THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA , WEDNESDA f , SEPTEMBER 15, 18G9. KEWU fllJxvii XAIlV. lit? AfluUt.. The ularoi of fire lust mlit, about 12 o'clock, vhb mused by tbe pm iial iminiiif; of tho onn iticlliHl slate mantel minmlnctory of V. A. Ar nold, Ko. 414 (titrdcn street. Tlio flro wan first flmcovcml near tlio door, at tins corner of Willow juid Garden streets. On fleeting an entrance, It wag discovered that a .rjnantity of loose hay end been ret on flic. The flames extended to the upper ntory of the Iniililinir before tho were becked. Tho principal lo.s will proUably be by water. At the Wceearne Craninmr School, Second and Keed at recta, First Section, yesterday after noon, the scholars who were distinguished . In their studies during the past term were pre sented with a very hand ome medal, struck by direction of the School lioard of that Section. The following are the Jinnies of the meritorious pcholan?: Miss Fannie June.-', Miss Josephine lilnrkburn, Miss Clara Willis. Miss Anna Mark In, Master Frank V. Morris, Master Harry Hall, Master William Stephenson, and Master Stephen (fates. A countryman was sw indled yesterday out of about ninety dollars by what is known as the ronlidenee game, lie hail met at his hotel the day before a pleasant-spoken young man, who engaged him in conversation, and had evidently made a lavorable impression upon him. Yester day they took a walk together, and when near tho Merchants' Exchange the coutldenec man wanted the lean of a hundred dollars until ho could go Into the Exchange and draw up a bank check. About ninety dollar was all tho other man had, and ho willingly loaned It to his plca Fftlit companion. The swindler did not go Into the Exchange, but passed through the opening nort1' ol it into pock street, and was not scon nftcrwards. A elated meeting of the School Controllers was held yesterday, Mr. Steimnctz, l'residont, in the chair. Mr. Jcnks, of the Committee on Girls' Nor mal School, offered the followiug, which was adopted: litsolved, That at the semi-annual admission of pupils to the Girls' Normal School no one shall be admitted who is not fourteen years old on the day of the commencement of each new term, vi.'., on the first Monday of February and September of each car. Mr. Lukens, of the Committee on Text Books, reported in favor of the immediate admis sion into the schools of the ''J laud Book of Map Drawing," tor the use of teachers only. The report was approved. Mr. Wetherill offered a resolution to the effect that, inasmuch as it lias been reported that in certain of tho public schools teachers of music have been employed without (lie approval or knowledge of either the Superintendent or Com mittee having charge of the subject of music, the Committee on the Revision of Studies be directed to inquire into tlio subject, and if the reports are found correct to report such action as may be necessary to prevent its rccurreuco. Adopted. The subject of a Superintendent of Public Schools was referred to a special committee of five. Mr. Elkin, of the Committee on the Qualifica tion of Teachers, made a report adversely to a change in the rules of the board in regard to the grunting of certificates of (nullification to per sons to teach in primary schools. The report states that prior to the act of tho Legislature of I Mi") examinations for touchers were held by sec tional boards, in many instances proving a mere farce, and persons wholly incompetent were placed in tho schools through political influence. Complaints wero repeatedly made to the Board of Controllers and rules and regulations were adopted. The members were defied and laughed at, and tho result was the act of 1805. The" law Is declared to be humane in its provisions, as it did not affect any one teaching at the time, but prohibited the appointment of any ono there after unless holding n, certificate granted by the board. The committee recommended the Con trollers to Htainl by the law resolutely and un swervingly. A motion approving the report was passed. Mr. Hick ok offered the following as an amend ment to tho rules on tho qualifications of teachers: Teachers' certificates shall not bo granted except upon a general average of 75, (15, or 00, as the ease may be, in orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and grammar, exclusive of the averages obtained in other branches. Postponed. Mr. Freeborn ottered a resolution to the effect that a committee of nine members be appointed to mnke an estimate of the expenses of the schools for the coming year. Adopted. Mr. MacBride offered a resolution to the effect that Cwuncils be asked to appropriate $5000 to ay tho teachers or new divisions. Adopted. ho board then aujournou. DomcNlIc Affair. iuiu cioscu yusiuruay t ' ) -Secretary Robeson is lu Baltimore to-day. Commissioner Delano has gone to Ohio to YOtC. The season at the White Sulphur Springs has closed. Admiral Poor is going to the West Indies iu the Powhatan. . Rains in West Virginia have done the corn crops much good. The custom-houses and post-olllccs of the country are to be repaired. A number of reveuue appointments were made for this city yesterday. Extensive preparations arc being made at llarrisburg for the State Fair. Augustus Albert lias been elected-the Demo cratic candidate for Sheriff of Baltimore. Commissioner Delano has decided that liquor dealers cannot sell from replenished stand casks. The Coroner's jury in the Avoudalo disaster, in their verdict, censure the corporation owning the mine. It is rumored that detectives have arrested the robbers of the express ear on tho New York Central Railroad. Track-laying, at tho rate of two miles per day, has commenced at Cheyenne, on tho Den ver and Pacific Railroad Senator Cole, of California, lately arrived from St. Domingo, yesterday bad u long inter view with Secretary 'Fish. At Honesdale.'Pa., a ten-cent subscription list has been opened for the benefit of the Avou ilale Fund by the children. Bishop Stevens, of this city, was yesterday married at Wilkesfearre, to Miss Anna Conyng ham, of the latter 'city. - The robbers of the Merchants' Union Ex press car, on the New York Central Railroad, some weeks ago, secured .800,('00. A fight by competing lines to tho West is already being made to oblalu control of tho Boston, Llartlord, and Erie Railroad. A man named Mclnall stabbed to death a man named Patterson, near Schenectady, on Saturday. The murderer was arrested. Indians attacked a wagon train near Ante lope creek, Arizona; lately. nt were defeated. Twenty Indians and three w bites wero killed. One hundred and forty-seven thousand dollars in new currency were received by the Treasury Department yes.erday from the makers. . . T ,r The bootmakers of Binuha nton, N. Y., are on a strike because sonic, employers refused to discharge old hands who are not members of tho During the Democratic primary elections in Bttltlraoro, yesterday, for candidates, Michael Roach was stabbed and severely, probably fa- At a large meeting in Quebec, on Sunday, it . . II....... f 'mm.niliiilll was rcsoivea to peiiiiou iuo nuiuu uuhuuiui to allow the inhabitants of Canada to lncorpo ..,. tVwimci.ivpH with tho United States. n expedition of ninety men sailed from New Bedford on Monday night. Cuba being their probable destination, a revenue cutter lias .neon tent after the schooner carrying them. YcEferday General Prim had an audlcneo of jiupoicon. . ... , j --.Napoleon !s about again, although a marked change in his appearance la noticeable.. The centennial anniversary of tll9 WVX of Humboldt was celebrated with great eclat at Berlin. Spaniards resent United Stntes Interference in the Cuban struggle, but are also somewhat terrified thereat. Spimish newspapers now acknowledge the precarious condition of affairs in Cuba, aud ad vise reiuforcenientP. The Journal e Dvhatn says that the Ame rican congratulations of Prince Napoleon on his liberal f pecch was eulogy carried too far. The London Timrx says that it would bo well for Spain If she were rid of Cuba, and that the rnterpiiscof subjecting tho island will never yield the hundredth part of what it has already cost. At Konigsburg, during n reception to King William of Prussia, tho railing of a crowded bridge gave way, and a largo number of persons were thrown into the water. Twenty-four bodies had been recovered last night. AVONDALE. The .lliiiitisr llorror-t'oroinr'K InnnoM Im liorlnnt I'A lilnien ol .illnlnK KiiKlneer". Wn.xrsHAHHK, Sept. 14. The Coroner's in (iiest upon the victims of theAvondalo calamity hold its second session to-day. The testimony assumed a different aspect from that elicited last week. Tho witnesses examined at tho first ses sion of the inquisition were evidently influenced by the companies owning tho miues, and the testimony elicited was wholly calculated to shield tho corporation from the responsibility of the dreadful disaster. Thomas Broderlck, Esq., a scientific gentle man of great experience in mining operations, was examined to-day. His testimony is con sidered by the great mass of tho miners as damaging to the transparent subterfuges of tho company. Dr. C. Finghnm, also a gentleman of extensive experience- as a scientific and practical mining engineer, corroborated the testimony of Mr. Brodcriek, as did John Mitchell, a practical coal operator of this vallev. Sept. 15 13-:!0 o'clock A. M. Tho jury have returned a verdict in accordance with the facts elicited by the evidence, and censuring the company and tho means of veutilation employed in many of the mines of this valley, whereby 'the lives ol mining laborers are endangered. The verdict is geuerally considered as adverse to the corporation, and Is hailed as the opening of a new era iu the operation of mines hero. MARINE TELEGRAPH. I'vr additional Marine AVii'H see First Paye. ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. 8tin Risks 6'40 I Moon Sets (lW KUN Skih ti ns I Uion Water Wil PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. John O. Jamfh, ) V. li. Duiiwmow, Committee of the Month. Thomas L. ISiixkspik, ) MOVKiUENTS OK Ot'ICAN NTEA.H.-41IIPH. KOR AMKKIUA. ' Paraguay Ixmdnn Now York Auk. 2S Cordova ljomlon Now York.... Auk. -S Palmyra Liverpool.. ..Now York via Bos... .Auk. bl Sruint Bremen Now York Seit. 1 lienmmk Liverpool Now York Sept. 1 Austrian Liverpool.. ..Quebec Sept. 3 India OIbsrow Now York Soot. 3 Allemannia Havre Now York Sept. 4 Hermann ....... .Havre Now York Snot. 4 (J. ol Limerick. .Antwerp Now York Sopt. 4 Weser Southampton. ...Now York Sept. 7 Aleppo Liverpool New York via Boa... .Sopt. 7 FOR EUUOPK. Russia Now York. ...Liverpool Sept. 16 Minnesota Now York. ...Liverpool Sept. lfi bint-ria Now York. ...Liverpool Sept. IS Hucin Now Yoik.... Bremen Sopt. 1H St. Lament Now York. ...Havre Sopt. Is Pruabiun tuebro Liverpool Sopt. IS Cityof Antwerp. New York. ...Liverpool Sept. IS Kuropii Now York. ...(ilaBKow Sopt. IS Virninia New York. ...Liverpool Sopt IS O.of Baltimore.. New York. ...Liverpool, via Hal. ..Sopt. 21 Java New York. ...Liverpool Sept. 22 Cordova Now York. ...London Sept. 2o COASTWISE, DOMKSTIO, KTO. Alaska New York. ...Aspinwull Sopt lit K.agle Now York. ...Havana S 1 1 1 . In Wyoming Pliiluria Savannah Sept. Is GGO.WaidiinKtGnNow York. ...New Urloana Sopt. is North America. Now York. ...Rio Janoiro Sopt, 23 Alans are lorwaraoa ny evory steamer in I no regular lines. Tbe M earners for or from Liverpool call at IJuoenstown. ex cept the Canadian lino, which cull at Londonderry. Tlio at earners for or from the Continent call at Southampton. CLEARKD YESTERDAY. Steamer Cheater. Jones, Now York, W. P. Clyde 4 Co. Br. lri llaido, AlcUonuell, Kingston, J a., 1). N. Wetzlar 4 Co. Schr S. li. Stevens. Small, floaton, Hammctt, Nefll & Co. Schr W. F. (.arrisnn, Morris, Salem. do. Schr Flyaway, Kelly, Chelsea, do. Schr L. F. Smith, Stover, Charlestown, do. Sloop Boxor, Davis, Smyrna, do. Halite U. B. Daniol, Oliver, New York, do. Barge Heading Rlt. No.4u, Hutchinson, N. York, do. Barge Ceo. Merry, Bust, New York, do. Barge M L. Horrick, Mott, New York, do. Tug Hurison, Nicholson, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde & Co. Tug Commodore, Wilson, Havre de Grace, with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. A RRIVED "YESTERDAY. Steamer A. C. Ktiuiors, Knox, 'M hours from New York. With mdse. to W. P. Clyde fc Co. Schr J. VV. Allon, Doane, 7 days from Boston, in ballast to Knight & Sons. ' Schr Minnie W. Griffin. Gritling, 3 days from Haddain, Conn., with stono to Thomas A Co. Sobr Kttie Hall, Maxon, 1 day from Fredorica, Do., with grain to Jas. L. Bowley A Co. Schr Henrietta, McAlinden. from New Haven. Jclir O. Hadden, Wainwright, from New Haven. Schr Cygnus, Small, from New Haven. Schr Reading R It. No. 41, Bartlett. from Middlotown. Schr P. Boice, Adams, from Dighton. ' Schr J. P. Cuke, Kndicott, from Dighton. Schr M. J. Fiaher, Lorenz, from Dauversport. Schr Saratoga, Weeks, from New York. Schr J. M. Bayles, Arnold, from New York. Schr F. Hallock, Hallock, from New York. Schr Ida May, Chrystal, from New York. Schr Fashion, Davis, from New York. Schr P. A. Sanders, Steelman, from Salem. Schr M. M. Weaver, Weaver, from Boston. Schr C. S. Watson. Adams, from Providence. Tug Thomas Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore, with a ton of barges to W. P. Clyde 4 Co. Tug Chesapeake, Merrihew, from Havre-de-Grace, with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde 4 Co. AT QUARANTINE. Steamship Yazoo, Catharine, 4 days and lii hours from Havana, arrived at Quarantine at 9 A. M. yesterday. Fprriitl Drtpalrh to Thtt Evniinq Ti trgraph. Uavhk-dk-Ciiacb, Sopt. 16. The following boats left here in tow this morning: Ugdoman, with lumber to Taylor 4 Botts. J. M. Clinton, with lime, for Chesapeake, St. Luwrenoo, with lumber, to order. MEMORANDA. Ship Wyoming, Julius, I rem Liverpool for Philadelphia, was spoken luth iut. lut. ;M JO. long. 71) 40. Steamship Touawantla, Wakeluy, hence, at Savannah yesterday. Steamship Utility, Nickerson, hence, at Providence 12th instant. Steamer Rattlesnake, Manson, hence, at Portland 12th instant. Barque Providence, Coallfeot, entered out at London tilst ult. lor Boston -destination changed from Philadel phia. Barque Mary Bentley, Clark, hence for Rotterdam, sailed trom Plymouth !il-tt nil. llim.iio J. li. McLaren, Corning,hence for Antwerp 13th ult. lat. 47 N long. 1M W. Brig 8. 4 W. Welsh, Watson, hence, at Gibraltar 33d ult , and cleared S4I h for Ceuoa. Brig 11. 11. Mel. livery, hence, at Boston loth inst. Brig Gilmoie Meredith, Ayres, hence, at Savannah yes terday. Brig Caroline D. Kelly, Adams, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence lOlh inst. Brig Sea l!reer.e, Her rick, for Philadelphia or Calais, sailed I rout Providenoe Mh inst. Brig Frontier, of Philadelphia, went ashore in the late pule on Jewett's Ledges. iscusset, but has been gotten cn without much injury. Schr F;. J. Heraty , Meredith, hence, at Norfolk 11th instant. Kcbrs A. M. Ilenson. Henson; RisingRun, Moore; and Thos. Patterson, Mi'cbell, hence, at Kiehruond lHtb inst. Sebr M. D. Cranmor, Craniuer, for Philadelphia, sailed from Newburyport Uth Inst. BchrsU. H. Gallagher, Gallagher, from Hartford, and Ctmuevticut, Stearns, from Bridgeport, bath for Philadel phia, passed Hell Gate l:th inst. Schr Monterey, Davidson, at Norfolk loth inst. from Philadelphia, reports on the 3d inst., while in tow of steamer Spy, passing through the Chesapeake and Dela. ware Canal, was run into by steamer Irene, from Baltimore for New York, striking the schooner on the port bow, carrying away two stanchions, main rail, waiatboards. I'lau&Bucar, mu uavo iwobm wi bug uouus. NOTICE TOMARINER8. Notice is given that the second class iron can buoy (ilaced to mark Taylor's Reef, entrance to Portland har mr. Me., disappeared from its moorings during the late gale. Another buoy will be set in its place as soon as practicable. . I. lAiTOW. M'MAHOW. IJ A H T O W MclWAIIOM, li SMITING A A') VOMMlSHlOlf MKHCUANT No. a OOKNTIFB SLIP. New York. No. 1H SOUTH WHARVES. Philadelphia. No. 46 W. PRATT Street, Baltimore. We are prepared to ship every description ol Freight to Philadelphia, New York, Wilmington, and intermediate points with promptness and - daepatvU. Canal UoaUaad Steam-tugs larniahed at the borteat notioe. .aoi pOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, VV of all numbers and brand i. Tent, Awning, Trunk, aud Wagon-cover Duck. Alsi, Paper Manufacturers Drier Foils, from thirty to seventy ail inches widei Paulin., Belting. B.U e'c. w KVKR 125 KO. 109 CUyitOli IS Uce t (CUy Utvrs). STOVE8. RANGES, ETO. GOLDEN EAGLE FURNACES AMD COOKING RANGES. 1,461,600 Cubic feet tf space, thoronghTy heate.I by EIGHT roetllum-Hlzed GOLDEN EAGLE FURNACE, at United States Naval Asjlnm, Philadelphia, TEKFECT SUCCESS. It Is th'ee yeara since the above Fumaocg wero in vented and offered to the public The advantage g they combine have given them a moat signal success. Already In onr city it has taken tne lead,; AND THE DEMAND CAN SCARCELY BE SUPPLIED. Tlie roromvinlty are nsnred that thccBsentiil fea tures which have given the Golden Eagle sip.'h un bounded pornlailty are not found in any other For nacea now extant. An examination la solicited. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. CNAS. WILLIAMS, Nop. 1132 and 1134 MAIIKET STREET 8 27 fmw2mrp PHILADELPHIA. THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE Fire-Place Heater, With ITI.UMINATINO DOORS and WINDOWS, and MAGAZINE of sufficient capacity for fuel to last 21 1IOUHS, at a cost of but ELKVFN CKNTS PER DAY. The most perfect and cheerful Heater in use. Having made arrangements with MK. 8. H. BKXTON, OF BALTIMORE, For the EXCLUSIVE manufacturing of these Iloator, we are prepared to furnish thrui in large or small quantities. Sold wholesale or retail by tbe Manufacturer, JOHN S. CLARK, 1008 MARKET STREET. NO. Ttownre of imitations gotten up on the popularity of these Heaters. &371mrp THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENEB -,B or huiwrMii KAm.r., tor iaraniesl noteis, oj pnnno institutions, in inr.nii uirrr.nnnj SIZES. Also. Philadelphia Ranges. Uot-Air Fn t races, Portable Heaters, Lon-dovra Urates, Fireboart Ktoves, Bath Boilers, bU;-hoie Plats, Boilers, Cookinf Stoves, etc.. wholesale and, by the manufacturers, SHARPE A THOMSON, 27wfmRm o. riOlf N. SECOND Street COPARTNERSHIPS. ry II E COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE A existing under the firm name of CORNELIUS A UAKF.ll was dissolved by mutual consent on July 2, lHoV. Tho buinrps of the manufactory will be settled and closed by ROKFKT CORNELIUS, at No. KJ1 CHERRY Street, and thnt of the store by ISAAC F. BAKEJt,at No. 710 fellKSN CT Street. ROBERT CORNELIUS, . ISAAC F. BAKER. WILLIAM C. BAKER, ROBERT C. CORNELIUS, JOHN V. CORNELIUS, ROBERT C. BAKER, CHARLES E. CORNELIUS. Philadolihia,'Scptcmber 2, 1M9. The undersigned, late of CORNELIUS A BAKER, have this day entered into a copartnership under the firm name of CORNELIUS A SONS. Having purchased tho factories (No. 821 Cherry street and Fifth street mar Columbia avenuej and all tho ma chinery of the late firm, we are prepared to continue the manufacture and sale of (.as Fixtures, Lamps, etc , at No. fciil CHERRY Street. Fniladelphia. ROBERT CORNELIUS, ROBERT C. CORNELIUS, JOHN C. CORNELIUS. CHARLES K. CORNELIUS. Philadelphia, September 3, lbt. 9 21m CRAWFORD ARNOLD and RORERT O. BAKER, late of CORNELIUS A BAKER, havo this day formed a copartneiship under the name of ARNOLD A BAKER, II living purchased the entire stock of goods of the late firm of Cornelius A Baker, at 71(1 CHESNUT Street, they are prepared to continue at that place the sale of das Fixtures, Lamps Bronzes, etc. 9 21m CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, ETO. QLOTH HOUSE. A FULL LINE OP Fall and Winter Goods, Specially adapted to trie City Merchant Tailor Trade,' AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. JAMES & LEE, SIGN OP THE GOLDEN LAMB, No. 11 NORTH SECOND STREET. 3 28 W OENT.'S FURNISHING COOPS. H. S. K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Cloves. EVERT PAIR WARRANTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENTS' GLOVES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., 6 27Irp No. 614 CHESNUTStreet. p AT EN T S HO UL D E K-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made fiom measurement at very short notice. All other article ol GENTLLMENS DRESS GOODS lu lull variety. WINCHESTER ft CO., 11 8 No. 7u6 CHESNUT Street E R R I C K rfe-" 8 O N8 SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, No. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, FnUadelphla. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VARIABLE CUT-OFF STEAM ENGINE, Regulated by tne Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Patented June, 1SC8. DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVELESS STEAM HAMMER D. M. WESTON'S PATENT SELF-CENTRING, SELF-BALANCINt CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR-DRAINING MACHINE. AND HYDRO EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacture. T 10 mwl J. WTI..HH MXBB1CS. WHXIAM a. MIBJUCI. JOHN Z. OOP. ftJORNY'S TASTELESS Fruit Preserving Powder, Is warranted to keep Htrawberri.. "P"?" n k,no' T well M rtht tait wiOrt li Price, 60 cents a package. Sold by tbe erocr- ZAINK, NOIINY die CO., Proprletorm, IBSWm Mo. Worth BKOONPBt. Philada, NEWFOUNDLAND DOG FOR SALE. a Large and uandsomk newfoundland dog for sale, cheap. A Good WATCH DOO. Call or address 4 No. 171 QUEEN Street, Germantown. WILLIAM ANDERSON & CO., DEALERP ' in m8 WU,,ffl. 140 North SECOND Street. Philadelphia. rjR. KINKELIN CAN BE CONSULTED ON U all diaeaaea of a certain specialty. OUlCt IWiUI, 8 b. No. JtLKVKMUfetreeW HOOP SKIRTS, ETO. 1115. -"HO P K I N S HOOP-PKIRT .AND CORSET MANU FACTORY AND SALESROOMS, No. 1115 CHESNUT STREET. Cur CHAMPION SKIRTS .better and cheaper than a)) others. IP to M sprinps,. P6c. to 2 2. Our Keystone Skirts, DO to ot) sprinits, C. to H 40; New York mad. Skirts, from 90 to 40 .prints, 45 to 76c. R. Werlpj Corsets, 2 Mi, 3 Ml, $4 40. Beckel Corsets, from $1 to $7. Thomson's "Olove-fittinu" Corsets, from H3'20 to tS. Mrs. Moody's patent self sdjuftint abdominal support eg Corsets, from 1(3 to $7 nighty recommended by pby Sicans, and honld he ciamined by every lady. Over H' other varieties of Corsets, from 76c. to $!'50. Skirts and Conets made to order, altered and repaired. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 7 S3 3m WILLIAM T. HOPKIS3. CARRIAGES. GARDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, No. 214 South FIFTH Street. BELOW WALNUT. A Large Assortment ol New and Second-hand J II RI AG IS S, DiCLCDtNO RochawajB, rhtetons, Jenny Linds, Bngglci Depot Wagons, Etc Etc, 3 23 tutn For Sale at Reduced Prices. PATENTS. PATENT OFFICES, N. W. Corner FOURTH and CHESNUT, (Entrance on FOURTH street). rRAHCXS D. FASTOXIZUS, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Tatents proenred for Inventions In the United States and Foreign Countries, and all business re lating to the same promptly transacted. Call or send for circulars on Patents. Open till 9 o'clock every evening. 5 6 smthS pA TENT OFFICES. N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT, rillLADELTHIA. FEES I.ES THAN ANY OTHER RELIABLE AGENCY. Send for paniphle on Tatents. 3 4 thctu? CHARLES II. EVANS. OTATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. STATE lO Ripht of a valuable Invention just patented, and for ite SLlCINO, l'liTING,and CHllTINU of dried beef, r-uliiiHim. ftc. are hereby ofTured for sale. It is an Articln of ereut Milne to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and it should he introduced into every family. STATIC HIItHTS for falo. Model can bo seen at TKLKURAFIl CHICK, COOPER'S POINT, N.J. 6 27tf MUNDY A HOFFMAN. PROPOSALS. ROPOSALS FOR WOOD. OKKICB CniEF QUAKTERMASTER, STKR, ) E East, i t. 8, ISCO.j THIRD IJISTKIt'T, JJEl'ARTMENT OF THE riiii.AUEi.rui4. Pu.. Sept. SEALED PROPOSALS, in iluplicute. with a copy of this advertisement attached to each, are invited and will he received at this olllce until 12 o'clock M., SA TIUDAY, Oct. 9, 1W.9, for supplying the Quarter master's Department at BALTIMORE, Md., and FORT McIIENRY, Mil., with the following amounts of merchantable HARD WOOD, viz.: Fort McIIenry, Md 800 cords. Baltimore, Md 90 " The wood for Fort McIIenry to be delivered on the wharf of the Fort, corded for inspection ; one half of the amount to be delivered on completion of the contract, the balance by November is, 1809. The wood for Baltimore, Md., to be delivered at such times, and in such places in the city of Baltimore, Md.. as the Acting Assistant Quartermaster may direct until the entire amount is delivered. Bidders will be required to make a deposit of money (on the day of opening the bldn) with the un designed corresponding to amount of contract, as a guarantee that they (or he, as the case may be) will execute their (or his) offer if accepted. Money to be returned If bid is not accepted. No bid will be entertained that Is not made in accordance with this advertisement. Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of the bids. Proposals must be ad dressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Proposals for Wood." Application can be made to the under signed lor any additional particulars Oidders may require. By order of . Bvt. Major-General Rtifns Ingalls, Assistant Quartermaster-Heneral United States Army, Chief Quartermaster Department of the East. HENRY C. HODGES, Bvt. Lieut-Col. and Quartermaster United States Army, Chief Quartermaster Third District Department o the East, 1) 9 tit r.FFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF V THE SINKING FUND. TnEAsrny Department of Pevsrylvama,) HjUlWhDUUi, August iu, IMS. i Sealed bids will be received for the redemption of ONF. MILLION DOLLARS of the loan of theOo;nmon wealth of Pennsylvania, due July 1,1870, until VI o'clock M., October 1, 169. Communications to be addressed to R. W. MACKEY, Ksij., State Treasurer, Harrisburu, Pi nntyl? a, and endorsed Bid for Redemption of State Locin. F. JORDAN, Secretary of State. J. F. HARTRANFT. Autmor-ueiierai. R. W. MAf'KKY, Slate TroiSiir.r. Commissioners of the Sinking Fond. N. E. No newpaper puhlithing the above without autrr.rityjvill receive pay therefor 8 23 lm ROOFING. READY ROOFING. This Rooting is adapted to all buildings. It can applied to gTEEP OR FLAT ROOFS at one half the expense of tin. It is readily put on ql Kniiiule Hoofs without removing the shingles, thus avoid ing the damaging of ceilings and furniture while under Y' Wjg jfewiTH WELTON'i I am always prepared to Repair and Paint Roofs at shor notice. Also, PAINT FOR SA LIC by the barrel or gallon the best and cheapest in the market. WKLTON, 317 No. 711 N.N INTHStreet, above Coatee. (TITWNERS " ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, L AND ROOFKRS.-Roofs! Yes, yes. FCvery size and kind, old or new. At No. &4 N. THIRD Street, the A.MK K1LAN CONCRETE PAINT AND ROOF COMPANY are selling their celebrated paint for TIN ROOKS, an? for preserving all wood and metals. Also, thoir solid com plea roof covering, the best ever offered to the pulilio, with brushes, cans, buckets, etc., for the work. Anti vermin, Fire, and Water proof ; Light, Tight, Durable. No crack ing, pealing, or shrinking. No paper, gravel, or heat. Good for all climates. Directions given tor work, or pood work men supplied. Care, promptness, certainly I One price! Call! Examine! Judge! Agents wanted for interior counties. 4&tf JHKPULKEDS, LPrincipa). o LD GRAVEL ROOFS COVERED OVER with Maatio Slate, and warranted for ton vears. uauiiaiin a iiiiuiir KK, 816 6m No. 45 8. TENTH Street. TnE ADAMS EXPRE88 COMPANY, OFFICE No. KM OHKBNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pack aes, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Hpeoie, either by it own lines or in connection with other Express Oompanie. U all Ui uilBoilwl toitM and oiUM la tbt)ultd Stta7 JC- GOUK.MAN, 'f BturtaUndMsL gTk PHILADELFI1 IA HAS eBERR , JTJCUN ijC DA, A .nculiu i.t, and oluer Strawoerryi Lswtoi Eiaokberry PUnte; Hartford, Concord, and other Oraut ViraK, if It . B. O. i. FLETOllEH. " . Dalanoo, N, J. 8HIPPINO. -s . r o R L I V E n P n n T. ir. fn. 1 v2SV.KEN8T"WNInn,.n Lino of Mas tZZJi ii r PPointed to sail as fol- V'tn. liil I?' I r f i?.- 3- r. M. Am '-"' ' uesosy. Ucl. 6. at 1 P. M froIM.ri&.,NT,h,Hfv.t0rd,,7Md U9IDM FlUvf Kv"'ld Pa'',e ln Currency. ... , 1 AB1N tin" STKKKAUK 1 o London ( To lndon. ........... Z To Paris jifil To Paris.. ....... .. . ) tA,1i"J???,S ICKHUAJ BTEAMfH, VIA HAIJKAX. T.. V T li"' RTKKHAdK. t IvTJZi f " lnold- PoyMil, in Currency. IJverpool fw I.Wert ool Ilallfax. . . .. au Halifax 1 bt. John's, N. I'., ) .. ut. John's, N. K . 1 by Hrsnoh Steamer.. J byHranih Stekmor.... j . m . . , uuuuurR, ure'.noD, etc. at reduced rates. TtliAi. I.. V V.. . - . jt . - . m "o i"iruv uwi v luuuoraie rates Dy per sons wiKhing to send for their friends, ,r.rJur,tl,J'rin,',rn,a,ion fplytthe Company'a Office JOHN O. DALE, Agent, No. 15 BROAD vVAY. N Y orto O'liONNKI.r. A KAITI.K aJ... t No. 411 CHESNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARLESTON. S. C THE SOUTn AND SOUTHWEST. FAST FREIGHT LUXIS, EVERY THURSDAY. The St!amMP PROMEPnRiTs, Captain Oray, and wTTi,v..1.tHAN-.Cal,ta,n,l""'lvliT, TniISl)AY,Si.!t,.nil.l.r9,at4P.M WU1 Sa" on Tfirouph bills ol iniimg given in connect Inn with S. C. If. R. to points In the South and Southwest. ...,..... al mies. jtatcs of froiaht as low as by any other route, For freight, apply to S22tf DOCKST II. r. - a a. x ivi." s ONLY BIRECT LIN E TO FRANCE TUB fJCVD-n ft T a , . . mm-ek COM PA NY'S "MA 1 1 , 5 1 I? A MS iiTps BtfW KEM NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLING AT loo splendid new vessels on this favorite route for the SauirSaJ. 'rom Pier Ao- W. North river! ever1 ,a , a- PIIOE OF PASSAGE in (Fold (including wine), TO BREST OR HAVRE. Iirst Cabin $140 Second Cabin .. . m , TO PARIS, B T, (Including railway tickets, furnlshod on board ) First Cabin $145 Second Cabin ? I nese steamers do not carry steerage passengors. Medical attendance froe of charge. American travellers going to or returning from the 001 tinent of Europe, by taking the steamers of this limiv i unnecessary rihks from transit by English railways an,' crossing the channol. besides saving time, troubhi, andox Peose. GEOKOK MACKENZIE. Agent, . , .No. 68 BROADWAY. New York. f - Pn8 In Philadelphia, apply at Adams' Kxnrei Company, to H. I,. LEAF, No. 320 CHESNUT Strok T' r I T f inprnnTi ...... 1i,"'M"illlA, NIUU.UO.NI), Z&MW.l "C"''5. KTliAMSIIIP LINK, T.1E sVuThTnWK " l . ""-ni O.IIUKUAY, Street ' m iIRST WHARF above MARKF.'l THROUGH RATES to all points In North and Soutk Frpight HANDLED BUT ONCE, and takenat LOWRII RATES THAN ANY OTHER IJAK W ' m'l J?h Tf11.??'' "Iv"' oheapnoae of this rout a com mend it to the public as the most dosirahlo medium carrying every description of freight. trnnser"r'?e OIUmifi8i0n' d,a'ae or ny expense Stucnmhlps insured at the lowest ratos. Freight received daily. yKO0Kjh,AenQ LORILLARD'S BTEAM31IIP LINE FOR NEW YORK. Sailing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. REDUCTION OF KATES. Freight by this line taken at 13 cents per 100 pounds, cents per foot, or 1 cent per gallon, ehip'i option. Ad vance charges cashed at office on Pier. Freight received at all times on covered wharf, JOIINF, OHL. 25 Pier 19 North Wharves. N. B. Extra rates on small packagesjron. motal, ete. NEW TYPPITQCi T twij - ' ' 1.1., XKJ Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington, D. . 'a 1 "5peuae ana uoiuware Canal, with fir'wEaVfe iriVt'at'ree? rt DOOn fr0m Freight received daily. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A OO.. - H vnw tvt rJ1 i4 Ko.Ttb "1d H,'!uth Wharves. ELDR1DGE ZAr 1 ?' . trT? 1 NOTICE FOR NEVV YORK, VIJ If" TT? DELAWARE AND R4RITAN CANAL tliii 'SA EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water oommuuioa tinn between Philadelphia aud New York. Steamers leave daily from first wharf below Marke street, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street, New Yort Goods forwarded by all tbe lines ruaning out of N91 York, North, East, and West, free of commission. Freight received and forwarded on accommodutii term. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, No. 12 S. DELAWARE Avenuo, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent. E3t No. 119 WALL Street. New York NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK. VIA T)al n urn a ttfift TI n vi t n.n.l CUTtb'litTTDD I TRANSPORTATION flOHa'PA NV LnifH. & a a a n 1, u m a a. luunu Xilil lid The business by these lines will be resumed on and after the 8th of March. For freights, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to W. M. BAIRD A CO., 825 No. 133 South Wharves. Di l i u 1 vn eu'ihunu w t i w o ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETO. -a PENN STEAM ENGINE AND .Tf BOILER WORKS. NE A Kill A LEW. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL KVcmiflrRS M AflMTluiu'i'H itrwr iro a w UK irr AriuKnu'riiu ' n.i I iintrnu'bu u;- -""-'"-"' " ........... U u u . w i, 1 v. i. ua,mn iw iumiij jvan uveu in Buuueeaiur operation, ana Deen ex olusivcly engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low-pressure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, etc, etc,, respectfully offer their ser vices to the pnblio as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary ; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick iesuatoh. Every description of pattern making made at the shortest notioe. Hign and Low-pressure Fine Tubular and Cylinder Boilers ot the beat Penn sylvania -Charcoal Iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds. Iron and Braae Castings of all descriptions. Roll Turning, Sorew Cutting, and all other work connected wita the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at tht establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for repairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are pro Tided with shears, blocks, falls, ete. etc., for raiting hoary Or light weights. . . JACOB O. NEAFIH, JOHN P. LEVY. H BEACH and PALMER Street. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON Streets, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Engines lor Land, River, and Marine Service. Hollers, Oaaoineters, Tanks, Iron Boats, etc Caatings of all kinds, either Iron or Uruss. Iron Frame Roofs for Gaa Works, Workshops, and Railroad Stations, etc. Retorts and (ias Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, also, Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Oil Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping En-gliu-H, etc. Sole Agents for N. Billenx'g Sugar Boiling Appa ratus. Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspln. wall A Woolsey'a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draln lng Machines. 4 80 QIRARD TUBE WORKS. JOHN IT. MURPHY & BROS, (nanufaclurrre of Wrought Iran Pipe, Ete PHILADELPHIA, PA. WORKS, TYVENTYTIIIIID mad F1LBEUT Htreeta. OFFICE, 1 PU. 4 A North FIFTH Htreet. 0 ORN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTORY, JOHN T. BAILEY. R. E. corner ol MARKET and WATER Street, Philiideluhia. DEALER IN UAUH AND BAGGING. Ol every description, for Grain, Floor. Salt, bnoer Phosphato ot Lime, Bon. Dust, Etc. Large and small GUNNY BAGS eotutantll On band. 2 Ji Aiao. WOOL HA aUi. AMUSEMENTS. A CA T F. M T O F if It ti t n J. a. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF THE ' r.rni.irM UI'MIA Bf-AbOIV. f5.Cn-J hh KNA U DIRKfTTRESS 1H1H (Wednesday) EVKNINH, Keptember lo, Wallace'! , , MAKITANA. All th Artists In tho ,-aat. '1HURSDAY (only time) -NORMA. ,.Hilt)A"i tintnilii(r 17. benefit ok m)h. o. k. Bernard. K la tkaviata. csiuritay-Xass sprmnranon of the Company, in .,.., GUAM) MATINEE. , ri"jri" now open. w A1,li J TLT E ATR E . B E ' I N8 A X 8. 1 MSV'.'Z!?1S, EVENING. Sopt. la. C'UMelAS! Hl WHAT CAN'T MONEY IX) T Ilonr, MeWille.'::.;;; .'VlM .Eiiaay- Benejlt. of Mr, o. P.' VqW KKS ' ' OOL,'OM 31 "ftiiCA' pS" STREET RI'EK. production ol"rVniaV Bn',iS;iS " THR FORTY T1IIFVES t"lnoln ...... ..MlhH l.YDIA THOMPSON Supported by the Full Troupe. " Jridny-Benrtitof HAKHY BKOKKTT Saturday-THE FORTY TIIIKVES ." JlnjirrpmUionLBoucicaiilt's FORMOSA. ' lOX'S AMERICAN TIIEATRE WA LN UT -L uhovo FKUII'H. "'-J THE WUNKf UFITL K I R A LI"Y TROUPE ...r,.... In 'two Grsnrt Ballets, HRyFST HOME AN1I MAI.YAIt CSARHAS. I ho N orld'a Pro-,tidit;itntenr, ROBERT NIOKLK. MameonSA2 CKGA YAFrEKNOON at 3 o'clock. y-ALER'B (LATE MILXER8y VVINTER T GAKDFN No. 720. 729. TM. unit TU VINVUi.... FOR SALE. g A FI1J.ST-CLAS3 RESIDENCE ITOIl HALE. The New Brown-Stone Dwelling, with Coach House, No. 1507 SPRUCE STREET. The houue is 2i foet front, three story and Mansard roof, and three-story dotiblo back buildings, with bath rooms on thoRecondand third, and wator closets on first, second, and third Hoots, and every modern convenience. The lot is S3 feot front by 2411 doep to Latimer street, on which there is a lino coach house, and stabling for four horses. The house was built and finished in the moBt complete manner for the presont owner, who occuplod it about a year, and offors it for sale only on account of leaving the city. Furniture new, arc! will bo included, if wished. POfifcF.fSHION IMMEDIATE, IF DESIRED. APPLY ONLY TO J. NORRIS ROBINSON, AlDreiel ACo 's, No. .34 SOUTH 11IIRD STREET, S3 tf PHILADELPHIA. H FOR BALE OR TO RENT. GERMANTOWN, Ave minutes' walk from Waynf Station, two neat aad comfortable Houses on WAYNfi1 Stroet, below Manheiin, suitable for small and Kentee family, with all the modern oonvenienoes, gas, water, range, heater, etc. Rent, $400 per annum. Apply to JACOB KAUPP.No.77 WISTER Streot, Germantown Possession at once. 6 18 ti o n s E, HANDSOME ARCH STREET RESIDENCE. No. 1528, 20 by 137. In thorough order, with modern im provements. Apply to 31 JOS. L. CAVEN. No. 18 N. NINTH Street. No. 131'EIGIITEENTII. ABOVE WAL- j! NUT Struct, near Rittenbouxe Sonare The most complete and elegant medium size DWELLING in west pitrtof city; lower ll-K-r solid walnut finish: every conve nience: for sale, with possession. J." F. LIST. No. ri!9 WALNUT Street. 8 30 fmwtf ELEOANT BROWN-STONE RESI DENCES, Nos. 4112 and 411tf Spruce street, for sals or to rent. Apply to C. J. FELL A BROTHER, 8 27fmwlm No. 120 8. FRONT Street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETO. JXVNIS LADOMUS & dP OIAMOJfD DEALERS & JEWELERS II WATCHES, JBWEI.KV A SILVKB WAIIK. WAT0HE8andJEWELET EEPAIEED. 102 Chestnut St., Tntta Ladies' and Gents' Watches, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, Of the most celebrated makers. FINE VEST CHAINS AND LEONTINES ln 14 and 18 karat, DIAMOND an other Jewelry of the latest designs, Engagement and Wedding Rings, In 18-karat and coin. Sold Silver-Ware for Bridal Presents, Table Cat lery, Plated War, etc. 87I ESTABLISHED 1S28. WATCI1ES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER WARE, and FANCY GOODSi G . W. RUSrSELL, NO. SS N. SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA." a WILLIAM B. WARNE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in . WATtlllKS AND JFSWELRY, t. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESNUT Streets. 82-j heiond floor, and late of No. iio H. THIRD Bt. HOSIERY OOODS. WILLIAM II O F M A N N, No. 9 N. EIGHTH Street, Pfaliadelphln, Dealer In Hosiery Goods, Offers (or aale a large assortment of Hosiery, for Ladies', Genu', an Children's wear; Socks, three quarter Souks, and Long Hose, of Engllah and Ger man manufacture. UND&ftWSAH Of Cartwrlght Warner manufacture, acknow ledged to be the bes wn ported. Also, the Neifulk and New Brunswick, acknow ledged to be the bes of Amorioan Goods. These Goods In all itaea, for T wsly Soring- and Summer Wear. OW 13 THE TIME TO OLEANSH YOUR HOUSE. WIl II1.,IIAKT."TIA & Cj.'S WASHING AND CLEANS1NU I'D WD Kit Is nneqnallod for wrnnblnc Paints. Floors, and all booMl bold use. Aaa for it and take no other. -vw! .oam W, U. HOW MAN. Sole A Rent, MSns Bo. llae FRANtLt'ORU njjtx; JOHN FARNUM &CO., COMMISSION MER! 1 1 chants end Manufacturers of OonestosaTiokinc. eta. . . - .mi. i. t r, .r DAup.ii, purcnasea at area expense by , ) A( Ol) VAI.KR.of this cUy, in comlnnatioT r,"ltLJ,U',,l,SOI;:HKKRA nd Miss NEI, LIE AN Lt'SfeA rerform EVERY AFTERNOON an) KVEAIINO at the above-mentioned place. Admiseioi tre8- nati