THE DAILY EVENING TELK0KAV1I PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DEUEMBBR 1, AMD. W Z3 w-? o agi SMB. fVon Our Own OorrtttpondtnU New York, Dev. 1, m. Klj All ronnd. ' Thin Is the expedient winch Mrs. Xmvgaret C. An derson i In the habit of renortliiR to, for the pur pose of quieting the unholv mon who wore wont to visit her room Id a drunken and disorderly ronlltlon. Her case ex emplifies the truth of the proverbial hardship of letting lodRlnus, and filling one s honso with people who came from no ono knows where, and do no one knows what, until their precedents and actions are read about some unexpected moment In police newspapers. Take my word for It, If I could scrape enouKh money together, to rent a small house and live in very humbie sfyle. but In such a way as that my house shall be my castle, no airy visions of brown stone splendor should ever seduce me Into the mis take of letting lodgings. A brown-stone front, In deed I How much content and peace of mind and humble enjoyment are sacrificed to that factitious gratification 1 A contented mind Is a continual feast. Better Is a dinner of herhs where love la, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. True; and a tiny little cottage in one of the New York suburbs, where you and your family can be "all alone by yourselves," Is Infinitely preferable to the floors and tWarf.'mrnt where, even a small kitten Is unswlng able, and the cost of enjoying the modern conve niences runs awny with nearly all of one's salary, and leaves hut small dribbllngs of pin money. I don't know whether or not It was Infatuation with browntitonc buncombe that Induced Dr. Knight, of West Twenty-second street, to rent a part of his house to Mrs. Anderson, or not; but be this as It may, she very soon began to exercise privileges as a lodger which pointed her out as a woman of exces sively liberal tastes. According to the ailldavlts hitherto presented, she and her friends were accus tomed to comlug home at all hours of the night and morning, chasing each other around the halls and passage-ways, Indulging In strong language and mixed drinks, and, finally, when a quarrel seemed imminent, avoiding such a termination by a timely kiss all around. During the course of theso satur nalias Dr. and Mrs. Knight had their lives threat ened with knives, and were partially suffocated with chloroform. The result has been to create a preju dice against lodgers in the Doctor s mind. Some of the vllenesses said to have been witnessed at the Becond story front window are too bad to be more than alluded to, and such as no amount of prompt pay upon the lodgers' part would render tolerable. The Y. M. C. A. Next Monday evening the new building of the Yonng Men's Christian Association Is to bo formally opened. A "private view" has already been given or It, and proves it to be an Institution very well worth any young man's while to be connected with. Apropos of this fact I might say that the young man from the country in New York Is popularly supposed by the serious and suburban world to be in a "par lous way." He Is bullied by his employer at business and badgered by his landlady at home. Under the curb of a pitiless task-master he has to swallow a good deal of righteous indignation at his olllce or counting-room, and under the almost despotic rule of mine hostess he Is obliged to Ingurgitate unlimited quantities of hash, otherwise "boarding-house poultice," at the public table, no is the sharper's victim, and the strange woman marks him for her own. The restaurant, the drinking saloon, the bowl ing alley, the billiard table, all spread their lures along '.the downward path that Invites him; and, like tho velocipede, he llnds It impossible to go up hill, and must go down. The figurantes of the footlights cause hltn to despise; the platitudes of the pulpit, aud he wan ders on from wickedness to wickedness until life becomes for him a hell on earth, and if not a gambling-hell so much the better. This is tho common picture of the young man from the country, regard ing whom the bloom swept from the grape and the down from the peach are similes just a little trite. He comes hither dene up in bashfulness and blushes, like plated silver done up in pink cotton; but by-and- by the plate wears ore and betrays the latent brass beneath. If your much-talked-of country Innocence becomes corrupted, it is because he is ready to be corrupted, and rather likes the process. I do cot wish to be construed, however, into intimating anything against tho saving and restrain ing character of the Y. M. C. A. The new building evidences that the association has the good of young men at heart. The dues and fees amount to only live dollars per year, or ten cents per week. There aro rooms for the body aud rooms for the bouI; rooms to bathe in and rooms for religious exercises, rooms' for music and rooms for reading. The library Is capacious enough to contain twenty thousand volumes, and there Is a large concert-room capable of seating lirteen hundred people. Tho value of the land has greatly Increased since it was lirst pur chased at a cost of over f 140,000, and the cost of the building was 345,000 more. The expenses are de frayed to within J& The Hlavliinwky Troupe . has made its appearance at stelnway Hall, led by Mr. Dlmlntrl Agrencir Slavlansky. The members were richly attired in Russian costume, and this con tributed not a little to the favor with which they were listened to. Solos and duets were sung. The llrst solo was by Miss Nadcjida Lewttzkaja, who has a rich contralto voice, aud proved her familiarity with all the Intricacies of Kussian composition. Mr. Slavlansky, another solo-singer, brings with him a voice sweet enough to have been born aud nurtured In a warmer clime than that of Russia. As a con cert proper depending alone on the merit of the voices the entertainment would not perhaps have been either a pecuniary or artistic success, but as a medley In which rich clothes and picturesque action held a prominent place, It promises to become a fea ture In our winter amusements. Suburban Travel. A nice way passengers and car conductors have Of settling their difficulties row In Hudson City. It Is only lately that that place has risen to the dignity and Importance of a metropolis, and of course it . aspires to have all the modern improvements, crimes, and casualties among the rest A day or two ago a Hudson Klver car was proceeding to Jer ssy City, when a man named Lee, accompanied by bis wife and several children, entered, and offered one employe's pass for the party. The man had formerly been in the employ of the company, and handed the pass to the conductor with that free and easy nod which means "all right." The conductor, however, who was a mild, sickly, meek man, thought It was all wrong, aud claimed the usual fare, where upon Lee got out of the car, and hurled at him a Btone, which struck him on the temple, and almost stunned him, while Mrs. Lee and the little Lees rushed upon the poor man, scratched his face, tore his clothes, and left him half dead. A pretty pic ture of suburban travel ain't it 1 An Uaba. news guiyir.iAn.-g. CUT Affairs. St. Andrew's Day (yesterday) was celebratod by tho Scottish residents of this city with much earnestness and interest. The St. Andrew's Society partook of their one hundred and twenty second annual dinner, and an unusually large number of members were present. The dining room was gayly decorated with the American colors, and at the back of the President's seat was a large portrait of St. Andrew bearing his , cross. Near to this was the Scotch emblem tho thistle beneath which was placed the motto, "A'emo Me Jmpune Lacessel." (No one shall tread on me. with Impunity). Charles Macules ter, Esq., presided. The regular toasts were drunk and songs sung. The irou-clad ram Atlanta, that was seized while fitting out at the yard of Neafle fe Levy, on suspicion of being intended for tho use of the Cuban revolutionists, was released about a week since, and is now preparing for sea. The Survey Department of the city have been anthorlzed to make n survey and prepare plans of the old city of Philadelphia, showing tho accurate lines of streets, with the proper dimensions between them, and also to fix the curb lines and the grade elevations at each street intersection. The District Court yesterday appointed tho JollowM'fi en.t,euieu VwlroilVI4 Vl Schools: James Freeborn, Ninth Section; Hubert W. Downing, Fourteenth Section; John McAvoy, Seventeen!! Section; James Milligan, Jr., Nine teenth Ecction. The fifteenth anniversary of tho Young Men's Christian Association was celebrated hut evening in the Academy of Music. The exercises were opened with singing and tho reading of the Scriptures. Prayer was offered by Rev. (Jcorgo Dana lioardman, D. D., and the nnuuil report was read by the President, Peter B. Simons, Krij. Last night, between 10 and 11 o'clock, n fire broke out in the umbrella frame manufactory of Messrs. Bourne te Conaway, on the south side of Vine street, below Tenth, caused by the over heating of the flue attached to the furnaro, which set fire to the wood work. The flames were not extinguished before scvcrnl hundred dollar' damage had been done. The machinery alio suffered. DomrMlc Affair. fJold closed yesterday at l&J'j. The Red liivcr insurgents organized a pro visional government Nov. Hi. A female suffrage bill parsed the Wyoming Council yesterday almost nnaniinously. The Board of Public Charities will meet iu llarrisburg this morning for the purpose of or ganizing. The elections In Texas and Mississippi are progressing quietly. The nnuual session of the National Council of tho Union League of America will commence in New York on December 8, at noon. The worst is feared by the friends and phy sicians of Mr. Richardson, who was shot in the New York Tribune olllce. lie was married last evening to Mrs. McFarland. The internal revenue receipts during No vember nmounted to $13,M5,5T0, ,ls against !t,ti4(),000 for the corresponding period of last year. So much for honest collection. A gentleman who was knocked down and robbed in PcabodVj Mass., on Friday night, has since died of his injuries. Two men, suspected of being his assailants, have been arrested. William II. Caylord, treasurer of the Avon dale relief fund, up to the aith ult. had received In the Alabama House of Assembly yester day, a bill was referred, making it compulsory on grand jurymen to swear that they have never belonged to the Ku-Klux. A meeting convened in San Francisco last evening, for the purpose of reorganizing tho Democratic party, was characterized by much Ftrong discussion, and eventually broke lip leav ing matters as they were. The charge of" manslaughter against Kane, the switchman on tho Western Pacific Kailroad, through whose ignorance aud negligence tho fearful slaughter at Alameda occurred, has been dismissed, and the inau discharged. An opinion has been given by the corpora tion attorney of Washington, in the mixed school case in that city, to the effect that, under the circumstances, the colored child about whom the difficulty arose has a right to admission. According to a special despatch to a New York evening paper, the Ways and Means Com mittee yestcrdav agreed to reduce the tariff to the extent of S0,000.(XK. putting down the duty on coffee nnd tea, and enlarging the free list. To-day the annual convention of the Na tional Hoard f Trade will commence in Rich mond, Va. A number of distinguished persons will attend it, and a warm welcome is to be ex tended to all the delegates by the people of the city. ForrlKn A fin In. A stormy debate occurred in the French Corps Legislatif yesterday over a series of inter pellations submitted by the Opposition. The London Times considers that the annex ation of St. Domingo to the United States would be a benefit not only to tho parties concerned, but to Europe and the world. Another rising in Ireland is anticipated by the English Government, which is considering the suspension of the habeas corpus. Extreme measures, it is said, will be npopted. Lisbon, Is to tho effect tbat tbo maiu Brazilian uimj ncic imiu'ju 10 uavancc against Lopez for Want Of Provisions! tho. ninn worn M nrr " A J -w uvu ii xa V I ufS VIA horseflesh. A collection of Mr. Disraeli's speeches, from the first one, in which ho failed, yet predicted his future success, down to his latest delivery is in preparation. It will be published In n popular form, under the editorship of Mr. J. F. Miracle literature, if we may so call it, is about to busy itself (of course nt Rome) on a charming incident. A recaptured runaway con vict is about to be tried for evasion. Ills de fense is that, having prayed to the Virgin, she fent an angel, by whom he was conducted out of tho prison, and that the turnkeys are not to blame! It is supposed he will be acquitted, as conviction would bo to deny miracles, the media tory power of the Virgin, nnd the efficacy of prayer. We shall proluibly have an illustrated pamphlet on the matter. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine News set First Pwie, ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. firm Rises 7 05 1 Moon Riser Sun Hem 4 S1 1 Hiub Watks I.-50 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OS TRADE. Jamt.s Dottqukhty, ) kamvki. k. stokks, Committee or the Month JOBtfH c. GllUliU, ) COMMITTEE ON ARBITRATIONS. J. O. James, George L. Buzhy, E. A. Bonder. WUlium W. Paul, Thos. L. Gillespie. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. FOR AMERICA. Smidt Bremen New York Nov. Samaria Liverpool.. ...New York Nov. Europe Glasgow New York Nov' Scotia Liverpool... ..New York Nov' G. of Antwerp.. Liverpool New York, via Bos... Nov llolBatia. Havre New York Nov! Atalanta London New York Nov H ansa Southampton. ...Now York Nov' Palmyra Liverpool.... .New York via Boa... .Nov' Virginia. Liverpool ....New York Nov' Nevada Liverpool New York Nov FOR EUROPE. Y Ohio Baltimore. ...Bremen Dee M innesota. New York . ...Liverpool Deo! Java New York. ...I jverpool Deo. Boruseia New York. ... Hamburg Deo. Aleppo New York.. ..Liverpool. Deo, Union New York.. ..Bremen Doo. O. of Brussels. . .New York. ...Liverpool Deo City of Paris.... New York.. ..Liverpool Deo' O. of A n twerp.. .New York. ...Liverpool, via Hal. . .Deo! O. of Brooklyn. .New York. ...Liverpool Dec COASTWISE, DOMESTIC. ETC. Yazoo Philada New Orleans Doo J. W. Evenuan. Philada Charleston Deo. Columbia New York. ...Havana Deo. Cortes New York. ...New Orleans Deo! Tonawanda Philada . . . ... Savannah. Deo. Hen. Chaunoey.N'ew York....Aapinwall Doo. Pioneer Philada Wilminirtan n... Mails are forwarded by even steamer in tha mtniiur i.a. The steamers for or from Liverpool oall at Queenstown, ex cept the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The iwuufln iw ui injiu mq waiiiiBm cau at Doainampton, CLEARED YRKTRRnAV Steamship Aries. Wiley, Boston, 11. Winsor A bchr Mary E. Smith, binitb, Wilraingtoa, N bury A Co. Scbr J. B. Johnson, Smith, Warren, R. I, Graeff A Co. Bohr Kpbraira and Anna, Green, Boston, Scbr Transit, Raakett, Providence, Bohr J. B. Weld en, Crowell, Providence, Bchr H. W. Benedict, Case, Newport, Bohr Brandywine, Adams, East Greenwich, SubrO. P. Binns, Higliee, Lyncbliurg, Bohr Reading Kit. No. 48, Boss, New Haven, Bcbr B. B. Franklin, Mull, Portsmouth, Bchr Village Ojueen, Oonkling, Providence, bchr B. A. Hoffman, Hoffman, Boston, Bchr Aid, Smith, ball River, J. Rommel, Jr. Bcbr Jos. Maxtlold, May, Milton, Bohr Addie P. Simpson, Bimpson, Nahant, Bohr D, B. Biner, Huntley. Boston, Bcbr Sarah J. Bright, Stephens, Fall River, Bcbr Cora, Seaman, New Haven, Bchr Northern Light, Ireland, tall River, Bchr M. Keinbart, Hand, Bostou, Bohr John Walker, Davis, Providence. Bchr Cerro Gordo, Pearson, New London, Oo. O., S. Lath ., Blakiston, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ABro. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Br. sbip Eliza McLaughlin, Uibbert, 6 days f rom Provi. deuce, in ballast to captain. Steamship Tonawanda. Wakely,70 hours from Savannah, with cotton, etc., to Philadelphia and Southern Mail Bteainthip Co. Passengers D. U. Rulon, J. L. Tomlin svn, Mrs. U. Moran, U. w. Jordan, Jos. Munion, Thomas Fortan, T. O. Bell, VV. Holmes. Steamship J. W. Everraan, Uinokley, 70 hours from Cbailesln, with ootton, rice, etc., to U. A. Souder A Co. Pasted in the bay, baruuos Bessie Rogers, from Dublin, in ballast; Louisa, from New York; brig Etta M. Tucker, from da ; and acbr Bertha Souder, from Windsor, N. 8. Barque Bessie Harris, Allen, H3 days from Liverpool with unite, to Peter Wright A Sons -venae! to D. 8. Stet son A Co. Put back twice through stress of weather, l owed np by the Ijonesa. Come the northern passage, smooth sea nnd plmsmt weather. From the Banks west ward hnve bad strong westerly winds and gales, end on the 8Mh Nov., 1st. 891, long. K ;). encountered a hurricane, veering from n. to N.N M.., and blowing with the utmost fury, tbe sea ranch confnsrd and wanning the ship like a list: -tide rock. At its commencement endeavored to carry a little sail to keep out of the stream, but had it all blown away, together with hilf a suit of sails from the gsskete. Bustsined no farther damage than loss or sails and wrench ing tiller from the rudder head. N. G. brig Max. Knootiol. till dnva from Newcastle, Eng., Wit h mde to order- vessel to L. Weatrgoard A Oo! Brig II. O. Brooks, Briggs, In days from Bt. Mary's. Ga.. With lumber to K. A. p'nnder A Co H-l7lrUintJJ,-Wil?yj - days from Borabrero, with jtuanoto K. 11. Atwood A Co. Bchr M. A. McGahan. Call 6 days from Providenoe. Bcbr C lara Brnith. Smith, 10 days from Vinalbaven, with granite to Barker Bros. Bchr James A -Parsons. Clark. 10 days from Wilmington, N. C, with lnmber to Nnrcross A Sheote Schr Thos. Borden, Wrightlngton, 4 days from James river, in ballast to Castner, Sl lckney A Wellington. Bchr M. O. Knrnjte, Dnrborow 1 day from Camden, Del., with grain to Jas. L. Bewley A Co. E1, ', f,'nniol'f"n. Winsmore, from Allyn's Point. Bchr Alabama, Vanpilder, from Lynn Bohr John B'ronn, Crawford, from Boston. ScbrB B- W heeler, Lloyd, from Boston. Bcbr M. H. Westcott Gamble, from Bridgeton. C anal boat K. L. Anthony, Peniield, from Oswego, with barley to G. Jamison. . PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. rnl" nl coastwise arrivals for the month of No verubor, IHb9, as compared with the same period in 188: lw. For. . i . 3 . S3 . 1 . 11 IHoS. Coast. Total. 6 S 2-J IH loin foil 814 l:t-;2 una For. a 8 10 16 H Tot. 8 8 13 as f.n 473 873 Ships Steamships ... Baniues Brigs Schooners Sloops Steamers Coast. 1 9 S-i PHI 473 873 1:W5 1433 10 t"3 f)7!( 814 V.U-2 Barges Boats 911 40 Total 4!) 4ISH) 4239 4S-J0 490 ftwmf Drpatrh to Th' Kxminq 7WprnA. liA.nB-i'r.uiuni, ., uici.-iig uos is ioit nere this morning, as follows: lnola. witn lumber, for new York. Dodgo Mills, with lumber, tor Burlington, N. J. CorretpontUiire of Tht Krmfna 7Wrmr;i. p.ABivn a mufti AllU.-V'S BULLETIN. NrwYoHg Office. Nov. s-i Nina .., in t to-night for Baltimore light. r rutin nneiuop, witn nay, for Philadelphia. Baltimore Branch Office. Nov. an The following barges leave in tnw to night eastward : J. 11. Davis; win. Norman; A. G. Myrick ; H. 8. Arm strong: A.McKever; Minnie Repplier; llopn; W. M. Kice;A. H. Griswold; J. E. Dunham; Harvest Moon; Es tolla : and Cnscadi'la, all with coal tor New York. Pbilatikt.i'Ria Branch Office, Deo. 1. The barges Oliver Brown; D. B. Deland; W. H. Harden ; Our Flag; i linunooy isranoeif : iteu uanieis; tlenry Calmer; It. r. Silliman : B. D. Thompson : and Sister to the Six Brothers. all with coal for New York, left last night. L. B. O. MEMORANDA. Psrauo Dorette. Bchulknr. clearer! at. Now York fiflth ult , for Bremen via Philadelphia. Barque Minnie Cameron, Graham, hence for Cork, was spokon l!t!t h alt lat. 42 Oli, long. 63 42. uarque wm. van name, Craig, Billed from Marseilles ult., for New York. li-l,. 1, r . T . . . M T a T. w r l.i. : 1 . ,i..ii, naia i . uiiui. jiii, ib, I luiu nuu uuuuu lur mm delphia, at Salem Siiluult. hchr Maggie f. Bmitb, (irncn, hence, nt Salem 27th ult. Schr Henrietta Simmons. Godfrey, hence, at Salem xth ult Sibrs Clnra, Mullen, from Boston; Star, Crowell, from do. ; Peri, Robinson, from Providence ; 8. P. Phil lips. Wilson, from do.; and Vulcan, Hall, from do., all for Philadelphia, at New York 27th ult. Bchr J. A. Crawford, Youug, hence, at Greenport, L. I., 26th ult. Bchr Alice G. Grace, hence for Boston, before raported anhore, has been got off.and is at Kdgnrtown disc l irciiia. Schr I). L. Stnrges, Taylor, henco. at Richmond 2 ith ult. Schrs W. A. Dennis, Lake, for Philadelphia, an K M. A. Corrobs, Coombs, for Philadelphia or Baltimore, siiled from Providonee 2Kth ult. Schrs R. G. Whilden, Fennlmore; J. S.Welden, Crowell; nnd Sarah Clark, Grillin, for Philadelphia, sailed I rum Providence 27 1 h ult. Schr "Baley," hence, at Key West 22d nit. Schrs R. H. Shannon, Dilks, and A. S. Cannot, O.ibb, for Providonee ; R. K. A aughan, Grisloy, and A. S. Itr vn, Fii-h, for Boston : Josopli Huy, Hathaway, for Cohaset, all from Philadelphia, at New York 2tith ult. WINES. HER MAJESTY; CHAMPAGNE. ! ZSUSTTOM & X.U3S01Y, :: 215 SOUTH FRONT STREET, jj THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE IS solioited to the following very Choice Wines, eta., for ' b' DUNTON A LUSSON, (it SOUTH FRONT STREET. CHAMPAGNES. Agents for her Majesty, Dos de Montebello, Carte Bleue, Carte Blanche, and Ouarie (aire's Grand Vin Eugenie, and Vin Imperial, M. Kins man A Co., ef Mayenoe, bporkling Moselle and BUIdiit WINES. MADF.IRA8.-01d Island, Sooth Side Reserve. BHKRR1K8. F. Rndolpbe, Amontillado, Topas, Vai let te, Ps la and Golden Bar, Crown, eto. PORTS. Vinho Velho Real, VoIIette, and Orown. OLARKTS Promis Aine A Cie., MonUerrand and Bor dean z. Clarets and Sauterne Wine. (JIN. "Meder Swan." BRANDLKB. Hennessey, Otard, Dupny & Oo.'s various vintages, 4 6 c ARSTAIRS McOALL, No. 136 WALNUT and SI GRANITE Street, Importers of BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, OLIVE OIL, ETO., AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the sale of PURE OLD RYE. WHEAT, AND BOURBON WHIS. K.IKS. 6 2S2pJ C ARSTAIRS OLIVE OIL-AN INVOICE of the above for sale by OAR8TAIR8 A MeOALL. t 28 2p? Nos. 138 WALNUT and 21 GRANITE Sta. ROOFING. READY ROOFING. This Rooiing is adapted to all buildings. It oaa applied to VV BTEEP OR FLAT ROOFS at one-half the expense of tin. It is readily put on Shingle Roofs without removing the shingles, thus avoid ing the damaging of ceilings and furniture while under. foing repairs. (No gravel used.) 'RKSKKVK YOUR HOOFS WITH WELTON1 FLASTIC PAIN". I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roofs at short notice. Also, PAINT FOR BALK by the barrel or gallon the best and cheapest in the market. W. A. WELTOW. 817 Wo. 711 N. NINTH Street, above Goatee TO OWNERS, A-P.CniTECTS, BUILDERS. AND ROOFERS. Roofs! Yes, yes. Every size and kind, old or new. At No. 643 N. Till KD Street, the AME RICAN CONCRETE PAINT AND ROOF COMPANY are selling their celebrated paint for TIN ROOFS, and for preserving all wood and metals. Also, their solid oora, plez roof oovering, the best ever offered to the publio, with bruohos, cans, buckets, etc., ior the work. Anti-vermin, Fire, and Water-proof ; Light, Tight, Durable. No crack ing, pealing, or shrinking. No paper, erravel, or heat. Good for all climates. Directions given for work, or good work men supplied. Care, promptness, oertaintyl One Brioal Call! Kxuminet Judgel Agents wanted for interior connHes. 4&tf JOSEPH LEEDS. Principal G .HAVEL ROOFS REPAIRED AND WAR ranted for five years, at half the price others ohorge. Tin roofs reDaired and painted at one cent nnrant,Mr,.f.u., Old shingle roofs covered with ready roofing, at small von, xwjdwu awvuuk vwuywyi ,iv via VU1C1 OireOt. Call and see. H jj lm CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. ga R. THOMAS & CO., DIALS 1U3 nt Dcors, Blinds, Sash, Shutters, WINDOW FRAMES, ET0.7 H. W. OOKHIB OF EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets 9 IB 8m PHILADELPHIA. HATS AND OAFSs HWARBURTONS IMPROVED VENTI lated and easy-fitting Dress Hats (patented), in all the improved fashions of the seoeen. OHJ&NUT Street, next door to the Post Cffioe. It lu rpt K K R 1 C K & SONS eoUTUWA-iuv rvununi, NO. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Philadelphia. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, Regulated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented Jane, 1868. DAVID JOT'S PATENT VALVELESS STEAM HAMMER D. M. WESTON'S PATENT SKLF-CKNTKINU, HKLF-BALANCINQ CENTRIFUGAL bUUAK-DKALNlNU MACHINE. AND RO EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturers. V 10 mwf I. TAUOBK MKWiraT. Wnxiaof H. aCSJUUOli sUXUk JkCWlaa INSURANCE. IiCOKIOICATi:i 1H.15. OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFET? INSURANCE COMPANY. rillLADELrillA, NOVEMBER 10, 1809. The following statement of the affairs of the Company Is published in conformity with a provision of the charter Premiums received from Novombor 1, 1866, te October 31, 1MD. On Marine and Inland Risks.. . . $Ptt,7!8-34 ltil.tKid'M On r ire rusks -l,lU6.701-ag Premiums on Polioies not marked on November 1, low 4),r34'Oa $l,Di,XI631 Premiums marked off as earned from No- vemher I, IHUS, to October HI, 1: On Marine snd Inland llii-Us CH.Iilf!') On lire Kinks lili.tiil 70 -$l,C63,fM5f Interest during the same period caivages, etc 115,(l27-68 l,17e,73-tS4 Losses, Kxpensos, etc., daring the year as aoove : Marine and Inland Navi gation Losses $ilR,t'Kvn9 Fire Lowes M.344'Hl Keturn Premiums 4n,H-i'l() Ke-Insurances 41,27784 Agency Charges, Advertising, Printing, eto 64,68715 Taxes United Slates, State, and Municipal taxes 62.3xnM Expenses... i3,ttl7 IM $744,354-01 i;U,til'.lri3 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY November 1, lWi& United States live Per Coot. Loan; ten-forties $218,00000 United States Six Per Cont. Loan (lawful money) 107,780-00 United States Six Per Cont. Loan, 1HH1 60,00000 State of Peusylvania Six PerOont. Loan 213,950-00 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan (exempt from tax) 200,P25'00 State of New Jersey Six Portent. Loan............. 102,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort gage Six Per Cent. Homls 19,450-00 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort gage Six Per Cent. Honds 23,623 00 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Honds (Pennsylvania Railroad guarantee) ao.OOO-O'. Btate of Tennessee i' ivo Per Uont. Loan la.000'00 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 4,270-00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 2u0 shares stock 14,000-00 North Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pnny, 1(KI shares stork 3,900'00 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, bO shares stock 7,500-00 LennB on Hond and Mortgage, iirst lienson City Properties 246,900 00 (200,000 100,000 60,000 900,000 200,000 100,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 80,000 7,000 12,500 6,000 10,000 846.M0 $l,il,500 Far. M-irkot value, $1,255,270 00 uni, ipi, ,.10,03 z,. Real Estato. 36,00000 Hills Kocoivublo for Insurances "ode 323,700-76 Balances due at Agencies Pre miums on Murine Policies, Ac crued Interest and other debts due to the Company 65,097-95 Stock, Scrip, etc., of sun-!ry Cor porations, $-1306. Kstimated value 9,740'20 Cash in Bank $168,31h-sh Cash in Drawer na si 169,29114 $1,852,100-04 Philadelphia. Novembor 10, 1869. The Board of Directors have this duy declarod a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT, on tbo CAPITAL STOCK, and SIX PER CENT, intorest on the SCRIP of the ( ompany, payable on and aftor the 1st of December proximo, free of National and State taxes. T??.yia,T?,.ft!8Ode0lBr,'d SCRIP DIVIDEND TIIIKTY.FIYE PKR CI.' NT I,. , , VAuvk-i, ua a !,l,M5 for..t!le rear ending October i, lt69, oertificat's Of WhlCh Will ha ifMllAH tfk III. ..I (l-.l - V. on "d after the 1st of December proximo, free of National HU.i ...111 I U I DAI S. 'i hey have ordored, also, that the Scrip Certificates of I'Tf.tllHftl I I. I fininun. fn- ,l.n $ : ...... n., be redeemed in Cush, at the office of the Company, on and alter 1st of December proximo, all interest thereon to cease on that day. By a provision of the Charter all Ctrtilicutcs of Scrip not presented for redemption within u "if!01? af,ter Pul'"o notice that they will be redeemod, shall be forfeitod and cancelled on the books of the Com pany. No certificate of profits issued under $35. By tho act if incorporation, "no certificate shalltissuo unlessoluiined within two years after the declaration of the dividend whereof it is evidence." DIRECTORS. Thomas O. Hand, John C. Davis, Kdruund A. Bonder, Theophilua Paulding, Junies Truquair, Henry Sloan, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., Jumcs O. Hand, William O. Ludwig, Joeoph H. Seal, Hugh Cruig, John D. Taylor, (eorge W. Bernadoa, William O. Houston, Samuol K. Stokes, William . lioulton, Edward Darlington. II. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafouruade, Jacob Ricgel, Jacob P. Jones, James B. M'Earland, Joshua P. Eyro, Spencer M'flvain, J. B. Semplo, Pitttburg, A. B. Berger. " D. T. Morgan, " THOMAS O. HAND, Presidont. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President, HENRY LTLBURN, Becretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secrotary. 11 12 lm 1829.""OHAIlTER PEllPETUAL. Fraiilin Fire Insurance Company OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, Nos. 435 and 437 CHESNUT St. Assets Jan. I, '69I$2,677,372'I3 CAPITAI."" ACCKl 1 1) SURPLusV.".' PREMll'MS UNSETTLED CLAIMS," 4OO,000-G0 l,083,528-70 1,193,843 -43 INCOME FOR 1869, 1360.000. LGsses said since 1829,DYer$5,500000 Perpetual and Temporary Polioies on Liberal Terms. The Company also issues Policies on Rente ofjiiuildinjri Of all kinda,(iround Rents, and Mortgages, DIRECTORS. Alfred O. Baker, Alfred Fitler, tiomuel Grunt, I Thomas Sparks, ii eorge W. Richard. I William 18. Urant, Isaac Lea, I Thomas 8. Ellis, (ieorae i ales. ' Gustavus 8. Benson. Utt " ALFRED O. UA K.EK, President. GEORGE EALKS. Vice-President. JAS. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE M. REGKR, AesisUnt Secretary. 8 9 OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. No. 233 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. InoorporaUd V Parpetnal, AWMARiNE.' lNLANbiANb FIRK INSURJQk'000 OVER $20,000,000 LOSSES PAID SINCE ITS ORQAJf . UuAI ION. pmjOToitt Arthur O. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones. John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, William Welsh. S. Morris Wain, . 1 hi .. . f ranou K. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke, T. Charlton Ueun. Alfred D. Jessup. John P. White, Louis C. Madeisa, Charles W. Cuahmaa- JUllll MW"I , I TT.WUSttUU Ueorg, L. Urf,,nI'lJR Q COFFIN, President. A it 1 nun it uurnn, President. KIJUHUU VM'lvr 1,1 ... VJ" . MATTHTAI Mahis, becretary. (J uau. IL RaJevm. Asst. Secretary. a jx QTRIOTLY MUTUAL. Prevident Life and Trust Co. - OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, No. Ill 8. FOURTH STHEET. Organized to promote LIFE INSURANCE among Oienilieri of the Society of Friends. Good risks of any duns accepted, policies Indued on approveil pluna, at tUe lowest ratcv. President. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, Vice-President, WILLIAM C. I.ONGHTRKTTI, Actuary, ROWLAND PARRY. The advantages ottered by tlil Company are on- 1N8UFIANOE. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE IIN'SUUAXCE COMrANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OF I'lIILAljlLl'Iilv, i."conioiiATa:i ivoi. Capital $300,000 Awwelw July 1, 1800, 94,.t03,0310 Tola Company Is now prepared to Issue Certificates of Insurance, payable Id London, at the Counting Bouse or Messrs. BROWN, SHIPLEY CO. tIIAIUii:S PLATT, in mwf naairp vice-president. A S B U 1 Y LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. INo. HQS liKOAl) WAY, corner of llcvenllt street, 3icw York. CASH CAPITAL $150,000 tia.UOO dsposited with the State of Now York as security for policy holders. LEMUKL ItANdS, Prosidont. . GEORGE KLLIOTT. Vice President and Socretarj. . KMOKY McOLlNTOUK, Actuary. A. F.. M. PCRDY, M. D., Modical Kxaminer. PHlUIPFt.rinA BFirERENCES. Thomas T. Tasker, John M. Maris, i,J. B. Lipplnoott, vnnries ppencer, John A. Wnnht, Arthur . Outlin, unam uivino, James i .on g, S. Morris Wain, 'James lluntor, John II. Mnllrnarff K H Wnrn. OrRSnwed April. lHbH. UT,h Policies in4 tint six months; over H)U in the twelve months following. All forms of Policies issued on most favoraDle terms. Special advantage offered to UlerKjfmen. A few good ajteuta wanted in city or country. Apply t JAMI.rl M. LWNCMCJKK, Manager for Pennsylvania and Delaware. Office. No. ai-2 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. SAMUEL POWKR8, Special Agent. 416 JN8URE AT HOME, IN THS Pcnn Mutual Life Insurance COMFANY. No. 921 CIIESNTJT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS, 8.1,000,000. CHARTERED BY OUR OWN STATE. MANAGED BY OUR OWN CITIZEN LOSSES PRO.HPTL.Y PAID; OIJC1E8 ISSUED ON VARIOUS PUiNS. Applications may be made at the Home Olllce, aad at the Agencies throughout the State. 3 ISC JAMES TRAQUATR PRE8IDENT SAIILEI. E. STOKES VIOE-PRK8IDENT JOHN W. HOUNOIt A. V. P. and AOTUARY HQ RATIO 8. STEPHENS SKORETARY THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Cilice S. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. FIRE LNSURANOK EXCLUSIVELY. PERPETUAL AJiD TERM POLICIES ISSUED. Oath Capital r ituo.uoO'OO Cash Assets, July 1. lbOH. ol:i.27i 21. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, J. Livingston ErrinRor, r,aioro r razier, John M. Atwood, Benjamin T. Tredick, Geore II. Stuart, James Lj. Ulafinorn, William i. lioulton, Charles W heolor, Thomas H. Montgomery, uonn n. nrown, This Comoanv insnres onlv first. aIoss risks, tskinff no James Aertsen. specially hazardous rinks whatever, such at factories, mills, eto. F. RATCHFORD STARR, Prosidont. THOMAS H. MONTGOMERY, Vice-President. Aijxandkh W. WlMiKn, Secretary. 2o PIICKNIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED lmH CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 224 W ALN UT Street, opposite the t xouanKO. This Company insures from loss or damage by I FIRE, on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furnituro, etc., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit of premiums. 41 The Company has been In active operation for more than SIXTY YEARS, during which all looses have been promptly adjustod and paid. DIRECTORS. John I,, rlodge, M. K. Mahony, John T. Lewis, William S. (.rant, Robert W. 1-ealiiing, V. Clark Wharton. Lawrence Lewis, Jr., JOHN R. David Lewis, Renjaurin letting, Thoiuus li. Powurs, A. R. Mc Henry, Edmund Custillon, Samuel Wilcox, Lnivis (J. Nmrris. WUOUERER, Presidont. Samuel Wilcox, becretary. 4 23 F AME INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 809 CHESNUT Street INCORPORATED 1866. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, $200,000. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire either by Per petual or Temporary Policies. DIRECTORS: Charles Richardson, jwuviu & nnni John Kessler, Jr., Edward B. Orne, Charles Btokes, John VV. Evennan, Mordecoi Buzby. T, V. . T5 vviuiam it. nuawn, William M. Seyi'ert, Henry Lewis, Nathan Hillcs, UeorgeA. West, CHARLES RICHARDSON, President. WILLIAM H. RUAWN, Vice-President. WrrxiAMg L Blamchabp. Becretary. 7 23 THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1&46 Charter Perpetual. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Square This Compsny, favorably known to the oomrauniM for over forty years, continues to insure against loos or dam age by hie on Publio or Private Builaings.ieither perma nently or for a limited time. Also on furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, U invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to oner to the insured an undoubted security in the oaat of loss. DIBSUT ns. Daniel Smith. Jr., John Devereui, Thomas Smith, Alexander Benson, Isoao Hualehurst. -auonias 110 urns. J. illli1.17h1.1n FaIL xjienry i.owis. 11111 laniei naooocK, jr. DANIEL SMITH, Jb., President. WM. O. CROWELL, BecreUry. 8 304 JRIPElUAIi FIHE INSUllANCB OO. LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1S03. Fald-np Capital and Accumulated Jnds, 08,000,000 IN GOLD. PKEV0ST & HEEEINQ, Agenti, S 49 No. 107 & TUIRD Street, Phllaclelpula, CHAS. M. PREVOST. CHA3. P. ngRIUNQ " REMOVAL. R L. J. H. MICHENER & CUM STJIlliIRS OF THE CELEBRATED "Excelsior" Sugar-Cured Hams, Tongues and Beef, Have Removed to their NEW STORIJ, Nos. 122 and 124 ARCH STREET, 11 16 lmrp PUILADKLPHIA. A LEXANDER O. CATTELLACO. tV. PBODUOK OOMMIH8ION M RROUAJiXkV No. iM AORT11 WUARVK3 AND Ho, J7 KORTH WATFR 8TRKBT. Plill.ADKLPiUA. ' I DA AUS4JTDIJI O OattoxjU Sfr.Tiiw CASxau EMPIRE BLATE MANTEL WORKS JB AMUSEMENTS. LA U K A KEEN E'8 OHFHNITT STRFKT TUKATRR. . . DURING TUB WI'.KK, with new scenciy snd appointments, art adaptation of iMf.lij-rs I Maladie Imseinairn," oomody, in three acts, by Charles Hcsrle, Ka.., entitled ' t itip vvi-iW AUCV HOU8FMAID. LAURA KKi-iVKss Toinetta as ptrtorincd l.y her to crowded hmis at'LaiiVa Kei-ne's . , j. , . Theatre, A'ew York. loncludiog with - . A POPULAR COM RDIK1TA, J"ri:!''ln? M,r''suntan(l Vining Kowera aimeartnir 6 KD IIII.DRHN'8 At XtINKK Ha 1 URDAY. t-V.l;HrJAt'K' TUK G,AfiT K1LLK.R. OK, 'I IF. WHITK LADY OF WICKLOW in preparation, with new scrnpry snd effects. ALNl'T 8TRF.ET THKVTRE, N. E. COR. NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Tho Management hss much pleasure In announcinir an engagement with the renownel Artiste, "Dnounc,D 1M , Mlh HATKMAN, ?.WLJ.make hcr CrBt PKsrance in Philadelphia, in six ST lsTII( Ou .k ... l MONDAY, Doeemher , wtien will he presented tho New Drama, by Tom Taylor, wnttcn expressly f..r Miss Kateman. entitled ,nlor Tk.n .ik MARY WARNKR. M,,l:7l!oRGAJoSD,A,N.,Ul',K'rtedb' i a ... MI88 VIRGINIA FRMVC1S. r'h.u. A"d "'i6 f,,1L '"' f the Company. 2'it Cbalrs secured Hi das in advance. WALNUT BTREET THEATRE BEGINS AT i,to 8.-THI8 (WednedX,7 NIGHf Deol when wil e produced Hi. great dramatisation of Mrs II li. blows a world-tamed Nmsl. " u UNCLR TOM'S OARTN; OR, LIFF. AMONG THK IXWl,Y. the intense power and exiuisite pathos of which hava secured for it a success onequalled In Amohcan drama! a annals, and Invested it, in the popular regard, with peren nial beauty and freshness. "Jii Jn order to accotnmoihite fnniilios an DNCI.K TOM MATINRK WILL BK GIVKN OS SATURDAY. Poors open at 1 commence at 2 o'clock. M RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins to 8. 1 THIS (Wednesrtsy) EVENING, Doc. 1. only night of Craven's Comedy, '1 UK NKKDI UL. Mrs JOHN DRKW as Kate Harloy, the Heiress Aided by the bull Compnny. THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVFNTNGS S1NGLK LIFK snd OUR WIF8. ' SA'IURDAY-THK WOXUKR. MONDAY-I HK OVKR LAMP RQUTK. DUPREZ A BENEDICT'S OPERA HOUSE SEVKNTH St.. below Arch (Late Thoatre Comlauel Animated lirilliant Audienoes Nightly. THIS fiVF.NINGand Continue Kvery Night. DUPRKZ A BENKDICT'S GREAT GIGANTIC MINSTRKLS. An Extraordinary Now Programmo This Week. Fngagement of the Artist, Mr. FRANK KENT, from San rrancif t-o Minstrels, Broadway, New York. I- irst W ek-Burlet nue 4-T-Thioves. I-irst Week-Great Railroad Explosion. ' Admission, Mic Paniuet, 25o. tiallery, 2ftc. "NJEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA i.1 UOUSK, ELEVENTH Street, above Oheanut. 1HK FAMILY RESOHT. .k- . OARN"8S HIXEY'S MIN8TREIJ9. the great Star Troupe of the world, in their uneoualls ETHIOPIAN KOIRKKS, BEAUTIFUL BALLADS. SONGS. OPERATIC SELECTIONS, and ' Dul,un' kverk'vSg81 BimucsQum R. F. SIMPSON, Tre,-.urOAKJOROB8' "'ghfon, 1 O X'8 AMERICAN THEATRE, A OTPN THE YEAR ROUND. EVERY EVENING RITA PERCY. Great Stnttiesque Artiste, the Perfection DArV)SA RRRNT, the Queen of Song; Mad'lle, LA FETE CALAIS, THE GREEK SLAVE, ETO. Matinee on SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 9 o'clock. MERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC WINTER TERM will begin MONDAY, Jan. 8, 1879. Names of New Pupils should be entered BEFORE THE lfiiH OF DECEMBER. There are a fow vacancies which may be tilled by making early application at tho ortico, 11 J 1 lit No. UiiM WAL&UT STREET. T'EMPLE OF WONDERS, ASSEMBLY BUILD - X 1NG8 SIGNOR BLITZ in his New Mysteries, assisted by his Son. THKOl ORE BLITZ. Evenings at 7'.(. Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 9. MAGIC, VKNTRILGOUI8M, CANARIES. AND BCR LESgCK MINSTRELS. Admission, giic. Reserved Seats, fslo. 11 11 tf SENTZ AND IIASSLER'S MATINEES MUSICAL FUND HALL, WWO, every SATUR DAY AFTEROON at S o'clock. ' 10 18 TALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTH V GARDEN, Nos. 720. 722, 724, and TM VINE Stref THE GRAND ORCHESTRION, formerly the propeS of the GRAND DUKE OF BADEN, purchased at grol expense by JACOB VALER. of this city, in oomhitiatU with FI AMER'K ORCHESTRA and Miss NELL1 ANDERSON, will perform EVERY AFTERNOON aa EVENING at the above-mentioned place. Admlssit free. 1 Lltf LUMBER. 1fitO SPRUCE JOIST. iQrtfi 1001 SPRUCE JOIST. l0l)H HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. 1 Q(iC SEASONED CLEAR PINR Too ' 100 J SEASONED CLEAR PINK. lOD CHOICE PATTERN PINK. bPANISU CEDAK. FOR PATTERNS, RED CEDAR, 1Q;o FLORIDA FLOORINO. -ton.. lOOy FLORIDA FLOORING. lOOU CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE Fl CORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. RAIL FLAN K. 1 Q A WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. -t nfi loOy WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK-lOOy WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. i Q(lf UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. 4 Qn( lOOy UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. Io0i7 RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINK. 1869 SEASONED POPLAR. lOnci SEASONED CHERRY. lOOy WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1 OPfi CIGAR BOX MAKERS' H Q(t lOOy CIGAR BOX MAKERS' lOOy. SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. . i a Trj txt a cn k vti imn -a . . J V ,r lUJLilllA A A. As UJAJAJUa W W NORWAY SCANTLING. tona CEDAR SHINGLES. 1 Q i" f lOOy CVPRESS SHINGLES. lOOy MAULE, BROTHER CO., 11, ; No. 8600 SOUTH street. "JJNITED STATES BUILDERS' MILD,' FIFTEENTH STREET, BELOW MARKET, ESLEE & BE0TEEE, Proprietor.. WOOD MOULDINGS, . BRACKETS, ETO. BALUSTERS AND TURNING WORK. A Large Stock always on hand. 911 3m TJAliEL PLANK, ALL TIIICKNESSES.-l X 1 COMMON PLANK. ALL THICKNESSES. 1 COMMON BOARDS. 1 snd SI SIDE FKNCK BOARDS. WHITE PINE FLOORING BOARDS. YELLOW AND SAP PINK FLOORINGS. IX and SPRUCE JOIST. ALL SIZES. . " HEMLOCK JOIST, ALT. SIZES. PLASTERING LATH A SPECIALTY. Together with a general assortment of Building Lumber for Bale low for eaaU. T. W. SMA L'l'Z, HSHto FIFTEENTH and BTTLEM Btreets. LUMBER UNDER OOVSK ALWAYS DRY. Walnut, White Pine, Yellow Pine, Spruce, Hem lock, Shingles, etc., always on hand at low rates, WATSON k GLLLINGUAM, W5 No. (r24 RICHMOND Street, 18th ward. yy 1KB Q U A It D s, FOR STORE FRONTS, ASYLUMS, FAO. TORIES, ETO. Patent Wire Balling, Iron Bedsteads, Ornament Wire Work, Paper-makers' Wires, and everj varlu; . of Wire Work, manufactured by M. WALKER k SONS, 8fmw No. 11 N. SlXTUStreof DR. M. KLINE CAN CURE CUTANEOUS Eruptions, Marks en the Skin, Ulcers in the throat, mouth aud nose, sore legs and sores of every conceivable character. Otnoe, No. 08 Sou tit JOJC VENT1J, between a-UaiUtax4iUlAilSU Bit 11