I THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPfl-PIULADMLPinA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2:5, HV.). City Adairi. At a meeting of tlio citizens refirtlni; in tlio noitliwii-tern part of the c'.tv. vvllh reference lo the scanty sujiily of wnicr, Mr. Hancock, chair luah of the f jiccial committee appointed at the last meeting, submitted it voibil report,, In which he stated that tlio Mmiui),io. in accordance with tlic resolution pa-sod at a recent Hieetinir, had waited upon (Jhict Kin;incer (iraeff, with whom they spent pernio time, setting forth tlio griev ances of the citizens losidiu within the above wards. They had represented the matter to him ng it really existed. He informed them that on Saturday last, the new engine built nt tlio Spring Garden work wan, for the first time, put in ope ration. It had proved iUelf capable of forcing about 40W gallons per minute into the reservoir. Thin he considered would he ample for the pre sent, and he intended to keep n quantity of water in that reservoir eiifllc'ietit to supply all the (U'inande. Ifc deemed it actually necessary that a new reservoir should be constructed at Strawberrv .Mansion, and if Councils would only five Llm the money (r00,000), he would start immediately to crece the basin. Yesterday, Magdalene Ohlliauser, forty cifrlit years old, resulim; in New .Market street, was run over nt Fourth nnd Arch streets, nnd hud an arm fractured. Edward Barlow, thir teen years old, residing in lloiliue street, re ceived a severe injury of the foot by stepping on a broken bottle. The sufferers were taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Yesterday morning John Smith, thirteen year old, fell into tho pjas tank at Ninth and Diamond streets, and was in ternally injured, lie was taken to his residence, Mervine street, below .Montgomery avenue. Levi bricc, eleven years old, fell from a tree yesterday afternoon "at Green J.ane School-house nnd broke nn arm. .Jennie Mc.Connick, while passing Fourth and Llbby streets yesterday afternoon, was severely injured by a carpenter's plane falling on her head from a third-story window. A meeting pf the Lylu Monument Associa tion was held last evening in the cilice of the Chief Engineer. It was reported that the base of the monument is now at the Old Oaks Ceme tery ready to be set, and it was resolved to lay the corner-stone of the same, with, appropriate ceremonies, on tlio 4th of October. A meeting to make the necessary arrangements therefor will bo held mcanwh'lo. It is intended to have a pretty large turnout of tho firemen on that occasion. . A meeting of the Produce Association of Philadelphia 'was held yesterday afternoon at the rooms on South Delaware avenue, A. li. Detwller, President, in the chair. The Secre tary, Harry Carr, rend a report showing that two firms had boon charged with doing business without a license since previous meeting, but nfter n careful investigation it was found that the charges were not sustained. Domestic A Halm. Cold closed yesterday at IIO1. President Grant arrived at tho White House nt noon yesterday. Brevet-Major John E. Smith is the latest person named as the successor of Secretary Rawlins. The Executive Mansion is undergoing re pairs, nnd lias had a billiard room added for tho President's use. Mr. Pcabody yesterday donated $400,000 for the erection uud maintenance of a gallery of paintings and sculpture at Baltimore. It is reported that General Dodge will not be appointed Secretary of War. Instead, he will go to China to build railroads for tho Ce lestials. On Tuesday afternoon, William Moody, a farmer, of Madison, Indiana, killed his wife, burned his house and outbuildings, nnd shot himself dead with a gun. The text of General Sickles' note to tho Spnnish Government is known to members of the Cabinet, ana it is aiiegeu tuat mere was nothing in it calculated to give offense t Spaiu. The Massachusetts Republican State Con vention met at Worcester yesterday, Senator Sumner presiding. The entire State tickot was renominated, with tho exceptiou of State Audi tor. An ex-polleeman of Jersey City, Daniel MeNamara, cut his wife's throat on Tuesday night, while laboring under a fit of temporary insanity. They resided in Jersey City. Tho wife will die. . The house of Mr. Hamilton, at Yarmouth, N. B., was struck by lightning a few days ago nnd set on fire. Tho tluld killed Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton instantly, nnd a bed-ridden daughter perished iu tho flames. To accommodate tho public, arrangements are being made by the Comptroller of tho Cur rency to issue small notes iu cxehangn for larger ones as soon as the latter are sent by banks to the Treasury Department. The skeletons of a woman and child were found near Lock Tunnel, St. Johns, N. B., lately. A man named Kane has boon arrested in connection with the discovery, on suspicion of having committed murder on his wife and child. Tho Pastimes of Richmond, Va., yesterday plnved a game of base ball with tho Pastimes of Baltimore, at the latter city. The gate money is to form tho nucleus of a fund to be used in re burying the Confederate dead now lying in the fields about Richmond. The crew of tho British ship Alexandria mntinied on Tuesday night, as the ship was sailing out of Boston for Liverpool. Captain Brown nnd Alexander Wilson, mate, were severely stabbed by John Kelly, one of the crew. The ringleaders have been taken to Boston for trial. ForclKn Alfalrn. The Journal des Vebata speaks of the reli gious situation ns fraught with serious conse quences. General Prim is again in Madrid, nnd has urged. the Cabinet to send more troops to Cuba. It is said that Serrano nnd Prim nro trylnjj to fire tho Spanish heart and settle iuternul troubles by getting up a foreign war. At tho reecntiou of General Pierrad at Tar ragona, by tho Republicans, a row occurred and the secretary of tlio Governor was killed. European journals treat Pero llyaciuthc's secession from tho Roman Catholic faith as a sign of nn impending commotion In the Church, The Peace Congress in session at Susam was addressed bv Victor Hugo, on Tuesday. M Hugo says Europe will' eventually become a Federal Republic uko tno united scutes. SPAIN AM) CUBA. The Explanation of I lie I'xeliement in the lUo liter Country t .. Tt . C. ....... n .... .luM.m.a r.t t,rv IB, II1UL X 11111 UUU oi:ilillna UlU uunnuuo Jk. v-un- solidating their own power and healing internal Hiss eusions ill luu niuiuei uuuuuj, iy iuuuoiii:; the people iu favor of a foreign war, iu hopes they will be aided by the leading European powers. Tlio warlike attitude of tho Spaniards creates no uneasiness hero la olllcial circles, as it is not considered that General Sickles, thus far, has given any cause for war. In fact, from the latest information hi tho possession of our l'i.-npninntlt f ! m 1 n I'll 1 Si I !.' Ilu' I'l klll'O lu nitMritrnil and it is not credited that ho lias exceeded his olllcial instructions ,in any way because he could not fail to 6ee that such policy would react tmn litm.:Mf tin la riM.-iirilp.H n min of the most prudent and cautious of our diplo- . 1 ,1 mats uuruau. Klrenwlh of tho Hpnulsli Navy. t ..i, rx( im innwirtanpH nertainiuir to Snan IU Vat T - I - - ish affairs nt the present time, tho following . ..i. i . i ....,, ,.f tn ctriTi'rih and armament of lUUClui 1W"I ' r , the Spanish navy will bo interesting: It consists ni present oi witu nuu-vmu ........, , . i,..i.,.l.rl ni-vetfi.s. R(i iruus: ten wooden screw frigates, 421 funs; several of these vessels are worthless; three side-wheel frigates, 48 iruns; eleven small side-wheel steamers, M cuns; four sloops and brigs, M guns; twenty-six smail screw schooners, (W guns; ten sldo-wheel schooners, 18 guns; ten steam transports, five ,Vta olirliteon sernw cun-boats. Oil custom-house duty, along tho coast, carrying . i. nu ... I nl fVliriites are ulated Olio KUU cacii. ....... ..- - with three and four inches only, and not one of thein would stana our nuecu-uu u i... ,,V .""r. , -i?,,.,i,.rwi ia , most for- J 116 Victoria, uuu jnidatle, Lting "6t lkiltr ftBa ln ood tot,,i" tion, but tho others arc generally poor affair, nnd incapable of doing much execution. H'rt.it iiKjton Correspondence of the Inquirer. The President's t'onfernuv u iili I he Hcoretnry III Into. After the return of President Grant yesterday morning to Washington, nnd particularly ns ho spent several iiottrs with Secretary Fish at tho State Department, much anxiety was expressed to ascertain the character of the conference, the supposition being that it had reference to our relations with Spain. This is probable, but there is no authority for the positive assertion. It is certain, however, that m action was taken in the premises. It is already known that some time ago Minister Sickles was instructed to offer tlio United States Government ns a mediator be tween Spain and Cuba, representations havinz been made to it by respectable parties who had visited Spain nnd obtained interviews with pro minent personages, that its friendly olllecs would meet with favor. Such offers not being uncommon m our own history and that of other nations. Minister Sickles approached the Spanish Government upon tho subject, nnd had tlio de sired interview. Contrary to European tele grams, there is no reason for supposing that tho Spanish Government took offense, or has sought to involve other governments in its action. The Spanish Government, nfter maturely con sidering tho proffered mediation, has thanked the United States Government for its friendly disposition, but Is not willing to agreo to our accommodation between Spaiu and Cuba on tlio terms proposed. The end of the matter simply is that the mediation is declined. AN INDIAN FORAY. Nix ilfni'drrs CniniiilMert on the I'micr MNnoiiH. The Sioux City (Iowa) Times, of Sept. 15, has tlio following: It Is our unpleasant -duty to again recount the sickening details of another Indian foray upon white men on the Upper Mis souri, near i'ort Buford, as related to us by an eye witness and a partial participant. It is tlio usual custom for Indian traders to give the heads of the different tribes a feast cadi year. On tho occasion to which we refer, Mr. Larpentcr. whose trading-post is at Fort Buford, had given a feast to a largo number of Indians. After their repast they went to tho officers' quarters at Fort Buford, and amused the latter with a war-dance. Of course, every one iu and about the fort was present to witness this novel and amusing performance, little dreaming that while they were standing as spectators to witness the war-dance of a lot of quasi-peaceable savages, their lriends, only one and a half miles from the Fort, were being mur dered. It appears that four wood-choppers, named Peter S. Dugan, whose parents reside ln Butler county, Pa.; James H. McLain, from some part of Illinois; J. Unroldic, an Italian; and an old plainsmen named Adam Jones, went out in the morning, to cut wood about one mile nnd a half from the Fort. About noon, and be fore the wood-choppers were able to give the alalia, they were surrounded by about seventy live Indian warriors belonging to the Ilonea Papa tribe. The Indians immediately com menced an attack on tho small body of white men. The latter, being well armed, fought back with heroism. For one hour tho unequal con test raged, at the cud of which time the four white men were killed, but not before they had killed ten and dangerously wounded thir teen more of their enemies. After the Iudiaus had killed the four white men, they proceeded to take their scalps. Previous to this time, Mr. J. W. Cooper, hearing shots, and sus pecting that everything was not right, got on his horse and rode in tiio direction from whence the sounds of the shooting proceeded. As ho came in sight of the Indians they started for tho Missouri river. Mr. C, learning the condition of affairs, returned immediately to tho fort, and gave the alarm. A large number of citizens and soldiers went in pursuit, but bctorc they reached tho battle-ground tho Indians had scalped the four white men, and were in the act of carryimr oil their own dead. The white men giving pur suit, the Indians made a bee-line for the Mis souri river. They succeeded in reaching the op posite banu, ana gainiug protection troni the underbrush on Its bank, bclorc their white pursuers came within ritlo rano. Ten Indians were killed outright, and thirteen wounded. Tlio latter made their escape. Tho bodies of the ten dead Indians were fastened to tho horses of tho soldiers and citizens and dragged to Fort Buford, where they were cut up and quartered. It would appear that the lour wnite men lought until they were each one killed. When they were found they were clustered together, some of them having fired from fifty to seventy rounds of cartridge. Our informant states that a part of tho same band of Indians, on the same day and about tho same time, attacked a train belonging to Cap tain Payne. There were about thirty-live men in Captain Payne's party. He had one man wounded, and one horse stolen. Old Indian traders express fears of a general Indian out break. They say that the Indians never showed as much hostility as they do at tlio present time, and everything indicates an Indian war. Forcist'ii Items. It is not believers alone who are intole rant. Free-thinkers can bo bigoted m their own way, and there is just reported from Paris a very pretty little story in illustration of this. A free-thinker died, and was buned the other day. At the grave a friend of the family stood forward and pronounced a few kindly words over his remains. This created great disgust and excitement among the fra ternity of free-thinkers to whom the departed belonged. "It is too bad," they said, "that a man like that should be allowed to speak at the grave of such a man." "Good heavens ! what has he done ? what's wrong '" "What has he done !" replied tho free-thinkers "why, ho has been married iu a church." The Colons of St. Petersburg has a sig nificant article in its impression of the L!(!th of August on tho visit of Prince Charles of ltou- mania to the Czar in the Crimea. It says that this visit has "undoubtedly a political char acter," as the Danubian Principalities must naturally gravitate to liussia; and in the event ot a possible conflict between the Eu roneau nowers about the Eastern ouestion. the bunks of the Danube would necessarily become tho thoatro of war. "llie Kouina nian people," it proceeds, "which is orthodox like ourselves, knows instinctively how to distinguish its friends from its enemies; it expects its regeneration, not from French Jesuits or Prussian Junkers, but from ortuo dox Russia, under whose rule a portion of the Roumanian nation has found peace and pros perity. As to the reported project oi mar lying Prince Charles to n Russian Grand Duchess, tho HoUihh expresses a wish that it may be success! ul, as sueu a union would he more suitable tnan ono witn some small uer man Princess. .The Danubian Principalities aro on the eve of obtaining complete inde pcudence, while the States of these small uormau sovereigns wiu soon uu more pro vinces of Prussia." Admiral I'ersano, who since the Condom nation by the Italian Senate of his couduot in tlie battle ot ijissa nas ueen living in retire ment in his villa near Turin, has just pub- lished a very interesting collection of memoirs relutinc to the Sicilian and JNeapoIitan rovolu tions. Tho book contains several letters from Cavour, Garibaldi, and D'Azeglio, from which it clearly appears thnt Garibaldi was secretly encournged, if not assisted, in his en terprise by tho Italian Government. In a letter to Admiral Persano dated the 21th of February. Cavour expresses his satisfac tion at the victory of Melaz.o, which, he says, will "do not a little to convince Europe that the Italians are resolved, even at the price of their lives, to recover the independence and freedom of their country," and begs the Ad miral to "express to General Garibaldi his liv(dieKt nnd niont Kincere congratulations." "After so brilliant a victory," he coiitinnos, "I think Onribiildi might easily mov to the mainland. It would be bettor if tho Neapoli tans themselves would effect, or at least ori ginate, the work of regeneration; but if they cannot or will not stir, let Garibaldi do the work for them. The undertaking cannot fitop hnlf-way. The national ling having been raised in Sicily, it must bo trnnsferrod to the kingdom nnd extend along the coast tmtil it renclics the Queen of the Adriatic. He pre pared, then, dear Admiral, for you will pro bably place it with yonr own hnndn on tho bastions of Mnlomocco and the towers of St. Mark." In another letter Cavour recommends the Admiral to be on his guard ngainst trust ing Onribnldi too much. "Remember," he says, "that the General lived for some years in America, and longer still in solitude. This lias accustomed him to extreme caution, and hns liifldo him suspicious aud distrustful. He wishes for tho unity of Italy, bnt I fear ho intends to use very dangerous means for this end. If he is reasonable, tho Government must main tain friendly relations with hira and support him. I will use every effort to get this done, nnd will without hesitation leave tho Cabinet if such a step can facilitate a pood nn dor standing between Garibaldi and the Minis ters; but this only on condition that he does nothing foolish." MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine AYws see First Pagn. A I.MAN AO l'OH PUILADKUMU A-TUIS DAY. Kttv Virn R'lul m.wavt ir.u bUN Ketk ."DoSI Hutu Wateb.'.'"..".'..'; 41V ruiLADiaruiA board ov tradk. T. S. Hook, i C.J. lliiinuN, Committee of xhis Month. Thomas O. Uanp, ) MOTEiUENTH OK OCEAN HTEA:MSHPS. FOR AMKRIDA. Cordova london Now York Aaa, 28 Hmidt ltienion Now York Sopt t Denmark Livorpuol Now York Kept 1 C. ol Limerick. .Antwerp Now York ,.Hpt. 4 Pennsylvania. ...Liverpool ....Now York .Hopt! 8 Cninbriu (ilaswow Now York (Sept. 1(1 ln Livorpool New York via Hal.. .Sopt. It ttpllona loniion New York Sopt. 11 Ville do PariB. . .Brest Now York Koi.t. II Cunljrin Havre New York Sept. 11 O. of Now York.Iivorpool New York, via Hal... Sept. 11 Ohio Southampton. ...Paltitrtore Sent. 11 I nion Southampton.. ..Now York Sept. 14 Malta Liverpool Now York via Bos.... Sept. 14 KOll EUROPE. v Palmyra Now York. ...Liverpool Sopt. 23 llorjau New York. ...Kiemcn Knnt ) l-'ordova New York. ...lxmdon Sent. 2fi Krin New York. ...Liverpool Sppt US India New York. ..AHhkuiim Hnnf !-. PuraRUy Now York. ...London Sopt 26 Hermann Now York. ...llrimon K..1.1 .-. City of Kimton ..Now York. ...Liverpool Sopt. as City of Paris. . . Now York. ...Livorpuol Oct. il OOAKTWJSK, DOM I S riU, F.TO. Yazoo Philadii New ( irlouus. Sent. 2:1 Prometheus 1 hilada Cliarlobton Sopt. 2:1 Missouri Now York. ...Havana Sunt i Columbia..... ...Now York. ...Havana, via Nu9.....Sept. &S niiiiu nmunt,a.iiin I I'lft.m U UUUirO. ........ ,r,ep. i M orro Castle. . . . Now York . ...H avana Sept. 2:1 Pioneer Philada Wilmington Sept. 2"i Tonuwauda Philada Savannah Sopt. 25 Cleopatra Now York. ...Vera !in7. Sm.t o. Alaska Now York. ... Aspinwall. Oct. H Mai la are forwarded hvovnrv RtPAmAr In tlmrmrtiUrlinaa The steamore for or from Liverpool call at liuoonstowu. ex cept tho Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or from tho Continent call at Southampton. CLEARKD YESTFRIJAY. Ship Tueoarora. Rowland. Liverpool. Conn ttrnn Steamer Diamond Slate, Webb, Baltimore, A. droves, Jr. Briu Rorortor, Coombs, Baniror. Hammett. Neill Co. tichr K. W. Pratt, Kenilnck, Boston, L. Auilenried A Co. Schr Hiawatha, Loo, Newburyport, Knisht A Sons. Schr Amelia, Thurlow, Newburyport, do. Kchr A. Terrill, Atwood, Newburyport, do. Tuir Hudson, NicBolson, Baltimore, with a tow of barcos, W. P. Clyde 4 Co. Tub Che8iiieake, Morrlhew, Havre-de-Graco, with a tow of oarges, w. 1 . uiyue x 00. ARRIVKD YESTERDAY. Steamship Fanita, Brooks. 20 hours from Now Vnrlr. with nidse. to John F. Ohl. Steamer 1'.. IS. 1'uirrlnlU, Trout, 24 hours from New York, with mde. to W. AI. Baird A Co. ct ii.h .11 1 r XT XT I. !.- ntvtiiM,:. vjiiiiiiiu,,. uuuia J.1UW luriii wau nulse. to W. M. Baird & Co. Steamor W. C. Piorrepont, Shropshire, 24 hours from New York, with nulse. IoWhu M. Baird A Co. Steamer A. C. St imora, Knox, 24 hours from New York, with nulHo. to W. P. Clyde & Co. ring JamcH linker, 1' no lan, from Caibarion flth inst., with molaHses to Dallntt & Son. Lett barque Arthur Kinsman, for Boston, to sail in 3 days ; bria James Wolsh, lui uuiMiuiiia im iiii.iiitiiiuia, iu snii ill ij unya. Schr VV. 8. Hillcs. Buritess. from Boston, with inn tn order. Schr F. hpofford.T urner.from Boston, with salt to order. Schr L. A. Rose, Roso, from Lynn. Kchr S. V. W. Simmons. Williams, from Somerset. Schr S. T. Wines, Hol;e, from Now York. Scbr H. G. Hand, Carson, from Now Havon. Tub Thomas Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of baruos to W. P. Clyde & Co. Tug Commodore, Wilson, from Havre de Orace, with ft tow of barges to W, P. Clyde & Co. BtcEoW. Barque Rosina Bruno, from GirRonli. WKNTTO SKA. Barque Josio Mildred, for Rotterdam: lar.iierjtine Peter, for Barbados; brits Helen, for do.; M. I-:. Loiyhton, for Repticny: and schr Navita, for St. John, N. B., went to sea 2uth iubt. A. M. Report od by Mr. John A. Marshall, pilot. Sp'Hal Pffalrh lo Th Kefniuq Triumph. Havhk-de-Ghack, Kept. 2a. The following boats left bere in tow this morning Thomas Arnold, with slate, for New York. Martha Mot'onkey, with grain to A. O, Cattoll & Co. I ycnniintf, with lumber to A. J. Piper. Charlotte Blackwell, with lumber, for Ohestor. CorrtsjionrtMire of Thn Ei'mini Trlrtjrnnh. F.ASTON A MoMAHON'S BULLETIN. NEW Yomk Om, Sept. 22. Eight barges leave ia tow to-night for Baltimore, light. Baltimouk Branch office, Sept. 21 The following barges leave in tow to-night, eastward: Minnie Kopplier; Eldorado; Melissa; Estnlle: N. W. Finch: A. J. Kirkpatrii k : A. J. Borden; aud M. Bartlett, all with coal, for New York. PBiiJkDtxi'HiA Bhanch Office, Sopt. 23. The barge G. C. Satterlee, with guano, loaves to-day for Baltimore. L. S. O. MEMORANDA. Ship Emily McNear, Scott, for Philadelphia, sailod from Liverpool 7th inat. Ship Dover, Stilphen, for Philadelphia, cleared at Liv erpool t'th illet. Steamship Norfolk, Piatt, bence, at Norfolk 20th inst., and tailed tor Richmond. Steamer (George 11. Stout, Ford, honco, at Georgetown, D. C. 'J!st mat. Barque l'orsofcot, Johnson, from London for Philadel phia, anchored at Ileal 7tn inst. Barque Robert Porter. Eaton, bonce for San Francisco. pui into Rio Janeiro 21st ult., leaky, and remained 25th, repairing. ltarouo Mary Kent ley. Clark, hence, at Helvoot tith Inst. Barque L. U. Bigolow, Corning, banco, at Antwerp 7 lb insianr. Barotie Hannibal. Nieman. hence, at Barcelona 4th Inst. Brig Mary C. Comory, Comory, hence, at Salem Hutu lnsiaut. Brig E. A. Bernard. Reed, hence, at Gibraltar 1st inat. Brig Ida L. Ray, Crowell, hence for Bostou, put into New York 21at iubt., for a harbor. Brig E. H. Kennedy, Staples, hence for Boston, at Now Bedford 17th inst., and sailed again ll'tli. Schr Kli.a J. Raynor, Hutuiiiuson, for Philadelphia, sailed irom noroiK 1111 insi. rchr Soidiia Ann, leaker, from Fall River for Philttdol nhia. at Nf woort P. M. lMh inst. Schr W. P. Phillips, burners, hence, at Fall River 14th instant. Schr Almon Bacon, Crosby, henco, at Lvnn li'.tli inst. hohr.l. J. Little. Little, hence, at Lvnn lHth inst. Schrs Ulonwood, Dixon, and Harry Loe, Barrett, hence, at Lvnn 2l)lh inst. Sours James Enelish, Barker, from Providence ; Roading RR. No. 84, from Norwalk ; Lucy B. Ives, Bowditch, from Bridgeport ; and C. .V U. Brooks, from do., all for Phila delphia, passed lieu uate uist lust. Hchrs A. Lincoln, Davis ; Ida A. Jayno, Jane ; and ,T. H. Wainwright, Abrahams, all from Providence for Phila delphia, at New York 21st inst. Scbr Andrew Yuur.g, Townsund, bence, at Wilmington, N. C. lHth inst. S.'lir C. McLain, Adams, for Philadelphia, cleared at liaitimorouist nisi. Schrs Kato Rich, Church, and Charlotte Fish, Wit liums, hence, at Boston 21st inst. NOTIOB TOMARINER8. The report that the Uedney's Channel Outer Hnnv Nn Q was adritt from its moorings has been lound tu be erroneous. All the buoys in the lower bay. New York, and channels uauiuK meruio are in lueir proper positions. PERSONAL.. A LL TEKSONS HAVING GOODS DEI jL sited at RETTEW'S LOAN OFFICE, foniierl northeast corner Fifteenth and Market streets, whio uavo n-iuuiiieu over me icgai 111110, are iinreny noimeu 10 pay charges on the same at No. 21 N. ELEVENTH Street, lr dint Will Itnai.ia at nl.lii..la .n MOVOIV hot 27, instant. 6 Id lot' PORN BXCLTANQB vy jjao wsnurauiiiKir. JOHN T. BAILEY. If. E. corner of MARKET and WATER Street Philadelphia, DEALER IN BAUS AND BAGGING I If avurv description, fna Grain, Flour, Salt, Suuer-Phospuat of Lime, Bon Irg and small GUNNY BAGS constantly on band, m Alao.WOOLBA 8HIPPINO. CHARLERTQN. C 4-Ftr TIIK SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. FAST FllKlGIIT tsINli EVERY THURSDAY. The stcirrrtRriips rKOMETnEU8, Captain Gray, and j. w. h,vb.k.iajn, . aptjiin iiinoKiey, WILL FORM A KEGULAK WEEKLY LINE. Th! stcamHhln HiOMETHEITH will BilU on THVHSDAY, Hcptomber 2.1, at P. M. Tlirmiitn bins 01 inning given in connection witn B. C. R. J. to points In the South and Southwest. insurance at iowchi rates, runes or ireignt aa low as by any otlier route. For freight, apnly to 8?2tf DOCK KTREKT WIIARB". FOR LIVERPOOL ANE QUEENSTOWN Inman Line of Mail vSrjy 1 wai""rB are appomiea 10 sail as xoi- t-uyoi Kalimiore, via Halifax, Tusday.Sopt, 21,at lP.M City of Ponton. Saturday, Sept. 2", at 1 1. M. City of Pai is, Salurdnv. tct. 'J, at P. M. And each succeeding hatur Jay and alternate Tuesday from Pier 4o, North Kivnr. KATES OF PASSAGE. PT Till! MA1X fTEAMEB BA1X1NO F.VPnT SATtTBDAT. P'lvnliln t n JrlRbl' CABIN SIM. STEER A OK. 31 10 l-onnon loi To London 4J 'Jo Pans H5 To Paris 47 tAHHAOR UT THE TUE8DAS STtAMKll, VIA HALIFAX. FI1IHT C'AllIN. HTKKHAOK. l'avnbln int;nl.l Pair.l.l. in I ....m Liverpool JSO'Live-riiool SK Halifax UU Halifax 16 St. John's, N. F., .- tit. John's. N. F.. 1 by llrnnrh Steamer.... hylirauch Steamer....01 PasBengers forwarded to Ilavro. Hnn.l r H etc. at reduced rates. Tickets can bo bourht here fit modai-nta mtaa Vi n,. sons wishing to send lor their frionds, i lurimTMimnimui'ii anpiyat ine company's Utiles JOHN G. DALE. Agnnt. No. 15 HKOAUWAV. N V orto O'lXlNNKLL A FAULIC. Agtnts. 6 No. 411 CHESNUT Streot, Philndulphia. V- ONLY KIKECT LINE TO FRANCE ' - 1 1 I II Fi tf. V i.K n I a IU A Si l'l a VI' III rpitt. tj.-t -.. a , ,. . . . ftni 1M I'ANY'S M A I f , Kl K MS H f PH Bli in: 1 it r, b.N NIiW VmiV AKli II A D If ( A 1 1 vi t il! ...... yconw.nyu ,,111 IdTOrHO TOTIteiOrtOt Oonfinout will sail lrom Tier .No. fia, .North river, ever- I'll, anions! 11 iaw nnnnnlti 4 r , , PB.1CE OF PASSAGE gold (including wine), T11 uift'KT nn iiavtju. ln 'irst Cabin 'p' Sn"oud Cabin $8 f Inntiidina. inll(wnw aiCala fiiml.k.4 n u a . First Cabin $145 i Second Cabin ' . 1 heso steamers do not cirry steerage passengors. Medical attendance free of charge. American travellers going to or returning from the col neut of Europe, by taking tho steamers of this lino .voi( crossing the channel, besides saving time, trouble, andex ponse. GEORGE MACKKNIH Agont, J or passage in Philadelphia, apply at Adams' Kxproi onipcuy.to II. L. LEAF, 1 2' No. 330 OIIKSNUT Street. LORILL.RD'S STEAMS1HP fi jtcii1 LINE FOR Bailing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday. REDUCTION OF RATES. Freight by this line takon at 19 - - ' w IIUUI1UD, cents tier foot, or 1 cent nnr tnllnn .hii,'. a n - - 1 uu., o uiuuui UU vance charges cashed at nfiica nn Vir : . at all times on covered wharf. JOHN F. OHL, 2 2S . Pier 19 North Wharves. U. N. ExtraTrates on small packages iron, motal, eto. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND, ItV-N -AND NORFOLK STEAJ1SHIP LINK iUrXfTHOUGH FREfGH F AIR LINE TO Cjai'THK SOUTH AND WEST. K-vr.ivx OIIIJHMK At. noon, from fc' I H ST uiia 1. nr t-nv-nn ' M.uinii iuvip iiioivnjij Street. '1 11KOUGII RATES to all points In North and Sontk , air iiuie nanroaa, connecting at Portsmouth and to Lynchbnrg, Va., Tennessee, and thj West, via yirginia and Tennessee Air Lino and Richmond and Dunvillo Railroad. ireiclit HANDLED BUT ONCE, and taken at LOW KB RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety, and cheapness of this route 00m mend It to the public as the most desirable medium v....;...., ui-nviijtiuu 01 ireiguii, pn uhnran for rnmmifcainn am transfer. ' " " "penso Steamships insured at the lowest rates, Freight received daily. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO . No. 12 S. WHARVES and Pier I N. WH fftVES tVcTOEF. ffJf "K"" Wty Point? 1. P. CROW ELL A CO., Agents at Nortoik. 1J NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK. VII DFLAWARK AND RARITAN CAN at EXPRESS 8T It AM BOAT COA1PANY Dl' tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily from first wharf below Marke atroot, I'hiladelphiii, and foot of Wall streot, Now Y01I Ai 1 - ) .. .i 1 11 1 1 . I: ; "... . ' The uiiuAnisi and oimiKK.ST iai-... UUUUB lurnuiuqti vy uu iut iiuvb running Ollli Oi iei York, North, East, and West, free of oommission. Frflinhi. received and forwarded on accmnmorlaMn terms. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Agonts, No. 12 8. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agont. S 35 NoMlSWALL Street, New York h NEW EXPRESS LINE TO f'7-A'erirlria, Georgetown, and Washington, D. connections at Alexandria from tho moot direct route for 1 .vm-litilll'i?. lirlHtril. li'nnvvilla Muulmillu Ik.li m&Timj., via ouflsiuBaKH ana Delaware IIaiiilI. with , , " , ri. ...UUT.1.U, ACIIAJU, nuuitu. Southwest. btoamcrs leave regularly every Saturday at noonfrom tb first wharf above Market streot. i.'-..:.-i. . : 1 .i.:i. 1: reiuui, iuvuivvu uau. WILLIAM P. CLYDE k CO., . No. 14 North and South Wharves. IIYDK it TYLER, Agents, at Georgetown: M ELDR1DGE A CO.. Agents at Alexandria. B l NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK. VIA . 1 iTi "oiaware ana niritan uanal, SWIL' I'SCKK Sbo TRANSPOHTATION tlOApAirvr.i.!? PATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINE. The business by these lines will he resumed on and after theHthof March. For freights, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to W. M. BAIRD A CO., 895 No. 132 South Wharves. ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETO. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS," and FOUNDEk having for many years been in suoceaaf ul operation, and been ex clusively engaged in bllildinar And rAnnirina, Ma,in...J River Engines, high and low-pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, etc., eto,, respectfully offer their ser vice to the publio as boing fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Marine, River, aud Stationary ; having lots of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exocnte orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern making made at toe shortest notice. High and Low-pressure 1' me Tubular and Cylinder Uoilera nf t ha himt P-. sylvania Charcoal Iron. orgings of all sizes and kinds, Iron and brass Castings of all descriptions. Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and ail other work oonneoted witn the iUllYO UU3I11DH, Drawings and specifications for all work done at Ult esiauiisunitiui. nw ui uuurfrt,, ana nura iiuiiuajpo. The subscribers have ample wliarf dock-room for repair) of boats, where they can iio in perfect safety, and aro pro vidud with shears, blocks, falls, eto. eto., for raiting heavj or iini hwkua . JACOB O. NFAFIH, JOHN P. LEVY, 8 15 BEACH and PALMER Street COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND K-' VVASlllAUlUiM BimilS, rnii.ADEi.rHTA. MERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. manufacture High ami Low PresBiire Sttaiii Engines iur liuih, iiivur, uiiu murine ourvice. Rollers, Gusonieters, Tiiuks, Iron JIoritB, etc ('astlngs ef all klnita, elthor Iron or Hra.su. Iron 1'riimo Roofs for Gaa Works, WorksUopa, and Railroad Stations, eto. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest anil most iniprevea construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, also, Sugar, Saw, aud Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Oil Ul.i.iiii n-r..,!,! l'inf .... IAPU aViltai,! Pnlilnlni. Vn trlnes. etc. Solo Apcntafor N. Blllenx'a Suprar Boiling Appa ratus, JSt'Biiiyin s j-aieiic oreuiu iiauiiner, ana Aspin. wall & wooisey a ruicui ceuiruugai sugar Drain ing Machines. 4 SOS QIRARD TUDq WORKS JOHN II. MUltPHY & BROS. Manufacturera ef Wrought Iro ripe, Kle. PULLADELPHIA. PA. WORKS, TW ENTV-TIIIKD and F1LBKKT Htreet. OFFICE, U 1 Plo. 49 North F1KTII Htreet. I. M'MAHON. i. I. IAl"n. . - 1BVW M MM mi M 'J? V 1 Of " i.1 No 18 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. ii w PRATT Street. Baltimore. We are prepared j "W""! t " i Phtladel)liia, New York, Wilmington, and intermediate points with pro.up.-j lR. KINKELIN CAN BE CONSULTED ON JLJ all diseaaes or a certain specialty, VilC BOUTS, 0 Sets? vJfelTl'KACTIOAL AND TH KOR KTIOAX WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. II WATims,irrr.ti himf.ii v ahi. !l WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. Ladies' and Gents' Watches, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, Of the moat celebrated maker. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINE3, In 14 and 13 karat. DIAMOND an other Tewriry of the latest designs, KrcHRemect ami WeddlDa Rings, ln lS-karat and cola Bold Bllyer-Ware for Bridal Present, Table Cut lery, Plated Ware, etc, 8 87 li E M O V A L. IMPORTKH OF Vatches, Diamonds, and Jewelry, Eaa Removed from the S. E. corner of Filth ar.d Chesnut Streets to No. 1029 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. N. B. WATCHES REPAIRED IN TIIK BEST MANNER. 3 lltliatui ESTABLISHED 1823. C5L WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and FANCY GOODS. O. "W.' RUSSELL, NO. SB- N. 81XTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM B. WARNE & CO., 0 Vholcsale Pealrrs in WATl HKS AM) JKWKI.RY. b. corner M0VI-N1H and CHKSNUT Streets, 8 2 I (ec.nrt floor, and late ot JNo. 36 S. ihiku at. PATENTS. OFFICES FOR PROCURING PATENTS FORREST BUILDINGS, No. 119 S. FOURTH STREET, TIIILA,, And M&rblo Buildings, No. 4C0 SEVENTn Street, opposite U. 8. Patent Office, Washington, D. U. II. HOWSON, Solicitor of Patsnts. G. HOWSON, Attorney at Law. Communications to bo addressed to the Principal Office, Philadelphia. OlTlm PATENT OFFICES, N. W. Corner FOTJRTn and CHESNUT, (Entrance on FOURTH street). FRANCIS D. FASTOXLZUS, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Patents procured for Inventions in the United States and Foreign Countries, and all business re lating to the same promptly transacted. Call or send for circulars on Patents. Open till 9 o'clorK every veninfc. S 6 Btnth jsAYE irr o f fTc e s, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT, PHILADELPHIA. FEES LESS THAN ANY OTHER RELIABLE AGENCY. Send for pamphle on Patents. 3 4 thstuS CHARLES II. EVANS. QTATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. STATE C5 ltiirhts of a viiluul le Invention just patented, and for ttie SLICING, (JUTTING, and CHIPFlNUof dried beef, caliliiiBO, etc., aro hereliy ottered for sale. It is an article oi greut value to proprietors nf hotels and restaurants, and it. should be introduced into every family. STATK 1 H.11T8 for sale. Model can be seen at TKLEGRAP1I OVVIVE, COOPER'S POliNT, N. J. 6 27tf MUNDY 4 HOFFMAN. CENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. rpilE FOUiT OF FASHION. CENTS' FUUNI8HI.MJ STOKE. MBS. MISNIE OUMMINGS baa opened the above named place, at No. 119 South EIGHTH Street, where gentlonien cm And everjiliicg in their line. The best fitting SHIRTS in the city, rody made or nitt e to order. Purchasers of twelve articles receive the thirteenth at a Gift. UMBRELLAS TO HIRE for 25 cent Hundkercl iefs lit mined free of cbargo. Polite Salesladies in attendacc. A call ia ruepoctfully solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. 93 MINNIE CUM MINOS. Ha Se ICa Ca Harris' Seamless Kid Cloves. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENTS' GLOVES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., 6 275rp No. 614 cnESNUT Street. DAT E N T SHOULDEll-SEAM JL SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECTLY FITTING SniRTS AND DRAWERS mude from measurement at very short notleo. All other articles of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS in full variety. WINCHESTER A CO., US No. 70o CHKSNUT Street." TlfERKICK & SON BOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, No. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Philadelphia. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, Regulated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented June, lscs. DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVELESS STEAM HAMMER D. M. WESTON'S PATENT PELF-CENTRING, SELF-BALANCING CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR-DRAINING MACHINE. RO EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturer! T 10 mwf . VAUGUS WKlllUCE. WUXIaUf H. lUBKIOX. JOHH B. COPE. PJORNY'S TASTELESS Fruit Preserving Powder, la warranted to keep Strawberries superior to anj know provets, aa well as other fruit, without being air-UKh Price, tU cenU a packaK. Sold bj the arocera. ZANK. NOUNY Ac CO., Proprieton. t4a So. North SECOND St, PhUad. AMUSEMENT 8, 1 ) A H E l'A-ROSA KNOLI8II OPERA. CARLKOSA.U. D. HKS8 4C10.. ,.,, Proprietors nnd OlreetOTS DK IVO Hu,i..-s Manager .. AMKHIOAN ACADKMY OK MLSIU. K.-V? T'lolic are rmim'tinlly informfxl that a hi AfeON OI '12 Nit. H IS OK THE 1'AKEPA-ROSA ... . . (.KAMI FNdLISII Ol-KKA m"h,n ".'"i" s.,J,o.C' """"once which will leave SranJi i i ? . An'rri, W1,n and cftieient 'horns, a l-rand Or, I,, Vra . and n , unsnriiassed array of t,lont. Fur 11,'. .? rc- i WTOHEIl 4. r nrt hor partlc-ulnni in Sunday papers. 23 3t ' THIS (Tliurmja,) EVKNINO. Nopt 23, 6HYLOCK "W'UHWr OF VENICE. Bulwir'sbeautitulpinynf """IIN BOOlli. C LAI.' OK MEi"!It KUY F LYONS- Bhiers Romantic Mn.oV ING( ho"1- -'. COUNT PEHCARa"11 AP,,8TATE. 11 rt I. Ir 1 XT 1irAit.n iI JOHN DREW'S ARCH '"iWHirwT "ATHK. Hvnn,u,o A,iCU STREET ill TmrATliii" ti...." .... inur ni w (n it Mon.Tjv Commencing wiih the o (irt Sceneiof Ixf n ION. nMj;9a'fu;,;;M-w.i.nnVtiixYD,A Two blABAlt ANO '1I1K OOOI l?on NOTHI0 I y(lini.m,fon in two piece. Saturday-OiKTiiic nf .lrnin.i m , ilu'iver Con:y f MOAKY. Bloniiny Houcu-.iulf.'s "(OKMOSA." 30 4t T A U II A K K E N KS f'HKSNUT RTRKKT TIIKATRF" . , , THIS KVKN1NO, IlKATKly, Ru:oa,.,h"PntC, ,'""1tof of revivals, inaa. TITK MAHBr.R IIKART; OB m a T.,lK SCljI.P'JXJM'8 DliKAAl Mademoiselle .Va,ro I.A I : It A KirirVf! A.siM,,., ,v thenwVri,ny KEEIfg poors open nt 7 ; coihiik ncos at k to a i r-tl?f'i0(tsi)i 0i:j-s n, advance. " 820 t N1:,V- ELEVENTH STREET itVPERA CAENCKU8S A lUXKY'S M IlSSTRRTafl the .rcat Star Tr.,, h tho wnrM.oi, unequalled OPKRATIU1!;!;3' R,F. BIMPSON, Treaturr.CAKNtJROS8' Mm F X'8r5,.'iB! lG A N T A T RE v iTUK In,I,,!,A, , vs IN TWO HAlil.KTS, 1-liv ur,VU?Jllif 'J-TAN'S FAVOR1TKS Tllh Ol-.LAVANTI KKOS.. OK ROSA ani HATTPT Matlueeon BJVlUiAYjrmiSooyJ VAn.wATE MILLER'S) WINTEF" T GAROFN Nos. van, 7M2. 724. and 7i VINW 1 -. ?.I!'.?IJ,P i1? A A CO B V A I,K R, of this oit y. in oonibinatkS with 1 I.A.MIli'S ivi!iv(l'lviW,.11.Per,0,rm KVKRV Ak'IKHNOON an? f-vnYlRU at the above-mentioned place. Adminslc? '-'?: 113U OKOHEhTRA and MiBS NKI.I.1K AN DRY COODS. TYRE & LAN DELL, FOURTH AND AKCII, OPEN TO-DAT, FASHIONABLE PLUSHES, NEW STYLE SHAWLS, REAL FRENCH CHINTZES, SILK FACED POPLINS, 3 CASES EMPRESS CLOTHS,' MAGNIFICENT ROBES, T9 11 stuth 8m Vp 6-4 CASHMERES FOR ROBES, FINE BLACK AND COLORED SILKS". CROOERIES AND PROVISIONS. yUITB TRESERVING BRANDY, Pure Cider and White Wine Vinegar, Green Ginger," Mustard Seed, Spices, etc. etc All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling purposes. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer ln Fine Groceries, ' 11 1$ Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. jJICHAEL MEAQHER & CO. No. 223 Soutn SIXTEENTH Street, ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers la PROVISIONS. OYSTERS, AND SAND CLAMS, FOR FAMILY CS1 TERRAPINS ll PKR DOZEN. 81 GOVERNMENT SALES. A UCTION SALE HOSPITAL BEDDING, CLOTHING. DHESS1NUS. ETC. Assistant Mkiucal Pukvkyok's Office, I Washington, D. C. AiiKiist 80, 1809. SOU. j i Will be gold at Public, Auction, in tills city, on TUESDAY, the 28th. da of September, 1869, ut Judiciary Square Depot, E street, between Fonrth and Piitli streets, at lo A. M., a large nuautity oi HOSPITAL PROPERTY, consisting of BcddliiK, Clothtnpr, and Dressings,' uuiouR wliicli will be found the following, viz. : 3,0i'(i Bed Sacks. '2,Bi)ii BlnnkctH. 4,noo Counterpanes. 4,iK.t) (iutta Pcn-lia Bed Covers. 4,fo0 Ilulr Pillows. B,W 0 Pillow I'asea. 6,(iit0 Linen Sheets. Ifi.noo Drawers. a."i,(iti0 Shirts. 8,(ioo Hocks. lO.diiO dozen Roller Bandages. Also, Napkins, Cotton aud Woollen Tape, Picked Lint, Cotton Wnddlnp, Red Flannel, Saddlers' Silk, Linen Thread, I4,ooo pounds Condensed Milk, 20,000 pounds Beef Extract, All the above articles are new, and never havo been used. Catalogues, containing full particulars, ready ten dovs before sale. Terms cash, lu (iovernment funds. Twenty-live per cent, deposit required nt time Of sale, aiil all goods to tie removed in live days. CHARLES SUTHERLAND, Assistant Medical Purveyyor, Brevet Colonel V. S. A. 9 2!1 4t OVERNMENT SALE OF BONDED (1O0D8 RE- X niaiiilng ln store over three years. Will be sold, at (Jodloy'a Bonded Warehouse-, GRANITE Street, on FRIDAY, October 8, 1869, at 11 o'clock A. JL, viz. : Per barque "Frei'Gullas master, from Rotterdam June 11. 1H0O 1 cask tlio, mark Palm Tree C. Im ported by (ieorge C. Carson it Co. Per Outside Line, from New Bedford June 19, ISM 2 casks and three H ensks Wine, mark W. D. Im ported bv William Derbyshire. Per railroad line, from New York July 23, lSfio-19 baskets Wine, mark S. S. N. Imported by S. S. Nor- l'er steamer "Propontis," Higglnson master, from Liverpool August, 0, 180013 baskets Champagne, mark (i. (II.) V. Imported by (J. II. v1(" Per railroad line, from New York August 12, 1800--Twelve ps. Brandy, mark A. VV. luipoited by A, lvrbrig "Matilda," Anderson master, from St Bartholomew August 28, 18o-4 barrels Lead Ore. Imported by Janutche 4. Lavergne. Per barque "Jupiter," iiradlierrlng master, from London September 21, 18CU-16 dozen bottles V .tno, niarKs j, v. a, co. uuu j. . Schmidt. HENRY D. MOOHE, Collector of Custom SAMUEL C. Clm, 0 22 23 2S 27 29 8010 6 I Auctioneer. f, OVratSMST7SLAlMKI) GOODS b remaining Iu Warehouse, Will be sold "'"'uDAY. GcwIk-T 8, 1809, ut GRANITE Street, on FlUiiA i, lf0 o'clock A. Htl n WaUion, master, front P.uenno'june W WutUu U' M. orA.'N. iserry," Bradley, master, front Per brig 'jf.0! two demijohns Liiior. Saguii, Junei' '2r(,(roryi.. Gregory, master, from l'erbai !"B 0 itM tlrwl packages sampltj ficuoa, iu0 " , CTt.tU'srliooner "Ralph Souder," Crosby, master, , 1 .iifiiHboro, September, lbos,one small package, mark Ji iUnlugto Jr., tare of Medara & t'1l..p,hrlir "Bride," from Messina, January 27, 18o3, V '.. I lllaa. n.lilr.-u.oil .lilhll Vrillll'lu nnn IK1X illCl v,littliiiv, v.... ....... - Collector of Customs. SAMUEL C. COOK, -9 22 23 25 11 29 8010 4 61 Auctioneer, (