THE DAILY EVENING rELEGKAPII PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER S9, 13G0. 5 MUSICAL. AHfl DKAMATIO, The) 'ltr AmiMMnfiitih Tub Itai.iak OrKKA Tdo subscription lint for the season of Italian opera, announced to commence -on Monday next, will clone to-dav, and to-morrow the regular Bale of tickets for Mingle performances will heKin at Trurnpler'a and at the Academy of Music The low price at which subscription tickets are offered ought to Induce the music-loving publlo -of Philadelphia to take advantage of the brief oppor tunity now rrninlnlng to patronize an elegant and elevating entertainment. Mr. Maretznk presents a line list of artists, including a new tenor, who Is spoken of as one of the very best that has ever ; Tlstted this country. The rertoirtt will Include the most popular Italian works, in addition to Hossinl's great opera of William Tell and Ferrari's opera of J'ipeU. AT tub OniwNrr the great popularity of the dramatization of DIrki-ns' VhrMma Carol has ln- " -dueed the management to continue Its performance for the present, and to postpone Chnmpwin?.: or, Step by Step, which was announced for this evening. The play now on the boards under the title of ChrUtma Jive; or, The HUer'n Dream, Is a very effective enter- : talnment for the holiday season, and Is well worth eelng. The management of the f'hesnnt announce an - other new play as in preparation. The 7'rw, which " appears to be ponted about this work, refers to It this morning as follows: "It is announced mm Th Dave We In: a new co medy, ia live acts, by a mnmhsr of the Philadelphia Prees.' (We mm', from the programme. biK V and all in toroaa.i i.l we trut, tor tun noaor ot tne proinsxion, mat The iay. etc, will be worthy of truthful praise. We should not like to aid in oon.ntuing to the auolf tue work f a fellow-inumilist. A newioaner man. however, is just a likely to writ a bad play as any on aloe, and if it is bad, it it very probable oil contemporaries will bare the f rank neat to aay to." At tub Wai.nct Miss Bateman will personate "Leah" this evening. On Monday next watts Phillips' military drama of Aot uuutji win ne orougnt out, wun new scenery, appointments, and effects. This piece achieved a great popularity In London when it was originally nerfortned there, and it Is suid to be of a more than usually Interesting character. The management of the Walnut are making great preparation to place it on the stage in superior style, and to make Its representation as perfect as possible. Attnrakcr the dramatization of Dickens' novel of "Little Dorrlt," by Mrs. E. 1). Wallace, will be re peated this evening. At Dupbkz & Bknkdict's Opera norms an amusing minstrel performance will be given this evening. At ttik EntvKNTn Street Opera norma the funny Christinas pantomime and other entertaining features are announced for this evening. Pkinor Blitz and his son will exhibit their magical wonders this afternoon and evening at the Assembly Building. "Kwikr Kompakt." Mr. B. F. Dnane, whose very amusing entertainment entitled "Ninety Min utes in Kweer Kompany" attracted so much atten tion a few weeks since at Natatoriura Hall, will re peat It. with a number of new features, to-morrow evening, at the Amateur Drawing-room, on Seven teenth street, above Chesnut. Mr. Duane Is a genuine humorist, and nis songs ana cnit-vnui are in an emi- ueut aegree entertaining. CITY 1TI3IT1S. Yon Can But Bf.ttkh AMD Chk'apkh (JL.OT1L1.NU OK A Co., THAN Amtwhkuk Wo matter trfint pretext may be atteiifned for sacrificing 0Jxf, We ulll eetl tmeer lhan the loirr.n. Kkmkmiikr thk Placr, No. 6M Makkkt Btheet, No. 618 Market Btukkt, Hai.f-way Between Fifth and Sixth. half way bktwken futh and blxth. Toe Great Pictorial Annual. Hostottor's United fitatee Almanac for 1870, for dlatribation, gratU, through out the Uaited estates and all oiviliztd countriot of the Western Hemisphere, is now ready for distribution, and all who with to understand the true philosophy of health should read and ixnder the valuable suggestions It con tains. In addition to an admirable medical treatise on the causes, prevention, and cure of a great varioty of dis eases, it embraces a large amount of information Interest ing to the merchant, the meohanio, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and professional man ; and the calculations have been made for such meridians and latitudes as are most suitable for a correct and comprehensive National ClUSDUt. The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary effects of Hobtktteb'b Stomach Bitteus, the staple tonio and alterative of more than half the Christian world, are fully Set forth in its pages, which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for the household and farm, humorous anecdotes and other Instructive and amusing reading matter, original and Bolected. Among the AnnuaU appearing with the opening of tho year this 1s one of the most useful, and may be had for the atking. Ths proprietors, Messrs. Hostettor A Smith, on reoeipt of two-cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any per son who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. The Bitters are sold in every city, town, and village, and are exteuively used throughout the entire civilized world. Bum Mini-ORiQiWALFrm-PLAcm Btovb and Warm- Aj rtTBHACK Combined. The only Fire-Place Stove ever inveoed tost till warns the room la which it is situated. All ofaers fail in that particular. We lave embodied in Thb Sukmystdr all the LATEST nd B4ST -known principles of consuming ooal with koo- OMl and have discarded all the numerous imperfections that e being nsed in the Baltimore and New York Firs- C'laoe leaters. Tbx Stontsidk will produce Menu wasu Am with LESS rna than ny other Stove, and is acknowledged, by all who re using them, to be superior in kvkbt pabti- ULAB t the Bait imore and New York Fue-Place Heaters, evnioh tby bad heretofore used- Do not be deceived by misrepresentations in regard to TbB SUNrvstOE, but call and examine It, and sea the Urge number o testimonials from those who have them in use, ' whioh wit oonvinoe any person of its superiority to all Others, at ixa Warming and Ventilating Ware room of GKOROK P. Shoch Co., No. 333 M. Second street. FRKCH AND FOOLISH OASSmERB PANTS ade to Order, $13 and $14. A similar rttucti', on all Measured and Ready.made Olothmg at Charles Stokes', No. 834 Chesnut street, Under Continental Hotel. Om OoLb ATln asotbeb will, with many oonstita- t utiona, seourel v t ablish the seeds of Consumption in 4 he system. Thie in need of a remedy will Aid in Jatse's Eipe tovnt one always prompt, thorough, and efhoaoioas. Sold etry where. How to bHatpt. If your ltdyriend bat not already a GitoviR & Bakbb EWTMa Mac je, you are a happy man ; for yo.i will hays it in your powito present her with something that she will afterwirt declare she would not do without for ten times its ot. PbT FrET.-lg most effectual way ot guarding one's faealth istokeehe feet dry, and that ean only be dona b the nae of lit Rubber 0f rshoes, and as the incle ment season is n us, we would advise our readers to buy none but tliHHt quality, which can onlybe had at (Joooheab's Hiquarters, No. BUS Chesnut street, south aids, Philaaeipq i H ARLEIGH. I ARLEIGH. H A RLKIOH.-PURR HARD LKHlUbOAL, LORBKHRV, 8I1AMOKIN, AND WI11TK it HUliUYLKILL COAL. nVKIOK. 6U1 AND 8PRINU GARDRR RTKEET8. DbT, NINT1I bTRKKT (No. K67), BKLOMf tilRAHAVKNUK. ' WILLIAM W. ALTER, Tn vrnnll It MlIONrEnw. Hhs nn mrmr befonled your grey hair wiSie Tiauid dyes or worse preparations I lut let not that prjit you from uriau Pualon's Vitaua .in bALVATlON l4uK Uaiu, wbiou i clear and harm- lesa aa waier. m u,lttciB agrees uie, ana enecU tue as- sued obvt tuorvu) aud satislavtorily. u. wnll.m W. ftaAiMr. No. 11 H. Second tl KWBUW ' ' " - - atreet, bat the largest and moat attrtotive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware In the city. Purchasers eao rely upon obtaining a roal, pure artiole, furnished at nrioe which cannot D. equanea. no uimu ui . . w..tan WiiihM In all varioties and tt all price. Avleltto hit store Is swre to result In pleasure and profit. . . . a-v flrpr nrrftitne coul 1 be more SDprOP!- aUtbana Singer Family Sewiug Machine. To be had opon assy terms at no. nw imeanm ttrot. FOB HOLIDAY OIFTS, Rntop.n's Famii.t Bkwino MAcrnxr-s, TW DotXAJts Cash. Balance In monthly Instalments. O. F. Davis, tin. 811) uueanui street. . n.T,n,ir n .wn Ttrvr. for Mm. Women, and Children, can be had at retail at the very lowost prions. Goodyear's manufacture, old stand, No. 808 Chesnut street, lower aide. . Kr.ASTio Stitch Swino Ma- chinks, alto their on "Loom." Stitch Sp-wino Machinrb, may be obtained during tne tionnays on vrry mwtylermt. Balesrooms, No. 7!W Chesnut street. n... .i Paint inn will take place Janu ary s aiid 7. Persons wishing to contribute muit hare them ia this week. B. Scott, Jit.. no. llli vaosnut tirom, Girarl How. XE H TEAK'S PRESEXTS AT WANAMAKKK & BROWN'S. in:i. BANCROFT. On tho 27tb instant. Cantain DANIEL BA NO KOFI', in the titan yoar ot hit use. Tho relatives and trionds of the family, and General Wayne Lodge, No. 120, 1. O. of O. F., are respectfully in vited to attend tne funeral, from bis late rHHidtmoe, No. 224 German street, on Thursday morning, tbe 'Mlh imtaut, at lu o'clock. To proceed to W oodlatxla Cemetery. PRAMliO.-Onthe 87th instant. HKNRY GRAMBO. in the blat year of his age. The relatives and male friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from Ilia late residence. No. M47 Cttunc street, on Thursday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. LKATHKKMAN.-Unthe25thinstant. Mrs. ANN 0.. witn of John Leathermnn. The relatives and friends of the family are rssnectf ullv invited to attend tbe funeral, from the rfnidttnot ot lior husband. No. 1M N. Sixteenth street, on Thursday mum- inn, toe snito mstar t, at m o ciock. TRANK.H On the Utith of December. Mrs. NANCY TRANKK, in the 61st year of hor age. Toe relatives ana menus ot tne lumiiy. also rricniiinip Grove. No. 1. F. D. ; Washington Conclave. No. 1, I) of M. : Lincoln Association, No. 9, P. : and Lily of the nlli'y Lodire. No. 2. M. L.. are respeotfuiiy inviteo to attend ttie funnrnl, from her lute residunce. No. :U5 Micklo street, Camdon, N. J., on Thursday, December 3D, nt 1 o'olock. GROCERIES. ETO. FINE GROCERIES, Tn Great Ynriety, Always in Store. ALSO, Fine Sherries and Madeira Wines. Perfectly Tvxe Fort, Vintages of 1330, 184T, and 1S85. PURE BRANDIES, CORDIALS, and FINE CIGARS, AT THE LOWEST CASn PRICE8. SIMON COLTOS & CLARKE, S.W. Corner Broad and Walnut, II 29 PHILADELPHIA. Spanish Queen Olives, Of the Finest Quality, FOR SALE BY THE GALLON AT JAMES R. WEBB'S, WALNUT AND EIGHTH STREETS, 19 IB wfmlotrp PHILADELPHIA CANS LARGE AND FULL. The finest In quality and style ever offered. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. Factory and Farms, Cumberland county, N. J. WHOLESALE AGENCY, No. 45 NORTH WATER STREET. 12 S9 Btrp REEVES ft PARVIN. I AMUSEMENTS. For additional Amufemmite mo the Third rag. rplIE LOMUOA MUSEUM J- i ov ANATOMY, BC1ENCE, AND ART WILL OPEN . DECEMBER SO, 1869, AT No. 1306 CHESNUT STREET. ADMISSION, W CENTS. Tills magnificent collection Is well worthy the attention of all who desire to possess a knowl.dge of th i wondrous formation of tbebainan frame. POPULAR LECTURES Every Evening on Medioaland So. entitle lU Jjict of in terest. Opon from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. DOR GENTLEMEN ONLY. It AMATF.UR DRAWING ROOM, SEVEN TEENTH Street, above Chesnut. THURSDAY l. l ml 1 ti . : 1 1 I ... I . I ' a K' I.' v ri, l.r in bia "Ninety Minutes in Kweer Kompany i or. Song and 'hit-Chat, with Sketches of XCuntriuk Karaoter!" Doors I n KliBd at 7. Kommence at S. ia 1W 'it TREMENDOUS DISPLAY or ' OIIROMOS AND F1NCY GOODS FOR THE IIOUDAYS. JOniJ XI. IJAGLZ3 CL CO., No. C30 ARC 1 1 STREET, II 6 Bmrp PaiLADELPni A HOLIDAY O.OOD8. BRONZES! J. E. CALDWELL & CO., JEWELLERS, No. 902 CHESNUT STREET, HAVE IMPORTED TniS SKAmoN TnK LAIU1 EST VAKIKT4' OF CHOICE WORKS OF ART IN BRONZE EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN THIS COUNTRY, EMUKAC'INU Statuettes, Groups, Animals, and Birds, SELECTBD AS THE BEST FROM AMONG THE WORKS OF EMILE HERBERT, A. CARIER, J. GREGOIRE, E. CARLIER, UUZEL, TEIFFER, r..T. MENE, DL'MAIGE, MOIGNIEZ, PAUTROT, E. DELABRIERRE, COUSTOir, E. CAN A, PILKT, DUCHOISF.LLE, BOURET, BULLO. (JniMlclnbrsi, VnNtu, C'iirdN(nnKf Iiilitstandai, nntl 1'niioy Articli' jeuerally. Paris mantel Clocks and Side Pieces, IN BRONZE AND GILT, BRONZE AND MARBLE. FLORENTINE. ROMAN, GOLDEN, ANTIQUE, GREEN AND GILT, AND OXYDIZED SILVER BRONZES, ANY OF WHICH WILL FORM AN ENDURING AND TASTEFUL U 3 tuwf IIolicla.y I'roscnt. Rm & C. A. WRIGHT, No. 624 CHESNUT STREET, Have Just received a largo assortment of NEW AND ELEGANT J? ancy A r t i c 1 5 s, Selected In Europe this season for their NOVELTY AND BEAUTY, ESPECIALLY FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Also, a large ami beautiful assortment of gcnulue MEERSCHAUM PIPES, Which they offer for sale 12 14 1 it AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. A J. I A N U E K, J 11., No. 1303 CHESNUT STREET, Also, No. 100 FULTON AVENUE. BROOKLYN. N. Y. HOLIDAY CiOODS, Such as all the NEW STYLES OF EMBROIDERIES, CHAIRS, TOWEL RACKS. , FOOT-RESTS. , Also, a full line of PAPER-EMBROIDERED PATTERNS, I WORSTED 8ILK, BEADS, KTO. MONOGRAMS DRAWN TO ORDER, la 3 thsrawlin USEFUL PRESENT8 GOLD SPECTACLES. . GOLD NOSE SPECTALB OPERA GLAKSEo. THERMOMETERS. SPY GLASSES. OASES OF DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. MICKOSUOPKS, STEREOSCOPES, ETO. WILL,IAM Y. MCALLISTER, lSlfiwfmtJl No. TWOUESNUT Street. SILVER WARE, ETQ. SOLID SILVER WARE, USEIUL AND VALUABLE PRESENTS TO WIFE, FAMILY, OR FRIENDS, VVM. WILSON & SON'S OWN MAKE. Old Stand, Cor. Fifth and Cherry Sts., 12 IB lmrpl PHILADELPHIA. Also, A TJo. 1 Plated Ware. 8EWINC MACHINES. TMPROVED ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINES SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST, BE8T LOCKSTITCH SEWING MACHINES IN USB. Sold oa easy monthly payments. Examine them at o. 920 AltClI Street. D. E. RICE, 13 18 lmrp GENERAL AGENT. rpHE BEST HOLIDAY GIFT. WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH Family Sewing lYIachine. (OVER 400,000 NOW IN USE. EXAMINE IT BEFORE tUYING ANY OTHER. Sold on Lease Plan $10 Per Month, PETERSON Ac CAJRPJEXTEK, GENERAL AGENT'S, no. 914 ClIUSNirr Street, 1 8 fmwf PHILADELPHIA. OPERA GLASSES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, At JAS. W. QUEEN & CO. '8 OPTICIANS, No. 924 CHESNUT STREET, 0 23 U PHILADELPHIA JODGERS' AND WOSTENIIOLM'S POCKET KNIVES, Pearl and Stag Handles, of beautiful finish. RODGERS' and WADE BUTCHER'S RAZORS, and the eelebrated LEOOLTRK RAZOR SCISSORS of the finest quality. Razors, Knives, Scissor, and Table Cutlery Ground and Polished at P. MADEIRA'S, No. 1158. TENTH Street, bglvw OUesuut, gg&u OAK IIVTT. OAK E I ALL. rOK THE EEST OF THIS YEAR YOU CAN BUY A SUIT OF CLOTHES FOU flOOO YOU CAN liUY A SUIT FOR 12T.O YOU CAN BUY A SUIT FOU $15 O YOU CAN BUY A SUIT FOR $I7Tr YOU CAN BUY A SUIT FOU fi2Vf YOU CAN BUY A SUIT FOU $ M YOU CAN BUY A SUIT FOR r. 0i FOR THE REST OF THIS YEAR YOU CAN BUY A GOOD OVERCOAT FOR 1 2-00 , YOU CAN BUY A GOOD ONE FOR $IV00 YOU CAN BUY A BUSINESS COAT FOR $.Vf YOU CAN BUY A BUSINESS COAT FOR $7T,0 YOU CAN BUY A BUSINESS COAT FOR $10 00 YOU CAN BUY A PAIR OF PANTS FOR $V0 . YOU CAN BUY PANTS AND VEST FOU $7T.t) YOU CAN BUY TA-NTS AND VEST FOU f ID'40 a rait THE REST OF THIS YEAR YOU CAN BUY A BOY'S SUIT FOU $5 00 YOU CAN BUY A BOY'S SUIT FOR $U 00 YOU CAN BUY A BOYS SUIT FOU. $7 00 , , . YOU CAN BUY A BOY'S SUIT FOU !sf00 YOU CAN BUY A BOY'S SUIT FOB $9 (W YOU CAN BUY A BOYS SUIT FOU f 10-00 The Last Days of the Great Sale are to be the Dest Days, Best Bargains for the People! Best Prices for the Buyers! Tie most acceptable XIew Years' Gift, suc:i as a new Overcoat or Suit of Clothes, can row be had for as little money as some useless aud less acceptable gift, at the GREAT OAK HALL BUILDINGS ANAMAK SIXTH AND OAK HALL. OAK HALL. DRY GOODS. GREAT CRASH IN DRY GOODS EVERYTHING DOWN-HIGH PRICES OVER FOR THE SEASON. GRAND CLOSING SALE or RICKEY, SHARP & CO.'S XaGXTvlSTCSX. STOCK , OP 1R,Y GOODS At Retail. Unprecedented Bargain IK SIXES, VELVETS, DEESS GOODS, and MISCELLANEOUS SILT GOODS. TEIS STOCK 13 TUB MOST EXTENSIVE 'AND VARIED EVER OFFERED AT RETAIL IN THIS CITT, AND CONTAINS MORE NOVELTIES AND STA PLES OF RECENT IMPORTATION THAN CAN BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. ONE PBICE AND NO DEVIATION. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT STREET, 1 ltfrp PHILADELPHIA, FOR TnE HOLIDAYS. POINTE, REAL VALENCIENNE, T Jl 1T1Q THREAD AND GUIPURE JjiiltJuO In BetU, Collars, Hdkfs., and bj tbe yard. TRIMMED AND EMBROIDERED SETTS, ROMAN SCARFS AND HASHES, GLOVES of every description, INDIA AND CASHMERE SCARFS, Together with an elegant stock of BILES, POPLINS, and every variety of DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, CLOTHS, CAS31 MERES, ETC. ETC J. W. TH03IAS, Not. 405 and 4.07 North SECOND St, I 11 lnisp PHILADILPUIA. OF & BROWN, MARKET STREETS, S. E. OHY, QOOOS. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT. I1 A N C Y i O O 1 S Suitable for Holiday Gifts. 1000 Faris Silk Tans, At 76, SO cents, $1, 11-25, $1-50, tl'TS, S2 up to S3. HANDSOME VIKJSNA FANS, a job lot, cheap. GILT STICK FANS, under regular prices. PORTEMONNAIES, 20, 25, 23, 61, 40, , 50, 50, 65, 75,80 cents, 1, 11-25. RUSSIAN LEATHER PORTEMONNAIES. FANCY PURSES, 25, 31, 33, 5T oeuts up to IL LACE COLLARS, 25 cents up to fl-r.0. LACE HDK.FS., Linen Centres, 50, MX, 75 cents, SI up to S2. LADIES LINEN HEMSTITCHED ILDKFS., 18, 10, 20, 25, 81, 33, 50 up to 75 cents. LADIES CORDED IIEMSTITCHBD HDKFS., 40, SO, 56, 6;if, 80 cents. LADIES' EMBROIDERED HDKFS. GENTS' HEMSTITCHED HDKFS., 31 cents up to SL GENTS' COLORED BORDER HDKFS. GENTS' HEMMED HDKFS, all linen, 25, 31, 33. 50c. SEVERAL LOTS OF FANCY (JOODS, CousUtlng of TOILKT SETS, VASES, TULIP STANES, ' ASH STANDS, TEA SETS, MATCH STANDS, CARD RECEIVERS, BUILDING BLOCKS, TKN PINS, Etc. Etc. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT, 10 81 sw PHILADELPHIA. JARGAINS 1'OR THE HOLIDAYS. CHAN. I WI-tilS03( Ac llltO., Nos. 922 :ud 924 PNE STREET. BARGAINS FOR THK HOLIDAYS. Bohemian Glaaa Toilet Bets, cheap ; only SI. IWbeuiinn ('lit GlabH Wine Seta, lieauUtuI. liouuui't Holder, tor almost no pries 1 Heuutiful bmokiDK Kpm, $l lHl, worth $3 (W. KuiliniideriHl nih;r hlipperH at ti'to. to ID21IU. Kui);roi(lered Zuiihyr Cubliion and Chair l'attern. in beautiful duaiKU. at hulf price. KmbroidHred beta Linen Oollitra and Otitis, nuw style, at ver' low prioea ; aome very ritia. JjidiBb' Ueuutituhed Linan Hdkfs., at rery rJu;ed prices. Our90-oent Iluck Frinsed Red Itorder Linen Towil. reduced to lilc. iM-oent Dumaak ToweU now selling ml o and 31 o. A (treat reduction on all our IniDortsd (roods. Wsara deturinined to bell out our Block of aoodb , if you ouuaot bud barxsina bere, tbey ars not to bs found in town. CHAM. I SIMIVSO. Ac ItltO., MawtDUl N'oa. K2 and Mi PINE Street. RE D U C T I O N. We are reducing our entire stock to meet the lowest Gold Figures. Frosted Delivers reduced from SO -00 to H 00. Cloaking Cloths, all reduced. Sbawls in variety, at 3 f,0, 1! -00, .i-00 and $a-00. Fine French Mtriuoes, in cUoice shades. Dress Gouds of till kluds, d wu with the rest. Black Silks, lu lajge assortment. Table Linen Napkius, Dojlles and Towels at gold prices. STOKES & WOOD, 8. W.COR. SEVEKTU AND AHOII ST3., riULADEU'tllA, OAK IIALL. OAK IIALL. CORNER. OAK HALL, OAK HALL. DRY COODS. 1869. CHBI3TMAS HOLIDAYS. SPECIAL SHAWL SALE. "THORNLEY'8," EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN. W. bar. mads th following reduction in price: PAISLEY AND BBOOHE SHAWLS, ranjrin from $69 to $75, rsduoed from $10 to 915. PAISLEY AMD BROOHB SHAWLS, ranging fraa $tf to $50, raduoed tram $S to $10. PAISLEY AND B ROCHE SHAWLS, ranging from$lS to $36, reduoed from $3 to $5. The sbore Shawls were cheap at th. prioas quoted, but at th. reduoed prioas they are cheaper than erar befor. offered in Philadolphi. Blanket ShawU, BUck Thibet Shawls, .to. Gentlemen'. Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, eto. .to. Dreaa Uocds, Bilka, Boarfa, Hdk'a., tu. BUnkeU. Wuilia, Piano Covers, .to. eto. AT THORNLEY'S, Coiner of Eighth and Spring Garden, miiitf PHILADKLPHIA. MX L L I KENS LINEN STORES. OLD STORK. No. 828 ARCH STREET. NEW STORE, No. I 128 CHESNUT Street. HEW DEPARTMENT BED CLOTUDXG. BEST BLANKETS, fresh from the mills. MAlSEiLLRS BED QUILTS. UUNUVC'OMB QUILTS, all siM. ALLENDALE AND LANCASTER QUILTS. LINEN SUEitTINGS. aU widths. COTTON 811 ICETINGS, all widths. PILLOW CASINGS. We bid for a lurye trada In BED CLOTH I NO, hf selling reliable goods at the lowest prices. 8 81 tuwf INDIA SCARFS. INDIA SHAWLS. ItKAL INDIA OAMKL'H HAIR SHAWLS AND SCARFS, ' FOR A VALUABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT. CHEAP AT u i; o it u l; r it v k ivh, N.. 10 VUhHHVT 8TUBET, ' 10Sm PUILADELPniA. yEPHYRS AND GEKMANTOWN WOOLS, Ai Htocking Yarns of all kinda: Tidy, Crochet, ant Mi'uiliiis Cotton, wboleaal. aud retail, at factory. Nil liat LoilUAKK Klruet. tliua,. HATS AND OAP8. W? WARBURTON8 IMPROVED VENTI- aVAlaUd and wuiy-tit ting Ureas UaM (patented), ia mi tbe liniroed laauioua of the UljhsU P ln,J Mat UwOT to UiS Post OthM, U