run' ob Tna.r:inBS. i i r iion .i Oiflnlnnw fit" the I.enifl.iW Jnm.U Out lor the Eventa Telegraph. rw r. 2WHv-rrr i r i i 1 'p M1' In the reiWal Mrf'.rtMi'ltoteVnruciU' e ee "9 assurance of , the . iirjmi,M.'(,uf. , Lortf, sclitcil no.'. fwena-nmtw- .of ..t)io dio rittv of 11? MWstV.tH-v.thttt'' M!-!i','lurt.rt. ' 'IVelan'iT'hry''' t , nniur ' ',. o MMveit..;.:uui. Vlf .-. '." "' V. " 'i t.' II,, ( IvwAJUU SMttUrt (I rti, ifiwvurm.'in ti. iuii uy, prolyl tQ bii.elty nf t or ,-oVtit iuY, i Wr WoitK mg , . uit at uxu. . tie stc'ps. however, at 1 he proltipiitnj' and ndw retm-nJ'tlK olA-Mfc Ibitt Hi 'En lata px-rifld,! po tui' from TOtwlatlUK K- iVor 'tiYitrroiMod sinter" CI ri .linn justice, wiH !.tltt WpW worse ban linlf-v.-'av rdbfUflresV ' Tbo i1ischtablisjinip,nt of. ! ilie W'iuanJritJu, (Jbiuvb wak , a jrrcat ; .ad-.-Vance in tb liyht of the l'loiulne. Viiieh Mtdh 1 n r.are'te tbiU grfcnter evils-wovljl;, Jv ! ftwi'j.t away, but without Mieb a.. promise lis n delusion a'ud a Miare. '; .' ' ' !'.' HK'hootl of the., release of tbo reniniW; dear t the' Irish' heart. aul asked tiuie.and 8u ,iuvfts a great and eoiu-iliiitory favor, wa eusv.wiouoh to grant, ami bnrrl,' if aeeiiN to us. 'even m a political point, of. VHV to,.'ve; fuse. '.'It was to give-away a trinket or-a iaal'V to wen sadly famlshud for tho want of ci'mces-itons, and to' whom the Hnrthdi people Lave cverr rennon in the world 'to, niaSc c?r-' iiintory aiueniifoi- iu,t uotoriuun.-wrirn'gs.'. AM, at the Irish are litt-ly to think, if is mw withheld, may be inferred from tbo oxcluUiAtion of Mr. (jreorgo. Jloo're, U. , that 'the fceptro of EugUuid. has boeu tba Bword,. Iierdiaiiem the Mack cop, and hor throne ' the gallows, for the last sqven hundred j-ears. Father Lavelle demands a long score of ar rears, not one or two years of rent, but tbo rent of avon 1 centuries. iA 'the tiame1 of the five hundred thousand tenant fauiilios v ho nifty be sold as slavos are bold, body and Mill, to the purchasers of estates." Sticb Btroug , language as . ihiv thoiigb natural enough to the passionate extreme of ' feebng Kbieb takes start froia the chronic '.suffering. f Ijsland, excited, the old .mabter wpiritof severity and fear on the other Bide of the rliamie'l." The Ootiogbno bttercd wis(S an(J alu( Vords to show (bat tbe tuylinb Govern jm ut and tbe Iribb ieople were mutually well ilis peed: but once' ajjain it hapnouH tbat Tho ODonoghna baa urlordcHl us 1 what ii probably the best' reason fov the present course .01 the ingusa; jovcrnmeut, , In , (us lettex to .the Aniuoty Coniinitteo o'lnblin lie savfi tbat the Government, oolleotivelv and individually, "commiserate ,, tbe , unfortunate, condition of tbe , prwunorw, aud . are tuuxit anxious to liberate them, if they eatt do! so conshtentlv with what they consider '.their' duty to the tate;'' , but be in .equally oa viuced "that they will not, as they cannot,' without degrading the functions of Govern ment ut betraying the trust reposed iu thoiuv yiald anything to tbe faintest semblance ' of nuconstitutional pressure. "How ' iny deari countrymen,!' he adds, "in their celhi iuust' curse the vanity of the heartless spoutero who would persuade the world that, while powerless to save the captive froni bng dragged within! the prison' walLi, tbey tan, nevertheless, ex tort h"w release; It is' this loathsome' fostian that keeps tbe door Idcke.di and not the unap- peasect wratn or vindicivoue8 of, either the Governuient or British: people''1 Unddnbt-" edly the IJririsb people ; axe more leniently Hui generously inspired Liitll their Irish iudc- ments than at any Xotmer-period of tbett hisJ lory.-.vuut cney can 'scarcely iiavo a aurabte magnanimity if their Datience irowa faint in bearing of these Irishmen who spout .what all tbe rest of tbe Irish leaders repudiate, . EV6a tbe O Donoghne, sensible, as be is, inust ba surprised at the contrary action of. thA Gov ernnient, unless he enjoys tbe conviction j,liat ou anomer appeal inaae with less demonstra tion the Government will yield. ..:..-,.. ' ANDREW JOIlSlSOir ASU'liJlPUJDIATItJN F-omthfXY..i'imes,i -im., ; n .!.' .v.... The organs of Democracy take the failure of Andrew Johnson to- 'get back to Washing ton as a defeat of their party.' They announce the result with much "regret." They wanted Johnson' in the senate to plagno nis im peachera, to bully tbe administration, and to preach repudiation: , ' The 'Wo'rtf receive the defeat of Pendleton in Ohio with more com-, placency, "affecting to '.consider that young aspirant to tbe Presidency tbe victim of liis own greenback theory, which the higher-toned Democracy of New York could never be brought to indorsealthough ' 'our 1 own Hey wonr,', was forced to stand tipor. a greenback platform AVhy this difference between Pen dletob, and Johnson V The, WvrH- is deeply mortified that the open nd nbameless rcpndi ator of the national faith is lre,J used a seat in the United States Senate "by. "eonsorvative". Legislature of Tennessee, Jiufcv it rejoices or rather affecU eatisfaution'-'-'thal the pesti lent theory of Pepdkbm. hu.vroceiyed U nnietivsi MAUU4riiwWor0e'dtUiaaa George" biinaelf i i '-' - "" '"' " We suspect tbat oqr contemjxu'Aiy, in this last caae,. rejoices at heart for another reasofi. There is believed ta. b-one aspirant less, Biuoe Abe Ohio .election, M"tbe Demdaiatic nomination of ,,17-4. anltiwas' Pendleton's popularity, not bis tboorv, ;;tUat the New, York politicians feared mobt, and it is the sup - poaed downfall of thjat',1 poiktWr'it that they are n6w''rejoiclng "over wilb" exceeding glad ness.'" In 'Jobhson's' ease 'tbi-y V simply, fjire expression to .the. ditapiniutnient 'felt that the lteimblican 'party ' will' have one annoy. . nee less, and the national honor one reyijer less iu the United FUtes Senate, .'They would Use Johnson for work which ' they . would avoid as derogatory' to themselves..: They have not tbe remotest , foar, , however, vaulting" as may be bis own - ambition, that MolHison could ' force lnmou , upon the , Peniooracv for higher " promotion than that of a coruniou scold or scavenger' of the party, as occasion required, in the United fcitates Senate,' lt ;bO kh& been WUid, the chances are that they would have denied bira the honors of ordinary,, Tondvishin, .. He as wanted simply to l)Ciate the adrninistration ana cue party wnivu, itom mmpiaged con 11 dence, once honored hitu 'with ''high .office and secondly, he of ase to tarcateu the integrity and 'contemn the taored obliga tions of the . public -1 dobt until the whole people would be familiarized with the , fctiguia tfreptldiatloni Thbw we repeat, was their only object, but it wi,s" lui 'impovtaiit one nevertheless so important that the, World makes "haste to , predict. fwo will not say to' bono for) the early " removal of Urownlow by deatbghO. that" Johnson may yet come forward m col seasun to play 1110 pav, tt,i uowui uj ,i uiui iu mo ' i'iu of 1872,., It was tbisKtno (t'v-(, wbronieiu. ber, tbut invoked Heaven' to' spuia Iho life' of Abraham 'LtneoM'wbf-tt fobnsan '.iaiide ",lba, unseemly' ''exhibition f biitiself InMore' if crowded WWo al;-4u''XrftrcK i ?''..".',', fiiwdl ps ourjjibuUid-ioJii i i'M hewsehS-iiratoi'' ' Ui- ' ' 4 ..a: I,,: w 1 ."" -' ' THE DAILY r-T rr. r r. r from Vonnesfto weniobt rpiattbi invorij- I a t upare i bis-4f-if vrt) believed for a Ifrious pR'lioiius kt i'i(etieal i!u ni(fTit tUftt 'obtiSonf couWvftu.tK'oM td t'w itS henpy iirfreBants, Jraders, jiioni tila not that the Republican partv have anvtbinu to fear fronitbe appearance of Johnson at Waubmonr-JmMhaXli Ktateof TenneeV MaAlb KaVefl; Ilirf pj-oaeb of bis election Rnl the Menace chehamo of bis presence. Hut Johnson will ncrpr come to the Mpnate. .JJe is etTectuMty-donq fcnjA.'Ve xaniip Ida last real flobt on Fi idiiv. ' l or. iilio rest, bis politi :feat whs lnirs'carislii'tViesAnv? as T'enAlctonV. The 6!f-PivWflctit' W bv tbnv6wedsln "of bad fttUb'tt)''. thc";public "eredit. ' W1W bMll 'bouses bf 'tbe.Tejitissee lA'islatum rosnlretl tbo otbto Ulay that tho HUte fnith should be preserved at nnv cost, and her bondholders jiaid to the last, dollar, ,J,Jinsoii's mission to the i United, States . Henate was utterly out of tho question, , , Tbo, M'prM. it was quit cer tain, could not bo luudo to belioye that Tan nessee lucunt to ju-escrye. bohor by send ing Johnson , to Washington' to impeach and malign tbe honor of tbe nation. , , , ,' lTJIE I'AKAOUAYAK AVAU THE COST ' TO BUAZIL. ' ' Fpm t .V. 1". MernUL 1 i .... . Jhe latest mail news from South America leads us to ,tbe Relief. tb'atV the ,war(in Para guay, ior uc preseui hi lensc, will he mis-lic-nded..,,Epe has taltwi to .tbe, mountain. and the albes, 1 uimble to follow him; bavo given up tho pursuit. ' In his present position J Lopez is not without an amiv. small - tbon'b' I it bo; neither is he destitute of arms. 1 With from tw'o to live thousand mdn fully equipped, nftd animated with confidence in their , leader,, there is little doubt tbat . .the Pnranuayau chief tain; will ngain take tbe .boUV.agaijastdl comers., v, . ,,, ,, ,.( , :, .,,.. ,...,( . , ., . For over f our .years, has this war .continued. A largo quantity of. treasure has . been reck lessly sUaiidered and a vast amount, of human life sacrificed to briug Lopez to terms or com pel him to quit the country aiid leave, the anairsof the republic to the care ot a provisional government est&llisied"iluiler 'the protec tion of the, allied powers. ; ! How far these attempts have been successful be lo.'ic of events already shows. The sufferinas of ' the' people of Paraguay, scarcely niul h parallel in history; and yet it 'cannot ie dented that then devotion to the acknowledged head of tho country is of an intense nature. With such n feeling animating tl iubtilrtaitswil it not prove a difficult task to1 br'ipg (bom to' regard tbe interference, 4 :,th allies, a -favorable to their interests? liven taking it for granted tbat the inhabitants look upon the action of the allies as beneficial, bow julich lonaor will Brpzil be conleul to draw upon : be,r treasury foii means to support the army of Count d'En tmu uiauiiiun me .siuieniig peopii? wup oaiiy apply loi aid and swi port?, . , JL'be,Ltet dftielal advices from Jiio Janeiro inform us that durino th moiitli of 'All 'Mist at on over Yme buiidred thousand ' nelplcss" persons .tlirew' themselves upon the allied humanityi 1 To I support this vast number ot persons it 're quires one hundred thousand dollars a dav to le distributed in rations, thus, making the tnontbly war expenditure of llrazil foot up the respectablcejlri(it of 'seren ' million five -hundred dollars. . 1 How can Prazil' stand this How long will the Brazilian people allow it ' to' continue? Brazil all through ha been tbe grand Central figure, operating '. agaiust Lope.. '. Tbe part played by. tbe Argeutiuo tionfederation dwm illes almost into nothing be.side the towering strength Of its powerful ally. Possibly p.razil looks to tbe gradual absorption ot the Para euayan republic, and when too late, perhaps, the Argentine Government may discover that it has been made a tool of to forward tbe am bitious desires of 'BroziL' Certain it is. tbat millions of money have beeu expended and thousands of lives sticrinced by the allies; and what have been the ' results '! A provisional government, without means to supjiort itself and lacking an amiy to; enforce its decrees, has been established in ' Asuncion, and Lopez has been declared 1 an outlaw. Tbese are the resiilts of 1 a four' years' war, in which Brazil ha3 played the principal part. '' ii-'ni" ' The, picture is anything1 but a gratifying one for the Brazilians. . . Their : commanders, of whose military genius--so. mucn was ex pected, and who regarded Lopez - as- a ' mere guerilla and an ignorant and reckless tighter, nave not been tone co aocompusu anycuing bat drive and harass 1 the Paraguayan leader without deti"oying ; bis ' army or annihilating him. And yet tbe Brazilian treasury WoedU, in almost coimtlens sums, for such 1 unsatisfac tory results. ' The Finance aore perplexity at the situation,' and the- bolief ,.i fat gaining grquud that, the, jwaci is a xuioous one. , . Looking : at the - situation front thia standpoint, the independence "of , Paracruay may yet be acknowledged and Lopez, still be regaulea as Us I'resiuent. ' 1 1 THE LOUISVILLE COS.YEKTIOX:. From the !i. Y, World. " n.i..T....:...:n.n : .kii. .j xuo uuuimmc uuyi.-,iu...'i TUvu nujeuiuna haturday week, repre.soutedAvery tate iu the Union. Tbe most pr6tninent Sentifiients ex pressed bV the convention were:!. That tbe South, bad been impoverished by tho lie. belliou, and that the Federal Government should aid in her relmhilitatiou as a national necessity. . IhaV. Congress .,, ought , to assist the following specific project-i, viz.; tbe improvement of Southern ports and of the navigation of the Mississippi river, the oon strnction of a Southern l'atLfio liailroad, tbe oiieningof a water-line cornmunieation be tween the Ohio and the Atlantic seaVoard.and the establishment of au American steaiuhbip line between Southern ports and Kurope, with the view of increasing foreign immigraHou. That the, present system of taxation sbould bo niodified-r-the taiHtion of the cotton-growing sections being denounced as unorpiid, ex cessive, ,and ..tmjUfth ,aud. A,', That sivift and decided measures' should be' taken by the Government for the resumption of specie payments, . .No. ftcu wt la4 oq Jbp fUjxif nese cooli6"que'siruiit' though a majority re port favored the lutr.-iitvtiori'of that Class of labor, , ' ,'' 1 ', ., '., ,.,',' ,. , .. ... .... .. . - The appeals thus made to Congress (except ino tbo one lor upeeie paytnetits' are most cal, lite, iTi tbuntimts of 1 Mn MaMallni; mnwt be "one dc,itib'6disrTii;.;' ' AiAt ' bur pou teiiijmrarycro sinci re" hi ' its inldiurrencjeiyf Tppudiation,' 'it woqld 'find ''eomfoTt,' if, tot satisfiictioii. in r1i"betiV-f tliat'.tobnsoh's de- likely to be, received with favor by that body during the coming session. The chief objec tion will bo tbat they are made in the interest of tbe South: but the radical majority in CoUt gress are unde rstood to be w bent upon ei tending the influence and control of the Fede ral Government ''thai such opportunities for fastening Gdvcinuitnt mortgage upon the projected iuternal interests might be grasped at as beads on tbe line of a groat contnd'dug! policy.' ' It bns biore than onoe been averted tliat a propohitio'ji will be brought before the House this winter for the Government to gra dually buy Up, own, and operate the piincipall litit-s of railway, tolegraph, and ixpr?i in the Wnitid Slates. .- ""- ; ' be Strictures' tiadd in, tbo 'ciiiif, ,jf the Dnaciul ytlicy'.vt Gtt)(.'- adiuuiihtnition, 'ii'ui the deic-nd f.-r specie payinM-, 'at'e' ,i ..ill ', m ' ' ' -' I I'll -, (,,1: i lli'.-M-' ' '' -" ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' I ' i " 4. EVENING TELEGRAPKr-rniL ?'tLl,tiLilH it identical in khi pre- ess men. imers, or nnrty, as- aemble anywhere for deliberation upon their interests .orjieeessities, jr the financial oondi- side, 't a'tfr' 'MKft'l H':ifot41)rr- tost.agaiii.saiiiifuaci:niaL'Ie .currency and Jd favor of TTTfturrr -to-nFrte- -pavTrrpms'Trm-iOT or,t.TXyiBiiihlsShr filiform rrtirtf & fe fi? seatt-AA- mill t4-r.i- kllseoiaAuf Vadually eating away the patience of all classes of tbe Teoi ile. ' tt tMi'i vrrr "rrTTM iimv TO'ifA'Acrn-niKtiTir . t4om the A. T. H'orW. 1 ' The Awaw Vw .'I'fmlo aagpe, 4H u! 1-ewiitly jiiblu.Jiei1 ' report its, rommitiee; 'gives n most 'Ttffvflig' ac'cou til of tho success that bsx Rttenert ih tffoi-lW in -tho past, audaeta foibrfalfc-'wlilohrproiiiiso tqr the immediate fpturPUe.sultWo grunt, if a .consistent course bo -.rexsevierod ill.: that wo regret to notice an apparent chauge of base 1 mine operations 01 ino jjcaguc, as snowu m tbri annoiinceinent tbat .'.'tbo. war will bo car ried iuto Africa by the. proposal, of n revenue tanfV during the condiig sfmionof tkligr sh." tn all uTeat movenlcnts for reform. Jt is un- wiho to ubanJon, even, movrnUvilv, . lie stelidy support of . a fundamental pfluoijde, and t teiiioric with fho parly of oppression forj the wake of a partial 'and "probably tran sient present advantage. --We should concen trate our, whole, strength .for the complete , ami final overthrow of a wrong, not sub loits upholders for concessions or . compromises. ! nftliermore, it must be borne 111 mind that any reducti 'schedule of ion' from' Our ' present . exorbitant duties which pveu tho most san- giune Iree-trauer' could daw to Iwpd for in the coming session of Concire.s, , would,. si ul be ivastlv more burdensome than the tai iU's which were deemsd almost prohibitory in fonuer yenrs.. It is possible that the protect tjoiiist lobby iiight consent,, foi', its owu in- toirsl, to throw a "sop to CciberiiH: . to con sent, to certain modification. -of , tho - timet, jivit sulbcii:ut tp quiut tho ominous . grum-. blipg of an increasing opposition: but is such a. result to be desired ' Would it not rather aid in the .perpetuation of the .vry evils, we wish to ivioriu 'i ' For, oiir'owii ' 'prl, wo are iuqlined to believe that it w ould inoro ccr laiiiry insure the 'ulvlhiate ' triitv.ipU of ' the . freo-irade' cniu,e to give the ' protectionists Jope-enough to hang ' themselves 'withal;' to leti them heap up ix upon 'tax iitilil the wrong becoiiies so monsfi-mm- that none can tail to see it full iniumt v. : I'uder any circmiiKinuct's we trust that a representative body of five-traders will.-be dissuaded from the hiium dons proceeding of npjiearing. eveu.byiinpbcntiAjn. as the frameis or propoiei ,ol.a tiuitt ot any. sort. . It .a ro- duped iSchciue of, customs -faxes be o tiered fr ojni.. a not her source, the ttdvo.cates of, an un- resjtricteu commerce .may accept 11, :ng,. a ;siep in ithe riglit direction; but it is neither a part ot their ftinotiott to devise methods of faxa tioti. ' bOr Consistent ' with their purpose to' yiold an iota of the absolule'ridolity to prm- uiple Irom which aione their cause ilerives its sueugtb A I U K'K JM MTJES.", , , Tlie Soul'.i As It In, ' .',.,.. ,, i '7,i., II-' . O. 'VribmT, (WC: , . J'liu ntesent season has proven to lie one oi ureal mealy. The gtvM staples, -riv, votroii, and suifrtr, iiiwt riiV'J.iili ,1,iiv, wci,u,,i 111,17 uv buuiuiflwi ,,., 4,1 nl, lmb ' -l1!,., itmuni ,-l frtl' 1, 1, U.-UU nnt'hiinu lirirr ni'Hcr Liiaii iiL iii-aciii, ivii.i uiu tiic-nriik i.rosiMmtv ,of : tin Houih is substantial. The oht svstem 01 livinir on the iirespeetlve crun, of drawiuir .ineisuppori 01 mii? iin.-s.eiu i-iii iruiu cuu. nu.t, ui iieinif in race always in hcdihiki on uic vei-xeoi dshk- pi, ,,, ,' hud iitijiiml ,i,i.uv - Tlw 111 ki'f.LMlu if ;uirrli,iil- Vllir HUH , -, 'llliin-i 1 aiu i,u 111. "IVA4 "I nu, "(, 14 beinits as chattels, but iu laud. In stores, In capital for . future .improvements iu substantia-! oomrorts. Thdre will be henceforth a moro ,tf''ncw,l dnlUsion of the comforts of life than ever before. The day of "poor whites" Iibb perished with the slavery of the blacks. - The Utter class are Uowion a remarkable aptitude for freedom, whluli it was toiifliiuiiUy pre- dictea would proye tneir rum. : ' , ' A Fortunate Fellow. " 'i'tie pla world of Jlomboursr lias been hiehty . ex- i ited bv the extraordinary .uok of a Maltune uiil- Jiouaire, who broke the bunk at Ha, leu and won enor mous sums at llombourif tn 1SU4 aud 11,1. onine ver day of his arrival li won luu.mitt iruuest This areeanie periormunee, moreover,, iuikiii ue wil- uessed any of the miecuediuir dais. I'ruin the first hnurof lus arrival the wealthy Maltese had declared ne leir, ne would win a lame sum on me ibiii, me uiuiiversary of the day when, iu lsiii, be carried oil' 'HE. Illifl frnni i, of cu-nin wm V, rt ,11,1 ut very same hour. The sum was so large aS to en cumber the table iu sucu a manner ttiat other players -ould witfc dliliculty And room to lav down their- slakes. The keenness of tils eye 19 unrivalled. The bystanders, who crowd around him, are astonished at .his ttllliic them beforehand whether the croupier i will turn up the w'lnnliiK or losing color; and us ior mistakes ny inauverteney, lie never allows one to pass uQTiouueu. w uutner ue wins or loses, ne never pnii s for more than one hour a day. He Is very generous oiiieiiee(i.v; nut tue naiiK inut.1-uave ien exceed ingly relieved at bis departure i . r K Youiliful Klinrodw. V' ' ' lae Iiaveupcirt ilowa) J)f)iwc,iit Says tliat- two youuK uieu left New Orleans some time diiripj; the Sun nier lor a trip-to tin North,' perhaps to the hoiuee oi (lie miner of Waters, aud ad aeent' nnrrx. As they wlelied to be indeneudciit of sleuuibuals and l mat e iuib, iiu-j nana mkiii iiiuuo iweniy-nve leet !eti( by live' wide, stout and strong Irom Stem to atwrn.-. W illi Uij well sroeked in icuus, ammunition Him usaiug laesie, niey siaiien on tueir lout? trip, lowinn; leUnrely np the bread river, enjojintf liie arand scenery, , the ilsii und -uutnW lunmj the whole ol their trip iLK'.y have usyd uu , Itread,-. livlutf eiHireiy uiiiiii me iiioiiuuin oi up snut-xuil Kiel li6liip(t-roit They 'arrived - ui' litis ' port ye-terday, ann as ine weainer is Keniii); xaiaer eiiiiiy, eon lmU d to tie up and wail lor tin: wni'ui Hiring wind to help thein ou tlielr ninvard vovae. Tliey intend imisteutiiig their joiirney early next, sf-asoii.' Tli.v to not coiiiiiiain iii raiunc, una inejr nave aau.a sjilendld trip thus iar. . , , . lit Wnnr at Illore Wife. ' - . 7Ue Chief of the Itois-Kjiie ludlaiw railed at tie cilice of the Superior (Mlimoota) i ntuitu- recently, aud sui'scritied tor mat paper ior a year. Ka-iiu.-tii eo-ila-wu is In wut.t of ouu mure wife, having now but three, and oilers the foll-yiig hutneeinents turouah the Vr.fww.- lie raid tliat, iu case we fciioiild hear of any wor.hv wlule la.iy i.ho might be at ull disposed to consider the propriety of becoming one ol his better halves, we uiiylit ;suy to her that Uu has a unod, large, warm .house, istiit lur him by his Oreat l'atlier: that he li- liue.u kind to and has never stiiiek any of his present wives; tfcat he would trait a-wluta wife very kindly aud considerately : that he would divide .with, her bia property, and' that lie and Ills other w ives would ive her the verv nicest and bent of everytliim that could be hail to eat, anil Dial tUiy wottld nil do everything In their power to make her contented and haiinv in tier new home. In reiilv lo another iiiustiouof ours us to whether he considered that ins stock of luvu was larue i-nuii-'li to ilusti i'mlc. to a K'Hid advantage, among so inauy wives, ho simply stun, "lva-tiesiiHO-da-wiiy s heart is big. . t That N,.w York "What T It." teiiira! M w uu-K is excited over" tlie ,illgging up Of a stone giant in Lafayette, Onondaga county t but win-inn ii is a peuuauiioii, or a specimen in tfusiiiu- tai sculpture, for a reiunaut of this peo- pe mat once lived la this section were preat on stuliics, the wUt- men have not yet discovered. Speculators have been trying hard tO Seeurt.' it. Hud Hi-.riir,lin tt- tli Ki-i-mMld.,' Jniirmll l ! inlay, Hie owner parted with it on the following eetidiiious.Tlie. wliolo Is -valued at ff,0d.' Mr. ' Jlipglns purthasi's tiiiee-iiuarters. Of this lie retains m.-e-nuaiur; Dr. Amos Wesleott left, of this oily,' and Mr. Jiavid II. Hannuin, of itoiniT, purchase one-liali ! and Mr. Newell retains ''!'';f!1,,"'1,'r' Tu! Muarttr luUiest4 are Vitus valued at flii.rou doMurs each. ' , ' y ' U l,: wo undersiiind, the Intention of the pur i ja.seis to put Ui wonderful ulyect oil icwliibicina IM.nnhoi'.i Hh .country. It will not be iuiuicUUitelv ivir.oied 'irom the place whero It was fouinl, and wTn-re it liaSbiiu-M beeii permuted t He, unlit the ' ctiMiMty y it lie in r,iWj Ui jhe vkinitj nluUl hanvbeeu. Jnt;-li 1.-. 1 !'.s intrri si sci-nvs to be. on tlie Increase. ! tio ivurr- iici'essive din's ri'elpts ffimi Visitovs li "''j'-"' (lnfn lortho iucibug vf.ivii .hesieMity 'f V'"' ' S '' llieiiauil Msikil. (iid tp-.dar 'J- l l''e-J:'."W'fnyoi On'iati. iid-iiu e uf en'iiil titlin belV,J 'i-i.i-.iii,- vl-i-i-) 11- t. ii iu il .'i i; -il "i il i'i- .,- ; 1 ,v in,.. : '.-' i,. ; -ii J J -;il- I.'1 'I ' -Ii ADELPHU, TLJE3DAY, r wfLir. iLu" ,i Jl1.m.I .71 'WW lHt- n-4 Hiiii .li-. ,1 roiitf Mlie r''M'"r I ete''rlHnli,( it tli IM-rgtil-i;i. t iarse I V;v -'ast wK Kone frtvhoiit, ,nllie Vilk'rt"-rt. of ?!Ktnt!c. nun nM in. removed, Bnuitr t.reiiHrsri ".hi -n iore me iifirnes were sent 01T for a snrub rare. 1 llC Word WIIH Eivetl. mill In nn Iniitunt nvi-rt liiirw1 wain -4hU mruv.-imH w t.llnt tlie-whiN t-flntn-ntrTrrtT-n!:rfr-R-iTtr--TinTK,-ritiviTis. me. ?m V lff H!'f'l!l'1t,N'' n"i'!'M"i ''?" !'l'hl sun 'fill' ' 'I 1 rart. the rear-hnr. nnit Then tlte nit'id'e (fiouii. mid was Hi tin-" le'n.rtufcin'tf On- l.-ii 1, wte-U Mien horse NtniiiVU.r 'incr ail fii 11iefasfct the in 1 ne U:k k. She a,-i ual K"e ! ii . Imwi ver, MWi.W'1'rrf liiS.rlil,1nVTiior ' llv'vncu; SI"' hlltf DMT the L'UIII.I Ilkdn.hM!.! Hid him while Hit IIMJIttW.'I'(NU t,8MMIttll..u!ti , .H.tli-Wurijwr.nitr!iMi t'tio'-erauit tumh Mm lHjiMKiiiui t lm :i i-.ii i:h Hu. h auiiiLau itinUhini'. h-iiL sK iris llniiti-d over tin) IiB'-Iv.h ol'the leirm-s. LiP POltulinmiijia- now. -nil i-.liiini-i- Iih.i l,iiri.ihftl ic-i. M,'h ;Vnm U:T Icvehlivst. uMxfoi wiia tliu NviuiHc .vtaid' I'll I ll) lll- lull k Rlfllt . n 'tan. iiiliuLlii tl,,L a,lunc,l.i4Vlk A " wr.t.ii(Miinn,i.iir .VMie.uiiUv au4 mpuiiy ,i-v-- 1 1 1 niniiT ,i,iui r,, i ue ii in lev ino niriua neon iuck,wi,ri tlMeiliiintJiorxN-iMnloiiir a loniiiliuf llw iiih 1 nil. .'I'lin vomia llu.ii rh..-r,-il ami v.llmlj tint vnonir Iih!i-s iienltviiieu it,ti tiivir Iiium iiimI kn lttii.wliii tint dovvti timlr -leitT lieHsj ik.vilt (lenpk', la lmtii.v CMMu, I'lul.nineileaelt tlitir la I hetr iovj wliilti the it lex tniiKuvM'iii their- ohuWUm Ultimo uiui luutmi, in mi, m ii 9,vuui)le-,'.MFauUii'i t ji eiw roiH-itaeK en liet'-fotttDnK mnoil. nit eovriil tvii l utrr, iiv iiih inn, hihI v uUies iorn- iliDuHt,,iil HlnvtlH.. the Krainl sltmd resniutdtil Willi Ilie c.hccrn gf tiilrly' f liKiisaml vuvcH, aDU the surrouiiiilQK srovos pro- lOllgtttl tllOl'l'lMfc i -., , i, ..n - ',n , ., .m.' : . " ' 4'altrnmlii Minion. : ,. .-. . ' i - At 1-0 OclOCk tills niovirinir: Ortnber "i.Vc Vci' vMti tl by me severest eaniu'imkc 'shrink' ever cs-peiii-vccit ui l'jiuli vallev. Fur ourselves?, ivs nvw, iislui p, hut so'iti fourtd ouHclves wide awake, .se.ut- lile of The terriDlu convtilslort nointf nn.. J'or lour or live sveetiils oiiiu pav ten secotiil-i tlir.' houe rntth d a thengli actual ireuiolltlmi was floifig on, .Mir was it. nn in appearance, vt lieu davi'iint came, the irt. thtuc that grtetert mir Mtjlit vas jarge (inaiitlt.v of inicVs and nuittar in the IrCplacci tm pinna oat or ', tUe.'emise of this was iilaluiy iHHite. Three or four eourscB of brleks Had ueuu laki n till' the tup of the chimney ami laudi'don fhi riuiX of the lunise. .On coining up to I'klali, ivo ,1 nrnrd that Some V,ttufle had beCti done In th w.iv ;nf iiirakitig buttles, etc., In the rtrujr siore.4. Smni! twciuv toiisoi Dour, in savxs, was uroreu away ri the; western part of s. Williams' atore. A had been stal ked up nicely, but when , wo. .looked at it this nml iiiuif it looked as tImiulii it llnd linen dunipeit dow n li qui a hl. cart. withuiit .onier or care, 'i'hc i'lliiiK of Mlllains' .store was. also considerably UaniaK'-d. 1 lie celllmj ef Jloore. JL CMiatubers'.aaloou looked terribly streaked. On furthur lurinirj re learned thai quite a number of I'liimuc.vH iu the lieipMiorliood were imire or less iluuiatfed. one, that of I lawfoid, was tlirown down above tlm ruuf of I ho house, ami llieu broken oil' lower-down, and the body of, tile, cliininey Miifttiti about uun On: t). liieli interest whs feit iu regartl to ilia new mmhI nary, the walls of whieli -Uiul just lieeu completed, but; on e.vuiiiiiialion it was, found i tint -no daimigu WUS Ulllie. ; i t . . , - ' ' ' FOR SALE.' FOR SALS, Elegant Browa-Stone " WITH ( OACH 1IOCSE, 1 No. 1 oli7 SFJKUCE ' STUKKT; , t'nmt'rr iictr oii lelll lie iuclmii f,f vhhnk . . k At-rTT ft' I. i ii-. ii-iii,. 1 1 J. NOSEIS ROBINSON, AT DKEXEt it C0,'S. ' . " , . SOUTH' THlitD SyUftET,'.' ., No. 'IU ui i Htntn rtlOADLPHlA., WINES,. H E R - K1A J E S T Y: i 215 SOUTH FRONT STREET. nrilE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE 18 X Bolioitd to tbe following Tory Choice WIqdj, etc, (at ma id uf ... " 1MJUITUN 1,USSUN, ' ' ' i - UU SOUTH FRONT 8TKKKT. ' OHABP1GNKS.-Areutv for bor MaleM. Duo da Montebello, Clute Bleue, Oarte lllancbs, and OharJee rarro .rDa in Jiugeme, and Vin Imperial, M. Klm- oCo- Mafeaoe. bparkanc JUomII and KiiiAH W A DFIR A S.-Old Island. Booth Side Keeerre. ' 1 sPi ""dolpbe, AmontitUUo. Topas, Val- l'OK'IVS. Vinho Velho Rnal VlLt mil flriurn (JLARKTS Pramia Aine A Oie., Moouerrand aud Ber HBB. Wlu.l. UU UAU1VIOB n UUM- . it, tilN.-"Mederhwan." - , liKANTJIKa. Ueunesse, Otard, Dapojr k Oo.'i rarlons nniaaea. - - 4 , pAKSTAIR S 1 fc ' MoOALL, . Noe. m WALNUT and SI OR ANITK Streeta, Importers of . BRANDIES. WINKS, GIN, QUVK OIL, ETO., AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS - For tbe sale ot - .1 FURS OLI RYE, WHKAT, AND' BOURBON WHIS- pARSTAIRS' OLIVE OIL-AN INVOICE i we aoore ior aue or ' , 0AH8TAIR8 A MOOAT.L, . ,l8Sav -. Roe. 13 WALNUT and III OKAN1TK6U. DRUGS, PAINTS, ETO. JOBERT SHOEMAKER A GO. 5. Corner FOURTH and RACE Sti rfllLADEXPUlA. ',,.,,, , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ' Iniporterg and Manufacturers of,, ';','.', White Lead and Colored Palnti, Putty , varnishies, Etc. ' AttBNTS FOR TUB CBLKBRATKD FRENCH ZINO PAINTS Dealers for cash. and consumers supplied at lowest prlcei M.M All SHALL, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST ! , AND WJIOLKS.VI.K DEAI.KKS l.N . PAINTS, OILS. GLASS. AND : PATENT MEDICINES, Xos. 1301 and 1305 U.UIKKT. SI. 111 21 IMu-iiu GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, M I C II A E L MEAGHER & CO. H0.(82S Sontli SIXTEEN TTI SUoot, . V holeeale and Retail Dealeri la -FUOVISJO'9, OVaTKltS, AND SAND CLaMS, ,i r Ku FAMILY I'hl TBitKAPINS 11 PER DOZEN- VU IAHTON At HI C ML A II i , NKo. 3 COKNTII'8 BLIP. New York. 1 Ko.! KOIJ'J'U WUAHVliil'ljiljidelDhia. '' No. 45 W. PKA'l'T bueet, Jialtiuinre. ' We are ureparod to alilp ovary doscriiiUun of reilit to i Fhiladolpuin, JNew York, W ilminKtou, and inteutediat i.,u uinii iirouiulnoiMi and oeauatna. 04 7OTTON' SAIL ' DUCK ' AND CANVAS. I ' -I nil 1,111 llnr. Traakj 'and Wauon er ! i'lirki: Alo. 1'nptir fcUuuUulamriri lii,r Ii'li. I" "inly to bovam at a i- ..;.. Kuil 'I'wiiiM At,..-. - -' 1 UIIIIUB, IWHUSI 'V l llllllU, "4j .IOIIN W. IVKKMllI.'i.ll luj QUL'iiOU Suoul iOitr i . 0CT0.i5ER 20,1869 ?i TT 4 Pi 5 " AfREUiSlE HOi.'iE' INVES1TOT THE FIRST 4Mf IH ,,., , 1 .' -, ;( i ..'!(;' n. I ,i ii'-t i iiiiio'I. 0.1" I', f .w.-r'i -.( rt m A 1 BBATilNC INTBRST ;i!' ,(,n.1 r (,o !. I- ff I : t l-.i. : 1 t: l " :,( .V- Urn At Si;y2N.??R CINT.:.lii;;, ,t. ... i ::,',' a A-i l " ,).i'-". v v . i : .- . -.' : .-i ...t PAYAIlUli Al'KIL AND - OCTOBER, i FKRBC OF STATB AND UNITED STATES TASKS. , Thlsroflit runs tnrougn tliickly populated aud rteb Burlcultura-, anrt raanufaeturingdisuKt. - For the rTcnent. -we are offering a limited amotitit the aoove Bonds at , ','".,",".' " 85 CENTS AND INTEHE3T. The connectton of this road with rtie retmsylvflnla and ttcadlng Railroads Insures it a large and remu iterative trado. We recotunienil the bonds as tho cheapest lirst-class investment In the market. - xvia. rAiriTisii a co., BA3SKEK3 AND DKALKRS IN GOVERNMENTS, j No. 30 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 9 4 U2 31 PniLADKLFIIIA. UNITED STATES BONDS B01GI1T, 80I.P, AND EXCHANGED ON MOST 'LHJERAL TtlP.Md. i i j i BOKiHT AM) SOI.D AT MARKET RATES. t'OU- i i TONS CASHED. PACIEIC RAILROAD BONDS i -. - ' - ' BOl'OHT AND SOLD. ' H T O C IC H j . . - - -. . BOI'tiUT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION ONLY. . . ' : -.1.. , MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS. DE II A YEN & liUO., . - .1 I. .- ' ' ..I I ' ' ' , . ' '- No. 40 South THIRD Street, Z6I1 j.jiiUILApKJ.PlfIA. zs. zx. JAiviison & co., SL'CCKis'SORS TO P. F. , KELLY A CO.. Hankers - and Dealers la Gold, Silver, and Goverament Bonds, - AT CLOSEST Mi RKET RATES, N.W. Corner THIRD and CHE3NUT St. : ' i ; Special attention Riven to COMMISSION ORDERS la New York and riillaJelpola stock Boards, eta etc. 68U8 31 FLLIOTT & DUNN. BANKERS, ! NO. 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET, rniLADBLrmi, DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON THE UNION BANK OF LONDON. DEALERS IN AIX GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, BILLS, Etc Receive MONEY ON DEPOSIT, allowing interest. Execute orders for Btocka In PUlladelplila, New York, Boston, and Baltimore, 4 88 QXB DlilNINO, DAVIS & CO., ' NO. 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET, , , PHILADELPHIA. ' , .'. ' ,., ',' GlEfiDINNING, DAVIS X HMORlf, NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK BANKERS AND BROKERS. Direct telegraphic communication' with the New York stock Boarqa from the PUiladelphla lliii M1TH, RANDOLPH & CoT. ' " ' - BANKERS, I ' ' rillLAPELPHIA AND NEW YORK, DEALltESIN CHTED STATE3 BONDS, and MEM- JlEKS OF STOCK AND GOLD EXCHANGE, Receive Actfouuta of Banks and Bankers on Libera Terms. 1H8TJE BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON V. J. UAMBRO A HON, London. B. MET.LER, 8. SOHN A CO., Frankfort. JAMES V. TUCKER A CO.; Paris. And Other Principal Cities, and Letters ol Credit 1 1 U Available Throughout Europe. JOHN 8. RU8HTON & CO., iNo. 50 SOUTH . TRTKD STREET. O I T Y. .: AVr Altii ANT ' 10fSjn ; BOVUllT AUD SOLD. , Y W A R R A IV' T 8 IIOUo'hT AND SOLD. ' YERKES, Jr., a CO., XUi T. O. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, I ' . ', . - I- . PHILADELPHIA i. B v T " LI? DiL Nos.:112 and 114 flrrath TIIIRP StfWfTzr Des'.cn tn all WoTenunent Securttlea. - Old Vf "Wanted m Kxchange for New k Cliiera; DUToiprceailowe L " . . - - 'W .T ' ("oraponnd InttresTKotea 'VTiiite-f. Interest Allowed oa: DepoaU ( ;rt.T! 0OLLECtlOTS M.rflt. StdcKflV'St1 a ou Commission. ' ti ' :- ::-.. -a ;i ri . i , Special bualnose, acoomtnodhUona -rA r.. ittdies. We will receive anniicaVlons for Polic.ipa m - iDlnrance In tlin N. atonal Lu-Jnanu. n, .. -v. vwiupmif he United Stares. Full Information 01 VOTI At An ouice. . , , tim i p..-8' PETERSON & CO.. . Stock and Exchange Brokers, NO. 39 BOUTn THIRD STREET, , Members of tlie New York and riiUadolph'.a. Stoo' ami uoia Guards. STOCKS, BONDS, Etc., boueit aniaoid aA ivi. tnlaalon only ateltber clt 1 sof . WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. ESTABLISHED 1828. WATCESS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, aud t i ; - FA2,cy GOODS. g. w. itussEiij,.";. : FO. OT N. SIXTH STREET, . PHILADELPHIA- RICH J EWE L R Ye , JOHN CRENNAN. I i 9 DIAMOND DEALER, AND JEWELLER, "'"' ' NO. 13 SOUTH EiaillTI STREET, 8 8 mvtf 9mrp PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM B. WARNE . dfc - CO., . , . WboleMle Dealers in -.... WATf:!HKt AND JKWKLRT. corner 8KVKNTH and UHKMMfT Street, hacund floor, and late of No. 85 b. THIRD St. b- 1 271 " .MIL.LINERY. . ... ... . ,, WKYI, A. MONUlICl.'vI, NO. r-2G CHESNUT STREET. ' I OPKN THIS DAY, i 10 PIRCKS ROM AN KTUIPI.'n SlTISq . at fta, ft2 ;il), and & i per yard; one dollar per yari bt-w former puceb. vi satiks, tiiincb. of all del,'4ble shade., A I Si) per yard; re-J'ice-l icuui $ i. . -18 PIF.CKS BLACK VMLVET, wiuranted all silk, at 4, ti it), and $5; one dollar per arl below the tal value. Also, a full etook of all kindft of BliibUH. ...I . . .,.. ; HATS, '-' i'RAMFS, ILOWKRfl,' - . t'KATIIKRf , F.TO. KT1J., ' AT CRFATf.Y RKDIX'KD PRICKS. . , , .. VYUOLKSALE AND RKTAIU . .: lo H im ' . NO. T2S OHRSNUT STRKKT. ; QENT.'S FURNISHINQ QOODS. piiu roi;.T OF FAMIIIOX. GENTS' FVItNISIlIMi STORE. . ,, '",-!', MFS. MinNIS OUMMINQS baa opened tbe abore named place, at No. UH houth EIOH111 bueet, wbete' (entlemen can and enriching in their line: ' Tbe best fitting SHIRTS in the itj readrnade er mare to order. ; ' Puichaaera of twelve articlea receire tbe thirteeath a " Gift. . UMBRELLAS TO HIRE for SSeenU. . Handkerchiefs ht mined free olliaiga. . . .Polite Salenladiea in atteodanca. , , A call U respectfully eOllclted and aatMfanioa aaieaa. - 8- ' '' ' -'' ' MIWWIK OlTMMIUqii. ' pAT EN.T .SUOULDB R'3 E AU ; SHIRT. MANUFACTORY, i. - . AS WiMVAAa;'lUilil 0 UlUliCUialU kJlUILII. I' .' 1 PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWER " made from meaatiremeut at very short notice. All other articlea of GENTLEMEN'S DRE.-? GOODS In full variety. WINCHESTER CO.,' HI ' No. 7U6 CUESNTJT Street, ' ' I N E D R E S S SHI R T 8 AKB ' -..-...'I.- I,.. - GENTS'; NOVELTIES. ' .2,,... J. W. 8COTT & CO., . ; ". No. 814 C HESNDT Street, Philadelphia 8 S75rp Four doors below Continental HoteL' ' PAPER HANOINQS. 3 E A N & W A R D. PLAIN AND DECORATlVa ,." PAPER HANGINGS, NO. 251 SOUTH THIRD STUSrll, . , BSTWIKti WALhUT AHO ?auom, r ., j PHILADELPniA: ." '-'. "" .'V COUNTRY TO. Vt.5 PB0HP1L? All'SNDSU ' - S 1M" OOK! LOOK ! ! LOOK I ! i WALL PAPKRA and Linen Window nliaitee Manufactured.' Mit tlli-liiMt. iu the ritv, si .lOliiSsriXN'o Depot, No, UM (SfKUMl GAKDl N Htrnet, below Kleventb. Btantb. N. , 8u7 I FDKBAf, bluet, (Jaindeo. New JetMy M , CARRIAGES. GAUDNEE & FLEMING,- No. 214 South FIFTH Street. , UELOW WALNUT. . , , ';,..'. Large Aaaoit'iu-ut of New and Houuui-iaa t . a. I it r-.,v o '!is': !M'l.l'tl8 KiM'iawaji, Pna-ions, Jetny 'Lt. idj, Biir(riv Prices.' - j : Depot VVagnuj, Etc.' Etc., ' Fo r8ao c t II e d u cod RHE AND CUtiOLAH PROOF SAFE!. r -"' "'""... "t: "T-r. Ma.(v'W IU. ..1 If T a a.-.- . V , . I FIRE AND KUJlbLAR rROOE S ; A. -F" ' 1.-: H T O II 1-V M. 6,'V KOl'TH f OUHTH HTUEKT." ' Ddl. ' & ttr. ,Korj.fc!iov at4aut l., Piit4,