HIE IUILY EVENING fELEGKAPIl rillLADELrillA, SATURDAY, JANUARY !, 1870. 5 fflCHlCAI, AWH IHIAMAT1U. The t'ltr Amnaement.. Tnn Italian Oi-hra. There will be matinee to-day, when t.iwla di Chamnnnix will be performed, with. Miss Kellogg ai "Linda." On Monday MntavifVo will be prodaeed. At tor fiiRssrT, Xehonl will be acted at the matinee tn-dav, and tills rvRiilnpr Mis Jieona and her company will rnakn their last appearance f or a number of week In AAo Marff Matrimony, The Artrem by lntHht, and '"ft Aw. On Monday tfias Hunan Oalton will appear In a favorite operetta. At thr Wai-ntt the Interesting military drama of A'of Giifty will bn repeated afternoon and t' tmh Aikiii tfto i'm'ty will bo given this after noon and evening. At Dtfi'KKz A hrkkpict'r Oi-kra llorss a fine pro gramiiia of attractions will ho presented this evening. At thr Ki.RVKNm Stiikkt Oi-kka Hon a variety of entertaining performances will be given this evening. Hkikok Bi.itz and his son will execute Rome of their moat wonderful feats of initglo at the Assembly Building thla afternoon mid evening. Tub Kkktz-II AHHi.Kit Orchkstka will give a matinee at 4 o'clock 1. M. to day, at Musical Kund Uall. I'm 1x1:31 s. Von Car Boi Brttrh AHI Ohf.aprr Clothing or Bknsktt A CO., THAN Antwhrhr Klsr. 1 nn'Mr ii-tl prrtrxi may fce aenimed for tacrifirinf good. tre tritl fll tinner than the ImreH, Rrmkmhkh thr Fi,aok, No. 6IS Maukkt Ktiikkt,. No. 618 Mabkkt Ktbkf.t, H AIT-WAT BRTWKF1 Ftr'tU ANI SIXTH. Haij-wat Bktwker Fifth and Sixth. FrRJfisHnw China and Olass Khtaih,ishmr!t. Kekb'h China Ham,, No. 1318 Ohrsstt Stbsit. Famllios furnishing or replenishing will Hod at ths China Uall, No. 1218 Chetmut atret, the most oomplote stock of all kinds of China, (Jlass, and Stoneware la the elty. Our assortment comprises everything from oomraon fellow and brown stoneware for ths kitchen, to the richest China and Glassware imported, Aa all our goods are of our own direct importation, families have the adrantags of making their purohasos in email quantities at whole sale prices. Those about furnishing are invited to oall and Inspect oar goods and prices be 'ore making their pur chases. Gold Band Tra-hrtb. 44 PiRcr.s ron ci2 sa 48 PlRCEH FOB $13'M. . At Kerr's China Hall, No. 1218 Chesnut street. Whitr Fnolwh Stonr China DlNNF.ll Srts, BtrpFicilNr to Dinr 12 Prrsons, for $1o. BrrynoiBNT to Dinr 12 Pbrsons, Fon $18. Cheapest Sets ever offered, mado up of useful pieoes Only. TtRW MajcIi.ica Warb. Just reoeivsd, per ship Alfred, a choice selection of Ale Pitolurs, Nut Dishes, Bread Plates, snd Fancy Articles, in Majolica, all entirely new goods in this market. Kerb's China Hall. No. 1218 Ohesnut street. Knoubb Opt-glass Drcanterh. Now open, a new tnvoioe of heavy rioh Out English Decanters, per ship John Barbour, entirely new styles, to be had only at Kf.rii's China Hall, No. 1218 Chesnut street. Frxnch Fiar-proof PoiirciiN. Something entirely new, for culinary purposes; will stand the fire. OoSee Pots, Tea Pots, Milk Pitchers, Stew Pans, Egg Dishes, etc. Kvery housekeeper should use It. Kkkb's Ohina Hall. No. 1218 Ohesnut strsst. " B8T QtrAUTT Pine White French Chinn, Breakfast, Dinner, Dessert, and Tea Sets. Scfficirnt to Dinr IS Pebsonh, fob $25. SinyioiRNT to Dinr 12 Prbsonh, for $34. StrrTToutNT to Dinr 12 Prbhons, for $5l. the above are nude up of useful pieces only, and of the ' best Quality. Kf.RH'S Chins Hall, No. 1218 Ohesnut street. Bust Quai.itx White French China Tea ssts, 46 pieoes, '- $7 SO, $9, $12 60. and 1'60 per set. Kjciik'b China Hall, No. 1218 Ohesnut street. AT Kerb's China Hall, No. 12i8 Ohesnut street, New ' Goods sow opening: KnglishChop and Steak Dishes, Hot Water, Plates, eto. eto. FlNB ClXKKB, BnONzxs, Parian, Bxti- Etc., at Kerr's China Hsll, No. 1218 Ohesnut street. Jkwklbt. Mr. William W. Oassldy, No. 13 S. Second street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of 1 fine Jewelry and Silverware In the olty. Purchasers oan . rely upon obtaining a real, pure artiolo, furnished at a prioe whloh cannot be equalled. He also has a large stock - of American Western Watches la all varieties and at all : prioea. A visit to his storo is sure to result ia pleasure and profit. . Rubbbb Otkbshors and Boots for Men, Women, and Children, can be had at retail at the very lowest prioes. Oeodyear's manufacture, old stand, No. 808 Chesnut street, lower side. Tearing bows Part ef Our Store. Tearing down part of our Store, Tearing down part of our Store. Tearing down part of our Store. Not enough room for the Good Not enough room for the Goo da. Not enough room for the Good. Not enough room for the Good. Will sell them Will sell them . Will sell them Will sell them Lower than Ever. Lower than Ever. Lower than Ever. Lower than Ever. Overcoats at T-60 Overcoataat. 10-00 Overcoau at. 12-50 Overcoats at. 15-00 OvercoaU at. SO-fo Business CoaUat... stK) Business Coats at... 8 DO BuBlnesa Coats at. . .10-00 Business Coats at. . .13-00 Pants (all wool) at . . 8-00 rants (all wool) at . . 4-00 rants (all wool) at. . . 6-00 Pants (all wool) at... 6-60 Pants (all wool) at, . . ,7 -SO Vests (all wool) at . . . 1-50 Vests (all wool) at. . . 8-50 Vests (all wool) at... 8-50 Vesta (all wool) at... 4-25 Vests (all wool) at... 6-00 Boys' Overcoats at.. 6-00 Boys' Overcoats at.. 6-50 Boys' Overooats at,. 7-50 Boys' Overcoats at..l0-oo Boys' Overcoats at.. 13-50 Boys' Undercoats at. 6-00 Boys' Undercoats at. 6-00 Boys' Undercoats at. 8-00 Boys' Undercoats at. 10 -00 Boys' Jackets at,..., 20 Boys' Jackets at..... 8-50 Boys' Jackeu at..... 4-00 Boys' I'ants at. 8 50 Boys rants at 8-50 Boys' Pants at. 4-00 Boys' Pants at, .... . 6-00 Cost Elsewhere. ... . 110-00 Cost Elsewhere 15-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 18-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 82-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 80-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 10-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 12-00 Cost Elsewhere 14-00 Cost Elsewhere IT DO Cost Elso where,.... 6 00 Cost Elsewhere 600 Cost Elsewhere..... 7-00 Cost Elsewhere 9-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 10 DO Cost Elsewhere 8-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 4 DO Cost Elsewhere..... 6 DO Cost Elsewhere. .... 6 DO Cost Elsewhere..... 7-50 Cost Elsewhere. .... 8 DO Cost Elsewhere...., 10 DO Cost Elsewhere. .... 11 DO Cost Elsewhere..... 15-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 20 DO Cost Elsewhere 8 DO Cost Elsewhere. .... 9-00 Cost Elsewhere..... 11D0 Cost Elsewhere...., 13 DO Cost Elsewhere. .... 8-50 Cost Elsewhere. .... 4-50 Cost Elsewhere. .... 50 Cost Elsewhere 8-50 Cost Elsewhere. .... 4-50 Cost Elsewhere. .... 6-50 Cost Elsewhere,.... 700 For the accommodation of the publio we will keep open every evening until o'clock, and Saturdays until 10 o'clock. WANAMAKER A BKOWN, WANAMAKElt A BUOWN, OAK UALL, OAK HALL, 8.-K, COUNEU 8IXTII AND MARKET STREETS, S. B. CORNER SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. Put Ft. The nwst effectual way of guarding ene's health is to keep the feet dry, and that oan only b. don by th.nseof India Rubber Ovtrahoes, and M the Inols nient Mason is upon us, we would advise oar reader to any Bona but the brat quality, which can only be had at OoodiSab's Heidquarters, No. 806 Ghssnut atreot, south slJe, rhlladolphia, "Eatrrt FROM THR I.AmFH.- Rlnoe the Introdoetlon of PttAION'S VrTAMAOll 8U.VATION FOR THR llAIII, ladies who formerly aad dye re universally abandoning them. They find the new art Ida ao hat miens, ao clean an 4 pore, fto pleasant to the senses, anil withal ao euperior aaa means of renewing the original color, that they absolutely almdder when they think of the tllthj atutl they onoe used. HaLi.ft, Davis ft Oo.'s new Orand and Square Pianos should be aeon and heard by purchasershefnre purchasing elsewhere. . They are fully equal to all that ia aald of them. Warerooms, No. 937 Ohesnut street. StNGFn'S FAMILX SKWIMQftACHtNEH, Ten dollars oath. BaUnoe In monthly Instalments. O. V. Patib, No, 810 Ohesntft street. But yonr clothing of Oharels Stokes, 824 Chesnut street, under the Continental Hotel. iriAiticiisn. DOWF.I,f,-8TAGKRS. On the tilth Instant, in this city, by the Rev. t. H. Hanson, i. J , "II A 1(1, Ki H. HuWKl.L to OLIVIA. H., daughter of William P. Sta gers, Kw., of Camden, N. J. 8TPH AHH-HbYTIf K. neeembar 14, by Rev. 11. A. Smith. HAMUF1, L. HYPHAKU to HAUHIKf V. LLll llK, aUol Watt Philadelphia. iii:i. BOOOS. On the inth instant, Mrs. SARAH, wife or William Hoggs, and daughter of Hugh Dart, iutbeliSth ye r ot her age. iier relatives ana mentis are iniw w .imu'i it,uv ral, from the reaidnnceof hur bitsliaml, No. 1417 lianover street, on Sunday aiternoon at 1 o'clock. KMLKR. On the 14th Instant, KUZA URINOUS, eldest dungbter of John and Anna M. Kilor, In the T'A Veai of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to mett tno body at l'J'j o'clock, upon the arrival ot the triiin it the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, Thirty ti rst and Mar k nt streets, on Monday, the 17th Instant. Services at the Munition House, Woodlands. PRYOR,-On the 11th instant, ALBKRT PRYOR, in the 83d year of his age. The relatives and friends ot the family, also the mem bers of Adelphia lodge, No. 7, K.. of P., are reapeotiully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of bis parents. No. 1418 Fawn street, on Sunday, ths 16th instant, at 1 o'clock P. M. 81 TCVKN. On the 13th instant, of typhoid pneumonia, H K.NRY K 8TKVKN, in the 3)th year ot bis age. The relatives and friends of the tamilv, also the mem- burs of Rising fetar Lodge, No. 121, A. Y.M. ; Amity l,origa. No. Itf, 1. 1. of (. V. ; Typographical Union, No. 2; Philudelphia Typographical Society j and l,ast Mun Bro thetbood, are invited to attend the funeral, from his late rcFidence. No. lulii Wharton street, on Sunday afternoon at I S o'clock. STOCKTON.-QuieHy.ontbe 13th Instant, ANNA 0 wfe of Thomas H. Stockton. Fur, oral to take place in Wilmington, Delawtre, on Monday, the 17th instant, at 2 o'clock P. M., from her father's residence. No 71W French street. YUNU. MARY ELIZABETH, daughter ef Henry and Mary Kliziilieth Young, and grandduuahter of Henry and Margaret tioblanka, aged 2 years and 7 months. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. PI2 PasBjrunk road, on Sunday afternoon at II o'olook. ZKPP. On the 13th instant, Mr. PHILIP ZKPP, in the 61-th year of bis sge. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No. 'Mi Palmer street, on Monday aftsrnoon next at 2 o'olock. To proceed to Hanover Street Vault. MOURNING DRY COODS. ENGLISH BOMBAZINES. 1J Just receiveFbne case Blaok English Bombazines, all qualities, from $l'fU to 3 per yard. BKSSON A 8'N- MOIJRN1NO DRY GOODS. No. P18 CHF.SNUT STREET. 1 11615p I WESSON & 80N WILL OPEN TO-DAY 1 csss Black and Purple Figured De Laiues, 22o. 1 cine Black and White do. do. 2rlo. 1 case Blaok and Lead Plaid do, azo. o casoa tray anu uiaca wuintzen. isjc. MOUKNINO DRY OOODS HOUSE, No. 918 OHESNUT STREET. 1 11 6tSp DRY COODS. 223 VARIES & WAENES, Nortlt IMnlli Street. We are selling the balance of 17 PACKAGES, 448 riEOES, 223 19.40G YARDS, Bleached and TJnbleaohed Muslim, Selow Wholesale Prices! New York Hills. Wamsutta, O. Davol, WilllamsvlUe, Tuscarorn. Forrestdale, Fruit of the Loom, Semper Idem, Yi bitinsviue, eto. eto. Pillow-rase Muslins, 19, 20. 22, and 25 cents. Sheeting Muslins, all widths, all makes. Unbleached Muslins, all widths and qualities. LINEN GOODS. Table Linen", 86, 87X, 40, 48. B0, 76. 81. 85, $1, eto. Bleached Tame linens, vo ceuia 10 i w. I.in.n TnweU. Ilk 18. an. 22. ill. SI. eto. ato. All-linen Navkias, Doylies, Linen Uuokaback, Apron Bird-ee Linen, wursery inaper, eic. Linen tbirt Fronts, Sfi, 87). 4f, 60, etc. Shirt Fronts, our own well known make. Shirt Fronts closed in front. FARIE8 No. 223 & WARNER. 1ST. NINTH STREET, ABOVE RACK. N. B. Just received, Quilts, $2 50, $3, $3 60, !) a large let of Jacquaid Loom it UNMADE MU8LIN CAPS SflOdotsn Embossed Moulin CapB, in pattern crown and bead pieces. 8i"25 a dozen, or I'JIto. a Cap. Also, low priced Muslin Edging and Ruffling, for trimming the m" WII1TK SII.K I.ACE BARHKS. 100 dozen Blond Barbes, only loo. May be used to ad vantage for Trimming Evening Di eeaes, etc. COn OS ftlKUIlLIN OR II.IjITHION. On hand, a large lot yard-wide (Jetton Mechlin, only 101o. a yard, by the piece; an excellent aubatitute (or the flimsy Bilk Illusion for F.vening Dresses, oto. JONEH' 41-INCH , IIKAVY CAMBRIC A line of this celebrated Muslin one third less than 4'VVO-YARD wide swish muslin For Uveninr Dron. ONJB Al5l TWO-YARD WIDE FRENCH 01 INI, IN For livening Dreaasa. Among the French are several very fine Numbers, at greatly reduoed prices, by the dress or piece, at VV 1 F n 1 Laos. Embroidery and White Goods Store, It No. 88 North EIGHTH Street. CROOERIE8. ETO. SHERRY WINE. Clioico Tabic tSliei'i'y In small casks, 80 gallons, at f 2 7S per gallon by the cask, or S3 00 by the five gallon demijohn. E. BRADFORD CLARKE. Successor to Simon Cotton ft Clarke, S.W, Corner Broad and Walnut, 1 6 tuths PHILADELPHIA. TRAVIS' CGLEUUATEI) IIAJIS, JTJbT RECEIVED. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer la Fine Groceries, II n Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Street JODGERS AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET KNIVES, Pearl and Stag Handles, of beautiful finish, RODGER8' and WADE ft BUTCHER'S RAZORS, and the celebrated LEUOLTRK RAZOR BOISSORS of the finest quality. Rarors, Knives, Scissors, and Table Cutlery Gronnd and Polished at P. MADEIRA'S. No, 116 S. TENTH Street, below Chesnut. $10,000, f000, and 5000 TO LOAN ON uiortgsge, at par. Apply to HWI9 H RKDNKR, No. 7.1 WALNUT htreet. 1 Uit 'ART EXHIBITION. AMERICAN BEAUTY PERSONIFIED ; The TV in o IMitoM. Will be opened for Fibibition, ta a few dan, the series of Faintlns of "tUB NINR MUtill.H." BV JOHK.rU FAQHANI. AT CARLES' GALLERIES AND LOOKING GLASS WARER00M3, No. 810 OHESNUJ STREET, tl5 2t I'HILkDRLPHIA. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. 4r EFAL ESTATE TnOMAS A SONS' SALE. ijlX On Tuesday, Jan. SB, 1870. at 12 o'clock, noon, w uibe aold at publio sale, at the Philadelphia Kx change, the followln(r-dcHc.rlled property, rlz. : No. 1. Three-Rlory brick Btore and dwellings, No.0T Korth levtnth street. All that three-ctory brick store and dwellings and lot of ground situate on the east aide of Eleventh street, f8 feet north of Poplar Mrcct, No. Qti, containing in front on Eleventh street 16 feet, and extending In depth T3 feet; also, 1 three-story and 1 four-Btory brick dwelling; in tha rear on an alley, with the privilege thereof. An old Btaud for a Hour and feed Btore. Nob. 8 and 8. J'ulhllng lots. No, 8. All that lot of ground situate at the Bonth- eaet comer of Eleventh btuI Olive streets, contain ing hi front on F.loveuth Btrect to feet, on Olive street fill feet 61- Inches, on the eat line 69 feet, more or less, and on the south line 49 feet, more or k'8. Honndcd on the north by Olive street, on the west bv Eleventh street, on tho east by improved property (houses and lots) on Olive and C'oates Htreels. and on the south ptirtly by the lot next ile- scribeu, nun partly iy me reur or a ooates street lot. No. 8. All that lot or ground situate on the east Ide of Eleventh street, so leet south of Olive street, 8 feet front on Kleventh street, by id feet 3 Inches deep. I'-ounded by tho lust described lot and the tomes street iota. Nos. 4, B, and . i.otn, Front street, north or Dia mond street, lVth ward. No. 4. All those 2 lots or ground, west side of Front street, rt feet north of Diamond street, each H feet front by 110 feet deep to Hope street. No. r. All tnose r lots oi grounii.west sine oi r row street. 120 feet north of Diamond street, each 18 feet front by 110 feet deep to Hopo street. NO. o. All mm lot oi ground, west siueoi rroni street, 235 feet north of Diamond street, IV feet rront, no reel deep 10 nope street. For further partlctiluM apply to Charles Meyers, Esq., No. 142 V South Fourth street. ffl. Till vi as X su.N.9, Aricuoneers, 115 22 Nos. lbO ami 141 S. i oi;KTU Street REAL ESTATK THOMAS SONS' SALE. On Tuesday, January 2ft, 1S70, nt 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publii: sale, at the Philadel phia Exchange, tnc ioiiowing tiescrincn properties, vi-. : No. 1. Three-story brick Dwelling. No. G100 Baring street, about three sutmres from tho Wire Bridge. All that three-story brick ntessmigo and lot of ground, situate at, No. BUM Baring street ; lot 21 feet front, 120 feet deep to a passage-way. Tlio house has gas, both, hot cud cold water, etc. Terms t'-'Oflo may remain on mortgage. No. 2. Eight new three-story brick Dwellings, Ellsworth street, west of Twentv-Hrst street. All those eight new three-story brick dwellings and lot of ground, situate on the south sldo of Kllstvorth street, west of Twenty-nrst street, Nos. 2102.2101, 2100, and 2108;- each 1C feet front, 6S feet deep to Annie street, and Nos. 2122, 2124. 2I2. ana 2123: earn 15 feet front, and C leot deep to said street. F.ach lumt-c contains 6 rooms, with gas. water in yard. goctl cclNrs, etc. Terms Jl-tiiu may remain for 0 j ears, froni r-eptFnim-r 'if. iwr,. M. THOMAS' MNS, Auctioneers, 1 15 s2t Nos. i;m and 141 3. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE THOMAS A SONS' 8AI.Fi Three-story Brick Dwelling, No, 1900 Carlton stieet, Fifteenth ward, on Tuesday, dan. is, ihio. at 12 o'clock, noon, will he aold at publio Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, an mat three-sttry hrirK ...1,1. ...r.r l nn,l I.. I n..n,l iiiciv,iiikit, mull wur-ntui j ivii.i,fTi, uun iu, Kiitiuii, situate on the Bouth side of Carlton street, 70 feet west of Nineteenth street, No. 1900; thence extend ing southward at right angles witn canton street si feet; thence west three feet; thence further south IT feet: thence further west 11 feet to a 3-feet wide alley, which extends north Into Carltou street: thence north along said ailey4rffeet to Carlton street, and thence along tho same 14 feet to the place of beginning. The nouse contains T rooms. Terms, casu. possession wninii an (in vs. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, It Nos. 189 and 141 S. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE. THO HAS A SONS' SALE. Mil Three three-story Brick Dwellings, Nos. 5. 7 and 11 North Thlrty-soventh street, north of Market street, on 'ineBday, January 2r, 1H7U, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those three three-story brick mes suages, with two-story back buildings, and lots of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the cast side of Thirty-seventh steet, north of Market street, Nos. 5. 7 and 11 : each lot containing in front 20 feet. and extending In depth 40 feet. Have the ga intro duced, ttatn, not and coin water, cooKing range, etc. They will be sold separately. $17&0 may remain on mortgage on eacu. M. TnOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 1 15 B2t Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. REAL ESTATE THOMAS A SONS' SALE Three story brick dwelling. No. 19119 Camac street, above Berks street. On Tuesday, February 6, 18T0, at 18 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick messuage, with two-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the east sldo of Camac street, Twenty-eighth Ward, No. 19SI9; containing In front on Camac street 17 feot, and extending in depth 73 feet, Including on the north line the half of a two reet wine antsy, jibs gas, uutn, neater, range, etc. Terms :iuw may remain it desired, posses sion In March, 170. M. THOMAS A SONS. Anctloneers, 1 15 S3t Nos. 139 aud 141 S. FOURTH Street REAL ESTATE THOMAS A SONS' 8ALE.- Three-storv Brick Dwelling, No. 916 8. Ni ne t-nth street, below Christian street. On Tuesday, I ii UK IOTA 1H n'i,liAit- Mnnii will t ll unlit ul UOU11UI j ,oiu, m . v V. , i . ' I, , IIWl'HJ ..... ,v w publio Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situ ate' on the west sldo of Nineteenth street, 49 feet north of Carpenter street. No. t)16; the lot containing In front on Nineteenth street 16 feet, and extending in denth Co feet to a 4 leet wide anuy, with tne privi lege thereof. Subject to a yearly ground rent of M. Terms S.MI0 may remain on mortgage. Immudlato possession. Keys at the auction store. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 1 15 2t Nos. 139 and 141 8. FOURTH Street. OENT.'S FURNISHING COODS. piNE DRESS SHIRTS. J. W. SCOTT & CO., No. 814 CnESNOT STREET, TIIILA. GENTLEMEN'S FANCY HOODS IN FULL VARIETY. 1 8 stuthrp WANTS. iu J UK nuKKinu ulssb.-ivs are now pre narsd to furnitih all olasaea with couHlant .iiimov mint at home, th. whol. of the time or for the spare moments. Business new. light, and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from Wo. to $o per evening, aod a proportioual sum uy devoting moir nuoie tnu. to tlie iiunmeKS. Koys and gir. s earn nearly as much aa men. That all who see this not ice may send their addrsna. and test the business, w. mske this unparalleled oiler: To such aa are not well ealintied, we will send l to pay for 1he trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuanle Ham pie, which will da to commence work on, and a copy of IVi. lvi.r't Literary L'amtmn inn- one of tha lanresa ah I .hast familv newnnaoers Duhlinued all sent fro br mail. veauer, ii tini iiuiuibudu,, ifruuunw.v wur. euureia K. u. Ai.j.tn ju., Augusta, juaiue. 1 1 .aa WANTED A PARTNER WITH CAPITAL, It to engage in the Weol Business. Address A. K., a u. juj K)ilJl.ji sireev. lt HATS AND CAPS. WARBURTON'8 IMPROVED VENTI- lated and eaay-ttuing Dresa llats (patented), in i th. iiuprovetl fasliionaof the nut door to the Post Omua, a. uauuiku i DiM UWryt HEL MB OLD'S PREPARATIONS HKL.M HOLD'S BUCIUr, THK ONLY KNOWN remedy for diabetes, irritation of the neck of the bladder, Inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, strangury, or painful nrlnating. HELMBOI.DS UPCIIU, TUB ONLY KNOWN remedy for diabetes, Irritation of the neck of the bladder, Inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, strangury, or painful urinating. nEI.MBOLD'8 BUCUU, THE ONLY KNOWN remedy for diabetes, Irritation of the neck of the bladder, Inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, strangury, or painful urlnatiRg. nELMBOLDS BUCHU, TUB ONLY KNOWN umedyfor diabote, irritation of the neck of the bla lib r, Inflau matlon of the kidneys, catarrh of the bind it r, stran. ury, or painful urinating. ir lEkMI OLD'S BUCHU, THE ONLY KNOWN ren rdy for diabetes, irritation of the neck of the Madder, inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the Maild.ti. t trangury, or painful urinating. IT ELMBOLDS BUCHU, THE ONLY KNOWN remedy for diabetes, Irrltat on of the neck of tho bladder, inflammation of tho kldieys, catarrh of the bladder, strangury, or painful urinating. nELMBOLDS BUCHU, THE ONLY KNOWN remedy for diabetes, irritation of the neck of the bladder, Inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, Btrangury, or painful urinating. HELM HOLD'S BUCUU, THK ONLY KNOWN remedy for diabetes, irritation of the ueck of the Madder, inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of tho bladder, strangury, or painful urinating. TIELMBOLDS BUCHU, THE ONLY KNOWN remedy for diabetes, irritation of the neck of the Madder, inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, strangury, or painful urinating. H ELMBOLDS BUCHU, TUB ONLY KNOWN remedy for diabetes, Irritation of he lector tho bladder, Inflammation of the kidneys, oataiT i f the bladder, strangury, or painful urinating, lloawwp ... FINANOIAL Tim FIRST MORTGAGE BOND S of th Chicago, Danville, and Vin cenncs Railroad. Total amount to be Issued $2,fW,000 Capital Stock paid in 2,100,000 Estimated Cost of Road (140 miles) 4,. TOO, 000 Estimated Earnings per annum... . 2,G3!,.10G Net Earnings per annum 870,768 Interest on the Loan per annum... 17",000 Amount of Bonds per mile of Road 18,000 Amount of Interest per mile 1,260 Amount of Net Earnings per mile . G,28i The Bonds follow the compiet'on of the Road have the Union Trust Company of New York as their Official Register and Transier Agent and are sold at preeert at 5 and accrued Interest. They bear examination and comparison better, It is believed, than any other now before the public, in the Died and unchangeable elements of Safety, Se curity aud Profit. They bear good Interest Seven per cent Gold for forty yiars and are secured by a Sinking Fund, and First Mortgage uj on the road, its ontat, and net In come, the Franchises, and all present and future ac quired property of the Company. They depend upon no new or half -settled territory for business to pay their Interest, but upon an old, weli-mtled and productive country assuming that a railroad bunt through the heart of such a region offers better security for both Interest and Principal than a road to be built through the moat highly ex. tolled wilderness or sparsely settled territory. This Palli-i ad possesses special advantages, In running Into and out Of the City of Chicago, an Im portant Railroad and Commercial Centre; la run ning through a line of village and old farming set tlements In the richest portion of tv.e State of Illi nois ; in running near to deposits of Iron Ore of great extent and value, and over broad fields of the best coal In the State which mining Interest! are its monopoly. And besides the local und other business thus assured, there will be attracted to this road the considerable traffic already springing up "from the " Lakes to the Golf ;" as with its Southern Connections ltjrorms a Trunk Line 45 miles shorter than any other routp from Chicago to Nashville. These bonds are therefore based npon a Reality, and a Business that a few years must Inevitable double aud competent Judges say treble In value. Governments selling while tho price is high pay well If put Into these Bonds, aud Trust or Estate Funds can lie put into NOTHING BETTER Puuipbltts, with Maps, eto , on hand for dlstrlbn tioa Bonds may be had directly of us, ot of our Agents In Philadelphia DE HAVEN & BROS., No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BANKEUS, DEALERS IS GOVERNMENTS, GOLD, ETC., SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THESE BONDS. VT, BAILEY LANG & CO., Merchants, 1 11 tutli.itf"l No 61 CLIFF Street, New York. AGENTS FOR TJJE SALE OF THKSS BONDS. COUPONS or Union Pacific Railroad Co., Central Pacific Railroad Co., U, S. 5-20s and 1881s, DUE JANUARY 1, 1870, BOUGHT. GOLD I$OLTCrIIU DE HATEN & BEO., DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT GOLD, ETC., SECURITIES, No. 40 8outh THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN 8. RU8HTON & CO., No. 60 SOUTH THIRD STREET. JANUARY COUPONS WANTED. CITY WARRANTS IB 8m BOUGHT AND SOLD. pm 8. PETERSON & CO.. Stock and Exchange Broken, NO. 39 BOUTH THIRD STREET, Members of the New York and Philadelphia and Gold Boards. STOCKS, BONDS, Eta, bought and aold on oea mission only at either city l set CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT AND BOLD. C. T. YERKES. Jr., & CO. NO. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHIL A D BTT.PHIA WATOHE8, JEWELRY, ETO. C. & A. PEQTJIGNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN WATCHES, Ro. IS Bouth MIXTII Street. Ilmwsfrs) MANUFACTORY, No, W S, FlfTU Btreet. FINANOIAL.. FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND. Seven Ter Cent. Gold Bonds OF TUB Frederick sbuig and Gordontyllls EtvU road Company of Virginia. lrlsrlpal and Interent Payable In Coin, Free of laltoa fitatea UtTfrnmfit Tax. These Bonds are seenred by a First and only Martf ags) made to Th 1'armera' Loan and Tint Company iNevr York, aiTrnss tees lor tho Bondholders. The Mortgage covers the entire road, Bight of Waw Franchises, Railing Stook, Ennipmsnts, Lands a4 Prs perty, real and personal, now belonging or whloh saast hereafter belong to the Company. A SINKING! F0N Is also provided, whloh will redaoothe prinelpal ot that dsbt TWO THIRDS of the entire .mount ia wsvswes tf the maturity of the Bond: The Road is 62 miles long, connecting FrederiokabarX vis Orange Court House, with Charlottesville, waioh lay the roint of junction of the Chesapeake and Ohio BtifV, road to the Ohio river, and the u tension of too Oraags aod Alenndrla Railroad to Lyoohburg. It forms th shortest connecting link in the system of roads leading ts the entfare South, Bouthwest and West to tho Paoln Ooesn. It passes through a rioh seotion of the ShenaaV donh Valley, the local traffio of whloh alone will support the Road, and it mutt command aa abundant share of through trade from the faot of its being a SHORT CUT TO TIDE WATER ON TUB POTO MAC AT THE FARTHEST INLAND POINT WHERE DEEP WATER FOR HEAVY SHIPPING CAN BE FOUND ON THE WHOLE LENGTH OF THE ATLANTIC COAST. From Charlottesville to Tidewater by this nmte tha distance is 40 miles less than via Alexandria ; 64 miles leal than via Richmond and West Point) ISi miles less tha via Norfolk. A limited amount of these bonds are offered at M W, aaC interest from November 4, in currency. From fin examination in person, and also by omnpeteat counsel, of all the papers and documents relating to thia loan, we are enabled to pronounce them entirely oerraot and satisfactory; we have alto had the work and prop or toy of the company examined by our own agents, whose re ports agree with those made by the ofHoers of the oonv pany, and we therefore recommend thess bonds, the las.a of which is limited to $16,000 per mile of complete sad equipped road, AS A FIRST-CLASS BKOURITY III EVERY V RTICULAR, snd as a most desirable invest rnent, giving a large inorease of income over investment in any description of Government bonds. TAVKK Ac CO., llankerw. No. 49 WALL Street, New York. PsmiUJits, msps, and information furnished. Government bonds and other marketable securities wiBl be converted without commission to parti os investing ia these bonds, and the highest market price allowed for gold and other coupons in osohaago. A Ml; EI. WO It K, Hanker, 110 No 23 South THIRD Itree. B A UJ K 1 . W U HOUSE or JAY COOKE & CO., INo. 119 and 111 8. TII1UI fit., PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In Government Bctarittes . Old 6-208 Wanted In Exchange for Now. A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE. STOCKS bought and SOU on Commission. Special business accommodations reserreel for ladles. . We will receive applications for Policies or Ut Insurance in the National Life Insurance Cempasuy of the United States. Full information given at oar ofUce. 1 1 sm jQ II E X E L fc CO., No. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET, American and Forol ta ISSUE DRAFTS AND CIRCULAR LETTERS OP CREDIT available on presentation in any part of Europe. Travellers can make all their financial arrange ments through us, and we will collect their interest and dividends without charge. Dbizxl, Win rciaor A Co., New York. Dbbzil, Hsjvsa A 09.,' Parts, tI E LLIOTT ir n w. BANKERS, No. 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS IN A IX GOVERNMENT SB0URI TIES, GOLD BILLS, ETC. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND ISSUE COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT ON THS UNION BANK OF LONDON. ISSUE TRAVELLERS' LETTERS OF CHSDIT ON LONDON AND PARIS, available throughout Europe. W Ul collect all Coupons and Interest free of charge for parties making their financial arrangement with us. W Qijcnmivivixc., iatis & co.. No. 48 SOUTH THIRD BTREET, PHILADELPHIA. GLENDINNING, DAVIS & AMORT, Ko. 17 WALL STREET. NEW YORK. BANKERS AND BROKERS. Buying and selling Stocks, Bonds, and Gold m Commission a Specialty. ' Philadelphia house connected by telegraphlo wit the 6tock Boards and Gold Room of New York. D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Successors to Smith, Randolph A Co. Every branch of the business will have prompt attention aa heretofore. Quotations of Stocks, Governments, and Gold ooa stsntly received from New York byyriWa wirr, Iron, oat friends, Kdatuad V. B4tadli a 0. 1