Tnti DAiiif EVENING TELEGRAPH PHIL ADELPJ If A , TUESDAY, SEPTEMiEK, 42H. IfciiO. 3 maws 8uxaivzA&7. CltT A Bnlr. -Dr puty Collector William J. Macko.y, of the fourth district, seized on Saturday, at tlio IlMn-; Mm, M)0 barrels of lngcr beer, The cuune was I"" alleged violation of the revenue law. William Batton, the watchman In charge, wan ou Sunday badly beaten bv a party of num. lho corner-stone of the Woodland Prenby terlan Church, to bo erected at the corner of l ine and Forty-oecond htreets. Went Philadel phia, was laid yesterday afternoon with appro priate ceremonies. Yesterday afternoon, about hilf-past ' ft o clock, Jaiucs Graham, forty-three years of age, was knocked down and run over by a horse attached to an express wugon, at bench and Laurel streets, and severely Injured. He was removed to his residence, Fraukford road and Master street. The driver was arrested. Mary Jlarkins, a'ed twenty-two years, residing at Girard College, was knocked down and badly bruised by a horse attached to a carriage yes terday afternoon, at Broad street and (iirard avenue. She was taken to St. Joseph's Hos pital. A special meeting of the Public Building Commission was held yesterday afternoon in their rooms, President William S. Stoklcv in tha chair. The Committee on Architecture and Plans, through its Chairman, Mr. Walter, re ported that, after a careful examination and study of the plans submitted, they would recom mend the awarding of the first premium for the design possessing the most merit to John WcArthur, Jr.; second premium to Samuel loan; third to Fuller, Lavcr it Sims; fourth to Shultzc, I.e Brun & Schoen. The design deemed by them the best of those submitted to them not fully meeting their approbation, they desired that a resolution should be passed employing the auilior of that design to alter and niodily it, the altered plans to bo submitted to the commission for their action. After discussion the report was accepted and the resolutions adopted. The regular stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday after noon, President Whitall in the chair. The house agent reported tho population of the Alms house on Saturday last at 3017, being an increase of six over the same time last year. The agent reported tho house receipts lor the preceding two weeks at $35, and the outdoor agent re ported having collected for support cases 8231. A resolution was adopted making it, necessary that all coal delivered to poor families should be by measure, and not, as heretofore, by weight. The Committee n Coal Contracts re ported In favor of the following persons for furnishing coal to all tho districts, except the Ninth: A. Remmington, Thomas Conway, A. E. Schreiner, George C. Mclcher, John Fox, L. M. Jones, and J. B. Hancock. John Galbraith and George Adams received tho contract for furnish ing wood. Adjourned. On Wednesday last, Joseph Morris and Henry Gibson came to this city, the former hav ing a team belonging to Dr. Sadder, of Sudders vifie, Kent county, Md. Gibson had a horse be longing to David Jones, of Smvrna, Del., and a wagon belonging to Samuel Taylor, of Town's End, in the same State. Gibson disposed of his plunder in West Philadelphia. Morris, who put up at the Plough Tavern, on Second street, was arrested before he could sell his booty. The prisoners were taken to the Central Station, where they made statements implicating George Harrington, of Kent county, Md. A search of Harrington's stable was made, Harrington hav ing Ilea to escape arrest, and two buggies, seven sets of harness, and a number of carriage cushions were found. Gibson and Morris have been committed, and will be sent to Kent county for trial. A call for a special meeting of Select Council was issued on Friday, to meet on Monday, but while tho hour for the meeting was fixed at 2 o'clock, there was no quorum at twenty minutes of 3 o'clock. A few minutes subsequent four teen members answered, and it was decided that a quorum was present. Bills from Common Council were taken up. The ordinance from Common Council making an appropriation to pay the committee receiving the statue of Wash ington was concurred In; also, tho resolution di recting the Highway Department to pave tho sidewalks on Broad street, from Germantown road to Clearfield street; also, the ordinance making an appropriation to the Board of Health of $45,000, to pay for cleaning the streets; also, the ordinance making an appropriation to pay for stationery in the Supreme Court. Mr. Fox introduced a resolution that the Commissioner of Highways notify the street contractor on North Broad street that, unless he forthwith complies with his contract, the work will be done by the department. Agreed to. Also, tho ordi nance making an appropriation of f23,870'00 to the City Commissioners for the purpose of carry ing out the provisions of tho Kegistry law. Ad journed. Domestic AITnlrs. Gold fluctuated yesterday from 133 to 134. Frank Reed dropped dead at Mauch Chunk, yesterdav, of heart disease. Tho" property of the United States at ITarner's Ferrv is to Vie sold on November 30. Admiral Poor sailed for Cuba on Friday. He is in command of tho North Atlantic Squadron. On tho 22d inst. the Kcutucky Regulator hung a colored man at Lancaster, Garwood county. S. O. Pollard has been awarded 517,059 for injuries received by falliug through a break in the navement. The Hope Cotton Mills, at Allegheny, were . ... i , 1 1 . .". i -rt nihil. 1)111 UCU to me urounu esieruivy. iuss, tiju.uuui insurance. $115,000. For tho three months ending with June. 177,582 passengers arrived in the United States. I if tYioi.. fi llikl worn foimilpu. Samuel Burton, of Baltimore county, Md., on Saturday, was murdered at his homo by il lium Blown, hi niece's husband. l'rinco Arthur, yesterday, lunched at Buf falo, N. Y., with the Governor-General of Ca nada and ex-President Fillmore. The Prince afterwards drove round the city. Fort-tun Affair.. Typhus fever Is reported to be raging fear- ' Jeff. Davis is about to return to this coun- erv from Europe. The prospects of th'i sugar crop in Jamaica .11. ...Mir.nrilMr The ship Electric Spark, from Liverpool for San Francisco, is ashore oil Urtlord, and will I... 1.1.. Iw. i. ,t.,l wrtf'l.-. It is reported in Home that Pere Hyac lnthe s case will bo niatie me suujuci ui iuhuuiu.h in vestigation, and the priest will probably be ex- Lord Clarendon's visit to Nnpoleon lately was lor tne purpose ui unmus wmum.mi.uw repress revolution in i ruucu iu mu ouw, w ... i .1...., i. The rumored proposition of General Jordan to surrender his forces for a monetary conside ration, Is said by the Spaniards to he true. Few will believe it yet. n.titinn tnr im rale vie of tuo l1 cnlun M-lsoners has been sent to tho Queen, indorsed lv Mr. Gladstone, who approves in me oouuu nets of the principles expiessed In It. irAnnlilieau Mums ."vleeUiijl. A meeting lu support of the principles and candidates ot tne liepuuiicau k w lust eveuing on uroau sucuu. not, n cuiiis ,.i, r.i,.,ant Alreet and the criiffcii iuu uuu vi'v..-. treiu-u u .wr.,i.rhf.ii. The attendance was lar-e, and close attcstlon was paid the MU'akers. wno were iic umwj " i , fpiuiv 10, i,.r.iii.rn.nii es. nnl- About W ocioc iu . - -. h.,a to tb0 1 t. s.f Itoriirnl llo'htjt. una tne ou i iuj. . S.wnru were displayed, one peihmnln letters of fire, tho names fM SS? following olllcers were selected: rrce- Vieo-Presi dcnlKe. me dfMaw. E. C. Knight, Charles 1 Jacol) Uv-rli3, (icorire Reader, Conrad K iXve Da Id Wallace, Charles B. Barrett, u..HJenk Mired C. Harmer. ISecreta- W hTA', JohS L.- Suowden, Robert At the other stand John Price Wctherill, Esq., presided, and speeches were delivered by Hon. Glcnnl W. Scolichl, of Pa.; Hon. William Wil liams, of Indiana; Gcueral John M. Thayer, of Nebraska, and otherp. John P. Vcrrce, the chairman, on taking the position of President, congratulated the assem blage upon tho prospect of Republican success In the future as in the past. Ho did not believe that the people would allow tho Government of the State to pass Into the hands of those who had opposed the war. Hon. Washington Townsend, of Chester county, was the uext speaker. He had travelled through the State of Pennsylvania, and he was convinced that there was no doubt of the elec tion of Geary and Williams. Asa Packer Is the representative of the Democratic party. How far can you trust It lu the future, judging it in the past ? What has the Democratic party done In tho long j'ears that it had power, excepting to obey tho dictates of the men of tho South who wcro interested In the perpetuity of slavery? In the long line of years, show me a single principle that has benefited the human race. The party was subservient to tho slave power of the 8onth. Do reviewed the Government under Presi dent Buchanan, and contended that he gave tho country over to the South; to-day tho same party is iu lavur or iree wane, calculated to injure tne people and prostrate the commerce of the city oi i'liiiaucipnia. 1110 itepuijiican party, on tne other hand, has done all that it could for tho pro tection of the laboring man. It was in favor of the great doctrine of emancipation, and by one stroke of the pen Abraham Lincoln broke the chains from 4,000,000 slaves. (.Cheers.) Tho Democratic party has placed Asa Packer as its standard bearer, and while he may bo honest, lie is the representative of tho party which has proved recreant to the institutions of the country. Asa Packer, iu com mon with others, is bouud to pay his taxes, but he failed to do so except In a small vay. In regard to Gcueral Geary, he reviewed his" military record, and ursred that he had shown by his deeds his love of the country. Tho Republican party has redeemed fifty millions of dollars, and before the year Is out the same party will redeem fifty millions more. One hun dred millions Is tho result of ono year's govern ment under General Grant. (Cheers.) The Re publican party has taken tho orphaus of tho soldiers into their charge, and design to do so in the future. Will any man vote against such a party, pledged to the work of paying the debt and earing for the little ones made orphans by the Rebellion ? (Cheers.) Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, was the next speaker. He said he Bhould never forget the services of the people of this city in the four years of our great strife. It would not bo proper to speak of the local politics or the local men, but if the statement made in regard to the De mocratic candidate was true, he was not deserv ing of the support ol any working man in the Slate. On the other hand. Governor Geary had been firm and steadfast in his support of the people. In his government of Kansas ho gave the first Indication of ids leaning tow arils law and order, and in the future history will mako honorable mention of Hon. John W. Geary. (Cheers.) The country has been sorely tried, but thank God the administration is now in tho hands of honest men. (Cheers.) The Repub lican party has now the virtue and intelli gence of the land, and it will continue true to the doctrines of the founders of tho republic. It is fearless among all the parties that have trod the continent. Measure it by the standard of equal rights, and it Is nearer to liberty for all men than any party that has existed. (Cheers.) And to-day there is not an oppressed man across the water who is not in favor of the Republican arty. Measure it by tho humanity which em races all races, and where does it stand? It takes up the lowest man in tho land, and makes him the equal of tho richest aud best In the land. (Cheers.) The party is committed in the future to the policy which it has advocated in tho past. The Democratic party ask us to forget the past. ho may not lorget, uuc we win lorgive. and we shall stand by the work of the past until it becomes the faith of the present. (Cheers.) When a Southern Rebel repents of his acts and says ho supports the great policy of liberty, take him by the hand, but give your votes to no set of men who have in their ranks the Hnrepenting Rebels. (Cheers.) lliese men are in favor ot tne repudia tion ot tne national iletit, and turce-lourths of the Democratic press is in favor of the same .1!..! U 1 - 1 .1 i 1 1 - rcpuuitiuuii. iu uuve it uiru iuiuoiku uuut, and tho interest should ho reduced. It would have been reduced long ago if Andrew Johnson had not proved a traitor to the party that elected us. We have now a President that will not go back upon the principles of the men who elected him. (Cheers.) Since the days of John Qulncv Adams there never has been such an administration as the present, measured from the standpoint of jus tice to all men, and retrenchment in all tho departments. At ashington thoro has been a reduction of the clerical force, and men are made to understand that they must attend to their business; and iu the first six months of the administration the debt has been reduced 40,000,000. (Cheers.) Every Republican should go the polls and vote for the cause for which our men bled and died, and we need success in order to press for ward to the time when specie payments will be resumed. In this connection lie" said ho was in favor of an act of Congress declaring that a man who bargains to sell gold when ho has none to sell, if convicted, shall be sent to the peniten tiary. (Gbecrs.) He closed with a culogium of the Republi can party, and urged his hearers to sustain the cause for which so many men now sleep in bloody graves. General bwut, oi .Massacnusetis, was me next speaker, and he reviewed the Democratic com plaint against the Republican party. The people oi otner oiaies as men oi rouusyivuuiii 10 stand by tho Republican flag and the Republican party lor your own salvation; and wo believe that tho uemocnuic pariy win oo as inorouguiy defeated as the Rebels at Gettysburg. (Cheers.) The Democrats have had San Francisco for four years, and there are murmnrs of a new vigilance committee 10 anve mem oui: iney nave naa Chicago and have doubled the debt; they have had New York, and words fall to indicate the depth of degradation to which they have sunk that city. The next great contest in this country is the protection to American industry, aud In regard to this tno i;cpubiicau party is pledged to sustain American workmen. Hon. John Covodo followed, and announced that tho Information received frtmi all portious of the State indicated a great victory for the Republican party. All that was needed was that tho votes should be polled, and no man should neglect his duty ou tho second Tuesday in uctouer. CAPTAIN HALL. How Hi Kxplorntlon to the Arctic HckIoiim wna lriiutut-t and How it Succeeded. Dr. C. F. Hall, tho Arctic explorer, whose arrival at New Bedford is announced to-day, and muHn na ttl Htnt.Cfl. Imnnrtii lit. rifij.rkva- n uu juwo t - ----i v lies in regard to tho fato of Sir John Franklin . . . . 1 1 .. 1 XT T ' and his companions, saneu iroui muw j,onaon. t.. tYin ulitn Aft-mt.lpp.lln. ill t.hrt sumnim nf V W 1 1 U , ill ".'' " - , v. 1804. He had been homo but ten months from an exploring tour of two years and four in i in rri i ii'viiiiih. iiiiii i tin discoveries then made rendered hiiu anxious to reuuu. m Ti.fl lie nvniwiit nn. i mm wiiicn no naa iual AW tV , , ., l.niiUM II R If. WflA in LIU' niKlrtl nf our (.ivii Wilrf did not excite that attention which 1 l.llKiii.!n n .utIM l I 1L IlllIimtT III I'lMILltMIll'Il It Ulliv;i W low wuM) - r of science and wealth assisted lu aiding his pro- , If I l jeet, among wuom was inr. juciimu u. luuiici, of the tirni or w imams iv j iuvcub, nuu un and a family of Esquimaux which he had brought llOlIlO WllU IlllU ' r1""""" -I'l " "v iiussne in the Monticello, and lu addition carried his boats and entire outfit without thaitre. Over ifiuou was couinuuteu vy mu taln Henry Robnibon, of Newburg, and valuable Instruments were pruwuuu j nvivr,, UUWiu and Mr. Tagllabue of this ciiy. But tho must liberal aDd earnest projector of the new under takin"1 was Mr. Henry Grinuell, of New lork, .... .i.,...iti Imiia n much for the cause of science and exploration in the Arctic boas, end it w as under his patronage that the expedition sailed. Captain Hall sailed in tho Monticello the latter part of Juno, 1804, taking witn him no sailing vessel, but Intending, as he has done after leaving the ship and arriving on the scene of his labors, to trust entirely to his boats and sledges and the hospitality of the natives. The first Intelligence of tho expedition after Its departure was received In New London by tho arrival f a whaling vessel, which brought a letter written to Captain E. A. Chapel, the Com mander of the Monticello, and forwarded to Mr. Grinncll. It was written by Dr. Hall, athls winter quarters in Igloo, latitude 04 dcg. 46 ruin, north, longitude 87 deg. 20 mln. west, and dated December 10. lfX'4. In this letter, it will he remembered, ho stated that ho thought three of Franklin's companiouB might still be alive, and Unit ho had undo important disco veries In regard to tho fato of the expedition. Ono of tho survivors was Cro.icr, who suc ceeded Sir John Franklin after his death. This letter was published in the Tunes of September a, 18(M. Tho next account was brought by Captain Morgan, ol tho steam whaling barque Pioneer, which arrived at New London, Nov. 15, 180(1. The ship Ansel Gibbs, on which the explorer returns, had then arrived at Repulse bay. The Pioneer was iu tho bay in July of 1(6, and finding Dr. Hall and his party there, supplied them with provisions, and brought home the news of his further explorations. Ho then reported having obtained most interesting relics of Franklin's expedition, and among his other discoveries some important documents w hich he believed to have been written by Cap tain Crosier. He was then about to start on a trip to lind out concerning a boat which was re ported turned bottom up, and under it tho re mains of from seventeen to tweuty-flvc white men. Since these reports readied us but little if anything has been heard from the expedition. But the information which will be irlven to the public in the account w hich will ' bo published cannot fail to be of the most interesting nature, and tend to clear up many of the mysteries which surround the fate of the ill-fated Franklin expedition. THAT MUTINY. t'onimnndrr Walker's Contrndiction, J-'rmn tltt Jlanlun Tranm ript, Sept. 'ili. As so much interest and anxiety have been felt about the report of a mutiny ou board the United States frigate tsabiue, we take much pleasure in publishing an extract from a letter from Commander Walker to his wife, dated at Lisbon, Sept. 4. The reader will recollect that the first report of the allair was dated at Paris, on the 2iith of August, whereas the vessel sailed from Chorbourg. (where it was said tho execution of the men took place,, on the 20th of August, nrriving at Lisuou on the 2d of Sep tember: "I'pon my arrival here I found myself ruinous ! An article Is iroing t lie rounds of the European papers to the oiled that we discovered a conspiracy to bl.iw up the Sabine (a lighted match he-inn: applied to the magazine); thnt twenty-two men were arrested, at once court-martialicd, and seven sen tenced to be hung (all this in Cht;rbounr); that I applied to the French authorities for permission to execute the sentence iu the harbor, aud upon a refusal being Kivca. immediately weighed anchor, stood out oi the harbor, and heaving to, hung the wretches In plain sight of the French fleet, the officers and men of which, with their glasses, could see the wh'le thing distinctly that several tishiag boats were quite close and saw the awful spectacle, etc., etc. Everybody in Lisbon was agog to see the captain of the Sabine, who hung seven men. Of course the whole thing was untrue, we not having had the slightest trouble on hoard, i am only afraid that the report may be published at home and alurm our friends. '' MARINE TELEGRAPH. Fur additional Marine Hews nee First Page. ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. Sun Risks 6'63 I Moon Hihks lii S'i Sun Skis 6 48 1 lluai Water s U5 PHILADELPHIA HOARD OF TKADE. T 8. Hoon, i O.J. Hokkmav, , Committee or the Month. Thomas O. Hand, ) MOVEMENTS OK OCEAN MTEAiUSIIIP!. FOR AMKKIOA. O. of Limerick. .Antwerp Now York Sopt. 4 I'.tna uvi)rpiKii.....iow rone via lial...aupt. 11 beUoca Iondon New York Sopt. 11 tlliio Southmupton. ...Hultimore Sopt. 11 Malta Liverpool New York via Bos.... Sept. 14 Nebrahka Liverpool New York Sept. 1ft Helvetia Liverpool ....New York Sept. 15 Iowa (ilamjow New York 8eot. 17 (!ula Liverpool New York Sept. IS w eetplialia Havro New York Sept. IS Bremen Havre New York Sept. 18 1UH KUKUl'K. Oimhria Now York. ...Hamburg Sept. 23 Kcotia New York. ...Liverpool Sopt. as Colorado New York. ...Liverpool Sopt. Sit Aleppo New York. ...Liverpool Sept. 'A Wetter Now York. ... firemen Nmit. i City of Pari. . . Now York.. ..Liverpool Oct. 3 City of N. York..Now York. ... Liverpool ij0t,. 5 O. of Brooklyn. .Now York. ...Liverpool ()0t. 9 O.of WaahinKtonNow York. ...Liverpool Oct. Id COASI'WLSK, DOMKSTIU. F.TO. noneer rnuaaa wuminKton Kept. 2!l J. W. Kverman .Philiida Charleston Sept. 80 Columbia New York.. ..Havana, via Nun hept. liil Cleopatra Now York. ...Vera Cruz Sept. 8(1 Arizona New York....Aspiuwall Oct. 1 Wyoming Pliilada Savannah Oct. 2 Alaska new oric. ... A spin wall Oct. ti Merrimack New York. ...Rio Janeiro Oct. 3 Mails are forwarded by every Btoamer in the regular linos. The steamera for or from Liverpool call at Oueenstowu, ex cept the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or from the Continent call at Southampton. CLEARED YKSTERDAY; Pr. ship Armstrong, Owens, Antwerp, (J. O. Van Horn Steamer Mayflower, Fultz, New York. W. P. Clyde A Co Steamer J. S. Huriver. Dennis. Baltimore, A, (iroves, Jr Br. brig Hunter, Wilson, Barbados. John H. Atwood. ' Brig Kaven, LeighUm, Belfast, Warren 4 Gregg. Hchr Mary McKee, Sharpe, Trieste, D. S. Stetson A Co. Schr Kmnia L. Porter, bparks, Barbados, Knight & Sons. Schr F. Sponord, Turner, Boston, Hammett, Neill A Co Schr Virginia, Small, Salem, K. A. Souder Co. Sclir Nellio Treat, Trim, Salem, Quiutard, Ward A Co. SchrT. T. Tanker, Allen, Charleston, David Cooper. Schr Charles Comery, McOarchly, Boston, do. Schr Controller, MarriH, Fortress Monroe, do Tug II udsou, Nicholson, Baltimore, with a tow of barges. W. P. Clyde A Co. Tug Chesapeake. Merrihow, Ha vre de Grace, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde A Co. arrivkdIFksterday. Steamship Norfolk, Piatt, trout Richmond and Norfolk with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Steamer A. O. Stimers. Knox, 21 hours from Now York with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. ' Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from New York with mdse. to W. M. liaird A Co. Brig Matilda, Dix, !i days from Now Bedford, with oil to lif'Unox A Burgess. Schr Addie Kyerson, Houghton, from Salem, with plas ter to captain. Schr F. Hanmor. Brooks, from Providence. Tug Thomas Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W. 1'. Clyde A Co. Tug Commodore, Wilson, from Havre-de-Grace, with a tow of bargee to W. P. Clyde A Co. ' 1 Brig Edith Hall, arrived on Saturday, is consigned to Messrs. S. L. Merchant A Co. BELOW. Barque Jane Adeline, trom Curdenas. Ftrritit I)rpatrh to The Eveiiintj T' l'graph. Havhx-dk-Guace, Sept. 28. The following boats left here in tow this morning : O. B. Davis, with lumber, for Bordentown. -(rapeshot and Mary K. Strine, with lumber to Taylor A Belts. Oild Frllow. with lumber to Patterson ft Lipplnuott. Verona, with lumber, for New York. Daniel Cline, with lumber to Woulve'ton ft Tinsraan. Dodge Mills, with lumber, tor Newark Joliu Haldcman, witli lime, tor Chesapoake City. Cortfjionilmrr of Th Emiinq Trlrqrarth. KASTON ft MoMAHON'H BULLETIN. Nkw YoKKOlKloE.Sept. 37. Nine barges leave in tow to-nigbt, for Baltimore, light. J . V. Houguton, wild guano, for Baltimore. Bai,timoiik Bhamch Okkii'K, Sept. 27. The following lrgee leave in tow to-night, eastward : Sarah .Maloy; H. H. (age ; Harvest Moon; A. O. Wood-, ( nion Delight ; Sarah Elizabeth; and Harvey Wright, all with coal, tor New York. L. S. O. MEMORANDA, bteamer Rattlesnake, Merxhom, benoe for Portland, which was run asnore at Suuken Uarnh, Hull Uute, ZM int., was raised l.y the Submarine Wrookiug Co., aud totved to Nitw York .,n KdlnnUv afternoon for ronaira. Sieam collier Cent ipeite. Beokott,, hence for halem, was ail IJlKIIIRUll 1,11llt.Mt Jn A l '.,r II lUkt. Baniue Sorridereu, Pedersen, hence, at Helvoet 11th instant. Baniue Scud, Crosby, for Philadelphia, at Malaga tJtu instant. Baioue Emma Mnir rirnnl.v. hence, at London 1 4th inst. Baniue Arcadia, Larsen, lor Philadelphia, entered out at London 15l li n,kt. Barque Bhea Sylvia,, benoe, at Helvoet luth insiaut. Brig J. B. Kirby, Bernard, at Charleston yesterday from New York. Brig K. A. Bernard, Keed, henoe, cleared at Gibraltar OUI lUSt. IOI A.UlUttB. Brig Avance. Souullx, henoe, at Hamburg Mb Inst. Brig J. Biukmore, Henley, from St. John, N. 14., lor Phi ladelphia, sailed from Portland U4U Inst. Brig 8. ft W. Weina, WaUoo, hence, sailed from Gibral tar iilb alt. lor Ueuea, flcbrTr.rt Henley, from St. John, N. B., for Philadel phia, sailed irom Portland illlB int. cbr .lewie l. Leacb, for Charleston, waa spoken 2M inst. off Chincoteagiie. SobrO. K. Vickery, Benton, hence, at Richmond 25th Instant. hdir A.J. Fabrns, Bragg, henoe, at Newburyport 81th instant, St hr L. T. Knight, hence for Salem, tailed from Holmes' HoleSMh Inst. Schr Wllllsm and James. Ontten, sailed from Richmond SCtb inst. for James river, to load for Philadelphia. NOTICE TOMARINER8. The Chilian Government has given notice that from the 1st of June, IWW, a light has been exhibited from a light bnuse recently erected on the northern point. of Onirt(nina Island, in Conception Bay, west. oat of Chili, 't ne ligut is a revolving while light, at taining its greatest brilliancy very thirty seconds; the duration ot Unlit being 9 sooomlH, end that of eclipse ill seconds. It is elevated 21a feit ahnve the sea, anil in clear weuther should be seen trom a distance of 16 miles. The illuminating apparatus Is dioptric, or by lenses of the (north order. I'be tower, which is round, white, and 3s feet high, is attached to the northeast coicerof the keeper's dwelling. The position as given is in 1st. Hrt deg. US ruin. 18 sec h., long. 73 deg. 0 mln. 6 sec. west from Greenwich. by order, W. B. SIWRRtCK. Chair.nfin. Treasury Department, Ollice Lighthouse Board, Washing ton. D. C Sept. 7, IW. INSURANCE.. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU KANCK COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legie 1st are of Pennsylvania, ltfl. Office. S. E. oorner of THIRD and WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels. Cargo, and Freight to all rarta of the world. Inland lvscrancmj On goods by river, oanul, lake, and land carriage to all fiarts of the Ilninn. RE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally,, on Stores, Dwellings, 1 1 oases, ASSETS Of THF COMPANT, . November I. lwis. $200,000 United States Five Pur cent. Loan, HMOs $2OR,600-0O 120,0110 United States biz Per Cent. Loan, Mil 136.HO01X) 0,000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan (lor Pacitlo Railroad) 60,00000 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six PorCent. Loan 811,375 06 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. loan (exempt from fax) 128,504 00 (0,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 61,600 00 Su.000 Penn. Rail. First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 80,200 00 86,000 Penn. Rail. Second Mort. Six Per Cent. Bonds 84,OO0'OO 85,000 Western Penn. Rail. Mortgage Six PerCent. Bonds (Penn. Kailroad guarantee) 80,62600 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan ai.000'000 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 6.021-25 16,000 Germantown Cns Company, prin cipal and Tntornst guaranteed by City of Philadelphia, 300 shares Stock 15,000-00 , 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 800 shares Stock 11,300-00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 100 no ..w, L "hares Stock 8,600 00 20,(00 Philadelphia and Southern Mail omonni Steamship Co., SO shares Stock 16,000'00 WW loans on Board and Mortgage, first Liens on City Properties 807,900,00 81,109.900 Par. Market value, $1,13026-26 D , . . Cost. 81.093.604 Jo. Real Estate . wymo-oo Bills receivable for insurance made 822,4bo-p4 Balances due at agencies, premiums on marine policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the company 40,178-83 Stock and scrip of sundry corporations, $3158. Estimated v.lon I ufj.i. Cash in bank l!.!"r.I.".!.'V.!!!$lioVlS)-(i8 Cash in drawer 41a 65 11,.W73 $l,o4?,3t)7N) D recoksl . Edmund A. Souder, Thomas O. Hand . i . , joowuei r.. ocokes, liuuiy Sloan, Willi. mil T nwt antes u. nana, i beophilns Paulding Inannh H Ka.1 Goorge G. Leiper, f-fiitrh (Irfitir John R. Penrose. Jacob P. Jones, iienry J. uauott, Jr., uuun u. j ayior, George W. Bernadou, lames 1 raojuair, . , ' . . .' . I'll. IIO'IUI Willuim G. Boulton, '.awara uariington iiiwwu rviegei. Spenoer Mcllvaine, D. T. Morgan, Pittsbnrg, John B. Semple,' " .Tamoa U M..V.J . ...... ., . iriand, Edward- Ijtiourcaue, Joshua P. Eyre, m a. rerger, HENRY LYLBURoerU18' Vioo-President. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary. 10 6 1829 . 11 A R T E R PEKPETUAL. Franklin Fire Insurance Ccmpanj rw mnr A ni?r mi r a Vi.' X AAA J-lia U P.lit 1 IJX, OlSce, Nos. 435 and 437 CHE3NUT St. Assets Jan. II,G9,$2I677372,I3 CAPITAL ACCKUKD SUItPLUS. 8400,000-00 l,US,nljs-70 1,193,843-43 PKM1TJMS UNSETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOR 1SC9, f iO, ISO'IZ. .ou,uuu. Losses paia since 1829,Gver$5,500,0G0 Pemetnal and Temnorarv Poliaiea nn Mh.i t. lho Company alto ianues Policies on lients of Buildings of all kiuuY,Cround Rents, and Mortgages. DIRECTORS. Alfred O. Bnker, Alfred Fitter, Sumuol (irant, I Thomas Kpurks, Coorge W. Richards. I William S. (irant, Isaac Lea, ' I Thomas h. Ellis, Oeorge Lales. t&t JA8. W.McALU&xelirf' Vi'--THEODORE M. REUER, Assial4.nt Sooretary. 8 9 JNSUKE AT HOME, nf tot Penn Mutual Life Insurance COMPANY. No. 921 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPniA, ASSETS, 83,000,000. CHARTERED BY OUR OWN 8TATK. MANAGED BY Ol'tt OWN OITIZcva LOSSES PROWP1XY PAID. POLICIES ISSUED ON VARIOUS PJLANS. Applications may be made at the Home Office, and at me Agencies throughout the State, a 18 JAMES Tit AQUA I R PRESIDENT ""'I ti- - m urltiS VIOE-PRESIDENT '""l UUltiUU A. V. P. and ACTUARY HOKATIO H. STEPHENS SECRETARY STRICTLY MUTUAL Provident Life and Trust Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, No. Ill S. FOURTH STREET. Organized to promote LIFE INSTJKANOB among members of tho Society of i'rlends. Good risks of any claus accepted. Policies issued on approved plans, at the lowest rates. President, SAMUEL It SHIPLEY, Vice-President, WILLIAM C. LONGSTRBTH, Actuary, ROWLAND PARKY, The advantages offered by this Company are un excelled. 1ST THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY A OE PHILADELPHIA. Offioe 8. W. Corner FOURTH nd WALNUT Street. KIRK INBURANUK EXULUK1VKLY. PERPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES ISSUED. Cash Capiul. V " ,iu UAXi.UOO OO Cash Assets, .luly 1, ltt). PUUlUTOUS, F. Ratehford Starr, .1. IJrlngston Wrrt naioro s raster, John M. Atwood, Benjamin T. Tredicb George 11. Stuart, .l..i, u James L. Claghorn. William G lloulton. Charles Wheeler, Thomas H. Montomer7, James Aertsen n il i. r.w'nn... inanres onlv flrat-class risks, taking no specially hazardous riake whatever, each as UoUiriea B"ll'eF' RATCHFORD STARR. President. THOM AS H. MONTGOMERY, Vioe-PreHdenl. A LI ZAND KB W. WlSTtB. SeoreUrj. i6i pHCKNIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF INtloRPOKr'EDiHARTEB PERPETUAL. No. -2M WALNUT Street, opposite the Exouinie. This Company insures from loss or damage by f1 Inn., en liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise, furnltare. etc., for limited periods, and periuaaeutiy on buildings by deposit uf premiums. . .. , The Company has been in setlre operation for more than B1XTY YEARS, duriu- which aU lueee haT, b,2 promptly adjusted ud,uTOR8. M. K. MhIkiiiv. Renjamin Kttinfr, Thomas H . Power. A. R. Holiesn, Fdinund Castillon, Samuel Wilcox, Jolin T. Lewis, William S. (irant, Robert W. Iumio( Lawrence Lewis, Jr i wis u. noma. JOHN R. WLCUEREK. President. BaMVU. WBXOX. hocieUrj. 4M INBUKNOa. A 8 B U fi V LIFE INSURANDK COMPANY. No.2'1 BFOADlViV, corner 11KAUK Street. New York. CASH CAPITA I ISlai.ilMO $lii.WI0dni)OitO(i with the State of New York as security ror pun,-) iiouieTS. l.KMU b U hAij.S, fiesiOent. GEORGE I' 1.1 It ITT, Vi e .president and Secretary. EMoHY VKCLln'IOfK, Actuari. A. E. Al. I I llliy, A). O., Me. Meal Examiner. nff.rKR Nf hv I'ri.MinaKiN. Thomas T. Taskor, ,loiin Al. Maria, .1. U. Lippinoott, tiburles Spencer, William Divine, .lames Iaibk, Jolm A. Vkiieht, H Morris Wain, .lames Hunter, Artbnr G. CoBin, I B. Mcl.'reaiy. K. 11. Worne. In the oharao'er ot lie Directors eonnomy of manaKe meut. reusonal)lene,s of rates, PARTNERSHIP P I.A.N it DEUKISG restriction in female lues, and absolnt non-torfeituin of all policies, and no restriction of travel aftor the lirst year, the ASHURY pre sents a combination of advanteKos offered hv no other eouipsnv. Policies miwl in every form, and a loan of one-lhird made when desired. rtperiai advantages offpred to olnnrymen. lor all farther information ad (tress JAMES M. IiNUAORlt, Al imager for I 'on usylvauia and Delaware. ,fffl-e. No. J WALNUT r.treet, Philadelphia. FORMAN P. UoIXINSUEAD, Special ARenU 4 1 OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AKI1. IIII A Illl'ilMIlT a,.... 1, . , - - " . ... ...saw.., , v. turn . J M., a. u V. u D w, 'hllatlolpbia. incorporated 17SH. Charter FerpetuaL Capital, tMn.OUU. Asset a 2,ni0,000 MARINE, INLAND, AND FIRE INSURANCE. OVER $20,000,000 LOSSES PAID SINCE ITS ORGAN. I 1 'I'll ill Arthur fl ('ttT WKECIOH". Siirrnel W. Jones, ,!hti it. I'.rown, l:l::irle Taylor, Aiiilrose V Lite, William Wel-h, S. Al on is aln, Jolm Allison, Lieorire 1 llurriinn. I'ranrls K. Cope, Fdwiird H. Trotter, Edward H. Clarke, T. Charlton Henry, Alfred D. .lesnup, John P. White, lnus 0. Madeira, Charles W. Cuiuiman Jl'1. . COFFIN, President, m.,, CHARLES PLAIT, Vice-President. MATTHTAR Mahih, Secretary. ( Ham. H, IOdvkh, Asat. Secrotnry. 21J pAME INSURANCE COMPANY. No. F09 CHESNUT Street. INCORPORATED 1H5H. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, Sf-2W1,(KI0. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insures anainst Loss or DamaKO by Flro either by Per petual or Temporary Policies. DIRECTORS: Charles Rtchnrdsnn, William 11. Rhawu, T'rtincis N. Luck, Robert Pearee, John Kessler, Jr., Edward I. Orne, I Hmrli. K.r,trna neniy i.rwis, Nathan Ililles, John W. Evonnan. Guortie A. West, 1 Mordecal Buzhy. CHARLES RICHARDSON, President. WILLIAM II. RHAWN, Vice Prosidont. Wii.i.tamb I. Bl.ANCHARO, Secretary. 7 33 rpilE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE -L COMPANY. - . In,,'roed lrafi tbartor Perpotual. No. M0 WALNUT Street, oiiposile Intlepondence fqnare. I bis Company, favorably known to tho community for over forty years, cent iniK s to Insure airainat loss or e by tiro on Public or Private haildinits, either porma ncntlyorfora limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks ol Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms Their Capital, together with a larRo Surplus Kun invi " ted in the most carmul manner, which enablos thoin to ofier to the iiisured an undoubted security in the case of loss, nillFCT vn lxiniei Miiitn, Jr., Alexander Henson, John Dovoreox, Thomas Smith, Hflnrv T.owiu Thomas Ivobins. I J. Oifljiu;ham FelL irt:iao iinziemirbt, Daniel Haddnck, Jr. r,r)rvT,.K.,1rAl!1K1' J.. President. CROW ELL, Secretary. ' BJiOi WM. O JWrEIllAL FIKE INSU11ANCE LONDON. CO., ESTABLISHED 1S0J. Tald-np Capital and Accumnlated Fnnds, 88,000,000 IN GOLX. PREV0ST & HERRING, Agent, 2 45 , No. 10T S. THIRD Street, Philadelphia. CITAS. M. PREVOST. CIIAS. P. HERRING. LUMBER. 18G9 SPRUCE JOIST. SPRUCE JOIST. HEMLOCK. HEMLOCK. 18G9 1 ftO SEASONED CLEAR FINE. -t Q'n 100 J SEASONED CI.KAK PINK. loUD ( HOICK PATTERN P1NU "x SPANISH CEDAR, FOR PATTERNSL EKD CEDAR. 1809 FLORIDA FLOORING. FLORIDA FLOORING. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARK FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP HOARDS. KAIL FLANK, 18G9 1 WUs V ALN UT HOARDS AND PLANK. -i QTl lCOy WALNUT HOARDS AND PLANK 18 0 9 WALNUT HOARDS. WAI.N LT I'L AN It. 18G9 I'NDERTAKKRS' LUMBER, t on UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. loOU HK1) CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINK 18G9 SEASONED POPLAR. SEASONED CHERRY, 1869 AKII WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS, HICKORY. "IGftO CIGAR HOX MAKERS' in'ft 101) J CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 1009 SPANISH CEDAR box HOARDS. FOR S A LB LOW. 18G9 18G9 CAROLINA SCANTLING. CAROLINA II. T. SILLS. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1869 CEDAR SHINGLES. -t Drv CYPRESS SHINGLES. lOOiJ WAULE, BROTHER CO., No. cth) SOUTH Street 115 U KITED &TATES EUILDEK8' MILL, FIFTEENTH STREET, BELOW MARKET, ESLER & BROTHER, Proprietors. WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, ETC. BALUSTERS AND TURNING WORK. A I.arpe Stock always on hand. 9118m TiANEL PLANK, ALL THICIf NESSES. X 1 COMMON PLANK, ALL TH IChLN ESSES. 1 COMMON HOARDS, land 3 Si DEFENCE HOARDS. ' WHITE PINE FLOOK1NU HOARDS. YELLOW AI D SAP PINE FLOOKINUB, 1M and SPKUCK JOIST, ALL SIZES. 7 HEM LOCK JOIST, ALL SIZES. PLAS'I ERINti LATH A SPECIALTY. Together with a Keneral assortment of Huildinft Lum bey, for sale low for cash. T. W. SMAl.TZ, a 26 oin FIFTEENTH and STILES Streets. L U M B E R UNDER C OVER, I ALWAYS DRY. Walnut, White Pine, Yellow Pine, Spruce, Hem lock, Shingles, etc., always on hand at low rates. WATSON & GILLINGHAM, 8 295 ' No. 024 RICHMOND Street, lsth ward. PHOTOGRAPHS. ATEWF.LL, LANDSCAPE AND GENERAL 1 BUSINESS PHOTOGRAPHER, No. 724 AUOH Street, has every facility for takinu ubotographsof country seats, in or out of the State. Merchants, manufacturers, and imisirterscan liusu samples of goods photographed m tlie very best style. : im BOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, No. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Philadelphia. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, Regulated hy the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY IIOISTLNQ MACHINE, Patented June, 1668. DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVELESS STEAM HAMMER i D. M. WESTON PATENT SELF-CENTRING. SELF-BALANCING CKNTKLTUUAL SUGAR-DRAINING. MACHINE. AND RO EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturer!. 1 10 mwt I. TAV0BJ1 MAlilUC. WUJUAat lOMICSt AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC PAREPA RnHA KNGLISQ OPERA. CAPL ROSA, O. D. HESS A CO., Proprietors and Directors D. PR VIVO Business Manager The sisnif entent has the honor in annouooe to the pub lic of Philadelphia and iu vicinity that a season of Twelve Nights of GRAND ENuLIMI OHMtA will be (riven by PAREPA ROSA ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY, COMMENCING MuNDAY EVENING, Oct. 4, when will be produced Halle's charming opera, MAKITANA1 MaKITANA! with Madame PAREPA ROSA. Mrs. E. Skciuin, Mnesie. W.t Asri K, A. Laiihknob (his flrstappearanoe in rbila delhiai, 8. C. Cami ukli, and K. bKouiN. Conductor Mr. C 1RL ROSA TLKSDAY Debut of thoyoona: and suooosf .1 trima Donna, Miss ROSE 1IK.H.HKK, in HO N A M It 1) I .A. V EDNESDAY-THK PUHITAN'8 DAUttilTER. Admission to 1'aniuet, Dmes Circle, and HaJoooy $1 Reserved Seats (1 MM Gallery. oonle Ismilv Circle Ooenta '1 bt-sale of seatsforanynithtoommenoeeon'i'hiirsday,at "A.M., at the Httx Ottioe at tne Aoademy, andatTruiup- ler s musio more, V-liosniu sireev. M" U 8 1 C A L M AT I NEE For the Hennfit of the AVONDAI.K Ml KEEKERS, ffiven bv the JUNGF.R MANNERi llifH AND THE GERMANIA at Die MUSICAL FUND HA LI nn SATURDAY AFTER NOON, Oct. 3, 1D6V, at 3H o'clock. ADMISSION sIKTY CENTS. Tirktts to be bad at Honor's, No. 11U3 Chewut street; Schaeler A Konuli. comer of loarth and oo! streets: J miner Miennerchor Hall. No. sill Cherry street; II. A a. . van itoii, no. 1J10 cnesnai street; anu at sue 1 icset Office ol the Hall. 9 47 6t WALNUT 8T. TilKATRK. BEOINS AT 75. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Sept J8, MR. KiAVIN ISOOTI1 In Sbakespearo's bmtonral tracedy of 11AMLM. HAMLET EDWIN BOOTH Vtodncsdav EDWIN IHIOTIf as HAMLET. Thursday Dulwer s boaui.iful play of 'I'll K. 1.A1IV ill,1 l.VllNS Claude Melnotte EDWIN BOOTH Irulai-Jicncnt ot EDWIN BOOTH. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. SATURDAY AM'HtNOON BOOTH MaTINEH. MUCH AIH ABOUT NOfHING. LAURA K E E N E'S CHESNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS EVENING, The beautiful pastoral drama, by Charles Reade, Fsq.. RACHEL THE REAPER; oh, CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE Rachel.. LAURA KEEN! Assisted by tho new company. Cone udirijj with I lirst time in America) a new oomedl etta, entitled A HAPPY PAIR. Doors open at 7; commences at to 8. Seats eecures' six days in advance. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Renins V to 8. MNDaY EVliNlNG, Sept. 27, and Every Niitht durinR the week. Production of Uoucicaiilt'e drama, FORMOSA ; OR, THE RAILROAD TO RT7IN. With new scenery, tine effects, and efficient cart, in cluding Mrs. JOHN DREW and every member of the company. Seats secured sis days in advance. "VEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA 1 HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above Ohesnut. THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROSS A DIXRY'S MINhTRELS, the great Star Troupe of the world, in thoir unequallei ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. BEAUTIFUL BALLADS, BONGS, OPERATIC SELECTIONS, and LAUGHABLE BURLESQUES EVERY EVENING. J. L. CARNCROSS, Manager. R. F. SIMPSON, Treasurer. 91t6m I? O X'S A ME RICAN T1IEATR E, ? WALNITT STREET. LAST WEEK OF THE KIRALFY TEXJUPE. New Ballet TO-NIGHT KANA8Z. Madil e DE ROSA and the BALLET TROUPE. THF, DEI.EVANTIS in Terrifio Acrobatic Feats. Matinee on SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 8 o'clock. VALER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTEF OA RDEN Nos. 73(1, 723, 724, and 726 VINE Street THE GRA ND ORCHESTRION, formerly the propert of the GRAND DUKE OF BADEN, purchased at urea expense by JACOB VALFR, of this city, in oombinatiof with FLAMER'8 ORCHESTRA and Miss NELLIE AN DERSWN, will perform EVERY AFTERNOON an( EVENING at toe above-mentioned place. Admissiof free H8tf( FOR SALE. " FOR SALE OR TO RENT GERMANTOWN, Ave minutes' walk from Wayn Station, two neat aad oomfortable Honses on WAYN Street, below Manheim, suitable for m small and centef family, with all the modern conveniences, gas, wate: range, beater, etc Rent, $400 per annum. Apply tf JACOB KAUPP, Na 77 WISTEB Street, Germantows Possession at once. 6 18 tf R S A yL E, HANDSOME ARCH STREET RESIDENCE. No. 1328, 20 by 137. In thorough order, with modorn im provemonts. Apply to JOS. L. CAVEN, 8 31 Na 168 N. NINTH Street TO RENT. TO RENT, FURNISHED A nANDSOMB Jliix three-story Brick Dwelling, with donble back build li, K. tn the south side of Arch street, botween Fifteent anil Sixteenth streets, with or without a stable. Applycc A. B CA RVER 4 CO., S. W. corner of NINTH and FHi BERT Streets. 34 tit FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, iuunre. Apply to .1. l"A kkkk NOKK1S, No. 34 8. DELAWARE Avenue. I DRY GOODS. 1869. OPENING 1869. OP FASHIONABLE SHAWLS. BROCIIE LONG. . BllOCIIE SQUARE'S, STRIPE woollens; MAGNIFICENT ARABS. GENTS' MAUDS. EYRE & LANOELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, 0 11 Bluth 3m rp PHILADELPHIA. OARRIACES. fT OARDNEB & FLEMDfO, CARFJAan buiidehs, Me. 214 South FIFTH Street. BELOW WALNUT. A Large Assortment ol New and Second-hand C A R B I A G E Sj DJCLUBIWO Rockaways, Phetona, Jenny Linda, Bngglel Depot Wagons, Etc. Ktc, 3 23 tuthA For Sale at Reduced Prices. WOODLANDS CEMETERY COMPANY The following Managers and Officers have beau alerted lor the year 1:- " ELI K. PRICE. President. William H. Moore, I William W. Keen, nainuei n. iviuon. Gillies Dullett, Kdwm (irebls, Ferdinand J. Dreer, CeorRe L. Buzbr, B. A. Kniiht becreury ana Treasurer, JOSEPU B. TOWNSEND. Tbe MansKurs have psssod a resolution roouirinir both l ot-holders and V tailors to present tickets at the entranos for admission to the Cemetery. Tickets may be bad at the Cft.ce of the Company, No. H13AKCU btreet, or of any ol the Man&venk 1 M I. T. B-AHTOW. I. M'VAHOW. 17 A H 1 O If V noMAUO.V, li SH'IWIXO A Iff VOMMIXSION . No. 9 COENT1EH SLIP, New York. No. 18 SOUTH WHARVES. Philadelphia No. 46 W. PRATT Btreet, Baltimore. We sre prepared to ship every description of Freight to) Philadelphia, New York, Wilminitton, and intermediate) points with promptness and despatch. Canal Ueau and hteam-tnea Inraished at th huriest notioa. COTTON . SAIL DUCK AND," CANVAS of all numbers and brands. Tent, Awuhik, Trunk, and Wiin-cover Duck. Also,' Paper Mauuieotmara Drier Fslu, from thirty to eeventy-eU laohu. widiu tauhnBeltuiK, Sail Twiiw, etc. " " "ias JOHN W.KVERMAW. n 103 0UVU0U Street (UiU bWrea); Murray.