THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, F1UDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, J8G9. 5 w 13 wgoygx S XVI B. Prom Our Own Corrntpondmt. New York, 8opt. 3, 1H'!. . Ibhr nnri Urreler. Whenever tbc New York Kim wishes to pour oals of fire upon tbe heads of any of Its adver saries, It damns them, not with faint, but with furious praise. If Mr. Dana hates anybody and bis malevolent qualities aro by no" meins de spicable ho bates Horace Greeley, the Rentle Juan who has becu spoken of, of late, not alto gether In disconnection with tho Chinese mis sion. Ever since Mr. Dana lost his position as uianapng editor of tho Tribune, he has lavished npon Horace the claborato culopy which Is often HA lnOD Ixnni.n, nf ..L.Jt..iI , I i ,um:iicncsH man ot I ,m ,UU""1U "lllle ""POi oi urn. lie Hid not know T-i.-...',nowJ,Btcr.?1,nm . NorVli u, The convert to revenue can feel." No one better understands the unchristian :,r of heaping coals of fire than C. A. D. does. Hence tho lavish praise of every editorial In the tStm w hich refers to Grcelcv. and which would seem like sycophancy if It were not sarcasm. Directly Dana begins painstakingly to praise a man. I advise vou to lnonlro to whnt deirree. that man's antecedents and his eulogist's have been blended. The asp soothes whilst it stings so docs C: A. I). lie murders whilst he smiles. nrid shakes bauds In stabbing. Nevertheless he Is IBiikinir of the Sun a snurklinir miner. It shines like an opal. All its articles ure brief and bright, like pleasure. They may be said to be not only caustic but encaustic, for the vividness does not die out from day to da v. All Its intelli gence is made to taper down to the smallest pos sible expression. It seeks to enclose an "Iliad" of meaning ln a nutshell of a sentence. It realizes Bonaparte's idea of compressing a paragraph into a sentence, and a sentence into a word. It exuresses a Clianir of slu-nificance in a Commodore Footc of utterance. That is the long and short of it. It is a large hen on a suiaJ griddle. The American In-lln,tc Fair Is to commence here next Wednesday, at the I ' I Sixty-third Street Skating Rink, in this city. It promises to be a stupendous thing. Even now appneauons nave oecn mauc ior several tuou- I sand more feet of exhibiting room than exist. I The main building is 300 feet in length by 170 ln in. i i . ., , : width, and at the eastern end of the r nk a new edifice Is building, which is to be 200 feet Ion,' by 50 feet wide, and which will be devoted to the I exhibition of machinery driven by steam. Two engines of nlnctv-horse power each will furnish thc motive power for thc machinery on exhlbi- tion. One of thc features will be a blacksmith s forge, a new invention. The wool industry of the United States, and the arts auxiliary thereto, will be very fully represented, under the super vision of thc National Wool Growers' Associa tion. The northeast quarter of the rink is to be occupied by the fiir, which will be classllied into seven distinct departments, viz. : Thc departrc.eut of fine arts and education; the department of thc dwelling; the department of the dress and hnndi craft; thc department of chemistry and mineralogy; tho department of engines and ma chinery; the department of intercommunication; the department of agriculture and horticulture. Each of these departments again is tp be sub divided into seven groups, in which all articles of kindred nature will be placed. The Rink is to be illuminated by four large sun chandeliers Over the main aisle, besides numerous gas-jetS around the side Of the building. This years I ,iij.j la,l t,. f.., ..vm.ot !,,. f oil I 1 .1 Oiuer years. 11 is expecieu tuav iub press ol tue country will be fully represuuted. and especial I accommodations arc beiug provided for these I representatives. lUC awaru 01 premiums win be made on the evening of October oO, and the fair will close on October ol. The Kink was opened on Wednesday for the reception of I goods, which have continued pouring in ever I since, and will (Sunday excepted) until the open ing, ncxt Wednesday. About 50,000 square feet are already monopolized by exhibitors If you DcHlre to be Amused I advise you to secure a copy of one of thc New York daily newspapers aud read Parepa- Kosa's advertisement of herself. On second thoughts, however, I will cut it out and save you the trouble. Voila ! After making the preli minary statement that the scasou will commence on September 11, Madame Kosa continues: "In announcing this memorablo musical season Mm 1 11 me I'lircna-Itosa will Inaugurate a new epoch in the history of the American stajre. Her Kreat suc cess in Italian Opera in liurope and this country h is flrivcu her that substantial fame in her artistic career (which has consisted of an uninterrupted series of ovations) until it has become unrivaled in popula rity. Jn Loinlon her achievements In English Opera were equal to those whl'-h distinguished her on the Italian slave, uml her numerous musical triumphs In California ami ln the Mates miniiK several seasons, and recentlv her wonderful display of power before r0,(H)0 spectators in the great folleum at the National Peace Jubilee, In Boston, have united the entire American press ln pronouncing Madame Parep Bosa the great lvric artiste of the age. Her devo tion to the highest order ot composition, and hcrgratelul regard for the American public, will stimulate her to everv possible exertion to establish Knglish Opera as a permanent institution ln this country." This is musical modesty. Is it not i Some kind? of conceit are pardonable, us, for instance, that of tho artisan who has accomplished a success after long toil and manv failures, that of the youth in thc first exercise of more than or dinary powers, that of the actress who suddenly steps from the supernumerary list to the position of walking lady, or that of the child-artist who receives during his earliest years the reward that is commonly granted to only mature talent, But the most miserable conceit of all Is that of the long-established cantatrice, tbe prima donnn of uutjuc.ationablc position and renown, who makes a trade of genius and ,puffs music by mountebanklsm. I'm sure Mrs. Klchiugs Ber nard's 'Turd" was not so bad as this. The Tribune Is preparing to attack The New I'lav, "Formosa," on the ground of its Immorality, if tho editorials ln that journal may be regarded as the shadows ot tho comlug criticisms that are to emanate from the pen of "Willie Winter." Now my ex perience is that the public, particularly the New York public, don't care u tluker's benediction what the immorality of a play is so that It makes one forget tho time. No doubt there is some thing Inherently attractive in wickedness. II Optra bovffti could have remained lust as brlirlit. but become virtuous, It might have drawn. But would. It have remained bright t Echo answer, ot cotJrse not. The orlncloal fault found with the character of "Formosa" is, that she unite l mo uuruness oi a sinner with the softness of a saint, the actions ot an untlinehlnsr with the prayers aud tears of a Magdalen. Slit is one of those modern Astartes that are the oewiiuenng eidolon of the Bouclcaultiau brain, u..u iiuut .uuna their lncarnatlou ln one and the sarao woman. Bhe Is a comnnHlin t.eri.i made up of blu borrowed here and there, for which Bouclcault Is Indebted to a good deal of aclssors and a very little sentiment, that's U. If God made the country and man made the town, the Devil Ortalnlr Made the VaterlnapUre, for they are composed of some of the worst qualities of both, and none of tho best qualities of cither. This cold snap has sent the human summer birds up in Hocks from 'Long Branch. It looks as though we wore to have an early autumn, for summer has no sooner baid good bye than it Is gone. One of the most Hemnrkable Young Men of the Preynf Inr Is Mr. James R. (iriswold, a clerk M'Jko .Secre tary's ofllco of the Board of Health, lie Is em phatically a great young man. He has not got tho prudence and reserve, of George Francis . Train; nor the horror of newspaper publicity which characterises Count Johannes; nor the modest unconsciousness of merit which is one of the sweetest attributes in the traveller of world - wide celebrity, Pratt. No. But he has soinothiug beyond all these things. He hates money. To him lucre is literally filthy lucre It is the pitch with which he declines defiling llls finKyrs- Hi' will not touch the unclean "ng. Although young, he has already Inscribed Is namc upon the roll of undying fame. When he WB8 In l" of"ce ' tuc Sanitary Superintendent nc received flWOper annum. On being trans- fcrrcd Ue Secretary e ofliee that salary was continued, although the other clerks received :5W) lt ss- He has therefore written to the Itord of Health, requesting tlmt his salary may "e reuueca oy mat amount, :ind the Hoard have Rented his request. Such a young man as that lH w U8 KCIU ln lms cni'- "c Is one of the ten r ;K"K-uu men turn, (-nau save it. am H uia. !WI SH AL A1U 1JR1M.VTH'. The Clly Ainunement. At the Ac demv ok Mi sic the Rkuinus Fuir- lih opera troupe will commence a season of teu nights and two matinees on Monday even- l"K ncxt- Tuc opening opera will be Fausl, which will introduce several of the new singers of tue company to the public. The box-sheet is now open at irumpicr s ana at tnc Academy ol ' , ' ... , . ft"TTTip W .tv ffr XT v II, ....... T ..fl-I... .Ml 1.. ' 7, tV nV-Ait . ' h . nt),)car a8 "MjiCs na Coppalecn" In Bourci- cuuit s Irish drama ot The Volltpn Jlawn. The 1crtormaufo will commence with the musical 'tr;n.aganza ot .hnny l.mtl. Mr. and Mrs. Walk ins are both good actors, and thev have blciull in t, , 'cs () j,Ucrs during their brief visit here. On Monday evening Mrs. D. P. Bowers will commence an engagement. ' regular mi kvi i una imn.duce a 'brilliant scries of novelties which be has had in preparation during the summer. I lie company at this establishment is large, and t lie entertainments combine a variety ot attrac tions such as are presented at no other theatre. JITY ri'liMS. flr.OSISO OTT AM. KINDS ItV Nl MMFIl (jLOTHIVf. AT (.) katt.y Kki1' no I'nicrs. .4Wmn( rijtl ut. ntr ttnrmrntfare httpn'iar to nttf rftitly-nmrfe foch i,i rhitt. lUhiliia in ncru renect. l'rict.- auuianteed laict-r limn thr UM.y WAV Hktwefn- 1 Bfnnftt V,, Fifth and ' Towfh llAl.f., Xijelh Strett. &lf Maukkt Sr., PHlLAKri.lHIA, ako fine Broadway, New Yomk. frsf.Fn's Sewing MAcniNF.s. Tea dollars down, and balance in easy instalments. O. F. Davis, No. flO Uhesnut street. Fabth Closet Company's patent dry earth com modes and privy-fixtures, at A. II. ifrancisous & C'o.'u, No. D13 Market street. .Ibwemlt Mr. William W.Oassidv. No. 12 South Second street, has the largest and most attractire assortment of fine Jewelry and Silverware in th city. Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure article, furnished at a iiTinn ivhinh Runnnt hn Anuallnd. Hn rIm has a larflra stock of American Western Watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to bis store is sure to result in pleasure audpronu C:ioi.f.ra, Cbamps. Cholera Moniirs, Sour Stomach, and all Bowel Affections are speedily cured by Jaynf.'s OALiMtr.'ATlVE. It takes away all soreness of the abdomen, soothes the stomach, and restores its natural action. As a family remedy for tbe diseases so prevalent among children and adults during the summer months, it is espe cially recommended, being prompt in its operation, per fectly safe, and easily administered. Sold by all Druggists. Fanc y N omil-Plain. Tjs open'ng of new styles of material for the I Fall anh Wintkr or 186V, I By Charles Stokes. ' proves conclusively that he is the LKAI'Mt of Fakhion, being as usual in the advance with his mode- ior the comma' season. The immense asrortment now arranged for the inspection of thepublio eclipses any ever exposed for sale in this city, comprising as it dors, all stylos of Plaid Chiviots, Plaid Bannoi kucrns, Flaip Cashi- MERES, Plain Cheviot,.. Plain IUNNOt KiirnNS, Plain O vbsi- MEIIES, Kanci Scotch, Hsi;lish. h and American Coatinoh, Fanc y and Flaw Beavers, 1 ricots. Diagonal. Ii very variety and thade of Cassimeres and Cloths for Fall Overcoats. In faat bis assortment is full up with all th Hoveltikh of the Season. His corps of Cutters tbe most tasty aud skilful. Prices Reasonahlk Yorit patronage rebiec tei lly solicited. A REtifLAR IlAHiT OF ItODY is absolutely essential to physical health and clearness of intellect. Nor isthis all. lleuutyof person cannot coexist with an unnatural condi- t inn of the bowels. A free passago of the refuse matter of the system through these natural waste pipos, is as neces ary to the purity of the body as the free passage of the offal of a city through its sewers is neoessary to the health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary' cause of most of the diseases of the discharging organs, and one of its most common re sults is constipation. This complaint, besides being dangerous in itself, has roauy disagreeable concomitsnts--uch as an unpleasant breath, a sallow skin, contaminated blood and bile, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of memory, SHiH Bitters reMove all these evil, by removing their immediate cause in the digestive organs, a id regulating the action of the intestines. The oombma tu n ol properties in this celebrated preparation . of its chiel merit.. It is not merely a st.mulant, ora tjnio. or an anti bilious agent, or a norvme. or a blood depuren t. or I cathartic, but all these curative element. Ja.cmuly blended in one powerful restorative. It lends aot.v y aud vigor to the inert and euervuted stomach, relieves the ah mentaiy canal of it. ob.t ruction... nd give. membrane which line. it. gently stimulate, the liver brace, the nerve., and cheer, the animal spirit. No other remedy posse, .uch a variety of hygienic virtue. It is to these characteristic. hat it owe. its prestige as a house bold medicine. Kiperlence ha. proved that it i. " harm, loss as it is efficacious, aud hence it U popular with the weaker sox as with the stronger. Hohtktteh's Htomaoh Hitters 1. . ld in bottlo. only, and the trade-mark blown in tho glass and engraved on the label, with our steel engraved revenue .tamp over the cork. U the teat of geauioeae... Bewar. of counterfeits. Tnr PnrLAOFLPtnA t'rtmciuiiTT.-Thitmedleal inititu tion, situated on Ninth street, soutn of Ioust, cotn m enr it se anion of lK-70 on the Sth pro , t 7" o'olock P. M., with general introductory by Profesonr John O'Byrne. The introductory Is free to the public. The Dean of the Institution is at the Colleft daily. good byk to Our Summer ( i othinii. For a Fkw davs Bk.KORK Ol'ENlNft T1JK (irand t0ck op Fai.i, and Wintkk Garments, VK Wtl.I. SP.U. WHAT REMAINS OF OVR 81'mmer Assortment AT PRICKS Til AT SHAM. COMMAND TH El !t ItKADV SAI.K! Everybody knows the Inconvenience and !om at tending the "carrying over" of a large stock of goods, ho we have determined to clear all our shelves and counters of the clothing still remaining on them befnie offering to the public the grand result of the last three months' preparation lor our Fall and Win ter trade. To do this We Oeeek, AT THR Pkoi-i.e's Own Prices, THE GREATEST ItAl'.n.MNS ! s I'EADV-M ADK C'l.OTHIMt Tver knows in this Market. Come and see aboi t it, at Wanamakkr A Brown's Oak It a i.i. Iirn.iuNus, fci.xTii and Market Streets. Note The stoc k slightly wet at the (Ire, No. sis and xiio ( liesuut street, will be broi.glit to this house si. .1 ."old at unhrard-of bargains. .tiaickii:i. rtt'SIITON HN1I.-On the evenintr of the 2d Inntsnt. by the Kpt. William Nndilard-. t'H AK1.KS P. HIT.SIt I'dV to lll'.L l.ALI. dauKhter of Israel L. 1- iah, 1 .Mil. , of this city. 1 AVI.OR-YOFNIi On tho 1st Instant, at Nr.. Ilii tircon strnet, by kef. .1. Wliniitun Smith, KNOUHTAV l,OH, nf Mempliiti. T.iiin., to I.IZ1K U. YUt'NU, of Phi. ludelphiH. WHARTON-IRWIN - On April B. 1t, bytheRov.T. yi. Cnnninirhimi. Cl.IKTON f.KWIS WUAKUM to Miss I.KTIT1A IKW1N, both of Philadelphia, iii:i. f.OOOS. -On tho Mat tdtimo, WII.LtAM C. (.OODS, in the '.Mh vear tit his axe. Tho friend wunm ilciith from ns has torn. We did not think so tuion to part ; And rare now sink the thorn Mill deeper in our hlneriinjr heart. The relativus and friends are rtappct fully invitd to at tend hit. funeral, from tho residnnoo of his fatlwM-in-law, ,lkii- T. Vojrdes. No. !' N. Thirty-fourth street. West I'hi ladohihia, on ha turd ay atternoon, September 4, ut :i o'clock. llOPPf.K. Suddenly, on tlie :ilst ultimo, U. A. O. 1IOPP1.K, in the -Jsih year of his sue. The friends and relativus, and Atlantic Lodire, No. SsJ, I. O of ( . !'. -, W i-U-nnic l.o(1f. No. mi, K. of P. ; (iSorKe U. McCIIi'llan licn.-lii ial Soriotv; and the Diligent lloae Ccinipaoy, No, l:(, are rpsMH-tlully invited to attend his fum-ral, from hit, late resilience. No. IJ.l.' Olive htreot, on hunilay, the i'iiIi iuatant, at 1 o'olock P. M. .TKKI-'KIKS. On thnl'.tat of Aiieust, IIKSTI-'R ANN. wife of Ja.-ob V. dprTrie, ased ',V years. The relatives and fricnilh. nlsfi fraternal Male and Fe male T. K. A., No, 1, are respect lully invited to attend tne tnneral. from the renulence of her huiband, No. i!"J7 Mur riett street, on Sal urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services at (erinan Street Ctuirrh. McKKAN.- On tho mornintr of September 1, Kt.I.V McK K AN, daughter and only child of William V. and U. A. McKt-an. Her remains ttill be ot the resilience of ftli-,H Davin, No-. ,r,iS N. Kleventh street, until Saturday afteruoon at li o'clock. Iter trioiida and those of the family ar" inviti-d to attend the funeral services, at the Church of tho Kpiphany, Kit. loenth aud (Jheanut streets, on Saturday afternoon. Sop. tninbi-r 4, at II o'clock. The male friends to proceed to Woodlands Cemoterv from the Church. i MOSI.KY. On the illst ultimo. MARY I'".. wife of Samuol Musley. and daughter of i rodi-rlck and t rances Anne, in the .!4trj year ot her age. The relatives and mends ot the family are respectfully Invited ttfi attend hnr funnraj. from tna residence of ber husband, No. I:M Juniatu street, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'olock. ! uneral servic ) at th t;tiurcn ot the J'-vangHUhi. Interment at Machpuluh Cemetery. SMITH On the 2d instant. HARRIKT JRANCKS. daughter of John W. and Kniiiiu Y. Smith, in the Sill year of her age. Thu rnlntivAR and fHAfirta are rpwiAOtfullv invited to at tnnH hnr fiinnral. frrim the rnaidenon of her liarenlH. No. 2lt! Wildey street., on Sunday at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Hanover Btreet tiround. STRATTON -On thealst ultimo. OEORfi K W., son of 'William and Klizabeth Stratton, in tho :C!d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, and V iola Council, No. til, Jr. O. U. A. M., are respeottully invited to attnd tho funeral, from his parents' residence. No, ril Fnileral street, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment at Machpelah Cemetery EXCURSIONS. QR AND EXCURSION AROUND NEW YOltK I5AY AND TUIRTY MILI'S UP THK HUDSON 11IVF.R TO S1NO SING. Leaving Philadelphia, from WALNLT ST. Wll ARF, on Monday, Pept ember 6, at 733 A. M. NATIONAL OORNI.T BAND of Camden will accom pany the Kxcnrsion. I ARK POR TUK. EXCURSION-SinJo Tickots, $3'00 Geutleman and Ijidy. Ifci'lXI. Tickets cun be proouretl at the Ofnnes, No.. Sit and 828 Chesnut street, Unittd States Hotel, foot of Waluut street, uud at the wharf on the morning of tho Fxcur sion. 8 t it T?on c a r e M A Y. FAST EXI'llESS X' TRAIN. On SATURDAY, September 4, Leaves Philadelphia at ,4'iX) P. M. KKTl IIMHI, Leave Cape May, Monday morning 9 00 A. M. TLia Train will be run on Saluidaya, tbe 11th and lth instant, from Philadelphia, and the following Mooday. noiii l ape may. w. o. cik.v I'-ci., BuperintondHnt, September 1, M9. C14t n-j w EXC TIISION TRIP TO CWF. Lfw-TSIAV, on SATURDAY. September 4. -Tb a&ukrf!l tine new steamer I.ADY OK T1IK I.AK will iiuike an excursion and hor last trip to Capo May on SATURDAY, leaving ARCH Street v.harf at f A. M .and return on Monday. Kxcnrsion ticket., including i-arriagu hire, lyj W; each way, incluiliug carriage biro, KC Ji. I' 'J. it fF3 k F.MJL KSIO.NS UN THK Sl UUVl. LjpjJ, RILL A steamer leave airiuuiuit for ran oi nuiiuyimu r. r.iti tuai i-rnr BIINUTKS during the day. Steamers nil everyday in the week. The (ireen and Coato Streets Passenger Kail way Company exchange tickets w ith the boats. S'JHtf DAILY EXCURSIONS TO BE- verly, Rurlington, and Bristol, by the steam1 hoat .11.11 N A. WAitNKll. leaves Flu lad l I . ...I..... . O un.4 AtAl,.,.lr P Kf U a. turning, leaves Uristol ut ti iiU o ciock A, m. ann 4 o cioci P.M. Stopping eaoh way at Riverten, Torresdale, Anda lusia, Beverly, and Burlingtou. Fax 33 cunts. 1 irur ion, 40 cent. 7 U Um ill ruTricuTiri? POOJT fin YnTTT. '5'anll mil tjika tha fa mill to thl. COoL daliilbt . ll .luit New suiamer.. with every comfort, leave SOUTH Street Rliu daily, everv few minncoa. W dm' BOOTS AND SHOES. piTJE CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES FOU GENTLEMEN. OARTLETT. NO. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STUEKT, 111 14 fmw ABOVE UilfiSNTJT. A good nt maj always be obtained. MATS AND OAP8. TTT WARBURTON'S IMl'KOYEI) VENT I dilated and easy-fitting Dress Hats (patented), in all the improved fashions of the season. liUKKNUT Street next door to the Post Otnoe, 11 IW rp DEAFNESS. EVERY INSTHUMENT THAT acienoe and skill have invented to assist tbe hearing in every degree of deafness; also, Kospiratoi'. ; also, c; ran (lull's Patent Crutches, superior to any others in use, at P. MADEIRA'S. Ko. llii b. Tl'.NTU btreel, llow Chesnut. 2 'P DRY GOODS. E, R. LE E, NO. 43 NORTH EIOH.TH STItEET, Opened thin morning from New York, thenpt lots of LINEN GOODS EveroiTcrtd, parchaptd for CASH at fearfully low yt ices, W dozen Linlles' Linen Utmiiied IInudkcTChlefs, SSceuta, worHtfi. lto dozen Colored Bordered nemnietl, French, SIM ceDts. 100 dozen Boys' Extra Fine Colored Border, 12J cents. 2on dozen Men's Colored Border, ready hemmed, 37X ccntH up. 60 dozen Men white I.lncn, 22 to C7 enw. Ladles' Linen HdkfM., lif; uml 10 rent.. Extra Heavy Renl Iiarnsley T dile Dsrmisk, ll-lt;. Heavy Loom and Dnmimk Tiiblo Linen. ton dozen Linen Towels, f in per, ehenp. 800 dozen large slf.c.d, 'in, s, and ,'iT ceiits. New ITcneli Appllnu" Tldiei, In ooloi s. Blegnnt New Fans, lntest styles. Demonstration ln Colin rs and Cuff. Ppe!laltii-s ln Linen Goods. Full Lines of Hosiery. t '.' I t IX It. LEE. A1J(JAINS IHOM HIE LATE AUC TION SALE OF DRY GOODS, ?,:(iht:.yD:in.ngeil by W ater at the int.- h.v of an im porter on Clio nut stiver. DAMASK TADLE LINENS. DAMASK BORDER TOWELS. MADRAS II AN DK KItCM 1 1 EL'S. LINEN CAMliUIC HANDKERCIIIt'.'-'S. HUNTED HORDE It HANDKEIintl KFS. TABLE C LOTUS. K TOUIA LAWNS. X.VKSSOOKS. PLAID Ml'SLIN. Ui.ACK ALPACA. COLORED ALPACA. Ail hi oncli prii es as t1) close out r.ii'lly. Cl'ltWKN STODUAUT & EU T1IEU Nor. 4f0, 4.'.2, and 404 North SHCOND Street, n i tt PHILADELPHIA. T LINEN STORE, No. 823 ARCH STREET. AND No. I 128 CHESNUT Street. CHEAP BATH TOWELLINGS, TURKISH TOWELS, HEAVY ABSORBENT DIAPERS. Several lots CHEAP HANDKERCHIEF;!, In Ladles' and Gonia' sizes. SUMMER GAUZE FLANNELS. GAUZE ULANKETS. LINEN SHEETINGS, every width. We furnish Hotels ami Public Institutions at Im porter's package prices 8 2lmwf "'OTTONS ! WOOLLENS ! LINENS ! COOPER & C0NARD, NINTH STREET, BELOW MARKET, Exhibit full lines of all the pood makes and widths Of SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS. FINE SHIRTINGS, WIDE SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASINGS, EVERV GOOD MAKE. Biiiek Cloths mid Doeskins. Fine Coatinea and Trowscrings. Best Water-Proof Cloaklugs. Flannels, Fall and Winter Use. Linen Stock lias some attractions. 12-00 Black Silks, a bargain. Black Silks, f 1 -00 regularly up to r. 1 7 Ism POPULAR PRICES FOB DRY GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESNUT STItEET, 1 18 tf PHILADELPHIA. FU R N ITURE, ETO. F N I 1 URE. A. & H. LE JAMB RE ' HAVE REMOVED THEIR Furniture & DpMsterim Wareroonu TO NO. 1127 CHESNUT STREET, tlOwrmemrp GIRARD ROW. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ALL THE NEW BOOKS FOR BALK AT WUOLK8ALR PIU0K8 BY 1 OUT 12 IK Ac CO AX 12 H, Publishers and Bookseller, NO. 822 CHESNUT STREET, Marble Bulluinc, Adjoininc the Continental. Our Now and Elegant ART GALLERY. Is now open with the finest collection of PAINTINGS CUKOMOS aad KNORAVINUfj in the ". tl mwfirp FINANCIAL.. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT. THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS or rn Wilmington and Reading Railroad, BEAKlMi INTEREST At SEVEN PER CENT, in Carrency Paynbl April an4 Orleber, fr f STATU na ITX1TKD HTATEf TAXKH. This road runs thxoturh a thlokly popolAtd and riob Mrrioaltnral and mannfaotorlnc distriot. For ths present, ws ar oflarinc a Umitad amoont of tha ahoy Bonds at 85 Cents and Interest. Tba connection of this road with ths Psnnaylruia and Keadina Railroads Insnrea it a Unto and remanaratiT trad. Wi reoonunend the bonds aa the oheapeat flnt oLaas inreatment in tba market, W17I. FAHMTSZl 6L CO., BANKERS AND DEALS 113 IN OOVERN.UENT3, NO. 36 S. THIUD STIIEET, Sm PHIT.ADKTJPHIA. DE IIAVM & BRO. A N IC K It S AND Dealers in Government Securities UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD First Mortgage Bonds, O-old, Etc., No. 40 South THIRD Street, 11 PHILADELPHIA. B. ZX. JiUVTZSON Sl CO., BTJCCESSORS TO P. P. KELLY & CO., Hankers and Dealers la Golfl, Silver, and Government Bonis, AT CLOSEST MARKET RATES, H.W. Corner THIUD and CHESNUT Sts. Special attention given to COMMISSION ORDERS In New York and Fhlliuteiphla Stock Boards, etc etc 8 b tn 81 Q.LENDINNING, DAVIS & CO., NO. 48 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. GLEIIDISNING, DAVIS & AMORY, NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK BANKERS AND BROKERS. Direct telegraphic communication with the New York Stock Boards from the Philadelphia Otnee, 1223 SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., RANKERS, rillLADELnilA AND NEW YORK. DEALERS IN UNITED STATES BONDS, and MEM BERS OF STOCK AND GOLD EXCHANGE. Receive Accounts of Buut.H and Bankers on Liberal Terms. ISSUE BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON C. J. HAMI1RO 4 bOS, London. B. METZLER, 8. SOUN A- CO., Frankfort. JAMES W. TUCKER A CO., Tarls. And Other Principal Cities, and Letters ol Credit 1 8 tf Available Thi oughont Europe. Q I T Y WARRANTS BOUGHT A SOLD. C. T. YERKES, Jr., & CO., NO. CO SOUTH THIRD STREET, 8 4 PHILADELPHIA. L L I O T T & D U N N, BANKoRS, NO. 100 SOUTH THIRD STREET,;; 1'iiit, LRWV BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON THE UNION BANK, t'l' LONDti.N. DLALKIiS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, BILLS, Etc. Receive MONEY ON DEPOSIT, allowing Interest. Execute orders tor 8tocks la Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Baltimore. 4 liO! pm S. PETERSON & CO., Stock and Exchange Brokers, NO. 39 BOUTH THIRD STREET, Members of the New York and Philadelphia Stock and Gold Boards, STOCKS, BONDS, Etc., bought and sold on com mission omj at either clt j t to; FINANOIAL. A Seven Per Celt Goli Loai CS,500,000. THlt KAN8AS PACIKIO RAILWAY, now iaancOM ful rratioa from Kansas Oil to Sbandait, propoas. to build aa eitonrirn to nenvsr, Oolorado. Tna OoTernrasa naa.rantMl Tltre. Millions of Aero of the flnnat laada aa Kansas and Colorado, wlUeh ar. mortaaxvd for th. aaem rit, of a loan of $6,500,000. Thlfl IfVatll ! tMltlHil n k. 4 .4-.-t ta i-i..r.. u u uivBi o 1 1 m; i tut inrtoaor, rDretMntA ft rnirl in itfnflt.hl. a a i.t si.. wmm riuui noiv wrvi ai iud, nnu win nmn trad, of tli. Kooky Mmnta'a oouMnr and conn not it witk - ' u r nn. ii u considorad to . aaa of ths bol loans in the markst. EVKN BETTKR Iff BOMK RK8PKOTJ T II a If OOT n. jvh (nun l BKUUKITIK8. The Ina. haa tbirtl inn in a i.. a - I r.,HVIJW M.U I U U 1 1 . pafaole ln (told, semi annually, aTen per ot nt wuom wiu d. payalle semi anuuall la .itka Frankfort. LoniinM. nv Kaw V u - j ... . . . - . .wi., uu win do ire. rroaa Government taxation. Th. bonds for ths oreaMS m sold in currency at W, with accrued interest. ireuiar., map, ana pamphlets sent on application. 1AIIM.V. ItIOIK.A.H A. CO., No. t3 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. m. k. ji:mi;i a. co.. no. 12 pine street, new york. We are anthorired tn sell tho hnn. i. mh.j.i..i.!. offer thcin as a reliable investment to our friends. ioiv;vsi.7i iviii;i.i: Ac to.. No. S0 WALNUT Street, SSTtnthft; PHILAOKLPaiA. RANKING II O U 8 K or JAY COOKE & CO., Nos. 112 and 114 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA, Dealers ln aa Government Becorttle Old B-SOs Wanted ln Exchange Ior New, A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADE. STOCKS boaght nd ftOi on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved foe adies. We will receive applications for Pollclea of Ufa Insnrance ln the National Life Insurance Corapajay of the United States. Full Information given at ow office. t i m p E N N S Y L V AN I A AMD New Tork Canal and Railroad Co.'g SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS. GUARANTEED BY THE LEHIGH VALLB RAILROAD COMPANY. A LIMITED AMO' NT OF THESE BONDS OFFERED AT NINETY-ONE PER CENT. The Canal of this Company is loo miles long. Theif Railroad or the same length Is fast approaching com pletion, and being principally owned by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, will open ln connecUoa therewith an Immense and profitable trade north ward from the coal regions to Western and Souther New York and the Great Lakes, Apply at Lehigh Valley Railroad Company's Offloa No. 80S WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. 3 Imrf CHARLES O. LONGSTRETH, Treasurer lyehlgh Valley Railroad Company. STOVES. RANGES, ETO. GOLDEN EAGLE FURNACES AND COOSCOriC RANGES. 2,451,600 Cubic feet cf space, thoroughly heated by EIGHT nieolum-slzed GOLDEN EAGLE KURNACKS, at United States Naval Asylum, Philadelphia. PERFECT SUCCESS. It Is three years since the above Furnaces were In vented and offered to the public. The advantage! they combine have given them a moat signal success. Already in our city it has taken the lead, AND THE DEMAND CAN SCARCELY BE SUPPLIED. T!ie community are assured that tbe essential fea tures which have given the Golden Eagle such na bounded popularity are not found in any other Fur nnies now extant. An examination Is solicited. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. CHAS. WILLIAMS, No-.. 11JJ2 ..nd 1134 MARKET STREET, B ST fmwsmrrt PHILADELPHIA.. A L T I IV. R Fire-Place Heater, STlffeiyflTS."N.ATTNO HOORS ana WINDOWS, and i',-;;;Kb . cf .Mnient oapacit for fuel to laX 44 llOl'RS, at a cost of hut BLKVKN OK NTS PKlt HAY. 1 ni uobt porlect and cheerful Heater in uia. Harinc made arrunKemi-ntawith .. K 8 B HKXTON. OFBALTIMORK, rur the KXtJLUhlVK raauiifaalurinor HH.teri, w. are prepared to furniHb thorn in lnre or amall quautitiaa. bolU wholesale or retail lj the Manufacturer, JOHN S. CLARK, NO. 1008 MARKET STREET. Bewar. of imitation gotten upon th. popularity of these Htatern. ij7 lmr, WAT CHE9, "JEW E 17ry7 E T 6. " RICH JEWELRY. JOHN IJRENNAN, DIAMOND DEALER AND JEWELLER, NO. 13 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, 8 8 rowt 9mrp PHILADELPHIA IOIGF.RS' AND W'OSTEN HOLM'S POCKET V KNIVK't. Pearl and Handles, of Weantiful tiniiA, HOlHiKKh'anit VVAOK A BL'TOH KB'8 KAZ HH, and the oulebrated l.KOOLTKK RAZOR rjCJlbhOHS thu quality. . lta.(ir, Kniven, Hniwtora, and Tahle OutlerrOronnd aa Polihe.l at P. MAlKiUA'b, No. 116 H. XKNTH htrei. belowtJheMiut, S86a ILLIAM A NDF.K80N it CO., DEALER. in tine Wtmkiou, Nu. lio North (sKOONU Ktreet, P 8i Philadeli'bia. TEE IMPROVED rMl!