mr, laxly l::i:;g TnxGrnT-rjnLAPr.rTrTA, ttATUErAT, irriuvr:; TO. IJ E W-Y O R II I S M S. rotn 0r Own CorrttpondfnU New Youk, Feb. 5, 1S70. Tim )lonr!lnBlioniie Prrcr. The bnnnUiiK-lioiiac lever which is a sorlj o( lapslij fever lu Its way Is rAiinjr to such a extent nt present thai I feci JustiQeil lu ivlmr lew Words About It. Tho nrlecs asked 1 f - - rt k y that (Jorpm without a connelcnco, which is Jurrently presumed to ho representative of the .ce of luiidlndics, are comlur down. She kcth off twenty per cent, from tho prices she Kcd to ttk. The younir married couples who fve caelt other on a slender Income, say fSOOO Vr, $'iOO per rear, can obtain board and a beau- ful little room furnished with rosewood for 180 erwcik. If tho table really Is on a par with fie "Lcauliful llttlo room, they maybe pardoned lr viewing everything in c.oule.ur de rose-wooA'. requires it Rreat deal ol rose-color on tho pari t boarders to make the modern landlady "go d .. T At lit - f . J. , wn. imagine tue miss 01 tioi'cuumg lor an ur creature comforts upon a woman who gets delirium tremens once a week, and goes und at midnight knocking at the bed-room Aor of pverr boarder in the house! Imagine Sunken conversations between husband and iJe mutually "Hunt," who are overheard during fug.' siiiaii hours oi me morning manually up Vaidlnj; each other for a vice of which each is fiually iruilly! Fictnro to yourself a Mrs. liiiulU'. who Is vcrT much "how come von so." u ...... . ... yin dow n the law of sobriety to a hiccoughy . Cuiulle, who is only a little "not himself." nn a magic-lantern out of some such rerainis- nccs a these, and you will havo some Idoa of e experiences to which the averajro boardinj- use life in New York subjects one. Harney Williams id his wife commence an enirascuicnt al iblo's Garden on the 31st of the present month. $Arney has been up in Albany and the adjacent Swns, aud returns to New York boaminjr in juntcnaucc and "regardless" in costumo. His lOmplexlon is as fresh as a rose, and his glo7es Ire as fresh as his complexion. Tho play ho is Wilnrr to lirino- out riai-norta to have bean never r r foro produced in this country, but it was in ct played at Mrs. Drew's theatro some years o, with Kato Rcignokla and Mr. alkner In tho cast. Its title is Innw- Hrn: or (he Men in the Gap, and it is going be placed on tho stage of Niblo's with reckless disregard to the quantity of epon- .ulics that arc spectacularly spent upon it. Tho elebi alcd Tel bin is responsible for tho panorama hicU cost about two thousand dollars in gold. 'hatcver people who disliko the Irish drama ay sav against the legitimacy of the success of he Williamscs, the fact remains that, in their nc of parts, they are the only performers who iu fill N'iblo s niht after ulght. r or a man ho is only forty-four years of oi;o Harney has louch vitality in him to last him several se- inB-loiiii'cr pay tho next twenty years. Hoots and hlmc. If M. Ferdinand de Lcsscps would oulyjeome ver here and change tho climate of the United tatcs as lie is ealdlto havo done that of Kjfjpt uring the progress of tho Suez Canal, the ven- brs of india-rubber boots and shoes would feel reatly obliged to him. There is avast stock pit upon their hands (Instead of npon other eople's feet), and although tho present pro mising spell of cold weather may do something Inwards relieving them of it, the roliof will not robably be great enough to win or to deserve iay gralituuo worm spcaiung oi. in met, inter has gone back upon us. She is a doublo iccd jade, and likes to pcrsuada the blossoms nt of tbfi irrnund for tho sake of snubbinsr them r w r Leu they havo once come. St. Valentine' Day. St. Valentino is a long-lived saint; there is no I'ttlng-rid of him. lie holds on to hi3 14th of ebiiuiry as tenaciously as if it were tho 4th of uly or the 2."ith of December. Just as ccrtalu as liat spring will put forth green leaves, is it lat for the fortnight preceding St. Valentine's ay, the w indows oi stationery snops win giow Itli flincn tmtirlnanrlnt. KlHetft of note-miner lgivf 1 . . - A ww... - i i Fnlch his siilntehlp is nceufctoincd to impel Loople to buy, enclose In envelopes, direct, and Jbmniit to the care of the f ost UMce, addressed oral tics whom they severally lovo or hate, as he cafe may be: Urv. llornco l cok. Of couro there arc a great many gapers here ir iiitclligcuce concerning that pious and ex- mplary N'ew-Yorklsui, tho ltev. Iforaeo Cooko. e Is taid to be In retirement near Hoston, arniug to act liko a father to the boy who is bout the age of the girl he ran away I mean Iiok a passage m tue train to rtiuaaeipma witn. ffe Is baid to have been occupying a part of hi tM ..Ititminiv 1 ,-'frwi-n A tnumr anil t a onvlnccs one that popular suspicion in regard lo Ms hopeless insanity is correct. His where abouts in to be I'.epi a secret, in order to avoid urther notoriety. As soon as he has repented Lard enough he will probably go back to thump- ,ig the cushion. Who H'nutu nn OijthhIsI f The ensuing advertisement is from one oi the '.ailv morning papers: f "An experienced orpaulst dcslrra a position In ome eiiureii wnero m numrv in hudvb atiiivauuu .oint. and where the lirst of May Ih not an eeulBsl- Lstical moving day. Uoy choir preferred. Address grjl Mm w. ' I make no charge to Mr. Caryl I Ioiio, epe- ially as I have erased the concluding line, ajing where ho 13 to bo addressed. Now that I am on something akin to musical ufttters, I might say that Mr. Edward Mollcn isucr Intends giving a private rehearsal of his aw symphony, llie I assions, to-morrow (ternoon, at two o'clock, at Stcinway Hall, imdav afternoon is chosen because it is assumed 10 comiiine two aesiruuiuuee. piijuauey aim ex iluBivisni. An Baiia. I MI SICAL AJI I 15 ASIATIC. . . 1 -...Mll.l... . ! I The CUT Amusements. At tub C'iiesnut there will be a matinco to- lay, when i.ischen and FriUclwn, lerrwu lumen, auu ia note ue ! tear w m oe per- ormed. For this evening "(H. lemble Hymen, ana 'he rrima Donna of a Right, are announced. At tub Walnut the draiua of London will be crformcd for the last times this afternoon and veiling. On Monday Mr. Fdwin Adams will appear as Norcisse Kamcau," in the drama of A'arcisse, e I aaram. At tub Akch Mr. Johu Brougham will appear ds evening In ins drama oi me nea iaqm. At Dii'uez cv Benedicts Oi'Eka Hoitse fine programme of minstrelsy will be presented I AT TIIK Kl.EVENTH STnEET OPERA HOUSE (variety of attractions will be offered this even Yir. Hionoh Bi.itz and his 6on will perform some f,f their most remarkable feats ot magic at the Assembly Building this afternoon undevenlng; A Stkkeopticon Exhibition of views of the ita Valley, Magara Kails, etc bis eveninir at the Academy ndcr tbe superintendence of O. II, YVillard, L rill. The Twelfth tlraud Annual Exhibition ot hie rrnpU8 of Professor Lewis' Oyninaslum will ie uivcu on eanesuay cvtums uun, in, mu J'lCuilen.v ot Music. I The Pahei'a-Ros.v EukIisIi opera troupe will ccinmcncc a season of seven nights and two matinees at' tho Academy of Mtinte on rridar evening nest. Iilozart's opera of The. MnrriTjc of Figaro will bo the opening performance 1 PAPER COLLARS. A V E U COLL A U.- SPKCIAI, NOTICK. our .w oi-oTii collakn. Bl'APf.K ANU NKW BOZ SWARK RNO. ARK NOW RFAUY FOR DRUVKRV. Tho trade Irs rquoted to toad for Bsnisle nd Hhn (.'anla. . Kf.YSlONK COMiAR C?OMrANY, No. 21 Houtli 8KVRNTH Btrtot. CAUTION. Vi' bcrdif ntttify tlis public that w hare adopted ths wuid BTAPLK a tradn mark, and woonred the aamn bjr cprftijlit. In the I'Ditod blkll L'ouri lot UlO ICaaleru Dittriut "I I'ennojU TtiBia. 129 MSI KF.T8TONK COLLAR COMPANY. BLANK BOOKS. Important to Book-keepers. JUST TUBLISIIED, TDK "CATCILWORD" LEDGER INDEX. (COPYRIGHT SECURED). Book-keepers and aU others having to use an Index will And this a very valuable book. By using the "Catch-word" Index, It will not only save time and eyesight, but the finding of a name quickly Is a mathematical certainty. Yon are Invited to call and examine IU PUBLISHED BT JAS. B. SMITH & CO., Wholesale and Retail Blank Book Manufacturers and Stationers, Ho. 27 South SEVENTH 8t. 12 3 thstu8m PHILADELPHIA. SHIPPER'S GUIDE. I MrOKTANTTO SUIITEKS. AIM. ISA Hi ritUKilB T I. IKK BK.TWKEN Philadelphia and the West, Via Balti more and Ohio Route. . Ehlppere are reepectfiilly notidod tbr.t arranKementa have been perfected hotwecn the Philadelphia, Wilming ton and Baltimore and Baltimore and Ohio Railroads by which freight tonnd trora the West, Northwest and Simla. west will be tranaported, ALL KAIL. No change of cars between Philadelphia and Columbaa, Circinnati. Indianapolir. Chicago, or bt. Louis. Special attention will be given to the prompt and rapid transportation of tirat and aecond claas Rnoaa. Bates furnished and ThruuxU till la Lading given at the OClce, No. 41 fSoiith ril'TU Street. Freight received dHily until ti o'clock P. M., at the Depot of the Pbil&delphiii, Wilmington and Baltimore Kiiilroad Company, . Cor. "Washington Av. and Swanson St. JOHN 8. WILSON, Gen. Th, Frt. Agt. P. W. A 15. H. II. (Jo. JAMES 0. WILSON, Agent Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co, N. 15. -On and alter MONDAY, January 1U, the rates to all points via Bultimoro and Ohio route will be the same via (Janal to Baltimore aa by the Hail line. 18 Imrp LUMBER, 1870 SPRUCE JOIST. SPKUCE JOlbT. HEMLOCK. 11KMLOCK. 1870 1870 SEASONED CLEAR PINK. SEASONED CLEAR PIN hi. 1870 CHOICE PATTERN PINK, SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. RED CEDAR. 1870 FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. V1KGINL FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARD 3. RAIL PLANK. 1870 1 Wf WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 10 4 U WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 1870 WALNUT BOARDS. W ALNUT PLANK. 1870 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. TJKDERTAKERS' LUMBL'R. RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1870 1870 SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY. 1870 ASIL WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARD 3. HICKORY. I ti'-rfl CIGAR BOX MAKERS' -i QA 1C5(U CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 10 i U SPANISH CKDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. 1870 1870 CAROLINA SCANTLING. CAROLINA H. T. SILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1870 CEDAR SHINGLES. -i Q-A CYPRESS SHINGLES. 10 i U AlAL'LE, BROTHER CO., No. 2MU SOL'TH Street 115 r A F.Ij PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES 1 COMMON PLANK, ALL THIOKAEiiSEa. 1 COMMON HOARDS. landSSIDli I'KNCK BOARDS. WHl'i'lt PINK FLOORING HOARDS. YKLLOW AND SAP PINK FLOORINGS. Vi and 4.. SPliLCK JOIST. ALL EIES. HI'MUKJK JOIST, ALL 8IZF8. PLASmRINU LATH A SPECIALTY. Top other with a general assortment of Buildinff Lnmbai for tu!o low lor caah. T. W. KM A 1,1 Z, 11 il Hra FIKTEKNTU and KTIU-.S Streol. U M B E R UNDER ALWAYS DRY. .0 V B B Walnnt, White Pine, Yellow Pine, Spruce, Hem lock, Shingles, etc., always on hand at low rates. . WATSON & GILL1NGHAM, W No. 824 RICHMOND Street, ISth ward. CUTLERY, ETC. JODGi:US & W OSTEN HOLM'S POCKET KNIVES, Pfarl and Stat: bandies, and beautiful liuiah ; Rodeora', and Wade A Buti-her'a Razors, and th cele brated Leooultr Razor'; Ladies' Scissor, in canes, of the finest quality ; Rodgcra' Tabla Cutlery, Carvers and Forki, Razor Btropa, Cork Screws, Etc. Kur instruments, to assibt tbe healing, of the most approved construction, at P. MADEIRA'S, 1 20 No. 11S TENTH Straot, below C'besnut. LEGAL NOTICES. 1 j; ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION HAYING ben arantitd the undanna-ned for tne Kit at of J.&TKVEN hMlTH, M. D , all persona indented will liay. and those na.inu clanua present tue name to KL1Z ARE 1 11 V IU K KKH, AdminiHtratrix, 3 6 St No. 181 N. FRONT Street. PAPER HANGINGS. IOOK ! LOOK 1 1 LOOK ! ! I WALL PAPERS J and Linen Window Shade Manufactured, th cheaiient in th city, at JOHNH 1'ON'tt Depot, No. luU SPRING UAKUKN Street, below Hleventh. Branch, No. U7 tttDKHALbiroet.CaiMdeu.M Jersey. UH RAILROAD LINES. BNNBYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD AFTER 8 P. M. RI'NDAV. NOVEMT.KR 14. 1!J. The trains of thi PcnnsTlvRnla (inirnl Haiimai lesve the Depot, at Tlllia y-UKST and MAHKKT hi reels, which Is reaclmd directly Ity the Warkflt street cam, the lust car oonrectlnn with each train leavlnn Front and Market str'ta thlny minute be fore Ita departure 7 he Chesnut and Walnnt alreeu cars run within one square of the Depot. BitM-ping-i-nr luiat'ie ran re had on application at the Ticket Oillce, N. W. corner Ninth and Uhesnnt Btrma, and at the Pepnt. Arontaor me uniun Transfer ComnnnTwI I call for and deliver baggage at the ti pot. orders left at No. Stil C'hesnut aireet. or No. lie Market atreet. will receive attention. TBAUie LIAVB CrOT. TIB. : Mall Train 8-00 A. M Paoll Accoromodat'B..10-6 A. M., 1-iOand o-fio P. M. Fast Line and Erie Express ll-so A. M. llarrlHtitirff AccownKMiBtton s-ao P. 7A. Ijincaster Aeconitni datlon 4-10 P. M. Parkesbnra Train b-30 P. M. Cincinnati Expresa. 8 00 P. M. Eile Mail and Pittsburg Express. 9-4A p. M. Accommodation V2-I1 A. M. Paclilo Express night. Erie Mall leaves tinny, except Sunday, rnnn nir on PaUirdayTHght to W llllaniRport only. On Sunday Blent passenRers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock- I'rciuc cxpritt leaves aauy. Lincinnaa Kxpress dally, except Satorday. Ail other trains daily, ex cept Sunday. The W entern Accommoaaiion Tra in rnna da v. except Sunday. For this train ticket must t pro cured and baggogo delivered by 6 P. M., at No. 11 Maiaev siret-u TK AInB AUH1VB AT PBrOT, VIZ. ! Cincinnati Express 8-10 A. M. i iiiiaocipuia jjtiyicoo. a. m. Erie Mall 8-30 A. M. Paoll Accommodation, b-j a. m., 3 40 and its P. M. Parkeswurg Train -io A. M. Fast LUie 9-40 A. M. Lancaster Train 18-65 P. M. Erie Express 12f6 P. M. houtheru Express 7-00 p. M. lock Haven ana mmira express t-oo P. M. paclflo Express. 4-128 P, M. HarrlsburR Accommodation g-eo P. M. For lurtiier miormation, anpiy to JOHN F. VANLEER, Jr., Ticket Agent, No. oi CIIESNUT Street, FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Aprnt, No. 114 MARKET Street. SAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket A(?ent at the Depot. Tho Pennsylvania Rnllroad Comnanv will not as sume any risk for BRggaffe, except for Wearing Ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dcllnrs In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the rule of the owner, unless taken by special contract. J.UWA1U) tl. WILLIAMM, 4 89 General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. IJHILADELTHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. TIM B TA11LK. Trains will leave Depot corner Brood street and Washing ton avenne as follows : Way Mall 1 rain at 8-30 A. M. (Sundays excentcT for Baltimore, stopping at all regular statloni Connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmingto for t rl6ileld and Intermediate tgtatlouB. Express Train at in m. (Sundays excepted), rc Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmlngtoi Ferryvillo, and Uavre-ue-Grnce. Connects at Wll mlnpton with train for New Castle. Express Train at 4-00 P. AL (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North-East, Charlestown, Perryville. llavre-do-Grace, Aberdeen, Ferryman's, Kdgcwooa, Magnolia, Chase's and Stenrnier's Run. Niht Express at 11-39 P. M. (dally), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Ttuirlow, Lin wood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, NMiU-Fast. Perryville, Uavre-de-Grace, Ferryman's, and Mxgnolla. Paspengcrs for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12-00 M. train. WILMINGTON TRAINS. Stopping at all stations between l'hUadelrhia and w lima sum. Ltnve Philadelphia at 11-00 A. M S-30. D-OO. and 7-00 P.M. The HM)P. M. Train conuects with Dela wnre Railroad for Harrington and lnteruiodiate Hlallcus. Lcfivo Wilmington 6-30 an;V8'l9 A. M.. 1-30, 41B, and Tt)0 r. m. ine b-io a. 1 ram win not Btoi between Chester and Phlladelnlila. The T P. M Train from Wilmington runs daily : all other Accom modation Trains bundavs exccirted. Trains leavir.g Wlliniiigtou at 6-30 A. M. and 4'1B P. M , will connect at Lumokin Junction with tho T-O0 A. M. and 4-89 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central ltiillroad. Irom Baltimore to Philadelphia Leave Baltimore T-iB A. M., way wan; vmsa.ju., ixpresa; ss-sa jf. 11. , Express; ivr, r. w., express. bL'NDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. Leaves Baltimore at 7U5 P. M stopping at Mft& riolln, Perrynion'H, Atierrlecn, Ilavre-de-Grace, Per- rj viiie, ciiariostown. iNitnn-juisi, luston, iNewarK, fc't;u.ton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood, ana cntHter. H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, November 1, 1869, Trains will leave as follows, stopping at all Stations on Philadelphia, Bultimoro Central, and Chester Creek RAllrontts: Leave PHILADELPHIA for PORT DEPOSIT from Depot of Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company, corner Broad and Washington avenue, at 7 A. M. and 4-SO P. M. A Freight Train, with Passencer Car attached, wlU leavo Philadelphia for Oxford at 2-30 P. M. Leave PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPHIA at B-40 A. M., 9-26 A. M and 2-25 P. M. On Saturday the P. &L train will leave at 4-30 P. M. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the company will not be respon sible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unless special contract la made jjj.y8 yJ'qqjj II 1 President and General Superintendent G1 IS 13 AX NOI7XI1I3UIV 3IA1L. ROUTE. nvT V A T.I. RAIL LINK TO NEW ORLI'ANS, MEMPHIS, NASUVILLK, AT LA NT A. AIOISTA, M ONTfiOMKRY, MOBILE, MACON. RICHMOND. WKLDON. WILMINGTON, CHARLESTON. SAVANNAH, and all principal point SOUTH and HOU'J HWKMT. Ticaeva ior aaio. nnuxwa Choi-Red through to destination, and all information funisbed at OHESNUT BtrPet. Matonic Hall, C. RENTON THOMPSON, 1 21 tf Oon. Agout for PUiladolpbiu. ENGINES. MACHINERY, ETO. PENN STEAM EXOTNE AND irrTf.-KrRA.tiri(JAi, and thkorktioae, !25rs5 KSi 1 1 N K. KHS. MAOItl NISTS. KOILK't- STkKEitS; RLACKSM1THS, and IOUNDKRS, huving f.f nonv unm liAnn In Htifftf..,fif nl mierfttion. and been ox cliKMvely eii(ffted in buildinn and roimiriDg Marin and River EnRiues, hifth aud low pressure. Iron Rollers, W uter 'J'tttika, Propellers, etc. etc, respectfully olfor thoir eor vices to the public as boitiu fully prepared to contract for uKines of all sizes, Marine, River, aud Ktutionary ; having s of patterns of dilluront siren, are prepared to execute order with quick despatch. Every description of pattern mukiiiR made at tbe sUortent notice. Hinh and Ixw nro. sure lino Tubular and Cylinder Boilnrs of the best Pen n. sylvauia Charcoal lion. Korcinps of allsizesnnJ kinds, Iron and Rrasa Custings of all deacriiitiona. Roll 1 uruiiu Screw Cutting, aud all other work connected witu tli above businesa. ... Drawing: and specification for all work don at tbt ebtaliliHliiiient tree of charRe, and work Ruuranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock-room for ropairt of boota, where they cun lie in perfect aatety, and are pro vided with shear, blocks, fall, etc etc., for raising heavy or luMwigbU. JACOB O.NHAFM, JOHN P. LEVY, 815 BEACH and PALMER Strent. eOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND O W ASHINGTON Streets, Fnn.AnKi.PHii. MERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, mannfactnie High and Low Pressure Steam Bnglnei fur Land, River, and Marine Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc. Custings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, and Railroad Stations, etc Retorts and Gas Machinery ol the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, also, Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Oil Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping En gines, etc. Sole Agents for N. Blllenx'i Sugar Boiling Appa ratus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspln wall Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain lng Machines. But QIRARD TUDB WORKS. JOHN H. MURPHY & BROS. naBirTaeliiJrera mt Wrought Irea Kt. PUILADELPU1A, PA. WORKS. TWENTY'TOIUD and F1LBKRT Htre. OFFIOR, Ha. 4a Worth FIFTH Street. C AMUEL SMITH & C(X, No74 K SEVENTH O Street, STEAM AND OAS ErrrKR3 AND l'l.L'M HKllS, Tube, i ituugs.aud lirasaWork ooubtautly on bund. . . . All work promptl:' ttended to. OalvauiiiJd lithe for Cvuietery Lots furnished, 11 RAILROAD LINES READING RAILROAD. GREAT TRl'Wff'LIN'R frora Philadelphia to the Interior of Pt:fwnyl- vanla, tho Bcl.iiylkill, 6ii!irnetiniinn, Cumlerl.:o.l, Bid V, ymulht vallcTS. the North. North went, and tike Can ad m. WINTER ARRANGEMENT Of PnsseriRiT Trains, Hcuemlwr 2d, 1Si".. Leavlnff the Ciiiipnv'B depot at TlitrtecnHi anit Cullowhlll Htrrets, Philsdeliilila. at the follow lux hourn: MORNING ACCOMMODATION. At 7-80 A. M. for Rcadins- and all Intermediate stations, and Allentown. Retiimlmr, leaves Road Ing at 1-30 P. Mj arrives In Puilndripliia at 910 P.M. At 8'1S A. M. for Riailltiir timnnn. TTnrrishnrff. Pottuvllle, Plnemove, Tamsqua, Hunlmrv, Willlnms iMirt, Klnilra, Rochester, Nlaimra Fails, Buffalo, tiKcsbarre, l'ittston,York, Carlisle, Chamoentburg, Uageistown, etc. The 7-H0 A.M. train connpctji at READING with Eaot Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, etc, and the 8-16 A. M. train connects with the Ibanon Valley tnup for Ilarrlsimrg, etc. ; and PORT CLINTON With Catawlssa Railroad trains for Wllllnmpport, Lork Haven, Elnilra, etc ; at HAR R1SBI RG with Northern Central, Cumberland Val- iey, Mini ronujiMii uiki nusqueimnna trains ior iNor- thumtierlund, WllluunsporL Vortc, Chainbcrshnrg, PiiiLgrove, etc At llUdSOON KZFRES8. leaves riillHilclDhla at ami i M. fnr T?pdinir. rollsvlllo, UarrlsbtirR. etc., connrctingr wtth Rea.1 ing and Columbia Railroad trains f.r tioliimbia, etc J'UlThTOVtN ACCOMMODATION. Leevee Poitstown at 6ms a. m.. njinninir at Inter. mediate stations: arrirpa in i-ii!iud,.intiin at -m a. M. Returning, leaves Phlladelnlila at 4tK) P.M.; arrives In Pottatown at 6-ir P. M. lUJ-AUliNW ANU I'OTTSVILLE ACCOMMODATION. weaves rotlRvlIle at 6 40 A. M. and Reading at 7-50 . M., BtoiipiiiR at all wav tat.inim : ariivp.a lu Phila delphia at 10-0 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4 -4fi P. M. ; ar rives in RiudRur at f -40 P. M., and at Pottsvllle at 9 M P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leav TTarrtabnrff nt fl-10 A. M.. and rottsvllle at 0 A. M.. arrlvlim in l'lilladelntila at 1 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisfiurir at 81)5 P. M., and Pousvillo at 2-46 P. M., arriving at Phila delphia nt 015 P. AL jiarnsDurg Accommodation Ipbvps Reading at 7-1B A. M. and Iiurrisimrir at 4 10 P. M. cininrntMnir at Rending with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6-ac 1. M., aiTivliig in Philadelphia at 8-20 P. L jnurKvi, u uiu, wiuia passenger car attached, leavee Philadelphia at 12-o. noon. forPot.ij.vill and all why stations; leaves PotUvUlc at 6-40 A. M., connoctlng at Reading with accommodation train for Philadol- pnin nnu nil way staiions. ah tue aDove trains run oany, Hnndays excepted. S'indav trains leave Pottsviilo at 8 A. m.. nnd Philadelphia at 8-10 P.M. Lave Philadelphia for Rending at b a. m, ; retursing from Reading at 4-20 CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. rsssprtRers fur Dowuingtown and intermediate points take the 1-30 A. M., Vfb) and 4i'Q P. M. trains from Philadelphia. Returning from Downiuatowu at 6-30 A. M.. t'ft and 6-15 P. M. PEKKIOMEN RAILROAD. Passengers for SchwenksvUle take 7-80 A. M., 12-30 and 4D0 P.M. trains f rota Philadelphia, returning from Schwer.Usville at 8-uo A.M. and 12-43 M. Stage lines for the various pojnts in l'irkiomen Valley con nect with trains at Collojrevllle and Scliweulsvllle. COLEBIiOOKDALE RAILROAD, rassenpeis for Mu I'li asantond intermediate points take the ,S0 A. M. and 4-00 P. M. trains from Philadel phia, returning from MU Pleasant at 7-ou and 11-00 NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND Tiii. wnsr. Inres New York at 9 A. M. and B-00 P. 5t, passing Heading at 1-46 nnd 10-03 P. M., and connecting at Harrisburg with Peuasylva- ui a ana iioruiera central ifanroaa Lxpruss tr.ilns for Pittsburg, Chicago, Wiillamsport, Eliuira, Balti more, etc. Returning Express train leaves narrisburg on ar rival of Pennsylvania Express from Pausing at. B-Jrs A. M., and 12-20 coon, pHShlng Reading at 7-J! A. M., and 2S0 l". M., airivli-g at New York T2H5 noon, andC-Sfi P.M. Sleeping car accompany these trains through between Jersey City and Pitts burg wlthcut ohnv.go. A Mall train lor New York leaves narrisburg at 8-10 A. M. and 2-U5 P. M. Mail train for Hnrnaburg leaves New York at 12 M. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottaville at 6-80 and lino A. M., and 6TP. M retimiing from Tamaqua at 8-35 A. M., and 140 and 4-60 P.M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at B-t3 A. m. otn!;a-2H p. M. for Pint glove nnd Ilarricbi'r..j;, and at 12-10 noon foi rinegrove, Tieuiout, and Brooksidc, rsturmng from Harrlsbutg nt 7-30 A. IL and smii 1". M., from Brookslde at 4 oo P. M., and from Trcinont at 7-16 A. M. and 6 03 P. M. TICUETS. Thrcngh first clnes tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principiU points iu the North and West and Cumulus. Excuision Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and inteiuiediato etuiions, good fur ono day only, ar.d sold by Mornlrg Acconaiiodation Market Train, Reading and l'otoiiown Accommodation Trains, al Excursion Tlctcts to Philadelphia, good for one day only, are sold at Reading end Uitvruiediato sta tions by Readuig aud PoluSuwn .Acciuimodat!on Trains, at reduced rates. The following tickets nro obtainable only at the ofllce of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. i2T S. Eourlh street, Philadelphia, or ol U. A. Nleolla, General Superintendent, Reading. COMMUTATION TICKETS. At 25 percent dis count, between any points desired, Ior families and lirms. MILEAGE TICKETS Good for 2W roib'S, be tween all points, at fVibO each, for lamilies and firms. SEASON TICKETS For three, sir, nine, or twelve months, for holduis only, to all points, at re duced rates. CLERGYMEN residing on the line of tho road will bo lurniBhed with cards entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half faro. EXCURSION TICKETS from Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, at reduced fares, to be had only ut the Ticket Oflice, at Thirteenth and Callow hill streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to an the above points from the Company's now frelplit depot, Broad and Willow streets. MAILS close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all plai cb on the road and Us branches at B A. AL, and for tbe principal stations only at 2-16 P. M. FREIGHT TRAINS leavo Philadelphia dal'y at 4-26 A. M., 12 'M uoon, 5 and 715 P. M., for Readme:, Ltbunon, Barriiiburg, PottsvUle, Port Clinton, and points beyond. BAGGAGE. Dungan's Express will collect bag gnga for all trains leaving PliLadelpli'a Depot. Oiders can be left at No. ii26 South FOU KT1I Street, or at the Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLO vYLllLL Streets. IVEKT CIIES1LR AND PULADELPUIA V RAILROAD. Lnnve l'liiliHielphla from New Depot, THIRTY FIRST end CIIESNUT .Streets. 745 A. M., 11-00 A . M., 2-S0 1'. li., 4-15 P. M., 4'4U P. M., C-15 and 11-80 P. M. Leavo Wt-Kt Chester from Depot, ou East .Market Etreet, at 6-25 A.M., 8-00 A. M., 7-15 A. M., 1U-45 A. M., 1-05 P. M., 4-tO P. M., and 6 C5 P. M. i ram leaving West Chester at 6-00 A. M. will stop nt B. C. Junction, Leunl, Glen Riddle, and Media; leaving I'hiiaaeiphia at -4u 1: jit. win siop at mo dia, Glen Riddle, Lcnul, and B. C. Junction. Pas sengers to or from statli'iis between West Chester aud B. C. Junction going East will take train leaving W est Chester at coo a. m., ann cnaugu care at B. C. Junction, aud going West, pariseupeis fur sta tions above B. C. Junction will tiike train leaving Philadelphia at 4-40 P. M,, and will change cars at B. C Junction. The Depot in Philadelphia Is reached directly by the Chcsnut and Walnut streets cars. Those of the Market street line run witldn one square. The cars of both lines connect with each train npon Its arrlVaL ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 6-30 A. M. and 200 P.M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at T'69 A. M. and 40 P. M. W1LUAM c. WHEELER, 4 10t General Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, Hov. IB. lto, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia: westward, hail TRAIN leave Philadelphia I-SS P. M. TY UlltUUDyUl arrives at Erie. 8-20 P. M. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Philadelphia. ...11-40 A. M. ... 9-00P. M. ...10-00 A. M. . .. 70 A. M. ... 6-00 P. M. Wiillamsport arrives at Erie wrumA MAIL leaves Philadelphia.. WUliamsport..., arrives at Lock llaven 7J P. M. 1CA8TWAKD, MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie. 8- 40A. M. " Wlllliimsport. 9-25 P.M. arrives at l'hlladelphla. .... 6-20 A. M. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie 4-00 P. M. wiillamsport 8-30 A M. arrives at Philadelphia. .12-40 P. M. ELM IRA MAIL leaves Lock Haven 8-00 A. M. WUliamsport 9 45 A M. arrives at Philadelphia, . . 80 P. M. BUFFALO EXP. leaves WllllamsporU.... 18-26 A. M. " " Harrisburg B-20A.M. arrives at Philadelphia.. Hfl A M. Express East connects at Oorry, Mall East at Crry and lrvtneton, Express West at lrvluuUm, witn trains of OH Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. ALFRED L, TYLSi, Ucueral SuporlntaadouW RAILROAD tINE.&. ' fQO FOR NKW YORIC TUB CAM!ns lOU.'r and AmlKy nnd Philadelphia and 'iTnu n Ra'lroatf Companfrs' Iters from rhiladolphla lo Jew lork slid W'sy Places. I HOU Wat.NIT STRSKT WIUKr At t-so A. Al., v'x Camden and Ars-bor Arx-orn...t-2-m 1 9 A. M., via Cnm. ami .lerney C"t" E.t. Mail.. B-oo Al SI. At., via t nmnrn and Aiiiliiy'r.-preK.... iw At P. 3t., for Anilx'y and lntTr.iedlnt statliiDS. At 6 so BM 8 A. M. an I P. M., for Frrphuld. At S A. M. and 2 P. M., for Loug Cranch and points on R. nd n. P. K. R. At 8 and 1(1 A. M 111 M - 1 a-!U). and P. V fnr Tmnton. ' " ' At e-ao. s. anrt 10 a. m.. ie w.. 9. 4-r.n. a. t. and 11 -sop. M. fur rVrdeutown, lorence, Burungton, Beverly, and DcIks o. Atm)BUd 10 A. M., It M., R0, 6, 1,-HMHM P. M., for KdircwHf.-.r. Riverside. Klveitoti. Pa'.tr.vm. aj:d I Ish IIfue 8 A.M. and V P. a. for Ritvrion. The 11 mi P.m. Lao leaves Marlct Street Perry, (upper side). raoM mrMiwaroiv rrr. At TflO A. M.. HO. e-3ii ami R P. M fi.r Trpntnm- ard PrlHtel, snd 10 i A. M. and 8 P. M for Bristol. At 70 A. M., 8-30 and I P.H. for Korrtsvule an TullytowD. At ; ro and 10- A. M., end j-ao, 8, and P. M. for SchcncVs and Eddiiisrton. At iw) nna iu a. m., ano, 4, o, and 6 p. M., for Cornwell's, Torresdalc, liolaieabnrg, Tacony, Wis slnouilnp, BrldcshnrK, ftnd Fran k ford, asrt at 6 -SO P. M. Ior lioiniesbnrg and lntnnediHt stations. tKOM west Puii,DBi,rnu nsroT. .... Vln Connectli.g Railway. Vv crk Eiprtss Liuti, via Jersey Cliy. Pare, At lino r. M., Emigrant Line. Fare, 19. At T, ), aud 11 A. AL. 1-20. 4. S 4K. ninl 11 1. M for Trenton. ' EAtT-80, audll A.M., , 8-4S, and H P. M.. for At 13 P. M. (Kltrhn. for Morrisvilin. Tui?t?wn. Bchenek's, KddiiiRlnn, Cornwell's, Torroeoale, Hoimeebtirg, Tacony, Wissuiomlng, Brldcsburg, and Frankford. The ao A. M., -4B and is P. M. Lines Will run dally. All others, Snndays excepted. BfiLVLU LltK UKLAWAKB RAILROAD LINES. KKOM KKN8INOTON PBPOT. At 7-80 A. M. for Niagara Falls, Budalo, Dnnklrfe, Eliuira, Ithaca, Owe go, Rochester, Blnghaintnu, Os werjo, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, WUkestiarre, Seinnton, btroudsburg, Water Gap, Schoolcy 's Moun ts In, etc. A.. -ao A. M. and 8-80 P. M. for Bclvldere, KaRton, Lanibeitvtlle, Fleinington, etc Tho 8-30 P. M. Line t'onnects direct with the train leaving Ktuton for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Ilrtliletiem, etc. At 11 A. M. flora West Philadelphia Depot snd 8 P. M., from KenHingtou Pepot, for Lambertvllle and irtennedlate stations. CAM PEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY AND P EMBERTON AND I11GUTSTOWN RAIL ROADS. FKOM MARKET STRttrT TEnRT (UTPKR BIBH). At 7 and 10 A. M., 1, 8-ifi, 8-3i, rj, and G iso P. M., and on Thursday and Saturday nights at U-30 P. M., for Merchautvillo, AioousNiwu, ilarliord, Masonville, llHlnesport. and Mouat Holly. At 7 A. M., 2-15 and 6 i0 V. it for Lambcrton and Mediord. At 7 and 10 A. M., 1, 8-30, and 5 P. M., for Smlthvlllo, Ewansville, Vlnceutown, Birmingham, and Pembertou. At 10 A. M., for Lewlst.own, Wrlhtstown, Cooks town, New Eirypt, and Ilornerstown. At T A. M., 1 and 8-ae P. M., for Lewis town, Wnghtstown, Cookstown, New Egypt, Ilomera towu, Creara Ridge, Imtavstown, Sharon, and Illghts town WILI.LVM H. HATZM KR, Agent. i ihlatbt.phiaV g ermantown, "andor- 1 KISJ'OWN RAILROAJ. TIME TABLE, On and after MONDAY, Nov. K, 1SC9. FOR GERMAN i OWN. Lrnve PhlbMlrlphia at 6, 7, 8, v. 19, 11, 12 A. M 1. I. S, ti-Jn, iVb, 4-W, 6, bX, , ', 7, S U-o, 10, 11, li P. M. l.( Gormantown at. e, 6 K5,' Tx. 8. 8-20. . 10. lO-i'.tt, 12 A. Si., 1, 2, 3, 3-W, 4', 6,6', 6, 6, 7, 8, , 10, II P. M. 'J he 8-20 dewn train nnd sx and fir,' up trains will not stop 'U the Gciiiiuntowti ilTiuch. ON SI N DA VS. Leave I liiladelrhla at H is A. il., 2, 4-05, 7, and lov P. M. Leavo Gcrmantown at 8-ls A. M 1, 3, 6, and 9V P.M. CUESNVT HILL RATI.ROAD. Leave Philaiitlphia at 0, 8, lu, 12 A. il., 2, ZX, BV, 7, 1'-fc. nnd 11 P. M. Leu ve Clu-smit Hill at 7-ln, 8, o-io, 11-40 A. M., 1-40. tiy , b-W, 6 t), S-40, tiuil 10M0 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Ph'hidelphla r.t S is A. M., 8 nnd 7 P. M. Leave Chesnut I1U1 at 7 60 A. AL, 12-40, 5-41), and 9-.s P. M. 1(;R CONSr.OIIOCKKN AND NORRISTOW'N. Leave i-lilhidelpliln nt 6, ty., 9, and 11-05 x. M., lif, 3, 4, r.;, ex, iu-0, and 11 v P. M. Leave Noirietown at 5 4ti, 6-2, 7,7., S-50, and 11 A. f!., i;f, R, 4, CM, 8, r-nrl 1) P. M. 1 he IX A. M. tniiu from Norristown will not stop ft MogrcV, l'otts' I.aiiilliig, Uon;!iio, or Sclmr's lane. '1 he 4 P.M. tinin from Philadelphia will stop only at School lane, Mawmttik, and Coubkohockeii. ON SUNDAYS. I rave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., 'Zy, 4, nnd 7V P. M. Leave Norristown nt 7 A. M., 1, .vf, gUd 9 P. M. IOR MANAVUNK. Leave Philadelphia at C, ly, 9, and 11-05 A. M., X, 8, 4, ty, iy:, cf, sits, iu-05, and n' p. m. Leave Muiwxunk at C-10, 0 55, 1y,, s-10, 9-10, and 11 & A. It., 2, 5, fi'f, S-sn and 10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., iy, , and V.i P. M. Leave Mannyunk at A. M., 1 Y C, uud 9' P. M. FLYMOL'TU RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia nt 7K A. M., 4 P. M. Leave Plnirmtli, CV A. M., H P. M. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot, NINTH and GREEN Streets. To 1 SHORT MIDDLE ROUTE TOTHELEHIGn AND V, YOMINti VALLEYS, NORTHERN PBNNSY'LVA NIA, SOI T11E11N AND INTElUOIt NEW YORK, J'l 1-1-A LO, ROCHESTER, NIAGARA FALLS, TUB GREAT LAKES, AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA. W INTER A RRANGEM ENT. Takes etreet November 22, 1S6X Fourteen daily trains leave Passengor Depot, corner BLLKS 11 ml AMERICAN Streets, (buudaya ex ctpted), es follows: At s-tio A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Munch Chunk, Hazletou, WilllatnHport, Wilkcsbarre, M&hanoy city, I'lttston, Towanda, Waverley. and In connection with tho ERIE RAILWAY for Buffalo, NiiiRnra Palls, Rochester. Cleveland, Chicago, San b'ruiicteco, and all points in the Great West. AtOMSA. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Eoaton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbnrre, Pittatou, Scranton, and points on, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, New Jersey Central and Morris and Esses Railroads. At 1 -45 P.M. (Ex press) for Bethlciiem, Euston, Mattch Chunk, W ilkcsbarre, I'lttston, bcrunton, and Iluzleton. At b-t o P. M. for Bethlehem, Eaiston, Allentown, and Matich ( hunk. Pur 1 'oyletotvn at 8-15 A. M., 2-45 and 413 V. L ii i-1 ort W uiiliington al 7-ao and lu-45 A. M., and 11 -3d P. M. Pur Abir.gton at Via, B-o, and 8. P. M. For Laiiftialo at fl-20 P. M. Filth und sixth Streets, Second and Third Streets, and Union City Passenger Railways run to the new Ltp0t-TRArNS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9 A. M., 2-1B, 4-40, an 1 8-25 P.M. Prom Dojlestown at S-i5 A. M., 4-30 and It)5 P. M From Lansdule at 7-30 A. M. From Fort Washington at 9-25, 10-35 A. M., and 310 P. M. From Ablcgton at 2-so. e'4, ana 9-20 1'. m. ON SUNDAY'S. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9-30 A M. l'hlladelphla for Doylestown at 2 P. M. Dovlestown for Philadelphia at 7-00 A, M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through at Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Express Oibce, N. 106 S. FUTU Street 111 ELLIS CLARS, Agent. T7 EST JERSEY RAILROADS. TV FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. COMMENCING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 18. Leave PluladelpUia. foot of Market street (UPcer ?arry)." ..... D ID A. m., mail, iui uiiiiKcwu, r-aiciu, jniiivuio, Vlueland, Sweaesboro, and all Intermediate sta tions. 8-16 P. M., Mall, for Cape May, Mlllvllle, Vlnoland, and w ay stations below Glassboro. 8-SU P. M., Passenger, for Bridgeton, Salem, Swedes, boro. aud all Intermediate stations. 6-30 P. M., Woodbury, Ulassboro, and Clapton ac commodation. Freight tram for all stations leaves Camden dally, nnu o'clock, noon. Freluht received la Pulladel- nhla at second covered wharf below Walnut street. Freight delivery at No. 223 South DELAWARE Avenue. commntatlon tickets at reduced rates betweea Philadelphia and all stations. EATRA TRAIN FOR CAn MAY. (SATt'UOAYB ONLY.) Leave Philadelphia, 8-16 A. M. Leave Cape May, 1-10 P. M. WM. J. SEWJttLL, Superintendent September is, 1809 LEX ANDER G. CATTELL CO rBODlTOK COMMISSION MrTROUAJNTii, ho. U OR'l B WUAUV1U. AMD Wo. 87 KfiRTU WATFR BTREXT, . l'lllLADKlfMia. uuAimiB Q OArxau, tvaui CUrwu. jAUGTIUN SAL.E0. TnOMArl fii PONS, KOS. 139 AND Ml 8. FOURTH 8-alUtlCT. ,il'.'n WAIiUTAMi WHii;NTPAIOR. AD Ol H f R ( ABTrTf, I TO. it TO. r . liipmlay Morniripr, .1 . J""' V' I" oV,'"l No. (.Ml Fonllin rn,t, f. ''r",ft (,'r,". ' it.;t..i,a. th.i o-tirn 4n.u- 1 , r? 11' f""" walnnt and n:hur ... , , . iMiimiwr ircrniiur. mi Msnir IJinlhSn. Br"M"" "d oll,or Te:e.k.toha y.rv hi eiiiuiiuad on th mornlnn f o'i'luik. Ml a tin FAI,i OF Fidirusri iTi at ItFAr, FSTaTK AND BlorjKS, IJockitk noon, at tho iOi.n. will ilirlmtr - MX'IH STSftr.T (North), No. k-31 -Twoirtorr hrirk liitrnirp. I (tnch-tiri! ., . M iqiv npaiuonr.i Jon(i,wiUi Stable HKOAM nnd f'A MTiniA KAN KIM MTtKKT, Nn m MtONT STRKKT tNortli), l ('limp. Xrownttono flwall,- Sl-ffA IaI No. Modoro uriok' osui-.tti. no. iH.ta Modem l.rirk o. 1H.1 Modern 01 ivl K i ll ii'intru'ii ..- ...1 , J " nr. htor AT. i,r, 1 i inu o 1 wo il a fOOUUl . HO, Tlwrllitur. IMt ,Sur aisil Tl) shares I'tunn Itnnkin Oompsny. 13 pharcH RIihihim lusurani-o (kimpany. lfh bharen Iiick Mountain (loal 'omfiany. llilihsrpn Nortliorn lahntiv (Jas I onipsny. 41 rharvs ( 'rntriil Transiiortation ( oinuany. 1 Hharon Ricad Mntinloin and Mum mot b Vein Coal. Ill i-harrs (toniinoowralth National Hank. Si aHatPM Kniokrliol kor lc t Jon nany. t II Hi I lai'nll,-., and Wilknsbarr R. R. 7. IT shnrp Knterpri. In.nranoA I 'ompany. (2 4 tt- limo plirs Mi. unt I'arm (ioal and Oil Company. 1 .bar Aroh Strait 'I hnatro. In sharps Aradriny of Mnsic, with Tirkwt. .MN'-i Kaid KaffiVii!Uy R. ft. pr rnt. Mii,fl rjii'iiuolianua i'snal Co. 0 per ocut. t ataloguts now rrauy. nT.iTi,innARY. Ptt of .Imies U. Limpaoto, decrasi d. I'n Tnoday anil Weilnrsilay alrmions, l. 8 and 9, At 4 o'clni'k. at the auot iin rmims, thn valualiln Lilirar of the lute ,1. II. LonjxHnrr, Kaq., oonmstin; of actinirw c. llaitinn of books on the fli e arts, aculptur, painttna;. eiiKraviua;, coins, supprbly illustrated works, annuals. etc. Alto, ianilard works on history, biography, MisoIok. eiy. cud roM-rilsiiei u htaratme. MAP.TIN EROTIIERS, AUCTIONEERS (I atply Kinsmen for M. Thorns A Son.) r.o. Hit CHJ-N t'T Strtot. rear entranoo from Mlnei, A C HOICE ( Oi l POTION OF MODFRN OIL PAINT INtiS AT AUCTION. On Thursday and 1 ririny Mornings and Krauinei, l'rb. In aud II, at 11 and f'-j o'clock rni'h day, will bit fold, t the aoiitinn rooiim, No. fi'Jtt Chrsniit Hlrnot.with not rcxi'tvo or lin itatirn, a lnr(te and cliowe collpotion of Oil Paiulinps. Alnnyof the pictures aro by artists of c iinwledefd inpnt, amoiitf whom may be named K. C Cnntei. J. M. CrlrurhcuMi, Paul R'ttor. (ioorgo . Hart wiik, HroiPNBnr Jacobs, St'.merM, and ot dors of equal c. Icbiity. The subjocta are ruriod and dosirahhf, inoludin; landscapes, mariue views, fruit, cattle, trams, Tiewa fmu nut nro, etc The puhlio ia rcppotiiiby invited to ox uniine tho collection, which will be ost exhibition tbreav days previoua to sale, when descriptive catalogue will bar rpsriy, iltst BUNTING, DURBOROW A CO., AUCTION KKRS, No. 33i and 'XH M ARKFT Street, ooxuar af Uank i.raut. Successors to J obn B. Myers A Oo. SALE OP 2tU CASES ROOTS, SHOES, LROOAN8 K.'1'C. On Tnesdmr Moraine Feb. 8, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. S i 5t OPKNfV(i SPRINO SALK OF BRITISH, FRF.NOU. 1.I.R.VAN, AND DOMESTIO DRY OOODS. tn Thursday mominfr, Feb. 10, at 111 o'clock, on four tnonlha' credit. ALSO, Ity order of Sheriff, for cash, the stock, fflio furnilor. etc., ot s iobtiinir notion house; and, at oivr action rocme the lixtuus in the second atoryof atoro iio. 3 btrnwl i'ny street. 14 at ALSO, Crtipsck((ps dempstin aroods, blankets, army coodav l"a.oi rai, t.i.s mens, shli ts aail diai, licinji larpetav etc. U 1 11 drrrn linrn cambric hnnilkorchlofs. tuicoen wivn and stitched linen etiict-frvintH. n;u (oitrd Calowoirs Htandard machine thtoad. 'Jncfei,! Ub alnrtiiiR linen. 'Jo rnsea Ham! duclcj, drills, eras li. ete. 1 nil Uiich vMullciiH, Italian cli-tli. ilrap li'etH, etc Also, drcrs icnoc's, sliawlii, cluth.n, travelling shirtav bocf skirls, notions, etc. 2u4t IMPORTANT BALK "(7" CARPI'. TINGS, Oil oi.m un. F.IC. On rriilay Sloniini', Feb. 11, ut 11 o'clock, on lour ni'-niti,' oreitit, ahont 90 pieces lurrain. Vmeiiun, list, kcinp, cuttiiKO, and raa: oar petinKf, oil oktbe, niR., etc. 26 5t nrcrTfixTA n p.TT?rrr Jt- unj AUCTIONEER0 iAViS. No. 11IS I. ANI COMRlLSSfON M KKOHA Wi'H. No. ll!i CUEliNLT Street. rear eulvanc No. IEV Santom lrt. I iiited Rtiitea Int rniil Ttovenno Snto. 1-1X1 UK ES AMI LKAMi OK A DISTILLERY. STILLS, TL' HS, Ell!., Kidre Avcnun, near Poadir.c Huilio.'ul Bridgo. On ,t ntlny Mnrnine, I'-b. 7, at II o'clock, will b" sold, I bo Fivturnsof a Pis till. iy, iib O.llcws, tor noti pjyiui nt of laics duo th I i it ii Ktalcs Internal lievecue: one stil, doubinr, vf i i m tub und vt-orin, ciiiiiJeio; uiali tub. foriutintinjc Inl, ycasl tttbs. crnin D.ill. pl.itfnrni scalos, two meter,, in, hi dim. v. licllmi;, etc., of a distillery. Also, lno lease ol tne premises. isizl Hjiln nt No. llln Chcannt strict. Li PC K PKhPMPTOflY hALK OS TIIKHTOJT CKANITP; ANO U. V. VVAKK. Cn Tncwlny Morning. Feb. S, at. HI o'clock, ut tli iiuctnm storo, No. Ilia Clicbnnt street, will lie snhl. a lruo asotiiiont of Trt-nron Cnmito ntil C. O. vvrc, cunsiatina ol -limner. lirciikiutt, and tea plates; hir- uud sm-kll meat dish -s; soup and oyster luriH-ns; c-verd and uncovered vcirntabln lit lies, cups, saucers, pitchers, cuamoor aets, napnion. bowls, etc. This is th larpest aiorlment ever oncieil in this city. ii .lit RAI.R OC WHISKY. On TueMlay A!ruinx Feb. 8. t It n'oluck, nt C'ruiu' Kunded Wi.rolinnse, N.W. corner of iiroad and ChciTy stroots, (nlv ninii bar rels of ruff wlibky, at imctii n, for non paiontot tui. due tho L'nildd btutes Internal Kevjiiue. S n It, T. A. JIcCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER, Ko. liWCUESKUT STREET. Personal attention eiven to calosof Roueebold 1 umi turo at dwelliups. I'uhl c ii'.s of rorr.linre at lue Ancnon norma, nov lily t lil'SNl' T Sueei t, v.y ft'enday and 'Jhured-y. For i-art'cnliirs reo ii.n.c i' i.i-r. n is N. h.- A foperior ( luBsof Fnr.. it urn at private sale. CCOTT'8 ART t.ALLFRV AND AUCTION kj COMMISSION SALFiiKOOAtf 1!. Kc'OrT, Jr., Alictinnner, Ko. 1117 CHK-sNLT Street, (Uirard Kow). WORhTh OF APT. SALF. OK AIOL'KHN PAINTINC8, On lb-mis; . '1 uroiliiy, and Weilaes'luy Kveninirs. l et imii-j 7, I?, and v. at 7.' o'olock. This salo will c"m- pl : c conl rinul mod ireill privuio ooiicciinii, aim win con-l.-iiii i iiiminiibot ve I kimwu ariibts lundscapcs, mai-inoa ti, urc jiic-ccH. no., all inomiied ill tfold leal tmiiics. pi-Kii ive, v. li ii mi i e-ei -o. .i.u L1PPINCOTT, SON fc CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. iU) UAEKfci cilreet. FIRST I.ABOK POSTT1VK SPRIN'O 8 ALP. OV lOHEIUN AXII DO.WKSTIO 1UY UOOU8, K TO. On Wednoudiiy, Feb. i'.at 1(1 oYloik.conipiiHOB lors lire of linens; riaruutkb; towel. ; v:. tics; hnks.; cmtiroiiieries; ladies under aiiroients ; kid cl(,vcs: btdibs' and auutV furni.h nT pooils; bo' sort children's leady mnde c-lotliinn: felt. IWlmoral ftirlf ; cm-beta; hs t-kir a. niillinory KOoda; urci-a go tiOi)BetO. c. D. McCLEES fc CO., No. m MAHKKT Street. AUCTIONEERS BAFJUTT A CO., AUCTIONEERS s O At-iH AL'CTIOM rtOUcif.,- lll Ko snii HI A U K K'l' Street, corner of bank etreet. Cash advanced on consignmentjwithont eatra char. "qrocerieb AND PROVISIONS. D WIS CKI.lilKATi:i 1IAJ1. JUST RECEIVED. ALliEKT C. ROBEKTS, Dealer U Fine Groceries, 11 -a OornerJCI.EVKOTHBl. ifjHAEL M AO II E 11 & O 0.fc No. S23 South SIXTEENTH Street, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PROVISIONS. O Y BTr.KS A u imivarina, Diee.v. . ...... - pKAB. PICAOHKS. ManUnd Canned TOM ATOFS. 'KxtraCsnned ABPABAtjUb. L-...1.1...'. 1. I .nneil tivrvi.. 23t FIRE AND BUROL-AR PROOF SAFE j. WATSON & SON, Ol th Ut firm ol EVANS WATSOH. . FIKE AND bUKGIiAR-rROOF SAFE B T O R B NO. 63 BOUTIt FOURTH STREET, 1 315 v f door abov 0 teat it., PbilaA' 1