THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 18G9. "SOLAU WONDERS." hTbK MarrHn f thr Nun -The oflner lln- inr -1 nn Hun lau. "-0Br HisrioiT. Vom the London Spectator, Xovembrr 13. Astronomers have been revealing fin manv vondorg iu the vast eloba which lanetary Hcheme, that wa cannot vt h eetho startling results of their researces o-ordinatod into a Wery hand new xnarveln are hei Tiff lirnlllrir. tr ight. At one time Mr. Loekyer surprises us iT exhihitinw i.ha irhich the aolar storms rage across the blazing ;urface of our luminary. At another, thn fcixergotic astronomer who presides over the .onian ubservatory tolls tw of water within he fierce tumult of the solar snots. Tim hew observers track the strange indueno os of no pianeis on the solar atmosphere, watching lot only the ereat tide of snots which sweena a the ten-year period over the solar storm- ones, ana then leaves our sun clear from peck or stain, but also the ripples of snot- ormation which come in Bhorter periods, and nam luextncaoiy Dienaeu to ordinary od orvers with the great periodic disturbances. .astiy, Liockyer, Iluggins, Zollncr, and ecohi describe the maorio chancoa bf form which pass over toncues f tlame, projecting thousands of uilos from the solar surface. We have before is as we write a series of coloretj prominence icturos taken by Dr. Zollner, the eminon hotometrician. It is impossible to oontem ilate these strange figures without a sense o he magnificence of the problem whioh the kun presents to astronomers. Here are vast ntitiea flames, if we will, but flames unlike ill those with which we are familiar. And hose vast tongues of fire assume forms whioh peak to us at once of the action of forces of he ntmost violence and intensity. The very kspect of these objects at once teaches this, ut it is the rapid changes of place and of figure to which the spots are subjected that ire most significant on this point. Here is a past cone-shaped flame, with a mushroom- haped head of enormous proportions, the tholo object standing 16,000 or 17.000 miles from the sun's surface. In the cone fig are ire see the uprush of lately imprisoned gasos, in the outspreading head the sudden diminu tion of pressure as these gases reach the rarer tipper atmosphere. But turn from this object to a series of six pictures placed besido it;- and we see the solar forces in action, pirst, there is a vast flame, some 18,000 miles high, bowed towards the right, as though some fierce wind ' were blowing upon it. It extends in this direction some four or five thousand miles. The next pic ture represents the same object ten minutes later. The fgure of the prominence has wholly changed. It is now a globe-shaped mass, standing on a narrow stalk of light above a row of flame-hillocks. It is bowed towards the left, so that in those short minutes the whole mass of the flame has swept thousands of miles away from its for- Eaer position. Only two minutes later, and gain a complete change of appearance. The talk and flame-hillocks have vanished, and the globe-shaped mass has become elongated. Three minutes later the shape of the promi nence has altered so completely that one can hardly recognize it for the same. The stalk is again visible, but the upper mass is bowed down on the right, so that the whole figure resembles a gigantic A, without tho cross bar and with the down-stroke abnormally thick. This great A is some twenty thousand miles in height, and the whole mass of our earth might be bowled between its legs with out touching them ! Four minutes pass, and again the figure has changed. The flame- Sriillrtelra TAflnnaor tViA rlrniYi-nrrrdrft tf tVi A begins to raise itself from the sun s surface. Lastly, after yet another interval of four minutes, the figure of the prominence has Rust all resemblance to an A, and may now lie likened to a camel's head looking towards Bhe right. The whole series of changes has 1 5 1 1 1 A At. 1 A A Al loccupiea utii iweiiiY-iureu muiuies, yet me Iflame exceeded our earth in volume ten-fold at the least. But Mr. Loekyer has recorded nn instance of a yet more marvellous nature. U vast prominence extending seventy or eighty thousand miles from the sun's surface banished altogether in. ten minutes. Tho mery way in which Zollner s drawings were naken savors of the marvellous. We have wpoken of them as colored, lhey are ruby- bed, and so the prominences appeared to the Ktronomer. The real light of the promi nences is not only ruby-red, however, but rose-colored, with taint indications of pink, or even bluish tints. The fact is, that by the new method of observation the image of a prominence is formed by only a certain part of its light. We may say that out or tne several colored images of the same promi nence the astronomer selects one only for ex amination. The explanation of this is worth consideration, as it involves the essence of the method by which the prominences are seen at all. When we analyze lights witn a simple prism as Newton did, .we get instead of a round spot of white that is. mixed light a row of overlapping spots of different color. It was only when, in stead of a round spot, a fine line of white light was analyzed, that one could detect the absence of images of this line along cer tain parts of the rainbow-colored streak in other words, it was thus only that the dark lines of the spectrum could be seen. And it was to see these lines more clearly that the V slit of the spectroscope was made so narrof I and the, rainbow-spectrum made so lo.ig b; A spectroscopists. But the observers of th' prutllllirjijuuoa izJ vnjn. u ,aao viva iuDbuuu -Li they used a narrow slit, a narrow strip of the prominence would alone lorni its spectrum, hioh would consist of a few lnght lines. But by having a wide slit the whole promi nence forms its spectrum, which consists of a few bright pictures of the prominences. There is a green pioture corresponding to the bright spectral line called F, a red picture corresponding to the bright spectral line called C, and so on. If the whole set of pio Mures were formed at once we could see none 1 1 of them, for there would be side by side with vthem the blazing solar Bpectrum whioh would obliterate them altogether, just as in ordi nary telescopio observation the bright sun light blots out the prominences from the my - - ... view. But if the observer uses sucti a bat tery of prisms that the solar spectrum would be very long indeed, and if he admits to. view only that part of the spectrum opposite which one of theiprominenoe-images exists, ho can then see that image quite distinctly, for the neighboring part of the solar spectrum is so reduced in splendor that it no longer oblite- 1 rates tne prominence ngure. in tms way, then, tne observer selects one or other oi tne pictures of a prominence, eithor the red or the green picture, to examine. And strangely enough, it is by no means certain that the two pictures are alike, llather it is highly probable that they are different, though we Lave not space here either to indicate reasons for believing this, or to explain the signifi cance of the ciroumstance should it eventu ally be established. It seems to us that when we conaidor tho teal dimensions of the solar globe, we appre ciate more fully the wonderful nature of those i : : r r processes of sctiortindicatect by recent re ' sftarches, than when we regard these without direct reference to the sun s magnitude. How many of us really appreciate the enormous volume of the sun? We read certain figures m books.of astronomy, but do we grasp their full significance? There is. however, a sim ple way of viewing the matter whioh at onoe opens our eyes to the vastness of the Bolar globe. FURNITURE. RICHMOND & CO., must-class FURNITURE WAR ERO QMS, No. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, EABT SIDE. ABOVE CHESNUT, Ilrttf PHILADKLPIIIA. FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS, AT TIIEXR ' NEW STORE, 1002 ARCH STREET. Are now lulling their ELEGANT ! GRNITTJRB at very reduced prices. 9 9 3raro II UTTO Sc ITlcCOCVCLX., FURNITURE WAREROOMS, So. 808 MARKET STREET. PARLOR, DINING-ROOM, and CHAMBER FUR NITURE, tbe Latest Styles and beet Manufacture. Also, FE ATH ER BEDS and MATTRESSES. 10 6 mwf3m PIANOS. ffj GREAT SALE OP First-Class Rosewood Pianos, AT PRICES BELOW THE ACTUAL COST TO MANUFACTURE. Having determined to offor our extensive stock of ixme fttriitr ttrni bfttutiJiiUy Jiniithrtl tven orttiv JttutrwtMtd Iiatint at priren hoiow tuo actual cohl io manniactuxe,.we wilt sell during the month of Oecembor, at rates Lower than we ever Offered Heretofore, In order to close out our surplus stock by tbe end of the year. The reputation of onr instruments makes it unnecessary for us to suy a word in their lavor. Tbuy are acknowledged to heeiuul,if not superior, to any instrument inado in the world. Persons wishing to purchase, or desiring to make CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Will find tbnt'the special and extraordinary redactions of our prices will enaoie mem io ooiain A FIKST-OLAS8 INSTRUMENT At a priae even less than they would otherwise have to nav tor a Kecond-rate or interior one. 'i'tiooo wanting bargains should not fail to cull early at our WAREROOMS, No. 1103 CHESNUT STREET, And examine our stock, whore they can readily be c vi need ot the superiority of our instruments and the uacri!- hues ut which we are ottering tuem. .SCIIOlflACKJUt & ., WAREROOMS, No. 1103 OHESNUT STREET. If. B. Sole Agents for tbe celebrated BURUKTT ORGAN. A special discount of 30 por cont. daring the month of Jjocember. i-a i mwiiiu tr3 ALBRECHT, jrj-rpj iTfiriFW RIEKKS & SCHMIDT. lfS"i it MANtlKACTUltKItS Of FIRST-CLASS PIANO-FORTES. Vnll mnrantefi and moderate nrices. 36 WAREROOMS, No. 610 AROH Street BRADBURY'S AND OTHER Piunos. ffi:ti)0. Taylor & Farley'B, also Oarhart A NeecHuim'b Organs, from ,r0 upwards. WIIjLIAM G. FISCHER, No. 11)18 ARCH. Stroet and Mo. 21 N. ELEVENTH Street. 11 23 2m REMOVAL. M L. J. H. MICKENER & CU., ZTJltERS OF THE CELEBRATED "Excelsior" Sugar-Cured Hams, Tongues and Beef, Have Removed to their NEW STORE, Nos. 122 and 124 AECH STREET, lllfllrnrp PHILADELPHIA. CURTAINS AND SHADES. QURTAIN MATERIALS. LACH CURTAINS, 113-00 to SGO-00 a pair. NOTTINGHAM LACE CChTAINS, I! to $14 a pair WINDOW SHADES, all kinds. SILK BROCATELLES, SMYRNA CLOTHS, FLUSHES, KEl'S, TERRIES AND DAMASKS, all colors. TASSEL, GIMPS, FRINGES, ETC. II 20 31 RAILROAD SUPPLIES. W. H. CARRYL & SONS, No. 723 CHESNUT STREET, IN R. H. GODSnALK A CO. '8 CARPET STORE, (TWO JJOIWH ADUJ1 UUULU WAMU). EDUOATIONAL. II E EDGE II ILL SCHOOL. A Hoarding and Day School for Boys, Held in the new Academy lluilding at MERCHANT VILLK, NEW JEKSKV. For Circulars apply to REV. T. W. CATTKLL, 6 2S tf Principal. COPARTNERSHIPS. rpiIE FIRM OV MORRIS, TASKER & CO. 1 is tiiis day dissolved by mutual consent, 11ENSY O. WOKKlts retiiiux ii iiu the business. , KTK.PHKN MORRIS. THOMAS T. TASKKR, Jr., KiKl-HKN P. M. THKKK, HKNKY U. MORRIS. We, the undoruicrMd, have this day formed a Copartner rliip tn carry ou the business of the l'ASOAL. IKON WOK KH, under rhe name and style of MOUHlei, TASktU & UU. STKPHEN MORRIS. THOMAS T. TASK KR, Jit., bl l'.l'HKN P. M. TASKKR. Philadelphia Month,eth, 1W. lii 7 nt HATS AND OAP8. ri WARBURTONS IMPROVED VENTI- ckfclated and asy-rlttina; Dress Hat (patented), in all tun improved fashions of th. OUiUUiUT Street neit door to th. Post Otiioa. U Ut n ALEXANDER O. CATTELL& CO mODl IO K COMMISSION MKROUAJiTS, Ko. Itf AOHTrl W1LAKVK8 AND flo. ft NORTH WATKR BTRKET. PitlLIDKLPUlA. mUr.rtf Hit Q UAXZkAh, ELUafl OaKJtUU 'CLONES, ETC.1 HOLIDAY SALE. GOLD PRICES FOR DRY GOODS. Immense reductions have been made to close out the whole stock before the first of the year. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. We will also continue our Great Sale of Kid Gloves. ITANDSOMK COLORS KID GLOVES, 1D0 per pair. ELEGANT KID GLOVES, ft -25 per pair. BLACK KID GLOVES, WHITE STITCHED, $1'25. 8-liTJTTONBD KID GLOVES, lt(). HIGH COLORED KID GLOVES, EMBROIDERED BACK, $1-80. GENUINE "JOCVIN KID" GLOVES, 11 -4S. Tho celebrated "BARTLEY" KID GLOVES, $li, finest Kid Glove imported, of which we are sole agents in America. EVERY FAIR WARRANTED; If they rip or tear another pair given in exchange. For lbs purpose of reducing our Urge stock of KID GLOVES, prior to balancing our foreign account at the end of tbe year, we have nmde on asuortmonU of half a a dozen each, aa follows, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. H dozen pairs Joseph. .IflVoniX dozen rain Jouvin. .ipH'M X " ' La Hello. 6 75l " " "Bartlej'MUHO This sale will eclipse any sale ever mado on Eighth street in DRES8 GOODS and KID GLOVES until after the HOLIDAY SEASON. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, IMPORTERS OF KID GLOVES, 12 A wsm No. 23 N. EIGHTH Street. NEW PUBLIOATIONS. Ja B. LIPt-INCOTT & CO., Publishers, IJoolisellcrs, Importers And Stationers, Ms. 71o and 717 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of the Public to thoir LARUE ASSORTMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS AND STANDARD 1$ O O It H IToi HlO IIoli(lllrH, AMERICAN AND ENGLISH, Handsomely Illustrated snd Bound in a variety of beau tiful stylos, suitable for Christmas Gifts. Also a great variety of ILLUSTRATED JUVENILE AND COLORED TOY HOOKS, BY THE MOST POPULAR AUTHORS. Together with AN EXTENSIVE NEW STOCK OK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FANCY STATIONERY A. Vluallo Gift. One Year's Subscription to either LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE of Literaturo, Science, una Education. Illustrated. $4 UIJ. THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE. Profusely Illustrated. ffilChO per annum. GOOD WORKS FOR THE YOUNG. Pmfusoly Illua- t ruiou. acj &u per annum. J. B. LIFFIXCOTT & CO., Nos. 715 and 717 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. JJULIUAY PKESLNTS: HARDING'S EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE. - Family, Pulpit, and Photograph Bibles, FOR CHRISTMAS, WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY TRESENTC Alto, Presentation Bibles for CHURCHES, CLEKU1MKN, SOCIETIES AND TEACHERS. ET( New and fraperb assortment, ItfMind In Rich Levar Turkey Morocco. I'ant'k-d ami Ornamental Dcslni equal to the London and Oxford editions, at lutm tUa halt their prices. AV. W. HARDING, So. &2G CIIESTDT STREET, sTiiENGTn- Coine'd!cheapness Harding's Patent Chain-back rnOTUCKAfn Auuumb. For Wedding, Holiday, or Birthday Presents, these Albums are particularly adapted. The book trade and dealers In fancy articles lor holiday soles will find the moBt extensive assortment of rhotograph Albums in tbe conntry, and superior to any heretofore made. For great strength, dura bility, and cheapness, Harding's Patent Chain-buck Albums are unrivalled. Purchasers will find It greatly to their advantage to examine these new lines of goods before making up their orders for holiday stock. Also.a large and splendid assortment of new styles of Photograph Albums made in the usual manner. NO. 32G CHESNUT STREET, 11 27 lm PHILADELPHIA. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. A New Course of Lectures, as delivered at the Nen York Museum of Anatomy, embracing the subjects: How to Live, and What to Live for: Youth. Maturity, and Old Age: Manhood Generally Reviewed: The Cansaol Indigestion; Flatulence and Nervous liBeases Accounted For; Marriage Philosophically Considered, etc etc. Pocket volume, containing these Lectures will be for. warded, post paid, on receipt of 35 cents, by addressing W. A. l.KAKY, Jh.. S. E. oornerof FIFTH and WALNUT nireeis, cniiafleiunia, Hits ROOFING, R EADY ROOFI This Roofing la adapted to all buildinga. It can appuea to BTEEP OR FLAT ROOFS at one-half th. einena. of tin. It Is readily put on bhingle Roofs without romoring th. shingles, thus avoid ing the damaging of ceilings and furniture while under going repairs. (No gravel used.) PRESERVE YOUR TIN ROOFS WITH WKLTON1 ELASTIC PAINT. I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roofs at shoa notice. A lso, PAINT FO R SALE by the barrel or gallon the best and cheapest In the market. kltOH 17 Wo- 711 N KlNTH Street, above Coatee TA OWNERS. ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, AND RIKIkK Hoofs! Yh vas. Kvarv sis. anil kind, old or new. At No. (AS N. THIRD Street, the AM K RIUAN CONCRETE PAINT AND ROOF COMPANY are selling thsir eelehrsted paint for TIN HOOFS, and for preserving all wood and metals. Also, their solid eon. piez rooi covering, tne Deal ever ouereu io cue puimo,witn brushes, cans, buckets, ete., ior the work. Anti vermin. Fire, and Water.nroof : Light, 'light, Durable. No crack. inn, pealing, or shrinking. .No oauer. gravel, or I o paper, gravel, or beat. Uood for all climates, lireotiona oni given for work, or good vnrk riven in men supplied. Care, pro Call! Kiamine! Judge! Care, promptness, oeruuniyi una prloaM ent wanted for intsrior ooonMee. i. wanwu .ur m . JObKPU LKHD8, Principal. I. T. CARTON. WMAHCm. E AWT UH moraAHOM, BMMSO A A7 COMMISSION MBHCJUHT 0. S UUH.IVI ir.n Duir.nm lura. No. 18 BOL'TH WHARVES. Philadelphl. No. 46 W. PRATT btreet, Baltimore. We are prepared to ship every dMonpiion of Freight to Philadelphia, Ne" York, Vilmington, and Intermedial Soiais with prouiptnM and-daspatch. Canal BoaUaao itimJnn fnrnlhi ai tha ibrtit anlioa. "UriLLIAM ANDERSON & CO., DEALEliS II in l uio Wtuskies, Ha. 144 North SOOOND Street, Philadelphia WATOHE9, JEWELRY, ETC imS LADOMUS 4 cof DIAMOXfi DEALERS & JEWELERS. WAT'IIKS, JKWHuKI BILTKH WAKK. vWATOHES and JEWELBY REPAIRED. 02 Chestnut 8t, PMH- Ladies' and Gents' Watches, AMEEIOAN AND IMTORTED, Of the moat celebrated makers. . : FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINES, In 14 and U karat. - DIAMOND and other Jewelry of the latest designs. Engagement and Wedding Rinra, in 18 karat and coi Bolid Silver-Ware for Bridal Prevents, Table Outlory, Plated Ware, etc. U 5 fruw RICH JEWELRY. JOHN BBENNAN, DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELLER, NO. 13 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, 8 S mwf 9mrp PHILADELPHIA. 8AAC IC STAUFFER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, No. 148 N. SECOND St., cor. of anarry. An assortment of WATOIIES, JEWELRY, and PLATED WARE constantly on hand, suitable for Iloli day Gifts. 11 34 wfmlatrp ESTABLISHED 1823. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and FANCY GOODS, NO. n N. SIXTH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM B. WARNE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in WATCH KS AND JEWELRY. b. K. corner bKVKMil and CHKbiwr Htreeta, a ail beoona floor, ana laie oi no. w o. iniau du JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. pLATED GOODS OF TUB FINEST QUALXT7 AT THE LOWEST KATES, AT No. 804 CHESNUT ST., SECOND FLOOR, BY V. II. ROGERS. We are daily receiving from onr Factory, in Conneo- Bicut, the latoBt styles of Uoods, of all patterns, from Rogers Brothers, and "Meriden Britannia Co.'s" manu factories. Triplc-Platol Silverware, Suitable for BRIDAL GIFTS AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS. No. 801 OUESNUT STREET, Second Floor. 11201m A. It. ROGKR8. CARPETINCS, ETC. E W CAR P E T 8. AXMniSTEBS, WILTONS. " VELVETS. BRUSSELS, 3-rLYS AND IMGIIAINS, Vlnetians, Druggets1, Oil Cloths, Etc. LEE DOM & SHAW, No. 910 Alien STREET, 23 3mrp PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE J." WATSON & SON, JQ1 t.-M Of the late firm of EVANS WATSON, FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF BATE STORE, NO. 63 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, 8 815 A few doors above Ohesnnt St., Philada FLAVORING EXTRACTS. WIsLTKEUtiElt'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted equal to any made. VANILLA. ORANOE, unsfr. NUTMEG. PINEAPPLE, BITTER ALMONDS, CINNAMON. Prepared at A. 'Wiltberffer's Driiff Store, No. 23 North SECOND BtreeU DoDot for BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, the best artiole made for Blueing clothes. 11 8 mwilimrp DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. ETO QRAWINC INSTRUMENTS AKD Dra-wing: Materials or all kinds. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 8 22wfmtf No. 924 CHESNUT Street M I S K 1 C & SONS ill BOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, Na 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, PhUadOlphla. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT-OFF STEAJt ENGINS, Refralated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented June, 1868. DAVID JOY'8 PATENT VALVELESS STEAM HAMMER D. M. WESTON'S PATENT SELF-CENTRING, H ELF-BALANCING CENTIUFUUAb BCiUAit-AJKAiJNiJNU MAUiilNE. AND RO EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturers; T 10 mwf I. VADOHN HKUKICX. WILLIAM B. KKOaiOC Jom . OOFS. CTETD'SO, KltO., Sc CO., OILS, 11 lH3m Wo- s- BKOOiro Street CAMUEL SMITn & CO.," No. 41?. SEVENTH O Utreet, BTKAM AND GAH FITTERS AND PLUM HERS. Tube, littings and Brass Work oustautjy on hand. ., . . ... A 11 work promptly attended to. Galvanized Tube for Cemetery I nteferniBhed. 11 17 3in II. M. KLINE CAN CURE CUTANEOU8 Eruptions, Marks on the Kkln, Uloi-ra In tbe throat, month and nwe, sore legs and sores of evnry conceivable oliaracter. Office, No. BfhouU iUJCVKNTU, betweeo ChMnut and Marks Htr st.s . ' TOIIN FARNITM & CO., COMMISSION MErV; ' chants and Manufacturers of CoaestogaT'iuklng, etc. ho. m UUlUiNUX ttUeet, Peiladehytua. 41 wtu4 i AUOTION SALES. B f BARRITT CO., AUCTIONEERS. CASH AUCTION HOUSE, (11241 r ". msnssi pwwiv, corner oi nana StreeL. Cash advanced on oonsignmsnu without extra obarga. ' . FTTRH! FIT 118 ! FURS! KLRVKNTII TRADE bA I K OF AMFRIjAN ANI JMPWRTK.n KUK8. CARRIAGE AND 8LR1UU ItURKR. AlOllAltS. ETC. Comprislrg liu lots, by cat.loga., !n Isrg. Variety and .legsnt ana Illy, nn J nurse sy morning, Deo. liith, onm- m.uring at lu o'clock. IJ 11 4t 8HIPPINQ. LORILLAUD'S ' STEAMSHIP HI-JK" LIKE FOR NEW YORK, BAILING TLKHDAY8, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. Freight rooelved at alt times on oorered pior. Advance charges cashed at offloe on pier. For rates or further Information, apply to JOHN F. OHI Pier 19 NORTH WHARVES. N. B. Extra rates on small packages, Iron, metal, ate. oto. FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUE KNSTO WN Inman Line of Mil ar. appointed to aail aa fol- , ui AuiHarp, via Halifax, Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 1 P.M. City of Rnwklyn. Saturday. Deo. IS, at I P. M. City of London, Saturday, D.,o. 35, at 11 A. M. i unsiiav, uoo. an, at l r. m. Oityof Washington, Saturday. Jan. 1, 170, at 1 P. M. t.ZH c.0 "if o,0ing baturday and altaraaU I'nesday, trom Pier 46, North River. RATKH nr PARRAOW. B.T ?! MAn- TiiMia aaiuNrt kvkrt iATtnmAT. inPjS?!IeJ?J:o,l- Payable in Currency. V i BU to ! BTEKftAOE. .8 B1KHTUAHIN SIHfllRTIfKRAdK SMS - - ju..uu. Ill5 -10 ixnaon l . . llril To Paris tl rasSAGR BT THE XTJUUaX tXKAlIUl, VIA BALOUX P. l?BT C!lI,"C' ST1tF.HAB. T . i " ... rayanie in uurrency , IJTerpooL tfO'Llvernool DtM L"u "I-.M-WJ.- ,): I alifag.,. , II hf hnnch Bt4tmr....f by Branch Stekmer. revweniFera fnrw.rtiwi j vi u i i 'iu ket scan be bought here at moderate ratM b dot ona wmhinjf tosend for their frienda, r Or flirt hnr infnrmalinn snnle sTIaw. rM JOHN O. UALK. At.-o7li iBKOAhTO N. Y Orto O'UONNKIJ. A FAIII.K. A.ntj. No-4( 3 CUKSNUT Street, PhilaTelphla. sw ?xi!v lTKMPANV'8 MAIL STEAMSHIPS BRKST luaaaflu tlAVKlt, CAUJNU AT The snlenrllrl nam vmuuila nn ihlm . . . . Continent will sail from Pier No, 60. North river, m-wmr- PRIOR nir PAHRAnn In gold (Inclnding wine). AO BKK8T UK HAVRE. First Cabin., i $140 I Second Cabin .M TO PARIS. f Inolndlnff railway tirbnf a fnrnlnhnrl nn hunl First Cabin $146 I Second Cabin .$ i nese steamers no not carry steerage passengers. Medical attendance free of charge. American travellers ffninsr ri or rAtnrnin from Ihn mm tinent of Europe, by taking the steamers of this lineavaiJ nnneccsssry risks from transit by English railways ani miD ui. onannei. oesiaes saving time, ironnie, anasz na.a I.' I l I 1 II ,nLrL'kT7ID A . KTM taDDilnlfiv V Vr..-1 For nassasa In Phllui.inhi .nni..t Ai.m. v vuiufauy, w It. Ij. UV.Alt. iH'ii no. ffJO CUKSNUT Street. -rCHARLEaTOrJ.S.C. .'f.A'l AUir THE SOUTH. SOUTIIWEST. ai TTSti AND FLORIDA PORTS. THE STEAMSHIP J. W. E VERM AN, CAPTAIN HINCKLEY. Will leave Pier 17, below Spruce street, on THURSDAY, December 111, at 4 P. M. Comfortable accommodations for passengers. ' Through Passage Tickets and Bills of Lading issued In connection with the South Carolina Railroad to all points South and Southwest, and with Steamers to Florida ports. Insurance by this iJne O INK-HALF PER CENT, (joods forwarded free of commission. Bills of Lading furnished and signed' at the offloe. For freight or paaeagojipply to E. A. SOUDER A O., DOCK STREET WHARF. Tho Steamship PROMETHEUS, Cray, will follow HURSDAY, December S3. 2 335 PHILADELPHIA. KIOHTONT 'AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. TUOUUH FHKIOHT AIR LINK TO B 1 11 r. rnj u t IX AHU w f .0 1 , jLvr.rvx daiukuai. At noon, from FIRST WHARF above MARKE1 Street. TH ROUGH RATES io all nnlnrx In NnWh Carolina, via Seaboard Air Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth and ,to l.f nchburg, Va., Tennessee, and tb cj;, nn. uKiui nuu Auuueasee Air Lone ana lUoamond and Danville Kniiroad. Fmiuht HANDLF.O BUT ONOF. and taken at LOWKB RATJ'VS THAN ANY OTHKJt LlSiK. '1 ne regularity, safety, anrl cheapness of this ronte Com mttuu 1 'j iu. iiuiiiiu ub iub raoni aesLaoie meuium currying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or ny eipeose transfer, Suiamsbips insured at the lowest rates. i reight received daily. WILLIAM P. CLYDE ft CO., No. 12 S. WHARVES and Pier 1 N. WHARVES. W. P. POUTER, Agent at Richmond and Oitjr Point. T. P. CROWELL A CO., Agents at Norfolk. 6 1 NOTICE FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Hie CHEAPEST AND OUICK.EST water oommunica. tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily from first wharf below Market street, Philadelphia, and toot of Wall street. New York. Goods forwarded by all the lines running out ot New York, North, Kant, and West, free of commission. Freight received and forwarded on accommodating ternia, WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, No. 12 S. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, 83 No. HP WALL Street. New York. NEW EXPRES8 LINE TO Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington, D. C via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria from the most direot route for Linchl'Urg. Bristol. Kjxuxville. Nashville. Dalton. and tha Southwest. Steamers leave regularly every Saturday at noon from the hist wharf above Market street. Freight received daily. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. U North and South wharves. HYDE k TYLER, Agents, at Georgetown; M. KUKIDGK ft CO., Agents at Alexandria. 61 VfVTTPIf VAI) WPW VADV tni J w HVllVUt iuneuii A V ' 1 . 1 1 , A - A Delaware and Raritan Canal, HWIFTSURB .asViHiV' TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DliS. i-AAllytl AAil hWll' lMjKK 1,11V K. The business of these lines will be resumed on and after theRthot March. For freights, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to W. M. BAIRD ft CO., 8 2 No. 132 South Wharves. PATENTS. PATENT OFFICES, K W. Corner FOURTH and CHESNUT, (Entrance on FOURTH street). rRAHCXS D. rAST0HITJ3, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Patent procured lor Inventions In the Unite. States a Foreign Conn tries, and all business re latlng to the same promptly transacted. Call or so for circulars on Patents. Open ttll o'clock every evening. 8 6 smth, I L L I A M S. B R VV I N, GENERAL PATENT AGENT, No. 406 LIBRARY STREET. OUTOALT'S PATENT ELASTIC JOINT IROB ROOF. AMERICAN CORRUGATED IRON OO.'B HAND FACTURE8, FIRE PROOF BUILDINGS. ETO. TAYLOR 4 OOALE'8 PATENT AUTOMATIO LOOK-UP SAFETY VALVE. BRADFORD'S LOW WATER INDICATOR, ETO. ETC. LUJALL UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WARniNOTON, D. C, Nov Sll iMH't On the petition of JANIC OUANTIN and HENRY A. PINTAUD, of Philadelphia, Pa., exeoutors of Alplionhe Wusntiu, deceased, praying tor the extension of a patent to the said Alphouse Ouaiitin on tbe 4th day of March, 1W6, and reissued on the 37th day of October, lurid, and again ruihsued on the Ixth dny ot January. ImiM, fur an im. lirovement in the METHOD OF BOITLING FLUID UNDER CASEOUS PRESSURE, it is ordered that tha testimony in the case be closed on the 1st day of February next, that the time for tiling arguments and the Exami. ner's report be limited to the lllh day of February next, and that said petition be hoard on the loth day of r ob. ruary next. Any person may oppose ttiis extension. 'V SAMUELS. FISHER, 13 6 m3t Ooiiiinii.ioner of Patents. STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. STATE Rights of a valnsble Invention Just patented, and for the SLICING, CU'I TING, and OlilPFlNU of dried beef, cabbage, etc., are hereby ottered for sale. It is an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and rostauranis. and it should be introduced into every family. S T A'l K RIGHTS fur sale. Model can be seen at TELEGRAPH OFFICE. COOPER S POINT. N. J. 5?U ML'NDY ft HOFFMAN. AOOTION BALES. M THOMAS A SON8, NOS. 139 AND 11 e 8. FOURTH STREET. 8ALK OK REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. . 1 ii.Trainf. lTA IV, HI. T'llW I1. A Ull i, Dl(l,. BEACH KTKKkT. Kiohtanntta mni.ThrjAnrm RrinA Dwelling HLlXiHINSON STREET. Hbnth of Master-Two thrwe. etrv Brtrk Dwellings. (.11 KSTKIl M)1IN l VVlnl,l Franklin Hons snd Iti acrs of Land. 1 W fiei I Y- H 1KIJ SrUKIOT. No. KM. t North! ThrM. lory Urick Dwelling. TWENTY FIRST AND fllll'BRT. N. K. nii.-VAl.. THOMPSON STRKET, west of Twenty ah-Valnab lot t'OATKH BTRFFT. No 221 Modern Dwelling. WALLACE STREET, No. 2315 -Modorn Dwelling. ririii nnir nnifrsr.p. vt; comer -rfusinies atanal SI MMER STHI'.KT, No. 21 !U-ltiisine8 Stand. S1IAKSWOOD Hl'ltEKr. aiut of TwHntv.fnnrth T- three story Hrii k Dwellings. STEWARD KTRKET, east of Twenty fourth-Two two tory Rriek Dwellings. BrtuJUH SIUKKI', No.il6-Moderm four story Brio Resiilenco. r OUT V. FOURTH RTUk'ET nnrth r.1 K.HIInRriAr Oottago. KIS I KK r RISK STRF.KT. Nn. f,1Q nH f.o Tn etory lirick Dwellings. r 1 1 1 u M K EE 1 No. 111.1, (Northl-Brlck Dwelliag. CROUND RKNfs, $43 and v snares untgn iiobi ano navigation Co. 14 shares Kitlannin Coal Du. lm shares Oual Ridgs Improvrment and Coal On. n snares i.iuie nciiuyikill Kailroad and Coal Co. 100 siiares Ijocust MounLitin final .nd Imn n 3fiHsliaresMcKean and E:ik Ijind anil Improvement Oe. Vi snares rniiniia. ann west Chester Turnpike Co. 2 shares Cm retttord I'lank Kosd Oo. 1 share Delaware County Turnpike Co. 1(1 shares Darby Tumnikn or Plank Road Oo. Iiki shares Allegheny Railroad and Coal Co. leu shares Tarr Farm Oil (In. 211) shares Union Petroleum tio. 1(55 shares Beaver Vallev Oil Oo. l:i,(Kl Schnyikill Navigstinn Hnat and Car loan. If JnfHi Lehigh Coal and Navigation Convertible Loaa. 2J shares Coal Ridge Imtirnvement and Coal, preferred. f lino Coal Ridge Improvement ann i;oal )o. i.oan. tClXH) Philada. and Erie Railroad loan, 6 per cent, ildt. Snnhury and Erie Railroad Loan, 7 per cent. IftoO Allegheny Railroad and Coal Co. Loan, 8 per cent. Kl Hharest.irard Life Ins. Annuity and Truat Go. 27 shares Southwark National Bank. KiC sharoe Central 1 rnnsportat ion ;o. Idshnres American Hot Cast I'uroelain Co., full paid. IKMIN) Uelvidere and Delaware Railroad 3d mortgage. "1 sharos Reliance Ins. Co. A shares Acadomy of Music. 6 stmres Hsnk of North America. SO shares National Hank of the KopuMic. 20 shares Pennnyivsnia Steel Co. 10,000 shares Walnut lienil and Klark Dinmnnd Oil Ce. 25 shaies Morris Canal Consolidated, common. 75 shitrcs ltiigh Navigation Co. lot H72, sec. l, Monument Otmotery. 12 U 3t 1 100 shares Oatawissa Railroad Co., common. 1(0 shares Schuylkill Navigation, cnmninn. 8 shares Kensington snd New Jersey Ferry Oo. IWO shares Angdaloid Mining Co. 70 shares William Butcher Steol Works. 5 shares Philadelphia E'.xchsnge Co. 10 shares Natiiinal Hank of Northern Libertioa. Catalogues now ready. SUPERIOR DUTCH FLOWKR ROOTS. ln Wednesday Moiming, Den. 15. at 1 o'clock, on. case, oomurising an aesAri- mentof very choiee and superior Japan lilies, hyacinths, tulips, crocus, snow drops, etc., worthy the attention rrf florists and otuera. from J. A. carnaan, naariem. Holland. U 13 2t F.I.FC.ANT DIAMOND AND OTHER JEWELRY. hUPKRIOR WATCHKN, MCSltiAU liOA., Ul'AKA CLASSES, SHIP CHRONOMETER, ETC. On Thursday, Dec. lfi. at 13 o'clock, at the auction rooms, will be sold. for account of whom it may concern, a large assortment of diamonds, watches, etc., comprising in part Pair solitaire diamond enrrings, weighing six carats; pair ao. ao. ao., about 4 enrats; set elegant cluster diamond earrings and pin; several largo and hno single stone diamond ring 1 Dins: tine c ustnr diamond rings and nins: pearl neck lace; a variety of sets earrings and pins; ladies and gonta rings; scarf pins; 20 opera glasses, etc. AiHi, iu lames ana genie very supuriur wavuuoa, wuq most celebrated makers. Also, verv hnn miimeiLl box. six tunes, with drum ana bells; superior ship chronometer, made by John MoncaSa London ; surveyor's theodolite, etc. Tho above may he examined on Wednesday, from M until 3 o'olock, and on the morning of sale. 1213 3t BUNTING, DURBOROW A CO., AUCTIOl EERS, Nos. 333 and 234 MARKET Street, oorner U Bank street, buooessors to John B. Myers ft Oo. SALE OF auOO CASES ROOTS, SHOES, BR00AN3. ETO., On Tuesday Morning, Deo. 14, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. 12 8 6s LARGE BALE OF BRIT1PH, FRENCH. GERMAH. AND UUHIKS'I IU Dct X GOODS. On Thursday Morning, Deo. 16, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit 13 10 ft IMPORTANT SALE OF CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, KTC. On Friday Morning, December 17. at 11 o'olock. on four months' credit, abant 2U) pieces ingrain, Venetian, list, hemp, cottage, and rate tarpetings, on ciottis, rugs, etc. u II at TARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS BROTHERS, talesmen for M. T (lAtely salesmen for Ai. 1 nomas t Hons.) No. 63) CHESNUT Street, rear entrance from Minef. Sale at No. 778 South Tenth street. HANDSOME WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Cbic kering Piano Forte, Fine Brussels and Ingrain Car pets, China and Glasnware, etc. On Tuosdny Morning, Dec. 14, at 10 o'clock, at No. 77s South Tenth street, by catalogue, the entire handsomo walnut household tumi ture; oiled walnut chamber suits; elegant Chickeriuf. piano forte; extension dining tuble; sideboard ; tine li run nels and initram carpets; tine China and glassware; cook ing utensils: refrigerator, etc. May be exumined on the morning ef sale at 8 o'clock. It MASON CO.'S NINTH SALE OF A VALUABLK COLLECTION OF COINS, Pattern Pieces. Modal. Continental Money, etc. On Tuesday Afternoon, At o'clock, at the auction rooms, No. 52- Chesnuc street, by catalogue, ri25 lots very valuable Coins. In cluded will bs found : United States silver dollars of ltU4 and IciM; also, IH-Iil, l-nl, and ln'w; proofs United Statu cents of 17i'l, 17HH, 1W4, snd 1K."7 ; very rare and tine Caro lina Elcphunt cent, liiM; Chalmera' Annapolis three ponce, 17KI; United States proof sets of silver; pattern pieces; United States medals; political medals; rare Con tinental and Colomul paper uiouey; raro relics; mine rals, etc. Muy be seen on tho day ot sale. It Sale No. IK9 Ohesnnt street. ELEGANT WALNUT CHAMBER BUIT8; HAND, siime Walnut Parlor Suits, covered with tine reps and hair cloth; Fine Large Mirrors; Large and Superior Fire proof Safes; Elegant Buffet Sideboards; Fine Vel vet and Bnibsols Carpets ; Handsome China ; Rich Cut Glassware, etc. On Wednesday Mors ing, Dec. 15, at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, No. 639 Chvsnut street, by catalogue, elegant walnut household furniture, etc. ELEGANT BOOKCASE. Also, elegant rosewood bookcase, three doors. V ALUABLE PATENT RIGHT. On Wednesday, At 12 o'clock M., at the auction rooms, without reserve, the valuable patent right for the United States in an im prover) Stenm Generator. Model can be seen at the auction rooms. 12 13 31 EXTFNSIVE PEREMPTORY SALE OF A. 8. ROBIN SON'S COLLECTION OF THE FINE ART". VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS, FINE FORKIGK ENGRAVINGS. ELEGANT DRESDEN ENAMELS. IN HANDSOME FRAMES. On V edneeday, Thursday, and Friday, Deoember 16, lti, and 17. at ll o'cloek, at Robia son's Gallery, No. nil) Chesnnt street, by cata logue, the entire very large and valuable col lections of the tine arts, comprising 400 pictures, and . i . . : 1 - u ... I) , t ... lAap,u. lioilington, liondon ; Wilson, Glasgow ; Hoffer and Hchultr.e, Ousseldorf: Dauke, fof Munich; Bonfleld. Ricbaids, Moran, and others, of America; tine foreign engravings; elegant Dresden enamels; psin'ed photo giapbs, etc. Facb picture is framed in an elegant gold gilt or walnut frame. lUUlW, Tire collection will be on free exhibition until sale. AMERICAN ARTISTS' LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE. OF VALUABLE MODERN OIL PAINTINGS. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Dec 17, IX, and W, At the auction rooms. No. 62H Chesnut street, a large and valuable collection of Modern Oil Paintings. Among th urthts represented are Psul Ritter, eieorgs Y. Hart wick. Hurt Coatos, Stonetield, Loticbious, Van Ney, and Others rtuufle!eDiitd' .. . The Pict ures are all TOunced ill MegAnl gold-gilt trnou.' The collection will btf on exhibition ou TUESDAY, the ltith inst., and on the da s Oi ill! a. u g lot SALE OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, At the Philadelphia E'xchango, Third and Walnut streets, on Monday, December 2(1, at 12 o'clock M. Executor's Peremptory Sale Estate of Ann Murphy, deceuted-STOKK and DWELLING, 8. K. oorner of Kidee road and Groen street. DWELLING, No. 61U Chipnewa street, south of Lorn. bard, west of Twenty-sixth streot 112 7 fit TnOMAS BIRCH A SON, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 1U CHESNUT Street, rear entranoe No. Uu7 hansom etreM. Sale at No. 11 10 Cbesnut street. MARBLE BTA'lUARY, FRENCH BRONZES. GROUPS, ETO. Wednesday Morning, Deo. 15, at I0M o'olock, at tbe auction store. No. HIS Cbrsuut streot. will be sold, by order of U. H. Pandoltinl A Co., elegant Carrara marble stutuary, Frenoh bronse groups and figures, tnarblo and bron.e clocks from the best manufacturers of Paris, stone vases, alabaster statuettes, agut vases. Sienna taszan and card receivere 'I he tale will be continued in the evening at 1 o'clock 18 IS tk LXPPINCOTT, BON & CO., AUCTIONEERS. No. 240 MARKET Street. LARUE SPECIAL AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OK a SCOTCH. IRISH, AND FRENCH EMBROIDERIES. By order of Mr. ROBERT MAODONALD. un w.uufsuay morning, Dec. 15, at Klo'cluck, on four muuths' credit. AImii &t ninees fuuov dress aiiks and H niaenii 1tla.;k do. il a at c. D. McCTFES A CO., No. 6oo MARKET Street. AUCTIONEERS JET GOODS, NEWEST STYLES DIXON'S, No. 21 S. M(. 11 I U Siiact iu lb s