THE DAILY EVENING TKLBGllAPil PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOHEK 1. jsrtO. unwo sui&rvmiyg. :ilr Affair.. , As Hie Rpptiiiiiran Invincibles wore crowing the CheKnut Street Bridge, last owning, on their Way to tho Twenty-fourth ward mouting, thev Were attacked by a gang of milium, and several of their uiemlicrs sustained severe injuries. TIiofc injured wtrc taken to a drug store in the neighborhood, where their wounds were dressed. On the return of the club tho members were attacked at tho same place, and bricks wero hurled nt them from Twenty third Btreet down to Sixteenth street, and several shots wero fired. Mr. linrry Free was struck on tho forehead with a brick and was seriously injured. Ho was taken to his homo on Cherry street. Another member wns shot in the stomach. The police officers entered Into tho mclco with the attacking party, and one of thera was seen to fire several bricks at the Iuvineiblcs. Tho shots fired are said to have come from weapons in tho knnds of tho ollicers. Two of the Invincibles were arrested and taken to tho Fifth District Station louse, but none of the attacking party were molested. A meeting was held last evening in the First Baptist Church, Broad and Arch streets, to devise plans for aidiiig tho Home lately established for tho benefit of aged infirm members of the Bap tist denomination. Michael O'Donnell, aged thirty-five years, residing at Coatesvillo, had his head and arm injured yesterday by being run over by a car on the ltridcsburg Railroad, lie was admitted to the l'ennpylvania llospital. DoniPNtlii Affair. Gold closed yesterday ut IS IK. Secretary Seward is en route for Mexico CLty. The new legal-tender notes, now beln printed, will be ready soon. The trial of the celebrated Gates will case has commenced at Yonkera, N. Y. A number of changes of postmasters were made in this State yesterday. Thomas Brown beat his wife to death' In Boston on Wednesday night. Rufus Dwlnncll, ex-Mayor of Bangor, Me., died In that citv on edncsuay night. The New i'ork Gold Room was iu operation yesterdav. the price reaching 131". The Philadelphia Councilmcu were at the Burnett House, Cincinnati, last night. Bishop Lynch, of Toronto, C. W., leaves next week for Rome, to attend the (Ecumenical Council. Tho editors of Texas, in convention, have nominated a straight Democratic ticket for that State. Governor Geary was present and made a speech tit a Republican meeting at Norristowu last night. Mr. Richardson, tho Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, has sent iu ins resignation, to take effect on January 1. Henry M. W'atts, of Philadelphia, late Min ister to Austria, and General 'egley, of Pitts burg, are in Washington. The Judges of the Supreme Court are assem bling In Washington to attend the opeuiug of the Court next week. The President was photographed yesterday for the purpose of supplying a model for Clark Mills' equestrian statue. Jose Eddoy, Mexicau Consul at San Fran cisco, fell dead of apoplexy at Mr. Seward's re ception at San Francisco yesterday. The sixty mile extension of the South Pacific Railroad, from Little Piney through the Bark Mountains to Lebanon, Mo., was completed yes terday. Mr. Pollock, Director of the Mint, has re fused to make further removals for more politi cal reasons, urging that he cannot do so without injury to the interests of the Government. J. Cox, an emigrant, was shot on the steamer Bristol, from New York for Boston. The assassin was arrested. No provocation was given. The wound is dangerous, but not fatal. Secretary Cox and Secretary Robeson" have issued orders allowing tho clerks iu their re spective departments, from Pounsj-lvaui.i and Ohio, eight days' leave of absence to j;o home to vole. Foreign AfTiiim. Eugenie left Paris yesterday for the East. The population of Mexico, accordiur to the new census, is 8,!ii7,000. Mexican journals arc discussing the topic of annexation to the United States. Tho American Consulate at Mexico City lias been robbed of a large sum of money and valu ables. The father of the murdered Paris family, it now appears, was strangled. His body has been found near Alsace. ' Lieutenant-Colonel Pedro Abar has been sen tenced to death in Mexico for participating iu tho late attempt on tho life of Juarez on Au gust !20. Tho water from the Bitter Lakes has been let intp the Suez Canal, and M. Lesseps has pnsscd the entire length in fifteen hours in a steamship. Vtly oimt ils. These bodies held their regular stated meet ing yesterday afternoon. tk Uct Branch. The Chamber was called to order at 3 o'clock, President William S. Stokley Iu tho chair. . After the call of the roll, a quorum answering, the following communications were received: One from the Lylc Mouumcnt Committee, in vitlng Councils to attend tho eoiner-stouo lay ing. Accepted. A number of petitions asking for the location of street lamps, water pipes, etc., were re ceived and referred to appropriate committees. Also, a number asking for the grading and paviuir of certain streets." Referred to the Com mittee on Highways. Mr. Jones 'presented a resolution requesting the Board of School Controllers to inform Select Couueil of the disposition of that part of tho loan lor building school-houses allotted to the Twenty-first ward, lteterred to tne torn mil ten nil Schools. A petiliou was rct-cived from the citizens of the Twentieth ward, asking for the building of a inaorvoir nt Strawberry Mansion of 100,000.0110 srallons capacity, imd that a loan of 1.000,000 be solicited for that purpose. Referred to Com mitwa on Finance and Water. A resolution requesting the Mayor to return iim resolution changing the place of voting in " the Fifth division of the Second ward. Passed An ordinance authorizing certain transfers i the unnual appropriation to tiie isoard or j and County Prison. Passed. One for eradnur Quarry street and Klngscs- slng avenue, with an amendment appropriating tl5G0 to pay for the grading of Alleghany avenue. Tho ordinance, without the amend ment, passed, after considerable discussion. A petition uskiutr that the uame of Mary street be changed to Park avenue was referred to the Committee on Highways. A communication was received from the Mayor informing the Chamber that he had signed cer tain bills. A resolution authorizing the tramwayiug of Court street, Eleventh ward. Passed. An ordinance from Common Couueil appro priating fc.VJ0 to pay for the services of a spe t lul detective, appointed uy mo District Attot liey, being at the rate oi rjoo per ajiuuiu Passed. Also, resbjiitipti approving of the sureties of Samuel Wynu, Supervisor of the Twenty -fourth ward. Adjourned. Common Hrunch. -This Chumber met at the usual hour, President Joseph F. .Marcer iu the chair. An invitation was received from Joseph H. Ly n dull, President of the l.ylo Monumeut Asso ciation, to attend the laving of tho corner-stone of the monument ut Old Oaks Cemetery on Monday next. Accepted. A petition to change the name of Mary street to Park avenue was referred. Mr. Hanna presented a resolution for reference to change the name of State street. Mr. H. Huhn presented a petition for a sewer on Hall street, T iventy-fourlli ward. Also, one for a gas lamp on Hare street, be tween Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets. Also, a resolution of instruction to the Com mislonerof Highways, to repair certain streets Jii the Jtinceuiu ward, Mr. Jcnner presented a resolution Instructing the Engineer of tho Water Works to effect a loan for tho erection of a reservoir at Straw berry Mansion, to supply the citizens of the Twentieth ward. Referred to tho Committee on Water Works. Mr. Wagner presented a remonstrance on tho part of the citizens of Germantown against tho proviso In the ordijanec of 1805 respecting the supply of water for Gerniautown. Referred to the Committee on Water of Com mon Council. Mr. Shoemaker, of Committee on Finance, presented nn ordinance appropriating 45-10 to pay special detectives of the District Attorney. Agreed to. Mr. Stewart, of Committee on Poor, offered a report, with a resolution, to make certain trans fers in the annual appropriation to the Guar diuns of the. Poor. Referred to the Committco on Finance. Mr. H. Huhn. of tho Committee on Markets, presented a report, with a resolution annexed, authorizing tho Commissioner to make arrange ments with the renters of stalls in the Second Street Market, to enable him to make repairs In 1870. Agreed to. Mr. Meyers, of Committee on Police of Com mon Council, offered a resolution in reference to the erection of wooden buildings. Agreed to. The follow ing bills from Select Council were taken up: One authorizing ccrialn transfers in the Count' Prison appropriation bill. Referred to the Com mittee on Finance of Common Council. One from tho Board of Health, making certain transfers in the appropriation to the Board of Health. Agreed to. One from tho Department of City Property, w ith an ordinance relating to tho consolidation of the Departments of Markets, Wharves aud Landings, and City Property. Agreed to. Alto, one authorizing the tramwavingof Court allev. Agreed to. Also, one instructing the contractor on North Broad street to proceed forthwith and fulfil his contiact. Agreed to. Mr. Evans offered ft resolution of instruction to the Committee on Highways, relative to the contiiming of the GennantowuJ Norristown and Philadelphia Railroad track, to save the expense of erecting a bridge. Agreed to. Mr. Huhn offered a resolution of instruction to the Clerk of Common Council, directing him not to sign any bills of oliI45 for the repair ing ef Common Council chamber. Agreed to. Mr. Stewart presented a resolution of request to the Chief Commissioner of Highways to grade certain streets. Agreed to. Mr. Iletzcll moved to resume the second rend ing of the bill making an appropriation to pay the former contractors for cleansing the streets. On the yeas and nays being called they stood yeas. i: Bays, 17. No quorum answering, Council adjourned. TIIE ONEIDA. IN A T1TII00X. A private letter, dated "United States steamer Oneida, Hiogo, Japan, August 34, "and addressed to a prominent clergyman of this city, which has been , kindly placed at our disposal, thus de scribed the experieuee of that vessel in a typhoon n the Japanese waters: We have been in a typhoon, and are alive to tell the story. I have ut different times during, the cruise referred to these tempests, and ex pressed a hope that we might not encounter one. The time for our return was approaching so close that we had almost como to the conclu sion that we should escape; but it waa not to be. We left Yokohama on the 17th August, bound to tills place; the weather for a Week pre viously had becu hot and mugy, leading some of the wi'te men to shake their heads solemnly and mutter that "this is a weather-breeder. We left under sail, and had scarce enough wind to carry us out of Veddo Bay during the 17th aud 18th. On the morniug o'i the I'.Hh we found ourselves on the coast between Yokohama nnd niogo, with a fine seven-knot breeze from the astward, which being lair, permitted us to carry lower and topmast studding sails on both bides. At 13 noon, we were running along finely, the sky being cloudy and the barometer s'J-'JO, but all observed a heavy sea running from almost southeast, which was supposed to indicate that there had been a blow a day or two previously. During the Ttftcruoou tho wind increased, the barometer commencing to go down; but about sundown the sky broke away to the westward, and seenuM to promise a pleasant night, or at all events n pleasant morrow. .Suddenly, at 'J 1 M., the wind freshened, with a rapidly falling glass. Took in all stuusails, then topgallant sails. Scarcely had these sails been furled than the fore topsail blew away, tollowcd in a lew minutes by the inain topsail. We were thus left with merely a foresail. All hands were now called, hatches battened down, and every prepa ration made for what was nlainly coming. At 1:3. midukht, Uu? barometer stood at 2!) nr, when, with a sudden puff, away weut the foresail iu ribbons, and we were left scudding under bare poles. The log was hove and showed a speed of 7,'. a Knots. About, i a. m. oi me win sue broached to, and could not again be tfot before the wind; so after a great deal of dilliculty we managed to set a main trysail and storm miz.en, the jil), fore topmast, staysail and other sails having in tlie meanwhile been blown into smithe reens. At li'IiO a sea came into leeward and car ried away our launch, second cuttcr,aud dingey all at one stroke- and put three feet of water in the hold of the ship. During all this time the barometer was steadily descending tin o a. m., when it sank suddenly to liS'W, at wmcn time it is estimated we were about twenty miles lrom the centre of the storm. The force of tho wind for six or seven hours you eau lorni no concep tion of: it came in gut-ts, like a perfect roar of artillery, so that on deck you eoif.d not hear u word, H your neignoor uiongsiuo was suouuug with all his force right in your ear. Tho sea was picked up by tlie gale and carried over tlie ship, SO as to resemble iiunnjnmu nurai. j-.veij-thlng on deck almost was smashed to pieces, and many of tho ftiou badly bruised. Fortu nately, when the water got below steam had been gotten up, and putting on the syphon and bilge injection pumps, they freed her in a few minutes. The ship all the time was forced bodily down bv the wind, and lay on her side with the lee railundcr water. After 7 A. M. the barometer commenced to jump up, and by !, the wind having hauled round to west, the storm was over. Such a sight us we presented was pitiable boats carried awav. ports knocked in, rails smashed, sails hanging in shreds from the yards. We looked a perfect wreck. We soon cleared every thing up, however, and by two in the afternoon were steaming-at tlie jute of eight knots an hour for this place. The Iroquois had a still narrower escape, though they did not get so near the centre of the liurncaue. They left Yokohama two days alter u, bound to Hong Kong, but on Friday morning they drifted on shore and had to let go both anchors and steam up to them. Their escape was almost mira culous. The Ashuclot is supposed to have got into Yokohama just before the gale came on. The Idaho is supposed to have been somewhere near, but nothing has been heard of her as yet. The Iroquois came in here yesterday with her homr pennant flying. She lot au auchor and 13t fathoms of chain; we gave her an anchor and three cheers this morning when she left for Nagasaki. The Ocean (Jueen. a Uritish steamer, within thirty miles of us, was ljove down on her beam ends und lost all her boats.wlth everything on deck. . , I send vou with this a paper published here, which "Ives an account of this storm from the diftereiit vessels that have come in. There have no doubt been great disasters, which wo shall hear of in time. Ueino near tho centre as we were manv ships would have gone to the bot tom, but tills siiip is not one of that kind: give her sea-room, and I do not believe any storm can destroy her If properly curcn joi . ?uu io an uuus as wood aud iron cuu make her, and the most perfect sca-bontJ ever saw. ifa maus fato is such that he must encounter a typhoon, ho can not do it In a more favorable condition than on board of the Oneldu. ' Our orders when leaving okohania were to come hero, nil up with coal, and await lurther in structions. When the reports go up to the Admiral he may order us back, or to Shanghai. Of course Wit lllllkf nnw bouts nnd new sails, a well ' as au auclior la the place ol VUQ ono wo aq the Iroquois. This last vessel has orders to pro ceed to Hong Kong nnd make ready to go homo. As I said before, she is flying her homo pennant; of course they are nil in good spirits at tlie pros pert, but do not much like the Idea of Septem ber in Hong Kong. She left New York four months ahead of us, so four months from this time we expect to have a home pennant Hying of our own, and to receive instead of give three cheers. During that time wo shall probably go to the north of China and slowly work down. Never having been to Shanghai, we are naturally anxious to take a look there before leaving the station. That will complete us so tar as the AKintie station is concerned. Bafavia and Mau ritius' wc take on the homeward track. Dnllnrnnnd Scent. TIip Wilmington Comm-rdal has this Item among Its i dltoiials: A lending actress of what Olive I,ngnn calls the "tituln drama'' Ii ;l n livnrlit alone of tun New York theatres a few nights no, on widen oi tlie house whs tilled with odors siiRpestive of the "Huhn of Ten Tlionsiiiid Flowers." These sweet scents were diffused I rum the hundred of brmqiieti held In the soft hands of sort young men to be I it Id at the feet cf the fair actress. During the performance a hupp bouquet something larger than tho la-lv her self built nt an expense of t'lOO, was presented to the "nuecn of burlesque.'' This was-follnwpd bv fi nio culinary, clips p auatr, iu the shape of IHindrcd dollar and tilt.v dollar nosegays. It frequently lnto pens that tliese llorul ollorliiirs are presented iv in fatuated youths who arc employed at salaries ranging fn in tliHiO to fi'-oon year; ami where the dollars eoino from to purchase HyVho scents would he a mystery, were it, not lor the frequent accounts of defaulting clerks. MARINE TELEGRAPH. J-'or aMitUinat Marine Xeicg nee Firvt raye. ALMANAC FOR FHILADELPHI A-THIS DAY. 8i nKisich SWI Moon Risks a ss hunJiLTH.... 6 4;i I Hum Wateb "lll'IM PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. T. B. Hoon, is. u . ni'i-r ia. 11........... Committee of the Month. Xuomais 0, Hand, j COMMITTEE OV AIlllTTIUTIONH. J. O. .Tnmes, George L. Buzhy, K. A. Somlor, V dlium W. Paul, Thos. L. Cillespio. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. FOR AMERICA. CI. of Limerick. .Antwerp New York Sept. 4 Hcllcua London Now York isopt'. 11 Alalia i.iverpooi new orlt via Bos... .Sent. 14 llehotiu l.ivoriKHil . ...New York. Hunt, lr, town (iaRow New York r.romen Hnvro Now York Mniti SoutliiimiUn....New York Tariin l.ivoipool New York I- upland Liverpool New York MnniiHttiin Liverpool ....Now York V. of brooklyD . .Liverpool . ...New York Kntnnniu I.Iiiskuw New York KtiiB Liverpool Now York via Hal Laluyette brest Now York FOR KUltOPK. City of Paris.... Now York.. ..Liverpool Nniidt New York.. ..Bremen Viile de Putin . .Now York. ...Havre PenDF.vlvaiiia... .New York. ...Livernool ..Sept. 17 ..Sept. 18 ..Sept. 21 ..'Mllt. iil ..Kept. 22 .."nit. m ..Sept. 23 ..Sept. 24 ..Mopt. 25 ..Sopt. 25 ....Oct. ....Oct. . . . .Oct. ....Oct. ....Out. ....Oct. ....Oct. .... let. ....Oot. .... hit. ....Oot. ....Oct. Lmiibria Now York. ...OIuhow filly nt N. York.. New York. ...Liverpool Ventplialia . ..Nw York. ...llamburK Nelirunka Now York. ...Liverpool (iuV-a Now York. ...Liverpool Jiallu Now York. ...Liverpool O. of llrooUljrj. .New Yoik.... Liverpool O.of VaahinKnnNew York. ...Liverpool UOAKTWISK. DOMK.iSTlO. KTO. Arizona New York. ...Aspinwall Oct Wyoming Pliiinda Savannah -.( let Aln-ika New York.... ARpmwall Oct.' Mortimack New York. ...Kio Janeiro n...' Mails are forwarded bv every Bt earner in tlin r...-n....- ........ Tfce steamers for or Trom Liverpool call at O.ui'tistowii ex cept Hie Canadian line, which call at LonJ-m lorry, 'rile simmers for or from the Continent call at So"l liumnton CLEARED YKSTRRDAY. StonmRliip Pioneer, llarrett, Wilmington, N. C, I'liila- dolphia und Southern Mail Steamship Co. Stviuiier J. S. Slirivor. Dennis, liultiiuorn, A. Groves, Jr N. U. barono Meridian, Lenz, liremen, llarjei & Uo. Bullion Decinh, liilkey. liremen. Workman A Co. Stlir it. L. 'Jay, Baker, Portsmouth,. Piuo Knot Co il Oo. ARRIVFD YESTERDAY. Steamer E. N. Fairchild, Trout, 24 hours from Now York, with inline, to W. M. Baird A Co. Steamer S. O. Walker, Sherin, 21 hours from Now York with luiise. to W. AI. Baird A Co. ' Steamer Sarah, Jonea, 2-4 hours from Now Yo.'k, with indso. to W. M. Baird A (Jo. Hc.bT Klla l' ib, Willey, 7 days from Portland, with indue, to Kniniit A Sons. Schr S. C. Titliian, Tuft, 1 dny from Port D ipoait, Md . with Brain to Jas. L. Bewley & Co. SchrAriadno, Thomas, 1 day from Smyrna, Del., with gru in to Jas. I,. Bewley Oo. Schr Virginia, Beano, 7 days from Boston, with nidao. to Crowell a Collins. Schr Henry Haiteau, Jones, 6 days from Portland, with stone to W. Mtruthers A Sou. ' Schr K. B. Fmi-ry, Clayton, from Boston. SchrJ. Sattorthwaito, Kinney, from Boston. Schr IL 8. Brooks, Love, from Boston. Si'hr CJ. B. Kdwanls, Corson, from Boston. Schr Cordelia Neivkirk, Huutloy, lrom Boston. Schr Paul A Thompson, Oodfrey, from Boston. Schr A. C. Buckley, Buckley, from New York. Schr 8. Glurk, Grittin, from New York. Schr A. S. Cannon, Cobli, from Fall River. Schr W. IL Tiers, riifford, from Salem. Schr G. Taiilane, Adams, from Providence. Schr I. Thompson, Fndicott, from Provideuco. . . Schr Wave ('rest, Davis, from ltoxbury. Schr M. JJ. Westcott, Candy, from DiUton. BELOW. Bri(t Minna Trauli repoicod by tug America. Oapi nin Yirilcn also reports tbc. the buoy on Fourteen Foot Buuk has drifted down oil jJrundywine Light. PORT OK PHILADELPHIA. Foreign nnd coifstwiso arrivals for tho month of Sep. tember, I'M)'.', us compared with tho same period in IStiS: lstw. istw. for. Coast, Total, For. Coast. Tot . I .. 1 8 ..8 . . . 21! 1W 2 21 . 24 M o4 24 il.i f,7 . 12 lord 13 21 11H4 1215 . . . THO 71 . . ' 7H5 7'i5 . . 4!5 4!5 .. 378 S7H . .. LB0 1:W0 .. 1157 11H7 . .. 1573 1573 .. 1564 1564 7o2 6248 5310 ll 6144 5215 Ships Steiimshlpa . Barques Brms Schooners.. . Sloops Steamers... . Humes Boats Total. Corrtsnonilrnre of The Emlng Trlrnrnph. KASTON A MnMAHON'S BULLKTIN. 'New York Office, Sept. 30. Thirteen barges leave in tow to-night, for Baltimore, light. ' A. C. Conde, with brimstone, for Wilmington. F, B. Timmons, with carboys, for Philadelphia. John Hawkins, with marble, for Baltimore. Bai.timoue Branch Office, Sept. 80. The following barges leave in tow to-night, eastward : Major O'Reilly: Dell Hyinos; Ticeno: Satterlee; P. Abbe; and Flour City, all with coal, for New York. James Hand, with coal, for W ilmiogton. Olranto, with coal, for Chester. L. S. O. MEMORANDA. Steamship Aries, Wiioy, lor Philadelphia, cloareil at Boston 2i'th nit. Steamer New York, Jonos, hence, at Ceorgotown, D. O., 2HU ult. Steamer O. Comstock, Drake, for Philadelphia, cleared at Now Yoik yesterda. Barque Sarah A. Staples, Staples, from Bangor, Me., for Montevideo, was spoken 2Hlli Aug. lat. 21 N., long. S3 W. Barque Mary Russell Mitford, Berry, hence for Stettin, in the bound, Flsinore, lntii ult. Barque Win. Van Naiuo, Craig, from New York for Mar seilles, was npokon Nth ult. lut. HH N., long. 11 W. Brig Potomac, Carver.for Philadelphia or Bangor, sailed from Providence 271 h ult. Brig Cairo, Vance, for Philadelphia, clcured at Boston 2!Uhult. Brig J. Biekmoro, Henley, from St. John, N. B., for Phi- Inrinlnliia. hiliIi.iI from Portland 2lith Ult. Schr Addie Murctiie, Murchie, for Philadelphia, cleared at Jacksonville 2-lin nil. Schr R. S. Dean, Cook, hence, at Pawtucket 2th ult. COPARTNERSHIPS. rn H E 'COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE X existing under the firm name of CORNELIUS A BAKFR waa dissolved by mutual consent on J uly 2, lHiisi. 'I hn business of the manufactory will he settled and closed by ROBERT CORNELIUS, at No7 2I CI1KR11Y Street, and tliut of theatoreby ISAAC F. No. 710 CHESNUT Street, ISAAC F. BAKER, WILLIAM C. BAKFR, ROBERT C. CORNELIUS, JOHN C. CORNELIUS, ROBERT C. BAKER, CHARLES K. CORNELIUS. PhiladelphiaSeptember, lo!'. The undersigned, late of CORNELIUS A BAKER. have tins dsy entered into a copartnership under the tirm umueut CORNELIUS A SONS. Having purchased the factories (No. P21 Cherry street and I-11 tn street ueur uoiuiuuia avenuei and alt the ma chinery ot tlie late tii'in, wo are prepared tu continue the liiHnulacturo 11 nil sale 01 i,aa I' ixturea, Lumps, eto , at No Kil ciir.KKY Mreei, 1 nuaneipnia. ROBERT CORNELIUS,' ROBERT O. CORNELIUS, JOHN C. CORNELIUS, CHARLES E. CORNELIUS. Philadelphia, September 2, ltH r 2 lin CRAWFORD AltKOLD and ROBERT CJ. BAKER latent GORNKIJUSA BA k ER, have this day formed a copartnership uiiner tlio name ol ARNOLD A B AKKH. Having urchascd the entire stork ot goods of the lute 11 1 m ol Cornehua A Baker, ut 71U CH I'.SNl I Street, thny am prepared to continue at that place the sale of Cu J' ixtures, Lamps Brou.cs, etc. V 2 liu c ORN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTORY, JOHN T. HAILFY, N. E. oorner of M A UK ET and WATKR HtraaU. I'luladeluhla, DEALER IN UAGH AND BAGGING Of every description, for Grain, Flour, Bait, Super-f hospuata of Lime, Boat Duat, .to. 114 Alio. WOOL J3. EDUCATIONAL. KITUIIY A AIH;JIV No.Hlft LOCUST Street, for IIOVM, EDWARD CLARENCE SMITH, A. M Principal Young men prepared for onM or hiah mamlinq In Col lege. Circolaisat No. 122U CH KSNFT btreoU Neit session begins September liltli. J 17 .Ira TAltES FEARCE. M. B.. ORGANIST PT. f J Mark's (No. I430SPKPCK Street).will continue his professional duties on OCTOBER 1. SJnmwfii MISS BONNET AND VISS DILLATE WILL reopen their BOARDING nnd DAY SCHOOL (mentirth venr). Sent. 16, at No. 1B16 CH KSNU T Streot. Particulars from Circulars. 8 IS 7w AIISS JENNIE T. BECK, TEACHER OF Plapo, will resume hr duties September r, at No 746 FLORIDA Etroct, between Eleventh atd Twelfth streets 9 1 am A. R. TAYLOR'S SINGING ACADEMY, No. 812 AKCH Street, for class ftml.riu-t w,n In Mm rudiments of Mnging, Vor.ilir.ation, Glee an l Madrigal Sinring, will open on MOM) AY, Sopt ember 27. Circulars nt tlie music stores and at No. HI2 Arcli street. V'iiiiw -t7EST CHESNUT STREET INSTITUTE. ?T Miss E. T. BROWN desires to announce that shn will open on TUESDAY. September 21. at No. 4o;ir CH K.S NI T Street, West Philadelphia, the late Residence ot tho Rev. J. G. Hut It r, D. D., a school for Young Ijidies. Cir cnlars ninybnliad 011 application at the school, on anil after Wednesday, September 15. tn st rpUE EDGE II ILL SCHOOL, a Boarding and Day School for Boys, will begin its next session in tho new Academy Building at MEItOHANTVILLE, NEW JERSEY, . MONDAY, Soptember , 1HW. Fm circular apply to Rev. T. W. OATTEUj, 6 8atf PinciipL JJ Y. L A U D E U B A 0 II ' 8 CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC), AND COMMEROIAI Ate A DEMY, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, No. I08 S. TENTH Stroet. Thorough preparation for BnsinosBorCollege. Special attention given to Practical Mathematics, Bur vrynif!, Civil I' liuineering, etc. A l-'irst-chif s I'rimai-y Department. Circulars at Air. Warbuiton'a.No. 43;) C'hesnnt at'. 0 IStf FOR SALE. FOR BALE OR TO RENT GKRMANTOWN.5 Dve minutes' walk from Way j bUition, two neat and comfortable Housos on WAYN." Street, below Manheim, suitable for a small and goatef1 family, with all the modern conveniences, gas, wate. range, heater, etc. Rent, $400 per annum. Apply ,t JACOB KAUFP, No. 77 W1STKR Street, Gennantowi Possession at. once. 6 18 tf CvRjS ALE, HANDSOME ARCH STREET RESIDENCE. No. 1; 28,120 by 137. In thorough ordor, with modem iin provcmctits, Apply to J t JOS. L. CAVE N, 8 31 No. If." N. NINTH Street. r? No. Kll EIGHTEENTH, ABOVE WAL- irfiii) NUT Street, near Kittonhouno Siju.-iro -The most complete and eltnant liu-'lium size DWELLING in west part of city ; leper lloor solul wainut finish: every conve nience: for sale, with possession. J. F. LIST. No. HJ.i WALNUT Street. 820lmvtf LOOKING CLASSES, ETC. JAMES 8. EARLE A SONS Have now possession of the entile premi! No. 819 CHESNUT STREET, Where they are prepared to exhibit thoir NEW AND FRESH STYLES OF LOOKING GLA SSES, PICTURE FRAMES, ETO. ETC, NEW CHROMOS. ENGRAVINGS. ROSERS' GROUPS All late tiro. importations, recoiveil since tboir disastrous 4 5 mwfip T7SIABLIS1IED 179 5. A. 3. ROBINSON, FRENCH PLATE LOOKING-GLASSES, ENGRAVINGS, BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS, PAINTING8, Manufacturer of all kinds of LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT, AND PICTURE FRAMES. NO. 910 CHESNUT STREET, 8 u Fifth door above the Continental, Fhlla. BOOTS AND SHOES. fj O W READY, FALL STYLES BOOTIS mill SIIOISS FOR GENTLEMEN. IJ AKTL i: T No. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, to 10 nnw ABOVE CHESNUT. LOS l REWARD. LOST A CERTIFICATE Jn 1 U of New (!ity Loon, No. 1M9. for WM, in tho name of JOHN GAKDIC. Appliontiun lias hoon made tor a re newal of said certiheute. Ol no une to ny in put M. P. UARDK. A 24 ftu 26t No. 253 DEAN Stroot, riiiliiilolih!a. M ERRICK & SONS BOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, No. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Philadelphia. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT-OFF. STEAM ENGINE, Regulated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented June, 1SC& DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVELESS STEAM HAMMER D. M. WESTON'S PATENT SELF-CENTRING, 8ELF-BALANCIXU CENTRIFUGAL SUGAU-IJUAIJSING MACHINE. V AND RO EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturers. T 10 mwf J. VAUGHN JlkJlBlCB. WILLIAM B. "'"BIOC JOHH B. COPE. TTRTODLANDS CEMETERY COMPANY. The following .Managers and Officers have been .to, ted for the year .-t0 p,, William H. Moore, William W. Keen. hulliuol n. ni;u, tallies Dallett, Ferdinand J. Dreer, George L. Buzby, Kdwin tireuio, i. n . iviiikmh. nt r. ...,. and Treasurer. JOHEPH B. TOV7NSKND. The Manstters have passed a resolution reiiufriiig both i . . i...i,i..r andVisitors to nresent tickets at the eutranoa for aduiitxiun to the Ceinetory. Tickets may be bad at tlia (Jltice ot the Company, no. au auuu etreot, or of any of the Wauadtr A LEXANUER O. CATTELL c CO., l fBU Smai fcORTM WUARVKS . iNn No. NORTH WATER STREET. PHILADELPHIA. ' I J3J AI.FIiNDItB G CiTUCUU KUJAB CUXTaXL. COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, Vv of i .11 niiinhflra lllA brands. Tent, Awnlna. Truuk, ...a u. ,..,ii-cuver Mink. Aiho, t aper Alanulacturera' Drier ielta. from thirty to seventy-six inohe. wiuei i,,niina ueltlUK, ball i wine, eiu. Paulina, ueiuun, a JOHN W. KVERMiN. W 1U9 t'UVRUU fitret tUUl Stwv. SEVVINC MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON 8 SEWING MACHINES Are the Bent, aiiri are Bold on tlie Enaleet Terms. PETERSON & CARPENTER, GENERAL AGENTS, . Io. OIJ tllllW.M T Htreet, Borrow PHILADELPHIA. THE AMERICAN COMBINATION JUTTOH-H OLE SEWING MACHINE Is now nulversally aciniittrd to bo Buporlor to others as a Family Machine TUB SIMPLICITY EASE, AND CERTAINTY with which It operates as well as the uniform excellence of ltt work, throughout the entire range of sewing, Id Stitching, Hemming, Felling, Tacking, Cording, Braiding, Quilling, Oath ering, and Sewing on, Over seaming, Embroidering on the Edge, and its Beauti ful Button-Hole and Eyelet Hole Work, PLACE IT UNQUESTIONABLY FAR IN AD VANCE OP ANY OTHER SIMILAR INVENTION. OFFICE, S. W Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESNUT 9 17fmw3mrp PHILADELPHIA. TXI23 It ATE ST AUD BEST. THE PAR HAM FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. NEW (EASY TERMS). ConiWnlug all the feood qualities of the best ma chines In the market, with many new and admirable features not found in any other. Is adapted for every dt-scriptlon of fair.lly sowing, and for llht manufacturing purposes; Is decidedly the most per fect, sitnnle. und reliable Family Sewing Machine ever Invented. It Is elegant In style aud finish ; sim ple In construction; noisrlesn In opcrution; makes perfect work on every description of material; Is perfectly free In all Its move menta, is very light run ning, and it Is a plensnre for the operator to uso It. Call and examine It at the Oiltee of The Parham Sewing Machine Company, No. 704 CHESNUT STREET, 0 13 lmrp PHILADELPHIA DRY COODS. 31 I L Li I Iv EN'S . LINEN STORES. OLD STORE. No. 823 ARCH STREET. NEW STORE, No. 1128 CHESNUT Street. NEW DEPARTMENT UED CLOTHING. BEST BLANKETS, fresh from tho mills. MARSEILLES BED QUILTS. HONEYCOMB QUILTS, all sizes. ALLENDALE AND LANCASTER QUILT J. LINEN SHEETINGS, all widths. COTTON SHEETINGS, all widths. PILLOW CASINGS. We bid for a largo trado in BED CLOTIUNG, by scUlng reliable goods at the lowest prices. 8 21 mwf JLANKETSI LINENS! . MUSLINS! 19 CASES BLANKETS. 19 CASES BLANKETS. 19 CASES BLANKETS. ALL THE GRADES. ALL THE GRADES. . ALL THE GRADES. EVERY GOOD SIZE. EVERY GOOD SIZE. EVERY GOOD SIZE. ONE BALE LINEN TABLE DIAPER. GOOD LINEN TABLE DAMASKS. TOWELS, NAPKINS, AND DOYLIES. BEST WIDE SHEETINGS. BEST PILLOW COTTONS. BEST YARD-WIDE MUSLINS. COOPER & C0IIARD, NINTH ST11EET, BELOW MARKET, 17fsm PHILADELPHIA. BT1RST QUALITY "PIIH BROS'. IRISH POPLINS," IN ALL COLORS. OP THE IMPORTATION, AND FOR SALE BY J. W. THOMAS, Nob. 405 and 407 North SECOND St., 911 rp PHILADELPHIA. - POPULAR PRICES F0K DRY GOODii?'. RICKEY. SHARP & CO.. NO. 727 CHESNUT STHEET, .1 18 tf PHILADELPHIA. MATS AND OAP8. wi WARBURTON'S IMPROVED VENTI- iSAlated and easy Hit iu Cress Hats (patented), in .11 Ilia iiiiiuwd fli ' 'hvtVJUVtta t'llfciijil"r "troit. AMUhEMRNTS. T R I U M P II A L RETURN' OF 'I'M K THE LAKOKbT CIRCUS ON THIS CONI'INENT. i Altr their triumphant visit to the Southern, Western. I nnd Fastrrn cltios j BIIOHT HK A SON ONLY .... ,ON THK I LI UMI.NA I Kl (ItoUNDS. MOUTH hTHF.KT, Hlil WKKN RACK ANU VINE. Coimncn, in ,. MONDAY, Oi ToltFU 4. IWOCRAM fF.KIOH.MA.NOKd EACH DAY. il;t aud 7 .i o'clock. Admission, 60 couta Children under ten years, 2i cents. i .i. JF; ORKAT KultOPKAN OIROUS l the arknowlndKed best, midmost cimprolinniive estib ishment ol merit, splendor, .nd attraction evor for,""i in n style oi'r8n,,Dg "a tbo nci,nt and modora beantiei I ' N F X t ' K. PTI n N A P. L E TASTK ANO OH A !f DF.UR r oremest in tlie array ot,.,.Mns, and stan in with out a peer anion the ol the iuo, with li,I nanihi "r'd t'"R' Um "" & XsnroTS I liOCKF.T'8 TFN OF FKROf'tOUS LION'S under i ho control of Mr. Pierce, the i.uceV,or of tne world renowned Crocket, and wli.cli will he eliil.ite.l in iTl th7; the n sRniticenceof theont,, i Son Tl ..w ?"ttl '? nrtiats, includin tho tin. st K'or'- 1 ho most eminent l.AIIV DlllL-uo of this ( trnnnBtliintio mrlil ' i . u ;''"'I'U'"-K THK t;IKCT8 C OMPANY which nunihcni over hHI ..n.,r,.l ....... .'" .lien iiunioers over iihi Kenonil nitistn fm,. ,.. . ' . renas nnd bininNlnmies nf I 1 ,roIU 11,0 Principal MiT;fM Afi,w,Ars",,ffB,,,,,,r' wi" b8 ,OUnd - Mr.JAA,VFH'r!F:.ider- DON MA1Ky?TlMrl"rBnd KUr "",rSe R"'"- fhkdkriV!k rvv at5,: 15ack Huri11 H FRR 11 A 1 LAM"1'1'"' !lo"em"n'u'P SHAPPY Ahi"lF wVll'K"' W"h 11,8 C"nmm " OHARLFS 8A'Nit.?i;,'r",,0Zi8,9and G"' ... The Champion Tunibl jr. SAM LONG, The reat Clown. FRANK W1I1TTAK Kit, CHAS. CIo'A..l'vTlrS M'LLK CAKMHTA WtiX! I?" AM Preimeio Kiuiestruiino of the world M'ME CKCII.F, WAISON, Hcenir F(iipstitenuo. Miss JFANNF l'TK WA'i SON, m'iio HKNKn-IF:ri(,'iuuno lfrom AtWa Lon"ny ' The darinK llorowonian. J11I6S UKAUli IiF.LI.AlK, From tlie Alhamlira Palace, London. Miss AMANDA LK.F.MUM, M He JOSFPHIMc, Special favorite of Furopo. Miss JEN NIK ST. CLAIR, Fmm tlie Royal Hippodrome, Paris. v ith other Riders. Vsu tors, OyiniiiuiKt, Lady and (.'entlfl- iiivii rei inriiiois. ecu. I IIP RGPlin Of nnlenHn,. villi llm DROVE OF DUOMF.DARII S AND THK f:NORMOII!.' LIVING LION Loose in the streets, will be iven MllVIIVV iinuvlti" leaving the C.ronoris at 111 o'clock! aiid will nnss thrniio inoio lei in, to Market to Kinhtoonlh, to Chesnntli S. t nd. to h. nth, to KiKhtli. to Market, to Third, to Arch to l ijdith, up KiKlnb to the pluoe ol Kxiubition. ii.imsii.n, no ccihh; ciiiioren umior ten years 23 cents Duels open each dny at l4 and 7 o clock. oileiiiiunce cominonces ut 'A't and IU o'olock. H :10 A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC AKL HOSA. U. L. III'.MS A DO.. r r.i fiopnotoi-s anil Dir.-otors D. OK VIVO liuxinensMiinmror '1 ho Hunui inont hni tho honor to announce tothu pub. liu of Philadelphia and its vinnity that a season of Twelve jNi(:ms nt v.kajmj r.i.ianii ui-h.Kl will Im givn by 1'ilKl.rA loini urr.llA I'W.VtPANY fOMMfMIIXO .MONDAY liVKMNti, Oct. 4, hon will be priKlncorl vv nUact'n cliurminir opuni. At A It IT A .V A ! MARirAMAf with Mf iluine PAKI I'A UOS , Mrs. K. Kki.itin, Mossrs. W. t ASTi.K, A. Lai'iiknck (his lirii, appearaitco in Plain dolphia, S. C. CAMl'liKLI., uod 1'. Hurt aiiii. I oiioik u r. Mr, IJMtl, KOSA TL KbDAY-.Dchul ol tlioyouog nnil anrccsM'nl Primu Dmran.WiMttOKK 1 1 KRSKK, in SONN AM MILK. W r.iJN K.S UAi 1 Hi4. 1'Ultl I A. N UAUCiUTEU, l or the first timo in Philadolnlim. Admission to Vartiuet, Drons (Jirclu, ana Balcony iftl KRi;rved Seats trl Wi Fuiuily Circle flli'Bnia (iallery 2Scents Kseatsforthe hrt ix niRMtcan bo ocund at the Aca demy, and at Truuipler's Masio Store, No. WO Uhosnut etreot. M USICAL MATINEE For the Honxflt of tho AVONDALK hUFFKHKRS, iriven bv the JUNGER MNNFEl HUH AND THE GERMANIA UttUiinsiitA, at tho MUSICAL FUND HALL, on SATURDAY AFTER- ISUUH, Uct. a, 1B6!, at 34 O'clock. ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS. Tickets to be had ut Honor's, No. 1103 (Jhesnut street: Rcl'uel'er & Koradi, corner of Fourth nnd Wood st routs: .1 outer Miennorchor Hall, o. fti,2 Cherry street: H. fc A. ('. Van lieu. No. lliiU (Jhesnut street : and at Lhe Ticlinfc Ulhcc of the Hall. Vilot rALNTJT ST. THEATRE. BEGINS AT 77. THIS (Friday) KVKNINCf, Oct. 1, BKNKF1T OF MR. KDWIN BOOTH. Bhakeinearo's Comedy, in Hve acts, of MUCH ADO AliOUT NOTIllNIJ. BENF.D1CK KDW1S BOOTH HATUiCUAK A l J 'KlUiOUM-liOO l ll MATIN r.K. Doors open nt 1 '.i : commence nt '2 o'clock, Whun will be enacted Shakespeare's comedy of Aircii ADO AliOUT NOTHING, fiatnrday Ninht KOOTI1 us S1IVLOCK. Monday KUWIN I'.OO'l'lt as KltiHKLIKU. Tuesday John Howard 1'avun'a nf nntTTIi4 BUU'i US F.DW1N BOOTil L AURA K E E N E'S CHtTSNUT STREKT THEATRR. NIGHT will be nresented rl'oin Tiivlnr'a ii'..,a..i; TO NIGHT Comedy, li"t produced by Mis Keeno, arid played by her OVJ'.R ONF. THOUSAND NKilllS, OI.'R AMKKrCAN COUSIN. FLOKltJNCl!. JKF.JNCJiAKU (her onitinul charter). ...... Mltti jKUfc-NK, Assisted by the new Comnunv. Dion Boucicault'B celebr.ted Drama, wnttten emre..l for Miss Keeno, entitled HUN i'KD liOWN, will be pro duced immediately. Scuts secured six days In advance. Doors open nt 7 ; commences at H to 8. M RS JOHN DREW'S ARCH 8TREE1 THEATRK. Becins M to a MONDAY KVENING, Sept. 27. and F.verv N'iubt during the week. rroduulion ol isouoioauit'e drama, FORMOSA ; CB, THR RAILROAD TO RTTJN. With new scenury. line effects, and etliciunt cait. in. eluding Mra. JOHN DREW and every member of the company. peats secured six pays in advance. TVEW ELEVENTH BTREET OPER -LN HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above Ohesnut. THK FAMILY KKSURT, fiAKNCROSS A DIXEY'8 MINSTRELS. (he Rieat Star Troupe of the world, in their unequalled r.l Iliwrini, n v 1 1 v l'. r. .T , BEAUTIFUL HALLAD8. SONGS. OPERATIC hELKOTIONH. and l.Aln.HAtil.K CUKLlOliUJti EVERY F:VKNING. J. L. CARNUROSS. Manager. R. F. SIMPSON, Treasurer. 81o6ni POX'S AMERICAN T II E A T R E, 1 WALNUT STREET. LAST WKra. tir nin. mkalc x ittoufE. New Ballot TON IC 11 IT KAN ASA MadlPe 1)K ROSA and the 11 ALLF.T TROUPE. THK DF.LF.VANT1S iu Terrilio Acnibatio Feats. Matinee on SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. 7"ALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTEB V VIA r ur n i' . i m ijxj . ax. Od Dim, THE GRAND ORCHKHTRION, formerly the propertf ol the GRAND PUKE OK BADKN, purohaaed at KreJ ei oense by J ai ud vni.r r, oi uiis ouy, in oomninauor wnhFLAMFR'S ORCHESTRA and Miss NKLLIK AH DFRKr.N. will perform KVKRY AFTERNOON an? KVEMKO at the above-mentioned pUvc. Admiaslc r . Uati PAPER HANQINQS. qEAN & WARD, PLAIN AND DEOORATIVB PAPER HANGING 8, WO. 251 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BITWJSBN WALNUT AND BTBUCl. PHILADELPHIA- COUNTRY TO. W0RR PROMPTLY ATTENDED S 18, ISIMil 3? I plKKild be in use on every Heater ..j v, the heat fifty per oent. and sVves J iTrll "T?' , U 'noreas.. and will au,o Ileal a ro!i, abTivrini "?-"' f tiiecuaT AND bKJC TUtM at euL t. Call" O. .1. l)OITf?n,,.RT ii.iU4m'ijr; j n Iu T OOK ! U)OK ! ! LOOK ! ! tw T t TTTT-" j and Linen Window KhJn, . 1 A 1 ERS cheapest in the city at JOHN'S roj?' uf"t,u"'d, thei BERING OAHDKN ktrcetY,ii M"'"". No Ua? m I FDFKAL htreet. Camae NjZ'- a" vi? - - - - - n vv m v