still continued at the Old-Kstabluthed Agencies. The Block comprises every denomination printed by the Government, and having at all times a large Btinnlr. w era enabled to fill and forward (by Mall or Express) all orders Immediately upon receipt, a mat ter of great Importance. United States Notes, National Bank Notes, Drafts on Philadelphia, and Post OHlce Orders received In payment. , , . Any information regarding tbe decisions of the CommtHHioner of Internal Revenue cheerfully and frratntfriUHlv frirnlaherl. noveime utamus pnntea npon urtuut, uuuvan, iw. Cflnta, etu. The l foiiowinir rates of commission are allowed on Btamps and stamped Paper: On (6 and upwards Per ceDt 100 s " 800 " , 4 " Address all orders, eta., to Aim A T A f TWVJ iTy Rl AJir AUniVBj NO. m CILEfiNtT BTlUUtT, PHILADELPHIA. INSJURANOfc. TAKLAWARK MUTUAL SAFETY 1N8URANCR If COMPANY. Incorporated by the Leg-lalalura of Pennsylvania, 1S38, Office southeast comer of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, I'hHiwIelpnia. MAHINK 1NNUKVNCKH On Vessels, Cargo and Freigut to all parts of the worm. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to ail parts oi inn union. KIRK INSIUtANCKUS On Merchandise generally; on Stores, Dwellings, llOUHCB, eio. A8SBTS OF THK COMPANY November 1, IHfift. 1200,000 United State Five Per Cent. Ioan, ten-forties t?16,000'00 100,000 United states Six Per Cent. Loan (lawful money) 107,760-00 60,000 United States Six rer Cent. Loan, 1881 60,000-00 800,000 Bute of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 813,930-00 800,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent Loan (exempt from tax)...... 800,985-00 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 102)000 -00 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 19,480-00 28,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Se cond mortgage Six per Cent. Bonds 83,820-00 86,000 Western Pennsylvania Rail road Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad guarantee) 80,000-00 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 16,000-00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 4,870-00 13,600 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 8fi0 shares stock 14,001-0Q 6,000 North Pennsylvania Rail road Company, loo snares Stock 8 90009 10,000 Philadelphia ' and ' Southern Mall Steamship Com- - pany, 80 shares stock 7,600-00 848,900 Loans on Bond and Mort- Jage, first liens on City Topcrtles 848,900-00 11,881,400 Tar. Market value, 11,866,370-00 i -nor n.aiK.njn-T. Real Estate 88,000-00 Bills Receivable for Insurances made... 823,700-76 Balances due at Agencies: Premiums on Marine Policies, Accrued luwreni, ana otoer aeuts aue tne com pany SH.097-9H Stock, Scrip, etc., of Sundry Corpora- uuub, Hiw oBumaiea vaiue x,iu-iu Cash in Bank H88.818-S8 Cash In Drawer 9781M 169,29114 11,868,100-04 DIRECTORS. Thomas C Hand, ,Samoel E. Stokes, John C, Davis. William 4. Boulton, Edward Darlington, Edmund A. Sender, Theophllus Paulding, James Traqualr, it. Jones urooKe, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob Riegel, Jacob P. Jones, James B. MoKarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spenoer Mcllvaln, J. B. Semple, Plttaburg, A. K. llerger, Pittuburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg. uenry eioan, Henry C. Dallctt, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Lndwlg, josepn u. uoai, Hnsh Craiir. John D. Taylor, neorge w. iternaaou, William C. Houston. THOMAS c. HAND, President JOHN C. DAVIS. Vlce-rteBldont. HENRY LYLBURN. Secreterv. HENRY BALL Assistant Secretary. 1 1 TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OP THE PEHN MUTUAL, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, CIIAltTERKD IN IS 17. OFFICE, No. 981 CHESNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. SAIrll'Er. C. HCEY PRKSIDKNT MAItlUKL. E. HTOKKS VIOO-PRKaiDKNT JOHN W. IIORNOU A. V. P. and ACTUARY UOUATIU S. STKPUKISM J3KORJKTARY Premiums. Interest, etc.. up to December 81, lfctetf SoO,K-80 Losses paia aunnn inevear....si44.iuwuu This is $106,000 less than the tables can ler. Expenses, commissions, taxes, etc juvzid-si 814,97881 Net earnings for the year 1889 toei.860-88 AHHRTM. United States, State, c'lty and Company Loans, (.round Rents, Mortgages, Real .testate, umoe, Furniture, cash on band. Cost, 12,947,979-83. Market value, $3,024,473-94. SOLICITOR. HENRY C. TOWNSEND. MRPICAL BXAMINSK8. ED. nARTSHORNB, M. D., No. 14:0 Walnut street. EDWARD A. PAGE, M. I)., No. 1416 Walnut street. In attendance at tne onice or the company from l to 8 p. m., oany. .,, v in 1QOO -OHARTKB PEKPETUAL. Franllin Fire Ihsmcb Companj or raiLiuiuirau. Office, Nos. 435 and 437 CHESHXJT St Assets Jan. I f'69,$2, 677,372' 1 3 CAPITAL. .'. 1 1400.000 -00 ACCRUED SURPLUS l,083,688-70 PREMIUMS 1,193,848-48 UNSETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOR 1889, SJOU.UUU. Losses paid since 1829,0Ter $5,500,000 Pernetnel end Temnoimn PoIieiM on Liberal Term. Tbe Oompenj elao iasuee Polloiee on Rente of Boildlnci OI au auuu,uronna itenie, enu jiniiw DtRKCXORH. Alfred O. Baker, , Alfred FrUar, Semnel Grant, I Thomea Spexkn, OeoriceW.KiobArdS, I WUliem 8. Orant, Lnuw Lea, I Tbomite 8. KUie, ' Ueoire Vales. ' Gutu B. Beaeoa. ALFRED O.UA KKR, Preeidank GEQKGK FAIJUi. Vise Preeldeila. JAS. W. MoATJJKTrSR, SeoretenN TUKODORU M. REGER. Aeautaot BeoreUry. 1 1 F AME INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 609 OHESNUT Street. INCORPORATED ISM. OHARTKB PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, rW,0U0. FIRE INHURA-NOE KIOLUBIVELY. Imaret acalnet Loea or Damage by Fir either by Per- petoal or Temporery fouolea. DLBJtcn'ORS: Oharlee Rlohardeon, Robert Peeree. William H. Knawn, John Keoaler, Jr- William M. keylert. If d ward B. Orne, Jobn Smith, Oharlee Stokee. Nathan Uillee, John W. Kvernuue. Oeom A. Weat, Mordeoei Busby. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Preeldent WILLIAM H. RHAWN, Vlee-Preeklerjt. WllXUaf S L BLAKCHiJaD. BeoretarT. T Xtf nBE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE XN8TJKANCE JL COMPANY. inoorporuea wao smarter rerneinai, No. BIO WALNUT Street, oppoeite Iodeeendenee Snarc Tbia Company, favorably known to tbe oonunanite foe rrtMr fort Team, continue, to inaare ejrainet loae nrdua. ace by fire on Pnbho or Private BtdlduiKeieithet' erma. nently or for a Umited time. Aleo on Farnitnre, btooki of Goede. and Merohandiee feneraUy, on liberal tenne. loeir vapiiai, lAwei-ier wiui m nuryim r nog, mi lnvewted in tbe most careful manner, which enablee toeaa to otter to ttaa insured an undoubted, asoariia in the aee Of lose. I Daniel Smith. Jr.. John Dererenj. Thomae Krakh. Henry LewieT Alexander Boneon, Inaae tlaslenuret, Tkomae Robins, , J. UiUingbam Fell. uamei dmudvi. ur. DANIEL BMITU. Jb.. President. WM. O. PRO WELL. Beoretary. g& THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. Office B. W. corn or of FOURTH aod WALNUT Btreeta. KIRK INbURAhOK EXCLUKIVKLY. PERPETUAL AND TERM P0U0IE8 lbSDTCD. OAbli Capital (paid ap in full)..... $,t)u01M Caen Aeaele, Java. 1, 1870.. .1 S3t,3t-15 auuiLri xj a. F. Retch ford Starr, Naibro Presier, Juhn M. Atwood, benj. T. Trudiik, J. Lailacrston Brrinrer. Jamee L. OUmhoen, ui. vi. rMHiiton, Cbarlee Wheeler, 1 honiaa H. MnnljumaTT. Oeorge a. ntnan, John H. Browu, Jamee M . Aerfeieu. , K. RA TO H FORD BTA R R. I-tvIiSZSl THOMAS H. MONT(HHESY. Vkoe-Preeldeut, AI.KX. W. WIHTKK, rleoreiary.7 JAOOK K. PE'laMUrUJi, Aswetaat BwsrtUrf INSURANCE. jSl. IS 13 TJ JlX Y LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. No. SOS IIROAIfVr AY, corner oi Eleventh Street, New York. OABH OAPTTAL....I 1150,000 tl96W0 deposited wth the BUU of New York a eeearity for polici boldere, IFMUFf, B ANOR, PreeMent. GKORQK KLLIOIT, Vioe I'rmident end SeereUrf. F.MOKY MrCI.lNTOCK, Aotnerj. A. K. M. PURDY, M. D.. Medioei Kiemlneft rHiLArttxrmA BirKauKvu. ThomeeT. Tinker, i J oli n M. Marie, J. B. Llpplnoott, Cli.rloe Spenoer, VV llli.m IiTine, IJemee lxu, John A. Wrleht, B. Vlorril Wele, IJemee Hnnler, Arthur O. Coffin, 'John B. MoCreerf. K. 11. W orne. Oritenlned April, lHrH. 075 Polieie Inmed flret Sla ion the i over Suuv in tbe twelve nonthe foOmrtne. All lormeof Polletee leened on moet faroreDle let?) -A Speelel edreaUcee offer to Clerg? men. AlawfoodesenUwantedineitoreoontr. Apply t Mansjrnr for PenneylTania end Delaware. Offloe, No. WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. uau ru vt H.1WS epeotai Acerju 4Mt QTRICT L Y M U T U A L. Previdcnt Life and Trust Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, N. Ill 8. FOURTH STREET. Organized to promote LIFE INSURANCE among members of the Society of Friends. Good risks of an; class accepted. Policies issued on approved plans, at the lowest rates. President, SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, Vlce-Prasldent, WILLIAM C. LONOSTRETH, Actuary, ROWLAND PARKY. Tbe advantages ottered by tola Dompany are un excelled. wii . QREAT WESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. EDWIN E. SIMPSON, MANAGER, I'o. Sl WAIJiUT St., Plillnda. AU tbe cood, eqnltable and liberal features of the) beet Life Insurance Companies are cnaranteed to the policy bolder of this Company. 1 33 etuthSw Liberal arrangements made with competent airenta, JMPBBIAIi FI1U2 INSUBANOE GO. LONDON. BNTABU8IIED 1803. Pald-ap Capital and Accumulated Funds, 08,000,000 IN GOLD. PEEV0ST & HEBBING, Agents, IS No. W a THIRD Street, Philadelphia. CHAR. K. FRKVOST. CHAR. R. HERRING! PATENTS. P N 8. OFFICES FOR PROCURING Patent in tht United States and Fo reign Countries, FORREST BUILDINGS. HO 8. FOURTH St.. Phllada., AND MARBLE BUILDINGS, SEVENTU Street, above F, (Opposite U. 8. Patent Office), WASHINGTON, D. a H. HOWSON, Solicitor of Patent. O. HOWSON, Attorney-at-Law. Oommnnieatione to be addressed to the Principal Offices, rbUadelpbia, 1 10 mweSrn pATENT OFFICES, s N. W. Corner FOURTH and CHESNUT, (Entrance on FOURTH Street), rHANCIS D. PA8TORZUS, soucrroR op patents. Patents procured for Inventions In the United States and Foreign Countries, and all business re latlng to the same promptly transacted. Call or send for circulars on Patents. Open till o'clock every evening. 8 6 smth. PATENT OFFICE 8, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALBUT PHILADELPHIA. FEES LESS THAN ANT OTHER REXJABL AGENCY. Bend for pamphle on Patents. 1 4 thstui CHARLES H. EVANS. STATE RIGHTS FOR BALE. 8TAT1 Riehte of a vainable InTention fast patented, and fo the RLIUINU. UU1T1NU. and OHIPPINU of dried beat oabbaee. etc. are berebr offered for sale. It ia an artioL of free ralae to pioprietore of hotels and reetaarante, and it shonid be introdnoed into every family. STATE RIGHTS forele. Model ean be seen at TELEGRAPH OJTFIUE, UOOPKR'b POINT, W. J. a7tf MUNDY HOFFMAN. ROOFING. T3EADY ROOFIN O XV This Rooting Is adapted to all buildings. It caa be applied to vv STEEP OR FLAT ROOFS at one-half tbe expense of tin. It is readily pnt on old Hbinsle Roofs without remo?ina tbe shinnies, thus avoid ing the damaging of ceilinga and furniture while under, going repairs. ( No gravel nned.) PRESERVE YOUR TIN ROOFS WITH WELTON'B H.U&B11U r-Ain i . I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roofs at short notice. Also, PAINT FOR SALE by the barrel or gallon. tho best ana oheepost in the market, WRLTON, 1 171 No. 711 N. NINTH Street, above Ooatos. rpo OWNERS. ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, X 1RD STHirKM -Rmdl Yes. na. Every stse and kind, old or naw. At Na M8 N. THIRD Street, the AM M. RIUAN OONORETK PAINT AJilt muiT uuiwr-an are sellrng their oelebrated paint for TIN ROOKS, and inr -- .it nod and metala. Also, their solid oore. .Li .ml rin. tiia hamt ever offered toths Doblio. witli brushes, oana, backets, etc., tor the work. Alntl-vermin. lire, and W ater-proof i LUht, inght. Durable. Noerauk Log, pealing, or shrinking. S o paper, gravel, or heat. Good for all china tne. Directions given, for work, or good work men supplied. Care, prompts see, otrUiBfcyl On BrleaH Oaill Ewujiel Jnagei Agenu wanted for rjnrog, TMnoip)J. BLANK BOOKS. Important to Book-keepers. JUST PUBLISHED, TUB 11 "CATCII-WOKD" LEDGER INDEX. (COPYRIGHT BBCURED), . Book-keepers and all others having to use an Index will find this a very valuable book.- ' By using the "Catch-word" Index, It will not only save time and eyesight, but the finding of a name quickly Is a mathematical certainty. Yon are invited to call and examine It, ; , PTJBUBHID BY JAS. B. SMITH & CO., Wholesale and Retail Blank Book Manufacturers and Stationers, No. 27 South SEVENTH 8t. 13 23 UuauVHD PHILADELPHIA. OIL8 tra-i No.lUa"-BJICONDUee. AMUSEMENTS. !F.RICAN ACADEMY OF MU8IC.- I'npreerrlenlerl reeeees and ertrrmnbant retara Pbildeilhiaoher.l.hrated "Br" rBrA nUB4 afiULUH OPERA. V.LnrHak CoJ PPrt"dDreetorf. Pmrin.fis Maesger-D. DE VIVO, fibre Xansr.r-li. JACKSON. A PHIKK KK.ARON OK OKAS D ENGLISH OPEBJk, by t his enriv. lied o irriany, cotrmese'ng when the great mn.ieal event of the eeeaon will be the pmnnrtton for ue nrei lime, in r.ngn.a, mis eny, ana ViflllWDUl tur. in am... ii. m, ' " ....... v m Hirw.ra, lUK MAKH1AIIIV ur nuuv, I Kl.arn'a Hoehr.eit.) an opera seldom performed either in Europe or America, from the fact that its prndactinn requires an entire dnnlile company, bnt which tne directors are pmnd to be able to prerrnt with a moet complete ena etteotiveossi, mnrwiinr nearly every principal artiste of this grand eombinaUon. neiuaing M'MK PARKPA.ROflA In her nnspproachsble role of riunanna, with Mie RONR ii r.KPii.r;, Mrs. it. pn.uuiiv, mm r. Biutianin, Mrf.ra. II. NOHDBI.OM. A. LA IT K A N(JK. H. O.OAMP. P F.LI, O. F. H A Li., K. BEUUIN, K1NROSB, Mies ISAACSON, and others. lanotietor, Mr. uaki, kmja. On "ATUHDAV, Pehrasry IS, at So'cWk, (IRANI) BOHEMIAN OlHL MATINEK M'me PAHRrA.KORA (for the Arst time ia PhiUdeJ. phia) in her great character of Arllne, with a star eat- Admiwion, SI. Reserved Beats, Ho. eitra. family Circle, toe. Amphitheatre, Ue. Tbe sale of ena ta for the first night and matinee com mence on Tn.idiiv, at 9 A. M., at the Academy, and at Trumpler's, No. KM Oheennt street. JAST DAYS OF THE IVine ll!8es.,, The above exhibition will BOON BR OI)8KD to the public Open daily from 8 A. M. until P. M. Admission 36 eents Season Tioketa M eeata A vnlnme met lamed (elnth and eold). oontainlne nim photographs of 1 he M nses," and portrait of tbe art mt, Is au. bent free by mail. U J Ut EARLES' GALLERIES, No. 816 CHESNUT STREET, L00KIHO GLASS WARER00MS. "AURA KE ENS' 8 Li CHF8NUT 8TRKKT THrTATRrJ. RerinaatS, LAST NKiliT OF TH K KA VORITK, MIN8 BUMAN OALTON AND COM TO KNOLI8H OPKRA COMPAWY.'ia FANCHON THKCRIOKKT. MISS BU8AN OALTON as "KANOHON," With solo, "Sweet Spirit, Hear My Prayer," And Cricket Hhadow Dance. Farewell Benefit, FRIDAY TH RKK OPERAS. LAST OALTON MATINKK, SATURDAY, MONDAY NKXT, MR. FRANK MAYO, AND STRKKTfe OF NKW YORK. WALNUT 8TKEET THEATRE. THIS CThnnrlav) RVKNINO V.h III. Fourth Night of the enragement of MR. KDWIN ADAMS. who will appear in his msst erly imperennation. a i uaivu inn. nJui4r lua, ia the romance of real life, entitled THK BOULPTOK't DRrlAsf i OR. THK MAR BLR HKART FRIDAY BRNKFIT Olf F.OWIN ADAMS, 1 HK DK AD H FART. Inorrlet tA IMnmnmltt. famill. a WiTINITK will be given on SATURDAY AFTKRNOON. at J o'clock. lHK hUULnWK JJKK AM. MRS. JOHN DREWS ARCH STREET THRATRR. Begin V to S. LAST WRr.K Or' JOHN BROUGHAM. TO NIGHT, THURSDAY. Feb. 10. POSITIVHLY LAST NIGHT OF THK KK1) LIGHT; aTaTl ITUV OTf ' M A T t n A sTrtIT JOHN BROUGHAM as NED MAUDRRMOT Aiaa oy me ran uompsny. FRIDAY-BKNKVrr OF MR. BROUGHAM. DOMBRY A SON. MONDAY LITTLE KM'LV. FOX'S AMERICAN ' THEATRE", WALNUT Street, above Eighth. ' Immense snooessof the versatile artists, RHKRIDAN and M AUK. Last week ot ROLL1N HOWARD, who wdj appear in hi original bnrlesgne of IIAMLFT IN BLACK. KVKRY EVHMINO TWO ORKAT BILLS. "VIEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, J.1 KLKVENTH Btreet, above Obesnnt. THR FAMILY RESORT. OARNOROS8 A DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, the great Btar Troupe of tbe world, ia their nneonaUed ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, BEAUTIFUL BALLADS, BONGB, OPKRAT1U BELKOTIONS. and LAUGHABLE BURLESQUES EVERY EVENING J. L. OARNOBOB9, Manager. R. F. SIMPSON, Treaenrey. Tleent DUPREZ A BENEDICT'S OPERA HOUSE. SEVENTH St.. below Arch (LaU Theatre ComiqeeL An Entire Chsnge of Programme This Week. THU EVENIN&. DUPRkZ A BENEDICT'S . Gigantic Minstrels Introduce, Time-GKKAT BURLESQUE CARNIVAL CO. NOTICE. Soeietlea Schools, Fire Companies, Clobs. etc., can make favorable arrangements for Beneiite. VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WIN TED GARDEN, Nos. 730, Tj 734, and 736 VINE Btreet. THE GRAND ORCHrBTRIQNoiTnerly the property of tbe GRAND DUKE OF BADEN, parcneeed at greek expense by JACOB this oity, in combination) with FLAMKR'S ORCHESTRA and Mies NKLUM ANDERSON, will perform EVERY AFTEBOONaad EVENING at the above-mentioned pUoe. Admission free. 1344 TEMPLE OF WONDER8, ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS. BIGNOR BLITZ EVERY EVENING, at 7V, and MATINEE on WED. aj NEbDAY and SATURDAY ate. Admission, 26 cte. Reeerved Beats,60cta. 1 It SENTZ AND HASSLER'S MATINEEfiZ' MUSICAL FUND HALL, 1669-70, every BATU 1 DAY AFTERNOON at 8 o'clock. "n ill FURNITURE. FINE FURNITURE. DANIEL KHRCHER, N01. 236 and 238 South SEC0HD St. . . A LABOR AND SPLENDID STOCK ON HAND, FOR WHICH EXAMINATION IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 1 3 thstnlmrp RICHMOND A CO., FIRST-OLAS3 FURNITURE WAREROOIflS, Ko. 45 BOUTU SECOND BTREET, KAST BIDE, ABOVE CHESNUT, IHtf ' '- "''f PHILADELPHIA. BUY YOUR FURNITURE1 AND BUY YOUR BEDDING. TI1K ORKAT A9IEIXICAN is wtthrmt a rival, ia without a rival, being the Pinest, Obeapeet, and Largeat stocked Fnrnitnre and Beddmc Warxnonse in tbia c.ty. and Its prices being whoieaale te all. Yon ean save at least Super cent, on anyanrchaseg you may make at our establishment. Ana ear pneee being One Prion, makes it the leading store ia the busi neas. GREAT AMERICAN LARGE NEW BUILDING Kalaua MARKET Btreet. 1 V 1m DRUQ8T1NT8, ITO. JOIIEUT SlIOIIAUEU & CO. N. E. Corner FOURTH and RACE St., PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, , , importers and Manufactarers of WHITS LEAD AND COLORED PAINTS, PUTTY, : VARNlSHKi, ETC. AGENTS FOB THB UK LEU RATED FRENCH . ZINO PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at lowest price! for cash. ' - . 18 i DRUGGIST AIVD CHEMIST, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS. GLASS. AND PATENT MEDICINES, Kos. 1301 and 1303 MARKET St. . t t lo HI thatofaa UEQaLT NOTIOES. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION I,' PON theEstateof CATUARINIC M. B HOW A KKR, da oeased, having been granted to the nndemgned, nil per. sons indei'ted to eaid estate are retineated to make pay. ment,and those baviug claims uuu t H "lluSS, So. m THOMPSON Strtiw . .1