THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1ft70 PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON , - (BITNDATI XXCKFTID), AT THE EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDING, NO. 108 8. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TV Price is three cents per copy (double sheeC); fr eighteen cents per toeek, payable to the carrier by vJiom served. The subscription price by mail it Afit Dollar per annum, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents for (too months, invariably in ad vance for the time ordered. TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1870. REORGANIZATION OF COUNCILS. YVrrn tha new year a now set of municipal book aro opened, and Councils Lie reorga nized. The speeches of the newly-elected presiding officers, Messrs. Cattell and Wag ner, whioh we published yesterday, are re pUsta with important suggestions, and they indicate that action will speedily be required on many important munioipal questions. rhiUdoIphia is maligned by her detractors as an orergrown village; and unjust as this im putation is in a general sense, there is too muoh of a semblance of truth in that portion of it whioh relates to the system of munioipal government that has hitherto prevailed. The city has been governed more like an over grown village than a municipality of a rank only secondary to the most populous capitals of civilization. In former times the old city led the van of modorn improvement, but ainoe consolidation, Philadelphia, as a whole, has fallen far behind it; and as a result, there is not one duty devolving upon the munioipal government whioh is thoroughly and satisfactorily discharged. The necessity of reform and improvement is everywhere apparent. Private enterprise has accom plished wonders in every direction, and in every quarter it has outstripped the public progress whieh should have fostered and pro moted it. While attention has been absorbed in the exoiting issues of State and national politics, only a small fraction of our citizens have given serious consideration to the name tons home problems which are annually in creasing in importance, and the practical rule has been to get over present difficulties after some fashion, it mattered not much how, pro vided there was not too great an increase of taxation. The fruits of this neglect are painfully apparent. With the largest city debt on the continent, if not in the world, we have the most imperfect and incomplete munioipal accommodations, in proportion to population and wealth. The publio buildings are notoriously inadequate. The County Prison is crowded to suffocation, the House of Correction is still a thing of the future, and no substantial progress has been made toward the erection of new rooms for the Courts, 'Councils, and publio officers. The deficiencies of the Water Department were painfully disclosed by the drouth of 18G!, and it is now estimated that an expenditure of three millions of dollars will be required to provide for present and prospective wants. The police force is inadequate in number to properly guard the whole city, and its in sufficiency is intensified by the ridiculous system of making appointments contingent upon every revolution in local politics, and establishing partisan service instead of good character and fitness as the standard of quali fication. The streets are still paved by the vnsightly and uneven cobble stones, and whilo the nocessity of an improved system is generally ac knowledged, no definite provision has yet been made for it. Several bridges over the Schuylkill are demanded, and the provisions of legislative enactments will soon compel the oity to build at least one of them,' willingly or unwillingly. Further improvements in the Park are contemplated, and the purchase money of the land t selected will in itself form a large addition to the existingdebt. In all other directions the outlook is equally sug gestive of the impending necessity of heavy expenditures which have been already too long delayed. Ho irever distasteful the pro position may be to tax-payers, it is manifest that the city revenues must soon be largely increased; and it is the true policy of the rulers of Philadelphia to look their re sponsibilities fairly in the face, seeking no longer to shirk or evade them. They should sternly resist corruption and extravagance of every description, appropriate no money which will not be judiciously expended for essential purposes, but at the samo time aim at a full and conscientious discharge of all their roal duties. In devising ways and means, they should carefully consider the best method of acquiring now sources of revenue and equalizing the burthens of taxation. Now real estate bears nearly the entire load, while in New York, as General Wagner showed in his speech yesterday, the city derives nearly as large a revenue from personal property alone, as Philadelphia ob tains from all her taxes. We even fail here to colleot the taxes levied, to an extent un paralleled in other progressive communities, and until we place our finances on a new foot ing, it will be impossible to avoid either gigantio loans or perpetual postponements of essential improvements. THE DYIiON SCANDAL AGAIN. Mas. Stowe has fulfilled her promise of re peating her charge against Lord Byron and his sister in a book that would disouss the subject in a more elaborate manner than did her original article in the Atlantic, but sho Las not fulfilled her promise of proving Lord Ityron's guilt, and for all practical purposes the matter remains just where it was left by the publication of Lady Byron's letters to Mrs. Leigh. Mrs. Stowa does ,not overturn the evidence of these letters, although she is determined to make Lord Byron guilty at all hazard, and she argues the case with all the zeal of a paid advocate. The most interest ing portion of tho book is the account that Mrs. Stowe gives of the interview with Lady Byron when the horrible revelation was made, and we think that from Mrs. Stowe's own report of th affair simile evidence can be adduced to show that Lady Byron, on this point at least, was of unsound mind. That Lady Byron told this story, and that Mrs. Stowe boliovod her, and is determined to beliove her in spite of all contrary evidence, thore can be no doubt; but when she comes before the world with such an accusation, Mrs. Stowe must expect that something more substantial in the way of facts shall be presented than the mere word of an aged woman whose mind was turned by years of suffering, and argu ments which are based entirely on the as sumption of Lord Byron's total depravity and the belief that, as he was capable of almost any crime, he must necessarily be guilty of this particular one. The publio is unable to see Lady Byron's magnanimity in the Bame light that Mrs. Stowe does, when it is shown that she was in the habit of repeating this story right and left, with such a variety of details that no one even thought of believing her; and it is but chari table to suppose that her mind was unbal anced, and that she was not responsible for her words. A large portion of Mrs. Stowe's book is taken up in proving what nobody denies, that Lord Byron lampooned his wife in a most shameful manner, and that she was obliged to submit to many harsh things said about her by his f rionds and admirers, and by gushingly sentimental appeals for sympathy that Mrs. Stowe invariably makes when she finds her logio giving out. The excuse for the original publication and for this rohawh of the scandal is the one that has already been disallowed the nocoasity for defending Lady Byron's memory. Mrs. Stowe's real reason was that she had got hold of a spicy item, and she burned to give it to the world. She has certainly achieved a pecu niary sucoess if her publishers give her a fair share of their profits, but there are some per sons who would not care to purchase success at the price she has done. We print in another part of our paper ex tracts from the advance sheets , of Mrs. Stowe's new book, which will give our read ers an idea of its style and purport. The election of Mr. M. Hall Stanton, by acclamation, as President of the new Board of School Controllers, was a deserved compli ment to a talented and faithful gentleman. He will, doubtless, do his full Bhare of the work of rendering the publio school system of Philadelphia "the glory and pride of our fair city." FRANCE, The 4'('ontltnilonal ltlinr" The New Min istry, and liu i,oniioe II. A cable telegram this morning announced that the "constitutional regime'' of Napoleon III Is in a fair way to tempt success, M.JOUIvier having succeeded In forming a Ministry satisfactory to himself and the Emperor. Of M. Olllvier himself, the head of the Cabinet and Minister of Justice, we have already published a sketch. Below we give some account of.the other Ministers. Count Napoleon Darn, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, whose first resolu tion not to enter Olllvier's Cabinet has been recalled, is the Bon of tho celebrated historian and statesman of the First Empire. Napoleon I and Josephine were present at his baptism. lie entered the Chamber of Peers by the hereditary right In 1832, and was re markable for his ability and industry. He took part In the events Immediately succeeding the revolution of '48, and was imprisoned for some days at Vln- cennes, at the time of the coup d'etat, after which he retired for some time from publio life. Ioula Joseph linttet. the new Minister of Finance, held ofllee under the republic, and attained considerable promlnenoe In the Legislative Assembly. He has long held a promi nent and Influential position in the Radical ranks, and, like Daru, was selected as one of his cabinet by Olllvier as soon as the latter was entrusted with the task of forming a ministry ; but, like Daru, be at first refused to be associated with Olllvier because of the weakness displayed by the latter at the time of passing upon the election for members of the Corps LcgUlatlf. The Marqnla ue Talbonet, who becomes Minister of Fubllo Works, belongs to an ancient family of Brittany. In 1849 he was one of the representatives of the department of the Sarthe In the Legislative Assembly, and voted In favor of the principal measures of the majority, whom be sustained In their last conflicts with the policy of the Prince President and bis advisers. After the massacres In the Boulevards and forolble dispersion of the Assembly on the id of Docember, 1801, be shared In some degree the penalties Indicted upon the noblost of Frenchmen, In being Incarcerated many days at Vlucennes. He became, however, a successful Government candidate for tho Corps Leglslatlf In 1852, and was In ltfoT, and again In 1363, re-elected by large majorities. He acted as Secre tary to the Corps Leglslatlf daring the sessions of 18C1-C4, and would seem calculated to give a cordial support to the conservative policy of M. OUlvler. Em He Alexia Hettrls, the new Minister of Publio Instruction, Is a states man of considerable experience in public affairs, and belongs to the legal profession. In 1859 he was elected as a Government candidate In the first cir cumscription of Malue-ct Loire, and was re-elected In 1863. Ue Is an otllcer of the Legion of Honor, and being Jaged 68, has had an opportunity to observe and be instructed by tho most remarkable scenes In French history. Charles I.ouvrt, the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, Is an experienced statesman. In 1S48 he favored the re public and was elected for the District of Maine-et-Loire, receiving 86,842 votes. He has since been re elected several times, and has given the Kmperor an undevlatlng support Other BIrtnbera of the Cabinet. Maurice Richards, the Minister of Fine Arts, is a lawyer, and in lsd3 was elected a Deputy from the Fourth district of Sclne-et-Olse. The Government candidate, General Melltuet, had a majority on the first ballot, but on the second M. Klchards ob tained U,r.T out of 83,450 votes. General Kdntund Leboenf, who retains his place In the Cabinet as Minister of War, bas served with distinction In Algeria and the Crimea, and saved the Italian army at bolferlno from being crushed by tho Aus trlan forces. Admiral Krgault de Genoullly, who also holds over as Minister of Marine, was connected with the naval operations a if ul nut Sevastopol in 1864, and two years later waa placed In command of the French fleet In tho Chlneso seas, and there co operated with the HrltUli at the capture of Canton lu 13tT. Other Utah Imperial Fanrtlonarlea. Csquiruu le I'arieii, the uewiy-appolutud Presl dent of the Council of Slate, belongs to a distin gulsbed French family, uud reprewuiud the Depart ment cf Cantal In tho Constituent Assembly, in which he took a prominent iimnh undecided part. Ue was appointed Milliliter of Instruction la 149, and remained lu eillce until February la, lsoi. After the eovp d'etat, he was appointed President of the section of Finance lu the Council of Ktate, and bas received many proofs of Imperial favor. Ue bas written several historical aud statistical work. OJUlou liarrot, tho l'rocureur-Oenera), has ecu pled a prominent place lu French politics. Though very young when lie entered the Cbamiier of Depu ties In the reign of Louis XVIII, he had acquired a high reputation as an eloquent pleader. bL Uarrot was a muHt active member ot the party which brought about the devolution of ls.lO. He was tho leader of the agitation la favor of reform In HK-s, and attended several of tho provincial banquets which led to the devolution of 1W and tho ilmvufitll of touts I'hllipp. Under the Presidency of Lonls Napoleon ho was for some time a Minister, and con ducted the Government of Trance with success in 1861, when he retired for several years from active political life. OBITUARY. Thomas Creavrlrk, H. A. This distinguished landscape pnlntordled on Satur day, In London, and was hurled yesterday In Kensntl Green Cemetery. Mr. Crcswlc.k was born In Slief Ocld In 1811. He commenced the study of art at Itlrmlnguara, and continue It at London, where he exhibited hi Drat picture at the Koyal Academy In WL Ills favorite subjects at the commencement of bis career were views la Wales, In Derbyshire, and on the river Wye. In 1342 he was elected an Asso ciate of the Royal Acadomy and a full Academician la 1954. About this time ho received a large com mission from Messrs. Grundy, of Manchester, to paint an extensive series of plot urea from the scenery of North. Walos for publication In litho graphy. This series was designed as a companion to the "Lake Scenery" executed by Pyne for the same house. These works added greatly to Ores wick's reputation and brought him prominently be fore the art publio of England as a lamlscaplst of fine poetical feeling. Mr. Creswlck Is best known In this conntry by his book illustrations, of which he executed a great many, and by the engravings from his pictures. Without being a man of great (renins, be was a true artbtt, and his pictures and style repre sent the best features of the modern Mritlsa land scape school. 8PEOIAL. NOTICES. J6QT WANA MAKER. The low price at which we hare been selling A for the hut few weeVl will etlll prevail until J" oar Winter Stook is all cleared out and we ere read for our Spring Importations. A JOIIK WAN AM AK Kit, FINK3T CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, M No. 818 and 820 Cheeaut Street. Ours is the FINKST READY-MADK CLOTHING IN AMKRIOA! Far superior K in ever? war to all other Ready-made Cloth tn. and equal to the BUST CUSTOM WOKK. of most Kktabliilimenta, bat In 1 J V closing oat our present stork we are selling as cheap as any borne on either Markot or Cbeeout street. JOHN WANAMAKER, FINEST CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, Nos. 813 and 820 CIIESNUT Street. OIR BOYS' CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISH ING GOODS ARE ALL MARKED DOWN, and can be bought now at prices which would justify any one in laying in a stock for future nee; JOHN WANAMAKER, FINEST CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, 111 Nos. HIS and 820 CHI'.SNUT Street. IRI8H BAUDS AND BALLADS. CHAKLKS W. HKOOKK. KSU . Will Lecture on tho shove subject at UOM'KHT HALL, On THURSDAY KVKNINC, .lanusnrS, 11170. To iriva tirnnor airiraanion tn tha inMliMlina of tiia Irish Bards, MADAMK .TOSRPniNR KOIIIMPF has kindly cooiiented to appear. iaraioi Aanntxion, r my iemii. Reserved Seat to be hid t J. L. Caraomaa A Oo.'s. No. 6 Nurtb Kightb street. USI ttt j&jj- HIBERNIAN 80CIKTY. THE member are reouexted to meet at NINTH and GRKKN Mtreeta.on WKDNKHUAY AFlRKNOON, 6th inat., to proceed in the 8 1. M. train to Germantown, to attene I he funeral o( their late fellow-mauiber, A. J. UATHKKWUOl', Kail. It 1'tillilf fUWKLli, Hecratary proum. THE BIBLE AND INFIDELITY A debate thia evening, at HARMONIAL HALL. ELI VKNTH and WOOD Street", at 7 4 o'olook, between Kev. JOHN MOORK and J. . FIHIt. Admission, M cent. Clergy and members of the preaa free. raSf THE PARIIAM NEW FAMILY 8EW- lng Machine ta a firat elaas Lock-Stitch Machine, dnelgnea for erery description of family sewing; elegant in etyle and Uninh; perfeotly aim pie in construction ; make perfect work on every description of material. Call and examine, or send for deschptiva pamphlet. Agents wanted in every oity and town. Odioa and Haie room. WO.704OHKSN UT Street. I Jit jggy- NOTICECITY LOANS MATURING Jannarf 1, 1ST0, will be paid on and after tha let day of January, 187. JOSHPU F. MARORR, 1 J St Oity Treasurer. jg$T CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, PsnXADKLPHU, January 1, 1870. The semi-annual interest on Oity Loans due January 1, 1870, will be paid oa and after this data. JOSEPH F. MARORR, 1 8 3t Oity Treasurer, GOPSILL'S PHILADELPHIA CITY AND BUhltf K88 DIRKOTOR1KS. The subscriber takes this method of notifying tha publio that he haa finished the compilation of the above books. Any person or parsons having made changes in firms, places of business or resilience, will do well to notify tha snmeat the Directory OiHce, corner FlfcTK and WAL NUT Streets, on or before TUESDAY, the 4th of January, 1x70, so that the neoessary alterations may ba made in tha msnusoript before printing. 1 1 3t ISAAO COST A, Compiler. THE COUPONS DUE JANUARY 1, 1870, of the first mortgage bonds of ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY (First Division Branoh Line) will be paid on and after that data upon pre sentation at tha offloe of DABNEY, MORGAN CO., No. 63 KXOHANOK Place, New York. U Jl 13t jgy- PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD CO., Office, No. 837 8. FOUR TU 8treet. PHlLrFXPHIA, Deo. SB, 1869. DIVIDEND NOTIOK. The Transfer Book of the Company will be closed on FRIDAY, the Slai instant, and reopened on TUESDAY January 11, 1870. A dividend of FIVE PER CENT, bas been deolared on the Preferred and Common Stock, clear of National and State taxes, payable in CASH, on and after January 17, 1870, to the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the books of the Company on the 81st instant. All payable at this offioe. AU orders for dividend must ba Witnessed and stamped. 8. BRADFORD, U fflHOt , Treasurer. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. (SOUTHERN BRANCH.) Coupons of the Six Per Cent . Gold Bonds of this road due on 1st prox. will be paid on and after that date, free from Government tax, by CLARK, DODGE CO., 13 S11H No. 61 WALL Street, New York. CAMBRIA IRON COMPANY THE Annual Meeting 'of the Stockholder of tba CAMBRIA IRON COMPANY will be held at their Otiice, No. 4eu OH KSN UT Street, Philadelphia, on TUKS DAY, the lHth day of January next, at eo'ulock P.M., nhea an election will b held (or seven Directors, to serve tut tha ensuing year. . JOHN T. KILLE. . Secretary. Philadelphia, Dee. 18. 1889. U 18 tot tST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made at the next meeting of tha legislature of Pennsylvania for tha incorporation of a Hank, in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth, to be entitled "T11K BANK. Off AMERICA," to be locaid at Philadeloliia. with a esoitsl of five hundred thmuan d dollars, with a right to increase tha same to twa niiutouanf uuiiars. eaieu u ifty NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will be made at the next meeting of the LepifcUiure of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a llsuk, in accordance wilh the laws of the Commonwealth, to t.M ntitlai TIIK lill'i'CHKHM' A Nil UROVKKS HANK, to be locate.! at Philadelphia, with a oapital of two uunurea anu nity tnousanu Hollars, wiui a rigni wt iucrusf e Uie aame to a million of dullara. 6 'Si wt J IS taT QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, mr w i tiu iwiM s km i iiiii tii w AJ X rj l- n IV lg sJlTrnrVIVla) OA PITA U jtM.UK) UOO. BAB1NX, AM.KN A 1HJLI.FS, Arents, S3 lll'lii and WALN UT Streets, bwt RASPBERRY MIRINQU ES g'KKSH DAILY, AT u is tetrn munorvb, no. auuit Direeu I Ana-..-. - - . . . mmm mmHmm ir"f.(fJpv;.OP THR DIAMOND COAL KOTirJr Pr?Y No WALNUT r serv , tor i'lT- h n'"el oleotion f.f Nevea TXrector to VVKIiN iTki ;,?.8B,"ar will l bold at tits efFieeon IP at January IS, between toe hmirsof Is and I4 7t. KD. PKAOK. 1 " - Presijent. vPSl ' TIIK HOSPITAL OF THIS TM tiJ Ju 5,1?".n of the Oontriboton, to the!. will WhjJ OHlROU IN I'll I LA OKI. Pill A Ho'cwfll ik OfBoeoii TUK.SDAY, the 4th in.t., at serve for !h!"b7, K!"h """Mfer will ba elootwt to 1 1 ! lo ensuing three years. JOHN A. OHII.llS. Weorsrarv. tST OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER, . PH'LAT)Rl.fHiA. Deo. tJ, lSGSl-Warrant registered to No. t9MV will be paid oa presentation at this omoe, in teract ceasing from data. JOS. F. MAROKR, City Treasurer, r,,l)FPICE OK THE UNITED SECURITY OF PKirJlvINC,i1JmiKAN, TR,!ST COMPANY NUTHtrwtJ ' rn"rif 11,1-11 nd UUK8' h7hSil A fi'?. C" ,or HV.'"" "f "''a Company will 1 7Sro oir aSf D WbMW J.u-.ryli, -llM O. F. BUTTS, Secretary. ST OFFICE OF WELL8, FARGO A COM- PA NY. No. 84 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Da ibr 28, 1 '. Not ioe is hereby given, that the Transfer ltooksof Wells, Fargo A Company will be CLOSED on tb. 19th day of JANUARY. 1870. at 8 o'clock P.M. to enable the Company to ascertain who are owners of the stock of the old Ten Million Capital. Tha owner of that stock will be entitled ta participate in tha distribution nf assets niovirlwl for K. ,. . ... privoiuqu, wim uie i sciflo Kxpres Company. Tim T.u.fM firu.i. . Mitt, . . , . . JANUARY, at 10 o'olook A. M , after whioh time tha new eiocc will De delivered. Notice is also aivan tht h T. H.r t t.- ,t.i. n - - uwmoi Kim v vi ,m- any will be GLOBED on tha 15th day of JANUARY, u.v, uoioo r. m., ror me purpose of holding tha annual MLKOTION OF DIRECTORS of tbls Company. The books will ba RK-OPENRD oa tha 7th day of FEB- ut,M IV 0 Clock A. M. " 3Ll." P1"?.1;. WIS, Seoretary. B OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF DIREC- ivno vr inn AMKKIUAN MERCHANTS' UNION EXPRESS CIOMPanv wn tit nurt v NEW YORK, November , 186H. ' ioe Hoard of Directors of tha Amerioaa Merchants' Union Kxpreea Company have this day deolared a dividend ef THREE DOLLARS (Min.h... ti capital stock of the Company, payable on tha 16th day of vimiuw, a. Ai.. The transfer books will ha ntnA k. si.t tv. camber next, at 8 o'clock P. M and reopened at 10 o'clock xl. n. ou toe mu nay or January next. By order of tha Board. "Mil J.JT KNAPP, Secretary. OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL INSUR vvum.x, . iv. earner ihiku ana WALNUT Streets. Putladku hia, December 99, 1869. The Anneal Meetuur of the Stock snil RrnhnM the Union Mutual Insaranoe Company of Philadelphia will be held, at the Office of the Company, at 13 M . MON DAY. January 10. 1H7U. At tha urn tin,. ri will be elected, to serve the ensuing year. tI JOHN MOSS, Seoretary. fig?- OFFICE OF CENTRAL PACIFIC RAIL ROAD OF CALIFORNIA, No. 54 WILLIAM STREET. NEW YORK, December 17. 18fi9.-The 8IX PER CENT, intorest coupons of first mortgage bonds of the Central Paoifio Railroad of California, due Janu ary 1, 1870, will be paid at the banking house of Fiak k iisw o, no. flasDAu Btreat, now York. j:ll6t V. P. HUNTINOTi'N. Vioa-Presidant. OFFICE OF TOE BELVIDERE MAN7- ItVI.VITlVDV Itf -T Da S 1QM .fi'1if',J".?,rel,71,"'B o 'be stockboioe'rs of the HKL VIDKKK MAN UFAOTU RING OO MPANY respectively, that kstefhmenta amounting to SIXTY PER nnvniM of the ciipital stook of said company have bnen made and paympnt of tbe ssme called for on or before the eighth day ot February, A. D. 1870, and that payment of such a proportion of all earns of money by them subscribed is called for and demanded from them on or before the aald nil,,. Ily order ot the Board of Director. U HHtlw B. SHKKRKRD. Secretary. jgy- OFFICE OF THE HESTONVILLE, RAILWAY COMPAJJY. i-AB.KWUttii Phtladktjhia, Dee. S7. 1869. A NOTIOK TO 8TOOKH()iJ)KK8. ' Tre Annus! Meeting of tha HbvikhnHm nf thia n. pany will be bld at their Office. No. 2&tS O ALL J W H 1 LL btreet, on MONDAY, January 10, iH70, at 8 o'clock P. M. An Election for a President and Five Li rectors to serve ior ensuing year will ba held at tbe ssme Dlsoa and on tha same day, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock P. M. it CrtAa. p. HASTINOS, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE GREEN AND COATES tJ lrm,' T1T1 T T . ..... . . - - riivnai.i rniijaur.i.rillA rANKItUKK RAILWAY COMPANY, TWENTY-FOURTH and COATES STREETS. . ... Philadki.phta, Deo. 87, 18f. The Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at the Offioe of the Company, on MON DAY. January 10, 1870, at 10 o'clock A. M., at whioh time and place an Election will be held for a President and twelve Director, ta serve for the ensuing year. Jul BIO J. B. MOKKITT, Secretary. fy- OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPAJiY, No. 809 CHE8NUT Street. , . Philadelphia, Deoember 88, 18. Tha Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders of the tame Insurance Company will be held on MONDAY, tbe loth day of January next, at 10 o'olook A. M., at the otnoe of the Company. An Election for Twelve Director, to serve for the en suing year, will he held at tha aame time and at tbe eame place, between tha hours of 10 A. M. and 8 o'olook P. M. WILLIAMS L BLANCH ARD, 18 88 lit Secretary. itgy- OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 4180 OUKSNUT Street. Philadklphia, January 8, 1870. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, a Dividend of ONE DuLLAR and FIFTY CENTS per share was deolared, free ef all taxes, payable to the Stock holders, or their logal repreeentatives, on and after the Dth Inst. Transfer Books oinaed until loth innt. I lit W, W. COLKET, Treasurer. OFFICE OF CALIFORNIA AND ORE GON RAILROAD, No. M WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, Deo. 17. Tbe Six Per Cent. Interest Cou pons of First Mortgage Bonds of tha California and Oregon Railroad, due Jan. 1, 1870, will be paid at tbe Banking House of Fiak A Hatch, No. 8 Nassau street. New York. C. P. IIUNTINOTON. IS 81 Int Vice President. tes- OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENN9YL VANIA RAILROAD C0MPANY, No. 407 WAL NUT Street. Philadelphia. Deo. 84, 1889. The Annual Meeting of the Htockholdsra of the NORTH PENNSYLVANIA KAII.ROAU COMPANY, will be held at tha otnoe of the Company, No. 4117 WAL NUT Hlfix-t. Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the loth day of January, 1H70, at Is o'clock M., for the purpose of electing a President end Ten Ihrertors, to serve for the ensuing year. 1HHB lit KDWAHI) AKMSi'KOXU, Secretary. BfiT OFFICE OF THE SEVENTEENTH AND NINKTEKNTH HTREKTH PaSHKNCKR RAILWAY COMPANY, NINE l'KKNTH and M AST Kit btreuls. Puil1ki.phia, Deo. Sf , lMrty. 1 lie Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of theOom- fiany will be beld at the Orhoe, MONDAY, January 10, H7U, at 18 o'clock, at which time and piaoe an eleatinn will be beld for President and Five Director to serve the ensuing year. 12 29 CHARLES T. YERKKH, Jn., Secretary. 86- OFFICE OF THE HOUSTON AND TEXAS CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 68 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Dm. 87, 18. -The Coupons of tbe Mortgage Bonds of thia Company, dua Jan. 1, 1870, will ba paid in gold ooln on and after that data, at tbe National City Bank. New York. 13 31 16t D. H. PA 10 E. Vice President. By OFFICE OF CENTRAL PACIFIC RAIL. ROAD OF CALIFORNIA, No. M WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. Deo. 17, lHn9.Tue Seven Per Cent. Interest Ooopons (Bonds of 1HH4) daa Jan. 1, 1870, ill be paid at tbe banking house of Eugene Kelly A Co., No. 31 Nassau street. New York. 18 81 lUt C. P. HUNTINdTON, Vloa President. NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL FIKI.ll RAILROAD ANU COAL COMPANY Offioe, No, 1C16 WAXNUT Street. , , l'HiLAiKi.rHiA. December 87, 1849. Tbe Annual Meeting ot tbe Kfockholdnrs of this Com pany, and an Election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will be beld at Ollic on TCLoDA Y,Uie IltS day of January, A. D. 1870, at li o'clock M 18801U C. It. LINDSAY, Seoretary. OSr 8HAMOKIN COAL COMPANY, Office No. KM WALNUT Street, PuiI.Airi rHi, Deo. SI, 1888. Tbe Annual Meeting of the Htoukholdan of the above named Company, aud an eloction of Directors to sorve lor ensuing year, will beid at their Olticeoa WKUNKIUaY, tha iHtn day of January. A. D. 187U. at lio'oU k M. JU 31 lWt O. R. I.INHSaV, hecretary. Iy- COLD WEATHER DOES NOT CnAP orrouKben the skin after wiu WMKIHT'N AU CONA'l iCI) (il.YCKKIiSE TAHI.Kr OS rMLIDIKlKI ULYCI'RINK. Itsdsilvuse niakae the ski a delicately suit aud beuuUIuL bold by an lUUKguia. li. A (J. A WRIUHT. Iti hatsttCUKSNUT bueet NOTIOE8. PEOIAL. NOTilOES. 8PEOIAL NOTmra ruf87arwPENN8TLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. NotJoe is hereby given In the Stockholders af this Com pany, that th Annual Meoting and Election for Praai. dent and Eight Directors will he bald at tim Office of the Company, in the City of KKAOINI). on MONO AY. tha loth day of January, l870,atwoen 12 M. and 8 P. M. HENRY O. JON KB, Becretary. PmrDFLPHTA, Docember 8. 18ffl. U 30 it JSaT WF.STl;HFisf KRAND PHtLADELPHIA RAILHOADOOMPANY.-Theneit Anneal Mm. !? ?I AhmH'0kno',',r nt thi Company wiU beheld in the HORTIUIII URAL H ALI,, in tne Borough of Wess iL-fTl.0", MONDAY, the Utb day or January. A. D. 18, n, at 11 o'clock A. M., when and whore en Election will be beld of Officer to sarv the ansulaa year. By order of Uie Board. mm a li .. LRWI8 SMITH, Secretary. Philadelphia, Dee. 18, 186". 18 38 lit JPaT NF-SQUEHONINfTvALLEY TUILROAD COMPANY. Offioe, No. 133 S 8H!ON B Htreet. . ..... . Phii.aip.lphia. Dec. 8J, I8t. The Annual Meeting of Wis 8torkholilore of this Com pany, and an Election for President and Twelve Direct jr to sorvs for the ensuing yesr, will be held at thin Office, between the hour of twolvaaad two, oa MONDAY, tha loth day of January, 1870. 8 lit W. B. WHITNEY. Becrstary. f- TDK PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON. iLND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY. , .... . PHiiyM.i-HiA, Deo. Sll, I8t. Tha Annual Meeting of the aWookheldnra of this Oom PP' B? Elect! oa of Directors will take place st the IMfioe of the Compsny, in Wilmington, oa AWN U AY. tbe loth of January, 1870, at I P. M 12 8 lit A. HORNER, Seoretary. SST THE BANK OF NORTn AMERICA. . PHiLADgi.PHtA, Janasry 3, 1878. n. TZ" .T'? J? hT tni day deoUred a dividend of T.N PER CENT, for tha last six months, fre froaa United States and State tax, payable on and after tha eta Instant. JOHN H. WATT, Oashler. tHr NATIONAL BANK OF THE RE- PUBLIC. . . PnTLADKLPRTA, Deo. 88, I8J. uT?f?.I"u,Jl,,,t,on foT Directors of this Bank will ba i Bsnking House on TUESDAY. January 11, 1870, between the hours of 11 A. M. and IP.M. . "Wlt J. P. MUM FORD, Cashier. JOT FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' NA- TIONAL BANK. . ,,.,. PmTArKiinA, Deo. 10, 188. u T-A"."".1 Floet'on 'r Directors of this Hank will ba held at the Banking House on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of January Beat, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. snd 8 o'clock P. M. U It UI18 W. RUSHTON. Jb., Oashler. fgy- TnE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. . , . Phit.adft.phia, Deo. 11, 1889. T5" ABU1 Flection for Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House on WEDNESDAY, the 13th day of January. 1870, between tbe hour nf 11 A. M. sad 8 I aiV -,h ot 8- y- PALM KR, UlSmthlrt Cashier. fijgT SOUTHWARK NATIONAL BANK. . , Philadelphia, Deoember 11, 1889. TJ Annual Election for Dtreotora will be held at tha Banking House, on TUESDAY, January 11. 1870, between tbe hoursof 10 o clock A. M. and li o'olook M. """""" 12 13 mwfiat P. LAMB. Cashier. GIRARD NATIONAL BANK, PHILA- DELPHI A. December 10. 1889. Tbe Annual Meeting of the Stockholder, for the elec tion of Direotors and for ofher pnrposes, will be held at B.!,k,7,5 OB WEDNESDAY, Uth Januaa. 1870, at 18 o'clock M. The election will take plaoe between the hour of 10 A. M. and 8 P. M. lailset W. L. BOHAFFER. Cashier. BfeJ- CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. . ., PHTI.ADFI.pniA, Deccmhtr 11, 186. The Annnal Election for tbiHecn Directors Af this Hank Will bo held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, Janu ary II. 1870, between the hour of 10 .o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. 1L P. 80UETKY. 18 11 tutb!3t Cashier. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the SUMMIT BRANOH RAIL ROAD COMPANY will be held at the offlceof the PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD COM PANY in Philadelphia, Pa., on the 17ta day of January, 1870, at 1 o'clock P. M , to eleot Directors for the ensuing year, and transact such other bUMinexa as may be pre sented. WILLIAM B- FliWI.Ii, 18 88l7t Secretary. ngy THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Contributor to the PRK 8TON RETKV AT will be held at the Retreat, UAMiLTON and TWEJf rIKT Streets, on MONDAY AFTERNOON, January 10, 1870. at 4 o'clock, for the purpose of electing twenty-four Manaaers, a Treasurer, and two Auditors, and of transact ing aucbother business s may bt brought forward. ROBKRT O. CORNELIUS, beoretary. Philadelphia, Deo. 84. 188s. 188 lls THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder of tha PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MON DAY, the 1(8 h of January, 1870. at 1 o'olook P. M., at tha Compsny' Othoe, No. StMn. DELAWARE Avenue, at which time an Election for Twoivo Director will iaae PU,M'- . . J- MORRELL, Secretary. rnuaoei pnia, ueo. a, ibov. 13 aiwfmt-J It THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stokholrinra of tha TH IRTK BUTTW A am WIW. TBENTH STREET'S PA8SENOER RAILWAY COM. rBl win ne noid at the S. K.. corner of BROAD and CARPENTER Streets (entrsnte on Carpenter street), on MONDA , the loth dsy of Jsnuao, 1870, at 10 o'olook A. M.,forthe election of a President and five Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for tba transaction of saoa other business as may be pnwented. u. HOXls.KBHOWiv.HooroUry. Philadelphia, Deo. 28, 188H. 13 84 89 J 1 8 luet jfrgy- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder of HORTICULTURAL HALL, for the Election of Director and the transaction of other busi nces, will be held at tbe Hall on TUESDAY KVENI.VO, J aauary 1 1, at 7 o'olook. 18 88 tuthaot tgy THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COM- PANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, Comoany's BuUd ing, No m WALNUT Street, Deo. 84, Ism NOTICE. -The Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of the ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY will be beld on MONDAY, tbe 10th day of January next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Offioe ot the Company. An election for Twelve Direotors to ecrva tha ensuing year will be beld on tbe same day, at tbe same placidiba- iween lue noun 01 IS o'ciocg A. M. and 2 o'olook p. M. 13 84 luiwUl 10 ALEX W. WISTEH, Seoretary. 1ST THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. Philadrlphia, Deo. 87, 1889. An election for thirteen Director e 01 the Company will beheld at the office of the Company. No. 4 and 8 EX CHANCE BUILDING, on MONDAY, Jan. 10. 1870, ba tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 o'olook P. M. lfl 87 lilt J. H. HoLLINSHEAD, Seoretary. SUSQUEHANNA CANAL COMPANY, Office No. 417 WALNUT Street. Philadklphia, Deoember 80, 1888. Notice is hereby given that tbe suii annual intorest on the Preferred Bonds of the SUSQUEHANNA CANAL COMPANY and tbe Priority Bonds of tbe TIDEWATER CAN A L COMPANY, falling duo on tbe 1st of January, 1870, will be paid at'tbe office of the Ooinpany in Philadel phia and Baltimore, on and alter the 3d proximo, oa pre sentation ol the coupon thereof, numbered It. ROBERT D. BROWN, 18 31 9w Treasurer. SUSQUEHANNA CANAL COMPANY, Offloe No. 417 WALNUT Street. Phiijidkmhia, Deoember 80, 1868. Notioe ia hereby given that the eeiui-snnusl interest oa the Common Bonus of the ftUSQUEUANNA CANAL, COMPANY, falling due on the 1st of January, 1870, will be paid on and alter the Hd proximo, at the First National llauk of fhii&dolpbia, on presentation of the coupons for the tame, nnnioerad 34. ROBERT D. BROWN, 13 81 2w Treasurer. tfiy- EA8T MAHANOY RAILROAD COM- PANY. Office No. 827 8. FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. Deo 15, I860. Tha Annual Meeting of the (Stockholders of this Com pany ami an election tor Oflioer to serve for the ensuing year will lie held at the Office of the Company on MON DAY, January 10, 1870, at 3 o'olock P. M. ALBERT FOSTER, 1S 14 23 Secretary. ey- THE MAHANOY AND BROAD MOUV- TAIN RAILROAD COMPANY. Office No. 887 & FOURTH btreet. Philadelphia, Dee. 16, 1888. Tbe Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany and an election tor Officer to serve for the ensuing yxsr. will be held st the Office of the Compsny on MOM DAY. January 10, 1870, at 1 o'olock f. M . ALBERT FOSTER, 18 14 23t Secretary By- EAST MAHANOY RAILROAD COM- mr PANY, Office No. 327 B. FOURTH Stroot. Philadklphia, Deo. 88, 1869. Notioe Is hereby given to the Stoukuoldere of this Ooin pany that a Dividend of Three 181 per Cant., free of State taxes, bss this day been deolared, payable in cash on tha lithdeyof January, 1870. RICHARD COB, 13 33 8ut. Treasurer. my- THE PARIIAM NEW FAMILY 8EW- Ing Msohinte are manufactured at No. 884 and 816 8. FTF'l ll hi root, and tor tain on Uinns to suit all, t the aaieorocin. No. 70-8 UHBoNUT Street. 1 4 ot sx- BATCnELOR'S HAIR DYE. THIS splendid Hair Dye ia tha best ia tbe world ; tha only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no diaapointment; no ndioulous tints; remedies the ill ettauts of bsd dyes i iuvigoratee and leavos the Uair soft and bsautilul, bUyck or hrom. Sold by all Druggist and Perfumers ; snd properly applied at Uatcbelor'e wig Vaa tory. No. It BoND Street, New York. 4 87mwf4 fay COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION originsted the snawthetio use of NITROUS OX IDE, OK LAUGHING OAS, Anddevota their whole time and practice to extracting U h without pain. ...... OHioe. KlOiltltand WA LNUT Btroeta. 11 81 iQr DR. F. R. THOMAS, THE LATE OPE- rstor of t be Oolton Dental Aseooistion, is now the eafy cmr in Philadelphia who devotes bis entire time and practice to extracting tooth, absolutely wit limit pain, by trash aiUvuao aids gas. Oinoa, 811 WALNUT bU liu EVERY ONE SHOULD CAI.L'ANU examine the Perhsm Sewing kfeohtn -..--Chaalng, o. 704 .OHMiNUTMtrw4 s' OL.OTHINO. SAIL ON! SAIL ON! The sale goes on ! TDK PKOPLB ARK ASTONISHED AT OUB LOW PRICKS. TUB aiCBXLKNCK OF OUR CLOTHKS QITK PERFBOT 8ACI8FACTIOBr. THK BEAUTY OF OUR FITS TIJlASBS ALL TUB WEABBRS. TUB TARIKTT OF OUR 6TTLB8 MEETS ETRRT. BODl'8 APPROBATION. The conUuoal qaestlon la, "How can Rockhill & Wilson Sell their goods At such low prices?" AND TUB SALS (JOES ON, AMD IT WILL GO ON TILL ALL TAB CLOTHKS ARB GONS OFF I Redaction! Thirty Per Cent. On all Clothes. ROCKHILL & WILSON. GREAT BROWN IIALL, 603 and 605 CHISNUT Btreet. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. GOOD BUSINESS SUITS 14, were H " " " 1S M " H8 OVERCOATS fu u EVANS & LEACH, No. 628 MA11KBT STREET, 18 M lmrp PUILADgLPPIA, DRY OOOD8. 1870. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF MUSLINS ' AND Linen CJ oocIm For Hoosekaspers to make ap for tha Spring and Sam a sr. All the leading Makes at Low Price. Also, continuation of oar eloering sals of SHAWLS, ' SILKS, DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES AND CLOTHS. We take Stook on tha first of Febrnanr. and ia tha ia. torint bargains positively may ba expected. JOSEPH U. THORNLEY'S Centrally Located Establishment, K.E. Cor. of Eighth and Spring Garden, MM if PHILADRLPHIA. JJSEl'UaL, I'UHSKNTH FOR THE HOLIDAYS. POINTB. REAL VALKNCTBNNB, T 1170 THRBAU ANI Q 01PURB Jj Jl O Jj J Ia Setts, CoUarg, Hdkfs., and bj the jartL TRlMltBD AND EMBROIDKRBD 8BTT8, ROMAN SCARFS AND 8ASIIBS, GLOVES or every description, INDIA AND OAbUMBItB SCARFS, ' Together with an elegant stock of BILES, POPLINS, and every variety of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, C LOTUS, CABbi MBRB3, ETC. ETC J- W. THOMAS, No, 405 and 407 North SECOND St. 11 4mBp PHILADBLPnU. MRS." R. DILLON, NO. 323 AND S31 SOUTH Btreet, haa a large assortment of floe Millinery ior Ladies and Misses, Bilibont, bating, Silks, Velvets and Velveteens, Crapes, Feathers, Flowers, Jframea, hash Ribbons, Ornaments, Mourning Millinery, Urapa A eila, eto. 1 4 ( yEPHYRS AND GEROTOWn" WOOIA i-i Htockina; Tarns of all kinds; Tidy, Crochet, and Mending; Ootion, wholesale and retail, at Factory. Mo. UflM LOMBAKO Btreet. Ula OARRIAOE8. CARRIAGES ICKKIAGES ! WM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE BUILDER, Not, 1009 and 1011 CHESNUT St COPARTNERSHIPS. C OPARTNER8IlIP.TUE UNDERSIQNED oooipoeinf tha Dim af DALLKTT h SOW. Have this day established a house ia Near Yark oils', under tha title of DALLKT. SONS A CO., Por tha transaction of a Shipping and General Oouuaia. sion business. Philadelphia, January 1, 1870. H. O. DALLKTT, II. O. DA LLKI'T, JB.. JAMK8 ILLKTT. (Ijite of Dallett A Karerao. New York). lUt 81 MON POKY. BOARDING. BOARDINO. TWO VEKY UE3IRAH1.E HOOMs, with Board, afar now ba sou mad at Ne. lw OUKttNU l' buaet, I H