THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY , DECEMBER 10, 1869. Incidental. Sitka h tho rcwldenco of a Russian lady 107 yearn old, and blind. 1,"?.ew- well-expcutcd counterfeit .fiOa on tlio Hrt National liuuk of Nctv York havo maJu their appcurnneo. The estimates of tlio heads of tlic various departments for the coining year amount in the ag'KrcKuto to 210,H0,ir5. Harvard has now, for the flrnt time in seve ral years, more undergraduates than Yale. Yalo has o 18, Harvard WKt. New Orleans and Chicago papers express re gret at the presence ot armies of unemployed" men In the street of tliose cities. The Mobile Tribune has discovered the ''one Bound plum in the burnt pudding of the Union. " It is the full opportunity for free trade between the States. The Springfield (Mass.) Itt'puhlican savs that the result of the charter election In that city on Monday was u triumph for tho Uostoti and Albany Kailroad. A man who moved into n house lu Niagara Falls the other day found therein a bottle con taining what he thought was ketchup, but really was, as he learned too late, bug poison. Tlio Washington Chronicle says that Sena tor elect Lewis, of Virginia, while in that city last week, did not conceal his intention to m-t with tlio Republicans when admitted to a seat in Congress. Chief Engineer Ilcndrick, of New Haven, complains that in almost every instance when the Fire Department is called out by acts of inccndiurieni ou the College grouuds, tlio hone la cut. One hundred Georgians, principally from the northern part of the State, have been eon verted to Mormonisin, and removed to Utah since last fpring. Four ciders havo becu labor ing In the State. Chief Justice Scott, of Maryland, decided on Saturday thut the Emancipation Proclama tion whs without authority and void, aud that, although the object of the unjust act has been accomplished, that does not make it just. A poor woman in Worcester, Mass., who for twenty weary years has waited to hear from her husband, has just received a letter from him, saying that he has amassed a fortune in California, and is waiting for her to enjoy Its advantages with him. A Rrown University sophomore undertook to prevent a freshman from wearing a silk hat. The freshman entered a complaint agaiust the Bophomore before the Police Cojrt, and he was fined $5 and costs. Hut if has not been abolished at Brown that freshman must look out sharp. The radical members of tlio Tennessee Legis lature have issued a long address to their party in the State. The document abounds in strong accusations against the party in power, and ominous forebodings as to the future, and the signers, in conclusion, recommend the party throughout tho State to vote against the Consti tutional Convention. Tho San Francisco Bulletin, speaking to the people of California, says that their submission to tho petty five cent swindle seems magnani mous, but is really Ignominious, as the rejection of half dimes shows them to be laggard in the progress they havo made towards diversified production In a State offering more varied op portunities than any other. A stage robber, recently arrested in Califor nia, has made a confession revealing the fact that there Is an organized band, with codo of laws, grii)B, signs, and passwords, operating from Oregon to Arizona, and Into Nevada. The band was originally organized at Portland, Oregon, and has for months pursued a carcur of robbery and murder. An Iowa Postmaster neglected to certify on oath to the correctness of his recent reDort,"and wrote to tho Department in justification: "If 1 bant give oath enuff then you Can, take tho office and I shall bo very glad of it I shal do the Best I can for the united states that i dout think it pays to go so far to a Justes once in 2 years is a nuff I should have to hier a horso it Is up hill." It was found necessary to ubduo the ele phant Komco at Covington, lud., last week. To accomplish this he was thrown down, his legs let tered, and then for eight hours he was belabored with stout iron rods and wounded with the spear innumerable times. When released from hie bonds ho rose to his feet In a very sorry plight, and, as his keeper said, a child could drive him with a rye straw. Foreisn Literary Items. Tho Bishop of Chalons-Bur-Marno (Mgr. Meignau) announces his now work "Lo Mondo et l'Homme Primltlf selon la Bible." The Berlin Professor Wirchow's work on the sanitary condition of schools has been trans lated into French by Dr. E. Decalsne, under tho tltlo "Hygiene des Ecoles." It deserves atten tion in this country. The Royal Institute at the nague, for tho Philology, Geography and Ethnology of Nether lands, India, has just published an edition of tho favorite text of "Pala Saia," with engravings. The editor is Mr. T. Koorde. The Vicomto II. do Beaumont publishes his "Etudes Theoriques et Pratiques sur la Piscicul ture." These ichtbvoloerical studies form the work that was "crowned" last year at the scien tific and literary congress which met at Kodcz. Jerusalem in the present day is one of the last places for literary production. An unedited tale from "The Thousand and Ono Nights" has, however, been printed there this year, with a French translation by M. Charles L. Ganneau It is the History of the Fisherman Caliph and of the Caliph Haroun al Kashid. Garibaldi's lone-expected work, "Rome in the Nineteenth Century," has been translated from the Italian by Mrs. Colonel Chambers, and Is in the press. It will be published in a short time in England, simultaneously with the origi nal. A "centenary edition" of the "Waverley Novels" is in preparation by Messrs. A. & C. Black. It especially recommends Itself by the fact that it will contain notes by Scott which have never been printed. This edition will be dedicated to the novelist's great granddaughter, Miss Hope Scott, of Abbotsford. The Ottoman Government propose to dovoto the Bum of .10,000 a year to tho translation of European works into Turkish. Unfortunately, this bos often been talked of: but the necessities of the budget generally suppress the grant, and but little is applied, chielly to military, naval, and medical works. Mr. Edward ltavenscroft, of Edinburgh, an nounces the commencement of a new work by Mr. Robert Brown, tho Arctic and North Ameri can traveller, entitled "Hone Sylvan.e Studies of the Forests, Forest Trees, and Forest Lifo of Northwest America." It will be continued eerially, and afterwards bejrepubllshed with en gravings and maps. Writers on polygamy should look to Natal, whero the authorities are troubled by the polyg amy question. The old Kafirs, having many cows, buy up all the wives, leaving the young men without wives, and thereby causing much discontent. Tho Natal legislature has therefore limited the price for a wife lo twenty cows, Rtablihbed a registry, and fixed a marriage fee. Tho question is, whether the old and rich nieu will not buy up more wives than ever. Bombay has produced 'a new journal, tho Indian Church JU'viexp. It is Intensely ritualis tic. Bishops and others are snubbed or patted according to their proceedings; and the editor, who seems to be iu confidential Intercourse with Heaven, tells the local clergy that, if they do not write for the Review, the responsibility of "not doing good to the Church and promoting God's glory" will rest upon them ! "Tho Vestiges of the Historic Hebrews in East Anglia" one of the essays which was road at the last annual meeting of the Royal Archaeo logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland ' (held at Bury St. Edmund) by the Rev. Dr. Wargollouth Is in the press. The original essay, of which the paper read was only au ab stract, is enlarged. It, with the numerous notes nd appendices, will form an Important contri bution to the early annals of the Jaws in Eng land. Here is a notable chance for writers of prize essays w ho can write iu French, Spanish, or Latin. The Madrid Academy of Sciences offers iirf a little over sixty pounds sterling for each, for the best essays ou improved fabrl- cation of starch in Spain; on the varieties of tho I vine cultivated in certain Spanish colonies; and on certain Spanish rocks, their decomposition, the nature of their detritus, nnd the applicability of tho sub-soil to agriculture and arboriculture. Tho essays are to be sent to the Secretary by tho 1st of May. Tho frauds discovered in tho Havana Cus tom House are tho theme of general com ment. Thia fact is very noticeable, whou wo take into account thut with very few ex ceptions tlio cntiro commerce of the inland has ahvuys been in a close lenguo with tho Government officials, to defraud tho State of its legitimate revenues. The morehauts and Custom llouso officers waxed fat, tho people pnid hih prices, and tho Government was cheated. It is understood that on an avorago about seven millions of dollars wore annu ally divided between the importers aud revenue officers in Havana alone. Custom 1 louse officers with a salary of ."JflO a month lived it a rate of ten thousand a year, and saved money besides. Evory year a number of inspectors retired to Npain with amounts varying from $40,00(1 to $7".,000, earned in a space of time not exceeding two years at the utmost, lioxes which were represented at the bonded warehouse to contain articles of but trifling value, were found to contain silks and woollens of the costliest descrip tion. The bouse of Bharfenburg, Tolmo & Co. paid on ono consignment alouo a difl'er enre of over 1100(7 duty between the actual value and that manifested by them. Other enscs of tho same nature Lave transpire J, while thousundH of packages supposed to exist in said warehouses have been quietly removed without paying anything to tho Government. The whole affair is a grand swindle, and the Government has placed itsi If on a level with the smugglers by issuing such orders nnd enacting such conditions as tho following case discloses. Mr. Morrison purchased some time ago eight cases of silks from a Spanish houso, said house stating that they were stored in the Custom House and producing tho receipt of the guarda almaccn or storekeeper to that effect, which was trans ferred to the purchaser. On calling at tho Custom 1 louse for his merchandise, ho only found four instead of eight cases. Now comes a sample of how we do things in Cuba. The Administrator of Customs exacts not only tho duty on tho four but on the whole eight cases, and, in addition, snys the Government is not liable to be sued for any damages, or to account for the missing four cases. Mr. Mor rison, however, may sue the storekeeper, a man placed Jthere by the Government, who left his position a long timo ago and now re Bides in Spain. As, notwithstanding the com mission of merchants, many rascalities are still committed, Mr. Morrison will be com pelled to pay duties to a Government which bas Btolen his property from him, and as this is not a swindle against the Treasury, but a swindle ot tho Xreasury against a merchant, there is no redress. FURNITURE. FURNITURE. J. I.UTZ, No. 121 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET. I am selling off my entire stock of . FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE AT LOW KATES, On account of retiring from business, riease call and examine. 10 22 ftath2m RICHMOND & CO., PIKST-CLASS FURNITURE WARERO QMS, No. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, EAST BIDE, ABOVE OHKSNUT. 11 6 M PHILADELPHIA. FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS, AT THEIR NEW ST0EE, 1002 ARCH STREET. Are now selling their ELEGANT IDRNITUKB at very reduced prices. 8 29 8mn FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. 809 MARKET STREET. PARLOR, DINING-ROOM, and CHAMBER FUR NITURE, the Latest Styles and beat Manufacture. Also, FEATHER BEDS and MATTRE8SK8. 10 6 mwfSrn ENCINES, MACHINERY. ETO. mT. FKNN STEAM ENUlNJfi AND !- ?SZBOILKR WORKS. NK A FIE A LKVY PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL, J ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOlLKH- ft.Ah.Ui. liLACKHMlTHX. and tUUNDERS. having for many years been in successful oporation, and been ex clusively engaged in building and repairing Marina and River Engines, high and low pressure. Iron Hollers, Water Tanks. Pronellers. etc. eto.. resoeotfullv offer their ser. vices to the public as being fully prepared to contract for nginss of all sizes, Marine, Kiver, and Stationary ; having Beta of patterns of dinereut sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick dospatoh. Every dennriptioa of pattern making made at the shortest notice. High and Low pree Hiirn Fine Tubular and Cylinder boilors of the best Penu. sylvania Charcoal Iron. Forging of all sizes and kinds, Iron aud Brass Castings of all descriptions. Roll Turning Screw Cutting, and alt other work connected with the allftVA hllHillAHH. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the eHtulilisliuient free of cliurge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock-room for repairs of busts, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are pro vided with shears, blocks, (alia, etc. eto., for raising heavy or LgbtweigOU. JACOB O. NRAFIE, JUHN P. I.KVY, 815 BEACH and PALMER Btreets. COUTI1WARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND KJ WABlilUliTon Birceis, pnn.APEi.rniA. MERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS ANI MACHINISTS. mMinfacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engine! for Land, River, and Marine Service. Boilers, Geometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc Cautious of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Uas Works, Workshops, and Railroad Stations, etc Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, also. Sugar, Saw, aud Grist Mills, Vacuum Paus, Oil Steum Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pampuig En gines, eta Sole Agents for N. Blllenx'B Sugar Boiling Appa ratus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and AHpln. wall i Woolsey'a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machines. 4 80 QIRARD TUBE WORKS. JOHN H. MURPHY A BROS. tlonufiuiturera of Wrought Iroa lis, Kf. PHILADELPHIA, PA WORKS, WKNTY-TIIIKI and FIIJJKKT Strvota, OFKIOK. 11 W. 4'J NrthlKTIIKtrt. LOST. " i1A RE W A KD.L08T-r A CEKTIINUATI P 1 V of New Oity Loan, No. lffi!), for tinUO, In the nam of JOHN UARDK. A pplination bas been made for a r nowal of said oertiilcate. Of no use to anj nna but M. P. (iAHDK, 9 34 ftu ast No. Wt DEAN Street, Philadelphia. ART GALLERIES. E VATICAN, 11 I. 10IO CIIKKNUT Street, Statuary, Bronzes, and Vases CHOICE OEMS OF ART, And srtli les of taste for the adornment of parlor, library, hall, aud boudoir, and for Bridal ami Christ carta. Articles at all prices, from ONE DOLLAR to ONE HUNDRED KACH. SpaclotiB show rooms up Rtalrs. 12 1 wfmintrp c. F. HASELTINE'S GSullorloM ot tins A-i-tw, No. 1125 CHESNUT STREET. Clii'isl imiw l.ieseii1 s ENOLISII WATER COLORS, From 2S cents to t 10 per box. PICTURES AND FRAMES Of every description, and every price, REDUCED FOR THE HOLIDAYS. ni Wrp LOOKING CLASSES, ETO. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS ARE NOW OCCUPYING THEIR OWN BUILDING, THEIR STORE JIAVINO BEEN EN TIRELY RENEWED SINCE THEIR LATE FIRE. EARLES' GALLERIES AND B.ooKiiis; j.Ins)4 Wureroom, No. 81G CHESNUT STREET, GROCERIES. ETC. 1809. COUSTVS EAST END GROCERY. WniTE ALMERIA GRAPES, 40 cents per lb. NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, ORANGE AND LEMON PEEL, PURE SPICES. PIE PEACHES In large cans, at only IS cents per can, warranted good, and of this year's growth. OUR TABLE SHERRY, f 2-80 per gallon by cask, or 12-75 by live-gallon demijohn. COOKING WINES AND BRANDIES. CIDER. COUSTYS EAST END GROCERY, No. 118 SOUTH SECOND STREET, II 16 mwfUtrp BELOW CHESNUT. 1 fULL NATURAL FLAVOR REWNED. CANS LARUE AND 17T7T.lV The finest In quality and style ever offered. BOLD BY ALL GROCERS. Factory and Farms, Cumberland county, N. J. WHOLESALE AGENCY, No. 45 NORTH WATER STREET. 11 IT lmrp REEVES APARVIN. FOR SALE. tm FOR SALE ELEGANT BROWN-STONE LiUi! residence, with eoaob bonse, No. 15U7,Sprnce street. Furniture new and will be includes, u wished. AnDlvto J. NOKRI8 KOUINSUN, at Ltrexel Uo.'s.. No. U4.South TH1KU street, r-nuaaeipnia. U4tf FREDERICK SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 208 goutb FOURTH Street, 10 16 2b rp PHILADELPHIA TO RENT. PART OF A LARGE STORE ON CHES- nnt, street to rent: central location, south side, admi- v suited for Piano and Muaio business. Address "T. B., Inquirer omoe." li at MARKET STREET STORE TO RENT Northeast corner of Fifth and Market streets. pply at No. 804 WALNUT Street. 13 9 3t OFFICE TO RENT. A DESIRABLE RA.-nnrt atorv room in building No- VM B. THIUD blri'et. nearly opposite tne nxooange. ii s Jf CURTAINS AND SHADES. QURTAIN MATERIALS. LACE CURTAINS, flS-OO to 00-00 a pair. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, i to $14 a pair WINDOW fcllADES, all kinds. SILK BR0CATELLE3, SMYRNA CLOTHS, PLUSHES, REPS, TERRIES AND DAMASKS, all colors. , TASSEL. GIMPS, FRINGES, ETC. 11 26 31 RAILROAD SUPPLIES. W. H. CARBYL & SONS, No. 723 CHESNUT STREET, IN E. H. GODSnAIK A CO.'S CARPET STORE, ROOFINQ. T K A D Y ROOFINQ.- -IV This Rooting is adapted ta all buildinga. It oaa applied to gxEEP OR FLAT ROOFS at nne-half the einense of tin. It is readily put on bhiiigle Roofs without removing the shlngloa, thus avoid ing the damaging of ceilings and furniture while under . : : , sin .nvHi lima. I PRrTsERVK VOUftJ'N.OOTWH WELTON1 I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roofs at ihor notice. Also, PAINT FOR BALK by the barrel or gallon Uie best and eneapes m u ui W ELTON 217 No. 711 N. NINTH Btreet, above Ooatea. OWNERS, ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS. A. AND ROOFKRS. Roofs I Yes, yes. Every slse and kind, old or new. At No. Mil N. THIRD Btreet. the AMK RIOAN CONORK'I'K PAINT AND ROOF COMPANY are selling their celebrated paint for TIN ROOKS, and for nresorvina all wood and metals. Also, their solid oo cies roof eovuring, the best ever offered to the public with brushes, cans, buckets, etc., lor the work. Antl vermin, lir nit Wnter-uroof : Linht. Tight. Durable. Nnoraok inn. Dealing, or shrinking. No paper, gravel, or beat. Hood for all climates. Directions given for work, or good work men sun uppliea. vare, prompi.uess, wruuaui puea. in noe' Call! KiBininel Judgel a .ntut fnw interior oonntieL f tf JOBltPU LEEDS. Prinoipai. DR. f. KLINE CAN CURE CUTANEOUS Kruptious, Marks on the Skin, Ulcers in the throat, -....., i, .ml miMe. sore liuis aud sores of everv oonooivable eliaracter. Orhua, No. IDBoutb ItLKVUNTU, between Outtanut and Market bu ate 'I D I I Y . --THE . RAILROAD LINES. )ENNSYLTAN1A CENTRAL RAILROAD AFTER 8 P. M. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1V.9. The trains of the Pennsylvania, t'cnt.rnl Knilroiid leave the lnot, at THIIUT-KIKST and MARKET WreeU, which Is reached directly by tho Markoi street cars, tho last car connecting with each train IcbvIpr I' nint ana jnnraer. streets thlrtv minutes bo. fore Its departure, x ne ciiesmit and WAlnut streets cars run within ono square of the Depot. blecpliiR-CBr tickets can be had on application at tho Ticket Ollleo, N. W. corner Ninth aud Cliesnut streets, and at mo rpot. AarntHOi m uuiuu i musicr company win can for and deliver DatfRHRe at me depot. Orders left at No. il Chesnut street, or No, 116 Market street, will receive attention. TKA1KS U4TS fot, viz.: Mall Train 8-no A M I'aoli Accommodate.. 10-30 A M., 1-lOaud 6M P. M. Fast Line and Erie Express ilfo A. M. Ilsrrl-burg Accommodation g-ao P. M. I-ancaMer Awojnnu dutlou 4-10 P. M. Parkcslmrp; Train 6-30 P. M. Cincinnati Express. 8 00 P. M, F.ile Mall and Vtttsuurg Express. 9-4.5 P. M. Accommodation V2-11 A. M. paclilc Express laitHnltfht. Erie Wall leaves uauy, except, sunnay, runninn on Paturdsy nlirht to Wllllanisport only. On Htinday nlclit pajwiipcrs will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock- I'ucillc Exprens leaves iisiiy. Cincinnati Express daily, except Saturday. All other trains dally, ex cept Sunday. TIlO Western flixilliiiuuniiiii x mm inns I11I1IJ, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be pro cured nnd bnpgnge delivered by 6 P. M., at No. 118 Market street. TRAINS AKK1VK at linrui, vi,.; Cincinnati Express 8-10 A M. Philadelphia express. omu a. ju. Erie Mail 6-HOA. M. I'aoli Accommodation, s-'u a. ju., b-4u and o-i p. m. Parkpsuunr Train V-1U A. M. Fast Ltne 0-40 A. M. Lancaster Train nn P. M. Erie Express l'i-M P. M. Southern Express T-oo 1'. M. l ock Haven and Elmira Express 7-K) P. M. Pacilic Express. 41?ft P. M. JJarrisburg Accommodation ; 9-50 P. M. For further information, appiy to JOHN V. VANLKEK, Jr., Ticket Agent, ino. wn juk.m.nut Birecit FRANCIS FUNK, Ticket Agent, No. 116 MARKET Street. SAMUEL II. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the DenoU The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Ap- purel, and limit their responsibility to One Huudred Dollars in value, au uaggage execeuing mat amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. .UITAllLf 11. 1 lljl.'l.ll., 4 29 General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. ICft - NEW YORK THE CAMDEN lOOte andAmboyand Philadelphia ami Tren ton Railroad Companies' lines from Philadelphia to New York and Way Places. KKOM WALNUT STREET WnARP. At 6-30 A. M., via Camden and Amboy Accom. .. 12-25 At 8 A M., via Cam. and Jersey City Ex. Mali.. 8-00 Aiir.M., via lamaen ana a mDoy express.... -uu At 6 P. M., for Amboy and Intermediate statlona At 6-30 aud 8 A. III. aud 2 P. M.. for Freehold. At 8 A M. and 3 P. M.. lor Long Branch and points on R. and D. B. R. R. At 8 and 10 A M.. 12 M.. 8. 8-30, and 4-30 F. M., for Trenton. At 6-30, 8, and 10 A. M., 12 M., 2, 3-30, 4-30, 6, T, and . .(lil 11 tf . ,... 1 ..... ... T.s I U.itnn,,tn Hour, in. iui uuiuuuwnu, fiuicuLC, uui una uyjLXf Beverly, and Delanco. At 6 i0 and 10 A M., 12 M., 8-36, 4 80, 6, 7, and 11-30 r. w., for .ogewater, uiversiuc, niverton, raimyra, and Fish House, 8 A. M. and 2 f. M. lor Kiverton. The 11-30 P.M. Une leaves Market Street Ferry, (upper side). FROM KKNHINUTUH DEPOT. AtT-30 A M.. 2-30, 8-30, and 6 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol, and 10-45 A. M. and 6 P. M for Bristol. At T-30 A. M., 2-30 and DP.M. for Morrlsviile aud Tulljtown. At -u ana iu-an a. m., ana z-3u, o, ana e r. jb. ior Schenck's and EddiUKton. At 7-80 and 10-45 A M., 2-30, 4, 6, and P. M.. for Cornwell's, Torresdale, liolmesburg, Tacony, Wls- sinomlng, Briiiesourg, and Fraukiord, and at s-3U P. M. for Hoimesourg and intermediate stations. IKOM WEST fnil.ADEI.I'UlA DEPOT. Via Connectlos Railway. At 7, 9-30 and 11 A. M.. l-ao. 4. 6-45. and 12 P. M. New York Express Lines, via Jersey City. Fare, 13-vo. At ubu f. m.. jsmierant Line. rare. 13. At 7. 9-30. and 11 A M.. 1-20. 4. 6-45. and 12 P. M.. for Trenton. At 7, 9-80, and 11 A M., 4, -45, and 12 P. M.. for Bristol. At 12 P. M. (Night), for MorrisvUle. Tullrtfrwn. Schenck's, Eddlngton, Cornwell's, Torresaale. iioiiueBourg, Tacony, wissuioming, Bridesburg, and Fraiikford. The 9-80 A. M., 6-45 and 13 P. M. lines will run ubiiy. All otnerg. tsundavs excented. FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT. At 7-30 A M. for Niagara Falls. Buffalo. Dunkirk. Elnilra, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Blnghamtou, Os wego, Syracuse, ureat Bend, Montrose, wilkesbarre, ecrnntou, otrouasDurg, water uap, uouooiey s Moun tain, etc. Al t-30 A. M. and 8-30 P. M. for Belvldere, Easton. Lambertvtlle. Flemlngton. eto. The 8-30 P. M. Lino connects direct with the train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, eto. At 11 A. Al. from west Philadelphia Depot and o P. M., from Kensington Depot, for Larabertville and. in termeo late stations. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY AND FEM15ERTON AND UIUUTSTOWN RAIL ROADS. FROM MARKET STREET FERRY (UPPER BIDE), At 7 and 10 A M., 1, 3-15, 8-30, 5, and 6-30 P. M., and on Thursduy and Saturday nights at 11-30 P. M., for Merchautvllle, Moorestowa, Hartford, Masonvllle, Haineanort. and Motiat Holly. At l anu iu a. ju., it x-id, omu, sun o r, m., ior Smithviiie, Kwansvuio, vincentown, Birmingham, and Pemberton. At 10 A. M., for Lewistown, Wrlghtstown, Cooks town. New Eevpt. and Uornerstown. At I A. jn. i siiu o au r. oi., ior riewistown. n'nhtutnwn Cnntarnnrn. Kpv TT.rrvnt 11irnnra- town, Cream Ridge. Imlaystown, Sharou, and Ulghts town. WILLIAM U. GATZMER, Agent. 1 sllILADFLPHIA. GERAIANTOWN, AND NOR JL R1STOWN RAILROAD. T1AIE TABLE, On and after MONDAY, Nov. 22, 18CJ. FOR GEHMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at , T, 8, o-us, 10, 11, 12 A M., 1, , 3.V, Vi, 415. 4-36. B. Vi, 6, 6tf, 7, 8, 9"i0, 10, 11, 12 P. Al. . . Iave ucrmamown at o, c-os, ix, , 9, io, 10-ftO, 12 A. M., 1, 2, 8, B-60, iJi, fi, 6kf, 6, CStf, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 P. Ai. The 8-20 down train anti ax ana r' up trains will not stOD on tnu uermauiown liraucu. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 9-lo A M., 2, 4-08, 7, and 10V P. M. Iave Germantown at o-io A. AL, 1, 3, 0, and P.M. - Leave Philadelphia at 6, 8, 10, 12 A AL, 2, 8 V, 6V, T n-un. and 11 P. AL Leave Chcttnut HIU at 7-10, 8, 9-10, 11-40 A M., 1-40, 8), 6 40, 8-40, B-4U, BUtl 1U 4U 1". M. fl BMUhlvU .Leave i Jiunuuipuiu ui v 1.1 jn.t s uuu i l m. Uave Chesnut Hill at 7'&0 A Al., 12-40, B-40, and A -1-1. ;.. . e.,K . . n f VI r 9-25 P. Al. T.ravs l hihidelphla ate. 7kr. 9. and 11-05 A AL. . 8, 4, 4i, BX. ".Vi s"s and IVi P. M. Leave NorriBtown at 6 40, 6-25. 7, 8-60, and 11 A.M.,1X.8,4,6.y,8,and 0XP. AL 1116 in a iHlu Hum nuiusiunu nui uu. nblii tt Alogee s, Foiw Laiiuintr, doiuiuo. or nciiur H lane. Th 4 P. Al. train from Phllatlelphla will Btop only at School lane, Aianuyung, nnu coubiionoeaeu. " I INI U1 ' v II A VM Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. AL, 2X, 4, and 7 V P. M. Leave rornoiowu at 1 a. jii., 1, auu 1 m. FOR MANAYUNK. T urn rhlladelnhla at 6. 7ki. 9. and 11-05 A II.. 1 v. n A a. tK. 0V, 8-06, 10-05, and K P. Al. .'n U..nauim1i ol A.1I1 IttK 7U H'lll O.QO an.l 11X A AL, 2, X, lnU r al- Leave Phllatlelphla at 9 A. Al., 2, 4, and 7 P. M. Leave Mauayunk at T(tf A. M., IX, 6. and 9i P. AL PLYMOUTH KAll.ltOAD. Leave Phllatlelphla at IX A. AL, 4X P. M. Leave Plymouth. 6Y A. AL, ii P. AL W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot, NINTH and GREEN Streets. TjDTLADELPniA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, November 1, 1809, Trains will leave aa iuiiuwb, Biuppiug ui nu ciauutis on Philadelphia, Valtimore Central, and Chester Creek r'ia0 PHILADELPHIA for PORT DEPOSIT from Depot of Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore avenue, at 7 A M. and 4 0 P. M. A Freight Train, with PattBeuifer Car attached, will ief Philadelphia for Oxford at 2-80 P. AL Leave PORT DEPOfclT for PHILADELPHIA at 6-40 A M.i 9-26 A M., and 8 25 P. M. On Saturday tho 8-26 P. M. train wUl leave at 4-30 P M. Passengers are allowed to take wearing; apparel only n bUtfKHKU, auu vub uuuiij win um imj rowpou Hlliit) for an amount exceeding; one html red dollars, unless special couiraut u wauo ur ui buiiio. unicaaov HENRY WOOD. 11 1 President and General Huperlateudeut. RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON. AND BALTI MORE RAILROADTIMB TALI.E. Traltu will leave Depot, corner Broad street and Washing, ton avenne as follows: Way Mull Train at 8-30 A M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, slopping at all regular stations. Connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crlstleld and Intermediate stations. Express Train at 12 M. (Sundays rxepntodV tar Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryvillo, nnd Havre-de-oraco. Connect at Wil mington with train for New Castle. L.vprcps Train at 4-ihi r. jh. (Sundays excr-ntnrtV for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, I.lnwood. Cluymont, Wilmington, Newpoit, MiuiKin, jsewarK, tiKion, orxn-naHi, unarlestowu, Perryvllle. I!avre-le-Grace, Aberdeen, Perrvman'a. Ei'gewood, Mugnolla, Chase's and Steinmer's Run. Nicht Express at 11 '30 P. M. (daily), for Baltimore and W ashington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Lin wood, Clajniout, Wilmington, Newark, Elktou, North-Fast, l'erryvule, Havre-dc-Graco, Ferryman's, and Mugnolia, FassmiKcrs ior rot-tress Monroe ana jxorroit will take the 111 DO M. train. WILMINGTON TRAINS. Stopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilniincton. j.envR l'liiiaoeipnta at uw a. m., v-au, o-oo, ana 7-eo p. M. The Mm) P. M. Train connects with Dela ware Railroad for Uarrlngioa and Intermediate stat Ions. Ix-ave Wilmington 6-30 and 8-18 A M., 1-30, 4-1H, aud 7-eo P.M. The 8-10 A. M. Train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7 P. At, Train from Wilmington runs dally : all other Accom modation Trains Sundays exsepted. 1 riil ns eavmir w iminirron ato-:iA. M. and 4-io P. At , will connect at Lumokin Juni'tlou with the T'OO A. M. and 4 30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central Rnllroad. From Baltimore to rhlladelnhla Leave Haltlmorn i-,40 a.m., way Alan; b-hoa. ai., .Express; 2-30 P. .express; T3 i. M.. express. MSDAI TKA1N KKOiH HAL'i'IMUKK. Leaves Baltimore at 7-i P. M.. stopiilna at Mac- uoiiiu rerryman s. Aberdeen, liavre-ue-uraoe. 1'or- ryvllle, Charlcstown. North-East, Elkton. Newark. Stanton, Newport, Wllmtucton, Claymout, Liuwood, auu iuester. H. F. RENNET, Superintendent. TVTO-RTIT PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TUB J. SHORT MIDDLK ROUTE TO THE LEIII(IIAND WYOMING VALLEYS, NORTHERN PBNNSYLVA- INIA, CiinlJirU. AM) li.Nl lt.KIOK JN11.W XUKIV, Bl JJl'ALO, JUiUUlibl Kit, MAOAKA KALLH, TJ4N GREAT LAKES. AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Takes elleot November 'i'l. Fourteen dally trains leave Passenger Depot, corner BERKS and AMERICAN Streets. (Suuilays ex cepted), as follows: At 8-eo a. M. (bxpressi for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Huzleton, Williamspnrt, Wilkesbarre, Alahauoy City, Piltston, Towanda, Waverley, and lu connection with the ERIE RAILWAY for Bulbilo, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Sau FranclHco, and all points In the Great W est. Al-4nA. m. (Kxnress) lor Jtetiuenera. p.aRton, Allentown, Alauch Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Pittaton, Scranton, and points on, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, jNew jersey central ami Morris ami rssHex ituiiroaus, 1 1.' 1. 1,1. U'J.MHCBBI IUI IJULIlllTltr;!,!, UMMllI, Mauch Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Plttston, Scranton, and Ua.letou. At 5-eo P. M. for Bethlehem. Easton. Allentown. ana Maucn ununit. For Doylestown at 8-45 A. At.. 2'45 and 4-15 P. Al For Fort Washington at 7-3o aud 10-45 A AL, and 11-30 P. Al. For Abington at 1-15, B-20, and 8. V. AL For Lansdale at 6-20 P. Al. Fifth and Sixth Streets, Second and Third Streets, and Union City Passenger Railways run to the new Depot. XJtAlINS AKKlVti IiM t'lllbAUKl,t'lllA. From Bethlehem at 9 A. AL. ii-lft. 4-40. and 8-25 P.M. From Doylestown at 8-35 A. M., 4-30 and 7D5 P. AL From Lausuaie at T-so A. Al. From Fort Washington at 925, 10-35 A M., and 8-11) i JVl. From Abington at 2-35, 0-45, and 9-20 P. AL ON SUNDAY'S. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9-30 A AL Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2 P. AL Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7-00 A. At. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. AL Tickets sold and Baggage checked through at Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Express Olllce, no. 100 S. t inil street 11 1 .LL13 ULiAltn., Agent. T EST JERSEY RAILROADS. T V FALL AND WINTER AKKANGKMENT. r-rfHfTWlV'IAIA irrPWIilv UCUTITUIllTD oi ioo Leave Philadelphia, foot of Market street (Upper Ferry), at 8-15 A AL. Mall, for Bridgeton. Salem, MUlville, Vlneland, Swedesboro, and all Intermediate sta tions. 8-15 P. M., Mall, for Cape May, MlUvlllo, Vlneland, ana way stations oeiow uiatiHooro. 30 P. AL, Passenger, for Brkljreton, Salem, Swedes- 1)010, aiiu all ua.vauoflli,fA atittlnnu 630 P. AL, Woodbury una unuooro accommoda tion. Frelsrht train for all station leaves Camden dally. at 12 o'clock, noon. Freight received In Philadel phia at second covered wharf below Walnut street f rcigiu delivery at sso. was soutn djLAWA1CU Avenue. Commutation tickets at reduced rates between Philadelphia and all stations. EATRA TRAIN FOR CAPE MAY. (SATURDAYS ONLY.) Leave Philadelphia, 8-15 A. M. Leave Cape Alay, 1-10 P. AL M AI. J. SEWJSLL, Superintendent September 16, 1809 9 20 LUMBER. 1869 SPRUCE JOIST. SPRUCE JOIST. HEMLOCK. UEAILOCK. 186! 1869 SEASONED CLEAR BINE, SEASONED CLEAR PINE. CHOICE PATTERN PINE. 1861 SPANISH CEDAE, FOR PATTERNS. RED CEDAR. 1869 FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1869 tonn WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. 1869 iOUi WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1869 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER, RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 1869 1869 SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY. ASH. 1869 WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. ICifl CIGAR BOX MAKERS' iQfA 10Ut7 CIGAR BOX AIAKERS' 100t7 SPAN1MI CEDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. 1869 CAROLINA SCANTLING. CAROLINA II. T. SILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1869 101'fk CEDAR SHINGLES. "lOPf. lOOy CYPKKSS SHINGLES. 1007 MALLX., UKOTHKK t'U., 11, No. 2500 SOUTH Street. i-JNITED STATES BUILDERS' MILlVj FIFTEENTTJ STREET, BELOW MARKET, ESLEB & BROTHER, Proprietor!. WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, ETO. BALUSTERS AND TURNING WORK. A Large BtocK always on hand. 911 8m rANEL PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES. 1 COMMON PLANK, ALL THIUKNKHSKS. 1 tiUBimun I1UAKI1H. landSKlDK 1'HNt'K HOARDS. WHITE PIN K FLOORING HOARDS. VKLI.OW AND HAP PINK FLOOR1NUS. 1M and 4V. BPilUCK JOIST. ALL B1K8. nr mi'v'v iv uumi, auu 111iii.n, PLAKTKK1NU LATH A hPKDIALTY. Toitotber with a general assortment nf building Lumboi for sale low for caau. T. W. SMAI.I7.. 11 4 om FIFTEKNTH tad STII.KShtrotiU. U U B B R UN D B R ALWAYS DRY. .' .0 711 WalnuE, White Pine, Yellow Pine, Spruce, Horn lock, Shingles, etc., always on hand at low rates. WATSON A GILLINGHAM, lit No. DM RICHMOND Street, lath ward. ADOTION SALES. M THOMAS 8(N8, NOS. 139 AND 141 a 8. FOURTH bTRKKT. SUPFRIOR DUTnil I'LOWKR ROOTS. On Sniiii day Momins;, Dec. 11, at It o'clock, at tlie auction rooms, two asavia ceinprisinir an asHortmcnt nf very choice and anpcrior Jaran Lilies, llracinlhs, Tulitm, Oihiun, Know Drop, eto.. from J. A. K. lisrnsart, Haarlem, llollaud. 13 9 , . rcromntnrv R.ilo at Nn. 717 N Tr RFSIIiKNOK AND KPBNITI1KK. H.Nl).SOMR HOSKWJOD AND WALNUT FdKNITIJKK. KINK HKlSKIM, VKNKTIAN, AND OTUKK OAR- On Mnnrlnv Mnrnlnir. I'CO. inill. at In o'uioi k. at No. 71; N. Twnnttnth utro.t. below I'runo street, tlio entire furniture, comprisiair linmlsome walnut jisrlor furniture, covered wiih hair cloth; will nut lnuiquet taliln, marble top; walnut inva sion tnble; suit eli'itant rosewood chiiubor lurnituro. three pieces; walnut, and cniiae furniture; Una hair itiatircpnctt; rciriuerator ; cnokiuK utensils, etc. Previous to tlio etilo of lurnitiuro will bo sold the threo stoty liru k rnsidenre, with tlirne story dcmlilo back biiild iitas ; lot 1H fent by ltll) teat 10 Inches. Has all the motions improvements. Mar bo examined at R o'clock on mnmlnif nf sale. w in 21 BALK OK K F Al, MTATK AND STOCKS. Tnrditv. llco 11 .t IhaV..n,,. P.t','" M'R K hT-. 1 hrev-story Hnvk Dwelling. DwelliniTP. . ' 'V'e'.V1 1'OHNTY-Vsltisble property known as the 1-rnriklin lloti'panri In ai res ot Land. 1 V KM V THIRD MIIKKT. N,L (Hfl IXl,LTl,.-1 atnry Itrick llwrMinir. I M KiM i r IHoi AWIJUHI'.HRY, N. K. corner-Valuable 1 ot. HOMP.SON KTKKKT -Vnllinbla I Alt ( OAi l- M'lli KI, No -.Moilnrn OwnllinR. WAl.LACK, N'I'RKKT, No. '.15 -Mo.lnrn Dwelling. FlrTH AND LOCUKI'. 8. W. corner-Business HUnd. 81' MM I U K I UKI' T. Nn. 3122 -llusinoss Stand. MlAHSWOtlli Ni'KF.KT. east of Twunty fonrth-Two tliree-stnry Mrick lwellinjrs, hi'KVV A HI h'1'KKI-.T, cast of Twunty-fourth-Two two Btory Hiick liwellinizs. Kt hi ui-, o I Kr.n I, no. into moucra inroo-siory unci Residence. KOH I V HH'KTIl M HKKT-Hltrl Uottaen. F.N'l KlU'Kll-K MKKK1'. Nos. ulH and 6J1 Two two- storv llrick liwd inirH. llrTH M'KK.KT. No. Will, (North)-Urick Dwelling. OKOl Ml HKN'I'S, 42 and $ iiharen Lehigh Coal und Navigation Oo. 14 shares Kittiinning Conl Co. Iu7 shares t'ual KhIko Iitipnivement and Coal Oo. ;fi shares l.itt la (Schuylkill Kulroad and l-oul Co. It'll shares lKuist Mount nin Coal and Iron On. 'ii shares McKoan and Klk Land and Improvement Oo. 12 nliarus i'liiliula. and West Oliexter Turnpike Oo. 2 shares Cairclttord Plank Hniiil Co. 1 share Deliiwaro County Turnpike Oo. It) shares Darby Turnpike or Plank Koad Oo. 1(1) shares Allegheny Kailroad and Coal Co. ltifl shares Tsrr Farm Oil (J. 2(U fhurei Vninn Petroleum Oo. JVifi shares Heaver Vnlley Oil Oo. $i:i,dw hcliujlkill Navigation Boat snd Car Loan. 2?fi() Lchiifh (!onl and Navigation 0overtille Loan. 'it shares Oonl Kidee Imiirovement an i I !oal, prof orred. )fr;u0 t.'oal KkIro Improvement and Ooal Co, Loan. i-2iMK l'hilada. and r.rie Kailroad lioan, 6 per cent. tlm.O Hnnbury and Krio ltailroad Loan, 7 per cent. ltr.i Allegheny Huilroad antl Coal Co. Ijoan,H per cent. !i shares (iirard Life Ins Annuity nnd Trust Co. 27 shares Southwark National Bank. 1( 0 shares ( 'entrnl Transportation Co. It) sliores American Hot Cast Porcelain Co., fnM paid. trfrtlHJ Belvitlore aud Delaware Railroud 3d murtiae. 21 clmi oh Kelianue Ins. Co. fi slinres Academy of Music, ti shares Bank of North America. !XI shares Nationul Bank of the Republic. 2(1 shares Pennt-ylvsnia M.eel Co. ll),(KJ0 shares Walnut Bend and Black Diamond Oil Oo. 20 shaies Morris t'aual Consolidatod, common, 75nhsros IhiRli NuviRation Co. Lot ;72, seo. D, Monument Ci metery, 13 10 3. I BUNTING, DURBOROW A CO., AUCTION KI'.RS, Nos. 232 and 334 MARKKT 8treet, oornar ol Bank street. Bnocessora to John B. Myers k Oo. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO- rKiN Dili liUUUS. On Monday Morning, Deo. 13, at. 1(1 o'clock, on four months' credit. ALSO. BY ORDK.R OF ASSIUNKKS, Sale of an entire stock of a Jobber, including the lease, good will, and fixtures of atoro No. UU5 Market street. LJ 7 6t BALE OF 2100 CASKS BOOTS, SHOES, BROGAKS, KTO., On Tuesday Morning, Deo. 14, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. 12 8 St LARGE BALE OF BRIT1PH, FRENCH, GERM AH. sau uumr.Miu uiti uuvua On Thursday Morning, Doc. 16, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. 12 10 St MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas A Bona.) No, UUHtiMI l btreot, rear entrance irom minor. AMFRICAN ABTIRTS' LARGE PKRKMPTORT BALK OF VALUABLK MODERN OIL PAlNi'lNUS. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Deo 17, IX, and 19, At the auction rooms. No. 529 Chesnut Btreet, a large and valuable collection of Modern Oil Paintings. Among the nrtiits represented are Paul Hitter, Keorfie Y. Hurtwiok. liurtj Coates, Btoncfield, Lotiohioua, Van Ney, and otnora "rb'e Pictures are all mounted in elegant gold-gilt framea. The collection will be on exoioition on l Ul.bDAr, tn lfith inst., and on the dajs of aule. I' r , mm 128 10 KXTFNRIVK PEREMPTORY 8 ALU OF A. 8. ROBUf. HON S COLLKCTION OF THE FINK ARTH. VALUABLK OIL PAINTINGS, KINK KORRir.N FNGRAVINfiS, ELEGANT DKESDBN ENAMELS. IN HANDSOME FRAMES. On Wednoiday. Thursday, and Friday, Deoomher 15, IK, and 17, at 11 o'clock, at Robin ion's Gallery, No. 910 Chiisnnt street, hy eata loKue, the entire very large and valualils col lections of the linn arts, comprising 4i)0 pictures, and including paiutinKs by such artists as Brochart, of Paris: ltodinKton, Ixinilon; Wilson, Glasgow; b off or and Schultze, Dusseldorf: Dauke, Tof Munich; Bonfleld, Richards, lloran, and others, of Amoriua; fine foreign engravings; elcnant Dresaen enamels; pain'ed photo graphs, eto. Each picture is framed in an elegant gold Kilt or walnut frame. I LIU) til The collection will be on free exhibition nutil sale. BALK OF 8TOOK8 AND REAL ESTATE, At the Philadelphia Exchange, Third and Walnut streets, on Monday, December 211, at 13 o'clock M. Executor's Peremptory Sale-Estate of Ann Murphy, decoased-STORK and DWELLLNU, S. K. corner oi Ridgo road and Green street. DWELLING, No. 61! Ohipnewa itreot, south of Lorn- bard, west of Twenty-sixth street. 112 7 5t TA. McCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER, No. a 11119 CHESNUT Streot. Household Furniture and Merchandise of every descrip tion received for consignment. Personal attention given to sales at dwellings. 11 34 1 Bale at Nn. fX)4 Kuttnnwood street. MAGNIFICENT ROSEWOOD PIANO, ELEGANT PARLOR AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, 8UPH RIOR BRUS8EL8 OARPET8, FINK HAIR MATTRI HSK8, LACE CURTAINS, OIL PAINT INGS, KTO. On Tuesday Morninc, Deo. 14, at V)H o'clock, will be sold without reserve (the ownor leaving the city), the entire furniture of dwelling; No. 604 Huttonwood street, comprising Part, a very tine niann. nlnuRiit nlush narlor suit, handsome walnut o! tam per and marble-top cottage suits; lounge, easy and faaof chairs, htst oualitr hair mattresses and bebdlng. exten sion tables, lace curtains and cornices, oil painting, chamber, hall, and stair carpets; rugs, kitchen and parlor stoves, dining-room and kitchen furniture, queenswara and kitchen utensils, handsome oil paintings, together with a large quantity of artiuloa usually found inahrst cIsps dwelling. NOTE. The attention of our readers is called to the above sale, the articles having been in use but a few months. .... , N. li. House to rent; immediate possession. In quire of Auctioneer. 1210 3t LIPPINCOTT, SON & CO., AUCTIONEERS, No. S40 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE BALK PARIS HOLIDAY GOODS, A Iho, A STOCK OK HOSIERY AND NOTIONS, On Monday, December IS. , 111 10 it c. D. McCLEES & CO., No. 606 MARKET btreet. AUCTIONEERS LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE BALK OF BOOTS. bHOKS. BROGAN8, ETC, On Monday Morning, ..... Dec. 13, at 10 o'clock, including allarge line of ladies, niiises', and children's city-made goods, to which we m vite the attention of the trade. lu THOMAS BIRCH A 80N, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. lilt OHKSNUT Street, rear eutranoa No. Hu7 Bansom (Wsyr). B t BARRITT tc CO., AUCTIONEERS. CASH AUCTION HOUSE, US4 NO. 230 MARKET Street, corner of iianr street. Cash advanced on consignments without eatra charge. E PUPATION AL EDGE II ILL SCHOOL. THE A A Hoarding and Day School for Boys, Hold in the new Aoademy building at MERCHANTVILLE, NEW JERSEY. For Circulars apply to REV. T. W. CATTKLL, 28tf Principal -y i K Et G U A R D 8, FOR STORE FRONTS, ASYLUMS, FAO- TOltlES, ETO. Patent Wire. Railing, Iron Bedsteads, Ornament Wlr Work, Paper-makera' Wires, and every varies of Wire Work, manufactured by AL WALKER A SONS SfmwJ No. 11 N. SIXTIRUroe'tO