taring tltgtanti rUBLlSHBD BTIST AFIIRNOON CBT7ND1TS BZOimO), AT TBI KTENING TSLBQRAFII BUILDING, NO. 108 a THIRD STRKST, rmLADKLFniJu XM fHM li (Atm cent per eopy double theet); or tiQhtem oente pur we, payable to the carrier by whom tervrd. The rubteriptUm prioe by mail U Nine Dollar per annum, or On Dollar and fifty Cents for io month, invariably in advance fer the time ordered. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1809. A Speedt Resumption of Specie Payments finds no favor with Western Congressmen, who, as fast as they arrive in Washington, are reported to pronounce against any and every Bchenae for premature resumption, with re markable unanimity. It is also said that the President has become convinced of the im practicability of immediate resumption. With the President and the Secretary of the Trea sury and the united Western delegation in Congress on the right track, there is little or no cause to fear mischievous legislation at the approaching session of Congross. Many business interests have already been disas trously allectod by the unauthorized and un founded resumption rumors. The stagnation existing in some directions, the fears of a crash in others, and the genoral feeling of doubt and distrust in regard to the future, may all be traced to this source. The sooner these doubts are dissipated the better will it be for all concerned. There is no serious cause for apprehension, and the only possible basis for alarm consists in tho fact thut a few leading men desire to hasten resumption. They do not, however, wield a controlling in fluence on this subject, and despite thuir most vigorous efforts, the period that must necessarily elapse before specie payments can be prudently resumed is to be counted by years rather than by months. Anotheb bewildering legal warfare, involv ing the control of the Erie Railway, n being prosecuted in the Now York city and State courts. There is even more than the usual medley of suits and counter-suits, ordors and counter orders, injunctions and counter Injunctions, and the real meaning of the whole struggle is as mysterious as ever. Whatever be the issue, there is little doubt that honest stockholders will still be swindled, and that some of the New York jndges will be as ready as ever to shield unscrupulous and swindling speculators. Following a Bad Example. The example set by the Rebel members of the Georgia Legislature has become contagious, and the radical members of the Alabama Legislature have set about the task of rooting out their so-called Democratic colleagues. It is the old story over again of the chicken and the curse that came home to roost. ONB HUNDRED AND TEN APOSTLES OF MOB- MONism have just been let loose upon the country by Brigham, Young, and soon the whole horde will be at their proselyting task. It is about time that this Mormon iniquity had received the serious attention of the country. Congress cannot better employ its odd moments during the approaching session than in making an effort to put a quietus on the polygamous saints. An instructive lesson in railway manage ment is afforded by the developments in the suit now pending in Ohio between the Erie and Atlantic and Great Western Railway Com panies. The indebtedness of the latter com pany is shown to be $SH,37;i,207, only $30,000,000 of which is credited to the stool; amount, while it is contended that tha roid would not sell for $15,000,000, if put into the market. NAPOLEON'S DESIRE FOR LlllERTY. A cable despatch this morning, with that delightful vagueness for which cable de spatches are noted, states that it is reported that the Emperor Napoleon, in giving com . mands for the preparation of his speech for the opening of the Chambers, said: "I de Sire the widest and most absolute affirmation of liberty." It is very probable that Napo leon said this or something resembling it, for it sounds like him. He has never hesitated to affirm the most liberal principles ever Since the coup d'etat by which he obtained possession of the throne, but unfortunately bis principles and his practices have generally been directly opposed to each other. It is evident, however, that the situation of affairs is such at the pre sent time that he sees the absolute necessity for yielding something, or at least for ap pearing to yield to the liberal ideas of the age. He is still stronger than his opponents, but with the example of some of his prede cessors before him, he is probably shrewd enough to see that the time has come when it is necessary to relax a little the despotism of Lis system if he expects to retain his hold of power for the balance of his life, or to give L'fl sou even a reasonable chance to suoceed him. The French people are not io be relied upon, especially by a man who has piajed the tyrant, and any untoward accident may precipitate a collision betweon the people and the Government, and unite all the now disorganized factions of the oppo sition for the overthrow of the empire. A mere affirmation of the widest and most ab solute liberty, however, will not be enough of itself, and the recent performances of the Emperor, such as the postponement of the constitutional day of assemblage of the Corps Legislatif, are not calculated to inspire much confidence in his professions. TIIE COAL QUESTION. At the last monthly trade sales of coal by the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Rail road Company, whioh occurred on the 21th Last., there was a decline in prices, as com pared with the sales of October 27, which averaged more than one dollar a ton on the various qualities, ajyKprioopaid for the We TUB DAIIiV" liVHNINO llXl'XnU'lI-I'JllbAOm-iUA, BATUKDA-g, see no good reason why Philadelphia pur chasers should not enjoy the benefits of a similar decline. It appears by the reports of the Reading Railroad that it brought to mar ket, np to the 2.rth Inst., more than 600,000 tons in exooss of the amount transported during the same period last year; and al though the Schuylkill Canal transported 300,000 tons less in 1803 than in 1808, there is still an aggregate increase from the Schuyl kill region of more than 300,000 tons. The operators and retail dealers can best explain why higher prices should be demanded here than in New York, but it seems evident that extortionate rates can only be maintained here, if at all, by artificial and oppressive combinations. Bradwell and Brioiiam. "Judge" Brad well, who hails from Chicago, and whose sole claim to notice appears to be founded on the fact that he is the wife we Bhould, per haps, have said the husband of Mrs. Brad well, has been so completely befogged by the old lodios that he has gone over to the enemy. In a speech delivered at the Female Suffrage Convention now in session at Cleveland, ho said that "he felt like taking to his arms everybody who had fought under this ban ner" that is to Bay, the woman's banner and Mrs. Bradwell, who does not permit the "Judge" to go out of her sight, sat by without rebuking the utterance of such polygamous Bentiments. There are a few of the female oracles which we would advise the "Judge" to keep at a distance, Lucy Stone and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and some others who are already wedded and contrive to keep their husbands in leading strings. Since they manage one husband so readily, the chances are that they would be equally successful in manipulating a brace of Buch trivial append ages. But with Susan B. Anthony and Anna Elizabeth Diokinson and some others whom we might mention if we had the ' time, the case is vastly different. Tho "Judge" is at liberty to take the whole crowd "to his arms," and if he is satisfied with his bargain, ho will doubtless find thorn even more than content with the arrangement. Horace Okeki.kv, although srrcut as n philosopher, Is not much as a penman. In sliort, he writes about the most execrable lmnil that was ever written by mortal man, not even excepting the late Ruftis Choate, whose writing neither himself nor tho Evil One could decipher. Two or three good anecdotes concerning the philosopher's chlronrrnphy, which we have not seen in print, arc told by Tribune men. On one occasion the great editorial genius wrote tho words, "Save your money and buy land," and when the compositor, whs had been familiar with the peculiar scratches of the philosopher from early youth, had puzzled himself over It for a half-hour or so, he made It out to be "Save your money, Benjamin Wood," and, to Greeley's indignation, thus Bet It up. On another occasion the philosopher indulged In the familiar Shakespearian quotation, "Tis true, 'tis pity, and pity 'tis 'tis true." I'.ut, as Horace seldom quotes poetry, and seldom writes an article without dabbling more or less In figures, the anxious type setter interpreted the quotation in this wise, " 'Tis two, 'tis fifty; 'tis two, 'tis tlfty-two!" The philo sopher, on this occasion, indulged in a little pro fanlty when he received his proof. SPECIAL. NOTICES. for aiUUHonal Special Notices Me the IntiJe Itqe. jggga. GENTLEMEN WISHING A Cut In the highest style, and made up with every embellishment of Silk Facings, Velvet Collars, Quilled Lapels, etc., can get it best, cither ready-made or to order, at Nos. 818 and 8'2 CHESNUT Street. COAT, ANY GENTLEMAN WISHING PANTS whether plain or nobby, mode of fancy Cassimerc or Heavy Cloths, artistically cut, warranted to fit well, can get the best, either ready-made or to order, at Nos. SIS and 820 CHESNUT Street. ANY GENTLEMAN WISHING A cut high or low, made of Velvet, Silk, or any other tine material, can satisfy himself best in the Custom Department or Heady-made Department of Nos. 81Sand 820 CHESNUT Street, VEST THE CHESNUT 8TREKT CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, OF 102G5 JOHN WANAMAKER NOS. 818 AND 820 CHESNUT STREET. OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS. jT JOHN B. G O U G II AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 5, Subject "OniCUMSTANCKS." MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBElt 13, Subjoct-"llAUlT." UENRY WARD BEEC11ER, Subject not yet announced, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1. HORACE GREELEY, "The Woman Question," TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2L'. TheM Lectures will be delivered in tho Academy of MubIc, on the days named, for the boneiit ef the Young Men'i Christian Association of Philadelphia. Ticket for the course of four lectures will be sold at Duffiold Ashmead's Bookstore, No. Tii Obesnut street, on Tuesday, November 80. Single Ticketi on Wednesday, December 1. Reserved Seats Course Tickets, 82 W ; Sin gle Tickets, 76o. ; Familr Oirclo, 60o. 11 30 34 37 29 J ACAD E M Y O F MUSIC. TIIE STAR COURSE OF KIKTH MMTTITRK LECTURES. ON MONDAY KVHNINli, Nov. 39. , . A HON. H. H. OOX. Subjeot-"Proftress in Spain." (Preparod expressly for this occasion.) WEDNESDAY KVKN1NO. Deo. 1, c HON. OI1AKLKS SUM NIC It, Subject "The QupHtinn of Oaste." rill DAY KVKNINd. Deo. II, KIV. KOliKKT OOLXYKIt. D. D.. Subject "Clear Orit." Dec. ? MARK TWA I N. Deo. -1kOOUDOVA. Deo. lo-WKNlKLL PHILLIPS. Admission, 60c. Reserved seats, 75c. Tickets for sale at OOULD'H Piano Warerooms, No. 923 f JliKBNUr Street, and at the Academy on the evening of Uie Lectures. Orchestral Prelude at V4 o'clock. II 23 Tt jT STAR LECTURES. WANTED, ONE FRONT SKAT in parquet for balance of tbe Course, for a deaf uiw. (load seat given iu escliauge, with ir. miuiu, or will buy tickets. Address Post Oltice. Ilui Win. ii;2i' 8PEOIAL NOTIOCB. J5fjjr II- C. II L A I R'tt SONS, APOTHKOARIK8, EIGHTH AND WALNUT BTRKKTS, have established a Tirsoch Store at tha 8. W. eorosrof KIGHTKRNTH and OUKSNUT Streets, where they will dispense Pure Drags, and physicians oin relv on getting the best of everything. U 17 thtii6t OLOTHINU, TO PUT YOUR FAMILY IN A GOOD HUMOR, TO RELIEVE TOUR MIND OF ANXIETT, TO PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST CHILLY AUTUMN, TO SECURE EXTRAORDINARY HAPPINESS, TO BE RESPECTED BY YOUR NEIGHBOR, Clothe yourself Clothe yourself Clothe yourself Clothe yourself IN A 6UIT of Fine Paslilonable Fall Fine Fashionable Fall Fine Fashionable Fall CLOTHES! From the Ample stock Of Splendid Clothing Of every variety. Ready made, And ready to be made. At startllngly low prises, At the mammoth Great Brown XXall R0CKHILL & WILSON, NOS. 603 AND 605 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WESTON & BROTHER. TAILORS, No. 900 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA, Invite special attention to their HANDSOME STOCK OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS, JUST RECEIVED. A SUPERIOR GARMENT AT A REASONABLE PRICE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 9 18 3mrp OGDEN & HYATT, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 815 ARCH STREET. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE GOODS. TERMS MODERATE. 9 10 thatu3mrp THE CHESNUT STREET One-price Clothing House, NO. 609 CHESNUT ST., ABOVE SIXTH. COMPLETE NEW FALL STOCK. LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. DO NOT FAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINE. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. 9W8tuth3m PERRY & CO. CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC. TYNDALE, MITCHELL & WOLF, No. 707 CHESNUT Street. China. Glass, and n lotuthsmrpj Fancy Goods. Special Attractions in Holiday Goods. CURTAINS AND SHADES. C N a I N MATERIALS. LACE CURTAINS, 113-00 to SG0-00 a pair. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, f 'i to $14 a pair. WINDOW SHADES, all kinds. SILK BROCATELLES, SMYRNA CLOTHS, PLUSHES, REPS, TERRIES AND DAMASKS, all colors. TASSEL, GIMPS, FRINGES, ETC. 11 SC 31 RAILROAD SUPPLIES. W. H. CARRY! & SONS, No. 723 CHESNUT STREET, IN E. H. GODSnALK A CO.'S CARPET STORE, (TWO DOORS ABOVE OUR OLD STAND). SEWINC MACHINES. QARTRAM & FANTON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES ARE THE MOST DURABLE, THE LIGHTEST AND WILL PERFORM THE GREATEST RANGE OF WORK IN THE MOST SATISFACTORY MANNER. SOLD AT 10 CASH, BALANCE 5 PElt MONTH, Or special discount for cash down; re Died (1 permout'i Also eiohuDRod. Do not fail to examine them at No. in.-s niLs.MT stiu:i:t. H37stuthtotrp WM. T. HOPKINS. Ciii:naihai:i: xi:uitAiirv. DKLAW ARK TKBHAP1N. ALL KINDS WILD OA MR. JOHN MARTIN, II linrp No. nig AIAUKKT Htnwt g3Tli i:nsk, 1UCO., A CO., OII.H, UI93W No. 13-1 S.SKOOND Street WINES. O L D WINK S. WE OFTER TO CONSUMERS OF t N E AV I IX 12 A GOOD VARIETY OF WINKS AT TH8 LOWEST CASH TRICKS, ALL OUR OWN IMPORTATION. VIZ.: Amontillado and Rich High Orade HI 113111 6 Y. I.n.lo Blieriv. OUR FAMOUS TABLE SHERRY. At 2T5 pvr gallon by the cask, or J-C per gallon bj the live gallon demijohn. kIM, VERY OLD PORT WINES, VINTAGES OF 1325, 13S0, 18tT, an 155. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. Comer BROAD and WALNUT. NEW PUBLICATIONS. JOI.IIyY PKIISUNTS!! HARDING'S EDITIONS OI' TIIK HOLY IJllJH Family, Pulpit, and Photograph Bibles, CHRISTMAS, F0B W EDDING AND BIlfTHDA V PRESENTS. Also, Presentation Bibles for CHURCHES, CLERGYMEN, &OCIETIKS AND TEACH HUS. ETC. New and superb assortment, hound In Rich Levant 1 urkey Morocco. Paneled ami Ornamental Dasiiriia. equal to the London and Oxford editions. atle.Hs than half their prices. AV. AV. I IA.lt 13 1 IV Gr, No. 326 CHESTDT STREET, STRENGTH, BHAUTY, CHEAPNESS. COMBINE!)! Harding's Patent Chain-back PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. For Weddlnjr. Holiday, or Birthday Presents, theac Albums are particularly adapted. The hook trade and dealers In fancy articles for holiday sales will find the most extensive assortment of Photograph Albums in the country, and superior to any heretofore made. For great strength, dura bility, and cheapness, Harding's Patent Chain-back Albums are unrivalled. Purchasers will and it greatly to their advantage to examine those new lines of goods before making up their orders for hollduy stock. AlHO.a large and splendid assortment of new styles of Photograph Albums made In the usual manner. W. W. ITA.ltl)IlVO, NO. 326 CHESNUT STREET, 11 n lm PHILADELPHIA. N E E N I L E S. OUST PUBLISHED Br m;rru:i,i asiimuau. No. 724 CHESNUT STREET, 'Tom Harding and His Friends," (being volume 4, and the concluding volume, of the 8unny Hour Library), by Nellie Eyster. 1 ?ol. lCmo. l-25. "Beacon Lights," by Paul Cobden, author of "Bessie LovelL" "Madge Graves," etc. etc l vol lOnio. $1-25. Teifle and Fairies," by Taul Cobden. 1 vol. lOroo, "Carrie's Idol," by May. 1 vol. lCmo. 1 1 -28. "Rhymes, Pictures and Stories" :or Children, with 800 illustrations. 1 vol li-as "Two Llttie Apple Merchants," by Jean Mace. 1 voL lOmo. Il-oo. "Nut Cracker and Sugar Dolly." 1 vol. l8mo. 05 cents. (A republication of an old and popular juve nile book). Alt the New Books are for sale by DUFFIELD ASHMEAD, 11 2T3trp? No. T24 CHESNUT Street. jf o ii i i a v a o o i g. Closing; out Retail Htock at a UICEAT SAC'KII'Il'i:. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ANNUA IX, ji vi:mi.ix, toy bookn. PHAVJ:it IIDOKN, hikm:, ktc. urc. CIIAKIJKS lESII,Vi:ie, No. 1229 CHESNUT STREET, It 57 tathl3ttp PHILADKLPHIA. JJARPER, AND ALL OTHER MAGA ZINES TOR DECEMBER, NOW READY. SuliHcript lonn received and Maxsiin.. delivered or utuiled in advance of any otbur house, free of vliariro. Closing out our SURPLUS K'lOUK OK 7)l,OTH BOOK 8 AT 60 OKNT8, each to make room for HOLIDAY OOOJJrl. MuKaine and BOOK BINDING io every style made a peoialty. UMap ti;r.m:k iikotiii:ics & co Bookaellera and Chromo Dealers, No. 808 CHESNUT STREET. ART GALLERIES. C. F. HASELTINE'S Galleries ot ilo A.r&, No. 1125 CHESNUT STREET. LOOKING GLASSES. Frame, made to order, repaired and regilt ARTISTS' MATERIALS. New and Old Emrravineii. Ohroraoe of all kind., Ant. tyiMts, I'laiu and Colored Photograph, .to. An immenae ttock on band. Paintinita restored, relined, cleaned, and varnlxhed. tendoTlo parttt'uil1 10 Art or i!krt Matter kept or at- The Galleries of Oil Paintings, With a splendid enllee tion, open tree. 11 lujrp KODGER8' AND WOSTENnOLM'S POCKET Jt.NAVK8i PerI nl H' Handles, of beautiful llniah, UOOUiiRH'and WiDKi BUTUH ICR'S RAZORS, aud the oelebrated LKOOLTRK KAZOtt bUliiUOittfo the finest quality. Kasora, Knivea, Sclnaors, and Tabl. Cutlery Oroand and Poltuhed at V. MADKIRA'H, Nu. 116 a X1QNTU Btreat, biuw CJbamoU t U tut JET OOOOS, NEWEST STYLES DIXON'8, No. SI o. UUiU'l'U Street ' Miles MOVKMiJIJU 2T. I860. HOMER, COLL NTOOK OF DRESS GOODS, SILKS, Em, RXii&t le Hold Oft' Tfiiiiifiiy Homer.' Col lad ay & Co. Crape Poplin Only 23c, Worth 30. Homer, Colladay & Co. Roubaix Poplins, Only H$c. Worth SO. Homer, Colladay & Co. Double Fold. Heavy Corded RXohairs in Fashion able Dark Shades. 37c, Worth $100. Homer, Colladay & Co. Triko Foplias For Walking- Suits, Only 50c. Homer, Colladay & Co. Sest Quality Serges Tor Walking' Suits, Only 45c. Homer, Colladay & Co. Silk Epinglines, Only 75c, Worth $150. Homer, Colladay & Co. Fine Empress C!oths in all the New Colors. 55c. Homer, Colladay & Co, Best Qualit7 Green and Blue riaids Tmportel. Only 87ic HO TIER, COLLADAY C CO. CIOAK DEPARTMENT. In this department we have made an entire revision o the Piicos of our Cloths. Astrachans, Cloaks, Suits, and Velvets, and the greatest bargains are now offered to pur chasers. a Nos. 1412 and 1414 CHESNUT STREET, i it tr smwrtt AD AY & CO.'S !.v tlio lifteentU of! Homer, Colladay & Co. ( Black Silks, Best Lyons Make, $150, worth' 8250. Homer, Colladay & CoL Black Silks. 'A Best Lyons Make, $2'00, worth 8275. i' Homer, Colladay & Cc' Black Silks, j Best Lyons Make, ' 8225, worth &3'oi Homer, Colladay & Co. Black Silks, ' Best Lyons Make, 8250, worth 8325. Homer, Colladay & Co. Hosiery of all Kinds, from 25 to 33 less than before. Homer, Colladay & Cc Linen Housekeeping Goodie, An immense Stock, At 25 to 331 Less. Homer, Colladay-& Co. Lyons Silk Velvets, All Widths, At Large Concessions. Homer, Colladay & Co. Mourning Goods In Infinite Variety, . i Lower than since the Warj 1'IIII.AMSU'UIAl. 1