'(. j n 'i.a a TIIE -DAILY- EVENING TELEGRAPII PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDA T, NOVEMBER 3, 1669. n n w-"sr o n u i oi s, ; awwwaasSiawawwBw Vm Our Own Corrwporuifnt. New York, Nov. 3, 1800. Very IHnch Needed. ' For the benefit of a chronic Buflererwho figures under the solitary Initial of M., and the information of a relentless individual named Metliliek, who has been publicly appealed to by the former for the lout four months, and who disdains reply, I give gratui tous notoriety to tho following parafrrnph extracted from the "Personals" of the Herald, to wit:-. METHLrCK. JULY 13, 180!t. I HAVE BEEN seriously ill : getting bett.r, but rary wosk ; come If you possibly can immediately, for you are more needed than you can think. M. It is scarcely necessary to say the Personals of the Herald are What the majority of well-regulated peo ple glance over every day upon sitting down to breakfast where the damp sheet awaits them. A sort of personal Intercourse thus springs up between the habitual advertisers under that head and the habitual readers of such advertisements. With these, M. and Metliliek have got to be quite like old friends, or rather old acquaintances, for while everybody sympathizes with the patient long sutrer lng M., the character of Metliliek for hardliearted ness has been long established. The number of specifics that have been sent to the Herald letter-box nddressed to M. would make a medical recipe book of several hundred pages. Every aged spinster' and oldest inhab. has raked her and' his memory for panaceas that never fall. You will notice that the patient has been getting better ever since July 12, but is "still" very went What depths of incapacity lie must have been sunk in previous to that date It Is beyond the flight of imagination to conceive. You will also Observe that Methllck Is adjured to come imme diately, for he is more needed than he can think. What sternly crystallizing process Metlillck's heart must have experienced in lis progress towards com plete lapldescence I cannot conjecture; but Its ln frangiblllty appears to bo complete. What Would ItiiMkln !ny t A gush of beautiful lmpractlcalitlcs, had the au thor of "Sesame and Lilies" been present, would have awaited the destruction of the tree which has so long stood on the pavement or No. 11G1 Broadway. It was planted by one of the earliest Dutch settlers who helped to father this country. The work of re moval was commenced on Monday evening, at 6 o'clock, was continued for one hour, and was re sumed again yesterday. By afternoon, trank and branch had alike been borne away. A limb was pre served to be placed beside that of the Stayvesant tree, kept In the ofllce of Commissioner Brennan, in the Central Police Ofllce. It was a butternut tree, very tall, of about ten feet in girth, and hollowed largely enough near the root to suggest its conversion Into a public work-box. During a large part of j es- terduy the oars stopped running in consequence of the razing of the tree blocking np Broadway, and several hundreds of people assisted at the obsequies. The late General Morris' poetic Incantation to that memorable woodman was not recited and sung; but the detained passengers and car drivers gave vent to another species of incantation that was nnythlng but sweet and soothing. Mr. Iiuskln would say that we despised natural scenery, and that by cutting down this fine old tree we had indicated our sacrilegious presence amid a "white leprosy of new hotels and perfumers' shops." the Fat Man's Ball, of which so much has been lately said, is to take place on the 20th of December, at Irving Hall. At . the last meeting of the club a long discussion took place as to the band which should be employed, but preference was at last given to Orafulla's, on the ground that fat men preponderated In it. A musical committee, in which fat wa9 the qualification sought after, was appointed, and the new seal of the asso ciation exhibited. It represents an exceedingly squabby man with a sombrero-like chapeau, and a greasy grin which gives his face an appearance of an apple-dumpling with a mouth in It. Altogether the seal Is an Impressive piece of Ingenuity. Sleep for Male. De Qulncey says that when he first purchased opium, It was like discovering that pleasure could be bought by the bottle and oblivion by the rules of liquid measure. The New York Medical Society is making known the fact that something very like this has been done in the discovery of the anesthetic known as clfloral-hydrate. Wheu the proper quantity is Judiciously Injected, a sound, re freshing Bleep ensues, from which the patient awakes with the appetite and resilient spirits which follow the sleep or health. It is said to be superior to ether, chloroform, a ad morphine, and may be taken with water, mucilage, or orange-peel. It Is flue to the experiments of Dr. Ltebrlght, of Berlin, who first brought It to light last July, and was Intro duced into this city three weeks ago by Dr. Jacoby. With the exception of the small quantity brought by Dr. Jacoby, there is none in the United States, so that its success among slecpless.Amerlcaus remains to be tried. Nnowed Up. Now that the legitimate distance by time between New York and San Francisco has been placed at six days, it might reasonably be assumed that a trans-continental trip would have lost something of Its terrors. Not so. "Shall I get snowed up ?" is the first question which the prospective traveller asks himself before setting foot in the depot. How much desilcated meat and how many gallons of whisky shall I take with me? is the next question. Old travellers over that region tell blood-curdling tales of the time when stage-coach passengers were snowed up among the Rocky Mountain rastuesses, and a bevy or highly respectable tourists became improvised Into a colony of cannibals. This is not pleasant to contemplate, but It is possible, and dur ing the coming winter we may . possibly hear of a sudden precipitate or anthropophagi somewhere be tween here and San Francisco. . . The Uanlons. These handsome and courageous gymnasts are giving a very daring performance at the Tammany. Their "great act" consists in this that they trans form themselves Into two trapezes, their limbs and bodies corresponding to the horizontal bars and ver tical ropes of the ordinary trapeze. The youngest of them, a lithe and graceful boy, is then flung from one to the other of these human trapezes, at the im minent risk of being dashed to pieces. But it is iietter that his limbs should be broken than tliut the Tammany treasury should ; lnllnitely preferable that an athlete's-llfe should be lost than that a manager's seuson should. Don't you think so? An Baba. m MtSIC'AL. AHI IHtAMATlC. ' The City Anwaementa. At the Chksnct Tom Taylor and Charles Peade's comedy of Hank and Voce will be performed this evening. This ptece attracted muuh attention wheu it was produced at the Chesnut a few weeks ago, and Miss Keene has received numerous requests to give it again. It is a charming work, ami it is repre sented at the Chesnut in admirable style. The "Peg Wolllngton" of Miss Keene and the "Triplet" of Mr. Shcrldun are very artistic performances, and the comedy (s one that Is well worth seeing. On Friday Miss Keene will have her first benefit eince assuming the management or the theatre, when she will appeur as "Lady Teazle" lu oherldau'a corned v ot The School or ScanttaL The first per formance of this stundurd play by the preseut com pany ought to attract a crowded house. at thr walnut Miss Lucille Western will ap pear this evening in tlaxt Lynnt. Oliver TwM is au- irtinicn.l fi.r nurfrirllinllCD utlOrtlV. At tub Ahcu the new druma of Lout at Sea will be performed this evening. AtDiu'rkz & bknkdicts Opera Hovsk. Seventh street, below Arch, au interesting minstrel perform ance will be given this eveuiag. at r nit k.iiivtKTii mkkkt opera IIoi'sk an at tractive programme of Ethiopian comicalities will be presented this evening. , 1IKUHU4NK will iiniiHur at the Acadt'inv of MuhIc this evening, with on entertaining variety of astonish tug feats of legerdeiuaiu. ileirmanu stands at the Ueud of Ills profession, and his performances ure very amusing. Mad i i k . ari.otta Patti will give a grand con cert at the Academy of Music onSutnrday alk'ruoou, n ii k-1-tn run be nidcnr.-.l lit Triimiiler'S. Thk FoNEWii.i.E LccTCichh. Mr. William L. Dennis will give the second of Ills humorous I'oney vllly Lectures, at the Assembly Bulkllug, this even lnir. Subject : "Social Fossils at Pouevvllle." Okciikstkal CoKCKKTS. Mr. Theodore Thomas announces a series of three grand orchestral con i-eris at Conceit Hull, cointucacinz Thursday, No vember 11. Mr. Thomas' orchestra Is now giving conceits in uosiou wuii mum success, anu as uu roiubl'iaiion is a strong oue, it wa twelve a i or Jul wUcoiue to tin cuy. CITY 1TF.MS. wrw Style FAt.t. OLOTnmn Mf.n's, YorfTir1, Ann I10YH'. In More a chntre assortment of entirely IVete B'i1 of tiond in Heatly-math Uarmettte, eupertnr in etile, Jit, and norkmnnehlp to any other ready-made took in I'hilndrlithia. Alto in the piece, to be made to order in the beet and init manner. ftompleenf Material tent by mail when denlred, "' llAI.P WAT HRTWRKN i BKNWKTT 4 Co., t'ifthand Towf.r Mali,, . " Htxth etreett.. ) 618 Matikft HtrkET, , i , PlIU.AIIBM'MtA. 1 AND 6(10 RnOADWAX, liKW VoilK. BoHKMlAN OOLOONF. 8F.TS ' ' Over K styles Jut opened at Gay'a China Piilace, No. 1(122 Chesnut street. I Earth Oisft Oompaht'S putent dry earth com modes and privy fixtures, at A. 11. Franolscus A Uo.'s, No. 613 Market stroot, ' r " . GET nF! Bfat. The Parhnm New Fnmlly LOOK-BTl'lUH KKWINU MAOlltNR. (Kaay Terms.) ' Salesroom. No. 7(M OHESNUT Streat. Ai.L THK standard acting plays as performed at the theatres, or for private entertainment, oan be obtained at Pf.TKB AUEL'S LlTMAKY UtTMOHlTT SHOP, No. S. Seventh street. JlWFt.RT. Mr. William W.Oassldy, No. 19 Sotith 8ooond treat, has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewolry and Silverware In the city. Purchasers oan rely upon obtaining a real, pare artlolo, furnished at a price wbioh cannot be equalled, lie also hsa a large stock of American Western Watches In all Tariotiea and at all prlcoa. A visit to bis store U aura to result In pleas ura and profit. Oat's (Jhima Palac e, No. 1023 Chosmit stroot, baa just received 23 casks Chamber Pots, from the celebrated Fernival Factory: all now designs. All the styles are kopt in stook, and trill bo sold in any quantity to suit parties, and in case of breakage the odd pieces can always be furnished separate. A Cahd. To Jimtitte and all whom it ma'u tnrrrn: From oortain publications which have oome to my notice during the past few months, I doem It proper to say that during all this time no dental operations (exocpt the ex traction of Ueth) have beca performed at our office, nor have we received one dollar for any such work done by any other dentist. It has ever been our endeavor to do buslnoss in a fair and honorable way, and wo have nnver interfered in any manner with the patients of other dentists, whethor sent to us by them or not.; Respectfully, J, J. Oor.TOK. Oolton Dun tnl Association. Latf.st Stylf.s. Fen Beaveb. Knqlish Paletots. Blue and Black. Ohimcbilla. Enolish Paletots. Blue, Brown, Black. O Ann's Finished Meltons. Enolish Paletots. Brown, Diiaii, Slate. AsTnACHAN. English Paletots. Brown and Black. Czarine Beaver. Enolish Paletots. Dahlia, Blue, Brown, and Black. Ready-made and made to order, at Charles Stokes', No. 824 6,'uesnut Street. SrfNNYBrDK Original Fire-Place Stove and Warm Air FcrtNACK Combined. The only Fire Place Stove ever invented that will warm the room in which it is situated. A 11 others fail in that particular. We have embodied in The Sunnyside all the latest and debt-known principles of consuming cool with eco nomy, and have discarded all the numerous imperfections that are being used In the Baltimore and Now York Fire place Heaters. Thk Sunnyside will produce more warm air with less fuel than any other Stove, and is acknowledged, by all who are using them, to be superior in every parti cular to the Bait imore and New York Fiio Place lleators, which they had heretofore used. Do not be deceived by misrepresentations in regard to Tb e Sonntbide, but call and examine It, and see the large nun-borof testimonials from those who have them in use, which will convince any person of its superiority to all others, at the Warming and Ventilating Warerooms of George P. Shooh A Co., No. 833 N. Beoond street. Because a Perron has a Bad Cotjoh it should not be inferred that Consumption baa set in, although a case of Consumption is rarely met with unaccompanied by a distressing Cough. Where, however, a predisposition to PulmonaryDisease exists, a Cough, if loft to itself, strains and racks the Longs and wastes the general strength, and soon establishes an iacurable complaint. In alt cases, thon, it is tho safer plan to get rid of a Cough, or Cold, or Hoarseness without dolay, and for this purpose no remedy acts more promptly or surely, or with more benefit to the organs of the Chest, than Dr. D. Jayne'b Expectorant, an article aoientiHoally com pounded from carefully selected drugs, and which, on trial, will always be found worthy of its world wide reputa tion. Sold by all Druggists. Impaired Digestion. All the organs of the body are, so to speak, the pensioners of the stouush. In that living laboratory is prepared the nourishment required to sus tain them, and by the vessels and ducts connected with the digestive apparatus, that nourishment is conveyed to every part of the system. Upon the quality and quantity of this element of .life, and upon the manner in which it is distributed and apportioned, physical health mainly de pends, and as the mind inevitably sympathizes with the body, the vigor of the one is absolutely necessary to the well-being of the other. It is because Hostktter's Stomach Bitters accom plishes this double object that it enjoys a reputation as a preventive and curative never heretofore attained by any medicinal preparation. But its direct beneficial opera tion upon the weak or disordered stomach is not its sole recommendation. It is the most comprehensive of a known remedies. It tones, strengthens, and regulates the discharging as well aa the assimilating organs; gently moving the bowels, promoting healthful evaporation through the pores, rousing the inert liver from its torpor, and Inducing harmonious and natural action in the whole animal machinery. This benign result is not produced by any of the reactionary drugs whioh are used so lavishly in the old school practice, founded by Paracelsus ; but by mild, safe, and agreeable vegetable agents intermixed with a pure and mellow stimulant whioh diffuses their in lluence through the system, and renders thoir sanitary properties active and effoctive. SO P E It CENT, saved In MOKE V, , 80 PER CENT, gained In COMFORT, 20 PElt CENT, added to APPEARANCE, by every one who buys his CLOTHING ' AT (JKEAT OAK HALL. TIIE LARGEST CLOTHING. HOL'SE, . ' t WANAMAKEH & BROWN'S, ' (SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. The sales at Oak Hull were never so large as they are to-day, and the prices never so low. ' New ens tomers are dally making the acquaintance of the house, and you should be one of them. - Oat's China Palace-, No. lnS3 Chosnut street, baa Just received by ship Nile, 127 crates Rtone China, from the most celebrated manu fnotorers in Staffordshire, including an Invoice of John Edwards' Havre shape, equal In appearanoa to Frenoh China ; will be sold at prices Uat will defy competition. w fflAItlUISD. HOOKKY-KKKNAN. On the 1st Instant, at fit. Mi c)iel Church, by Very Rev. M. A. Walsh, V O., Mr. JOHN A. HOOKEY to Miss MAGCIK A. K K.K.N AN. POWKW MAHAN. On the 27th nltlmo, at Trinity Cburnh, Hooky Hill N. J., by the Her. Albert B. Bak-r. JAM KH IIATKMON POVVKM, of Philadnlphia, to AH tiKLA H., eldest daughter of the late Francis 11. Maban, Ksq., of Kooky Hill, N. J. iii:i. 0A1!LnY-OntheM Instant, WILLIAM H. CANBY, aged t!S years. His friends and thote of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his p;ironts, No. HWl (ireen street, on Sixth-dsy (Friday), tb 5th Instant, at U o'clock. Interment at Woodlands Cemetery. DODSON.- On Wednesday morning, November 3, at Beverly, WILLIAM BLACKS lOJiK, son of William A. and Annie P. lodon,ned 7 years. The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of bis parents. Beverly, N. J., on 1 rulay afternoon at 2V4 o'clock. . TYKJE1,.l,A,;rRnyn'1" morning. November 1, WIL LIAM Kl RKH A M, in the 7Hth vcar of his age. The funeral will take place from his late resilience,- No. 121n Gilbert street., nn Thursday afternoon, the -Ith Instant, v u.uv. am vices At ot. leiera i Church at 4 o'clock punctually, I OAN. On November 1. MATtrjARlfT rnxv .m. of the late James Ixwn, in the iWtb year of her ace. The relatives and friends uf the family are respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral, from her lute residence, No. WW Burnett street, on Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, interment at rit. Mary's. McORACKKN.-On tbe2d Instant, JOHN McORAO KKN, aged 45 years and 11 months. The relativea and friends of the family, and Montgo mery Lol(te, No. lti, A. P. A. ; the W. O. Lodge of Penn sylvania, and K. W. U. Lodge of the United hlates; alno Mt. Caimel hnranipment. No. 1, A. P. A. the officers and Trustees of the A. P. Hall Asitociation of Kensington; aim Kensington Logo, No. 55. K. of P., and the Orders in fenerul, are respeotlully invited to attend the funeral, rom his late residence. No. l.il Howard street, on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, without further notice. Funeral to proceed to Franklin Cemetery. MrlLVAlNK. On the 1st instant, Mr. JOHN McIL VAINK, In the 55th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend tne funeral, from his Lite resilience, No. 170 Mochnnic street, Miinnyiink, on Thursday morning, the 4th instant, at 8 o'clock. Keiiuicm High Jlim uud inter ment at St. John's, ManayuDk. PIJTT. On the morning of the 2d instant, G F.ORGE L. Due notice of the funeral will bo givon. POTTH. Snddenly, on the morning of the 1st instant. 8AM U IlL 1'OTl'S, iu tho '.tiih year of his age. Funeral services at his lute residence, An. 130 N. Kle venth street, on Thii-sday, the 4th instant, at 1 o'clock A.M. Interment at Pol tatown. RUDOLPH On the 2d instant, F.LIZABETH RU DOLPH, aged 4 yeais and 7 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the fnneral. from the residence of bor parents, No. 853 Almond street, abovo Norris. ou Friday morning at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Mount Zion, Lower Darby. JONES' One-Price Clothing House, Our Garments are well made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE PRICE 13 ASKED. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, 9 18 wfmS No. 604 MARKET St, above SUth. FURNITURE. c AUTIONI BEWA11EI riioiTi'iir: THE TRIOK OF TRADE EXPOSED. It has been a plan of certain small houses in the Furni ture trade to give 5 or even 1U per oent. ooramis.-don to parties from other trades and stores bringing or sending customers to them, and then charging the purchasers a higher price for their furniture, or else sending thorn an inferior article. This is to caution parties not to go to stores where they are thus slily recommended by these interested advisers Alessre. Gould A Co. do not pay any commission to oarpet stores, or any others, and can therefore afford to sell cheaper, and give their customers the full benefit of this saving. They have by honorable dealing seoured the largest Fur niture Trade in the city, and hope to merit its continuance. GOULD & CO., N. E. Corner of NINiTH and MARKET Streets, and Nos. 87 anfl 31 North WKCONU Street. lU2.'t lit FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS, AT TUEIR NEW STORE, 1002 ARCH STREET. Are now selling their ELEGANT B rjRNITTjRE at very reduced prices. g 29 arnrp FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. 809 MARKET STREET. PARLOR, DINING-ROOM, and CHAMBER FUR NITURE, the Latest Style and best Manufacture. Also, FEATHER BEDS and MATTRESSES. 106mwf3m MINCED MEAT. ft2 INC ED MEAT. THE 11EST IX Till: MARKET. THE NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED 3YI IU A. T. THIS PACT IS BEYOND QUESTION. The undersigned Is now ready to fill ail orders for the above celebrated MINCED MEAT, so universally known all over the country. JOSHUA WRIGHT, S. W. CORNER FRANKLIN and SPRING GARDEN PHILADELPHIA. Fob Bali By all Gboclrs. lu g tfrp INSURANCE.. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE lKSUltAKCfi COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OU" PIIILALELPIIIA, (iiAimu), iAtoitiK vn:i Capital $500,000 Amuetu July 1, 1(b9, $4,503,09410 This Company Is now prepared to issue Certificates of Insurance, payable In London, at tne Counting House of Messrs. BROWN, SHIPLEY A CO. ,' ' CUAltl,i:S PLAT'l'i 111 mwf U9 81rp VICE-PRESIDENT. DEAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT sotenoe and skill have invented to assist the hearing in "e7 degTee of deafuessi also, Roapirators ; also ,Uran dall's Pat nut Crutches, .uperior to any others in use, al V. MADEIRA', tin. LU S. TJUiTli fcUMt, bWw OilMuuh DRY OOOL?S. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION in trices or BR Y C CODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO.. NO. 727 CHESNUT STKEET, In order to close out their Fall and Win ter Stock by December 1, will offer Extraordinary Bargains IN ' SILKS, DRESS GOODS, and MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS, . This stock la the largest and most varied ever offored at retail In this market, and more replete with staples and novelties of recent importations than any other In this city. ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT STREET, 10 tfrp PniLADELPniA. PRICE a WOOD, N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND FILBERT. Black Velveteens, a now lot, at bM,', T3, $l,15, l'iK, I'75 2, 2 EH and 3 25. Black Silks, 2, 2'25, 2 30, uio $3'50 per yard. I'laid Poplins. Ktripn Poplins. All wool Poplins. Silk and Wool Poplins, etc,, etc. Flanuols, Flannels. All Wool Dometand Shaker Dannols, very chesp. BLANKETS. BLANKETS. A largo assortment of Blnnkots at i:i 62, 3'87, 4"50, 5, 575 6, 723, up to 15 per pair. A large iissoituicnt of Ladies', Gontt', and Children's fi loves. Ladius' Cloth. Spun Silk, and Berlin Cloros. Gouts' and Children's Gloves in Cloth. Berlin, and Spun Bilks. Ladies', Gents', and Children's Hosiery. Haiiiliiiru KdfriiiiiR, Insertings and Flouncing. Wide Black Safh Tiihbons. Colored Sash Ribbons. All widths Black Velvet Ribbons. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND FILBERT K. B. 100 'oz. Duchess Paris Kid Gloves, real Kid, $1 per pair, cost $1'5J lo import. Jouvin's Kid (jlovos. 1(H) doa. Joseph Kid Gloves, choice colors, (il por pair. 1D GLOVES. KID GLOVES t'tu dozen Ladies' Duchess Kid Gloves, real kid, at $1 per pair, cost $1'50 to import, in dark, medium and light colors. At PRICE & WOOD'S, 111 31 swU; K. W. COItXER EIGHTH AND FILBERT LYONS BLACK SILK VELVETS, IN ALL WIDTHS AND QUALITIES. J. W. THOMAS, Nob. 405 and 407 North SECOND St.w U Bp ' PHILADELPHIA. JJDUSE.FUBNISHING DRY GOODS. Marseilles Counterpanes, from 1300 to $15-00. Jacquurd, Allendale, and Honeycomb Kpremla. 10-4, 11-4, l!M, and 13-4 Blankets In tne best makes. . Crib and Cradle Blankets in assortment. Loom and Wash Damask Table Linens, from CO cents toll oo. Barnsley Table Linen In extra widths. 80 dozen Bed Bordered Huck Towels, ot12X cts. Barnsley Towels, extra size, of the highest quality. STOKES & WOOD, S. W. COR. SEVENTH AND ARCH STS., PHILADELPHIA. swi CHAN. I SIMI'SOU & 11KO., Nos. V22 and 934 PINK Street. . Cheap Goods, Bargains. S cases yard-wide line Shirting Musling at 12 So., by piece or yard : this Muslin is worth ltfo., and ia suited for all kinds of underwear. 111(18 OI miuonii. ... . YYillisiusville Muslin 9t)o. by yard. Nainsook Plaids at 2o and 31o. Swiss Stripe Muslins at ly and 20o. Nainsook, Uanibno, and riwis. Muslins, all grade. Linen Towellings at 7, 10, IX and lbo. per yard. Liuea Napkins, ohoap. ... 1 inen Table DainaHk at very low prices. liird eye Nursery JDiuper by piece, obeap. Ballardvill. and other Hannels, cheap. (ireat inducements oiTered to persons burins' Blaok. We hav.a large assortment of Mohairsand Alpaca Poplin., all whioh were purchased at low prices at the end of tu season, and hundreds ot our customers have taken advan tage of this opportunity to aecure oheap goods for the coin- '"bUWater-proof Oloakings only 1 per yard. Don't forgot our iiu. yard-wid. blurting ia only 13)rfo. p'iil"AH. F. SIMPSON & HltO., 8 14swt DDI Nos. 122 and M4 PINK Btreet. j II A M II E It S, No. MO AltCH STREET. BARGAINS OPENING DAILY IN BLAOK GUIPURE LACKS. HLAOK THKKAD LAOK8. POINTK APPLUiUK LACES. VALKNOIKNNK LACKS. POINTK COLLARS. THHKAD COLLARS. VALKNOIKNNK HDKr'S , from $8. I'RKNCH MUBL1NS, yards wide, 86 cents. Hamburg Edgiugnew designs, verj 'cheap, 10 15 Im RAPSON'8 TRIMMING AND ZEPHYR STORE, No. 13 IVorlU KIWIITII Street, 10 9 lax Cornet ot Ohtrry strett. SPECIAL SALE tV.ILLIKEfti'5, AND ULAMvETS IiV THE SINGLE PAIR. : BLANKETS BY 'THE CASK. ALL TIIE BEST MAXES IN THE MARKET. ni:xrcE3iiisivTs to i-iousekeepkus It i3 usual to Sell Coarse Blankets at Low Prices. We offer the Finest Blankets at Low Prices. FLANNELS ! As we keep all the be&t makesof flannels, we are sure to suitour Customer. PRICES DOWN TO THE LOWEST POINT. TVe continue lo ofYei THE LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN THE CITY. DRY COODS. 1869. "AT THOHriLEY'3." ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY!!! (JREATLY REDUCED PRICES!!! AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GOOD.i!!! Wo beg lea, to make a "common tense" a'itment to "sniljle people," namely : Ti.at from a longezperienoein bnsinf ss, a clcse npplicatioa to buiiiets, ruuu.iw un ia ligbt expinnesand buying all goo Is (or cash, we oan orTcr to sell very mucb olienpur I Duo parties whose etpwses are four or f.i nundre " per oent mora tlmn ours, and wbo don't sell any more hoooV. And furt aoriLore, our siorj is large aud woll lighted, and ':entrally Located," (N. E. Cor. Eighth and Spring Garden), Of easy access from every psrt of the rftv by ta par. and exolinnge tickntaor passns, and we dtl.ver all joodi punctually, und tree of charg. SILK 8HAWL9, DRKSS GOODS B f.A N K KTS. FLAN N KSS, UAHSIH ERFS CLOTHS. CLOAK INtiH, LInWJ (iOl).S. KID OLOVKS, COUSKTS, siaRlb, HDiCIS., 1CTC!. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, N. E. Cor. Eighth and Spring Garden, 10 16 tf PHILADELPHIA. M X L L I K E IV 9 LINEN STORES. OLD STORE. No. 828 ARCH STREET. NEW STORE, No. I 128 CHESNUT Street. i;EV DEPARTMENT 13D CLOTHING. BEST BLANKETS, fresh from the uilUs. MABSEILLES BED QUILTS. HONEYCOMB QUILTS, all sizes. ALLENDALE AND LANCASTER QUILTS. LINEN SHEETINGS, all width COTTON SHEETINGS, all wlJtha. FILLOW CASINGS. We bid for a largfe trade In BED CLOTHING, y Belling reliable gooda at the lowest prices. 8 21 mwf LINEN DErARTMBriT, SHEETING LINEN, NAPKINS, PILLOW LINEN, DOYLIES, SHIRTING LINEN, TOWELS, TABLE LINEN, BIRD EYES, iTC. ETC. Also, a I all line of BLANKETS. PERKINS & CO., No. 9 SOUTH NINTH STi-EET, 9 6 mwf3ai5p PHILADELPHIA. NDIA SHAWLS, u i: o k u i; i' it v e it. No. 910 CJHEs.NfcT STREET, Will open Monday, Oct. 4, his Fall Importation of i j : n V- TT : ov.l.J n r- ! Aatu wctuuvi b xxaii ouawii nuu ouaiii, At moderate prices. With a choice selectlor.. NOVELTIES In the usual TASTE aud QUALITY Of HIS ESTA BLISHMENT. 10 2 8m G L.OVJUS! UI,OVi:S! CiLOVES! d. JUKI., W. lSPO M AU U fc'T KTDVVT MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN LADIES', GHN'TS'. CHILDREN'S, AND COACH. MEN'S GLOVES. ALSO, MANUFACTURER OK WUITK SHIRTS, TOGETHER WITH A FULL LINK OF GENTS' FUR. ' WISHING ftOODS In hi Imro FURS. SABLE FURS, RUSSIAN AND HUDSON'S BAY The subscriber having made tne above articles SPECIALTY in his business, has prepared a large as sortment in different styles at his Store, Xfo. 139 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. itaulihtii U yean ago, 10 8 fwsmrp JAIME 3 HX2XSZXV. JET GOODS, NEWEST STYLES. DIXON Na.Ub. tlG.JitaStWvii Ulgsrt OF BLAHKETS. FLAWTJELS ! NEW PUBLICATIONS. ; GOOD WORDS FOR THE YOUNG. A Ptofusely Illu.trated Magazine for Young People EDITED BY GEORGE MAODONALD, LL, D. NOW READY. THE NOVEMBER PART. COMMENCING THK NEW VOLUME, WITH THIRTY BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS. CONTENTS. 1. RANALD BANNERMAN-N BOYHOOD. ByGaorg. .hvuwumiu, uu.v. iti, i, ttiiu lure, uiuaira- With nous. 8. THE HIDE ON THE CLIFF. Illustrated. By Charles Camden, 3. HYMNS FOR THE YOUNG. No. 1. "Whan nf Ol.f me jewisu Blotucr." uy John Uuiiali. Wills music. 4. 1 lis TWO NESTS. Illustrated. 5. ADA AND THK ANIMALS. A Fairv Story By E. A. Kiuifa. v. iiuBOTuii iiiiiBirauous. 11. ( U1I.D PLAY. A l'uein. liy one of the authors of "Child-World." With four illustrations. "u . ' 7. AT THK BACK OF THE NORTH WIND. By the author of "Dealings with the Fairies." With four illustrations. 8. KKKV1NG THE "CORNUCOPIA." A Passage of Californian Adventure. Purt t. illustrated. i. W1LL1K S Wl'USTION. A Poem. By the editor. 10. LILLIPL'T KKVH.LS. By tho author of "Lillinut l.evoe." With two illustration!. It. RUN Mill AWAY TO SKA. By R. Rowe. Ulaa- tratod. 12. Wiss JANE. A. Poem. By the author ot "Mother Tahlii skins." Illutrated. 13. ABOl I A CATERPILLAR. By H. B. Tristram. LI..D., r.B.S. Illustrated. U. THE LH (.KM D OK THK OSMUNDA. By Viol Gar dpn. W itll tiVB illustratiiMis. 16. TABBY AND 11 EH CHICKS. By Mrj Gaonra Cupoles. " For Sale by all Periodical Dealers. Mesfrs. J. B. LtPPiNVOTT 4 Co. tako pleasure in an nouncing that, with the Part tor Ai(;,(,frthetirst of tuu ! new volume they oonunonoe the publication in this noun. ' try of "UUOD OKDS FOR 1 H K VOUNO,".S: iuuy iiiwinimu vmuiujy inaKumue lor x ounjr Peome edited bvOKOitdE Macuonai.i, LL.D., author of "Also lorbes," "Annals of a Quiot Noighborhood," etc Anion the contributors to this Miwizineare the most popular writer tor the young of the present day. it is the constatt aim nt the conductors, bearing in mind tliut ' the Child is Father of the Man," to mingle instruction with amusement. Jn addition to entertaining STORIES. TALES SKKTCUKS Oif TRAVEL AND ADVKNTURK and POEMS, the MugMine will contain valuable and instruc tl7?l.t?pP.r" ou NA'SKAL HISTORY, FAMILIAR ot Ir.MjK, etc., adapted to the comprehension of young readers. The ILLUSTRATIONS, one ot the great features of the lugaziue, aie proluse, and engraved in the boat style from designs by eminent artists. Printed from clear, ifSl'il? fMo. on tine paper, v ith handsome cover, "GOOD) WORDS r OH THE VOL NO" forms ou. of the most at tractive Juvenile Magazines published. TERMS. Yearly Bubscription, a&u. Single Number. So cents. OLPB RATEH Three Copies, $t) 0O; Five Copies, $1D: ivh additional copy, ijl'J. "Good Words for tho Young." with "Lippincott's Maga jiue " 45-SO: with "Sunday Msgazine." 5 a5 : with "Good Words," iM'BO: with the three Magazines, li iu, Si'Kcimkn Ni'mheb uutiled, postage paid, to any address ou receipt of iHI cunts. N. B. A Fm.l Puokpectus will be furnished am .r,.,ii. cation to the Publishers. Address J. B. LIPPINUO IT A CO.. Publishers, Hot. 715 and 717 MARKET St., Philadelphia. US St - TfTE American Sunday -School Union UAH JUST PUBLISHED JE.S8E BURTON; or, Danger In Delav. llimo. cloth, i&i pp. l-00. BURY ADAMS; or, A Voentlou Wanted. Bv tlie author ot "Helpless Christie." lOiuo, clotti J M) cents. PERVERSE PUSSY. Bv the author of "The Loihton Children." lSiuo, tuuslia. ii ceuts. ALL HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED, and otherwise attractive to youcg readers. The attention of Pastors. Superintendents and Teachers in Invited to the larjro and brautiful assort ment of Prints, Cards, Helps fr Teachers, Ac, lust received from London. For sale bv the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. 113 Cheeuut Street, Philadelphia. 11 1 mwfot JUST PUBLISHED BY rOUTGU Si. t'OATIJ 8, NO. 822 CHESNUT STREET, PHILA. HALF HOURS WITH THE BEST AUTHORS. With. (Short Biographical and Critical Notioes. lijr CharlM Knight, author of "A Popular History of KngUnd," .to., eto. Elegantly priuted ou the fluent paper, e vols., crown Hto, clotb.bev. bds., gilt tojis, lu So: or bound ia 8 sols., thick crown Hro, tine Knclish sloth, ber. bds., gilt tops, per set, $7 bi). belactiug som. ohoioe passage of thabest standard aa. triors, ot lurHoient longtb to occupy half an hour in its p.. , rual, there ia here food for thought for. vary day in th -r ; so lhat ii th. purchaMr will dovutebut one-half hour eu b day to iu appropriate selection, he will read through ilu.o an volume in one year, and in auon a leisurely man ner lhat the noblest th"Ught of many of the greatest minis will be Brmly Implanted in his mind forever. W. vtui uia to auy, if the editor's idea ia carried out, tba rest r will poattt'M more iufumistiun and a better know, ledtre of the English olasxios at the end of the year than be wculd ly hv. years of desultory reading. They oan b. i-rniin snctd at aty day of the year. Tbe variety of reading is so creut that no one will es.r tire of these volumes It i h I brary in itself. g amwtjrp -ODGER8' AND WOSTENHOLM'8 POCKET Kazors, Knives, Scissors, and Table Cutler