TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, A UGUST 25, 18G9. f A THIEVES' RAFFLE. Front, JaincK Grremcond's "Srvrn Curat of Lowlnn." Truly, it in hard to understand, hut it is an Undoubted fact, that the criminal who in police nomenclature in a "low thief" (to dis tinguish him, it may ho presumed, from "the respectable thief") is without exception of nil men the most comfortless and miserable; and fchould the. reader lie ho inipiisive as to desire to be informed of the grounds on which I arrive at this conclusion, I bog to assure him that I do not rely on hearsay, neither do I depend on what thieves incarcerated for their Offences liavo told mo, holding it to be hard ly likely that a prisoner in prison would vaunt his liking for crime and his eagerness to get back to it. I have 'mixed with thieves nt liberty, an unsuspected spy in their camp, more than once. I will epiote au example. This was many years since, and as at the time I published a detailed account of the visit, I may bo excused from more than brielly alluding to it here. It was at a thieves' rallle, held at a public-house in one of the lowest and worst parts of Westminster. I was young in the tield of exploration then, and, from all that I had heard and read, mado up 'my mind for something very terrible and desperate. 1 rictured to n ysclf n band of rollicking des-x.tiuJc-k. swaggering and insolent, with plenty of money to pay for bottles of brandy and egg-t!ip unlimited, and plenty of brag ging discourse of the doughty deeds of the past, nnih of their cold-blooded and desperate intcntiom for the future. Likewise, my ex pectations of hope and fear included a rich treat in the shape of vocalization. It was one tiling to hear play-actors on the stage, iu their tame and feeble delineations of the ancient game of "high Toby," and of the re- uijhbtable doings ot the Knights ol the ioal, Spout such soul-thrilling etl'usions as "Nix vay Dolly Pais," and "Claude Duval," but what must it be to listen to the same bold .fstaves out of the mouths of real "roaring boys, some of them, possibly, the iloseoml ants of the very heroes who rode "up Jlol boru Hill iu a cart," and who could not well hear the good words the attendant chaplain was uttering because of the noi-y exchange of boisterous "cliali"' taking place between the short-pipe smoking driver, whoso cart seat was the doomed man's colhn, and the gleeful mob that had made holiday to see tho fun! Hut in all this I was dismally disappointed. I had procured a ticket for the rallle from a friendly police-inspector (goodness only knows how he came possessed of them, but be had quite a collection of similar tickets in his pocket-book), mh. disguised for the occa sion, I entered tho dirty little dram-shop, and exhibited my credential to the landlord at the bar. So far the busiiies.-s was promis ing. The said landlord was as ilLh.Hxiilg U villain as could be desired. He had a broken nose and a wooden leg, both of which deformities were doubtless symptomatic of tho furious brawls in which he occasionally engaged with his ugly customers. As I en tered he was engaged in low-whispered dis course with three ruffians who might have beeu brothers of his in a shniJ'ir way of busi ness, but bankrupt and gone to tivP dogs. As I advanced to the bar tho four cropped ilea laid together in iniquity, separated suddenly, and the landlord affected a look of innocence, and hummed a harmless tune in a way that was quite melodramatic. I intimated my business, and he repled shortly, "Go on through," nt the same time indicating the back door by a jerk of his thumb over his shoulder. Now for it! On the other side of the back door I discoveied a stone-yard, at tho extremity of which was dimly 'visible in tho darkness n long, low, dilapidated building, with a light shining through tho chinks. This, then, was tho robbers' den! a place to which desporato men and women who made robl iery and outrage, the nightly business of their lives, resorted to Squander in riot and debauchery their ill gotten gains ! It would not have surprised me had 1 found the doorkeeper armed with a pair of "trusty barkers," and every mule guest of the company with a life-preserver slicking out at tho breast-pocket of his coat. Tho door was opened iu response to my tap at it. I gave the potman there stationed my ticket and 1 entered. 1 must confess that my hrst Bensalioii. as i cast my eye carelessly around, was one of disgust that 1 should have been induced to screw up my courage with so much pains for so small an occasion. Tho building I found myself in was a skittle ground, furnished with forms raid tables; and there were present about thirty persons. As well as I can remember, of this number a third wcro women, young generally, one or two be ing mere girls of sixteen or so. J5ut Jenny Diver was not there, nor Toll Maggot, nor Ldgeworth Less. No lady with ringlets curling over her alabaster shoulders found a seat on the knee of tho gallant spark of her choice. No Captain Macheath was to be soon elegantly taking snulfout of a stolen diamond snull'-box, or Hinging into the pink satin lap of his lady-love a handful of guineas to pay for more brandy, l'oor wretches! tho female shoulders there assembled spoke rather of bone than alabaster, while tho washed-out and mended cotton frocks served in place of pink satin, and hair of most humble fashion surmounted faces by no means expressive either of genuine jollity, or even of a desperate determination towards devil-rnny-careness, ami the drowning of care in the bowl. There were no bowls, even, as in tho good old time, only vulgar pewter porter-pots, out of which the company thankfully swiped its fournenny. There was no appearance of hilarity, or joviality even no more of bra" and flourish, or of atl'ectation of ease and freedom, than though every man and woman prese nt were hero locked up "on re mand." and any moment mi;,'ht bo called out to face that damning piece of kept-back evi dence they all along dreaded was in storo for them. To be sure it was as yet early iu tho evening, and though tho company may have assembled mainly for the purpose of drowning "dull care," that malicious imp be ing but re cently emersed, may have been superior at present to their machinations, and able to keep his ugly head above the liquid poured out for his destruction. Or may be, again, being a very powerful "dull care," of sturdy and mature growth, ho might be able to hold out throuL'h many hours against the weak and watery elements brought to oppose him. Anyhow, so far as I was able to observe, there was no foreshadowing of tho blue and brooding imp's defeat. His baneful wings seemed spread from one end of the hkittlo alley to the other, and to embrace even tho chairman, who being a Jew, and merely a re ceiver of stolen goods, might reasonably have been supposed to be less susceptible than tho rest. There would seem to prevail, amongst a large and innocent section of the community, a belief that tho thief is a creature distin guished no less by appearance than by char acter from the honest host he thrives by. I have heard it remarked more than once, by persons whose curiosity has led them to a criminal court when a trial of more than ordi nary interest is proceeding, that really this prisoner or that did not look like a thief, or a i forger, or stabber, as tho case 'might bo. "Lord bless us," I once heard an elderly lady exclaim, in tho case of an oft-convicted seouu drel of tho "swell mob" tribe, over whose affecting trial sho had shed many tears "Lord bless us!" said sho, as the jury found him guilty, and sentenced him to two years' hard labor, "so thin, and geuteel, and with spectacles on too ! I declare I should have passed that young man twenty times without dreaming of calling out for the police" On tho other hand, thero aro very many persons less ingenuous than tho old lady, who inva riably regard a man through tho atmosphere of crime, real or supposed, that envelops him, and by means of its distorting influence make out such a villain as satisfies their sagacity. Had one of this last order boon favored with a private view of tho company assembled to assist at Mr. Mullins' rallle, nud have been previously informed that they were one and all thieves, in all probability they would havo nji)ii (ivt'il thieves; but I am convincod that, had they been shown to an unprepared and unprejudiced observer, his opinion would havo been that the company gat tiered in the slut-tle-alh vof tho "Curly IJadger" wore no worse than a poor et of out-o'-work tailors, or French polishers, or weavers, or of some other craft, fho members of which alfect tho gentility that black clothes and a tall hat is supposed to confer on tho wearer: nor would nn hour in their society, such as I spent, have sufliced to dissipate the innocent impression. Their expenditure was of the most modest sort, not one man in six ventur ing beyond tho pot of beer. Their conversa tion, though not the most elegant, was least of all concerning tho wretched trade they fol lowed; indeed, tho subject was never men tioned at all, except in melancholy allusion to Jeter or -lerrv, who liibl been recently "copped" (taken), and was expectod to pass "a tail piece in tho steel" (three months in prison). There was one observation solemnly addressed hy one elderly man to another elderly man, the purport of which at the timo puzzled me not a little. "Unlucky! Well you may say it. lllack Maria is fho only one that's doin' a trade now. Every journey full as a tuppenny omblibus !" I listened intently as prudence would permit for further reference to tho mysterious female who was doing "all the trade," and "every journey" was "as full as a two-penny omnibus," but nothing in tho conversation transpired tending to throw a light on the dark lady: so 1 mentally matte a note of it for reference to my friend the inspector. He laughed. "Well, she has been doin" a brisk stroke of business of late, I must say," said he. "i'.lack Maria, sir, is our van of that color that carries 'em o!i' to serve their time." Hut. as before observed, thero was nothing in the demeanor of either the men or women present nt Mullins' ral'lo to denote cither that they levelled in the hetarious trade they fol lowed, or that they derived even ordinary comfort or satisfaction from it. To bo sure, it may have happened that the specimens of tho thief class assembled before me were not of the briskest, but taking them as they were, and bearing in mind the spiritless, hang-dog, mean, and shabby set Ihv.V were. tho notion of bringing to bear on them such tremendous engines of repression as that sug gested by the humane Commissioner of tho City Police appears nothing short of ridicu lous'. At the same time, I would havo it plainly understood that my pity for tho thief of this class by no means induces me to advise that llo more effective means thau those which ut present exist should bo adopted lot his abolition. A people's" respect for the' law of the country is its chief pillar of strength, Mid those who have no re spect for the laws act as so many rats under mining tho said pillar, and although tho rats assembled at Mullins' rallle were not of a very formidable breed, their hatred of the law, and their malicious defiance of it, was unmistak able. For instance, the article to be rallied was a silk pocket-handkerchief, and there it was duly displayed hanging across a beam at the end of the skittle-ground. Tho occasion of (he raflle was that Mr. Mullins had just been released after four months' imprison ment, and that during his compulsory ab sence from home matters had gono very bad, and none the less so because poor Mrs. Mullins was sulVeriiiL' from consumption. In alluding to these sad details of his misfortune, Mr. Mullins, in returning thanks for tho charity bestowed on him, looked the picture of melan choly. "Whether sho means ever to get on her legs again is more than I can say," said he, wagging his short-cropped head dole fully, "there ain't much chance, I reckon, when you're discharged from Hronipton in curable. Yes, my friends, it's all agin me lately, and my luck's regler out. lint there's one thing I must mention" (and hero ho lifted his head with cheerful satisfaction beaming in his eycs "and I'm sure you as doesn't know it will be very glad to hear it tho handkerchief wot s put up to rallle here is the wery identical one that I was put away for." And judging from tho hearty applauso that followed this announcement, thero can bo no doubt that Mr. Mullins' audience were very glad indeed to hear it. Hut even after this stimulant the spirits of the company did not rally anything to speak of. Song-singing was started, but nobody sung "Nix my Dolly Hals," or "Claude Duval." Nobody raised a roaring chant in honor of "ruby wine," or the tlowing bowl, or even of the more humble, though no less genial, foaming can. Thero was a comic song or two, but tho ditties in favor were those that had a deeply sentimental or even a funereal smack about them Tho gentleman who had enlightened mo as to J Hack Maria sang the Sexton, tho chorus to which lively stave, "I'll provide you such a lodging as you never had before," was taken up with much heart mess by all present. Minims himself, who possessed a fair alto voice, slightly damaged perhaps by a four-months' sojourn in tho bleak atmosphere of Cold Hath Fields, sang "My l'retty Jane," and a very odd smht it was to observe that dogged, jail-stamped countenance of his set, as accu rately fis Mullins could set it, to an expression matching tho bewitching simplicity ot tho words of the song. I was glad to observe that his endeavors were appreciated and an tn'rc demanded. . Peeidedly tho songs, taken as a whole, that the thieves sang that evening in tho Skittle Saloon of the "Curly Hadger wore much less objectionable than thoso that may be heard any evening at any ot our Loudon music-halls, and everything was quiet and orderly. Of course I cannot say to what extent this may have been duo to certain rules and regulations enforced by tho determined-looking gentleman who served behind the bar. Thero was one thing, however, that he could not enforce, ami that was tho kindli ness that had induced them to moot together that evening. I had before heard, as every body has, of "honor amongst thieves, but I must confess that I had never suspected that compassion and charity were amongst the links that bound them together; and when I heard tho statement from tho chair of the amount subscribed (tho "rallle was a matter of form, and the silk uaiidKercuiei a n ei delicate concealment of the free ytft of slul- lings); when I heard tho amount, and looked round and reckoned how much a head that might amount to, and further, when I mado observation of tho pinched and poverty stricken aspect of the owners of tho said heads, I am ashamed almost to confess that if within the next few days I had caught an investigating hand in my coat-tail pockets, I should scarcely havo had tho heart to resist. I'eter II. Walker 1ms been arrested fn New York for atteinptiiur to shoot his wife and chil dren nnd his brother. - Duriiiir a storm in the harbor of Cronstailt, yesterday, a monitor rau into and sank a screw irignte, sixteen of whose crew wcro drowned. Senator Fowler, it U announced, in in favor of the election of ex-l'resident Johnson to the Senate as his successor, and will waive all claims in favor of the latter. The olliccrs to he chosen In this State this year are two Judge of the Court of Appeals, Secretary of Stale, Comptroller, Treasurer, Attorney- General, Slate Kmrlncer and Surveyor, Cimaf Commissioner, and Inspector of State Prisons. 'flic Democratic press is already at logger heads on the subject of Chinese iininigrationf fho World, some time since, came out. in an irliclo claiming that tho Democratic press favored it. but scarcely was the ink dry on the article before the Albany Aniim denic I it. Since then the Cincinnati L'tujiiirrr indorse I the posi tion of the Anjnf. The Chicago Tiiurn sides with the H 'or Id in the contest. RAILROAD LINES 1IIII.AnELl'IIIA, WILMINOTOX, AND P.ALTI JloliK KAILKOAD TIM 13 TA 111, h'. Trains will leave Depot corner broad street unit Washing ton avenue as follows: Way Mail Train ut. s-;td A.M. (Sunday executed), for l.altimore. stopping at all regular stations. Cnnncctinj! with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for t'l isileld nnd Intermediate stations. Express Train at VI M. (Sundays excepted), for l'.altimore and Washington, stopping at. Wilmington, Pcrryvillo, and Havre-de-cince. Connects at Wil mington with train for New Castle. K. press Train at 4ii0 P. M. (Sundays excepted), for llultimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Tluirlow, Limvnml, Clavinont, Wilmington, Newport, Stanton, Newark, ElKton, North-East, Cliarlestown, Periyv'lle, llavro-de-t trace, Aberdeen, l'errymaa's, Kdgewood, Magnolia, ( liase s. and stemmer'a linn. Night Express at ll-itfl P. M. (daily), for Halt imore and Washington, slopping at Chester, Tlmrlow, Lin wood, Cliivmont, Wilmington, Newark, Eikton, Nortli-Kast, l'erryvllle, Uiivro-de-Ciraco, ferryman's, and .Magnolia. 1'uss.cMgcrs for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will oke Hie 12 -on M. train. WILMINGTON TRAINS. Stopping at all stations hetween Philadelphia and Wilmington. heave Philadelphia at 11 iti) A. M., 2-.K), Sid), and Tim I. M. The .'con P. M. Traill connects with Dela ware liailroad for Harrington and Intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington fi-P.o and sdi) A. M., 1'), 4-15, and 7-eo P. M. The s-10 A. M. Train will not stop hetween Chester and Philadelphia. The 7 I'. M. Train Irom Wilmington runs daily; all other Accom modation Trains Sundays excepted. From Hallirnote to Philadelphia Leave Maltimore 7"J.r, A. M., Way Mail; U ii.'i A. M.. Express; idMft P. M., Express; i-J.'i P. M., Express. M.M'.-W Jli.M.N I'l.'I.U OA 1.1 I Ml Mi I'.. Leans r.a'iimore at Tg:. 1'. M., stopping at Mag nolia, Perrviiiau's, Aherdeen, llavre-ile-tlrace, l'er rvville, Cliarlestown, North-East, Eikton, Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymout, Liuwood, and Chester. PHILADELPHIA AND HALTIMORE CENTRAL. RAILROAD TRAILS. Stopping at ail stations on Chester Creek and Philadelphia and Halt imore Central Railroad. heave l'hiladelpliia for Port Deposit (Sundavs ex coi;'"'uat I W A, M. and 4-;(s P. M. Leave l'hila delpliia for Chauu'a ford ut T'W p. M. '1 lie 7-uo A. M. train will sfi.f at ad Stations be tween Philadelphia und Lamoklil. A Freight. Train, with Passenger Car attached, will leave Philadelphia daily (except Sundays) at ViM P. M., running to Oxford. Leave Port Deposit for Philadelphia (Sundays ex cepted) at r.-40 A. M., 9-2f A. M., and 2-:u P.M. Leave Chadd's Ford for Philadelphia nt -ir A. M. A Sunday Train will leave Philadelphia atS'OOA. M. for West tirove and intermediate stations. Re turning, will leave Westlirove at 430 P. M. Trains leaving Wilmington at :!() A. M. and 4,ir P. Jf, will connect at Lamokiii Junction with 7-00 A. M. anifJ'iiOP. M. Trains for Baltimore Central Rail road. Throuprlf tickets to nil points West, South, nnd Southwest may he procured at Ticket Oilho, No. S-S Chesniit street, under Continental Hotel, where also Slate Rooms and lfertlis iu Sleeping Cars can he secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this olllce can have haggage checked at their resi dence hy the Union Transfer Company. 11. F. KEN'XKY, Superintendent. i)llll.ADKLPIIIA, (lERMANTuWN, AND N'OK R1STUWN RAILROAD. TI.MK TAIil.K. FOR (i Hi;. MAN TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at o. 7, s, 'i-nf, in, n, - . m.. 1, 'iU, 3.'4, 4, 4-A', fr.'. 0, 7, s, , pi, 11, Vi Leave (icrmatitown at (,, 7, 7K. s. s-jii, i, pi, n pi A. M., 1, :t, 4. 4 ',, r., u., ;, t, ,,, 7. -,, ;i, i, n p. .m. The s-ii down train and II nnd.v, up trams will not stop 011 the Oeinuinlown llraiieh. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at y-l.O A. M., 2, Pi).'., 7, ami 10 '.' P. M. Leave Cermaiitown at Sis A. M., 1, ?,, C, and 0 V r. ni. C11KSN1 T HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 1;, s, Hi, 12 A. M 2, 3 .vr, ;, and 11 P. M. Leave Chesniit Hill at 7-10, s, 9-.i). 1p.11) A. M.. Vl. 3-40, E'40, 0-4H, vie, and M-in p. m. w. M mi.ws. Leave Philadelphia at Seir A. M., 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Cllesuut Hill at 7T0 A.M., 12'40, ,V4o, and 0-2.'. P. M. FOR CONS1IO110CKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philade phia at ti, 7jt, and 1 Viir. A. M., li ;t, 4., ft, by-, ti1:,, s-u;.. lo-o.',, and 11; r p. M. Leave Norristown at ft-tii, ay, 7, 7-.- i, and 11 A. M., y, 3, 4X, C,, and 1;. M. The 7;'., A. M. train irom Norristown will not stop at Mogee's, Potts' Landing, Doniiuo, or Schur's laiif. The 5 P. M. train from Philadelphia will stop only at School lane, Manayiink, ami Consholiockeu. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at U A. M., 2K, 4, and TV P. M. Leave Norristown at T A. M., 1, ty,, aud 9 P. M. FOR MANA Yl'NK. Leave Philadelphia at (i, ly, ti, and 11 nn A.M., y, 3, 4, r, ty, ti'.,, s-o:., nenr,, ami 11 p, m. Leave Manayank al IS-HI, T, 7!.;, s-ui, akj, and 11)4 A. M., 2, 3.r, r, '. s-:io, and 10 P. M. The 5 P. M. train from Philadelphia will stop only at School lane and Manavunk. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., 2, 4, and TV P. M. Leave Manavunk at. T1; A. M., I1.., ti, and 8'.; P. M. W. S. WILSON, (icueral Superintendent, Depot, NINTH and ORKEN Streets. I7OK CAPE MAY, VIA WEST JEKSEY KAIL 7 ROAD. UOJVlIVlENOINf THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1S89. Leave Philadelphia, foot ol Market street, as loI lows: B OO A. M., Cape May Kxpross, due 12 28. 3- 16 P. M., Cape Way Passenger, due 7'15. 4- uO P. M., Fast Express (commencing on Satur day, July 8), due 0-66 P.M. Sunday Mail Train leaves at 7'15 A. M., due 10'45. Cape May Freight loaves Camdoa daily at 9"JQ A. ill. RETrUNINO, TRAINS HAVE CAPB MAT, 6 80 A. M., Morning Mail, due 10-06 A. M. 9 00 A. M., Fast Express (commencing on Mon day, Julv 6), due 12 07. b 00 P. M., PaspeDKer, due 8-22 P. M. tsunday Mall Train leaves Cape Mayat6-10P.M. CBpe Jliav l roiKUl 1 ram iouvob umiy at D 4U A. iu. TICKET'S. Annual Tickets, (.lo0i Quarterly Tickets, 50; to be Usui only ot the Troasurer, at Uaindon. Cou pon Tiokets, $.40; 10 Coupons, i2&. Excursion Tickets, W, for salo at the ticket ottlceB, No. 829 Clietinut sti-uet, foot ot Market street, also at Cain- uen ana uupe .May. For MUlvlile. lneland. Hrldireton. Salem, and inturuiedlnb stations, leave Philadelphia at tt00 A. M., mall, anil :di p. M., vasHeugnr. An aocummoilatlou train for Woodbury, Mantua, Ilurnsl'oro, and Olansboro leares 1'hiladelptiU dully at 0 00 P. M. Returning, leaves UUssboro ac o-aoA.iu. Commutation uooka or 100 ohecl.3 e-ch, at re- ilucod rates, hetween Philadelphia, an4 i.ll tda. 11UI1B. FRHIOnT TRAINS I.BAVH CAMDUN For Caee May, MUlvlile, Yinelaml, etc., etc., B-Uo A. M. For liridgeton, Salem, and way station, 13 00 noon. Freight received at first covered wharf below walnut street. Freight delivery, No. !8 S. Delaware avenue. 71 WM, J. bIWiLXi, Sup't W. J. It. 11, RAILROAD LINES. I 1 QCi -FOR NKW YORK.-THK CAMDKN JOblF. AND AMHOY AND rmhADKLPhl A AND TRENTON RAILROAD OOM I ANIKS LINKS FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NKW YORK, AND WAY FLACKS. FROM WALNUT 8TRKBT WBiPf. Atfl,80A.M.,viaUamon and Amboy Accom. fi .ie At 8 A. M., via Cam. and Jersey City Ex. Mall 3 00 At 2 P. M., via Oamdon and Amboy Kxprecs... 8 0g At 8 P. M., tor Amboy and Intermediate stations. At 6 30 and 8 A. M. and il P. M., for Froohold. At 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. for i,ong Uranon ana points on R. and 1). H. H. II. . At 8 and 10 A. M., 12 M., a, 8-80 and 4-30 P. M. to' T At e'so, 8, and 10 A. M., 12 M., 2. 8-3'), 4 30, 6, 7, and 11 'Bii P. M. lor Uordentown, Florence, Burlington, Ueverlv, and Dolanno. . At 0-3(1 and 10 A. M., 12 M., 8'80, 4-30, 6, 7, and 11-30 P. M. for Kdttewater, Rlversldo, Rlvoiton, palmyra, and Fish House, and 2 P. M. for Rlvorton. The 1P30 P. M. line leaves Market Street lorry (upper Bide). FROM KRNSINOTON DKPOT. At 11 A. M, via Kensington ami Jerjey City, New York Express Lino, t are, :). At 7 innd 11 A. M., 2-3o, 3 i)o, and 5 P. M. for Trenton and Bristol, and at 10-16 A. M .and P. M. lor Bristol. At 7-3'i nnd 11 A. M., 2-80 and 5 P. M. for Morris vlllo nnd Tullytown. At 6-30 and ln-16 A. M and 2-30, 6, and P. M. lor Schonck's and Eddlngton. At 7-30 and ln-16 A. M.,2-30, 4, 6, and fl P. M. tor Cornwcll's. Torresdalo, liolinesburg, Tacony, Wis slnrinlrg, Brldcsburg, and Frankford, and at 8 P. M. for lloliiiesburg and Intcrmodl ito stations. FROM WEST PHILADELPHIA DEPOT, VI Connecting Railway. At 9-30 A.M., 1-20, 4, 0-4S, and 12 P. M. New York Express Lines, via Jcmey City. Fare, $3-26. At 11-30 P. M., Emigrant Lino. Faro, $'2. At D 3u A. M., 1 2o, 4, 0-45, and 12 P. M. lor Tron ton. At P-30 A. M 4, 6-46, and 12 P. M. for Bristol. At 12 P. M. (Night), tor Morrlsvlllo, Tullytown, Schonck's, Eddinaton, OomwelFs, Toriendilo, Holincsburg, 'lacony, Wisslnoiuing, Brldesburg, and Frnnklord. The ti-3' A. M e-4s and ia p.m. Linos win run dally. All others, Sundays cxeoptod. BElVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES. FROM KENSIMITOS HKl'IIT, At 7-3(1 A.M. lor Mntrara Falls. Buffalo, Dun- kirk, Elmira, Ithac.i, Owego, Rochester, Bingham ton, Oswego, Syracuse, Orcat Bond, Montroso, Wilkc-diarre, tchooley s Mountain, etc. At 7-3o A. M. and 3-30 P. M. lor Soranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Bolvldoro, Easton, Lam hcrtvlllo, FlonilDgton, etc. The 3-30 P. M. Line connects direct with the train loavlng Eiston lor Mancb Chunk, Allontown, Bothlehom, etc At 11 A. M. and 6 1. M. lor Lambortviue ana in- termedlato stations. CA.MDKN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY AND PKMHKRTON AND UlUllTSTUWN UAlu KOADS. FROM MARKET BTRRRT FERRY (rrPKR Pin!?). At 7 and 10 A. M., 1, 2-lfi, 3-3', f, and 8-30 P. M. for Merchantvlllo, Moorestown, Hartford, Masonvillo, Hainesport, Mount Holly, SmithviHe, Kwansvillo, Yinccntown, Birmingham, and Pomborton. At 10 A. M., lorl.owlstown. Vrh:htstown, Cooks town, Now Egypt, and Hnrncrstown. At 7 A. M., 1 and 3-30 P. M. lor Lewlstown, Wrightstown, cookstown, Now Egypt, Homers town, croam Ridge, Imlaystown, Sharon, and Hiiditstown. 110 WILLIAM H. (1ATZMF.R, Agnnt. JEN Nfcs YLiV AN lA CENTRAL, KAlLROAD. SUMMER TIME. The trains of tho l-cnnsylvania (tentnl Railroad leave tho Depot, at IIURTY-FIKST and MK KET Streets, which Is reached directly by tho Mar ket street cars, the last car connecting with Ciich train leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes hetoreits departure. The Ohesnut and Walnut streets cars run within ono square 01 mo Depot. Sleeping-car Tickets can ho had on application at tbe TlcVet Ollic yv". cornor Ninth and Che. nul street, nnd al the Dopot. Agents of tho Union Transtor Coir wlli cau for and deliver haggle at -0 jci,t. Ordors left at No. eoi Chesnut itroot, or No. 110 Market street, will receive UentIon. , TKA1N8 LKAVB DEPOT, VIZ.: Mall Train 8-oo A. M. Vaoli Accommodat'n, 10-80 A.M., 1-10 and 7-00 P. M. Fast Line 11-60 A. M. l.rle Express lr&o A. M. Harrlshurfy Accommodation . . . 2-30 P.M. Lancaster Accommodation . . . 4 00 P.M. F8rkesbunt Train ..... 6 30 P. M. Cincinnati Exnress .... 8 00 P. M. Erie Mail and Pittsburg Expiess . 10 30 P. M. Philadelphia Express, 12 night. Erie Mail leaves dally, except Sunday" funning on Saturday niitht to Williamsport only. On Sun day night patsengors will leave Philadelphia lit 12 O'clock. Fhiladelphia Express leaves dally. All othor trains daily, except Sundav. Tho Westora Accommodation Train runs datly, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered, hy 6 P.M.,atNo. 110 Market street. TBA1TVK ARRIVE AT DSl'OT, VIZ.: Cincinnati Express 3-10 A. M. Philadelphia Express .... 6 60 A.M. Paoit . ci'ommudut'n, 8 20 A. M., 3-49 and ti 20 1. M. I rieMall . lt-35 A. M. Fai-t l.ino .... D-35 a. M. Parkesburir Train . . . 0 10 A. M. Eniu-nsterTrain . . . 12 -an P. M. 1 Erie Express ... . 4-2 1 P. M. i Day Express 4-0 P. M. 1 Southern Express ... . 0-40 P. M. Ha'-rltbiiiir Accommodation . . y-40 P. M. i For further Information, apply to ! JOHN F. VAN LEER, .1 u.. Ticket Airont, No. HOHMKSNUT Strcot. I FRANCIS FUNK, Tickot Agent, ! No. 110 MARKET Street. I SAMUKL 11. WALLACE. Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk tor Haicgage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility ti Ono Hun dred Dollars in value. All Baggago exceeding that amount in value will bo at tuo risk ol tho owner, unices taken nv special contract. icwAiuiii, wjiiiiiAlun. 4 w General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. "WEST CHESTER AM) PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGE MENT. On and after MONDAY, ApriJ ia, ljj9, Trains Will 1U-' o iuhuwb. 1 eave r uua-ueipuia irom now uopoi, liuirpy. FIRST and CHLSNUT Streots, 7 26 A. M., '.) 30 A. L, 2-30 P. M-, 4-16 P. M., 4-36 P. M., 7'16 and 1P30 P.W- ...... ... . Leave wcsieucsicr irum uopui, on r,ist Mar ket.nreet, at 6-26 A. M., 7 25 A. M., 7 4 i A.M., lo-lo A. M., l'-r6 P- 4 60 w- and ii-45 P. M. Eeave r uiinueipmu. uu i. . .1 uuciiou anu inter moriato points at 12-30 P. M. and 6-45 P. M. Eeavo B. O. Junction tor Philadelpbia at 6 30 A. M. and l-4ii P. M. ,,.,,. 'Iratu icaviuK i-urwiu i j. iu. win stop at B- ' Junction, Lenni, (ilen Riddle, and Media; leaving Pliiladeiphia at 4-36 P. M. will 'tor at 1MC01U, on-u limuiu, i.ouui, null J-s. I . i.ic Vet lunction. Paisenaers to or irom stations i-tween wesi jiicji:r nun a. .luueiion u"tu., . -.1,1 l.nln I.. uoinii: taSL Mll l-anu n.wn u.v,i.j PMl Chester at 7 20 A. M., and car will bo attached Kast to Express 1 rain at j . v. . jiiuiuu,auiiK'ji- um Mi'-oi"crs for stations above Media will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4'3i P. M., and will ch'iiiiic cars at B. '. .lunction. The Depot in Philadelphia is reached directly by the t he-rut and Walnut streets cars. Thosoof tho Market street line run within ones.uaro. TI10 cars id both lines connect with each train upon its ttlTiVa1, ON BITNBAYS. Leave Phllndelphla fur West Chester at 8 00 A. 1 Leave" Philadelphia for B. C Junction at 7-15 I 'Lc1avo'Vc?t!hcBtcrforPhila.li;lphhiat 7-45 A. M. and 4-45 if. in. leave li. C Junction for Philadelphia at 8 WILLIAM C. WHLK1.LK, Uoneral Suporintoudcnt. A. M. 41o iTiTir ADEIPIHA AM) KlilK KAILPOAI). 1 sf Vi KB TIME TAHl.K.-'lTIKOt fill AND nllMV KOUTE JIKTWkEN PHILAUKLPHIA, ha -i 1H(K, HAKlilNiiurdt, WILLIAM S. TOP.T. AND 1 1 V1 UUKAT OIL KliOlUN Uh' V Kant'sT liUar. on all Night Trains. fin nd alter MONDAY, April -a. is, :u, the trains ,,r. ho PhiiadulphUandLiio Kailruud will run as V.Vllnws- WKBTWA IU. IVVm n-ii MM leaves Philadelphia . 10-45 P. M. u " Wllllaiubpoit . a arrives at trio . . VTJTF EXrKtSrf leaves Philadelphia tlilitiiiii" willlamsport i, arrives at Krio . t-t VIKA MAIL leaves Philadelphia tLMlliAi'"" tl -williamsport ' it arrives at Lockhaven HAST WAUL). MAIL T11AIN leaves Erie (a .)o.t it arrives at Philadelphia puir FrKESS leaves Krlo . . ERIBai lt villiaiiiBort S15 A. M. 80 P. M. 11-Bo .. M. '5o P. M. 10 00 A. M. 8 00 A. M. 0-dO P. M. 7-45 P. M. 11 -U A. M. 12 V.'t A. M. 0 25 A. M. 8 '5 P.M. 7-60 A. M. Arrives at I'miaueijiiua 4-10 P. M, Mall and Kxpress connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny Uiver L'nilroad. llauttuuo t-Uecked through. JJH.k ALFKI'.I) L. TYI.ICK, , Uoucral Supurlutoadont. RAILROAD LINES. KKADINO RAILROAD 1R KAT TRUNK LINK FROM PHILADELPHIA TO TIIK INTERIOR OK PENNSYLVANIA, TDK SCHUYLKILL, SUS OUEH ANNA, CUMBERLAND, AND WVOMING VALLEYS, TT1B NORTn, NORTHWEST, AND TIIK CANADAS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENUKK TRAINS, JULY 12, 1HC!. Lenvln)? the Company's Depot at Thirteenth and Calliiwhlll streets, Philadelphia, at tho following hours : MORNING ACCOMMODATION. At 7-30 A. M. for Reading, and all intcrmedlafo sta tions, and Allontown. Returning, leaves Reading at 6-30 1'. M. ; arrives in Philadelphia at 9-15 P. M. MORNING EXPRESS. At 8-15 A. M. for Reading, Lebanon, Ilarrlshnrg, Pottsvlllc, Plncgrove, Tamaqua, Siiubury, Will lama port, Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Fails, Uuilalo, wllkcsliarre, Pl'.ton, York, Carlisle, Cliaiubersburg, llagcrstowii, etc. The 7-3(1 A. M. train coimocts nt READING with East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, etc., and the 8-15 A.M. train connects with tho Lebanon Valley train for llarrlsbrirg, etc.; ami PORT CLINTON with Catawissa Railroad trains for WIlllaniHport, Lock Haven, Elmira, etc. ; at IIAK IilSliURGwlt.il Northern Central, Cumberland Val ley, nnd Schuylkill mid Susquehanna trains for Northumberland, Willlamsport, York, Ckambers hurg, Fiiiegrove, etc. AFTERNOON EXPRESS. Leaves Phllndelphla at 8 -30 P. M. for Reading, Pottsville, llarrisburg, etc., connecting with Rent ing and Columbia Railroad trains lor Columbia, etc. POTTSTOWN ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Pott stown nt fi-2.") A. M., stopping at lntor mediatestntlons: arrives In Philadelphia at s-4' A. M. Reluming, leaves Philadelphia at 4-30 P. M. ; arrives in Pottstown nt (PP) P. M. READING AND Pol "I SVILl.E ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Pottsvlllc at, tv-to A. M. and Reading at 7-30 A. M., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phila delphia nt ncift A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia nt. !i-l." P. M. ; ar rives in Reading at 8 P. M., aud at Pottsville at a -40 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrlslmrg nt R-10 A. M., and Pottsville at It A. M., arriving in Philadel phia at 1 P. M. Afternoon trains lei.e llarrisburg at 'l P. M., anil pottsville at 2-40 P.M., arriving at Philadelphia nt C-ir. P. M. llarrisburg Accommodation leaves Rending at 7-lft A. M., and iiarriNlmrg nt 4-10 P.M. Connect ing nt Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6-30 P. M., arriving iu l'hiladelpliia at 9-15 P. M. Market train, with n passengerenr attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12-45, noon, lor Pottsville and all way Stations; leaves Pottsville at B--10 A. M., connecting at Reading with accommodation train for Piiiladcl cliia and all way stations. All the above trains run dallv, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at rt A. M., and Philadelphia at. 3-1 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading ut 8 A. M. : returning from Reading at 4-25 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Tassengers for Downingtown and Intermediate points lake the 7-.10 A. M., 12-4S, mid 4-30 P. M. trains from Philadelphia. Returning from Downlugtown ut ti-10 A. al., it") and rem r. si. PERKIO.MliN RAILROAD. Passengers for Skippack take 7-30 A. M., 4-30 and MMf P. M. trains for Pliiladeloliia, returning from Sklppack at G-ir and 8-1S A. M. and lis) P. M. St.igo lines for the various points in Perkiomen Valley connect wit 1 tralim at Co enevil e and skinnacK. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSUUUU AND THE WEST. Leaves New York at 0 A. M. and 5 and "? P. M., prns- inir Reading at 1H.'. A. M. and l-.viaud ni-ia v. xi. mill conneciing at Harrisliurg Willi Penu -i.vlvaniii ft 11 I Northern I'cntral Railroad Expres.-i trains for Pittsburg, Chicago, uiianvport, Eliuira. uain- inure, etc. Returning Express Train loaves ITarrishttrg on arrival of Penp'-vlViUlla Kxnress from Pittslnug at 3-50 aiv' 6-50 A. M. mid KC'iO P. M.. passing Re',. '.:,g nt 6-4 1 and 7-31 A. M. and V2-&0 P. M ;, arriving at New York fit 11 A. M. and !",;) im,i & P. M. Sleeplns; cars accompany t'-'.eso trains ihrougU liB.weun Jei'sSJ V'tly tu'' "lliSosrg without change. A Mail train for New York leaves IlarriMhurg at 5- lo A. M. and 2-05 P. M. Mail Train for Harriaburg leaves New York at 12 M. SCHUYLKILL VAT.LEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsville at 0-30 and ll-ito A. M., and 6- 40 P. M., returning Irom Tamaijua at 8-30 A. M., and 2-15 and 4-15 P. Al. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Trains leave Auburn at H?& A. M. and 3-20 P. M. for Plnegrove and llarrisburg, and at 12-K) noon for Pinegrovo and Tremont, returning from llarrisburg at 7-iii A. M. and 3 it) P. M., ami from 'i'remout at 0-45 A. M. and 6t& P. M. TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to ii!l the principal points in the North aud West and 'Excursion Tlcw'c,s from Philadelphia to Reading nnd' intermedla't? stations, good for ono day only, are sold by Morning ,:co'"1I10"i'""n Market Train, Reading and Poiloiuivu Acoouimudatiou Tralus, at reduced rates. , , , , Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for ono dav only, aro sold at Reading' aud intermediate sta tions by Reading ami Pottsto'WU Accommodation Trains, at reduced rates. Tho following tickets uro ohtalnai;'? only at tho olllco of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. vVTfci. Fourth strei t, Philadelphia, or of ti. A. Nicoli.-J, Uouoral SunenntemU'iit, L'ending. COM M U TAT IOM TICK ETS. At 'i.') per cent, discount, between any points' tic Sired, lor families and iirms. MlLIiAOK TICKETS. Good for 2000 miles, betweca all points, at 33 -50 each, lor lauillli s and linns. SEASON TICKETS. For three, six, nine, or twelve mouths, for holders only, 10 all points, at reduced rates. CLERGYMEN Residing on the line f the road will he furnished with ards entitling themselves aud wives to tickets at hall Lire. EXCURSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday, and Mondav, at reduced fares, to be had only at tho Ticket Oillce, at Thirteenth and Calluwhill streets. FREIOHT. Goods of nil descriptions forwarded to all the alsivo points Irom the Company's new freight depot, Broad and Willow streets. MAILS Close nt the Philadelphia Post Olllce for nil places 011 the road and Its brunches at S A. M., and lor tho principal stations only at 2-1R P. M. FREltillT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia daily at 4-:f A. M., 12-43 noon, r and 7-15 P. AL, for Reading, Lebanon, llarrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. BAGGAGE. Diuipan's Express will collect baggage for all trains leuvine. Pliiladeiphia Depot. Orders can he left at No. V20 S. Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth illlU V UllOWlliU KIIL't'lH, OHTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. l'or Ki-.THl.KHi-:;)!. doyi.i'stdwv jii,,. vjii.iv, i...-t i -'., YVil.l.l.UIM'OKl'. Wll.KKSUAItltK, MAHANOY CITY, MOUNT5 CAKA1KL, P1TTSTON, TUNKHANNCK, AND SC'KANTON. ' SUMMER ARRANdEMKNTS. Psfscnger 'J'rains leave the Depot, corner of BFRLS and AMERICAN Streots, daily (Sundavs excepted), as lollows: 1 At 7-4S A.M. (Kxpress) 'for Hcthlehem, Allen town, IMauch Chunk, lla.leton, Williamiport Wilke.sbarre, Mahanoy City, PHuton, and Tuuul nannock. At 0-45 A.M. (Express) for Hcthlehem, F.iiton Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wilke.sbarre, Pitts-ton' Scrantun, and ,ow Jersey Central and Morris and lisscx L'ailroads. At 1-46 P. Al. (Express) for JMhlohom, Easton Mauch Chunk, Wilkcbbarre, Piitston, Scranton' and Hazlcton. ' At 6-oo P Al. for Hethlohom, Easton, Allentown and Mauch Chunk. ' IMATTl'lJ f'tlllWl LMC'I'uM Vri i r r . .-' t or nuyicfiuwn bi -o a. jvt., and 415 P M Per I'nrt Washiugtun at 6 4o and 10-45 A. M .'and ll-IiO P. M. ' l'or Ablngton at 1-15, 315, 6 0, and 8 P. M. For Limf dale nt U-ilO P. At. lilth und Sixth Streets, Second and Third Streets, nnd Union City Passenger Railways run to the new Depot. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Uothlehom at B OO A. M., !i l0, 4 45, and 8'IU P.M. Prom Doylostown nt 8-'J5 A. M.,4 65 and 7-05 P. M. Prom l iinsdalo at 7 "0 A. Al. Prom Fort Washington at 8-J0, 10 35 A. M.. and 810 P. M. From Ahlngton at 2-35, 4-85, 6-45, and B-35 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Hcthlehem at B-30 A. Al. Philadelphia lor Doylcstown at 'i P. HI. For Abington at 7 P. Al. Doylestown for Philadelphia at e-80 A. M. Hcthlehem tor Philadelphia at 4 P. Id. Abinuton lor Philadelphia at 8 P. Al. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through at Mnnn's North Pennsylvania Baggage Express cinee, xso. iuo s.iuiu ELLIS CLARK, Agent. riMIE AUAM8 EXPRESS COMPANY, OFFICE X No. auo CHKKNUT (Street, forward! Parcel, Paok Kea, Muichaudise, liank Notoa, and Kpeoie, eithur by ita to ah the imuvipol tonu And vilie ia the Cmtwl KiatM. I K. OOLKMAN. Kovriulttdab RAILROAD LINES. SHORTEST KOUTE TO THE StA Biiunn. CAWPr.N ANII Alliftnuo nnii"iiiM SUMMER AKRANGEMKNT. THROUGH TO ATLANTIC CHI 1 ii iiuuits. TAKES EFFECT JULY 1, 1Hfl. TUrouah trains leave Vine Stroot Ferry as fol- 1 rt a Special Excursion 0 lni'y W. M. M. M. M. Mall 800JA Freight (with passenger enr) A. Express, through In yA hours 3-16 P. Atlantic Accommodation 4'1 LKAVK ATI.ATIO OITT. Atlantic Accommodation 6'08 A. M. Exprcps, through In yK hours 7-24 A. M. y rcignt (with passenaor car) H'ou a. m. Mall 417 P. M. Special Excursion 618 P. M. An extra Kxnress train ithronnh n l ;i iotiri will leave Vino Street Ferry every 'Saturday at 209 r. iu.: roiurning, leave Atlantic citv onaionuay a 9 40 A.M. Local trains loave lne street: Atco Accomniodatlou 10-1S A. M. Haddonhrld do. y 2 00 P.M. llirtumonton do 6-46 A. M. Koturnlng, leave Atco 12-16 noon. Hnddonriold 2 45 P. M. Hammonton 6-40 A. M. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN Leaves Vine street 8-00 A. M Leaves Atlantic 4-17 P. M. Fare to Atlantic City, 2. Round trip tickets, good for the day and train on which they ore ia suod, 43. Oiikman's Local Express, No. JO S. f ourth street, will call lor baggnvo in any part of the citv and suburbs, and chock to hotel or cottage at Atlantis City. Additional tlCKOt omces nave neon locnteu in in reading rooms ot tho Merchants and Continental Hotels, also at No. 30 S. Eil tli street. 6 u. 11. iuUiNDx, Ageni. AUO DON SALES tit tiiomas ONS, NOd. 13'J AND 141 17 1 S. IOUKTII STKKKT. Sulo at tho Auction Kimm Nob. l;p,l and 111 South el. HtPI'ltlOR IIOrSKIIill.l) ll'KMTURK, iiRAND PIANO. I- It i; M II I'l.A I K M IK KIMM, l".Li Ik 1 and iti:usM-:i.s i'aki'k.'I's, etc. etc. Oti 'fbnr-ibiy Mornina. Aub. 2i, nt ! oV'.ei-k, at tho unci inn rnomn, by catalogue, u larno nhHoilin-'nt of upiriur bouseliold lurnitiiro, cuin-pri.-itiit pallor, librnry, tiiniiut roiMii, and chatiibcr furni. tuic, lo-Hcwnoii rraii.1 -iioio, l-'rcncli d:io mirrors, ward robes. toek,-a-cH, sideboard-, exl i-ii-ion. i-cnlro, anil iiouqiict tabliM, lino hair inatlrcssi--, leather bod, bolsterrt. and pilliiwa, cliinn loci yhe-su-ar-'.ottico desks find table, iron I'hest. reirineralorM, cbamlelicrs, il;itlortn ttcales, l'j waude-barrcl kuiis, htovor,, volvot, Hrusols and utliur car. . etc. etc. Also. 1 order of Administrator. Estate of W. J. C.alla pher, ilei-ojtscd, the enine tioiis.-liold t tirntt nro, mirror. liaintniKs, etc., reamvod to tho htoro for convoniiMicp of Mile. 24 2t Af-sipnecs' Sale - l-'state of ttrombcv Wharton Tllhis. 1 1X1 I KI S (if AN Al.CMIIol, DIS'l'lld.KliV ANU 1 1 I I I 1 1- I M - I -S I' A I i I . I S 1 1 M l-:.M'. On Satnt-ilay Morning. Aiuinst i-'th, at II o'cl ii k. al tin. lii North Third ntront, will be sclil at l-utilu: sale, byorib-r of Win. Vodus, As.. siriiec in r.iinl,ruil-v, tie' fixtures of nn old Alcohol Il5 tillciy ami Ki -1 il.vnot Esiablisbinent, all in Rood ftr' c ic i.'.tini; ol 1 I-n-ncti cobnun st ill of A') Kalt-nd. "' jr, the api'iiitenaneeH, in wnrliinir order; H oll',' -iMi all and ci'pper tixi arcs, complete ; 1 uj'iip k-' ..in: Hlamlti tiili--, -J cisterns. . .do, - loctilj-mg Ol Mi;K PV" t stove and scull le, U i.ld '' ..WIT'ItK. Auo, leasehold -l 1-- nairs. 1 old desk. Is.ii. Rent, J.)"" ini.ses, uhich pxpiro An aunt 12, -siieo. a fpor annum, cunsid-'rod wortU ' - - S i:t lit riNC in ur.oRow - co.. auction- - I-'.I- US, Nos. i'.'.2 anil ill M ARKK t' Stroot. coiunr ol llank bticct. tSucccssoirt to John li. Myors it Vo. la IK i k sai.k ()' nmrisn, fhkn(hi, gicrman. AND DOMI-SI'lt! 1UY (iOODS. On 'l inirsday Mornini;, August 2-1, ut 10 o'clock, on lour mouths' credit. 18 2') 5t LAIKJE SAI.K Of C ATtPI'l'INdS, OIL CLOTHS. I'.'I'U. K I'U. On 1-iiday Morning, Aiiiust 27. nt 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, 2m) pieces ini-rain, Voaotiau, list, hump, oottano, and ra carpctiiiKs, oil cloths, etc. Is HI St, LAlKiK SAI.K OI-' KllKNtUl AND OTUP.It KUHO I'KAN nuv l.ooDS. On .Men, lay iMominir, Aur. :m, nt 10 o'clock, on lour months' crodit. 8 24 5t LA KG H SAL1-; OK 2m 0 CASKS HOOTS, SHOfOS, TKA YI'.f.LINli BACS, K.'I'U., On Tuesday Morning, Aur. SI, at 111 o'clock, on tour months credit. ? 25 Tit MA WIN" HltOTlIRUS. AUCTIOXEEKS. fl a'olv Salesmen for M. Thomas & Hons.) No. til' Clll-'.oNUT Street, rear eutrauce from Minor. ,. . .,t... .. S,,l'n ,:!7 Corgo fltreot. HAMlSOMh WALNUT I'AKLult f'Ur.VITUUK I wo Ham somo Walnut Chamber Suits, llitndsoinn Lutlet Snh-board and Kxiension Table, Kim, Krcnt-U lima. Cut ( -lasoware, l ino 11. dr .Mattresses. Hnidsouia linissels. Imperial, und Venetian Cat-pots; Kitchen fur niture, l-.tc. On Thursday Morning, I o'clock, at No. -TIT Ci-orgo -Mil inst., at 1(1 o'cli ck, at fto, 4:17 (ii-orgOHtreot, hetwonn 1 oliiar st reel and (,ir-ird itv.-oo.- l,l..u l.'.iii. , i-uiuluKuc. tho entire household fuinituro, otc. Is it ...... No- ,,"-'! -v- Sixteenth street. 1IAN1M50MI-: WALNUT UOCSKIIOLU l-TTRN ITURK, l ino l i-eneh tUiina Dinner Service. Sin 'illil a tl-1 II air Auittn-Hscx, Itumlnnmn LukIisIi lirussols Carpets, 1'ina enetian Carpets, Kitchen I tonsils, hte. On f'riday .Morning, 271 ll ilist., lit 10 o'clock, hv c.ltaloi;lle. at KTo. 14-13 V. Si. teenlh Hlrei I, above .Mastur atruet. tliu hand somo u ji In uh t'lriimue, ,-ic. May bcKC-eu early on tho niornini? of bjiIo. S l"7t HMIOMAS lUUCH A 1 AND COMMISSION Sf)N. AUCTIONEERS MERCHANTS. N-,, mo CHESNUT Street, riar entrance No. Ilu7 Sansom 8trunt. S:iln at tho Auction Storn. lttii fthe-;not strnnt Sl'l'l HIOU NIW Al SI TU.NDII AM) UJITSK- HOII) Id li M'l'l It K, CAIJl'I'IS, PIANOS, Milt HCKS. l'LATED WAKE, CLASSWAUK, CUTLEUY. i'.'i C'. i'l u. On I'riiiay Morninff, AiiLMirst 27, at !o'clock. at No. lh dmsniit htrnnt koUI, liy ratalnuo, a litruo assort iiient of cleirant i;irl(tr. cli.-mibrr, liliiai v, mui ti itiinj; room turnitur, ;ka.ss .a Mrs. j;ri;. -au.. ill hit K.ilil. i'l I'liuna (if plash lanipM for coal oil, lamp t litmnoys, wiuks, mati-U- balcH, ;las jais, elv. 8 Jt p i). V7 No. MfCl.EES A CO., 50t MAHKKT Street. AUCTIONEEHS, SALIC OP 1500 CASKS UOO'I'S, SUOKS, BROUANS. I-'.TH., I-. I'C. On Thurstlay JMornina, August 2'-, at IU o'clock, including a laixe lino of city-inada Roods. N. 1!. Sale ovory Monday nn-1 Thui sday. 8 2:1 3t T IPl'INCOTT, SON A: CO., AL CTIOXEEUS, J J No. -2M MAHKKT Street. Y V. SC O T T , I K.f fSOOTT'S ART GALLKRY, No. ltUl) OUESNU1 St rout, Philadolvhia. fJORKY'S TASTELESS Fruit Preserving Powder, la warranted to keep Strawherrioa superior to any known frocesn, as well an other fruit, without being auj-tighU rice, 6U centa a package. Sold by the Krocem. ZANK, NOILW Aj CO., Proprietor. 5 294m No. IHri North SROOND St.. Philada. TOW IS THIS TIME TO CIiEANSH YOUlt HOUSE. VI Itl.BI, IIAUTJIAHf Sc CO.'ff VAM1IN4 AND CI.EAN.SIN4J POWDEK Is nnequallod for aornbhing Paiutu, Floon, and all bout hold Ube. Aua for it and take no other. W. 11. UOWMAN. Role Ajrent, No. UMFltANKl-OHD Hoad. 4 QSfim W IKK U U A K D 1 1 FOll STOltE FRONTS, ASYLUMS, FAO TORIES, ETC. Patent Wire Hailing, Iron Bedat cads, Ornament 4 Wiro Work, Paper-makers' Wires, aud every variety of Wire Work, manufactured by M. WALKER SONS, l.tfmwS Mo. 11 N. SIXTH Street "WOODLANDS CEMETEKY COMPANY T The followinn Manage and Oflioeri hia Da elected for the year lhij.4: ,., William IL Mobj 'SSSg KUwin Creble, 'iisKFll 11- TOWNSKND. Secretary and Treaanrer, JUBriu.on reluirin( , The MunuKem have P"" fnt ticket! at the entrano Ixa holitera ami Viitr to l ,j;jl.kBI, mH, be had at th for adiuii,mn Io the Cemetery. u Su-(lUor o an. Office of the Conipan. ft , ' tm E X C II A N Q E CO B Laomanufaotory. JOHN T. BAILKY. " N K corner of MARK K.T and WATER BtreeU, t. r., v Pbiladolplna, DKALFR IN BAGS AND IU GOING Ol every deocriotion, tor nin. FUur. Bait, buper-l'bosnhat ol Lime, Bon urBW Dtint, YXo. Urge and tmall GUNNY bags ennstuUr on band, a aiii AUto, WOOL ijA. ItA,