THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, ' MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1670. i f t tm AJiitJ it -8 i V.5 ,7 ; w'M ,0?; Vv , . in . , . 1 CUT Affalra. Jeeoe Piatt, afred sixty-three years, a resl- dent of New York, fell npon the slrUwalk at Biith and Spruce streets on Saturday, and frac ' 'tured several ri lis. LU was , taken to theFena- aylvanta lloapltal. . William Kendrtck, aped fifty-five years, re- eldiriR at No, 63(5 Bedford street, fell off a tep Satorday evening, and received injuries of the arm and hand. Ho was removed to the , 'Pennsylvania Iloepltal. ' v . -Edward Johnson and Isaac Anderson have been committed by Alderman Kerr to answer the charee of the theft of two sots of harness from the stable of Ehret & Siunes, Seventh street, above Norrle. - , ' ,y The missionary reportof tho American Sunday School Union shows the receipts, collections, donations, etc., durlnjr the year to have been 93.87.V88; valrie of books and Other requisites given to schools, 12,088-5S; amount expended by auxiliary societies, $5730-81. a The building No. 134 Market street Wat damaged by fire shortly after 10 o'clock on Saturday night last. The first floor was occu pied by E. Gwlnn, clothing dealer; the second by John D. Robbins, hat trimmlnsrs; In the back r r.:" : ,,art 0f this floor the fire originated. .The upper floors were occupied by A. lerblsher & Co., tat and cap manufacturers, and by R. Roso, ,,. , manufacturer of paper boxes. The flames were ! T confined to the room where they broke out, and were goon extinguished. The principal damage was done to the stock of Mr. Gwlnn, by water. The loss will not probably exceed $500. The Board of Domestic Missions of the PrAhvt.AHan Church rcnort darlnir the past year tho appropriations to tho missionaries under their care were $115,749. The whole number of missionaries in commission during the year, was 546. The number of churches and missionary stations wholly or in tart supplied, aa far as re ported, Is 82i; number of newly organized churches, 60; admissions on examinations, 2792, :andon certificate, 19110; making a total admis sion of . 4732. Number in communion with churches connected with the board, 26,078. Temple Association was held at the hall, Sixth and llalnes streets. The committee having in charge the selection of a site for the erection of a new hall reported that the lot of ground on the northwest corner of Broad and Spring Gar den streets, which is considered a most elltrlble site, can be secured br the 1st of April if $20,000 can be raised meanwhile. - The sum of $100,000 Is asked for the property, and the terms are one fifth to be paid dawn, the balance secured by mortgage, payable In ten years. In size the lot is ample, having a front of 'one hundred and seventy feet on Broad street and two hundred i - feet on Spring Garden street. Committees were appointed to ascertain ho"w much money can be raised by the lodges and' encampments, and to take measures to obtain the lot on the best term. - j . Domestic AUalrw. "4 Gold closed on Saturday at 131 . ' The Pcabody funeral fleet was at Madeira on January 1st. " F urtner surrenacrs oi uuoans to me espanisn authorities are reported. ' I '' ; i t ' ' Governor uurKeo, oi uian, aiea on Saturday morning, of pneumonia. . ! '' r It is reported that Georgia will adopt the fifteenth amendment. , .. ; t vMr. Allen, Minister from Hawaii, was pre sented to tne rresiuent on Saturday. . Already the Stanton fund has . reached $100,000, and thore is good prospect of that sum belnsr larccly auirmcnted. i '-' Indian affairs were discussed at length on' Saturday at a joint meeting oi tne Indian uonv mission and. the Congressional committees. 'Thomas J. Campbell, convicted at Pittsburg of the murder of bis wife, has been sentenced to eleven vears and nine months imprisonment. '" r . . An Investigation Into the gold conspiracy of oepiemucr itieii wm cuuimeuuou vy mo xiuuso Committee on Banking and Currency on Satur- day." ""' " " 1 ,' Already Congressmen are talking about' the end of the session, and some are of opinion that with industry it can be brought to a close by the 1st ot May. - , ' Collector Casey's conduct of the New Or ',, leans Custom Mouse is still the cause of great v J 1; i s contention, and the pressure In favor of his re moval continues unabated. ' " A committee of the National Labor Union Comrress is in Washington preparing an address to the people setting forth the demands of , the workln(rmen of the nation. t " ' A'rumor prevails In Ottawa that the Do minion Government has decided to discontinue licenses to American fishermen, and to fall " back on the Interpretation of the treaty of 1818. ;,....,.,, ,. , Last evening the Congressional Temper ance Society met in the Metropolitan Methodls Church in Washington. Vice-President Colfax' '' r an several Congressmen .addressed tho meet 4 i . ing. -ft - m .'-i Rupert s Land affairs present a serious annearance. The Hudson Bay Company's safe. P '.'.i :! containing $250,000,-has been seized by the French under Rlelau, and another Indian war b .feared. . . j .';-?. .ai ' ;i ' Last fall a prominent citizen of Montana Territory was murcierea Dy eiacKrcet lnaians in his own house. The murderers were Indicted. but takinsr refuse with their tribe, a doubt arose as to whether civil process could be executed against the resistance of a whole tribe. Eventu ally it was decided to make the arrest, and an adequate military force has been despatched for the DOTDOSe. -J. .-.! ' , dV.' Forelaa Allitlra. - - - . . . 1 V. 1 . . . L I t rance, on Baturaay. t , ;i The Duke of Montpensier has been nomi nated as a candidate tor the Bpanun uortes. Madrid rejoices over telegrams announcing1 ; , important epaoisu succesaes iu wana. . . . . Heavy gales continue on the English coast, .... and numerous shipping disasters are reported. L , , Violations of the French press law are pun iihcd. Three journals are about to be proceeded ' n train st. In the (Ecumenical Council the subject of ecclesiastical discipline has peea under consldo- 1 . ration for several days. ...... A discussion of the domestic policy of the ' Government In the French Senate on Saturday resulted in a vote of confidence in the late Min- istrr. - To-day is fixed for tho debate In the Corps . Leglelatif on the arraignment of Rochefort. A majority in both Chambers is expected for the Oovernment. ' i In the Ecumenical Council on Saturday ' complaints were made that the fathers speak at " ' too great length, and do not strictly observe thslr ,V" obligations of secrecy. - . Deputies in the Corps Leglslatif are menaced with personal violence, and disorders threatened in the event oi tne prosecution oi ranicai jour nals being authorised, ana the condemnation oi , Rochefort. . . , Arrangements for the consolidation of the .... Anglo-American, the Atlantic, New York, New- . foundland, and London, aud the 8ociete des Cables - Transatlantiques Francals Companies nave Deen completed. ....... ' A memorial. signed by a thousand Spaniards, is on its way from llnvana to Spain, praying the Cortes to defer granting liberties and reforms in - Porto Rico, as the cause of Spain in Cuba would be injured thereby. . . , While advices by way of IJBbon confirm the news as to the total defeat of Lopes and the ; close of the war in Paraguay, intelligence re " eelved from Paris is to the effect that hostilities have by no means ceased, and that Lopez is in , , , (he ureal uoraiueras witn an army of 8000 men. , American Architecture. , Jn "Normandy Ficturesque," j by Ilenry JilucKunrn, we una tue louowing reneouons on architecture in America: "Here our thoughts on the great quention of architectural ' ! beauty aBdntnesatarn naturally toanew world. If, as we believe, there is a life and energy in the West which must sooner or later make its mark in the world, and perhaps take a lead for a while among the nations in the Iractioal application of acienoe and art, may ( set rest viti a seaeratiou of Amcua yet nnborn to create out of snob, elements as th fast-fading OoVkie of the middle ages a style of architecture that will equal it in beauty, and yet be more suitable to ft modern cra ft style that shall spring Hpontaneously from the wants and requirements of the ago an age that shall prize beauty of form as much s utility of design? Do we dream dreamn? Is it quite beyond the limits of possibility that an art that has been repeating itsolf for ages in Europe, until the original designs are fading before our eyes, until the moulds hava been used so often that they begin to lose their sharpness and significance, may not be suc ceeded by new and living development whioh will be found worthy to take its place side by side with the creations of old classio time? Is the idea altogether Utopian? Is there not room in the world for a 'new style of architecture ? Shall we be always copying, imitating, restoring harping forever on old strings ? - It may be that we point to the wrong quarter of the globe, and we shall cer tainly be told that no good thing in art can come from the 'great dollar-cities of the West,' from ft people without nfonuments and with a history; but there are signs of intellec tual energy, and a process of refinement and cultivation is going on, wnicn it . wiu d well for us of the Old World not to ignore. Their day may not be yet. Before such a change, can - come, -the nation must find rent; the pulse of this great, restless, thriving people must beat less quickly; they must know (as the Greeks knew it) the mean- ing of the word 'repose. It was a good sign, we thought, when Felix Darley, an American artist on a tour through Europe (a 'nve-thou-sand-dollar run' isr we believe, the correct expression), on arriving at Liverpool, was content to go quietly down the Wye, and visit our old abbeys and castles such as Tintern and Kenilworth instead of taking the ex press train for London, and it is to the many signs of culture and taste for art which we meet with daily in intercourse with travellers from the Western Continent, that we look with confidence to a great revolution in taste and manners. 'lo these, then (whom we may be allowed to look upon as pioneers of a new and more artistio civilization). and to our ' many readers on the other side of '. the Atlantic, we would draw attention to the towns in .Normandy.' as worthy of examination before they, pass away from our eyes;' towns where 'art is reli gion towns that were built before the age of utilitarianism, and when expediency was a thing unknown. To young America we say, Come and see the buildings of old France; there IS nothing like them in the Western World; neither the wealth of San Francisco, nor the culture of its younger generation. can at present produce anything like them. They are waiting for you in the sunlight of this summer evening; the gables are leaning, the waters are : sparkling, the shadows are deepening on the hills, and the eolors on the banners that trail on the water are 'red, white, ana Dine z MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Neu let First Pag. ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAT. BTTTlRlfflCI....... 7-211 MOOH KIBIf)...,.j,.. fio Bow Bats. 6 00 1 High Waikb i-jq , . PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADH. 1 : l K. A, BOUDER, - v ..,; I ' ' . ' r-t . UIOBOl L,. JJ1IZ.BI, . . f UOMMITTZC OY Tarn MONTH, , Uaoaua N. Tatham, ) . i XKOTX3CEENTS OF OCEAN STKAJISILLPS. FOR AMF.RIOA. Parsgiur ....... London.. ...New York..., ...Doo. 18 France... ...... .Liverpool.. ...New York. ....... ...Deo. 22 The Wuten. . . .laYerpooU ....New York., .....Deo. , 89 Bellona. London.. . . .-New York , . .Jan. 1 O. ol Boaton.... Liverpool. ....New York, via Hal. .Jan. 1 'Weatir ..... .SooOiamutou. ,M.New York Jan. 4 Marathon.. .....LirerpooL. ...Now York via Boa.... Jan. 4 Nevada... Liverpool.. ...New York Jan. fi Denmark. Liverpool ....New York..., Jan. 5 O. of Brooklyn. .Liverpool . ...New York Jan. 6 BantiacodeClnbaUavre New York. Jan. r 8 run jcuKurjs. . . New York... .Liverpool ... J ..Tan. Idaho . ....... 19 Cuba... New York.... Liverpool.,, Jan. 10 Samaria .XV ew YorE. .Liverpool ...Jan. SO Union .New York. ...Bremen , Jan. 80 .New York. ...Liverpool .. Jan.' Si .New York.,.. LiverpooL. Jan. 22 .New York. ...Gliuurnw... .0-1 O. of Brooklyn The Queen. .. . jiuropa. i..,. City of Boston ..New York. ...Liverpool...,. Jan. 25 Calabria.. w.New York.. ..Liverpool..... ......Jan.. 21 Bellona. New York. ...London. Jan, 29 O.of Baltimore.. New York. ...Liverpool.... Jan. . 1M Wener. New York. Bremen. , . Ian. 2l India. Mew York iihuurow aa Viiiot Antwerp.New York. ...IJverpool J4n. 29 , , . tX)ABTWI8JC, POMESTIO. KIU Jonlata i. .Phllada . . . ...New Orleans .Jan. 20 rrometneoa.. .. .I'nnana . . .u..narieaton dan. 30 Kle ..,..... ...New York.. ..Havana. Jan. 20 A laaaa.,. ........ iv ew Kork..Asuinwall ..Jan. Ill Pioneer.. .'. .. .. .fhilada . . . . Wilmington ... ...... .Jan. 21 Ueo. Uromwell..New York.. .. New urinaria ....Jan, 22 United State,. .New York. ...New Orleans Jan. 23 Memmack New York. ...Rio Janeiro Jan, S3 mum are rorwaraen DiiTflrrnHmw intnspAfn u ,nna The steamers for or from Liverpool oall at Qneenstown. ex. ..nt. .Vi ( lanuliiui MR.. whlnhAM.ll (jl.HnnHa... rrhm steamers lor or irom toe continent can at aontnampton. " v CLEARED BATimDA-V. - . Bteatnahlp Roman, Baker, Boston, H. Winaor A Oo. bteamuup CTorioia, i-latt, Kiclunona Tla JNorfolk, W. F, Bteannhio Branette, Doane. New York. John F. OhL Bteamabip Hunter, Harding, Prorideuoe, D. 8. Btetsoo & uo. t. Steamer New York, Jones, Oeorfetewn and Alexaadria. W. P. Clyde 4 Co. . , Rtaamer W. Whilldin. rUrnns. Baltimnra. I Rnni -T IS, barque Lalla Ilookh, Sutherland, Antwerp. Workman Br. barque Ella Moore, Maraters, Antwerp, O. O. Van norn. Bcbr Iilizabath Hagse, Smith, Basua, Warren A Gross. ARRIVKD YKSTKRDAY. BteamnhlD Juniata. Hoaie. from New Orleans via Ha. vans lilth inat., with cotton, etc, to Philadelphia and Knnthsrn Mail Bteamfthin Co. PaaaenirAra Krnm Nam urieans nr. u. o. mooier. . from Havana Jtrtnar B. Elliott, George Mowbry, Joseph Uarleton, Foster Shntter. inint.,oD uaryaion, eisaansea sinau witn a liar que, ahowinx white signal, with blauk arrow, bound N. s lat. 86 20, long. 16, saw barque Albert, of Bath, bound S. ; Sams oay, saw una owuuu, oi oaroaaos, uounu a. Rhin Maiestie. Gibbons. Unn. wam diaaharfftiaflr af. Mn, . tevidso 17th Nov. Bbip Betty, Nutzborn, cleared at New York Uth lnat for Antwerp via Philadelphia. Bteamabip Wyoming, Tsal, for Philadelphia, cleared at Davannau iDtn mat. (itetmahip Fanita, Freeman, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York Uth inat. Bteamahip Pioneer, Barrett, for Philadelphia, sailed from Wllmincton.N.O.. IStbinst. ' Bteamahip James B. Green, Paoe, for Philadelphia, saiieu I rum piuiiinuiiu iio ioh. Hteamahip Volunteer, Jones, henoe, at New York 14tla cleared ssain 16th to return. Barque Johsnn Martin, Bernita, from London Nov. t for Philadelnhia. foundered at sea Deo. HI. Barque Diana, Biegner, from Havre for Philadelphia, wan sunken lilt h nit. lat. 47 SO. lnnv. I Barque Abbie N. Franklin, Holbrook, hsnes, at Bavan. nan lata inat. . Barque India, Lepsohlnskr, from London for PkiladeU plila, sailed from Gravesend 1st inat. Barque Busy, Linden, hence for Gibraltar, was off the nH oi oain previous fcu irii a uii. t Darque w uuam, vioie, lor riuiausipma, c.earea i uei Tl'Wl 4VU Ul. . i j4f Bris Matilda. Oafiero. hence, at Genoa Uth ult. . Brig Charles lliUer, Gilkey, at Gaxdenas 5th inat., from St. John. N. B. . ' Brics Alfred, Marohlldon, and Ella, Martin, sailed from Uardenas 6th met., for a port north ol Malleraa. , Kobra J. M. fc lanngan, Hhaw, and Frank and Nellie, Bean, sailed from Cardenas eta inat., lor a port north ol HetterAB. i . Kchr K. 8. Denn, Onok, from Taunton for Fhlladalphis rjEBd Hell Gate 15th inat. Bcbr Lizzie BaUhslder. English, hence, atMatanias (th inti. tichr H. Matthews, Matthews, for Philadelphia, cleared nt rew rora iotu in&. Hclirs E. Glover, Ingalls, from Norwioh : Ladr Franklin, Hewlsr.frointilouoeater: J. T. Alburger, 8oott; Kmuia Bacon, Kelley: and A. B.Granmer.aJranmer.from Buetun. II fur Pbiladelphia, passed Hell Gate Uth int, rli-hr Amelia, Boebe, from Providence fur Philadelphia, t New VorkHtb inat. . , Pulir John Oadwalader, Bteelman, asnea, at Providenoe 18th inirtj i y i k e a v a b d f FOR STORE FRONTS, ASYLUMS, FA( TOIUES, ETC. ( Tatent Wire ItalilnR, Iron Bedsteads, Ornament Wire Work, Paper-makers' Wires, and every varie , of Wire Work, manufactured by U. WALVXK A SONS QOOD8 POR THE Ladies. JJRIDAL, BIKTIIDAY, AND HOLIDAY . PRESENTS. . ' . - .-,.',' ; -. ' Au Xioxx Marclio. ... The On DolUr Department eooUiog t, Urg amortmmt . i - of FIHK IffcKlfCH GOODS, mbntoiac , . DISKS, 'WORK, OLOVK. HAHDKKROBIKF, AND PRKS8INU BOXES, la rnl nriotr. DOLLS, MKOI1ANICAL TOYS, and TttKK TRIM- ' MINGS. ' SILK FANS, LEATHER BAGS, POOKKT BOOE8.J CHINA VASI8 and ORNAMENTS, JEWELBT, ETC ' .-'-. ? - V; ' ( From $1'00 lo 5O O0. 1 Oill and eiunlna onr Parii Oooda ' -, rrt and Mteaag Diwm nude and trlianiwl from FrDub nd EnullBh luhtn plktes. Fancy OratnmM for Misqncrades, BaJIa, tto., mtd to ordm In fortr-elght htmr' aotioa, at " ; MRS. M. A. DIMDCR'8 LADIES' DREES TRIMMINGS, PAPER PATTRR1 DRESS and CLOAK MAKING. ESTABLISHMENT, ... . . f N. W. Corner Eleventh and .Chesnut, 8 flat nth PHILADELPHIA. LEGAL. NOTIOES. JN OTICE. L ETTER8 TE3TAMENTA11Y, having been granted to the subaorfbeasopon the K'tatenf JAMKH MrMULLAN. deceased. all persona indebted to the same will make payment, and those caving claims present tnem to No. 17!M North FRONT Street. JAMKH McMUI.ti AN, No. S40 Pnnth HKVKMTKKNTH Btreet. Or to GEORGE JUNKIN, Esq.. their Attorney, Southeast corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia, Jan 16, 1870. 1 17 nitit' TN THE ORPITAN8' COURT FOR TflE JL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Batata of JOHN H. DllAFKK. deceased. The Auditor appointed br the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of KUMUNU DKAl'KK and KUisatti UKAruK, truitrOs ot jurm it. utiarurt, under the will of JOHN DKAPKR. deooaaed, and to report distribution of the balance - in the hands of the accountant, will meet the par ties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, January S4, 1H70, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, southeast corner of WALNUT and SIXTH Streets (second floor;, in the oity of rhiianeipnia. , si liawfrnfCt ' Auditor. PIANOS.' STEIN WAY & SONS' Grand Square and Upright ' Pianos, With their newly patented RESONATOR, by which the original volume of sound can always be retained, tho same aa in a Violin. . BLASIUS BEOS., No. 1006 CIIESNUT STREET, C 1 87 wstl PHILADELPHIA. fHrTT1 . RIEKES SOHMIDT, fFvt MASDFACTCRKH8 Of ! . . FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES. 1 Full guarantee and moderate prices. Si WARKROOMS. No. 610 ARCH Street. BRADBURY'S AND OTHER Pianos. 800. Taylor A Farley's, also Oarhar & rveeoDam s urgans. irora wno upwards, wiluam g FISCHKK, No. 1U18 ARCH Btreet and No. 31 I ELKYKNTH Street. . 11 33 2m ROOFING.. RB AD T R O O F I This Rooflnc is adapted to all buildings. N It c a.-' applied to 8TKEP OR FLAT ROOFS at-. Ann-half the exDeuse of tin. It is reauiiy nut aa Shingle Roofs without removing the shingles, thus avoid. '' ing tbe damaguw ot oeinnga ana inmitnro while under PIUtSKBVB OUR J 'NT K.. WITH WKLTON1 ELASTIO PA1JNX. I am always prepared to Repair sou faint Roofs at short notice. Also, PAINT FOR SALE by the barrel or gallon. the beat ana cheapest in tne mars WELTON BITS Ha 711 N. NINTH btreet. above Ooateo, X AND ROOFERS. Roofs! Yes, yen. Every size and kind, old or new. At. no. M3 n. inta.u arroet, tne iiw. RIOAN CONCRETE PAINT AND ROOF COMPANY ase aelliog their celebrated paint for TIN ROOFS, and for rjreservine all wood and metals. Also, their solid com plez roof covering, the Dest ever ouered to tne public, with brushes, cans, buckets, eta., lor the work. Anti-vermin, lire, and Water-proof Light, Tight, Durable. No crock- ing, pealing, or shrinking. '. o paper, gravel, or heat Good lor an climates. Directions ei riven ror work, or good work men snnnueri. Care, promptili , certainty! uno prtoe' Oalll Examine) Judgel A pent wanted for interior counties. sseitf JOSEPH LEEDS. Principal. IIAIIIING'S EDITIONS OP ' ' i -U f ' THE IIOLY BIBLE, f FAMILY, PULPIT, AND PHOTOGRAPH BIBLE 3, .... ... ,. . t I- - :' PGR 1" '- ; WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. . ALSO, PRESENTATION BIBLES FOR ' ' CHURCHES, , . " " CLERGYMEN, ; SOCIETIES AND ! TEACHERS, ETC. : j New and superb assortment, bound In Vlch Levant Turkey Morocco, Paneled and Ornamental Designs, equal to the London and Oxford editions, at less than hall their prices. ' . ; ii No. 826 CHESNUT Street STRENGTH, BEAUTY, CHEAPNESS COMBINED HARDING'S . PATENT CHAIN-BACK j, VnQTOQRAPn albums. ; For Wedding, Holiday, or Birthday Presents, these Albums are particularly adapted. The book trade, and dealers In fancy articles, will And the most extensive assortment of Photograph Albums In the country, and superior to any hereto fore made. For great -Strength, durability, and I cheapness, Harding's Patent Chain-back Albums are r -n..All.4 ii aura will flnrl It rrrantlv tn hAl.' advantage to examine these new lines of goods be. fore making up their orders for stock. ' , ' ' Also, a large and splendid assortment of new styles of Photograph Albums made in the usual manner. No. J26 CHESNUT Street," ' 4 ' ' Philadelphia. 11T T HE JtlKCIP AL DEPOT FOE THE BALB OP V E N U E . S T A M IP R E Na 804 CHESNUT STREET., ' CENTRAL OFFICE, No. 105 S. FIFTH STREET, - (Two doors below Chesnut street), ' . E 8 T . A B L ' I S H E D ,! 1 8 1 The sale of Revenue Stamps is StUl continued at the Old-EBtabllBlied Agencies. i The stock cmiiprlaos every denomination printed hv th (joverumeut. and havius at all times a larire supply, ve are euublcd to till aud forward (by Mail or . Jixiiretui) ail onitTD uuuivuiuhji; ufuu ivvcijiif a uuib-t-r f croat iiriDOrhinco. fnncu T-iuicn iviicn, jmufc nubus, juriuus bn rhlladt'lpuia, and Post Onlce Orders received In puyment. Any information regarding the decisions of 'the ComiiilHMioix-r of Internal Revenue cheerfully and gratuitously furnished. Revenue Stamps printed upon Drafts, Checks, Re ceipts, etc 'I lie fuilowlng rates of commission are allowed on Stamps aud Stamped Pupe, : On tin and upwards.... J per cent, " UK) " 8 " ' BOO " ' 4 M Address all orders, etc., to STAMP AGENCY, so. so csseyx sxiuiT, rinT.Arrj.rmAt IN9UFIANOE. 1R90 -OHARTKU PEEPKTOAJU I . -f ' . " . . ) f f f .- FraiiUii ; Fire ; Insnrasoe Ccspanj PHILADELPHIA, Office, Hot, 435 and 437 CHT32ITJT Bt. Assets Jan. I , -69, $2,677,372' 1 3 cAtTFAtu. . . .... . T. . I .T.7..":iino,eoo-o ACtTtT'KD BURPLTJB... i,M BSBT0 PREMIUMS ' 1.193 843-43 UNSBTTLRD CLAIMS, KdOMltOn 1849, Losses paltl since 1829,0Yer $5,500,030 Ilia (tomnftny a)ao iswnMi PnliniAH nn Ranr. AfDiinilHiniM VI JA B1A.UM.VIA-VUA.U MBlfl, MQ AlOTKAKM. - -r . fiTtrWi-trtinVQ . a . " Alfred G. Rake. ' Alfred lmjaw. ' ' 0 Samuel Grant, ,1 Thomas Hpxrks, ' , Oeorge W. Kioharda, 'William 8. Orant. i - laaaa Lea. I llirnnaa H JTIH. r- ' CteoxgS r ales, , ' 1 OnsUvns 8. Bensoa. .- nnu ut aiv.k., rmeiiinnt. . (tKHUitK VAI.IlH tllL. U.i.lank JAB. W.MflATXIKTRR. Secretary THKODOKK M. REOKR, Assistant Secretary. . It T N 0 U K B A X HO MK X Pens. Futual Life Insurance ' COMPANY. ' '- ? NO. 821 CtTESNtJT STREET, PHLLADELPHLi. , - . ASSETS, 83,000,000. CHARTERED BY OUR OWN STATE. MANAGED BY OUR OWH VIT1ZEH liOSSES PROMPTI.Y PAID. OUCIE8 ISSUED ON VARIOUS FLANS. Applications may be made at tbe Home Office, and at tbe Agencies throughout tbe State. S 181 JANES TRAQUA1R PRK8IDKWT AltlUKTi JK. HTOKEN,, VIOB-PRKSIDKNT JOHN W. HOBNOR A. V. P. and AOTUAKT UOUATIO 8. STEPHENS ...8KORKTAB1 .A...S. ,B..rr.,.it y IIFl INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 805 ISROAUWAir, corner oi EleYentla Street, Iew York. OABH CAPITAL.. .$150,000 aiaCOOO deposited witn the state of New York aa security iwr irvi iv j iijiiirra. LEMUKL BANGS, President. GEORGr: ELLIOTT, A'ioe-Prosident and Secretary. EMORY McOLlNTOOK, Actuary. r A. E. M. PURDY, M. D Medical Examiner. ' ' rHUANCLPBIA aKVBRJtNmtR. Tnomas T. Taaker, i Jobu M. Maris. I J. B. LI ipplnoett, Iionx, Charles Kpencer, William ltvine. Jamee ilnnn A. wrisnt. 18. Morris Wain. Ijirnm Hunur. Artbnr G. Collin, 'John B. MoUreary. K. 11. Worne. Orsanised April, 1M8. 876 Policies insued firat six i over auiiu in tne twelve montna followinir. A 11 forms of Policies issued on most favorable terms. Special advantages offered to Clergymen. A few good agents wanted in city or country. .Apply t ' JAMES At. LwNGAwltll, , Manager for Pennsylvania and Delaware. '", i. ... i. 11 " n mi u i m-rwif, imaueiuuiau JSAMUEL POWERS, Special AgenL 165 S T R I CTLY M U T U A L. Prevident Life and Trust Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ' OFFICE No. Ill S. FOURTH STREET. Organized to promote LIFE INSURANCE amons Good risks oi any class accepted. Policies Issued on approved plans, at the lowest rates. -.- . ; . rresiaent, bamujel k. buifley, wiT.T.uu rf TAwnoTutmnT IWUVl. ,, .mi, r. i., v. uvuviOilUUlU, , A tuarv Iinwr.iNn Pinov The advantages offered by this Wompanv are an. OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NORTH AMERICA. No. 282 WALNUT St. ,t l 1 1 .. .i i . . v. : ruiutuvivuM. t ... , . . Asseta. ...... ........ ... ... ...;4. .............. . ... .83,860)00 , nanu n. uniaoi anu iwii lamjaAJHyJa. OYER 120.00000 LOSSES PAID BIMOK ITS ORG AS. uaiiun, t BIBEOTO A vthnr G. Ooffln. BPrranoU R. Oopa. A Bamuel W. Jones. i Jobn A. Brown, Charles Taylor, , . Ambrose White, W illiam Welnh, ' B. Morris Wain, ' Jobn Mason, Oeorge L-U'son. R Edward U. Trotter, Kdward S. Clarke, ,T. Charlton Henry, Alfred D. Jbbsup. c John P. White, Louis O. Madeira, ' Charles W. OaaUman G. COFFIN, President. OHARLKS PLAIT. Vlo.P.Unt Matthias Maris. Seoretary. . . , ... Chas. 11. RnKvm. Asst. buoretary. i IH ' F AME :INSUBANCE COMPANY. No. 809 CHESNUT Btreet. - INCORPORATED 1868. CHARTER . PERPETUAL, CAPITAL, $300,000. i FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire either by Per petual or Temporary Policies, i Charles Rlohardson, Robert Pearea. . W illiam a. rtoawn, William M. beIert, Henry Lewis, Nathan UilleS. - John K easier, jr., Kdward B. Orne, Charles Stokes, John W. Ererman, Mordeoai Buzby. George A. West, CHARLES RIOUARUHON. President. WILLIAM H. RHA WW, Vloa-Presidenl WXIXIAHS L Blamchakd. Secretary. . T 23? T EE PENNSYLVANIA TIRE INSURANCE lnnrmorated 1H1!A Charter Pernetnal. . No. 610 WA I.N VT Btreet, oopoeite Indepenienoe Srntara. Tliia uomian, lavorauiy anown to tne community lor ovor forty years, ooounnoe insure aicajnat loss ordanv age by nre on ruuno vr rrnate nuiiuiw-s, leaner porma nentlS or tor a limited time. Also on 1 urniture, Btoolii oi lioous, snu nvouiaujH Diicj.u;, on uuerai tenna. Tbeir Capital, totietuer with a large Surplus rJ unci, is invested in tbe meat careful manner, which enables them to oUer to tne utsurea an nnaouutea seoanif la tuaeai ofloa piBEOxas. . ' Panlel Smith, Jr., I Jobn Devorenx, , Alfiunder Benton, I Thomas bmHh. j , , ' l(u.o Har.leburst, ' I Henry Lewis, Ikomas Robins, tiillimjaAui FeU. panlel Rarldock, Jr. DANIKL bMI4.iL Jn. President, WM. O. OROWF.LL. Beoretary. s5 rrilE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO, OF 1 PHILADELPHIA.'- - Oihce 8. W. corner of tOURTH aud WALNUT Streets. v K1RH JNhUR AMOK EXULUH1VBLY. PFRPKTUAL AND TRRU POLIOiES ISSUEIX- - OAbH Capital (pam vp m lull; kjti.tUKj'OO Cueli Assets, Jan. 1, lS70..........K34t,3U3'13 . . . UIRKU'J'OKH. F. Kotcliford Rtarr, Nalbro KraKier, John M. Atwood, , Benj. T. Trediik, Goortfe 11. htum t, J. Ijiiinfraton Rrringer. Jumos L. Olsguorn, W in. G. Iloulton, ; , Charles Wheeler, - 'J liomas H. Montgomery, Jobn m. niw " amos jh. Asrtaea. F. RA I'UIIfORD RTARR. Presiddut, THOMAS H MONTGOM VI KRV Vice-President. ALEX. VV, WJITEU, Secretary. JACOR K. PPTVKBON, Aesmtant Seoretary 3 6 TMPEKIAI4 WEE INSURANCE OO. , . ,. LONDON. 1 '1 , . KSTABLISIILU 1S03. 1 1 pald-np Capital and Aooumulate'd Funds, r S8,000,000 1 1ST GjOLD. PHEV0ST & nEEKIHO, Affeati, 8 45 No, 101 & THIRD SUreet, FUiladulpMa. flHAS. M. PRBVOST. CHAS. P. HERRINQ FURNITURE. RicurJioriD & Co., ' '1. jmST-CLAS3 '. j ' " ' F U R H I T U II E W AR Efi 0 0 M S, " JTo. 4S SOUTH SECOND STREET, ! ' ? ', A8T ELOE, AKOVB CHESNUT, ' ' n tti PHILADELPHIA, 0 NR DOLLAR GOODS FOE 85 CENTS .1 t PATENTS,' p A . T,i OltlOBS TOR rROOURINQ 7 " Fate&ts In the United States and Fo- ' t' reign Countiies, . . " 1 .'-.- FORBK8I BUILD ING B, 110 . roi IlTSt fit., rinlladn.. - ASD MARnLK BUILDINGS, 4 , sr;vi:.TJii strcet,"ioT i ' 4 . ' (OppoeitoV. a Patent Offloe), - "-t . . i ... WASHINGTON. D. O. :' H. HOWSON, 8olioitor of Patents. O. UOWSON.AMornoy-at-Law. Corowncioations to be ado rested to the Principal Offloee. Phlledelpbia. 1 lOmwsSm p A T E N T O F F I C E 8, ' " N. W. Corner FOURTH and CHllSNUT, ' (Entrance on FOURTH street). , rriAucis 73. TASTOHZUS, ' , ..- r i : .'. - -v. . ; SOIJCrrOS OF PATENTS. ', ' Patent ! proenred for lnTcnMons In the Unite. States o iforelgn Countries, and all business it laticg to the same promptly transacted. Call or s -lor circulars on Patents. ....... " Open till t o'clock every erenlng. is smttt! I L L I A S3 8. IRVI IJ, t UEAEKAJi TATEMT AGENT. No. 406 LIBEAKY STREET., OUTOALrS PATENT KLABTIO JOINT IBOB EOOP. AUKRIOAA OOKRUGATKD IRON Oa.8 HAND PAOTURJBS, FIRK-PBOOB' BUILDINGS, ETC TAYLOR A OOALK'S PATENT AUTOMATIC IVOOK-UP SAFKTY VALVB. . BRADFORD'S LOW WATER INDIOATOR, ETO, ETC. . 10 4 til pATCN T OFFICE 8, N. Tf. Corner F0TJETH and WALlf T t f. v PHILADELPHIA ,. 1 -),... . , .' ' FEES LESS THAN ANY OTHER RELIABL AGENCY. ' i ,, Send for pamphlo on Patents, B thstnS .. CHARLES H. EVANS. STATE - EIGHTS FOR - BALE. STAT Bights of a valuable Inventionjust patented, and fo tbe KLMIINV, UU'rriMU, ana UllirriNUof dried beet eahbasr. t -.. are hereby offered for sale. ItissnartinL of ar to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and) e introduced into every family. ISTATit KM-1 i lor sale, irioaei can oe seen at 'llUJtUJiAPU Oi l 1 i, COOPERS POINT. N. J. Wtf MUNDY HOFFMAN. DRUGS, PAINTS, ETO. JOBERT SHOEMAKER A OO. N. S Corner F0 TTETH and EACE Stt. PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE " DRUGGISTS. - . Importers and Manufacturers ot White Lead and Colored Paints, Putty' AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED ... 1 F4 R E N O M ZINO PAINTS Dealers and consumers supplied at lowest ptioei for cash. Ull DRUGGIST AiyD CHEMIST. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS. GLASS. AND f PATENT MEDICINES, Nos. 1301 and . 1303 MARKET St. 10 21 thstuSm ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETO. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND -;ff, JHUUiKtt WUrlrvrt. 1'..DIK l.KVlf ; l?TX'PRACTIOAL AN1 THKORKTIOAK. fci2S'i&KNGINi'.KHS, MACHINISTS. BOILKH 5iAKKWSriU.ACKSMITUS, and FOUNDERS, haying lor many years been in successful operation, and been ex clusively emnured in bnildina- and renairins Marina and River Kngines, high and low pressure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellors, etc. etc, roapectfully offer tbeir ser vices to the oublio as beiofi fully prepared to eontmet for euKices of all sizes, Marino. River, sua Stationary ; having sets of patterns of dittorent sites, are prepared to execute orders with quick dosputuh. Kvory description of pattern making made at the shortest notice. Hisn and Low pres sure irne Tubular and Cylinder Boilers of the best Penn sylvania unarcnai iron. JrorpinKSOI au and kinds. Iron and BruHS CaatinKS of all description. UoU 'l'urnins tierew Cutting, and all other work oonnected with the above business. Drawinxs and speoifloatlons for all work done at the establishment free of oharee. and work guaranteed. - The subscribers have amule wharf dock. room fin- renatra of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are pro. , JACOB O. NrtAFIE. " ' '"''' JOHN P. LEW, 8H BEACH and PALMER Btreets. COUTH WARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND kj wAauirtuxuiN Dtreeis, , PHILADELPHIA. ' ' '. , MERRICK & SONS, ' ' ENGINEERS AND MACUINTSTR. niannfactaro High and Low Pressure Steam Engines Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc. Can tin 28 of all kinds, either Iran or Bmu. Iron 1 nirne Roofs for Gas Works. Workshops, and Railroad Stations, etc Retorts aud ti as Machinery ol tne latest and moat miprovea uohhitucuoh. Every description of Plantation Machinery, also, Sngar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Ol Steam Trains, Defecators, i'Uters, PnmpUig En gines, etc Sole Agents for IT. Blllenx's Sugar Boiling Appa. ratns. Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and A.qpln wall k Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal sagar Drain ing Machines. . . . . sui Q I R A R P TU DE VOnKO JOHN IT. MUllPHY A EROS. BIsiaHr&et or era ef Wransht Iraa Pie. tm, rULLADKLPUlA, PA. - . ' ' - WORKS, WXCNTY.TIIXRB anal F1LJJER StreeCs. ; OFFIOB, 41 Pf. 43 North FIKTII ntvU - NEW PUBLIOATION3. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. A New Oonrse of Lectures, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, embracing the subjects: Hnw to Uve. and What to Live for.i Youth. Maturity, and OM Ave: Manhood Cianerallv Iteviawedi The Causa ol Indigent Ion ; Flutolence and Nervoua Uiaeaaes Accounted lor: Mamane Philosophically Oonaidored, eta, eta. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will be for, warded, poat paid, on receipt of 2o cents, by addroesinjt W . A. LKAR Y, Jh., a. K. 001 ner ol tiD'iH and WALNUT Si . M B K,K1 C K",4 - 8 O N S '". ."' ' SOTJTIIWARK FOUNDRY, ' ; ' ',- No. 430 WASUrNQTON AVEUB, PUUadolphla. ' WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARUBLE ' ' ' QUT-OFF STEAM NGIN,! , Regelated by the Oovetnor. . r MERRICK'S SAFETY BQ1STINQ MACUINB, . Patented Jane, ia08. : - . . 4 DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVELES3 Sa'AM HAMJaKR . I). M. WESTON'S PATENT 8ELP-CENTEK1NH, BJiXE-H A LANCING CiaS'l'RlJb'i;OALSUGAR,DiwlUxtNG MACUlUJt HYDRO EXTRACTOR. 1 For Cotton or Woolen Manufacturers, T 10 Bi ( I, TAVUSUM MMUt WILLIAM at MKBalTa. UZ A- COl'fi. AMUSEMENTS. MERJcAN -1 AOAbEMT 1 OV MUSIC L i 1 THIS MONDAY, JANUART 17, LAST APPEAL ! A1 :K in PHTLADKLPHIA OK KLT WIGHT OKlTjiMtKAHD OPKR. irnor I-efrnnc...... ),v,..Jis..........,.Masaniell f tRnnr Rcyna. . . ,, .... .as ". . T I'letro MaaV;ie Maria Hand as..,....., Veneila , IVUfti lif.H 1VI H"A GRAND OArJT. t a'JD,KHDAY JANUAaV 1. , ;i - j LAST NltiHT OP Th K KKAMOSw ARb.WiLa.APPKAi,AM01t " OF -f MTSS CLARA I.OUISR KKLLOOO. PRRVIOLM XO HKR UKPAKTUKK 1TOK KUROPK. II THHK.K IXFFEUKNr 0PERA8. I intact of 3KAVIATA, - , . , , Inlrdaotofl'AVlgT, . Third act of HOMRAUB0LA. " t ' I e MlSS O. L. KKLLOU j.- t- VTnT.irfrTA MisnuvDHpi -wrt aaw. TOtiKTllhR WlTH OT11KR KNTKRT AILMENTS. aruriliars in LUI.BUAra A (ITert niner, t. ' L A U R A K K E N E'S OmtBNTJT STRKET THRATR. BeetnaatA lbe gifted young- Prima Donna anl favorite. MI8H KURAN MaLTON. AND COMIU KNULIbM OPERA COMPANY. IN TWO NKW PIKOKS TO-NIOHT? , Offenbach's Operotta, first time, , ' THK PRIMA IifinNa hlr A Tetfin ad screaming operntt a, first time here.' 1 l',ll!tllilj; I1V A1K-V. FRIDAY-MRU. PYNK lALTON'S BPNEEIT. Offenbach's "LI TTLK DUCHF.SS." BUS A N UAIi'OM MATlMKK, SATURDAY AT 2. WALNUT STREET 'THE TRTS, N. E. COR. NINTH and W A UNDT 8reete.-Bearns at V to THIS (Monday) KVKN1NO. Jan. 17. - THK YOUNU VOL17NTKKR8 VIOTORIOUS. Thirteenth NiRhtof tbe hiehly successful new ROMANTIC MILITARY 1K AM A In four acts, by Watts Phillins, Esq., entitled NOT OITIljTY. ' THE YOUWO VOL"NTK,KK CORPS and ' BaOK'8 PUILADKLPUIA RAND, No. 1. Am snicatarAil .. . THE I-IKLD OE BATTLE DURINO A FIKRCR FNOAGKMENT. Chslrs secured sl' days In advanoe. M R8. JOHN DREW8 "ARCH BTREET THKATRR. BiwIosXtoS. PKCOND W P. UK LITTLE ES'I.T THE SUCOKSa P THK R KARON. EVERY NIOUTTUia WEEK.. With new Scenery, " ' Orsat KfTocts and Kins Cast, Ilalliday Dickens Drama, - L1TTLK KM'I.V. . ' . 0 MARTHA...... : MRS. JOHN DRE' Aided by tbe full Company MONDAY NKXT-JOH-N ltROUOIIAM. FOX'S AMERICAN ' THJATR OPPN THE YKAR ROUND. EVERY EVENING.. PHKRIDAN AND MACK, Mr. Rollin Howard. THK tiKtfAT GYMNAST. Frank A (tlhhnna. Mlaa Tfa Brent, Mine Adah Richmond, Mr. lrryTooley, Mr. Bam Devere, Mr. Thon as Winnetl, NATHALIE, THE MILK MAID OFSWIT7.KRLAND, Mad'lle De Rosa, I.npo.ete Matinee nn SATURDAY ARlKRNtON aa uw.b NEW ELEVENTH ( STREET f O PER BOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above Chesnut. THK FAMILY RK8ORT. OARNCROSS A DIXEY'S MINBTRKLS. the treat Star Troupe of the world, In tbeir ueanalt ETHIOPIAN BOIHKKS, . BEAUT1ITJL BALLADS. BONGS. OFERATIO SELECTIONS, and LAUGHABLE BURLESQUE? EVERY EVKNINO. J. I- OARNCROSS, Manager. R, T. BIMPROW, Treasurer. SltTera DUPREZ & BENEDICT'8 OPERA HOUSE. BKVFNTH St., below Arch (Late Tbet.Uw lomioue). THIS EVENING, DUPRKZ A BENEDICT'S Groat Uie-MOtto Minstrels. - -I Introduce, Firm Time MAN LIKE BOAT. First Tiitie M KDK A j OR, RISTORI RESTORED. First Time-SPORTB OK THE ARKNA. . Admission, Vie. Parpnet. 75c Gallery, 85a. 1 17 tft VALER'8 (LATE . MILLER'S) WINTEI GABDFN, Nos. 790, 72. 724, and 728 VINE Street. THE GRAND OKCHl'STRION, formerly the proper of the GRAND DUKR OF BADEN, purchased at r7s expense by JACOB VALER.of Uus city, in eombinatnj with FLAMER'S ORCHESTKA and Miss NIC LLC A NDERMON, will perform EVERY AFTERNOON aa EVENING at the above-mentioned place. Admission free. H3ttn TEMPLE OF WONDERS, ASSEMBLY BUILU ! INGS. - BIGNOR BLITZg - I EVERY EVENING, at 7M, and MATINEE on WXD NitbDAY and SATURDAY at 6. Admission, 26 cts. Reserved Beats, 60 cts. gl 10 SENTZ AND HASSLER'S MATINEE? MUSICAL FUND HALL, 1W-70, every SATU R DAY AFTERNOON at 8V o'clook. - -' 1019 WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. VE.WIS LADOHUS&CO; 'BIAMOIfD SEALERS & JBWElKS.l ' WATCHES, .KWCLRI A SIIA8B WAKS. II . WAT0EE3 and JEWELRY REPAIEED. j02 ChestTiTit St., PhHay Ladies' and Gents' Wtvtches AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, Of tb most celebrated makers, . FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEQNTINE j ' -, 1 In Hand 18 karat. U-ifH " DIAMOND and otboz Jewelry of the latest designs. Engagement and Wedding Rings, In 18-karat and ooi Solid Silver-Wars lor Bridal Presents, Table Outlef Plated Ware, eta. 1 . , . s . w 1 116 ficwi EHTABLISHEB 182S. WATCHES, JEWELRY, . - . CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, And V FANCY GOOD -1 . ,. ' , t ............ -,J ffQ. n V. BLTTH BTRSBT, rHILADBLPHIAJ'. ICH J C VJ C L R Yr X O II IV 13 11 e n;n a. n DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELLER, NO. 13 SOUTH EIGHTH STUEET, Slmwltmrp ' v PHILADELPHIA. ' in .... 1 1 WILLIAM B. WAr.NE CO Wholesale Dealura in ' WAr,V1llt.U A k- . . 1 1, II' If r nw . i. f .v. ....... antr rjn, . corner BKVENTII and CUESIirF Ptraat Beoond floor. anaJaUot No. e & TJHOtP bt, CURTAINS AND HADES. He C AR R Y h Has reiomed tbe Curtain Business witn Ws Sons at No. 723 CHESNUT STREET, - ' ' Two doors above his Old Stind. CURTAIN DECORATIONS! of the neWost fabrier ELEGANT GILT Slid ROSEWOOD CORNICES. TASSELS, FRINGES, WINDOW SHADES, LACl CL'RTALNS, Irom tne plainest to the most elaborat and expensive. RAILROAD SUPPLIES. W. II. CAREYL '3& "!S0NS . No. 723 CIIESNUT, STREET, . 11 80 81 -. Two doors above our Old Stsnd -,-r-v r-- -- - r x - FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE ' J. WATSON ' BOH1,. RV pfeOI the late Ann of EYAMS A WATSOS.j5 FHIE AND BUllGLAH-rK0OF g A F K f3 T O Tt H, KO; 63 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, 181 ." - - A few doors abeve Ob sec Kit St., Pkilal . "T ' -T "".-" ' DR. M. KLINE CAN CURE CUTANEOV Kras duns. Marks on the Kkln, Ulcers In tbe Ihrot -month aed o, sore legs and sores of everv concetvar' b.t; Ott-ce, tio. SsbwuUi AXEVEAXU. betwe)