THE DAILY EVENING fELEGKAMl PltfLADKLPHlA, TUUU3TKVY, DKORMnKR 2, 18G9. 5 Th Vltr Amnnrmear. AT TflR t'H khkut the r.ommly or The S.iimv Ilmurmaid will bo prrformol tills evening, to bis followed by an amiimns r.oraeilletta. At tur Walnut the drama of Unele Tom' Cabin Will b pmpntiMl thin evening. On Monday Mini Uateman will appear as "Mary Warner." At Tim Arch nuckstnnc'a comely of .Vi'htM lAft and the comic drama of Our Wife will be Riven thM uvenlnpr. At boritRx A HRKmicT h OrKiu Houss a flint-rate mliiHtrel performance will be given this evening. At thb Ki.rvkktu Htrrbt Oi-rk Hihmk a variety of att.rartlim will he offered tlim evening. Hionok itt.iT will perforin aomo of Ins most won derful magical fcata tlila cvuiiliiir at the Assonibly Biilldlnir. Tbr HKNTJi-lUssr.Kit ORcnRPTit A wilt give a mati nee at Mimical tVnml Mall on Saturday. 'im "mar" coiriioR or Lucrum:' Mr. T'uirh's next "star" will be Hev. Robert Collver, I). 1), who will diaconrmt at the Acaleiny nr Mnnio on Friday evening on "Clear (irlL" Mr. ilollyer has the repu tation of being nn ointment orator and a line humor int. ilia dlMcoiirfe will undoubtodly be cutcrlaiulng und liiHtruetive. Mr. Ingh animnnees as an attraction a "Young Jfolkn' Ht-rius'' of leettirea In the nrtornoons for the beuetit of the Juvenile portion of the commu nity. TIiIh series will bo delivered by the celebrated African explorer, Paul H. l)n Cliaillu. The aiibjcctii will be "Under the Ktitaror," on Saturday afternoon, lec. 11 ; "Amonir the Cannibals-' on Wednesday af ternoon, Deo. if; mill "jyost In the Jungles" on Sa turday afternoon, Jleo. 18. These lectures will be Illustrated by immense paintings, hunting Imple ments, weapons of warfare, ami other Interesting objects. Mr. l)u Clialllu will appear during one of his lectures in tho Identical costume worn by him during his travels. The price of tlcketu, with reserved stmts, for the series, will be $1 ; single admission, its tents: with reserved scut, Ml cents. Tickets may be obtained at Gould's, STo. 023 (Jhes nnt street, cm nud alter Mowlav next. PuorKswoH Ui,ot commenced a series of lec tures on conker this morning at 11 o'clock, ul the Assembly Building. Hunk Itobkerlon. The National Hank of Port .Icrvls was robbed on Tuesday last: the thieves broke open one of "lli-r-rliig's" best lire and burglar-proof sites, and cip tured f0,(MKi in good, available fund. Tliey went, through the "(hlel-proof safe'' as though it hi I been made of paper. citv i ri:.ii t. . OCU I.AftdB K.MI.Y 'SALES art rmirhuhr eiid-net thit the public har& c&rji'lenre in our ability and intention to Mttl GLOTHINrt AT t.oWKR HUCES nf nV tin)' tlion any on flat in VhllaiUlphia, no matter vhnt jirtt'-jft itviy bt ahfiiffnttl t'9r or irhat neemfiity tllni compel the 8AC1UKHUNU ok (miods ehttrhne. Our A'or ii better in all reapeetn than any ntuck of Head y-nt ide Vlithing in ' Vhilattelphla, M ywtritn' I I LL PltOTKiiTioM TO oru patrons in any pnrehii" made, vf tm, and trill tube twk jptoiU and refund ', money in all ratten of dis9ttti.'f action itith a pxrcnfie mailt. Half-wax betwekn 1 Hiinnhtt A Co., fi tli und Tim i-.R Hat.l, .Sijti ttrede. ) 618 M MtitKT SriiKKr, Piiir.Aiii'.i.rmA, .,, . , ANO 6iX) nitOAinvAV, ivtcw VoilH. jF.WKt,n.Mr. W. Cnsnidy, No. 13 8. Second treet, has tha InroRt and most atlrnotivo an.inrtraont. of fine Jawelry und Hilrorwart in tho city. Purchaser can rebapon obtaining a real, puro artiolo, furuiHhud at a price which cannot be eqtmllnd. 11a alao has a laritn Htook of American Wonlern Watches in all varieties aud at all prices. A visit to hi store ia sure turosult in pleasure and profit. Un8CRPas8i:i iou Bkautv and h'n A.1IK THK Rkw Styt.h KSltr.lSH PAI.ETOT OVKIiCUATS or x UAiiu'a l'XNisuh.o Wfi.roK, MAUR I1T Clf AULK9 BrOKHR, No. H (JhkrwutS Tiiur. BUY Till'. HARU'.KiU. BUY THK HAHIKtGH. PURK8T I.KlIKill COAL MrNKU. Ol'KICR. ( (MINER 8IXT11 AM) SPUING IJ.U1HKN. DKPOr, KO. m N. NINTH HTRUKT. WiLIiIAM W. AfrHH. 1IKST QUAI.ITIKS OK S( I.OHBKP.RY, AND SUAMOKIN ClOAk Jt ASTOrNos r.VEuviiUDY thnt n nnlmless, nlondless fluid, like Mriii watnr, shonld revive the onuinul tint in white, K'ev, or prir..led hair. Yet .i it is. IMalon's VtTAI.IA Oil SAt.VATlOM Koit tut! IIaih i- j itt siuih a itrii'l. an limpid and a. HtainlenH yet it far etcoW erery ol her dye or coloring Iniuid over known, in impaiLin riuh suudu of color to urey hair. CnitlBTVAS I'irESRRTS. Gny'('liiBH Palace, No. Iii22 Chenut street, have just received the llit lot of Fanny Oiimls t hey will import thia eeason. 'I'lirrie Roods wero all bon;ht. under laetory Prices, AM WU.L hi: b"LU AT l'KI' IlH TO ItV.l'X Id.'ll'K Tli'lON! T11H is A (iOO! TIMK TO BUY GKN'IV AND BOVS' CLOTIIIXfi. tVTItii prettt prefiiiire of tli pant three icc?k.jii tffenablett its to manufafture vhtaprr th(iii..nt tVjtrople have any idea of. We. hare an rnor-.J tlf'vmts stuck, and are selling it rn;.i'(', beuiHeji$ tffof ittt mi iter for lininh and marieUmvili inwfo.g ttrrtttt price?, Our counter are i'tyteuM.edjtt W daily with PALL OVF.RCOATS, t;iKHTKKPli:Ll)S, UTItEET JACKKTS, SHOUT HACKS, IU-SINESS AND I)TKs SI'ITS. , HEAVy OVEKCOATS, J'.OYS SUITS OP EVEIiY KlS'l). tfCoMt utul tee Hum. , . i . ; . Wanasiaker V Buowv, Tub Lakgest clotuinq IIovsk, Oak Ham., TrkCoknfrok Sixth ANnMtHKKT STKiiKra. 11JU1. BKVKN8. On the morning of theftrth ultimo. GII8SIK V., daughter of Aukuslus k. and Matlha Al, livvcub. aged II years. The relative and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend thu funeral, front her l.ifhor'it remdtuce. No. 6117 N. Kleveuth street, ou Iridiy, the :U instaut, at 1 o'clock. LKW18. On the Snthnliimo, Mrs. SARAH LKW1S, In the 44th year ol ber age. The relative and friuuda of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her lnte reaidenoe. No. IIRH 8. Ninth street, on Sunday afternoon, December 6, at i o clock. J o proceed to Laiayi tte (joinotorT. MKAD. Novender IS Y. at the reridenoe of her son John O. Mead. Mrs. ItK I HY M K A D. relict ol the Ute John Mead. Interment at MuntLeslu'r, (Jenn. lilarllord, ( uno., paper please copy.) S OKIA8. On Monday, the Ifllh ultimo. JOHN OZIAS, fnrmorlv nf (JnrmanioM n. in tho 57th vear of hi age. The relatives and friends of tlie family are respectfully invited to at tnrt the funeral, rrom inn ir.te residence, no. 17:11 N. Kleventb stroot, on KTiday afternoon, DuceniDer U, at o'olook. Interment at Uienwooti cemetery. MOURNING DRY COODS. QECOND MOUHNING DUIISS (iOt)DS. V ' rn, l..,. An I.aIow Id aaaI rxt iiYitin-tit f 1 tn mi n t i ia t;IU iUH put ioio w vaw wov '-' tack of 1-all and Winter trecond Mnurding ropbng, Mo hairs, Alt acas, Muiiulmit, Plaids, Kohos, etc. I BK8SON A RON, 12 a 6t No. PIS t'H KSNUT Street. CLOTHING. DURABI LITY, COMFORT, AND . ECONOMY Are uouihined in our Scotch Cheviot Suits. Which vre are muUiiiR to measure for I 5 Also, our Priczo aud Cassimere Salts at $18 STYLK, KIT. TKIMMISOH, AND WOftK );17AI T ANY. HOUSE IX Till: UTY. Having detmniinert'to mnke a Ouiek Hule of our lara Htockof tocnJ, Ketiiiy-nmilK anil lliiuuf, wo have reiluoed . urioi-a to low as to romlor OOMl'J'.TI TION I HJi'ia.I'.S-S. We Kuniantou ual action in every purl iuulur, or tlio aaiu aonuUetl anU uiuue returned. 4 EVANS & LCECH, No. CiS .tlAKKHT Ntrvut. I 11 21 lmr? WATOME8, JEWELRY, ETO. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., JEWIOLLEI m. Ko. 002 CHE8NUT Street, ARE OFECTirTO Eiuopean Novelties, Bridal Silver Wares Diamonds, Choice Gems of Art, lowtlisturp IN UKONZIC 2KIN( DliSIHOUS OK llHDUOINCr STOCK, I have concluded to offer A VERY ELEGANT ASSOKTMEXT Or WATCHES AND JEWELRY At lower irlvca than the snrae quilily can bougld fur elHCwliere. Xow Is Uie time to buy, In anticlpiti: nof the CBEISTMAS UOLIDA 3. IIIMS'OUS 1II.II VV!. I"inc WntrliOM itnl ClniiiMt SIccvo IlnltoiiM iint Ntiiili, liamoiid ICiiiK iiihI Slutts. Compare prlceo, and satisfy yoarsoir. JOHN C. KELLEY'S WATCU AND JEWKLRY 8T0RK, No. 3:$ SOUTH EKJHTII STHEET, 11 Csluth-Jmrp PniLADELPniA. HOLIDAY PRESENTS At Greatly Reduced Prices. 4JoII .letvelr.v, StorlluK' Silver Ware, lVen'Ii anil 4Sermnn CIoekM, OP OVR OWN IMPORTATION. C, V. RUSSELL, No. 12 NORTH SIXTH STHEET, 12 1 thstulOt rillLADKLrniA. Closing Out at Reduced Prices FRKVI0U8 TO Making Alterations in Our Store. WATCUKS. DIAMONDS, JKWKLUY, SILVKU-WARK, MUSICAL BOXES, FANCY CLOCKS, AND 11HONZK ORNAMKNT3. WILSON & 8TELLVVACEN, No. 1028 CHESNUT STREET, 13 1 125 PHILADHLnilA. GROCERIES. ETO. Thcmpson Black's Son & Co, Droad and Chcsnu: Sts., AKD Seventeenth and Arch Sts., PHILADELPHIA, Invite attention to their stock of FINE TEAS AND COFFEE FLOUR, FRUITS, And all rare and choioo articles pertaining to a Family Grocery Store, Wlili-h can be obtained liure or abroaiL Particular attention is paid to tlio careful selection Of FINE TKA8 Of every description, and wltli the fucllilk'H at tlieir commiind, tliey aro prepared to lurniBli every variety of jtoodH, of tlio very beat rtunlltics, at too lowest prices. iv tliatulm Tliey endeavor to conduct their business ou suca principles as tliey trnt will merit the npprouatlon of all wlio may favor tlwn wi n their custom. k 1 i s.10 r- . hi - - m 1 1- .m.' - 1 11 - rim matiidai n ixrnn rrTiiuri. ruu niJunHL rutivvn ntiiincu. " CANS LARGE AND FULL. The lineBt in quality and stylo ever oUered. HOLD BY ALL GROZKKS. j Puctoiy aud Farins, Cuinbeilaod county, N. J. ' wholesale AanxcY, ' ; No. 45 NORTH WATER STUUKT. u 11 liiiiv wuivfiy 4 rAiivix, rxw - - : - '-srr- IJI' DR. SCHENCK'S GREAT REMEDIES WILL NOT ONLY cunx2 corcsTOisTion, IJUT THEY WILL PKKVKNT IT. When ! aert that consumpt'on can be cure , I mcHn prcrlHfly what I say. It would tie miMrla'lv folly on my part to argue thnt a Imi!r 0111c totHlly de stroyed rouiu be restored airaln. To 00 this would require powers cunal to tlioxo by which tnlraeles wire performed. I n.shimie no auuti unuriatiio jtronnd, but I no Iioldly neclnre that many of the casts of CoiiKiimpt lou pronounced hopeless and In turaMe by uie faeiili. can lie, as nilue was cur.d. In the course Of nmny)ears, over a very extended piacllce, 1 hnvfl frequeutlf lutd op irtuuttlt-a of verl IvIiik the truthfulness of thin assent in. Patients Iihvp app;icd to me for rdh f when tliy. cihiis and friends had abandoned n 1 hope, and th iiRh not nlwaja anceessful, it has bren my f r lupnie lot to rescue many such from wha. aiipiured to be Inevitable death. l at Icnt have been broiiRht to ma who wero af flicted with vto'ent racking coughs, hcavr and en hiumtUift rlgtit-HwcnlM, cuius that crpt over tne b:dy and f tier vat ou it, and depressed the mcn'al faculties ; with frames ht wero eiuRciaied and weakened down almost to absolute pr str.lion, with cheeks 011 which the hi-ctli: fever was always visible; with digestive organa Impaired, n -.( iiua'ile to perform their natural functions properir; witu loss of apps tl'c atid voice, nil unfailingly Inoicitlnjr th- preseiio of deep-seated wiisMok ulseasa. Persons thus allltcted, and pronoiiLCcd by thulr luy lloal advisers to lie ill the last hopeless tan of Consumption; as Indeed tliey were, have souunt tnr counsel and my reiuedli 8. They were Mt!uuc siff'hU, enonli to awaken the deepest sympathies of ail who sa w t hem friends regarded them wirh mounifnl soiieitudu, and the stranger as he passed them would involun tarily cM'.luim: "Alas; poor creature, he is not louit lor this world." l or such lar Kime paticu's I have rreiueiitly been called upon to preserihe. When a!l oilier so-citlled remedies had railed to ttui on ward niau-h !f the fell dentrover, than bCIIKNCK'S m AMutAni! i-ii.i.H, scur.Niin's .sj: vi:h:i TONIC, and m IIMNCK'N PCI.MOMt! MYKUP 1 were culled for, and it Is a heartfelt. H.ilisfuotlun to me to know tout their help wan not always sought In vain. If there be these ho have d'liilirs tu iveard to these, statements, lot them read Hie convincing testimonials in my j,an)hlrt for ls;o, just puli IIsIkiI, and furnished wnlioiit clmveto ailuhn 111 ke iiiilleallou for tr. In those testimonials will Im found theconvlnclmr stuemcnts of promimoit Indies and gentlemen who, when all oilier meJiciues iiad fulled to piovc tlllcaelous. had TIIH COl'li AG K to try Schenek's remedies, and whose faith and courage were rewarded by a I'KKM AN l-;.NT CI 'UK. f-dmc of these desMaralu cases, II. is true, were not cured, but tliey were those who applied for help when human help was unavailiiif?. and nothlnir short of a miracle could have wrested them irom the jjrasp of death. Head the UNAN8WKUA OLM TESTIMONY of T. s. Sheldon, of New York, pae 2!i of my ni"f pamphlet; of .Mrs. I.auiilnjr, of 'Philadelphia, on same pase; and of Mrs. Charles Xelll, 01 New York, on the sucei edlnir pnire, as well as the innny others tl1 nt prt cede uud loliow them, and then ask yourself whether COXSL MP'J ION CAN HE CL'KKO, cr whether, as so nmuy prominent medical -men have boldly declared, It is im 111 able" Header, Set theiuctbe Indelibly Impressed upon your mind that Consumption is AN INSIDIOUS DISICASK. It does nol attack the sjglein openly and Iioldly, by stealthy and liuldioiis, but none the Jess certain, steps. Having SKLKCTKIJ ITS VICTIM, It pursues him with relentless hostility to the grave, unless such remedies are resorted to us will &orve to check iis destructive carter. Ifovv few thorn aro who can be. made to believe that they arc consumptive until rucking cough, prostrating hemorrhages, ema ciated frame, hectic cheeks, wasted streiiKth, Io3t appetite, and clammy tiifjht Mweatsdeelaie by tokens too plum to be misunderstood that Consumption has laid last hold and secured a hrm foothold, which it is determined to maintain to the (ast (rasp of the un happy suilerer! lis approaches arc quiet and almost impciceptibio; but they are steady and sure, not wlthstandliifT. Step by step it mitkes Irs fell way into the system, uud It Is only when it lia- secured full 8L1I complete possession that, tlnowiii, cJ its dis guises, It presents Itself in all Us IK A I ; 1' i: L TU L'TU H I.N EH If people would but for a moment reflect If tliey would but endeavor to obtain a more thorough know ledge of their own physical system, ami would pay clone attention to its wants and reqiiiremouls, how much less fcarlul and extensive would be Hie preva lence of rUI.MOXAKY DISEASE! P.ut Hie majoilty of people will not frlve this im portant subject more than a mere passing tlioujrht, and sometimes even not that. "Ivnow 'invsKi.i' " la an ancient axiom which should be deeply im pressed upon every man and woman's heart, not merely in regard 10 the spiritual but to thu physical nature also. How lew there are, comparatively speak In, who have anything like a proper conception of either, and yet how vitally Important It is that wo should be liunillar with both ! Occasionally an Indivi dual is met with who has studied Hie wonderful con struction of the human body, and who is familiar with not merely the location of tho various organs, but with their functions also. Such persons, unless they are absolutely indifferent to their health ami happi ness, yive heed to tho warnings that nature gives. T'.io short, hacking cough, one of tho positive PRKCUKSOKS OP COXSCMPTIOX, instead of being regarded as a matter of trivial Im portance, becomes with tlifciu a subject of serious concern. They contrast its characteristics with those of thu cough that results from a slight or even a severe cold, and their familiarity with the subject enables them to detect the marked dlli'creiice, and unless tliey are reckless of tuu sad consequences, iucy ui uuce SEEK POn A REMEDY, and where this is done, as it always should be, In the Incipient stages of Consumption, promptly aud judiciously, the evil is almost certain to bo averted. 'Mils .should bu tho course pursued by those who have NATURALLY WEAK. BREASTS, who are liable, as people say, "To take cold easily," andwhouu physical conformation iuUicatc3 a tcu deucy to PI I MOXARY DISEASE. Were this matter attended to as It should be, nine- tent us cr tne cases 01 consumption wuitui tie oh- vi iied, and this scourge of the American people Uu fchoin ol its terrors. ATTEND TO THAT COUGH, and note Its progress. If it Is dry und hacking, If uie secietions 01 iuu mouiu uuo iiiroai are fiartialir suspended, aud the mucous membrane becomes swollen, us coior rcaucr uiua uiuiinu, nun us seust bliilies l artiallv deadeued, it is time to adopt nrecau. lions for its removal. As thu cough progresses in seventy, if there is a tendency to chilliness, and ct iiera'liv more or less fever, Uiilleulty of breathim?. a painful sense of oppression on the chest, ooutiuu- ous thirst, ami a ugni coauutf ui 111c louguo, rest aa sured of Hie fact that you HAVE NO TIME TO LOSE. When such a oough sets in, let It be your first ob ject to remove It. Do not permit It to continue its eouiMH unchecked. 1 ou may recover wit hout tuu use of medicines, but in this country the chances arc that you will not, aud this apparently trilling cough may carry you TO THE CRAVE. In such cases those wh) w ill can always Had a safe and sure remedy. I se behenek h t vlimmte Hytup regularly in motieraie tioseu, uini u ou. 01 mnri.eft Mnmtiake. Ltver I'tli in connection wuu me syrup I'so tho PUls freely, and in liinety-nluo cases out of a UUUdl'iU THE COCGH WILL HE REMOVED. Hundreds and thousands have tried these renie dies and to-duv are living, healthy witnesses of tueir trtloacy. Columns could be filled with testimonials of THE WONI'IiKrl L CLlir.s performed by them. Put this would be unnecessary. 1:0 udv sed in t me. aud see to it mar tuo co 1 en on poi tuiiily Is not frittered away, and that the dlaeaso wnioh is annually sweeping iiiousiuios iy u I' It EM AT I RE GRAVE does not obtain such a foothold as will render Ms eradication almost or absolutely uu impossible v. "An ounce of mvveiillon Is worth a pound of euro. A cough that is fully removed by the use of Schenrk'tt fvhiuniie yyii ana jie.nencn MtttutraKt j.iiicr rait will not, unliss the individual is totally reckless and ludilliniit to ins or ucr ueuiui, ever re Uirr, or at least rot speeuuv, ior mo reason llial the tittlou ol these thoroughly-tested uiediciues leaves the system 111 n conuiuon w men a'uio-tt P.JDS DEFIANCE TO DISEASE. They fortify it by bringing tho stomach and liver Into sucli a peileciiy iieuiLu.v couiiiuoii mat mo at tucks of disease Ix'ooiiih P4IWHI lean. Suoi him their I'ceulUr fiK i ils. and it Is imi.hi theso merits tliey uio Her. (I lo those who ate siiilVrlng Irom incipient, piuinoiiaiy aitaeks. 'try Mieui, and nl Huwnriv llu.osanils liawMli'iio ao h. lote you, and lliousauds iv doing f-uto-djy. 1 A110TE3 l'ur IIimmIimmI Tliousaiul U)0,O()) T3ollfH Worth WINTER CLOTHING. IMMEDIATE SALE. Oil WEDiNilSDAY MORNING, December I, .1800; v Tlpre was comraeacod ' AT THE 'n .4 1 ticvr OAK HAliL A Great Executor's Sale At Eest Bargains in Clothing that they have ever made. THIS IS THE STATEMENT OF TH3 CASE. Anticipating, as H1 all Mevchafita, an unusually brisk trade-, we invested EIGHT IIUNDIIED THOUSAND DOLLARS n tlio inatuifnclure of Clotbiiiff. Our sal es have exceeded last vtnrV Imt hnva fnllnn tlmrt r nnr nAinia.rna .n ... sent tnno, for ! nil Ir.u e, to about Lenyjo" vh Four Iliindrod Thousand Dollars' worlh of Garments, of every description, made up wit b the utmost care, NOT ONE DOf LAll'S WOJl'l'Jl Ol' WHICH an we willing to carry over iuto next year. Hence wo are determined, at all hazards, to make a ' YOUTHS' Wo have the Lnrfst and JVist Asaortiiient of hkducI'.d riaciiH. A RARE Hale Comnu'iK'oil Ac1ii1j.v, I ocmloi' t. (tore oponH early, and closes late. Ab :il SKYKN'TYl'l VE SALKSXIF.N will l in attendance. Prompt aud polite alt mi oil, w.ll bo given to all. No ct:ftointr will be u'iMipplied, if afiy KoiiMinublu Accommodation of Prison will indtico him to buy. , w r-rvi vii liis, browx, ' S. I!. CORNKR SIXTH AND 3SIAUKET STS., PHILADELPHIA. NOTK. Our Slock in already arranged, and those who desire to anticipate tlio salo, tne at liberty to call on aud after Saturday XovtuAcr '7. cSc DROWN. CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, ETC. GRAND DEMONSTRATION. PRICES REDUCED. WM. T. SNODGRASS & CO. No. 34 SOUTH SKCOND STHEET. CLOTHS FOR LADIES' SUITS. ASTRACHANS. VELVET CLOTHS. BEAVERS. CHINCHILLAS. VELVETEENS. inUUT FUR BACK BEAVERS. JEYV CENTRAL CLOTH HOUSE. FRIES, MALSEED & HAWKINS, S. E. COllNEU EIOHT1I AND MARKET. Wo are dally reoi'lvititr from tlio pr?Rnt larffe Au Hon Sales in New York. Ktue KorciKU Wnolleiw at less than oae hall' tneir value. Mack Iteavers at ti-M. lllaek Heavers, very inod, at f a-oo. Hlaek Ilea vera, tim-. at f:i-Mi. itluck Heavers, lluer. at HW. lllaek Heavers, much tincr, at I ". Jilaeic Heavera, very Hue, i :rihi. Jilaek Heavera, lliiest, at fn. ( liiiictillla, Hltie Heaven, Caraeullai, AsiriK-UaiH, WaU?rproofa,, elveteeus, Kte. f,0 pieces All-vool Casslmerea at src. to " " " .'io. Ml " " " i.".e.l lw " " " fitio. I'lald Casslmerea, Meltons, Ktir Heavers, ami all the uoveltiua for tleatlemeu'a Wi itr. PRIES, MALSEED A HAWKINS, 11 Muths'-'iu 8, E. Corner ElGHTIt and MAUKBT CENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. M I O .11 T A (JKNTI.E'Mlitf Wll.f. FIND AT X. I.. .lacoltM Ai "o.h. No. l'Jiti CH KSNUT Slreot, liimnriil l coiupUto aaaurlmunt of 1' urTij.lmi ,,f Mipcrtor ijiialily, at tkiB lowcat rates. Kv. rv rtli l war ranted to be na r'ireiiitid, aud alraiitUtfurwurd. lair clealina carelullir atluured tu 11 17 2uiru TVfinPV'VVTTT I wt'M re- dartakera I tint. In order to mm.f tlio iueruaa "I demand for ni paleutUUklAl.tJAbKJlXS. 1 bav tak.a (ft. UrK. autoial. N vlmiK avkNUR. Vt'itU my ealumwl iai;ilir.i, 1 uu ukw prepared to aap. dU niouii'ily ail uidiM ui til or iyuuutry. PUtUaUr KUUf. a lame and well tclm teil t(K-k of rod and hit Hhaknr I 1 mini, Alerino, aud Canlun I'laiinut Cnduinhirto und Diwir, HrttiU iiptr ntnut Half lloite. Kin. Drena Hliiria .... ....., Mini hova. Uotlur. 'J'ita. (U'utuU. and Huwm. mii.I a SALE. GRAND CLOTHING SALE, la ever rospoct a Duplicate of tin held there one year ao, uicu the Teople well Komotuler thoy socur nl tin iM-oo,ooooo, SWEEP. WE 0FFEE., THEN, OUR ENTIRE STOCK At 1'iicea oh Low us thoso prevailing at the Iiast Fall, lirinying notno Trices far bolow the Cost of M.muf act tiring. AND CJULDKEN'S DEl'AUTMKNT. HOYS'. CLO TillN(r to lie found iu the city, all of whioh is now for salo at GKKATLT- OPPORTUNITY TO FIT OUT THE CHILDREN. FOR T HE UADIES. (L'ECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO TUU LADIES. Farty and Svening Stresses Mudonnd Triuunod from l'riinru and Knlinh 1 ashioa Pltn. Fancy Costumes I'Oli MA8QUEUADES, HALLS, ETC., Made to ordor in 41 hoitra' notii-e, at MAXWELL'S I.ADIKS' DRKSS TltlAfMINtiS, PAPKU PAITIIKM AS1 Pit KSSM JKINO iCSTAKLISHM KNT, 80UTHKA6T (JOKNKR 11 20 stuthrtt CHESNUT AND ELEVENTH STS. O U RT A I N S AND SH A D E S . QURTA1N MATERIALS. LACE CUKTA1NS, $18-00 to $001)0 a pair. NOTTINGHAM LACK GT'UTAINU, i to fit a pall'. WINDOW SHADES, all klDda. SILK BKOCATEI.1KS, SMYHNA CLOTHS, I'LL SUES, HKl'S, TKKKIKS AND DAMASKS, all colors. A TASSEL, OlVrS, FRINGES, LTC. Ill 26 SI RAILROAD SUPPLIES. W. H. CARRYL & SONS, No. 723 CHESNUT STHEET, in e. ir. godstiai.r: co.-s cahpkt store, x(TWO DOOli.S AHOVK HUH OLDSTANi). SEWING MACHINES. QARTRAM & F ANTON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES ARE THE MOST DURABLE, THK LIGHTEST AND WILL PERFORM THC GREATEST RANGE OF WORK IS THE MOST SATISFACTORY MANSKR. .SOI I) AT 10 CASH, BALANCE 5 PEK MONTH, Or ppi hil rtKemmf f r cash down ; re id I iior mnntU Al.u exjlmuKud. l)u not fail to eatmine Ibein at o. i us ( iiiism i ?riii:i;r. 11 Ntutlilltrii WM. T. HOPKINS. rpilK I'N'DEKSKiNKI) I1.V1N'(; HKI.LV 1. iini.hwl the ll.'Ulinu of KniUlina l.j Nloaiu or Wattr. it will I'" iiiiiiniml I j v ' Wil.l.lAM 11 WINTAH. laiflv aupiTirilfuiliiiii ilu.t iiianuii-nt nf tlmir bnsc ;o:vr!;::,i;"y . WISTAR Jt OOULTOW, No. 2'.'7 SOUTH IIETII STKKIiT. HIvVl INU HY STEAK OR HOT WATER. FLANS OF VI PE CVT TO OUDEU. LAI'M'RIKS AM) Cl'I.INAHY APPARATUS ri'i'TKii hp. iii-2a3mrii F. A K N 'imZKV lR yTnSTKUM UNT THAT lioiii; and al.ill liuva iuveuloa lo Haxist tile hearing in every mi'itA ol rtva'U(i..H ; aluo, HH.iiirmf4,ra; ab;o ,Ovan ditil'a I nloiil Druii lien, auixirinr lo ani olbuia in uaci, at . al AlU'.IK'e, No. 115 Jj. TICilU btreet, buloa ClitauU BUILDINGS, i Sixth and Market Streets CRAPES WHITE UUVOIA GRJPES. 650 KECS ft Iii Beautiful Clusters, ' 9 r ' AT 40 CENTS PER POUND. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT, HS9tf PinLADELIHUA. LUSCIOUS WHITE CRAPES, IN 25 rOUND KEGS, Nicely packed la cork Puttings, go that persona can keep them for use all winter. SOLD AT A MODERATE PRICE BY TI1E KEtf. BV MITCHELL & FLETCHER, No. 1201 CHESNUT STHEET, 11 4thtu2iu.r.p PHILADELPHIA- ART GALLERIES. Qm F. HASELTIN E'S No. 1125 CHESNUT STKEET. ' CTlii'iisi iiiiis-i PpoKcnts, 5NGL1SII WATER COLORS, From '.'5 cents to 1 10 tier box. ric n Rfc S AN1 i RABIES Of otci'J (letierlptlon, and very price, RFUVCED POn THE HOLIDAYS. fit 10rr MiiAiMJ.tiii: xi:iBtAiiV. J HI I. AW UKTPKUAriN. Al.l. KlNHtt Wli.l (.A MIC. .IOIIN MARTIN. -II luitp No. Ill UAltlkKl' btat