THE DAILY EVENING rELEGKAFIl PHILADELPHIA, THUIISD A f , JANUARY" 20, 1870. 5 i. J U W.YOOX BM8. Prom Our Oim Correspondent. Nrw York, Jn. 30, 1870. Hvreetly Nmlll.g Landladies. I try not to obtrado my own experiences cro tistlcally upon the renders of Tng ErRMNO Teleorai-ii, but occasionally something hap pens to mo that forcibly reminds me that I am livinjr. in New York, In tho very centre ol a re fined heathendom. Something happened In this way the other day, bolnff nothing less than my experience In search of rooms. I am not ashamed to say that I consulted a morning newepapor, which, like any other newspaper In New York, has a "lur.-er circulation than 11 tho other dailies combined" and I am not ashamed to avovr that, having consulted it, I clioso a locality designated in the advertisements as not a hundred miles from tho Academy ot Music and Irving IT all. The situation was eminently respectable. Tho street was quid, tho overhanging shadows of tho mirrounding brownstoues were solemn and decorous, the name tounded slightly im posing. Backed with these Impressions I rang the bell ot a sparkllngly white door, and was shown by a colored servant Into a small but prettily furnished parlor, where I was presently waited upon by the lady of the house, a goahcnditlvc-looklng woman of about thlrty thrco, with a blue merino dress, green eyes, which might have been merino, loo, from any expression they had, and n quantity of lace trilling about the neck. She talked glibly, and just a little too glowingly, of her own table, and the furniture and oppolntmcnts of her establishment. She said that you couldn't "mis" people at a place where the comforts of a home wero desired, and I agreed with her that yon couldn't "mix" them any more than you can mix drinks with impunity. Thon she showed me the rooms, chattering all the time about tho ladles and gen tlemen who at present composed her family, and to whom I had no manner of objection, except that thoy all appeared to have titles. Vander bilt, Jerome, Stuyvesant, and Roosovolt, "and elch" tell honlly from her lips, and I was assured that she had taken the creme de la ere me of society and quintcssenced it into a kind of condensed mucilage, with which, figuratively, She spread her dully bread. Then tho rooms were shown bright, cosy, cheerful, and mode rate in terms. Thore was no denying that. I allowed those advantages to preponderate, and Against my better judgment, gave her reason to believe that my final answer, to be given her on the morrow, would be favorable. The morrow came. Now it is not once in six months that I pick pu a newspaper deoling largely or wholly in criminal news. Providentially I did so that morning, and the first paragraph that struck my eye was a rehash of a recent police court scene, in which the words "fashionable boarding Louse" figured. A glance was sufficient. The street, and "Place," and number were the same as those of the house I had been so compla cently contemplating. The counts, colonels, and generals with whom I had been destined to sit tete-a-tete or vis-a-vis melted into the thin nest of all air that in which individuals who ar ' 'sold" breathe and since then 1 have exer cised the warlobt wisdom in my selection of boarding-houses, and have not even trusted to It thon. Tho syren that had gulled me was a first-class fraud, nud t! o history of her boarders was a history of assaults, batteries, and imposi tions, whose sequel was the Tombs, or Jefferson Market Police Court. Artistic Amusements. Mr. Baruum was the great pioneer of artistic advertisements, and set an example in that re spect which has been extensively followed not only in this city but all over Ihe Union. Tho system has iuvaded all professions, but mostly that branch of the medical which cannot be said to belong to vile quackery on tho one hand or to publications by members of the regular faculty on the other. The readers of New York papers in city and countty have their attention often attracted not merely by the local and foreign news, the editorials, tho literary reviews, the theatrical criticisms of the journals in question, but often by the singularly able manner in which these medical advertisements of the bettor sort re written. And so they ought to be, for they are, fir the most part, written by men who have spent most of their lives at that sort of thing, and know how to express the ideas of their prin cipalsmen who, generally, could not write six consecutive sentences grammatically to a hair. This branch of literature, low as it is, is ex tremely well paid for, much better than those branches In which genius or talent is required, and is monopolized, as I before hinted, by one or two men. If yon send a short poem to a magazine you will not, as a rule, get more than ten dollars for it, unless your name is suffi ciently well known in Itself to render the poem attractive. Yet these advertisement-writers will not set pen to paper unless they get at least half that amount per foolscap page, and there is at least one man in this city who makes thousands of dollars a year in this branch of literature alone. Fugitive Authors. Poems are sometimes spoken of as fugitive; why should not authors be spoken of so, too, especially those poor plaintive creatures who, having gained a provincial suspicion of fame somewhere West or South, come to New York, Imagining that Carlcton or some other spicy publisher will snap them up, or that the New York Sunday Mercury will pay them several thousand dollars per novellctte lu the same way as it used to pay the author of the "Pillar of Fire," when he wrote for its pages? The author of ihe "Pillar of Fire," by-tho-by (his name has slipped my memory for the moment), was what Is called "a rusher." When he was engaged on a new novelette and he deserves to be called a New York lam of the utmost originality he used to shut himself up in a seclusion similar to that of Balzac, and never leave his apartmont until the work was completed. As George Francis Train or Mrs. Partington would say, he had "all the sensuality knocked out" of him, and lived on the intellectual plane by means of the short diet on which he put himself. The fugitive au thors of New York, however, to whom I now alludo, are the sudden outcrop of intensely re spectable literary loafers, who came no one knows whence, who hang around all weekly publications, soliciting work or the acceptance of their stories, and who all lay claim to having olid reputations and being classed among the "authors of America." With the exception of the stage, is there any profession in which there Is so much self-deception and Intense bitterness f spirit as in that of the pseudo-literary? Ali Baba. Virginia papers report that within less than eighteen months there have been seven deaths U one family in that State. Manchester, where titer resided, is healthy, and all the members of tiie family died from differont causes. There are now but two left, and both are sick. ML'HICAL Aftl Pit ASIATIC. TJie Vttr Amusement). At tub Ciumnot tho (laltoo. troupnwlll appour ycnln " The Mm Donnn of a Siaht and Temhl Hpmm. To-morrow evening Mrs. M. Pyne Oslton will have a benefit, when A Marrkute bg Lantern anil The Frirva ltrmnn of a Sight Will he presented. The open-ttn of Th Little Ouch, which was announced for this occasion, li postponed until Monday, on account of the rehearsals necessary for Its propor production. At thr Wai.nitt the military drama of Sot Guilt will be repeated this evening. A new romantic drama by Ilenrv Leslie and John S. Clarke, entitled London; or, Light and Shadow of the Ureal City, Is announced as In" roliearaal. At tub Arch the drama of Lutl Km'ly will be performed this evening. At inri'RRK Hknrpict'r Opkra ITouhr a fine pro gramme of Ethiopian eccentricities will be presented this evening. At tiir Ki.rvrntk fTKRKT Oprra HouHR the burnt cork brethren will oxert themselves to delight the puMlo with mirth ami melody this evening. Sionor Ui.itz and hi son will give a magical ex hibition at tho Assembly Building' this evening. Thk Mnnkkchor ItAt, Msyon cornea off this evening at tho Academy of Music, This will un Unuliteillv be a grand affair. Tiir Srnt-Hahhi kr ohciikstra will glvon mati nee at Musical fund Hull on Saturday. IfKV. IIknky Ward Kkkchkk will lecture at the Academy of Music on luesiiay, February 1, undor the ausple.les of the Vonng Men's Christian Associa tion. Hnbject " The Household." m February I'l, llorttoe Greeley will lecture on "The Woman tnestlou." jirv ixiiaiw. Voir tun But KTTF.a AND fjHUAPKB CLOTHINOj o BfCHJtKTT A CO., THAW ANTWHKttK EI.HK. An nm'tiT trhrt prrinxt may be artiynti for Kirrqirinj goot', e trill erlt Imnrr than the Imrrtt. RPMKMIIKB THK PutmC, No. 618 Mabkkt Htbfft, No. SIS Mabkkt Btiikjct, llAIJ WAT IlKTWKRH KlPTH AN1 Slim H.uj-WAT Bkxwekn Firm ak Sixth. JEWMBY.-Mr. William W.Oasstdy. No. U 8. Booond treet, bat th. largest and most attractive assortment of fin. Jewelry and Silverware in tho olty. Purchasers oaa roljr upon obtainiug a real, para artiole, furnished at a price whioh cannot be equalled. lie ale baa a Urge atook of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his I tors is sore, to result la pleasure and profit, DRY FKST.-The most eflectnal way of guarding one's health is to keep the feet dry, and that oan only be done by the use of India Rubber On rshoes, and as the Incle ment season is upon us, we would advise our readers to aay none but the best quality, which oan only be bad at Goodikab's Headquarters, No. 806 Ohesnut street, south side, Philadelphia, Latest from the Labtrs. 8lnoe the introduction of Phai.on's Vitau a or Salvation kob thk Haib, tidies who formerly used dyes are universally abandoning them. They find the now artiole so batmloss, so clean and pure, so pleasant to the senses, and withal so superior as a means of renewing the original color, that they absolutely slindder when they think of the fllthy sluij they once used. Bikoer's Family Sewing Maohixm, Ten dollars oasU, Balance in monthly instalment. O. F. Davis, No. 810 Ohesnut street Rubbrb Ovkrnhoks AND Boots for Men, Women, and Children, can be bad at retail at the very lowest prices. Goodear's manufacture, old stand, No. 80S Ohesnut street, lower aide. Hau-f.t, Davis A Oo'.s Nkw Octagon Pianos are a great improvement over the Upright Pianos. They are not only very besutifui but captivating in tone. Ware rooms, No. 927 Ohesnut street. Earth Closkt Company's patent dry earth commodes snd privy-fixtures, at A. H. Franciscua 4 Oo.'s, No. 613 Market street, 811.K Twist and Ootton and Linen Threads, at whole ale prices, at No. 704 Ohesnut street. Clothing at gold cost for currency at Charles Stokes', No. 834 Cbetnu street. REBUILDING OUR STOKB. tVRibiiUding Our Store. tW Rebuilding Our Store. l-i!e&ttdt'3 0r Store. Want to tell the Storfcj Want to tell the flfocfc.j Want to tell the Stodbj Want to sell the Stock.t Mr Sec our Overcoat at IT ItTBee our Overcoats at tVSee our Overcoat at 8-50.j I If See our Overcoats at 9"00.j Iff See our Overcoat at 9-80.j tWSee our Overcoats at 10.00. j s tWSee our Overcoats at lOiSO. a trStt our Overcoats at 1HX). tffSee our Overcoats at 11TB. a tWSe our Overcoats at I if See our Overcoats at 13-50. IV See our Overcoats at 15-00.j tifSee our Overcoat at 16D0.i ' tVSee our Overcoats at n-O0. j tlfSe our Overcoats at 18-00. VifSee our Overcoats at 19D0.i tWSee our Overcoats at 20-00.j I if See our Overcoat at 81-00.j tB8ee. our Overcoats at 2J-60. t if See our Overcoat at 24 00.aj t If Sot our Overcoats at 25-00.iaj t If See our Overcoats at 8I"60.u tlf AH kinds of Oents', Youths', and Boys' Garments in proportion. MASAMAKKH t BROWS, WASAMAKER Jk BROWS, OAK HALL, Largest Clothing House, S. h corner Sixth and Market streets. AlAUKIISU. DARLINGTON LUND, On Wednesday evening, the 19tn instant, by the Rov. O. M. Murray, HKKKUlUT DARLINGTON to hUK L. daughter of the late Oliier W. Lund, of this city. H K A TON YKRKKS. January 13, 1H70, by Rev. W. K. Cornwell, at the residence of Mrs. Catharine Yerkes, the bride's mother, Mr. GiiARI.Ktt W. HlCaTON to Miss hMMAi. VKBKK8, bullioi M or land township, Mont gomery county, Pa. NAPKLK WKLL8. On Monday evening, the 17th in stant, at the residence of the brido's parents, by Rev. A H. LuBff. JOHKPii NAPfLK to Miss CLARA WKLLS, both of the Twonty-stioond wurd of Philadelphia. in:fi. OA RR. This morning, WILLIAM CAUK, soa of the lata Morgan Uarr, in his Mth year. OARPENTKR. On the 19th instant, VIRGINIA RO SALIA, daughter of D. L. and Virginia R. Carpenter, aged 9 years and 1 mouth and 13 days. The telativee and friends of the family are reepeot fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her grandparenu. No. l&Ui Park aveuue, on Saturday after noon at 9 o'clock. DAVIS. On the 18th Instant, NIXON DAVIS, agod H years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residenoe, at (ilendale, Camden couuty, N. J., on fr'riday morning, the 31st instant, at 10 o'clock A. M. Interment at Ooies town Oemetery. HEAD. -On the 18th Inrtant. LEAH B., daughter of James D. and Liztio Head, aged 14 months. The relatives and friends are respect! uliy Invited to at tend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, Kill fourth and Pasohall streets, Hestonrllle, oa Fri day, the aist instant, at i o'clock, Te proceed to Blockley Baptist Church. SMITH. At Jarrettown, January IS, 1S70, THOMA8 L. SMITH, son of Benjamin Smith, in the 14th year of his aire. The friends and those of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, from the residenoe of his father, on Saturday morning, January "ia, at 9 o'olock. Car riages will meet tiie S o'clock train at Fort Washington Sttion, N. P. R. R. WARD. On the morning of the llth Instant, AN VA MA RKA, eldest daughter of Margaret and the late John D. Ward. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the fune ral, from tne residenoe of her mother. No. Ui9 8. Twen tieth street, on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Hi MOURNING DRY GOODS. pRAPE DEPARTMENT. NOW IN STORE, V KVKRY QUALITY OS - KNGL1HH TRIMMING CRAPES, ENGLISH VEIL CRAPES, ALSO, ENGLISH OR A PR VKIL8 OY KVKHY OUAL1TY AND SIZE MANUFACTURED. HKriKON A HUN. MOURNING I'KY GOODS HOUSE, No. 9IS CHKSNUT STREET. 1 U 't5p THE FINE ARTS. O. F- HASELTINCa OnllortoM ot tho ArtM, No. 1125 CHKBNTJT 8TRKKT. Tllia AUTOTYPES AND L A N I) H C A P M H JMftvpJ HAVE ARRIVED. fTARLES' GALL CRIES, No. 816 CHKSNUT STREET, yniLAOKIPHIA.; GIjihhoh. A very oheice and elegant assortment ot styles, all en tirely new, and at very low prices. Galleries of Paintings on the ground floor, very beauti fully lighted, and easy of access. JAMES S. EAKLK SONS. OOAL. PFIlttVAL F. BMJ. W.WflOJf MKAFDS. ii:it;ivAi, i:. hull, v co., DEALEM IK Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, DEPOT: No. 1336 North NINTH Street, ?f West Side, below Master. Branch Office. No. 17 RICHMOND Street. W. H- T A C C A R T, COAL DEALER. OOAL OF THK BEST QUALITY, PREPARRD RX PRKS8LT FOR FAMILY USE, 1208, 1210 and 1212 WASHINGTON AV., 12 1 8m Between Twelfth and Thirteenth street. COAL! (M)AL! GOAL) The place to buy is at rtllTl IIKl.l.'H COAI, D8POT, Corner of NINTH and GIRARD Avenue. BEST QUALI1Y WHITS ASH. Efrg and 8tove $7 per ton. Laige Nut 6 " Esjjle Vein Nut g-go awuvereo to any part 01 tne city. 12338m pUBE LEHIGH AND SCUUYLK1U FAMILY, FACTORY, AND BITUMINOUS COALS. Large stock always on hand. Southeast corner THIRTEENTH and WILI.OWStreeU 13 W 4m W. W. A G. D, HAINES. KEPNER A. NTltliiriV No. 1418 N. EIGHTH STREET, ARE SKLLINQ OOAL LOWER THAN ANY YARD IN THE CITY, FOR CASH. 1231 lm GREAT REDUCTION IN COAL. Splendid Stove 7 Nut, per ton o m WILLIAM HKNRY. I S lm B. Woor- NINTH and GIRARD Avenue. FOR SALE. P O R SALE, ON" ACCOMMODATING TERMS, THE LEASE AND PERMANENT FIX TURES OF THE FLOUR STORE, No. 1830 MARKET STREET. Apply on the premises to Ug0p J. EDWARD ADDIOksS- HANDSOME NEW DWELLING. WK,(T LjL Spruce Street, No. S1U7, four-story (Erenoh roof) nil built, for owner's suta. This is lust the kind of a residence mans1 want, halt, roomy and not eatra large. Tenna will be made accommodating to purchaser. . JUUN WAN AM AKRR. II 11 -"v " 'in n iw rs. s" yfcf SIXTH and MARKET FOR SAL E VERY HANDSOME RROWN STONE RKSIDENOB. No. 1MI3 WAI.NITT btiset, opposite Rittenhouse H(nars. House replete with modern conveniences. Lot 36 feet front by 23a feet deep LEWIS H. RICDNRR, I188t No. 731 WALNUT Street. TO RENTs TO LET THE STORE PROPERTY N(, 731 Ohesnut street, twenty five feet front, one hoi dred and forty-five feet deep to Bennett street. Bae. buildings five stories high. Possession Miy I, 1870. A4 dress THOMAS S. FLETOHER, Ulotf Delanoo, N. J. MA LARGE STORE ON CIIESNUT Street, above Seventh, south side, in a splendid con n, to mnt. Immediate possession if desired. Ad dress T. B. K., Philadelphia "Inquirer" OlHue. 1 lg Ut OTEAM POWER WITH LARGE ROOMS TO KJ let, northeast corner Twenty-second and Wo 1 17 6t BOOTS AND 8HOES. WINTER BOOTS AND SHOES No. 33 SOUTH SIXTn STREET, 1 IS tlMtaDSl AUOVE COKHNUT. DRY GOODS. MRS. R. DILLON, NO. J3 AND 881 SOUTH Street, baa a lasge ajortmsnt of fine Millinery "r Ladies and Misihm, Ribbons, Matins, Silks, Velvets 1 Velveteens, Crapes, Feathers, Flowers, Frames, Hash Kibbous, Ornaments, Mouruing Mlilinery, CraDS Veils, eto. 14J ; ZEPHYRS AND GERMANTOWN WOOLs! -J Stocking Yams of aU kinds; Tidy, Crochet, and Mending Cotton, wholesale and retail, at Factory. No. l4 LOMBARD Street U ii HATS AND OAP8. HWARBURTON8 IMPROVED VENTI lated and easy-fitting Dress Hats (patented), in a the Improved faahions of the snsnnii. OUEiUiUT Street nrt door to the Post Otflee. 1 a ro THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RELIN quished the Heating of Buildings by Steam or Water, it will be continued by WILLIAM H. WIST A R, lately superintending that department of their bus)' nexs, whom they reoommend to I heir friends. Nov. U, luai. MORRia, TASKER A OO. WI8TAR aToOULTON, No. 227 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. HEATING BY STEAM OB HOT WATER. TLANS OF PIPE CUT TO ORDER, LAUNDRIES AND CULINARY APPARATUS FITTED UP 10 M BlttSp MCOXX viii.y R. oertakers that. In order to meet the inoreased demand for LlZn?i bUiUAX CAiULaVlS, I have taken U Urge No. 18 FIDOE AVENUE. Wlta say enlarged faeUiUes. I am now prepared to saa. p . Pfp"lUy U orders laolLf or eouatry. MUwturvt K. 8. EARLS Y. FINANCIAL. FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND. Seven Per Cent. Cold Bonds OF TBI Frederick thing and GordomvilU Rail road Company of Virginia. Principal and Interevt lnrnble In C!oln( Tree of .mitert States UoTernmeul Tax. These Bonds ereeeoured by a First and j.nly Mortgage made to The Farmer' Loan and Trawt Company ol Wow l'ork,nTru. lees for the llondholders. The Mortgage covers ths entire road, Eight of Way Franchisee, Rolling Stock, Rquipments, Iads and Pro. perty, real and personal, now belonging or whloh may hereafter belong to the Company, A 8 lit KINO FUND is also provided, which will redooe the prlnoipal of the debt TWO THIRDS of the entire amount In odronrs of th maturity of the Hondt, The Road is miles long, connecting Fredericksburg via Orange Court House, with Charlottesville, woloh la the point of Junction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail, road to the Ohio river, and the extension of the Orange aod Alexandria Railroad to Lynchburg. It forms the ahortost connecting link In the system of roads leading to the entire South, Southwest and West to the PaciHo Ocean. It passes through a rioh section of the Bhenan dosh Valley, tho local traffls of whioh alone will support the Road, and it mmt command an abundant share of through trade from the faot of lu being a SHORT CUT TO TIDE WATER ON TOE POTO MAC AT TIIE FARTHEST INLAND POINT WHERE DEEP WATER FOR HEAVX" SHIPPING CAN BE FOUND ON THE WHOLE LENGTH OF THE ATLANTIC COAST. From Charlottesville to Tidewater by this route the distance is 40 miles less than via Alexandria ; 65 miles less than via Richmond and West Point; 1114 miles less than via Norfolk. A limited amount of these bonds are offered at P3H;, and Interest from November 4, in enrroncy. From an examination in person, and also by competent counsel, of all the papers and documents relating to this loan, wears enabled to pronounce them entirely correct and satisfactory; we have alro had the work and property of the company examined by our own agents, whose re ports agree with those made by the officers of the com pany, and we therefore recommend these bonds, the issue of whioh is limited to $16,000 per mile of complete and equipped road, AS A FIRST-CLASS SE0URI7Y IN EVERY PARTICULA R, and as moU desirable invest, ment, giving a large increase of inoome over Investments in any description of Government bonds. TAXI Ell Ac CO., Hankers, No. 49 WALL 8treet, New York. Pamphlets, maps, and information furnished. Government bonds and other marketable securities will be oonverted without commission to parties investing in those bonds, and the highest market price allowod for gold and other coupons in exohange. tr AMI lrORH.ltankcr, 1 ID No 25 South THIRD Street. gANKI M U II O U g I OF JAY COOKE & CO., Not. 119 and 111 8. THIltD St., PHILADELPHIA. Dealero In Government Besnrttlea . Old 6-20s Wanted In Exchange for New. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MAD STOCKS bought and sold on Comnaiaalon. Special business accommodations reserved for ladies. We will recelTe applications for Policies of Life Insurance In tbe National Life Insurance Company of tne United States. Fall Information given at oar offloe. H8m J) k i; X U L fc CO., No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, American and ToreIy ISSUE DRAFT8 AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT available on presentation In any part of Europe. Travellers can make all their financial arrange ments through us, and we will collect their Interest and dividends without charge. Dkzxbl, W di Timor A Co.,:Dbkxki, ILuursa a Co., New Yort. I Paris. j HANKERS, No. 109 SOUTH TinRD STREET, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURI TIES, GOLD BILLS, ETC. DRAW BILLS OP EXCHANGE AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ON THE UNION BANK OP LONDON. ISSUE TRAVELLERS' LETTERS OP CREDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, available throughout Bo rope. Will collect all Coupons and Interest free of charge for parties making their financial arrangements with u 4 us; QIJCA11I1IVC.( 1AY1S Sc CO., No. 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PniLADKLTHIA. GLENDINNING, DAVIS & AMORT, No. 17 WALL STREET, HEW YORK. BANKERS AND BROKERS. Buying and selling Stocks, Bonds, and .Gold oa CoBimUwlon a Specialty. Philadelphia house connected by telegraphic with the Stock, Boards and Gold Room of New York. 18 a D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Successors to Smith, Randolph a Oo, Kverjf bran oh el the basin me will have prompt attsntloa as heretofore. Quotations of Stocks, Governments, and (fold eon stantlr received front New York brreitatt mire, from our friends, Edmund D, Raadoliu A Oo, lSj PINANOIAU. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS or rna Chicago, Danville, and Vin cenncs Railroad. Total amount to be Lseuod $2,500,000 Capital Stock paid in 2,100,000 EHtimated Cont of Uoad (140 miles) 4,500,000 Estimated Earnings per annum... . 2,C39,306 Net Earnings per annum 879, 7C8 Interest on tho Loan per annum... 175,000 Amount of Bonds per mile of Road 18,000 Amount of per mile. 1,200 Amount of Net Earnings por mile. 6,284 Tbe Bonds follow the completion of the Road have the Union Trust Company of New York as their Official Register and Transfer Agent and are sold at present at 95 and accrued Interest. They bear examination and comparison better, It Is believed, than any other now before the publio, In the fixed and unchangeable elements ot Safety, Se curity and Prom They bear good Interest Seven per cent. Gold for forty ytars and are secured by a blnklng Fund, and First Mortgage upon the road, Its outat, and net In come, the Franchises, and all present and future ac quired froperty of the Company. They depend upon no new or half-settled territory for business to pay their Interest, but upon an old, well-settled and productive country assuming that a railroad built through tho heart of such a region offers better security for both Interest and Principal than a road to be built through the most highly ex tolled wilderness or sparsely settled territory. This Rallrcad possesses special advantages, In running Into and out of the City of Chicago, an lm portant RaUroad and Commercial Centre; In run ning through a line of villages and old farming set tlements In the richest portion of tte State of Illi nois; in running near to deposits of Iron Ore of great extent and value, and over broad fields of the best coal In the State which mining Interests are Its monopoly. And besides the local and other business thus assured, there will bo attracted to this road the considerable traffic already springing up "from the Lakes to the Gulf;" as with Its Southern Connections ltfonns a Trunk Line 48 miles shorter than aay other route from Chicago to Nashville. These Bonds are therefore based upon a Reality, and a Business that a few years must Inevitable double and competent Judges say treble In value. Governments selling while the price Is high pay well If put Into these Bonds, and Trust or Estate Funds can be put Into NOTHING BETTER. Pamphlets, with Maps, etc., on hand for distribu tion. Bonds may be had directly ef us, or of our Agents in Philadelphia DE HAVEN & OR08.f No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BANKERS, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS, GOLD, ETC., SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THESE BONDS. W. BAILEY LANG & CO., Merchants, 1 11 tuthstFl No M CLIPP 8treet, New Tor. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF THESE BONDS. CITY WARRANTS BQught and Sold. DE HA YEN & BEO., No. 40 South THIRD Street, lu PHILADELPHIA, JOHN 8. RUSHTON & CO., Ho. 60 SOUTH THIRD STREET. JANUARY COUPONS WANTED. CITY WARRANTS 1 B 3m BOUGHT AND SOLD, pa 8. PETERSON A CO.. Stock and Exchange Brokers, NO. 39 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Members of tho New York and Philadelphia and Gold Boards. STOCKS, BONDS, Etc., bought and sold on oea mission only at either city i&s CTY WARRANTS BOUGHT AND BOLD. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CO. NO. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA WANT8. TO THE WORKING OLA8S.-W. are now prai pared to furnish all olaaaits with constant amploj went at horns, th. wauls of tbs time or tor ths spar, moments. Business new, lia-lit. and prontabla. Persons of either sex easily sun from tele, to & per e? .nine, and a proportional sum by devoting their wbole time to the business. Hoys and Kir s earn nearly as much as men. Ttiat all who see this notioe mar seaa tboir address, and test tbe business, we this unparalleled .Her: To anon as are not well aatisUed, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing, full particulars, a raluable sm ?le, whloh will do to coium.ooe work on, and a sour of 'h iVofir'i Literary Companion one of the larjroH and bent family newspaper published all sent free uy mail. Reader, if voo want permanent, prohtable work, address KLa ALLKN UO., Autt.taiMame. 1 16 Jin LOST. T 08T, IN PINE STREET, ABOVE TIIIUD, J J oa Hunday las, a small yellow-leather Prayer Beok, with the owner's nam. and residenoe writtsa inside. Tbe finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at No. sis PLNtt Street. 1 It) Ut SAFE DEPOSIT OOMPANIE9W IT Burglary, Fire, or Accident. s The Safe Deposit Company, ut rnin New Fire and Burglar-Proof Ballllng No. 329 and 331 CILE3NUT STREET. The Fidelity Insurance, Trust' 4KB SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. CAPITAL, l,0, DIRECTORS. n. o. Drown.. Olarenne H. Clark, John Welxh, Charles Macalecrter. Kdward Olar. Aleiandnr Hnnry. Stephen A. UaldwetL "":' Tyler, Gibson. Henry O President N. B. RKHWNr Vies Presldent-CLARF.NOK H. OT.ARK. Secretaifand Treasury-ROB KRT PATTKRSOJf Assistant Secretary -J ASi K8 W, HAZLKHURST. The Company hare provided to their new Building ana! Vaults absoluts security against loss by KIRK. BUB. GLARY, or AOOIDKNT, and RKOK1VS hKOURITIK.8 AND VALUABLRfj ON DH POSIT UNDER GUARANTKK, Upon the following rates, for on. year or less period ' Government and all other Coupon Securi ties, or those transferable by delivery. . . .$100 par $IM ana au otner Becnrllies regis tered and negotiable only by endorsement Gold Coin or Bullion Mper I 2i per lixm IftS) louu Silver Coin or Bullion. . , , a"00 per Bllv.r or Gold Plat., nader seal, on owner's estimate or value, and rat. subject to ad justment for bulk TOO par lot Jewelry, Diamonds, etc g-jo per 10,4 Deeds, Mortgages, and Valuable Papers generally, whoa of no Died value, (la year, each, or acoording to bulk. Thesa Utter, when deposited in Tin Boxes,ar. oharged acoording to bulk, upon a basis of IH (set Oubio capa city, $10 a year. Coupons and Interest will be collected, when desired, an remitted to tbe owners, for one per oent. Th. Company offer for RENT, th. lessee Molu-vsly holding th. key, SArKS INSIDE THK BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS At rates varying from 3fS to $76 each, per annua, aooorii ing to six. Deposits of Money Received, on which Interest will. allowed 8 per cent, on Call Deposits, paya.l. b Chock at sight, and 4 per cent, on Tims De posits, payable on tea days' notice. Travellers Letters of Credit furnished, available ia a parts of Karope. This Company is also authorized to act as Rzeoutert, Administrators, and Guardians, to receive and rasoat. Trusts of evsry description from th. Courts, eorporati.v. or individuals. N. B. BROWNE, PRKSIDKNT. ROBERT PATTERSON. 11 3 tutbo5p SECRETARY AND TREASURES. 1 T-1E FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST, AND SAFE DKIOSIT COMPANY. Philaiiku-hu, Jan. 17, U7. Th. following detailed statement of th. assets be longing to this institution is published in aooordano. with tbo sixth section of the AU of Assembly of Aprils, 1843:- 1 Mortgages, being the first lien on real estate 1 in the city of Philadelphia $337,M'M Camden and Amboy Railroad six per oent. mortgage bonds of i9 100,090 Ot Lehigh Coal and Navigation first mortgage ' railroad loan S0,00t-M Philadelphia City six per cent, loan, free of tsxes K.C00-M Philadelphia City warrants. J.W6S Missouri State six per cent. loans 75,000 n$ Chioago, Bock Inland and Paciflo Railroad ' seven percent, mortgage bonds : 10,000 IX Wilkeebarr. Coal and Iron Company first mort gage eight par oent. bonds , 1,000 Let. igh Coal and Navigation Company ooavorti. ; ble gold loan. S,0M-M Time bills, secured by collaterals 6lO,8MtS Demand r?n", ??r?d h7 oollat erals 9l,m t Real oatate, No's". M9 and KJl ChgsnnJ street, ' with vaults and sales. I............... JTrtf 846,661 at Oaahiaoffi oe $123&l7'li ' Cash ia Bank MO.Wro - 24lJk7I Total, $i434s-s4 1 18 Jt) N. B. BROWNE. President. ROBKRT PATTERSON, Secretary and Treasurer. IN8URANOE4 , NNUAL STATEMENT OF TUB AMERICAN ; Lifd In.ararca Co. of Philadelphia Southeast Oorser of FOURTH and WAXHUT ftsre Tot ths year ending December 31, ISC ' BKOEIPTP. 1 Premiums received during th. year $1,040 laVOS Interest from investment and rents l4l',U4i 34 LOSSHS AND EXPKNSttS." ,,187'l8s 44 Life losses paid 9a.0m Travelling Agents and Communions Until bt Salaries and Medical Kxaminations ' llo,4rM V. 8. and State Taxes and Licenses . j ati'j- Printing, Adveitiouig, btamps, eto 4t7'4 A5d9 ll Surpla' premiums returned to insured and . dividends 170,059 St ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1870. U. 8. 6-20 loan. City of Pniladolphi a Loan, " Bank and Railroad (stocks CTftt.OM'M1 Mortgages upon real estate 6"l,f-Jtj t Real estate and ground rents 1 it,44 sit loans on oollatorals amply securtd VM.Ote'li Premium not, secured by policii.s 7fi,H'tW Pit-mimus in hum's of sgnts, secursd by bunds 161), 477-71 Canh on band and in banks. 6s. 47944 Acorued intellect to Jauuar 1 ' j7t 71 $2 703 Mo'M ALKXANnKR WHILLDIV. Piesident. , GKORGK NUGkNT. Vioe lTreiu-lenl. JOHN O. SIMS, Aotuaiy. (1 IS, stuthSt JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer OENT.'8 FURNI8HINQ COOD5U piNE DRESS SHIRTS. J. W. SCOTT & cd., No. 814 CIIESNUT STREET, PHILA.. (GENTLEMEN'S FANCY (MODS IN FULL VARIETY. 1 NEW PUBLICATIONS. QUNDAY SCHOOLS DESIIUNO THE BEST O Publications, send to J. O. GARKKrUKH a OO., at th. Sabbath School Emporium, m AKOU Street. 14tutha3 JODGERS & WOSTENnOLM'S POCKET- KNIVES. Pea -I aid Stag handles, and beautiful finish; Rodgers', and Wade A Butuher'a Raiors, and the oeie. bra tod I eooultrs Raaor ; Ladies' Scissors, in oases, of th. finest duality; Rodgers' Table Cutlery, Carvers and Forks, Bailor Strops, Cork Sorews, Rto. Bar Instruments, to assist ths, of ths most approved eonstraotion, at P. MADEIRA'S, 1st) Ko. 11STRNTII Strset, bsliisr (Iho.nut, ta UMBRELLAS (,'TTEAPEST IN THE CITT . J DULON'S, No.al8.XlUUTUStraot. U UutUit