a -THE EVENING DAILY TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY JANUARY 8, 1870. ? ova nciiiaxoTTfl colut.ii7. THE HONEST SKEPTIC. BT KKV. ALEXAHDKll CLAHK. There is an fconcst ikcptic In almost every Hltlo commuulty of a dozen souls, as la a cer tain npjicr room tbcre was a Thomas long ago. And be is not to be ruled out as a reprobate. The man who doubts and, for aught we know, honestly denies tho truth is worth looking at and talking to face to face. We cannot frown him aside. He is a character of Interest and importance; and, alone, bo balances ovor against thousand mere credulous profossors who are unable to give a reason for tho hopo that is within them who satisfy themselves and their mutes by saying, "Yes, Just so; it's all right all .1 . i i , i i' . .. . .. . r .. i. I : . v. irlgUl, 1U IUU UlUlUUUUg ICfiJIUUBO ux BCUUUUOU tupldity. rrt t -1 ! ..1 ..... H.l.ll. iUUlU IB II 1IIUUUIU BOX-pill IOIU TTUIUU nrruniM to the passions of the thoughtless crowd, that insidiously pronounces its inQdel jeers and jokes, lnucndoes and blasphemies, to the enter masses who care nothing for truth. It points out the Judases, but knows no Johns. It exag gerates exceptions until rule and reason lose significance. It appeals to tho illiterate and unreflecting multitudes. But the honest skeptic ''i goes to the man who believes, and ays openly, 'personally, and respectfully, "I cannot believe in the doctrines you oner, unless you give inc more evidence." Ho is inquiring, anxious. iconvlncible. Tou do not talk to granite when you talk to him. lie puts himself Ssquarcly before the lcvcrao of your logic; and fiif error be not uprooted from his mind and Jhcart, the fault is yours, not his. Honest doubt j! savia nnil f rti ir a art9 a( r A XT nrVAa after certainty. Who' rightly apprehending, docs not admire Thomas ? He has honor, and purpose, and feeling. Skepticism like his, out spoken and emphatic, has more virtue in an hour than all the traditional faith of schools in centuries. Inquiring unbelief will meet and recognize Christ and bo satisfied, sooner than any five-pointed, technical, spectacled, and sclf- complnlsant snintsulp under the sun. How does Jesus himself deal with tho skep tic? In his manner, rather than in any method ism of the sects, shall we discover the true cri terion. Docs the Risen Ono denounce him, exclude bim from the select circle, hesitate to enter the room because Thomas, doubting and determined as ever, is within? Let sectarians who fence away all from their communion that do not subscribe to every line of letters in a narrow tenet who turn over luto perdition all that move beyond the rim of their own little chnrch note well the Saviour's dealing with the skeptic. Here is a man who deliberately avows his unbelief. Jesus knows bim, seeks bim, nears him, fastens his loving eye upon him as worthiest now of special attention in all tho group, and says: "Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing." Hero is plain per sonal dealing, without upbraiding or reproach. Here is preaching condensed to a single point, stinging, sharp, and keen with love, and pressed !lnto the individual soul. The Saviour did not generalize on tho subject of doubt, and leave the doubter to select and apply to himself what be bad a mind to. The Redeemer deals specifl- 11 11. 4 Jnntitan In tllA ton O"! Slf t, i a CIXUJ Willi UVUVHJ. AU W doubts. The liberating message is exclusively for tho captive. The ten emancipated disciples, bappy and strong in the truth, are but casual witnesses of a new sublimity now that of the risen Christ lifting a great soul from the gloom of its unbelief! HUaUIAltY OF CHURCH NEWS. EPISCOPAL. The Euiflcoral church in Omaha has been destroyed by fire. It was a beautiful structure. rue cnurcn oi tno Advent, in uoston, in accepting the resignation of their rector, Rev Dr. Holies, voted him a gift of $3000. The Rev. Dr. Mahan has declined the Profes sorship in the General Theological Seminary, New York, to which he was receutly elected. The Protestant (Jhurvhinan says: "Every organized town in the Diocese of Dakotah is now occupied by the Episcopal Church, the sta tions numbering sixteen." The Epiicopal diocese of Albany reports for the last year contributions to tho amount' of 191,404, being $74,000 more than the previous Tear; alao, 772 continuations and 7v4b mem bers, an increase of 1412. Rev. George B. Whipple, an Episcopal clergyman, who followed Bishop Staley to tno Sandwich islands, nas naa enough oi it, and re turned home. He is now pastor of the church at Faribault, Minnesota. It is stated, upon what is believed to be trood authority, that the Rev. Dr. Samuel Oa good has adopted the Episcopal faith, and that his retirement trom the Cnureu ot tho Messiah, New York ( unuurlau), previous to His depar ture for Europe, was made with this change in view. .The journal of the Episcopal Convention shows seventy-nine churches and chapels la New York city and Harlem. The largest contri butions reported are: irom lriulty luurcn, with Us three chapels, $54,254; Grace Church, with chapel. 9411,115; et. Ueonjo and two chapels, $35,575; Incarnation, I&J.451; Calvary, t3,Sii'.t; lriulty, with its cnapcls, lias uiwcomrounl cants; St. George, 1500; Grace, Wi. Thero are in the whole diocese 1'JO churches and chapels, j clergymen, and zJ,tni Bunuay scholars. I Tho Trinity Church at Woajhrldge, N. J, J has just celebrated its one hundredth unnivcr- T T .-1 . I -. .. i X V- . I . -. . 1 1 Burr. xev. ur. uticuv, ui iev lurt, ua-ucucu the anniversary sermon, in which ho referred to the nrst services at v ooauriuge, under tno Rev. Dr. Bond, of Eluabclhtown, in 1711, the organi zation of the parish by the lie v. Dr. cuandloi' of the same place, under whoso chanre it re c-eived its charter from Kim; George HI, 170'J and after the old church had been destroyed by lire, its restoration by the Rev. Dr. Hoffman, of Elizabeth, In lSoU. .. METIIOUIKT. The profits on the business of the Southern Mctbodibt i'ublliihlng House amouut to over 444.000 for the past year. A writer in tho Methodist estimates that seventy-nine per cent, of the culire vote of the Methodist Church will be lu favor of lay dele irntlon. liiree years ago the Boutueru Mctnottiats bad but oue church in Baltimore. Now they have nine. We nee reports of their progress even further North as in Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana. At the regular monthly raeetlu? of the Board of Managers of the Church Extension Society for December, applications for dona tions and loans, from various parts of the coun try, to tho aggregate amouut of $53, WD, were declined for want of means. The 4'ittsburg Christian Adcneate savs: "The wife of Rev. W. T. Alderman, pastor of our church nt liluubatn, Massachusetts, recently occupied her husband's pulpit with great accept ance during the ill nets of her husbaud. Sue has frequently heretofore read tho hymns andoifcrud praver when he was present. ' The Rev. Mr. Mill, pastor of tho Method! -t Episcopal chnrch at York. In this State,! died suddenly on Sunday week, shortly after a-t-lniulstering the sucrument to a member of liU church, w ho, to use his own words, wai -uer to the door of heaven." He was taken ill on hU way home. The Methodist states that while Methodism lias advanced in the towns uud country places of England, It is feebly represented in Loudon. In nil tho city there are only 65 Wesleyan minis ters. For registration purposes, London is divided into 87 districts and 135 sub-districts. The Wealeyan pastors reside in 47 sub-districts, leaving n sub-districts in which there is no niinifttcr at all. The l'oftcin Traveller says that the srenerous offer of tlOO.000 for buildings for the Boston Theological Seminary, made by Isaac Rich, on condition thnt the Methodists raise $100,000 more by a certain time, is likely to be accepted. Ono gentleman of Lynn, Mans., has put down ms name tor v lo.ouw oi the last-named sum, and there are numerous smaller sums. PRESBrTERIAW. The Synod of Georgia has determined to re move Cglcthorne University to Atlanta, says the Associate lieformed. 1'resbuterian of Due West, S. C. Rev. Dr. XIarch, of the Clinton 8trcct Church, in this city, is going to spend several months in Europo and the Holy Land. Rev. Prof. E. E. Adams will supply his pulpit until he returns. Tho church in Quincy, Mich., after struggling for thirteen years without a house of worship or regular preaching, have just dedicated a neat wooden mcetlng-houso, costing, with lot and iurnuuro, tsuu. The Chicago Advance says: Rev. Arthur Swazey, pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church of this city, has resigned bis charge, to become editor-in-chief of the new denominational paper here, its first number Is promised in rcliruary Tho Presbyterians, especially the New School, have for a year or two past been very active in Kansas, where they nave within 18 months crown from ono nreshrterv to a svnod. and from two ministers to thirty. The union of tho Old and New School Synods will give about 70 ministers and churches. As many as twenty rrcsnyterian churches nave ocen organized dur ing that time. Those who favor tho permission to use in strumental music in the worship of tho English l resDyterian Church have gained a marked vie toiy. Two churches in London havo used the organ, and their case has been for somo timo bclore the presbytery. The presbytery at its last mcctlnK voted by 21 to 8 to present an over ture to the next Tynod begging for permission lor any church to use instrumental music when ever two-thirds of its members shall vote in its favor. The argument that such a decision would tend to estrange the Freo Church of Scotland was answered by the assertion that on tills sub ject opinion was more liberal north than south oi the 1 weed. A ridiculous charge has lately been pub lished in the Chicago Times and elsewhere, to tho effect that the Presbyterian nroaehors of Albany all refused to oiliciato at the funeral of Eckel, a prisoner confined in the penitentiary 1 hey reply that not ono of thorn was asked to oiliciato: not one knew of his confinement or death there; and not one would have refused to olliciate if required. There is an excellent chap lain in the penitentiary, and their services are not generally needed, though always freely given, as in the case of tho chaptaiu's late ab sence in Europe. UAPTIST. The Rev. P. 8. Henson, D.D., of this city. has declined a call to St. Louis, and his church has added $1000 to his salary. The Rev. Baron Stow, a well-known Baptist clergyman, died ou tho morning of December 27, of apoplexy, nt retidence in Boston. Four years ago Dr. S. II. Ford's church, In Memphis, lennessec, says the Ventral JJaotist, numbered XI. It now has 300 members, ann is erecting a church to cost $100,000. The First liuptist Uhurch ot Memphis (.Dr. Burns) has 200 members. There are fourteen colored churches in the Philadelphia Baptist Association. Of these. nine are in the District ot uoiumbia, and one in Alexandria, Virginia. Four of them were ad mitted at tho last session. One of them has 818 members. Twenty-five churches In the associa tion report a decrease in membership since last year. mere are eleven uaptist Mission Sunday ecnoois in rnuaacipnia. -as ionows: a ox Uhaso and Sandy Uili, belonging to the Lower Dublin Church: Uoardinan and .Lmmauuol, belonclnir to the First Church; Manutawna aud Rittenhouse- town, belonging to Koxborouxh Church; Frank- ford (colored) Mission; Spruce Street Mission; Angora, belonging to the a irst West fhiladel phia Church; German Mission; Franklin, belong ing to the JNicetown cnureu. CONGREGATIONAL. Four churches and six ministers have orga nized the SouthernCongregatlonal Association of Ualliornia. The Ucy. N. A. Trcntiss, late of this citv. has become ho pastor of the Congregational church nt La Salle Illinois. Tho Congregational Church in Albany, New lork, are now worshipping in a new and beau tiful edifice in the upper part of the city, in Uneie street. iorty members nave been added to tne church at Saratoga, N. 1 ., the past year, and they now havo a flue place of worship, free from embarrassment. On the 12th ef December a church of four teen members was organized at Montgomery. Alabama, ine itev. J. a. ucaient, oi the last class at Oberlin Seminary', assumes its pastoral charge. 1 ho opening ot congress has filled up very available pew lu the Congregational church of Washington, tne Rev. J. E.Rankin. D.D.. pastor, They nave received sixty-tvf new members at their last threo communions. The Rev. E. B. Fairfield, LL. D.t for many years President of Hiilstown College, Michigan, has transferred his connection with the Free Will Baptist Church to the Congregational, having with his wife joined the Oak Park Congrega tional Church near Chicago, Illinois, of which his brother is pastor. The congregation of the Circular Church, Charleston, S. C, which was so nearly ruined in the Rebellion, are making efforts to rebuild their cdilico under the vigorous leading of their Fopular pastor, the Rev. W. 11. Adams, a son of r. Nclicmlah Adams, and for this purpose are taking regular Sabbath afternoon collections. LUTUEltAN. The Trustees of tho Lutheran Orphaus' Home at Mount Airy, iu this county, have re cehrd from Mr. John L. Bremer, of Boston, ?.r,0C-0, as a contribution towards a permanent endowment of the institution. SpcakiDg of the German churches, (ho Lu theran Obtt rux Kays: "Quite recently a neat frame church was consecrated at Indiau Creek, Ohio; one in Sandusky county, Ohio; ono at Ka lamazoo. Mich.; ono in Marion county, Ohio; one in Wayne county, Ohio; ono in Moorestown, Pa.; one at Cross Roads, Ohio; one in Lovetts ville. Vs.; ono at-Limestone Ridge, Ohio: ono in Richland, Ohio. This is a good report for ono week. CATHOLIC. The decree of the Pope instantly proroguing the General Council in case of his death, is of the most absolute and arbitrary character. After his death no meeting can be held, and if ha d no action w ill be valid till atter they are called to gether by his successor, elected by the cardi nals. Under no circumstances, and on no pre text, is the council to assume the privilege And a similar rulo he enacts shall prevail in the cufo oi any luture councii.wiiercvcr held. More over, any decree of any council in contradiction of this decree Is ipso facto null and void. And this, notwithstanding the Constitution of Pope Alex ander HI, uud notwithstanding any other laws to the coutrary. This action is not unprece dented, however much it asserts supremacy of Pope over council; but a similar provision was Diade iu case of their death by Pope Julius II, whose successor wns chosen by the cardinals, nnd not by the Fifth Lateran Council, and by Popes Paul HI and Plus IV at the time of the Council of Trent. MIBCM.AKE0rB. The Tract Visitors of the Philadelphia Tract and Mission Society will hold their monthly Union meeting for prayer, report, and remarks in the econd district, on Wednesday evening, 12ih Inst., in the Third Baptist Church, Second strctt, near Cutharlne, nt 1)4 o clock. Come. Religious services for the benefit of those who do not attend any other plac8 of worship are htld on Sabbath evening, at VA, at the ball northeast corner Broad aud Arch. Tract visitors are requested to invite to this meeting those found in their sections who do not go any w hero to church. . J RAILROAD LINES. J)ENN8TLVAN1A CENTRAL RAILROAD AFTKH I. M. BUWUAI, NOVEMBER 14, P. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central K( mud leaye the Depot, at TUIKTY-FIK.ST and MAHK.KT tftreets, which la readied directly by the Market street cars, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes be fore lis departure. The Chesnnt and Walnut streets cars run within one square of the Depot. ttieepine-car ucseui can oe nad on application at the Ticket Ofllce, N. W. corner Ninth aud Chesnnt atreeta, and at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver baggage at the depot. Orders left at No. eel Chesnnt street, or No. Us Market street, will receive attention. TRAINS LKAVI VFOT, TIB. i Mall Train 8-00 A. M J'aoll Accommndat'n.. 10-30 A. M., 1-10 and e-no P. M. J- aHt Line and Erie Express 11 -CO A. M. Ilarristiurg Accommodation x-so y. m. iAneaster Accommodation 4-10 P. M. Parkeshnrg Train B-80 P. M. Cincinnati Express. 8 00 P. M. Eile Mall and Pittsburg Express. t-45 P. M. Accommodation 12-11 A. M. 1'nelllo Express 18-08 night. jtne Aiau leaves aauv, except tsunnay, running on Saturday night to Williamsport only. On Sunday eight passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock l'acllle Express leaves dally. Cincinnati Express daily, except Saturday. All other trains dally, ex cept Sunday. , The W estern Accommodation xram runs dally, ex cent Snndav. For this train tickets must be nro. cured and baggage delivered by 6 P. M., at No. IK Market street. TRAIKS 1RRIVI AT DXF0T, VIZ. ! Cincinnati Express 810 A. M. x mind ('iii um xvAyivoo. u ui a. jtu Erie V ail S-30A.M. Paoll Accommodation, a. al, b-40 and 0-20 p. M. I'arkesburg Train S'10 A. M. Fast Line 9-40 A. M. iAncaHter Train 13-M P. M. Erie Express 12-Ni P. M. Southern Express 71)0 P. M. Lock Haven and Elmira Express 7-00 P. M. l'acifio Express. 4-23 p. M. liarrlsburg Accommodation 9tS0 P. M. Vcit further Information, anolv to JOHN F. VAN LEE It, Jr., Ticket Agent, No. Sol CI1K3NUT Street, FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent, No. lie MARKET Street SAMUEL II. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not ai Time any risk for Bnggage, except for Wearing Ap- tnrel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred i)l lam in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value win be at the nfc of tne owner, unless taken ut Bpecuu contract. r.i' YV AliLJ XL. TV I LiulAiUO, 4 General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. w-vTiTf titt TTIT A WIIMnam-nv iwn TTrnr. MORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. T-Mns will leave Depot corner liroad street and Washtaf ton avenue as follows: Way Mall rain at 8-so a. M. (Sundays excepted for Baltimore, stopping at all regular station Connecting wltn Delaware Railroad at Wilmingto for Crlhtleld and Intermediate stations. ExnresH Tra n at 18 M. (Hundavs excentedl. re Halllir.ore and Washington, stopping at Wllmingtot l'errjvllle, and llavro-de-Grace. Connects at Wll m niruin wnn train lor new (. asue. Express Train at 4 do r. m. (Bunaays excepted). I I JtlJ MUli'l c ail, 1 it nniiiu.uiii pi.'jriMug u w vjiiunwi , Thurlow, Llnwood, Claymont, Wll mlngton, Newport, Stanton, Newark, isikton, iNortn-ast, (jnariesiown, l'erryvuio. navre-ne-urace, ADerueen, ferryman's, Kilorewood. Magnolia. Chase's and Stemmer's Run. Mc?ht Express at li-so P. M. (daily), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Lin- wood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, El Is. ton North-Fast. Pcrrjviue, liavre-ue-urace, ferryman's, nnd Mndiolia. I'sHseuveni for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the li-00 M. train. WII-MINGTON TRAINS. Stopping at ail stations between Philadelphia and Wiiimnirion. Leave Philadelphia at 11-00 A. M., t-30, 5-00, and 7 -OOP. M. Tho 6-00 P. M. Train connects with Dela ware Railroad for Jlarrlugton and Intermediate stations. - Leave Wilmington 6-30 and 8-10 A. M"., 1-80, 4-15, and 7-uo P. M. The t-io a. m. Train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7 P. M. Train from Wilmington runs dally; all other Accom modation Trains Sundays excepted. Trains leaving Wilmington at 6-80 A. M. and 415 P. M , will connect at Lumokln Junction with the 71)0 A. M. aud 4 Stf P. M. trains for Baltimore Central l.'nllroad. From Baltimore to Philadelphia Leave Baltimore 7-26 A. M., way wan; wnn a.m., impress; jtbs p. M., Exm-ch; i"e r. w., .xpnm SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. Leavi-a Ualllniore at T-25 P. M.. stopping at Msg. nolla, l'crryman's, Aberdeen, Ilavre-le-Uraee, Per. ryville, Charlestown, Nnrth-Kast, Elk ton, Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Llnwood, and jnesiera H. F. KKNNBY, Superintendent TJUILADEIJ'niA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL X RAIi.RlAU l UHMfil. W INTFR ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, November 1, 189, Trains will leave as follows, stopping at all Stations on Philadelphia, Baltimore Central, and Cheater Creek Kanroaos: Leave PHILADELPHIA for POBT DEPOSIT from Depot of Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Ballroad Compnny, corner Broad and Washington avenue, at 7 A. M. and 4-30 P. M. A Freight Train, with Passenger Car attached, will leave Philadelphia for Oxford at 2-80 P. M. Leave PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPHIA at D'40 A. M., 9-25 A. M., and 9-2S P. M. On Saturday the S-26 P. M. train will leave at 4-SO r. m. . Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the company will not be respon sible for an amount exceeding one Iraadred dollars, tininia unnr-liU cnntrai t la made for the same. UKNRY WOOD, 11 1 President and General Superintendent. ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETO. .HSL.-OfTW vo U7 UJ 1 4 Wl VIM A T IV W lIjPRA(rriOAL AND THKOlllCTIOAl, XSElZ; KNOINKF.KH, MACHINISTS!, KOILKI. ATAStltSTBLACKSMlTHS, and lUUJiDKKa. hTin for many year Den In sacceanlui operauon, ana Deen ex- cluBirely ennHRed in building and repairing Marin and Hivnr i-.niriiie. ulirD ana low Draaaure. iron rvoiierm, nauw Tanka, Propeller, etc. etc., respectfully odor their aer- Tioa to the public aa being fully prepared to oontraot for UKinae of all aizes, Marine, River, and Stationary ; having eta of pattern of different ai7.ea, are prepared to execut order with quick despatch. Every description of pattern mukmir made at lb aliorteet notioe. liixh and Low pres sure line Tubular and Cylinder Boiler of til beat Pen n aylvauia Charcoal Iron. FnrginKaof allaiznaand kinda. Iron and Braaa Caatinna of all dewriptiona. Roll Turning Srrew Cutting, and ail other work connected wita Ui( above businesa. , M IrawinK and specifications for all work don at tha eHtnblmliment free of charxe, and work ruaranteed. The eubacribers have ample wharf dock-room for repair of boata, where they oan lie in perleut aaiety, and are pro vided with hoar, block, fall, etc. etc., for nuaiua- heavy or luht weight. JAO(,BO.N-AFIE, JOHN P. I.HV V, 81 BKAOH and PALMKR Street. SOUTI1WARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON Street, - rnn.APEi.rniA. MEK1UCK SONS, KNOINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Stuain Engines for Land, River, and Marine Service. ; Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc. Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, and Railroad Stations, etc. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, also. Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Oil Steam Tralnj, Defecators, Filters, Pumping En gines, etc Sole Acontsfor N. Blllenx's Sngar Boiling Appft. ratus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspin wall t WoolBev'g Patent Centrliugal Sugar Druiu lng Machines. 4 Hot QIRARD TUBE WORKS. jonN n. murput & brob. Janufaclurer of Wrcnsht ! Pip, Kt. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORKS, TWENTY-TLIIKD mod FILBERT btreeu. OtTIOK. 14 1 H. 4a North FIKlWtfa; FURNITURE. RICHMOND & CO., FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE VAREROOMS, Ko. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, KABT BIDE. ABOVE OHESNUT. ! 1UU PUILADKLrUlA, RAILROAD LINES. READING KAILPOAD. GREAT TRUNK LINK from Philadelphia to the Interior of Pennsyl vania, the Schuylkill, Susqnehnnna, Cumberland, and Wyoming valleys, tho North. Northwest, and the Canada. win inn AKKANOEMENT Of rassonger Trains, Decemtwr 80. 1 9fl. Tavinir the CompaiiT'a deoot ml Tl,lrt..ut,th and Callowhtll streets, Philadelphia, at the following honrs: mukhiu Ai;ixiMMtUATlON. At T-R0 A. M. for Reading and all intermedlata stations, and Allcntown. Returning, leaves Read ing at -35 P.M. I arrives In Plilladelphia at 9-2S P.M. At 815 A. M. for Reading. Li-bannn. ITatTlshnrff. Pottsvllle, I'inegrovo, Tamaiua, Sunbnry, Willlams port, Elmira, lioehrster. Niagnra Falls, Buttalo, Wllkes)arre, Pltt8ton,York, Carlhue, Chambersburg, ungerBuwii, v 1 he 7-30 A. M. train connects at READING with East Pennsylvania Itallroad trams for Allcntown. etc, and the 8-15 A. m. train connects with the l'imnon vaney irain ior iiarrisonrg, eta; and PORT CLINTON with CatawisRa Railroad trains for WIlllamRport, I-oek Haven, Elmira, etc. ; at II A R RISBURG with Northern Central, Cumlerland Val ley, and Schnylklll and Susquehanna trains for Nor thumberland, Wullomsport, York, Chambersburg, Plnegrove, etc. r 1 nn.-iuui' ivArniino. Leaves riilladelplila at 8-80 P. M. for neojllnir. lUtUlllllc, iioiirniriun. tun, Uiiui;t;Lll WlMl lettl lng and Columbia Railroad trains for Columbia, etc. POTT8TOWN ACCOMMODATION. Leaves 1'ott-siown at t-40 a. m.. stopping at Inter mediate stations: arrives In Philadelphia at s-10 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4-00 P. M. : arrives In Pottwtown at 6-15 P. M. READING AND POTTSVILLE ACCOrMODATION. Leaves Pottsvllle at 6-40 A. M. and Reading at 7-80 A. M., stopping at aU way stations ; arrives In Phila delphia at 10-20 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4-45 P. M. ; ar rives in Reading at 7'40 P. M., and at Pottsvllle at 9-30 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave narrlsbnrg at 8-10 A. M., and Pottsvllle at 9 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 1 P. M. Afternoon trains leave liarrlsburg at -oo P. M., and Pottsvllle at li-40 P. M., arrlvmg at Phila delphia at 0-46 P. M. iiamsDurg Aceommodauon leaves Keadlng at 7-15 A. M. and Harrlsburg at 4-10 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6-86 P. M., arriving In Philadelphia at 9-25 P. M. Market train, with a passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12-80, noon, for Pottsvllle and all war stations: leaves Pottsvllle at 5-40 A. M.. connecting at Heading wltn accommodation train for Philadel phia and all way stations. Ail tne aDOve trains run nauy, ounaays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsvllle at 8 A. M.. and Philadelphia at 8-15 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8 A. M, ; returning from Reading at 4-80 1. M . CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downlngtown and Intermediate points take the 1-80 A. M., 12-30 and 4-00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia, Returning from Downlngtown at -80 A. M., 12-46 and 6-15 P. M. PERKIOM EN RAILROAD. Passengers for SchwenkRville take 7-80 A. M.. 12-30 and 4-00 P.M. trains from Philadelphia, returnlug from Schwenksvlllo at 8 0S A.M. aud 12-45 M. stage lines for the various points In Perklomen Valley con nect with trains at Collegeville and Schwcnksvllle. LWLKUKUOKDALE RAILROAD, Passengers for ML Pleasant snd Intermediate points take the T-80 A. M. and 4O0 P. M. trains from Phlladol- phla, returning from Mt. I'leosuut at 7D0 and 11-00 A. M. NEW YORK EXrRKSS FOR PITTSBORQ AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 9 A. M. and 8-00 P. M.. passing Reading at 1-45 and 10-05 P. M., and connecting at liarrlsburg with Pennsylva nia and Northern Central Railroad Express trains for llttsburg, Chicago, Wullamsport, Elmira, Balti more, etc. Returning Express tram leaves narrlsbnrg on nr. rival of Pennsylvania Express from Pltlslmrg at 6-80 A. M., and 12-20 noon, passing Reading at 7-20 A. M., and 2-00 p. M., arriving at New York 12-05 noon, and 6-35 P. M. Sleeping cars accompany these trains through between Jersey City and Pitts burg without ohange. A Mail train for New York leaves narrlsbnrg at 8-10 A. M. and 2-05 P. M. Mail train for Uarrinburg leaves new 11m ut iz 01. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsvllle at 6-80 and 11-80 A. M., arid odu j-. m., reiuruing irom ramauua uraa. hl, and HO and 4-60 P. At. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at s-53 A. M. and-ao P. M. for Pinegrove aud liarrlsburg, and at 12-10 noon ft Plnegrove, Tremout, aud Brookslde, returning from Ttnri-iKKiircr nt. T'Hll A. M ami u.jii l itf from Brookslde at 4 00 P. M., and from Tremout at no a. ju. anu cvs r. m. TICKETS. Through first class tickets and emigrant tickets to an tne principal pomts in the Norm and west aud Can ados. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading ojiu luiL-iuiuuinu NiuiiuuH, gona ior one day only, and sold by Morning Accommodation Marke t Train. Reading and Potutown Accommodation Trains, at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for one day only, are sold at Reading aud intermediate sta tions by Reading aud Potistown Accommodation Trams, at reduced rates. The following tickets are obtainable only at the otnee of s. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 221 S. Fourth street, x-nuaucipnia, or 01 u. A. Nlcoiia, General Gnn.vlnt.ni1i,nl 1 ; .... .1 . r COMMUTATION TICKEl'S. At 28 per cent, dis count, between any points desired, for families and lirrns. MILEAGE TICKETS Good for 2000 miles, be- tween all points, at $02-60 each, for families and ii ruis. season tickets ror three, bix. n ne. or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at re- uuceu laicB. CLERGYMEN residing on the line of the road will be furnished with cards entitling themselves ana wives to ucaeis at nan lore. EXCURSION TICKETS flora PhHadeloh la to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, at reduced fares, to be had only at the Tickci uiuce, ui i mi teeutu ana uanowniu streets. FREiuux. Moons or au aescnptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's new freluht depot. Broad and Willow streets. mails close ac tne Piiuadcipiua post omce for all places on the road and Its branches at 8 A. M.. and for the principal stations only at 2-15 P. M. FIiuHT TRAINS leave Philadelphia dal'y at A -C.K A XI 10-fm vww.n K n r, .1 t -1 K. U XI f..f Ona.Hnn v ... . , jim ' ' uwuub w . . ,u . , iu, iiiiauiuti. Lebanon. Harrlsburg. Pottsvllle. Port Clinton, and points beyond. AiAtiUAUJk. uungan s express win couoei Dng- giige for all trains leaving Philadelphia DcnoL Ciders can be left at No. 25 South FOURTH Street, or at the Depot, THIRTEENTH, and CALLOW HILL Dtreeiu. A7EST CHI.8TLR AND PHILADELPHIA v liAII.KOAD. Leave Philadelphia from New Depot, THIIITY. FlliNf andClitSM. l aireeis, t-d a. m., litwA.M. 2-80 P. M 4-15 P. M.. 440 P. M., C-13 and 11-30 P. M. Leave west C'httuur irom Depot, on L:ist Market street, at 6-23 a.m., b-oo a. au, i --jo a. m., 1043 A. 31. t XVO X in llUll la BU V VIS A . ill- 'l ram Kaviiig Went cumier ai iu a. m. win stop . it et T Ai.nl lion I.M.Irllu an.i Ux.ll.. Bl X V U U IlC I II Ajr.;Atii - -a iti'tuiui nuu i-oiics h aving Philadelphia at 4 40 P. M. will stop at Me dia, (ilen Riddle. Leunl, and li. (J. Junction. Pas sengers to or from stations between West Chester anu 13. 1 .junction K-Hi'-f t-ani win uikv irum leavuiK west Chester at r-io a. ai., and change cars at 11. (J. Junctiun. and eomcr went, pansencers (or sta tions above 11.10. Junction will take train leaving Phlladi-iphia at t-40 P. M., and wiu change cars at B. V. Junction. . ... . The Di-not In rnnancinnia is rcacnea airecuv oj the (-hi-Rinit and Walnut Btrects cars. Those of the Market street llue run wlthlu one square. The cars of both lines connect with each train upon lis arrival. v. ommiva o sunuAio, Iveftve Philadelphia lor West Chester at 8-30 A. M. aud 8 oo p. m. . , , Leave went Chester ior rnuaacipnia an itjo a. au aud 4-00 P. M. m niiiAjn vji vvxin,iki.n,i, 4 io General Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. uBk" W INTER TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, Nov. lo, 1S69, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run aa follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia: wsstwaro, MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 9-S3 P. M. s WllliamBport 7-40 A. M. arrives at Erie 8-0 P, M. ERIE EXPREbd leaves Philadelphia 11-40 A. M. .. Wllliamsport .... 9-00 P. M. i arrives at Erie 10-ooA.M. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 70 A. M. ,Baa .. WUliamMport 6-00 P. M. arrives at Lock Haven. . . 7-20 P, M. BAHTWAHD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie. 8"40 M- " Wllliamsport. 9U6 P. M. m arrives at Philadelphia. .... 6U0 A, M. ERIE EXPRE&i leaves Erie 4-00 P. M. wuaaxii-. u wu,llimnort 8-80 A. M. arrives at Philadelphia.. 19-46 P.M. Ef MIR A MAIL leaves Lock Haven 8 DO A. M. i WUilamsport 9 48 A. M. w arrives at Philadelphia... eo P. M. BUFFALO EXT. Raves WUllaiusport....l-l A. M. tt iiBj-rmburg 6-ttOA.M. arrives at Philadelphia.. 9 -a A. M. Express East connects at Corry, Mall East at Orry and lrvlneton, Express) West at Irvlneton, wltn trains Of Oil Creek and Allegheny Itlver Railroad. ALFRED U. 1HUU Ouucral buperlaU)ttdttV. RAILROAD LINES. 1869." FOR NEW YORK. THE CAMDKT. and Ambov and Philadelphia and Tren ton Railroad (Vniinnnlea' lines from Philadelnhia to New Vork and Way Places. TROW. WALNUT BTRgrr WHARP. At 8-80 A. M., va Camden and Am boy Accom. ,.2-2fl At 8 A. M., via Cam. and Jersey City Ex. Mail.. 8iM At IP. M., via Camden and Anihoy Express.... 8-00 At P. M., for Amboy and lntermdlate stAtlona. At 80 and 8 A. M. and 9 P. M., for Kreehold. At 8 A. M. and i p. M., for Long Branch and point on R. and D. B. K. R. At 8 and 10 A. M., 18 M., 4, 8 80, sad 4 80 P. M., for Trenton. At -B0, 8, and 10 A. M., U M.. , 8-30, 4-30. , 7, and 110 P M. tor Bordentown, Florence, Burdngton, Beverly, and Delanco. At S-0 and 10 A. M.. 13 M . a-SA. IMA I anit tl-an P. M., for Kdgewater, Riverside, Rlverton, Palmyra, and Fish House, 8 A. M. and 8 P. M. for Rlverton. 1 he 11 80 p.m. Lne leaves Market Street Ferry, (npper side). FROM KRK8WOT0W PKPOT. At 7-80 A. M., 8 80, 8-80 and D P. M. for Trenton and Brlstel, and 10-40 A. M. and 6 P. M for BristoL At 7-80 A. M., !) and Cf.lL for MorrlavlUe and Tnllytown. At 7-80 and 10-49 A. M., and 8-S0, B, and P. M. for Schenek's and Eddlugton. At 7-80 and 10-45 A. M.. 1-80, 4, 8, and 6 P. M.. for Cornwcll's, TorreBdale, Ilolmesbtirg, Tacony, Wls slnomlng, Brldcsburg, and Frankfnrd, and at 8-30 P. M. for Dolmesburg and Intermediate stations, (ROM WKST rHILAPRLPBIA UBPOT. Via ConnecllPg Railway. At 7, 9-80 snd 11 A. M., l-vo, a,64and 19 P. M. 135. Impress Lines, via Jersey City. Fare, At 11-80 P. M., Emigrant Line. Pare, t At 7, 9-80, and 11 A. M., 1-20, 4, 845, aud 19 P. M., for Trenton. BristoL 80 n1 11 6'5' n1 18 r" M" fr At 19 P. M. fNlghtt. for Morrlsvllle. Tul'trtrwn. Bchenck'a, Eddlugton. Cornwell's, Torrosdale, Holmesburg, Tacony, Uslnomlug, Brldcsburg, and Frankfort. The 9-80 A. K., -48 and is P. M. Lines will ran dally. All others, Sundays excepted. BELV1DERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES. FROM REMSINOTON DKPOT. At 730 A. M. for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Blnghamton, Os wego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkeslmrre, Sciiuton, Stroudsbnrg, Water Gap, 8chooley's Moun tain, etc A. 7 nn a XT ttifi ftflV v ia haIbm.m Lombertvllle, Flemlngton. etc. The 8-80 P. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Boston for Mfluch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, etc. At 11 A. M. from West Philadelphia Depot and 5 P. M., from Kensington Depot, for Lambertville and Intermediate stations. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CCtTNTY AND PEMBERTON AND H1GUTST0WN RAIL ROADS. FROM MARIKT 8TB KXT FKRRT (CTPPKR SIOBl. At 7 and 10 A. M.. 1, 910. 8-80. 6. and 8-80 P. M.. and on Thursday and Saturday nights at 11-80 P. M., for jiercnanivuie, moorestown, iiaruord, Masonvlile, Ualnesport, and Mouat Holly. At 7 A. M., 2-lB and 6-80 P. M. for Lambcrton and Mediord. At 7 and 10 A. M.. 1. 8-80. and 5 P. M.. for Smlthvllle, Ewansvllle, Vluceutown, Birmingham, and Pcmberton. Ir' "ll i , fiyl wrightstown At lo A. M., for Lewlstown, Wrightstown, Cooks- -kPW ana xiornersiown. M.. 1 and 8-80 P. M.. for Lewlstown. iflilotnnrn Pjuib.tnwn Knur Vmrnt Ilnmupa. town, Cream Ridge, Imlaystown, Sharon, and Ulghts- tOWn. WlLLL&iO. 11. UATMiiK, AgeuU IJHlI.ADiLrillA. GEHMANTOWN, ANI) NOK RIS'lOWM RAILHOAD. TIME TADLE, On and nrter MONDAY, Nov. 83, 1309. FOR OEKMAN'i OWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6, 7, 3, 9-95, 10, 11, 12 A. M.. 1, 8, 8', .-OS, 4-35, 5. 6, 6, X, 7, 8, 9-20, 10, 11, 111 Leave Grrmantown at 6. 6-55. 7V. 8. 8-20. 9. 10. 10-fiO, 12 A. M., 1, 8, 3, 8-fcO, 4X, b, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ii r. m. The s -SO down train and 8V and 63 ud trains will not stop on the Uerniantown Branch. Leave Philadelnhia at 915 A. M.. 2. 4-03. 7. and 10 M r. m. Leave Germantown at 8-15 A. M.. 1. S. 6. and 9V P.M. . C1IKBNLT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at a, 8. 10. l!i A. M.. 2. 8V. 5V. 7, 9-VO, and 11 P. M. Lf ave ChcHiiut Hill at 7-10, 8, 9-40, 11-40 A. M., 1-40, 8kT, 6 40, 0-40, 8-40, and 10-40 P. M. M UITVI1AVU Ixave Philadelphia at 915 A. m!, 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chesuut Hill at 7-60 A. M., 12-40, 0-40, and 9-io P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOVN. Leave 1 hlladelphla ate, 1, 9, and 11-05 A.M.. lvf. 8, 4, 4tf, BX, 0V, 8-05, 10-0S, and 11 P. M. Leave NorriBtown at 640, e-5, 7,7, 8-SO, and 11 A. M., yl 8, 4Vf, IH, 8, and 9X V. M. The la A. M. train Irom Norrwtown will not ston St Mogee's, Potts' Landing, Domino, or Schur's lane. The 4 P. M. train from Philadelphia will stop only at bchool lane, Manavnuk, and ConsUohocken. Ofl BLXMDAX1S. Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., tx, 4, and 7 V P. M. Leave Norristown at T A. M., 1. r.. , and 9 1. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave riilladclnhla at 6, Twf. 9, and 11-05 A. M.. 1 h!. 8, 4, 4Xi tX, tO-OB, and 11 V P. M. Leave Muuuyunk at 6-10, 05, 1. 8-10, 9-20, and 11M A. M., 2, 8Xi 6. ?. 8 80, and 10 P. M. ON hVNDAYS. Leavo Philadelphia at 9 A. M., 1)4, 4, and 7 V P. M. Leave Manaynnk at 7j A. M., ltf, 6, and 9tf P. M. PLYMOUTH RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at X A. M., P. M. Leave Plvmouth, 6 A. M., 4V P. M. W.8. , WILBUIM, , inilUllU ajllfrrri IllttjllUCIlV, HariiiMil UiivtnwIntAiiilAnt Depot, NINTH and QlUiiiN Streets. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TUB SHORT MIDDLE ROUTE TO TUB LEHIGH AND W YOMING VALLEYS, NOltTHKKN PKNNijYLVA- N1A, SOL'TIlEitN AND INTERIOR NEW YORK, lsll'falo, hoc hester, niagara falls, the cheat Lakes, and the dominion ojc CANADA. WIN TICK AKHANGKMENT. Takes cil'ect November 22, 1809. Fonrtcen dally trains leave Passenger Depot, corner LEKKS and AMERICAN Streets, (Sundays ex- ctbted), ss follows : At s-tio a. m. (nxpressj ior lieinienem, Aiientown, Munch Chunk, liazieton, Wllliamsport, Wllkeubarre, Mahauoy City, l'ittston, Towauda, Wavorley. and In connection with the ERIE RAILWAY Ior Buffalo, Ninpaia Vails, Rochester. Cleveland, Chicago, San t ruiicmco, ami au points in tnu ureat v est At Via A. si. (express) ior iseiniencm, n-aaion. Allentown. Maueh Chunk. Wllkcsbarre. Plttston. 8t runton, and points on, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, New Jerttey ceuirai ana Aiorris and Jfmcx ltanroaoa. Atl-4BP. M. (Express) for liethlehera, Easton. Munch Chunk, WiUebbarre, Pltuton, Scranton, and llai-.leton. At B-oo p.m. for Hetniencm. Easton, Aiientown, and Maueh Chunk. Por Doyientown at 8-43 a. m., s-43 ana 4-is p. M. per Fort Waahinuton at 180 and 10-43 A. M., and 11-80 P. M. Por Ablngton at no. c-20, and 8. p. XL l or Lanilale at tl-20 P. M. Pirth and Sixth Streets, Second and Third Streets. and Cnlon City Passenger Railways run to the new Depot. rr,T, . n . nmir II , XI TIT, IT 1 Y"TT TiTTT From lieihlehem at 9 A. M., 815, 4-4, and 8-25 P.M. Ftom Doyh-stown at 8-85 A. M., 4-80 and 7 06 P. M From Lnnsdule at 7-30 A. M. From Fort Washington at 9-25, 10-33 A. M., and 8-10 P. M. From Abington at s-35. e-4, ana 9-20 p. ox. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2 P. M. lioylestown for Philadelphia at 7-00 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through at Munn's North Pennsylvania Baggage Express omce, no. loo a. d ir i n Street. 11 1 ELLIa CLARK, Agent XXT EST JERSEY R AILROADS. TV Fj FALL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT. COMMENCING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 81, 1809. Leave Philadelphia, foot of Market street (Upper Ferry), at 8-16 A. M., Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, Mlllvllle, Ylneland, tiweuesboro, aud ail Intermediate sta tions. 8-15 P. M., Mall, for Cape May, Mlllvllle, Vlnoland, and way stations below Glassboro. 8-80 P. M., Passenger, for Bridgeton, Salem, 8wede boro, aud all Intermediate stations. 6-&0 P. M. Woodbury and Ulaaaboro accommoda- FreTght train for aU stations leaves Camden dall, at 19 o'clock, noon. Freight received in Philadol rihla at second covered wharf below Walnut street. v Freight delivery at No. South DELAWARB Omlmntatlon ticket at reduced rates between Philadelphia and all stations. nnuue T1A TUAIN ioR CAPE MAY. (HATCKDAYS ONLY.) ' Leave Philadelphia, 8-10 A. M. Leave Cape M ay. 1 -10 P. M. wm. J. SEWEIX, Superintendent. September 16, lbdS. a 9 ALEXANDER O. OATTELLA CO PatODl'OK OOMMIH8ION MKKOitAit'lU, XI O. MB PWlkiW nuuiM ( BO. W NORTH WATFR BTRKKT, . PUIUADUXPAUA. ADOTION 8AL.ES MJIIOMAR ft PON8, K08. 13 AKD UI B. tOLRTU STRXkT. Byordrrof L h. In. t not Court of Now Jersey. VAT.ttATtl.K HKAf. rTATK, W AiJII I -dKltY. TOOLP). 1KUN AKMOK ANI HHIPBUIMJlNU COMPANY. Kaihn'a Point, New .lemoy. Mn l aenay mornina. Omn. li, IP70, at 111 o'clock, will he Hold at pn ni. 1 1 - . III prcni'MHi. in the Kouth ward of Uundnn, N.J..'. oiocr oi llie v. D. District Court for tha diatriotof Mew JrlUfJ-; Alltlierpnl entate, vdiarvea, marine railway, bnililins; lir.iovme-nUi, fnotivn power, mantitnniv, tools, tixtnroa, pcrw nnl irix rty, and aaneta of the National lion Armor and ShipliuihiinK Company, ImnVnipt 1 7 Jt T f iJ ARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS Itlv Falenncn for M, 'llinmiia A Son.) No.USUUhNUx'btret.ra?ntraiM front Minor. Administrator' Pale No. Kft S. Heeonil atreot. VAI.L AliLK LKASK )F HOTKU HOUSKUOLD 1-UKNlTURK, KTU. On Monday Morning, 10th Instant, at. 10 o'clock, at No. Kil S. Hoennd atreot. the valuable lonae for throe learn of an old-oatnldishedl bntf-1, rent 90 pr-r annnm ; llJ bedsteads, mattreesea. blaiktta, beldinK. diniiii; room fnrniluro, carpol and oil cloths, tine dmible-barrel (run, gold rintf, etc 14 At C. D. McOLFTS A CO., No. 608 MARKET btreet. AUCTIONEERS LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE BAf.K OF BOOTS. BHOKK, BKOOAN8, KIC' On Monday Mornin-, Jan. 10. at 10 o'clook, including a largo lin of lartioa', mimH.',and children's city-niade gooda, to which w invito trie attention oi the trade. 1 J tt THOMAS BIRCI1 A BON, AUCTIONEERS ANU OOMM1HKION MKROUANTS, No. 1U OUHJjNUT etrMt, rear entrano No. lh7 baxtaoia aUwttj Snle at ITo. 1110 Chesnnt street. FINK KHEFK1KM) PLATKD WARD, BRONZR ANT OILT KHillTDAV CI.OOKH, HOHKM1AW GLARR VASKS. PKATtL AND IVORY HANDLE TABLE tlllTI.ERY, F it). On Tuesday Morning and Evening, Jan. 11, at II o'clock A. M. and 7Xt o'clock P. M , at the auction store, No. 1110 Che-.nut street, will be sold, larK assortment of the above ware, comirtsing tea and cotloo sots, with nrna and trays to match ; dinner and) breakfast castor, batter dkhi-, epoon-holdors, lsdlesv spoons, fork, etc. Also, a.conplote assortment ot pearl and Ivory-handle) cutlery. Goods open on Monday afternoon. 1 8 St c ONCERT IT ALL AUCTION ROOMS. So. 12tf t HFRNUT Utieet. T. A. McCLELLAND, Auctioneer. HANDSOME WALNUT CHAMBER FURNITURW, Flrxant Plush Parlor Rnita, Dili in groom Furniture. Library 6eta, Centre and liimiinet Tables, Bnokoaae. rlirieboania, Hat and Umbrella Stands, Racking and I'-asy Cnaire. Commodes, Towol Hacks. Handsome Mir rors ia Walnut and tiilt l'rames, Oftice Dusks, and Tables, (Jann-aeat Chair. Fenthvr Keds, flair, Hoa-, FprinR, and St raw Mattrses, Fine Bronco and Marblo Clock", Wardrobs, etc. Will bo sold, On Morday Morning. January 10, at 10)4 o'clock, by oats lorn, very alflgant assortment of new and anperior household furniture, hich wo guarantee as ropreented. It CCOTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION ea Room. No. 1117 OHKSNUT KJ Commiion Slea Street, Uirard Row. Particular attention paid to out door sale at moderate) rates4 la B r BARR1TT A CO., AUCTIONEERS. CARH AUCTION HOUSR, 11 M ivo. zau gi A ns n.1 otrees, corner oi nana nroe. Cash advanced on ennsifc-nmenta without extra charff. BUNTING, DUEBOROW S; CO., AiyCTIOM KKRS, No. 2!3 and 334 MARKET Street, oomoc ot Bank street. Bacoeeaor to John B. Myr A Co. T IPPINCOTT, BON & CO., AUCTIONEERS, JJ No. SHI' MARKET Btroo. PROPOSALS. JpROTOSALS FOR TIMBER. Offick of Paymastrr TJ. S. Navt,) NO. 425 CHKSNUT 8TRKRT, PniLAOKbi'HiA, Jan. 1, 18T0. ) Scaled Proposals, Indorsed "Proposals for Tim ber," will be received nt thts omce until 19 o'clock: M., on tho 13th of January, for furnishing tha Vnitcd States Navy Department with the folio wine TIMBER, to be of the beat quality, and subject to. Inspection by the InHpectlng Officer In the Philadel phia Navy Yard, where it is to ba delivered within thirty days after acceptance of bid, free of expenso to the Government, for which security must bo given, FOR BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 10 pieces Yellow Plue, 80 to 48 feet long, lOf Inches square mast. 10 pieces Yellow Pine, 88 to 64 feet long, 17jtf Inches square mast. 10 pieces Yellow Pine, 47 to 30 feet long, 14" Inches square mast. 8 pieces Yellow Pine, 54 to 51 feet long, 19 Inches square topmast. 1 piece Yellow Pine, SS fect long, 15 Inches square topmast. 9 pieces Yellow Pine, 57 feet long, 81 Inches square yards, to taper at ends to 12 inches. 8 pieces Y'ellow Pine, 60 feet long, 92 Inches square yards, to taper at ends to l'i Inches. 6 pieces Yellow Pine, 45 to 4H feet long, 17 Inches square yarns, to tuper at ends to 9 Inches. 1 piece Yellow Pine, OS-feet long, 13 Inches sqnara hbboora. The eleven pieces for yards, tapering, to have the heart In the centre at ends. To be of the best quality, fine-grained Southern Yellow Pine, which has not beau lapped. , No more sapwood than one-eighth of the face will be received on each corner. Deductions will be made in tho measurement for all sapwood, axe marks, and improper squaring. To be free from eross-t?rains, shakes, large knots. or other defects. The butts and tops to be cut off to sound wood. The actual length and slz.o of each peine required can be obtained on application to the Naval Con structor, Navy Yard. think forms for proposals at this office. ROBEIU' PETTIT,. 1 8 9t ' Paymaster United States Navy. PROPOHALS FOlt CANNON, ETC. PURCHASE OF RIFLEU" BUKBAU OF Ohokancb, '1 670. 1 Navy Dki-aktmknt, WASniNtiTON City, January 4, 167 Sealed Proposals, for the purchase of 80-pounder and vo-poundtr Parrott Rifles, with Carriages, Im plements, and Projectiles, now on hand In the Navy Yards at PortHiwonth, N. H. ; Boston, Now York. Philadelphia, Washington, and Norfolk, will be re ceived at this Buieuu until 12 o'clock noon, January 81, lbTO. In the asprrepate there are about 890 Guns, 854 Car riages, and D6.1&7 Projectiles. Schedules In detail or tho ai tides at each j aid will be furnished on appli cation to this Iturean. Bidders will state the nnmbor or guns, carriages; Implements, and projectiles they desire to purchase rt each yard separately, Hpeeirymff the calibre or gun, kind of carriage, whether broadside or pivot, and the kind of projectiles. The guns, etc., will be delivered at the respec tive navy yards, and must be removed by the pur chaser or purchaser within ton days after the ac ceptance of his or their bid. But no deliveries will be made of any article until the parties purchasing shall have deposited with tho paymaster of the navy yard the full amount or the purchase money In eaclt Many of the Runs are new, and all are service able. Bitlders will therefore otter accordingly, xno offer for these articles as old Iron or wood will bo cotihldered. The Bureau reserves the riijht to relect any or all bids,whleh it may not consider to tho interest of tha Government to accept. .... PropoHals should be endorsed on the envelope) "Pronosals for purchase of Killed Cannon, etc" p A. LUDLOW CASE. 1 r vi-gvt Chief of Bureau. w I R E V O R K. GALVANIZED and Tainted WIRE GUARDS, store fronts and windows, for faotory and warehoos windows, for churches and cellar windows. IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for balconies, office: cemetery and garden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Builder and Caipenters. All orders uuea wim prompuiej and work guaranteed. KOBEKT WOOD & CO, BtnthSm NolJ3rooB Avenoe Phils. Motion "sail duck and canvas. J of all number, and brand.. Tont. "; " and Waaonyer !. "J "h .i.h 1-rirr lelta. lioiu inirir w - Panl.na, ItoltibS, Bail l wmo. tc. EVKRMAW No. lo CHUkCll Striot (City Storoa) A N c o n n e x c n MAO MASCFAITTORy, JtlUN T. KA1LKY, v ,0rnr of A1AKKHT and WATER StrooU, Pbiladolpl lila. DKAI KR IN BAtiS AND BAGGING ot livery qwmviiuuui iw Klcur, bait, rjiU'or Pboauat Of LJni (irain, v ...m. ni v Hit k enn.iauiiv i aim, vt ovu wva 11 BU. .. " . - . ...... ,j Q E