THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1860. 3 xfsws suxtnaARir. t'llv Aftiilra. A wcctinp of ingrain rnrpct wcuvcr litlil yoftrrdwy nftcrnoon at Front nnd Master IrcotF. A luro number of weavers were In fctteiulnnrc. Reports were received from dif ferent f liopa uliowiii;; th:it many of tlio men. "catber tlinn allow their families "to pufier, had returned worlfat the priecs stipulated by their employers. AddrcfHes were made during the nftcrnoon by William J. Mollit, Thomas Grif fiths, William Jamison, James Dougherty and others. From statements made it appears that the trade at present is dull, many of the tnanii laeturcrs having ceased operations, preferring to wait the revival of business before setting their looms In operation. Alter a general Inter change of views, which continued u length of time, the meeting adjourned. Yesterday nftcrnoon, while several ship joiners were planing a deck-beam on the sloop-of-war Brooklyn, at the Navy Yard, the block ing which Mipportcd It irave way, and the beam slid, striking Thomas i'ilkinlon on the head, causing concussion of the brain. Ho was re moved to the Pennsylvania Hospital, and last evening was considered in n critical condition. Mr. rilkinton was formerly attached to the city police force. He resides in WetherlU street, und Is married. Alice Vnndevcr lias been missing from her Lome since Tuesday morning last. She is ten years of age, and may be recognized by a semi circular scar under the left eye. Her parents reside at No. 1510 Cabot street, and the evening before her disappearance she stated to them that a lady hud told her to eomo to her house some where on Kacc street, and she would give her good clothes. Last evening, about 0 o'clock, a furnace at the iron works of Fitzgerald it Flagg exploded with a loud noise, destroying window sasli and partitions, nnd "damaging" the place to the extent of several hundred dollars, Hie. man in charge of the furnace made n narrow cscapo. lie was stunned, but not much injured, 'lhc cause of the explosion was not known. Mr. EbcHezcr Jayue, brother of the late Dr. David Jaync, diuU in this city yesterday, aged VJ years. OoiiichiIc A fin Ira. Hold dosed yesterday at lll!. Yesterday the internal revenue receipt were only $30,500. A newspaper lu the colored interest is to b started in Washington. Three persons have died in Chicago from eating trichina vork. Eight others are likely to die. A department formed of Southern California and Arizona, under command of General Jell. C. Davis, is spoken of. A heavy shock of earthquake was expe rienced in "the Hay of St. l'aul, forty miles below Quebec, some days ago. Caldwell, charged with complicity in the New York Custom House frauds, w"as com mitted for extradition at Montreal vesterdaj-. Coupon bonds to the value of $1:2 1,000 were lost or stolen in Jersey City on Christmas Day. The loser offers $S000 lor their return. A brakcuian was killed and a conductor fatally injured by an accident on the Memphis nnd Charle-itou Railroad, near Corinth, on Tuesday. Senator Pratt, of Indiana, who contemplated resigning his seat, lias been induced to retain it for a while on account of political complications in Lis State. Further investigation shows that the defal cations in tie Merchants' Exchange J3ank of JNCW jorft (ire certainly not Worse lUan 100,000, and may not exceed !f50,(XH). Mrs. Myra Bradwell, of Chicago, desirous of becoming a notary public. Cuds her ambition baulked because, as a married woman. 6he can not give the requisite bond. It is estimated that the public debt will not be reduced by more than three millions this mouth, in consequence of the small receipts from customs nnd interna1, revenue. Two bank robberies are reported. The Savings Bank at Rockvillc, Conn., has been robbed of upwards of ftjlKM), and the Schoharie (N. Y.) County Jlan.'i of $5000. Voi-tmnster-tiencal 'reswell is said to have contracted with the William Ni Guion and National Steamship Companies for the transpor tation of the United Status mails to England. Preliminaries for an international ocean race, between the yachts Dauntless and Cam bria, have beeu arranged. The yachts are to start from Kinsale, on the Irish coa, on the fourth of July. Congress is to be memorialized by the iron manufacturers of Missouri not to reduce the present tariff on iron. Dr. William Elder, of this city, has been invited to lecture in St. Louis on the subject. A series of end events happened on the steamer Ozark on her last trip down the Missis sippi. An old citizen of Arkansas was found dead in his state-room; two colored men fell overboard while wrestling, and were drowned, and a deck hand was blown to atoms by the explosion of mc torpedoes lie was handling. Korcln Alt'iilr. M. Rouher is the new President of the French Senate. Napoleon has accepted the resignation of the ministry in a handsome letter addressed to M. Forcado dc la Uoquette. The Spanish Government, if unable to find a kinir, will declare for a republic. Traupmann's trial progresses and Paris has not tired of the sensation. The prisoner does not deny his guilt, but refuses to name Lis accom plices. Some difllculty Is being experienced by Olll ier in forming the new French Cabinet. Seve ral to whom he Las applied have refused to ac cept portfolios. Maguo, Financial Secretary; Leboult, Minister of War, and Admiral Regault, Minister of Marine, will continue iu their present positions. . AildreHH or M. Entile Olllvler a President of (bo Couaell-t.eiieral or the Ttir. "I hasten to explain an apparent contradic tion in my course, in order to obtain from you that support without which I could not well fulfill my new functions. 1 Lave always main tained that great deliberative assemblies, such as the Corns Lcgislatif or the Councils-General, bLould elect their Presidents, and yet I have ac cepted the direction of your labor by virtue of un imperial decree. These are the reasons that governed me: In the lirst plate, the promise contained iu the remarkable statement of the nature of the senatus consuHc, that a law would be proposed giving the Councils-General the same right as ihe Corps Lcgldlatif to select their Presidents. I Lave next de sired to give a public and unequivocal adLesion to the new policy of the Government. There has existed, up to the pre sent, a radical difference between Franco and England which has perplexed and grieved the friends of liberty. In England, as in France, disagreements arise between the two elements, one called Public Opiuion and tho other Govcrn . incut. These disagreements intensify, contiuua, and embitter tho contc-t, as witli us, but with our neighbors animation never becomes revolt, persistence never degenerates into open rupture, nor bitterness turn to revolution, it is this ijuality of itself, more thau her wealth, com merce, coal mines, uud ships that England owes the moral authority she exercises in the world. where her language, if we do not take care, Is about to supplant our own. J low distant wo ar from these admirable public advantages! U would seem that we know only how to bo In different or precipitate, and are Ignorant of w hat it is to advance. It appears as if we knew not how to stand like men between adhesion without dignity. and re volt without justice, and that it is our destiny to oscillate without repose between revolutions und dictatorships. Iiosides, our pres tige sensibly diminishes. Can we still speak of the treat nation r is asked among peoples. How .-ur u ft nvi.iii't th:it it uill b,4 rmii'mliwl tn llri In inspire and lead that steady and prudent people wheu we uo not know now to posse-, rouuin, and direct ourselves. It depends on us in this moment to cause all humiliating contrast between Eneland und France to disappear. WhatTur got before, and Mlrabeau, after the Revolution, iiiild not oiitnin from Ionia XVI: whit. I :k Xt tfc uu ivuU'ijiiaw vuU.uuU en' Hi: iM.iiiciil from Louis XVIII and Charles X; what ntither Latnartinc, Toequcville. Thicra, (trillion Jiui-rot, nnd Dufaurc were able to ob tain from Louis Philippe, the Hundred-nnd-sixtcen arc receiving " from the wisdom of the Emperor. Instead of ' answering the mo derate demands of public opinion by a fatal resistance, the Emperor has responded by exten sive reforms nnd the liberal, bold, nnd compre hensive mnalus rotixulU' which constitutes the most radical chango that a Government has ever effected voluntarily and in full vigor. The Irreconcilable opposition endeavor to contend, but by the fact of declaring itself irreconcilable in ndvnnce, it is placed outside all credence, nnd will not bo slow to prove to its supporters tho truth of the prediction that Mirabeau addressed to the Jacobins of his time: "We are soon disrupted with those who are satisfied with nothing." THE WORLD'S FAIR. Tlio Proposed Intrrnnlional Fratlvnl nt St. I.oiila 1 he I'rojrrt Dcclnrrd FVnidule. The project of a World's Fair, to be held at St. Louis, seems to be in a forward state Tho )rmo rat of thnt city Las in its Tuesday's lssuo a long report of a meeting hold to consider the subject, from which we condense the following: Mr. Barclay submitted a report of facts col lected by the committee. He said the first meet ing in regard to the London exhibition was held June !!( i, IWJ, and contracts for buildings let July U0, 11S50, nnd the exhibition eomiv.eneed May 1, 1851. The original contract lor the building was W.10,000 the building to be taken away by the builder; or if taken by tho associa tion, to pay tl,(W5,000 for it. Tho exhibition lasted five months. Total number of visitors C,(iti:i,0!lti. Daily averago of visitors. 4:i,(X7. On one uayithero were !:j,2i4 visitors. Previous to the lid May the railroad receipts increased 7 per cent., and'up to the close of the exhibition 27 per cent. Admission fees, season tickets, A'M 3s. After August 1, gentlemen's tickets .11 8. ttd. At first tho admission was .11; nt the close 1 shilling. The receipts for subscriptions paid to April, X(!4,!!44: privilege to print catalogue, XliUOO: selling refreshments, 5000. The receipts up to the opening were 113,044. Prize fund, 20.000; expenses, 4.U0.943. The receipts for the whole were: For season tickets, $:i'.8.050; nt doors, $1,784,040; at retiring-room, .tlU.lU.j. The total receipts were t2,.7SS,315. The New York Crystal Palace Association was incorporated March 11, 1S52. Exhibition opened, on the ad of May, 185:$. It was a financial fail ure. The amount raised to start it was between 4:200,000 and 300,000. It was suggested that tho proper locntion for the buildings was the ground west of the Fair Grounds. Mr. Smith said the financial question was the first thing to be settled, and moved that a sub committee be appointed to raise subscriptions. Mr. Darret offered the following resolution; Ibfolcvd, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to draft a bill donating tho sum of $'250,0iO on the part of the State, and autho rizing the city aud county of St. Louis to sub scribe the sum Of 5250,000 towards holding a World's Fair in the city of St. Louis, at such time as the Congress of the United States may direct, aud providing that the Congress of the United States shall instruct tlio ministers and representatives of the United Mates in all for eign countries to notify the authorities of such countries that the same has the official sanction of the Government of the United States of America. ?vor Cole said there was one obiecticn to the resolution, and that is asking help from any body. We should be able to buy the Fair Grounds and hold the fair and make two mil lions out of it. If you let the city nnd county take 6tock and get their pro rata of dividends, it would be better, lie was willing to take $ 10,000 in stock, and would put his natno down at once, This is a money-making enterprise, nnd there is a great deal ot money in it. It will be of great benefit to Illinois, and Iowa, and Missouri. This is one of the sure things, lie wanted it done in a big W estern style. W ecan. if necessary, build a hotel bigger than the Lin dell to accommodate the people who may come 10 mc iair. Mr. Filley offered the following as a substi tute: Jic.iolvt'd, That the committee appointed to consider the feasibility of holding a World's fair tteem me same not only icasibie, but practicable nnd desirable. Hi sotreii, 1 hat a committee of live be appointed by the Chair to draft articles of incorporation creating a World's Fair Association, with a capi tal ot $1,000,000, to be submitted to a mass meeting to be held on the third January, at the Southern Hotel, nt Tj.j' o'clock P. M., to inaugu rate and perfect arrangements for holding such a rair in the city ot fct. louib in the year It was suggested that the Fair should bo held in 1871. It wns agreed to substitute 1871, and the reso lution was adopted. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine A'ewa see First Pwie ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA TU1S DAV. Bm Risks 7 '21 1 Moon Risks a bl'N fciETB 4 41 I liHIU VVATEII I'J'l'l PHILADELPHIA BOARD Olf TRADIC K. A. Soi DEn, i Cluiu.i l,. Hi zuv, . ' Committee or rue Mo?: hi, Ciom.K N. Taiiim, "fllOVKillKNTH OK OCEAN NTlsTill'Mr FOR AMKKIOA. Tarifn Liverpool ....Now York vi& Bo....Poo. 14 Kntrhina. Liverpool iNew York Deo. 1 Manhattan Livorpool Now York Don. 15 (JuleiloniH I'Utxgow Now York loo. 17 Leipzig Southampton. ...Haltiinnre loo. H Noii)m Liverpool ....New York Doo. 1H Puraguiiy ljondon New York leo. 18 hi. iJiun nt Hreat JVew York Deo. Is llaunnonia Havre Now York ltu. H O. of Baltimore. Ijverpool Now York, via Hub. Deo. lb fWK CUKUl'K. Tlhein New York. ...liremnn One. 30 Tripoli Nnw York.. ..Liverpool Omu. 'M U.ol Ws&lJinKtonNew Vork....Livroool .Ian. 1 (lulla Now Yoi k. ...Ixmdon Ian. 1 Helvetia Now York. ...Liverpool Jan. I Iowa. Now York. ...I 'lawun Jan. 1 Neniexis New York . ...Liverpool Jau. ft Oityof N. York..New York....Livorpool Jan. H U. of Ilaltimor .Now York. ...Liverpool, via liul.. ,,lan. 11 Oityof Bon od ..New York. ...Liverpool Ian. 10 CJ. of Brooklyn. .New York. ...Liverpool Jan. 2i uuiM ttinK, ixjMitMiu. eiu. KaRle New York. ...Havana Dee. S) Tonawauda l'lnIud...M.Snvannab Ian. 1 Ynroo Kliiluda New Orion rn Jan. 1 Alalia are lorwardel by every ateamer in the regular licea. J he steamer tnror from Liverpool call at UuemHtown.ex eept the Canadian liue, which call at Londonderry. The learner for or from the Continent call at Uontuumpton. OLKARKD YK8TKRDAY. fitpamahin Aries, Wiley. lloMon, II. VViuwir A Co. hteaiuer J. ri. hhriver, llor. Baltimore, A. timvoi, Jr. N. U. lartiie Anton, I'ricka Bremen, Peter W'riKai.tSnm. H. O. baniue I). 11. Watjen, DeeUen, Bremen, C. Wetter Kaard A Co. lir. baniue Klena, Stewart, Billion, R. Crawley A Co. N. G. banine J. L. Tbieraiann, Nordenholts, lireinen t'otnr V) riyni a Mens. BriK Mary Kite, Boyoe, Latiiiavra, ,T. DatloM A Oo. hi hr benj. (iurtside, Hlanlord, Barbados, li. S. bite taon A Co. Schr Rebecca Florence, Rush, Port Spain, John Mason A i.o. Scur KeniluskeflK, Wj'att, Havana, Warren A tirefg. A RRIVKD YKSTFRDAY. Rtcnmf.hip Hunter, Harding, "V hours from Proi dence. Willi mdte. to 1. S. Ktntnon A Co. r-clir H. W. Uodirey, Curwood, troni Boston, withjron to order. hchr Clayton A liwher, Jackson, I day from Smyrna, Del , with grain to Jas. L. Rewloy A Co. Schr Ariadno, Thomas, 1 day from Smyrna, Dob, with grain to Jas. L. llewley A Uo. MKMOKANDA. Ship Sanspareil, Mual,iu, sailed from Hushing Roads 131 D inst. for Savannah. Ship Bonibsy, Jordan, henoe, at. Charleston 2Sth inst. Suanihhip Whirlwind, Shurman, hence, at Providence 87th iuat. Steamship James 8. Green, Pace, hence, at Nor .oik 3Hh innt., nnd sailed for Kiuhiuond. Baniue Pawnee, Anker, hence, at Dublin lllh inst.. Baniue liank Ixivott, Caiui. for Philadelphia, clearod at llelvoet PJih inst. Baniue llrchilla, Havener, bonce, at Gibraltar 4th inai. Haniue Leiianto, Bell, bvuue lor Antwerp, sailed I rem PortHiuouth IJth inst. Baniue Maid of Glenwern, Thomas, from Colombo Slst August lor Philadelphia, arrived al tit, Uoloua 101b ult., and nailed again. Baniue Una, Dix, tence, in t,ne river, Antwerp, Llth illhlUUt. Baniue Cueen of the Heel, 'fcC'loud, hence, at Broil wersliaven I'Jih lost. i Baniue Klkin, ll. ulej. he-e, via Wilmington, N. C, sailed Irom t'ljiooutb ll'b .c-t. lor lmilon. Brig Cairn, V ant e, ben ,, at blushing lath inst. Hum W. 8. Ilnlen, Eurae.s, cleared at Lubdou I4'.b Inst., for Demerara. Bohr Wm. B Maon.yr.ogers. at ;eorpetiwn, 8. O.,3otu CvtJ (I, ay,' MtilUU, XV'U W Pili-Stfal- rhl, Holmes' Hole 3'th Inst., and sailed again neit morning. K Ins Nellie Hoe. J. Mmfield, fl. B. Wheeler, Wild Fieeon, J. K. Van llusen, U. W. May, and others, sailed from Holmes' Hole A. M. 2-tli inst. MISOKLLANY. Norw. barque A"ir, Wisnor, till day from Liverpool, at. this port yesterday, makes the fuliowing report: l,elt Liverpool t lc. iil. after which we encountered very h nvy weather; Dec. Is, during a heavy gale from W. and M W., lout foremast, main and miszen topmasts; since then we have hsd pretty gr.od weather. Made tho Capes of the Delaware on the2ith Inst,. Kteemship Kntaw, Collin, from New York for Philadel phia, before reported ashore at Peck's Beach, N. J., is a total wreck. A despatch to the Coast Wrecking Co. states that the cargo is washing ashore, and is being savsd by the agents of tho Company. Steamer A. Winants was to leave yesterday for New York. The K. was a wooden propeller, of :t" tons register, bn'lt at. Now York in Ik.V, since remetalled and mostly rebuilt; was owned in New York by Marbuck A Wbeeler. WINES AND LIQUORS. u Imperial Cliampagne, A Ture, Rich and Trusty Wine, made after the French method, superior to any American and many brands of imported " FOR. SALE EY JAMES R. WEBB, WALNUT AND EIGHTH STREETS, 12 1C thstnlOt PHILADELPHIA. HER MAJESTY CHAMPAGNE. EUUTon & Xiussou. 215 SOUTH FRONT STREET. 'PRE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE 13 .1 solicited to tho following very Choice Winoe, etc., for sale by UUKTUH A I.CHSON, 21B SOUTH FRONT STRKKT. CH AM PAGNP8. Agents for her Maiestv. Diio dn Montehello, Carte Bleuo, Carto Blanche, and Charles Jarre's Grand Vin Kugenio, and Vin Imporial. M. Kloo man A Co., of Mayence, Sparkling; Moselle and RiilNK v ii v.n. MAD KIR AS. Old Island, South Side Reservo. KUKRRIKH. F. Kudolnhe. Amontillado. Tonaz. Val. lette. Pale and Golden Bar, Clown, etc. 1'OK'l B. vinho veiho Koal, Vallrttfl, nnd Grown. CLAKKT8. Promis Aino A Cie.. Montferrand and I'.nr. deanir. Clarets aud Santerne Wines .N. "ftlefor Swan." BRAND1FS. Hcnncsfcy, Otard, Dupuy A Co.'s var-ous vintages. 4 3 QAKSTAIRS & McCALL, Nob. liO WALNUT and 21 GRANITK SlrccU lmpirters of BRANDIKS, WIN1CS, GIN, OLIVK OIL, ETC., AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the (ale of ri RK OLD RYE, WHEAT, AND BOURBON WHI8. KIP.8. o28 2p4 p Alt STAIRS' OLIVE OIL-AN INVOICE KJ of the above for sale by CARRTAIRS A MrOALL, 6 2fi 2p Nos. X WALNUT and 21 GRANITE St t. Y. T 1. M. Sharpens the Appetite. J Makes the Weak Rohubt X j Adds to the term of Life. Ar I. M. -I Is Unadulterated. 7 X Is superior for Mince Meat. r i. .if. Makes Best Whisky Tunoh. Y. r 1. 31. Cuppb Iyspepsia. Y. r V. 31. Is the Best in tho World. 12 31m LUMBER. 18G9 SPHVCE JOIST. W'HUC'JJ JOIST. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. 1869 1809 SEASONED CLEAH PINK. -i QOCi fcEAHONED CLE A It VISE. LOVi) CJIOICK 1'A'ITEUN PINK. bPANlSU CEDAK, FOlt PATTERNS. -RED CEDAR. tQl'tt FLORIDA FLOORING. 10?A lOUy FLORIDA FIXJOHINO. I00i7 CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOOIUNG. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1 Gf'O WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. -i Qft lOUy WALNUT HOARDS AND rLANK.lO0y WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK, 10JG UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. Qff lOUy UNDERTAKERS' LUMREit, 100t7 RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1869 SEASONED POPLAR. BEAKONED C1LERRY, 1869 ASH. WRITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1869 CIGAR BOX MAKERS' -t Qf CIGAR BOX MAKERS' lOOll fcrAJNllsll I'JH'Alt UA BOAitDS, FOR SALE LOW. lOi'O CAROLINA SCANTLING. lOOi CAROLINA II. T. SILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1869 CEDAR SHINGLES." 1869 1869 CYJ'RESS SHINGLES. MA CLE. BKOT11KK CO., No. wwo SOUTH Street. 115 JNITED STATES BUILDERS' MILL- FIFTEENTH STREET, BELOW MAREET, ESLER & BnOTHEE, Proprietors. WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, ETC. BALUSTERS AND TURNING WORK. A Lnrpo Stock always on hand. 911 8ra 1AEL PLANK, ALL TIIICKNF.SSK8.- X. 1 COMMON PLANK, ALL Til ICKNKSIjKK. 1 COMMON BOARDS, land JSlDK FKN( K BOARDS. Will i K PINK FLOORING BOARDS. YELLOW AND SAP PI NIC FLOORINGS. IU and 4V. bl'KUCK JOIIT, ALL SIKM. II KM LOCK JOIS I', ALL SIZES. l'LAhl ! KING LATH A KPEI IALTV. Together with a general asaortmeut of Building Lumbal for sale low for uudi. T. W. KM ALT,, U 4 Cm FIFTEENTH and S I'lLF.SStreoUi. I UMBER UNDER .OVEB J ALWAYS DRY. Walnut, White Pine, Yellow Tine, Spruce, nom lock, Shluglta, etc., alwuya ou hand at low rates. WATSON & GILLINGIIAM, S5 No. VIA RICHMOND Street, IStli war. STOVE8. RANCE8, ETO. THOMSON'S LONDON KITC1IENE) or EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, hotels, t ihlio institutions, iu TWENTY IJIrrKltKN J' I K Alxri. l'hilade nhia Italisos. Hut Air l u Portable HeateiH, Imdnivn Grates, Firebouru . Hal n Boilers. Stew hole Plates, Boilers. Cooking btovua, old MUoltwaivauu reiau, ny iuu luainuaciurers, . hllAltPK A THOMSON, 1127 uitiin No. tit) N. SECOND biroeU 71LLIAM ANDERSON & CO., DEALERS in Hj labiakiev, No. 146 North SOCOND Street, Pluladelphi naccn, Kl liV-'H DRY GOODS. BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, HAVE REDUCED FOR THE HOLIDAYS Fine T i y Cj oocIh AS LOW AS OTHERS ARE OFFERING TRASH. HOLIDAY SHAWLS, HOLIDAY SILKS, HOLIDAY VELVETS, HOLIDAY rOTLINS, HOLIDAY ROBES, HOLIDAY DELAINES, HOLIDAY CHINTZES. 11)00. jnnls ASSORTED DRESS GOODS reduced to day to 25 cents, r. S. Hamlkercliicfs, Insplcndlil boxes; Linen ets, in Cartons; Tolnt Lace Collars, Valenclonnc Sets, Camels' Hair Bcarfs; Caslimere Scarfs, B0 cents and $100; Velvet Ties, f 1 ; Roman Sashes, Fashion able Gloves, Rich Embroidered Tlano Covers, muen rcdticctJ. 10 16 smw CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, ETO. JEW CENTRAL CLOTH HOUSE. PRIES, MALSEED & HAWKINS, S. . CORNER EIGHTH AND M ARRET. Closing Out Winter Stock. Great Reduction in Prices. a&strachans, Velvet Heavers, Caracullas, Chinchillas, Overcoatings, Waterproofs, Velveteens, ii etntii82m Cassimcres. QLOTH HOUSE. JAMES & LEE. No. 11 NORTH SECOND STREET, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, Are now receiving on entire new stocit of Fall and Winter Coatings, To wliicli they invite trie attention of the trade and others, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 3 2? w PIANOS. rr GREAT SALE OK First-Class Rosewood Pianos, AT PRICES BELOW THE ACTUAL COST TO MANUFACTURE. Ilavinp determined to offer our extcnsiTO stock of unite ut prices below the actual cost to manntacture. ws will Bull (luring the montu oi uecuuiuur, ai rates Lower than we ever Offered Heretofore, In order to close out our surplus stock by the cud of the year. The reputation of oar instruments makes it unnecessary for us to say a word in t.ioir (avor. Thy are acknowieiluml to beeiiual, if not superior, to any instrument made in the world. Persons wiahihg to pnrch.tse, or desiring to make ClilUH'l'MAS fUESKNl'8, Will find tbat'thn special and extraordinary redact ions of our prices will enauie luera to ootain A FIHST CLASS INSTRUMENT At a price eveu ln than they would otherwise hare to pay for a second-rate or inferior ono. Tbuio xautiUKbarKainsalKJBld not, fail to call early al our WAREKOOM8, No. 1103 CHESNUT STREET, And examine our stock, whore tbey can readily bo con vinced of the superiority of our instruments and the sacii been ut which we are olluring Ulieui. WAREROOMS, No. 1103 CUKSNUT STRKKT. N. B. Sole Agonts for the celebrated I1URDKTT OKI J AN. A special discount of 'M per cci.t. dni ing the ninntb of Uccuiiibcr. iu I iimmu ffgEQ STEIN WAY & SONS' Grand Square and Upright Pianos, With their newly patented RKSONATOR, by which the original Tolumo of sound ean always be retained, the same a in a Violin. BLASIUS BROS., No. 1000 CHESNUT STREET, 6 2"Rbtf riULADKLFHIA. AI.BKECHT. R1KKK8 A SCHMIDT, MANlTAI TI HK IIB (IK FlllSTl'I.ASH PIANO tORTKS, J Ull KUnililliUU miu iiiuii;rni 7i iioa. E WAkkllUOMS. No. tilO ARCH Street trfi BRADBURY'S AND OTHER irir i I'l'ianos, ;kxi. 'laylor a. 1'ariey's, also Uarli A Nenlhain's Organs, from If 'iO upwards. WILLIAM ..-in .1 1 1. X... lulu A 1. II L. . . .. .1 M .. ... f liL II r III .u. iuid snvu DltUVb IUU ..If, Jl iLj.i'. v r.n i ii ctroei. It Xi 8m WANTS. WrANTED-illOOO, AS A LOAN FOR 1 1 TWKLVK MONTHS. Tho Hubscriher having lately started in business, so far lias found it prosperous and bidilinR fair to continue. A want of capital prevents him from securing advan tngns which wculd evidently result in the success of his undertaking. The amount mentioned above would be sufficient, and coulil mil) be received as a trust, with payineuts to he ma do at 'M, Oil, or W days. 'I he wcui ity given will be the subsoribor'a notes and a life iu.uiiince policy. With the above understanding an opportunity is offered to advance the welfare and success in I nrlnPM, nt the ari'licarit. hy artrli-essinf " WA I.TKH," at liit ctvt. tit i us hvi..vvi,u 1 UJ-uiiAia. ja ii Cs NEW PUBLICATION?! QHRlSTtVtAS DOOKS. The FincHt H t o c 1c IN THE CITY Selling atljow XrieoH. DORE'S WORKS COMPLETE. GEORGE GEBOIE, IMPORTKR, No. 730 SASSOM S T R E E T, 1J Id l.U riULADKI.PIItA. C V R T I 8' LIFE OF WEBSTER. MUST K RKADY I OR DKL1VKRY TO SUKhCRILI'.RS ONLY. lIKDllliK tiKHHIK, 12 W lmrp No. 7.10 HANSOM Stroot. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE A New Coarse of Loctnren, as dolivorod at the Neil York Mnseum of Anatomy, embracing the subjects: II . I -.1 t'k . 1 : l . . u 11 . ! . I iv iiii.-i win i.u.iiu uii.inr, z uu 1 11, ii a,ui 11, nu. Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The Cause ol j iiu ikvpi iuu . ituiiii: auii i. Hrruufl tineases aocffailLU I' or; Marriage Philnsophically Considered, etc eto. I'ot'ket volumes containing these I-eotnres will be for. warded, t'ost paid, on rsoeipt of 26 cents, by addressing W. A I L-l LV 1. fcll . I.' I I -1 1 1 . .... i . 1 - T ... in ii i . ..ii., ii. ... wiinuin IX' A LI SHU Street. Phiuutelphia. 8: WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. XtVnS LADOMUS & Cor DIAM0XB DEALERS A JEWKLEUS.V; WiTCHKS, iKWELIlY HII.VF.Il WAIIK. vVATOHEaandJEWELEY EEPAIRED. Ladies' and Gents' Watches, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, Of the most celebrated makers. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINES, In II and 18 karat. DIAMOND and other Jewelry of the latest designs. Engagement and Wedding Rings, in la karat and col Solid Silver-Ware for Uridal Pieeents, Table Cutlery, Plated Ware, eto. 11 C fmw ESTABLISHED 1S23. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, EILVEKWARB, and FANCy GOODS, O . W. RUSSELL, Na Si N. SIXTH 8TREET, FHILADBLPHIA, RICH JEWELRY. JOHN IJRENNA DIAMOND DEALEIt A2fD JEWELLER, NO. 13 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, 8 8 mwl &mrp PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM B. WARNE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in WATCH KS AND JKWKLRY. bTK. corner SKVKNTU and CUKSNUT StroeU, S IK I becocd Uoor, and late of No. 36 S. TlllKU St. BLANK BOOKS. Important to Book-keepers. JUST PUBLISHED, THE "CA.TC2I I-WOHO" LEDGER INDEX. (COPYRIGHT SECURED). Book-keepers and a'l others having to use an Iii'Iex will find, this a very valuable book. By nting tho "Catch-word'' Index, it will not only save time und eyesight, but tho finding cf a name quickly Is a mathematical certainty. You are invited to call and examine It. ITBLISnED BY JAS. 3. SMITH & CO., Wholesale and P.etail Blank Book M.muf'icturcrs and Stationers, No. 27 South SEVENTH Ot. iSMthetnSm PHILADELPHIA. CARRIAGES, ETO. gO QAEDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, fio. 214 South FIFTH Street, BELOW WALNUT. A Large Assortment of New aud Kcond-hnnd C TV It 1 A ii 11 S? JKCLrDIKO Coupe Kockaways, rhajtona, Jenny Linda, Buggies, Depot Yi agons, Etc. Etc., 3 23 tilths For Sale at Reduced Prices. DRUGS, PAINT8, ETO. JOBEUT SHOEMAKER & CO. N. K Corner FOURTH and EACE SU PHILAUELPIilA. Va'liCLEOALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Manufacturers of White Lead and Colored Faints, Putty Varnishes, Etc. AGENTS FOR THE CELEB KATES FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. Dealers and coiuramcrs tappllod tt lowest prtcoi tor cash. 131 DRUCCIST A WD CHEMIST, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS. GLASS. AND PATENT MEDICINES, Nos. 1301 and 13033IAUKET St. ID 21 thstaOm EDUCATIONAL. T H E EDGE HILL SCHOOL. X A Boarding and Pay Subiiol fm Mors, llrkl in the new Academy Building at M RUI-'H AN l 1LLK, NKW JUlttiKY. 1 or Oirtulsrs ai'piy to KICV. T. W. OA'I'TICLL, t!iftf Principal. PAPER HANGINGS. T OOK ! LOOK ! ! LOOK ! ! ! WALL PAPERS XJ and Linen Window (shades Manufactured, the cheapest In ice city, at JOHNS I'ON'O Depot, No. lual C 1.1M. I. AM I K ktibat, Kloveutk. Llkittih, No, avi I JkJKAX euavt. Cuadiia. ficw Jrs. jtM AMUSEMENT 8. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC URANI D ALIAN OPRltA. OI KNINU NIGHT. kl(MAY. JAN. 8, IS70, I'ir.t Bprnrnnre in Fhils(lilphia of MA1AMK. t AKol.lNA It K I (J I., Al A H AM K I USA lAIMi.FY, ISItiNOlt U. I.Kl'K ANl, SluNUK l RliY.SA. IL TKOVATOHK. TtTSHAY, JAN. . (RtsriNO I'. LA COM ARK. HK.NOK (.lOKl .M HON! ONI In his immi-nir? olwr l.;U of the CUI'.ULKK (JKISI'I.NU. WKDNKSOAY, JAN. 6, Prand Revival of Rnwiiii's Msstorwork, Wl 1,1,1AM TKI.L, With Increased Chnrns snd Orrhe.tra. CRANU BAI.I.KT. Ni"W Prf w. New Apnoinlninnta, Km. HislinrlJ. I.KKRANOin his wnrlil.rnownil e)ift.riutir of which pnrt he has crwat nil I Im arr latest rnthnsinem in nil the priucipal Capitnla in Kurnpe, anil also in Mew York. POPULAR PRICKS OF ADMISSI IX. f.'ennrnl Ailniissinn ...ONK KJI.LATt lecnrnl hosts 60 Con's h. .Ira '"amilv Circle W (ent4i A mpit host re Cental I he Hnlfl of KeAla fur snv I'nrnrtunnrn enm 'nnnen THIS the AradiMiiyof Muiio and Trunin ler's, Ko. W6 Chesnut street. IU 24 LAURA KEEN E'8 OHK8NUT STRKKT TUEATRBL Ry I'niversal Desire, THK fimiKTMAS HI LI, Kl'PKATKD. Charles Dickens' Christmas t'sml, in three auts. I'HRIh'IMAiS KVK: aTT) rt'll L. f Iw t. 111U 1tl I1U I A t R A K K KN K as UTI LE TO' i Ifo, the l.reat l'airy Fieee of RKAliTY AND THK BKART. Poors oiien at 7 : commence at a ouartf r to 8. CIIAMPACNK; OH. SIT'.P 1Y HTKP. Written hy MATILDA IIK.KON and LAURA KKKNR. Mill he lmsliinned for a few niuhts. owinff to tho era .l sun. ctis of tho two Pints. THK DAYS WK L.IVK IN. a crmerty In fivo sots, hyaiucmbcr of thcPcil Klulrhla, prei.s. ins oeen acccpiea. 7AI.NUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. COR. IT MNTH snd WALNUT Streets.-Beeins at V to 8. THIS (Thursi sv) KV KN1NO. I)nu. ML Ponrlh and Inst week of the eminent, arliito, MISS BATKMAN, who will appear fur tho sorenth time in hor (treat original character ol l.K A II, in the celebrated 1'Uii in tivo acts, of LKA1I. Lean, ner original character w.AIiss 11ATKMAN ciipponeti iy ttr. Ceoree Jordan and Miss Virginia Frnrcis. BATUHDA Y A ITKRNOON, Jan. 1. 1B7U, ONLY IIA II MAN MATINKK, When will hn nresenteil Til K l.A I)V ( IK I.VOVS Pauline MISS HAVtf.M A I MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH BTKEl TUKA1HK. Begins 7V NF.W YKAIC8WFHK. MONDAY AND KVKRY NIGHT, L1TTLK Dt'RRIT: Or, Scenes in Knglnnd and Rome. With nnw Hcellerv and Great Oils! . Mrs. JOHN Dri F.W as Airs Clpnna Mis. 10. 1. WALLACK as Little lion Aided hy the full company IN PRKPARAi'ION 1.1TTLK EMILY. Heats sccurod six dsys in advance. 1? O X'8 AMERICAN T n E A T R J OI'FN THK YKAR ROUND. EVKRY KVKNINO, MR LARRY TOOI.KY. Kthiopian OomediRn, PRO) l't IPI nnd his wonderful Performing Dees, MR. II ARR MM IK. tho Hero of Nisgsra; Mnd'lle Lupo, .Mud'l. Ilertha: Ilarlemiin Tom, Kairy of tho ljikn; Mttd'lloJ'" ltchft. AVKN'IURHS DKKURISKTTK8, Ktc. Mntinee on BATURDAY sU KHNOUN at flo'clocl! TUPREZ BENEDICT'S OPERA IIOU8 ri X t RKVFNTH St., helow Arch (I Jito Theatre Comiua 1 MAilAVK NKW YKAR'S DAY at 2' o'clock. THIS AND KVFRY KVKNINU, DUPRKZ A BKNEDICT'8 (.iRsntic Minstrels and Burlesque Opera Trorjpe. Wich a Happy, Prosperous. New Year to All. 1.M.MKNSK BILL FOR THK HOLIDAYS, hirst Time dimio Festival, Found Alive. Admission, 6no. Parimet. 76c. Oallery, 26o. 12 31 61 JEW ELEVENTH 8TREET OPER HOUSH, F.I.KVF.NTH Street, above Chesnat. IMP. 1AAI11,K HKHUHI, OARNCROSS A UIXKY'8 MINHTR.EIJ3, the great bt&r Troupe of tlio woild, in their anoqnaill FTHIOPIAN KOIRKF.S. BFAUTII UL F.ALLADH, BONOS, OPERATIC) BELKCTION8, nnd LAUGH ABLK BURLESQUE EVERY KVKNING. r,.r , J. L. OAKA' CROSS, Mana.; It. F. BIMPSON. Treasurer. ltf m rrEMPLE OF WONDERS, ASSEMBLY BUILD J INCH. HOLIDAY WEFK.-COMK AND BE MERRY. K1GNOK BLITZ AsriMed by his son Til KOI OK K HI. ITZ. PerformanC.' evtiy niter noon and eveninn at 3 and 7 All the new Mysteries from Europe. Admission, 2ao. Reserved Keats, 6Uo. l7t TA LER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GA RDFN, Nos. Tin. 722. K4. and T2 VINE Street. THE GRAND ORCHESTRION, formerly the proper of the GRAND DUKE OF BADKN, purchased at grot exi fiipo by JACOB VAI.FR, of this ciiy, in oombinatie) with I LAM KICK ORCHESTRA and Miss NELLD A NDKRKON, will perform EV ERY AFTERNOON am EVENING at the above-mentioned pluce. Admission frco. 1 J3t( AMATEUR DRAWING ROOM, SEVEN TKKNTH Street, above Chesnut, THURSDAY EVENING, December INI, IwM. B. F. DUANK, X. T. hi-. In his "Niiiily .Minutes in Kweer Kumpany ; or, SonKiirJ? hit-Chiit, with Sketehes of X Cm trick Karai-turt-j vnuio i. u-niuncn ul f. IVOIMIlll.UCU Ul O. 12 29 21 CENTZ AND HASSLERS MATINEES, O MtiSICAL FUND HALL, lHtiH-70, every BATUri DAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. 10 U FOR SALE. F O R G A L E ON ACCOMMODATING TK5.MS, THE LEASE AND PERMANENT FIX TUHES OF THE l'LOUIi STOKE, o. iaao itJAitiiirr ri:i:uT Apply on the promises to lii0 4p J. EDWARD ADDlCKf ' f5f HANDSOME NEW DWELLING, WEI 1 Xi-j1 Spruce Street, No. 2107, four-story (French rof Vieil built, for ount-r's He. . 'this is just tho kind of a residence many want, belli i rcrmy and not eitra lar:e. 'Teiuis v.ill be made accommodatintr to purrhaser. JOHN WANAMAKER. 1311 blXTU and MAHKKT, TO RENT. K F O R RENT In Splendid Order, Centrally Locati ON SOUTH SIDK OF CHESNUT STKEE' Addi cts 'L. S. 11." Inquirer Office. I2 2n!i TO LET THE STORE PROPERTY N 722 Lbcecut siren, twenty live feet front, one bus dred and forty-five fuel deep to Bennett street. Bsc! buildiiifc's li0 etbiios hiyh. Possession M ly 1, lt-Tn. Ad. dress THOMAS S. FLETCHER, 12 'I tf Del.aico, N. J. f3 TO RENT A 1'AUT OK A LAIKL Store, on the south sidn of CHESNUT Stre aiioe Sevt nth, suilablo fur a Jownliy or I'iann htore, oilier similar bui-iuefs. Address "blore, Box DM)1, Phil delphia Post OUiie." 1J M 12t CURTAINS AND SHADES. yn H. C A RR yHL Bus ruBumcd the Cuituin BusIucsh with Uix sons At No. 72:J CHESNUT STREET, Two doors above his old st md. 1 1I1TA1X LEi .'ORATIONS, of the newest falrh g. KLKOANT WILT uml HOSSWOOD COUS'ieKS. TASSHLS, FItlNtiES, WINDOW bllADKS, LaCE Cl"RTANS, from the plainest to the most euoorate and expensive. RAILROAD SUPPLIES. 7. H. CARRYL SONS. No. 723 CHESNUT STREET, U 20 81 Two doors above our Old S'aivl pOTTON 8AIL DUCK AND UANVi V7 of all bumbera and tiianda. Tent, Annioit, Tna and Vsiroa cover Duck. Also, Paper Aluuu'nclurt Drier tells, from thirty to eeveuty-aii inch a. PauUna. fceltUm, Sail Twine, etc. " .miiN w ivtuuib Wo. VOOnUROU DR. M. KLINE CAN CURE CUTANEOUS F.rantlona, Marks on the Skin, Ulcere in the throat! noulbau4 iime, sore legs snd sores of every oonoeivabla II i