The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 27, 1869, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Ho I FOR Boston ! People travelling thlthni tn
IUton of coiirse go to New York first From that
tMty to the "Hob" several railroad or stsurirKat line
Wnd, all of them speedy enough and comfortable
fnonghtor passengers, yet csimwienginK suming
themselvM one an anperlor-to which all alike mnst
yield. This la the route via Fall River, direct. he
"Providence oompiise the line; ami under their
rommamlrin, Captains Frayton and Simmons, have
d under
nslt of pi
attained a fame lor me pienniiimnc uumn ia-m:U.
men, unrivalled by any of the vessels running from
Che port of New York. They leave (alternate days)
j-ni frnm nler BO. North Klver. at 0 o'clock P.M.
Dortworth's renowned orchestra accompanies them,
and rach evening on the swell of the sound renders
a rrand promenade concert. It la the only line run
nine on Sunday nlghw. The steamers arrive in
time at either of tliclr destinations, cither at New
York or Fall Klver, to make all the connections by
rail" not a fear need be entertained that contrary
winds or a heavy sea csn occasion any, the slightest
delay. They ride the waves mistresses of the deep,
and flushing In their regal brilliancy at night, awe
into mildness the wind. To better accommodate
the nubile, two other steamers, equally elegant, the
"Newport"' and "Old Colony," also leave (alternate
i1tb) dully, Sundays excepted, from pier lii, North
Klver at a 30 I'. M. These lutter carry Boston pas
sengers via Newport. A good night's rest can bo
Secured on the boats, in the most magnlllcent. of
Mate-rooms, on the cosiest of bunks. everything
fan been applied to the steamers to recommend
them to persons travelling northward and eastward ;
and a simple test of the style In which a person cau
vovagn on then Is suillclenttocverurterwurdsmake
them the only means of transit sought.
The Pkaoii Makkkt presents a decided advance
if 10 cents per basket, and a rapid sale this morn
ing. Boston is operating largely to-day. New ork
is having nuietly, but absorbing a full share of fruit
on arrival. The fruit Is In tine order for shipment,
but if the drought continues it will cut the crop
short tn the future one-third. Peaches ure already
hhrtvelllpgon the trees and cover the ground, drop
ping prematurely. The varieties us reported yi'ster
iisy arriving, are "Nixon," "I.ate J rawford, '
Moore's favorite," "Reeve's Favorite. 1 lie lowest
cradc sell at one, per crate, 40c. per basket; good
grade, uoc. to f 1 2.1 per crate, soe. totl per basket;
rxtras, f 1 TiO to $2 per basket.
(JaMen produce and melons arrive in enormous
nuanlities. The wharves and Delaware avenue ure
crowded, and seventeen vessels aroui il Pier 11, from
schooner to "bum-boat;' and eighteen vessels of
all classes aronnd Arch street, wharf, loaded wit It
melons, sweet potatoes, apples, tomatoes, etc.
Nearly 40,000 basket of peaches arrived this morn
ing as follows:
Propellers Funny Cadwaladernnd Diamond State,
from Sassafras, Md". ; Cygnet, from Wharton creek,
with ir,4io baskets.
Barges Hufus W'ilcv, from Augustine. Del. ; J.
Collins, from Odessa, Del.; J. Madison, dies, and
Del. Canal; Blue Mountain and Charles, from
Odessa, Del.; Charles Latl'erty, from Bohemia, Md.,
with 13,070 baskets.
Schooners A. M. Harrison and Franklin, from
Odessa, Del., with UW baskets.
(Sloops Lafuvette, Hose, and Active, from Dela
ware, with 2200 baskets.
steamers icrsev Blue and Terry, from Smyrna,
Del., with 6000 baskets.
A Romikd ok ms Tin Box About half
past 9 o'clock this morning, Turrell Tattle, doing
business as a broker at No. lil t South Third street,
entered his oillce with his tin box, containing secu
rities, bonds, and a small sum of money, which he
had obtained from the Mechanics' Bank, and placed
it under his counter. A few minutes afterward a
young man called in and desired some information
us to the manner of chunking some live-twenty
bonds for I'aciiio stock, and sai l to Mr. Tattle,
"Please step to the door, as 1 want to catch a gen
tleman who Is coming up the street." Mr. Tuttle
complied with the rc'iuest, mid gave the Information
ilesired. Returning behind his counter, he dis
covered his tin box missing. The supposition U
that while Mr. Tuttle and the fellow were eonvers--fflrj
an accomplice sllpppcd up the side cntrv Into
the yrd ftiid ,,lL'" through the window Into the of
fice, und, dctntiSH the box, cleared out. For
tunately the box 'eOJilmued no available paper or
document, and evwii VuM they bo destroyed, the
JOBS will not exceed $i;si. Ainfinif the papers were
about lumen Allegheny Yitfh'f lluilui scvou-thir
DOlli IS lor j.i.) eacn, aooni iiuceu jMiegceuy couuiy
live per cent, bonds, for $25 ra :h; and (il'tecn
Camden nnd Aniboy Railroad Company six per cent,
bonds for J30 each.
Tut? Kniohtb Temi' at Atlantic The grand
visitation of the Knights Templar, In full uniform,
to Atlantic City, heretofore announced, comes oil'
to-morrow, the 2sth Inst., leaving Vine street ferry
at 2 o'clock P. M. The excursionists will remain
until the Monday afternoon following. To-morrow
evening a grand hop will be given in their honor at
the Seaview House, prior to whii-n Professor Jack
nun will set oil" his rockets, light, his hengolus, and
explode his volcanoes In a brilliant display of lire
works. On Monday there will be a review of the
Knights. Fvery arrangement has been made by the
committee having the matter in charge to insure
the comfort of the excursionists, and aid their pleasure-and
nil who participate will doubtless be will
ing to say on their ret urn while away over.?,
thing was lovely, etc. The excursion promises to
be very large.
Tiik Late Dkowninu at Atlantic City A ru
mor has gone abroad that the late drowning at At
lantic Ciiy was the result of the boat, belonging to
the I'nited States Hotel having been hauled up for
the season. The fact, is, that the boat his not oeeii
nauled up, as the hotel will he kea; open until some
time next month, ami that the drowning took place
a square at least from the bathing grounds of the
Mates, and at an hour when but few people went
Into the surr, and before the timed the limit putting
out. The drowning was an unfortunate occurrence,
and the responsibility should rest where it belongs.
As fur the uroprielors of the States Hotel, thev have
had their boat alwuvs In the surf during the battling
hours, which have been posted in conspicuous places
along the beach.
A MooNumiT Tun- to tiik ska To-morrow
evening Mundy's twelfth annual moonlight excur
Hion to Atlantic City takes place. The last bout
leaves Vine street whaif at 8 P. M., and the excur
sion will reach this city again at hull -past so'Rlncle
on Monday morning following. Two nights and one
entire aay are embraced m the trip. Thau this no
better or cheaper opportunity could be allorded to
make a run to old ocean before t lie season ou the
beach l'nally closes. At this, the latter end of
August, the battling Is superb, and with cool davs
and moonlit evenings, attractions are presented suf
licletit to Inspire iu any one a desire to enjov them
on the Atlantic coast. Mundy's excursion is just the
rigiu luiug at uie ngur time
A Pleasant Entertainment A tine banquet was
plven last night at the Hall of the United American
Mechanics, corner of Fourth ami (ieorge streets, by
Mr. John llunsworth, one of the proprietors of the
'People s Works," Front nnil (.Irani avenue, to the
employes of that establishment. Mr. llunsworth
lias been recently Hiking unto himself a wife, and
this occasion was for the purpose of celebrating the
nuptial event, speeches, songs, und miscellaneous
juteuic imnKeu me exercises or the evening, which
wan uhiuu emuyeu ov an presenr, and was in every
respect most pleasant ami agreeable in character.
Police Dismissals The Mayor has approved the
lollowlng sentences imposed bv the Police Court :
William McFarlaud, of the Seventh district, dis-
"orc') ui.-iiig imuAicutcu.
William Devine, of the Seventeenth district, lined
three duys' pay for lying down v. hile on dutv. The
sergeant of that district, found William Iving on
some whisky barrels at Juniper and Shippeii streets,
l.llf .mtll.t III.) Urt.r ...... .... 1 V ...
u ..uU,u u,.,. oajr uiab no uuu straw luserusu be
tween the staves
A Lot op Shikts Form Lieutenant Campbell,
Cif the Hltll district, lnle luut nWrlil tl.n.,
linen shirts on a lot at Twenty-third and Cnesnut
streets, and on passing along the Schuylkill was
balled by some bauds on a schooner at Hansom
street wharf. He was then iriven four more shirts.
and Informed that they had been left there by a man
7iiu imu luiieu lorerurn and gei nis pay.
Poi.irE Appointments This morning Mayor Fox
tumuiisBionPd uie following men as policemen:
Ninth district John Cassady and John Burns.
iuglueenth district Christopher llaughey and
ueorge c. Clothier.
F ikb Tins Mormmj. Between 12 and 1 o'clock
this niornlliir the Htnlilesnf (ienrirn Wiiirnur. situated
at Wyoming and Corn streets, were set on Ure, but
umuuieu siigiit damage.
Larceny ok Dress ooods Frank Murray and
Kdward Alvln were arrested at an early hour this
morning, at Arch utreer. wlinrf. with a lurore nmintltv
if dress goods in their possession ol which they
could give nil Hutlsfai'lnrv account- Tliev were
louked up in the Sixth Ward Station and will bo at
me central btutlon this afternoon.
Governor Baker, of Indiana, dlsiiprrees with
Mr. Ceburn, M. C. Irom that Htate. ou the sub
ject of the removal of the capital, and refuses
point Hank to appoint delegates to the 8t. Louis
Convention. Ho bus iutimatcd, however, that
If the People Of anv Conrrreastnmil district
want to elect delegates, he has not the slightest
Advices from Wyoming say that among the
Democratic norrunees to the Legislature are
three ex-KCbei somicio.
Willlanl Curtis defines the Demo
cratic party as "an organized conspiracy against
the baliot-upx
The All-Absorbing International Race
What the London Journals of
This Morning Think About It
The Super-Advantage of
the Oxfords, and the
Strength of the Har
vard. Ku-Kluxism Revivinsr in the South
Negroes Shot and Eeaten to Death
Scandal in St. Louis The
Western Crops Market
The IJrent Inter-l'nlvreollv Jlncp this After
noonFinal Coiiiinciiti by,tUt KnKlltli .lour
nnls. Hi the A nglo-A mcrican Cable.
London, Aug. '21 A. M. Tbe newspapers to
day publish closing comtiir.nis on the
which occurs this afternoon tit 5 o'clock.
The Telrgraph enlnpxos the Elliot boat m
tight, fust, and graceful, travels well, and suits
her crew. We do not expect, the Telegraph
says, that the Harvard can win the race, but
the changes made by them bring the crews more
on a level. On the whole, wc think it will be
a capital race.
The Oxfords will defeat their gallant adver
saries without dillictilty. If otherwise, the Har
vard must have an ovation, to show that we are
not .ifruid to be beaten by our excellent cousins.
The American .Horn Powerful.
The .SViir says the Americans are individ
ually more powerful thin the Oxfords, but it is
thought their training is not according to Eng
lish notions of strictness.
The Advantage of the Oxford.
The Daily Ai ws says, "Above all things we
are anxious that the contest shall be pharp from
first to last. That the victory, whether on one
side or the other, shall be so hard to win as to
oover winners ami losers alike with glory.
To prcjudgo the issue would be
impertineut in the Iat degree." The writer
then takes opportunity to acknowledge to the
full extent the obvious and inevitable disadvan
tages the Harvard have contended against. The
river und everything were strange and uufa
lniliar, and matters as they were of the science
of rowing, they had to study it almost like the
alphabet of a foreign language.
The Osfords on Charles river would labor
under similar disaihatttauQj, AH that can be said
is that they ftcld grace lo victory .ml dignity to
defeat. The general impression is that u
be a great race to Hammersmith, two miles.
The bridge, at Putney ha been completely
burred, and no except tho-e of the umpire
and pres. will he allowed to pass.
Tbe Jicttinir.
The betting is two to one and seven to four on
the Oxford. It is reported that several Ameri
can gentlemen now licre have staked XlOUOon
the success of the Harvard last evening.
This .lIorniiiK'H Quotation.
Filth? Anulo'Awerkuii Cable.
I.omm;N, Aug. 27 A. M. Consols for money,
tKPfor account. ti:i,n American securities
firm. .V'ius of 1S'V2, m ;of lsf, old, si5;; of lSi'.T,
s:s: in-jns, 70',. Stocks ijniet. Erie liailroad, :
Illinois Central, !.
l.ivmrooi., Aug. 27 A. "SI Cotton heavy; mid
dling uplands, hi (H, l.'id. ; middling Orleans, isra'd.
'1 lie sales for to-day are estimated at (Hmio bales.
The sa'es of Hie week have been 3S,00() bales, of
wliicli ".mi u wti'rt export and Goon for speculation;
stock. ;MiH)(i bales, ot winch 5,ooo are American.
Ited wheat, '.is. kl. Coin. Ills, for European.
SoiTiiA.ui'TON.Aiig. 2i.--Arrived-steuiusliip West.
pnuim, Hum ,cw i oi A,
Thin Nonn'n Quotation.
London', Aug. 27 Noon. Consols, for both
money and account. Erie, '.':!.
ivkmi'ooi., Aug. 27 Noon. The continuance of
splendid vcutiier causes a depression in breads' nil's.
Corn, fcus. r,d. l'lour. 21s. i!:l. California wheat, KM.
H.'d. lied estern, 'Js, f, .
The Kii-KInx liedivivus A Nro Killed nml
Aiiiilbcr Neuily Itenteii ta Denlli l.vncliliiif
ol Ncuro Kn islier in Alobiinia The Crops.
Despatch to The Hveuing Telegraph.
Nashville, Aug. 27. A body of Ku-Klux or
other disguised rulliuns visited the premises of
sonic negroes near Smyrna, Rutherford county.
on edncsday niglit.Iaud perpetrated uu out
rage that should bring them to the gallows.
They whipped u negro mimed Ben White almost
to death, and another named Ren Tncker they
shot dead while he was iu the act of running
away. It is not known what offense, if any, the
negroes committed, or who were the villains.
whether white or black, who perpetrated the
bloody outrage. Efforts are being made to ferret
them out.
A respectable lady near Addersville, Georgia,
was outraged and murdered by a negro last
Tuesday. The fiend made his escape. Dur
ing the last two week the Southern papers
jive detail of no less than nine similar out-
rages on white females by negroes, the victims
in two cases being less than eight venrs old.
Four of the ravishers were caught and lynched.
In .Marshall eountv, Alabama, a negro who
had made himself offensive by voting the con
servative ticket was shot and killed on Tuesday
last by a lot of radicals of his own color. Hi
only offense is said to have been his politics.
J he corn crop in leuuessco will bo short
fully one-third, by reason of the long drought.
Andy Johnson will arrive here to-morrow, and
remain until Monduv.
Murder of n C'lreiiM l'rnnrlelor-A linn I'uli-
lely ( ou liuled by Ilia Wile.
Despatch to The Keening Telegraph,
bT. Louis, Mo., Aug. 27. Further particulars
ol the murder of William Lake, the circus pro-
rrititor, have been received. The tragedy took
place at Grandby, Miss., on the night of the 21st,
where the circus was then exhibiting. A man
named Jacob Klllyon committed the deed with a
revolver. Klllyon was forced from the tent be-
cuuee ho refused to pay his admission for the
second part of the show". In the dark, outside.
ho crept up stealthily toward Lake and shot
him In the heart. The latter expired in a few
minutes. Lake was buried on Mondav bv tbe
uuu reiiows. Klllyon escaped. A reward of
$1000 is offered for his apprehension.
J. 1. lioyd was publicly cowhlded on the
street, yesterday, by his wife. There is a di
vorce suit pending between the two parties.
Htock Ouotntlnna h Tlrnnh 1 V. Iff
Glendenning, Davis Co. report Uirougu their New
. x. ceuuR 201
west. Union Tele r
ii. x. k r.neitau. . B4'u
Ph. and Kea. K 95,;
Mich. 8. and N. I.K..KH1',.
C'le. and Pitt, r
Cht and N. W. com . . v&
CliuandN. W.pref.. 9ft
Chi. andKLR 114 .'
Pitts. F. W. A cm. R. ssi
racmcMaiieUiam.., w.
j uiciiu ct vvauuHii t. SB1-
mu. SBuram k... .. 78
Mil. it hC Paul pruf., 87",
Adams Express tov
Wells, Fargo & Co.... 19
1'nlted Wtnte wif
Gold 13a,i,
Market steady.
The English Crew Win the Interna
tional Boat Race by Six Seconds
The Harvards Three Lengths
Behind The News in
New York.
A largo crowd thronged the office of the West
ern Union Telegraph Company, at Third and
Chesnut streets, eager to catch the first particu
lars furnished by the Atlantic cable In reference
to the international boat race between the Har
vards and the Oxfords.
The first despatch, announcing the mere fact
of the victory gained by the Oxfords, arrived
lust about 1 P. M., and wa posted upon the
walls, so as to be seen by nil. It was quietly read,
and no boisterous comments were made. "I
thought so!" "It was to be expected:" "The
Harvards gave up everything beforehand
to the Oxford," were the conversational utter
ances to be heard all around. At half past one
o'clock the 2d edition of The Evemmi Ti:le
OHArii announcing the result was printed, far in
advance of our slower afternoon contemporaries,
and the copies were snapped up eagerly by the
expectant public.
The lirttinff on the Knee.
Di fpatch to The Keening Telegraph.
New Youk, Aug 27 12 il The excitement here
on the Oxford and Harvard race is Intense. Pools
were selling at from 100 to CO, and 000 to 05: the
greatest odds in favor of oxford were 300 to 125.
Business on 'Change was entirely suspended.
The New of l lie "Oxford Victory" Very Oe
nrt'HNliiK. Speeial Drxpateh to The Keening Telegraph.
New Yokk, Aug. 27. The report that the Oxford
crew won the raee has a very depressing effect upon
the people generally. A large amount of money had
been staked on the race.
ltrportrri Klot in PnrW nnd Dentil of Nnpoleon.
Wall street was considerably excited this forenoon
over the reported death of Napoleon and a great riot
In Paris. Gold went up to 134 on the strength of
the report, which Is no doubt false.
President (Jrnnt'n .Movements.
Saratoga, Aug. 2T Piesldont Grant will reach
here to-moirow.
Ilnm Wnxlicil Awny .11111 Stooped.
Albany, Aug. 27. The dam at Fort Edward,
Washington county, was washed away last Tuesday,
putting a stop to the working of a'l mills, furnaaes,
machine shops, ami rotterles. The temporary
bridge was also carried away, cutting oif communi
cation With thi opposite shore, excepting by the
railroad bridge. It will take twenty thousand dol
lars to repair the damage to the dam, and the loss of
t ime to the mills will, It is said, amount to ten times a
mucn. Anvuni iwv-iuirus ui me working people Of
the village aro deprived" ?r their summer's worfc,
which was just about to cominir..
The New York Stock .Hnrket.
New Yokk, Aug. 27. Stocks steady. Money
quiet at Owl per cent. Uold, 133V, 6-203, isfrl,
coupon, 123; do. 1S64, do., 122; do. 86r, do., l22;J1o.
do. new, 120 7; ao. imt, rjojf ; no. ixw,i2o;; 10-409,
lUJi ; Virginia sixes, new, &'rf ; Missouri sixes, W7 ;
Canton Company, 00 ; Cumberland preferred, 34 ;
New York Central, 201V; Erin, 34'.; Reading, 5;;
Hudson Kiver, lsn'j; Michigan Central, 130; Michi
gan Southern, loo1;, ; Illinois Central, 13S; Cleveland
and Pittsburg, 104 ; Chicago and Kock Island, 114 '., ;
Pittsburg and tort uyue, is1,; western uuion
Telegraph, 30;8'.
New York Produce ainrket.
Nkw Yokk, Aug. 27. Cotton quiet; 100 bale
sold at 114 ve. Flour dull and declined 5 nioc. ; sale
of i'.MO barrels State at f.S'SOWi MtoIcI'U S, rVOCi
tn "'lo; and Southern at f i'50vi-75. W heat dull and
deili ied 1(5 20.; sales of 211,00 ) bushels No. 2 nr
$1-4 .in I'M; winter red at 81-5H. Corn tinner and
sciiice; mixed Western at. ?l-14ml'lti. Outs firmer.
and advanced l,v(c. ; ivw stern, u.un,i.v. iseer
(f.iet. Pork dull luul nominal, hard dull; steam,
ii,'i(1!i','. WhisjKy quiet.
Thef'nvnlry I.oolilnir Out lor I'rnwllnur Indians
-(lutraiie and .miroern uy 1110 iiiuiiidh.
St. Louts, Aug. 87. A Denver despatch says that
s i ci the report that Indians were prowling arouuu
near Denver, the country has been thoroughly
snouted by cavalry, but no traces of Indians were
found. A scouting party left yesterday in quest or
Indians reported as depredating between San Jose
and Santa Fe.
William Lake, the proprietor of Lake s cirens, was
shot at Oranby, Newton cunty, Missouri, by a man
named Killyon, and expired in a few moments.
Klllyon refused to pay for admittance within the
tent and was ejected by Lake. He soon returned,
and seeing Lake near the entrance drew a revolver
and shot him through the bodv, near the heart. Dur
ing the excitement Killyon escaped. A reward of
JIUtin has been ottered for his arrest.
Arrangement .Hiuie lor Itemiuihiff Work on
Speeial Despatch to The Kveniwj Telegraph.
Sckanton, Aug. 27. At a meeting 01 miners ami
operators at Hyde Park yesterday, a compromise
was ell'ected, and all arrangements maiio lor a re
sumption of work on Monday next. The exact terms
of the compromise is not yet known, but they are
delinile, and about similar to the arrangement ex
isting between the Pennsylvania coal company aim
their men.
Another Hi-blue Over tlic Ohio.
Loi isvn.i.E, Aug. 27. one of the channel spans of
the bridge over the 01110 river, .110 lei.t ioug, wu
completed yesterday. This is the largest sp.m 01
any truss bridge In the country. The whole bridge
w ill be finished early in Novemoer.
The llaltimore Produce Market.
mi Tivmitn. Amr. 27. Cotton dull, and nominally
steady ; prime red, f 1 -4ri 1 fto. Com steady ; wi lie,
11-14 ; vellew, 1-15. Oats tirm and higher at. fm ffWic.
Ifye dull lit l-10(a l-15. Mess Pork quiet at S.U oil.
liacon iirm; rib sides, 19.Vc; clear do., 19kJ '"y-.
shoulders, 16S(C. Hams, 24m Wc. Lard quiet at Ma
21c. Whisky unchunged at 11-25.
The Oxford Crew Defeat tlie Harvnrds.
Ey the A nglo-Ameriean Cable,
LONDON', Aug. 27-5-30 P. M. 1 ne uaiuiu wot
has come In ahead, wtnnincr tho race.
London, Aug. 27-5-40 P. M.-Th? 0 ford crew
won the race by threo lengths-th t Harvard crew
being six seconds behindhand.
iri.i- in..niuiiii. (lunlnlloUH.
Liverpool. Anc 271 1. M. Cotton afloat, 001,500
hnles. of wlileh oo.omi bHles are American. Keceipta
or Wheat ror the past tnree uays, a,u .j..-...-,
llreadatulls dull.
Tho Tennessee
Senatorial election, mcoyA
e place on tho second Ihurs-
imr to law. must tnknTibien
. " r. . . - .. 1 l..)..l.1lA
1 ;iv niier Tim r,,rii,iu..ti..n t run I .eiz iniuiii vj.
A cnnll'milDrnrv Gin'i- I 'It. is a cardinal
principle with the Massachusetts Democracy not
to go 111 to win."
Tho Wisconsin-prohibitionists follow suit
in tho political party movement. Tho chances
are, however, that no great harm will he done
111 1 yc"r-
Ex-(jovernor ILirriman of Vw Hampshire,
lias three weeks' leave of absence from his duties
as Naval Oflicer of Hoston, in order that he may
take part in the Ohio cauipuigu.
3iye. Flour dull; Howard street, siilieriii.e, o
wc-M); do. extra, o-7.V.. s ; do. family, l',: -ity
Mills superllne, u-2MT; do. extra, fu-iS ; do.
family, J-s-iMn 10-7f: Western superllne d i.'rfil fi 1 ,
.i fltl.7,.. 7.M) . .lr fundi v. fi '75ia Vf)0. neat
Particulars of the Contest Time of
tbe Oxford Crew 22 Minutes 40
Seconds The Excitement on
the Banks of the Thames
How the News was For
warded. FROM EUROPE.
Particular of the Knee between Harvard
nnd Oxford.
TU the A nglo-A mrriean Cable.
London, Aug. 27 P. M The Harvards won the
toss, and chose the Middlesex (or North) side of tho
river, outside ol the scmclrcle. Both boats started
at 5 o'clock 14 minutes und 6f seconds, and the Ox
fords arrived at the ship at 5 o'clock 36 minutes and
47 seconds. Time of race, 22 minutes 40 j seconds.
The weather was fine and hot. There was somo
mud, but the water was in good condition, llefor
the race the excitement was Intense, and the river
banks were lined with vehicles since morning. The
cars were unable to carry the crowds waiting at the
TIiIm Afternoon' Ouotntion.
By the, A nglo-A inerican Cable.
I.omiON, Aug. 273 P. M Consols 93V for money
and account. American securities unlet. 5-2o's (if
T-f.2, 8'-; of 18V,5, old. S33, ; of 1.1C9, 82', ; 10-40's, 70;
Railways dull. Illinois Central, 94
Pakih, Aug. 273 P. M The P.ourse is excited.
Rentes, "is. ific,
I.ivehi'OOH, Aug. 27-3 P. M Cotton declining;
uplands, 13,d. ; Orleans, 13 V 13',d. Sales now
estimated at 7iW0 bales. Manchester advices are
less favorable and cause dullness. Yams aud
fabrics ,'...d. lower. Itreadstuil's nominal.
1) t'KF.NsTOWN, Aug. 27 Arrived Steamship
irom iew 1 ors.
Deipatch to the Associated Prctm.
Washington, Aug. 2T B. V. Wilbur has been
confirmed as Deputy Collector and Inspector; Lloyd
O. Thompson as Deputy Collector, and William
Butcher as Inspector at Rochester, New York.
Necri-tnry 11 awl Inn' Health.
Secretary Rawlins has recovered sutlletcntly from
his sickness to visit the War Department a short
time this morning.
The ;rcnt Ront Knee-How the Ncwn Was
New York, Aug. 27. The Oxford boat arrived at
the ship at Mortlake at 5 o'clock 30 minutes and 47
seconds. The news of the victory was received by
the English cable at tho Associated Press oillce in
this city at 1 o'clock and 4 minutes, being exactly 23
minutes nnd 13 seconds after the conclusion of the
race. A messenger was obliged to carry the des
patch three-fourths of a mile on horseback to the
nearest telegraph station at Mortlake.
?tocli Quotations by Telesraph 3 P. .11.
Glendinning, DaVifi 4 Co. report through, their New
York house the following;
N. Y. Central it 20 1 Pacific M. S
N. Y. and Krie K 34 y Western Union Tele.
Ph. and Rea. H. 9.V, Toledo A Wabash R.
Mich. S. and N. I. R..100 Mil. and St. Paul H. c
Cle. and Pitt. R. loftv; Mil. and St, Paul R. p.
Oil. and N. . com., si , Adams Kxpress
Chi. and N. W. pref.. 9t;"
Chi. and R. I. R 114'.,
Pitt., Ft. Way. & Ch.
Wells, Fargo.,
. 1S
Market dull.
Amount of Coal transported on the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad during week ending Thursday,
August vo, in;.):
Tim. Cict,
37.MI3 03
9,155 10
5,143 00
31,058 1 9
3,6sl 01
10,525 11
4,285 10
20 04
111,303 13
T.S51 13
119,215 11
1,443 02
From St. Clair
From Port Cm lion
From Pottsville,
From irthrivlklll Haven
From Auburn
From Port Clinton
From llnrrislmrgand Iiaupnln
From Allentown and Alburtis
Anthracite Coal for week
P.itumiuous Coal from Hurrisburg ami
Dauphin for week
Total for week paying freight
Coal for Company's use
Total nil kinds for week.
Previously this year
. .. 120,05s 13
. .. 2,510,173 10
To Thursday, August 27, 180S. .
. 2,000,8.12 09
2,129,412 07
How Ibey Settle Peisomil Oiflleulliesin I'.nrope.
Writes the Times correspondent rom Paris
on the lUth instant:
The duel in which M. Flonrens risked his life
for a public principle has been followed by a
second challenge to M. Paul de Cussasrinie, the
terms of which are so eccentric that I translate
them for the amusement of your readers:
Sir: 1 come to you armed with my convictions
and with my heart full of hatred. If you aro not,
the last of towards you shall kill me or die. lle
tween us there can bo no truce. The moment our
eyes are fixed on each other, one of us must disap
pear into nothingness (m'c.) Understand clearly
that there is no longer any question between us of
what jou call the figuring of the carving knife or
the assurance of the sword, but of the arm that
kills. It is with hand on breast and pistol ou fore
head that I wish to hold you. Ignorant as to which
of us has the loaded weapon, destiny will be our
1 await, here your acceptance. In a few days I
shall be tree and at your service.
Uaii.laki), Pere,
Political prisoner In St. Pelagic.
It is needless to add that M. Paul Cassa!nac
has deeliued this invitation. Professed duellists
do not like such close quarters.
A Florence correspondent adds:
The practice of duelling in Italy Is still kept np,
and the frequency of such encounters seems even to
Increase. Indeed, hardly a week passes but several
cases are reported. The recent tobacco contract con
troversy threatened to furnish a large crop, but up
to this time no sword has been drawn or powder
burnt on that account. The editor of tho a:ione,
Siguor lireenu, has made an effort to have a shot with
Signer Oliva, of the lii forma; but technical obstacles
are happily in the way. The question is still pend
ing. The Italians do not yet see what a foolish
practice this is. Duels here often grow out of tho
most trivial misunderstandings. Fortunately, when
the tug of blows conies, the parties contrive not to
hit each other, and in the majority of cases no death
or Incurable wound follow. A few davs ago there
was an encounter on the peaceful hill of the Mount,
of Olives, near one of the gates of Florence. First
lire at a distance of twenty-live paces no skill
broken. Second trial, distance reduced to sixty
feet like result. The parties then apologize, shake
hands, ami return to the city together. Such Is the
ogic of duelling.
Mni-l4'i iu Italy.
The recent murder in a railway carriage near
Isolctta is still creating much excitement in
Italy. The victim was tho Countess Amanda
Cottaneo, and was known to bo mixed up In
revolutionary alluirs. Her father, the deputy
l)e Pietro, was assassinated two years since. The
Countess, who is described as young and beauti
ful, has been wandering about Southern Italy,
and lately lived at Nola. While there, her sup
posed murderer, a man named Negri, fired 11
pistol at her. and by the advice of her friends
she left the place for Naples. She was accom
panied by threo gentlemen, w ho did not perceive
that Negri was iu the same train, and they ac
cordingly took leave of her at Coserta, believing
her to bo safe. On the arrival of tho train at
Isolotta, however, tho dead body of the Countess
was found in the carriage, her hands being cut
with glass and the window broken. Political
motives are assigned for tho murder, with which,
it is said, jealousy hud also something to do.
The murderers of M. Inghiraml, the Austrian
Consul of Llvarno, have been all released. It
is said that the jury feared to convict them,
dreading that they might themselves run the
riik of Ihe dagger.
The Npanlnrd Ilronaht to Htnnd-More Con
Bnrntlanw. Havana, Aug. 21. General Leseahas gone to
Spain, and, if the reports in circulation are to be
credited, there is a good number of other officers
who are exceedingly anxious to leave tho island.
This feeling is lurgcly shared by the soldiery.
There Is no money with which to pay the troops,
nnd the disaffection is becoming very great. The'
(iovernor-Gcncral is now visiting Cardenas,, and other towns in tho in
terior and on the coast. His reason
for doing so at this time is said
to he an apprehension that tho volunteers will
remove the governors of some of theso towns,
as was lately the case at Mutanzns. At present
eight large meu-of war are here They cannot go
out cruising, because they are short of coal and
can get none. It is estimated that the Govern
ment already owes tho coal companies $2,000,
000, nnd it has been determined on their part to
furnish no more coal, unless for money paid
down. This will occasion considerable embar
rassment in tho matter of naval operations.
A "rising" is reported in the jurisdiction of
the Candehirias, which is iu the Vuelta Abajo
country, Western Department. The laborers
on three sugar estates revolted, and were joined
hy other country people. The Insurgents arc in
the Sierras, awaiting an expedition expected to
arrive with guns nnd munitions of war. This,
H is supposed, will laud on the northern coast.
The insurgents are making headway in the
jurisdiction of Colon and in the colony of San
Domingo. They have been, of lute burning up
uu mi! cugnr esuues in tnose regions, ana ttio
country is full of rebels. The Gactta ol yester
day contains a decree of the Governor-G'encral
with respect to balances of money and accounts
current pertaining in any way to or growing out
of transactions conuected with the Havana
liailroad. These accounts and ba
lances nre all declared null and of
no c fleet after the oOtli inst. Tho object Is to
conliM'iite the interests of certain rich Rebels
who have shares in the road Alfonso Morales,
I. emus, Aldama, and some others, have been sus
pended us directors in said rood. F. Montalvo
y Koincro, J. M. Morales, Nicolas Gutierrez.,
Anto. Kcssel, and (ieueral Kafael Clavljo have
been named directors, und the last mentioned
PpnnlNh Account ol I'orlnl'N Delent.
The J're nsa of the 20th has the following:
Our readers will remember that in our last setni
weckly review a reference was made to a report
that a force of Spaniards had been defe itcd by
the insurgents. In different journals this news
has been published. Unfortunately the news is
true, which is not extraordinary, inasmuch as
we learn that there were only !K) Spaniards en
gaged, while the insurgents had 1200 men, well
posted. Tho Colonel of the Spaniards, Portal,
was killed, and those of the troops who escaped
did so by flight, leaving everything behind them.
It is a disgrace to us, but such tilings will hap
pen in this clAfS of wars.
Reported I.ntidinvs.
The Lahornnle says that a steamer has suc
cessfully landed, six leagues east of Neuvitas. a
cargo of :100 men, three parts of whom are lia
vniicse aud the rest Americans, besides 81KX)
stands of arms, 12 mountain pieces, 2,000.000
cartridges and caps, several barrels of powder,
a large amount of clothing, medicine, and 200
sacks of salt. The Laborante further adds that
"the Havana periodicals stated on Sunday that
Queida had marched toward the coast to cover
a disembarkation, which statement is not true,
as the landing was effected at the moment of
the attack on Puerto Principe."
Office op the Eventno,
Friday. Au;;ut 2i, i
There is a good deal of caution both iu business
and f.nanclal circles at the present time, in view of
the prospector a stringei.t money market during
the lull, l urrency Is now flowing freely towards the
South, and much of this Is not likely soon to return,
in ec.E sequence of the lack of banking rucil'tles In
those localities. The enormous crops of the West
huh ismnwcsi are also making heavy demands
upon cur bunk resources, but these will lUtlmately
return, cither for temporary Investments or In ex
change for merchandise. Meanwhile, however, the
market works close and firm, and the high rales
for discount retard business operations to some
I.oiris on call, with good stock collaterals, are
lbade to-day at 7(ffH per cent., but time loans, on
good ccniuierciul paper, ure not negotiable under 10
Cil2 per cent.
" (old opened weak to-day, the first sales being
quoted at 1324,;, but the price steadily advanced,
closing at noon firm at 133V'.
UuiteJ States securities ure very quiet to-day, and
w ithout any noticeable change in prices.
The Stock market was exceedingly quiet to-day,
and prices were weak. State loans were neglected.
City sixes were unchanged, selling at lOl.if for the
new Issues. Lehigh Cold Loan was steady at 97.
Reading Railroad attracted but little attention,
sellli g at 47?',(n4S.y, b. o., closing at the former rate.
Lehigh Valley Railroad changed hands at. 50 V ; Cita
wlssa Railroad preferred at 87)tf ; Camden and Ani
boy Ruilroad at 123: Little Schuylkill Railroad at 42;
and Pennsylvania Railroad at 67,S,.
In Coul, Hank, aud Passenger Railway shares no
sales were reported. 45 was bid for Second and
Third; IS for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 62 for West
Philadelphia; aud 11 for Hestonville.
The Kansas Pacific Railroad Company,
through their bankers, Messrs. Dabuey, Morgan,
cc Co., and M. K. Jesup & Co., have placed
upon the market two millions of their seven per
cent, gold-bearing loan; aud as great interest
has been attracted to it a statement of the in
ducements this security offers to investors may
be opportune. The Kansas Pacific Railway now
runs irom Kansas City, on tho border of Mis
souri, nt which point it connects with the
Eastern lines of travel, to the town of Sheridan,
near the western limit of Kansas. It also has a
branch lino to Leavenworth. Its earnlugs last
year w ere f450.8:i0'22. For two months of this
year, April and May, its earnings showed a large
Incrense on the corresponding period of lust
year. The road is now being built to Denver, a
distance of 225 miles. To build this extension
they ask a loan of $ 0,500,000, runniug thirty
years and paying seven percent. In coin, free
from Government tax. Tho security for this
loan is the franchise and possession of a road
the value of which is estimated to be 22,:W0,0O0.
It is a first mortgage upon the extension and a
second mortgage upon the entire road. Tho
bonds are now selling at 00, currency, and ac
crued interest.
Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. 40 S. Third street,
11000 City 6s, N...C.101V, loosh('utaPf..bC0. 37
I1U0O Fell Gold I.u6. 97
B Sll bell ai K.D3. f)ti,
8 sh Reading RR. . 47 H
200 do ls.47-94
100 do boo. 4-v
800 do 47 94
100 do C. 4i.?i
1300 Leh 6S, '84.... 84
7 sh Cam A.Sc. 67tf
led sh Ins Co N Am. 19
71 sh Penna 57'i
310 sh Lit Sell R . . . . 42 I
5 sli Cam 4 Am R.123 1
$11000 Pa Cs WL Cp. 101 , loo sh Leh Val R.lrt0 5(5 V
S2000 Leh gold l.b5. 97
100 sh Read R..UH). 4sv
jiwco City 68, N... Is. lol V
10 sh Penua Kit.. 67 ,
100 do bBO. 67 H
loo sh Leh Nav.bCO. Rs
100 do b30. 80'
100 do 47-l
loo do ..bOOwn. 4S'
100 do 1)10. 4S
100 do. 4S
SshMlueluUR.... 63 v
13000 City 6s,
12(100 do 2(1.101
1000 Leh gold l..c loB
100 sh Cuta Pf.bOO. 87)tf
100 sh CutaPf 87 V
100 do .... bOO. 87
100 do b3. 87'
Narr Ladnf.r, Bankers, report this morning's
Gold quotations as follows:
10- 00 A. M 132i ,11-8'lA. M 183.','
11- 21 " 132sJll-40 " 134
H-81 " 1324 12-00 M 13:l!tf
Messrs. Db Haven A Bkothkr, No. 40 8. Third
Street, Philadelphia, report the following quotations:
U.S. 6s Of 1SW1, 123W128V; do. 1862, 123(4123 V,' J
do. 1864, 122(129','; do. 1S05, 122(122'if; do. 1865,
new, 120B120; do. 1867. new do. 12o?rt l21; it.
1808, 120120; do. 68, 10-408, 114'i((115; U.S.
30 Year 6 per cent. Cy., 11oy"110kf ; Due Comp. Int.
Notes, 19 ; Gold, 133,133?, ; Silver. 128130.
8cnrjYi.Kii.L Navigation Coal Traub for the
week ending Thursduy, August 62, 1809:
Tons. Cwt.
From Port Carbon 00
From Schuylkill llavun 6,615 00
From Port Clinton 00
Total lor week 8,693 00
Previously this year 437,600 14
Total 446,293 14
To stone time last year , eot,642 10
The Despondent Ilarvarde How Bos
ton Feels Grant's Movements
in New England.
The "Huh" It rcrlvrn the Now of the Drfent
Tbe Jlnrvuril Ntiidriils Ulue.
Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Boston, Aug. 2T. The nows of the defeat of the
Harvards fell like a wet blanket on our citizens.
The Harvard College student had assembled in
force at the Merchants' Exchaige reading-room,
wearing their badges, confident that the American
host would win. The telegraph ofllces were packed
with people. Tpon the announcement of the result
a deathlike stillness prevailed.
PreHldcnt (rant lo lie Invited to the Nintc Fair
lnlnt of the Knights Trmnlnr-llft.ilrond
11 ulldliitf- Serious Accident, Etc.
Despatch to The Keening Telegraph.
Portland, Aug. 27 It has been decided to invito
C.eneral Grant to the New England Fair, and Colonel
Needhum goes to meet him at Saratoga. The Governor-General
of Canada has accepted the Invitation
to be present.
There was a grand hop at Camp Dodge lait even
ing, which was participated In by the Maine Knight
Templar. The Camp broke np at 10 o'clock; and,
arriving In this city, the knights paraded through the
principal streets, when the out-of-town Command
cries left for home.
The contract for building the Portland and Og
densburg Railroad has been let as far as Sebago
Lake, and work will commence at once.
Judge Allston, of Milwaukee, while riding in a
buggy last evening, was run Into by a runaway team,
and seriously Injured.
The following extracts show tho stato of the New
York money market yesterday:
t rom the Herald.
"The Money market was Irregularly reported,
many stock houses being compelled to pay the full
legal rate on call loans. The transactions at six
were, however, numerous enough to make the quo
tation double, that is, from six to seven per cent.
Home of the leading Government houses obtained
exceptional sums at five. Commercial paper was in
better request, particularly for the shorter dates,
and the movement m ght almost be termed brisk.
The rates or discount were without changp, remain
ing at nine to twelve per cent, for the choice grades.
In the foreign exchange market transactions were
limited and business dull.
"A great deal of Interest la manifested In the re
sult of the inter-unlverslty boat race Iu England to
morrow, and the stock operating fraternity have
w agered large amounts thereupon. The odds were
in favor of oxford on an average of about five to
lour. A few small bets were made even.
"Governments were str ing with the advance in
gold, but prices ranged with those in London, whore
the 02's were stronger and the '67's a shade lower.
The foreign (imitations were made on tho price of
gold this morning. Transactions were moderate in
amount and the market steady.
"The Assistant Treasury ut this port purchased one
million of tive-twentles to-day for the sinking fund.
The proposals accepted were of the lots and at the
prices following: J200O 1805, coupon, at 119-46; 14000
1807, coupon, at 119-62; 125,000 1864, coupon, at 119-70;
?15,ooo ls5, registered, at 119-63; 121,000 1868, at
119-50; 125,000 ls4, at 119 -5; $40,000 1864, registered,
at 119 28; tOO.COO 18C4, coupon, at 119-41; $100,000
165, c.oiiDon, at 119-50; $10,000 1805, registered
(old, at 119-70; f 50,000 1 806, eonpon (new), at
1 1 9 00 ; J.'jO.OHO 1 S05 ut 119-01; J.'.O.OOO 1S05 at 119-62;
( 10,000 1802, registered, at 119-60; f 10,000 1SB-2, regis
tered, at 119-60; 825,000 1862, coupon, new, at 119-02;
$25,000 1805, coupon, new, at 119-74; $14,000 1804,
coupon, nr 119-64; fotoi) 1SC2, registered, at 119-67;
$100,0(10 1865, coupon, old, at 119-67; 100,000 1805,
coupon, at 119-74; $12,000 lsos, coupon, at 119-74;
f2i(.,iiiio i8.-j, registered, at iiy-4.
"The gold market was feverish, and a portion of
the time greatly excited. The opening street price
was 134, which evoked another line ol short sales,
particularly us the cUipies were discovered to bo
'unloading.' about six millions so sold being traced
to them. 'J he market became heavy and dull as soon
as it was generally understood that the 'bull' tactics
had changed, aud hence the price fell oil' to 132V
In niunv quarters It was suspected, however, that
this relaxation on their part Is only preparatory to
another ail. ance in furtherance of the scheme to
twist.' the shorts. Operators were seldom so con
fused.'' lMiiladelpIiia Trade Itoport.
Friday, Aug. 27 Tho Flour market Is exceed
ingly quiet, and In the absence of any demand for
shipment the home consumers operate sparingly,
only purchasing enough to supply their immediate
wants. Sales of superUue at t&-rtCa 6-50; 100 barrels
extras at $0-25 for choice; 250 barrels Northwestern
extra lanuly at $0-60c7-75; Pennsylvania do. do. at
$0-50(0,7-25; Ohio do. do. ut $0-7.X7 75; and fancy
brand's at $s-25(o:l0, according to quality. Rye Flour
sells at $0 50 per barrel.
The Wheat market Is exceedingly quiet, and
prices favor buyers. Sales of new red at $l-44f 1-50.
und white ut $l-60ul-70. Rye Is unsettled. Sales of
old Western at $1-16, and 700 bushels new Southern
at $1-12. Corn is quiet at yesterday's quotations.
Sales of 3500 bushels yellow ot $l-17(n l'20, and 3()o
bushels Western mixed at $l-13(Sil-15. Oats are
unchanged. Sules of new ut 63(00o., the latter
rale for choice, and old Western at 65(a63c.
Nothing doing in Hurley or Malt
Bark In the absence of sales we quote No. 1
Quercitron at f 36 per ton.
Whisky Is less actlvo and not so firm. We quote
at $l-2S(n, 1-27 per gallon for wood aud Iran-bound
tbe newest and hnst mannor.
LOUIS DU1CK.A, Ktxtinner and Knvraver,
No. 1033 UHKS.NUT Btnwt.
Having completed all arrangements for the opening of
the si'a:,oti, it becomes my pleasiiiR duty to announce, that
on the 6th of September 1 shall have the honor of pre
senting to your putrounRe a new organization composed of
artistes well knuwn and tried in the service of the public
on the other side of tho ocean, and those of the oM cum
bination, who have remained true to the banner under
which they bare so Iodic battled their way to fame and
In behalf of tho now comers I ask the proverbially kind
reception the Philadelphia citizens give to all strutucers.
Fortheu'i favorites a continuance of former furor, and
for i-v'"a genorous response to my endeavors (in spite
of much opposition) to maintain my hur l earned position
in the lyric world, a rexponso which will send me on my
way rejoicing nnd give me a hearty God speed to a success
ful campaign.
LeuTing my cause in the hands of my heretofore kind
patrons, I remain the public's obedient servant.
ING, A TIN BOX, containing, umonj othor securi
ties: No. 61,950. Certificate for 20 shares Pennsylvania Rail- -roadname
A. M. Zubriskio.
Certillcate for 15 shares Pennsylvania Rail
road nume A. M. Zubrieskiu.
Certillcate for 3 shares Pennsylvania Rail
road name M. Sheriden.
No. 721. Certificate for 200 shares Keystone Zinc namey
T. Tuttle.
Certificate for 500 shares Western Pennsylvania
Oil Company name, T. Tuttle.
30 Coupons of $25 each, Allegheny County 6 per cenU
7fi ICoupons of $35 eaoh, Alloghony Valley Railroad?
7 310 Bunds.
30 Coupons of $30 each, Camden and Amboy Railroad
6 per cent. Bonds.
Besides other secuiities of no value to any but the own.
ers. All of the above have been stopped.
years' service for injuries or wounds, lucladlntt
rupture, are entitled, they or their widows or Heir
(U they have received none), to $200 bounty.
Apply to ROBERT 8. LEAGUE & CO.,
T30 No. 186 8. EEVBNTHjtreet
-- 1 art of the United SUtes can have them easily
adjusted and collocted on application to the Genera
Collection Agency, ROBERT 8. LEAGUE A CO..
No. 130 South. BEVIOTU Street. 30