the Daily evening telegraph-pniL.ADEL.rniA, Monday, September c, isco. hew 3 suivir,i ; VHt Affair. Yesterday afternoon, between five and six o'clock, a diHturbaneo took place at a puI'Mc liouse in the nclhborliood of Yeg'X and New Market streets, between a number of men who had been Indulln freely lu the use of spiritu ous liquors. At the timo the disturbance was at its height Mayor Fox passed down the street, and noticing the crowd, immediately went among tho contending parties, in order, if pos sible, to quell the outbreak. Finding that It was impossible to do so without aid, ho summouod a number of policemen under Lieutenant Bru rein, when six of the turbulent persons were arrested and takon to tho lock-np. Soon after another disturbance took place at St. Johm and Uuttonwood streets, through the' same cause, when tho Mayor, assisted by a number of police men, succeeded in arresting eight or ton of tho men engaged In the fight. They were all taken to the Station House by tho police. Tho affair created considerable excitement, a largo number of men, women, and children having been drawn to the spot bv tho noiso. William "Read, a bouse painter, fell from tho third story of a house at Seventeenth and Vino streets, on Saturday, and broke one of his legs. Ho resides in Front street, near Thompson. John Monroe, nine years old, had a leg broken on Saturday, by a fall while attempting to jump on a moving freight train, on Washington avenue. DoinOHtlo Alfnlrs. - Secretary Routwell will return to Washing ton in a couple of weeks. President Grant left Saratoga yesterday afternoon, for Washington. f SfJS.OOO in bullion was shipped from Cen tral City, Colorado, during August. General Cariby's proclamation respecting the Virginia election will be issued probably on the 15th lust. During August the government agent at Denver, Colorado, disposed of l'J,913 acres of public lands. The yacht race for .flOOO, on the Chesapeake bay, was" won on Saturday by the yacht K. S. Bunks. It is decided by Acting Secretary Richard son, that gannister la liable to a duty of live dollars per ton. On Saturday the "Haymakers," of Lan singburg, beat the Maryland, of Baltimore, by a score of 25 to 12. The Northern Liberty Hose Company, of this city, readied Buffalo on Saturday night, and met with a warm reception. Tho old blockade-runner Lilian has sailed from Now Orleans ostensibly for Florida ports, but It is believed really for Cuba. 2000 barrels tanking, engine-houses and der ricks, and 1500 barrels of crude oil, were des troyed by fire at Petrolia on Saturday last. The Berks county Republicans have made the following nominations for tho Legislature: Captains J. S. Trexler, Charles Melcher, and John S. Tryon. Commissioners Burns, Dodge," and Bishop telegraph to Washington that their ''council" with tho Kiowas and Camauchcs, at Fort Sill, was satisfactory. The Norfolk and Great Western Railroad Company has concluded to sell five hundred thousand acres of land to the Virginia Interna tional Land Company. Fort-tan Affnlrs. Last week the cotton imports at Liverpool were remarkably heavy. The London Morning Post, In an article on Canadian matters, comes to the conclusion that "tho consolidation and development of Canada are at hand." The Marquis of Hartlngton, at the Sheffield banquet, informed his hearers that his task for the next session of Parliament would be the set tlement of the Irish land question. SECRETARY RAWLINS. Ill Condition No Hopes of Ills Urcoverv. It was thought in Washington, on Saturday at noon, that Secretary Rawlins was convalescent, but about 4 o'clock P. M. he began to fail. 1 le rallied a little at 9 P. M., but ivt 11 o'clock his pulse became very feeble, and ho lay without any noticeable change until s A. m. yesterday, when he called for and ate his breakfast, after which he directed tho disposition of matters relative to his own private business. At It A. M. there was a favorable change. During yes terday afternoon various friends called, Includ ing Secretaries Fish, Cox, and Robeson, Post-niaster-Geueral Crcswell, and General Sherman, who returned to Washington yesterday morning: Commissary-General Eaton, General Eaken, of tho Quartermaster's Department; Commissioner of Indian Affair Parker, and General Howard. Many inquiries were made during tho dav re garding his health, at the house of Second Assistant Postmaster-General Giles A. Smith, of Illinois, with whom Secretary Rawlius has re cently made his home. Dr. Bliss, who is tho attendant physician, has been in constaut con sultation with Surgeon-Genyral Barnes, Dr. Norris, and others of like prominence. Tho Secretary's private friends havo been unwearied in their efforts to render kiud offices, while General Dent, of the President's household, 1ms, without intermission, remained at his bedside, and has sent several telegrams to President Grant regarding tho condition of tho Secretary. Yesterday afternoon, at his own request, Secretary Rawlins was visited by a Methodist clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Wilson, a stationed minister in Washington, by whom ho was bap tized, and with whom, at a subsequent hour, he partook of the sacrament. He has, throughout bis sickness, been conscious of his real condition, and has signed all papers which may affect the future circumstances of his family. At 8 P. M. he was resting quietly, and no aggravation of his symptoms is at present antici Duted. There Is no prospect of final recovery, but his moral courage is such that his life may be prolonged for a day. President Grant is ex pected to arrive in "Washington to-day. Tho condition of Secretary Rawlins casts a gloom over the entire city, and is tho thenio of con versation in all circles. At 12-80 last night. Secretary Rawlins appeared to be free from pain, and was asleep. There has been uo perceptible change in his condition for the last three hours. . The President and the Herretnry. President Grant, who is at Saratoga, was to havo left this morning for Utlca, with his family, to visit tho Hon. Koscoo Conkling, but the character of despatches received from Wash ington yesterday induced him to write the fol lowing letter: ' "To lion. Roscoe Conkling My Dear Sir: It s with extreme regret that I have learned of the dangerous illness of Secretary Rawlins, whose relations with me havo been so intimate from tho breaking out of tho rebellion to tho present day. This compels rae to forego tho contemplated pleasure ol a visit to your city to morrow. 1 know that you and my other friends will appreciate the motive which calls mo from a pleasure trip to the bedside of a comrade who has rendered such signal service to his country, and whoso death win cast a gloom over the na tion. The most recent despatches scarcely leave a hope that 1 may sec hint alive. ' Sincerely yours, U. S. Grant." EMEUTE. Atf&ipt lo Brenk the Lancaster County Bold iruou. LanoVctkk, Pa., Sept. 5. An outbreak took place this A. M. at six o'clock at the Lancaster County Prison, which resulted in a fight and tho 'escape of one prisoner. Just after the 'watch 'men had been changed, a negro prisoner, named Coleman, managed to destroy the two locks of Ilia cell; at the same lima another norm nrlnnnnr also opened his cell door, and the two men, armed with shoemakers' knives, attacked the watch man ol the corridor, and tied him In Us chair; they then took the keys from ills pocket and opened a closet where pistols were kept, and also opened tho cells ot three white convicts. The alarm had been given by this time, and Levi Sensing, the keeper of the prison, and his attendant, appeared, -whereupon a tight ensued, In which the negroes. used the pistols, but for tunately without Infecting injury. The convicts bad Of eucd Uta reaif guUt of Uw priwa, but were overpowered before any of them, except a white man, named Curtis, could escape Curtis ' was awaiting his trial for larceny, and will probably bo recaptured. i In'iloiitalM. Gall Hamilton's "model conductor" has left the railroad, and is to ascertain whether ho can keep a hotel in Cincinnati. The citizens of PlttBburg, Pa., decided by a majority of 4410, in a total vote of only 5222, that they were not yet ready to be. taxed to lay out and support a public park. - The semi-annual meeting of the National Academy of Science commenced at Northamp ton, Mass., on Tuesday. Papers were read by Professor Arnold Guyot and Professor Woleott Glbbs, of Cambridge. Tho New Orleans Time says that long trains of Texas cattle, with keen, long horns, stalwart frames, and rather skittish ways, may be seen almost dally moving northward on the Jackson Railioad. The Washington lb-publican of yesterday says that the President has appointed Walter L. Greshain, of Indiana, United States District Judge, to fill the vacancy occasioned by tho death of Judge McDonald of Indianapolis. James T. Close, a Republican member elect of thl) House of Delegates of Virginia, died of cancer of tho stomach, at his residence, near Arlington, on 'Wednesday morning. He was of Northern birth, but had resided in Virginia for the last twelve or fifteen years. The official vote of Kentucky at tho August election, as declared from the office of the Secre tary ot State, is as follows: For State 1 reasu rcr, James W. Tate, Democrat, 82,017; E. Rum sey W ing, Republican. 24,75'.; for the School tax, 78,208; against it, 5-1,275. 1 he old men of Portland, Me., whose age ranged from 05 to 02, had an excursion and clambake on Tuesday. They amused them selves and created an appetite" by leap-frog and such amusements, and after dinner they organ ized themselves into an "Aged Brotherhood." Boston estimates the capital employed in the hide and leather business in Massachusetts at SO.OOO.OfO. The amount of sales of loatluer, etc., in Boston last year reached 15.000,000, and during the same period about 720,000 foreign hides were imported into Boston. The Hartford Conrant savs there was con siderable frost in that vicinity on Wednesday morning; and although no serious dainaqe was done the standing tobacco crop, tho cultivators were very lively during tho day cutting and gathering in from the fields, In order to be on the safe side. The Milwaukee (Wis.) Fenlinel is again urging the abolition of the office of Vice-President. In case of tho death of the President it would have the Secretary of State act as Presi dent riutil a new election can be held. It would have tho people vote directly for Presidcut, and the Senate elect its own President, to serve for two years. The Knoxville 1'resn and Ilrrahl says that Calvin Langston, who is in jail in that city under senteuce ot death, convicted of the murder of two women and a boy, and who has appealed to tho Supreme Court, is fast becoming hopelessly insane. He imagines that the victims are con tinually around him, and always upbraiding him for his horriblo cruelty to them. The Mayor and one of the citizens of Ful ton, 111., havo had a little contest, in which they at first confined their demonstrations to alter nately laying down and tearing up a sidewalk on successive days. Finally tho Mayor assaulted the citizen, and then went before a justice and pleaded guilty. He was fined $5, which a cor respondent of tho Chicago Times says was a deserved rebuke for tyrannical overbearing, browbeating, and official all-sufficiency. Tho Pcabody Library at Post Mills (Thet ford), Vt., has just received from George Pea body a largo oil painting of himself. The po sition is standing with face front and full face view. The right hand is thrust into the breast of the buttoned coat, the left holds a paper on which may be read, in imitation of Mr. Pea body's handwriting: "To the Chairman of the Peabody Library. Post Mills Village, Vermont, George Peabody. bamuel Scott, of Dayton, has been selected as tho Temperance candidate for Governor of Ohio, in place of J. E. Iugersoll, declined. In accepting the nomination he savs that for tho last twenty years he has advocated tho prin ciples of prohibition, and that ue believes tue time has "fully come" when temperance men should vindicate this doctrine at tue oauot-nox, -A new professorship has been established in Dickinson College, feunsvlvauia, supported oy a gift of $25,000 from Thomas Beaver, Esq., ot Danville. The incumbent of the chair is to have charge of the Department of Biblical Literature. Rev. Dr. Dashiell, the new Presi dent, has assumed his position, and the munifi cent centenary collection makes the endowment ol the college now about a quarter oi a minion. Dr. Franklin's fund of i'lOOO, which he willed to Boston In 1701. and expected to In- crese to .'131,000 In a hundred years, amounted to only ,i:i,4,.i:j'3o on the 1st or January nisi, and at this rate of increase will not reach that amount at the appointed time. Dr. Franklin directed that it should be loaned In small sums to young married artificers; that 100,000 should be expended for public works lu 1801, and the remainder continue on Interest another hundred years, when a portion was to go the city and some A;j,uiu,uuu to uie ouuo. GENERALITIES. The 3Imle Creek IHyntery. The Monongaliela Valley Jleimbliean denies the correctness of the statement made concerning the flmliiur of the body of an unknown man in a clump of underwood on the bauk of Maple creek, near Mononguliela City. It says : "There are no doubt croocl mounds for supnosinjr tnat mere lias been loin nlav. or at least Boinethinn which ouifht to be cleared up, but as yet no 'murdered mini, ' with his throat cut horn 'ear to ear,' has been found. On Thurs day, a large crowd ol persens turned out to attempt to ferret out the facts lu the case. Going to tlw carcass of the horse, they traced his tracks through two corn-neius and one oats Held between branches of Maple creek ut which point they fount! the tracks of two horses. the places where they had been hitched, and also where the rider or riders had dug und roasted some potatoes. This brought the searchers to a publie road, where they lost all traces. The fences between the enclosures crossed had been laid aown and care fully rebuilt, except the one nearest the carcass, which was partially rebuilt. Owing to the advanced Btiisre of decomposition of the horse, It wus supposed to have died two or three weeks since. The animal was a bay, with three white feet. Thus far there has been nothing developed to indicate where the horcc euiiie from or who brought it." A Oledlum ExpoMed. rrofessorJ. W. Caldwell and Laura V. Ellis, the child medium, a little irirl of twelve, nave been ex hibiting in Western Massachusetts a series of "won derful physical manifestations," after the stylo of tne Davenport isroiuers. boiuo oi tne tricks were very clever. The medium was securely fastened wiui strips oi coiMin eiuia to a seat m a small cabi net, winie iiius tieu numerous reals were per formed, such as tying anu untying a striD of cloth around her neck or waist; taking a ring and placing it on any ot her lingers, or in her mouth er ear. A bell placed In tho medium's lap was rung; a drum pluyed upon with a drumstick, and then with tingerB, ami the sides of the cabinet were vigorously pounded with a buck. A voice quius oko mo medium s, only a trifle heavier, was hoard in the cabinet when tho .inor won closed, whteh professed to belonir to th BPirit of one "Blake," who, when on earth, was a 0J. i,i lor ami "ot shotted" at the llrst battle of Hull Run in Great Barrington, however, according to the ilerkshlre Courier, the committee, in exainiulng ft,ii,in ruRtenlnsr. rubbed some lampblack upon her fiiKOT8,and when the strip was next manipulated bv tlie BUPPoBed spirit blackened tlQgor-marks were -f., uiuiniH. one of the committee also heard Lh child say in a low tone to her faiher, when an i".- 3S.harln failed : "Father, I couldn't "K" ....... . . parrit dropped out." The exnio. nation of tlie incus pc w ,-v , , , "J 2?ri " 3nini the whole secret lying In si pplng the 7-Li T1..J1- o int the bandaaes. Instead or with. Eai. the hVn la from them, aa would at first be ?,.nnnJri iierennarvrud any ulsnder boy or girl can easily learn It. a SLttllnar HhllM M Seat Tn Bpiklng or tho recent attempt to fcuttle the sc boomr T. L. Knight, of canmeu, uouuu w oeuwu. '"l'hla remind us of a aUnuar Incident which 00. nn.UH u.rui ..ora tne in the Indian Ocean. Captain Laugiilln McKay, ol East Boston, then In comiuami 01 a British amp nounu iw ikiuu,, another BrtUnu skip laden wtiU tea, Horn aatmiu for Liverpool, and her captain and crew reported her nnsraworthy, being half full of water. Captain Mo Kay took them all on board, and then, with his car penter and a boat's crew, Inspected the ship. He found her bored in several places, and In the pre sence of those who had abandoned her, plugged tho holes, pumped her out, put his chief mate and twelve men on board, who eurrtcd her into Colombo (Cey lon), and thence, after obtaining more men, brought her to Liverpool. "Captain McKay landed the rrew of the abandoned shin at Bombay, where the guilty parties were tried and transported for felony afloat. Captain McKay and his crew received a handsome salvage from the underwriters, for the ship was heavily insured. We do not know whether the abandoned schooner Is In sured, or whether tho augur, by some mysterious power, had bored the holes in her without human hands." Will of the Late Judge Mr Donald. Pram the Indianapolis Sentinel, Auj. 81. The last will and testament of the late Judge David McDonald was admitted to probata yester day. We glean the following items from the docu ment: To my grandchildren, Ella Venable, Alice Venabln, William Venable and Mary (1. M. Venable, I be queath my farm In Vertland, Marlon county. To my daughters, Ella Ray, Flora and Lllllfi McDonald, 1 aevlse In fee simple my house and lot where 1 now reside, No. 'Ml North Pennsylvania street. To my son, David II. McDonald, my large photo graphic likeness; also mv two large manuscript books, in which I have noted many things touching theology, morality, science, ami literature; also all my diaries; also my little manuscript book, contain ing sketches of myself and kindred. To my son, Curran E. McDonald. I befiueath my manuscript book of poetry; also all my manuscript discourses, lectures on law, and other manuscripts not herein specified. Other articles of minor consideration were willed to -his daughters. He desired that two men should be selected by his executors to appraise his law library, and that .lohn W. Itay should have the privilege of purchasing it at two-thirds of the price of such appraisement. If not purchased by Mr. Kay, then loseii it nt auction to tno nignest bidder. What. Is left of the estate is to be divided In two canal parts between David II. McDonald and the executors, In trust for t'urran E. McDonald. "I appoint David li. McDonald and John w. nay as my executors. I trust that all my kindred l named in the will. Though they may not all be satisfied with Its provisions, I will at least believe that 1 have endeavored to treat them all justly and equitably. To them all 1 bequeath my undying love. May we'meet again." loIiti'til. Democratic papers in Mississippi assert that tho State Democratic Executive Committee stand divided cloven to nine upon tho pro- riety of supporting the National L'uion Repub- he ans. How must Northern Democrats feel when they hear such n lire-eater as tho Memphis Aca laticlie crying out: "For God's sake, and the snkc of decency, let the poor negro alone, for he is a citizen with all tlie rights ot a treeman. will never be shorn of them, and is irrevocably free." -The New York Commercial savs tho num ber )f beggars in that city is Increasing, and that they swarm about the Hotels, depots, and ferries. So long as they form a part of the voting population, the authorities will not adopt very strong measures to drive theni away. Jioxlon iraeeuer. In his opening speech of the Ohio campaign, Governor Hayes said that the last Democratic Legislature had doubled the expenses of govern ment; added one-third to the number of Judges; increased the local powers of creating indebted ness; and yet they had thrown out a lull to au thorize a home for soldiers' orphans, to bo sup ported by private munificence, although there are joou ot them in tne saute needing aid, aud 200 in the poor bouse. The Augusta (lia.) Lonntuuttanaunl is will ing that Andrew Johnson should go to tho Senate, but it wants him to go there as a Tennes see politician, and protests against his going as a representative of Southern sentiment. It tells him that he was always against Southern sentiment and Southern rights as long as it was the fashion to be so, and that, sooner or later, the South will have 6ome of her faithful sous to represent her. the Detroit t ree rresw Democratic) ttcems it already settled that no party can succeed in tlie next Presidential election without inscribing upon its banner universal amnesty, and, proba bly, universal suffrage, a tariff for purposes of revenue and not protection, a speeuy return to specie payments, and a most rigidly honest. laitniui, and economical aaministiatiou ot tue Government, to the end that taxes may bo largely diminished. -Later returns lrom uainornia indicate that the Democrats have carried tho Legislature by a decided majority, thus insuring the failure of the ratification of the fifteenth amendment. It now looks as if Sclby, the independent, and not McCoppin, the Democratic candidate for Mayor of San Francisco, had been elected. At last accounts he was one hundred and twenty-live ahead. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine News ses First Page, ALMANAC FOR PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. Sun Riheb 6 31 1 Moon Skts.. bl'N Kith b'25 liiou Wateb 2 29 PHILADELPHIA BOARD Ol' TRADE. John O. Jamkb, ) v. B. dukiiouow, Committee of the month, Thomas L. Gillespie, ) MOVEMENT OF OCEAN 8TKAMSIILPM. FOR AMKRIOA. Siberia. Liverpool New York via Bos..,. A us. 34 iririnia Liverpool... .new York Ann. "., CoiWaabinKtonLivorpooL. ...Nw York Auk. 'An ruiropa i.iusgow new York Auk. 27 ltut-sia Liverpool New Yrwk Auir. l.W O. of Baltimore. .Liverpool New York, via II. ...Auk. 2S I.eipziK bvutuainpton.... Baltimore Auk. 2M HolKatia Havre New York Auir. 3 Cordova Ixndon New York Auk. 2 tit. Laurent.... Brest New York Auk. 'M FOR EUROPK. Raionia New York. ...Hamhurff Sept. 7 tltyot London. .New York.. ..Liverpool, via II Kept. 7 Chum New York. ...Liverpool Sept. 8 Idaho Now York.. ..Liverpool Sept. r) Tripoli New York..,. Liverpool Sept. H liarjsu New York. ...Bremen Sept. 9 COAS'I WISK, DOMKSTIO, ETO. C. of Mexico. ...New York. ...Vera Orur. Sent. 6 Juniata Philada New Orleans Sept. It Prometheus Philada Charleston Sept. 0 Columbia New York. ...Havana, via Nas ...Sept. it Pioneer Philada WilminKton Sept. 1 1 I onawanda rhilada.'. ....Savannah Sunt. 11 South America. .New York....Kio Janeiro Sept. 23 Mulls are lorwarded by every steamer In the roKular lines. 1'he steamers for or from Liverpool call ut Queenstown. ex cept the Canadian line, which oall at Iiondonderry. The steamers for or from the Continent call at Southampton. OLKARKD SATURDAY. Steamship Norman, Crowell, Boston, II. Winsor A Co. Steamer Ann he1 .a, Richards, New Vork, W. P. GlydoAf Steamer F. Franklin, Pierson, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. AOo. narijue son, aiurpny, Antwerp, n. A. nouiler & Uo. Br. karoue Jaa. Campbell, Harding, Kingston, Ja., O. C. Van Horn. Bohr Gen. Banks, Ryder, Boston, Geo. S. Repplier. Hchr Mary Millies, Parker, Boston, do. Scbr I. Thomtisou, Kmlioott, Providenoe, do. U..K. T A MUiw.A IJ .... (l),..W..H .1 .. .. !... . .ui .. ... n.-,,,at,, ui.Bi .u.ju, qiui naniDauvi Suhr Kversjraen, Brunce, Newport. do. Schr A. M. Kd wards, Hinson, Richmond, D, Cooper A Oo. Scbr Mary and Virginia, Taylor, Norfolk, do. ARRIVED YK8TFRDAY. Steamer M. Massey, Smith, 24 hours from New York. With liulno. to Vf. M. Baird A Co. Schr f ranois Hatteny, stetson, irom cmcua, wun suKar to 8. Morris Wain A Uo. Botore reported at Quarantine. Schr J. M. Taylor, Fowler, II days from Newark, with guano to Lister Bros. ARRIVED SATURDAY. Steamer Boverly, Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Br. barque Elgin, Uealy, 84 days from London, with chalk Ui order. , ,A. , Schr Webster Barnard, Smith, from St. John, N. B., with laths to T. r, damn a uo. vessel 10 Leuuox a Bur- B6: , . a 1 , u a A J urnn-.i : . i. bchr L. UaviuSOu, diuii-u, v uujb tiuiu IT VtillDOb, Wliu mackerel to Nickerson A Orpwell. henr lieorgie u eeriua, " itwm, imji kuw iviviuu, with mdse. to Orowell A pollina. Scbr John H. Perry, Kelly, a days from New Bedford, with oil to Bbober A Uo. ,,,, , . , Schr K. II. Bloxsow. dhimwu. 1 ui uuui uvuauuu, Lfei., rith grain to Ja. L. Bewley A Co. Schr Wave Uist, Davia, from Boeton. Schr J. A. GHIiin, FosUr, from Boston. Schr O. R. Wood. Uandage, from Boston. Schr K. M. Fox. Case, from Boston. Bchr 8. Godfrey, (iodrey, from Boston. Schr Polly Price. Yates, from Boaton. Lewkh, Del, Sept. 8. AU the Ueet before reported has gouetose. ' , WMu.kujiii, ( Mortal I)cfiatr to Th Ecming Trlrtfrat. RavBavuK-GuAca, rieut. d.Te fuilowlng boats left Here n U.W M-o 1- A If OooUinaA, wiui minmr 11 kuuimu n uubu. W- N Carter, with lumber to Pattarsou A Llppiuoott PteiQer A Maiming, with lumbar U PatUraoa A Lippln- H. Hmtg, with Inmbe to A- J. Oeign M. W, Morns, with coal. fr Choater. G. B. Moore, with lumber o Uearf Croaker. podM WiUa S. wiUs Ivuabw, I NlW York Orru r,. Ker t. 4 KlaTen tarel ! IB tow to-nlbt for HkltimorD, light. , Myrtle, with iron ore, lor t'lnlndntvhlft. Bai.timohb Branch Omt, Kept, i. The foltowlrn brf iTe In tow to-night, uatward : rMlwin Hoopnr; Moitonw ; iriat Kantem ; V. MoWlliiam; Fremont ; VV. 8. Burton t and J. U. HumoII, all wltlicoal, for Npw York. llido, with coal, for Bridge'on. L. 8. 0. MEMORANDA. ' , Bbip 'Wyoming;, Jnlius, from Liverpool for Philadelphia, w rpoktn Hth ult. lat. 49, long. 16. Hhip Almira, Oioas, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 'uamnhlp Tonawanrla, Wakeley, for Philadelphia, Bailed lrom riarannah 4ih irnt. IStxamnhip Hrometheua, (irny, for Philadelphia, cleared at Charleaton Sd int.., with 116 bale cotton, 64 do. yarn, 16 do. raga, 8 bundle leather, 8 bote leather, i'HMitjla. naTalttorea, 86 ton phoxpliate rock, 6 oaeka clay, 1 box wax, lacarboya, and jundry pkga. rttcanmhip haion, Bnara, hence, at Boston 3d Inat. hchr Annio Algee, Yming, sailed from Greenwich 2d innt. for Philadelphia. ,, . , Kchr Nellie 1''. Uurgcna, McKoan, hence at Belfast 3 nil "pchni Belle, Unwell, for Boston; O. It. Mnraey, Mur rey, for Bridgeport; C Hndtien, W'ainwright, tor New Hiiven; (ieo. TrihliU, Smith, for Ditditon, all from Phi ladelphia; and Hiram Woite, Hawkins, from Trenton for Monington, at New York d inst. richr Nightingale, Beebn, from Providence for Phila delphia, at New York 3d inat. Kclirn tiinnie Blnke, i'aiker.and Albert Pliaro.Shourds hence, at Providenoe 2d iDst. SchiH Melona Al. KnowloH, Knowlcs; O. R. Watson, A (turns, and Village tjueen, Tillotson, sailed from Pro vidence 2d Inst, for Philadelphia. richr Mary Anna, Haley, for Philadelphia, sailed from Norwich 1st inst, ..,.,... richr donn waixer, uavis, ann rnniy iiiuinrn, irim ble, sailed from Newport P. M. 1st Inst, for Philadelphia, hchr iMiiry frauds, Boyle, hence, at Richmond "it irst. fcichr (Sarah Bruen, fuller, oleared at YV ilimngton, N. ('., 1st Inst, for Philadelphia. Scbr Wake, Gaudy, hence, at Washington, D. 0. 3d inst. RAPES. i 1 o,ooo PREMIUMS. The Philadelphia Trotting Association, FALL MEETING AT POINT BREEZE PARK, ON SEPTEMBER 7, 8 and S, 18C9. CLOSED WITH THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES; FIKST DAY, TUESDAY, Sept. 7. No. 1. l'L'HSK tiooo For horses that have never lieutm 3 minutes in harness or wagon liioo to first, J'i.Ml to second, and Jioo to third. M. Kodcn, N. Y., enters s. r. Hilly Rogers. W. 11. Dolile, PliiliL, enters b. r. Hop. II. A. White, Watertown, N. Y., enters 8. s. Jai'k Draper. S. C. Rogers, Hilla., enters blk. g. Black Harry. N. H. Luilwlg, l'ottstown, I'a., enters lwu. in. Dinah. John Turner, Phlla., enters l. m. Fanny. 1). S. Quinton, '1 Teuton, N. J., enters l. s. Ifen. Lyon. Thou. Best, St. Louis, Mo., enters h. g. Henry. W. 11. Saunders, N. Y., enters bwn. in. Belle Clyde. A, Patterson, N. Y., enters bwn. h. Norwood. SAM K DAY. No. 8. PTRSE I25IM) For horses that have never beaten 2 "28 in harness or wagon; J1500 to llrst, I5t) to set'oiKl, ami riw to tnirii. D. Maou. N. Y., enters ii. ft. drey Mack. John Lovett enters b. s. 11. W. tleiiet, nee Danvers Boy. D. H. Blanchard, Boston, enters ch. g. License. B. Doble, Philadelphia, enters !. g. Hotspur. SF.CONI) DAY, WEDNESDAY, Sept, 8. No. 8. l'l'KSK tiooo. For horses that have never beaten 2-4ft in haruess or wagon; tdbO to llrst, iiTM to second, aim imu 10 mini. K. Waimer, Kcailtntr, Pa., enters s. g. Tormentor, W. 11. Doble, Philadelphia, enters bwn. ni. Lizzie Keller. 11. A. White, Watertown, N. Y., enters s. s. Jack Druner. S. C. Rogers, Philadelphia, enters blk. g. Black n airy. Thos. Best, St. Louis, Mo., enters b. g. Henry. W. H. Saunders, N. Y., enters bwn. in. Belle Clyde. A. Patrson, N. Y., enters bwn. h. Norwood. S. J. JtelU, Manchester, jn. II. , enters b. in. Sallie. SAME DAY. No. 4. Pl'RSE t'ioou For horses that have never beaten 2-80 in harness or wagon 81200 to iirst, $duo lo second, aim x-iou iu iiiuu. John N. Uarbeck, N. Y., enters g. g. Surprise, E. L. NorcrosB, Boston, caters b. g. N. ii. Palmer. W. H. Woodrull', Boston, enters bwn. s. Meiubrino Prince. l,.l.n Tnmn. TMtMn dnlnm 1, m Pannu A linn A. Johnson, Bullluiore, Md., enters bwn. s. Ueorgo N. Pate lien, jr. Owner, Phlla., enters s. g. Harry D. A. Patterson, N. Y., enters c. g. Dreadnaught. D. Mace, N. Y., enters b. g. Coolldcnce. THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, Sept. 9. No. 5. PL USE S 1000. F'or horses that have sever beaten 2-35 In harness or wagon 0&o to llrst, ti'Mj to second, and gioo to third. Owner, Boston, enters c. g. Good One. W. 11. Doble, Philadelphia, enters b. g. Hop, V. Si annell. New York, enters c. in. Louise. R. P. Stetson, Philadelphia, enters s. in. Laiky Light-root. Owner. Philadelphia, enters b. ni. Gazelle, J. Odeklrk, Freehold, N. J., enters blk. s. Patehen Chief. Owner, Philadelphia, enters b. s. Membrlno Pilot. Thomas Best, St. Lotus, Mo., enters b. g. Henry, 8. Woodrull'. Elizabeth, N. J., enters b. g. Listener, rormeriv stetson nay. R. Couklin, Philadelphia, enters b. 8. Andalusia, formerly 11. Clay. A. Patterson, N. Y., enters g, g. Grey Prince. . Lydia Thompson. i. Mace. N. 1 .. enters b. ni R. I. Anderson, N. Y., euters bwn. g. David Bonner. SAME DAY". No. 0. PURSE J2K00 free for all horses 11500 to first. STdO to second, und 8'J."0 to third. u. JJA.Ni.iiLS, in. 1., emers o. in. ajiiuucain GIRL. B. DOBLE, Philadelphia, enters b. m. GOLDSMITH MAID. D. PFIFER, N, Y., enters b. m. LADY' TnORN. Omnibuses will run every hour from Broad and Prime streets, commencing ut 6 o'clock A. M., und every ten minutes, commencing ut Vi o'clock, M. Fare, 2!J cents each way. Cars leave the New ork Depot, West Philadelphia, at 1 o'clock P. M., each day, via Greenwich Point Branch, rctnniinir at (1 o'clock. Tickets for sale at the principal hotels, and at the Onlee, AO. 144 S. f ourth street. Horses will be called at 2 o'clock. Trotting com- menre ut, 2-lfl. Restaurant on the ground. Members and subscribers are respectfully re quested to waive their privilege. Free lit sus pended. ... . . Ladles not admitted without charge. Tickets $1. WM. AMER, President. R. Stkk'l, Secretary. 9 4 3t PAPER HANOINQS, E I C. E A N & WAR B 1 PLAIN AND DECOllATIVB PAPER HANGINGS. KO. 251 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 1 BBTWIBH WALNUT AND BPBUCi, prnxADKLPniA. j COUNTRY WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1 : 1 18 T OOK! LOOK ! ! LOOK! ! ! WALL PAPERS I A and Linen Window Shades Manufactured, the 307 V . . . . r u A I ktmat I unirlun Naur .laru.u n .ir i f KUK.B AL Street, Uaniden, New Jersey. a 255 THOMSON'S LONDON KITCinWKrl or KUROPKAN RANGK. for families, hotels, qj pnhlio institutions, in TWENTY DIFFTCRKM : tl.KS. Also, Philadelphia, Kaneea. Mot. Air Kas. Portal) ie iwswiv, uiwown Urates, tlreboarl Sieves. Bath Boilers, btow-hols Plates, Boilers, Goo aim KLove to.. Whotaaala and ratal, by the msoufscturer bwves.. SHARPK A THOMSON, . tg7wfmm ' o.UUt M. BKOONU SUeek TO TIIE PUBLIC THE FINEST AN! Ureest assortment of Mi latest styles of Boots Gaiters, aud buoes for Sea and Buys oan be iuU at ItRlfTTRTBnPTxn 1 - ' lrge Kstahlishruent, Wo. ita) H. timxit Street BEAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT aclence and skill have invented to assist the hearing in every aegree 01 aeaiunsa , auw, sMspiratxira ; also, uran dsil's Patent Orutobea, superior to any others iu use, at V. HAVOftAli. No. 11a 8- TZHllX but,W PATENTS. PATENT OFFICES, N. W. Corner FOURTn and CUESNUT, (Entrance on FOURTH street). FRANCIS D. TASTORXUS, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. ratonta procured for Inventions In the United States and Foreign Countries, and all business re lating to the same promptly transacted. Call or send for circulars on Patents. Open till 9 o'clock every evening. S 0 smthS CTATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. STATU 0 Rights of a alunlile Invention just patented, and for the SLICING, CUTTING, anil CHIPPING of dried hoof, caliliaite, etc., are herehy ollerod for sale. It la an article of (rent value to proprietors of hntola and restaurants, and it. should lie introduced into every family. STA I'K RIGHTS for sale. Model ran he seen at i'K.LKGHAPH 01 l M K, COOPKR'S POINT, N.J. 6 27tf MUNDY A HOFFMAN. PROPOSALS. ROPOSALS.U. S. ORDNANCE AGENCY, COH ner HOUSTON and GREttNK Streets; entrance on Greene street (P. O. Box 1811), Nkw York, Sept. 4, 1-f!9. Scaled Proposals (In duplicate) will be received at this otllce until THURSDAY, October 7, is!, at 12 M., for purchasing from the United Slates the fol lowing Ordnance ttores, to wit: 20,0110 scarlet Blankets. 2A,ouo Horse Brushes. 2M'0O Surcingles. ,000 yards Webbing. 80,0(.0 yards 3fi-lnch Cartridge Sorgi". 2fi,t oo yards 8s-inch Cartridge eerge. 1,000 yards Flannel. 2,fi00 pounds Tow. 8f 0 pounds White Yarn. 5,000 pounds Skirting Leather. B,ooo pounds Harness Leather. 4,700 pounds Russet Leather. 120 pounds Gusset Leather. 800 pounds Gum Arabic. 2. pounds Orpiinent, 20,000 Blue Blankets. 20,ooo Curry-combs. 2,B00 Girths. 10,000 yards Planters' Linen. 2,KH) yards Linen Duck. l,uno pounds Saddlers' Thread, 600 yards Ticking. 6i0 pounds Cartridge Twine. 400 pounds Collar Leather. 76 Calf Lklns. 45 Morocco Skins. BOO pounds Bridle Leather. 150 pounds Deers' Hair. 19 quarts Laudanum. 10 pounds Prusslate of Potash, in nnnmlfl Snlnhate of Potash. The Ordnance Department reserves the right to re ject all bids not deemed satisfactory. Prior to tlie acceptance of anv hid it will have lo be approved by tne w ar Department. Terms cosn, m uuihuuiciu funds. These stores are on hand at waterviiet Arsenal, West Trov. N. Y. Bidders will state in their bids whether they will receive thn goods at New York city or West Troy, jn. l. i mny ouys win no ai lowed for removal oi tne stores. PrnnnsHls w be addressed to uie unncrsitrnen and indorsed "Proposals for Purchasing Ordnance stnrpR " Samples can be seen at V alervliet Arsenal or at tins Agency. or iurtiier.iuiorniaiiou appiy w me uim'-i.-Mgiicu S. CRISPIN, Brevet Colonel V. S. A., 9 6 Ot Major of Ordnance. OFFICE OF TIIE COMMISSIONERS OK THE SINKING FUND. TREABIT1Y DF.rATtTMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA,) liAltUlHllUKU, August 20, 1). ) Sealed bids will be reoeived for the redemption of ONE MILLION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, due July 1,1870, until 12 o'clock M, October 1, 1869. Communications to be addressed to R. W. MAOKF.Y, Esq., State Treasurer, Harrisbuig, Pennsylvania, and endoised Bid for Redemption of State Loan" F. JORDAN, Secretary of State. J. F. HARTRANFT, Auditor-General, R. W. MAO KEY, State Treasurer. Commissioners of the Sinking Fand. N. B.-No newspaper publishing the ubove withou authority will receive pay therofor. 8 i) lm CENT.'S FURNISHING COODS. A CARD. THE FOUNT OF FASHION. GENTS' FURNISHING STORK, will be opened September the 7th, at No. I1H S. EIGHTH STREET, with a full assortment of Gents' Furnishing; Goods, con sistinKof the finest donieotio and imported Roods only, making a specially of Kid Gloves, Neckties, Cravats, and Scarfs, in the most superior and varied styles. Introducing the novel features ef presenting to the purchuser of twelve articles, the thirteenth ; heinuiinK all handkerchiefs purchased free of charge. Unibrellus kept to hire tor a trifle for genoral accommo dation. The patronage of friends and the public is respectfully invited. Polite Salesladies in attendance. H3 MRS. CUMMIXGS. Ha Sa Ke Ca Harris' Seamless Kid Cloves. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENTS' GLOVES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., 5 275 rp Na. SU CIIESNTJT Street. pATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made from measurement at very short notice. All other articles of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS lu lull variety. WINCHESTER CO., 11 2 No. TOO CUESNUT Street. LOOKING CLASSES, ETO. E STABL.I8HKD 179 5. A. S. ROBINSON, FRENCH PLATE LOOKING-GLASSES, ENGRAVINGS, BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS, PAINTINGS, Manufacturer or all fclnds of LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT, AND PICTURE FRAMES. NO. 910 CHESNUT STREET, 8 It Fifth door above the Continental, Phlla, CARRIAGES. ggfe GARDNER & FLEMING, cAnniAan builders, No. 214 South FIFTH Street. BELOW WALNUT. . A Large Assortment of New and Second-hand CARRIAGES, mOLCDINO Rockaway. Phaeton, Jenny Linda, Bngglei Depot Wagons, Eta Eta, 8 S3 tutha For Sale at Reduced Price PHILADELPHIA RASPBERRY, JUCUN n. Arricnltonst. and othar Strawberry s LawUM kbrr PlanU; lUrUoid. Oonoord. and otter ViW Kit tale bt S. 4 O. K. Vs AMUSEMENTS. ACADKMYOF MUSIC J HK'HINt'S' F.NGLISH OPERA t ALOI INK. M. HKHNABK 1I RKCTRESS; OPKN1NG MGHT.'I HIS (Monday), Sept. A FAUST. Mrs. V. M. Bernard. Annie hemp Bowlor, Henry Ilaiftll, Hi my l)rs)ton, James A. Atuold, Anna Mischaa ia Ua iWsPAT FRA PIAVOLQ V I HMMiAV II. TKOVATOltr Los thpi-ta now open at the Academy, and at Trumpler'a) IMupic Store. No tra ihaige lor reserved seats. WALMT ST. 'THEATRE. BEOINS AT 8. " 1 HIS (Monday) F.VKNING, Sept. K. KIHST NIGHT Of the engagement of tho distinguished tragedienne, MKS. D. P B0WF.R8, ruppoitod by , MR J. C M'COLLOM, lionillsppearinan rntirnly now and powerful sensa tiunul plsy in hve acts, entitled HKAI'IXH T1IK TPMPkuT. OR. M A 1(1 .1 ' I.' It I I I,' Tin.'' vi a unL'nrR Mnrcutritc 'mwu 11 ' x Ki'iWI'Pfl Jean Paul Bergen J. c'. M'COI.LOM Act IM-rowing the Wind. Ai t 2d -Retrihutii n. A ct !td- -The Avencer. Act AXh-Atonement. Act oth- Reaping the Tempest. AIRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET -i'l THEy r. ATR V.. Begins k to 8. SKUONU WFFKGF LYDIA THOMPSON'S HI KI.FStJI.iK THOlT'K MONDAY ANU KVKKY NIGHT, I R 1 DAY - BKNKUT OF LYDIA 'I'ilOMPSON. SA i CRD AY A FT K K N OO N , at 3 o'clock, Only Matinee of tho LYDIA THOMPSON TKOUPR. MONDAY-THK FORTY THIF.VF8. In Preparation, Boucicault's "FORMOSA." j-OX'S AMERICAN" THEATRE WALNUT aliove FIGH I'll. MONDAY KVKNINO. Sept 6.and all the Week, 1 1 on Kfnur nrtl, rvirt Al.r 1 1KUUIK, Kleven in numlier. ROBERT NIOK I.E. the World's PrestldiRitnteur, New Ballet- De Roa, I Suardiand Ballet Troupe. Mat 1 n e e on SAT C K D A Y Al l NOON at 2o' c foe k. VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GARDEN Nos. 73n, 723, 724, and 73rl VINK Street, THW l:UlMWlUIHll.-il1 UTOhf I 1- .1 . of the GRAND DL'K K ()F BADE"n, purohaaed at grea eipn6 by JACOB VALKR, of this city, in comhinatios iih KI.AI MFK S ORCHESTRA and Miss NKI.LIK AN DK.KKMN. will perform EVERY AFTERNOON ant KVKNlNti At. that thnvA.mjtntinnaA nlana Arlmiulm free. I l3tf 8HIPPINQ. FOR LIVERPOOL ANC QUEENSTisWN Inman Line of Mall Hlaaiuars are appointed to sail aa fol low.' oiiyui I 111! 1 n I via U i I tf u v T.. I .. C . n .1 1 n x . Ci y of W ashinnton, haturday, Sept. 11. at 10 A. M. 0.All,werP' Saturday. Knpt. 1M. at 1 F. M. Cllyof lialtllllnrn. viu lluliin 'f..a.iau uAn. 01 - 1 n . f,mr!ilV'i,-,i?clidlr,haturdr D, lternat'Taesda. iroin I'ler io, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. T 1 . 'TBAMKK BAILlNd tVKRT iATPDnAY. nJjH ,Ii.'Pf-oli Payable in Currency. llRhl OA111N QIUII.BTKKftAUK. lolxmdon 1115 To lndon 4(1 o1"'' Uol ToParia 41 FAHHA'iK IIY THK 1UE8UAX BTEAMEH, VIA H.f.lFAX. FI1INT CA1IIK. STMKAHK. Payable inlield. Payable in Currenci riTorii.iol ( so' Liverpool fiM '"I'l" auHaliiai 15 bt John's. N. F., St. John's, N. F ) ... by ltrunvh btesmer....( by Branch Httwmer. .. . I asnt'iiKiirs forwarded to Havre, UambnrR, Bremen, etc. at reduced rates. Tickets can he bought here at moderate rates by per sons wishing tosend for their friends, for further iniormation apply at the Oompany's Office JOHN O. DALE, A(rent, No. 15 BROADWAY, N. Y 4 6 No. 411 OlIKKNUT Street, Philadelphia. rir CHARLESTON, G. C, inn THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. FAST FlllSIGIIT LirVlJ. EVERY THURSDAY. The StcamshlpB PROMETHEUS, Captain Gray and J. W. EVEKMAN, Captain Illtioklev, WILL FORM A RKUULAR WEEKLY LINE. The RteaniBliln phometiieps will sail on THURSDAY. Ni'ntemlmr 9. ut 4 P. M T iroiiffh hilla of lading given in connection with S. C. R. R. to points In the South and Southwest. Insurance at lowest rates. Rates of freiifht as low as by any other route. For reiptit, apply to o.. K A- KOCDEK A CO., ..882tf DOCK STREET WHARF. JONLY WRECTIJNE TO FRANCE thk GENERAL TRANSATLANTIO mSsrriA-company's m a i l stk a i s i ps BKTW KKN NEW YORK AND HAVRE. CALLIn" AC The splendid new vessols on this favorite route forth Continent will sail from Pier No. 80, North river, ever batunlay. ' PRTOK OF PASSAGE in Rold (including wine), TO BREST OR HAVRE. Iirst Cabin $140 Second Cabin S .-, , . , TO PARIS, . . (InoludinR railway tickets, furnished on board.) First Cabin $145 seconil uubin ' jo I hese steamers do not carry steerage passengers. Medical attendance free ef charge '"K,UKHr American travellers Boinu to or roturnlns- from the 00 tincnt of Europe, by taking the steamers of this lineivolJ. ,I1,'"il!ry TV fr.m ?i;an"it by Knt"h railways anf crossing the channel, besides saving time, trouble, ander. Puue- CKOKGK MA(JKKNlZIIC. Agent, v , No. 68 BROADWAY, New York. or P"""9 in PhiWelphiu, apply at AJam " Exore vwiiij any, 10 ir 1 iHxe. ia? Wo, 830 OHESNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND P jOi'AND Nnifh-ni ir j 1 r ti -. . OLE STEAMSHIP LINE F REIGH T AIR LINE TU THE SOUTH ANll WEST. At "H ill OA! USUAli noon, from FIRST WUARF above MARKEl Street . n.nir.n 10 an pointe la North and Sonll Carolina. yu Seaboard Air Line Railroad, oonneotmg if Portsmouth and to Lvnchburg. Va., Tennessee" and ht The regularity, safety, and cheapness of this ront oonti' mend it to the public as the most desirable medium taming every description of freight, transfer"" commisaion, dray age, or any expense Steamships insured at the lowest rates. F reight received daily. . . o . WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 12 8. WHARVES and Pier I N. WHARVSL W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond and Oity PointT T. P. CROW ELL t (JO., Agents at Nerfolk. 1 ll LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP NEW YORK. Sailing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. REDUCTION OF RATES. Freight by this line taken at 13 cent per 100 poundi, cents per foot, or 1 cent per gallon, ship's option. AdV vance charges cashed at otiioe on Pier. Freight receive! . at all time on covered wharf. ' JOHN F, OHL, 2 28? Pier 19 North Wharves. N. B. Extra rate on small packages iron, metal, etc' HKW EXPRESS LINE TO Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington, VJ iC. via ChesaDeaka and nHluw.r.n.n.i i.k connections at Alexandria from the most direct route foe Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville. Nashville, Dalton, audita- Southwest. Steamers loave regularly every Saturday at noon from U flrnt wharf above Market street. Freight received daily. WILLIAM P. OLYDK A OO., . No. 14 North and South Wharves. HYDE A TYLER, Agents, at Georgetown; MET ELDR1DGE t CO., Agents at Alexandria. tit a nui ivcj. r ncvy 1 univ, vim rj DIM. AWARD! AND RARITAH llivir! XT'rTT.TTI T VAnir-,.,. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT (lOMPANV the (JliKAPEST and OUIOKES'f water onmrnnnM tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily from first wharf below Mark street, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street, New York Goods forwarded by all the lines ruining out of Net York, North, East, and West,. free of commission. Freight received and forwarded on accommodatifj terms. WILLIAM P, CLYDE A CO., Agents, No. U 8. DELAWARE A venae. Philadelphia, JAMES HAND, Agent. 63 No. 119 WALL Street. NewYorfc' NOTICE FOR NEW YORK, VIA Delaware and Raritan Canal, RWIHTSTTRje, Till NKPOKTATION UOUPANT.-IIKH. PAii;!! AND BWIHlDUnn i.ii.n. The business by Ufse ! jf,,1" fheSthof March. For freights, which Wlli be Uksa 04 accommodatiug terms, SPpUW BAIRD A OO, ta Ko. LU South WharveC' fruit Preserving Powder. , 1. -arranUd to keep rHrawbarrlea sn perl or to an kneasa process, as well as oihsr friiiu, without being aliHigha. Priue, W osn's a package. Sold by the grocers. ZANK, NORNY fc C'O Proprietor.. IVtm Hu. IBs Worth SKOOND Bt. PhlUdaJ pOTTON SAIL DUCK ANDcTnvaT VJ of all numbsrs and .brands, feut. Awning, Trunkl and Wegon-oover Duek. Also, Puper Waimiaotii!