THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, LSG9. i i i ' - ..... ... - . . . S . . - - 7 UTEATUIIE. A X V I g W OF NEW BOOKS. rrom Turner Brothers & Co. re have re ceived "The Writings of Madame Swetchine," trannlntel by II. W. Treston. Published bj Roberts Brothers. This yolutue of Madame Bwetchine's literary remains is edited by Count de Falloux, the author of the life of Madame Swetchine recently published by Roberts Brothers, and to which it forms an 'appropriate supplement. These scattered thoughts of ft remarkable religious enthu siast will be valued by ttioae who have been intoreRted in the perusal of her life, and Christian readers of all classes will find in them much that is worth treasuring up in the memory. They reveal the inner life of Madame Swetchine moro perfectly than any biography could do, and disconnected as thoy are, they nevertheless are even mere valuable than would be a finished work, as showing the modes of thought and the religious impres liions of the writer. From the same house we have received "Nidworth," by E. Trentiss, also published by lloberts Brothers. This is a more than visually interesting moral story for young people by a writer who has achieved consi derable popularity. It has a higher aim than any of her previous works, and jt is distin guished by a fanciful and pootical feeling that is somewhat rare in books of this clas". Claxton, Reinsert & Hafrelfinger send us "The History of Joseph Bonnparto," by John 8. C. Abbott. Published by Harper & Brothers. This is a new volume of Mr. Ab bott's series of popular histories, which, ac cording to the author, had the endorsement of Mr. Lincoln, who said that all hi3 know ledge of history was derived from them. Per haps it woidd have been just as well if Mr. Lincoln had dipped a little deeper into his tory than the writings of Mr. Abbott go. These books, however, in their place are use ful; but as the author's Bouapartist proclivi ties are well known, it is just as well to make due allowances for them in this and the other sketches of the Bonaparte family. Joseph Bonaparte, the subject of the present work, was a remarkable man, about whom too little is known, and this biography, although . strongly colored by Mr. Abbott's prejudices, will be a valuable addition to his juvenile historical series. From T, B. Peterson & Brothers we have received "The Frince of Darkness," a new romance by Mrs. Southworth, the title of which is alone sufficient to make the fortunes of the publishers and author. The same house sends us "Major Jones' Sketches of Travel," an amusing work that was popular a good many years ago. From Barclay & Co., No. (J10 Arch street, we have received a German translation of "Poe's Raven," by Carl Theodore Ebon. This version was published several years ago, with other translations by Mr. Eben of American poems, and it attracted much attention on account of its remarkable fidelity in letter and spirit to the original. In the edition before us the translator has made a number of im provements, and ho has added a biographical sketch of Poe. From the American Sunday-School Union we have received "Amy Hussell," a religious story for children. D. Ashmead sends us the seventh monthly "part of Apple ton's 'Journal, which contains the weekly numbers for October. The November number of The Nursery is made attractive by easy stories and versos suited to the capacity of the very youngest leaders, and it is as full of pretty pictures as a Christmas pudding is of plums. The November number of Good Ilcalth contains a number of excellent practical arti cles on diet, exercise, and other matters tha everybody ought to bo posted about. There Is much interesting matter in this magazine, independently of its utilitarian character. uaws suiygrZAR?. CUT Affair. The United States side-wheel itcam tender AilautuuB was successfully launched yesterday afternoon from the yard of W. Cramp fc Sons, its builders. The vessel is in length 230 feet, extreme breadth 20 feet, and depth of hold 9 feet. There will be placed in her a lever beam engine, having a diameter of cylinder of thirty four inches aud leugth of stroke eight feet. The vessel is to be employed in the light-house ser vice on the Atlantic coast, and will be com pletely finibhed by the middle of DecemUer next. The same firm is building another vessel of the same dimensions for the same service. It is to be named the Verbena, and will be ready lor launchlug in o.bout three weeks. James Mulhauey, tweuty-soven years old, while at work yesterday at Baldwin's foundry, had a foot badly Injured by a bar of Iron lulling UJJ lb VUUU lLlllj i . v...; .. . w J - - " siding near Third and Christian streets, was badly bruised yesterday by a pile of boxes fall in it on him at liausrh's fertilizer factory. Both men were admitted to the Hospital. Last eveu inir Michael Flyuu, one of the hands at Brooks, .iu-ii - Co.'b establishment, No. 1731 Market sir f.dl tlironiih the hatchway from the fourth story to the first, and wan seriously iu ..,r.,i Tin was taken to his residence. No. IWj - A meeting of the Trustees of the Charity Hoppltal was hold yesterday atternoon at uiu i.niidmv in Hamilton street, above Eighteenth. Mr. Little presided. The iollowiug physicians compose the Medical Board:-l'rebiaeut, . .M. Clair Ash. M. li.; Vice- President.", William 1 . l'ancoast, William M. Welch, M. IX, N. Hat field, M. I)., Henry Leuiibui, M. 1)., John M. McGratu. M. 1)., L. H. Baldwin, M. J)., i h. Kldgway, M D., A. II., M. D.; Secretary, KeeyV. Evan,, M. Treasurer, A. M. Slu- u ik . loiilmit. l'livelc-ian. H. L. Lane, V 11. Assistant Kesldeut Bhyrkian, B. l.Lol- soiii Counsellors, ltichard Ludlow, Esq., L. 11 1( ' If'ai -Several months ago, a young man named m was stabbed und badly wounded, by anchor nnmcd Gillespie, daring a quarrel, near Sixth and South streets. Dugau was taken to the hospital, where he remained for many weeks bis recovery at one time not being considered nil Glllexnie was ur.esteu, and held in r small amount of bail to appear the next day, i.t i, did not uicsciit hansel t, uud, up to yea ..ivi,.v ii was a fugitive from justice. In the afternoon High Constable Curley arrested him at t'hesnut Hill, a-nd he was sent to prison to await kia trbil i aut f.mnmf some liirht material took fire .t. ii, in the window of Mr. LuUens store, No. (147 South street, aud before the llames vnuld ne extliiiiiilshed damage to the amount of tliCO was done. Vnti-r Virehellcr wa! severely beaten yester day at a tavern near Front aud 1 ino streets, and wrs taken to the l'enneylvanl.i llonpltal lu an .m.oiiiii'inuft mate, lie resides in Griscoin Ptmruut Affair. Cyrus W. Field Is at Omaha. Gold clopfd yesterday at YM. Governor Geary is in Washington. The Eric Railroad machinists struck again yesterday. Admiral Farragut Is getting better, and can now sit up. The municipal elections take place In Balti more to-day. Secretary Belknap is on his way to Wash ington from Keokuk. The tailors of Chicago have struck for an advance of wages. It Is reported that Father HyacluUic will go West next week. The Hon. Thomas Ewing, Sr., has fully re covered his health. A new Masonic hall was deditatcd at Alle gheny Cltv, Fa., yesterday. It Is estimated that the public debt state ment for October will show a reduction of f8, 000,000. Advices from Kentucky and Illinois report great damage to the tobacco crops by the frost. Jay Gould gave evidence on the gold con spiracy before the New York Grand Jury j'es terday. Knur hnnilri'rl New York printers and clerks employed by the Government are going home to vole- , . , , Howard, the Baltimore robber of the Harn den Express agent, pleaded guilty to the charge yesterday. Samuel R. Harlow has been appointed I'nited States Marshal at New York, vice Fran cis ('. Barlow, resigned. The American brig Star was dismasted In a gale, and on September !il arrived at Nassau, N. P., in dlHtrcss. Later despatches from New York represent the second strike of the machinists on the Erie Railroad us ended. A board of officers is In session at St. Louis for the purpose of revising army tactics and to regulate the Fmall arm system of the service. Colonel McDaniels was injured at the Jc romo Bark Race Course yesterday by being knocked down by one o the horses" bolting the course. The letters of General Buttorfield, asking for an investigation into his official coudud, were not furnished to the press by cither the President or Mr. Boutwell. James Llllle tried to shoot the paving teller of the Citizens' Saving Bank of New York, yes terday, because lie refused to pay money with out the presentation of a bank book. Seven stills were seized iy the revenue offi cers yesterday in Brooklyn, N. Y. The Marine Corps guard of 120 men were stoned by a mob, but no one was seriously injured. Mr. McMahou, formerly United States Minister at Paraguay, is in Waf-hington. He speaks very favorably of Lopez, but says the Brazilians dealt very treacherously by hliu. Foreign Attn Irs. Baron Hyde, the Prussian Minister of Fi nance, has resigned. Paris was quiet yesterday, the anticipated demonstration not taking place. Napoleon drove through the streets of Paris yesterday, m an open carriage. If the Unionists and Progressionists of Spain fail to agree, Serrano will resign the Re gency. GENERALITIES. "Hcali-Hltiiili Heuli!" I.upcr is not detestable from a Government stand point. The sale thereof contributes not a little to the support or our administration, as will be seen lronithe statement for the llscal year endiug June so, lsoa: fifth district or New Jersey Ninth district of New "iork Sixth (ltsttictof 5ew York Third district of Massachusetts First district of Illinois Second district of Ohio .f:W5132!H4 . STl,71H0 . ViiO.HIO-Si . 2.)1, 873-60 . isa.aatcse itloro I.uwlcmnes. The Ilnctsvlllc (Ala.) Democrat reports this reslincr condition of Hilsirs In the South : lute e ieurn mat on me nignc oi October 14. a nana or armed men went to Ike house or old man VVhiteeot- ton, on the Poles plantation, in Jueksou county, on the Memphis uud Charleston Kiillroad, about is miles ciiSt oi Iluntsville. ami, after shooting Into tae house, v. ent m uik curried on I tie old man and his son, and lhey have not been heard oi since. The Wlillccoltons nave nccn rcgarduii us desperadoes. Two or the fitmny were Killed some time ago lu a Unlit with the Woodall family, near Woodville. A feud has existed between the families for several vrars, snd we understand there g great hostility to the V liitecottons In all that region. It is thought probable that the W'hltecottoiis have been killed or Uilven out of the country. Without knowing any thing or the merits or tne present case, we can but repeat our former condemnation of such illegal pro ceeilings. The Auienltlea of Political I.lfe. (iovernor (.'lay ton, of Arkansas, was serenaded at Little Hock a lew evenings ago, and made a speech, taking ground in favor ol removing the disabilities of the ex-l'onfederates. The speech caused a sen satlon in Little Jtoek, for Clayton has heretolorc been reganled as a blgotea ami intolerant radical par tisan. The extremists oi ins own party denounced him severely tor what tney called his treachery to Iiepubllcaulsm, and one of thorn, General Cutt arson, provoked a rencontre with him on the steps of the State House. As Governor Clayton wa4 descending the steps last Monday morning, General t attorsou accosted him and charged Dim with selling out his party. The Governor denied the accusation, when Catt'erson asserted that he could prove that the Gov ernor was in consultation with the leading Demo crats a few nights previous. Governor Clayton called his accuser a liar; catierson replied that the Governor himself was a liar, and the Governor struct him a blow on the temple with bis fist. Cat lerson did not return the blow, declaring that he would as soon strike a woman as a one-armed man. The bystanders intervened and prevented further altercation; but the speech is said to be the sole topic of discussion at Little Rock. Ministerial Dltlcrencew. nere is a funny paragraph from a late Engliah paper: "The Kev. Thomas Hugo, the rector of West Hackney, applied at the Worship Street Police Court for a summons agalust an open-ulr preacher. Mr. litigo suld tUut he and other inhabitants of the purish wihd steps to be taken to put an end to a great nuisunce. A number of opou-air. preachers were In the habit of assembling on a piece of waste ground near tho parish church, where they shouted out their opuiions on religious subjects. Placards or an inflammatory tendency were also exhibited, und stutemoiits made reileciing upon himself and one of his dilutes, tending to provoke a breach of the peace. Mr. Newton asked in what way. Mr. lingo said tliut Ins nu n had suggested a punching of the preachers' heads, aud really he thought that if tlx: buisiUice went on much longer he should not hinder them lrom carrying the suggestion into effect. The summons asked for was granted. Au Anecdote mt Itlulibrnu. ilallbrau, in her jounger days, dirt not like to sing "DtMiemoua'' on the stage, and wbj absolutely frightened by her father, Garcia, who plaved "Othello," and who told her Hint if she did not come up to his expectations he would kill her on the spot, for which purpnse he should on that night take a real dagger instead of a stage one. The night ar rived and Mulibiuii achieved quite a success, but in the lust act, us "Othello" was stealing up to tho re cumbent "DesdcmoiiH," a shrill scream rang through the house, and M. hbrau jumping up from the couch l ushed oil the stage. Tne curtain was let down and the opera came to an untimely end. Mali bran was missing, searched fur by tho police, but for two days she. ci uld not be found. Then she was discovered hiding behind some timber in a timber yard, hall dead with fright nud starvation. This In cident occurred in this city during her engagement, we b lieve, at the Hower.v Theatre. Kver after, arter singii g the part or "llesdemona," Malibraa would be kei.ed by u fainting lit, Ki'll-Iui posed Toi-liiie. has tho Wilmington (Del.) (omiiteroial of Mon day: m Oi.e oi itiose looinarny icaut in wniun some people take an uuuee uimable Interest, has just been brought to an unsuccessful close lu this city. U was uiiik uueed konje time ago that a young man calling IduiFeir "Young Miles'' would perform at Chad wlck's Mueeuin, ou r'ourtli street, the unparalleled feat or wulking lo.'i hours without rest, lu case he succeeded ho was to recel.e $ira, and lr he UUed, that sum was to be given t some charitable Institu tion, a board 30 feet long aud i loet wide1, raised two feet lrom the ground, was provided, aud on Tin-nlay at one o'clock the peif rmance began. Tho n an walked on, uninterruptedly we bolieve, up to o'clock Saturday evening, large crowds slopping in t various times to see him. He was ter ribly exhausted by that lime, Sad one of his ankles was swollen almost to the sl.e of a human head, and at about hull-past H, having walked unitf hours, he was compelled by pain to give up staggered a few sieps from the board, and fell down ius. nsi le. lie Is now recovering, but had tho brutal, though sell-imposed, torture resulted in his death, It would buve bJeq crime Utile (iliorl vt jmirder, lu, w al! cojiwriiil in the exhibition would In a degree have been participants. Uvrlr Time In a Convent. The Cologne Oazettr gives the world gomo particu lars of a pnlnltil qunricl which Is said to have hap pened at the AtiKiistltilnn Convent of the Holy Names of .Ipbus snd Mary, at Home, a few days airo. It Hpcnis that th brother who had charge of the kitchen or, In other words, tho cook hod been ordered by the superior to go to another convent. The rcHson for this order Is not known, but It pro bstily wss ptlven In consequence of the brother's skill in the culinary art not being approved by the other brethren. Ou receiving this order the brother, who was In the kltehen at the time, seized a Kulfe and scratched the superior severely. He had not calculated on his Hiiuuronlst. No sooner did the superior feel the Hbrasure of his skin than he rushed on his assailant, and a deadly slrutrKle ensued. Tho siioe rlor aud the cook, locked In each other's arniH. rolled on the floor; the other brethren, attracted nv the imtw, appeared on the Held or strife, and bv their excited exclamations added to the terror of the scene. Seine sided with the superior, others Willi the cook, until at lust they all iiilnnled Intliefrav. So fiercely did the buttle ratre that a IkmIv of (reii diPiiues, whoso quartern were near the convent, rushed In to separate tho coinliiitants. The erring cook wasted to r monastic prison, In n sadlv buttered condition, for the superior, thoujili scratched himself and very old, had knocked out no less than three or his niiliigonlst k teeth with one blow or his ujred tMt ami it was admitted on all sides that he had fur the iic.-i in me iiiii w me moment when the crciiduriuc interfered. YEKY FUXiJEXr. flit ol .plce from Every Section. .An Iowa clrl, supposed to have hi restored by an application of a galvanic battery. An Ohio wife recently used arsenic ror saleratus. Her husband nte It, ami she is now a widow c. cording to Mark Twalu.this thing is becoming mono tonous. At a late rashlonablo weddintr In n church it Sewton, Mass., the bridal party being a little dila tory, the organist played "Eager to Meet Love," and again the lovers not coming, he sounded "Itobin's Not Here." The New Haven Lever Bounds this notn of wurn- iug: "Hcwure, young man! the pearl powiler now un;tl by her Is poison ! one touch or tlioso eager bps to that enamelled cheek may result in ileath most horrible ! I Jewar-r-r-re." A "lady" in Now Bedford, llnss.. reeentlv liought. a pair or while gloves, to bo returned in case they did not suit. They were returned as not suit ing when it was discovered that they had been used to decorate the hands of a corpse, and removed before the Ud of the cotlln was screwed down. The young ladies of Dover, Wayne count v. Ohio. have foimcd a society ror the redemption of young men w nose oau nanus io noi suit thcni, pledging themselves not to go out with any young man who swears, smokes, chews, loafs on the struef, corners, or drinks. The amount, of ' sitting up with tlio girls'' done in that region since the society went into operation is "nothing worth speaking or.'' An agi tation in favor of "suspending the rules" for two evenings a w eek is expected. A manufacturer of Alsace has received an ordnr from a Paris commercial house ror oue hundred dozen cotton handkerchlels, on wliljh anj to be stamped the various episodes or the Hantln tragedy. Portraits of the murdered victims will adorn some of these haukcrchiefs as tacy appeared lying in tho Kinc-collins at the Morgue, while on others will be depicted Traupnuinn in tt.e act of lending Madame Ktnck aud the t wo youngest, calhlieu from the cab to Iho place of their murder. He is ronrcsented as obligingly carrying tie btlle girl. Tfaupmauii 89 he appeared In presence of the corpses wbl decorate others. These lively skttches on cotton will be sold for sixpence. A young gentleman connected with a New Haven morning newspaper, who generally goes heme about 1 or 'I o'clock in the mortiiug, made a mistake on a recent morning und got into the wrong door, which happened to lie unlocked, lie hail scarcely got inside when a rush was made for him from behind the door, a woman's night dress flut tered around him, and a pair of plump, soft arms glided around his neck. In another second his head whs drawn down, and a warm, melting, luscious kiss planted just below his moustache, while a soft jovous voice, which the young man recognized as that of his lovely next-door neighbor, asked, "My darling husband! why didn't you come earlier?" Oasplcg wllil exclamation of "MisUkc !" which was answered by a hysteric shriek, the voting man tied to his own room next door, with feelings-that cun better be Imagined than described. Gladstone velocipedes. Bogurnil Dawson Is better. Oflcnbach will conic here. Saxc read to Cheyenne. Camilla L'rso comes here to fiuHc. Twain once fed a quartz mill. Walter Brown has an abscess. Kaiiolcon's son Is the "Enfant Titti." Octave Feuillet earns $1:2.000 a year by his pen Austria's Kmprcss lives on milk and e";:'s. Greeley roams about with uis "Self-made men. Governor Clayton smashed sou recently. Tennessee's new Senator handsome. General Cattcr- is pronounced W. C. Bryant doesn't like Latin and French phrases. Younir Uaymond will soon manage tke New York Thin s. l'cre Myacintlie and Beccher have passed mutual coinpiimcnis. Lady Puluierstou kit her nephew $180,000 per annum. Moses Wintiute, of Haverhill, Mass., was 1LU years old yesterday. Belknap will become Secretary, practically, ou the 1st proximo. President Grant will attend the reunion of the Western army. Jell. Da is is to be President of a Memphis 1.1 le insurance compauy. Ohio litis had a snow-storm. Newark has elKhty-nlne churches. Ketroit is to abolish steam whistles. Virginia has an immense chestnut cron. Kentucky bousts of an unusual invasion of nmeons. A wild-cat ran through Oskaloosa, Kansas, re cently. A Mississippi jury lias eleven colored aud one white nui ii. "Boots Polished Inside,"' is displayed ou a lien in Virginia City. The ladies of DeKalb, 111., propose to buy a fire engine 101 men vniuije-. They huve "honey eatings" at Mexico, Mo., in stead of balls aud parties A Somerset county, Pa., couple recently cele brated their "yliiss wedding." A red fox in Monroe county, Intl., led his pur suers marly one hundred miles. A farmer out West recently killed "'the destroyer 1. i., r...u it U'U )r ' Ul II m jn ura. li, " " uiij,. Trenton has a society of colored folks called "The sons ami Daughters or Jacob. Cheyenne keeps almost abreast of civilization by charging sixty ccnis a pound lor butter. ermont is the richest State per eajiita in the l nion, because nte caputs go away so last. A wane womuu oi rsasuviue nas sued out a wui rum iiL-aiust a nefrress mr beiviteiung her. There is a line of for shooting a partridge In cnester county, in this muih. ior ine next live years i uieiuiiuii huppioiiiem uiu nt. iMeuoias aud ot. Jiimes hotels with a sr. ivter s beer submit. n, New York, manufactures a million dollars worth or cloves a ve r all lrom Paris. 'Iheieis a lake in a isconxia forest whieh, according to truuition, no n an has been able to l i in h. stiiien Isiiinri is uo longer in tho Cnltcd States the MethMhr.t having lmn'eil U into ISew Jersey. Ayer, Hie plller of the slates of Massachusetts, fencs ten ions oi iiiein every year 10 Mmtu America. A Providence. . tiling wimiaii boxed the ears of Tier lover on the slreei because he had escorted another lady Home. 'I he I niversullsts la Ohio have forty-seven iiiinhileiK and i I'i churehes, crguiiUed Into fourteen associations. One of Hie Incidents at the tair at lli ldienort. Macs., wus an ox race. The victor walked a mile in tinm en minutes. A CHpltiin or the I'hited States regulars has just oceu iiisimssea nervice ior reiusiug to pay board niiis nun iHiinr inns in ritii aiinuiiii, i exas. A Cincinnati boy crawled into an empty steam- boiler the other day. when I rolled down hill and he was taken out with a broken neck. SoiKcbcdy Ins Invented a new telegraph, "which is lo place a' line of women liny steps apart and commit the news to tun lust oi mem as a secret. A jealous wife In Chicago, alter faking two ounces or laudanum, wrote a note: "In inv cold coipse you behold the victim of your cold conduct and of cold poison." A stomach-pump revived the cold corpse. - Mr. W. Klnglake Is in the Crimea, collect- lnjr uiatci luls lor tne continuation oi bis History ol the War. It is reported that he has been "telcKramioed" to return, in order to tive his ewueuce touching; election matters at lirid'rs- MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Mann Jtew t t'irnt rcujt. AI.MANAO FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. Brn RlSFS K M I Mnns Birks 10'4 Bow Beth. 6 03 1 Hum Wateb jl.'!. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OK TRADK. Wtu.tam W. Paul, ; H. o. MiiTciiKB, Committee or the Month. B. K. S'lOKEH, ) COMMITntE O A1WITHAT10N. J. O. .Tmi, George L. Bnzhr, V. A. Bonder, W illium W. Pal, Them. L. BIOVKiUENTH OK OCEAN NTKA.HSIHUH. FOR AMKRK1A C'elln London Now York l ulmyra LWonxnil ....New York Tift Bo. Virginia. Liverpool Now York Tuoi Glasgow ow Vork lioniia Southampton. ...New York Aleppo UvuriKjol.. ..Now York rltllM . .Ocl. ..Oct. . .o.-.t. ..Oct. ..Oct. . .Out. ..Out. . .Oct. ..Oct. rcnnfylTania.. .Liverpool New Vork. Colorado Liverpool New V ork. . C. of Pails Liverpool . ...New Yoia.. FOR K.CROI'K. Jnva Now York., ..Liverpool... Minnenota Ne" York. ...Liverpool .. rnniArta New York. ...Liverpool . . Hnnsa New York. ...Hromen... . Oct. Oct. I lot. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Percire New York. ...Hiivre.. ). of HiuMel8...New i ork. ...Liverpool . .. Penmnrk Now York. ...Liverpool.. .. i.-iir.,n New York. ...OIihkow . let. ti.ot Unit imore. Now Y ork.. ..Liverpool, via Hal. ..Nov. City of I'arm Now York. ...Liverpool Nov, City of Brooklyn. Now York. ...Liverpool Nov, OOAKTWISh., DOMKNTIU, KTO. T. W. F.vermun .Philada CU irlenton Oot. 2S Pioneer Philada Wilmington Out. 21 Yhzoo l'hilftda New I trloana ( let. US Ksgle. Now York. ...Havana, via Xas.....Oct. 2S MixKonri New York. ...Havanu Oct. U:' Wvonnnjr Ptiiiarla Savannah Oot. 3.1 Art7iDa New Yrk....Aapmvall Nov. 1 Hen. ( thauncoy .New Y'ork. ... Asoinwall Nov. 1 Mail aro iorwarded by every nteamor in t he regular lines. The alewmera for or from Liverpool call aMJueenstown. ox cept the Canadian line, which call at Ixmiinnilerry. The flieamera tor or from the Continent oall at ijoutuamptou. CLF.ARF.D YK.STKRDAY. RteamHliip Fanita, Krnoka, New York, John F. Ohl. Steamer H. L. Ouw, Webb, Baltimore, A. Orovoa, Jr. hchr Alpha, Munsun, Boaton, J. K. Bazloy & Uo. ARRIVED YKSTF.RDAY. Steamship Wjomine. Teal. 70 hours from Suvunmh. with cotton, rice, etc., to Philadelphia anil Southern Mnil Ktcamtdiip I'o. 1-xperienced atronu head winila trotn IJ.-p i llHlteras u : paflsen a tleet ot voaaelH bound nurtb. Vila iiiHt .. In A. M. lat. :t5 4:1, louir. 75 111, passed a baruue ateer- inicK.NK.. allowing a blue flnjr with awnllow tail, with white ball in centre. Below Bombay Hnok. passed two biins, unknown: oil Morris I mlon's, passed schr Mary F.. I ong, from St. Mary's, Oa. ; below Koody Island, barquo Ttovatore, from Nimua; olT Pen Pateh, brig Mountain 1-nelu, lrom t. .lolin, . li., all linnnd up. Stciimer miiiviiio, nenear, i Hours trom Now York, nith cemert to W hitall, Tutum Uo. iSteimier Frank. Pierco. 24 hours from New Vork. with nuise. to W. M. Baird A Co. Krlir Jtavirl I'ollins, lownsend, 3 days rrom Norfolk, Va.f with railroad ties and BhinijleB to II. (Jrobkey A (Jo. Heir John H. Perry, Kelly. 3 days from Now Bedford ttith mdse to captain. ISelir M, o. Aioeeiy, i runn, lrom uarien, (it., with lum ber to Cochran. Ruspell A Co. Schr Lena Hunter, Perry, from Providence, in ballast to captain. Schr Fawn, Kelly, from Boston, in ballast to 8. Lath bury A Co. . , , hciir in. VBsaor, iierrioa, irom i rnviiience. Schr J. A. tinrrison, Smith, from Providence. Schr W. H. Dennis. lke. trom Providence. Schr Admiral, bteeluian, from Salem. Sjerta1 f),piitrh to Th F.emintj T Xeyrnph. Havre DK. OnACi', Md.,Oct. 27. Three boats left here this morning, as follows: ttlucK 1IHKK, witn lumper to waison, aiaione a (jo. Kllie. wilti luiolier to Oraiff A BliLiietiard. Jnbii Ualdemun, with lime, tor Uliusapeako. fyrrtJty(lrrrr o f The Erniintj Trhomrli. RAHIUB E wininu.n a uui.i,ktim. NewYobk Office. Oct. 2. Four barees leava in tow to-nipht ior Haltimore. liht. . v. II. urawiorn, won nay. tor rnii.iaeirnia. Bai.timohe Biiancb Okkick. Oct. 26. The followine bin bps lesve in tow lo-niKlit eastward : i uiou's Oeliiibt ; Myrtle; San .lacinto: Mary Uuan; and Senator Wade, all w nil coal fur New Y ork. MICMORANDA. Ship Progress. Simons, for Philadolphia. romaino I at London Utb inst. Steainslnp Koman, Baker, hence, at Boston 2"itn inst. Steamship Prcnielheus. (Jray. hence, at Charleston ves- terduy. Steamship Tonswanda, Jennings, hence, at Savannah vesterriay. nienmur mars, e.rumiey, ior r-uiiaaeipoia, ciuarea at New York yesterdiiy. Steamer Centipedo, Beckett, for Philadelphia, sailed fr m Salem 24tb inst. barque Thomas Lallett, Pike, was loading at Curacoa 2u days since lor New York. Barque Alex. McNiel, Lawson, cleared at New York 25th in.e fnr v aiiiuruiao. Bnriue Arcadia, Larson, for Philadelphia, remained at Loudon 14th inst. Brig Aleaveltt, Reed, hence, at Wilmington, N. O., 23d lcsiunt. Bug I'.Ktolla, llolap, for rnilauolpuia, sailed from llet net Ulib inst. Btis MiiiiiieTmub.Triie, hence, at Portland 21th inst. Briu 11. U. Brooks. BiIkks, benue. at Charloiton 2jth infttnt. Brig Aylisford, Martin, at Areciho 1st inst , for a port Dorinor nuiieras. Briir F. A. Heath, Warren, from Bangor for Wilming ii.u, Ktu , imfcafu iivii v.aiv iuh. Brig Sea I'osm, Ooomba, from Providence for Pbiladel tiliii. passed Hell iiate 2."th inst. I'riir mm Mevens, n,,un(iers. irom ualuis for I'rnladol puis, put into New Yoik 25th inst., on account of head winds. Brig Caroline R. Kelly, Adams, hence for Boston, sailed from Holmes' Hole P. M. 21st inst. Schr King Bird, Munson, 10m St. John, N. li., for Phi larieluhiii. sailed trem Holmes' Holo A. M. il(i inst. Hetira vt into nya, uoues, nnu Aiaoama, v anijiuior, lrom Bos' on, and Cerro Uordo, Parsons, lrom Nuwburyport. all er I'liiiaoeipiua. suocu irom iioimos- iioio r-. ai, zui inst, Si hrB Win. H. '1 nomas. Winsmore. and Althea. Smith. both for Philadelphia, put back to Cliarleston 20th inst. in conenmience OI neau Wlmia. Scbr 'i'uuzer, henley, sailed from Portland 23d iust. for Buniior. to load lor Philadelphia. Schr W. I). Mefchane, Adams, hnnco, at Norfolk 'iid instimt. SehrSnrnh Iliimmond, iley, lor Puiladelplna, sailed fii.ui Bulii 22d inM. Schr Lizzie lbomond. Lord, for Philadelphia, sailed frnm Priivutnn,:e l?-tlll inst. ScbrOov. Burton, IvUdluiu.ror 1'nuuueiphia, sailed Irjm Salem 24th inst, Sehrs Benj. Reed, heneo for Boston ; T. .1. Trafton, from Portsmouth. N. H . ior Philadelphia; Ibittio K. S.imnson. from Portland for do : and Artuiir Burton, from Bungar for do., at Newport I", ftl. 'SM nlbl. Schr Billow. Wriclit, hence for Bangor, at New York 25th inst, Honrs Fssex. Kdserton. nence ior rrovidence. and Salmon Washburn, Cook, houce for Taunton, at New York 25th insc. Srhrs Active, Coombs; Minnie Kinnie, Shay; A.Ham Illlimi, IIOHieU i IX. moiuil .vwk.., .-.III 10. illuuillB and Skvl irk, Simmons, from Boston for Philadelphia . . ...1 . 1J U XI..,.. ( It .. . XT . V. . . I passed Hell bate 25IU inst. NOTICE TO MARINF.RS. Cant. Cooler, of the Atlantic Submarine Wreckine Company's steamtus Laokawanna, reports ; Oct. 2i, the Highlands bearing N. by W., distant 15 miles, passed the wtuck of a sunken vessel, with topmasts about 12 lest out ot water. Tne wreea lies in a aanpernas position lor Ten ssls going or coming irom tue soutuwaru. 8TOVE8, RANGES, ETO. THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENEB or KUROPKAN RANGK, for families, hotels, oj publio institutions, In TWKNTY Plfi'KKKNI : klv.HH Alan. Philadelphia Ranaes. Uot-Air-lea rjces. Portable Heaters, uow-aown uraw i -""" Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew-hole Plates, Boilers, UoolOiu Btoves. BLO.. wnfi ail I ana roeai, or m . . . OWJVM, vw., nuvumi l: 111 1,1)1 i. q.uiluuoN S 7wfmr!m Ho. 40t N. 6HOOND Boreal Phonld he in use on every Henter and Stove. It Increasea and will also bent a room above in place oi a stove. (J ALL i hftv iinr sis ii r. Jinn havhh iit-n i ij uuvunii ui wuo vooi. AMD br-Hi lUltn at tue uiauumuwu j, O. X , No. VM N. NISTU S.t M EKR1CK & SONS BOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, No. 30 WASHINGTON AVENVB, Philadelphia. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, Regulated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented June, 1608. DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVELESS STEAM HAMM ER D. M. WESTON'8 PATFKT SELF-CENTRING, SELF-BALANCING CENTRIFUGAL bUGAK-URALNLNU MACHINE. AND RO EXTRACTOR, For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturers. T 10 mwf j VACUUS MKUB1CK. WUXlaaf B. MUBBIOK. JOBS B. OOPK. STABLISHED 1819 'I'lie Wow loru wyeing and Iif iitintf I2tubliiliiaem, ei'ATKN ISLAND, . No 40 Norlb KIOHTH Street (Weet Side), PbiladolphU No! H8 IJL'ANK btieelr and 7W BROADWAY, Ne , . i . 1 !i t,i .nH wall known Comoanv tr nnruraH iih tLe biabeat decree of skill, anil the moet annroved tt hintr". I KVK, CLKANbK and UNIHlleveVv variety el I.ADlKb1 and UKNTLKMkN'H (j ARMBNTb, iid PI Kt'K i.OUUB, in their usual suoerier inanner I 1 i A R M V N 'IS J L it A N b K, U VVUOLfc . -It) 17 fuiirJni P0LITIOA.L. yOTE TIIE PEOPLES TICKET IN OAJrIDKN OOUNTV.MKW JKItSICY. . For fit ,te Honaior, Jam kh m. huovi'.l. "or MieritT, SAMURL AKCIlF.rt. rvH LK(ltSLTURK. First DiBtriot, RICH Kl) DAMl'ION. 8ooi nd Diatriot. JAOOH III lOHi. NKR. Third Ibatrict. ANDRKW 1. TURNKR. IJoronera, JOtfN n. KKYIIOI.u. KNOS P. PIIUK.V, ROBri.RTtJlIICVy. 10 21 iac 8HIPPINQ. Cfcfr.,011 LIVERPOOL ANE n r rj v --"-.i.o i j n inmaa i,ine oi ariau Bleamers are appointed to sail as im ") li' haturrlny, Oct. 91, at 1 P. M. i -.1 , itnItln'fe. via Halifax Tut Bdny, Nov. il, at I P. M. J-.yoV,"r"l f'"i'duy. Nov. ii, at 1 P. M. City of Brooklj d, Hal urdiiy. Nov. at 1 P. M. .1''"ci1-1irceeJ,,.n''t,turdajr and alieru.n Tuasdai Irom Pier 4.?, Morth River . RATK.S OF PASSAOK. tT J? ?ArL 'TEaaiKB SAIXINO KVKRT SATURrtAV. ,.'. WIV, 'P?-ld. Pn vable in clurrenoy. tIRal ('AKIN utim RTK.k-.ft aiim . lo London jog ia naoa 1,p"r' HSl To Paris ' VASRAOK 1)Y Tni? TUBDAX BTEAMK1I, VIA BAT.IVAX. PIIIHT CAI1IN. BTKKHAOK. Parable Inllel.l T.,..v. i i , , . .iTPrpuol I Iven.ool Halnax. . UD Halifax it St. John's. N. F y itranen Menmer... PaaBcugors forwarded to Havre, Hambare, Bromen !o. at red need ratos. licketacan la boueht her at miulmia K n Sons wiBhiojr to Bond for their friends. ..'."''"'"er information ajiplyat the Ootnjwny's OfBce JOHN O. UALK, Aernt, No. 15 BllOAUWAY, N. Y OTi O'lMiNNKLL KAl'LK, Agents,' 4 8 No. 411 UHK8N UT Street, Pliilat"elih a. ONLY MRECT LINE TO FRANCE iff 4 ? T1 1 1 TF nr-i.T . . . t"KNWYo, ASn W&vyt-.Y&VW BP KST. . The srdonrilri new veMnnlit nn M- t iu. Continont wUl sail from I'ier No. it). North river, evor- in gold (Including wine), ,.. , , TO BRKST OR IIAVRF. first Cabin I Second Cabin S8 , TO PARIS, flncludinff rallwav tlnkntu ri.nlohAH ,n IwmmI First Cabin AIJS I Second IJ.iliin 1 he.'o at earners do not carry steerage passengers. Medical attendance free of charge. Ameril'nn travtdlArn friiinv tA ra vatMrnfniv tmm fhAAf tinent of Kuropo, by taking the steamers ol this linoiroit nnnecosaary rinks from transit by Knrrlish railways anf croBRiug the channel, bosides Baving timo, trouble, andex Pense. UKOKliK MAUKrTM,11 Agont, No. 68 B UO A I W A Y, New York . ror rjaasaeA In Phils!,MB .t Aintn1 IftpAA Company, to H. K LKAF, ' -a NO. JEW UI1KKNUT Street. .CHARLESTON, S. C THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. FAST FREIGHT JL.IIN1., EVERY THURSDAY. Tbe StcnmHhlpH PROMETHEUS, Captain Gray, and J. W. KVEILMAN, Captain Hinckley, wiLiLi ruitiu A Jtl'.ij l' 1j A It li. v: ti L. I LillNrJ. The BteanmhlD J. W. EVKKMAN. will Hail on THURSDAY, October 2S, at 1 P. M. 'iiiroupa bins or lading (riven in connection wlt S. C. R. IL to points in the South aud SouthwcMt. Insurance at lowest rates. Kates of frclcht oa low as by any other route. For freight, apply to is. A. NOLI) UK CO., 2 22tf DOCK STREET WHARF. pgn. LORILLARD'8 STEAMSHIP NEW YORK. Bailing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. RF.DUOT .N OF RATICS. Freight by this line tn' un at la cents per 100 pounds, cents per foot, or 1 cent per gallon, ship's option. Ad vance charges cashed at office on Pier. Freight received at ail times on covered wharf. JOHN F, OUI,, 285 Pier 19 North Wharves. B. N. Extra rates on small packages iron, metal, eto. PHILADELPHIA. Ricrnrovn 5jLhV;AND NORFOLK BTRAMKlIfP LINR r?tjT'THOlKai FRKIGHP AIR LINK TO gHuTHK SOUTH A NO WKSP. RVFUV KATITRI1AV At noon, from FIRST WHARF above MARKE1 Street. THROUGH RATKS to all points In North and Kont Carolina, via Seaboard Air Line Railroad, connecting al Portsmouth and to Lynchburg, Va., Tonnossoe, and thi Weft, via V irginia and Tennessee Air Line and Richmond and xjunviue imiiroHti. lreik-ht H ANDLKI) BUT ONOF.and taken at LOWFB RATKS THAN ANY OTHKR Ll li. """' wvjyf The regularity, satoty, and clieapnesa of this ronle oom mend it to tho publio as the most desirable medium carrying every description of freight. No charge tor oommisBion, drayage, or any expense transfer. Steamships Insured at the lowest ratos. Freight received duily. WfLLIAM P. OLYTJR A CO., No. 12 8. WHARVKS and Pior 1 N. V.'HARVKS W. P. POHTF.K. Agent at Richmond and Oil Point. T. P. CROWF.LL it CO., Agents at Norfolk. 6li frm NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK, VIJ DKLAWARrC AND RARITAN CANAL. j&oar&iW K.XPRKSS STKAMBOAT COMPANY. IUb CHK.APKST and QUICK. KS I' water oommunioa. tion botween Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily from hrst wharf below Marks street, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street, New Yorji Good forwarded by all the linos running out of Net Vork, North, Fast, and West, free of commission. Freight received and forwarded on accommodatln teinia. WILLIAM P. CLYOF, A CO., Agents, No. 12 b. UKLAWARK Avenue. Philadelphia. JAMF.S HAND, Agent. 6 35 NolI9 WALL Street, New York. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington, D. C via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alexandria from tbe most tiirect route for Lynchburg. Bristol. Knoxville. Naahvillo. Dalton. andlt.ha bouthweat. Steamers leave regularly every Saturday at noon from th first wharf above Market street. Freight received duily. ..... . . WILLIAM P. OLYDK A CO., No. 14 North and South Wharves. HYDF ft TYLF.R, Agents, at Georgetown; M KLDR1DGK A CO., Agents at Alexandria. 616 NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK. VIA Delaware and Raritnn Oanal, SWIFTStTRB TRA N SPORT AT ION COMPANY DKS. PA1C11 AIV1J AtVlVTrtUltK ilIVK. 1'be business by these lines will be resumed on and after the tub of March. For freights, which will be taken on accommodaUng terms, apply tow M UA.I.RD 4 CO.. No. 1H3 Soulb Wharves. I.ECAL NOTICES. YN TIIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TIIE J. CITY AND COUNTY OF PHI LA DKLPHIA. F.stato of THOMAS F. MAHKR, ileceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of li. M1AKKKY, Ki., adminis trator of the Fstate of THOMAS F. MAHKli, decenud. and to report distribution of the balance in the bunds of the accountant, will meet the parties intorested, for the purpose ot his appointment, on W F.DNliSDAY, Novem ber 3, A. D. lHtiti, at i o'clock P. M., at the ottioe of Bernard Sharkey, K., No. bl9 WALNUT Strepit, Lud wiek Buildings, Room No. 13, in the city of Pbilndol phiq. lu ilstuthut "7 STATE OF JOHN II. UUBB8, DECEASED. .1 J Letters of Administration unon tho Katate of IOHN II. HUBBB, deceased, having been granted to tho undersigned, all persons indebted totlio said eetatuure retpiested to make payment, and those having claims aguinal the same to present thorn without doluy to SARAH M. HUUBS, Administratrix, No. lait N. TWKLFiTi Stieot, Or to ber Attorney, JOHN ROBERTS, 10 Sri St No. !' S. SIXTH StreeL T ETTERS OF -JVDMINISTRATION DE XU bonus non having been granted to the subscriber upon Die estate of ANDRHW CURCIFR, deceased, all persons indebted to the tutino will make payment, and those having claims presint them to J. MORRIS HARDING, Administrator, HOwiit No. lai S. SF.VFNTH Street. I -s.utath' nv .TaCnit nif. ffiTTPjT?v J Letters Tostaniuntary on the above KsUte havinir been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims will present tho same, and those iudobtod make psymsntto FMZAB1CTH A. 1)H COURSKY. v JOHN G. DK (JOIJKHP.Y, aud JACOB DK COURSKY, 10 6 wot No. looti MASTER Streel. . FREDERICK SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKEN, So. 208 Koulli FOURTH Street, 10 8m PHILADELPHIA. 7ILLIAM ANDERSON & CO., DEALER? 11 in ime Whiskies, No. 146 North SECOND Street. PlulfldU nuiiiir i i 1 1 AMUSEMENTS. Jt M ERICA N MAT NTDltrflOlII ACADEM Y. P AT T I. PATTI. ; 1 ' - The public is respectfully infominrt that "the World ro." .HIUKI'TOR. tl,A ,.,1,! ft,- r. . V. . "MM UUIKIIIIVU I Alll.lll l A Concert Vocalut, MJIe. PATTI . . PA1TI will make her first appearance In Philadelphia, since her ret in nf rim Furopo, in TWO CMAND PATTI CONCERTS FR1HAY AND SATURDAY KVKNlVoS ,, .."'"d3ithOrtber,at8o,cloek.' Mile. CAUi.tll i a I'atti w.m i.-. (,iVI'! li,- is-KM TKR lho Great 'cia-s:ea'l PI. ''llr'O HABKLMANN, I LB havorito Tenor. anlst, (his first appear- J. F. PRDM K, i ne Uistinguisbcd VIo- V,ith .insifir iiDri5l . !" (,r',at Bnssii Pniftindo. Mi.Bl.-sl IM,.ANI t'KA'u OKCHKarCA. -WiU?Tn,?mLmt 'U: "'"''"rOieelc, ccms e'y) atHC wb"it",?,in "mrnenr. to-morrow ( Wednse. street ' A' J"'iplors (only), No. Iliwnut Stt inwav's PI i in si tf " """" an t,nn rulti Con 'erii. U D E M Y OF MUSI C. T.EnHMANN, K K 1' I N K D I L I , t Mt N 1 ' U R. Dhl-lGHTFUf, MYSTFPY Will make his reappear MODKRN M AGIO MONDAY KVI..MNU, November 1st. A nd everv evoninir rlnriti tl,n w..,.t. ' N l'll; l, I . v n I.-w v : t i, C ;,"V,';.U 'l.'":',i"'''"iie ......... , i r.,., ,r,iru n r. r k K A T'l'KMi' rtn Invented by himself, expressly to sigoalir.e his rotun to jib hcmhvdiore. va NO A PPLI ANCF OK MFCHANISM r nssistanee i of parnphernaba oi ony kind are used in In se nstonisliinc perionnnncee Tickets One Doliar, without extr charja f.,r a seats. " riiV.. Snlrfl of tickets commeneo Kat.ordnv morninir HFjM ri.HR'S Aliisic More, No. FAi Ulll" SNC T Stfest. LAUKA KEENE'8 " CUKSNUT STRKI P TiiwaTrin. LAST NIGHTS. LAST N It'll i'i PKCOND W KKK of the g-eat Draiuatio triumph, uueicault s Beautiful I irmna, in S .icte. of ""i'u, HCNTKIl DOWN; flB TtllT TU'll 1 IVb'U iil. . rT--r r... Assisted by her splendid Company. To conclude with A I 'i .U KII K VTA. ll'l'll 1 ,111 ...... ,. . n.. aa-i ni.ntii, i -i r,rrt u i I lli.f, BELLA, (A now l'luy), and PA Tit I II; OR, THE WHITF. WOMAN OF WICK LOW Feats secured from A. M. toS P. M. Doors open at 7 ; commences at WALNUT ST. THEATRE. HEUIN'S A T , THIS (Wednesday) EVKNINH. Oot. -i- ' LAST Nil. HT BUT l'OUR OF : ,.,i"n. r.nwiN iioorn. till YLOCK.. F.DWIN Rnnni DON (VF.SAIt DK BAZAN " DON CA.SAU DF. BA.AN " I DWIV BOOTH 'I'll I'H S DAY-TH K LA DY OF LYONS (ll.AL'DK MKl,'t)'ITI! .. Fl'wiN BOOTH FRIDAY JiKNKl IT OF KRWIN BOOTH t II A Kl t.Vi SUUliUAY-LA ST BOOTH MATINKK. HAMLFT ' EDWIN nnnTtf MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH 8TREE1 THEATRE. BoKins M to 8. oi.iCK SIIAKFSPKARIAN RFVIVAL MONDAY. AND DUKLNG THH WFFK ALL'S WELL THAT I. .Miii w?i JV1'ni. ri",w .S,'n''r)' now Costumes, Music, and cfliciunt Cast, including ' MRS. JOHN DREW And the entire Company. MONDAY. Nov.l, Boucicault aud Byron's LOST AT SKA. I? OX'S AMERICAN THEATRE X1 THE CI.ODOCJIK TROUPE. ' CI'.F.KK SLAVK. NEW BALLET, THE CAN CAN. CAN CAN FEMALE FORTY THrEVFS. Matineoon BATl'RDAY A FTKHNOON at 2 o'clock. DUPREZ & HENEDICT'S OPERA IFoUSE" SEVENTH Street, holow Arch. ' I Late 'I heatre Comioue). MILCHAS. II. D Li PRE I.... Manager Biilliimt Opening. Triumphant Success. ' Ihe 1iidieV tavonto Amnsemeiit Resort This Evening and Every Night During Season. I iibt week of tho gru.-it. tamous DUPHEZ BENEDICT'S O'ig.'int je Minstrels and Burlesiiue Opora Troupe Fiist W eek Pas do Flour. First Week Benedict's. Japanese Troupe. Fiist Week Band Began to Play. First Week Burlesiiuo I )pera, Il Trovatore. First Week-bee-Fil l h-(.ie Fiist Week Ruin Millionaiio. Doors open lt nf 7. Commence at . f to . Dros Circle. Hi cenla; PartU0t,75; Boxes, ifr.; (iallery, 25 cti; Reserved Seats, 7i; Ctiloretl Boxes, uo cents. Ticket otiieo open from 1(1 A. M. to 1 P. M-i and from 2 to I P. M, 1U27 VEW ELEVENTH STREET 0P E r" 1 HOUSE, ELEVENTH Mreot. above Chesnut. THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROKS ft DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, the grout Star 'i'mnpe of tho world, in their uneuualL' ETHIOPIAN SOIRF.KS, , BEAU'I I1UL BALLADS, SONGS, OPERATIC SELECTIONS, and ' l.AUl.HABI.IC BURLESQUES EVERY EVEN1NO. R F fSTMPKnv fri J. L. OAKNCROSS, Manager. K. r. SIMPSON, Treasurer. 816 rtm C ENTZ AND IIASSLER'S MATINEES- It VTfKl-, 1, A T W .....n r. . ...... i-J M USIOAL , ,v i iViTiii n . .m,';1;'' oo-yu, every oarun. DA Y A r I l.ROON ut A'i o'clock. lu 18 4 VTfPri'AVf'flVairDVATrrDVni.' itrorn ..,..,v.... vv.,uiwH,aiuill yj 1 C Ol t J- becond Grand Orchestral Matinee, December 1. f Sec ni'iiio iii '.uuuatiuriai cuiuoill. 10 -JO WBt V ALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTEf GARDEN Noa. 720, 722, 724. and 726 VINKStrerf THE GRAND OHCJH KSTRIOISf. forw,.rlv tha nr..l Of the GRAND DUKE OF BADEN, pore based at grea, expense by JACOB VALER.of this city, in corrbiuatio with t LAMER'S ORCHESTRA and Miss NELLIK AN DF.RStlN will perform EVERY AFTKKNOON am EVENING at the above-mentioned place. Admission treo, PATENTS. t V I L L I A M S. I R V I M, GENERAL PATENT AG EXT, No. 40C LIBRARY STREET; OUTOALT'S PATENT ELASTIC JOINT IROHv ROOF. AMERICAN CORRUGATED IRON OO.'S MANU FACTURF.B, FIRE PROOF BUILDINGS, ETO. TAYLOR ft OOALK'S PATENT AUTOMATIC . LOCK UP SAFETY VALVE. BRADFORD'S LOW WATER INDICATOR, ETO, KTO. 10 s lm PATENT OFFICES, N. W. Corner rOTJRTE and WALNUT PHILADELPHIA. FEES LESS TEAN ANY OTHER KELlAUL AGENCY. Send Ior pamplile on Tatcuta 8 4 tlistu CHARLES H. EVANS. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. Wahiiinhton, D. O. .October 15, lms . On the petition of EDW ARD HEDLEY, of Pli'ladef plna, Penoi-ylvauia, praying for the extension of a pateol granted to bun on the 'Jotb day of May, l6o'. for as iWA provtment in SHINGLE MACHINE. . lt is ordered that the testimony in the case be closed o the 16th day of April next, that the time for tilingargis! mtiils and the Bxamiut r report be limited to tbe 27tf day ol April next, aud that said petition be beard on the; 2d day of May next. Any person may oppote this extension. SAMUEL 8. FLSEER, 10 20 w3t Commissioner of Patents. S' TATE RIGHTS FOR BALE. STATU Richts of a valuable Invention inst natented. andf or the SLICING, CUT'UNG.and CHIPPING of dried beeL cabbage, eto., are hereby o&ered for sale. It is an articlf of great value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants and it should be introduced into every family. S i Al l RIGHTS tor snlo. Model can be seen at TELEOKAPfi. OFl ICE, COOPER'S POINT, N. .1. . . li 7 f MUNDY A HOtFMAlt NEW PUBLICATIONS. PHILOSOPHY' OF MARRIAGJ.- York ujzryr.s H,u, t l ive n,l What to Live fori Youth, Maturity, and Old ludii 1 KlraU HllllUUUJPt" ' - A i V YANDER O. OATTELL CO., L VUGVVCK COMMISSION MFROHANT8. fl Kaia iORTH WHARVES . AMD Ho. 87 NORTH WATER STREET. P PU1LADELPULA. t SS9 AIaNDK Q OATTIilA. KlO AH CAlTaXI.1 D"r. M. KLINE CAN CURE CUTANEOU8 Eruptions, Marks on the Skin, Ulcers in tbe throat, meutli aud nose, sore legs and sores of every conceivable Siaracter. Office, No. 33 Soutil itUCVKNTU, butweea Ago; Maubooa -nBr, 71, ,3 n ri0 i iflRB livuiurw )iu vm ion