THE DAjfrY EVENING TELEGRAPH -PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 18G9. 5 n n o r g z s xvx s. Forn Our Own Correspondent. ' . New York, Nov. 1, 1800. The Woman Council of New York. This will probably be the natno of an associa tion which is to havojor Ha object the economi cal, educational, and moral interests of women. It disclaims all association with the Women's Rights party on the one hand and tho Sorosis on the other. On Saturday afternoon a convention of fifty New York ladles was held at Packard's Eooms, in tho Mortimer Building, at tho Inter section of- Broadway, Twenty-second street, and Fifth avenue. Tho proceedings wcro conducted with closed doors, and consisted of. addresses by Mrs. Charles 8. Pierce, President of the preliminary meeting, and Dr. Anna IMnsmore, cjialrman of the cxcrutlvo committee. Wc have now in this city three as sociations the main object of which is to nianify womau. One cannot help wondering what is to be tho end of U all. These unique Interests make man tenacious of life, lie would fuln live, if only curiosity were the mo tive. He wants to know how things are. going to turn out. A very charming lady, who can take her own part as well as though she belonged to one or all of these associations, told mc the other day she intended to join tkc Woman's Council. It was the last straw. I had nothing to say after that. She was one of those who had employed her pen vigorously In opposition to tho Stantonitcs and Anthonyltes of the day, and consequently her defection was considerably the most shattered of all tho shat tered dreams that arc scattering my pathway to the tomb. Tlie .Sunday World. Mr. Kerwin, who is writing his experiences lu Loudon so indefutigably In the .Sunday World of this city, indulged yesterday in a subject which inut commend the morality of the paper to every family circle of New York. It is no other tliau a full and detailed description of Loudon. Messalinas, with one or two other re ferences) of so audacious and "untouchable" a nature that one is surprised at even the World's printing them. However, every one to his taste. There be pious families who will enjoy the reading aloud, after the Sunday dinner is over, of lust such naughtinesses as Mr. Kcrwln so gloatingly and graphically dis Vplays. But the writer goes to work as if amaze nent perched upon his pen, and he were rcveal- ie: horrors inj JTCainod of by mortal man before. e aoi't.uot tell any thing very new, neither noes He sBcrinc ltvery strikingly. Still he pos sesses a singular felicity in certain fields of re porting, and before the series is ended will pro bably lighf upon his proper sphere. lu my loitcrlugs in the pursuit of sagacity I often wander through City Hall Park, and in the neighborhood of the fence that surrounds the New Post Oflicc grounds. The following lines are the offspring of these loitcrings, and I ha ye named them . Opposite the Pnrk. Past yonder fence, where once a fountain would Have played had it been turned on, as it should, Where venders spread their choleraic fruits. And the snubbed boot-black still shrieks "JLJlag-ver-boots?" Where penny songs embellished rati on rail, And lemonade beamed pink from many a pail, Oft have I loitered, between light and dark, To take my station Opposite the Park, To watch life's web, in act of being spun, And count the human spiders cut and run. Ne'er be that man compelled to shift his base, Who changed that wall to advertising space, Where "rostrum" stands with "nostrum" on a par, And Olive Logan vies with Olive Tar, And advertisers, blazoning their pretence, Ciet stuck (like politicians), "on the fence." Ne'er be his check dishonored with a blush Who eaused It with the curbstone to be Hush, That suicides, resolved to end their woe, Might llnd accommodations on Turk How, And death, beyond the reach of root or herb, stands ready waiting between car and curb. Oft may a hundred guns, lired in this spot, Proclaim the honors of a champion yacht, While the Mavor's order that awards the palm Bears the same sweet, ingenious monogram. O'er swaving masses let the Lon Star tloat, Lulled in the breath of 4'Uall Columbia's" note, Or sometime', when that patriot-musie sinks, Of "l'p in a Balloon" and "Captain Jinks." And while, far oil", I spy some glad grisette, Who yet looks lorn when seen through a lorgnette. Along Broadway let countless cabs soon buzz, And prove that Xlunsom is as Hansom does. Come one come all ! In my mind's eye I view The various members of the motley crew Who pace the streets near William and Nassau, Some to the devil going, some to law; Some to discover what gold is, or ain't; And some to "interview'- I'ere Hyaolntho. Yon foreigner, who steps so dilly-aall. Was once a prince, or else a prince's valet. And bis proud title, borne amid the steerage, Is known to everybody but the peerage. This man's a Methodist, well known of old For bearing crsssea and for bulling gold, With Uod and Mammon holding near relations, And mixing scriptural with his gold "quotations." Next, gently trotting by, like one who fears To have his own house pulled about his ears, Comes one whom Women's Rights, full many a year, Have destined to a Uittonless career; Whose shirt and gloves your gaze so sadly strike, You wonder what his stockings must be like ; For there's no knowing In what state his hose Is, Seeing his wife belongs to the Sorosis. All these, and many more, go fleeting ny, With various cadences in foot and eye, Although I fancy that, in act and speech, The music of the I'nlon thrills from each. The Music of the Union ! Near the Park Each dar I hear it played, from dawn to dark. Observe'that one-armed Union soldier beg Alma for his chum who hasn't any leg. Between the two a barrel organ's laid And that's the way the Union's music's ployed, Ground out by men who understand their biz, Aa Uuiou music generally is. Ali Uaba. MVSIVAIj AND lHJAMlTIl'. The City Ainimeinenta. The Second Patti Concert On Saturday even ing a very large andience assembled at the Academy of Music, on the occasion of Mad'lle CarlottaPatti s second concert, but tho crowd was not as great as on the previous evening. To Mad'lle Pattl was a', lotted on the programme a cavatina from La IVa viata, the wonderful "Carnival of Venice" by Bene dict, and a duet with Signor Konconl from The Bar ber if Seville. She was in a more obliging mood than at the llrst concert, and responded readily to an encore at the end of each of the llrst two pieces, giving "Coming thro' the Bye" and Ober's Laughing Song. Her execution during the entire evening was as pre cise and finished as on the previous evening, but the lack of sympathy in both voice and manner was quite as noticeable, aud was especially ana almost painfully apparent in her execution of the old ballad, "Cowing thro' the Rye." .The other performers ac quitted themselves with great credit, and to the cn tire satisfaction to the uudiefice. M. Prume was especially happy in bia handling of the violin, giving, In response to an encore, a dreamy selection which was received with marked favor. On next Saturday afternoon a matinee will bo given by tho Pattl com nauv. the tickets for which will ba for sale at Trum pier's music store on Wednesday morning next", commencing at o ciock. At tub Chksmit a variety of attractions will be offered this week which will be well worthy of the attention of the public. This evening and to-morrow Tom 'I'HVlor a drama of the ( Match will be perform e"d, wiili Miss Kcene In her original charac ter of "llestn Cazcbrook." This Is un Interesting iilav that lias seldom been performed hero. Douglas fen-old s drama of Vla-k-eial HHfan will be given as an afterpiece. On Wednesday and Thursday, In compliance with a mineral demand, Name ami race win o given. iurtoniitful whether this elegant liitle comedy has ever tteen better acted in this city than by Miss Keeue hint her company, and tho rcprehcul.Uloa of It this week will be sure lo imiui'i large auu upprucur.ivc MMillcnres. ' " i... Hiu lli'ns iviii Have ltcrllrat benefit, when The Srhnol for ftrnntiii' be pre sented. The appearance of Miss K-s.n,e Bn, "pr company in this ever popular comedy will '8 Bn oc" eoslon of muoh Interest and a first-class 'erjorm ance may be expected. There will undonbtWy ,,e a crowded house. Several attractive noveltlc are In preparation. At 7iik Walkut Miss Lucille Western will appAV this evening in her specialty of Kant Limne. The management have had the auditorium woll under drained, so that the flow of tears will not Incom mode the audience or Induce a tendency to catiirrti by reason of the dampness of the doors. At tub Arch a new drama by Hmiclcault and 11. J. Byron, entitled Lout at Sea, will be produced this evening. At Uui'RKZ .V Bknkph'T'b Opeha House, Seventh street, below Arch, an entirely new programme will be presented this evening, which will Include a num ber of attractive features. This establishment has started off with muoh eclat, and lust week crowded audiences were In attendance. The troupe I large and cttlclent, ami the entertainments are of a char acter to please the popular taste. At tiik Ki.KVF.NTn fSriiKKT Oi'RitA HousK a num ber of novelties will be presented this week, Including anew local burlesque entitled (Jvartrr Hetwiowtiix on I'nrcar, Tho burlesque of La Urantle. Dnche., which was such a success Jast setison, will bo re vived. Hkrhmann, tho magical, wilt appear at the Aca demy of Music this evening, In a programme of novelties. This performer stands at the head or bis profession, and his feats are both wonderful Hint amusing. He should certainly bn seen by all who wish to know what llrst rate legerdemain is. The Ponkyvim.k Lkcti-uks Mr. William L. Dentils will give the llrst of his humorous I'oney viiie lectures to-morrow evenlnir. at the Assembly TtnlliHnir. The Hiihleet, will he "Dr. Dins of l'nnev- I vllle." On Wednesday ho will discourse about "Social Fossils," and on Thursday tho theme will be "Mrs. Wiggins and Her Party." l'KOFKssoH McCi.intock's interesting lectures commence this evening, at 8 o'clock, at Concert Hall. The single admissions are '25 cents. Course tickets, f I . CITY ITEMS. Ni w Fait. Clothino Men's, Youth-"', and Boyh', In store a rhnire aumyrttnent of entirety A'-"1 S if'n n f (Itiort in heady -tnntle (iarrnritt, uyrrinr in n'tftr, jit, nni irtn-kmaintiip In any other rrmly-nmile ttnrtt in I'hilwt-tihiit, A! in thr fiiere, to be iiiwJ to order in th best mid Jiiifit tiiiimier. frt'Hfile.iof Material sent Inf niait trften desired. Hai.k way hf.twkkn i Bennrtt A (Jo., fifth and Towkb Hai.L, Sixth i-lrect. ) 518 Makxkt SriiKRT, PlHI.ADKMTlIA, and two Broadway, New Youk. KARTn Cr.osi'T Company's patent dry earth com modus and privy-tixturcs, at A. II. Frauuiscus & Uo.'s, No. 513 Market street. GET the TtEST.The Parham Vow Family LOOKSTlTCll HKWINU MAUUINR. ( Kasy Terms. ) Saleroom, No. 704 CUKSNUT Street. Ai l the standard acting plays as' performed at' tho theatres, or for private entertainment, cun bo obtained at PtTEn AOKI.'S LITKIIAIIY (itllUOSf TV SlIOC, Ko. llil S. Sevonth stroot. JEWELRY. Mr. William W.Oassidy, No. 13 South Second street, bat the largest and most attractive assortment of tine Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure article, furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. lie also has a largo stock of American Western Watches in all var lottos and at all prices. A visit to hie store is sure to result in pleasure and proilt. Because a Person has a Bad Couon it should not be inferred that Consumption bat st in, altuou jh a caso of Consumption is raroly met with unaccompanied by a distressing Cough. Where, however, a predisposition to PutmonaryDisease exists, a Cough, if loft to itself, strains and racks the I.ongs aid wattes the general strength, and soon establishes an i cura'ilo complaint. In all cases, then, it is the safer plan to get rid of a Cough, or Cold, or Hoarscners without dolay, and for this purposo no remedy acts more promptly or surely, or with more benciit to the organs of the Obest, than Dr. D. Jayne'S Expectorant, an article scientifically com pounded from carefully selected drugs, and which, on trial, will always be found worthy of its world wide reputa tion. Sold by all Druggints. Latest Styles. lrcn Beaver. English Paletots. Bi.ce and Black. Chinluilla. Kncilish Paletots. Blue, Brown, Black. Caru's Finished Meltons. English Paletots. Brown, Drab, Slate. ASTRACHAN. HNULISU PaLETOTB. Brown and Black. CzariNe Beaver. English Paletots. Dahlia, Blue, Brown, and Black. Ready made and made to order, at Charles Stokes', No. P21 Chesnut Street. Impaired Digestion. All the organs of the body are, so to spouk, the pensioners of the stomach. In that living laboratory is prepared the nourishment required to sus tain them, and by the vessels and ducts connected with the digestive apparatus, that nourishment is conveyed to every part of the Bystom. Upon the quality and quantity of this element of lifo, and upon the manner in which it is distributed and apportioned, physical health mainly de pends, and 09 the mind inovitnbly sympathizes with the body, the vigor of the one is absolutely necessary to the well-being of the other. It is because Hostetter's Stomach Bitters accom plishes this double object that it enjoys a reputation as a preventive and curative never heretofore attulnod by any medicinal preparation. But its direct bcnotlcial opera tion upon the weak or disordered stomach is not its sole recommendation. It is the most comprehenslvj of a known remedies. It tones, strengthens, and regulates the discharging as well as the assimilating organs; gently moving the bowels, promoting healthful evaporation through the pores, rousing the inert liver from its torpor, and inducing barmunious and natural actioa in fie whale animal machinery. This benign result is not produced by un of the reactionary drugs whioh are used so lavishly iu the old school practice, founded by Paracelsus; but by mild, safe,, and agreeable vegetable agouts intermixed with a pure and mellow stimulant which diffuses their in lluence (brou.'h the system, and renders their sanitary properties active and effective. (rcal Inducement to Bui CHEAT OVKIKOAT3, at CHEAT OAK HALL. We hare THK l.A KGKST ASSOrtTME.VT (Gmtl oir In fitoeli and more eominu) and Tin: ki est a.t jwst sti'les t72 dirfiretit style f Overcoati Alone) and TIIK LOWEST CltlfKS, tloa-i i- tt, ii- to 1 1!' or, and, as usual, lutrer ihan elstu hi re this year), at WA .A MA KEIt it BllO ll'V'.T ci thin a ii .t k i: u o usf, Thi. l.uiHml and Mont Vvpnlar In the Utate, Sn ia anil MAIIUST Strtttt. Cull an J e amine our Orercnal JVjr IM and trea'l.t'" I U'UJl'W 4U H'??; ZZXlW.utU-'im.'.: -i Rfmkveb roH Rtmn!HAiNS.-Joyner's Patent Ra hover for rudder-chaln. a new invention. received oa Wdnday last the indorsement of the Now York Board of Underwriter. The. Relievers are construed on the principle of the cylinder and piston, having India rubber or steel spiral prinfts.on which the platoohead rests. When the instrument is shackled on to a ohain and strain bseivrht to bear, the piston drswa out in a imilar way tottTe bar of a spring balanoe. When the sei sir.'kes the rudder the shook Is not communicated to the who!, and the chains are at all times relieved from tlie effects of sudden jorks. They can bo shackled on in any convenient plnoe between the wheel and The tiller, bolwc careful that they hnve room to travel when the helm is pnt up or down. The Relievers are a decided improvement ior the steering of vessels at sea. To tht. FEorLlc or Oamdkn Uovntv. The Philadel phia charges that my career has boon "notoriously tergiversate." This Is a political falsehood-n twenty-four carat Ho. That paper charges mo wit h being "Mr. A lbert son's (the Democratic candidate) apologist " This ajraln is untruo. I was nominated by the Pcoplo's Convention as a candidate for State Senator, I am, in vietnry or In defeat, for the Ufteenth amendment. I am pledged to defeat the imbecility and rottenness of "the Khig," and pledged to that sort of liberty which is denned as a "pro gressive conquest." I owe the Democracy .tbirxr. Tlioy know mo as their political foe. James M. Hi miKr., ItlAltltlKU. MASON-MAUI.T.. On the 2Sth liltimi, at the rel rtenco of the bride's father, by the Kov. .1. Wlnvifm Smith i). J?MR,lr.,'ViUi M!.MA8UN to Wi MATI1K A MAULL, both of this city. HUOTT--1.1MINO. On Thursday evening, October tl Spruce Street Baptist. Cliurcb, tiy Kov. .1 Wlieafon Smith, JOIINU. htHjTTto HULKS L. LLMIN(J?Jh . both of this city. i !:. ('LARK. On tlie 311th ultimo, in her 2!lth year, CAR RIK, wifeof John L. Chirk, and duughtor of Ljali and the late JoHeph Duvin. The relutivos and friends of the family, also members of Washington Social, No. 11, Are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mot h-r. No. Hudson street, Gloucester city, N. J., on Weduesday, November H. Meot at '2 o'clock. KIRKHAM. This morning, WILLIAM KIRKUAM, in tho 7ot h year of bis age. l.I'.ircH. On Friday evening, October 29, Mr. WIL LI A M V. LKKCH. Tlie relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral, from his lute rosidonce, No. 2013 Walnut, street, on Tuesday afternoon, November 2, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. MAJOR. On Sunday, October 31, LKTITIA, wife of Isaac Ma ior, in tho iVId yoar of her ago, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend hor funeral, on Weilnesilnv niixt lit ii o'clock, from tho residence of hor husband, No. 210 Do lancy street. OMENSK.TTHR.On October ill. RACHEL, wife of R. L. Omenset tor, in t he 2rith year of her age. The relativos and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attond the funeral, frem the residence of Mr. William G. Hall, Upper Piovidenco, Delaware county, Tn., on Wednesday, the 3d instart. Cars start from Thirty-first and Chesnut streets at 7 A. M. Cnrriagos will be in waiting on the arrival of the cars at Media. TOWERS. On the 30th ultimo, JOHN TO WEBS, in the tilth year of his age. The relatives and frionds of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, Hinge road, ttoxboroiiKh. on Wednesday moruing. To meet at the house at 1U o'clock. Interment at Loveriugton (Vmeterv. ..TONES9 Ore-Price Clothing House, ISTo. OCML XTCItlST Street. Our Garments are well made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE PRICE IS ASKED. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, 9 15 wfra. No. 804 MARKET St., above Sixth. INSURANCE. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OF PIIIL.A.DEL.PIIIA, 13COniMKATi:i 151H. Capital $500,000 Aets.luly 1, 3, 3t3,3210 This Company Is now prepared to issue Certificates of Insurance, payable In London, at the Counting House of Messrs. BROWN, SHIPLEY & CO. JBAKI.i: PLVTT, " 11 1 mwf t!2 81rp VICE-PRESIDENT. MINCED MEAT. RINGED MEAT. T1II2 HEST IX T1I13 MARKET. THE NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED THIS FACT IS BEYOND QUESTION. Tb undersigned Is now ready to fill all order for tb above celebrated MINOED MEAT, to universally known all over the country, JOSHUA WRIGHT, S. W. CORNER FRANKLIN and SPRING GARDEN PHILADELPHIA. Fob. Same bv all Gbocehs. lo 8 tfrp FOR SALE. fB FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS IS to sottle an ostftte, premise No. 1 121 8PRUUK itroet. Apply to 1. B. HAHrKK, M. L., 11 1 mwf of No. 1HU WALNUT Street. FOR SALE, NO. 2000 CHESNUT Giunt il,. 4i ,.la. MnUl. f t T 1 1 : iVh iiHftrd roof; roplete with every moriara conveniuuue. r yjj a Dtiinaniiu. a. nriu oi reel iu ju i TO RENT. TO LET FURNISHED rfOI'SI'. fiV . . " : . .... i ...... i n mm A in L i bireat. ADUiyto n. davin I'AI.k. IU in ilf No. 6IH WALNUT Street WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. gC. & A. PEQUIGNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH CA.HE8, AND DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN WATOIIIS, fto. IS South SIXTH Street. 1 1 mw9rp MANUFACTORY, No. 89 B. FIFTH Street. C5L JACOB II A R LEY, WATCHES, tilsA t?o;i!Wt U11KSNVT Sew, PUUa, lo lmrp' DRY QOODS. EXTRAORDINARY nKDUCTION in rnicEs or DRY GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO.. NO. 727 CHESNUT STREET, In order to close out their Fall and Win ter Stock by December 1, will offer Extraordinary Bargains IK SUES, DRESS GOODS, and MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS. Tills stock Is tlie largest and most varied ever offered at retail la this market, and more replete with staples and novelties of recent Importations than any other In tills city. ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT STKEET, 10 s tfrp riiiLADELrniA. No. 43 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, HAS NOW IN STOCK, AT AN Immense Reduction, RLACK SILKS! HTjACK SILKS! RLATK SILKS! Cheapest lilack Silks ever oRcrnd. Bluck Silks from Auction. Bat in faood lilack Silks. HEAVY CORDED BLACK SILKS. Medium Bluck Silks. Black Silksa specialty. BANKRUPT STOCK OF GLOVES, From No. 928 Oliesnut street. Men's Buck Gloves and Gauntlets. Men's Usstor t.loven Ladies' Castor and Buck Gloves and Gnmitlnts. Men's Heavy Working Buck Mitts aud Gloves. Men's Buck UaunMets. Closinsout at 0 cents on tho dollar. AhO, Merino Underwear. Uartwright'a A Warner' Merino Vests and Drawers, for ladies, children and men, from auction. UK) dozen Kid Gloves, new shades, $100. "Genuine Jonvin Kid Glove." DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS! 10,000 yards DRF.SS GOODS, reduced to 31 and 87 ots. t ine Wide Mohair Hoods for Suiti, SI and 36 cents. Finn MolW.sand Black Alpaoas. CLOSING OUT DKKSis GOODS AT REDUOFD PRICKS. 1U 29.4t MI L, L X Xv E IV 9 S LINEN STORES. OLD STORE. No. 828 ARCH STREET. NEW STORE, No. 1128 CHESNUT Street. NEW DEPARTMENT BED CLOTHING. BEST BLANKETS, fresh from the mills. MABSEILLES BED QUILTS. HONEYCOMB QUILTS, all sizes. ALLENDALE AND LANCASTER QUILTS. LINEN SHEETINGS, all widths. COTTON SHEETINGS, all Widths. PILLOW" CASINGS. We bid for a large trade In BED CLOTHING, by selling reliable goods at the lowest prices. 8 21 mwf LZNE3M DEFARTXtZECTT. SHEETING LINEN, NAPKINS, PILLOW LINEN, DOYLIES, SHIRTING LINEN, TOWELS, TABLE LINEN, BIRD EYES, i,TC. ETC. Also, a full line of BLANKETS. PERKINS & CO., No. 9 SOUTH NINTH STBEET, 9 6 mwf3ni5p PHILADELPHIA. LYONS BLACK SILK VELVETS, IN ALL WIDTHS AND QUALITIES. J. AV. THOIAS, Nos. 405 and 407 North SECOND St., 911 Bp PHILADELPHIA. j- V II A Jl 13 R S( No. JslO ARCH STREET. BARGAINS OPENING DAILY IN BLACK GUIPURE LACKS. iil.AOK THREAD LACKS. 1'OINTE APPLKiUK LACKS. VALKNOIKNNK LACKS. roiNTK COLLARS. TI1RUAD COLLARS. VALKNOIKNNK HDKFS., from $U. FRENCH MUSLINS, 8 yards wide, 65 cents. Uaniburg jCdgiugs, new designs, Tery cheai). lu 18 1m QLOTW! C3I.OVKS! ULOVUS! No. 15S0 M ARRKT'STRKKT, MANU1 'AUTURF.K AN11 DliALlfR IN LADIF.B', OENTmiUmKN, AND COACH. ALSO.MANa'FAMOTViRKKR.iVHTs HEW IMPORTATIONS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS, REAL AND IMITATION BRONZES, IVORY, PEARL, AND LACE FANS, FANCY GOODS, ETC. CLARK BIDDLE, JEWELLERS, No. 1124 CUES NUT STKEET, io 11 milt DRY QOODS. 3 L A N K E TS. The Largest Stoci in Philadelphia at the Lowest Prices. Wc buy our Iilanketsof first linnds, for cash down; wc Invite storekeepers to compare ours with job bers' prices; we invite hotel keepers and head of families to compare our prices with other stores. Wc arc selling common White Blankets for f'i per pair. We are selling gcod White Bed Blankets for S3 per pair. Wc are selling J5-50 Blankets for tl. We arc selling STTiO lilunkets for n-6U We are selling all the tlneat Bl.iakcls at great re ductions. SOILED BLANKETS. Wc have about 60 pairs of soiled Blankets at :i-50, 54, V, ST, S3, and (9 per pair. These foiled Blaukets are separate from our other Blanket stock, and are sold regardless of their origi nal cost. R. D. & W. H. PENMELL, No. 1017 MARKET STREET, Below Eleventh street. EAV STYLE STUU'ED, HAND-LOOM, GRASS-BLEACH, TULLE LINENS, ONLY 80 CENTS PER YATtD. A BARGAIN. R. D. & W. H. PENNEL.L, No. 1017 MARKET STREET, Below Eleventh. QOOO CAIACOliS IUtOJI. FOR TAItl.i:, At C.V ocnts ; better 8 cents. Merrimack Cullcocs of 40 different styles, at 12 cents. R. D. & W. H. PENMELL, No. 1017 MARKET STREET. JLANNELS OF EVERY MAKE, AT LOWEST PRICES, AT R. D. & W. H. PENNELL'S, No. 1017 MARKET STREET, Below Eleventh. Q O M F O R T A B L E S, Filled with fine white Wool. Comfortables, filled with line white Cotton. Com fortables, of good quality, sweet, clean, and very heavy, for 12 each. R. D. & W. H. PENNELL, No. 1017 MARKET STREET, 11 1 mth2t Below Eleventh. C.II. IIAMlirCK & CO., (LATE IIAMRICK A COLB). Special Announcement. SELLING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS At Prices that will insure their Sale by the 15th of December. Great Bargains in LYONS BLACK SILK VELVETS, 17-80, J9, $10, 12, IS, f 18. VELVETEENS, FINISHED KqVAL TO SILK, AT 11-60, 12-50, f3, 13-50. WE ARE DETERMINED TO RETAIN OL'R RE PUTATION FOR BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS, Jl-60, 20, 3, 13-50, 1, 4-5(l, $5. SPECIAL LOT OF BROCIIE SHAWLS, FRO.M AUCTION, AT VERY LOW PRICES. ALL THE NEW PLAIDS, IN GREAT VARIETY. DRESS GOODS, 2B CENTS-HAVE BEEN SOLD AT 50 CENTS. DRESS GOODS, 31 CENTS nAVE BEEN SOLD AT 62 CENTS. DRESS GOODS, 50 CENTS-HAVE BEEN SOLD AT II. DRESS GOODS, 75 CENTS-HAVE BEEN SOLD AT tl 60. C. H. HAMRICK & CO., No. 45 North EIGHTH Street, 10 30 215 PmLADELPHIA. RAPSON'S TRIMMING AND ZEPIIYH STOKE, Wo. lftM ftortli F.ICiltTlI S(reet, U, j) in, Ooruer oi Ohrry tf oat,. OPENED THIS DAY. PHILADELPHIA. DRY QOODS. QREAT REDUCTION I21 Prices of LADIES' CLOAKINGrS. DOG& KIN CLOA KINGS AT 3 oo C1IINCI1ULA ' " ' 2 00 to $3-00 VELOCIt BEAVER CI.OAKINGS AT..150t9 81 -Wl BLACK AbTRACHAN DO. Do j0-s(, Do. ..10 Do. Do. Haw Do. Do fl4-0 Do. ESfJUIMAUX BEAVERS, ALL GRAB-E3. CURWEX ST OH DART & BROTHER, Nos. 450,452, ana 454 North SECOND Street, in so 2t Above Willow. . SHAWLS. FALL TRADE. ATTRACTIVE SPECIALTIES AT THGRNIiY'S 1OI'I IjAI& I'OU.IIK, I iKltlk and Spring iiarden. We respcttfnlly Invito attention to the most sti pe b display of bhawls to be fouuU la this city, and at most reuKonalile prices. Long and Square Paisley. MmuX and Square Uroclte. I'Ons and Square Hlanket, M.ouk and Square Thibet, Arabs, Iledouins, Mauds, Etc. lite. Persons can come direct to onr Store fro-u any part of the city by the present system of passes on the t ars, and we assure them it will more than repay them. 10 lctfj JOSEPH U. TIIOKNLEY. . . . m- NDIA SHAWLS. U tl O It U 12 I' IS Y E It, No. 910 C1IEMNUT STREET, Will open Monday, Oct. 4, his Fall Importation of India Camel's Hair Shawls and Scarf, At modeiate prices. With a choice selectlotv NOVELTIES In the URual TASTE and QUALITY of HIS ESTA BLISHMENT, io 8 am FURNITURE. QAUTIONI BEWARE! fi k.mti THE TRIOK Of TRADK EXPOSED. It ba been plan of c.rttin small bonea in tba Furni ture trade to Rive D or even 1(1 per oent. communion U parties from other trades and acurea brinKinK or eeniinjr i-uslomeis to Uiem, and tlion onarftintr the purchaser a higher price lor (.heir furniture, or ela aenduu them an inierior article. This is lo caution parties not to go to stores where they are thus Billy recommended by these interested adTisera. Mesar. tionld A (Jo. do not pay any oommiasion to carpet store, or any others, and can thoiafm-a .M . I-n I cheaper, and give their cuatomer the full benefit of tuia BUVIUg. 1 hey have by honorable dealing secured the largest Fur ' mture 1 rade in the city.and hop to merit it eootinuano. tiOULD A OO., N. F. Corner of NINTH and MARKET Btreeta, nd No. i ; ane 8H North SECOND Street. 10 831 FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS, , AT TUEIR NEW STORE, 1002 AUCE 8TEEET, Are now soiling their ELEGANT I ORNITURB at very reduced prices. 29 3mrp FURNITURK WARKROOMS, No. 80SMARKKT STREET. PARLOR. DINING ROOM, and OUAMBKU FUR Nil I'HK, th. Latest Ktyle. and beat Hanufaotura. Alao, FKATUKR BEDH and MATTRKSHKS. 106mwf3m KODGER8' AND WOSTENIIOLM'8 POCKET KNIVK8. rrl and 8ta Hundlna, of beautiful Bnish?ROU(ilKh' -uid W A UK BUTUH Kll'8 RAZORS, iuil (be celebrated LKOOLTKE UAZOH SUJAtiOUS al "'Hating fi "rivea, Sclswir. and Table Outlery (Iround an4 Polikhed at V. MA-DMUA'S, No. US H. TKNTil bUeot, p.low Oaaannt. gH DEAFNESS. F.VERY INSTRUMENT THAT auienoe and skill have inveu(d to assist the hearing in every degree of deaf doom ; also, Uospirator i alao ,Oraa dall's I 'ati iit Orutches, superior to auy oiher iu use, at MADiaRA'S, Ko, UJ 8. TttJu'U btisoU bIoi OUnut, .. i-. - ......