f THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRTDAt, OCTOBER 1, 18G0. 5 w n w-y onm 3 xvt 3. from Our Own Correspondent. New Yohk, Oct. 1. Mr. IHarlow Kctlrrn. As was foreseen by thoBe who know anything of the Interior arrangements at tho Time ofllce, Mr. Blgclowhas Dnally retired from that Jonrnnl. His career came definitely to an end there on Wednes day evening, but he lingered around the loved spot until yesterday noon, when a solemn conclave of the gentlemen at the heads of the soveral depart ments was held. Anybody who knew much about the personal proclivities of Blgolow and the procll Vltous personalities of Jones, could have told that the shock mast come sooner or later. It has como sooner, and all the departments In the office of the Timet arc In a state or oscillation, and no one is found worthy to stand In Mr. Raymond's shoes. Meanwhile, during the nine days' won der Of Mr. IJIgelow's editorship of the Timet, It was entertaining and Instructive for an impartial observer to read the advice which a bevy of commis erative weeklies liestowed upon lilm. Wilkes' Spirit of Hit, Timet was particularly frultrul of warning, and went so far as to prescribe a programme for him. Now ihut Mr. Ti. has finally gone, it seems that no one Is to tnke his place. A little while ago the Tribune had Its managing editor decapitated; now the Timet lias submitted to the samo beheading process. It has become the fashion to dispense with managing editors among New York newspapers. During the short time Mr. Blgelow remained, he earned his i'ifso per week easily, taking comfortable little trips to Long Branch, and leaving the wtfll planned machluery tie had left behind to work Itself. I presume tho columns of tho Timet will now resume the heavier appearance which they wore previous to the ex-cditor's advent. The JClNCOtal Convention. The Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Church lias commenced. It is being held In St. John's Church, Varlck street, and among the audience were a large number of the 'most fashionable derntrn In New York. Among the distinguished of the audi ence were S. B. Kuggles, Erastus Brooks, Secretary Fish, ex-Judge I'lshoeflcr, Julian C. Verplanck, and ex-Judge VandcrpoeL As yet the convention has not had time to disenss the ritualistic charges which are to be brought against Father Morrell and Dr. Ewer. Their time Is coming, however. All the feminine worshippers of St. Alban's are interested In these charges. The investigation will possess all the Interest of a criminal trial, with all the spiritu ality of a pious dilemma. When it is over we shall definitely know whether lights, flowers, Incense, pro cessions, genuflexions, etc., are Uie thing or not. What Bcromra of all the Crolonf We are being visited by the same plague, the want Of water, that has recently caused a cry to go up from Philadelphia. This norning at seven o'clock a well-conceived plan for sprinkling the streets goes Into operation. The highways have been exceed ingly dirty during the past few days, and the waste of Croton over them has been shameful. That waste Is to be repaired to-day, October 1. Four steam en gines are to be stationed at the foot of Grand street, the Battery, Canal street, and Twenty-third street, for the purpose of Bprlnkllng the streets. There is one thing, however, In which we are much more saving of water than you. Our Biddies don't deluge the pavements, as a religious duty, any time between seven and eight o'clock on Saturday mornings. That Is am institution peculiar to the City of Brotherly Love and the Falrmount Water Works. Air. I'tsU'a Kniiy-Gimrd. Tho Wall street panic has occupied Mr. Fisk's time so much that he has not been able to attend to the interests of his newspaper. lie has, however, succeeded in surrounding himself with a body guard, which the Sherlir granted him upon Mr. .Fisk's making special application to him. The sum paid to this body-guard was SIS apiece, aud the sum Ottered to the Sheriff $500. Such are the trials or a successful gold gambler. Uneasy lies the head that Wears a head of hair like Jim Fisk's. Royalty amid revolution was not In more danger than the Admiral was among the taut culottet of the Gold Room. One day this week a gentleman made the remark to him that he ought to be a happy man. -'Happy V he ex claimed. "Me happy me, who live day and night in an atmosphere of pistols? Not if I know it!" And he forthwith went up to the Opera House to look over the cast ol the Tempent. Apropos of AniiiMOiiientft, I might say that Miss Lisa Weber is to appear as "Ariel" in the Tempest, to be produced on Monday evening at the Grand Opera House. As the last linger ing exponent or the leg-business, and as a most viva cious youngcreature.I presume she will attract a good many young New Yorkers. But what do you think or Miss Western as "Miranda?-' That will be very sweet, will it not? iienrne Francis Train has been making a speech at the Fifth Avenue Hotel about gold gambling. He thinks the Wall street panic originated In London, aud that Peter B. Sweeny fanned the flame. He says that the Gov ernment Is the greatest gambler out, anil that the only cure is for Grant to either demand instant payment of the Alabama claims or to declare war. He declares that "he told ns so" years ago, and that precisely what has happened in Wall street within the past week was predicted by hlin. All through his speech Mr. Train labored under great excite ment, and strained on his blue coat soveral brass buttons that were grabbed ror by the crowd. The New Pavement along Fifth avenue is thought to be a fraud which brought money to the Ring politicians, and probably the members or the Common Council or Philadel phia, who were lately here, prognosticated the ract that In six months' time it would all have to come up. The mixture of hot pitch, wood, sand, and peb bles which was lately put down along the avenue bet ween. Thirty-second and Thlrty-tlfth streets, had to be taken up in three weeks' time, and in many other places the pavement is extremely loose. Ali Baba. CITY ITKMK. Niw Fall Goons m the Pikce. OWe assortment of llete s'yIeH, to be made up to order, into all Mind of Cents', youth', and Hoys' Clothing, Satis'ar'ion gmitrimteed in (ill respecie. I'rices lower than the Ion est. Style, Jit, and work. ninnhip rnuul to the best. - Half wav Between ) Bennett A Op., Fifth and Towf.h HALT., Sixth Street!. ) No. 618 Mauket St., Philadelphia, And 6'X) Biioajjwav. Hew Yohk. GET the Best.-The Parham Nbw Family LOCK-STITCH HKW1NM MACHINE. (Kasy ToriUH. ) Salesroom, No. 704 CHF.SNUT Street. Now is the Time to repair tho inroads made upon the physical strength by the heated term whii'h has dosed with September. The vitality that has been oozipi through tbe pore's in tbe form of perspiration, for the last three months, requires to be replaced, as a preparative to tbe cold season which makes such disastrous havoc with relaxed and untonod systems. Tbe reserve of vigor with which tbe stoutest man commences the summer catnpaig is drained out of kiin at its close, and unless by some means he acquires a new stock of vital energy wherewith to encounter the shock of a oolder season, ha may droop nd wither like the fulling leaves whose life-juices are exhausted. If it is thus with the strong, how much more perilous is tlte condition of the weak and ailing! Their reason must auggest to tbem, more forcibly than these printed words, tbe neceaaity for iningoration, and tbo world bavins deoided, after an experience ot almost a quarter of a century, that Hostettkii'b Stomach Bit TIBS embrace such restorative properties as are not pos teased by any other tonio and alterative preparation in existence, the. importance of resort iijg to that grW Benovatobano Reotjlatoh of the human machine at this critical season, is as obvious as tbe light of day. Let All who desire to escape an attack of chills and fever, bilious remittent fever, dysentery, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, rheumatism, hypochondria, or any other of the diseases of which the fall season is tbe prolifiu parent, have i course promptly to this celebrated preventive und Mn. Johh WANAMAKEn, the bent known clothier In Philadelphia, hut nimle "Itoceptlnns" an essential foa tuar to gentleman in this city. No longer are the ladies allowed to monopolize the dolightsof the "Opening Day;" the sterner sei are now beginning to regard these M a necessity, and are in no wise Inclined to'negloot them. This assertion cannot be questioned by any who have seen the hundreds of visitors thronging tbe spacious rooms of Mr. Wanaroaker, on Chesnut streot, yesterday. Tbe occa sion was alike pleasurable to the proprietor and his guests, and was a complete success. Many who came without any prepossession In favor of the hnnso.and some even with pre indices against It, could not but be well pleased, and give a hearty approval, while the friends and customers of Mr. Wanamaker were enthusiastic in their congratulations of him, and of themselves, too, in view of their prospects for beautiful dress this season. It was a suocoss on the ap poarance which the place was made to assume. Pictures and flowers, hanging basket and pyramids, tastefully-arranged goods, everything that could contribute to that end. was brought Into service to make the house beautiful and attractive; and yot, so skilfully were ail these docorations arranged, as nevor once to suggest the idoa that this was any other than a place of business, and businoss only was tbe meaning of it all. The UMe and judgment every where displayed in tho sotting up of the bouse spoke volumes of promise In reference to the clothing manufac aturcd there. Good tasto Is (he first requisite of a tirst class tailor. And yet only the half has been told ; fi r tbe endless and tasteful assortments of dross and business dot lis clitplnyod wore superior to all provious stocks ever offorod in our city. Such ready-made clothing, we bosltnte not to assort, was noTcr before offered for sale in Philadelphia, lot alone manufactured hero silk-linod, volvet collnrs, uilted and embossed everything which has heretofore boon re garded aa tbo fine touohos and finishes which wore the special prerogatives ef tho finest custom-made garments. Mr. TVannmakcr, one of tbo hardest working and yet most composed businoss men in our city, has uneqAalled facili ties for furnishing tbe best clothing in all grades of goods, and bis policy of honorable doalings with all has dovoloped bis trade into immonse proportions. In his palatial Chesnut street store he has one hundred and thirty three salesladies, salosmen, and cuttors, and to supply the constant needs of those affable employes, four hundred bands are constantly at work. At his well-estab-lihhod house at Sixtb and Market streets, one hundred and fifty salesmen and cutters are always aa busy as so many boes, and they koep just aa steadily busy plying the needle eight hundred hands. Thus, Mr. Wanamaker tukes daily upon his shoulders the responsibility of sup porting fifteen hundred people, and yet bears the burden so easily as to haro a choory word for everybody he meets. Truly, Mr. Wanamaker has found the secret of success and happiness for himself in doing good to others; and never have wo soon him look more contented than when as we saw him on a bright morning lust summor at the head of his Mission School of hundrodsof children, he was loading thorn for a pleasant roareution into grron pastures and besido still wators. Like a modest man as ho is, be hides many of his virtues, but one so plain us to be visible to all is that bo hus succocdod in establishing . A FinsT-i'LASM Clotuinu House. KAnTH Closet Compact's patent dry earth com modes und privy fixtures, at A. It. Friineisous Ou.'a, No. 51 li Market street. J EWEMT. Mr. William W.Cassidy, No. 12 South Second stroet, has tbe largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in the city. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a rosl, pure articlo, furnished st a pnoo which cannot be equalled. Ho also has a large stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store is sure to result in pleasure and profit. Oten Open Open Open- Kvf.ut Dav. On Thursdays. All the Time. Open Open Opening Openinu Auir and for several days putt, Tbe most extensive importation of Fall and Winter Stuffs fob Men's Wear, User before. Displayed in thin City, comprising as it does every Style, Quality, and Color of the A'eicesl Designs In Plain crVI Fancy Cloth, Cahsimere Vestinos, and Overcoatings. Our assortment la full np, and ready for public in- sjection. Polite and experienced Salesmen will show you gentle manly attention, and you will not be ask ed to bny. A cordial invitation is here extended to tbe public. Come to-day, or any time, as we are Open Open Every Day. Respectfully, Charles Stokes, No. 834 Chesnut Street. Copy. 1800-70. Fall Ciuculab Oak Hall to announce thai our preparation! for the present season are fully eipMil to the hut two or three yean, would be sujjleicut aimrance that Oak Hall is the place to buy your Pull and Winter Clothing. hut to all former inducements we add A MUCH REDUCED SCALE OF PRICES. liistancing all competitors on thin one vital point. IMPROVED ND REORGANIZED CUSTOM DEPART MENT. JVeic and better Cutters, men of unsurpassed tai-te. A GREATER lEIlFEl'TION IN HEADY-MADE DEPARTMENT. A finer riant of Cto'hing than erer before. A large aud better aenorted titork. Our butiiien increased 60 per cent, but year, and ire have prepared for a atitl larger increase. We are determine,! to lift Oak Hall higher than eter in the popular enterm, and to make It the great centre of the Clothing trade of our 'ily ani titatc, Wanamaker 4 Baow.s, Oak Hall Building, Sixth and Market Streets. NOTC 8riaV irMrnelf of tin truthf utile! o.f the ahoee etaitment, eijirciulty the FIRST :Our prices the toiient In the country. iiEW CAR J. F. & E. B. O R PJ E, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET. FALL IMPORTATION. FRENCH MOQUETTE CARPETS DESIGNED BY THE BEST ARTISTS IN PARIS, FOR SALE ONLY BY US, AND AT LESS PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE OFFEREl'. 6-4 VELVETS. NEW AKD ELEGANT ORIGINAL DESIGNS IN J. CROSSLEY.S ft BOJfS' G-i VEL VETS FOR PARLORS, WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS. ENGLISH BRUSSELS. Novelties in ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS in tho Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Porsian, Albnnibin, Illuminated, and other styles, in entirely new and original drawings. ALSO, . ENGLISH BRUSSELS FOR HALL AND STAIRS ALL WIDTHS, WITH BORDERS TO MATCH. 1000 PIECES NEW TAPESTRIES. JUST OPENED, 1000 PIECES OF ALL THE NEW STYLES OF TAPF.STKIES FOR THE SEASON, AT JM O I 12 re rr K 1 Jt I C 12 s. J. F. & E. B. ORE, rso. SMKl CJII15H2VHTT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 10 2SW Tiik Lauoeht WoitKKiiop ok the Body is the Livor, whose office it is to withdraw tho liilo from the Moo J; whoii this important organ ilool pot act, the akin assamns a yellow appearance, and generally a vW.' headache nets in, with chill) aens.itiona, and cold hands and foot, accompa nied with loss of appetite. Thesystom becomes clojfuoci, tho machinery does not work well, and both mind and body are disordered, tho afllictod becoming cross and j fretful, finding fault with everything arouud them. To any person in this condition Du. D. Jaykh's Sanative Pills are recommended ; bj thoir stimulating action tho Liver goon recovers its healthy tone, and is euabled to perform its proper functions, (iostiveness is cured, and all the aggravating symptoms of Biliousness removed. Sold everywhere. MOORK HUNT. On the th ultimo, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Hon. Daniel M. Fin, Mayor of Philadelphia, Mr. L. LOWKY MOOR K, of Washing ton, D. O., to Miss HANNAH HUNT, of this city. iii:i. HORNER. Suddenly, in Camden, on tho !Wth inRtnnt. KMMALINK HOKISKK, wife of the lute Murlow Uorner, in tbe frith year of hor age. Trio relatives ana and frienda of the family are rennnctfnllv invited to attend the funeral, from her late rosidunue. No. 421 Kroadway, on Huudny afternoon, Oetobor it, at 2 o'clock. Interment at hethel Cemetery, btockton town ship. JAOOBT.-Gn Friday morning, Ootobor 1, KLKANOR, wife of Iraneis Jacoby. The relatives and frionds are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral, on Monday afternoon at '6 o'clock, from Hi. James' Church, Bristol, Pa. MARSHALL. On the 2!th u'timo, KSTHER. wife of Samuel Marshall, and daughter ol Jane aud the late Robert Fullerton, aged 25 years. The rolutives and friends of the family are reapeotfully invited to fattend the funeral, from her husbuud'a resi dence. No. 73)4 Hepburn street, below Seventeenth, on Sunday, October 1), at 1 o'clock. Interment at All baints (.round. PILLING. This morning, HENRI V., socond son of George P. Pilling, in the loth year of his age. Due notice will lie given of tho funeral. W ALUS.-On the 2snh Instant, CHARLES II. WAL LIS. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. Hen N. Twenty-third street, on Saturday morn ing at 10 o'clock. WIM.IAM8.-On the morning of SopteinberSO, X-OUISA GERTRUDE, infant daughter of Albert H. and Mary W. Williams. MOURNING DRY COODS. BLACK DJtAF D'lIXVER, A New and Superior French Fabric for Deep Mourning. AI.SO, black rorLin biahritz, Of Very Fine Qualities. BLACK CRETONNES, Just Imported and for Sale by BKSSO & SON, MOURNING DRY GOODS ROUSE, No. 918 CHESNUT STREET, 89 lrp. PHILADELPHIA. 1 a B OLOTHINC. GRAND OPENING DAY! EVERY DAY EXCEPT t UN DAY! OPEN ALL DAY. EVERY WEEK DAY! Eut every n ctk day we open a freh lot of SU NDAY CLOTHES. The vonttant reception of new and splendid instalments of FINE FALL GARMENTS Enables ca lo make every day n RECEPTION DAY, Not only of Olothes, but of legions of customers who cune to buy o'othes. IN FORMER SEASONS We have made grrat preparation! to insure the laigest satisfaction to our customers. But our arrangements tor THE PRESENT SEASON Are decidedly in advance of anything we have ever heretofore done. We cantot be undersold! We cannot be undersold! . We cannot ba undersold! Come to the opening of the g joJs of R0CKHILL & WILSON, AT THE GREAT BROWN STONE HALL, NOS. 603 AND 605 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. One-Price Clothing House, No.OOUrAItKET Street. Our Garments ore well made. Our Cutters are men of talent. BUT ONE l'KICE IS ASKHD. Satisfaction Guaranteed Every Purchaser. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor, 9 15 wfra5 No. 604 M ARKET St., above Blxtn. WESTON & BROTHER, TAILORS, No. 'J00 AKCH ST., PHILADELPHIA, Invite special attention to tliolr IIANDSOME STOCK op . FALL AND WINTER GOODS, JUST RECEIVED. A SITEIUOR.GARMENT AT A REASONABLE PKICE. HATTSFACTION GUARANTEED. 9 IS Smrp PIANOS. m, ALBRECHT. kHX fflrf . BIEKK8 BOHMIDTJ Ittrfnl MANUIMOTCHKlli (VS FIR8T-ULAKB PIANO FOBTKS. jjlMuMrSlO A BOH Btra. QlKwiTiiT CO. CHAM I"AJ iT. Juat received an Invoice of VKRZKNAY; iUH.lt LARK I, ANI t.OI.D I.AHKL IKV. QUARTH AND PINTS. For sale ly .lOSI l'H T4 II IAN X t'O., 1U l lotru 3 ad 8 Soulll 1'RONT Stitet. T TV3 1 07VX S , l"IIVIii WATCH EN, ' FANOYGOOBS, NEW BRONZE AI LEY TWELFTH AND CHESNUT STREETS, New Fall Importations How Open. FSRJE SI L V FOR BEIDAL i iv o rr A8LEY TWELFTH AND 1D 2MVt DRY GOODS. E. R. LEE. NO. 43 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, DAS NOW OPEN FROM FORCED AUCTION t-ALES Ol LAST WEEK, 25 PIECES BLACK SILKS Cheapest Goods Ever Offered. HEAVY CiROS GRAINS, l-.'5 and 2l1'). EXTRA HEAVY DO.. 225, S'i-75. HEAVY BLACK LYONS DRAP DE PARIS. Magnificent l.yoii l':t'liemlic tie Sole. Heavy Faille ftllk. q PIECEH NEAT BUOCATEIXE FIGURED SILK, A JOB. 100 PIECES WIDE SERGE C'LOTUS, 81 CENTS, COST OVER CO. NEW KID CLOVES, lrO. GENUINE JOUVIN GLOVES, FALL SHADES. NEW HAMBURG EDGINGS, REAL LACES, ETC. We call SPECIAL ATTENTION" our stock or SLACK SILKS, BEING THE CHEAPEST AND BEST GOODS EVER OFFJtliE 1 . ' 9 89 Wtmit ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES PERKINS & CO., - No. 9 SOUTH SINTH ST4EET, 9 8 mwf3mflp PHILADELPHIA. IT ODGER8 AND WOSTENIIOLM'8 POCKET i KNIVKS, Pearl and Stag Handles, of beautiful finish KOIMiKRH'aud W AI)K a HU I UH e KM K Ai)KrJ. and the oelebrated LEUOLTHK HAZOH bUIhSOitS of Hazora. Knives, Rciwwrs, and Table Cutlery Ground and PolUhed at P. MAUJOKA'S. No. 116 b. 'liiNTU Htreet. below Ubeanut, H 6p4 DEAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT science and skill have invented to assiat the hearing in every degree ot deatness ; also, jveHuiraiora ; also, uru riall's Patent Oriitohes. superior to any others in use, at P. MAUtlUAS. Us t. 1EISTU bireut, below at ow Vttesuuv, Bin ER-W A R E PRESENTS, V. H I 13 T Y, AT ERATE PRICES. t CO., CHESNUT STREE IS. PHILADELPHIA. SILVER PLATED WARE, ETQ. ESTABLISHED IN 1840. MEAD & ROBBINS, SUCCESSORS TO JOHN O. MEAD Jc iON, Olnnurnrturrri of the Flnett J rude of SILVSXl MATED WARES. We make oar own goeda ; deposit the Silver accuratelf hy weight, and Warrant each article by ur Trade Vark on the bate, ami by written guarantees if preferred. Ther re equal to th finest (trades of English and French Wares, and artistio in design and elogantly ornamented. CUTLERY. Pearl, Ivory, and E uhher Out lery in great variety, plat and unplated, in quantities as required. N.E. Corner Ninth and Chesnut, 10 1 fmwCm PHILADELPHIA. CIQARS. '229 S. FRONT ST. 229 S. FKONT 8T. S. FUCUET & SONS. (BSTABLISHKD 13!9), IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS, AND MANUFACTURER i OF FINE CIGARS, i No. 229 S. FRONT.. St., below Walnut. Freshly Imported Cigars in or out of Bond, Of our Manufac ture, thirty varieties ; quality war ranted. tio i lotep Assortment and prices to suit till buyers. NEW PUBLICATIONS. II E SUNDAY MAGAZINE ' A MONTHLY OF ' RKOREATION AND INSTRUCTION. PBUFFKF.LV TLLUtiTIUTED. EDITED BY REV. THOMAS GUTHRIE, D. D. Just issued, THE OCTOBER PART, Coiumancing a N w Volume, - CONTAINING FOURTEEN ARTICLES, with FIFTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS. SO oents per Part e$3 50 per Aunuut. For sale by ull period ical dealers. J. B. LIPPINOOTT & CO., PiiblUheP! H 710 n4 717 MARKET St.. p-jul. pstorative.