TUB DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER :10, 1869. (Evening tlcpaplt 1' UBLJ8HE1) EVEKY AFTERNOON (SUNDAT9 EXCEPTED), AT TJIK EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDING, NO. 108 S. THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. T,te l'rice is three rents per copy (double sheet); r eighteen cents per xeeek, payable to the carrier y tchom served. The subscription price by mail ts Nine Dollars per annum, or One Dollar and Fifty Ocnts for tico months, invariably in ad vance for th fiwe ordered. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 18C9. Till! LEGISLATIVE JOBS OF 1870. As thk people of Philadelphia have re-elcctoil a number of the members of the last LegiHla ture who wore distinguished for their skill in earning divvies, and their adroitness in dispos ing of public questions to their best pecuni ary adrantago, theso worthies will no doubt feol fully justified in making bolder and more desperate strides for plunder at the approach ing session of IS 70 than at any former pe riod. They can, indeed, scarcely he blamed fi.r adopting this ptofitabla policy. It is now ; a well-nttested fact that disregard of the in- ' te rests of constituents and eagerness to i earn bribes are not. pruotiottlly, deemed dis- ; qualifications for legislative positions. Nomi nating conventions and voters have ceased to ask or to care whether applicants for Ilarrisbnrg honors are honest, and since thoy have nothing to fear from their over-indulgent supporters, they can devote themselves without disguise or reserve to the one great object of making money by the exercise of their official powers. They will be open for all manner of propositions from all quarters, and ready to sell out anything in the shnpo of votes, laws, and chartors to anybody that is able to pay for thoir sweet voices. Lot specu lators, corporations, avaricious office holders who seek an increase of fees which are already exorbitant, and chevaliers d'in dvstrie of every grade, put their wits to work to deviso plana whereby laws of Pennsylvania can be framed to enrich the few at the ex pense of the many. No matter how unjust or outrageous may be the nature of their schemes, they will find earnest supporters among the re-elected members, providod always they are sufficiently comprehensive to afford a handsome margin for a corruption fund. The people have decreed that com plicity in such phts is no barrier to re-election, and since they are willing to be sold out o-ier and over again, why should not their chosen favorites make the most of the oppor tunities which have been so freely grantod ? The control of the State funds will of course continue to bo a marketable oommodity, and the only favor we have to ask of the members is to see that they are sure of their pay, this time, before they disapprove of it. There is a project on foot to increase the pay of all the Representatives and Senators: this, too, should be adopted at the earliest possible moment. While they are making the increase let them not stop at trifles. In old-fashioned times far better men were content with three dollars per diem their present pay is nearer ten but let them not think of remaining content with such a paltry sum. Even twenty would not be suffi-. cient. "Why pot run it up to fifty, or make it even figuTos, and call it a hundred dollars per day at once ? As the people are anxious to be fleeced, their favorites should be ready t j accommodate them to the top of their boat. Let them act on the magnanimous principle that all that they fitil to make or steal now will only serve to enrich their successors, and sternly resolve to neglect no available opportunity for personal aggrandizement. There is a rumor that a grand scheme is on foot to involve the Commonwealth in an internal improvement project which will entail a largo expenditure. This will of course not be neglected. Fortunes have been made before out of appropriation for similar objects, and why not again ? Let millions be voted for the nominal object of deepening and widening canals, but with the distinct understanding that half of the money thus disposed of is to go into the pockets of the legislators. A better excuse for enrich ing plundering representatives could not well be devised, and they should make the most of it. The Metropolitan Police bill may also prove a good thing. The Democrats are raising a respectable corruption fund to bribe Republicans to oppose it, aud this is one promising source of prospective profits, liut if our city members can secure the pas sago of a law that will en sure the appointment of their friends upon the new force, and thus ensure their renomination and re-election until they are ' f uirly gorged with the spoils of office, they can afford to spurn the Democratic bribes, and do even better by rejecting than by accepting them. Mean while, measures for the goneral welfare of the city and State will continue to be neglected. It would be folly to expect a bribe for the simple discharge of a duty, and our members cannot be expected to waste the precious moments during which currency could bo earned by the endorsement of schemes of private or public robbery, in considering use ful laws. The people did not send them to llarrkburg for that purpose. They are coin luwsioued as pet plunderers, and they will l.z.L:t Annfi.. end ufronnthan tnAli tirsonr b popularity by plundering on a grand scalo at tuo coming session or ltfit). uuey nave oiuy to guard against one thing they mmt not .. c,ie back poor. Let them increase taxation, tell out everything salable, and pile outrage outrage, if they will, but let them put money plenty of it in their purses, and licit fall they will be re-elected by perfectly stouiiding majorities. MIIS. STOWE S DEFENSE. It was hoped by Mrs. Stowe's bost friends, after the emphatic and unanimous con demnation of her article in the Atlantic, Monthly of September last, entitled "The Truo Story of Lord Hyron," and the conclu sive proofs that wore brought forward of the groundlessness of her slanders on the dead poet and his sister, that she would either have the grace to maintain silence on the subject forever after, or else present such an apology as would satisfy outraged public opinion aud convince the world that her original publica tion was morely a grave error of judgment aud not a piece of malicious mischief. A fondness for apologizing, however, is not a Heccher trait, but a love for notoriety at any cost is; and yet Mrs. Stowe might have taken a hint from her brother, the llov. Mr. Heecher, who managed lately to make himself a party to a very scandalous transaction, and who found it expedient to pay some deference to outraged public opinion by making an apology and confessing his error. Hut women are proverbially more obstinate than men, especially when it cornea to ac knowledging themselves in the wrong, and that a Heecher woman should do anything of the kind is not within the limits of proba bility. Mrs. Stowo, therefore, is about to come before the world with a book in which sho Mill reiterate her charges against Lord Hyron and Mrs. Leigh, and in which she promises to put in the possession of her readers facts aud incidents that she did not think proper at first to state. In order to givo this work all possible pub licity, Mrs. Stowe's publishers, Fields, Osgood Co., have taken the pains to forward to the newspapers the introductory chapter, in which the originator of the scandul gives her reasons for her first article and for this de fense of it. Vie would bo vory glad to avoid advertising this performance, but the interest felt in the subj ect is so great that it is im possible the press of the country can remain silent upon it; and there is nothing loft for us to do but to sift Mrs. Stowe's arguments, and show the shadowy ground upon which she builds such a gi gun tie superstructure of loathsome scandal. Of coitrso, if she pro duces positive proofs of the guilt of Lord Hyron, we will be obliged to believe. In such a caso as this, however, the burden of proof rests upon the accuser; and Mrs. Stowe will bo obliged to give tis something more sub stantial in the way of facts than she has done heretofore, before her story will bo entitled to the slightest credoncc. On tho appear ance of her article in tho Atlanti; the press of the United States immediately exposed the incorrectness of its statements of fact and the utter fallacy of its arguments, and whon it reached England, evidence was forthcoming which convinced every dispassionate reader that the accusation of Mrs. Stowo was a false and malicious slander. In the introductory chapter of hor new book, which we publish on our seventh page, Mrs. Stowe gives as her reason for making hor disclosures, that she considered it hor duty to do so. This may be satisfactory to her, but it will not be to any one else, and the criticisms bestowed upon her original effort indicate what she may expect if her reitera tion of the slander falls short of absolute and incontrovertible proof. Mrs. Stowe, however, claims and says she will prove "that it was not I who stirred up this contro versy in the year 180!). I shall show who did do it, and who is responsible for bringing on me that hard duty of making theso disclo sures, which appear to me ought to have been made by others." As regards tho disclosures made by Lady Byron, Mrs. Stowe states that there was no injunction of secrecy, but that the facts were given to her to use as she saw fit; and as regards tho feebleness of her plea, she urges in excuse the exhausted stato of her health when the article was writton, ia the following extraordinary language: "I have been told that I have no reason to congra tulate myself on It as a literary etrort. O my brothers and sisters! Is there then nothing In tlio world to think of but literary efforts ? 1 ask any man, with a heart in his bosom, if he had been obliged to tell a story so cruel, because his mother's Riave gave no rest lrom slander; 1 auk any woman who had been forced to such a disclosure to fruo a dead smtor's name from grossest insults, whether she would have thought of making this work of bitterness a literary success ? Are the cries of the oppressed, the gasps el the dying, the last players of mother are any words wrung like drops of blood from tho human heart to be judged as literary eil'orts ?" When penning these words, did Mrs. Stowe have no thought of the unhappy children of tho woiuan whom she branded with infamy ? Towards the press of America, Mrs. Stowe adopts a lofty tone of compassion, stating that she has road none of the attacks on her which, by the way, we do not believe: it is not in woman nature aud then puts in as a plea for a further hearing the reasons that urged her to take the course she did. Theso reasons were the old ones of tho publi cation of the Countess Guiocioli's book and an article attacking Lady Hyron in Black wood's Magazine for July, I81JH. These ex cuses wero declared insufficient before by the publio of America and Europe, and they will scarcely be admitted now; and the gush ingly sontimental style of this introductory chapter does not promise very well for those that are to follow. We did hope that the last had been heard of this unhappy buiinoss, but as Mrs. Stowe has determined to keep tho field, she will have to take the consequences. The Danes seem occasionally to have a queer way of showing their patriotism. At a public dinner given the other day at Nitjobing to celebrate the anniversary of the death of Frederick VII, there were about fifty peoplo present, some of the highest State dignitaries among them, and when the gentleman fixed upon rose to propose a toast to tho memory of defunct royalty, one of the guests, a "notability," suddenly shouted, "No, no!" and by vociferously repeating this expression of dissent brought tho pro ceedings to an uncomfortable aud embarrassing standstill. At last he was asked to explain himself, to "motlvie" liis opinion, which ho finally did In these words "lie was a boast." Great confusion followed, until another guest rose to protest against this dictum, and further to declare that If anybody did not agree with the proposed toast ho had better leave the room, "In good old Danish fashion. " This brought up a partisan on the other side, who sug gested that "the gentleman who had just sat down" had better begin by doing bo himself. Finally, tho Rtato Councillor Petersen brought order Into the tumultuous proceedings by telling the awmbly that, as everybody had tho liberty of hi opinion, so had the gentleman the rtght to disapprove of the late monarch. The Danish papers are very angry, chiefly w ith those many Mate ofllcers who were present, decorated with the orders of him whom they so III defended. A CrRiovs 1'Apf.r Waii has broken out between the semi-official Journals (if Moscow and Berlin. Count Ilismark's organ, the Xord-iyruteh A Vgevncin Zritvng, after several violent attacks upon the Moscow (imtlt on account of the hostility shown by the latter towards the policy of Prussia, openly declared in Its Issue of the 10th of November that M. Katkoir, the editor of the Russian paper, is "In spired" by the exiled Court of Hanover at Hletzlnjr. To this M. Katkoff replies that he doe not "receive inspirations from lllutzlng any more tlun from lierlln." "Hut," he adds, "truth obliges us to de clare, and even to prore" (underlining the word "if necessary, that It is not from Hletzlnjr, but from lierlln that an attempt has been made to gain our advocacy. Our readers know whether this attempt has been successful." In another part of the same artlclo M. KalkofT plainly hints that the Prussian (iovermnent Is endeavoring to undermine Russian authority In Poland. General Potapoff, the Gover nor of Lithuania, refuses to carry out the system of spoliation recommended by the old Russian party, and M. Katkoff attributes to Prussian Influence the decision or the Government of St. Petersburg sanc tioning the general's proceedings In this matter. SPECIAL. NOTICES. tfST 1 H 7 O! THE NKW YEAR BKIN'O NKA.lt AT HAND, THE OK AND CLEANING SALE vow rr.ooRESMNO at NOS. 8IS AND 8vi0 CHESNUT STREET. Wil l. BE VIGOROUSLY PUSHED FOR THE. FEW DAYS HKMAIMNO OF THE OLD VLAR. STILL FURTHER ACCOMMODATION OF PRICKS! CHESNUT STREET CLOTHING UKLOW MARKET .STREET PRICKS! ROYS' CLOTHING BOYS CLOTHING HOYS' CLOTHING BOYS' CLOTHING OF THK FINEST QUALITY AND BEST STYLES. BOYS' CLOTHING J BOYS' CLOTHING " BOYS' CLOTHING BOYS' CLOTHING BOYS' CLOTHING AT COST! HOYS' CLOTHING J All Our Clothing Must be Hold Out, for 1,7 will Carry A'one oj This Slock Over. It is the Finest in 1'hiladelphia, and can Be liought now at Lower 1'rices than Eoer, AT JOHN WANAMAKE1VS CHESNUT STREET CLOTHING ESTABLISH MENT, 10 m NOS. SIS AND 620 CnESNUT STREET. egs- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TITE Rtrcktinldiirxof the THIRTEENTH AND FIF. TKKNTH STKKKT8 PABNKNUKR RAILW V COM. will lie held at the 8. K. corner of UROAD and CAH I'KNTKK (Street (entrant e on Onrpont.nr street), oa MONDA , the 10th day of January, 1470, at II) o'clock A. JVL, fertile cluctiun of a Presidunt and five Directors to serve for the ensuing jear, and for the trausautiou of such other business as niuy bn prosonted. D. HOYKR BROWN. Bcoretary. PhiUdolphis., Doc. 12 24 H J I 6 lu6t KST THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the SUMMIT BRANCH RAIL ROAD COMPANY will ba held at tho office of the PKMUKYLVANIA OKNTRAL RAII.KOL COM PANY ill Philadelphia, Pa., on the 17th day of January, 181(1, at 1 o'clock P. M., to eleot Directors for the onnaintf year, and transact such other business as may be pre sented. WILLIAM U- FOVVLK, lii 28 17t Secretary. nes- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Contributors to the PRKHTON RKTRF AT will he held at the Retreat, HAMILTON and TWK riKTIi htroetn, on MONDAY AFTKUNOOM, January 10, 1H7U, at 4 o'olock, for tho purpose of electing twenty-four Mannpcrii, a Tre asuror, and two Auditors, and of trausaot intf such other busineK as limy bahmiiiriit forward. ItOBKRT O. CORNELIUS, Booretary. Philadelphia, Dee. 21. 18tf. la 2a lit my THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Rto, -khnldors ef the PHILADELPHIA AND TRKNTON RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MONDAY, Hie 101 h of Jununry, 1HT0, at. 1 o'clock P. M., at the (iunpany's Office, No. 224 n. DKLAWAKK Avenue, ut which time an Election for Twelve Directors will iace place. J. MORRELL, Secretary. Philadelphia, Doc. 22, 1ftti9. 12 22wf rat J 10 fesr THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE w Stockholders of HORTICULTURAL HALL, for the Election of Directors and the traiiHaction of other busi nets, will lie held at the Hall on TUESDAY ICVrONING, January 11, at7t o'clock. 12 28 tut llstit tiSf EAST MAIIANOY RAILROAD COM- PANY, Offica No. 227 8. FOURTH Street. Phii.aiiki.i-hia, Dec. 22, 1R69. Notioe ishnroby given to the Stooknohlers of this Com pany that a Dividend of Three (3) pur Cent., free of State laxcs. has this day been declared, pn'ahle in cash on the luth day of January, 1870. RICHARD COK, 12 23 2l)t. Treasurer. SST EAST MAIIANOY RAILROAD COM- PANY.- Offlce No. 227 8. FOURTH Street. Pmi.AUKI.l'HIA. Deo 15, 1869. The Annual Moetinc of the Stockholders of this Com pan) and an election for Ot'-ioera to serve for the ensuinu I car will be bbld st the Ottico of the Company oa MON )AY, January 10, 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M. ALBERT FSTKR, 12 14 23t Booretary. gy- THE MAIIANOY AND BROAD MOUV. w TAIN RAILROAD COM PAN Y.-OtUce No. 227 8. FOURTH Street. Pim.ADKi.rHiA, Deo. 15, 18t. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany and an election lor Officers to serve tor the enxuins: year, will be held at the Office of the Company on MON DAY, January 10, 1870, at 1 o'clock r. M. ALBERT FOSTER, 13 14 2lit Secretary. DR. F. B. THOMAS, THE LATE OP&- rator of the Colton Dental Association, is now the ohtj one ill Philadelphia who devotes his entire tiins and practice to extrsctniK teeth, absolutely without pain, by fresh nitrous oxide gas. Office, SHI WALNUT St. 1 2t) tejy COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION oririnsted the annrntbetio use of Mi l ROUS OX1DK. OR I.AUUIUNd OAS. And devote their whole time and practice to extruding teeth without pain. Oltite. KlOHtH and WALNUT Btreete. 11! gy- 8TEREOFTIOON AND MAG 10 LAN- w TERN EXHIBITIONS given to Sunday Schools, Schools, CoIIckus, aud for private entertainments. W. M lTCHKLL MCALLISTER, No. 728 UUKSWU 1' Street, tooond story. 11 3 Sump SPECIAL. NOTIOES. 1ST A VALUABLE PRESENT FOR TT1H 11 0 L 1 D A T 8! TUB PAR II AH NEW FAMILY BE WING MA CHINE. We claim for this new machine the moat perfect, simple, and reliable Lock Stitch Famllj Sewing Ma chine ever invented, and an examination will con vlnce the most skeptical. It Is designed for every descrfptioa of FstnUr Sewing or Manufacturing purposes. It Is adapted to a much greater range and variety of work than heretofore oirered to the public. Every Improvement that Ingenuity can Invent or art suggest Is applicable to this machine. All machines warranted Call and examine. is ti 6t SALESROOM, No. 704 CHESNUT STREET. fQ" OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TRRASURKR'B DKPARTMKNT. PiiiT.Aor.uiiiA, Penna., Nor. S. NOTIOK TO BTOCKloLDKKS. Tbs Board of Directors have this day declared a aeml jnmial dividend of FlVK PER CKNT.cn the Oapital Stock of the Comuaoy, clear of National and State taxes, payable in casn on and after November a.. tBiia. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting dividends ea he had at the offioe of the Company, No. 438 Hevth THIRD Street. The office will be opened at 8 A. M., and closed at S P. M.. from November i to December 4, for the payment of Dividends, and after that date from S A. M. to 3 P. M at usual. " tl 1 THQB. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Big?- OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL INSUR ANC'E COMPANY, N. E. cerner THIRD and WALNUT Streets. PHU.ArtKi.PMA, December SO, 1869. The Annual Meeting of the Stock and Soripholders of the Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia will be held, at the Office of the Company, at 12 M. MON DAY, January 10, 1870. At tho same timo eight Direotor will bs elected, to servo tho ensuing year. 12 22 1 jlO JOHN MOSS, Secretary, jfcay- OFFICE OF THE BELVIDERE AIANU- FACTUR1NG COMPANY. IlKi.vmEnF, N. J., Deo. 8, Notice if hereby given to the stockholders of the It 10 L VIDKKK M A Nu FACTURINU CO rA NY respectively, that tstesrments amounting to SIXTY PUR CKNl'MM of the eapitol stock of said company have been made and payment of the same called for on or before the eighth day of February. A. D. 187(1, and th payment-, of such a proportion ot all sums of money by them suhscrltisd is riitlnd for and demanded from them on or boforethe said time. Hy order of the Board of Directors l2 28 w 8. SllKKRKRD.JiecretaiT. OFFICE OF THE IIESTONVILLE, MANTUA. AND FAIKMOUNT PAS'UNOICR RAILWAY COMPANY. Pmr.ATim.piiiA, Deo. 27, 1889. NOTIOK TO 8TOUKIK). IiKKS. Tl e Annual Meeting of the Stockholder of this Com pany will lio hold at thoir Office, Io. 2662 OAl.LjWHIl.L Mreet, on MONDAY , January 10, 871), at 2 o'clock P. M. An Klection tor a President und Five directors to serve tor enMiing year will be held at the ssino place aud on the san e any, between tho hours of 2 and 4 o'd iok P. M. 12212t CHAS. PHA8ritfliS,Treasuror. rn&r OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 80H C-HKHU I' Street. I'Oii.AriKi.PHiA, December 38, 13fi9. The Atnusl Meeting of tho Stockholders of the Kanio Insurance Company will bo hold nu MONDAY, the 10th (lay of Jiinuart next, at 1(1 o'olock A. At., at tho oltloo of the Company. An Flection for Tweivo Directors, to serve for the en suing year, will tie bold at the anme time and at the same place, hutweou the hours of 1.) A. M.anO 2 o'clock P. M. WILLIAMS I. BLANCH V It D, 12 2811t Secretary, ass- OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYL- VANIA RAILROAD CW-MPANY, No 407 WAL NUT Street. , . . Philadelphia Deo. 21 1M9. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of tho NORTH PF.NNSYLVANIA RAII.KOAL) COMPANY, will he held at the otlice of ths Company, No. 407 WAL NUT Street. Philadelphia, on MONliA Y, tho Into, day of January, 1S70, at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of eleot.inga President and Ten Dire, tors, tosorvo for the ensuing year. 12 28 lit KDWARD ARMdTROXU, Sccroiary OFFICE OF THE CREEN AND OOATES RTRKKTS PHILADELPHIA PASSHNdKIl RAILWAY COMPANY, TWENTY-FOURTH and COATIC3 STRKKTS. u , . . . PuiLAni LriiTA, Doo. 27, 1IW9. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at tho Office of the Company, on MOM DAY, January 10, 1870, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which tine and place an Election will bo held for a President aud twelve Directors, t serve for the ensuina year. 12 27 29 81 J 8 f, 7 8 10' J . B. M OFF ITT, Socretary. jjr OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS, No. 20 S SICYKNTU Street, Deo. 23, 1869. The holders of the Six per Cent. Oat Loan, No. 7, due January 1, 1870, are hereby notified thatjlhe Certificates of aid Lotn will be paid at this office on that day, alter which time interest on the same will cease. 12 24 6t BENJAMIN S. RILKY, Cashier. jfjg?- OFFICE OF THIRTEENTH AND FIF- TFNNTH STREKTS PASSKNOKR RAILWAY COM r AN i . , Philadelphia, Deo. 20, 1R69. The Board of Direotor have this dsydoclarori a Snmi Annual Dividend of ONK DOLLAR AND TWKXTf FIVK CKNTS per share, clear of all taxes, payable on and after the 1st day of January, 1870, at the Oltioe of the Company No. 1011 South liHOAIJ Streot. 12 22 wl4t D. BOYhR BROWN, Treasurer. Bfcgr OFFICE OF THE SEVENTEENTH AND NINKTKFNTH STRKKT P ANSIs UKR RAILWAY COMPANY, NINHTKENPII and M AST Hit Streot. Pmilakei phia, Doo. a. l"6Tf. The Annual Meeting of the Stnekanlders of the Com pany will bo held at the Ottice, MOMJAY, January la, 1870. at 12 o'clock, at whirh t.ima anrl n nlo ,nn will be held for President and Five Directors to serve the ensuing year. 12 W3t CHARLKS T. YKRKKS, Jn Secretary. ass- OFFICE 8T. NICHOLAS COAL CO M- PANY, No. mX WALNUT Mreet. , Piiimaikli'U1a, Dec. 15, 1869. Tho Board of Direotor have this day declared a divi dend of FIVK PKR OiCNT., being lilty cents per slisre, clear of State tax, paublo on and after Jauuary a, l7d. Transfer Books close on the 2'ith Inst. . , ROBKRT JOHNSTON, 12 ItithstuSt Treasurer. - OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURE It, PHH.ADKi.rnLA, Deo. 23, 18H9 Warrants registered to No. 9,000 will be paid on presentation at this ollice, in terest ceasing from date. JOSKPH N PIKRSOL, 1223 City Treasurer. jfjSSy- CAMBRIA IKON COMPANY THE Annual Menl.inir nf tho Ktnb hnMni-a .if tit CAMBRIA IRON COMPANY will be held at their Ottice, No. 4(HI CHKSNUT Sirtot, PiuUdalphiit, on TUKv iAV,iiie imu day o' .January next, at 4 o'cincH I. M , wbtn an election will be held for Seven Directors, to aerve for the ensuing year. JOHN T. KILLIC, Sroretai'. Philadelphia, Deo. lt, 1809; 12 18 2ii NEW YORK AND MIDDLE (X)TL 1IICLD RAI(,R AD AND GOAL COMPANY Office, No. 228 WALNUT Street. PlllLADKI.l'MIA, December 27, bit!.). The Annual Meet It g of the Stockholders of this Com rfany, and an lUection of Director to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at their Office on TUHSDAV, tho lUh day of Junuary, A. D. 1870, at 12 o'cl ock M 12 29 lit O. It. LINDSAY, Secretary. US?- THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COM FAN Y, OF PHILADKLP1IIA, O'uuuauy'a build ing, No 4(J WALNUT Street. Deo. 24, 18(9. IOTICK -The Annnul Meeting of the Stwkholdnrs of the ICNTF.RPHISK INSUKANCK COMPANY will bo held on MCvDAY, the luth day of January next, at 10 o'rlock A. M., at tho Office of the ( louipany. An election for Twe ve Directors to serve the ensuing yesr will be held on the sane day, at the same pl;tc., be tween the hours of 10 c 'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. 12 1M fmwtJ 10 Al.KX W. W1STKB, Socretary. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.Y1- PANY, WALNUT Street. 8. K. corner of Fourth. e-HlLADKLi'HIA, December 21. 1809. NOTICK. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, for the election of thirteen Tru.toua to seive the ensuing year, will be hold at tho oltioe on MONDAY, January 3, 1870, between 10 A. M. and 12 o'clock noon. JOUv B. WILBOV, 12 20 12t Secretary. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Tllli " STATU OF PENNSYLVANIA. Phii.auki.i'HIA, Dec. 27, I8!i9. An election for thirteen Direoto s oi the Company will beheld at the ottice of tho Company.NoB 4 and & ICX. CUANCF1 BUILDING, on MONDAY, Jan. 10, 1870, ha tweeu the hours of 10 , 'olock A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M. J2 27 12t li HuLLI.VSilK.AD, Secretary. Bar RA8PII E R R Y M I R I N Q U E 8 FRKM! DAILY, AT 12I615trp MOKSH'S, No. K03 AROH Street. BATCIIELOR'8 HAIR DYE. THIS splendid Hair Dye is the bent in the world ; the only true aud perfect Dye ; harmless, reliable, instantaneous ; no disappointment i no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill etfects of bad dyes: invigorates and leaves tile Hair sufl and beautiful, btwk or bruun. Sold by all DrugKats and Pertumer ; und properly appliod at Batohelor'i Wig fac tory. No. lit BOND Street, New York. S7mwf, SPEOIAL NOTIOES. tf5T ANNUAL BA L OF THE DELAWARF RNUINK l'IRH COMPANY, No. 4. toho given at MI7SIOAL FUND HALL, NKW YEAR'S KVK, FRIDAY, Dec. M, 1HK9. TICKKTS. ONK DOLLAR. Positively no pass tiokt. a't DANIKL O. DAVIS. Secretary. fcaT DERATE NoVvTnG ON EVERY NIGHT TIII8 WKKK, at the old Rov. Stocktoa Church, KLRVK NTH and WOOD Streets, at 7 Vo'olock P. M., between Dr. OATHS, of this oity, and Professor F'ISH, of Massachusetts. Viifiion. Does the Bible condemn modern spiritualism Cabs en the affirmative and Fish on the negative. Admtasloe IQo. Clergymen and Rep n-ters free. 1 12 H BaJP PHI LA D ELPHIA ANDltE.YDIN'fTll 1 1,- ROAD 00 OfBoe, No. 827 8. FOUR TH Strent. Philadelphia, Dec. 22, HW9. DIVIDKND NOTIOK. The Transfer Books of the Company wilt heelosad oa FRIDAY, the P 1st instant, and rjopened en TUESDAY January 11, 187S. A dividend of PIVKPRROKNT. has been declared oa the Preferred and Common Stock, clear of Natioa riant SUte taxes, payable la CASH, on and after Jannary 17, 1970, te the hot ers thereof as they shall stand registered on the books of the Company on the 81st Instant. All payable at this office. All orders for dividend must be witnessed and stamped. 8. URAtiFORD, USa. Treasurer. JCJ8T PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Notice is hereby given to the Stockholder of thiaOim pany, that the Annual Meeting and Klection for Presi dent and Right Director will beheld at the Office of the Company, in the Oity of RKADINU.on MONDAY, the 10tu day ol January, 1870, between 12 M. aud 2 P. M. HKNRY O. JoNKS, Pnn.AriBi.PHiA, December Mast. Hooa tiit WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA PuAM KOAWOOMPANV'-Th-et Annial Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will beheld in thoIIORTIi UL iUKaL H ALL, in the Borough of West Chester, on MONDAY, the Uth day of January. A. 1. 18iO. at 11 o'clock A. M.. when and where an Kloctioa will be bold or Officer to serve the ensuitg year. hi order of the Board. nu , u- . ' "'"WIS SMITH, Secretary. Philadelphia, Deo. 13, 1869. 12 28 11 flirtf- N ESQUEI ION N(VVA LLE Y RAILROAD COMPANY. Office. No. 122 S SHCONO Street. ... Phh.ahflphia, Doc. 23. 1889. Tho Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an klection for President and Twolve Direct irs to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at this Office, butweu the hours of twnlvo and two, on MONDAY, tho loth dny of January, 1870. 12 28 lit W. B. WHITNKY. Secretary. JBfSr THE PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY. , ... Philadelphia, Deo 23. 18i9. The Arnual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com- ron and an Klccti on of Directors will take place at the ithce ot the Company, in WilminjJtou, on MONDAY, the 1(11 h of January, 1870, at I P. M. I2 28 11t AHORNF.R, Seoretary. a- NATIONAL BANK OF THE RE- FLBIIO. Philadelphia, Dec. St, ISit. Tho annual election for Directors of this II ink will bo hold at the Banking House on TUKkDAY, January 11, lH'.u. between tbehoorsof 11 A. M. snd 4 l. M. . 12 W lot .1. P. MUMKORD, Cashier rrr THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1'hilapelphia, Dec. 11, 18H9. The Annual T'lection for Directors of tliis tUnk will be held at the Banking House on WKDNKaDAY, the 12th day ol Jauuary, 1870, between tho hours of 11 A. l.nnd2 P.M. 8. O. PALMK.R. 19 13 mth t Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' NA- TIONAL BANK. m Philadelphia, Deo. 10, 1389. The Annual Flection for Directors or this Bank will be held at the Banking Douse on W1CDNKSDA Y, the 12tb day of January t ext, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. 12 Ut J 12 W. RUSriTON. Ja., Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. Philadelphia, December 11, t8. The Annual Klection for thirteen Direotorsof this Bank v. 11 he held at the Banking House on TUK-iDAY. Jauu ary II, 1870, between the hour of 10 o'olock A. M. and 2 o clock P. M. U. P. SOilE I'lCY, 12 11 alutbl.1t Cashier. 80UTIIWARK NATIONAL BANK. , ... Philadelphia, December 11, 18ti9. The Annual Klection for Direotor will be held at the Barking House, on TUESDAY, .January 11, 187U, batween the h urs of lu o clock A. M. and 12 o'clook M. J2 13uiwtl3t P. LAMB, Cashier. jgy- COLD WEATHER DOES NOT CHAP or roughen the skin after using WRIGHT'S AL CONATKD (jLYCF'.RINK. TABLK.T OF SOLIDIFILD GLYCF.H1NH. Itsdailvuse make the skin delicately Mitt and boautlful. Bold by all druggist. R. Ill A. WRIGHT. S 4 No. 624 UHK8NUT Street. ajar QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON AND LIVKRPOOU CAPITAL, .2.000 000. BAB1NK. AI.I.KN A DULLFS. AgenU, K FIFTH and WALNUT Street. HOLIDAY GOODS. Rb & C. A. WRIGHT. No. 624 CHESNUT STKEET, Davo Just received a large .gsortment of NKW AND ELEGANT IP itn c y Articles, Selected In Europe this season for their NOVELTY AND BEAUTY, ESPECIALLY FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. also, a large and beautiful assortment of genuine MEKKSCUAUM PIPES, V lilcli they offer for Bala 12 14 t4t AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. .. 1 A N II 13 IS, J K., No. 1302 CHKSNUT STRRKT, Also, No. 100 FULTON AVKNUK, BROOKLYN, N. Y. HOMIIAl' UOODN, Such as all the NKW STYLES OP KMBROIDRRIK3, CHAIKS, TOWKLRAOK8. a 1 .on . FOOTRKSTS. Also, a full line of PA PKR-KM UROlDKR KD PATTERNS, WoltSTlCD SILK, BEADS, ETC. MONOORAMS DRAVNJ1'0 OKDKR. 12 2 thsrawlm COAL. Ha T A C C A R T, COAL DEALER. GOAL OF THK BEST QUALITY, PREPARED EX TRKSSLY FOR FAMILY USR. 1208, 1210 and 1212 WASHINGTON AV 12 1 Sui Between Twelfth and Thirteenth street. p O A - ! t' O A L ! ii O A t7l -J The p aco to buy is at 1IIIT1 IIKI.I.'S COAI. PRPOT. Corner of NINTH and U1KARD Avenue. BEST QUALM Y WHIl'K ASH. Ksb and Stove $7 por ton. 1 luge Nut 4 Khiile (.in Nut 8 D0 " Delivered to any part of the city. 12 22 2m JlE LEIIKiH AM) SCIIUYLKIIJ FAMlLYt FACTORY, AND BITUMINOUS GOALS. J Mr go slock ulways on hand. Southeast corner TI1IRTKICNTH and WILLOWStreet 12 18 4m W. W. A O. D. HAINK8. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED n.WINQ RELIN 1 quished the Heating of Buildings by Steam 01 Water, it dl be coulmued by WILLIAM 11. WIST A R, lately enpeiutending that department of their busi ness, whom tlioy reoommend to itieir friends. Nov. lii, IMtitl. MORRIS. TASK.KR A OO. wiSTiiR aiTboulton No. 227 SOtTII rU'TII STKEET. IIL4TINQ BY STEAM OR HOT WATER. PLANS OF I'll'E CUT TO ORDER. LAUNDRIES AND CULINARY APPARATUS FITTED CP, 10 22 Bmop erf WARUURTON'8 IMPROVED VENTI- A latod ana easy-titling Dress HaUi (patented), in a the improved fashions of the eeuaiM- CuiCtiNUT Street neat door to the Poet Offioe. Ubirvv OLOTHINQ. 0! 0! 0! GVEJiCOATSII! GO! GO! GO! GOING!! i own wrrn tub overcoats !t DOWN WITH TIIK Trices of all Clothes!! ZLocbhill S Wilson, T1c Tubllc Benefactors, aud the FRIENDS OF TUK PBOPLK, Offer t men of moderate mean, and t nori of a'.l slr.cu and weights. The whole of Ihelr ample stock of Overcoats I Fouls! Vestal Coats ( Overcoats I rants! Vests! Coats t Overcoats! Pants! Vests! Coats! -A.t a. Ifeductioti OP ' THIRTY MR CENT! THIRTY FER CENT!! THIRTY PER OICNT!!! THIRTY PER CENT!!!! An Immediate examination of our stock vjju sorva jour Inn-test, nd will produce a comblnatlod of -toulfhment and satlrfactlon to every esamincr. ROCKHILL& WILSON, MIEAT liKOWN HALL, 003 and 605 CHESNUT Street. B X if Ta itT's 1 ari CLOTHING. GOOD BUSINESS SUITS u, wero l " tl 2 " lis m OVERCOATS is lg EVANS & LEACH. No. 023 MARKET STREET, 12 80 8mrp PHIL ADBLP EnA. THE FINE ARTS. C. F- H A 8 E L T I fJ E'i Gulloi-Ie ot tlio -Yrts, No. 1125 CHESNUT STREET. Tllli, AUTOTVl'Sj, A.SO LANDSCAPES "lOrpl It AVK ARRIVED. O A R D. Brown's Colossal Bronze Statu. Of LINCOLN, . To be erected in Union Square, New York, will e oa e hibition for a f ew das in front of ROBKRT WOOD 1 OO.'B ORNAMENTAL IKON WORKS, tor the impac tion of the public ROBERT WOOD & CO., No. 1136 RIDGE AVENUE, iaj0it PHILADKLPHI 4. OROCER1ES, ETO. FINE GROCERIES, Tu Circat Yariely, Always in Store. ALSO, Fine Sherries and Madeira Wines. Perfectly Fure Fort, Vintages of 1330, 134T, and H6S. rUKB BEANI)IE9, COKDIATJS; and FINK CIQAI'3, AT THK LOWEST CAXII I'ltlCES. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S.W. Corner Broad and Walnut, 11 so PHILADELPHIA. CANS LARGE AND FULI,. Tho Unest In quality and style ever ottered. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. Factory and Farms, Cumberland county, X. J. WHOLESALE AGENCY, No. 45 NORTH WATER STREET. 12 80 Btrp BEEVES A PA K VINJ OARRIACE8. (JA111UAUES! (AItltlA(JKS ! WJM. D. ROGERS, Nos. 1009 aud 1011 CHESNUT St. , IF It