THE DAILY EVENING fELEQKAril PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, PKCKMBMK 13, 1869. HO rt t Ohrat Daii.t OlA)tlUNa bAXJC or Bunwrrr Oo. Tnwni TTAf.r., fa. 51 Mirk Hrnti, w to'r (Wit-Tain, orn yiwn ii ty to puretvurrt f CWAfcif Mt M4m eUn. (toll beart fturrhann, ami r-mytnTt Mr jpw. iriiA A-M offere.1 tUtwhm at tpeeial "Vkin Tut" Unorvmrn A.n,MRHT. Thert rn allmnnU.trrlnx la thafe'attura, but the .mptomt of whloh .re not in IB iraUf pMiflo to ennbU to aUmiifr thm aoder aor PMtlooUr head. As a Rraxral rule they arias from a general dnbilitf of the whole orcaolzatlon, but their prl m.rj oauaa, in at tout three eases out of fire, U a laok of brisk vital aetioo In ths etomaoh and lirer. Stlmulata and tone the relaxed difrnatWe aad secretive organs, and bodily ase, health, and Tt(fw will follow the treatment. Anion all the medtoioae which here bern rcoommended as oon duo Ire to this end, none has bnen administered with suoh uniform and eatire success as Hohtettkk'6 Btomch Hit txna. IU ingredient, were selected from the vegetable king dom, originally, with the view to the inrigorstion of the physique and tbconstltutlon, and also for their anti-bilious and slight lj laxstire propertied. Twenty odd years of experience has proved that these herbal restoratives were wisely chosen and have been judiciously apportioned in this celebrated preparation. Not only as a speciflo for In digestion and all kindred oomplalnts, but as a homehaH remndyfor all the minor ailment inoident to humanity, it has obtained a reputation, based on"unirapeachble testi mony, which fairly eclipses that of any other proprioUr or officinal medicine in ue. OBWi Cheaper than Ktkr. Guy's China Palaoe, No. 1023 Cheenut street, are determined to reduce stock by the 1st of January, and are offering their large stook of fancy good, at nnprecedentedly low prices. ' Bohemian Cologne Beta of Pafl Box and Two Bottles, 90 cent. Bobemlaa . Liijuor Beta of Six Glasses, Waiter and Decanter, $1. Parian Marble Busts, 75 cents. A large assortment of Bronze and Parian Statuary. Three Hundred styles Bohemian and Ohina Vases, from 00 cents to $36 per pair. Five Hundred different patterns of Cologne bets. An endless varisty of Lava Ornaments. A splendid stook of Decorated Dining, Tea, and Toilet Bets. A complete assortment of White French China, Stone Ohina, and Glaus Ware. All marked down Unukb Gold Pricks. Store Boom epen till o'clock at night. Call soon, before the assortment is broken. TROtrRu.gosrK Oouohs and Coi.ds, Bonn Throat and llOARBKNr.M, are speedily cured by Dn. D. Jatnr'm Kx PKOtobant. It gives immediate relief in all Aftrtion of (As Lvngt by producing a free expectoration of the phlegm which obstructs them, thus quieting the Cough, relieving the inflammation, and giving the dibeattod organs a chance to heal. Sold by all Druggists. Holiday. Phekents. The sale to-morrow at T. Birch A Son's auction store, No. 1110 Cheenut street, comprises Beautiful Bohemian Cologne Sets, Bisque and Parian Figures and Busts, Jardinieres, Cut-gUute Decanters, Liquor Bete, Terra Ootta and French China Ware, Motto Cups with Sauoers, Odorizers, Ladyssta, Smoking Sets eta., suitable for Holiday Presents. The sale oommenoes at 10)4 o'clock A. M., and will be continued at 7X in the evening. HARLKIC.H. HAKLE1GH. HARLKIOH.-PCRK HARD LKHIUH COAL, LORBKRRY, 81IAMOKIN, AND WHITE ASH SCHUYLKILL COAL. OFI'IOK, SIXTH AND SPRINU GARDRIf STRKKT8. DF.POT, NINTH 8TRK.KT (No. Ml), BELOW UIRARD AVRNUK. WILLIAM W. ALTER. Jkwklrt. Mr. William W. Oassidy, No. IS 8. Booond street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of One Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure article, furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stook of American Western Watches In all varieties and at all prices. A visit to bis store la sura to result in pleasure and pro tit. . TBI Pabbam New Family Sewing Machine is a first-class lock-stitch ma chine, elegant in style and finish, perfectly simple in con struction, and designed for every description of family sowing and light manufacturing purposes. Parram Skwjno Machine Co., ' Salesroom, No. 704 Chesnut street. Agents wanted. Pakham Skwtno (Machinhh are sold on terms to suit aU, Call and examine. No. 704 Chesnut street. Earth Closet Company's patent dry earth com modes and privy-fixtures, at A. II. mnoiacua Dove, no. 618 Market street. m QroTU A BiKKB'i Highest Premium Sewing Maohlnee Ho. TO) Chesnut street. Kvkbt variety of Ready made Clot lung at Charles Stokes', No. 824 Chesnut street. . PLEASE RKAD THK NOTH AT THE BOTTOM OP W AX AM A K EH 4 BROWN'S ADVERTISEMENT. HAUUIED. LIXJYD OASKKY. Dooember 8. V&i. brRev. John Thlu Mr.'jOBN 11. LIX)YD, of Philadelphia, to Miss LAvTnIA OAhKKY, of Frankford. Pa. ROB1NHON-BAUM. On theDut.h of Ootobr, WS9, bv RTo W MsolauKhlin, Mr. ANDREW C. ROBINiON, RntWI' 4iRAHAM. Noveinbfr 4, at the Cathedral, Bomb.V 'ndiat bv the Rev. 0. T. Wilnon. W. WioTl'. KS4., J. i V 1 ' -miui v. - nam, M. v., oi wxis bivj. DIED. BROtmN.-On tha 11th InsUnt, Mr. THOMAS J BThaUn!ativaa and friends of the famllr, also Chosen WmdrS, No. 1U0, I. O.ofO. K. ; Jordan ICooauio- ment, ho. ta. i. . v- f V." K. of P. : tns memoers oi im u jumwi Kishtecntta section, and the employes of tba Readin Railroad, ara wpectfoilj Invtd to attend tiie tuners , . froia his lata resiuenoe, n ""f"-. , V V V niond sM.t. on Wednewjsv afternoon at i o'clock. To proceed to Hanover btreet Vault. OALWHAN.-nthsiathinstsnt In the hope of blessed imiuortslltv. Mrs. MARTHA CALLAHAN, in tbe 57th yer of her sue. , .... . .... The relatives ana insnas m mi attend the funeral, from ber Iste re-jdeuoe No. 1( Thmnpson street, on Wednesdsy at 8 o'olock. To proceed to Hanover btreet Vault. ., . LA UKKNOK. On tba Utn insni, wins t,au liie relatives and friends of ths faroll are respeotfiillt invited to attend the funeral, from the rtwidenoe of Mr JaooD T. ruica, no. Jitri uriwn aireen. " - -.t, instant, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to bwedesuurcuh. MeRT.-On ths loth InsUnt, Mr. WILLIAM P. MORT. In tba 73d year of bis srs. Tbe relatives and friends of the family srs respeotrnUj Invited to attend vne lunerai. from dis i i No. Ml Bwain street, on Wednesday afternoon at a o'clock. n . . , . . . . t ' O I Tj mi-.n if MAlhaniii wis iivu instant, iir.onn. " r Sarah aad the late John It Walker, in tbe mb year of his aye. ... . . , . . . , . ,. .,.n. Tbs relatives ana menus m vne runny are rn"i"' in riled to attend the funersl, from tns reHlileuiie of his mother, No. lt N. 8iitb street, on Tuesday aitarnoon. .i.. lnh tnntAnL. at kt o'clock. 9 Mkn, DRY GOODS. y M IS F V Is IKESI3HT8 FOR THE HOLroAYS. THXbAd AND GUIPURE IjXiOiliO . In Eetta, OoUart, lldkfs., And by the yard. TRIMMED AND EMBROIDERED SETTS, ROMAN SCARFS AND BASHES, GLOVES of every description, INDIA AND OASUMERB SCARFS, Toftethpr with ao elrgant stock of SILKS, POPLINS, and every Tariety of CHESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOTHS, CASSI MEIUIS, ETC ETC, JT. W. THOIMAS, Not, 405 and 407 North SECOND St., 9 llflp PHILADELPHIA. ARABS. ARAOS. ARAQS. ARABS. New and Beautiful Designs AT 1IKXILA.NY IVTIC, HETIIANY FAIB, 1213 Horticultural Hall. NEW PUBLICATIONS. PORTER & COATES, No. 822 CHESNUT STREET, NOW OFFER rOtt SALE, At Wholesale Cash Prices, A SriENDID STOCK. BOOKS IU ELEGAUT BIUDinOS, FULLY ILLUSTRATED. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BIBLES AND PRAYERS, Juveniles and Toys. PUBCHASERS OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE THE IMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF BOOKS OFFERED AT THE VERY LOWEST MARKET RATES FJR CASH. la 1 20trp American Sunday-School Union have on hand an extensive variety of New and Beautiful Books, IlandHoniely Illustrated and tn tasteful bindings, suitable lor HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Also for sale, Bibles & Devotional Books. We are also constantly ccelvlng from London A great variety of SCRIITURK PRINTS, DIAGRAMS FOR LECTURES, and everything suitable for the Illustration of Sun day school lessons. Catalogues of too Society's Publications and Speci mens of their Periodicals 'may' be obtained gratui tously at the Depository of the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, WSi UheBnut (Street, rbiludcipula. U 21' mwfttt T WO NEW BOOKS READY THIS DAY. I. FRENCH FAIRY TAI.E3, KY VARAHK UK RKU1TR. TrnnalAtad hv Mm lioli-min and hrr daimhtflrs ftlis translators of the Muhlbacli hovels) illustrated by Dura and Jules Didier. limo. Kxtracioto. LENNY THE ORPHAN. HY MBS. BORMKB. With illnstrntioDs bf tuber, lrtmo. Extra cloth. Just published bj POUTER 4 COATES, U SmwUrp No.tCi8 0HKBNU'r St. OLOTH3, OA88 1 MERES, ETO. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ST7X.Ii FURTHER REDUC TION in prices or ASTRACIIAUS, VELVET CLOTHS, SV7AW snirxs, PUR BEAVERS, CIIIM CHILI, AS. VELVETEENS, CENTS' SUITINGS, BOYS' CASSXXVIERES, LADIES' CLOTHS, 1" O It SUITS. UT.SUODGRASS&CO. Kt. 31 POUTH SECOND BTREET. Vi9Va,rp PHILADELPHIA. .TVMEH l& LEE, No 11 NORTH SECOND BTREET, SWX OP TUS GOLDKX LAMB, Are now receiving a large a8ortmont of all tba New rityleo of rAIJCV CASEI1MERES And Standard Makes of Doeskins and Beaver Cloths, ATjraOLESALE AND RETAIL, 8 8Sm DEAFNESS. KVERY INSTRUMENT THAT science sod skill hare invented to sasist ths bearing in every (1. piee of deafuess ; slso, Respirators also ,Urin dsll's HRtn.l (JrnlcLes, superior tn an, others in nee. at P. MiuKliU'b, tin. Us B. TiHbu buet, ulow Ubasuak BEWINQ MAOHINES. fJHB DEBT HOLIDAY GIFT. WHECLERa WILSON'S IOKJK BTTTOH Family So win ZVIacMnc. IOVKR 4noA ROW IN TJ8K. KXAMINR IT BKFORR BUYIMO ANY OTHER. Sold on Lease Plan, $10 Per Month. rETKItSOr Ac CARPENTER. GENERAL AGENTS, no. n cuESNirr tnu IBfmwl PHILADELPI1IA. Y HE AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE la now universally admitted, to b gnpArtor to 1 others u a Family Machine. TUB SIMPLICITY EASE, AND CERTAINTY with which It operate aa well aa the uniform excellence of tu work. throughout the enure range of aewlng, la Stitching, Hemming, Felling, Tucking, wa . a U' a voraing, uraiuing, uuuung, uam ering, and Sewing on, Over teaming, Embroidering on the Edge, and its Beauti ful Button-Hole and Eyelet Hole Work, PLACE IT UNQUESTIONABLY FAR IN AD VANCE OF ANT OTHER SIMILAR INVENTION. OFFICE, S. W Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESNUT a it fmw3mrp PHILADELPHIA. GRAPES. WHITE ALGERIA GRAPES. C50 KECS In Beautiful Clusters, AT 40 CENTS PER POUND. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE. S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT, 11 29 tf PHILADELPHIA. HOLIDAY COODS.1 IQQ j. ARCH STREET. 1004 GEIFFITH & PAGE. HOLIDAY LIST. CARVED WOOD, BRONZES, PLATED WARE, TEA TRAYS, CUTLERY, French and German Fancy Goods. A J. I A HUE It, JR., No. 1304 OHK8NUT STRKKT, AIM, No. 100 FULTON AVKNUK, BROOKLYN, N. Y. HOLIDAY (JOOI)N, Buch as all the NKW 8TYLKS OF EMBROIDERIES, C II A IRS, T0WEL-RA0K8. rOOTRKSTS. Alan, a full line of PAPKR.KMHROIDKRF.D PATTERNS. WORSTED BILK, BEAD8, ETO. MONOGRAMS DRAWN TO ORDER. 12 2 thsmwlm OARPETINOS. ETO. II OLID -A. Y S. SUBSTANTIATES FOR 1869 Trices Down with Gold. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, MATS, OTTOMANS, HASSOCKS, DRUGGETS (Bordered &nd Plain). R. L. KNIGHT & SON. No. 18! CHESNUT Street, 11 M fmwlat PHILADELPUIA. TnE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RELIN quUhad the Heatiug of Building, by bteam or will t ooutinoed liy ier.ii WILLIAM U. WISTAR, lately .aperintendin that department of their btui neat, whom thai rwwuuutind to ihnir friend.. Ko. W. ID. MOKH18. TAbKKB OO. WISTAR ft COULTON, No. 227 SOUTH. FIFTH STREET. HEATING BY STEAM OB. EOT WATER. . TLANS OF PirE CUT TO ORDER. LAUNDRIES AND CULLNABT APPARATUS FITTED UP. lomutfp THIRD AN IMMENSE SUCCESS! IJousc! Thronrro,! Evry Day! rJTli. I m3I ill TliotiMniiclM oi GarmoniN Hold About, '$350,000 Worth Still to bo Disposed of! LOW PRICES ARE DOING IT! The i i people itra now convinced that wo Mtnallj are UNDERSELLING EVERYBODY, AlUSON, to say nothing about competition !!J COMI THIS h in every rerpect a dnplkatc of the GREAT Best Bargains in Clothing that they have ever made in their lives. THIS IS THE STATEMENT OF OUB CASE : Anticmatinc. as did aU Merchants, an unrwnally brisk trade, we invested F.IGIIT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOTXAttS rcAnn AA 1 1 in the piirchane and manufacture of Clothing. Our sales have exceeded last year's, bat hare fallen short of oar culcuiatioaj amounting to the present time for Fall Trade to about $500,000, iearing as Three Hundred Thousand Dollars' worth of Garments of every deHcription, suitable to all classes, made up with the u mobt core, of the very finest materials, NOT ONE DOL LAR'S WORTH OF WHICH are we willing to carry over into next year; hence we are determined at all hazards to make a CLEAN SWEEP. We, then, offer OUR ENTUIE STOCK at prices as low an those prevailing at the Great far below the cost of manufacturing. HEAVY DISCOUNTS IN THE "CUSTOM" AND FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENTS, AND WHOLE STACKS OF Bovs Clothing Call tnd see for vourself. We surely have induce jou to buy. REMEMBER, EVERY Tlio Groat Oak 1. E ADC THIS K0TS IF YOU HAVE NOT TIME TO READ ANY MORE. TJii sale i rmitivelv to clear out HsflOO.OOO worth of clothing, and every garment mutt be told ; in order to do tnhie-fi WEIIAfS MARKED ON th rood SUCH FIGURES thai vo honse CAN Al'PROACIl the loiiprici at which we are selling of. The oroat mas of people who have filled the store all the week can testijy to thi. A vitrit wiUsatiffy any one that in the matter of LO W PRICE'S we r down so loio that no other house can ever reacli u. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. gC. &A.PEQUIGNOT, MANUTACTTOSRS OF WATCH CASES, AND DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOIiEIGS WATCHES, No. IS South SIXTH Street. 1 1 mwiirp MANUFACTORY, No. 99 8. FIFTH Street. QREAT REDUCTION line WntcheH. M Jast received, a lot o Terr superior Watcbe), on com- mission, that mutt be closed out by the first of the year. Thoj have been mode to order bjr one of the finest maker. in Genera ; .warranted equal to the Jurgensen or Vrodaham in every respecU ISAAC II03f, 13 11 lot No. 120 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. Closing Out st Reduced Prices PREVIOUS TO Making Alterations in Our Store. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, MUSICAL BOXES, FANCY CLOCKS, AND BRONZE ORNAMENTS. WILSON & 8TELLWAGEN. No. 1028 CHESNUT STREET, laitSorp PHILADELPHIA. JJSEFUL AND ELEGANT FANCY ARTICLES, FOB 11QL?1AY UIFTS. ROSEWOOD DESKS, RUSSIA AND TURKEY WRlTICi-CASES, foreign and domestic. VIENNA, PARIS, AND LONDON FINE I'OCKET-IIOOKS, In Russia, Turkey, and Calf. MASON A CO., 11 80fmwtd25 No. S07 CHESNUT; btreet. V" YLOrLASTIQUS INKSTANDS.TRAYS.PAPER WEIGHTS, and MATCH BOXES, SCOTCH GOODS A large assortment. WeddliiK and Vlalling Curdx, Elpgantlr engraved. N. B. Our patrons will oblige aa by giving their orders for engraving Intended for Holiday Freseuta, at an early date. MAHON A CO., 11 gQfmwtd'25 No. 907 CHESNUT Street. ROGERS, WOKTENUOLM AND OTHER FINE English makes, luc'ketl4nIvcN nnd NrUorii. BRONZE AND CAKVE1) WOOD In great variety. CARVED l'APER KNIVES, BOOK-MA RKKRS, I'KN-HOJ.DERti, TRAYS, MATCH aud STAMP 1JOXES, In Wood aud Ivory. M'ASON A CO., 11 SCfmwtdSo No. 907 C I 1KSNUT Street. W E EK OF THK GRAND CLOTHING KXKGUT0R8 SALE held one year agt, at at less than the cost of something von want, and you shall have it GARMENT IS TO BE SOLD. itsill Buildings, t S. E. Corner of SIXTH and MARKET Streets. WANAMAKER Ac BROWN. WWMAJKEIS, SIXTH AND THKEE DATS. GREAT ART SALE. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, DECEMBER 15, 16, and 17 Commencing at 1 1 o'clock A. M. each day, will be sold at Pnblio Sale, at ROBINSON'S GALLERT, No. 910 CHESNUT Street, A MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS, FINE FOREIGN ENGRAVINGS, SPLENDID DRESDEN ENAMELS1 Sn.EUDI.DLY TEAMED. The Pictures will be sold in elegant COLD-CILT antf WALNUT FRAMES, suitable for Private Sales. This sale will afford the finest opportunity for the selection of elegant HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Anung the artihto represented are the well-known names of ? BBOCIIAItT, PARIS, BODDINGTON. LONDOX, WILSON, GLASGOW, 1IOFFEE, DUSSELDOEK, . i SOHULTZE, DUSSELDOllF, DANTZE, MUNICH, ItJ BONHELD, AMERICA, MORAN, AMERICA,' RICHARDS, AND OTHERS, AMERICA. The Dresden tnamols, Plain and Colored Engravings, and Painted Photos, by Wilson, of London, are ieal Cema of Art, and not to bo excelled In the world. The Galleries are now on free exhibition, open to the publio day and evening until tat days of sale. It 9 81 MARTIN BROTHERS, Auctioneers. and that, too, by so Urg a margin aa U doff SALE which the people well remember ihrg tecured th4 Sale of last Fall, bringing some of our prioi" manufacturing. if an v reasonable accommodation of ericas will Ac BROWN, MARKET STREETS. OAK HALL. TJIREE DATS. - . -- .