THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 18G9. irawa auiviiyiAii'sr. , (CIlY Affair. . The following wore admitted to the renn Jlvdnia Honpital yrntcrday: William Trico, not iu the side white trying to escape from jwgcant Ward, at the firo at Sooond and tjrecnwich ut reels, on Sunday morning. Wizabcth Soper, shot in the hand and Htomach Jjy hor hiiHband, while on a canal boat at -Catharine Rtreet wharf. John Mullen, aged forty-five years, living at No. 1718 Afton Street, leg broken. John Ilonry, agnd twenty, six years, living at Phoenix ville, badly scaldod by the explosion of a boiler at the above place. Last evening, about 10 oVlock, the police made a descent upon two houses, one at tho corner of Crown and Vino, and the other No. 417 Vine street, of which the proprietors were charged with keeping disorderly houses. The inmates, seventeen in number, were arrested and taken to the Central Station, where tho two proprietors were held in 1000 each to answer at court, while tho inmates were held in $ .'!()( to keep tho peace. Tho complaint was nindo hf parties who complained that tho noise interfered with the peace of the neigh borhood. A young m;in was arrested last evoning on tho chargo of swindling several store keepers on Third street and on Market street. Ho represe nted that ho was in tho employ ment of Mr. Uornhcim, storekeeper on Eighth street, and that ho had been sent by that por tion to obtain silks and other good. From one firm he got from ninety-five to ono hun dred dollars' worth of silks. Ho was held for a further hearing. The staled meeting of tho Hoard of Guardians of tho Poor was held yesterday afternoon at tho liloekley Almshouse, Presi dent John M. Whitall in the chair. The House Agent reported tho census of the house on Saturday, the 1Mb. inst., at 'J'.V- smue time last year, L'iKi!) being a decrease of l"i. Though rain is reported to have fallen in considerable quantities along the yno of the Sehnylkill river, there has been no percepti ble change in tho height of tho river. The water bus not recommenced flowing over tho dam, and at present there is no indication of its rising. Domestic AHairM. Gold closed yesterday at l.'Mj. A Cabinet meeting will be hold to-day at the Capitol. Two hundred Canadian Masons are visit ing Rochester, N. Y. George Peabody left White Sulphur Springs, yesterday, considerably improved in health. Jacob It. Pear, United States Express agent and telegraph operator at 15rownsville, Neb., absconded on the 27th with !jl'J,()00 of the company's money. Py the burning of their skirt and shawl factory, at Tremont, on Sunday, William Hoffman & Co. lose ((,K(). Tho insurance amounted to $."(), 000. For tho quarter ending June SO, ultimo, the product from whales in American fisheries amounted to 2,(HJS, 74!, and the products of other fisheries, 2fi1,H,""i;. A band of rufliuns are prowling through Tennessee, whipping negroes and driving them from their land. The planters, it is thought, will form vigilance committees to protect their laborers. Foreitfn Affair. A bank has suspended in Vienna; tho name is not given. Fifty bishops have declined to attend tho Oecumenical Council. Mr. Mayo, a farmer of Newport, Ire land, was murdered on Sunday. The assas sin has not been caught. Vessels of all nationalities, of a less draft than seven-and-half metres, may navigate the Suez Canal. Twenty Christian missionaries have been lately massacred by tho Chinese in tho Pro vince of Szchuen. Tho Supreme Court of Hungary has ap proved the impeachment of Prince Kara Georgewich for the murder of the Prince of Servia. Minister McMahon will soon return to the United States, via Englaud. Ha reports the British subjects with Lopez as well treated and satisfied, and not anxious to leave the country. London, Aug. ".0. The Timr says: ''The issue of the Anglo-American boat-race is no inapt illustration of tho differences between the two nations. The Englishmen were heavier than the Harvard, but it remains doubtful to which sido the balance of strength inclined, as, for gallantry, energy, and pluck, the llarvards showed an example we may humbly hope to equal, but cannot exoel. The victory was a victory of education; and hero the advantage was all on our side. We live a close life. Competition is sharper. Lessons passed are searching, and the margin of our lines is so narrow that every possible economy of strength is utilized. Stowing with us is a Rciouco, developed by men who mado it their business, and knew that in contests tho slightest, wrinkle told. Thus Oxford knew precisely where to abstain as well as where to abound. Tho advantage is not without drawbacks, for nations, like men, should have a reserve of natural endow ment, so as to be bettor able to meet days when the progress of others has equalized tho benefits of training." Havana, Aug. :). Domingo Ferrera, a member of the Vigil nice Committee, who were appointed by the Govern ment to enforce tho collection of customs, hns boon diamissod for engaging iu contraband traffic. Havana. A nor. :!(. Letters from the juris- diction of Colon state that tho insurgents loft that quarter, going eastward, and taking with them all the slaves ot ttie hun Automo estate. Governor Trillo. of Kagua la Grande, sur prised the insuix'ents at Encrucijuda, and killed twelve. The "Te Denm" is ordered in the churches of Puerto Principe, for the disappearance of tne cholera. Captain Meola, with one hundred men killed ten insurgents and took thirteen pri I soners, near Cubetas, in the jurisdiction of Puerto Principe. Tho Diitrio, editorially, in its monthly re view for tho Spanish steamer, regrets its in ability to send flattering notices regarding the suppression of tho insurrection, but re iterates the statement that the Spaniards are completely in the ascendancy in seven juris dictions of Eastern and Central Departments. THE COAL TROUBLE. The Mot that mil Kxperted I,at Night. Scbanton, Aug. () 10 P. M. Tho matter of a resumption of work by the miners of Hyde Park is still in doubt. A number of mines were worked to-day by men who had decided to accept the terms offered, notwith standing there were several hundred men hero from neighboring mines for the purpose of forcibly preventing a resumption. The Mayor issued a proclamation calling nron the citizens te protect the working miners. The citizens are aocordLuKlv oru- iiicg. &nd thus (ax no 'harsh, meaaaics Lava been resorted to. In the meantime many of the miners who had gone to work became in timidated, and stopped. Another miners' meeting is to be held here to-morrow. Several hundred of the Hyde Park miners, who some weeks since went to tho Lehigh region, have returned, with their toolfl, to their homes, which is an indication of re sumption. It is estimated that not less than twelve hundred miners, from different sec tions, have arrived here during the day. Many of them are armed, and prepared for a tight. This afternoon it was thought the authori ties would bo comfelled to Appeal to the Gov ernor for military aid, but as no flagrant breach of the peace has yet occurred, this measure has not been resorted to. It is feared that the meeting at Hydo Park to-morrow will culminato in a riot, which, once commenced, will bo difficult to quail. The streets are filled with people to-night, fill engaged in discussing mining matters. Tho men from abroad evince a determination to prevent operations on auy but tho btriit prices. Wilki:siiari:k. Aug. ;!(. Tho firo in Pino Grove mine still burns with unabated fury. The company are making preparations to flood it. .This process will require considera ble time, as the lower vein must be tilled be fore the upper one, which contains ihe fire, can bo reached. Scuanton, Aug. ;!0. Ono thousand to fif teen hundred men from tho coal fields north and south of this city arrived here to-day, by rail and wagons. Their avowed purpose is to prevent the coal miners of tho Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad Company from continuing at work. They are now holding their second meeting, but have taken jio forcible action so far. Meetings of citi zens have been held at the call of the Mayor, to protect the miners. Volunteers are fast enrolling. A meeting of Select Council is called for this evening. Thero is much ex citement. SciiANjox, Aug. ::o 11 P. M. All is quiet hereto-night, liars and saloons were closed by order of Mayor Hill. Four hundred special police have been sworn in and seven hundred citizens enrolled as volunteers, under command of Colonel Charles E. lloyce. All the coal mines are hoavily guarded. At the request of miners belonging here but employed in other districts, who have re turned since it was voted to resume work, that question has been referred, and a final bf.llot will bo taken by tho Miners' Union at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Six mines were worked to-day, but none with a full force. Many miners from other localities left on evening trains. The miners of Ihe Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, tit Oliphant, voted to-dav to resume work. DISASTER. I'lirtli'iilnrs of the KxploMon ut Pluiiilx vlllo run riliiv-Nci'iii-H nml incidents -The Killed mill niiru'.ril. In addition to our despatches of yesterday, announcing in brief tho details of tho ex plosion at Plaenixville, we have tho follow ing: riiciNixvn.r.K, Pa., Aug. ."0. Afcwminutas before 7 o'clock this morning boiler No. iM, on the south side of tho north mill of the l'hanix Iron Company, at this place, exploded with terrific force, causing loss of life to thoso in the vicinity and destruction to tho neigh boring property. Tho boiler was a doublo one, the stenm boiler being uppermost, and underneath, a smaller one, designated as a mud drum. Tho fiteam boiler was 40 inches in diameter, and the mud drum 128 inches. Doth were 'M feet long. The head of tho steam boiler was wrenched from its position, and thrown in a contrary direction to the force for a distance of over one hundred feet through the air, striking a blacksmith's shop and rebounding some feet. Part of the wall of the shop was knocked down by tho fragment, which weighs probably six hundred pounds. This piece is gnarled, twisted and battered in such a manner as to bo scarcely recognizable. Several men who were in tho shop made narrow escapes. Ihe remainder of the double boiler was blown up into the air and then in direction for a distance of sixty feet, lodging in or on a largo pile of lumber, one end isting through the root ot the mill. Ihe heavy beams and masses of brickwork anil masonry in its path were broken up and scat tered in a stylo to show that they impeded tho terrific force of tho explosion in but a slight decree. The bricks and other material around the boiler were thrown in all directions, in flicting hlight wounds on a number of persons. Samuel Ortlip, a laborer, who was working near by tho boiler, was torribly scaldod inter nally, and died of his injuries about 12 o clock. Augustus Tolil, a German, was driving a cart in tho immediate vicinity ot the s'jt, and was Btruck by the stream of tho escaping steam, and also by tho debris, being scalded outwardly and inwardly, and having both legs broken. Tho flesh was literally stripped oil' ono leer, thus exhibiting a hoart-siekenni" spectacle, lie lingered until mid-day, when death relieved him from his excruciating agonies. Charles jUcJJermott, a puaaier, was sen ously injured by being crushed by the falling rums, lie was also scalded badly. John Henry, a imudier s helper, was mi urea in a like manner. Roth are in a very critical con dition, and although hopes are entertained of their recovery, yet the probabilities are that they will not survive. Tho latter was sent to the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. Resides these the lollowing hands were somewhat injured: John P. Jones, Abra.n Mordv. and Francis Radfarn. Several others wcro injured, but their wounds were not of such a character as to occasion them niu nain or hinder them from work after a short time. Ti e exploded boiler shows every indication of being red hot at the time ot the disaster, and Mich is reported to have been the ease, but although many theories are rifo in regard to the cause, it is not probablo that the true one will ever be definitely ascertained. Tho boiler has been in operation tor several ... . , i i . .. r . . i years, and is saia io nave uoou jwnuuuy sound, and. indeed, the iron bears no appear. mirn of a Haw. It was DIOWIl out aoout live - . 1 J. 1 A. Al days ago and thoroughly examined, and no thought was entertained that any accident fun 1,1 imKKili V Occur LO It. Tim in ill is a very large ono, and employs at nresent about 1200 men. and it is almost a Unit, more were not hurt, as the erratic course of the boiler in its flight led it to where a large number of hands are almost constantly employed. Tim mill is run both night and day, and tho different gangs chance at seven o'clock, and (bin hour when tho uxplosion occurred, many of tho night hands had left their labors and were preparing to depart, To this can be ascribed the fortunate escape of many. A largo number of the men were thrown to the ground, as it was, and several UiMuiibed their ttemiaUou a. lu-l o- o-o.iu. lUd it not be& fox this, probably it wuuld be necessary to record the scalding of many more, but the recumbent position allowed tho escaping steam to pass over them, i Tho noise of the explosion was heard Rome distance, bnt on account of tho constant noise in the mill it was not much remarked. Nearly all of the inhabitants of rhamiivillo are intimately connected with the works, more than half the population gaining their livelihood from them, and as soon as tho news spread a scene of tho wildest excitement en sued. Frantic women and children rushed to the entrance from all directions, each fearing thnt some dear one was either dead or in jured. A very short time sufficed to ascertain tho names of thoso injured, when all sympathy wns extended to tho bereaved ones. Throughout the whole day the explosion was on every lip, and numbers of persons came from the surrounding country to learn the truth of the exaggerated reports that had reached them. Among tho usual agricultural implements now manufactured in Great Britain are large numbers of elephant plows, which are for warded by way of the Mediterranean, tho Isthmus of Suez, and the Red Soa and Indian Ocean, to the place of their destination. Every morning, at sunrise, tho elephant takes his mahout by the waist belt, places him on his back, and starts into tho field. Two assistants guido tho plow-handles, and as long as tho sun is above tho horizon tho elephant marches along, throwing nn a huso ridco behind him. the furrow havinrr n. linuulMi f nur and n half feet and a depth of three. Tho liristol (Tenn.) JSlarx says of the urions statement made in Pollard's "Life of ell'erson Davis" of tho secreting of important onfederate documents a statement which ns at first dismissed as sensational, but now ecurs with an appearance of truth: "It is erv certain that but lit.t.ln nf tiiiu nnrrouinn,l. ence ever fell into tho hands of tho Federals, id neither they nor Mr. Pollard have ever fen permitted to examine it; for the writer f this saw that which is probably most valu )le sealed and placed within tho vaults of Montreal bank not two years ago, and unless has been removed within twelve mouths, it it remains there, secure acainst everv in- ruder. MARINE TELEGRAPH. r mWitiimal Marine Xetrn nee l-'irst I'a i: ALMANAO FOR FHILADKLPHIA THIS DAY. Ri'N Hiw.s .b ib I Moon Rises Morn hi N Skth. 6: HiiiU Watjsu i ;,n FH1LADKLPHIA BOARD OK TRAUiv. John O. Jamf.h, J u. it. in minnow, Committee or tiik Month. 1 .lOMAH 1,. Ull.l.KSPIF, ) MOVJOIEMTM OK OCEAN STEA.USIUPM. FOR AMKKfOA. Cplla IiOnrion New York Notorial! J-ivernool Ouehec ..Auk, II OnhualiU (Iukkow Now York ,,AlL', 1 ..Auk. 19 ..Auk. -Jl ..Auk. iil ..Auk. 21 ..Auk. '21 ..Auk. "O China Liverpool New York Allcmhiinitt Havre New York Atrjerieu Iluvro S'ow York Kurnpeun 1 iverMxil. . 4. Wuolieo Hhoin Soiitliiiiniitn....Naw York Siberia Liverpool Now York via Los.. IVIiDiiepotA Liverpool New York.. Auk. 2J Viririnitt Liverpool... .New York Auk. lii Col WashinittonLiverpmil Nviw York. . . , ..aUK. -J ..Auk. 24 BilnHia Cuba Manhattan... . . New York. ...Humburtf . . New York . ... Liverpool . . . . .New York.. .. Liverpool .... ..New York. ...Liverpool . . , , ..Anar. . .bupt,. ..Sept. . .Sopt. ,. .Sopt. laritu Oeutchland.. ). of Dublin New York .ivhw vorK... Bremen KiiKland New York Livomool si Antwep .. .Sept. C. of Brooklyn. .Now York. ...Liverpool Kept. reroire iiiiw x ora. .. iiavre Sept. Britannia New York. ...G1iikw Bout. Arizona New York.... Aspimvall Sept. 1 Mitnouri Now York....Huvi;na Sept. 2 Mnro OaHtle.... New York Havana hnni. 9 J.W. Kverruaa. .I'!iilu!a CJharleBton . . . Nept. 2 O of Mexico. .. ,Nw York. ...Vera tJruz Supt. H Smith America.. Now York. ...Rio Janeiro Sept. 23 Alalia are tonvarded bv every uteamur iu the rnuular line The btenniers for or Iroui Liverpool call at ( uoenstown.oT cept the Canadian lino, which call at Lonrtoudurry. Tfiu Htciimero for or from the Continent call at Kunliiampton. fJLKARK.i) VKSTKKI1AV. Rteamrr H. I.. (Juw. llcr, Baltimore, A. lirovei, Jr. or. iiriue tseaaie Harris, Allen, Liverpool, 1'eter Wright A Sens Si hr 10. H. Lennie. Brower, Boston, Tyler 4 On. Sc lir.l. J. Little, l.ittlo, Lynn, BlaUiBton, (iraetf A Oe iijjM,iiTfl iniiuttn, vii.n, Jiiiiiiu, tlO. cnr-ninert I'naro, miliums I'mvmenco, do. do. do. do. do. 1 In. hehr ItliTKie, MiinlenliUHh, forlland, richr J. . liiisko. liiexkcll, hiivotly, Nehr Mora KiiiK. Oook, Kockport, Si-hr Llnuitie, Herriek. Newhuryport, Itarge Komi. UK. Wo. o!. Iiuni, Brooklyn, N. v narHi. I'auernon, maay, nerrniont. Tub Hudson, Nicholson, Baltimore, with a tow of bareos W. P. Clyde & Co. dn Thk Chesapeake. Merrihow, Havre do-Gruce, with a tow of ARRIVED YESTKRDAY. ci vi. ;..i.., .,) k:.. l. uicxuiim,,,' Mini.,,..,,., fuoiiuiiii, ,m uoiirs irnm I'rovi dence, with mdse. to I. b. Stetson & Co. Passoil in tae l.i v l.ricr Mnrvll. Teii'ht..m ln,rr. .I.m.l,.. I i ' . hteaiuship Norman, Crowell, 4H hours Ironi Boston with mdse. and passeiiKern to Ilonry Winsur 4 Co. ' htoamer 11. L. Caw, llur, U hours lrom Baltimore, with mduc. to A. tiroves, Jr. u. ......... u f! V(.,ll...H Cl,n.;. o. v . " T " xv.'V! i ' j i . ,' Iluu" irom mow York, with indue, to W. M. Buird Jt Co. Bieanier canine, ronton, u nours irnm New York with mdse. to W. M. Baird A Co. ' tj... HI .. rM u... .in .1 r r . . . v,. w mi irom uien'uesros.witli Snifar t S. A W. Welsh vessel to Warren & (Jhibk BriB KHun P. Stewart. H.jlUnd, 111 days from Uienfneuog, ui,li Liitriir In K A w WiiluW T .... ....... . ....... A ' n. ... . ., mi:u, v. Williams, tor Now York, to sail 011 the Ui'th. ur. nclir Ounon of Clippers, sailed Irom Oionfueuos lxm n8t. fur Hostou hctir trarnet, Marshall, I day from Lewos, i)ol. with cram to Jus. L. lioivley Jt Co. ' ....... it 11 MupM....un ,e-..... 1 .1 .. ... Del., with cram to Jus. L. Bowley A Co. " richrli. 1!. Muruoy, Murney, from Providence Hchr J. W. Wainwrisht, Ahrahin, from Boston Srhf .1. C. Henry, Dic kens, irnm Lynn, tiehr Sophia Ann, Baker, lrom New Vork. Sji-' lnl )co'i7i to The Krrninrf Ti tfffrapi, UAyiia.i.K OiiA. ic. Aunst :)1.-The lo'llowinK boats left here in tow tins inoruinij: " "" W ulkcr l'rick with lumber, for Vonvalk, f!onn V. S . Mayliirry, with lamlier, for New York ' Fti-n. with coal to W. L. I.ance. Arihur, with coal to W. L. Lance. Lizzie, with coal, tor Wilmington. Adu,witti lumber to Taylor A Son. 1yc(,mini;, with Hint, tor Treuton. lioo. vsitli buiilier. forNeiv Vork. Kau ISociu, wilh lumber, for Now York. ('ftrrff'imtttlfuft The Ei-etiiit'i 7' l"tnijh, FASTI 'N A MoMAtlON'r lilJI.LKl'IN Kkw YmiiC Ori K'K, AuK"t :ju. Su Imrnos ' loavo in tow to muU for Baltimore, li((ht. ti. r. Jiurritl . with brimsTono, for Philadelphia. Baltimhiik Hhani'H OKr'H K, Auxiikt 3,1. The lollowine barges leave in tow to-niuht, eastward I . II. Parks, Major O'Keillv. Wru. CrosMiwaite, Alnlm 1 'tilled Hiinhcrn, Muhtineale. A. L. Alusou, ami II. ll' huwai t, all with coal, for Now Vork. 1. S. (J. WEMfJRANDA. steamship, Catherine, henrt. at Now Orlesns A. Al. ;iA li inst., und was to return lth prnx. via llavau.i. Sttmhip I ouihu. licnce, at, Boston .tilth lust. tstonmcr KutlleBuake, Beckett, benco, at ISalom 2-th Baniuo Daphne, Wcisser, bencn for Stettin, passed Fir-inure lth int. linn Solideo (tloria, Wicnuud, for Philadelphia, cleared at Kotterdam 14th inst BriK Bloomer, Chaddnck, hence, at London loth inst. ltiiu Meteor. Anderson, heueo. at. Boston lust. lrii;8 Charles Milloi, Uuky; Levi Stevens, Stevens; and A. Al. notions, mouk. neuje. at i.ohioii 'jitu inst. BriK Leonard Meyers, Hicks, was at Lattuayra 4th inst. Unir 1 rieile. Tuiiiuermnn. hence, ac Oeoot I'Jih inst. Scbr J. A. Parsons, Stephens, hence, at Portsmouth, ki. ll. -'itn inst. . , Schr Kh.a S. Potter, hence, at Norwioh 27th inst. Kehr K. A. Ciuiklin, honeo, at New L'indon Situ inst. Kehra Poilnnl lirooi. t. Warren, hence for liin hm Connecticut, Pendluton. do. tor Provincelown, sailed trom lloiincH' Hole A ai. z,iu iiihi. hclns Lyra, Haskell, from Calais, anil T.ana Hume, Appiony, irom ran'imri, ooiu ior i uiiaueipnia, at Holmes' Hole P. M. si'th inst , and sailed avuin uext day. ticbr Watauga, Franklin, at Jacksonville JUt lust, froui Riiviinnuli. Schrs Flla, Fisb, and L. Wheeler, Lewis, hence, at roruano iiu iiiei.. Kehrs J. H. Perry. Kelley: Golden JCatfle, Howes; and K. 11. Huntley, Nickerson, hence, at New Bodlord Uuli instant. Schrs (,'harles If. Moller, Chase; J. M. Broomall, Douir lass; sud ,losu b Baymnre, BurdKe, cleared at Boston kstu inst. for Philadelphiii, the latter via Sacn. Sihr. llflene, Bsker, and Sarah Krunn, l'liher, wero lnsdiuK at W iluiiOHton, N. 0.,'2:,th inst., for Philadelphia. Tchr Problem, Cromwell, hence, at lUoUmoml U1t4 instant. hebr Little Rock, Hickman, hence, at Norfolk 27th Inst. CORN EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTORY, ...u T lllll lV " H. E. corner of M A RKKT and WATER 8 tree U, Fbiladelphia, UEAtKR IN BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description, for Grain, Flonr, Rait. KoperPhntpbat of Lima, Bon. k.wi. lArt-eam) taaJI OUVXt BAGS eonafuUr on LEGAL NOTICES. INSTATE OF JOHN V. ORIOO. LRTTKHS J tftamntry having ben jrrantad by the KAgintnr of fh rily and county of Philadelphia noon the will of JOHN V. liKKHI, rineeanml, ill pnrnnnt having claim on the dei'nawd ar renurntea to notify the Kincutor. and all persons indebted are requested to make payment U (tP.OMUK W. KIUOLK, No. "sw H. FIFTH Htroet, Orto (HARKSII IIUNN, No. J WALNUT Street, 8 30 tf F.aocutors. "IN THE OKPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY X ANI COUNTY OK PHILADELPHIA. F.stateof (IRI)K(IK F. K I IH IK Kli I. deceased. The Auditor aiwointed ,y the Court to audit, settle, and adiust tho account of HOLS TK.IN lift II A V KN, Admin istrator of estate of OK.OKOK F. STUOKKKT. deceised. snl to report distribution of the balance in the hands or the accountant, will meet tb parties interested, for the rnrnosf of his appointment, on TUKSDAY, September 1 1, W at 4 o'clock P. M , at his office, No. fell A1UJH HI rest. In the city 01 ruiis'ieiimia. TV. JHUIUHI1 I, I,, 2 st ut h5t . A uditor. WINDOW SOREEN. L GOOD THING. IMPORTANT TO IIOUSEKEErERS HOTELS, BANKS, OFFICES, ETO. The Patent Adjustable Window Screen WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Give ventilation and Unlit, screen from view, and exclude FLIES, MOSQUITOES, AND OTHER INSECTS. For sale by Dealers In House-furnishing Goods. TJJIC ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN COM PANT, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 612stnth3m No. 623 MARKET St.. Philadelphia OARRI ACES. GARDNER & FLEMING, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, Uo. 2I4 South FIFTH Street. BELOW WALNUT. A Large Assortment of New and Second-hand IKCI.CDINO Kockawayn, Thrctons, Jenny Unds, Daggloi Depot Wagons, Etc Etc., 3 23 tutha For Salo at Reduced Prices. BLANK BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Stock and Greatest Variety or FULL AXIS XZAXir-BOUHD BLANK BOOKS, MEMORANDUM, PASS, COPY-BOOKS, ETC. ETC. To be tonnd In tills city, la at tne OLD ESTABLISHED Blank Book Manufactory or JAS. E. SMITH & CO., No. 27 South SEVENTH St., 6 18 thstu3m PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, FIRST FLOOR ; WARE ROOMS, UP STAIRS. HOSIERY GOODS. J WILLIAM HOFMANN, No. 0 N. EH.IITII Street, Philadelphia, Dealer In Hosiery Goods, Offers for sale a lare assortment of Hosiery, for Ladles', Gents', an Children's wear; Socks, turee qnarter 8oks, and Long Hose, of English and Uer man manufacture. UIJDEHUEAH Of Cartwrtght Warner's manufacture, acknow ledged to be the lies unpolled. Also, the Norfolk and New Brunswick, acknow ledged to be the lies of American Goods. These Goods In all sizes, for 4 7 waly Swingr and Summer Wear. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. R. THOMAS & Co7, DEALERS LN Occrs, Blinds, Sash, Shutters WINDOW FRAMES, ETC., N. W. COHKBK or EIGHTEENTH and KARKET 3treets, B '26 3m PHILADELPHIA. QEORCE PLOWMAN, CAKPENTER AND BUILDER, s as No. 134 DOCK STRKT, PITILAEF.DLHIIA. CENT.'S FURN1SHINO QOODS. H. S. IC. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Cloves. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENTS' GLOVES. J. V. SCOTT & CO., B 2T;rp No. 814 CHE8N0T Street. DATE N T SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. PERFECTLY FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made from mensiireiiieut at very short notice. All other artlelus of GiNTLKMEN'a DRESS GOODS in fuU variety. WNCIIESTER 4 11 2 No. .708 Vll KdN UT Street. OE CREAM AND WATER IOE. THE NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES. THE PUREST AND BEST IN THE WORLD. LAVUllBounleIuI?ourdurfull,u,,w "'" to lives.n.uthii.K never batora wen In i the Uu.tea Suit... lind .uporior J .ny loe re n,n,l , In Kurop,. I'riii.iiiml llnuot No- "AI.NU1 htreot. ti j ALiK'rrr ToiTn FAKNlJM & CO., COMMISSION MER- ft chant, nnd Manufacturer, of ConetugTickinK. etu. No. aa CHKKNUTtrmit. Philadelphia. 4 i what I?"m pi reTslate mantel WOR.K8.-J. b. 1( KUli-A Ku-UdCUiwSSMU'rtiUMiU JlBwHu PATENTS. pATENT OFFICES, I N. W. Corner FOURTH and CHE8NUT, (Entrance on FOURTH street). rn.AU cis d. pastohius, SOLICITOR OP PATENTS. Tatents procured for Inventions in the United States and Foreign CountrlcB, and all business re lating to the mmo promptly transacted. Call or scud for circulars on Patent, Open till 9 o'clock every evening. 8 smth8 PATENT OFFICES, Jt. W. Corner F0TJHTH and WALNUT, PHILADELPHIA. FEES LESS THAN ASY OTHER RELIABLE AGENCY. Send for pamphle on Patents. 8 4 tristu! CHARLES II. EVANS. S" TATE RIGHTS FOR 8ALE. 8TATB Rights of aTulnnhln Invention Itmt natntAd. ami fni the HMUING. OU I I INU, and CilliPHlNU of dried h.f, oahhane, do., are hereliy oUerud fur salo. It is an urtiole of Kreat viilne to proprietors of hotels and re.Uunint", ana It should be introduced Into every family STATIC KK'HTpj for Mile. Model enn be seen at 'I KLKGHAI'li OK KKIK, OOOFHIl'H POINT, N. .F. 5 27tf -MIINDY A HOFFMAN. OOVERNMENT SALES. Al'CTION SALE i CLOTHING, DUE OF HOSPITAL BEnniNt;, SIN(5S, ETC. AIISTAKT M KIIICAI, Pl'KVEVOK'S OFKICK,) Wasiumiton, 1). C, Auk. 0. 1 si;. Will e sold at Public Auction, In this city, on TI'ESDAY, the 'istli day of September, 1!, at .'ludi clary Square Depot, E Htrcct, between Foui'tti and Fifth RtrectH, at 10 A. M a large quantity of Hos pital Property, consist Inn of BKUD1MU, CLOTHINO, AND DRESSIXOS, amoiifr which will be found the followinp, viz.: 3,il(i0 lied Sacks. '2,&il0 Iilankets. 4,000 Counterpanes. 4,i.u0 Outta Peri'ha Red hovers. 4,r,00 Hair Pillows. 6,000 Pillow Cases. r0U0 Linen Sheets. 18,ooo Drawers, an, ooo shirts. 3,000 Socks. 10,000 dozen Roller Bandages. AlEO Napkins. Cotton and Woollen Tape. Picked Lint. Cotton Wadding. Red Flannel. Saddlers' Silk. I.Ineu Thread. 14,000 pounds of Condensed Milk. 120,000 pounds of Iieef Extract. All the above articles are new and never have been used. Catalogues containing full particulars reiuly ten days before sale. Terms Cash, In Government funds; 25 per cent, deposit required at time of sale, and all goods to be removed in live days. CHARLES SUTHERLAND. Assistant Medical Purveyor, Brevet Colonel United States Army. b 30 Ot PROPOSALS. QFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND. TBEAHUKT PUPAIITMKNT OK PENNSYLVANIA,) Haiuuhhuho, August M, ISO!!. i Scaled bids Trill be received for the rodomptlon of ONE MILLION DOLLARS of tho loan of the Oomraoii neulth of Pennsylvania, due July 1,1870, until 12 o'clock M., Oclobtr 1, lhtll. Communications to be uddrcssed to 1. W. MACKKY, Km., Siato Trcusurer, Iliirriabiirn, PcnnHjIvuniu, and cndoiHOd Bid for Kodoinption of Stuto Loun. F. JORDAN. iSeuretury of Stats. J. F. HARTRANFT, Auuitor-Guncrul. R. W. MACKKY, Stuto Troisurtr. Cnmmissioners of the Siukint; l and. N. B.--NO newfpupcr publibhing the above without uuthoi ity will receive pay thorofor. 8 21! 1m DRUCS, PAINTS, ETC. JODKKT 8HOKMAKKK O O. TS. E Corner POUSTH and EACE Sts. PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE DItUCCJSTS Importers and Manufacturers of Whits lead and Colored Paints, Putty Q varnislies, Etc. AGENTS FOR VMS CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINO PAINTS, Deaiera ana consumers Bi'pplled at lowest price for caKti. ia 45 M EKRICK & SONS SOUTH WARK FOUNDRY, No. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, PhlladolpUla, WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATENT VAPJAJ3EB CUT-OFF STEaM EMGINE, Regulated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOISTING MACHINE, Puteuted June, lfcos. DAVID JOY'S PATENT VALVE LESS STEAM HAMMER, D. M. WESTON'S PATENT SELF-CENTRING, S ELF-BALANCINi CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR-DliAlNlh'G MACHINE. AND HYDRO EXTRACTOR. For Cotton or Woollen Manufacturers. 7 10 mwi I. VAUGHN MXMUCK. WILLIAM B. UEUlllOK. JO UN K. COPK. I R E WORK. GALVANIZED and Painted WIRE GUARDS, store fronts and windows, for factory and warehouse windows, for churches and cellar windows. IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for balconies, offlcea cemetery and garden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Builders and Carpenters. All orders filled with promptnea. and work guaranteed. ltOBERT WOOD & CO., TSstnthOm No. Jl'-Hi RIDGE Avenue Phlla. JJARGH, F ARIL ELL & WAEREN OF ALL KINDS, NO. C31 CHESNUT STREET AND NO. 624 JAYNE STREET, ttim PHILADELPHIA. PORNY'S TASTELESS Fruit Preserving Powder, Is warranted to keep Strawberries superior to any knows nroews. well as other fruit, without being au-UiihU Price, to eenta a paolume. Bold by the (rooera. : ZANK, NOKNV V CO.. Proprietor. I I Mo. IBS North BIIOOND St., PhUd. DR. K1NKELIN CAN BK CONSULTED ON v 1li'Tfv'li KT,?K'.",,,?,,l,a,- OHW tours. S to AMU8EMENT8. WALNUT ST. TIIEATRK. BEGINS AT 8. THI8 (Tupwl.y) KVKNINO, Aurnt31. Ijmt week of the charming Actress and Vocalist, sad the eminent Comedian, HAKKY ytI ROSK WATKINS, (rormerly (Miss Knsina Hhaw). I "t nitthtot a now ruiiiantio Drama of the American ltcfuluiiun, entitled 1 UK PIOJ.F.KR PATRIOT; , , H. THK MAIL UK THK WAR PATH. Jocko the Unformed HARRY W A TK l9 UnU'l ( nrlclim (witn sonKsl KOSM WAi'KINtJ J o commence witn th(i eleirnnt. 'Jon.edy of ,. . UT TO UK A JJUCHKNS. lnc.nerreTiil(ith,nR) HOSRW ATKINS Iti.heville, a Mi-r Mr. II. W ATKINS i- I'i-ir.riLIA K - K KriUAY KATHLKKN M AVOURNKKN. MK?:..r"IIN. DREW'S ARCH 8TBKKT HiiKinena Agent and Tn-asurnr. . . .JOSEPH D. MURPHY 1K 1AIHA TIIOMI'HUN 11 T. ,.M9I,AY ANIIKVKK.V KVKNINO. It. H. l armo'a Ioiili.ed lliirlewnio, with K b MNHAI Tun ,1i,l.l)R, With PW PcnprThJ,hnrlo!. llawlnnrnn. THB 30 Heats spcured 6 days in niivnncn. "If OX '8 AMERICAN 'J'l I KATRK W'A LNL'T KAtf sT?Ai1,.vUlnV - OMMKNCK.MKNT OK THK r am, M .AhllN. 1 hrf Rrpntest, oiinihiiiation ot Artists in V.'tM- 'N"w 1,a""'"' nnw Minstr " M , J"!'""; "w" "" 'n H tremenilMns bill. Slutince on Saturilay atternoon at a o'clnck. h ;m tf VAH:pnv iL V1E IIIKR'y)lviNTEr " ,no ''" aicntmned place. Admiwiioa lree' . liatf 8HIPPINQ. V-rrTes F ( It L I V K RPOO I. amii ;'rr.ffb.V.,:-K'N'vrWN-ln'''n IJneof Mail avSaSerriS iow l mro u""llBd t ""' loi- Cil(of I,ndi.f?:..tS,1U?luy' ,h'.'n.ber 4. at 1 P. M, I- !i?.f vv " i,a H'diias), l unsdny. fcept. 7, at. I P M ! Ill V"h,nl""n, haturilny. hopt. ll, at, II A M C y of Antwerp. H(urrtny. sVpt.. is. st 1 P. M AnS'l1 """',ol'-" Halifax. Vu.a, ".Set t"a'. rt 1 P M ll A 'V li U iv I. A Uw) A 1 PavM 7? 'KAi,EK BAILI.N1 KVKRY BATUT1DAT. rr. i.,j. IO HinilOD 04 1 lot arm To Pur in r$M?.t $ r,veW?F ,30 it. John's, N. P., ) n. ,i0in' ili v by Kranch Steamer... ! XZnX" 30 et ,oa,0".:o.r"',.r,0, to ". llnburT Bremen. Tickets can be housht here at moderate ratea h. r... sonswiBhinrtoenri lr ll ,r "10 b P If i i J 7j iV.,yt,'!t":ttU"n "I'l'lyal the Company's Offien JOHN G. DALE, Airent No. 15 UKOAUWaV I V 0ra Or MINN KM, A KAULK, A Jen?; li No41 UIIKSNUT Stroot7PI UauSlpS CHARLESTON, S. C THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWESt! FAST FUEIGHT Lirvii EVERY THURSDAY. The Steamships PROM KTHKl'S, Cnptain Grnv an.J )WLL I'ORM A Rl til l.AU WKKKLY LINE The Pteamt-hlp .1. V. EVKRMAN will Bail nn Til I RSDA V, Se.teli:U r , ut 4 P. ,L Q Tliriimrli l.i 1 1 a r .r l. .,' ... . S.V. R. R. to polntH In tho south ana Hour invest. uv.i-i luntM. iiiii-.t. iMins oi rrciKtit su low as l.y any other route. p..r frelplif, apply to ,, A. SOu'DKK A CO., JtJM I'OC li STRKHT WIIAKP. -T ONLY 1 P.KCT Ll XKTn k-k a vkv BH KST. W YUHK AJSIU HA v"K. OALLINO AT The splendid new voasels on thla fovorito mute forth, bafurda'y. " Um i,Br W' Nortb !! I , , A- PRICK OK PASSAGE In gold (including wine , . 10 b"'ST OR IIAVRIC IlrBtCab,n i4r&d tJu",n riratCah!ndin """" i'S", " board.) 'I here s oamers lo not cany stoorarfo pasaenSow Sicdirul nttondunoe troo of chante. ""K'on'0r8 Aiuerii'im triivellera Koini to ri,i',,rnin onnrcciarory risks Iron. Iinusil l,y Kturlish railw2? InJ k'"- 3jU CIIKSNUT .Stre;t. :Fj . PHILADiamiA. KICIIMnvrT ."'I II I,' K' lirrii a v i V i ... ?. i-UiK TO rri V. ir ' T " " '-Oi. Street 0n' frm ,U!5r WAUF .'hove MARKK1 THKOUtiH ItATKS to all points in North and Sunt Ciiruliun.vm Seuhunrd Air Lino liailr,,,.,! . Buat und iWnvilloS a lnd' Richmond lreiht 11 AND, H I) RI"rMnic RA ATKS THAN ANY OTUr'K ,IKK n i'llP rfirllluHf V Bllfutir aii.l ..... .i . mend U to thi'ial M ZlV ' rTl ..M ro''t" d-m-lmr every description ot (uC ul mCMaa triinller11"'1 co""nisaion, dniyaio, or any eiponse Su-unishipH insured al the lowost rates. c relent rucoiVKd duily. LOKILLARD'8 STEA.MSlflF LINK FOR MEW YOriK. Sailing on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satuadaya. KKDUOTION OK KATKS. FreiKht bythislinetaliunatla cenU per 1)0 pounds, ccntaperfoot,or 1 cent per gallon, ship's option. Ad vance chnrfres cashed at ottice on Pier. PreiKht received at all times on covered wharf. JOHNF.OHL, 2 2s5 Fi" W North Wharves. K. It. Fitra rates on small packaRes iron, molal, etc iJPSAai LXPUES8 " LIXR TO -TTi "Aloiandna, t-eorcetown, and Washinjrton, D. tea .t-ti-.-S O., via l-'heMijiHuku un i Delaware Cnal, with i i.iiiK i lmns at Alexandria lrom ilio mini direct route lor I.yiieliliuiK, iiristol, Knoxvilio, Naahvillo, Dalum, ainLth b.iilhwest. Meiiim-iB leave rejruliirly every Suturdayat noon (rom th tirst whiirt aliovo Murkot struot, 1 roitlit received dully. WILLIAM P. OLVDK A CO., i,T.nn 14 '"rth and tiouiu Wharves. ilininrJ TYLFK, AkcuIm. at Ceo.KeU.wu ; M. '' I'BH'CK A CO., ABcntsut, Alexandria. 61 . ffT? k notick.-i'ou Nnvv yo1:jc,"via 1'' PKLAM AilK AND RAKITAN CANAL, iaaaw-rttg I'M'ilr'SS HTH.A.MUHAi CO.MPNV iuo CHKAPKST and (UIC KHhT water communica tion hetwern Pliiludelphia and New York. Steamers leave duily from lint tthurf bolow Marks struct, Philadelphia, and loot of Wall street, iN'ew York t.'mula lorwiirdod liyallthe lines ruvinimt out of Wet Ymk, Aorta, I'.ast, and West, lieo of commission. rrei(ht received and forwarded on accominodatil terms. W1LI 1AM P. Ol.YDIC A t)t) , Ajjenis, o. 12 S. DjiLAWAlilC Avenue, Philadelphia. JAM IS HAND, Aavnt. 8 35 No. 111! WALL Street, New York NOTICE. FOR NEW YORK. VIA i Dnlawmo and Raritan Canal, SW'K'TSITHH as?1 TH XNSIMli; I'A I'll 1 M I I1MP1 KV m.M- Illtll AflU Dllll' IMHIK I.IM'J. The Lusineka hy these line? will be resumed on and after tho rib of March. For freights, which will te taken on accommodating teruia, apply to VV. M. BAIRD A CO., 825 No. m South Wharves. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. JEW SPICED SALMON, FIRST OP Tint SEASON. ALDERT C. ROBERTS, Denier In Flue Groceries 11 T( Corner KT.EVKNTH n1 VINK Htr.M tA M IOHAEL MKAOHBlt Na m South SIXTEENTH Street Wholesale and Rtitm Dealer in CO., PROVISIONS. OYSTERS, AND BAND CLAMS, FOR PAMILt t tS TKRRAP1N8 1 PICK IX1ZKN OUSK-WAKMINO WITH KTKA.N4 We are jirepaivd to warm Dwellings ud Unilrimrt of all classes with our fatent uiiproved OI ,u " 1XIW 8TKAM APPAUATUB, WMch. for lligluf and ooDomy, rivals sil ainiilM H. BEfjnKMJ A CO.,