THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, mi DAY, OCTO 111311 22, 1 861). 3 Z7XIW8 SUIVIIJAIIY. Dwinmtfr Aff;tlri. !o!d closed ycterdny .at 13t. On November 1, t'i'i.81 ',' will be required to yny the eoin Intercut on the 5-20 tiontta. A portion of the crib al tlie HntTalo Break water was ewc'it away by the, mile ou Wednes day. A large amount of piVm at San F ranched lias been destroyed by rain, while wititing for transportation. Jny (ronld. It l Mid. testified before the trand Jury of New York, yesterday, in refer ence to Ibe tfold panic. The New Orleans papers s it that tho State is being defrauded of monev lv bogus soldiers of 114 and 1S5. The monitor Dictator is in the Roads at Fortress Monroe, preparing for her anticipated trip to the Went J miles. A delegation of the California Fioncers waited on Governor (Jcary yesterday, at the tiubrrnntortal residence at Man lsburj;. Five of the Spanish gunboats built at Mystic, Conn., yesterday le t that port for New York iu convoy of a United states reveuue cutter. The race nt William-port yesterday, be tween Coldsmith Maid and American (Jlrl. for the iilKX) purtif, was won by (i ldsmlth Maid. Secretary Kobeson is 'having a .house In Washington fitted up for hi nse. during the coming season, lie intends giving a series of cutertnluments. A Convention of Livmiotive Engineers Is in sctt-iou at llaltiniore. Jlepre.-entativcs of the traft, from all purls ol the Unite J Staton, arc in attendance. President Grant and funeral Sherman will both be present at tlitreunio'i of the Army of the Tennessee, at Louisville, on Novein'jur 17 nnd 18, prox. On amount of the demoralization In the Democratic ranks, the licpublicans of Baltimore entertain strong hopes of elucUug several oi' their candidates. , The ship Flying 8cud. which left Yokohama on August 17. has not since been heard from, nnd. It is leafed that she hxs gone dowu in a ty phoon. " The examination of the otnVers of the Hor net was continued yesterday luit'ore the United States Commissioner at Wilmington, but no de cision was arrived at. The steam yacht Anna, now lying in tho Eric Basin, New York, has been placed under the surveillance of a revenue cutler, she being a suspected Cuban privateer. On September 19, iu a srale, the captain, John Peltz, the second mate, Joseph "W. Coukling, and arnman, Henry Peterson, of the brig KiikIi, of Naira New -York to Malta, were washed Sierra Nevada, from San Luis, went ashore near Pie- tein'oer 17.. The crew and but the cargo and vessel unittee of the National latuufiiiit of the monster Vouoert. iti?7n,ne receipts at .V-.toviiU, ana tuc expenditures at and the balance of $rwS5 tii the hands of tho treasurer they donate to Mr. Gilmore. During the latter portion of Mr. Johuxon's term twentv-six thousand dollars worth of mir rors were placed iu Government ollices in Wash ington. This was done without proper au thority, and now it is thought Secretary Bouts well will order the return ot the mirrors to the dealer. A schooner, illegally taking oysters out of the waters of Tangier bay, Va., was chased by two steamers with soldiers ou board, when she came about suddenly, ran into and sunk the nearest steam-tug, and then, while the other. were rescuing the men in the water, the schooner r.m off before a brisk stem breezo. Forelfirn ARiilm. Napoleon will return to Paris on Oct. 25. The ex-King and ex-Quecu of Naples are at Korue. . The Hcv. J. WillUmon. of Loudon. Eng land, was lately murdered in China. Trim says that, as a monarchist, he Is bound to see republicanism iu Spam erlectually troddcu out. This week there are fi.iKKl.000 francs more bullion iu the Bank ol France than ther was last week. To-day the ultra Imperialist delegates to the Corps Legislfitif meet at Paris to organize their partv. It is rumored that Francis Joseph, of Austria, and Victor Emanuel, of Italy, will shortiv have nu iutervicw. . The report that Prince Mettcrnlcli, Minister of Austria at Paris, had resigned on account of a duel, is deuied. The Crown Prince of Prussia yesterday visited Vienua, and was well received by the Emperor Francis Joseph. The British .press in China is filled with In vective against Prinr-e Kung. who refused to re ceive the Duke of Edinburgh. The manifesto of the opposition members of the Corps Legislatif is indorsed by nil Freuch Liberals, and twenty-seven deputies adhere to It. De Kodas claims that the insurgents of Cuba and the rebels in' Spain are in collusion, and free intercourse is maintained between them. They are pledged, lh Captain-General says, to mutual support. ., ' CITY COUNCILS. Tin se bodies held their regular stated meeting yes terday afternoon. Siitct &y(;k7- President Stokley was In the chair. . " - . Mr.'Pluiuly opened the ball.. He offered a re solution to tramway that historic thoroughfare In the Twelfth ward scored down upon the old mai of Philadelphia as Currant alley, it Is now digni fied by the more oetic title ot Currant "place." That it should he traniwayed was set down by the various members as a topographical necessity. Mr. Plumly delivered an address, In which lines and tangents wero so talked of that at the fiubso inent taking of a vote there was not uttered a dis senting syllable. Gen. Jones produced and presented a petition, The signers are gentlemen J'rom Maiiayuiik. What they desire is a revision of the grade of Cedar street, a suburban thoroughfare iu the district re presented by the gentleman in question. The Chamber decided to icier the matter for consideration to the appropriate standing- com mittee. Mr. Kltchie presented a resolution making ap propriation of iSooOO to pay saUrius of teachers in schools Instituted subeiiently to tho framing of the last annual appropriation. Agreed to. A resolution approving astriiijuritlos of ono John W. Krazier, contractor for building certain new Ai-liool-liouHCH, tho names of Hon. Vm. 11. Mann, 'i'hcophilus X. Derringer and William Kelly wax agreed to. An ordinance appro rlatiny i-'3,(XiO to the Water Department, to pay exp.ntts ol rooeut unforeseen necessities, was agreed to. Mr. llodgdon, of Uio Water Committee, prosontoil a resolution to lay pipe in r'ubui liau Walnut street and vicinity. This whs Bieed to. M r. fc'raucisoiis ottered u resolution authorizing the sugar mauiil'iioturiiv-tiifu of liarrhon A. Have uicyer to construct a railroad turnout in 8 witnson trcetv Mr.. Marcus vehemently protected against such permission. There I no idi'ioad track, ho said, within two squares of this sugar-house. was unwilling to give the linn ol Harrinou & Httvc tutyer tho private privilege, denied Tery properly to everybudy elsi, of cin slng ,be streets ot a ho densely populated neiijliborliood with two squares of privato railroad track. Hi; made vigorous pro test against tlia passage of th; bill. Several other members spuke to like efl'ect. Mr. MiiOall Hskcd the Chamber to suspend action in the mutter, on the ground of abstract justice, iMitil the Pennsylvania Kullraad Company lav down tracks if ever they dn to "the vicinity of thin biigur-hoiir-e. This was not agreed to. A vote being lakeu. tho v. solution, glvln the desired permission, was adopted. STr. Cat tell, from the Committee on the Girard Put ate, presented an ordination. Tie gentleman proposed to permit the superin tendent of the tliranl ectate to act as executor iu It-using the lands belonging to the trust. This was agreed to. From shippers of coal and petroleum was re ceived a long communication ai-king.tor the imme diate restoration of Penrose Ferry bridge. 'J'ue rvck of this structure lies, us left by the late tloo.l, in tt o middle of the stream, below the abutments iion which It rested. The signers of the conimu tiKHlion complain that the wreck U a serious it nut ;UI obstacle to the navigation vf the sirvaui. Ttie matter was referred. Mr. Burlow presented a eommiinlcatinn fro-n parties engaged in paving north Iiroad strnet. Tin? gentlemen ask for more money. Their written en treaty was referred to the committee. Mr. Smith presented a petition from the gen'lo nien who deal In provisions In the Kastern mark-it. They ask that Merchant side be widened. Thoir leanest was refcrreil. A resolution permitting citizens to lay the Stowe pavement in front of their properties was called up. An amusing debute ensued. It was repre sented that if such permission were given our streets would bo ns piebald as a circus horse. Mr. Smith, of the Twenty-second ward, opposed tho measure as now presented. Mr. Cattell favored it In suasivn trms. Hie subject was ultimately referred to the Com mitteo on Highways. On motion, the '.Stowe Pavement Company woro permitted to lay their pavement In front of the Custom-house. This was the extent of the public business trans acted. Adjourned. Common Urn iii-li General Louis Wagner In thi chair. This gentleman is proving himself a most Hhle presiding otlicer. A memorial from shippers, shipowners, bankers. Insurers, ninniilacturers, dealers In coal oil. and others, was presented, representing that a large amount of coal oil and petroleum aru shipped from tho tichujlkill river, and that wafts are frequently Injured when passing Penroi-j Kerry bridge, ami praying that tho bridge may be removed and a good biidge and substantial structure bo e.rect;:d turf her up the river, convenient fur the farmers of Ielawme county fo reach the lower part of the City. Inferred to Oomissioner of Highways. A communication was read from the Park Com inicsioners, Hsking lor the appropriation of 5ui),i)ii(l for the payment of damages for ground taken, and i2iH,iuO for the permanent Improvement, being the balance of ?4l0,(MM appropriated to the Park authorities. Kelerrcd to Committee on Finance. Mr. Hetzell presented the certllicato of election of Mr. J. F. Stockdale, of tho Fourth ward. The gentleman was sworn in and took his soat. Mr. Martin presented a petit ion for a more con venient otliee for the Coroner. Referred. The following communications were reef ived: Mr. Allison presented a petition setting forth that tho trough at the foot of Walnut street wlrirf, Schuylkill, had been overtlowed and the footway undermined thereby, and praying that It bo reme died. Keferred. Mr. Stiles presented a resolution directing that tho Committee ou Felice report the natinss and residences of all policemen in the department. Agreed to.' Mr. ltowkcr offered a resolution directing tho Philadelphia, Geruiitutown and Korri-tow n Hall way to place flagmen nt tho intersection at Mam street, Manuyunk. Agreed to. Mr. Shoemaker, of tho Committee of Finance, presented an ordinance making an appropriation of W.Wl ;s5 to pay for the improvements to tho beleet Council chamber. Agreed to. Mr. Bay, of the Committee on Highways, pre sented a resolution for tho grading of Sansom street, from ThirtyTourth to Thirty-sixth streets. Agreed to. Also, a resolution for the tramwayiflg of Kershaw and oilier streets. Agreed to. Also, ono for tho paving of Charter and other streets. Agreed to. Mr. Myers, of the Committee on Police, presented an ordinance to prohibit the erection of wooden buildings, and extending the limits ot the former ordinance. Passed. A 'so, one making an appropriation of il2J for tho extension of the tire-alarm telegraph to Fairmount Park. Agreed to. Mr. Haidsley, of the Committee on Survrys, pre sented an ordinance lor the const ruction of sewers on Walnut and other streets. Agreed to. Also, one for the construction of a culvert across Master street, between Thirtieth and Thirty-lirst streets. Agreed to. Also, otic locating Taoll, Ashhurton and Harri son streets. Agreed to. Also, one chunging the name of States street, in the Tenth ward, To Winter street. Agreed to. Also, ono reducing the width of Forty-second street, in the Twenty-fourth ward. Agreed to. , Mr. Hetzel presented a resolution to lay water pipe on Sheaf ami other streets. Agreed to. The following bills from Select Council were taken up: Ono making an appropriation of Wi.-lOO to tho Department of Water lor tho present year. 1 to f er red to the Committee on Finance of Common Coun cil. THE BROOKS CASK. YcKfci-dii.v Afternoon's I'roeecdlim -Tim Te. tiiiiony of the Wlliiesse ilcl.oui;iii(ii ami Mayor Fox. At the session yesterday afternoon of the Court ot fjuarter Sessions, tin: following testimony was ad duced in the case of the attempted assassination of Hevenue Detective Urooks. Thomas Hughes, sworn 1 was in the city on the day Mr. Dreoks was shot; 1 know .lames Drmgh eity; I see him in the dock: I also know Hugh Mara, and see him in the dock; 1 saw them on tho day Mr. Brooks w us shot in Front street, west side, above Arch; they were then standing on the pave ment id' the lager-beer saloon just below Keeuan's store: that was from ten to tit'teen minutes past twelve o'clock; J saw a carriage standing on the east side of Front street, and near by it was a young man called Keil McLaughlin, and 1 spoke to him; while I was talking with McLaughlin Dougherty and Mara wero standing on the other sido of the way; 1 did not speak to them at that time, as J was going dowu Front street; I saw them on the east side, ou the pavement of tho barber shop; I think the second door from the corner, below Arch street; I went down and spoke to Mara, saying, 'How do you do, Hughie? He made some reply, which 1 did not understand;' Mara and Dougherty were together; I did not see Dougherty doing anything except talking with Mara; this was not more than live minutes after 1 was talking with McLaughlin: subsequently I saw Neil Mc Laughlin standing in Christian street, above Se venth; next I saw Hugh Mara standing on tho west side Of Eighth street, abovo Fit .water; 1 judge it was about three o'clock when J saw McLaughlin and Mara; the latter was sitting in a chair in front of a tavern; Nell McLaughlin was going up Eighth street, on the west side; 1 next saw Dougherty coming down Fifth street, above Fitr.water; 1 did not speak to him; this was two or three minutes afterl had seen Mara; in Front street Dougherty had on a dark coat and dark pants; in Kighth street he had on a light coat and light pants; 1 am posi tive these things I have described occurred ou tho same day Mr. Brooks was shot, the tith of Septem ber; I saw Dougherty, Mara and McLaughlin ou the 2d of September, Thursday; they had a car. riuge, with two horses to it, iu Seventh street, bo tween Sansom and Walnut; 1 saw McLaughlin drive the carriago away; I saw Dougherty aud Mara crossing from tho east to the west side of Seventh street; they got Into tho carriage, and Nell McLaughlin diove it away from Seventh Into Wal nut, aud down Walnut; this was about four or five o'clock; 1 am not positive that 1 saw them between Thursday and Monday. Cross-examined 1 am a cooper by trade; I fol low it when I get work at it; 1 haven't had work for about seven weeks or so; I have done nothing since then; about la or iu months ago 1 was driving a hatk; sluce then 1 have worked at my trade and sold oysters; i bad a little money to live on in the meantime; 1 am a married man, with four chil dren; 1 gave this information the morning after thisoccurred, to Mr. Tryon; 1 know nothing of the reward I am to receive; I have been living at Woodbury; went to board there about a week ago; I don't know who is paying my board; 1 have seen Mr. Tryon there; I went there with a gentleman from Gloucester, who I believo is a relative of De tective Franklin; 1 have said nothing of this to any other otlicer than Franklin or Tryon. Ke-examined Before 1 went to New Jersey I was arrested by process from, us 1 understand, Al derman Dc-vitt. Mr. Maun objected to this. Mr. Dwight oft'erod to prove that the prisouoi had been arrested by process Horn Alderiiiau Devitl; that his constable handed him over to a man named Boh l.yster Smith, who cave him money to go to Tyrone with a man named Termey. ho conducted him to the Fourth ward and there had him change his clothes, nnd while he was changing he slipped awav and went to i.lllccr Tryon. The Court overruled tluj oiler, aud the witness was dismissed. NCI McLaughlin, being called, was led to tho box by Lieutenant Killacly, and being sworn, tes tified 1 remember that Mr. Brooks was shot on Monday, September (i; I know James Dougherty (looking at the prisoner); them ain't the men 1 had in the carriage that dav; they were bigger men than these; I got acquainted with these prisoners in New Y(ik; the first, place where I saw these luen was Mew York, at Mr. -Murray's; about two or three weeks ago; 1 was introduced to them by a young man named '-Bottles;." I never knew a Huuh Marra or James 1 mughcrty iu Philadelphia; 1 did not'ee them on tho inorhliitf of September U, ou the dav Mr. Brooks was shot; I did not see them at Seventh and Christian streets on the same day after Mr. Brooks was shot; I did not see those two men in JJio dock on the day Mr. Brooks was shot; I never saw the in iu Philadelphia before; the first time I ever saw tin in was at Johnny Murray's, iu Ainitv street, below Broadway, iu New Vork; we went but on Sunday afternoon, to take a walk, uud tlieywire arrested and locked up with me iu a station-house, and I wan taken awav from them; I was in f ront street nu the day Mr. Brooks was shot; J was in that neighborhood about II o'clock; 1 was iu Front street , above A rob, with my carriage; I was enuged about 11 o'clock, by two gentlemen, r.t the Walnut street wharf, who told me to drive to J.jui4 aiidAirhi 1 nemsaw the two luvu (More, but I wonld know them If I should see them Again; that was the nrt time I had ever seen them; after J bad been waiting there a half an hoar or an hour they came and got Into the carriage, and told mo to drive as fast aa I eonhl to Fairmount Park; I didn't know where they cams from; a gentleman rsme running after them; 1 drove off an fast as I could; 1 couldn't tell what tho man's Intentions were with the pistol; I drove to Fairmount Park, whore the two men got out. and paid me. . oticstion by Mr. Dwight Did you ever make a statement about this matter before? Answer. Yes. Mr. Mann objected to tho question, on the ground that the commonwealth could not cross-examine or impeach her own witness. Judge Ludlow said this was an exception to tho rule, and the commonwealth had a right to cross examine the witness. Mr. Dwight asked for an indulgence until he should send to request the attendance of the Mayor. This was of course allowed, notwithstanding tho objection of Mr. .Mann, who said he thouglit tha object was to intimidate the witness by the presence of the Mayor. Tho witness continued: The carriage 1 drove be longed to Mr. Klrviu, in Fit. ivater street, ali.iva Seventh; on Ibe Saturday beloie this Monday,! saw these two men that I drove on Monday; tliey engaged mc at Walnut street wharf an I i drove them In Front street; 1 had seen them the Thurs day betore mid driven them to the track; on Saturday I stopped the carriage at Front and Arch; they got out and went awny and then came back: I thn drove them to Seventh Slid Wuiiiut, where Ihey gut out and paid; on Sa turday ntternoon these men got me at the Walnut stieet wharf, and 1 drove them to Front end Arch, and Front and iiaee, then to .Seventh and Walnut streets; I saw the same men on Friday afternoon al Walnut street wharf and drove them to Point Breeze l'ark; stayed there until 4Jie races wire over; brought them back to Ninth and Knee, where llicvi;ot out nnd paid me; on 'i'iiurs;lay I vc..d ii!ig a funeral; in the afternoon J drove them along l ionl street to Callovvhill, then to t.'he.--.'nut, then to Ninth and Bace; 1 saw them on Tu.-sd.iv before that at Walnut street whin f; thst was I tie "tir.'t day I ever saw them; I drove them in Front, street every day from 'I uesday until M indiv af'teiiuon; I don't know who they were; I have never told any body who they were, tor 1 didn't know; 1 now say those tvo men wero not Hugh Mara or JaiUud Dougherty; 1 made a statement, and ii 1 did say thty were I was scared at the way I had b tn Hr rest'ed; J never (old anybody that (he men I drove around were Hugh Mara and James Djuhorty, outside of my statehient; I never a!d these ml n were the prisoners; I made a statiiinnit to the Mayor, Mr. Tryon and Mr. Franklin; in part of my stalcmeiit 1 told the Mayor the men I drove on those six days wore Marii and Dougherty, and in another part James Jones aud Henry Stratton; 1 made oath to this stati incut; 1 told him that Jones and Stratton were arrested with mo In M'cw Vork; atterwaid, when the names were mentioned, 1 told him that Mara and Dougherty were at rested wiih me in New Vork; I knew tbii prisoners in Now Vork us James Dougherty And Hugh M.ira; 1 did not see them al. Coney Island before I went up to New York; J told the Mayor was at Cjnoy islan I; I told him that I had met some persons at Coney island. Mr. Mann ngain raising an objection to this, and arguing it at. length, Judge Ludlow' said it was competent to prove the statements made before the Mayor, and iJ' they were contradictory to what, was now stated, io prove the statements themselves. The witness rcsnmcu i still s iy the first time 1 ever saw these two nn-ii iu the dock was in New York, Uio Friday belore I was arrested; 1 don't know what I told the Mayor; 1 don't know whether I told him that they wero with nie at Coney island; I might have told him so, lint I didn't see them there; I say 1 never saw these men at Coney island; 1 don't know what 1 told the Mayor, for 1 was scared; e.fter 1 caiuo from Fairmount Park 1 wont to the Baltimore dcimt, and the.uco to thu stable; 1 iiad nobody in my carriage from the Park to the stable; 1 drove up Christian street to Ninth, up Ninth to Fitwater, anil down Fitxwater to tho stable; then 1 went home, and afterward to Wal nut street whar f , and then to Market street wharf; f yvas walking; I went to Ninth and Chestnut, where 1 stayed till morning, and then roik- home with a yountr mini nnmed Smith; Bohert Lystor Smith w'as in the carriage; it was about t.woo'c.lock on Tuesday morning when wo left Ninth and Christian; yve went fo Seventh and Shippcn, waited for Mr. Smith and drove him home, and then went home about lour o'clock ami went to bed; I got up about seven o'clock and. looked at the paper; 1 saw what km ,in it, and stayed at homo until nine o'clock, and then left town by the U.'io train for New Vork; I stayed over night in Now York, and then went to Tioy, whera I stayed two wcoksor so; stayed in New York over night, and then went to Coney island; saw nobody there that 1 knew; I came back to New York on the Friday before 1 was arrested; Hugh Mara, James Dougherty aud Bottles were with me when I was arrested. Cross-examined When I was arrested In New. York they totd nie it was for a bank robbery. Cornelius Napheys, sworn lam in business at No. lit! north Front street; I remember tho day Mr. Brooks was shot; about. 9,'j; o'clock in the morn ing I saw a carriage standing on the east side of Front street; a young man was sitting ou the box; again I saw it at I'J o'clock in front of our door; the same young man was still w ith it; 1 was stauding at our' desk about a quarter after 12. and saw the driver get ort his box and open the carriage door; lie resembled the young man who Iiah just testitied; be then got on the box again, took the reins and whip iu Ids hand and looked toward Kecnan'sstorc; J went to the front door and saw three men run out of Kccnan's store; the first man entered the car riage, and the other two had to run a few paces bo lore they could get in, and Mr. Brooks camn run ning after them: the carringo drove oil' rapidly as soon as the lirst man entered; the thing occurred so quickly that 1 could nut recognize the won. W. J. Thorman, doing business in Front street, above Arch, corroborated the statement, ot the pre ceding witness, but could not identify the prisoners as the men who were with tho carriage, though be thought Dougherty bore a strong resemhlauuoto one of them. Policeman Thomas Snyder, sworn T know tho two prisoners; on the day of this shooting 1 saw them at Devitt's about one o'clock in the after noon; they were there from oue until three, when 1 went awav. Detective Franklin, recalled I have stated that I saw Mr. Brooks on the day he was shot; X was coming down Callowhill street, between Second and Front, when the carriage driven by Noil Mc Laughlin turned Into Callowhill; he dashed by me whipping the horses. Detective Tryon, sworn 1 was with Mr. Franklin on this day; he and I called McLaughlin to stop, and he drew up the reins until he had passed, but then put the whip to the horses aud drove as fast as ever; I pursued the carriage out Spring Garden street, but did not overtake it. Mayor Fox. sworn 1 am Mayor of the city of Philadelphia; 1 have seen Nell McLaughlin; 1 saw him to-day on the witness stand; I had seen him several times before; ho bus made a statement to me of the circumstances of the shooting of ttamus J. Brooks; that statement is in my own handwriting, to whicli he has atlixed his mark or signature, 1 do not recollect which, under oath; ho has made a se cond statement, additiunal to thu first, the body not in my handwriting, which was read to him by me to know whethor they yvere the facto, to which he has alto atlixed bin mark or signature under oath. , Mr. Dwight here offered the statement, which Mr. Mann objected to. The Judge, relused to ad mit it to go the jury, but consented to allow the Mayor to detail it, refreshed by the w ritten docu ment. The Mayor resumed: Neil McLaughlin said he w as the driver of t ho carriage belonging to Michael lviiwin; with Hint carriage on Monday, September (i, he was at Walnut street wharf; whllat there ho was employed by two men, who ordered him to drive to the base ball ground; he started up Walnut strret until he got a little west of Front, with the two men inside, when one of them, ho didn't knew which, said "Driver, hold up, turn, up Front street;" he stopped by thUr ordor in Front street, near Arch; they got out, and he drove first to one sido then to the .other, wait, ing for his company for several hours; sud denly tho (wo men came running to tlia car riage; one of them got in iu a great hurry; the other put his foot inside, and this happened just as a stunning noise occurred; oue of them said "drive on,'' mid swore -at him; It eamo so suddenly upon him that he did not grasp bis reins firmly, but struck his hoiscs with thu stuuip of a whip; just as he started he looked uroiind ami observed a short, stout geiith iuan hastening toward them with a pl.- tol pointed, and lie started with his horses as last us ho could; tho men continually instructed him what course to turn; he described the direc tion lie took; he turned from ispring Garden street down Seventeenth, and without any announcement from them to stop he blackened his pace, and dis covered that they had got out while I lie carriage was moving; at that time ho old not mention the names ot thu two men; as lie finished his first state uiiutliu said ho had mole pat licniars yet to give me; in the second statci nt he said bo had been employed by Hugh Mara uud James-Dougherty ou , the morning ot t ho lit h of September; had driven t hem to t rent and A roll si reefs, where they got out ; ho bad waited a considerable length of time for tin-in ; they hail directed him where to place his carriage, Noiiieliuies on the cast and sometimes on the west side; that, they (Hugh Mara ami Jaiuts Dougherty) shortly litter twelve o'clock hastened hack to the carriae; )t It was Mr. .las. .). Brooka who bad presenr;d the pistol; he knew Hugh Mara and James Dougherty, and thy had employed him on a uumber ol occasions previous to that day, generally engaging him at Walnut street wharf; uearly every tims he would b directed to drive around and ultimately couie to the ueighlsjr hood of k rout aut Afi'li or Uave; sometimes they would get out, sometimes not; they had regularly paid him his charge, execpton ttio last occasion; he had met and talked with some ono in Front street before ho wns ordered todrlve away rapidly, and met him again In Fltswatcr street near Seventh, this was Hughes; while driving out Spring Garden street one of the men put a hat through the opening aud asked him to exchange hats, which he did, though the hat offered was too large. On turning some of the cor ners the same two men who bad got out in Seven teenth street stopped him and girt Into the carriage again; the men got out somewhere in Christian street; he met Hughes again at Kirvln's stable and got to talking ahout thejslioetiug of Brooks: he told llughrs he had hadaclntse that day and was in thst affair, but wanted nothing said about it; that night somebody said they were after him about that atlslr, and he asked whv, lor ho hadn't done it; he purchased a paper and read the statement In It and it alarmed him, aud he went to New York; he said he went to Coney Island and there met Mara and Dougherty and Pete Bottles; he said that whilst there these men came there to the Ocean House; he remained there with them several davs and re turned to New Vork; Mara and DjugliL-rty came afterwnrd to New York, and they were all arrested together; he came voluntarily with the ollicersto Philadelphia. Policeman James Scott! am a New York po liceman; f arrested tho prisoners on Sunday even ing, on the 3d Inst., on the corner of Blceckerand Green street, New York; this was atiout twosquares f rom Murray's place; they gave ibe names of James Jone," Peter Donolnie, Henry Stratton and Gt orge Gibson; the hack driver gave bia name as Cibson; Dougherty gave the name of Jones, and Mara gave tin- name of Stratton; 1 brought them on liom New ork; they asked what tliey were ar resicd for, and wo told them tor a bank rohkvrv; tbey weie an t-sted for the crime for which they are being tried. Jlern tho Court adjourned, it "ven o'clock. E TELEGRAPH. i'or aMitimml STartne Xnc.i iv Firnl rn-jc ALMANAC I CR PHILADELPHIA -TUI3 DAY. Pt-n Itists... S-pij Mnos ttisis tj-U Scn HfcTH 510 I Hiotf Watkb 3 11 rUII.AUKI.rHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Wn.t.iAM W. Pai l, ) li. C. Ill li lIEH, S. K, Siokks. Committee of the Month. COMMITTEE O Ar.MTnATIONH. J. O. Jnmes, Genrse L. Buiby, K. A. SonJer, Willimn W. Taul, J'lios. L. Oillespie. itlOVIttlJiNTH OK OCKAN WTEA.USIUP. FOR AMKUiCA. Siberia T.iveruool.. ...Now York via Bos.. . .Oct. 5 Kunipa liluoK'iw New York Oct. S Berlin. Southampton. ...Bultimoro Oct. 9 Colin JxiDdon Nw York Oct. 9 Kbein Sontlmmnton. ...New York Oct. 12 Palmyra Liverpool ....New York via IJof... .Oct. 1J Nevada. Liverpool New Vurk Oct. 13 Vjreiniu Liverpool Now York Oct. 13 C. of lliubools.. .Liverpool . ...New York Oct. 14 1-OK KUROPK. Atalnnta New Y'oik. ...London Out. 2.1 City of Antwerp.Ncw York.. ..Liverpool Oct. 11 Teutonia New York. ...Hamburg Oct. 1! Columbia .. .. ..New York. ...(ltusirow Oct. 21 France New York. ...Livtnsol Oct. 2.1 Java Now York. ...Liverpool Oct. 27 Pcrfcire New York. ...Havre (Jet. 30 O. of Brussels... New York.... Liverpool Oct. 30 OOASTWfHK. DOMKSTIO, TO. Knslo New York.... Hv.inM. via Nas Oct. 23 T.niiv nnda Pliilnrla Savannah. Oct. il Mariposa New York. ...New (Moans Oct. 21 Merrimack Now York. ...Hin Jnn.iiro Oct. 23 Ploueer Philaila V dmitiEton Oct. 2S Yar.oo Vliilnilu New Orleans Oct. 2H Missouri New York. ... Havana Oct. 14" Mails are forwarded by every steam ir in the regular I uiea. The steamers for or from Liverpool cull ut Onenstown, ex copt the CunarliaD line, which call at Lontlon-lerry. Tho ete.iineis for or from the Cont inent call at Southampton. CLEAltKD YFSTKRDAY. Steamer I-', franklin, I'ierson, Baltimore, A. fJroven, Jr. Steamer A. C. Slimers, Knox, NewYork.W. P. ''lyde & Co. Tupt'nmmodnre, Wila.iu. Hurre do (.race, with a tow of homes to W. t. Clyde A Co. Tui: Hudson, Nicholson, Baltimore, with a tow of barges. W. P. Clyde A Co. arrivkd"ykstf.rdav. ' RtenmerSariih, .tones, 2A houis from New York, with uirise. to W. Al. Itaiid A Co. Steamer Ann Kliza. Kii-uiirrls, 24 hours from Ifew York, with uidse. to W. P. Clyde ,t Co. ISteninur W. ft. Pieirepoiit, Shropshire, 2-1 hours from New York, with nul.-e. to Win. M. Hun d Jc Co. N. O. Laniue l' Keck, Denker, 61 days from Bremen, with mrtee. to Harjea Co. SchrB. C. Pitbian, Tutt. 1 day from Port Deposit, Md., with rain to Jan. L. Bewley A Co. - Scbr Ariadne, Thomas, 1 day from Smyrna, Do!., with grain to Jas. Bewley ,1 Co, Ttur Thomas JolTersnn, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barsea to W. P. Ulyilo A Co. Thr Chesapeake, Mernliow, from IlEvro-de-Graco, with a tow of barges to YV. P. Clyde A (Jo. Corretipondenre of Th Ereninq Telntrnph. KAKTON A MoMAiiON'S BULLFTIN. New York Office, Oct. 21, fcia barges leave iu tow to night tor liallin.ore, litjlit. W. is. Burton, with flour, for Philadelphia. Henneasey, with iron, fur 1 hiladolplna. Baltimuiik Branch Oi kice, Oct. al. The following targes leave in tow to-nle;ht eastward . Dra.uliiaunht; Col. Hniley ; K. McWillii'irns : l. W (', Fox , tjttrah Ann; aud Charles, all with coal for New York lu S. C. fny TELEoiurH. T.FWT?, Del., Oct. 21. Passed in, bnp Nellie Mnwo, from YVest fmm-H; alio, a haniao from Portland, and a hri turn Nova, Kcotiu, names unknown. Lying ut the Break water, hrit! Almon Kowolf, from Atatautcaa tor Pliiladel pbin. Light lain and heuvy fo-. Wind south, l liermo meter, ub. MEMORANDA. Steamship Olaj mont, Robinson, nonce, at Norfolk lth inetant. bteaiuship James S. Green, Fcce, henco, at Richmond lttth in&t. Steamer Hannah and Sophia, Tief, for Philadelphia, sailed from Norfolk lSlh inst. Steamer Mack Diamond Merodlth, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Barque James Campbell, Harding, benoe, at Kingston, Ja , 2.rth ult. Barquo lillora. I.aldlaw, at St. Thomas 3d inst. from Demarar, and sailed llthfor Turk's Island to load for Pro vidence, Boston, or Philadelphia at 9,ic. Brig Louise Miller, Leighton, repotted from Philadel phia, at Savannah 17th inst. Brig Morccriea, Kohl, cleared at New York 30th inst. for Ciculucgo via Philadelphia. Brig J ulia A. Ballock. Brigns, hence for Boston, at Now Bedford lKth inbt., leaking badly ; would discharge cargo and go on marine railway. Brig Mary K. Hinds, Hinds, hence, below Boston 30th instant. Scbr Success, hence for New London 19th instant. KchrsR. J. Britrht.Bbaw; I.. K. OogesweU, Rwett; Mil Utri l-illmore.Cliase; K. St. Clair Kdwards, Ireland; A. It. Martin, Bnell ; i'leclu Bailey, Smith ; J. V. Wellington, Lhi man : Stephen Morris, Seamno J. u. Thompson, van zunt; M. K. AmsJeu, Lavender; Hattie Paige, liaiey;snd M. A. Kolbom, Rose, hence, at Boston '2- th inst, Scbrs Racer, Howard, from New Bedford, and Lirrle Kvans, Myham, from Newport, both for Philadelphia, passed Hell Gate 3uth inst. Scbr Sarah Mills, White, hence for New Havon, passed Hell (jate'Joth inst. Schr Bowdoin. Randall, henoe, at Portland 19th inst. Scbr Prank Herbert, Crowull, cleared at. Savannah 1Mb inst. for Jacksonville, to load for Philadelphia. Schr Hamburg. Westcott, bence, at Kictinunid I'.Uh inst. Schrs Man new Vassar, Jr., Christie, and Tho. Borden, 'YVriKhtingtou, hence, at Pall River 17th inst. SilirsJ. W. Kverman, Ouileo; MoutjmW' Anderson; and W in. '1 ice, Tioe, heuce, at Norfolk 4uat. NOTICIC t6MARINKRS. A fixed white lip tit will be exnihited irom trie Towsr, situated on Half Moon Shoal. Calveaion Buy, Texts, be tween Pelican Island and Dollar Point, on and after the uMjumgof Nov. I, 1h,,'.i, from suusot tosuniise. The illu minuting apparatus is Of tho sixth order (steamer's Ions). '1 he fin al plane is of an elcvatinn of tbirly-eixht feet above sea level - arc of the horizon iltnmtnnted is IS points. The light should be visible, under ordinary circumstances, won nautical miles. Iron pile foundation, superstruc ture while, with red corners. LOOKING GLASSES. ETC. ESTABLISHED 179 5, A. S. ROBINSON, FRENCH FLATS LOOKING-GLASSES, KNURAVrNGS, BEAUTIFUL CT1T.0M0S, PAINTINGS, Mannracturor of all binds of LO0K1NG-GLAS8, POHTKAIT, AND FICTTTsK FKA.ML9, NO. 910 CI1KSNUT STllKET, 81 Fifth door above tho Continental, Phila, TlfERRlCK & SONS BOUT11WARK FOUNDRY, No. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Philadelphia. WILLIAM WRIGHTS PATENT VAillAliLB CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, Kr-gnlr-tcd by tho Governor. MLUIUCK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented June, iss. DAVID JOT'S PATENT VALVELESS STEAM UAMM EH D. M, WKSTONU PATENT PELF-CENTRING. hELP-BALANOIxu. CENTUU LuAL bt'UAU-miALNlNU MACHINE. AND 110 EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturer!, f io mwf t. VACOBN alkMllO. ' VOUast B. aULaUlUL josh . cora. EDUCATIONAL. V0l-N MEN ANT) KOVS F.N' i LIP H, I t'lsMieal, and Commercial Institute. No. 19( MT. VKRNON Utreot. I'repaiation tor business or col lege. 10lm WEST f'UFSNL'T 8TRF.F.T INSTITUTE V v -for Young UMilee, No. US CM ICS NUT Street. le 1I m MIISS K. TBKOTN. Pnueipa' TAMES PEAIU E,M! h., ORGANIST, ST. fl MARK'S (No. R RPKCCK Wroetl. can be seen from 9 till 10 A. M. and from 7 till 8 P. M. Teaches tho Or gau, Piano, and Harmony. HI f stuth ita Vf IS V JENNIE T. BECK, TEACUER OF Piano, will resume br duties September , a No. 744 FLORIDA Street, between Eleventh Md Twelfth streets. f 1 2m T II E L E 1 fl fTlT FN I V E R 8 1 TY, J SOPTH HKTHI.rHKM, PA. FRKPAF ATORY Cl.ANN.--ln re-pense to many solici tation, this t.'lass has heen opened for those who li sire to be tilted for entrance inui the next regular class. 101 1m llY.SRV COPPFF. I.L.P.. Prs'ldent. rJ II E ED O E 11 I L L 8 CHOOL, a Hoarding and Day School for Boys, will bg;n Its nsxt session in tbo now Academy Building at MKRC1IANTVILI.K, NKW JERSKY MONDAY, September 0, l Pet circulars appbj to Rev. T. W. CATTKtX, 6 Js U Pnnmps.1. II. Y. LA UDERBtIl'8 CLAbisiCAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND COMMKRCIAl AKADKMY, ASSKMBLY BUILDINCS, .No. Mfe 8. TENTH Street. thorough preparation for Businos or CoUepe. Special attention given to Practical MatuunudiCS, S'ir teying.l ml l.nvipeerinp, etc A First-class Primary Department. Circulars at Mr. Warburion's.No: 4:X- t'hrsnut St. P lFtf MILLINERY. 1VI2VI A; ItOi:(Ii:iM, fJ NO. 72G C1IESNUT STREET. OPF.N THIS DAY, in PIECFS ROMAN STR1PFD SATINS, at 42 Ml, and it'A per yard; ono dollar per aid below former prices. 40 FIF.CKH SATINS, le1 inch, of all desirable aiiadoe, 41 50 per yard ; reduced from 4i K pifcfs rtr.ArK velvet. warranted all silk, ut $4, $4 60, and 46; one dollar per yard below the rel value. Also, a full stock of all kinds of RIBBONS. SILKS, HATS, FRAMES. FLOWERS, IKATHP.R. VAC ETC.. AT '.REATI.Y REDUCED PR1CEJ5, WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL. wi:yl. noii:iiB:ii. hi It- lm NO. 726 CHESNU T STREET. HOOP SKIRTS. ETC. 1115. - H O P K I W 3 BOOr-SKlRT AND CORSET MANU FACTOIiY AND SALESROOMS, No. 1115 CDESNUT STREET. Our CUAMriON SKIRTSlbetter and chenper than ill ethers. IS to 60 sprinns, Cue. to ' 25. Our Keystone Skirts,- 30 to tie spriufrs, efts, to ifl'-tO; New York made Sk'rts, from 20 to 40 springs, 45 to ILo. R. AVerlcy Corsets, fSbH, ftC'M), $1 60. Bcckel Corsets, from $1 to $7. Thomson's "Glove-Btting" Corsets, fmm ff!-' to 5. Mrs. Moody's patent self adjusting abdominal support ing Corsets, from $3 to $7 highly recommended by phy sicans, and sbeutd be examined by every lady. Over 4o other varieties of Corsets, from 75o. to $9'30. bkirts and Corsets made to order, altered and repaired. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 7i3 3m WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. LUMBER. 1869 SPRUCE JOIST. SPRUCE JOIST. HEMLOCK. 11BMLOCK. 18G9 18G9 SEASONED CLEAR PINE. SEASONED CLEAR PINE. 18G9 CDOJCK PATTERN PINK. 'SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNS. HED CEDAR. 1809 FLORIDA FLOORING, 18G9 FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING, VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP HOARDS. RAIL PLANK. 1 ftT.O WALNUT HOARDS AND PLANK. nfi 1 0 0 i7 WALN UT BOA If DS AND PLANK. 1 0 0 9 WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. 1 C 1 1 0 UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. lOUy UNDERTAKERS' LUMHE1L RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 18G9 1869 SEASONED poplar. ionci SEASONED CUElUtiT. 100t7 ASH. WHITE OAK FLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 18G9 CIGAR BOX MAKERS' -t Qnt CIGAR BOX MAKERS' IMIiH fcrANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. IfttttO CAROLINA SCANTLING. 1 nA 10UJ CAROLINA H. T. Nil.I.S. loby NORWAY SCANTLING. 18G9 CEDAR SHINGLES. -tOff CYPKES8 SHINGLES. lOOU MAULE, BROTHER A CO., Na itood SOUTH street. TJNITED STATES BUILDE11S' MILL, FIFTEENTH STREET, BELOW MARKET, ESLER & BROTHER, Proprietors. WOOD MOULDINGS, BKACKET,-!, ETC. BALUSTERS AND TURN ISO! WORK. A Large Stock always on hand. 9 u 3m 11 AN EL PLANK, ALL THICKNESSES. X. 1 COMMON PLANK, ALL THIOKNIibljKS. 1 COMMON BOARDS. 1 and 3 SIDK PKNCK BOARDS. WH1TKPINK FLOOKINU BOARDS. YFI.LOW AM SAP PINK FLOOiUNGti, IV and 43. SPRUCE JOIST, ALL SIZK8. UK Ml OCK JOIST, AT L RIZFS. PT.4S I KklMi I ATI1 A KP1CUIALTV. Tta-ether with a general assortment of liuilrtinp Lam. ey.7orsalolowlorcah. T. W. KMAl.TZ, be: aSfi tim LUMBER UNDER COVER, ALWAYS DRY. ya!nut, Wlilto Tine, Yellow Pine, Spruce, nera lock, Shiuglca, etc., always on band ut low rates. WATSON 4. C1JLL1MGHAM, 8 2flS No. 924 RICHMOND Street, lull waid. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. THOMAS t L CO., SlaXIKSH Doors, Elinds, Sash. Shutters WINDOW FRAMES, ETC., K. W. OOKNKI Or EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Street! IB 8m PHILADELPHIA. in: at r Firm,. CO.USTOCH'K PA T rjN,f' KEVOLVlNtJ G ri.l n iiauisiuii Bhould be in use on eyerj Heater and Store. It Inoreasei tire hrat fifty per cent, and saves nearly oue half of the coal, and will also boat a room above io place ot a sieve. CALL AND BLK iUK.V! at the luauufaclory of O. J. IMJCOHKRTT, m Ao. MN.N1A I U AMUSEMENTS. ' CAD I H V O F MUSIC. GR4FOVOOAL A Nit INSTRTIaf ENTA It OOWOKRT, for the hem-fit nf the fJfKnAN I UK, A I RK, OnTlTKS.IMV KVKN IM1, OeUiher M, , iMirrifit, i,re:iiiin m itwua ij, nine. I lie tollowmif emmpnt Artists ami ce'etirate Sineinc Kocii-f i a have been w-m-Ml for I he decision : M It. K. sl IL JJAhTKL, MR. M l N.KI, kOH'A, I'HK M..VNKR (IIOH, TH K IIAKMOMh lehorns of iniind voices!, 1 UK SA Ntil- RHI'NO, ami a UKANI) Olt( IIKM H A. WH. CARL HKNTZ Oondnrtor. iK-kets. Psninet, Pai-nnef Ciit-ln and Ilslonnr, tine lol !"r; ..'..'CI A"5 """"nl aU. rramitlfsr'a Mnaie btoro, Jio. KM IHhhMM Strpi.t, for Merntseura. tamilr Cin-ln ftd crjits. Tn k.-ls am Iih lin-l r the principal Miislr, anil on i ti,r i-veiiinirai the door. Poors open at 7. Concert to ooiiiuioo.o at S unlock. IS J J tt T A U R A K F. E N K'8 PWJIOT BTriPKT THKATRK. JJERV ONK UKLIOHTMI MricssVfor ' '" B",cicult' ,n u""' . written MISS I.AURA KKKNE. III'NIKO DOWN; ' H L'NTKI 1MJWN: OR, THK TWO I.IVK8 Of MARY LKK.'II I he Pros iiiiuiiiinous in raise of it moi it. 1 lie clu.racters lonuttfully personated. I he siory tonchinR and plt-asing. Ine end ioj-oiis ami satmtactory. Wnrj LeiKh, the Artist's wife hAVHK K Vh'SV Jliopoiljiinaii(,jniitosrvoryevciiinitwith ' RFt mtir Al.l:!i,'UAb, K oomkijiktia 8T i"i-3.. .KOUUK SKATS. w ALN,l.F,8T- TIIKATKK. HECJINS AT T I S lln,l..l irtriruiM,. .. . .... 'SI' R I. N i, i, i r i . i.' fct u 't.i.,,.! Shakeppearc's flar, in fonrart, of the KllVinr t MKRUllANT Of VKNKJK. AL7,lpt,l;1vivr;v..inii,rVe.,;,,:; KfDWIN BO0TM c.n.,,, OONOA.SAR OK It 7. A S. a,,,,8' I'ROAV--IFTIl IIMOTfl MATINFK. And Miakespeare's f.'onieily, io thi-ec sols, of the TAMING lit! THK ISHKKW I . PATCRDAY NKiH T-HICHAKH III. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATH K. Begins Vtogl A 'lONICHM. f-rKlay.OrtolierSK!. . Mrs.john,hT,jkA,!VKmRSOAKLFT Aid.d by the lull .-omi.iinv, after which OA KLFr, Vl . Till" WIMI.MILL. &ni::::::::::::::::;::--M- In RehesraalLOST AT BRA. KIGHTH fiP" VW. m" SATURDAY, th-tohnr xl POSITIVKLY THK I.AHT DA YS AND NIOHTR TWO (.RAND PERFORMANCES KACI DAY ' Adiniwuon.M cents; children under ten years, 25 cents.' TOXS AMERICAN TUEATRE -C WALNUT HTRKPT. nn,..., THK URKAT DAN8KUSK, LOM'ANTI KONKANTI. RONFANTT THK. FKMALK FORTY TH IEVK8. . . 1 ,ie i?r.";,J Combination In a New Bill. Matin-eon BATClf DAY AfrTKRNOON at 8 o'clock. XEW ELEVENTH STREET O P E R i- HOl'bK, FLKVKNTn Street, above Chesnut. THK FAMILY MK80RT. .1,- CAJ'N-;iOHS 1'LXKY'S MINSTRELS, the pea, htar the wojTrhi , their ineouall; . OPEHATICTiLndA1,S' 'NG8' KVERVAfeA,NOE BURLKSQUES R. F. 8.MTSQN, Trcar0068'" ' RTr,,., "ASSLEirS MATINEES- ' PayiIoono: lm-10' eTe" 8OT -r yALER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTE1 ' V GARDFN Nos. 720. 723, 724, and 72 VINRStma THK iRANJ)OHCHKS-lRIOI?.fSrmerltK of the GRAND DDKK OF BADN?n?crCd ate ' expent,o by JACOB VALKR.of this oity, inombinatiS -?vfAtl;Ai,KK,8 OFCHF.Sl'RA and Miss NELLIE A?5 -FVKK?N I1?'10!1" KVRY AFTERNOON Mi . F.VEAING at the above-mentioned plaoe. AdmismoJ lfae- I fllU ;. PATENTS. ' WILLIAM 8. IRWIN, CEXEKAL PATFJVT AGENT, , . ' , .', No. 406 LIBRARY STREET. l' ROUTOALT'S PATENT ELASTIC JOINT iROH ' ' AMf'rICAN CORRUGATED IRON OO '8 MANU FACTOR ES, FIRE PROOF BUILUING8. KTO TAYLOR A OOALK'S PATENT AUTOM ATIO ' ' LOOK-UP SAFETY VALVK. , . . BRADFORD'S LOW WATER INDICATOR, ETC." , ETii ' ' ' ' 1041m -L C TATE BIGHTS FOR SALE." STATH 1 r eabbae. etc., are hereby offered for sale. It . ,n .rtSS- " : ' jr.fVIiV0 .l,rPr1i'toni of hotelaand resturat . ?u 'iVftV,,ld '!8'i Voe !nto every family. H rATT ; OFHCJi, COOPER'S POlNT7 V7 " KGHAfl ; 'i MUNDY.A HOFFMAJI , ' i WINDOW GLASS. it WINDOW GLASS.,, tl Oi'l - 1 H..J I ; lC..l . V EVANS, SHARP & CO.;- NO. 613 MARKET STREET," ,' n Are daily receiving ehipmenta of GlaBfTTroin Works, where they are now making feet T r day. ! .i : t ' ' ; t ;n , . v., ;'J They are also reoelving Bhlpments of t - l" j a- -j rnisNcn wn8ow olass " Rough Plate ana Ribbed Glafw,' SrAuneUed, i ,"i Btained, Engraved, aud (Jronnd GIuhs, which they ' oflerat - f, 8m . .1 LOWEST MARKET RATES." c J OARRIAQE8. l!J ..'.rv t fl ' i.' GARDNER & PLEMUfO, ; t CAimiAan BuiLDnns. ' No. 214 South FIFTH Street; BELOW WALNUT. ' 't . V- . A Large Assortment of New and Second-hand -A. Tt Tt 1 O K K Rockawaya, Phtutontf, Jenny Linda, Bnpgiei ' Depot Wagons, Etc Etc., 8 23 tuth' ' For Salo at Reduced Prlcea. in - E S T A B L I S II E D .1615. The I'w York Iyelnic UHd --i lriitliuK llubll tali men t, ' .. 8'1'ATKN ISLAND, No. 40 North BIOHTH8treet('WeHt Side), PhiUrloIphfa: ' No. f8 OUANK Street and BROADWAY, New - ora. ... w 1 his old and well known Comnanv are orenared. aa asnat. Vfllh the hidhest drtree nf skill, and the moat approve niawlmiery, mi iiiie, l i.i Afthis anil rirtlhtl even I tlllkW n,l I J I, M T I If M If al'H IllllUlllK and I li t K CUODS. in tlieir UKtial aunorivr uianner.l ' RMKNT8 CLKANbKD VVUOLK. 19171iuw2m NO I -'riils la our onfe ottii e in Philadelphia. . T. narrow. . . M'Mnnow. 1jA'i'i McMAii ok, No. a OOFNTIKS 81 IP. New York. No. 1H KOL'Tli W1JAKVKS. Philadelphia, No. 46 W. PRATT (Street, Baltimore. We are iirepared to ship every description of Fretrht 14 Pliiliidelpnia, New York, Hilminif ton, and inteimeriiata points with promptness and despatch. Usual boats and Klum lui furnished at Uia uurtast notice. 264 DA' V I 1) F L E M" Ml'li G, CIOABBOX MANUFAOltRKtt. No. 62J COM.MKKOP Slroet, above Market. Orilers rilli-d at tlie sliorfeat 110I ice. 14 tin D- li- M. KLINK CAN' (.TRK CiVaKKOIB Kruiitions, Alaikson the hkin, Ulcers in the throat moulh and no", sore leps and sores of every i-om-olvahlu ehai-aoter. , No ;i ISouth KLKVKMTli, hetneeu Cheanut anil Market hi rents. l 4 TMi'i keIlaTpT MANT el WOliKsZjrB J UilLa. v, liUotUl.N U'l bue.t, lUnfiai ' t-