THE DAILY, EVENING. TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, -WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, f 1809. rrawo auraciyiARir. CUT Affairs. -- At a meeting of captaina unci Khip-ownors ... 'Aft owning it was decided to continue the established rates of freight for the tumooia tiim 8 vessols as they are at present $2T.O to Boston and points eastward of it, and $2-25 to llhode Inland ports. The announcement was mode that the asso ciation intended to test the legal right of pilots to charge half-pilotage to vessels in the coasting trade, when they performed no Rcrvice whatever, merely hailing the vessel at the entrance to a harbor, and then sending in a bill for half -pilotage! Vessel-owners con aider this an unnecessary tax on commerce, no service being rendered, and a meeting is to be held on the first Wednesday in October, by the Board of Directors, to take action with reference to the half-pilotago. The Board of Aldermen met yesterday, Alderman Beitler, President, in the chair. The object of the meeting was to fill the places of canvassers who were ineligible under the Registry law, or who had declined to act. The Board refused to make any changes in the places for the canvassers to sit. A num ber of canvassers were elected to fill vacan cies. On motion of Alderman Bonsall, the Board was directed to apply to the City Councils for Rn appropriation of $200, to pay M. A. Drop fiie, Esq., for profestional services in the Su preme Court, when the constitutionality of the Kegistry law was tested. Alderman McMullon movod that the Board be directed to njake a similar application for the payment of .fl'OO to Wm,' L. Hirst, Esq., for his services on behalf of the people. The motion was laid on the table. Alderman Toland offered the following: liesvlvcd, That the canvassers of the bo vera! divisions, or a majority of them, be and they are hereby instructed to issue subpoenas to all persons whom they have reason to suspect have been surreptitiously or illegally placed on the extra assessment list, commanding such persons to appear before them and pro duce receipts for taxes, and if a naturalized citizen to produce his papers, and also ' two qualified voters, whose names are under head of private householders, who shall be ex amined under oath or affirmation, and evi dence shall be required of them that such Eerson is personally known to them, and that e had all the qualifications required by law, and if such persons fail to appear and produce such evidence as is by law required, their names shall be stricken from the registry by drawing a line through them. ' The resolution was passed, and the clerk was directed to notify the canvassers of its passage. The Board then adjourned without naming any day for the next meeting. Domestic Aflalra. . Gold closed yesterday at 137 J. Chaves, Republican, is elected Delegate to Congress from New Mexico. The National Convention of Universale ists is in session at Virginia City. , Governor Walker was yesterday installed as Provisional Governor of Virginia. Ex-Secretary Seward was at Los Angeles, yesterday, en route to San Francisco. The grain in shock in the vicinity of St. Paul, Minn., was badly wetted on Sunday by a heavy rain storm. , The steamer Fendileeter has been for feited to the Unitod States, at Portland, Ore gon, for violation of the Revenue laws. Mayor Lecke, of Jefferson, Texas, has been impeached by the Councils for abstrac tion of public money. His trial commences to-day. Some whisky distillers now propose to become honest, and chase dishonest distillers away by aiding the revenue officers to catch them. The miners' strike at Port Henry N. Y., still continues, and several miners have been boaten severely for working against the orders of the strikers. - The Maine Senate stands twenty-eight Republicans to three Democrats, and the House one hundred and thirteen Republicans to thirty-four Democrats. A serious break in the Erie Canal took place yesterday at Pool's Brook, near Kirk ville. It will take several days to repair it. Navigation will be delayed. Mary Ennis has been committed for trial in New .York for drawing her pension, having been married again since the death of her first husband, a Union soldier. The platform of the New York State De mocratic Convention will oppose the fif teenth amendment, and it will demand the restoration of the Southern States and a gene ral amnesty. - Foreign Affairs. It is rumored in Madrid that General Sickles has withdrawn his note to Marshal Serrano. The rail Mall Gazette gives J. Ross Browne's "Chinese policy" a review, -and thinks he has made a mistake. George Patton, Lord Justice's Clerk of Scotland, has disappeared, and it is feared he has been foully dealt with. Prussia, in attempting to annex the Grand Duchy of Baden, is accused of a violation of the treaty of Prague. The Madrid correspondent of the Lon don Times thinks Minister Sickles a mere tyro in diplomacy, and incapable of prejudg ing the effect of his words. Hence the row he has created. . The Pope, in reply to Dr. dimming s letter, says that the (Ecumenical Council is nnt for the discussion of condemned errors, tnt to allow Protestants to come again into the Roman Catholic Church. rorel&rn EJternry Items. Dr Pospati, of Constantinople, who has published a small work on the grammar of the Uipsy aiaieci usuu vy , : j" is now preparing a larger work, which is to incniue laies ami v ? ,' :, Vi n'ia ,i;.,l.r rpspmliloH the I lim ine cramiutu:. xuo . - carian Gipsy, with modifications derived from ' ir.n TllVl-turi BTill 1)111 1'ftl mU AAtitK observations of Dr. Pospati are in corrobora tion of the Indian origin of the language. a 1 i;rt0tinria in fhA nrfiRH lit LOtl stantinople ia the second volume of the new ?;rr Vu,i wi,. As th ism Turkish. a vM-eirw Wee contribu- 20U paces uuuuuuvu - - tion, this portion being only on Vendors and Purchasers. It is a harmony of the hheriat, or Code of Islam, with the Code Napoleon, and has been carefully prepared from the t. Ktfiiiinoui autno- l eiwas oi iuu - rities, and particularly the Imam Azam. -A fine sample of a certain sort of French r. Vir at An Cornv. in a pen- crvucism fciv""j"" r, ,rh odical edited by M. Arsene Houssaye. The ?.UC.V,. iir ia AHnenialfv nraisod for his thoroughly German-like poem We are Seven." As a German composer hfted JJfbeS ltoseof Summer" to h.s side of Ane iw vi,i nt. M. Werni take ne name , wjr ; - finJ tbem? critio does not seem to have been in his con fidence. r'Gargnntna" is ofton supposed to be of Rabelais' creation; but comparative myco logists do not allow it, and M. II. Gaido. has now come forward, in the llei ue. ArcJtcolojique, to show that the original Gargantna was Our guntius, the mythic Ron of the mythio Beli nuff, both kings of Great Britain. Giraldus Cambrensis describes this " Oitrffuntiiu, flint nohilis Mitt JJcleni," and Geoffrey of Monmouth gives two chapters to Bolinus' son and successor, Ourginnt Brabtruo (or Grimbeard). Gargantua M. Gaidoz explains as "the Devourer, and thinks that he may have Imen originally a personification of the sun. However that may be, it is certain that legends about Gargantua werp prevalent in France and Great Britain long before Rabe lais' time. -- - The raU Mall Gazette says: The tone of the letter addressed to the newspapers by Messrs. Wharton and Fords, the solicitors of "the descendants and representatives of the late Lady Noel Byron," is not easily recon cilable with a prevalent belief among per sons likely to be well informed that the said descendants and representatives had some time since made up their minds to publish the correspondence in their keeping relating to Lord and Lady Byron's conjugal differ1 enccs. Whatever may have been the reason which ultimately determined - Lord Went worth and his sister to postpone the publication of their grandmother's papers, Mrs. Stowe cannot be such a tlagrant otl'ondor against proprieties in publishing what Lady Byron told her without injunction of secrecy if her own grandchildren have already seriously thought of printing her correspondence. It will be observed that Messrs. Wharton and Fords, in their carefully composed letter, make no charge of material inaccuracy against Mrs. Stowe, but dwell on the incompleteness of her statement. It is to be inferred that substantially Mrs. Stowe's statement is cor rect, and that more remains to be told: worse cannot be behind. It is believed that the ad ditional information in their possession is chiefly of acts of violence by Lord Byron. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Xewa see First rage. A I.MAN AO FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DA 7. fim Kikkb 6'47 1 Moon Rihes 700 Bun Bets 558 1 Hioh Water a ijj PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. T. S. Hoon, ) C. J. Hoffman, ( Committee of tiir Month. Tkomah U. Hand, ) MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN NTEAMSIIlPsT" FOR AMKRIOA. Cordova London New York An. 28 Kinidt Bremen New York .Kept. 1 Denmark Liverpool New York Sept. 1 O. of Limerick. .Antwerp New York Sept. j Aleppo Liverpool.. ..Now York via Boa... .Sept. 7 Pennsylvania... .Liverpool . ...New York Sept 8 Cambria. Glasgow New York Sept. 1(1 Hcotia Liverpool... ..New York Kept 11 Ktna Liverpool..... New York via Hal... Sept. 11 Bellona London New York Sept 11 Viile de Paria.. .Brest New York Kopt 11 Oinibria Havre New York Sept. 11 O. of New York. Liverpool New York, via Hal.. .Sept 11 VUIU iHUUbUMliilbUU . ... 1)111 LllUOrO.. . . FOR KUROPK. ...Sept. 11 Nevada Java Palmyra Donau Cordova City of Boston .New York . ...Liverpool .New York. ...Liverpool .New York . ...Liverpool . . . .New York. ...Bremen ..Sept. 22 ...Kept. 23 ..Sept. 23 ..Kept. 23 .new York....Lionuon... Sept. 25 .New York. ...Liverpool Kept. as a city 01 ruriH New York F.ivnrnrtol .Uot. GOAKTWlSK. DOMKSTIO. KTO. Yazoo Itiilada New Orleans. Prometheus Pbiuida . . . Charleston Missouri New York. ...Havana Columbia. New York. ...Havana, via Nas. ...Sept. 23 ...Kept. 23 ...Sept. 23 ...bept. 23 ...Sent. 23 North America. ivew xorK....Kto .tanelro..... Morro Castle New York. ...Havana ....Sept. 23 'J onawanda Jfmlada Savannah Sept. 25 Cleopatra New York.. ..Vera Cruz Sept. 25 Alaska New York.... Apinwall Oct. 6 Mails are forwarded by every steamer in the regular lines. The steamers for or from Liverpool call at Queenstown, ex cept the Canadian line, which oall at Londondorry. The steamers for or from the Continent call at Southampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer R. 'Willinit, Cundilf, bultimore, A. Groves, Jr. Steamer Mayflower, Fultz, New York. V. P. Clyde ft Co. Steamer Moverly, Pierce, New York, W. P. Clyde ft Co. Kteamer u. cinaie, nieuue. new i orK, w. f. ClydeftOo. inn 1 nomas jeiiiTHon, Alien, Baltimore, with a tow of tniroes. W. P. Clvde ft Co. Tug Commodore, Wilson, Havre-de Grace, with a tow of barges to w. tr . iiyae a to. arrivedTesterday! Steamer S. C. Walker. Shnrin. 24 houra from Naur Va-1t with mdse. to W. M. Barrd 4 Co. ' L- f.. V..I... i r . DLVOiuvi ..... j i ........ j u.i, n uuu iruui new X OTIC. Wit h mdse. to W. P. Clyde ft Oo, f i.rt. DriK Marianna i v , uoncaives, no asys from Lisbon, with salt, cork, etc., to Jose de Bossa Guimaraes. Schr Ariadne. Thomas, 1 day from Smyrna, Del., with grain to Jas. L. Bewley ft Oo. penr 0. mi'i-uvii(., muuuvut, irnn unuffoport. Schr (. H. Bent, Smith, from Boston. Schr W. W, Marcy, Champion, from Boston. Schr K. Kidder, linker, from Providence. Sohr Lillian, Grillin, from Providence. Schr Transit. Rackett, from Portland. Suhr i. B. Mc.Farland, McFarland, from New York. Schr W. F. Phelps, Cranmer, from Salem. Schr R. Peterson, KnKlisb, from Kaloin. Hi lir J. Crockford, Davis, from Fall River. Schr Alabama. Vangilder, from Fall River. m T I .) TlAUnl.A 11 .. 1 . : - . M UK nilUWU, 1 1 U1U IMllllliUIV, ITIkllt UWU1 bawstoW. P.Clyde Co. , Tug Chesapeake, Merrihew, from Havre-Qe-Grftce, with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde ft Co. UprHal Drtpatrh to Tht Kvrning Trhgraph. Hatkb-pc-Qrace, Sept, 22. The following boats left bore in tow this morning : wolvvrton ft i insman, witn lumner woivorton. 8. 1). Seilor.with lumber, for Jersey City, Charles ft Wells, with lumber to order. Minnie, with pig iron, to Roberts. Hurry Craig, with lumber to Craig ft Blanoh&rd. Georpe Giine, with lumber, for Camden. U. S. Grant, with lumber to MvIWain ft Bush. Correipondfnrf of The Evening Trlrnraph. EASTON ft MoMAHON'S BULLETIN. New Vnim Office. Sent. 2L Four barges leave ia tow to-night for Baltimore, light. A. L. Maaon, with iron, for Philadelphia. Flour City, with lumber, ror uunimore. Baltimouk Branch Office, Sept. 21. The following rgea leave in tow to night, eaatward : Wm. Avers: A. J. Kirkoauick; aud S. A. Clark, with coal, for New York. L. S. 0. MEMORANDA. Shin Saranak, Turley. tor Philadelphia, sailed from Holyhead 4th mat. hteambaip norman, uroweu, nence, si. oosiin win inst. Stounishio Hunter. Hardiug. for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence lHth inst. Hartiue Veteran, cathcart, nence, at isosion Jitu Inst. Baruuo Klla Moore, Mars ten, for Philadelphia, cleared at London 6th inst. Barque j. u. vticawire, wuey, ror rniiaaeipnia, sailed from Glasgow tith inst. Brig Florence, ot Halifax, for Philadelphia in 3 days, was at Kingston, ,Ja , 1st inst. Brig Annsndale, Warren, hence, at Boston 30th Inst. Brig C. V. Williams, Beadling, 27 days from Cienfuegos, at New York 2tn inst. Had strong head winds all the passage, bept. 6, lat. St), long. 76, encountered a severe f:ale, commencing from N. and goug round to W.SVV., dewing fiercely for 3 days; blow away lower and upper topsails, washed everything movable from the dock, started vessel leaking, and shitted oargo. Brig S. P. Browji, Townaend, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence lth inst. Brig Hover, Flavin, hence, at Halifax 14th inst. Biig J. U. Crowley, C'owley, hence, at Boston 20th inst. Brig Delmont Locke, Coo h ran. cleared at Fernandina 13th inst. for Port Spain - was reported bound to Philadel phia, ScbrAdelia, Foster, for Philadelphia, cleared at St John, N. B., lHh inst. Schr Reno, Foster, for Philadelphia, sailed from Ports mouth Itith inst. Schr N. J. Miller, Dunham, hence for St. John, N. B., at Stnuington lHth inst. Pchr Rebecca and Elizi,Prioe, for Pblladolphla, sailed frAtn Rritttitl lHth inst. u. iirti A Millar. Bmwn. hence for Boston, and It. .T. Raynor. Hutchinson, hence for Norwich, at New London Schrs Brandywine, Adams; M. W. Hupper, Hopper; M. M. Merrmian, iiaooui ; aim m. . uwi, lor i una ..i..i.i. ..A rr...n Nnwnort P. M. 17th inst. Kcht James Bears, Carroll, htuce for Norwalk, at New T.l d... 1. Uul Sehra A. (. Grace, Gilohrlst, and M. Reinhart, Cherry, i,:in'..i..l.iu fi-om Kaloin l9Lh iust. Schr William 6. Iiish, Rathbuu, hence for Boston, at 88cbr Marth'aHichols, Small, hence, at Boston lth Inst. Schr Ida F. Wheeler, Dyer, cleared at Portland lath inst, for Caibarien. w Schr Eliza J. Raymond, Rayner, henoe, at Norwich 17th '"schr Onward, Norwofid, from Provldenoe for PhiUdel S?.ZVOobMoVphiUdelphi., cleared at Jew York sihrCloud, Seaman, hence, at Richmond Nth inst. KOTIOR TO MARINERS. Th Provincial Oovernment of Para, Brazil, has ;Wsn BoliA that th. liKhtvMxrf near tb. .od f Biwihj baniVntranc. of th. riv.r Para, baa boon moved from tb. fathoms, about, one and a half mile from the oe of Bra sanna shoal : from bur the point of the island of Taioca htan 8. bl K. id K., and Cnrara Point BK. Pasitlon, lak 0 BH B.. lon. 6A W. from Wrwmwlob. Diniotiona- Ships cominst from the eastward should, as soon as the liiihtvessnl bears west, steer for her, and, panning north, steer HW. as soon as they have rono led her. A II bearinirs arc Bauetio. Variation 1 de. 61 min. Westerly in lnfc9. . Byordej. W. B. RHUBRIOK, Chairman. Treasury Department, OfBos) LtKhthouM Board, Waahinsv ton, l. U, Sept. 2, im. OARPETINQ9, ETO. fJEW CARPCTINC8. IWCALllIM, CREASE & SIOAN, Ko. 509 CHESN17T STJIEET, Importers and Retailers of Of every deicrlptlon. FALL IMPORTATIONS. NEW DESIGNS IN MOQUETTEi CR08SLE. S VELVETS, 6-4 WIDE, In original ami exclusive patterns. 1000 PIECES BllUSSELS,' Of the best English manufacture, of new and novel stiles, roaoy of them designed expressly for us. 1000 riECES CROSSLEY TArESTRIES, ' aji the newest styles. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN OIL CLOTHS. McCALLUM, CHEASE & SLOAN'S CAErETINQ AND OIL CLOTH WAREHOUSE, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET, ' rnii.ADEi.niiA, 0 8 wfmsm Opposite Independence Hall. FJEW STYLES V OF . ciinrsTirjGs, AMERICAN AND ENGLISH, AT- THE LOWEST PRICES. JOSEPH BLACKWOOD, No. 832 ARCH STREET, 0 6im Two doors below Ninth, south side. C A R 1 E rX I IV 5S AND OIL CLOTHS. REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, No. 1222 CHESNUT STREET, 0 9 wsnilTtrp PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SALES. CtOVEKNMKKT MA Lit OF UtJiN UK1 UOOUS KK T mulnlntt in store over three years. Will be sold, at Godley's Bonded Warehouse. GRANITE Street, on FRIDAY, October 8, 18I9, at 11 o'clock A. M viz. : l'er barnue "Frei, 'ounas masitT, irora ltotternam June 11, 16C0 1 cask Glu, mark Pulm Tree C Im ported by Guorgo C. Carson & Co. Per Outside Line, from New Hedrord June 19, 1SG0 -2 casks and three M casks Wine, mark W. D. Im ported by William Derbyshire. per raiiroau line, iroiu ikw xotk .iwy xa, l'wia baskets .Wine, mark S. S. N. Imported by S. s. Nor- cross. . l'er steamer "Propontis," inirsrtnson master, from Liverpool August 0, lstid 13 basktts Champa-jne, mark G. (II.) V. Imported by (. II. Vandyke v Co. Per railroad line, from New York August 22, isg6 Twelve ps. Drauily, mark A. W. Imported by A. wenigcr. Per brig "Matilda," Anderson master, from St. Ilartholomew August 28, lsiW 4 barrels Lead Ore. Imported by Janutche & Laverfrue. l'er barque "Jupiter," liradlierrinsr master, from London September 21, I860 16 dozen bottles Wine, marks J. W. A- Co. aud 1. K. Imported by Phil. Schmidt. HENRY D. MOORE, Collector of Customs. SAMUEL C. COOK, 9 22 23 2S 27 29 3010 4 5 T Auctioneer. OVERNMENT SALE OF UNCLAIMED GOODS T remaining In store over one year. Will bo sold at Godle.v's Uonded Warehouse, GRANITE Street, on FRIDAY, October 8, lsoy, at 11-30 o'clock A. M., viz. : Per brig ' S. W. Welsh," Watson, master, from ralermo, June 1, 1808, oue valise Clothing, mark G. M. or A. N. Per brig "George Berry," Bradley, master, from Sagua. Jane 10, is!8, two demijohns Liquor. l'er barque "H. uregory," Gregory, master, from Genoa, June 30, 1808, three packages sample Cotton. . , l'er schooner "Ralph Bonder," Crosby, master, from Ilillsboro, September 4, 1808, one small package, mark E. 1'eiinlngtou, Jr., care of Medara & Cahada. Per brhTRrlde,"' from Messina, January 2", 1808, oue box merchandise, addressed John Francis. ilJlINMl IK JHUUKE, Collector of Customs. SAMUEL C. COOK, 9 22 23 2fi 27 29 3010 4 8 7 Auctioneer. HOSIERY QOODS. J. WILLIAM HOFMANN, No. 9 N. EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia, Dealer In ' Hosiery Goods, Offers for sale a large assortment of Hosiery, for Ladles', Gents', ta Children's wear; Socks, three quarter 6oks, and Long Hose, of English and Ger man manufacture. UNDHRWI3AII t Of Cartwrlght A Warner's manufacture, acknow ledged to be the bes imported. Also, the Nerfolk.and New Brunswick, acknow ledged to be the bes of American Goods. These Goods In all sizes, for 4 T wsly Soring and Snmmer Wear. E STAULISHED 1819. Tlie New Vork 1 vein ft' and l"a'iutlns 12tallilsmeiiif 8TATKN ISLAND, No. 4U North KIG11TH Street (West Side). Philadelphia: NaVU UUANK Struet and IbH HKOADVVAY, JSew York. This old and wall known Company are prepared, as usual. With the highest degree of skill, and the woet approved ma binary, TO DXK, CLKANhK and FINISH every variety of I.AUIKS' and (iKNU'LKMKN'S ()AHMN1'S, ud t'lK.CK, CUUUH, in their usoal auuerier uianner l OARMENT8 CLKANttl) l W ilOLlC a U fiuwUm NOTiC This ia our only uttioe lu I'hiladolphia. WILLIAM ANDER8ON & CO., DEALER? in Fine Whiskies, No. 146 North SECOND Street, Philaduluhia, 1?MPIRE PLATE MANTEL WORKS. J. B. SHIPPING. tv CHARLESTON, 8. C ' T1IK BOTJTn AND 80TJTIIWB8T. 1TA8T FREIGHT LINE, , EVERY THUESDAY. The Stcamnhlpd ri?OMETIlETJ8, cptaln Gray, and j. w. itvjut.nAiN, captain inncKicy, WILL FORM A HKWULA R WEEKLY LINE. The pwamfhlp UtOMKTHEUH will BaU on TIU'BSPAY, Keptcmher 23, at 4 P. M. Througn diiir oi lacuna given in connection wun C. It. JC to point In the South and Southwest. Insurance at lowest rates. Kates of freight as low as by any other route, r or freight, apply to Kht. anplf i B. A. HOUIXiR ca. SS2tf DOCK 8TKKKT WIIAiiP. "OR LIVERPOOL ANC UKENSTOWN Inman Lin. of MaU teamara . .niuiini tt , I n(. lows ' niyoi isaiiimore, via Halifax, Tnt sday, Nept. 81, at 1P.M City of lloitton, Kalnrday, Kopt. v at 1 P. M. Oityof Parn, Kalnnlny. Oi-t. 2, at P. M. I'lna via Halifax), Tunaday. Ovt. 5, at 1 P. M A.d each StlOoeedinff KaLnnlAV nA alt Am! Tt,mm from Pier &, North Hirer. RATK8 OF PA88AOF. B.T TTI! fAn' 'TKAMJUt SArUf" KVKBT SATtTBDaT. Parable In Ctlri P-vhlA In f h..... FIRST CA BIN tlm.STKKRAOK. loiinnon. jii., 'Jo Ixindon 41 To Paris 116 1 To Paris 47 fashaue n init luraiMi stiamku, via Halifax. , KIKHT CAIMN. oTKKRAR. Parable inCeld. Pavabla in nn.nn. IJverpooL. . . - 9 "0' Liver ool. $W lialifnx , au, Halifax 16 St. John's. N. F., ..'St. John's, N. K, i.y tiranrn hteanier.... by Branch Btamer....j I'aasenapra forwarded to llavra. II et o. at reduced rates. Jlckptscan b. bought here at modnrata rnioa h n sons wixhina; to send for their friends, For further information armlvat. I he nnmn-nv'a rwn..- u wnn u. UAJUH., aieni, no. 10 KKOAUWAY, O'DO.NNtf 1 I, A KAIM.R- Aiant. 4 6 No. 411CHKSNUT Street, Philadelphia. v-tTONLY EIRECT LINE TO FRANCE EkTV KEN WtW YORK AND UAVRJI. CALLING AT ir rf.ol Tha anlnnln nn.K .....I. nn 1L. - .A . . Tnooo.a i-u i hi. lavorire rooioiorms Continent will sail from I'ler No. 60, North river, ever PDTflV rxp n . oa t rm In gold (Including wine). . . TO UKKST Oil HAVTtTt. riniutDin I4U Mooond Cabin $8 . ,. iu raun, Tnnlnninff rallaraw I.. b r. ..(-! i l . First Cabin $146 Second Cabin I bese steamers do not carry steerage pasaenirera. Medical attendance free of charare. uurrauraira irorn me OOI tment of Kurope, by takin the stoamors of this linetroir nnneceseary risks from transit by Knglish railways an crossing th. ctuumel, besides savins timo, trouble, andar Pense. OKOHOK MACKK.n'ziK, Aient. . ...Ko. 68 BROADWAY. New York. For pasMte in Philadelphia, apply at Adams' Kxprel " H. I,. LKAF, l No. 830 OHKSNUT Street. LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP LINE FOR NEW YORK. . Ballini on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday, REDUCTION OF RATES. Freisht bv this line taken at 19 - - fv. aW IfUUUUS, centa Der foot, or 1 cent iwr minn .hini. : .a ' y m.. m wbiuu. All vane, chanea caahed at nffim nn Pia- . at all time, on oovored wharf. JOHN F, OHL, 9 28? Pier 19 North Wharves. B. N. Kitra-rates on small packages Iron, metal, etc PHILADELPHIA. RICHMOND, TANP NORFOLK BTKAM8HIP T.INR PVXJM'-4 THOUOll FRKIG1I V AIR JL1NB TO Bti3aCX-iTHE SOUTH AND WEST. u......a uniuivLrai. At bMn IMM Xi'lDC'P W111DU -i a.v.nM Street " "a niuiu. auuvs iTiAr.iv IV I THROUGH RATES to all points in North and Soutl i,"'"""-' u ;r Jiue naiiroaa, oonneetina- ai Portsmouth and to Lvnohburg, Va., Tonnesseo. and th W est, via Virginia ami Tennessee Air Lina.and Richmond and Danville Railroad. rrcipiii iiABULMj but uUK, and taken at LOWII RATES THAN ANY OTHER. LINK. J u? ".u'"r" aieiy, ana oneapness or this route com mend it to the public aa the most desirable medium carrying every description of freight. trunsferT ' " " -w (steamships insurer at the lowest ratoa. Freight received dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDK & CO., No. 12 H. WHARVES and Pier 1 N. WHARVES. W. P. PORTER. Agent at Richmond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL A CO.. Agents at Norfolk. 61, . CP ha, NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK, VIJ LrVr? DKLAWARR AND RARITAN oXnAL. Kaasai mM 4 EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY 'J ho CHEAPEST and OUIOKKST .X .,..1.. tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave dailv from first wharf below Afa-f.- .street, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street. New Yorl uouun uininruvu uy an me noes running out oj xVei York, North, East, and West, free of commission. Freight received and forwarded on acoouimodatui terms. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, No. 13 S. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia, JAMES HAND, Agent. S 3 No. 119 WALL Street, New York NEW EXPRESS LINE TO Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington, D. C. via Chesapeake and Delaware (lanal. urit.h couuect ions at Alexandria from the most direct route for Lynchburg. Bristol. Knoxvilla. Naahviila. Unltin. an.l'iha Southwest. Steamers leave regularly every Saturday at noon from tb first wharf above Market street. Freight received daily. . . WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Na 14 North and South Wharves. 17YPF. A TYLER, Agonta, at Georgetown; M F.LDBIDGK & CO., Agonta at Alexandria. 61 NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK, VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal, SWIETSURB TRANSPORTATION COMPANY DKJt PATCH AND SW1FTSURE LINE. The business by these lines will be resumed on and aftet the 8th of March. For freights, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to , T . vv. in. a jj.t No. 132 South Wharves, HOOP SKIRTS, ETO. 1115. H p K 1 r 8 HOOP-SKIKT AND COKSET MANU FACTORY AND SAIiEtt.KOOMS, No. 1115 ClfESNUT STREET. Our CHAMPION SKlRTS.Ibetter and cheaper than all others. 19 to 60 springs, 6o. to '$2 26. Our Keystone Skirts, 80 to 60 springs, 60s. to $140; New York .made Skirts, from SO to 40 springs, 45 to 75o. ' R. Werley Corsets, K2'60, $8'60, $4 50. Beckel Corsets, from $1 to $7. Thomson's "Glove-fitting" Corsets, from $2 20 to $5. Mrs. Moody's patent self-adjusting abdominal support ing Corsets, from $3 to $7 highly recommended by phy sicans, and should be examined by every lady. Over 40 other varieties of Corsets, from 76c. to 9960. Skirts and Corsets made to order, altered and repaired. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 7 233m WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. CLOTHS, OAS8IMERES, ETO. QLOTH HOUSE. A FULL LINE OF Tall and "Vv'inter Goods, Specially adapted to the City Merchant Tailor Trade, AT TDK LOWEST MARKET PRICES. JAMES & LEE. BION OF THE GOLDEN LAMB, NO. 11 NORTH SECOND STREET. 8 29 W LEGAL. NOTIOES. TESTATE OF AQUILA HAINES, DECEASED. 14, i otters of apminiatration upon tha estate of AOI71LA HAINES, deceaeod, haying been granted to fi,. ..n.lemiaiied, all persona indebted to said estate are leouested to make payment, and those having claims to prerA No. 1406 CAM AO Street, Or his Attorney, JOHN ROBERTS, 818wf "-j No. 12ttS. SIXTH Street M M'MAHOlf. wi - - - - aa. jr . . . r aru-i a AaT totfist iw nan..,,. . V nrui m s " -- rz.... ii K. fi OOKN I'fl tori. Ka iH bOUTU WUAHVKH. PhiUdelphl. iiirra UIID U.u. V t. ,re prepared to ahip every deacription of Freight to InliiarWew York, Wilmington, and intermedial, with promptness and despatch. Canal boats aud N Sk. at VA I' n A I nUtltl. AJBlLllllttrsS. H'l an lhiln1a t; iotiT 6 D ft KINKEI.IN CAN BE CONSULTED ON all diseasea of a certain specialty, 0tc hours, 9 WATOHE9, JEWELRY, ETO. XtWlSLADOMUSfi co; DIAMOND DEALERS A JltWElEUS.Y WATt'HSS, 4EWRURT A RILV Kit vTiHk. .WATOHES uvd JEWELS! REPAIRED. .jgg Ctettnut 8t., f Mlv Ladies' and Gents' Watches. AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, Of the moat celebrated makers. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINES, in 14 and 18 karat. DIAMOND an other Jewelry of the latent designs. Engagement and Wedding Rlaga, In 18-karat and coin. Hold Sllver-Waie for Bridal Presents, Table mw lery, Plated Wars, eta 8 sri ESTABLISHED 1828. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, and FANCY GOODS. O. W. RUSSELL, NO. Sa N. SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM B. WARNE & CO., Wholesale Pealers In VlTl'llli'U .Ml, IIU)VTt)V b. K. corner KKVKNTH and CHKSNUT Rtrots, 8 241 Second lloor, and late of No. 85 B. TH 1RD St. PATENTS. OFFICES FOR PROCURING FATENTS , FORREST BUILDINGS, lSTo. 119 S. FOURTH STREET, PHILA,, And Mirble Buildings, No. 4C0 SEVENTn Street, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C H. IIOWSON, Solicitor of Patents. C. IIOWSON, Attorney at Law. Communications to be addressed to the Principal Office, Philadelphia. 9 1Tlm PATENT OFFICES, N. W. Corner FOURTH and CHESNUT, (Entrance on FOURTH street). IF It AN CIS D. PASTOHXUS, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Parents procured for inventions in the United .States and Foreign Countries, and all business ro tating to the same promptly transacted. Call r send for circulars on Patents. Open till 9 o'clock every evening. 8 6smth p A TENT OFFICES. N. W. Corner F0UHTH and WALJltfT, PHILADELPHIA. 4 FEES LESS THAN ANY OTHER RELIABLE AGENCY. Send for pamphle on Patents. 8 4thBtn? CnARLES n. EVANS. OTATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. STATE O Richta of s valuable Invention juat patented, and for the SLICING, CUTTING, and UUIf PING of dried heef, cabbage, etc, are hereby ottered for sale. It is an article or irreat value to proprietors or iioteis ana restaurant, and it should be introduced into every family. STATK KIOHTS for sale. Model can be seen at TELKGKAPH OH1UK, CUOPIIK'H PUIJX1. n.J. 6 27tf MUNDY 4 HOFFMAN. QENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. rrilK FOIJWT OF FASHION. GENTS' FUKNISIIINO STORE. MBS. MIKNIE OUM MINGS bas opened the absve- named plac, at No. 119 South EIGH1H Street, where gentlemen exo tind evrrrthlog in their line. The best fitting SlilKTa in th. city, raidy made or mad. to order. Furchaiers of twelve articles recoive the thirteenth as a Gift. UMBRELLAS TO HIRE for 25 cents. Uandkercbiefa ht mined free of charge. Polite Salesladies in attendanoe. A call is reapectlulljr solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. 93 MINNIE CUM MINQB. Ha Sa K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Cloves. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENTS' GLOVES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., B27!rp No. 814 CHESNUT Street. pATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, . AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS mude from measurement at very short notice. All other articles of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS in full variety. WINCHESTER CO., 11 9 No. 708 CHESNUT Street PROPOSALS. : QFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND. TBEAsrmT Department of Pennsylvania, IlAHBlhUUllU, August 20, lsoU ) Sealed bids will b. received for the redemption of ONE MILLION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, due J uly 1, 1870, until 12 o'clock M., October 1, 18ti9. Communications to be addressed to R. W. MAOKEY, Esq., Stat. Treasurer, Hamsburr, Ptnnsylr s, and endorsed Bid for Redemption of State Loan. " F. JORDAN, Secretary of State. J. F. HARTRANKT, "Auditor-General. R. W. MACKKy, State Treaaurtr. Commissioners of th. Sinking Fond. N. B.- No newspaper publishing tha above without authority will receive pay therefor. 8 33 lm IRE GUARDS, FOR STORE FRONTS, ASYLUMS, FAC TORIES, ETO. ratent Wire RulUnir, Iron Bedsteads, Ornamental Wire Work, l'aiier-niukers' Wires, aud every variety of Wire Work, uiunufactursd by M. WALKER & SONS, No. 11 N. SIXTHSlreet. 2 8fmw PORNY'S TASTELESS Fruit Preserving Powder, la warranted to keep Strawberries superior to any know proceaa, aa wall sa other fruit, without bain. alr-Ucb Frio. W eents s pickmta. Sold by tb. crocus. ZAMK, NOUN Y sV CO., Proprietors, IttlM Ho. Worth BEOOND St. PhiUdS. fOIlN FARNUM & CO., COMMISSION MER tt chants and Manufacturers of (Joneatoga Ticking, etc. o,CULUNL flnliui AMUSEMENTS. "IK9. JOI1M DREW'S ARCH STREET 1I TRFATRK. TJoeliiB K to 9. PbSIUVKLY LAST flVK MUHTS OF THE LYDIA ' ,rI IIUMfHUN TUOUFK, Monday, Tuenday, Vednoday, and Thursday. TIIK I.ORTY THlfcVKH. Commencing with the two Great Scene, of V . . M "'" LYDIA THOMPSON rridny-Lydia ThiSupwin's Benefit, blNBAD ANU I HK GOt)L FOR NOTHISG. b. . Lydla Thumpaon in two piece. Baturday Opening of ilraraatio aeaaon, . naiwer a uoinefly ot AluNKY. JHonday-Bouoicault's "rXHMO.SA." VyALNUT 8T. THEATRE. BEGINS AT 75, Third T" Wine-day) KVENaNO, Bept i A Third apwarance for two yoara of ' lnRh.1. MR. KOVVIN BOOTH, In Bhakeapears's historical traaody of HAMIPT HAMLKT. --AS?5"" 8IIYI OOK MKRtill ANT OF VENK1K. TIIK LADY OF LYONS. TAURA KEEN fTs ",, TvS?n?EKTT1ikatrr tUT.',edb;,rheenti tb,,flrto, wf' rivals, Insa THK marblk HKART- on , . TIIK KUULl'TOR B DHKAM Mademoiselle Marco. I V'P a v Assisted by th. new TOnVpany. KKK!E J'oors open at 7 ; commences at M to 8. ' Beats secured sii da)B in advanoe. 9SO0t TVEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA CARNCKOKS A DIXKY'8 MINhTRK.LS, th. great htar Troupe of the world, in thoir uncauallod KIMItiPIAN HOIKEKS. OPERATlSrIiNand8'808' . BIMPhON. Treasurer fl (T m 1 O X'8 A ME It I C A N tIFeA T R e". A ORRAT BILL FOR THIS WKKK ' THKKIRAI.KYS IN TWO BALLKTS. ,.Nr,w.1 "1,',-71'HK 'I'LTAN'S KAVORITK.S. -TIIK DICLAVANTT HROH.. HE ROSA AND BALLET ftlatinee on B ARUAYrTERNOONat 1 o'olook. A MERICAN CONSERVATORY OFMU8I0. IV HIE F1RKT GRAND ORCHKSTRAL MATINEE Will be given in the Main Saloon . . op Tint , , '. AOADKMY Of MTJiSTO, Doors open at 8 o'clock. family Tickets (admitting four) ONE DOLLAR bmgle Admission FIFTY OF NTS FsalejUedourafteraP. M. r 9 1 stuw3t -VTALER'S' (LATE MILLER'S) WtSTEF L0'IUKN No. 731), 753, 734, and 7M VINE Street, of the GRAND DUKK Ob" BADb!n. purohaaed ireaj expense by JAOOB VAI KR.of thi. comhinatioi with FLA M F.R-8 ORCUKSfR A and M iii i N F XL1 K A$ Lv-SA wiU.Perf?m KVKRY AFTKItiiOON snl VVKNINO at Ui. above-mentioned plao. Admlcsioi trae' liau ENGINES, MACHINERY. ETO.. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILKR WORK8.-NKAFIB A LKVY. aTx i ritatrriUAL AAD THKORKTIOAL wi2S3LrfiSl KNOINKKR8.MAOHINl.STB, BOILKkI MAKlLKrliiLAOKBMiTUB, and FOUNDKRbavina for many year, been in auoceaatnl operation, and been mZ olusively .OKaged in building and repairing Marine and River Kpginea. high and low-presmre. Iron Boilers, WaUf auks, Fropellcra, .to., eto respeotfuily ofler their ft. vices to the public aa being fully prepared to contract fo. engine, ol 'all sirea, .Marine, River, and BtaUonary ; having seta of patterns of different, are prepared to execnts orders with quick deapatoh. Kv.ry deaoription of natUrn. making made at toe shortest notice. High and Low-nreav anr. line Tubular and Oyiindov Boiler, of th. beat Peno. aylvania Charcoal Iron. Forging, of all aires and kinds. Iron and Brass Usatings of all descriptions. Roll Turning! Borew Uniting, and ail other work oonnecUd with ttaia above business. - Drawings and apeclflcationi for all work don. at tha SstHbushnient free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ainpio wharf dock-room for repairs of bosta, where they can lie in perfect safety, and ar. pro vided with abean, blocks, fails, eta .to., for raising hsav. or light weights, JACOB O. NKAFIB. ... . JOHN P. LKVY, . .815 BKAOH and PALMER B tracts. SOUTnWARK FOUNDRY, FLTTH AND WASHINGTON Streets, , - PHILADELPHIA. . MERRICK A SONS, miaimsuiio ah i UMiuimsTO, manufactnre High and Low Pressure Steanl Enclnei for Laud, Klver, and Marine Service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, eta . Castinirs f all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, and Railroad Stations, etc. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most i Improved construction. 1 Every description of Plantation Machinery, also. Sugar, Raw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Ol Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping En glnes, etc. Sole Agents for N. Blllaux's Sugar Boiling Appa ratus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspln. wall A Woolsey'g Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machines. 4 30, QIRARD TUBE WORKS JOHN H. MURPHY & BEOS. Manufacturers of Wrought Iron Pip., EC PHILADELPHIA. PA. WORKS. TWENTY-THJKD nnd FILBERT Btreeta. OFFICE, 1 43 Worth FIFTH Street. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. yBITE PKESERVING BRANDY. Pure Cider and White Wine Vinegar, Green Ginger, Mustard Seed, Spices, etc etc All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling purposes. ALBERT a ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, 11 T8 Corner, ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. IICHAEL MEAGHER tfc CO. NO. 9S3 South SIXTEENTH Street, Wholesale and ReUJl Dealers in PR0Vs, AND SAND CLAMS, FOR FAMILY TJBB TERRAPINS 1 PER DOZEN. iU PAPER HANGINGS. q C A N & WARD, ' PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANGINGS, NO. 251 SOUTH THIRD STREET. BITWHir WALNUT AND 8FRUCI, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. I 16, T OOK ! LOOK ! ! LOOK ! P. WALL PAPERS SJ and Linen Window Shades Manufactured, the chenpent in the city, at JOHNSTON'S Depot, No. 1IHI3 hPHlNll OARDKN Street, below Eleventh. Branch, N. . S.7 FKDKB AL Street, Camden, New Jersey. 11 26 -MERRICK & SONS SOUTH WARK FOUNDRY, . NC 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, PhUadelphio. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, Regulated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented June, 1863. DAVID JOY PATENT VALVELES3 STEAM HAMMER D ISf WTSTON8 ro Extractor. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturer. T 10 nw I, TADOBM "E,l""-"wttl, B. OOP". N EXCHANGE -a, .aHiyiflTAHV. c O R B".T?1.V'RAILKV" BOHN T. BAILHV"' of M ABKKT and wItKB Fhiladelphia, Btmta, H. E. corner Fbiladelpula, IN BAti8 AND BAGGING Of every description. lor , Hmlt, buiiOT-PboaphaU of Lull, Boaftt Grain, k. j(u,t Ktt). " ,j amall OUNN Y BAOU eonstsntly on hand. flStto o iu Wordsworth, and bit.